Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always including for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia standing up to Governor Blackface.

Happy MLK Day!
Virginia Senator warns that the second amendment advocates were “being set up”.
Shampeachment continues apace with Cocaine Mitch having created a “kill switch” allowing the president’s legal team the ability seek an immediate verdict or dismissal if the trial turns into a spectacle. Spoiler Alert, it will turn into a spectacle.
Schweitzer coming out with a new book on the corruption of the Biden family and many other swamp critters.
Mexican troops block newly formed migrant caravan.
2.4 million households off food stamps since Trump took office, 18,513,002 left to go.
Man accused of selling marijuana mixed with his mother’s ashes.
That’s all I got the day, I leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Additional bonus song.
Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always including for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia standing up to Governor Blackface. – see the right wingers are violent terrorists
Man accused of selling marijuana mixed with his mother’s ashes.
It’s been done, and rather badly.
I want my body donated to science. In the event of rejection I want my ashes to be tossed in the garden, hoping that something/someone will benefit.
I tell ya, I don’t get no respect, they told me I had to donate my body to science fiction. Rodney Dangerfield.
Shampeachment continues apace with Cocaine Mitch having creating a “kill switch” allowing the president’s legal team the ability seek an immediate verdict or dismissal if the trial turns into a spectacle. Spoiler Alert, it will turn into a spectacle. – as an non American, I find this insufficiently entertaining. They need to step things up to make it more fun for us Europeans.
I am resolved to be amused rather than angrified by what is certain to be a public testicle of buffoonery, knavery, incompetence, dishonesty, self-righteous preening, etc.
Just the one? You know who else?
Well, that’s just nuts.
What brand of Euro-peon are you, Pie?
Oh sorry, I forgot I’m talking to a foreigner, *speaks slowly and deliberately* WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU *points at you* FROM?
How could anyone on this site not know that?
Shoot, sorry.
*hands in pockets, looks at shoes, kicks dust*
Aw shucks. I’m still pretty new, y’know, and I – listen bud, I’m sorry I didn’t mean nothin’ by it. I just only ever seen you referred to as “European”, like, and, well, I didn’t know what to make of that. Ah jeez, I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean no harm.
*looks up from shoes wincingly*
No, I am genuinely surprised if you don’t. It is usually mentioned 3 times a week in various comments, and often in my posts. Especially since you are not new here.
It seems like just yesterday I wandered in.
*checks dashboard*
This will be my 620th comment? Yikes. Well, sorry, I’ll do some detective work and get back to you with my findings.
Romania. *Group hug*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh for frog snacks I knew that. WTF is wrong with me? I just never made the mental connection between all the times I see the Romanian things referenced, your post about cured pig cheeks, etc. Gosh. What a halfwit, nay, quarterwit I am. You can see, of course, why I am still “unemployed”. Well, I am embarrassed, and ashamed. Synapses refusing to communicate. Certifiably retarded.
*checks if this kind of cognitive meltdown may be covered by this week’s IFLA*
He’s a vampire too JD.
That’s straight up blood libel.
I think the new avatar is a bit much though
Eh. That’s just how I roll.
You know who else was from Romania?
the guys who brought Pastrami to the US?
You mean (((guys)))?
I don’t get it myself. “Do you think that transcript contains enough to impeach? Yes or no. Vote.” Done. Am I missing something?
Sorry. *remove*
No, we need some experts who have never met Trump but are familiar with his thinking to explain that the transcript shows he’s totally trying to commit lots of crimes, followed by some political science professors to explain that this is not only the worst crime ever committed by a U.S. President, but the worst thing ever done by any politician ever.
Mexican troops block newly formed migrant caravan.
Hey, it’s easier than fighting cartels. One should choose the battles one can win, or something.
Cool uniforms, too. Do the ladies still like a man in uniform? That may have gotten worn out if the ’60s/’70s.?
It came back….with a vengeance.
Virginia Senator warns that the second amendment advocates were “being set up”.
So who’s the Marion Berry bitch here?
Maybe Nanny Mike? How much of his money got all those Democrats elected?
2.4 million households off food stamps since Trump took office, 18,513,002 left to go. – How many starving children is that?
Considering the obesity epidemic, not enough.
America has the fattest poor people you’ll ever see. God Bless America!
America : the only country where “the poor” starve themselves on purpose in order to lose weight because they are obese. I doubt – if you had a time machine – you could explain it to anybody who was living in the 19th century.
Even those there is no starvation of any kind, we had to create a new metric called “hunger” to prove they desperately need government help.
How exactly is it measured? By asking people if they are hungry sometimes.
Even *though*.
“Do you know what you’re having for dinner tonight?”
OMG 50% of people don’t know where their next meal is coming from! Food Insecurity!!!
Mexican troops block newly formed migrant caravan.
What’s old is new. Case in point.
Nadler accused Trump of trying “to smear his political opponents for his personal benefit, and to help try to rig the 2020 election, as he tried to work with the Russians to rig the 2016 election, the same pattern.”
Good God, they are still on about the Russia hoax?
Are they still accusing house plants of being Russian assets?
They have nothing else.
Particularly for people like Nadler (old white guy), the more they embrace identity politics, the greater their chances of being primaried out by an AOC. So they focus on Trump instead.
I want a Nadler gnome, to scare the critters away. Would that be labelled as ‘Cruelty to Animals’ ?
The Russian hoax has proved invaluable for weeding out news stories. Whenever I see a “journalist” that refers to “Russian meddling” I immediately stop reading and disregard the complete article. It’s embarrassing for them the number of subjects they manage to work it into.
I’m honestly shocked that they even have the temerity to bring that up anymore given Mueller’s evidence-free report. If I were a DNC strategist, I’d be advising them to run like hell from that story and move on to the next fake scandal. For a while there, it looked like they had pivoted to “he obstructed our investigation”, but it looks like they’re back on it.
“Trump colluded with Russians to hack the election” is going to become one of those things that “everybody knows”.
It’s already achieved “sure it’s not true, but you know what i mean” status. In other words, people on the left don’t question it and so it get’s parroted. When people on the right challenge it (which never happens) they will just be like “You know what i mean”. The phrase itself is meaningless. It will however reach “Clinton was impeached over a blowjob” level of credibility. As in people who actually think the Republicans impeached Clinton cause of the blowjob and have no clue about Perjury, will also think Trump colluded with the Russians.
Greetings from the Friendly Skies, where I’m currently burning up satellite bandwidth to get some work done while Mrs. A and I jet back from a weekend spent someplace fun. (Hint: Guinness really is better when drunk in a proper pub.)
Look for details in some future article.
I wish for a peaceful day, and good spirits in Capitol Square, or as Governor Blackface calls it, “the kill zone”.
Yes – I hope it goes done peacefully but I wouldn’t go with 10 miles of that place today. It sure smells like a trap.
I live within a ten-mile radius, but not expecting to be affected. Fortunately, many offices downtown are closed today for the holiday so it’s just the cops and the protesters. A friend who works downtown showed me pictures from Friday afternoon. Looks like they are going to pen the protesters in to a specific part of capitol square. The po-po are said to be super antsy and begging owners of nearby buildings for access for “staging;” you’d think they’d have enough with all the state office buildings in and surrounding the capitol.
That cage looks really sketchy. Like the perfect place to hose protestors down with tear gas, pepper spray, or just water on a really cold day. Or, they heard in a few thousand Antifa thugs with bats and chains and just watch the fun then arrest everyone not wearing a mask.
I agree with Bracken, don’t bring a gun but bring some tools to get out of that cage if it does become a trap.
Good luck getting those tools through the metal detectors that everyone will have to pass through for access to capitol square.
I suspect that the Antifa thugs will be lurking on the way to, or inside of, parking areas and bus pickup areas.
Additionally, the Virginia State Police are taking the planned protest quite seriously. In a Twitter video below law enforcement show up at a man’s home, 100 miles from the venue, to question him based on a “tip”, and suspecting some thought crimes may be committed.
Clearly they have nothing better to do since all the actual crime has been solved.
I wonder if “militia groups” will be billed for all those porta-potties after the fact.
They were up Friday so they would also have to bill the women’s march people who rallied at the capitol on Saturday as well.
You can’t make the women’s march pay for porta-potties. That would be like asking them to pay for their own tampons!
Days like today, with that event scheduled and quite likely to generate fast-breaking news, are the only times I’m really inclined to venture into the Twitterverse. Anyone know of a reliable info source to follow therein?
There was going to be a live-feed but Youtube removed it.
Periscope will probably have a lot of live-feeds from independent journos and activists.
Go to and search Virginia.
Thanks. I’m watching Periscope channel Agenda Free TV now. They have an anchor aggregating various feeds and tweets.
Thanks Banjos and Tonio. I’m on the Agenda Free TV channel now.
Unfortunately AFTV seems to have ended their stream.
I’m watching Agenda-Free TV right now. He took a quick break a few minutes ago, probably to go to the bathroom.
He’s up and running.
but Youtube removed it.
According to LibertyDoll, she has had every video that mentioned Virginia/lobby day demonetized.
Try NBC 12. Not sure what their twitter handle is since I don’t use that.
Found this guy…
Schapiro is a hack journo of the worst sort.
Bowtie with round tortoise shell glasses. He’s just missing the obligatory seersucker jacket to be considered a Southern intellectual.
Not seersucker weather.
So I now see. Anyone respectable tweeting from Richmond?
When people (like our Pastor yesterday) drone on about Martin Luther King, I find myself wondering what would have happened if he had lived. Would he have become increasingly radical, which is the path he was on, until he lost most of his audience? Would he have become a huckster and joke like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Or would he still have a holiday and many very dangerous streets named after him?
The holiday really should be on the anniversary of his death, since it would serve to break of the long lack of holidays between George Washington’s birthday and Memorial Day.
Good Friday already does that.
Who the hell gets Good Friday off?
Gubmit employees.
Catholic school kids.
*wild applause*
Who the hell gets MLKj day off?
Our client (not government), so we get a furlough day and have to use our “floating” vacation day. 🙁
To celebrate the black community, government employees don’t work for the day. Sounds racist to me.
Yo. Almost every college and university in the country is closed.
That was my other thought. I am working today. I have never gotten MLK Day off.
Hell, last place I worked didn’t give us off the day after Thanksgiving. New place at least does that. Of course, they also expect non-support personnel to take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off “voluntarily”.
Current job doesnt give us day after Thanksgiving. Starting this year, we get 2 floaters though, so I am using one for that.
We get a ton of PTO time, so no one works that Friday…except I did this year because I started in October and was saving up time for Christmas.
1. People with floating holidays?
2. A couple of different companies* I worked for?
*at one, it usually fell during a time when my team needed to be there, but most of the company was off, so that was nice. We would take Oaks Day instead.
The company I’m at now has MLK Day as a holiday. I’m not sure any other place I’ve been has had MLK Day as a holiday.
Though… it is a holiday that I’ll have to work part of. Bugs.
Financial institutions. I was doing some contract work years back at one and showed up only to have the building dark and closed. It took me an hour or so to figure out why no one was there. I had never worked for a non-govt place that got the day off.
Since I had ridden the bus in, I was stuck until they started service back out to the burbs. So I went up to the main executive conference room and hooked my laptop up to the AV stuff and watched Netflix for the day.
I prefer to just remember him for his simple, strong message that endured (or is now not enduring, apparently), about not judging people by the color of their skin.
agreed. Idolizing people is always a mistake. Their ideas should stand on their own merit with due credit given. Of course judging people by their character is an anathema to the left, for obvious reasons, and it is just a matter of time before the left completely unpersons MLK.
I have seen, no shit, lefties arguing that using MLK’s “judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin” quote is racist.
MLK is no longer a hero among the far left for that exact reason. Want some circumstantial evidence for that?
Here is the only mention of MLK on MLK Day on a fervently black and leftist website that has nothing to do with MLK:
I love how people advocating for the second amendment are automatically neo Nazis and white supremacists.
Absolutely a most shitty, dishonest piece of crap “article”, and the comments are disgusting.
I still think The Root is satire.
I’ll never forget how, at some tiny, local (maybe 20 protestors) protest a guy had an AR-15 on a sling over his shoulder and the media did its best to show him at angles where it was difficult to see that he was African-American.
Shorter version: now do Colion Noir
MLK is just a propaganda prop for them to beat “nazis” with – the irony about that moron hectoring the “nazis” about protesting on MLK day is obscenely ironic. He himself evidently has no respect for the man or his message.
The content of lefties’ characters leads to some very nasty verdicts.
As mentioned before, I live in Minneapolis’s northside. Last year, at the So Low grocery store on Plymouth and Emerson, their outdoor sign read “Happy Martin King Luther Day”.
True story.
I wanna go to London for a few days to burn some vacation days by 31st of March. Was thinking of giving this a visit
But the question is one full day or two half days? two halves may be wiser.
The shit bit is that my company would prefer me to consume days till 31st March and the weather is not great round Europe in February and March
Although they cannot legally make me do it…
You’re definitely not drinking enough if you still care about the weather.
The weather has been pretty mild, at least in my neck of the woods, considering two years ago it was consistently below freezing from October through to late January. PROOF OF
GLOBAL WARMINGCLIMATE CHANGECLIMATE EMERGENCY!Two halves is definitely wiser if imbibing much whisky. Gitter done. I wonder if my brother is going to that.
Morning Banjos, good to see you up and at ’em again. Guess some may have those ol’ blues or celebration leftovers from yesterday.
It’s always good to end the day with Banjos. I’m taking the Niners over the Chiefs 30-23. (Sorry Mojo). Anyone up for a “closest picks the worst’s avatar for a week” pick’em?
Not me. I learned my lesson when the Vikes choked to the Eagles.
But I think the Chiefs will win. The only two teams I have seen the 49ers stomp are the Vikes and the Packers. Every other time I watched they were winning by the skin of their teeth.
The concern trolls will be out in force.
“To be sure, these new laws represent an additional wrinkle, but protesting against them will only hurt our greater cause.”
Lie back, and think of the children.
I think about how the Left wants the children to have no liberty.
That’s the trouble with “molon labe”. They will do just that, and you will like it.
America’s most widely consumed oil causes genetic changes in the brain
Soybean oil linked to metabolic and neurological changes in mice
Backlash Over Meat Dietary Recommendations Raises Questions About Corporate Ties to Nutrition Scientists
Can’t we just assume that everything is bad for you?
Yes, this is called aging.
This guy gets it.
Oh, we all get it. But eventually it ends.
Government ties to nutrition scientists, however, are totally OK.
Olive oil and lard are the only acceptable oils. And butter…is butter an oil?
I use olive oil and butter. Lard only what renders from the piece of meat I am cooking. Romania is big on sunflower oil though, but I don’t use the stuff
I also have some wok oil although I am not sure what it is made off. Possibly grape seed based on the smell.
Avocado oil is great. It can handle higher temps than olive oil.
OO has a very low smoke point (and flash point!) compared with many other oils.
Butter and lard are fats, ie they are solid at room temperature. Oils like olive are liquid at room temperature. I believe that’s defined as like 68 degrees FU.
You have a problem with Rapeseed?
STEVE SMITH brand Canola Oil.
Somebody please put this on a t-shirt.
Canola is a specific Canadian trademarked strain of rapeseed, IIRC.
Was. Canada oil low acid.
You forgot coconut and avocado oils.
Peanut oil or beef tallow for making French fries is perfectly acceptable.
Better stop eating mice then.
Days like today, with that event scheduled and quite likely to generate fast-breaking news, are the only times I’m really inclined to venture into the Twitterverse. Anyone know of a reliable info source to follow therein?
Teen Vogue.
Jezebel has real journalists, with degrees and shit.
But are the degrees from Columbia?
Soybean oil linked to metabolic and neurological changes in mice
It turns the mice gay?
“The grassroots resistance to Virginia Democrats’ extreme anti-Second Amendment agenda has exploded as nearly 90% of the counties in the state have declared themselves to be sanctuary cities in response to the Democrats’ anti-freedom agenda,” The Daily Wire reported in November. “More than 100 cities, towns, and counties have passed resolutions in preparation for Democrats taking over the state who had indicated a desire to confiscate semi-automatic firearms from law-abiding citizens.”
Luckily I do not believe there has ever been such an impotent, beta wannabe tyrant as King Klansman.
I’m not sure Ralphie is in charge. I would not be surprised if he sold his agenda to the national party in exchange for being rescued from the media over the blackface incident.
Isn’t he a Clinton toadie?
You’re probably thinking of Terry McAuliffe, who was a Clinton bagman and our previous governor.
Ah yes. That is the one. I was mistaken.
“Nice job you got. Shame if anything should happen.”
Lying Joe.
“We can defeat this moment of hate. … This president and his — the Ku Klux Klans and the rest of them, they think they’ve beaten us again. But they have no idea — we’re just coming back. God love you all,” Biden told the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina.
In a halting speech, Biden also repeated the false claim that President Donald Trump had referred to white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville as “very fine people” in August 2017.
“They asked the president what he thought, and he said, ‘There are very fine people on both sides’,” Biden claimed.
That’s a pretty slick move. He can just claim that he was saying that the bad guys were defeated at different times in history. As for juxtaposing the KKK next to Trump, well, you made the connection not Joe. Scumbag, but slick.
That’s right, the militant arm of the party of Jim Crow, segregation, slavery and taking guns away from blacks is allied with Trump.
The left is forever trying to distance themselves from their own record.
“Biden also repeated the false claim that President Donald Trump had referred to white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville as “very fine people” in August 2017.”
I was temporarily amazed to see that called out in a news article. Then I noticed it was Breitbart.
I am very troubled by the trend, something I have not seen before in my lifetime, of leftist pols openly denigrating and threatening voters with violent police/military action. It appears to be an open declaration of war on a certain segment of the populace. Specifically a declaration of war on anyone advocating for natural rights/rule of law: i.e. on the civil society.
I cant understand why anyone would think declaring war on the people that supply your food, water, electricity is a good idea. The bubble they live in must be armor plated.
As for the rally in Va today it seems to me the leftist pols there are making an open attack on natural rights, daring anyone to challenge them on it and now deliberately stymying anyone’s attempt to have their voice heard in opposition. Creating a head of steam and then plugging any relief valve is a recipe for disaster.
Isn’t Northram one of Hillary’s toadies? Or used to be? I am convinced the left wants an all out revolution. They certainly are doing everything they can to stoke one. I dont think it would turn out the way they imagine.
A spectacle indeed. The house dems, after conducting a sham investigation adhering to the rules of a soviet show-trial without any input from the senate now want to impose their own will over the senate trial turning it from a trial into an extension of their own witch hunt. Hey, they had an opportunity to build their case…now it is time to present it, not build another one mid-trial. I am hoping they have gone so far beyond the pale that they pay dearly in November by losing the house bigly.
Has anyone bothered to find out who is organizing these ‘migrant caravans’? My guess is they are being organized and funded by someone on this side of the border. How would that not be hostile action to the US?
People off of food stamps? I thought the latest pinko talking point is that Trump’s economy is shit. Umemployment in every demographic at record lows, stock market at record highs, companies moving back to the US….I guess in the eyes of the left that is a disaster.
I cant understand why anyone would think declaring war on the people that supply your food, water, electricity is a good idea. – they’ve been trying other ways for 100 years and the damn deplorable don’t seem to get the memo. So it is no more mister nice lefty. Which is something you will see plenty of far leftists argue on the internet, especially when arguing with so called “non-authoritarian” lefties.
The left always seem to take the mask off too early, at least in this country. The key to putting people in camps is patience and they don’t have it.
We are declaring war on poor people who live in the fucking forest, not the bodega workers, waiters, and walls that supply our food, water, and electricity you idiot.
At least in 1968 Daley was threatening leftists.
Been a long time since I’ve been there, but I remember pols in the states would avoid gun control measures during election years just because of how badly it would turn out for them. Gonna be different this time?
How many sheep live in the blue enclaves in Va? Is there any chance Blackface can get re-elected? How about the legislature. I know next to nothing about politics or demographics there.
I wonder how this is going to turn out in Tx when Tx turns blue?
VA term limits its governors to one term, so no reelection. But the Lt. Gov. or AG could run and probably get elected in 2021.
VA term limits its governors to one term
I believe this is another thing Va Dems want to change.
Hopefully some of this angry energy will be directed towards rebuilding the Virginia Republican Party back into a viable organization.
Yeah… okay
They’re OK declaring war on us openly now because the vision is to replace us. And 2 generations of their immigration policies (and the rest of progressivism) have gotten them to what’s now an inflection point. So they’re trying to push it over.
Manic Monday: Look Upon My Works And Despair
This is not at all unhinged no siree,
The funny part is the conservative media empty spot in the market would have been filled anyway, Murdoch or not.
Stay away from DU, it’ll rot your brain.
Too late man, too late.
*hits bong*
“Conservatism = death / near extinction.”
*scratches head*
Projection? Mental illness? Both?
*flips through history book*
It looks like every single one of the groups digging mass graves over the last 150 years were radical socialists of one flavor or another. I dont see any conservatives operating firing squads.
Didnt one of Bernie’s campaign organizers recently get asked “What are we going to do with all of these liberals?” to which he laughingly, without hesitation, answered “Oh, they get the wall first.”?
DU needs to take their meds.
“I dont see any conservatives operating firing squads.”
Falangist Spain, Juntas across South America (Argentine in particular) and the Taliban (and other Islamists) beg to differ. The Junta running Burma qualifies too.
The commies have a huge lead, but don’t think the extreme on the other end ain’t ready to shoot people.
” Juntas across South America ”
Whycome South America loves socialism? Certainly it couldn’t do with the military junta’s of the 80’s
Certainly it couldn’t do with the military junta’s of the 80’s
Certainly it couldn’t, considering the love affair started almost a century earlier. The colonial plantation system is the proximate cause, with socialism being a reaction to that and the juntas being a reaction to the socialism.
I can say that when i lived there, that the leftists certainly pointed to the Juntas as exactly reasons why the right wing should not be listened to, so the certainly didn’t help the situation…
it is a natural fit. Those cultures are very collectivist in nature. What we are seeing now may be called by a different name but those cultures have always been the way they are now.
What they ain’t is economic conservatives. Central planners, all.
I believe suthen is only using certain american understandings of the world
Or is could be a misunderstanding based on different uses of the label ‘conservative’
Progjection. It’s what leftists do.
Looming slaughter
As gun rights activists, white nationalists and militia groups prepare to rally at the state Capitol on Monday to protest proposed gun control laws, residents are praying it won’t be a repeat of the violent 2017 rally in Charlottesville that ended in a woman’s death.
The Virginia Citizens Defense League, which organizes the annual gun rights rally, said it wants a “peaceful event,” but the crowd is expected to be larger than usual because Democrats took control of the Legislature last year and are proposing several gun control bills that would limit handgun purchases and require background checks, among other regulations.
The proposals come after a mass shooting in May in Virginia Beach, in which a disgruntled city employee killed 12 people in a municipal building.
Let’s string some random assertions together, and hang a non sequitur on the end. that’ll get their knees a-knocking.
It also comes after the
massshooting at the Texas church.I’m sure they still have political blue-balls over that. Especially as the targets would have been deplorables.
As gun rights activists, white nationalists
The proposals come after a mass shooting in May in Virginia Beach
If I recall correctly he used a shotgun. But we have to (illegally…) ban every semiautomatic pistol and rifle just to be sure.
That guy went into a gun-free office building with a couple of pistols and killed disarmed peasants.
The fact that they were using Sandy Hook as an excuse to roll back concealed carry rights is proof that gun control is never about the latest shooting; it’s something they always wanted and just use these incidents as proof (even if they would have been completely unaffected by the new laws proposed).
Nice link. I outdid myself, that time.
Old Guy Music for Pie
Well yes that is how it could be described.
I was going to say “Dead Guy Music”, since the band showed up in Wikipedia’s list of notable deaths, but it looks like the guy who died left the band before the recording in question.
NBC News, your reliable source
Anthony Berrios, who lives near the Capitol, said he will stay with his girlfriend, who lives in a different part of the city, on Monday. He said the premise behind the rally is misguided.
“It’s a myth that the government is trying to take their guns away,” he said. “I just wish people would really take an objective look at what’s best for society versus what’s good for themselves.”
“It’s a myth that the government is trying to take their guns away,”
They specifically said they were going to take guns away.
I reject your reality and replace it with my own. Also I’m an idiot.
“It’s a myth that the government is trying to take their guns away…”
Not the government so much as Democrats using government to do that. And yes, we have evidence of credible candidates and office-holders threatening just that.
It’s a myth that the government is trying to take their guns away
Except they want to prohibit ownership of 1) the single most popular rifle in the country and 2) virtually every modern firearm.
Fuck. Off.
“I just wish people would really take an objective look at what’s best for society versus what’s good for themselves.”
It’s objectively best for society if i keep my guns and somebody takes your microphone away.
Mao would be so proud of this guy.
These are the people who shit themselves, naked on the edge of a dirt pit while stone-faced sociopaths load rifles and plead ‘But comrade, you are making a mistake!’
Whatever dude. Why dont you take your girlfriend and go lay your head on a railroad track. Fuckin brainwashed sheep.
“I just wish people would really take an objective look at what’s best for society versus what’s good for themselves.”
Sacrifice your personal safety so I can feel better when you get murdered that at least the murderer didn’t obtain good weapon legally.
“I just wish people would really take an objective look at what’s best for society versus what’s good for themselves.”
I did. And an objective look at history tells me that I’m more likely to be exterminated by a government than killed by a fellow private citizen.
Be sure to look at famine as well as ideology.
WTF is that 3m under ‘Catholicism (condom edicts)’?
Covering the wrong head?
Well, as far as not being around when the shit show goes down, I could see that.
Mad Maxine
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) said Sunday that Democrats “will not stop” on impeachment and added that there may be more “impeachment activity” in the near future.
“The subpoenas that I have issued that have gone through the lower courts are now going to be heard at the Supreme Court in March,” Waters said during an appearance on MSNBC. “We will not stop. Whether or not that leads to another impeachment activity, I don’t know.”
Oh, a constant state of impeachment. The public will soon grow tired of that particularly if the first one fails to reveal anything that most people would consider a crime.
They haven’t even alleged a crime. One of their own witnesses admitted under oath that his only objection to Trump is disagreeing over policy.
To call it a sham is not really doing it justice.
A traveshamockery
10 h time-restricted eating (TRE) in metabolic syndrome (MetS) promotes weight loss
I am actually trying a 14 hour fast window on week days at elast, helps with calorie control. No food after 6 30 PM or before 8 30 AM
I’ve been basically on that for week days as well. I usually don’t eat breakfast, so I grab an early lunch at around 11:15 or so. Dinner, and then a snack after working out.
It gets easier as you go. I haven’t done anything longer than about 20 hours, however.
Can’t we just assume that everything is bad for you?
Mortality rate: still 100%.
Enraging media bias, Part Infinity +1
The story is that New Zealand’s National Party, the opposition party running against media darling St. Jacinda Ardern, was the victim of one of their offices being broken into and laptops stolen. The interviewer is consistently less than nice to the MP she’s interviewing, with the shocker at about 4:45 when she asks him how on earth he could possibly think this was at all political in nature.
Serious news for serious people.
The New York Times smeared a Trump supporter from Queens, New York, as a “white nativist” in the course of its endorsement of Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary on Sunday evening.
A passage in the endorsement read as follows (original links):
“The incumbent president, Donald Trump, is clear about where he is guiding the Republican Party — white nativism at home and America First unilateralism abroad, brazen corruption, escalating culture wars, a judiciary stacked with ideologues and the veneration of a mythological past where the hierarchy in American society was defined and unchallenged.”
The links lead to opinion articles. The latter is an editorial from October accusing Republicans of protecting Trump politically from the consequences of what the Times considers misconduct (its claims mirror those of House Democrats).
A lot of assertions without evidence there.
“veneration of a mythological past where the hierarchy in American society was defined and unchallenged”
Ummm what?
When people listened to the Times, dammit!
Decoder ring says:
Keep in mind that when the left uses the term ‘white’ they dont mean skin color at all. They are referring to the culture of enlightened western civilization: i.e. the civil society.
For people who want unchecked power the civil society is an anathema. It is an arbiter between the national state and the individual. It is the rule of law, the tempering of power over the individual and the foundation of individual liberty. It is the cornerstone of self-ownership, freedom of conscience, innovation and creativity.
““In the civil society, the individual is recognized and accepted as more than an abstract statistic or faceless member of some group; rather, he is a unique, spiritual being with a soul and a conscience. He is free to discover his own potential and pursue his own legitimate interests, tempered, however, by a moral order that has its foundation in faith and guides his life and all human life through the prudent exercise of judgment.” – Mark Levin
When they claim to be attacking ‘white supremacy’ what they are actually talking about is the civil society. That is why people like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and others like them are referred to as ‘white supremacists’. It is why Antifa thugs scream accusations of ‘white supremacists!’ in the faces of black police officers. It is why they make the claim that Trump and his supporters are white supremacists. When they say ‘white’, that is not what they mean at all.
They are happy to have the confusion though.
I am very troubled by the trend, something I have not seen before in my lifetime, of leftist pols openly denigrating and threatening voters with violent police/military action. It appears to be an open declaration of war on a certain segment of the populace. Specifically a declaration of war on anyone advocating for natural rights/rule of law: i.e. on the civil society.
Didn’t you get the memo? Natural Rights are a myth. Rights are created and granted solely by the State.
Trump rips ‘Mini Mike Bloomberg‘ over remarks about man who stopped Texas church shooter.
“You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”
If by “average citizen” he means government worker, he’s right.
Average by what metric?
Thankfully no one is average.
“You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”
Who is You? Is he talking to the frog in his pocket because I want ‘average’ citizens carrying guns in crowded places. I strongly encourage carrying for all law-abiding citizens.
Want crime rates to plummet? Easy to do, make open carry the fashion of the day.
But the left doesn’t want crime to plummet, they want it to skyrocket, dont they.
Did that little weasel with a God complex actually criticize Wilson?
Bloomberg is really some piece of work.
He just bitter cuz he can’t ride a roller coaster.
Sure he can… Cedar Point has kiddie coasters. IIRC, you need to be under 4′ 10″ to ride them,
Has bestiality always been historically so taboo? Why? It doesn’t result in pregnancy; did it result in diseases? Why did humans evolve to get so repulsed from touching genitals with other species?
Asking the hard, non-impeachment related, questions
Dumb as a fucking rock.
For 99.999% of human history, procreation has been seen as an unalloyed moral good. Hence the opposition to sexual gratification that does not produce children.
That’s only one reason.
But the bestiality thing is seen as worse than many other forms of sexual gratification that does not produce children.
The Abrahamic religions have an obvious basis. Fornication (Commandment 6) includes pretty much everything except sex within marriage for the purposes of procreation.
I don’t know about the other major religions.
She’s just a Welsh apologist.
She has a poll going.
“Is bestiality wrong due to the inability of animals to consent? || Are you a vegan?”
Is murder wrong due to the inability of humans to consent to being murdered? // Are you vegetarian?
We’re assuming that ancients knew that it couldn’t result in pregnancy. Very odd mutations could be *rumored* to be the result of bestiality and the act becomes taboo out of fear of producing a race of (or even a handful of) monsters.
It resulted in diseases. See: syphilis (often historically mistaken for leprosy)
The consent angle is absurd. Old saying about dogs: “If they cant fuck it or eat it they will piss on it”
I had a friend who was an ER doc in Atlanta. He claimed they had 2 or three women every weekend with dog bites to the back and neck. He claimed the usual cause was the woman saying “Ok, stop, that’s enough!” and the dog would respond with “No it’s not! Hold still!”
Has bestiality always been historically so taboo?
Well, the Bible proscribes it with death as the punishment, so that’s at least 2,500 years of being seriously taboo.
Prolly three reasons:
(1) Disease
(2) Associated with people who have other serious problems.
(3) Taboo on non-procreative sex.
One finds the weirdest things on the internet these days
That is some Pretty bad Writing and y’all post to everyday feminisim
Horrible writing, utterly awful.
Good morning, Banjos! Thanks for filling in!
And good morning to the rest of you freaks, knaves and malcontents!
Some fun lynx today. The Biden corruption one in particular. I mean, whoever heard of leveraging family connections for fun and profit? Any Kennedys want to weigh in?
I’ve got my fingers crossed for the VA peeps today. I agree that it looks like a setup, so hopefully everyone will be cool.
Speaking of cool, old Hobart plays a mean banjo. Thanks for sharing it!
Make it a great day, people!
Political corruption has a long history in America. Kennedys, certainly; Clintons you bet. How about LBJ’s wife owning the radio/tv station in Austin, TX that managed to keep its largest city monopoly for a good many years? Lincoln’s son, Robert, did alright with his connections, too.
is tIs there some context to this that I’m not getting? Donating hygiene items to homeless shelters is a good idea.
This is the guy who called the cops on a Target manager because she wouldn’t honor the obviously mis-labelled price on a electric toothbrush. And he published the manager’s photo to the Twatters to score some sweet sweet internet points.
Technically it wasn’t mislabeled, the label was clearly for the floor model, not the packaged model he was trying to purchase.
Yes, this is the dickhead who went after a Target employee after she wouldn’t sell him an electric toothbrush for 99 cents.
This is apparently his ham-handed damage control.
Christ, what an asshole!
He’s not even donating toothbrushes to homeless shelters; he’s telling other people to donate.
This is the douchebag who called the cops on a Target Manager cause she wouldn’t sell him a high end electric toothbrush for .01 because he was looking at the stamp on the price of the non-functional display. He posted a picture of the manager online and everything. He’s trying to backpeddle cause everyone told him what a horrific piece of filth he is.
I think that’s the guy who called the police on a Target store manager who wouldn’t sell him a $90 for $.01 (there was a price sticker near the display model).
He’s the guy who was trying to send a twitter mob after a Target employee because he couldn’t buy an electric toothbrush for a penny.
Fantastic music choice! Love that shit.
Shampeachment continues apace with Cocaine Mitch having created a “kill switch” allowing the president’s legal team the ability seek an immediate verdict or dismissal if the trial turns into a spectacle.
Too late.
The bills that sailed through the Senate Judiciary Committee would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from people deemed to be a risk to themselves or others, limit handgun purchases to one a month and let localities decide on whether to ban weapons from certain events. To become law, the bills would have to pass the full Senate and the House of Delegates before going to the governor for his signature.
I thought Virginia already had a one gun a month limit? And for banning guns from certain events, didn’t that ship just sail?
In a Facebook post, Chase wrote: “Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state. I want you to be aware of how we are being set up. Does the Patriot Act ring a bell? Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?”
They ring bells. Fuck them.
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said last week that he expects the trial to last approximately two weeks, adding, “God help us if it lasts six weeks.”
Well, if it lasts six weeks, that’s six weeks without any bills getting through Congress. Always look on the bright side of life.
The most recent USDA data showed that 2,424,901 families stopped using food stamps under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), between February 2017— when Trump finished his first full month as president— and October 2019.
That’s a good start, but did any go on other programs?
Target Tori is now on twitter.
I thought Virginia already had a one gun a month limit?
Repealed in the 90s, I think. Either way, it is arbitrary and the dickwad sponsor had some very rude words for the people he supposedly represents saying something along the lines of “If you want more than 12 handguns in a year move to Texas because they don’t have any laws.” Fucking prick.
Ahh, thanks.
How do I know? A little birdie told me.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would vote to convict President Donald Trump if he were a senator, he told Craig Melvin in an exclusive interview that aired on NBC’s “TODAY Show” Monday.
“I’d have to swallow two or three times, but I would say I would vote to convict because there’s so much evidence that he acted inappropriately,” said Bloomberg, who’s running for the Democratic nomination.
Mike! knows if you’ve been bad or good.
so much evidence
Except for the conspicuous lack of evidence.
That’s proof the Russians covered it up.
Since when does ‘inappropriate’ fall into the category of high crimes or misdemeanors?
I hope this guy spends his last nickel and gets zero votes. He has no place being near any levers of power.
He’s the one who got caught using NYC government servers to host the website for his personal anti-gun group. Clearly, he’s the very paragon of governmental ethics.
Alyssa has been triggered:
I believe in individual freedom and constitutionally limited government. She does not. Therefore she does not stand with me.
I think that not enough hay has been made of the Governor Declaring a “State Of Emergency” because a lot of people are showing up to oppose him. Remember when everyone who said that this was dangerous to do in charllotsville because it would lead to governors doing this to anyone politically disfavored? yeah…. They were all white supremacists and i guess these guys are too.
I hate authoritarianism and government, but sometimes i wish for these people to get what they want good and hard.
A response: “Guess I won’t be visiting Virginia anytime soon. Sheesh. Seriously…I know how easy it is for unstable whackadoodles to get guns south of the border. I wouldn’t put myself in the middle of this march. They are threats by their very nature. Paranoid people looking for a fight.“
Quick, arrest them and put them in re-education camps.
They are threats by their very nature. Paranoid people looking for a fight
These mother fuckers want to pull out the “No one want’s to take your guns away you paranoid moron”, after years of “Hell yeah we want to take your guns”….
They should put her pic in the dictionary under ‘Attention Whore’.
I thought Megan and Harry already had the picture?
True. I’m so tired of hearing about them.
Lame white dudes who feel they’re losing control so they try to reclaim it by terrorizing people. They are man-children with live ammo and it’s terrifying. This is why I’m choosing the best gunsense candidate I can to vote for. This has to end.
The “gunsense” candidates are why this demonstration is necessary in the first place. You’d never see these people if you could be content to leave them alone to live in peace.
Something, Something, Abortion.
Apparently there is some question about the wearing of “weather masks,” since masks are generally prohibited for adults in public under Virginia law. Temp at my house is 25 FU, with a wind chill of 17 FU. Fine, now do Muslim face-coverings.
So we can expect the arrest of Profa members if they decide to show up, right?
Bloomberg spoke with NBC News during a campaign stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he made a pitch to African American voters on Sunday, speaking about race-based economic inequality. He outlined a proposal aimed at increasing the number of black-owned homes and businesses, including a $70 billion investment in the nation’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Sure, Mike!
Wave your magic wand and raise them up. Just like you did as mayor of New York.
Make America 2007 Again.
My irony meter just broke.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren struggled to understand Sunday how the American people could ever support a presidential candidate with a checkered history of telling the truth.
“How could the American people want someone who lies to them?” Warren passionately asked in response to a question on whether dishonesty was a disqualifying trait in a presidential candidate.
She tells the hard facts. The truth that no one else is brave enough to stand up and speak.
Like that she is the only one in the primary with executive experience.
“We effectively went from two employees the day I walked in the door to about 1,000”
Automatic disqualifier.
Now do that in the private sector. Maybe then I’ll be impressed.
What a loser this one is.
It would even be a slight improvement if she did it in a government agency that had some trace of accountability to voters. The CFPB was set up to be permanent and invincible.
The article irritated me by treating pubsec experience as the only “executive” experience that matters.
I noticed that as well. When I hear “executive experience”, the _last_ thing I think of is pubsec.
We effectively went from two employees the day I walked in the door to about 1,000 and spent a year getting it up and operational,
More things politicians say, that make me hate them. Bloomberg is great at this. All his advertisments make me hate him more.
“Trump clings to guns. Mike has a proven track record of fucking people with guns over. Vote Mike”
“Mike will ensure that a woman’s right to slaughter the innocents is akin to Herod. Vote Mike”.
Mammary Monday has a dream!
That is a great collection.
Wonder Woman is coming for you
Thanks for the nightmares.
She actually looks athletic unlike Gail Godot.
Saved the best for last.
I want to give a shout-out to Pie, who gave me my quote of the year and a really profound observation. This was in the Spooner discussion yesterday and was related to the difference between libertarian socialism and authoritarian socialism.
“The difference between a libertarian socialist and an authoritarian socialist is 3 weeks in power”.
Thanks. I didn’t have time to go search for the quote.
Yep, that was spot-on.
It really is. It doesn’t matter what your intentions are, socialism leads to authoritarianism. Every. Single. Time.
Libertarian Socialism is an oxymoron.
Assuming the courts don’t strike down unconstitutional gun laws (which they have shown absolutely no interest in doing), the only viable solution to the “Virginia question” is to let states break up. Urban agglomerations can go about creating their Utopia and Exurban/Rural areas can continue bitter clinging.
This wouldn’t satisfy progs, of course, since they are perpetually unhappy and absolutely must force everyone around them into their unhappiness; but when you have a state rep basically calling her own governor a tyrant, something’s got to give.
This wouldn’t satisfy progs
Their aim is to rule you.
Uffda, this weekend sucked.
Saturday, everything I touched broke. Only about half were fixable. Snowblower, ice auger, fish house heater. It was so bad that by the end of the day I wasn’t even shaking my dick after taking a piss because I was worried it would break like everything else I touched.
Then Sunday the youngest altar boy went back to school and wife moped around all day. A lot of transferred aggression was had by the innocent.
When I went to the hardware store, they had moved the drawer of shear pins from the fasteners section and placed it on the front counter.
Shear pins would have been fine. My second stage auger somehow sheared “elastic cylindrical pins” and I had to order those. They also look like they will be a bitch to replace. Joy.
Virginia’s governor:
“Violence, hate groups and militias, oh my! ”
Except he’s dimmer than the scare crow, more cowardly than the lion and has no heart at all.
He’s a puppet. All of this is being orchestrated by external groups funded by NGOs. And I agree with the rep that it looks like a setup.
NGOs are the good witch of the north?
It checks out.
He just needs to see the Grand Wizard of Oz, and learn how to successful implement Gun Control
The man behind the curtain is Pol Pot?
NPR wants you to know
On Friday, President Trump added former independent counsel Ken Starr to the legal team that will defend him in the Senate impeachment trial.
Starr is best known for leading an investigation into President Bill Clinton’s affair with a White House intern during the 1990s.
The investigation was aggressive, lengthy, and offered a window into Starr’s approach to holding the powerful to account. But in the years that followed the Clinton impeachment, a different type of scandal provided another picture of Starr’s approach.
In 2016, almost two decades after Starr investigated the Clinton scandal, Starr was fired from his job as president of Baylor University, accused of ignoring sexual assault issues on campus.
“It seems very clear that he governed over a policy that was, at best, indifferent to what was happening to Baylor women,” Jim Dunnam, a lawyer representing 15 women in an ongoing case against the university, told NPR.
Another rapist for Team trump.
I don’t know Starr at all really, but I wouldn’t be surprised if these were regret cases regret than rape cases (I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true either though )
My only problem with this, and it’s not limited to this article, is misuse of the word “liberal”.
It’s way past time to reclaim that word because there is absolutely nothing liberal about the Left; they are illiberal in every measurable sense.
They are liberal with other people’s money.
If you have to lie to sell your case it is because you dont have a case worth making and you know if you are honest you will be rebuked.
One of the ways the left lies is to play games with words. As noted here words dont have meanings, meanings have words. Taking a word denoting a less offensive idea and hanging it on an offensive idea is SOP for the left. It is why you have to have a level 10 decoder ring to interpret everything they say. For them Liberal = collectivist authoritarian. White = western civilization. Reproductive rights = socialist BC and tampons. Common sense = do as I say. etc etc ect.
yes, they are illiberal in every sense.
In case it’s paywalled:
RE: the migrant caravan, Joe Rogan has had on Ed Calderon a few times now. He used to work in the Mexican military and had some interesting thoughts about both the caravan and the Mormon murders. One of the funny things I learned was that the residents (or possibly just the mayor) of Tijuana had “Make Tijuana Great Again” hats made (this possibly got mentioned in the links several months back).
In other anti-freedom news
Senate Bill 469 would repeal New Hampshire’s shooting range protection law by allowing municipalities to subject already-existing shooting ranges to noise ordinances, while also making it easier for individuals to sue local gun ranges for noise violations. Currently, under New Hampshire law, shooting ranges are immune from lawsuits as long as they complied with existing noise ordinances at the time the range opened.
This legislation would endanger shooting ranges, even if they operate safely and are otherwise in full compliance with the law. Municipalities and individuals could use these ordinances to effectively shut down ranges with costly renovations, unreasonable court fees, hiatus, or even closure of operations. Shooting ranges provide a safe environment for law-abiding individuals to learn, practice, and train. They should not be regulated out of existence.
I know this is an old article, but I just saw it for the first time today. For some strange reason, it wasn’t widely disseminated, I wonder why that is…
You heard it here first: Lizzy Forked Tongue will be the nominee. Since Soros basically owns the DNC, he’ll find a way to make it happen.
I think she is the least electable. Especially after the “Bernie hates women” stunt. She effectivly ensured that she will never have the support of Bernie Bros. She’s already to progressive for some of the most moderate dems, who may even vote for Trump over her. (I know Conventional Media Wisdom would say that no one could possibly be a Democrat and think Trump is not the absolute most evil, but there are plenty of Democrats who would vote for Trump over Warren).
More than any other candidate, Trump is just destroying her in head to head polls. If she became the nominee, Trump would win like 40 states.
I knew it was gonna be Liz after that stunt she pulled on Gramps for CNN. But yeah, this seals it.
I don’t know. Despite another deliberate lie trying to win over Bernie’s voters, I think she is in free fall and will be out of this thing shortly.
She continues dropping in the polls though.
That says more about Soros than it does Warren.
So how much of the VA and other state issues with Gun Control are due to the fact that Trump and Federal Republicans screwed over the state parties by doing jack shit and trying to play down any “Blue Wave” concerns while giving the bird to everyone on all their promises.
The funny thing is that Gov Blackface is probably single handedly handing VA to the GOP for the 2020 election.
That is the main reason I am livid with the R’s. They had the house, senate and presidency for two years and did nothing. Every one of them deserves a punch in the nuts.
This is nothing new, they have been cowards for decades. They filled a role of “controlled opposition” in which they could sit on their sinecures and lap up all the benefits of being part of the chosen class and all they had to do was fail gracefully. That’s why I didn’t have any problem with all the House Rs retiring; get rid of all the cowards and replace them with someone who actually believes in something. I’d rather have someone principled lose a close race (and potentially win in the future) than a 5th column POS taking up space.
I’m not an R, but I recognize the reality that a *principled* R is much less likely to sodomize me in the ways that matter to me than a D. I still believe that entryism into the Pachyderms is the best option for getting libertarian ideals mainstream, and the Ds continued slide into outright authoritarianism gives a unique opening. The Rockefeller, cocktail party RNC-types have to be ejected first though.
*looks over the wreckage of the LP*
Yep. You are 100% correct.
The Rockefeller, cocktail party RNC-types have to be ejected first though.
The problem is that the Republican Party (and the Democratic Party) is a coalition. It is sometimes said that the United States does not have coalition politics, because there are only two parties. But that is wrong. The parties are the coalitions. Instead of having the coalition formed after the election between the Freedom and Guns Party, the Pro-Life and God Party, the Capitalism and Low Taxes Party, the Controlled Opposition Party, etc. the coalition has already been formed before the elections.
The reason I bring this up is that if you kick people out of your coalition, they are left with two choices: don’t vote, or vote for the other party. Some will do the former, but as we’ve seen, quite a few are more than willing to do the latter. Unlike in the 1960s-1980s when there were lots of conservative Democrats to pull in, I don’t see any group of sizable numbers filling in the gap left by the expulsion of government-employee, controlled opposition, cocktail party, inside the beltway, etc. types. You’d be left with a “purer” coalition that manages to enthusiastically get 35% of the vote (see: Goldwater, Barry). They’d be stronger in opposition but they’d lack the votes to actually oppose anything.
That might be the right way to go. I’m not particularly concerned for the fate of the Republican Party itself. But we could be looking at a decade or two of total Democratic dominance again. I guess the only potential saving grace is that we might already be headed for that, and you’d really just be kicking people out who already wanted to leave.
Same here, Suthen. Unfortunately, the Dems have made themselves so much my enemy that even the useless Repubs are a better option. I would like to say the past 4 years have made me an even more staunch Libertarian voter, but actually, quite the opposite. This will be the first election in quite some time that I don’t vote Libertarian. The party has been taken over by grifters. Fuck that.
The current situation is forcing many alliances of convenience being formed between Rs and other groups; just look at the small but significant drift of white, cis-gay men toward the Rs. That’s something that would have been unthinkable 10-15 years ago.
We live in a winner-take-all geography-based republic. The math makes it impossible for 3 parties to live in equilibrium. You have to vote for one of the two or your vote carries no weight. Hotellings Law and all that.
The only option is to make clear demands on the party of what it will take to get your vote and try to reform them to your way of thinking.
I Get that for presidential elections…. I don’t get it for legislative elections. Why is congress in two parties?'s_law's_law
Ok, imagine there is a beach a mile long, and no hot dog stands. You roll your hot dog stand up and, wanting to be as close as possible to as many people as possible, figure out where on the beach an equal number of people are on the left and the right – aka the centroid of the population. You start selling hotdogs.
Your competitor shows up and wants to do the same thing. Except in a very few, very rare cases, his best position to attract the most customers is actually right next to you. He sets up shop on the left of you and gets 50% of the customers on the left, you get 50% of the customers on the right.
This is a stable equilibrium as long as:
1) Your hot dogs are indistinguishable
2) The two vendors are not constrained on where they can set up shop
3) People actually vote.. I mean walk to… the vendor closest to them without worrying about the Elephant or Donkey on the side of the cart.
Now the beech is a 1 dimensional axis, but the math works out the same for higher dimensions. All the gas stations cluster in the same intersection on a 2D grid – ever notice that? But lets stick to 1D for this example. but its enough to say that the very-high-N dimensional space of politics still works the same way.
1) above leads us to the median voter theorem
2) and 3) show us why the median voter theorem doesn’t always work out (there are districts that will never vote R or D just based on the party, and there are way left (or right) districts that no R (or D) can run in because to win would require them to vote against the party all the time in congress).
Now why is only 2 parties, I mean vendors, the only stable equilibrium?
Because along comes a 3rd vendor. Where do they go? If they go to the right of the right-most 2-vendor guy, they split the right vote. If they go to the left, they split the left vote. If they go way, way, way left, they become the green party and can’t reach enough voters to get in.
Now, the common argument is “Yeah, but the libertarians or Anti-War or Legalize-It party aren’t working on the same axis” but remember, this remains true even in high-dimensional space. And you might not think so, but the two establishment parties are operating in high-dimensional space. They just talk in single axis (left/right) because math is hard aka inefficient to talk about. Left/right is just a short hand.
The only way a third party can emerge is if they knife an existing party in the kidnies and take his place. I voted LP last election cycle because
A) I expected Trump to lose
B) It was possible (but highly unlikely) that the LP getting a large vote would be the equivalent of the LP knifing the Republican party in the kidneys and becoming the new “Right” party. This wouldn’t solve all problems – Far From It!. But I hoped it would shift the central axis narrative to “liberty/progressive” instead of “left/right”
It didn’t work out. I don’t expect either party to be very vulnerable to kidney-knifing any time soon. Its a very rare event.
But what about Triangular 2D space. A 3rd vendor could park just off center also and cause a 1/3,1/3,1/3 split.
Also, IIRC, 4 or more parties are also stable and possible, it is just 3 that is a problem.
Even on the 1D beach, assuming they can move, I think with 3 they would eventually adjust until they hit a 1/3 each equilibrium.
Ok. I get that. But this only proves that in any district, only two parties will be “viable”, but not that those parties have to be the same across districts. For example British elections are geographic first past the post elections and yet they have multiple parties getting seats into parliament. It makes sense that there is room for Califonia to have the “Democratic Moderate” and the Democratic Socialist” Parties, with the republican party dying out completely, since it already has. Likewise in Utah, there are certainly some districts where a Non Republican, conservative party could out do the Democrats. IIRC Evan McMuffan beat HRC in the last election.
4 way race – check out the parties.
Interesting analogy. One thing missing: whichever vendor sells the most hotdogs gets a bonus/gets to make the rules/whatever reward. There’s the “first past the post, winner take all” aspect. if all hotdog vendors are guaranteed proportional representation, then you have a parliament.
Political preferences usually follow normal distributions with some saddle points and local maximums. Your triangle space is more properly thought of as a point-cloud in N-Dim hyper-rectangular grid with N+1 local clusters. And these clusters must all be equidistant from the median voter *and* form a regular polygon
This is entirely possible, but one of those “very few, very rare cases,” cases. Look at all those constrains I had to spell out just to describe it.
No way. If you made each of the 3 vendors rational agents, they will take one step left or right to reduce the distance to people. They will keep doing this until they can’t (either at the minimum total distance or because another vendor already got there). Even if the started out 1/3; 1/3; 1/3, the left most can take a step toward the center and it now become 1/3.01; 1/2.995; 1/2.995. What happens next?
Further, you can also do “entryism” in which you go to the hotdog vendor serving hotdogs that most closely match the kind you like, even if you’re not 100% keen on them and get a job with him. You then start subtly changing the hotdogs until customers are begging for the new hotdogs. The original vendor has no choice but to go with your new hotdogs.
The socialists did this with the Dems and it’s been a roaring success.
Exactly on point. This is why we don’t have 19 parties and a parliament does.
Right, but I said
“Now why is only 2 parties, I mean vendors, the only stable equilibrium?”
Deviations from the equilibrium do absolutely happen. What happens after is what causes it to be classified as a stable equilibrium. That didn’t stick around as a 1 party system. Clinton/Bush/Perot didn’t lead to a new 3 party system.
If the system keeps moving back from perturbations toward 2 parties, 2 parties is the stable equilibrium.
What happens next?
The outer ones keep moving, squeezing the inner one, until he gets fed up and moves past one or the other and out flanks them getting a big portion.
There is no STABLE equilibrium, but the I think it would be sinusoidal for each vendor, averaging 1/3 over time. That is while there are wheels on the cart.
4 way race – check out the parties
That was in response to Leon, screw this limited indenting system, it should indent to infinity.
Or, we could all Brooks it. I think he has the right idea.
My point was that things like liberal Dem vs Socialist Dem do happen, they just keep the same main label.
Rob – If you think I’m incorrect:
1) Do a simulation and show me where your predicted emergent behavior emerges.
2) Point to where this happens in real life.
If you find a counter-example I’d be interested in reading it.
Point 1 doesn’t stand though because nobody thinks the two parties are indistinguishable.
At the basest level, one party is virtue-signaling its economic liberalism while the other party-virtue signals its social conservatism. The D’s only problem is one of degree – some people within the party think they aren’t central planing hard enough. The R’s problem is that some members are in it for the economic conservatism and not the social conservatism. The D’s have successfully painted the economic conservatives as social conservatives because they think people can’t tell the difference. They keep trying to paint Trump as a social conservative but nobody is buying that because his history is too well-known. And he’s not very economically conservative either, although he keeps pointing out the tremendous foreign policy money wasted that never serves any purpose other than putting us in further danger of attack. I’ll take that economically conservative baby step because frankly nobody else running for the office has had any guts to do so. (And I don’t trust Gabbard one bit – Obama folded like a paper crane after 3 hours in the Oval Office and Gabbard would do the same.)
I still expect my fellow Americans to gladly overdose of the vicodin of central planning as long as they think insurance will pay for it.
one party is virtue-signaling its economic liberalism while the other party-virtue signals its social conservatism
Aye. The Republicans signal their economic liberalism, and the Democrats their social conservatism. In the sense that, liberal = permissive and conservative = restrictive.
Not just grifters. Grifters without an identifiable libertarian idea. They haven’t just grifted their way into the party, they’re actively skinsuiting it.
The funny thing is that Gov Blackface is probably single handedly handing VA to the GOP for the 2020 election.
Maybe. All those federal pubsecs in NoVa aren’t going anywhere.
As far as the “its a trap!” for the rally today, I’ve come around to thinking the best thing to do in an ambush is to charge. So hold the rally. Hell, drag down those laughable fences. If things go sideways, they’re coming down anyway as people decline to be penned in with violent socialists. Or antifa. The whole thing is set up to give antifa and their allies the cops the best opportunity to create a riot – single entry point (known as a “fatal funnel” in urban warfare”) and limited exits. Why limited exits unless you want to create a pressure cooker for violence?
It is screaming Hillsborough disaster or Who concert.
Any and all deaths will be blamed on the Rally participants and organizers and not at all on how the Governor purposefully set an antagonistic tone.
So just like Hillsborough and the Who concert.
This is the one and only time I will ever defend Liverpool fans. I won’t even bring up Heysel (oops).
“So hold the rally”
They pretty much have to. Take the approach of an R politician; realize that no matter what you do or say, you’ll be painted by the DemOpMedia complex as violent terrorists. Once you accept that fact, you are free.
If I was into the 5D chess theory, I’d consider that the Blue Wave was allowed to happen so the left would misread the public and push for an extreme agenda, scaring the public enough to kill the Democrat party for an entire generation. But the simplest explanation, as always, is that they’re all fucking idiots.
If the RNC is anything like my state party (with whom I’ve interacted), they would be literally incapable of that level of thought.
Millennials are totes the worst amirite?
Even those secure in love and work can feel unnerved by the brutally well chronicled financial and personal cost of raising a child. “I wish it didn’t have to be a decision,”
So like an Anti-Abortion? You want to be forced to carry a child….?
I think if fucking Moron down the street is able to keep his kids clothed and fed, do you think it is really that hard?
Two observations:
1) Why is it so expensive to raise a kid? It couldn’t have anything to do with the inflation of education and medical costs, could it?
2) Raising a child means self-sacrifice, including financial. When you’ve been told you’re special your entire life, it gets harder to give up your monetary self-gratification in order to fund your child’s needs.
Why is it so expensive to raise a kid?
In some part due to the expectations of the other mothers that you will helicpoter the shit out of your kid and indulge their every whim. Going along with that is your choice (to some extent; helicoptering your kids is increasingly a legal requirement to stay out of CPS’s crosshairs).
Like everything else in life, it comes down to personal choices and how those choices line up with your expectations. You could send your kid to government schools, buy the bare minimum of groceries/accessories in bulk from Costco and put your kid only in “free”, government after school programs, then plan on the kid either not going to college, or going to JC and I think you could keep the costs way down. Alternatively, if you don’t want your kid going to government schools, you could (at least for now) homeschool.
Or, you can send him to private school, sign him up for every extracurricular under the sun and send him to Hahvahd and you’ll be paying millions. A lot of this also hinges on “Once you turn 18, you’re outta here. I will still love you no matter what, but you’re on your own now so don’t come back here unless you plan on paying rent.”
“Once you turn 18, you’re outta here”
But I’m still on your insurance for 8 more years!
On the topic of “you’re not an adult until you’re 26”, one of the reasons I think we have such dismal results in e.g. Baltimore schools is that we’ve got a group who believes adulthood starts at roughly 26 in charge of teaching a group of people for whom adulthood actually begins at roughly 14.
I kinda regret saying this. It created a rift between me and XX that I did not want. Instead of thinking of it as a worthy and noble goal, wherein she attains freedom, she thinks of it as us not wanting her.
I didn’t read the room, but with my kids, I don’t do that very well. I have to sneak into their Instagram DMs to find out WTF is going on with them.
she thinks of it as us not wanting her
“We want you to be strong and independent, not an arrested development case.”
Said it. She doesn’t believe it.
I just try to pound life lessons into her head in the form of “what your dad and I did wrong and why and how and we want better for you than we have it.”
This, plus we live in a “have”s high school boundary. This creates issues when the teachers assume a kid has X gadget and … they don’t and we have no intention of getting X gadget. The other high school in our district has a lower quality score than the one we live in.
It’s actually not that expensive to raise a kid anyway, but people who have kids tend to pour most of their excess money into them.
Boomers and Millennial are soul-sisters separated by the far-more-sane Gen-X’ers, and otherwise identical. Most of my friends were raised by loveless co parenting Boomers.
loveless co parenting
Sadly, I think this will describe my nephew. Brother & GF are surprisingly amicable but are still split up and never married in the first place.
On the other hand, those least able- financially, morally – to provide for their kids insist on squeezing them out at every opportunity and letting grandma, Uncle Sam, or the streets raise them.
It is shocking to me how many single mothers have no intention of being very actively involved in raising their kids. I have a (limited) view into this because of my job. (“If the mother says its OK for somebody else to take the kid home, that’s fine by me. No law against it. Just make sure to get a receipt.”)
And how many grandmothers facilitate that.
They are, indeed, the worst. Possibly downright evil.
Jason Bourne was very cognizant to not hurt children, so i don’t even know what they are saying here…
Meet the Muslim Republican Iraqi Refugee Who’s Looking to Unseat Ilhan Omar
Not much chance, but good for her.
Yeah, I would guess (really don’t know) that Somalis, who are the essential voting block for her district, probably hate Iraqis. Even though I gather a lot of them don’t like Omar, she seems to have a crew of enforcers to keep them in line, and I really doubt they will turn out for a Republican or an (ex-)Iraqi.
It’s kinda funny, cause the the American, raised in the well documented racist country, has no clue that Somalis and Iraqis will see themselves as different and might even hate each other for no real reason other than they are not each other.
Try to disentangle all the various African ethnic groups and why they persist in killing each other; then try to pick members of each group out of a lineup. Humans just love to find reasons to hate one another.
Shut it down
A majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good, a survey found ahead of this week’s Davos meeting of business and political leaders.
This year was the first time the “Edelman Trust Barometer”, which for two decades has polled tens of thousands of people on their trust in core institutions, sought to understand how capitalism itself was viewed.
The study’s authors said that earlier surveys showing a rising sense of inequality prompted them to ask whether citizens were now starting to have more fundamental doubts about the capitalist-based democracies of the West.
“The answer is yes,” David Bersoff, lead researcher on the study produced by U.S. communications company Edelman.
The poll contacted over 34,000 people in 28 countries, from Western liberal democracies like the United States and France to those based on a different model such as China and Russia, with 56% agreeing that “capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good in the world”.
Bring on the Top Men. The Ministry of Plenty will fix inequality.
A majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good
I don’t think that’s a new development, considering the two biggest countries are fascist/communist (China) and socialist (India) and Africa has been overrun by corruptocrats since forever.
The grass is always greener in the gulags.
What other form might it take?
Oh yes, socialism. Of course, the White Dragon that will magically fix all the problems of the world.
Disregard that capitalism “in its current form” has drastically reduced extreme poverty globally and raised living standards to heights never before seen in human history.
B-b-but it’s unequal!!! /sarc
It’s scary that so many people are openly embracing the goal of making everyone equally poor rather than unequally rich.
Capitalism in its current form is central planning. We just aren’t central planning hard enough.
The survey confirmed a by-now familiar set of concerns ranging from worries about the pace of technological progress and job insecurity, to distrust of the media and a sense that national governments were not up to the challenges of the day.
Of possible interest to corporate leaders gathering in Davos this week was the finding that trust in business outweighed that in governments and that 92% of employees said CEOs should speak out on the social and ethical issues of the day.
“Business has leapt into the void left by populist and partisan government,” said Edelman CEO Richard Edelman. “It can no longer be business as usual, with an exclusive focus on shareholder returns.”
What? A world ruled by kkkorporations? I seen that movie. It’s scary.
“Business has leapt into the void left by populist and partisan government,” said Edelman CEO Richard Edelman. “It can no longer be business as usual, with an exclusive focus on shareholder returns.”
I mean if i was part of a board, i would blacklist this man from any management position.
The good part is that once the Davos attendees finish turning the rest of the world into a soviet utopia, Davos goes along every year as if nothing changed.
Senate Bill 469 would repeal New Hampshire’s shooting range protection law by allowing municipalities to subject already-existing shooting ranges to noise ordinances, while also making it easier for individuals to sue local gun ranges for noise violations. Currently, under New Hampshire law, shooting ranges are immune from lawsuits as long as they complied with existing noise ordinances at the time the range opened.
This legislation would endanger shooting ranges, even if they operate safely and are otherwise in full compliance with the law. Municipalities and individuals could use these ordinances to effectively shut down ranges with costly renovations, unreasonable court fees, hiatus, or even closure of operations. Shooting ranges provide a safe environment for law-abiding individuals to learn, practice, and train. They should not be regulated out of existence.
Ex post facto? That sounds racist. Close this loophole!
Gee, if only there were some device (that civilians could purchase over the counter) that would reduce the noise made by firearms… Oh well, I guess such miraculous technology doesn’t exist.
Manic Monday: Higher Intelligence Comes With A Cost
I need some of that in my life.
(I know Conventional Media Wisdom would say that no one could possibly be a Democrat and think Trump is not the absolute most evil, but there are plenty of Democrats who would vote for Trump over Warren).
Especially the ones with money in the bank.
Not the briar patch!
Harvard Law students refusing to clerk for Trump appointed judges.
It is about time, we needed some good news.
The snobbery of the left is leading them to just give up the judiciary…. Cause the future constitutional lawyers and judges come from people who clerked in federal courts If i am not mistaken…
Half the point of clerkships is you can hang their name on your resume for the rest of your life. Last thing they want is to be associated with Judge Deplorable.
They don’t realize in a few years no one will care.
Not sure. Everytime someone is nominated to the SC, one of the things that they always seem to trot out as a qualification is that the nominee clerked for some other important judge when they were a law student.
I have no idea how the lawyers read CV’s but I think clerkships are always important for the ones who aspire to fuck up the country from a Federal bench. Probably not so important for those who want to practice private law at $400/hr.
Yes. They’ll care about that part. They won’t care about the fact that it was a “Trump-appointed” judge once enough time passes.
Probably not so important for those who want to practice private law at $400/hr.
Your top-rank firms (where a lot of the gunners/clerks want to end up) are charging more than that. A lot more.
Emphatically not how it works. Liberal clerks for conservative judges do just fine.
Also, in a few years Democrats will just be focused on how evil the new batch of Republicans is. No one will care about Trump all that much. It’ll just be an accomplishment to go on a resume.
I’m surprised this wasn’t packaged as an opportunity to subvert the evil deploranazi judges, perhaps with a pitch to the female clerks that this is a golden opportunity to gin up a sexual harassment/assault charge.
Handling counter-clerks is a required skill for conservative judges, and many pick up counter-clerks on purpose. Lefty judges, not so much, but I doubt there’s a conservative judge out there who doesn’t know to expect and how to handle a counter-clerk.
That article is so gleeful and politically biased that I honestly doubt whether it’s all that true anyway.
I don’t actually believe the story anyway.
This will be the first election in quite some time that I don’t vote Libertarian. The party has been taken over by grifters. Fuck that.
I cannot be bothered to make any sort of serious examination of the Libertarian Party or its history, but I think you’re dead on.
That whole Johnson/Weld debacle could only have been modeled on the plot from The Producers. The absolute last thing any of those people want is to succeed. Just keep soaking the credulous saps for donations, and keep the cocktails flowing.
The LP is an absolute embarrassment not even worth a protest vote. In my (extremely biased) opinion, the appropriate principled actions are abstention or active entryism into the Pachyderms. The LP is a Rick and Morty Cronenberg at this point.
Liberty Mag basically was accusing them of that in the 90s, with the Brown campaigns.
I think Michael Cloud was the center of the controversy.
I remember reading R. W. Bradford’s articles on the Brown campaign. I also have a vague memory of The Libertarian Enterprise covering the shenanigans there too.
I went to a Brown campaign event in 1996. I thought Michael Cloud seemed kinda scummy even at it…his personality just rubbed wrong.
I would be interested to see what reforms would make the LP acceptable to all those who throw stones at it. I’ve read over and over that Weld embarrassed the Party by saying something nice about Hillary. Yet I don’t know one person, outside tight Libertarian circles, that even knows that happened. I’ve read over and over that the Party should nominate someone else for president but the names mentioned are 1)not likely to accept the nomination, or 2) have just as many non-libertarian positions as the warmed over RINOS and flakes the Party has nominated before. Possibly the most hardcore Libertarian candidate was Bergland in 1984: he also got the lowest vote total.
See the long thread about the two party system. Socialism was beyond unpopular during the Cold War, yet they were so successful with entryism into the Dems that the Jackasses are basically a EuroSoc party now. If libertarians (small l) ever want any influence, they’d better get busy doing the same thing with the Pachyderms.
From what I’ve seen the Virginia 2A protestors are doing their best to show they are overwhelming non-violent. I doubt the media will cover that, especially if something bad happens.
See my reply to Dean on in comment thread 54.
four recently confirmed right-wing federal judges appointed by President Donald Trump
Fuck you, and the broom you rode in on.
Remember when there was no such thing as an “Obama judge”?
But I guess Trump is so bad that he has created a new kind of judge that isn’t judicially independent.
The left is already preparing the grounds for delegitimizing the courts in anyway it can (packing them, or just ignoring them). And look i’m not entirely against ignoring the nazgul. The way they rule the country is beyond abhorent, where you have hundreds of millions of people pleading that they won’t have their rights stampeded across by the utterence of a few words. Fuck that.
Forgot about that. Roberts really is a piece of work, isn’t he.
Independent judiciary my ass. Like the Obama judge conjuring out of his ass that courts are sanctuaries for illegal aliens and law enforcement have no power to arrest lawbreakers on their hallowed grounds?
“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”
Volume up for this, especially in a quiet office.
Rob Lowe is the Switzerland of football fans…
Also looks very Orange Manish.
Jeebus Kryst.
Premature posting!
“Dixie” is racist now?
The past! It must be destroyed!
Da, Comrade. Year Zero was 2017. In order to properly motivate the masses, we must eliminate all historical records of wrongthink.
Your cattle car is this way.
Come to think of it, why do we bother with all these remembrances of WWII and the Holocaust? There were bad guys and like, totes, REAL Nazis in that. Why do we want to remember bad things? Let’s rename Auschwitz “Happyland” and turn it into a summer camp! Remembering bad things makes my feelz hurt.
How about local referendums on what to name the highways? Imagine the outrage when dozens are named for Trump! “The Trump YUGE Expressway,”
Dixie has been known to our cultural betters as racists for at least 2 decades.
I was immediately called out by my buddy’s ‘merican wife for whistling not even a full bar of what she thought was Dixie, but was actually this. That was the same day she said that the good Mexican restaurants and tacquerias in the US were the ones run by immigrants who only spoke Spanish, and when I tried to tell her about some nice ones I remember, she interrupted me with “but were they only speaking Spanish?”, and apparently it turns out, the quality of food and service didn’t matter at all, because you have to prog as hard as possible and only like the most “authentic” eateries. She seems nice, but man she still has a big ol’ hard-on for the Hill-Dogg.
Bonus round – my sister last night said that the previous Spider-man film (the one where he goes to Europe, again) is “nice because it has a lot of International representation,” not taking the hint to STFU with her adenoidal, semi-whispering droning on until I responded, with “you know, it’s nice, I just think it’s..” SHUT THE FUCK UP I AM TRYING TO WATCH THE FUCKING FILM, PROG ON YOUR OWN TIME, SIGNALER. She really can’t take a fucking hint. She just keeps talking in that self-conscious, sort of quiet, monotonous way about some cringingly stereotypical prog “representation” junk or pop-feminist claptrap until she gets a response and it gets more and more awkward until she either gets a “SHUT THE FUCK UP” or I just leave. Spending time with family is important.
Addendum to the ass-endum: it’s all the sort of shit that implies heavily that if you don’t squarely agree out loud with the virtue signaling then you must be a grouchy right-wing shitlord, like everything is polarized like that.
I know it’s not a brit thing but you could whistle Battle Hymn of the Republic.
‘John Brown’s Body’?! FUCK OFF, LIBTARD!
Yeah I do on occasion. Nice tune.
“Dixie is a reminder of slavery and Jim Crow. Even lynching comes to mind,” Ms. Levine Cava said. “Driving every day on a highway that recalls those times isn’t aspirational. I think we should create a new narrative.”
Look. i’m just gonna cut you off, cause i think this is a great idea, but it doesn’t go far enough. No, not far enough i say. we need to kick those states south of the Mason-Censored line and make them have their own country. Only then can we be free of that horrific history of slavery. Let them deal with it.
And by let them deal with it i mean Nuke them.
The past! It must be destroyed!
Remember the vapors that the Left got when Trump told Iran he had targeted cultural sites for retaliation if they kept up their shenanigans? How horrible it was to do something like that?
Also, what was funny is he just did it in response to them threatening to blow up OUR cultural sites. But no one cared about that, apparently.
I’ve been told by many sooper-smart academic types that we don’t have a culture; and even if we did it would be racist and not worth preserving. But again, we don’t have one anyway so why bother preserving anything!
Makes sense. We are, after all, perfectly blank slates and any difference in adult populations must be based on environmental exposure to cult…
Do you think any of these brave, brave souls understand how much slavery went on in the ME back in the day (and probably to this day, but it is much more discreet)?
If you are going to pull down statues of Confederate generals because of slavery, don’t you almost have a moral obligation to blow the shit out of any cultural site of Hittites, Persians, Assyrians, Ottomans, etc, etc.?
Hey Scruffy, you still reading?
I now know lust in my heart.
As long as it shoots first.
Well, we all saw this coming. Cultural Appropriation/Team Mascot Concern Troll Is Concerned About Team Mascot/Cultural Appropriation:
TGA spoofed that last night. See next thread back #130.
Jeez, I can’t be here ALL the time, how can I?
I am a prophet
I honestly couldn’t quite tell that was satire, so I was thinking well done!
Turns out it wasn’t satire at all. You just cheated and looked at their playbook and got the names wrong to throw us off the scent of your cheating ways.
Not to take anything away from your prognostication, but they are so predictable anyone could have seen this coming from 10 light-years away.
No other culture or race has sports teams named after it. That’s says a lot.
Braves, Chiefs, Redskins, Blackhawks, Indians & Eskimos all need to get changed. Just need one team to show leadership and get the ball rolling.
Celtics, Vikings, I mean even Cowboys could qualify as a cultural icon….
Fighting Irish.
Why no “official” links to stories about “Klomentum”?
The NYT has picked Special K as their gal to run against Trump in 2020! (Or Warren. You choose).
I’m offended that they say she is the “very definition of Midwestern charisma because she has absolutely none. She isn’t even winning in any primary poll in her own state!
Yeah, “the very definition of Midwestern charisma” is very much a sick burn by the metros at the NYT.
I’m offended that they say she is the “very definition of Midwestern charisma because she has absolutely none
I don’t get where this is offensive…
Midwest charisma? What the hell is that? We really need to split the Midwest into two regions. The Ohio Illinois Midwest is very different from the Missouri, Kansas Nebraska Midwest.
Well to be technically correct, any area that has “west” in its name should be west of the Mighty Mississippi.
I never understood as a kid how Ohio could be considered part of the Midwest.
It’s historical. Everything across the Appalachians became “the Midwest” as opposed to “the East”. Ohio still has more in common with the rest of the Midwest than it does with the East – culturally, linguistically, etc.
+1 Western Reserve.
OH has more in common culturally with IL, WI, MI, and IN than MN. So are IL, WI, MI, and IN not the Midwest too?
I created a simple rule based on location of state in regard to the Mississippi. Minnesoda is the only one with a bit of leeway, but since most of the state is to the left of the Mississippi (and all smart, handsome, brave men are sent to MCRD San Diego instead of being sent to Parris Island with the women), Minnesoda gets to be a Western state.
IL, WI, MI and IN can be their own new region. “MidStates”?
Nah. The term “Midwest” is fine. Everyone knows what it means. It was created to distinguish the bits west of the original colonies that were settled first, to be distinguished from the bits even further west that were notionally part of the US but weren’t settled until later.
This is why the real Midwest ignores you Hubert Humphrey voting, ludafisk eating, passive aggressive faux Midwesterners.
MN is Canada South
(I’m sorry that I had to take it this far)
There is the post-industrial Midwest (east of the Mississippi) and the non-industrial Midwest (west of the Mississippi). Neither is renowned for its charisma
But we’re all so damned nice you bastard!
The NYT has picked Special K as their gal to run against Trump in 2020! (Or Warren. You choose).
Apparently the NYT thinks the most important qualification for president is “vagina”.
Can you blame them? The NYT is run by men, and look how they fucked that up.
“Dixie” is racist now?
Poor, poor Pixie, how will she live with the shame?
I have done nothing today, other than walk the dog.
I’m going to go inventory the wine in the cellar (not an actual wine-cellar, sadly).
Hold down the fort.
The dog had other ideas.
Dog with a bad belly gets to call the shots.
Uffda. I didn’t think that our new gov would be so bad when he won. But the bastard has a real hardon for raising the gas tax by $.20/gal. If the local GOP had any brains, they would run on this one single issue all the time in the next election.
Point out that we have two light rail lines that constantly operate at a loss and that the DFL has rammed through another $2B light rail that will also operate at a loss. My ads would say that by simply not building more money losers, you could pay for upkeep of the roads without any rise in the gas tax. I’d also bet that you could look through the projects being paid for with our current gas tax and find all sorts of other boondoggles (cough – bike trails – cough).
And all this ignores that we have a $1B+ surplus from the last budget. So you are already collecting too much money and you want to raise taxes even more?
Gaia can’t wait
Gaia has nothing to do with this. He wants all that extra money because he can then use his extra big pile of transportation cash to bribe communities to do what he wants if they want some.
The senator from Minnesota is the very definition of Midwestern charisma
“Midwestern charisma”
El Oh Fucking El.
HEY! Tundra and I are extremely charismatic and a pleasure to be around.
On the other hand, we aren’t a patch personality-wise on Leap (who is a transplant). So maybe the NYT is onto something here.
I Identify as Minnesotan shitlord. I’m wearing a flannel shirt right now!
You know who else was extremely charismatic?
I have never heard anyone combine “Midwestern” with “charisma”.
They also referred to Warren as “a gifted storyteller”.
Some shitlord has infiltrated the Times.
The NYT has endorsed Warren and Klobacher, which means I’m super pumped for the inevitable “The Libertarian Case for Elizabeth Warren and That Other Woman, Because New York Times”
Now every time they go with the ‘Donald Trump is dishonest” angle, I’m going to laugh my ass off.
But, New York Times
Mornin’ Glibbies. Chiefs are going to the Superbowl, I have ranted at XX, I made some money, it’s snowing outside, and I am determined to be productive. It is going to be a good day.
Mornin’ Mo. I have the day off of work, so I’ve been running errands. Just got home to have lunch.
Roast Prok* Buns with sweet and sour dipping sauce.**
*The label was made by the store, and some employee misttyped it.
**Not a standard option
I hate mist typing myself.
How else are you going to make labels for steamed buns?
The Libertarian Case for Elizabeth Warren
People who are free make bad decisions. Those decisions then restrict their options later in life. Hence, freedom=bed decisions=less freedom. Thus, the road to freedom is paved with government micromanagement to prevent people from making decisions, including bad decisions, and nobody does government micromanagement better than Elizabeth “I have a plan for that” Warren.
I know right. If everything is “free” and I don’t have to work, that’s like Easy Rider level of freedom there! Happy ending and all.
I know you meant this as a joke, but this isn’t that far off from what some of them seem to believe. The irony being that this is a direct parallel to the ethnostaters; we can’t have libertarianism because those damn
foreignersdeplorables are messing things up.“It’s Happening!”
I would note only that both bed decisions and bad decisions can limit your options later in life. The Venn diagram has substantial overlap.
RC Dean’s account has been hacked by ENB. Confirmed
Is Elizabeth Bruenig’s middle initial N?
Say what you will about Bruening, but she doesn’t pretend to be something she’s not (other than pretending to be Catholic)
Hey, if it’s good enough for the Pope…
nobody does government micromanagement better than Elizabeth “I have a plan for that” Warren.
You know who else had a plan?
That’s right. Albert Speer.
And Jim Phelps.
Dude lugged his Barrett .50 cal to the protest.
Oh, come on, he only needed to get within a mile of the capital.
Finally got around to finishing The Man in the High Castle on Amazon video. And I couldn’t help but think… “Congratulations, you got rid of your oppressive Japanese occupiers in exchange for… commies? FUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK.
Spoiler tags not supported? Well, that’s unfortunate.
What are the odds the showrunner thinks this is a happy ending?
Well i mean i read in the paper of record that Sex was Fantastic in the USSR, and i’ve been assured that it was nothing like what we have been led to believe. Commie Work Camps are better the Nazi Work Camps and all. So yeah how could it not be a happy ending?
Who was talking about using ROT13? It makes me nostalgic:
Finally got around to finishing The Man in the High Castle on Amazon video. And I couldn’t help but think… “Congratulations, you got rid of your oppressive Japanese occupiers in exchange for… pbzzvrf? FUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK.
Unfortunately my completely usesless super power is to be able to automatically translate ROT13 as plain text.
err, ditching the Japanese also counts for a spoiler, doesn’t it?
Yes. That is unfortunate.
*take MITHC off of watchlist*
Winston has highjacked Fatty’s account: CONFIRMED.
I’m glad to see MITHC being put out of its misery. The setup and ending was completely unbelievable.
Congratulations, you got rid of your oppressive Japanese occupiers in exchange for… commies?
Commies of Color.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Yeah, I feel like we’re supposed to think that makes it difference somehow. But of course it doesn’t. If they stick to their commie ways, things will probably be worse than they were under the Japanese.
Yeah, once they got to the episode where it was obvious that the heros were a group of black communists (episode 3, maybe?), I bailed.