Click here for a bonus link.
One of my closest friends has come from his home in Holland to stay for a few months. There’s a long story behind that which would be too geeky even for this crowd, but suffice it to say, he’s the guy who inspired me to start writing about music-related technical stuff for a side gig, and during his days as a publisher, regularly ran my articles and essays. He also hit it off quickly with Swiss, not even getting a single narrowed gaze, despite much consumption of spirituous drinks. His next exposure to our merry little band will come next week when he meets Ozymandius, mexican sharpshooter, Grand Moff-Serious Man, and the always-delightful Kibby.
So besides my usual work schedule, my disappearance during the week has been compounded by him and I huddling in my lab, causing electronics to go up in smoke and making transducers emit odd noises in the cause of measurement. However, I have still stayed somewhat connected to the news, and there has been no shortage of that. But we do need first to see who was born today. In history, that is, before they changed the water. For example, a guy who I have trouble finding words to describe; a guy who was needed; a guy who was the subject of one of my favorite short stories and movies; a physicist who fits the theme; a brilliant fat man; a climate activist with actual integrity- who paid dearly for that; one of the guys who ruined Major League Baseball; an embarrassment to Lehigh; the very best character on The Wire; and a guy who just needed to be a bit more quiet.
On to the news.
I hope you’ll all be out there, trying to pick up women. Honest to Yahweh, this all sounds like parody.
This is an old story, but it fit the theme. Again, it reads like parody.
This guy is even more smug than Manju or whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is. But let’s be honest, McSally had that line practiced, just waiting to roll it out. The website to sell the merch was up in about an hour. As an Arizonan, I am appalled by my choice between this piece of shit and the “fuck the constitution, my wife is missing half her brain” piece of shit.
How do you say “schadenfreude” in Cherokee?
“Look, I was researching their sound and light systems. Totally legit.”
If this was linked earlier this week, I apologize. If it wasn’t it should have been.
Old Guy Music is a song that I may have used before, but fuck it, it fits the theme. Doubly so, because we actually had my friend, Swiss, bacon magic, and this performer all in the same room at the same time. Delightful song, clever lyrics.
Based on the title of the post, Old Guy Music should have been this.
How do you say “schadenfreude” in Cherokee?
Like this?
“Mindless mass tourism” and “too individualistic.”
Both. At once.
To be fair, if I’m doing my touristing I’d like to get away from everybody else.
I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland, but fuck Game of Thrones for warping the Icelandic tourist market.
Ehh, I think everyone hates GoT now between the sloppy TV ending and GRRM hoping to eat his way out of finishing the series I am not sure people care. That’s my baseless sense anyway.
I still think Iceland is pretty empty in shoulder season
I think that wave started before GoT because Iceland Air started offering super low airfares.
Iceland is awesome. Just go in the early Fall when it is less crowded and you can see the Northern lights. And be sure to drive to the far West and East where the landscapes are truly breathtaking.
Because of course.
Solidarity, comrades!
But let’s be honest, McSally had that line practiced, just waiting to roll it out.
Just like the Democrats do with their talking points.
The thing is, all politicians are sacks of shit (and by all I don’t mean all but you get the gist).
We aresterdam?
Also, cheap, tawdry to link this.
Welcome to your friend, and I’m sure he’ll enjoy his stay with you.
*cheap, tawdry excuse
::ingests more caffeine::
That’s a hard pass.
SFed up.
Which is why I’d pass it up.
The link should have been this.
an embarrassment to Lehigh;
It’s too bad that’s not a German surname or else I could make a joke about ID being as bad as lens flares.
Lens flares are real. ID is pretty much N-rays with less theoretical rigor.
“We’re gonna need a bigger pussy hat.”
It’s 22º in NYC – with snow coming. Bundle up, ladies!
“Take your rally and shove it”
/Mrs Fourscore/
That puff-piece is hilarious.
with a handy link their “principles” page and a link to “host your own march” etc etc.
Why do you hate nonviolence and inclusion??
one of the guys who ruined Major League Baseball
Yeah, they used to have their own league.
Yep, someone wins the internet early today.
Bravo – far more subtle than my related comment was going to be.
Did anyone see the PBS Frontline about “America’s Great Divide: From Obama To Trump”
I had a couple of texts about it sent to me last night. Apparently they take on the dividing of America by Trump. They do a straight up propaganda piece, with Trump as the villain. Skipping right over the fact that we now know that Trump was right about everything on Russia, they paint his claims that there was a “witch hunt” as masterful political manipulation, providing the script for his supporters and subverting Fox News into no longer being a news organization.
They use late night comedian’s attacks as the “voice of the people”, showing that Trump’s alternate reality is not accepted by the common folk, only propagandists and his loyal cult of followers.
Apparently it was horrifically over-the-top. They even blame Kavanaugh for politicizing the courts and court appointments.
Comey is just a victim of Trump’s scorched earth policy. Trump complaining about the Russia investigation is his naked obstruction of justice.
Apparently it is a 2 episode through-the-looking-glass rewrite of history from the point of view of a DNC propagandist.
Paid for in part by your tax dollars. So congratulations for that.
I have not watched it yet… but I found it this morning and skimmed a few minutes. Holy crap. Yeah, not sure I’m gonna make it through.
I did watch 2 hours of PBS last night on the history of country/hillbilly/western music last night, the second hour was mostly the music biographical sketch of Hank Williams. The history sort of ended at the death of Hank, I hope there’s another program picking up where this one left off. Interesting Old Guy stuff
Must be the Ken Burns series, so there should be more episodes forthcoming.
Yeah, looks like it was the last 1/2 of #2 and the first 1/2 of #3.
Thanks GT.
My pleasure! The only show we watch on PBS with any regularity is Austin City Limits, so I must have caught promos for the series then.
I hope Trump’s second term actually has a scorched earth policy regarding the deep state.
I’d like to see that too but Trump hates the deep state when it works against him and loves it when it works for him so I won’t hold my breath.
Waldo reminded me of this piece of useless VH trivia from Hot For Teacher-the numbers on the chalk board correspond to the alphabet, and from R to L they spell HOLY SHIT
/insert The More You Know giphy
You just, like, blew my mind dude.
*takes another bong hit*
Didn’t I
Yikes, I still hate Donnie Wahlberg to this day because of them.
I think some damage will be done to a certain iconic federal law enforcement agency. That will be something.
You’re awfully optimistic this morning.
Talk about preaching to the choir….
As if Obama were somehow not divisive at all.
His methods are really subtle.
I’m convinced that the choice of where to plant their flag on police abuse protests was intentional. Coming from the libertarian version of that movement, I’ve been following those cases for a few decades. They had to do some serious cherry picking to get the ones that are completely wrong, but can be sold to a group that is already fired up and ready to believe.
So they pick a sweet, 12 year old boy who was murdered by a racist white vigilante for wearing a hoodie as he went to buy some candy. And Obama said that could have been his son. Nice way to paint himself as an African American from the hood, even though he has no connection with that experience, either personally or in his family history. And then it turned out that none of it was true. He was nearly 18, quite large, with a history of violence in school – including attacking his bus driver… And the white racist turned out to be a Hispanic dude who works with black youth. Oops (not really).
Then they pick a gentle giant who put his hands up and pleaded with a racist cop not to shoot him. Except it turns out that he was not gentle, was on his way back from a strong-arm robbery, tried to grab an officer’s gun from inside his patrol vehicle, and several witnesses saw him charging at the police officer when he got shot. The chief witness being a black lady. Ooops. (not really)
It was no accident that the justice department held on to their conclusion that the “hands up” narrative was false for a couple of months. Hard to build that #BLM machine if everyone knows it is a lie.
The Obama era should absolutely go down as one that vastly accelerated the pace of setting the people at each other’s throats. And it goes straight to the top.
But it won’t.
Not even accelerating. Everything was going in the opposite direction. Despite democrat efforts to cast him as a flaming racist, Bush had a cabinet that was fairly dominated by African-Americans. After Cheney, the top officials were Rice and Powell. And Cheney didn’t have any official power in his capacity as Veep.
Then along comes the anti-war community organizer and suddenly we have race riots? Yeah, not a coincidence. Pulling down confederate monuments wasn’t some organic grass roots movement. It was a think-tank planned strategy for divisiveness.
Pfffffttttt…. Condie and Colin aren’t black.
And their actions did lead to the murder of five cops in Dallas.
I’m not a fan of these sorts of exercises but it can be argued with some measure of validity that Holder and Obama set those conditions.
I don’t know if they thought it could get that far but it can be asserted they contributed to it.
But the narrative, even if they concede it was more divisive under Obama, will be ‘yeh but he tried! America was too racist to listen to the light bringer!
More than the direct violence, they killed off the criminal justice reform movement at a critical juncture. I was brought in to sharing my thoughts on politics online because of Balko’s coverage of that topic. And to have a bunch of race-baiting shills come in and obliterate what was a growing consensus was crushing.
Double-irony…. it was Trump who revived the topic and actually made a small positive contribution. Which runs exactly opposite of the left-media narrative.
They don’t want to bridge the divide. They want to win, and then crush the other side. They’re not playing to compromise or reach an amicable solution. They’re playing for keeps. That requires constant reinforcement of the narrative. Any deviation, no matter how slight, and you start to think of people not like you as human beings. That’s intolerable. They must be evil beyond redemption; that way you feel no guilt in trampling over them.
I initially read the bonus link headline as
The Federalist article on CNN is too kind. They are not a biased outlet. That is an obsolete label. Bias left town a decade ago. Maybe more.
They are a propaganda machine. Nothing more. They make no pretense otherwise, other than rhetorical flourishes.
The wooden shoes photo reminds me of home. This is in my hometown.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Zwaan_(windmill)
Are you a brand new Tulpa?? If so, allow me to extend a warm, hearty “Fuck you!”
(You DO know that’s a good thing, right?)
I am new and I am aware of the fu to all the Tulpas. And thanks for the hearty welcome.
Fuck off, Tulpae.
And in case you haven’t been follow along, }}tits{{
Thanks. I’m a long time lurker that moved to lurking here after lurking at TOS.
youoff!”How could I get that wrong??? ::hangs head in shame::
I’ll take it either way
Fuck off, Tulpa!
I suspect I probably know you from Twitter.
I would not touch Twitter with Steve Smith’s schlong so that’s probably not me.
Twitter can be amusing.
Just this morning I saw one of my author colleagues got Twitter gulag for badmouthing TERFs.
My schadenladyboner was almost visible.
Lately, Twitter strikes me as an electronic Lord of the Flies. Other than following links from here, the only time I’m moved to surf it is when there’s fast-breaking Big News I want to follow.
I do it for the LULz. I follow several wildly diverse crowds and after a while it’s just absurdist theater.
Now, fuck off, Tulpa!
That Philly professor…
Cheese, wine and grass. Sounds like a good day in Amsterdam. I like that parlor guitar.
Think I’ll get my EL-00 out today. It’s been a while since I’ve played it. Maybe put some new strings on it?
I envy you guitar players. I took lessons as a wee sloper but my instructor up and moved to Hawaii from the small frozen town I grew up in. I was thinking of doing a “learn a new thing” series ala Straffin’s sketch series, but based on guitar. Lots of free lessons out there and the best ones from my research are not expensive. Lots of free audio recording software out there too so we newbies could embarrass ourselves in public and you real guitar players could send in your cool riffs. That is a commitment though and I am not sure I have time for it given my lazy nature.
“The message of ‘I amsterdam’ is that we are all individuals in the city. We want to show something different: diversity, tolerance, solidarity.
Fuck you, you authoritarian cunt. This kind of stuff makes me rethink my opposition to helicopter rides.
I think the worst part is that she’s upset that people come, take selfies with the sign and don’t appreciate the art in the museum. How dare they not be tourists the way she thinks they should be tourists.
Yep. The thing that the people actually like is vulgar. We’ll civilize them through force.
‘The woman behind the removal is city councillor and Amsterdam leader of the left wing GroenLinks party, Femke Roosma.’
*shocked face*
Seriously though, I’d respect shit like this a hair more if they just came out and said they want conformity, uniformity, hive-mindedness, the complete and total destruction of the individual in every form…You know, Marxism.
They’re so used to lying about their actual goals they just assume everyone does it.
That’s why they hear “dogwhistles” and “micro-aggressions” everywhere. The possibility that someone could actually be speaking plain truth is completely alien to them.
Oh yeah, it’s anti-individual communist bullshit, just like the Women’s March, the DNC Primary, and the MSM.
“authoritarian cunt. This kind of stuff makes me rethink my opposition to helicopter rides.”
No, no, no. She’s just the leader of the left wing party. But some fat right party. So how could she be authoritarian? The Nazis were known for their emphasis on individualism.
Meh, It was an ugly ass stupid bit of ‘public art’ and the world is better off without it, whether the reason for it’s removal was noble or not. Good riddance.
“Meh, [bad take]”
Like clockwork.
You like the sesame street letter art installations? they’re lazy at best and lacking of any style, design, or craft, feh on the lot of them.
What that really reads like: the hoi polloi were using the square in front of an art museum, when it should only be for fart-sniffing art connoisseurs. Now, the elite can take their own pictures without all the rabble obstructing the view and they can walk to the museum without having to risk their bubble getting invaded by the inane babble of the common folk. Any socialistic pretense about “individualism” or “mass tourism” is just a bullshit deflection from their haughty actions.
The march “is committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect.”
That’s nice.
And totally not bullshit!
This woman is excellent at hiding the meat.
That’s some strong elastic.
Probably a better use of fed grant money than getting shrimp to walk on treadmills or some such nonsense.
Yeah, the rest he just wasted.
They do a straight up propaganda piece, with Trump as the villain.
From Frontline? Never in a million years could I have predicted that.
At least you can take comfort that it was partially funded with your tax dollars.
In a past life, Mr. GT worked for a time at a pro sound & lighting company. He tells a tale of a job working at a strip club in the middle of the day, when both the dancers and the customers are pretending to have a good time. Don’t recall whether it was he or a coworker who coined the phrase, “If you’ve seen two, you’ve seen ’em all.”
So if you’ve seen Hillary Clinton’s saggy tits, you don’t need to see any others?
This calls for a pornhub closed caption contest. How do you spell schluurp?
Harder for the blind to enjoy. Class action. ADA violations
I forget, where in the constitution is the authority for enforcing the ADA?
Cause when they do the Double Dutch….
This calls for a pornhub closed caption contest.
*ding dong*
You two have that backwards.
/paging Karl Hungus
*Nooooo, you’re my stepbrother!*
*Do you want to borrow my car or not?*
*slurp, slurp, squck*
*mommy needs to see if you have a hernia*
Oh would you look at that. There’s an 8 o’clock in the MORNING too! Who knew?
Some of us have already been hard at work for hours by 8AM.
I was up working at 2:00 a.m. I learned when I worked graves that there are actually 24 hours in every day.
Even now, the media are trying to get Warren across the finish line. CNN, for example, publicly took her side this week in a disagreement with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who she claimed told her a woman couldn’t be elected president. This story, by the way, was first reported by CNN based on information provided anonymously by the Warren campaign.
Warren’s leak of the supposed details of a private conversation might have won her sympathy from journalists who already support her, but she has sealed her fate by earning the contempt of Sanders’s supporters.
In a way, it is fitting that CNN’s pro-Warren story could be her undoing. Perhaps the kindest thing the press can do for the senator right now is to stop trying to help.
They make their living by credulously passing along every “leak” from “sources familiar with”; as long as it conforms to the approved narrative. Of course they want to broadcast Warren’s self-promoting allegations without pesky doubts.
And they are definitely not perceptive enough to identify the negative aspects of their helpfulness.
Somehow, they’re managing to prove to their own sycophantic adherents that they’re fake news. It is truly a glorious development.
That post-debate “hot mike” incident seemed really, really stilted and staged. And now, zinga! CNN “uncovered” the moment and released the secret footage.
Footage that makes her look ridiculous and Bernie look fairly decent for not rising to the bait.
All of which is good for the DNC, since I highly doubt either of them can beat Trump. Actually, let me revise that, since I predicted that once the polling turned to actual votes in the Republican primary, Trump would not receive a single vote. So go find a big grain of salt for my predictions on what the American public will do. But the America I know would never, ever fall for those socialists. They might fall for a politician that tells them what they want to hear…. but the America I grew up in doesn’t want to hear a communist/socialist message.
I fear America is no longer the America you grew up in.
I’m still fairly convinced that the last 4 years have all been a dream sequence and I’m going to wake up next to Suzanne Pleshette any second now. Pretty much everything that has happened is goofier than having a brother Daryl and an other brother Daryl.
Fun fact: During the fiction writing class I took last summer, the instructor specifically forbade us from ending a story with the “It was all a dream!” shtik.
The trouble with assuming that the last 4 years have been a dream is that when you wake up, Hilary might be president. **SHUDDERS**
100 million in campaign money and they can’t even make a decent deep-fake.
That Amsterdam story utterly nauseates me.
Anything but a diversity of individuals.
Uniformity is diversity.
War is peace.
This @target manager Tori is not honoring the price of their items per massachusetts law
David Leavitt
@David_Leavitt I just had to call the police because
@target Refused to sell me the toothbrush
2:08 PM · Jan 17, 202
What a giant D-bag.
Yeah, that was posted last night. He’s a little bitch. Comments letting him have it though. Rough life he has.
Hoping drugs are falling out off his ass now.
Apparently this is his thing. Not his first time pulling this sort of stunt, if the twitter research mob is to be believed.
For those who didn’t click….dude found a very expensive electric toothbrush system labeled on the shelf for $0.01. Called the cops because the manager said that isn’t the actual price, it is an error.
As if that weren’t enough, he’s attempting to drum up an internet mob against the hapless manager and posted her picture.
That’s beatdown worthy.
He got trammeled on Twitter pretty badly.
He needs some feedback in a slightly more solid form than ASCII characters.
A lot of people do.
He forgot “sniveling cunte”.
At least this waterheaded retard has a blue check mark. That way we know he is a true ‘jurnolist’.
As much as I disdain twitter, at the very least it exposes human debris like this for heaping piles of scorn that he so richly deserves.
Good morning to you, Old Man! And a good morning to the Dutchman and all my weird friends as well!
We got some snow overnight – so beautiful.
I love the Old Man Music today! I saved Mulvey in Spotify and will listen some more. Looks like he will be here in March at one of my favorite venues, so I may have to check that out.
Here’s my contribution.
So Duluth it hurts!
Have a great day, peeps! It’s Hockey Day Minnesota here, so all is well!
Since you know who SP and I are, when you see him, please tell him that you saw his music on our fascist site.
And seriously, he’s a super nice guy and his shows are fantastic.
Absolutely do not do that, please.
Go ahead and say you know us and even that we turned you on to him, but not where. Thank you in advance.
(Caffeine deprived, so ignore if this was all humor I missed.)
but not where
Given the commentariat can’t blame you for that. These people embarrass me too.
No worries! I can’t begin to explain this place to normals.
Letters to the Local Rag: Piss Off, You Whippersnappers
I have purchased a bottle of your American Elijah Craig Small Batch whiskey and while it is not bad, at 140 lei a bottle I am not sure it is worth the extra 60 compared to Buffalo Trace. Ardbeg Uigeadail is much better, at a little over twice the price.
I agree with all of that.
My buy list keeps getting longer.
Pretty heavy for a carry piece isn’t it?
Looks nice, though.
40 oz?
Yeah, no thanks.
I was thinking it would be a sweet range toy. Plus I’m happy to see new stuff with metal frames.
Here’s the toy I’m looking at now. Just to spite the mag capacity laws that are coming.
I’ve been very tempted by them, but have not picked one up yet.
Don’t buy a pmr 30 unless you are for sure only treating it as a neat toy that goes bang a lot of times in a row.
22 mag is a great varmint round.
I just need more varmints to justify the 30 rounds.
I think the Ruger American in .17HMR or .22 mag is better. But I like optics and making prairie dog stew from downtown. To each their own.
People are starting to go bananas over the Ruger 57. That fat tacticool USAF guy just jizzed all over his.
Nutnfancy? I used to really enjoy his gun dweebiness when I knew nothing about guns.
Yeah, him.
Here’s another one.
Yeah, that looks interesting.
one of the guys in IDPA just bought this. Since he knows I shoot an M9, he’s going to let me shoot the LTT to make me jealous.
My current IDPA plan is to buy one of these and send it to CGW to work on it while keeping it SSP-legal. I’ll probably also have it chromed because wtf not?
I have the CZ PCR on my list. I also have a 92 on my list as well. Not sure between the LTT or the Wilson Combat though. They both look pretty sweet.
How dare they not be tourists the way she thinks they should be tourists.
She loves mankind. It’s just that she can’t stand people.
I hope the propagandists pretending to be journalists continue to have their reputations diminished as in bother the McSally and Warren links. If people start to realize that they are being hoodwinked by the media, maybe some of them will start thinking for themselves. Can you imagine having conversations with people (outside of here) who don’t just parrot some bullshit narrative, but have a well thought through opinion?
The problem is finding the facts. Outside of print journalism, there really are no first sources. So even if you are the right-wing version of “woke”, you still have to get your news somewhere. And it isn’t like Brietbart is some reliable facts-only source.
Navigating around by yourself, rejecting stories that “feel” like propaganda and accepting stories that “seem” more accurate is exactly what the proggies are doing. That is a recipe for having your biases confirmed.
It would be really nice to have a compendium of “what is happening” devoid of spin, with journalists dedicated to presenting their best version of an unbiased recording of events. I’m afraid that is impossible…. even if the human element didn’t make it so difficult to present an objective picture, the economics of journalism seem to run counter to that ever being a viable business again.
“Navigating around by yourself, rejecting stories that “feel” like propaganda and accepting stories that “seem” more accurate is exactly what the proggies are doing. That is a recipe for having your biases confirmed.”
I see your point, but the thing we need is for people to just be critical with regards to news reports and follow up.
For example look at kavanaugh. I was willing to believe the story, but wanted more info. When I was told I had to believe of the scant story from the woman, it set off a lot of alarm bells. Following up with the story you see it fall in line with the common media hit piece pattern: outrageous claim, followed by quiet walking back, Finally never correcting people for using the outrageous claim (“Kavanaugh is a rapist”). After seeing CNN “get it wrong” enough you start to see them as what they are.
that ever being a viable business again
Was it ever?
No. (And I would argue it’s impossible, anyway.)
The news has always been biased. What changed over the 2nd half of the last century is that the MSM started posturing itself as “unbiased” when of course it never was. Before that nobody would have recognized such a thing.
Remember the Maine!
Yes. His holiness Barack said it was better times when we all worked from the same set of facts.
It’s not always just about “first source”. Sometimes it’s just about being willing to hear other “takes” and to be willing to think critically. Being willing to listen to various diverse viewpoints will definitely help you weed out facts from opinions. I remember reading an Amy Goodman book I got from the library (I didn’t want to give her any money), knowing that she was a commie. Guess what, she talked about certain facts regarding the neocons in the run up to the second Iraq War with cited sources (the neocons themselves!) that I had not heard anywhere on the MSM and was totally verifiable. Even the stuff in her book that was bullshit gave me further insight into the left ideology that helped me to further understand future narratives. Reading Chomsky did the same thing.
Not enough people will realize it and if they do, how would we know?
Fuck a duck. Brooks’d it. That was to AlmightyJB.
I am not awake voluntarily. Still working at 2:00 a.m. and am now at doc with XY because he didn’t want his dad to take him.
Hopefully you get a nap later!
Letters to the Local Rag: Justifying Crimes Against Humanity
Nahh pretty sure PG-13 means “parental guidance 13”
My 8 year old sister when my parents took us to
Quest For Firein the theaters:“What are the man and woman doing mom?”
“Oh, they’re just wrestling in the mud.”
Bah… that was supposed to be italics, but you get the point.
And also the waiting room music is too loud and stupid. Looking at you Phil Collins.
So…. you’re not feeling it in the air this morning?
[insert clever riposte here]
Tell them to put on some Slayer.
I would really prefer dead silence.
I saw them back in ’86 at the Coliseum. Great show.
I did a search of their catalog, and I don’t see “silence” by The Dead. They did use recordings of silence in the desert in their track “Anthem of the Sun” in order to give it an ambiance of “thick air” though.
Or maybe Winger is more your speed, rather than Slayer?
Oh now it’s Bad English.
I had to suffer through this the first time.
Not Phil’s fault. Unless it’s “Sussudio.”
*pokes eardrums out*
“As an Arizonan, I am appalled by my choice between this piece of shit and the “fuck the constitution, my wife is missing half her brain” piece of shit.”
At least I have Mike Lee.
The Women’s March link led me to the Gender Unicorn. A Unicorn is actually a pretty good symbol since it doesn’t exist.
Also known as:
The Gender Unicorn more resembles a purple hippo. Funny that…
It’s not trying to conform to some unrealistic standard of beauty, bigot!
Here’s a jangly little outfit from Amsterdam. Weird video. Warning: drops f-bomb right off the bat.
Naive Set: So Far So Gone https://youtu.be/eUuXFB4T23o
The guitar-playing sweater is a little creepy…
Another band from Amsterdam.
Holy shit did Matador have a stable back in the ’90s.
Nice Les Paul. And yeah Matador was the shiznit. And Merge Records.
“advocate for women’s rights and equality.”
I suspect this does not mean what they want us to think it means.
“the message is too “ego-centric” and “individualistic.”
It is impossible to overstate the difference that one’s view of oneself makes in ideas and behavior. Americans are fairly unique in all of the world for a reason. Most of us dont think of ourselves as sheep or subjects. Well, aside from those democrats that thinks the government owns us. Fuckin’ sheep are for roasting.
Warren has no credibility whatsoever. The whitest white girl there ever was claiming to be an Injun. There just aren’t enough useful idiots out there to believe what they are told in spite of their lying eyes. I will be president before that fascist shit will.
Govt grant money is poison. Want to know what is wrong with academia? Need not look further than that.
Unfortunately I think that attitude is dying.
My father’s parents were poor. Dirt floor poor for quite a while. Yet grandma would feed the hobos who hopped of the nearby train tracks out of her back door. They would have cut off an arm before the took a bit of “charity” from anyone.
Now the prevailing culture is “pay for my stuff! It isn’t fair!!!”
I resemble this attitude. 6 years of living between the CA legislature buildings and an ever growing homeless camp made me see some less humane reaction to human suffering from myself. The current landscape looks bleak yo.
Even if Warren was 1/4 native American, or 1/2 native – she doesn’t look native and didn’t grow up on the Rez. Thus, she never experienced any of the discrimination that affirmative action is allegedly trying to compensate for. She lied and took someone else’s spot.
And as a blue eyed, blond haired, slender woman, she was about the most privileged creature on the planet. Nobody gets their ass kissed as much during the first 30 years of existence as the people that check those boxes.
Navigating around by yourself, rejecting stories that “feel” like propaganda and accepting stories that “seem” more accurate is exactly what the proggies are doing.
To be honest, i do that, too. I just tell myself my bullshit detector is more finely calibrated than the average Harvard Man’s.
Pelosi Releases Limited-Edition Replica Of Dentures Worn During Trump Impeachment
The Bee should really sell something like that as merch with a little display case. I’d love to keep it in the house to confuse visitors.
Little wind-up chattering teeth with her name on them would be more appropriate.
Is gun good or is gun bad? In February 2011 a young me bought a gun after being influenced by a certain libertarian magazine/website. Today I still enjoy the same firearm even after some untold number of explosions and holes punched through matter. Gun good. Guns better.
Why does the future suck? Does it have to do with Virginia Postrel? I bet it does.
It’s about time, Tulpa.
Where the fuck have you been?
I do wonder if Virginia lurks just to feel the rage again.
We all need a devil to focus our hate on.
Wasn’t he the guy who bragged about smacking his women around cuz they like it or some such retarded shit?
Why do I have to be Tulpa? Tulpas, I hate those guys. I actually went looking for the old.site and noticed that the place that used to have comments is hard to find now. But still populated with familiar names. What a weird relationship.
Sorry I’m late seeing this….
Shut up, Tulpa!
Oh, and you are right… Hit n’ Run was a much better name than “latest”, even if latest is more self explanatory for the new arrival than HnR.
Oh and I was in Sacramento, California. But it became increasingly hellish so I went back to somewhere less committed to fire and brimstone.
I was in Sacto last week and earlier this week. Lots of homeless. But I went to a mermaid bar. And old school dinner at Sam’s Hof Brau https://yelp.to/qTKq/LncxfR3Tl3
Also had the best salad in my 50 years at Magpie Cafe. Crab and avocado salad, with a six minute egg, watercress, and radicchio. Grapefruit vinaigrette. https://yelp.to/qTKq/pG7So1gUl3
You picked good spots. I lived about 10 blocks east of dive bar and used to juggle fire with one of the mermaids. Nice!
“used to juggle fire with one of the mermaids. ” So this is how we say it now?
Welcome waffles.
Now fuck off.
With pleasure.
Zardoz is a fan of the gun…
Oh look my profile pic is a me from the same era, spoopy
Fixed it, this is more accurate
Silicone Saturday enjoys a Dutch original IYKWIMAITYD.
Yes please.
#7 is the answer to the question, “Boats are holes in the water in which you throw money, why do you own a boat?”
When it comes down to it, about 95% of everything men do is to try and get laid.
At least the stuff women see me doing, sure. But the hobbies and tinkering and stuff in realms so geeky no women dare tread I can’t imagine anyone getting laid. Some nuts are better than others,
Fake news! That’s not even a bikini on #1.
I will have to carefully inspect the rest to see if I can find anything else that’s wrong.
intentional egregious misrepresentations are tearing the nation asunder
Virginia’s only socialist state legislator said he has been the target of multiple death threats over a bill that pro-gun activists misinterpreted as a potential threat to their rights.
The legislation introduced by Lee Carter, a 32-year-old Bernie Sanders-endorsed socialist, would allow public school teachers to strike without being fired, and has in fact nothing to do with guns. But some gun rights activists wrongly interpreted it as an attempt to fire law enforcement officials who might refuse to comply with gun control laws introduced by Virginia’s new Democratic legislative majority.
Carter, says he has been so concerned about the death threats that he has started openly carrying a handgun to protect himself.
On Monday, when tens of thousands of gun rights activists will converge on the state capitol in Richmond for what is expected to be a volatile demonstration against the new gun control bills introduced by Virginia Democrats, Carter said that he plans to be in hiding, at an undisclosed location, concerned that he might be a target of violence even in his own home.
Public school teachers in other states have used strikes “to successfully raise the alarm about the conditions that they are teaching kids in”, Carter said. As a supporter of workers’ rights, he said, he wanted to make it possible for Virginia’s teachers to strike without being fired.
His original bill did not even get a hearing last year, he said, in part because his fellow lawmakers were concerned about the possibility of strikes by police officers undermining public safety. So he re-wrote the bill language, allowing all public employees except law enforcement officials to strike without penalty, and re-introduced it for the 2020 legislative session.
But when some gun rights activists read the bill, they claimed it meant something entirely different.
Those rednecks are twisting his words. They wrongly claim that legislation could have “unintended” alternate interpretations.
Fortunately, the good Socialist is above such slanders. He would never put words in somebody else’s mouth.
“[The extreme right] has been saying for years that an assault weapon ban is going to be their excuse to start killing people,” Carter said. “I tried to have this conversation with my colleagues, but, frankly, a lot of my colleagues don’t want to believe that that’s out there.”
I’m sure he has that on tape.
‘Carter, says he has been so concerned about the death threats that he has started openly carrying a handgun to protect himself.’
How the fuck does irony work again?
“misinterpreted as a potential threat to their rights”
Well golly gee willikers, I guess when someone wants to confiscate my legally obtained property at threat of imprisonment, I’m “misinterpreting” that as a violation of my rights! Goodness, gracious, I’m so glad that’s been cleared up!
Dude, step away from The Guardian. Save your sanity while you can.
“Carter, says he has been so concerned about the death threats that he has started openly carrying a handgun to protect himself.”
And when confiscation begins, if it does, this fuckhead should be the first one disarmed.
I can see what they’re trying to do here; “wait, wait, we’re not trying to get rid of your ability to defend yourself! Our guy is doing it right now!” Instead it just comes off as astronomical hypocrisy.
These “conditions” include not getting even more money thrown into the giant money pit that is public education. But from the wording of it, you’d think the kids and teachers were in some kind of dangerous situation. I guess not hiring the 197th useless functionary and only giving every student last year’s iPad model are on par with child labor and constant danger.
Yeah, that’s a pretty big whopper amongst all the other whoppers. Around here they don’t even bother to hide the fact that they just strike for a bigger paycheck.
Can we strike by not paying our taxes?
Smoking a bowl, watching old episodes of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, giggling like a school girl. Happy Saturday Morning.
I’m quite jealous; MST3K introduced to me to my cinematic idol, Herschel Gordon Lewis. I’m spending my morning at the Dr., getting blood work done. Yesterday I had my very first checkup since I left Army in the 1990s. Apparently the sawbones believes a blood pressure of 236/149 is cause for concern.
236/149? Holy crap my man! You have a constant ringing in your ears? That is Chernobyl level BP.
No shit. Good god, I0b0t. I’m kinda high strung myself, but that sounds kinda serious. Hope whatever’s causing that is easily and cheaply corrected.
I take it your BP is a surprise to you. Did you mention your recent stressor to the doc?
BP was a total shock. No headaches or dizzyness or anything like that. Is anxiety/stress something that could cause a spike? They gave a pill at yesterday’s appt. but it had no effect so they gave me a second one… ditto. Dr. RX’d a beta blocker and I have to go back on Tuesday.
I have serious “white coat syndrome” and my BP is way spiked when in a doctors office. That could explain some of it but wow, that is some big numbers.
Anxiety & stress can both spike blood pressure.
The insidious thing about high bp is that you don’t feel much, if anything, by way of symptoms (usually).
Good luck with all this! You can pick up a bp cuff cheap; you should probably do that and monitor yourself for a while.
At least it got caught before getting worse!
From observing relatives’ experiences, Tenex seems to have fewer side effects than beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors (dizziness and persistent cough, respectively).
Yeah, would be good to have some baseline readings from home. There’re all sorts of variables in measuring, such as how long you’ve been seated. And don’t trust Fitbit or Apple Watch (IMO).
PS. They might give you a combo of meds so personal preference re side effects might be moot. At least you weren’t admitted to hospital?
FWIW, I’ve been on an ACE inhibitor for years w/ no issues.
Granted, I’m “pre-hypertension”, so it’s probably a smaller dose than they’d be giving l0b0t.
Regardless, glad they caught that, l0b0t.
Good for them.
Whippersnappers. Nice.
But my town started painting the crosswalks with rainbows in the gay neighborhoods and with the African black/red/green colors in the black parts of town. Does that mean if I cross the street, I hate gays and blacks or if I refuse to use the crosswalk I’m a bigot?
For the record, I missed you. All of you. I appreciate that this place very much still exists more than you could know. Thanks!
Very nice to see you around. Just last week (while making waffles for the kids, ‘natch), I was wondering whatever happened to Waffles. Cheers
Yeah I’m not dead, just a recovering clown.
“Editor’s Note – By remarkable coincidence, they’re all Democrats”
Well imagine that!
Wrong! From the linx……..
Fake news. I have been assured that voter fraud never happens.
More amazing is that a Denver-based local news outlet actually reported it. If it were going to be reported at all, I’d think it would be C. Springs or Grand Junction.
They were the suppressed part of the electorate, Systemic prejudice against the dead is everywhere.
I get an impassable captcha when I click on that. I must be a robot.
Constitution. Schmonstitutiin
Fuck it, I hope they defy that ruling.
They almost have to. Like the article says, a successful ban will make it automatic for every fucking Dem governor to declare a state of emergency whenever they feel like it.
Fuck that.
Will be interesting if someone gets arrested for open carry.
The media will smear them as armed dangerous criminals intentionally inciting violence. Or flay the police for not arresting that person.
If there was a ranking for most discredited people of the Trump presidency, it would be a tie between “journalists” and “civil libertarians”.
Maybe Trump should declare a national emergency this coming November and close all polling places to the public, citing national security concerns. That would be within his power as President, right?
Morefrom our Virginia socialist:
Instead, he said, he believed Democrats had an “head in the sand” mentality, he said, “that we can enact this policy, and that it will be fine”.
“Their faith in institutions is so strong that they refuse to believe it’s not shared by everyone.”
Those poor innocent, trusting lambs. All they want is for everyone to share their enthusiasm for the total subjugation of the rabble via the ironfisted rule of a benevolent Mandarinate. Instead, they are being thwarted by radical individualists and suchlike anti-government nutjobs.
RE: “Liberal hacks”
The fact that CNN, ABC, CBS, NYT… et. al. are “liberal” (read: progressive Left) is not news to anyone outside of low-information types. Even dedicated consumers I’m sure would admit the bias of their preferred outlets.
I also agree that “unbiased” news is probably impossible due to market forces and the fact that it’s not possible for a human to fully eliminate his own bias. HOWEVER, (and this may well be my own bias creeping in), “conservative” outlets (HotAir, Daily Caller, PJ Media, Breitbart, etc.) always explicitly identify as “conservative outlets”. Legacy media, I think, could gain back a lot of goodwill and credibility if they quit pretending to be impartial and started identifying as “progressive” up front. It’s also why I think MSNBC doesn’t get taken to task nearly as much as CNN.
It still amazes me how much the general public is still willing to pretend that CNN is in the “news” business. They and their peers in the media were humiliatingly wrong on every front with fever dreams. This is comparable to pretending as if Trump is an independent investigator for asking about Obama’s birth certificate. There is no difference between “birtherism” and “Russia Fever Dreams”.
She was right to call that reporter a liberal hack.
RE: Picking up chicks at the Women’s March.
It would be an interesting experiment (using a fake name of course) to see how successful, if at all, you could be trying to score at said event. Even more interesting would be seeing if any of the women are actually fuckable.
And then not get accused of rape the next morning.
I A|B tested some fake names and some are definitely sexier than others.
The phrase NOW Cows is a thing.
Tim Tebow Opens Up About Wedding Planning with His Fiancée: ‘I Just Mostly Say Yes, Babe’
Will his boyfriend also be attending the wedding?
Yes, Babe are two very important words in a marriage
He’s smarter than I thought.
I think he could do better.
Why is he so sweaty? Haircut gets an ?.
He’s about to get married.
^^^Nazi confirmed.
Anyone covering the tiny flying robot beat? I’m pretty deep into the build crash fly and repeat game. The FAA has proposed to make everything I do illegal (well, even more illegal). This is disgusting overreach on behalf of their crony lust to parcel out the sky to amazon et al. I can rant or write plenty sometime, We live in the shitty cyberpunk future baby.
I build and fly, and don’t crash as much as I used to, but yea, fuck the FAA, registering toys, what a joke
I really love my mid-range quad setups but I spend way more time tinkering than flying. Trying to brush up on skills in a tiny whoop race league this winter,
I love to build, it seems that 2 of my 3D foamies were seriously damaged in the move to AZ, so do I repair? or rebuild?
Yes. I haven’t done fixed wing in a long time. Since when electric was newfangled and 3d was glow. All fpv now. Thinking of going wing when I get my next itch to fly something different. Need to set a good mile challenge PB on tthe quad to beat on a wing. (one mile out and back fastest time wins)
They make FPV flying wings, they look pretty sweet,
I also agree that “unbiased” news is probably impossible due to market forces and the fact that it’s not possible for a human to fully eliminate his own bias.
The mere existence of editorial discretion makes truly unbiased news a lie.
Bloomberg’s blackout on coverage of Mike! may be a particularly egregious example, but we see it all the time. From both ends of the spectrum.
Whelp, got my 2nd pot roast in the cooker. As mentioned previously, I am trying to go a little lighter on the potatoes/etc this time and adding cauliflower/broccoli (in the last hour or so – per Rhywun’s recs, etc). Expect I will quarter the large florets – think that should work for cooking and then chop them up further upon completion.
Also…got my application fully submitted to the Apprentice School in Newport News….fingers crossed.
Apprentice? I thought you were a Commander? Good Fortune to you!
I’m a Lieutenant Commander/Major in the Reserves (just applied for my next billet in the Norfolk area), but I’m ready to go from a desk job to getting my hands dirty and actually producing something (active duty gave me a decent mix…) – I’m dying in the office right now. My first 4 years (2 ships), I spent about 1 year in different dry docks and a lot of pierside maintenance…really interested in working on it from the other side now.
Good deal, building is way more fun than paperwork,
As a former boatswains mate shallow water navy (as you squids call it) I give a hearty ?. Loved the Mariners Museum in Newport News.
Apprentice School? And right on with the pot roast + 1 jar of horseradish.
http://www.as.edu (Huntington Ingalls)
this roast is garlic/balsamic heavy.
Peggy: Did having a woman on the Supreme Court ruin it?
Hank: Yes. And that woman’s name was “Earl Warren”.
Stumbled upon “King of the Hill” last night. I forgot how good that cartoon was
Who knew animation could be a documentary?
Top 5 show. The early episodes began with hank as a backwards Texan stuck in his ways shown to be good natured, but wrong about a lot of things. Later episodes Ended up showing that Hank was usually always right about things and people who were against him were patently wrong and even those against him with good intentions ended up making things much worse. Show wouldn’t be allowed on the air today unless it showed Hank and his ilk as terrible racist/sexist jerk offs and made to be the butt of every joke.
backwards Texan
The thing I like is that Hank has his own life in order, but he’s not busy telling others what to do. He helps his friends and he gives solid advice when it’s appropriate, but mostly he just mows his yard every week and changes the oil.
+ 1 drinking beer in the alley. When it first came out me and whats her face number two never missed an episode. Boring lives are good especially when your goal is not to lay demands on others, as well as propane and propane accessories.
+1 All in the Family
Is that on cable anywhere? I never see it.
Link expires next Saturday
Geez thanks but I don’t really wanna watch on my computer ?
Plex.tv is your friend. It’s a media server for your home PC that allows you stream your entire collection to any capable device (tv, Roku, tablet, phone, etc.) wherever you have wi-fi or phone service.
Plex is teh awesome.
Yearly Plex Pass subscriber. I’ve got the server on my Synology NAS and got a Silicon Dust TV tuner, too – awesome to watch broadcast HDTV from anywhere.
I hear tell of communities where you can get access to other people’s Plex servers and they’re loaded up with, ah, movies, but I haven’t gone seeking them out.
I _did_ rip all of my DVDs a while back, but it’s shocking how much better the streaming version of most things is.
Old man music
fuck the FAA, registering toys, what a joke
What are the rules on RC fixed wing airplanes? None, right? Why would drones be different?
Stop laughing.
Also- there are some really killer aerial videos shot from drones. Losing that ability would suck.
Nope, My planes are all registered, anything over 8 ounces must have a Number, cost me 5 bucks for 3 years.
We don’t fly autonomous, but still play by the ridiculous rules…
And I am fully noncompliant. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0pG3tzfvpOR4F_dHynrJW_LzVLpc65TM
My planes are all registered
I did not know.
I knew some people, way back, who flew RC stuff. They never mentioned being required to register them, that I recall, but…
I flew in the early 00s and the registration stuff didn’t come until a decade later. Next they forbid all homemade craft (list of approved manufacture) and will require ID transponders broadcasting from all craft. So bump that noise.
It would be interesting to see how many more private aircraft are flying now compared to 10, 20, 50 years ago too. I know there seem to be a LOT more private folks flying (I know there are a LOT of legacy/redundant airfields from the 1920s/30s you can find all over the place – but I think between WWII and 2000 or thereabouts, there were comparably fewer private planes due to costs/etc).
The more crowded the airspace gets, the more complicated things get too – AI, automation should make some of this easier to track, but it’s still easy to throw a wrench in things (or a bird/drone in an engine) and screw things up big time.
There are a billion birds. Just saying. All my craft weigh much less than a sparrow.
If your stuff is that small, I could care less. I thought you were talking about scale RC models.
https://youtu.be/oT-icKMMYfEn like this
But drones are different than model airplanes! They can carry hellfire missiles.
I did Skyrockets on a plane once, it did not end well….
No afternoon delight?
Afternoon delight?
Honest? Honest as the day is long.
President Donald Trump took aim at Virginia Democrats and their push to stiffen the state’s gun laws, saying that the U.S. Constitution was under attack just as thousands of armed militia members began arriving in Richmond for a Monday gun rally.
Trump doubled down with his support of gun enthusiasts in the state, which Hilary Clinton won in 2016 and where Democrats took full control of the state legislature for the first time in a generation in November, as candidates made passing stronger gun control laws a central campaign theme.
“Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia,” Trump wrote in a post on Twitter Friday night, referring to the amendment in the Bill of Rights that gives Americans the right to keep and bear firearms. “That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away.”
The Virginia Senate late on Thursday passed bills to require background checks on all firearms sales, limit handgun purchases to one a month, and restore local governments’ right to ban weapons from public buildings and other venues.
Gun-control activists have reported a growing number of online death threats as the lawmakers press on and ahead of a rally by arms enthusiasts on Monday in Richmond, the state capital, which authorities are trying to keep from becoming violent.
Thousands of armed militia members. Were they on horseback, under the Confederate Battle Flag?
Why can’t those people see how crazy they are? They are trampling the right of good honest hardworking Virginians to live their lives free of fear and danger.
Name seven.
That’s irritating – I knew the laws made it out of committee, but I didn’t think they were voting on any of them before Lobby Day. Way to listen to the constituents jerk-offs.
authorities are trying to keep from becoming violent
Lying liars lie.
Just… stop that.
Supporters say more restrictive laws would help decrease the number of people killed by guns each year. Gun-rights activists assert that the constitution guarantees their right to possess any firearm.
Militias, neo-Nazis and other groups have vowed to swarm the capital and police are expecting several thousand people at the pro-gun rally on Monday.
Bad people are bad. Why must Bad Orange Man pander to the bad people?
OMG not them!