I got my power link hanging right here.
First two links are the same story.
What you don’t have in size, you make up for in quantity.
Rumor has it, you’re hung like a cashew.
Click the link in my handle and find out why I’m always carrying around a trashcan to hide my junk. ?
“UAE tanker abandoned, drifting in Arabian sea UPDATE Sank”
The Flying Musliman?
Did you just assume the ship’s pronouns?
I read Capesize as capsize and didn’t understand how it was still under power. Reading comprehension skills need refreshing
Robbie making his rounds on Tucker this evening.
Fruit Sushi!!!!!!
I saw him, too. The TV was on mute though in the lounge. In any case, at least it wasn’t CNN at the airport.
It was the Wessels
Checkov was piloting the ship?
Beam me up Donny!
Best timeline ever.
Epic. ?
+1 Traficant
Horst timeline ever.
Global warmingclimate changeclimate emergency, obviously.Looks like a lot of guns will be lost, SEA SMITH needs to check into this, make sure this isn’t some sort of scam
To pick things up.
Makes me miss my days as a hobo. Knew plenty of chicks like this.
Did you have your sleepin’ bag rolled up behind the couch or is that a drifter?
My step father, from the 30s and the Depression talked about his hobo days and the difference between a hobo and a bum. Didn’t sound too romantic.
I know it was less romantic than my memories of it were. Being a hobo in the 80s was a bit easier. There were temp places at every city where you could show up at four in the morning, be loaded on a bus with a bologna sandwich, and work in a factory for the day. They paid cash, as well, so it was ideal for a person of my lifestyle. Those six years had some good times, some bad times, some scary times, some times of the greatest freedom and joy of my life.
Part of me feels like I want to hop a train every time I hear one go by.
How does one get into hoboism? I mean the mindset? Like chronic unemployment? Adventurism?
In the late ’50s, early ’60s some of us talked about Soldier of Fortuneism, Castro had just came to power and Africa was falling apart. Problem was we had a contract but it didn’t include the Fortune part.
It was stupidity. I was in college. Day before I turned 18, the rain was beating down hard. I woke up to my fiance looking at me, full of tears. Told me she was leaving me for the bartender at the place she worked as a cocktail waitress. After a month or two of spending some time at the bottom of a bottle, I packed what I had (including a can of Dinty Moore beef stew which traveled with me a full year before I opened it! Best meal of my life, somehow.) and just started walking. Moved on to trying to catch a lift. Eventually cracked the “if you hold up a sign you get more rides” code. Moved on from there to trains. Every now and then I would find a new city and try to put down some roots, but it never lasted more than a few months.
Only mindset I can say is that sometimes you start walking, and just don’t see any reason to stop, you know?
Ass, grass or cash. Nobody rides for free in this life.
Now we do need an article. 6 years is a long adventure.
I’m thinking GBOB owes us all an article about his exploints/adventures
See, the problem is motivation. Sure, working at a carney, being kidnapped by nazis, finding myself on a plane with a horse all seem like good stories, but the motivation, one has to conclude, is that the protagonist is some kind of retard or something.
They all have that “wait. Why were you there, doing that again?” kind of feel.
Only one that really still has meaning for me was a cold March, stuck in Missouri. Worst couple of weeks of my life. My road dog was this chick named Cheryl. Jesus. I still love her. I was at my lowest point. No work to be found. Unfriendly cops, shaking us down for whatever we could make busking. I think I was doing my I Ching fortune telling routine back then. Anyways, we take our last tab of acid. We’re under an overpass, holding each other for warmth. I feel like I can’t go on any more. The trip begins, and she looks ta me with her green eyes. She says “One day you’re going to look at this night as the best day of your life. Bob, everything is going to be OK. O. K.”. Well, damned if the raindrops didn’t seem to turn to beautiful crystal prisms, reflecting the most beautiful god damned light I ever saw. You know what? I look back at that point, and sure as hell, that crazy lady was right. One of the best days of my life. When it’s late in the evening, and I feel down, I remember a cold night long ago where I realized that everything is going to be OK.
Jesus. Now I’m navel gazing.
Just because you might be a retard doesn’t mean we’re not interested in your story. This is Glibertarians.com. We’re all retards on one way or another.
May I steal this, verbatim, for a screenplay?
For gbob:
Remaking Flowers for Algenon where the protaganist doesn’t get smarter? Sure. Just change the name of Cheryl. She must be in her fifties. She’s either dead, or some real kind of crazy. Either way, rather not remind her of the guy she ran away from when she proposed.
What Spud said. Especially when one is in their late teens and early twenties. Christ I was an idiot but never had the balls to pack a bag and go on the road via my feet. I drove a sketchy car to FL and slept at rest stops.
My favorite kind!
No. You have a nascent gift.
Right? That’s nuts. I thought that stuff died out decades earlier.
This is not how I remember the lyrics of Runaway Train.
Does it work any different here? The relatives part that is.
We have a “too local” situation going on here. I considered joining Twitter today to throw some shade at city councillors, staff, local media, etc. After browsing for 5 minutes, I was cured of that thought.
Naaaaa, let them have it. The loudest twitter are idiots, make fun of them.
Karma is a कुतिया.
Having an angry cock always leads to mistakes.
Shut the fuck up and vote Trump! Now check out my fashion blog!
Fuck that guy. He had it coming.
Played at his funeral
Played at the internment
I think I have a mutant version of the flu (which my daughter had, then my wife, but not me yet) combined with coronavirus. I’m beat.
So I’m sitting back, being my weeb-y self and watching anime. Yay for cute animated girls.
I just spoke to Japan – does that count?
What new series are you watching?
I’m especially degenerate this month.
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T, Magia Record, BanG Dream Season 3 and Show By Rock Mashumairesh.
Okay, only the last two are particularly degenerate.
I can’t tell the amount of time Aimi and Aina Aiba show up in my video feeds!
My guilty pleasure this season is Runway de waratte.
Special Message from Aimi for BanG Dream! Girls Band Party☆PICO
Pico is the greatest (short, 4 minute episode) horror anime of all time. They kill off characters left and right.
They froze an entire band to death in this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBHMsFfHnqc
The main anime features 6 bands, 3 of which are anime-only and 3 of which play irl as well.
Main band (featuring the aforementioned Aimi) live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5qt_d-sKKw
Animated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aBsD9jpL5I
It’s my guilty pleasure.
I never understood Japanese card games
Chinpokomon Commercial
JB – I never got into BanG Dream – seemed like too much work with all the many bands. OTH, all the voice actresses are all over YouTube so I’ve become familiar with it.
Sorry, anime is one of those things I just do not get. I like plenty of nerdy things, but I don’t see anything to like in anime. The plots are as formulaic as No theater, the animation generally isn’t. Sorry zooming in on a single cel isn’t animation, you have to actual make the drawings move…; I just do not see the appeal.
80% or more of it is formulaic trash. It makes it essentially TV comfort food.
20% are the gems, but they are usually movies or a rare TV show.
I’m sure this was talked about already, but what’s up with Joe Rogan voting for Bernie Sanders? Is he trolling?
Joe’s displaying the depth of his intellect on the subject of politics.
I think he’s serious.
The funniest thing is all the shit this has caused for Bernie because Joe Rogan has said problematic things in the past and had respectful conversations with literally Hitlers like Milo and Jordan Peterson.
This is why I wonder if it is a troll.
That’s been my thinking on it today. Who knows, maybe he’s serious, but I’m pretty sure he knew exactly what would happen as a result.
I have seen it mentioned but not really discussed. I am not a follower of his podcast or youtube but the last girlfriend (former lib extraordinaire but awakening yet still suffers hard core TDS) is a fan. My guess is either TDS, he is just an idiot or it is a big troll. Not sure where to put my money.
I think it is a heartfelt if under thought through position on his part.
Bernie is sincere and that means a lot to people especially if your message is “helping people”. Doesn’t matter the murderous, soul destroying pedigree of his philosophy, Bernie wants to help and he’s not personally evil.
So, yeah. He’s an idiot in this regard.
That depends on your definition of evil.
I’m reminded of Camille Paglia laying out a thousand reasons why the Dems are so awful and then proclaiming what a Democrat she is. I really believe it’s a cultural thing for a lot of people.
Isn’t Bernie just basically like a more radical, dumber Trump?
Greta is right!
Our town just cancelled the annual Perch Derby. The ice on the lake is too thin.
The Perch Derby is almost as big a deal around here as the Waleye Festival in the summer. Probably have to cancel that too what with the lake boiling and all.
I’ve never had boiled Waleye.
My music tastes are getting weird tonight.
That’s some dark prose, right there.
Shit, somebody get this man some happy music, stat!
I’m sorry.
You’re dead to me.
You know what? I like that song. And it makes me happy. Thank you.
Not sorry.
That time I agreed with the Iranian government:
Oops, misthread.
Fits the theme.
If I had to pick my favorite genre of songs it would be happy music and twisted and dark lyrics.
That’s a catchy little tune.
Or like the song Are you about a size 14 from “Silence! The Silence of the Lambs Musical”. It made my cousin never allow me to play music in his car again.
Like this?
Here ya go bunky.
Ya know, I have SiriusXM on right now, on the “urban” channel (Shade45), and I honestly that was going to be more like-
“I bet he was a n***er”
Yale is discontinuing its popular survey course in Art History because reasons. I’m sure you can guess what those reasons are.
They might produce knowledgeable graduates?
Wait, don’t tell me. Old white dead dudes and patriarchy.
*now clicks link*
Because too many people want to learn math and science instead?
Because there aren’t many jobs in art history that will make their loans worth it?
It is the freshman history of art class not a major. A University graduate should at least know the basic outline of the culture, regardless of their major.
^^^White supremacist Nazi confirmed.
I see the donks dug up McCain’s corpse to denounce orange man.
When they rebury him they can lay him in there face-down and shove a pocket constitution up his ass as a parting gift.
I saw a man with one arm shopping at the second hand store. I told him, “you’re not gonna find what you’re looking for.”
Men with no kids shouldn’t tell dad jokes. Makes for a real faux pa.
Dad joke. Why do scuba divers fall backwards in the water? Because if they fell forward, they would hit their heads on the deck. Thanks you. This grand dad will be here all week.
Hey, if you can’t laugh at your own jokes how could we tell you are a Grandpa?
Me: “How do you find the G-Spot?”
Interviewer: “I meant any questions about the job.”
Yesterday I spotted an albino dalmatian. It was the least I could do for the guy.
Six topless women sounds nice dozen tit?
Go to bed. I’m drunk.
I’m not sure what expression Swiss would make for these.
Is there a revised debate bracket? and a schedule? (Just want to make sure Google hasn’t decided to put anything in spam)
Still waiting on Biff’s entry. Though you’ll be going up against Ozy.
I saw a man with one arm…
Now he have no arms.
Friday night funbags rocks da hizzay.
Many of them.
All of them but this dog finally caught up with the car.
“Heare there be Cryptids”
Wifey’s away again. Looks like me and the doggo get sausages and eggs for dinner.
That’s the time to clean. No wife to tell you you’re doing it wrong.
It’s not a matter of cleaning. It’s the clutter and I dare not throw shit out without knowing its purpose. Fuck. I have a truck parked right out there in the driveway. I could fill that bed three times over and make nary a dint.
I miss that freedom. From about 15 to 25 I could load all of my belongings in the bed of my pick-up and just go. Wherever.
On the “gouging” front I have an anecdatum. I agree a businessman should be able to respond to a crisis with price increases. But, going along with Spud, maybe they shouldn’t always. Reputation is worth something.
Our little town has one grocery store ( market area maybe 4k folks). It used to have two. We’re at the end of every supply chain, so shortages show up here first. The day after Sunday is kown as “Milkless Monday”. Anyway, some years ago there was a particulary bad winter and even larger MT cities had supply problems, nevermind out little backwater which suffered them a lot. One store raised their prices accordingly and the other one didn’t. Bob’s (there really was a Bob) kept their prices the same, but limited quantities (IOW rationing). There was a lot of resentment about the “gouging” and when things got back to normal everyone shopped a Bob’s and the other place went under. Small town. Repeat busines crucial. Reputation has value.
The store that raised theri prices wasn’t “wrong”, just not very smart.
As long as there is a sense of community and “we are all in this together, so be a douche and hoard” attitude among the people, yeah, the merchants shouldn’t gouge. After the big earthquake a few years back, the store shelves were near empty, but I saw very few Japanese people hoarding. Nobody gouged either. If you have a community that DGAF about others, you’d be better gouging them deeply.
*don’t be a douche
The “were’re in this together” thing was definitley a big part of it.
The raised prices should have convinced distributors to hustle more milk over there and maybe lower the price.
Instead, some people get milk and some don’t. Yay.
There you go. The market at work the way it should be.
Yep. Cooked in a greasy spoon in a tiny town. The competition raised their prices and we didn’t. The other place got Amish shunned.
After I moved here it took me awhile to chill out and slow down. Now at the grocery checkout I just wait patiently while the clerk and the cusomer in from of me finish their conversation. I no longer silently fume “STFU and move on so I can checkout – jeessh!”
I hate chatty checkouts, nut just when I’m behind someone who is slowing things down by partaking, but also when I get there and they try to talk my ear off about something. Even worse when they bring up something political, let me give you money so I can fucking go!
Glib bonafides check out.
I’m 1/16th Black….
/I got rhythm,
Dancin’ is like pool, golf and darts. You need to find that happy median between tearing your clothes off and a stately waltz. Man, when you get in the zone it is spectacular! Editor’s note Festus don’t dance nomo.
The last time I danced was at my 30 year reunion. I cut an impressive rug but Wifey was deeply unimpressed because she was left off the dance card. And I oop. They just kept coming and I didn’t realize until the drive home. Man, talk about fat, balding people… the men were in worse shape!
The last HS reunion my dad went to he was very proud that he was the only one with a full head of hair. I didn’t seem to get that gene from him. My hair is thinner at 36 than was when he died at 59, and I’ve been fatter than he was after 12 years of crippleness and immobility since I was 20.
But, I’ve not had a HS reunion either, or maybe I have and just haven’t been invited. (for some reason that last bit was read in my head by Stephen Fry).
The hair gene comes from the mother’s side. At least that’s what I got from watching Canadian movies.
When I was in high school a girl I’d known since 6th grade pointed out that the school was holding after school dance lessons in Mexican folk dance – somewhat insinuating that I might find myself getting invited to Quinceaneras if I knew how to dance to Mexican music. I showed up and learned all the dances – but never got invited to a Quinceanera anyway.
https://youtu.be/yJxCdh1Ps48 I remember joining a few clubs at that age for pretty much the same reason. Teen-aged girls be flighty. At least you learned some sweet moves, Amigo.
I pursued a pretty JW girl for about six months at that age to no prevail. (Yes, that misspell was intentional) Her Dad was having none of that. Don’t much blame him but did he really have to leave a hand-shaped bruise around my arm? I was leaving already…
Just dumb luck that I didn’t get a sensible shoe planted in my fundament.
This must’ve been linked already, but once more won’t hurt.
Don’t ask me. Judging from their faces, they should be singing about their assholes.
You lied. You said it wouldn’t hurt!
My ears! No wait! My eyes! Don’t know which to cover… Must grow new appendages.
The rebuttal to that poo-see song.
Fuck off Tulpa! And welcome!
Your Bobby Bittman avatar is strong medicine.
Psst: He’s been here a while, just infrequent and a new avitar.
Yeah? Fuck you too, Tulpa!
Here is a real pussy song.
Damn, db! R. Crumb is a sorta, kinda demi-god to me! Good ‘un!
A late reply from the last thread.
There is no such thing as price gouging.
Prices are what the market dictates them to be. If gasoline is sold for 15 dollars a gallon during a natural disaster then gasoline is worth 15 dollars a gallon to the buyer.
All prices are subjective, and always have been. Prices determine where scarce resources go, natural disaster or not. Prices are niether moral nor immoral. They are just prices.
Prices are set by the buyer, not the seller. If prices were set by the seller, then all things would be too expensive to buy. If the seller asks more than the value of the item, then he will find no buyers.
The ” price gouger” who sells his product during a natural disaster at a price that is higher than it was previous to the disaster is simply adjusting for market conditions. No more, no less. The supplier of the product has his own hurdles to face post natural disaster, that his windfall during the disaster will help him over come.
Let’s say you live in a small community and the butcher let you slide a a week or so when you were laid off. You repay that kindness with selling him a cheap generator after a hurricane. Sure, he could’ve made more if he sold it to someone else. Just saying there are many factors involved.
Indeed. Many factors being involved is why prices are what they are.
The community better step up or muh democracy! will step in and you’ll get that government “help”.
Existing merchant trying to parlay a foregone windfall into good will is fine. But in an Uber situation, or a parallel situation where the increased price actually can immediately, or very speedily increase supply, I’m sticking to my guns. Not surge pricing it literally impedes the very outcome charity demands. This concept needs to be fought back against. It kills people because it is based on a zero sum world and there ain’t no such critter.
The Uber thing is great. A price increase can have an almost immediate effect on supply. Everyone wins. In my little town there wasn’t any more milk, bread or eggs waiting to rush into town in response to a price rise. And we all have to face each other again the next day.
Like all things – free people make free choices and live with the results. Good or bad.
There are multiple effects of human nature at play here. One of them is that a lot of humans believe in that “zero sum world” to the point where they get pissed at “price gouging” even if it results in more people being helped in the end.
The flip side of it is that there’s social pressure to get a modest cut of meat from the butcher and only what you actually need. Or maybe less.
When there’s not social pressure, you get food stamps recipients buying junk food and snacks with their benefits cards.
Or to use the disaster situation, in a strong trust society, if you really don’t need gas, you don’t fill up. But if the trust is lower, you’re going to try and keep the tank full, particularly if the price rise is limited. There’s no signal to dissuade you from doing so. Part of the reason the 70’s oil shocks caused problems was price fixing and rationing. Prices spiked more ten years ago and nothing like that happened. There was a reason for that.
In many places it is illegal to do the opposite for some products, like gasoline. Say the disaster put out power and the local banks don’t have enough cash on hand for everyone and debit cards don’t work, if you sell your gasoline below the ‘minimum markup’ you’re just as much a criminal in the eyes of the state as ‘gouger’ (where that is illegal).
That happened in NY with Sandy. People with tanker trucks of gas had to turn back. Better we all suffer together like good serfs
What does Sea Smith think of Hurricane Smith? It does have Spock’s Mom…
There is always something there to remind me…
FUCK YOU, straffinrunsa!!
Butch Walker/Marvelous 3 version.
My favorite Punk! cover.
You Know Who Else liked German Music?
Ze Germans?
I had a thing for her, hairy armpits and all… https://youtu.be/xrnmnLOBevY
It’s an outstanding pop song.
Yes. Yes it is. They cover all the bases in about three and a half minutes. Catchy songs like that happen about every five years.
Think “My Sharona” or “Song#2”
She’s got about a half dozen of them but yeah only one caught on in the US.
Actual guilty pleasure tune. When it first came out my buddies would have burned me at the stake for saying that.
Attention Chafed and Digby:
Better version
That was a Ramm-roll! You go be ashamed in the box now!
That synch is terrble.
That was new to me. Thanks MikeS.
Your mom?
It’s well established that white people can’t dance because of internalized shame or some suchwith.
It’s not racist, it’s true.
Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly have a sad.
Ginger Rogers too except she did it backwards and in heels.
Fun fact: that quote came from this comic strip:
Lili Von Shtupp?
It’s twu! It’s twu!
Verdammt! Das war sehr gut!
Now I want some saurkraut.
You’re welcome.
Metal lyrics are hard enough to decipher in english, I refuse to add a language barrier. For all I know they could be quoting Mein Kompf.
Mein Kek! Get with the program!
Then you will miss out on some excellent music, you piece of crap.
“Piece of Crap” LOL
I’m deutsching out to this.
Not bad. A little more “electric” than I care for, but I don’t hate it. But nothing is black and white.
“Electric” is my jam.
I could go way deeper but I’ll spare everyone.
I just wanted to start digging a ditch. To each their own.
I thought we were supposed to have unlimited choice and the “community” was to make rational decisions based on proper science after a long process of proper deliberation.
Well we got pot but lose plastics and guns and a carbon tax. Fair tradeoff?
Are you Canadian?
Yes. Are you? Your name seems to imply it.
Nope, I live in the Great Land.
I’m afraid I have not heard of that term.
Does this mean you live in or around Anchorage?
America’s coolest state.
-15 to -20 tonight. My buddy is looking at -30 out in a rural part of the state, so I’m not complaining.
We were there a few days ago. We are currently entering a forecasted warm stretch of mid-high 20’s. Living the dream!
Been cold here since NYE but it’s shutting up all the old timers complaining about how winter used to be.
North Dakota. It’s been a hell of a nice winter, overall. I’m appreciating global warming right now.
*And now have a carbon tax*
I’ve never heard of this Soyboy’s chain, and I don’t think anyone else will soon.
They own the Canadian Safeway and IGA franchises.
There’s your problem.
Also, I got a kick of Quebec making weed 21+ while the SAAQ will sell to 18+ and the deps selling to anyone who looks old enough who has cash in hand.
Well dealing with driving while high will make that easy.
Gotta be high or drunk to put up with the awful roads in QC and the constant construction. But I guess the employees at SNC-Lavalin gotta eat, too.
I don’t have any idea what that means, but it sounds like a CBS show.
The AECOM/Haliburton of Quebec, but somehow more corrupt with more pull in the provincial and federal Tories.
Shoot, Liberals. Not Tories.
Or hell, probably the Cons, too.
I bought a 24-pack of Labatt’s Blue while we were waiting to get into a Supertramp concert at Jarry park. I was 14. 14!
I started drinking, well whenever was the first time my dad let me have a drink; but I didn’t get drunk until I was 18. I was a teatotler for about 5 months there after, until missing out on a gal because I wouldn’t drink with her. Is that irony?
There was a lot of chaff mixed with the wheat. You didn’t really miss much, friend C.
So he is still a colonizer then?
Uh… bless her heart.
When are the Anglo-Saxon-Normans going to pay reparations to the Britons that became the Welsh? And when are the Italians going to pay reparations to the Celts and Picts they drove north to Scotland and to Ireland? And when are the wolves going to pay reparations to the Etruscans that Romulus drove from their land!?
Why is she assuming that Bikini Bottom is near the Bikini Atoll? Maybe it’s just a cute play on the words?
I assumed that was canon, as so many idiots on the internet mention those two together. I don’t know, the cartoon
came after I stopped watching cartoonswasn’t any good.Heretic!
Having to watch that tripe with my oldest niece made me so happy when the next one liked The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Transformers and Thundercats.
I saw “gaze” and started to stare off into the distance.
I’m at a bar, drunk with two different women… O still know I’m not going to get laid . ..but what great night . .and country and shit
Steve Smith believes in you.
Godspeed, good sir.
It ain’t over til it’s over.
What Chafed said. How wide are your shame-shoulders? Mine are Schiffish.
You’re like a dog humping a chair leg, aren’t you.
If you mean Q is man’s best friend, then yes.
That one is his fave.
For the discerning gentleman who understands that more than a handful is a waste.
Much prefer yours. Maybe you should take over the tittay posts.
For you.
I hope she’s sitting on doily to keep that table clean.
Imma pretend that’s a slice of pineapple.
All buttons punctured. Damn you Mike…
She’ll steal your soul, but you’ll love every minute of it.
I would heave a heavy sigh but she would snarf that too, ask for seconds and I would blissfully comply.
Hey! Song lyric!
You beat Q at his own game.
The power of red heads.
Being married to a photographer for 24 years, I was ready to pick that apart but ya know what? It’s outstanding. Even the bare little tree has a leaf or three that really compliment her and the juxtaposition of red against green makes it pop. Four and half fingers out of five.
And I want to go skinny-dipping with that Elven creature…
Got one of my bigger recurring client events tomorrow. Then interviews monday and tuesday. I hope monday goes good, because I really only applied for tuesday’s job because unemployment mandates I apply for 4 jobs a week, and some weeks the pickings are scarce.
I’m confused. Seriously. What recurring clients?
I work freelance video production; but I got sick of dealing with new clients, had a hard split with business partners; now I have a few clients that I work with. One is year round, low pay regular work that can add up, the others are a few times a year ‘chunk’ clients. Tomorrow is a ‘chunk’ client, I’ll net about $800 for what will add up to less than 8 hrs of work, that except for tomorrow I can work at whenever I want, as long I deliver it within a month.
Very good. Carry on.
CPRM blows sailors for money. Lots of repeat clients.
I’ll not allow my last post for the night to be one not only defending my virginity, but also my gay virginity! O well, I guess I will, carry on.
It’s OK. Gbob is talking about lady sailors with their lady penises.
Bon Chance, you cunte!
That’s what I want in my pregame show. *rolls eyes*
Ugh. Hannity. I hate that Irish whelp!
Westwood One, the radio company that has exclusive rights to cover the Super Bowl, brought Trump on for an interview during halftime in 2017. It was terrble. I don’t even know if they’re ‘right wing’; that was the first year I had to broadcast the Super Bowl, no idea if they had done that with Obama or not.
I’d wager that Trump could throw a spiralish pass. Obama, not so much. I feature an end-over-ender that drops somewhere in the backfield.
Trump is the Eli Manning of presidents. Sure, he sucks, but somehow he wins when it matters.
Trump is the Pierre Trudeau of Presidents. Imagine flipping off half the country and winning reelection.
I picture both trying to negotiate out of sack.
Obama: I, uh, don’t, uh, have the ball, uh, anymore. No reason to, uh, hit me. Uh. *sacked*
Trump: I got the biggest most bestest ball! Oops. No, the running back has the ball! No I got the ball! *sacked* (but the ball was in china the whole time)
Yours works too except the ball should have been in Ukraine.
Politifact is rating Trump’s claim as 5 Pinocchios because he called a football a ball and clearly it is not round.
I liked the”oval’ commercial linked by Agent Cooper the other day. Dude has serious chops. I’d kill for talent like that. Well maybe not “murder-kill” but you get my drift.
I’m knockin’ at your door.
Nope. Late-era Deep Purple don’t cut it. Your blade will not keeeel.
Fine. Here’s some older Deep Purple.
NoDaks RULE!
Ahhhh! That’s the ticket.
Not old enough!
I love that song. ?
My next project is to build a smokehouse to cold smoke meat. I just done have the funds…thanks Government.
The clarion call of my empty truck bed and cluttered house is singing out to me but I have a split belly and no permission to do what needs to be done. The land-fill is a mere five miles away and yet I must refrain… Imma be Ulysses and stuff wax in my ears.
They have a high opinion of themselves.
Our betters need a safe space where the plebes won’t expose them to the ‘literal’ violence of logically disputing their idiotic positions.
Hollywood types enter a decency collective. This really is cloud cuckoo land isn’t it?
You guys can mainline the truth to me. I promise that I won’t jitter-bug. Much.
So gassed tonight. This is my theme song – https://youtu.be/2cQUVtbztEs
Me too.
*passes out*
Well! *I* have had a productive evening and now I am tired.
Thought I read somewhere that Mormons only fart in their sleep. Watch out Mr. Mojo, the quilt be levitating tonight!
Judi’s away this weekend so I’m gonna live large! The heat will be turned down, all unnecessary lights will be extinguished and best of all the toilet seats will remain in the fully upright position! My cats don’t drink from there and the Doggo is too small to reach. Freedom 55!
This is called a Yukitsuri. It protects the branches from snapping during heavy snowfalls. No snow, so I could have lunch next to it at the park. Preparation allows you to enjoy nice things.
How bad is the lack of snow? I know the resorts are Sapporo are hurting for snow.
Find out next week when we go skiing in Nagano. I’ve heard it about normal there. That pic was taken in Tokyo and we only get snow a couple times a year. You probably get more in a weekend than we get all year.
Going to Japan to ski is on my bucket list. Which resort?
Ha. Good question. It’s being planned by one of the ladies in our kid’s circle. It’s not much different really. Shorter runs than Colorado, obviously.
The hero shots of people ripping through the power look amazing.
My local hill is about 1100 ft vertical and two old lifts and t-bar. Not much, but it’s close, cheap and you can’t beat the views. It’s a throwback place where you can leave your bag in the lodge and come back to find it how you left it.
bah, powder. not power.
I was just on a project in Niseko – they had good snow for the week I was there. Sapporo had snow but not nearly as much.
See my reply above about virginal, unobtainable girls, Tej. We’re all of us wearing the same skin-suit.
One aspect of Niseko which might be useful knowledge to people who haven’t been – English is pretty much the lingua franca up there. The few Japanese I ran into were freaked out to hear a foreigner speak Japanese. So it’s easy to get around without knowing the local language. The snow is powder and really nice.
It is a ways away from Sapporo – 2.5 hours by bus.
Yow. I thought Victoria was over-regimented. How can you stand it Straffin-san?