Its been mentioned here earlier this week in the links but I didn’t see a lot of discussion on the matter. So we’ll go ahead and do it now because unlike most sports fans, I at least admit I am petty*. Why not?
This is my review of Surly Brewing Co. Coffee Bender Brown Ale

The observation station
A “Super Fan” of the Los Angeles Dodgers is filing a class action lawsuit against Major League Baseball for the cost of his World Series Tickets, parking, food, and beer as soon as he is done calculating the cost of concessions. A Los Angeles city councilman is filing a resolution declaring the Dodgers champions. Why? The Dodgers lost the 2017 World Series to a team determined after an MLB investigation to use an elaborate system involving high power cameras and “sophisticated means” to communicate to the dugout. They set up a camera in the outfield focused on the catcher’s crotch, identified the pitch, and simply relayed the corresponding sign/pitch to the video room the next time they saw the same sign. They then relayed this to somebody in the dugout who banged on a trash can to signal the next pitch would be a breaking ball. Listen closely before the pitcher steps off the rubber…and then watch the batter strike out even though he supposedly knew the pitch.

I no get national anthem. Who is Jose, and why can’t he see Don is curling light?
Now this fan, before we say anything else, looks exactly like you think he does. To add further insult to injury the Boston Red Sox are also under investigation in a sign stealing scheme of their own and fired their manager, who was implicated in the investigation into the Astros. He coached there the year prior, and the Red Sox beat the Dodgers in the 2018 World Series.
Did the Astros cheat? Absolutely. There is no denying that.
The jury is still out with the Red Sox but firing Alex Cora doesn’t look like a good sign. MLB absolutely has rules against using mechanical devices to steal signs from the opposite team. Eyeballs are fair game. Whatever punishment MLB decides to issue is more than warranted. However, the question remains as to whether or not this actually determined the outcome because this ultimately is what this lawsuit is about. Sad beard wanted to see his team win a World Series and was arguably cheated out of it.
It is not that simple.
The 2017 World Series went all seven games with the Dodgers having home field advantage. Dodgers won at home for Games 1, and 6. They also won in Houston for Game 4 (6-2 LA) and very nearly won the slugfest that was Game 5 (13-12 Hou). If the Astros were uniquely advantaged because of this scheme, why didn’t they win all their games at home? Seems like the Dodgers had a chance to win in LA where the Astros could not employ their scheme, and even played well enough to win in Houston (nearly twice) in spite of it. Another issue that comes up is Yu Darvish, a pitcher for the Dodgers traded for that season, and had a terrible game (Game 3) in Houston where he gave up four earned runs. Given he had no issues with his control or delivery, his poor play is explained by the sign stealing scheme. At first glance this seems plausible given his career against Houston to that point appears to have gone very well. His postseason stats up to that point however, are mixed. Even if the sign stealing scheme was used against him, he also pitched in Game 7 in LA, where he again gave up another four earned runs. One could argue he was traded from the Texas Rangers, a team that plays in the same division as the Astros, and they used previous footage from previous games he pitched at Minute Maid Park. If one were to argue this point, they would have to explain why he used identical signs, with multiple catchers on two separate teams. A simple answer is the Astros had a good scouting report as a result of familiarity with inter-division opponents. The bottom line in 2017, the Dodgers had their chance and failed.
In 2018 they played the Boston Red Sox. This was a much quicker series with Boston winning the first two games at Fenway Park. The Dodgers won Game 3 at home and then lost the remaining two games in Los Angeles. Once again, the Dodgers had their chance to play at home where there was no scheme against them. If the Red Sox used a similar sign stealing scheme to win a World Series, they should also be punished. But to imply this is a case for an asterisk, or even strip the title from the teams is unreasonable. There were too many variables involved to prove a definitive cause and effect for one team beating another in a seven game series.
Even if it did have a direct effect it does not necessarily mean the Dodgers would have won, because the teams that cheated arguably cheated throughout the season and the rest of the playoffs. Would the teams that cheated beaten the teams they beat in the playoffs to get to the World Series? Would they have even made the playoffs? Could the Dodgers beat the team that ultimately would win against the AL team that prevailed? It is impossible to determine how entire seasons would play out had they not cheated, and nobody determines a winner based on theoretical projections—they have to play the game. In the same way the records broken during the steroid era cannot be taken down because many players used PEDs in the minor leagues and were ultimately called up to the Major Leagues because of their inflated offensive production. Others continued using them in the Major League. Too many were cheating then to punish them all and based on the statements MLB made on the matter, these sign stealing schemes were more widespread than these two teams.
Again, none of this changes the fact the Dodgers had their chances at home where they were not playing against a stacked deck and even had the advantage to use their own sign-stealing scheme they were accused of using in 2018.
Also, screw these guys for asking the government to declare their team that lost the winner.
This beer is dangerous. It contains actual cold brew coffee so don’t drink this at night unless you plan to stay up for extra innings. For a coffee flavored beer, its actually rather smooth, in the way a brown ale should be. Surly Brewing Co. Coffee Bender Brown Ale: 3.8/5
*In the interest of full disclosure, I am a Diamondbacks fan. Naturally, I despise the Dodgers and find this whole thing schadenfraudelicious. No, I don’t hate them because I am jealous of their “success,” because last I checked my team managed to win a World Series since the Reagan administration.
The Dbacks, like all post mid-80’s moves and expansions, isn’t a real MLB team.
Thats a pathetic attempt to troll me. Your better than that.
Is he really, though?
(also, nice Ted-bait)
I’m not. Nor am I trying to troll. All sports teams are locked into what I first remember as a kid. Everything else is revisionist claptrap.
Bring back the Sonics and close up the Rockies.
The Nordiques and the mighty Whale!
Well, in your world the Lakers aren’t in LA either. I’m comfortable with that.
I’m not that old!
Ah, the great Lakers-Celtics rivalry. Being on this side of the country, my sympathies were naturally with Magic.
The hell you are. The Giants are still in Tokyo to you aren’t they?
“All sports teams are locked into what I first remember as a kid.”
Correct, there are no AFL teams in Sydney, Adelaide, or Perth. In fact, there is no AFL. There is still a First Division in English football.
“All sports teams are locked into what I first remember as a kid.
The one exception is that the Brisbane Broncos exist, but they play in the NSWRL not the NRL.
My local bar sells shirts and stickers that have the Redskins logo with the cartoon Orioles face in the middle, sort of like this. I agree. For a lot of people in my area of a certain age or older, Maryland’s professional sports teams are the Redskins and the Orioles. Usually these same people still have a beef with the Colts.
Bring back the Expos!
I had the “pleasure” of seeing an all-Canadian baseball game – Expos vs. Blue Jays at the Stade Olympique (which is a pile of shit).
Nice. Supposedly MLB players loved going to Montreal back in the 70’s as it was the best place to procure drugs. I saw the Giants play the Expos a number of times at Candlestick as a yout, I liked those games because the Giants actually had a shot to win them and the Expos uniforms were always awesome.
What about the Astros’ 80s uniforms?
That should be a part of their punishment.
(just kidding, really, I kinda love those 80’s unis)
Surly makes some good beer, and they’ve just started getting distributed here in Ohio.
After the strike, I quit following Baseball
*scratches head*
Same here. I was wasting too much time watching games, anyway. I have better things to waste my time on.
I watched a _lot_ of baseball at one point – like, a majority of the games. That fell off quite a bit after the Sox finally won in 2004. Barely watched any last couple years (though I did go to a ALCS game at Fenway in 2018, which was pretty cool).
Rage about sports cheating scandals is a joke. All teams in all sports at all significant levels try various methods to get the upper hand and frequently cross the line. Getting outraged about it when your opponent does it is just part of the way fans signal their team allegiance. Fan means fanatic, by definition fan responses won’t be sane. The sane thing to do is to take all that rage you are wasting on the Patriots, the Astros, or even the NCAA refs, and direct it to Orangemanbad!
My favorite story is the Indians player crawling through a drop ceiling to retrieve a corked bat.
That is some Mission Impossible stuff. That is skill!
I’ve got a Surly tee shirt. Yankees be handy.
I wouldn’t make a federal case out of it, but a ticket-holder does feel ripped off when some team comes to town and sits an important player or when a team takes a dive for draft spots. My son’s a Houston alum: imagine buying season tickets for what should be a decent and maybe great season, and then suddenly your top three players take red shirts for their senior years.
I have been on many a “coffee bender” but I just drank beer with a coffee sidecar as god intended. Baseball should be impeached for cheating just like Trump.
Speaking of cheaters…
Has he actually been banned for life?
Not as of yet. Not at all clear that will be the penalty.
No, there’s just a bunch of people calling for it. I was reading yesterday about Coppolella, a former Braves GM, getting a lifetime ban for something that seemed not as big a deal.
I don’t really think any of it warrants lifetime bans, but a year or two sounds about right.
Holy crap, that is a funny meme.
Radio Announcer: “And in sports, there’s only one ting to talk about. The sign stealing scandal which is blowing up to be the biggest scandal in all of Major League Baseball…”
Not Adahn: Dafuq? Call me when there are congressional hearings.
Radio Announcer: “…this century.”
Not Adahn: Oh.
Oh please do this! I love when they waste their time on trivialities that don’t affect me.
Imagine, if you can, the depth and breadth of my indifference.
“It is an area which we call… the Twilight Zone.”
Question for the gunsmiths/metalworkers:
In NY, semi-auto + threaded barrel + detachable magazine = Illegal Killer Death Machine (who I saw open for Smashmouth in ’92, but that’s a different story).
The NY State Police refuses to define exactly how you can make a threaded barrel complaint, because they want to be able to drop charges on you at their discretion. Some gun stores and local cops say that permanently (red) Loctiting a thread protector on it is fine, others say that not good enough, you’ve got to pin and weld on the thread protector. It seems to me I should just be able to file off the threads. Question: what product should I use afterwards on the newly exposed metal?
None. Stupid gun laws have given you an excuse to buy a mig welder. Buy one.
But then I’ll need to store an argon tank. And won’t the welding wreck the barrel heat treat at best or warp it?
I have no idea I was making a joke. Granted most of my jokes are lame but they are original as far as I know. I would never weld a gun barrel unless it was at least 150mm in diameter and at least 6mm thick.
I used to work for a custom knifemaker, so I’m all sorts of paranoid about heat treatments and fucking them up.
If you sharpen knives on a grinding wheel, you are wrong!
Dude, I can’t even figure out how to sharpen a knife on a whetstone. Oh, I know the motions and the movements, but they don’t get any sharper.
You could move to a place where semi-auto + threaded barrel + detachable magazine != Illegal Killer Death Machine.
To protect the metal, maybe some cold blue?
I’m always interested in new job opportunities in free states. But I’ve got to admit that I love living here. It’s exactly my type of beautiful (forests + mountains)
The question is, do you ever plan to escape? I’m not destroying or selling a gun I’ll want to use after I escape NJ.
I don’t have the budget (or the inclination) to acquire guns I can’t take out and shoot. And the places I like to shoot most are full of hyper-picky rules-lawyering gun nerds who are just looking for a reason to DQ you or at least get you out of their division. At best all the other competitors are going to observe every freaking detail about what you’re shooting to either boost their own ego, or to see how it functions if it might be an upgrade for them.
TL;DR: I’ll absolutely get caught if my gun isn’t compliant, and I have no patience for hiding it in a safe. And honestly, muzzle devices aren’t enough of an improvement for me to notice at my skill level.
What Deg said. Lots of forests and mountains out there. Although here is getting as bad as NYS. I had to get my dad to buy me mags in AZ. Speaking of which, also has forests and mtns. Flagstaff is beautiful.
Yes, there are definitely opportunities in AZ and (somewhat less so) ID.
You were in chip fabrication right? Or am I not remembering?
NH is slowly turning into North Massachusetts, but it is freer than NYS.
Poking around on the Internet, I see BAE has a chip fabrication plant somewhere in New Hampshire. You’d probably need a security clearance. Allegro in Manchester comes up as being involved in that area, though I don’t know if they have a chip fabrication plant.
Yes I am. We’ve got a fab in VT, but unfortunately, I’ve turned my little kingdom here into an empire and am having their work transferred to my site.
Ah. There are worse things than growing an empire.
What is you’re area of expertise? CMP, photolith, plasma etch, deposition, or diffusion?
Chemistry. I’ve been doing failure analysis mainly with litho and CMP, but also work with microcontamination, WWT, AMC, and the like. Primary toolsets are VPD ICP-MS, and IC, but have plenty of experience with GC-MS.
Understood. I was a FA guy for many years. I was more device physics and materials focused.
That’s my problem too. I love where I am, not the government and to a much lesser extent, the culture. But if it wasn’t for the government enforcement, the culture would e a non issue and something to laugh at.
#metoo. I actually really like Maryland, and until about twenty years ago I liked the people around here, too. The laws have always sucked and are getting even worse, though, and the area is turning into a DC suburb as people move here and the old timers move or die off.
I’ve had good luck with this:
I had to do that with my AR as it is a mil spec 14.5” barrel with a carbine length gas system. I just had my local death merchant pin it, because you can technically break red locktite.
Cold blue should work and is available at Wal-Mart (probably) or a place like Sportman’s Warehouse, or just go next level with a spray-on durakote.
What is the reasoning behind the threaded barrel ban?
NY is a “1 feature” state. And besides, with a threaded barrel, you could put a silencer on and kill and entire school before anyone could hear you and alert the police to come and stop you.
What’s their take on muzzle brakes?
Any muzzle device is a feature.
You could have your barrel replaced with a non threaded barrel. I see barrels starting at just over $100.
Yeah, and if I move to a free state, I’ll get new barrels to replace the ones I’ve had to neuter here. But otherwise, I’ll just be storing barrels I can’t shoot in public.
This beer is dangerous. It contains actual cold brew coffee so don’t drink this at night unless you plan to stay up for extra innings. For a coffee flavored beer, its actually rather smooth, in the way a brown ale should be. Surly Brewing Co. Coffee Bender Brown Ale: 3.8/5
Sounds yummy.
Tea with honey, lemon, and Bourbon.
All sports teams are locked into what I first remember as a kid. Everything else is revisionist claptrap.
Fuck the Ravens. Fuck Art Modell with a rusty anchor chain.
/nods in agreement
Poor OMWC….
You misspelled Al Davis.
I just received the following text message:
“Hi (my real full name here)! It’s Andrew with Bernie 2020. Bernie has been fighting against greed and corruption for decades. That’s why he’s the candidate I trust to take on the billionaire class and make our economy work for all of us. Are you in for Bernie?”
My response:
“Fuck off Slaver”
I then blocked the number.
That’s not going to stop them. Its better to string them along.
“fuck no I intend to be a billionaire and I see your attack on my goals to be a direct threat to my person and liberties. Where are you now and what is your name? I will hunt you, and I will find you.”
“I will hunt you, and I will [have my minions] find you”
“But I don’t want to go to a camp!”
If there’s anybody I trust to make the economy work, it’s a fucking commie.
Lazy fucking commie.
Woot! A Minne beer!
They make a bunch of good ones and they have a fantastic brewery.
My favorite.
Thanks, Sharpie!
I believe I have had that one, actually.
Tastes like IPA.
It seems to me I should just be able to file off the threads. Question: what product should I use afterwards on the newly exposed metal?
Gun blue.
I’m not 100% in favor of filing the threads off, but that’s pretty permanent.
It’s possible to get really cheap uppers via PSA and the like, but they almost always come with some sort of muzzle device, and the cheapest ones are usually M4 style (so a bayonet lug that I’need to cut off also). I have a feeling if I get even vaguely deep into multi-gun, I’ll have to do a lot of these modifications.
Beef stroganoff in the stock pot.
Truce with XY after a very long come-to-Jesus meeting—after his therapy session.
Brownies that XX made last night.
XY now diligently cleaning his room in a good-faith effort to address my grievances (we’ll see how long that lasts) ?
Husband getting to the alternate scene in Cods & Cuntes so he can tell me which one works better.
Yesterday’s mini-thread on stoicism printed out, highlighted, and meditated upon.
Lastly, I saw a marked uptick in my ebook sales after yesterday’s post. Thank you all! Man, I love this place.
So it’s been a productive day already and it’s not even noon in God Standard Time.
Fuck a duck.
OT: I need to cancel my MLB AtBat subscription. I don’t piddle around my yard or in my garage anymore and … wait, Royals who? /fair-weather fan
One advantage of T-Mobile is for the past two years they’ve given out a free AtBat subscription in Spring.
It’s almost 8 pm in God Standard Time.
That would be Vampire Standard Time.
If you were a vampire, how long do you think it would take for the ennui to settle in?
This sounds like a good day.
Husband getting to the alternate scene in Cods & Cuntes so he can tell me which one works better.
I presume having a cod works better for him than having a cunte….
Cods & Cuntes Vol II: The Futanari Succubus
Did you just assume gender?
Boy I lit that Ted’S signal up bright, didn’t I?
Come on, that’s what we’re all thinking!
Allow all cheating and performance enhancing drugs.
For the children.
All Drug Olympics
(I’ve seen that a dozen times and I’m still laughing out loud like a maniac)
It could devolve into a Tour de Pharmacy though.
Hah, never even heard of that before – any good?
It’s fairly short, and I enjoyed it. There was a whole bit with Dolph Lundgren using his accent to confuse cheetah and cheater (as he was found to be doping with a huge list of items, including cheetah blood).
My wife has The Marathon du Médoc on her bucket list. We’ll see if she’s just talking a good game.
I hope that course has a lot of portapotties along the way.
Well, this doesn’t have the oysters (not that I would trust raw oysters outside in Summer in NE Ohio anyway), but there is the Dog Days of Summer cycling wine tour. They’ve got the rest stops planned at wineries. The downside… it’s in Oberlin.
Now that I think about it, the GSG .22 conversion top end living on the 1911 frame I built has a threaded barrel. The Sig Mosquito might, too.
It don’t matter, here, nohow.
As a Mariners fan, I got nuthin’. The Mariners can’t beat anybody.
Let me introduce you the the Cincinnati Reds….
I’m thinking he may not be a moderating influence in his child’s life.
Did drugs fall out of his ass before the fight?
Also, we need to talk about your URL…
This is a man willing to kill or die for his kid! This is father of the year!
How not to get custody.
re: this stupid flap over Buttigieg and bread price-fixing.
Is Appelbaum “on the front lines” of Holodomor denial because he works at the New York Times?
Mayor Pete figures prominently here as well:
Jimbob, you’ve worked all your life at a Phillips 66 gas station. How have you atoned for your part in wrecking the Exxon Valdez when you were sixteen?
Who’s the bigger asshole, the “journalist” trying to hold Buttigieg accountable for price-fixing bread, or the consumer pricing expert trying to hold Target accountable for tagging a display unit?
The journalist, since it’s malice aforethought. But not by much.
I liked this:
It’s like they accused him of being pro-choice or something. I hope every Dem continues to run with this position.
I remember when Sosa’s corked bat blew up on him. Good times.
I’m drinking this:
Corked bat, steroids, skin bleaching. That guy was all sorts of messed up.
That looks like a good beer.
The lack of social saftey nets means that women are forced into marriage to ensure their financial security
TW: Atlantic.
People are complaining that they can’t marry Uncle Sugar and force the rest of us to subsidize them? And arguing that this actually happens?
No. You see. It’s a human right to be able to live off the backs of other people without paying them anything back.
Who knew?
Why, that’s NEVER been the way marriage works! What about love?!
This is why I’m not married, I can’t afford the service fees.
$3 per withdrawal from an ATM not owned by your bank?
$36 NSF? Each?
$10/month “analysis” fee?
If you maintain a minimum deposit, sometimes they will waive those fees.
I’m not a hooker!
Parts of that movie were wildly enjoyable, even if TC is far too small to play that character.
The horror.
Does that includes Trans Women? Or are only Cis women helpless, hapless pets needing a master to feed and house them?
So are they going to outlaw homosexuality because it messes up the male/female-master/pet ratio?
I’m going to mix up a martini. Smirnoff, vermouth, olive.
Sitting in a great Mexican restaurant in Long Beach, NY. Waiting for daughter to finish theater camp. Amazing shrimp tacos, Whistle Pig for $5 per shot and Barrier Brewing’s Money. Good times.
You wouldn’t toss a bag of shredded cheese if you see a tiny bit of mold? I’m talking maybe ten variably moldy grains in a pound bag.
No. Pick them out, shave them off, whatever. Bleu cheese IS mold.
Yeah. It’s already moldy. Just pick out/cut off the egregIous mold. Good to go.
I would.
It’s too late, I’m eating it already. I’ll let you know if I die.
Consensus be damned!
When I was at Neal’s Yard, the person behind the counter said “Cheese doesn’t go bad, it just turns into different cheese.”
I can confirm that if you forget about a wheel of brie in the back of your refrigerator for a couple of years, it becomes something wonderful. Then again, it’s a bloomy rind which would prevent pathogenic gritters from oclonizing.
I had a wheel of 12 month old Manchego that I had aged for about 5 years but Superduperstorm Sandy knocked our power for 22 days and it was lost to the rotten fridge god.
Yeah, I’d toss shredded.
If it were a block of cheese I’d cut it off, but toss shredded
Hell no don’t toss that. Homemade penicillin is the bomb!
Speaking of the Target douchebag.
I’m still laughing:)
I wanted to watch a movie with XX, but it’s only on Hulu, which we don’t have. So now we’re watching a different movie that I am meh about but her friend rec’d. Dammit.
Is XX enjoying it?
Are you enjoying spending time with XX?
Yes and yes. I just had my heart set on introducing her to one of my favorite movies. She trusts me with her retro movie experience, you see.
I just had my heart set on introducing her to one of my favorite movies.
Now you have to share, so we can pass judgement.
It’s “Jaws”.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
I’ve never seen it, so I can’t judge. I’m all about black comedies, though.
(contemplates re-watching Patriot)
Undercover Brother?
What we ARE watching is Groundhog Day, which she is greatly enjoying.
Are you saying you don’t like Groundhog Day?
No, I said “meh.” It is just not on my must-rewatch list..
It does get repetitive.
You can say that again.
Deja vu all over again.
When Escaped Jr was twelvish, we watched some time-and-place pieces that weren’t my favorite flicks, but they were fun guy stuff to share. I knew I could trust him to watch them and laugh at them for the stupid crap they were:
* Animal House
* Caddy Shack
* Pulp Fiction
Watching favorites would take time: not even my 12YO was ready for my favorites . . . except maybe Lawrence of Arabia.
You can throw Happy Gilmore on that list of stupid but fun.
Pulp Fiction is too much for XX yet. I made her sit down with me and watch Kill Bill, though, which she loved.
She was not impressed with Ferris Bueller.
We just finished watching Blues Brothers.
That’s the important thing.
My niece didn’t understand why I recommended the original Twilight Zone until she made it through two episodes. Then she was hooked.
One of your favorites and you don’t own a copy?
Why, no. No, I don’t.
Then rectify that.
On a semi-related note, I recently bought a Blu-Ray of Blazing Saddles – I expect that to get memory-holed on the streaming services at some point.
I wouldn’t call it my favorite, but I just saw Farewell, My Lovely with Robert Mitchum and Charlotte Rampling last week and enjoyed it tremendously. A ton of great, snappy dialogue and even a cameo by a very young Sly Stallone. I’d heartily recommend.
New plan – dog has the runs, so I will not be going out tonight, as planned. Wife is gone for a week.
I was hoping it was video of your dog with the runs.
It’s not really that exciting. Currently waiting for the sub-freezing temperatures to do their thing and make cleaning up that spot at then end of the driveway a bit easier.
Ok, just added broccoli and cauliflower to the roast. Wound up with a lot of extra cauliflower that won’t fit though.
Any suggestions for how to prepare it (I nearly only work with frozen stuff normally)? Guess I’ll stick it in tupperware in the fridge for the moment.
You can just toss it with a little olive oil, salt & pepper and toss it on a sheet in the oven. Tasty.
Use melted butter instead of olive oil. And to add to Slum below toss them every 10 mins or so.
Thanks. Will save for later this week. (temp and approx time for large florets?)
Look for a veggie seasoning at the grocery store, or if you have a BBQ store nearby. My wife roasted some broccoli the other night with some Traegar Veggie rub. She’s also used one called cattleman’s grill on another batch. Both were really good.
I’d say around 400 and start checking them after 20 minutes or so – you want them to get a bit of color, but “done” depends on how al dente you like things.
Good trick for extra crispy-ness – put the sheet pan in the oven while it pre-heats. You’ll get a nice sizzle when you dump the florets onto the now-hot sheet.
Fry that stuff.
Buffalo sauce, then under the broiler for a few minutes.
Lori Wallach on C-SPAN3: “Whose Trade Organization?”
WTO chat: pretty insightful with real doses of actual economics
Apropos of nothing I was just remembering how entertaining Dennis Miller was on MNF. I’d love to see him back, but I imagine the chances of that are bout as likely as reanimating Frank Gifford. He had some hilarious lines, who else is gonna hang, “that receiver is being shunned like an Amish kid with a nipple ring”, or “the ref is whipping out the flag like the only lighter at a crack house.” ? I can’t believe the NFL let that happen.
You can at least listen to his podcast. A little weird because his references are just so old (in a good way). I mean…who else would use classic film references (other than TedS) for describing current events, etc.
Heh, indeed. Thanks I will, I always forget about podcasts.
Yes, but does he also reference songs that make you scream in horror?
It’s called a vibrating rolling pin.
She better clean it after making tortillas, or she’s going to get a yeast infection.
Not even vaguely believable.
I first read this as vaginally believable.
Baked quesadillas completed, chicken marinating in some buttermilk to be fried later this evening.
Yard work needs to be done and work in the trailer is coming along.
I need to go out and buy this beer to finish out my day.
Stupid question… why is contraception “health care” but an aspirin isn’t?
Internet edgelord and Verified Nazi Carpe Donktum turns over $20,000 GoFundMe to #TargetTori.
That’s excellent.
For any NH Glibs – she’s cute and now has an extra $20k for a vacation…
Hilarious. If that dude wanted to save face, he’d donate money.
Watched a movie with XX.
Made some money.
Mr. Mojeaux about to play with my hair.
Today is a good day.
Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp
And it read Mojeaux’s a pimp
I took a glorious nap and am now having a coffee and a beer.