“I didn’t shake your hand because I knew where it had been,” Elizabeth said, giggling, shaking Bernie’s penis like a wet towel as they waited for the Viagra to kick in.
“Fisting is a very socialist sex act,” Bernie said. “Everyone has a fist, right? Even people without hands can have a sex stump!”
“Oh, Bernie,” she said, rolling over to slop her breasts upon his sunken chest. “You’re so smart.”
“The only people that can’t fist, I guess, are people without any arms. I guess they just use their feet. Feet! Can I put my foot in you, Elizabeth?”
She looked down at his feet, flaky and gnarled, bunioned and blistered, the sole a single thick callus. “Maybe later, baby.”
“That’s OK. I find nothing erotic about the foot. It is just a draft animal. Like having sex with a mule or a donkey or a horse or, I dunno, an ox. Just doesn’t appeal to me at all.”
She shook his penis harder, making his loose scrotum flail about.
“Castro took me to a donkey show in 1972. Disgusting. I don’t know why a donkey would have sex with a woman that ugly. That donkey has needs, dammit. Needs!”
“I think it moved a little,” Elizabeth said, rubbing her thumb along his circumcision scar.
“I had to be cut three times,” he said proudly. “It just kept growing back. The mohel finally had to cauterize it with a brûlée torch at my bar mitzvah.”
“Jesus!” Elizabeth said.
“And the smell! The whole party was ruined. They thought we were serving pork!”
Elizabeth laughed into the fold of his neck and snuggled closer, their slack flesh sticky to the other. She spat into her hand and rubbed it along his flaccid member.
“Bernie, why do you think a woman can’t be President,” she asked gently, her breath tickling the firest of gray hairs bristling from his ear.
“I think a woman can be President,” he replied, breath rancid with vinegar and onions. “I’m just not sure America is ready for a Native American woman President.”
“Oh, Bernie,” she cried. “I’ve been so oppressed for my heritage!” She wept beside him as his penis finally became semi-erect.
“I think it’s ready,” he mumbled. “Maybe ball it up in your hand and just sort of stuff it up in there.”
“I’m too dry from all my tears,” she said, pulling away from him with a Velcro noise.
“Where are you going! My doctor cleared me for sex! Sex!”
“I’m just not in the mood any longer,” she said while dressing.
“That’s why a women should never be President,” he muttered.
“What did you say?”
“You know who else can’t fist? Quadruple amputees! Poor bastards. Just a torso. Horrible. Oral, yes, most of them. But no fisting! Gah!”
Elizabeth looked at him for a minute, sprawled across the bed, his scarred penis lolling to the side, and then shook her lesbian haircut out and left the hotel room.
SugarFee is Bernie.
Fresh, funny or proofread: you can only have two.
Self-insert fanfic is just sad.
She wept beside me… Good Lord, you are there with them?
He was in the hotel room disguised as an end table. How do you think he gets this stuff? You don’t think he’s sick enough to come up with it on his own do you?
I see him as more the chair type.
SugarFree identity confirmed!
SF is Odo?
Checks out.
So these really are first hand accounts!
I’ll wait a while to pick up those drugs, my ass is a bit soggy today.
It was a threesome?
Did drugs fall out of SF’s ass as Sanders’ penis became semi-erect?
She wept beside me as his penis finally became semi-erect.
Doxxed yourself.
” pulling away from him with a Velcro noise”
Also, whycome no Extended Universe banner?!
True life.
“I’m just not in the mood any longer,” she said while dressing.
A President can’t afford to not be in the mood. NEXT!
…The mohel finally had to cauterize it with a brûlée torch at my bar mitzvah.”
What the hell is wrong with you/us?
I thought that was one of the more brilliant lines.
Do uncured meats smell different when burned?
Also, shouldn’t the rabbi have realized the sign that HaShem was rejecting Bernie? Must have been a reform congregation.
That was the point of ALOL for me. I like to see how long I can go.
Same here. My favorite part of this one.
Yeah…that one sort of reached out and gave me the ol’ 3 Stooges eyepoke.
+3 Nyuk
And here i was saying she was a liar…. I guess you really should #BelieveAllWomen
Phenomenal once again.
Almost choked on my sammich when I got to that line..
The omniscient narrator is inside the motel room?
“The call… is coming from inside the HOUSE!!!”
Sad Alma Mater is Sad
Colorado College went on a brief lockdown Tuesday afternoon following a report of a person with a gun.
The college confirmed with 11 News authorities made contact with the person in question and the incident was resolved peacefully. The lockdown was issued at about 3:45 p.m. and lifted minutes later.
Colorado College provided the following statement to 11 News at 5:50 p.m.:
“A call came into Colorado Springs Police Department regarding a man two blocks from campus brandishing a weapon, and that the suspect was traveling southbound toward campus. This activated our emergency response protocol, and we began constant communication with law enforcement via our Campus Resource Officer. A message to shelter in place was sent out to the campus until law enforcement could conduct a search of the area. During that search, Colorado Springs Police Department located several suspects who admitted to having bb guns. After consultation with CSPD, it was determined there was no longer a threat to CC.
BB guns. Off campus. LOCK IT DOWN.
When I was going to school there, I knew people who kept their for real guns in their dorm rooms. Nobody freaked out.
Don’t they have open carry in Colorado? Isn’t Colorado Springs a socon happy land where there’s a gun in every house?
When I was at the U of M (Morris) 2/3 of the guys on our dorm floor had shotguns in their rooms for hunting. No one had any problems. Even the morning when one of the guys shot a bird through his dorm window didn’t raise any eyebrows (the bird was loudly chirping while the shooter was nursing a hangover).
How did the report treat his hangover?
one of the guys shot a bird through his dorm window
I hope he opened it first.
the shooter was nursing a hangover
I’m sure shooting a shotgun is just the thing for that.
When I lived in Cripple Creek, it was known that to enter CO Springs, Denver, Boulder, or Pueblo while open carrying was to invite an immediate citation for ‘flagrant display’. We always hated having to go into the big city.
there was no longer a threat to CC
Oh, fuck off. There was never a threat.
During that search, Colorado Springs Police Department located several suspects who admitted to having bb guns.
Suspected of what crime, exactly?
Being a non-LEO gun owner, duh!
But you can’t argue with the results – I mean, there haven’t been any shootings on college campuses since they started banning guns!
/sarc, but not too far off from what people actually believe
But you can’t argue with the results – I mean, there haven’t been any shootings on college campuses since they started banning guns!
/sarc, but not too far off from what people actually believe
Back in 2007 or so There was a shooting at Trolley Square in SLC. It was said that the shooter had considered shooting at the University of Utah just a few blocks east, but then found out that a good portion of the student body carries and decided to go to the mall which was a “Gun Free” zone.
Ah yes, another Aloha snack bar shooter.
SF does yeoman work, and this is not intended as a complaint, but even his talents cannot make Warren as interesting and Lovecraftian a character as Hillary. Her banal schoolmarm evil simply cannot compare.
“She wept beside me”
Sugarfree is taking sides in the “first person” versus “third person omniscient” debate.
First person omniscient.
Putin consolidates power as Russian government resigns
Russia’s government resigned Wednesday to make way for major new constitutional changes, according to the Tass state news agency, citing Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
Without giving much detail, the news agency said President Vladimir Putin thanked Medvedev’s government for its work. The move was reportedly made so Putin can carry out sweeping constitutional changes he spoke about at his annual address just hours earlier.
“For my part, I also want to thank you for everything that was done at this stage of our joint work, I want to express satisfaction with the results that have been achieved,” Putin told a meeting of ministers, according to Tass.
“Not everything was done, but everything never works out in full,” Putin said.
Later, Russian news agencies reported that Putin wants to appoint Mikhail Mishustin, the head of Russia’s Federal Tax Service, as the new Prime Minister.
LOL so much pussyfooting around. Just become Supreme Great Leader or something already.
The classic title is ‘Tsar’. Maybe he doesn’t think he can get away with it.
I imagine it has the same feeling as rex did to the Romans.
Man of Steel
Woman of Kleenex?
The great irony of all this: the Bolsheviks slaughtered so many people to eliminate the monarchy, only to have their great vision collapse and go right back to it.
By 1920.
transition to a PM position
Why wait and just declare himself a Transprime Minister?
*slow clap*
…Sorry. My bad.
…ok, who ordered the Percheron?
I would like to start a GoFundMe account to pay a bunch of Russian trolls to blame all of this on election interference by Bernie (or one of the other Dems). Start calling Putin Bernie’s stooge.
These leaks of private meetings with only two parties present need to stop. Like before 11am Glib time today. I feel queasy.
“I’m too dry from all my tears,” she said, pulling away from him with a Velcro noise.
I swear I could almost hear the sound, their withered flesh briefly stretching taut before falling back into familiar loose folds.
It sounded good about ten minutes ago, but I suppose I didn’t need to have a pulled pork sandwich for lunch.
Impeachment forever.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) boasted about President Donald Trump’s impeachment as one that “will last forever” on Wednesday at a press briefing.
Pelosi said, “On December 18, the House of Representatives impeached the president of the United States — an impeachment that will last forever. Since December 18, there have been comments about when are we going to send the articles over. Well, we had hoped that the courtesy would be extended that we would have seen what the process would be in the Senate. Short of that, the time has revealed many things since then. Time has been our friend on all of this.”
And Trump will forever be the guy that beat your party in likely the biggest upset in US political history.
hE diD nOT wIn!!!! HilLaRY iS tHe tRuE PrEsiDeNt BecAUsE oF ThE pOpUlAr vOtE!
Beloved Popular Vote President > Secret Nzai President.
Well, we had hoped that the courtesy
Thank goodness for the founders making the Senate independent and a guarantee of the states.
“an impeachment that will last forever”
Well, yeah. Just like Clinton and Johnson.
Or at least as long as history is taught.
So like 12 more years?
“Time has been our friend on all of this.”
Wait, I thought that time was the enemy? That Trump was so dangerous that no time could be taken to wait for the courts to rule on whether his administration officials could be compelled to testify. That the trial had to happen RIGHT NOW!
Short of that, the time has revealed many things since then.
What, exactly, has “time revealed”?
an impeachment that will last forever
You know what else will last forever? Having lost to a president you’ve impeached’s re-election bid.
OT: Iranian funtime.
“According to the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Persian language broadcast unit, Radio Farda, on Jan. 13, protesters in Isfahan Industrial University chanted, ‘Execution and imprisonment no longer scare us.'”
If true, the regime could be in a lot of trouble.
Not Iranian Funbags?
Isfahan is one of the places I’ve long wanted to go/see. Same with the bazaar of Tabriz. I have a thing for classical Persian architecture. Maybe one day it’ll be a realistic trip.
And there was talk a few episodes ago about SF going soft on us – as it were. He’s a master of pacing. A couple relatively mild episodes and then – hit ’em with the brule torch!
Yes. He’s like Walking Dead back when it was a show about zombies.
Is Pelosi is trying tp scuttle the impeachment?
WASHINGTON (AP) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced the House prosecutors for the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
They include Democrats Adam Schiff of California and Jerrold Nadler of New York, who led the House impeachment probe.
She might be trying to make sure that Schiff and Nadler can’t be called to testify.
My thought exactly.
Although there’s really no reason why not. Even in a Real Trial (insert trademark sign here), you can call lawyers representing one of the parties to the stand. Usually means they have to resign as the lawyer for their client.
“Russia Mitch is only calling them to make them resign!”
A hilarious shitshow is coming. I can’t wait.
Schiff: The Senator is not recognized!!!!
McConnell: Shut the fuck up pleb
“Conscript Fathers, I move that Tribune Schiff is hurled from the Tarpeian Rock!”
Thwow him woughly to fwoor, Thentuwion!
Her name? Incontinentia. Incontinetia BUTTOCKS
It’s her ‘A’-team.
Less than a year ago, both men assured the public and any other person whose brain had been irreparably damaged from the 2016 election that the Trump campaign was definitely in collusion with Russia to do…well…something.
Didn’t he go full McCarthy, and claim to have proof of Trump’s collusion crimes in his possession? I don’t know if he actually said he had the proof “here in my hand”, but he might as well have.
My favorite one is “I don’t know who the whistleblower is”.
Cardi B: Constitutional scholar.
Cardi B tweeted on Tuesday and compared owning a gun to joining the military, saying:
“To join the military you need proper training and follow rules right? They do evaluation check to get in right ?If you don’t qualify you get kicked out right?so if you don’t get training and don’t follow proper rules and don’t qualify to own a gun you shouldn’t have one.”
The statement about guns and the military was part of a larger effort to clarify her position after facing push-back after she came out in favor of mental background checks and an increased minimum age for gun purchases.
“Listen , I do believe we have the right to bare arms however I do believe in order to get a gun we should get mental check ups, proper training and a older age limit to own one,” the Grammy-winning rapper said. “If the proper age limit to drinking is 21 because these kids can’t handle their liquor how can they.”
This Cardi B?
Cardi B Is Owning Up To A Dark Part Of Her Past That Involved Drugging & Stealing From Men
Note the diminishing headline.
She was sticking it to the patriarchy long before it was cool. She’s the perfect Dem candidate.
She once said she didn’t like taxes, but then added that actually she loves taxes for woke projects, and now she says that people should be restricted from buying guns.
Is she running for the LP nomination, because I think Chafee has some competition?
Pretty sure that Nick Sarwark just came reading Cardi B’s tweets
That’s not why the drinking age is 21.
Shhhh….she’s retarded
Remember when voting was lowered to 18 because some loosers in government wanted to keep enslaving 18 year olds?
Yeah i think that was a mistake.
The sad reality is that if Vietnam was fought with a volunteer military we would have never left and eighteen year-olds would have been cool with that
I’m totally in agreement. Also Mothers should get psych evals to make sure they will be able to handle the mental problems that come with an abortion, if they don’t pass they don’t get to have one.
Forgot to bold…
right to bare arms
I think we can all agree that everyone has a right to go sleeveless providing one has the proper training and permitting.
Your a moron. Do you think she was talking about “bear arms”?
everyone has a right to go sleeveless
What about high-capacity sleeves?
I contend that those are vital or even mandatory.
Exactly. While there is a reasonable right to go sleeveless, that doesn’t extend to not wearing high-capacity sleeves.
Trigger warning on that RC, please!
Well we don’t want to arm the bears now do we? Just think of a grizzly with an AR-15, it’s crazy!
Don’t be silly, AR-15s aren’t bear rifles.
Grizzlies use heavier armaments.
.375 H & H at minimum.
I thought we had this discussion and ruled that 375 Ruger was superior
Murican > Limey. It is known.
Are you sure?
So us military vets should have unlimited access to firearms, right?
Oh, no, vets all have PTSD and can’t be permitted weapons on mental health grounds. Clearly, it’s only common sense.
I remember when I used to think Paris Hilton was the nadir of American society. This em effer makes her look like Clara Barton. Cardi B is a talentless moron famous – ish for a hook and being a classless tramp. English is her native language and she can barely speak it, let alone write it. I wouldn’t even deign to disagree with her until she graduates the fourth grade.
I remember when popstars looked pretty or at least made somewhat of an effort.
I think an appropriately measured response is called for to Ms. B:
*clears throat*
Fuck off, you sociopathic slut.
Great, now advocate for a arbitrary, minimual constitutinal knowledge test for the adult public before they’re allowed to vote.
“CNNIsTrash” is now trending on the Twitters.
These people are just realizing that?
The power of ox-goring.
This is dangerous to our democracy!
I’m in public so I had to stop reading. People were looking at me.
Well that’s cause you were jacking off to the parts about warren….
Laughing and retching at the same time is not normal behavior.
You went into public?
How degenerate.
The wouldn’t ask the same of Warren but this is something.
“Your campaign proposals would double federal spending over the next decade at an unprecedented level of spending not seen since World War II,” said the CNN moderator. “How would you keep your plans from bankrupting the country?”
“No, our plan wouldn’t bankrupt the country. In fact, it would much improve the well-being of working-class families and the middle class,” Sanders replied.
By taxing them into poverty…
No, our plan wouldn’t bankrupt the country.
Well, glad that’s settled.
That’s been her response on numerous occasions when she is asked about the economic realities of her ideas: Just flat-out deny that anything bad would happen, then immediately start talking about something else.
They [the economists] are wrong!
Fuck, just realized I read Rebel Scum’s post incorrectly and they were talking about Sanders, not Warren.
Oh well, point still stands – I guess both of them respond to criticism by flippantly denying it and prattling off the same warmed-over talking points. Color me surprised.
Seen on the intertubes:
Its no longer Virginia. Its Cali-ginia.
*spells out “HELP” in twigs on the shoreline*
*issues $37,000/day fine for movign twigs*
“Fly, you fools!”
New news?
Don’t they have open carry in Colorado? Isn’t Colorado Springs a socon happy land where there’s a gun in every house?
Yes, as far as I know, Colorado is still an open carry state. Colorado Springs is probably still socon deplorable HQ for the front range.
But- you know- prissy uberliberal douchebags care not for your negative rights.
They do have open carry and C. Springs is indeed Deploranazi HQ; CC is an island of the Upper West Side.
Hey! This thing called me an asshole!
(Do I have the power to embed images?)
Not only do you not have the power to embed images, you apparently can’t link to them, either.
Works for me 🙁
Not for me.
What took them so long to file suit, anyway?
Re: The Colorado College shooter
I wonder if, like the shooters themselves, some anti-gun hystericals wish to be part of the school shooting club. I know plenty of anti-gunners hope for more mass shooting martyrs but I wonder how many on the CC campus are disappointed that this turned out to be a false alarm.
some anti-gun hystericals wish to be part of the school shooting club
They got to figure out how to shoot before they start lining people against the wall.
Don’t you just point the long part at the bad guys, and push in on the pusher (which pushes the bullet out)?
You may think guns are stupid simple, but don’t underestimate human stupidity to take up the challenge.
Dude. Point? Long part? Pusher?
You don’t know jack do you? All you have to do is move the joystick and the crosshairs move to the bad guy. Then you pull the trigger on the joystick to shoot. If you are playing with a PS controller, you just click the button on the top right.
No, no, not the thing that goes up, that other thingy.
But I don’t want to touch Bernie’s semi-erect penis.
Jimbo, I didn’t realize that you were that slow. I mean a controller for a shooter instead of a mouse.
Hell, Gauleiter Hogg has made a career of it. Even leveraged it into being admitted to Harvard. And he wasn’t even in the building.
No offense to anyone who went to an Ivy League school but any recent graduates that applied for a position with me would get this:
Them: I went to Harvard
Me: That’s nice. *yells over shoulder* Next!
True story:
A friend of mine told me that they recently hired a kid from the South Dakota School if Mines over a Harvard kid. She said it wasn’t even close.
One does not go to Harvard to get an education. One goes to Harvard to make connections and network. I assume graduates get hired not because of what they are capable of producing but because of who they know and what that can do for an organization.
Oh, oh, I know, propose to the current crop of students that the networking needs to be redistributed to needy students at other schools, so Harvard should be shut down.
I know that’s the way it was when I was younger, but is it still the case? Outside of the fucking government, of course.
That’s correct.
However, having worked with plenty of Ivy League (and similar) graduates the vast majority aren’t stupid either. However, on that doesn’t mean that top graduates from other institutions are any less bright.
My general impression is that the undergrads are smart enough, but not necessarily knock-it-out-of-the-park smart. The grad students tended to be pretty top-tier, though. Although my exposure to them goes back aways, and this may have changed.
I worked with more Wharton MBAs than I can count. None of whom I would call stupid.
Honestly, in terms of pure quantitative skills where I worked i was in the bottom quintile.
I’ve generally found the Harvard/Princeton grads who were accepted based-on merit to be high quality. The others, not so much.
Hell, Gauleiter Hogg has made a career of it. Even leveraged it into being admitted to Harvard. And he wasn’t even in the building.
He loves his fellow classmates so much that it doesn’t matter that he has leveraged their deaths for his great financial benefit.
I was not clear. I meant how many want to have a school shooting at their own school. Of course in their minds they will be another David Hogg and not a victim themselves.
I didnt mean they would be the shooter themselves.
I was not clear. I meant how many want to have a school shooting at their own school. Of course in their minds they will be another David Hogg and not a victim themselves.
I didnt mean they would be the shooter themselves.
To be sure, human shields are all well and good, in theory… but you go first.
Also- Colorado College suffers from a severe case of Ivy Envy. Anything to get on the news. If it takes a few bloody corpses to shove Harvard out of the limelight (even for a few news cycles), so be it.
And besides, it would be the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with the deplorables.
‘Start a conversation’. With proggies that usually means them lecturing. you about how things are and finishing with ‘now you are gonna eat it and like it’. I remember when Obama was ‘starting conversations’.
You don’t know jack do you? All you have to do is move the joystick and the crosshairs move to the bad guy. Then you pull the trigger on the joystick to shoot. If you are playing with a PS controller, you just click the button on the top right.
You’re overthinking it
*Sorry- me not know how make linky start in middle.
A friend of mine told me that they recently hired a kid from the South Dakota School if Mines over a Harvard kid. She said it wasn’t even close.
Hell, I’d hire a kid from the South Dakota School of Mimes before I’d hire a Harvard Man.
+1 Man trapped in a box.
At least they wouldn’t talk your ear off about how they went to Harvard.
At least whiteface isnt problematic
Open the video in YouTube, watch the video to the point where you want to link or move to it manually, then click share and select link, YouTube will format the link it generates to start at the time you stopped the video.
Anybody here familiar with the historian/author, Daniel Immerwahr? He’s got a book out called, “How to Hide an Empire,” that looks interesting.
“He’s so stupid, he thinks that Sacajawea is just a ‘bag of jawea’ “.
-some Two and a Half Men episode
“I’m too dry from all my tears,” she said, pulling away from him with a Velcro noise.
Huh. I figured for folks like Bernie and Warren that would be the best lube.
Other people’s tears. C’mon, they’re socialists. Its always “other people” with them.
After 100 million or so dead, it’s hard to keep track of which person’s tears you are using.
My wife and I will be heading to Nashville next summer for the National Homebrew Convention.
We were thinking of making it a full week. So I am thinking of stopping along the way and spending a couple of days along the western Tennessee/Kentucky border.
Anyone familiar with the area? Places to see? Things to do?
I don’t know the western Kentucky/Tennessee border area.
In Nashville I recommend the Lane Motor Museum if you like cars.
Also in Nashuville, I stopped in at Yazoo’s taproom. They run tours, but weren’t running them due to moving production facilities. They had some good beer but the place was empty until about fifteen minutes before last call when they got swamped.
Royal Range gets some free advertising on hickok45’s channel but I didn’t know about Royal Range until after my road trip that took me through Nashville.
National Quilt Museum in Paducah, if the missus is a quilter.
Skip the Frist Art Museum. It’s awful.
And I know it’s cliched, but the Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum is worth going at least one for the Americana. Same with the Grand Ole Opry.
She is.
I am afraid to tell her about this.
She’s gonna hear about it anyway from one of her friends, so go ahead and score some points by suggesting it.
Paducah Beer Works is a block and half away. Hmm, this might work out.
OK, the afternoon links are five minutes late.
Someone needs to post Brett L’s bond.
I never know who’s turn it is in the lynx barrel.
Does the 30 min OT embargo start when the links actually get posted, or does it expire at 15:30 regardless?
I’m going with 15:30.
15:30? I thought you were in the true timezone Q? don’t you mean 14:30?
I’m in the One True Timezone, but I pander for votes.
So you’re Mitt Romney?
He does seem to have folders full of women.
No magic underwear sadly.
Don’t sell yourself short(s)!
It’s only polite to use Glibtime in re: posting events.
You figure someone on meth would have more energy. Then again, tweakers are very easily distracted.
16:30 in the timezone that matters.
14:30 in the Zone that never changes….
/insert the Downfall parody that Robby was looking for.
+ 1 red meat
This one?
Everyone’s paying attention to the latest Avenatti court hearing and laughing their asses off at him.
Avenatti was one i called out, and was mocked for thinking he was shady at all a few years ago before all his fraud shit broke out. I had read up on some of his buisness dealings and he has the history of a Lawyer who screws around with people cause he thinks he’s smart enough to get away with it.
Every lawyer knew this.
It was a good run, 2+ years, oh well, nothing last forever! Are all you guys going back to H&R or somewhere else?
Let’s make this the longest comment section in history,
One big thread…
Would still be better than H&R
I have nowhere else!! WHAT AM I GONNA DO!?!
Titties Q, the answer is Titties…
I suppose that’s always the answer.
I got nowhere else to go!
Where’s Muh Links? I’m confused…
On the upside, you are less confused than whoever was supposed to post them.
Song of the day:
Ah, Carmela…..
I don’t ever think I’ve seen the Brazos there. By Bryan, you can just walk across it.
Climate Change is ruining our good music!
Lads, I believe that links are forthcoming.
You know they were having a ‘european’ house guest.
They all bombed, playing Caligula, and lost track of the hour.
Someone is editing an article. That’s all I can see in my Palintir.
This is a test
Your mom is a test!
This is another test
This is a Test
Huh- it worked.
Thanks, Caput Lupinum!
Your mom is a test!
She can be a bit trying, sometimes.
I think I’m going to try and turn some swiss chard into taco filling tonight.