Great hire. Now he needs to fire the offensive staff.
The Cowboys hired Mike McCarthy to replace Jason Garrett. Certainly not the sexiest hire, but a solid one. Although it looks like a lot of the coaching staff has stayed in place. Arsenal eked out a win against Leeds to advance in the FA Cup. ManUre plays Man City in the even less important League Cup today. And AC Milan and Napoli are officially mediocre.

A playoff contender rises from the ashes.
I’ve been remiss in reporting hockey scores lately what with all the other big goings-on. Last night’s winners were Edmonton, Winnipeg, NYI, and Columbus. And at approximately the midway point of the season, your division leaders are Boston (who is struggling at the moment), Washington (who isn’t), St Louis (who is surging), and Vegas (also playing well). Oh, and Phoenix looks like they’re on their way to the playoffs.
OK, not a ton going on in the sports world, so let’s go ahead and dive into…the links!

Aaaaaand, of course they’re blaming the Jews as well.
Donald Trump causes the death of 32 innocent people. Or at least that’s the way I expect this to be spun today on twitter. And lest we forget (yes, I know this is about a year old) this is the regime the left is bending over backward to support.
I always had a theory that this was nothing but a front for laundering drug money. (Same goes for Mattress Firm.) But I guess they actually employed real people after all…although I don’t know a single person that’s spent any money in one of them for at least 20 years.
I’ve heard of the legal term “double jeopardy”. But sextuple jeopardy?!?! And don’t prosecutors and defense attorneys alike have some discretion in striking potential jurors without having to give a reason? Curious how this has unfolded the first six times as Mississippi apparently goes for trial number 7.
Trust me, Chicago politicians, there’s no shortage of pot in your city. You’re just gonna lose out on the tax revenue of what’s being sold because the system you imposed is idiotic.

This guy is definitely not opting for the Impossible Pork.
I don’t even know how to make a clever headline for this one. I’ll tease it by letting you know it’s about Kevin Bacon. And cannibalism.
I hope to hell that this “mistake” is repeated in the near future. But for real.
The other white (non-)meat has arrived. Enjoy it, I guess. I’m gonna go cook some sausage and eggs this morning instead.
Here you go. Enjoy (nothing but) a great song.
Now go have a wonderful day. I know I will…the girls go back to school today and with my and Banjos’s productivity will increase dramatically.
Now time to read the links
The Bee…first…blah blah blah.
Heh heh. I was expecting that, but I guess it’s an old joke already
Naw, I have real kielbasa in the fridge, in natural casing, made my a local butcher. I’m not going to waste my time with someone trying to ape the taste and texture.
The biggest admission of failure is in trying to impersonate meat rather than being its own food.
Depends on your moral code. For me, this is a delightful advance.
Any reaction to the reports recently about the estrogen level in their burgers?
You’re going to have to provide some link for that. I don’t have enough information to comment (ie, first I’ve heard of that)
My moral objection is to deception – food pretending to be other food.
“the other white meat” is the original deception.
I always get told “I didn’t know they come that biog in white”… Oh wait. Different discussion.
It made the links a couple weeks back. Apparently it’s safe, although Chuck Schumer has gone to a c-cup after going full vegan.
Why is it that your comment makes me wish for the days of a full bosom Chuck? Eeew.
I am not convinced those estrogen compounds in some foods getting in your stomach have a direct effect on your hormonal balance.
There are a bunch of memes and jokes about eating them to avoid the draft.
Son, uh, there ain’t no draft no more.
Compared to the phytoestrogens I already ingest from soy, as well as the xenoestrogens we all ingest from plastic packaging, it’s all in the noise.
You got tired of eating
MorningstarSatan-brand foods?curious, do you buy vegan dog food for your dog?
No, she is a carnivore and a predator. Humans are biologically omnivores and have agency.
I think cats are obligate carnivores, dogs not so much… But I understand…
It brings to mind that meme I saw doing the rounds last year.
“Your transgender child is like a vegan cat; everyone knows who is making the decisions.”
Depending on your cooking ability, another source of high-quality protein (which it is) with a new flavor and texture (which they have) is great news.
I don’t think they taste or have the mouth feel of meet (at least not the burgers, haven’t had the other). But I had a damn good Impossible sandwich at Hell’s Kitchen, where they know what they hell they are doing in the kitchen. I wouldn’t say is passes for beef, but I would say it was a very good sandwich.
You work downtown?
Me too. Office is right on the mall.
“He also told cops that he cut off Bacon’s testicles and ate them during the murder, WILX reported.”
Say what you want, but that guy’s got balls.
I’d say he’s quite the nutter.
Hey! He just likes his huevos revueltos a bit too much.
Impossible Huevos?
He just got a little teste.
*narrows gaze*
There is a vas deferens between him and I.
I bet this guy tries to get off by using a dual appeal to the Oval Office and the Supreme Court. The old SCROTUS trick.
LOL amirite?
As we all know from an archetypal gross-out comedy, it makes fantastic hair gel.
In too local news, my son’s girlfriend is the deceased’s cousin. Six degrees and whatnot.
Were they close? #thoughtsandprayers (albeit a fleeting thought and vague notion of a prayer to [insert deity])
Not close. She was a little shocked, obviously. I haven’t spoken with her since the details came out yesterday.
Everybody loves Bacon. *squints suspiciously at all of you except the vegans
Not all bacon is created equal.
Headline: Six Courses of Kevin Bacon…
Everybody else was trying to make you hungry, and I’m the bad guy?
The other white (non-)meat has arrived. Enjoy it, I guess. I’m gonna go cook some sausage and eggs this morning instead. – pass. But this may not be a choice forever…
Sure it will. I can drive 30 minutes in most any direction and trade for fresh pork, raw milk, free range chickens, eggs, beef, or a dozen exotic species of game.
Move out of the big city. There’s farmers everywhere that aren’t about to give up good feed pasture for row-crop farming that couldn’t be done there anyway.
As long as Greta’s ilk don’t get any real power.
I can definitely see UN Ambassador, or a national leadership role in her future.
She gonna be molesting kids?
Surrendering to rapefugee gangs, more likely.
That’s pretty good for a high school dropout.
How DARE you!
Come visit Texas sometime. No amount of government power could control what people do in this much sparsely-populated (by armed people) land without an extremely bloody war. Then visit other parts of the country like Wyoming, the Dakotas, Utah, etc which are even less densely populated but with more pasture.
People who live in these areas will always be able to find meat no matter how hard people like Greta and her ilk try to change things through socialist bullshit.
Well maybe, but in the enlightened lands of the European Union…
What most of these city born/bred activists don’t get is that an acre of land isn’t the same as any other acre. Go to western NDak and try to farm the side of the buttes where they are currently ranching cattle. Good luck to you.
Knowing the eco-activists, they probably think that you could hire Disney to write a catchy song that you could sing to the cows in order to convince them to farm the sides of those buttes for you (no icky internal combustion tractors).
I’ve been reading about the benefits of regenerative grazing. Single-crop industrial farming does a real number on the soil quality. Add that to the fact that only a small portion of land is farmable anyway, suggests that an omnivore diet isn’t going anywhere.
You forget, the eco-nuts likely to try to force a dietary change don’t actually care about what’s most efficient. The mass starvation of millions of humans in the name of protecting the environment would be an untrammelled good in their opinions. Because humans are the problem.
This is separate from the veggie/carnivore/omnivore discussion we generally end up in here with regards to imitation meat substitute.
I say plow the scottish moors
Moors in Scotland? This is what the EU’s migrant policy gets you!
::rousing applause::
I’m sorry, the card says “Moops”.
During his sixth trial in 2010, Flowers, who is black, was sentenced to death. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned that conviction in June, finding that prosecutors had shown an unconstitutional pattern of excluding African American jurors.
See. This is a case where mentioning the race of a person in the article makes sense. I get tired of reading “John, who is black, yadda yadda, Jane, who is white” with no impact on any pertinent info.
Continue with the John and Jane story. I’m invested now and I want to know how that plays out.
Well, you see, John is suing Jane for injuries resulting in an 80% disability of the left arm. Jane is attempting to get the DA to prosecute John for breaking and entering.
Both went to the same College and shared a class together.
I like this direction better, sorry UCS.
These are not mutually exclusive factsets
No no no, we’re doing this my way. No violence or legal proceedings, just happily ever afters please.
How to say this…
That sounds dull.
I know, it’s marvellous, isn’t it?
JD is Unemployed
But he’s applied to write for Hallmark.
Heck yeah!
He fixes the cable.
I like this one. And then she pays the bill, in cash, and bids him a good day? Yes?
This story is ludicrous.
Where is the pizza delivery guy telling us that he likes to watch?
The man’s family grew concerned when he didn’t show up to Christmas breakfast, according to the report.
Does this become one of those “And then the Persian King revealed that he had fed the servants child to him” stories?
But based on the story, he did show up for Christmas breakfast.
“Nobody’s leaving,” Milley said. “There’s no onward movement. Honest mistake.”
I thing ascribing Honest Mistake to anything involved with Iraq is suspect…
“On Dec. 16, Flowers was released from state custody for the first time in 22 years after a judge granted a request for bail.
Flowers was convicted four times in connection with the 1996 killings in the north Mississippi city of Winona: twice for individual slayings and twice for all four killings. Two other trials involving all four deaths ended in mistrials.
Each of the convictions was overturned, but Flowers had remained in jail because the original murder indictment is still active.”
I don’t see how that was possible.
I’m guessing, the trials were overturned on procedural grounds and a new trial ordered. Strangely enough that would be the defendant’s rights to due process being protected there. It’s not that he’s getting aquitted by jury after jury and the prosecuters keep going after him. He keeps getting new trials because his own lawyers succeed on appeals.
Strangely enough that would be the defendant’s rights to due process being protected there
I think this satisfies the definition of Irony.
This is correct. If you look up the term “railroad” in wikipedia, it directs to this guy’s bio and has a link that says “for that think with tracks and a choo-choo, click here”
Pier 1 isn’t the only company that I never shopped in. I working in an antique shop in TX, we (didn’t) sell the same reproductions as Pier 1. Oh, we had the same stuff but no one was buying ours either. We didn’t last very long, only until the SBA money ran out. Lucky for me, I moved on.
Pier 1 isn’t the only company that I never shopped in – would have been amazing if it was
I know of one couple that shopped there. They were cash strapped and P1 had some special deal they used on furniture
I installed IBM point of sale hardware/software in several Pier 1’s located in Memphis back when I was in college. So they must have customers trying to buy things.
Pier 1 customers all became IKEA customers.
They seem to have stopped carrying funky exotic things — the stuff you now find at Cost Plus — and went sleek but bland.
Good morning, Sloop!
Courtesy of Rufus, here’s an amazing McDavid goal to add to your hockey coverage. The kid is amazing.
I’m glad to hear you and Banjos are free at last. Enjoy your newfound productivity!
To make another pro look silly takes some doing that is for sure. Amazing acceleration.
From the sidebar on the Kevin Bacon story – I read it as Marty Kroft nightmare becomes real. Visions of a rapey H.R. Puffinstuff danced in my head… Sweet dreams, Glibbies!
So, H.R. Puffinstuff.
Yeah, pretty much. But there was a magic flute and… okay, now I see it.
Always apt – https://youtu.be/FHqcNj0Pv6c
Had a biker uncle that would visit from time to time. He took us to see that movie in 1971-ish. I wasn’t ever a fan of the series but “Hey, free movie!” I still remember Mom complaining about the smell in the attic. Mom and Dad were pretty square but they weren’t stupid people.
None of that makes any sense to me. I must be old.
No no. Brit TV is very very stupid.
Ah, Brit TV. That explains why they think those twins are so hot. I guess they are by Brit standards.
It makes more sense if you realize they simply misspelled “simpletons”.
Those twins? No thanks :/ Long, tall, and dark got it goin’ on, though.
I first thought the blonde who had dated Capaldi, was talking about the Dr. Who/The Thick Of It Peter Capaldi, and I was right impressed with him.
Gross. I wouldn’t let a sexual organ get within 50 feet of any of them.
and they won’t let one get more than 50 feet away. This was born the cockosphere.
‘Trust me, Chicago politicians, there’s no shortage of pot in your city. You’re just gonna lose out on the tax revenue of what’s being sold because the system you imposed is idiotic.’
Heh, It’s funny you just submitted this article. A buddy and I were set to take a road trip to East St. Louis over the weekend to legally purchase some weed for the sheer novelty of it. Then we started looking at the selection, prices, and the average wait times in line. Selection: I have a wider selection at my disposal at home. Prices: much cheaper at home, and that’s before taxes are added. Wait times: Up to two hours standing in line.
Once those were factored in, the only logical thing to do was say “Fuck Illinois.”
There was no problem back in the day when I was in Amsterdam. That was 25 years ago, yet they can’t figure it out.
The vapers are the ones that will get short shrift. Canada is freaking out the same way that you are. The black market has nothing to fear.
That’s a phrase that’s good for any situation. Sort of like “This to, shall pass”.
Whitney said the growers will then need local zoning approval as well as a few months to produce pot products.
So the local dealer understands economics better than the state. Shocking.
Hardball Questions For The Next Debate (2020)
this is vaguely amusing I guess
“backstory” Puns like a Glib.
Once those were factored in, the only logical thing to do was say “Fuck Illinois.”
Always the correct answer.
It’s January. That means its almost time for the Utah Legislature to begin its Annual Session. It also means it’s time for State Reps to resubmit bills that couldn’t pass on the floor last year. This one in particular would make it a primary offense (class C misdemenor, ie up to 90 days in jail with 750 in fines) if a cop sees you touching your phone while driving.
I think NC still doesn’t have a handsfree law for adults
I listened to the floor debate on this bill last year. It was awful. The Rep who proposed it is one of the worst. She really views herself as an schoolmarm of the state. One of her points as that Utah has this law for minors, and if we tell our children to do this why then don’t we tell everyone to. As in everyone is a child to be told what to do by the state.
On the flip side, no one in opposition was brave enough to say: “Hey this is a bill strongly approved of by the UHP, seems like it is just another excuse for cops to harass the poor who don’t have nice “Hands Free” tech in their cars”. Not that that is the strongest argument, but the Dems like to position themselves as championing the little guy, but as i’ve seen more, they Utah State Democrats are an organ of the Prosecutor/Law Enforcement industry.
Some of NC’s worst alcohol consumption and driving related laws came from when the former AG became Gov and gave the SHP carte blanche for suggestions
He also was one of the most corrupt
He said “former AG”, so that was self-evident.
I don’t see “jail” in the write-up on the new Massachusetts law. But it’s going into effect shortly.
No surprise the Rep is from the greater Salt Lake area. This would be nothing but a money grab.
Hmmm so strike McCarthy off the list for the Panthers. I have this sense that Tepper wants McDaniels anyway
This should also stop the ‘Zimmer to Dallas for a first’ speculation.
Why would anyone who saw him coach in Denver ever consider him for a HC position?
I think Todd Haley may be available, too.
Tard Tuesday: Rooting For Terrorism
Tards are gonna tardate?
Reading thru the comments there, most of them are applauding the move by Iran. In other words, they’re actually approving of terroristic actions by Iran with no regard for human life or property. It’s only “Trump bad, Iran hurt Trump good”
There’s a couple of sane voices that are completely ignored or drowned out.
If the average DU commenter had a mind to lose, it’s completely gone now.
I actually told a coworker yesterday that it must really be fucked up living in a world where because you hate orange man so bad you actually are left rooting for some of the vilest and most evil people on this planet because you just can’t admit maybe you are the one in the wrong. It was not well received.
Red Don
I don’t get it.
Well those are DU knuckleheads spouting nonsense. What you need is some high class nonsense spouted by an actual Congresswoman.
A shill for some of the vilest beliefs on the planet telling orange man he is bad!
She then joined her constituents for a chant of “DEATH TO AMERICA!”
My takeaway from my several years working at a NYC Pier 1 location is that Pier 1 is primarily a financial services corporation that uses sales and loss-leaders on tangible home goods to get people into the store to apply for credit cards. Daily number of credit card applications was the sole metric by which floor staff were evaluated.
This is why the consumer retail market is quite often loathsome.
More regulation needed amiright?
Caveat Emptor
This is why no one likes libertarians
I thought it was the smug pedantry.
Not the questionable personal hygiene?
I waSsh my dick in the sink! (insert Eddie Murphy skit here)
Dean, we have the best white-trash-patch neckbeards you ever seen. Can’t be that.
My beard is far from a neckbeard! Although… it is long enough to cover the majority of my neck though.
And eating too much Kevin Bacon.
Why? They’re going bankrupt, as Sears has before them.
The bungled message started when a draft letter from Marine Brig. Gen. William Seely began circulating on social media. Addressed to an official at the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, the letter said U.S. troops would be “repositioning forces” to prepare for “onward movement.”
Seely added, “We respect your sovereign decision to order our departure.”
Yeah, right. Fake news.
Opinion: Ricky Gervais cheapened the Golden Globes and overshadowed vital political statements
The #GoldenGlobes mood was already sober thanks to an impeachment, threat of war with Iran and Australian bush fires. The last thing anyone needed was Ricky Gervais there, telling them they sucked.
Ricky is the worst
It was pretty low for Gervais to punch down like that. Clearly Hollywood is full of retards, and hitting them like that is just unfair.
These are the people lecturing white guys making 40 grand a year in Tuscaloosa about their privilege.
And they are not even bright enough to see Ricky was right about them being douchebags.
The awards were certainly not free from activism – powerful speeches were given by actors including Jennifer Aniston on climate change, Joaquin Phoenix on veganism, Michelle Williams on abortion rights and Patricia Arquette on the conflict between Iran/US.
You’re running on some low wattage intellect if you think those were “powerful”.
And that is why they were pissed at Ricky: he called them out for being idiots, and they then still went and proved him right.
^This. Even after he told him what hypocritical idiots they are, they just couldn’t help themselves and illustrated his point.
Because they really are clueless idiots.
It’s hard to hear anyone when you’re that far up your own ass.
I was once told to never argue with an idiot because they will knock you down and beat you with experience. I guess this just strengthens that mantra.
Stunning and brave.
Jedi level trolling.
Jennifer Aniston was not powerful…. she was hammered. Too many glasses of the bubbly, I’d guess.
Sorry bud, once Hollywood decided it was the arbiter of all that was moral and right and proceeded to lecture us at every opportunity, that ended.
Can you imagine thnking, “This actress really cares about Polar Bears. Then so will I!”? It’s like telling an 8 year old the tooth fair isn’t real. “It’s time we told you, but the actress is only do this for image purposes.”
You mean the overpopulated bears that are running into grizzlies since there’s not enough room for them in the arctic?
One of the few species known to actively hunt humans?
Thos polar bears?
TBH, I have no idea what they’re yammering about these days. Something about Orange peaches.
Crossing critus and prunus is going to require gene editing. Have they gone pro-GMO?
It’s not a coincidence that the people advocating for these causes with consequences tend to be the ones least likely to ever have to deal with the consequences of the results of their activism. Queue the fucking liberals living in gated suburbia demanding open borders. Or green energy production in their own backyard. Or expensive healthcare they will need to pay for others. How likely do you think they would be supporting those causes if they were to be the main recipients of the consequences of their ignorance?
It is easy to be a supporter of a cause if all you really need to sacrifice is some of your time while others bear the true costs. Especially when you are an unemployed hack living in your parent’s basement or on income from their trust fund.
It’s imposter syndrome. They know they’re, on average, functional retards with pretty faces and therefore they didn’t really deserve their embarrassment of riches. They must atone by being advocates.
The need to grandstand just shows they are morons.
“Hollywood was synonymous with elegance and class”
Not for at least a generation, maybe two.
It’s like Gervais made everyone forget about Weinstein.
By mentioning him.
Yeah, seems Fatty Arbuckle’s career has been forgotten.
Hollywood has long wanted to be synonymous with elegance and class, but it never has been outside the dreams of wannabes.
Must scroll down….
Not ever. They have always been depraved idiots owned by people with the morals of a piranha. See Fatty Arbuckle/Mary Pickford among others.
Fatty was acquitted, and a friend of Buster Keaton’s. What did Pickford do?
Get confused in my mind with Virginia Rappe.
“What did Pickford do?”
Nothing I heard.
Maybe Ted can correct me but I think Hollywood never possessed class and elegance.
Low class is still class of a sort.
They’re sort of like an overfunded trailer park.
The Golden Globes are the Maxwell Street of awards – impossible to cheapen any further.
this is the regime the left is bending over backward to support.
Sure Iran kills gays for being gay but Orange Man Bad.
This Election Day you have a choice: to have your vote influenced by Russia or to have your vote influenced by Iran.
Iran does kill gays for being gay, but the case linked might not be the best example if the goal is vilifying Iran.
The ISNA reported that the 31-year-old kidnapped two 15-year-olds.
Not for nuthin’…. but if I were caught in a 3-way gay hookup and I knew that if I didn’t say I was kidnapped and forced I’d be executed, I’d say I was kidnapped and forced.
Of course, Saudi Arabia fixed those sorts of loopholes by making the penalties for being raped more severe than the penalty for rape.
Fair enough. but 15…
Yeah, more of a fair warning… If you jump in the sack with me and the Iranian gay police show up… I’m claiming kidnap and rape.
I do not consent to you jumping in the sack with me. I will defend myself and my honor with any necessary force.
So you say you’re gonna play hard to get?
I have no idea if the prevailing wisdom of “Girls are for procreation, boys are for recreation” exists in Iranian culture as much as it does in some of the other ME cultures.
The ‘psychedelics coach’ with drug-fuelled career advice
At least they can blame the drugs when their software sucks.
*deep drag*
Man, what is ‘functional’. I mean… well… it does something when you click.
An employee whose job was to be sacked
Haha, I’d love to do that to a customer.
Nice work if you can get it.
What happens if the same customer complains more than once?
A Harrod’s customer prone to complaining isn’t the sort known to differentiate ‘the help’ seen only briefly.
So what happens when they actually do fire that guy?
Pilot episode of The Apprentice.
The more recent turn on that was having another associate/rep be “your supervisor”.
I worked in big-box retail before. I’ve been fake fired like that once. It was great.
The California-based company unveiled Impossible Pork and Impossible Sausage on Monday evening at the CES gadget show in Las Vegas.
Why at CES?
Certainly not making me feel like it’s an edible product by doing that.
Target audience.
I mean, the SHOT show seems like a non-starter.
I’m not really seeing the crossover appeal between my internet-enabled fridge and non-decomposable sausage.
You fridge will tweet about how virtuous your food selection is so you can get likes and upvotes from people you’ll never meet.
I have an acquaintance who’s vegetarian by marriage. He swears by the soy chorizo, with the defense that most of the spice blends were to help cover the flavor of questionable meat. Me, I’ll stick to the pork stuff.
REAL chorizo is spit glands and lymph nodes with pork fat and spices.
It’s a smart play, IMO. There aren’t all that many high-profile trade shows anymore. And the whole point is to gain wide exposure to a group of people who will take their experiences home and talk about them. CES will have a lot of left-leaning vegetarians in attendance because a lot of left-leaning vegetarians work in that field. They’ll go home and talk about what they saw and what they ate and it will cause a greater demand.
The other big trade show alternatives are the car shows in Detroit and a few other places, World Of Concrete, the World Ag Expo (Tulare, CA what’s up?), or ConExpo. And this ain’t selling as well at any of those.
The risk of food poisoning is lower for vegetarians; just sayin’.
Most of the recent food poisoning outbreaks have been traced to romaine lettuce.
That’s because they’re usually served raw, and rarely properly washed of the shit deposited on them in the fields.
Spinach from Salinas was the culprit a few years ago.
– 1 e coli lettuce
True. Lower, not absent.
About the Curtis Flowers trial; we live in a sad scary world where the Prosecutor doesn’t understand the meaning of Justice. The only one that can receive that is Curtis Flowers. What he is talking about for the family is the concept that I call legal revenge.
And your point? The best justification for the existence of criminal law is that private vengeance devolves into vendetta and terror, and ceding our right to revenge to the supposedly more neutral State avoids that. It only works if the State does in fact avenge serious wrongs.
I’ll tease it by letting you know it’s about Kevin Bacon.
Impossible Bacon?
On that note: much to my surprise, I don’t recommend hamburger patties that are 50/50 ground beef/bacon. The amount of salt turns out to be well over the delightful/unpleasant boundary.
Ouch! A lesson I’ve learned myself. Now we just use ground pork as a patty additive and put sliced bacon on the burgers.
50/50 ground venison/bacon is pretty damn good IMHO
*impossibly narrows gaze*
Now it’s personal, YouTube
Fucking dicks. OH NO THERE BE GUNZ
Is there really anything that cannot be used to harm others?
No, not really. It just requires creativity and effort.
The problem is most likely the gunsmithing videos they have on that channel. Because restoration and conservation of historical arms is a deadly threat to our childrens.
Guns are bad, to be fair.
Just for that I’m going back to the store and taking another look at those ARs I didn’t spend much time with yesterday.
They’ll start in on the car mod channels next. No more Gaia-raping engine mods and sweet burnouts.
As long as they don’t go after non vegan cooking channels
Do you have any idea how many people bacon kills every year?
That’s a good channel but it’s not surprising that an organization run by a bunch of leftists will suppress viewpoints and topics they don’t like. Even other leftists who happen to be antiwar, Jimmy Dore for example, are being fucked with so this comes as no surprise.
The Dore thing is interesting. He’s a Bernie supporter but doesn’t accept the fake news narratives from the corporate media masking as liberal. At least as some describe it.
Personally, one day people like him and Tim Poole will realize it’s all progressive and that the calls are coming from inside the house.
The only way out for them is to come to the dark side.
I like the guy and tend to watch his stuff although I disagree with him about just about everything other than the war stuff. There’s something to be said for having principles even if they’re wrong.
I agree. I like him too and appreciate his stance because he’s principled.
Too bad he spat on Alex Jones though. Low.
He seems to be an emotional guy and Jones was acting like an ass but, you’re right, that was out of line.
Whenever I’m alerted about youtube acting like dicks, I subscribe to the channel and hit ‘Like’ even if I don’t know the content.
It’s my ‘fuck off, eat shit and die’ to the little shitstained fascist weasels at youtube.
Gabriele D’Annunzio And The Free State Of Fiume
Feel The Bern
Sanders said, “I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was a bad news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments. … But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you’re unleashing international anarchy.”
He added, “Then, if China does that, if Russia does that, you know, Russia has been implicated under Putin with assassinating dissidents. So, once you’re in the business of assassination, you unleash some very, very terrible forces.”
I don’t see how that relates. And wtf is “international anarchy”?
Shorter Bern: terrorism with random plebian victims is more moral than terrorism with targeted high-ranking official victims.
That gentleman’s agreement between countries needs to die, because the populace is tired of being cannon fodder.
I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was a bad news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And
Killing rando poors conscripted into the military is fine, but don’t kill the important powerful people
Nice to know Bernie would have spared Goering and Rommel.
Why if nations start accepting that other nations may assasinate their leaders, then good hearted congressmen like Bernie might be a target.
Both Goering and Rommel were killed by Germans.
They both killed themselves, so technically correct.
There’s no such thing as “international law”. There are treaties and agreements between nations, but no set of international laws passed by a representative international legislature.
I’d say the ‘Laws of Land Warfare’ have been ratified through conventions and enough treaties to meet the standard of being passed by a defacto legislature.
Even if we accept such a construction, in what way is the commander of a force that just attacked us anything but a legitimate target?
Oh, he was definitely a legitimate target. No question.
“…but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government.”
Uh, yeah. So WTF was he doing in Iraq where there was no possible excuse that he was there at the request of, or even knowledge of, the Iraqi government? I love how none of the “whatabout-ist” excusion-ists merely ignore that elephant in this particular parlor.
Imagine if a US Marine Corps general was found in civilian clothing in Venezuela?
And he was killed after arranging an attack on the Iranian Embassy?
There’d be some sabre rattling, but there’d be a lot more stink-eye directed toward who approved /WTF we doing there.
“Drunk woman, 20, who asked male passengers on Etihad flight to join her in the mile-high club before biting and headbutting cabin crew who refused her more drink is jailed for six months”
Don’t stick it in crazy…
ignoring the crazy, not that bad looking definitely in the would category
as Pie demonstrates exactly how you get stuck in crazy.
Somebody should have for the team.
I’m on the fence on this one.
My decision is up in the air.
toxic femininity. Women are not used to be refused sex.
Drunk, unashamed, and fairly cute…she’s alright by me.
ADL runs Napoli. It was a matter of time he was going to run it aground. And this obsession with Insigne….let it go. He’s not worth it.
I think my beloved AC Milan has been there for a long time. Sad.
But Inter is on the rise again.
Look. It’s simple for Serie A. Upgrade the facilities, streamline those TV deals and get the money rolling again. But politics and cultural heritage considerations make it next to impossible to do so.
Still. Even at its lowest ebb in my lifetime, the quality of soccer is very high in Serie A believe it or not. Ronaldo was surprised by this when he came and had to adjust his game a little. He has to think a little more to get around the tight marking. The small to middle table teams offer a different pace to the big sides.
I know people don’t watch it (they never did. Pity the fool who didn’t watch Serie A in the 90s. I think it was arguably the greatest era in the history of the game it was that good. This coming from a guy who has been observing the Big Four – plus Ligue Un because I like French soccer- since the early 80s) but it’s still the place to watch interesting tactics and formations and high level soccer. I know the pace isn’t to people’s liking and it has caused problems for them in European play (Lazio crashing out in Europa for example was a disastrous example) in recent years, but know what? It’s ok. I like it.
You gave me an opening to vent. I did.
Hard to watch Napoli fall so far.
“‘#BAFTAsSoWhite’ trends as race row explodes over all-white acting nominations… and even Academy boss admits she’s ‘very disappointed with the lack of diversity'”
This shit is so tired.
I see these complaints as racist insults directed at non-whites calling for them to ‘git gud’ at their chosen profession.
Yeah, you want more nominations? Make better movies.
Why are you tired of them complaining about their navel-gazing?
Mecause it leads them to think about the Orange man.
If you don’t think that skin pigment is the only thing that is important you are a vile racist.
Gloom and doom. Terror and despair.
Democrats have fretted for more than a year about how to choose a nominee. And for those who loathe Trump, the imperative to remove him from office has remained high since the minute he won election in 2016.
But many Democrats did not suspect a year ago that the final stage of the campaign would begin with open conversations about the prospect of a World War III. Or an impeached president.
Standing in the photo line at a raucous Warren event Sunday, a high school senior said he worried about his friends being deployed to the Middle East. The Iowa Starting Line news site reported that during a single day campaigning with Sen. Amy Klobuchar recently, attendees at three separate events had “compared Trump to Adolf Hitler’s rise in Germany.”
He said, “I fear that our democracy will not survive four more years of the imperial Trump presidency with his lack of understanding and respect for the Constitution.” He said he feared the planet might not survive, either.
The turn of the calendar — and the abrupt reminder of what Croken called Iowa’s “truly awesome responsibility” of caucusing — has done little to improve the state’s mood. In fact, impeachment and the developments in Iran appear to have exacerbated voters’ anxiety about their indecisiveness on an alternative to Trump.
What we need is more irresponsible fearmongering and outright slander. Teh hobgoblins are everywhere, and they’re coming to eat you (and your precious little baby childrunz)!
“ attendees at three separate events had “compared Trump to Adolf Hitler’s rise in Germany.””
That says more about the IQ of the people making those comparisons than it does about Trump.
“I fear that our democracy will not survive four more years of the imperial Trump presidency with his lack of understanding and respect for the Constitution.”
Something that Warren exhibits with every one of her proposals
How nice of them to discover we have a Constitution. Pity they have no idea what it says.
Yeah, that was the line that stood out to me.
They keep saying that…. but always at the wrong moment.
Trump tweets “fake news” and it is a threat to the constitution.
Trump attacks an enemy combatant engaged in funding and supervising terrorist organizations in occupied territory – threat to the constitution.
Trump appoints originalist conservative justice to the supreme court – threat to the constitution.
Now… Obama spies on Republican presidential nominee and uses multiple government agencies to target republicans? Fine. Obama topples Libyan government with military force, without getting a war declaration, notification under the war powers act or even a note to congress… fine…. Obama unilaterally decides he won’t enforce immigration law…. fine…. Obama spies on reporters… . fine. Obama uses classified information to undermine the incoming administration, threatening the peaceful transfer of power….. fine.
But many Democrats did not suspect a year ago that the final stage of the campaign would begin with open conversations about the prospect of a World War III. Or an impeached president.
They were saying that through the whole election even though it was Hilldawg that was threatening to shoot at Russian planes.
imperial Trump presidency
*rolls eyes*
Democrats have fretted for more than a year about how to choose a nominee
The Athenians came up with this interesting idea. They called it democracy. See, you cast votes in elections, and the person who gets the most votes, is the one selected. Maybe the Democrats have heard of this idea? Their name seems awfully close to the idea.
Nah, that would be too pedestrian. Better to choose the candidate behind closed doors.
To be fair, the eligable voters in Athens were a small subset of the population – like DNC delegates.
I think the Athenian electorate was larger than the Democratic Party’s superdelegates, but apparently the Democrats have kind of learned their lesson and in 2020 the superdelegates don’t get to vote in the first round.
If they were having intelligent conversations about Arrow and some such, that would be cool. But that isn’t what is going on.
It’s a lower temperature starch thickener than corn. But I’m not sure how long we could carry on about it.
For the 2 of you who don’t know what I was talking about:
Stop runing the joke
The theorem is named after economist and Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow, who demonstrated the theorem in his doctoral thesis
Is it good or bad to hit a HR that early?
That depends. Are you going to sit on bay leaves or continue cooking?
So if I understood that correctly the pivotal voter is basically the voter who would be the median in a ranking by preference weight? In other words the voter who would switch his vote from A to B or vice versa after one half of the other voters and before the other half? I see why that mathematically makes him the dictator (if you accept that preference weighting works that way which I don’t), but so what? It isn’t that his preference controls the others it’s just that we have defined things such that he will be persuaded at the decisive moment along with others.
The flaw in the preference ranking though is more interesting. I don’t think candidate preference is actually along the single axis of A>B or B>A I think it is an ever shifting aggregate of various preferences for traits that the candidates are perceived as having or lacking, so that while in the actual election there might be a dictator vote because that voter was the median along the composite axis of all the trait preferences that actually or apparently played out, a different voter would have been the dictator if different events had unfolded or appeared to unfold in the campaign.
At the simplest level, Arrow’s theorem says that with multiple deciders choosing between multiple decisions, there is no optimal solution.
Or, “You can’t please everybody”.
It probably IS better to choose the candidate behind closed doors. But then they couldn’t blame the plebes for making the wrong choice.
Well, they could always still blame the plebes for making the wrong choice in the general election.
CNN stung by the Bee.
It is nearly 3 yeras old, but the Bee tweeted it back at CNN.
“Anytime you want to have your biases confirmed, CNN will be there.”
“To put this in perspective, this is the same number of engagements the top NY Times and CNN stories on Facebook had over the past week,” O’Sullivan wrote. “A lot of people sharing this ‘satirical’ story on Facebook don’t know it is satire.”
The boundless arrogance of these assholes is beyond the pale at this point.
Reminds me of this short doc by Spiked:
Donie O’Sullivan
Verified account
Jan 5
Having a disclaimer buried somewhere on your site that says it’s “satire” seems like a good way to get around a lot of the changes Facebook has made to reduce the spread of clickbait and misinformation.
Go fuck yourself Donnie you fatso.
Report me.
I splintered off into Gulagtown:
“True Blood Net ?
Too many sites hide behind the name ‘satire’ when they aren’t the least bit funny. There needs to be reviews of these sites and shut them down if they are just misinformation sweatshops.
7:02 PM – 5 Jan 2020
1 Retweet 3 Likes AnnforHumanityDeeMKR”
“Andre Walker
Replying to @truebloodnet @donie @KFILE
Who decides?
“True Blood Net ?
Pretty sure we could get a non biased group together to review sites and then recommend them to feds for further investigation.”
True blood net is a true blood commie.
Pretty sure we could get a non biased group together to review sites and then recommend them to feds for further investigation.
Call them the House Unfunny Activities Committee.
Shhhh, don’t tell him that humor is subjective.
Well yeah, you subject people to humor and listen to them groan.
Well, somewhat subjective.
As I opined on this topic yesterday, the reason The Bee, Dave Chappelle and now Gervaise are getting play and Trevor Noah, et al are not is that simply being snarky about people you disagree with is only funny to a very limited subset of the already converted choir.
The Bee, Chapelle, and Gervaise know that in order to be funny while being political, you have to be an equal opportunity humorist, skewering both sides of arguments in interesting ways.
The left doesn’t get this. This has been true at least since the early 90’s. I went to a comedy club in Atlanta and they had a female headliner who bombed. Her entire act was “republicans are so dumb” “republicans are so evil” “Look at Newt Gingrich! He’s so fat and dumb and evil” She had no setup, no punchline, no joke to land. Just “Ha-ha… I hate republicans”. Even that young, urban and left of center audience was having none of it. She got pretty pissed that she was bombing so badly and told us that us hicks in the south just don’t get good political humor. Apparently she killed in New York City before coming to Atlanta.
That anecdote has become the norm. Even The Onion has forgotten how to do satire, opening the door for The Bee.
They had a good time at the expense of Bolton yesterday….”John Bolton Can’t Believe He Left the White House Just Before War With Iran” . That’s funny. And it isn’t right wing humor, or pro Trump humor….. It is just humor about the current political situation that pokes fun at someone on the right. That’s why they are funny and “the Daily Show” isn’t.
It’s pretty obvious that it is satire. But perhaps CNN viewers have a hard time considering the fakenews spewed by CNN.
Is there any site left that does not do “this was said on twitter and these are the replies” type articles ?
No, this is what American media has become. It’s not just websites, the TV channels do it too. It’s baffling sometimes to watch foreign news and not see a single tweet pointlessly shown on the screen and pontificated over for the next several minutes by empty headed narcissists.
I don’t think we’ve done one. Not a full article as opposed to “look at these idiots” link, at least.
Surely we’ve had dedicated debate night threads.
They have a whole segment for that on the Today Show on NBC News. They dig for one tweet that says what they want and call it “now trending on Twitter”.
Whereas it is notorious, That Charles Stuart, the now King of England, not content with those many Encroachments which his Predecessors had made upon the People in their Rights and Freedoms, hath had a wicked Design totally to Subvert the Ancient and Fundamental Laws and Liberties of this Nation, and in their place to introduce an Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government, and that besides all other evil ways and means to bring this Design to pass, he hath prosecuted it with Fire and Sword, Levied and maintained a cruel War in the Land, against the Parliament and Kingdom, whereby the Country hath been miser ably wasted, the Publick Treasure Exhausted, Trade decayed, thousands of People murdered, and infinite other mischiefs committed; For all which high and treasonable Offences the said Charles
Impeachment is not what it was
All odd numbered King Charles have been beheaded. I always thought the current Prince Charles should consider that.
Disgusting goal by McDavid last night.
Ahem. And I even gave you credit!
Heh! I stop reading the comments from the bottom up!
I really need to stop doing that.
yeah we saw earlier. Does not look that impressive. I could do that with a week of practice. I can probably learn to skate in 3 days, learn to stick in another 3.
Better goal.
No way that’s better.
Pay close attention to the blinding stop-go speed by McDavid.
McDavid can easily do that in the video with his eyes closed.
As for the avatar holy shit! My sister used to draw that critter in the 80s with the caption ‘Eat shit and die!’ And I just used the phrase in another comment.
Yes, the speed change was quite impressive. But hitting the brakes and shooting through he legs and behind the back with almost no angle on net is hardly an easy shot.
It’s a great goal, but the kids practice that all the time. And even D1 is a markedly slower game than the NHL.
I’m afraid Rufus is correct.
And NHLers don’t practice what McDavid did?
The “better goal” comment was hyperbole, but it’s still a damn impressive goal.
Of course they do, but it rarely works.
McDavid is a freak. I wish he was on a better team.
And through the legs and behind the back with almost no angle on net shots are high percentage?
OK. I’m [probably] done now.
Go Sioux.
/Puddy High five. Sticks tongue out at MikeS
*poke-checks Rufus under the chin*
It’s against Alabama-Huntsville. No-dak should have to play with sticks half there usual length against a team like that.
I got recruited by UAH back in the day. I first thought it was a joke that they had a no shit hockey team. I probably should have taken the offer instead of walking on at a ‘hockey school’.
Christ. UAB, not UAH. Carry on.
Speaking of “diversity in entertainment”…
I have been watching stuff on the Pluto channel (feed?) on my roku. There are ads, including ads for other Pluto shows. Lately They have inundated me with ads for BET stuff. You know, teevee for the black folks. Okay, sure. Why not? If they had Sanford and Son, I’d definitely watch it.
But I cannot help but wonder how it would shake out if there were ads for “white culture” teevee. It wouldn’t matter if it was nonstop Leave it to Beaver or the Beverly Hillbillies (I’d watch), I suspect it would pilloried as be the NAZI Channel, and held up as oppression.
Pluto is a pretty sweet channel and I love the price.
MyTV has Sanford & Son if you’re interested.
They’re also available on YouTube.
Grady, don’t suck your teeth….
You big dummy!
We get Sanfordosan. I think it’s a bootleg.
I laughed just for you, Straff. I suppose nobody else will.
They’ll just say that all other TV is white-people TV already.
Brooksie, I found a nice summer car for you.
Jesus, that’s pretty.
My only complaint is a lack of rear doors.
Whaddaya need doors for, no one can fit in those back seats anyway.
Good point – lengthen the wheel base and extend the back seat.
DAYUM! If I were living in the US for that price I’d be all over that like wet on a whale. Even if I had to drive it across the country – the road trip would just be a bonus.
robc took away my parking, so I have nowhere to put it.
You’re talking to a guy who pays about $250 a month for parking and regards that to be a bargain. Even if it’s 100 yards away from my house.
It was a joke off of yesterdays traffic planning discussion where he was out to abolish streetside parking (my only option at home)
I’m so waiting for the followup to this story about a hipster bar that is going to focus on non-alcoholic drinks this January. My gut wants to read about them losing their shirts over this, but my brain tells me that they will do just fine selling fancy pop to hipsters.
I have to imagine the sugar in most of these drinks will be so high to make them far less healthy than booze.
Remember when Playboy switched to clothed models?
Yeah, me neither.
I remember the first one they had clothed, quite pretty for a genetic freak
They’ll do fine for awhile, until said health-conscious millennials realize they are paying $10 for a Shirley Temple.
It’s 2020, ffs. I know a lot of people of all ages who don’t drink yet still manage to go to shows and bars and hockey games with the rest of us drunks. What the fuck is this pathetic need to so special?!?
Yeah, I never have had any problems just ordering a water or a pop when I’m trying to dry out. Maybe it is the innate contrariness that makes us libertarians that makes us immune to the shame of not drinking in a bar?
Over/under on them developing an orange juice based drink and giving it a name that mocks Trump?
With a slice of peach?
If they served booze I’d say it would include goldschlager and colt 45.
No it would not be meant to be consumed, just purchased as a virtue signal.
yeah, they invented the non-alcoholic beverage a long, long time ago. They have a whole isle dedicated to them in every grocery store.
Only one? Do you have one of those teeny-tiny grocery stores I’ve heard about?
Right? my grocery:
1. Soda / bottled water isle
2. Non-perishable juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, icedteas isle
3. Produce-section perishable juices (POM and shit like that) case
4. Dairy-section perishable juices (OJ, other Simply- products, more icedteas) isle
5. International isle drinks, like coconutwater with pulp (coconut water without pulp is in #1, 2 and 3), Goya, Ramune, etc
6. unbrewed Coffee/Tea isle
Iff’n y’all go into town they has pipes in the wall that pour out non-alcoholic beverages when ever y’uns wants one. Don’t even need to send Ettie Mae down t’ crick with a bucket!
Oh my goodness…. that set of a cascade of linked memories, and now I have to go track down a copy of “No Time for Sergeants”
“Don’t hit him… he’s been sick! He done had the ROTC”
Don’t listed to Jarflax, it’s a trap. I tried and the water came out so hot, it wasn’t refreshing at all.
I used to drink right out my momma’s tit, and it were non-alcoholic most of the time!
“You can be a grownup and not drink,” – nuh-huh
They are so afraid of peer pressure or being even humorously judged for their choices that they have to have a safe space.
And after all, you can still roofie a Shirley Temple.
You can be a grownup and not drink
Sure but where’s the fun in that?
You’ve never gone drunk watching?
After years of running and owning bars let me tell you drunk watching gets old.
Well if you do something every night, it will get old.
SF tells me he has been yanking his crank every night since he hit 10, and it never gets old….
Sometimes a little blood comes out.
That’s why he can crush walnuts with his bare hand.
Eric Dayton is a piece of shit who wants to get rid of the skyways. Like I’m going to walk outside eight blocks for a slice of pizza when it’s 20-below.
Stand up and take a bow.
Guns really are the gift that keeps on giving, and if December’s near-record NICS background checks mean anything, Americans gave a lot this holiday season. Looking back at the year as a whole, 2019 was another record-setter, with over 28 million background checks. That’s a 3% jump over the previous record from 2016. December was no slouch, either, with nearly 3 million NICS checks — the second-highest month on record. …
The other explanation is even more simple: Democrats. Or to be more specific about it: Virginia Democrats. The Dems managed to wrangle control of the governor’s mansion and the assembly, and almost immediately went on an anti-gun tear so serious that it’s ripping the state apart in ways we haven’t seen since West Virginia split off in 1861. It’s almost as though Democrats there are trying to throw a one-state Civil War. And unless they stop this nonsense (or get voted out in November — fingers crossed!) they might just get one.
I look at what’s going on in Virginia, and then I remember that Democrats control the entirety of my state government, too… and I start thinking about make a quick drive down to Magnum Shooting Center to see if they have any decent sales on the kinds of firearms Democrats hate most. Maybe I’ll even pick myself up a little something.
Multiply my thoughts by millions of gun enthusiasts in several Democrat-controlled states and what do you get? A banner year for gun sales.
Buy em while you can get em. Part of my tax refund is going to go to a Glock 19 based exactly on that thinking.
I helped with that.
I also helped with January.
Oh, that reminds me. I saw a pump action .30-06 at the store yesterday. Part of me wants to buy it for the novelty.
Your money. Personally, I’d go bolt>lever>pump for a new hunting rifle. That’s just my preferences speaking though. Some of the more die hard hunters might be able to speak to that choice more.
I wasn’t going to buy it for hunting.
Oh, then have at it!
Was it one of the old Colt Lightning models from the 1900’s or so, or something newer?
I think it was a Remington.
Either a 760 or 7600, not sure which.
The Virginia gun war – going after the ranges. This bill prohibits indoor shooting ranges; prohibited in buildings not owned or leased by the Commonwealth. Unless fewer than 50 employees work in the building or it’s a cop-shop. Is the “unless” supposed to get knocked out at some point in “debate”?
In my fantasies this push from the left is going to end up with reality showing that local law enforcement has no interest in enforcing these draconian laws on otherwise law abiding citizens. In this dream of mine the rift between progressive’s gun-ban measures and actual enforcement will drive a wedge which goes beyond the borders of Virginia – when some “respect muh athoraty” type in VA goes total Gestapo, kicking down doors and ends up shot down by the entire neighborhood… and the whole incident being memory holed – leading to widespread disregard for all gun laws… including the NFA. People will just quietly be building SBR’s, suppressors, and full-auto with enforcement looking the other way because clamping down would incite a full-out war.
The problem is, nobody wants to run a business under threat of having it confiscated at any moment. Gun ranges are probably barely profitable as it is… then you add on outlaw status and the threat of legal action and expropriation at any moment? Tough to stay in business like that. You couldn’t even get a business loan.
I’m not saying that it is going to happen. Only that I would love to see it… Where in most of flyover country law enforcement understands that a line has been drawn and they no longer will enforce any abridgement of our right to bear arms. Whatever laws which have been written to contravene the second amendment will be ignored like going 2 MPH over the posted speed limit.
Fructose and metabolic health: governed by hepatic glycogen status?
Holy shit.
*cancels meetings this afternoon*
It’s gonna take awhile to work through this one, Pie.
So…. I gotta stick an endoscope all the way up to my hepatic duct to measure my hepatic glycogen status?
Meh… fuggit. I’m gonna just eat this carton of mint chocolate chip and be done with it.
That is a sweet M6.
Did you see my link about the MightyCarMod Datsun project yesterday, Tundra?
Yeah, I did. Haven’t watched the whole thing, but their discussion of why they had to pull the engine/transmission/brakes really pissed me off.
Sweet cars, though. A 1972 ending shortly.
If I had an extra 20 grand in my pocket I’d buy that thing, I love old Datsuns.
I had a ’73 back in my younger days. It had a 350 chevy installed.
Went like a bat out of hell. When it went.
All the ‘merican parts would keep breaking (because I drove it a hundred miles an hour) and there was some electrical gremlin between the US and Nippon interaction.
It ate alternators.
Wish I still had it.
I lost half of the morning yesterday. After burning an hour on the first three episodes, I started skipping through the next seven to get to the finale.
I used to drive a 1972 Datsun 510 which I had modded – 4 banger bored out to 2 liters, dual side-draft Webbers, headers, aftermarket electronic ignition, 5 speed from a Fair Lady (that took some extra fabrication to fit), and a custom paint job. Really fun little car.
You just gave me flashbacks… a buddy and I redid a 1970’s super beetle convertible. Also bored out, high ratio rocker arms, dual webbers, stinger exhaust…. With the engine behind the wheels, those 150 HP were enough to pick up the front end, even with two of us in the car. (OK, I was barely 100 pounds soaking wet back then, but still). We also had to put in a new transmission because that much power proved to be way too much for the stock transmission (normal 46hp). So we had to wedge a porche racing transmission in there. the shifter was way, way, way forward…. the rod we made for it was absolutely goofy, running all the way up to the firewall. But it worked. We had the best time racing guys in jacked up super sports and camaros. The look of disbelief as we left them behind was epic.
The standard answer was to put the bus transmission and motor.
Buddy of mine had one with a turbo that had huge lag and then turned into a Saturn V.
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
The story is full of grants and consultants and proposed new fees to monitor building energy consumption. Some IoT consulting company spent their lobbying money wisely and got the govt to mandate reporting requirements. Now those building owners are going to have to wire up their buildings to comply with the reporting mandates.
buildings seem ripe for improvement since they represent 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
When you get to make up the numbers anyway, why go so low? Nobody’s going to do the arithmetic to make sure that cow farts + cars + buildings + Al Gore = 100%, so shoot for the moon, baby. Make ’em all 80%.
I’m sure that will lower the cost of housing
Is it me, or is it obvious that this green movement seems to be about creating a slew of new high paying jobs for a bunch of credentialed true believers (or fakers??) that are to stupid to do any sort of productive work. Jobs that add no value and often produce no end product that consumers would want, but drastically jack up the cost of doing any sort of productive work. It’s not surprising that so many unemployable millennials and other do-nothing types are all for the green movement.
If they know that buildings make up 40% of GHG emissions… why do they need data collection to see how much GHG buildings produce?
100% of their work will do nothing to stop temperatures from rising, or falling.
So they can fine you for failing to falsify the numbers as well the other guy.
I look forward to moving back into caves.
Caves are for the elites. You get to sleep on the rocks outside and pray to gaia the polar bears don’t drag you away.
I really need to find a bunch of these bogus grants that I qualify for. Trouble is, I’m shit at research. I know they’re there. I KNOW they are…
So did anyone read the SMBG guy open borders book yet? I am curious what it is about.
No, but hopefully he’s smarter than the “Existential Comics” guy. That one is vapid idiot.
He is smarter but that is not hard
smbc that is. Also bryan caplan
Yeah, it is basically a Caplan book with the SMBG doing he graphics.
Samsung just launched an ‘artificial human’ called Neon, and wait, what?
“After months of teasers, Samsung-backed company Star Labs (yes, just like the research facility in Superman comics) launched an intriguing new type of product: a virtual human being called Neon.
Unveiled at CES on Monday, Neon is “visually real” and has the ability to “show emotions and intelligence,” claims the company. It can “connect and learn more about us, gain new skills, and evolve.”
This article fails to ask the question that is on everyone’s minds. “How long until we get the Porn Hub version?”
Samsung just launched an ‘artificial human’ called Neon
And like most Samsung appliances, his ice-maker is already broken.
Guess that’s better than his battery exploding.
Nah, they sold that tech to Tesla.
This one can only be operated by teenagers with daddy issues.
This is the first thing to go on every refrigerator.
They will basically last forever other than the ice/water parts. Get one without those and you can use it for a generation.
I really like our Samsung fridge, but yeah, the ice maker is poor. Ours technically produces ice but the dispensing is terrible.
We have an LG that’s about 5 years old. No problems yet.
My Samsung too… in fact, I gotta call them about that thing. Thanks for reminding me!
“You’re just gonna lose out on the tax revenue of what’s being sold because the system you imposed is idiotic.”
True story- the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago have already budgeted for obscenely high tax revenues from marijuana legalization (higher than the current amount of revenues being received in CA) in their budget. So essentially, they have already spent tax revenues that will never materialize in the amounts that they have budgeted.
Further, the tax is so high and tax avoidance will be so great (as CA has witnessed) that the “war on drugs” will quickly morph into a “war on tax avoidance”.
Yesterday (or was it Sunday?) a link to Strong Towns came up. I read a few articles over there, and there were some interesting ideas, but (granted, there’s a lot more than what I read) none of them seemed to address the tax addiction that municipalities and state governments have developed. Just because you can make lots of tax revenue by taking a certain action, doesn’t mean you should do it. And, of course, when that tax revenue fails to materialize or dries up, the unrealistic spending, taxes, and regulations remain.
I’ve read “Strong Towns” before (someone recommended it here) and I have mixed opinions. Their argument about sprawl being a ponzi scheme doesn’t exactly pan out, but they have some fair perspectives. I’ll a bigger fan of Joel Kotkin when it comes to urban planning.
The undeniable fact is that Chicago and the State of Illinois and Chicago Public Schools are all shrinking and yet they are constantly in need of new sources of tax revenues while their budgets grow with less people being served. Meanwhile neighboring states that have historically grown slower than IL are growing at or near the national average, while IL is projected to be one of the few states recording a negative growth in the next census. Clearly something is dissuading people from living in the City and State.
Any state that puts the immutable inviolability of state employee benefits past, present, and future in its constitution is royally fucked. While the governance of Chicago is doing the state no favors, until that amendment is repealed that state is guaranteed to never have enough revenue to cover its expenses.
I suppose there’s two ways out (besides repeal):
Privatize as much as possible. The courts will probably neuter this strategy though, as they’re the ones who made the amendment somehow apply to future benefits as well.
Shut down (as in, abolish for good) as much government as possible. The courts could probably still find a way to neuter this strategy too, probably by determining that everybody has a “right” to more government.
Pensions are a serious concern, but they are a long-term liability and on the State level contributions to the pension system only represented roughly 20% of total expenditures and yet the State has still run a deficit representing on average 5% of total revenues every year since 2000. So the issues with the State go well beyond pensions.
The City has its own problems, but pensions do represent a larger part of their expenditures.
The only way to fix it would be to amend the constitution and the constitution demands that a vote be taken to hold a convention every twenty years. Last time it came around the public unions turned out their voters to shoot down another convention being called.
It’s just a dying city and state. There’s really no way around that conclusion.
“It’s just a dying city and state. There’s really no way around that conclusion.”
They are counting that a friendly democrat in the WH will bail the state/city out with fed tax payer dollars. And they are not alone in that determination. There are a slew of failing team blue municipalities & states that are counting on a fed bailout to keep the shitshow going.
“In order to be eligable for the funds you must reduce spending to below tax revenue,”
“That’s not FAAAIIIIRRR!”
The pie in the sky promise of tax revenue seems to be the best way to get it legalized but the projections never quite reflect reality.
Pie, why are you making pronises you can’t keep?
They put the cart before the horse. You can’t tax the ever loving shit out of it from day one. You have to legalize at low tax rates, kill off the black market, then ratchet up the taxes. They can’t even “technocrat” right.
Yep, they need to price the competition out of the market and destroy the competing infrastructure before they jack up the price. It’s like they’ve never heard of Jeff Bezos.
It’s worked out well in CO, primarily because CO’s tax is much lower than the one being levied in CA and IL. But, even then CO’s marijuana tax revenues totaled something along the lines of $266 million, which is still a far in the wind for a state budget that totals somewhere around $50 billion.
Were these entities also a party to the law suit against Oil Companies for “missrepresenting” their finances in light of climate change?
“the “war on drugs” will quickly morph into a “war on tax avoidance”.
by design
You know who else trafficked in contraband but was buttoned on tax avoidance?
When will our long national nightmare end?
There is also a lot of screeching about how unfair it is for airlines to have service tiers. Imagine giving preference to people who spend a LOT of money with your business instead of just giving out seats based on social worthiness!
Should a Precheck member take her rightful place among the elite in the shorter security line, even if it means leaving her spouse behind?
Douche. Global Entry is $100. Pay up or shut up.
Highly, highly recommended, by the way. Especially if your return flight bounces in a small airport (like CLT) and you have a short layover. One flat out sprint to catch a flight and I signed up the whole family. Worth every dime.
Maybe you’ll look over to the comparatively dignified Precheck area and grumble about the humiliations of life under surveillance-state capitalism.
I mean just attache capitalism to anything makes it the fault of capitalisim.
I much prefer surveillance state socialism, otherwise known as “socialism”
I think this entire article is just a passive-aggressive swipe at a girlfriend that left her whiny ass behind at a TSA checkpoint.
No way! They look so happy together.
Did you read the ending?
Van Cleave’s entreaties took on new urgency after one of their visits to the Des Moines airport, where the standard security line was unusually busy. Van Cleave arrived at their gate just before the doors closed, while her boyfriend was still held up at the checkpoint. They missed their flight and had to pay a fee to rebook.
That aggravating snafu wasn’t what finally convinced Van Cleave’s boyfriend to enroll in Precheck, though. “It was a work trip with two colleagues that made him do it,” she said. “He didn’t want to hold them up.”
Oh, I bet that was a huge fight at the house. Getting Pre-check for work but not for their dreary Scottish vacation where they both got sick and stayed in not having sex at their dreadful bed and breakfast?
I imagine they continued to not have sex for another three months after that.
And it probably didn’t matter that he admitted that their experience proved to him that she was right and PreCheck was the way to go. He should have just accepted her wisdom from the very beginning!
Do you count yelling “FUCK YOU” at each other as you pass in the hallway as oral sex? Because I bet those 3 months were full of sex if you do.
where the standard security line was unusually busy. Van Cleave arrived at their gate just before the doors closed
If you’re still standing in line when boarding begins, and aren’t asking people if you can cut ahead, it’s your own damn fault. I’ve never seen someone who said they had a close departing flight be told to wait their turn.
Not uncommon.
My guess: she had her face stuck in her phone and didn’t realize what was going on until too late.
Before I got PreCheck (and later Nexus), my wife would get PreCheck but I wouldn’t. Nbd, I waited in line and met her at the other side of the security checkpoint. Opting out of the rapiscanners took more time than the lack of PreCheck.
Maybe you’ll scan the business class seats and give a little “hmph!” when you see they’re almost entirely populated by white men.
If you want a business class seat, buy one, you fucking moron.
It’s not that easy. They check your ID and if you aren’t a white man they tell you they are sold out.
Oh they will sell a woman a seat in business class, but then she has to go get coffee for all the male passengers. And they sexually harass her.
And does she have to pay 70% of the fee or will they charge her 30% more than the guys??/
30% more, but her in-flight pillow is pink
But for that extra money she gets free Mile High birth control and tampons. (mixed messaging)
What? It’s not due to “climate change”?
Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires
Is there any leftist cause anymore that isn’t a drummed-up series of hoaxes?
Umm… err…
cLiMatTe cHanGe cAuSeS sOcIaL iNsTaBiLiTy tHo
God I’m never doing that again.
My favorite was in 2016 when Bernie Sanders said that the weather created ISIS. I was waiting for him to accuse a thunderstorm of having raped him or something equally stupid.
Remember when every right minded person pointed and laughed at the tv evangelists who said the weather was retribution for our collective sins? Ha ha. We laughed….
I don’t know what made me think of that.
Don’t forget this gem:
The difference between Pat Robertson and Al Gore is that it’s “respectable” to call out Robertson on his bullshit, whereas it’s sacrilege to do so with Gore. For Christ’s sake, Gore actually said that Manhattan would be underwater by 2020 and we’re all suppose to pretend like it was just an honest mistake and not a ridiculous fraud.
He lied for a good cause TGA…
“Ever since that day, I have never been able to keep my hair in proximity to my scalp!”
Climate change also caused the surge in refugees a few years ago.
No kidding. You could rupture a synapse.
Tundra, you have out done yourself with the most recent avatar pic. Good Cars album too
They must be a part of a group of pyronmaniacs called “Climate Change”
I was told in 4th grade that we are all hip-deep in gasoline and the arms race is a competition to have more matches, you’ll all probably die before you graduate, yada yada yada.
And we know that climate change is basically cause by western capitalism (from Existential Comic), which forced the military-industrial complex on us to paper over capitalism’s internal inconsistencies (same source).
So yeah, man. Like.. whoa
The ban on controlled burns during the cooler months seems like a big part of the problem.
I just don’t get firebugs, it’s nice to stare at a fire in a fireplace on a cold night but what’s with the fascination beyond that?
Some people just want to watch the world burn?
The only one with whom I believe I’ve ever crossed paths personally did it so he could “discover” it later and be the hero.
Some of them are like serial killers in that they get sexual gratification from it.
their discussion of why they had to pull the engine/transmission/brakes really pissed me off.
Asbestos KILLZ!
Yeah, when they got to the “big nannygov knows best” part, I almost quit watching. But I couldn’t.
Anyone go to a Project Appleseed shoot? I”m on the verge of signing my wife and I up for a romantic getway to attend one if we can find someone stupid enough to agree to watch our kids for 48 hours.
“The Memphis Commercial Appeal has reported that Google will open its first US operations center in the northeast Mississippi. This area includes the suburbs and exurbs of the Memphis, TN-MS-AR metropolitan area.”
How unwoke of them
Their turning the freaking south blue! /Alex Jones
Uffda. I wonder what sort of wages they are paying?
I have to be honest, I’d be super tempted to look into the job if they pay avg Google wages. That kind of money in Memphis/MS would make you RICH! My guess is that they are probably going to scale it way down to the local pay scales.
“My guess is that they are probably going to scale it way down to the local pay scales.”
Well, this is a company that is cool with sweatshops manufacturing their phones in China. I don’t think they choose the Memphis metro area because of its talent pool. But, Google has the right politics so all is forgiven.
Just to be clear, I’m cool with sweatshops and the people of Memphis being paid the going wage in their region of the country. What I’m not cool with is people who inject selective morality into the market, but also run sweatshops and pretend like they can judge or boycott others.
It’s the hypocrisy that gets me too, their do as I say and not as I do level is right up there with televangelists.
I go back and forth on whether the C-level folks at these companies buy into the SJW-woke bullshit or not. On one hand, my intuition says they see through the bullshit and are just trying to walk a tightrope to keep their indoctrinated, snowflake employees happy; OTOH, maybe their organizations are so dysfunctional that only the brainwashed stand a chance of climbing the ladder.
I figure the SJW’s are firmly in control of HR and PR and that is because upper management put them there as either an internal woke initiative or corporate branding.
Therefore, as a lower-level employee, if you want to keep your job you keep your trap shut. All while the loudmouth morons climb the ladder because they satisfy HR’s moronic diversity requirements.
In other words, what probably started out as a corporate virtue signal has become a workforce liability and is probably hampering internal development projects as the best and brightest go elsewhere or are just treading water.
So what you’re saying is, we need to abolish HR?
I don’t entirely disagree, but to a large extent “wokism” is very much a religion for high income white collar workers. I work in a profession that has traditionally been associated with the American Right, to an extent, but that really isn’t true anymore. Being “woke” is very much the predominate religion among upper income people and I’m not trying to be factitious.
Especially since nearly every white collar profession requires collegiate education, most white collar workers are already congregants of the Church of Wokism. This is basically 90’s era “Social Conservatism” except its rich people promoting a bizarre materialistic religious revival and we’re suppose to pretend like it’s OK, because no one is mentioning “Jesus” just a series of “leaps of faith” and “obedience of thought”.
This comment matches my perception.
I go back and forth on whether the C-level folks at these companies buy into the SJW-woke bullshit or not.
At many companies, they do
/first hand experience
After seeing their ridiculous interview process I would never apply.
They’re going to pay in chickens and codeine cough syrup since that’s all the Deep South knuckledraggers need/know how to use… at least that’s what we’re told by Google’s SV consultants.
Not only that, they’ll probably move a bunch of jobs there away from CA and NY.
the humiliations of life under surveillance-state capitalism.
Good grief. How do these people manage to feed and clothe themselves on a daily basis?
Question: “Why are government employees racially profiling and molesting me at the airport?”
Answer: Capitalism, of course.
“We’re going to have to redistribute your correct answers to your opponants, because they need them.”
sEe iNtErNaL iNcOnSiStAnCy
Have you no decency man?
*looks around*
“This ideology is responsible for at least 100 million deaths, massive resource shortages and untold human suffering.”
“What is ‘not real socialism’?”
surveillance-state capitalism
The people of Iran demand the liberation of Titty Tuesday!
I shopped at Pier One just 3 weeks ago. My kids were looking for some small gifts for cousins. We bought some Arnotts cookies for the Australian kids down the street and I bought a “Devil’s Hot Sauce” which is really just garden variety tabasco in a mason jar shaped like the devil’s head.
I bought my last mattress from Mattress Firm. The one I initially got turned out to be much more firm than I thought at the store and was hurting my back. After sleeping on it for a month, I called them up and explained. They switched it out for another one at only the cost difference between the two, picked up the old one and delivered the new one at no extra cost. Their customer service was exceptionally good.
Q, I’m concerned that you posted this here when you meant to post it on the comment section at Mattress Firms’ website. You better check and make sure that you didn’t just post girly pics on the Mattress Firm website.
Explains why the web traffic on the mattress firm reviews page is unusually high lately.
“Honey why have you been on the computer so long?”
“Damn it Karen, I’m looking at Mattresses!”
Embrace the power of “and”.
I am so disappointed Q. I figured that you were the one person on here who would have bought a used mattress from a chick who just graduated from Columbia.
You insult me sir! The only used mattresses I buy have previously been used on the sets of porn films!
German films.
The news coming out of Iran isn’t all doom and gloom:
Ah, I see you read the comments.
This is one of those “you will mourn or else” things, isn’t it.
“Imagine for a moment a scenario where someone enters your yard uninvited. Maybe they jump over a fence, or they sneak in through the back gate. Within a few seconds of entering your property, the intruder hears a sound like the buzzing of a swarm of bees — and a drone descends from the sky to capture them on video and provide you with a live view of everything the intruder does. This is the concept behind Sunflower Labs’ Bee, a fully autonomous drone that automatically responds to vibrations and motion on your property. ”
Can wait for the next generation shotgun models.
~edit fairy~
Derp… Link still works.
Ok maybe the link doesn’t work
“The skywatch autotracker zeros in and disables drones in a single shot.”
Will they have speakers that can play “Smithers, release the hounds”?
+1 dogs that shoot bees at you
Rat Thing or go home.
That’s the pop culture reference I was waiting for.
“The Memphis Commercial Appeal has reported that Google will open its first US operations center in the northeast Mississippi. This area includes the suburbs and exurbs of the Memphis, TN-MS-AR metropolitan area.”
Stand by for a deluge of “gentrification” and “They’re distorting the housing market!” screeds.
Uffda. It is going to take a LOT to gentrify south Memphis/MS. Unless things have changed since I left in ’95.
Here’s some actual male privilege.
Remember when I mentioned a female friend who said she isn’t afraid to go into parking garages late at night because she carries the Kimber her dad got her? She’s like 98 lbs.
But don’t take my ford for it. Please review this historical radical feminist dialectic.
Aluminum? There’s no mass behind those swings.
I’d rather have a light aluminum bat than a heavier wood one. Not much chance of needing to crack a breastplate or forcibly dismount a rider. This will still be enough to break fingers and wrists to open up your attackers blocks.
That only works if you have a sidearm to deal with them once they’ve been driven back out of melee range. Otherwise you need first swing incapacitation.
The point is, it’s light enough for a woman to carry and use. In that situation, she doesn’t have the upper body strength to swing a wooden bat hard and fast enough to do anything but get it taken away from her.
I advocate the .380 for women’s self-defense. You get a better outcome profile in a wide range of scenarios.
There are places in the country (and the world) that having a gun is illegal.
Sadly, carrying a gun is not an option for many many women.
An actual War on Women.
You don’t need to tell me.
I think the misunderstanding came from me not being explicit that I was not talking about a batwoman, nor engaging in a serious discussion of self-defense.
I don’t think any bat is a practicaly weapon for everyday carry.
Light, legal, and lethal.
Give a woman an aluminum bat over a wooden one anyday, if that’s her only protection.
I doubt that the 5 ounces or so lighter bat will make a woman capable of swinging it enough faster that it won’t be taken away.
I used to have a magnesium bat – best of both worlds.
Brilliant! – Especially when it caught fire
That’s just a hollywood thing. No one really used flaming bats like that in historical larping.
Given to me by my grandfather who worked at a specialty metal firm (made high-strength low-weight parts for aircraft). There was a fire in the office building – not too much damage, except his desk had a magnesium yardstick on it which turned into a torch and incinerated all his stuff.
It was an information security measure.
White House Hires Mandalorian To Protect Baby Trump From Iranian Bounty Hunters
I don’t know why, but the picture of baby Trump makes me giggle.
This article had me chuckling all yesterday: https://babylonbee.com/news/iranian-leaders-vow-to-destroy-cultural-landmarks-important-to-americans-like-walmart-or-dairy-queen
“Iranian Leaders Vow To Destroy American Cultural Sites Like Walmart Or Dairy Queen”
PULL MY FINGER!!!!eleventy1!!
Allah Aku-BAR!
The pic accompanying this one had me chuckling at my desk for at least a half hour when I first saw it.
Oh man, I’ve never seen this article. That’s fucking gold
Looks like Gauleiter Hogg, no?
Read an interesting take on Greta’s apparent physical immaturity. Apparently, she has an eating disorder and has likely spent a good chunk of her life malnourished.
“Eating disorder.”
You mean like the vegan fennec fox?
More likely mama starves her because reasons. Poor little puppet. I really do feel sorry for her.
The Mandalorian is a fictional character on the Disney+ streaming service.
You’re qualified to work at CNN now
Pier 1. I remember when I was a wee lass, there was a tiny hole in the wall in the back corner of a mall that had wild and wonderful things from all over the world. I loved that store, but it was small and packed. In the front, in the corner, they had a ginormous rattan fan chair. All very mysterious and exotic*.
Some years later, I shopped at a greatly expanded Pier 1 and got the cutest cafe table and chairs (that I eventually gave to my MIL because she was downsizing and we were upsizing and we got an actual dining room table). The place was crowded as hell. Sadly, there was very little of the exotic little store I knew as “Pier 1.” (Same logo, so same store.) They had disappointingly pedestrian things (except for the thing I wanted, of course, which was awesome). Their “imports” were nothing but generic home decor made in China, with the exception of Spain. I have a thing for Spanish glass jars. They had plenty of those and I couldn’t get them anywhere else.
I did, indeed, get a consumer credit card there. I don’t know who serviced it.
I was recently in a Pier 1 looking for something no one else had (lemon-scented candles, if you can believe). Oh, they had them. For $12 apiece (that was the small ones). And their store looked like a bigger and better-staged Hobby Lobby decor section.
The Pier 1 customers did go to Ikea. And Hobby Lobby. And Home Goods. And TJ Maxx. And Tuesday Morning.
Money laundering or not, Pier 1 was very real and I still mourn the tiny little hole in the wall with truly exotic offerings.
*”Exotic” being an unwoke term going on 10 years now.
“Pier 1. I remember when I was a wee lass, there was a tiny hole”
You’ve been doing so much romance novel work it’s affecting all of your writing.
How do you know I’m not doing it on purpose? *flutters eyelashes*
Green grow the rashes, O,
Green grow the rashes, O,
The lassies they hae wimble-bores,
The widows they hae gashes, O.
I have seen “gash” in a romance novel love scene before.
*puking emoji*
Does not strike me as the sort of language that would set the right mood.
It wasn’t. It got mercilessly ridiculed in Romancelandia.
Was the novel illustrated? Or was it a telenovela?
“Misinformation Sweatshop” would be a great website and/or business name.
“My card.”
P Brooks, Chief Reality Distortion Officer
The dude Iran hanged.
Kidnapping (and, I presume, rape). I don’t think this is the article you want to hang your issue on, Jerusalem Post.
Yo, hey, how about all those women and girls who are fair game for rape every hour of every day?
You know that under Islamic law you can’t kill female virgins, so the state provides the system with state sponsored rapists that will devirginze said heretic so the Mullahs can get around that pesky virginity statute when they need to throw a few women into the volcano?
You know that under Islamic law, all these prohibitions on abuse/murder/etc don’t apply to anyone defined as non-muslim?
That doesn’t mean kaffir women won’t be raped before they’re killed though…
I’m pretty sure it means they will be.
Put a good follower of Allah in that oven, and that kaffir woman might actually be allowed to live for a while…
Whatever, there are churches in the US that won’t administer gay weddings and bakers who won’t bake cakes. That’s real oppression.
Indeed. *sage nod*
“Hijab is a symbol of empowerment”
Get with the program and cover yourself up evil temptress!
A Tale of Two Cultures
Afghan women in the 1950s
It is absolutely heartbreaking what has become of these nations.
(As to the scarves, they don’t look like hijabs. They look like the same scarves women wore to keep their carefully set hair from blowing in the wind.)
Patriarchy of color is teh Okay.
This is not Paris, This was Iran before the Islamic revolution which took Persia back to the stone Age
Now it’s coming out that Chelsea Clinton made $millions serving on boards. I cannot imagine being in a meeting and taking her opinion seriously.
Hey, like Biden’s kid, she might not have known squat about the industries of the boards she served on, and nobody DARE accuse the Clintons – used their influence to help the companies Hillary & Janet Reno’s daughter served on get some nice deals or get out of some trouble – of profiting from their positions of power either!
In this case, if Barry Diller wants to waste his shareholders’ money, it’s up to them to run his sorry ass out.
I’m sure she wasn’t paid to actually show up.
“There’s nothing in this meeting you need to be there for.”
Do you think there is a ball pit/playground next to the boardroom where they send all the noshow board members to play in while the others get the work done?
No. Because the actual work gets done before the meeting. Once they’ve done any necessary discussion and horse trading, they call the meeting to rubber stamp the agreement and move on.
“Looks like we’re one short of a quorum. We need you to check in at the beginning of the board meeting. Since our bylaws say that once we have a quorum, it doesn’t matter if somebody leaves, you’ll only need to be there for a few minutes.”
She is worth it. She probably inherited Hillary’s genes that allowed her to turn turn $1,000 into $100,000 by investing in cattle futures.
Potstickers? Bacon Dumplings? – Something Similar From 1750
Are there americans who say the H in herb ?
If that’s a dude’s name, rather than a reference to foliage that you use in cooking
Herb Score, for example–the baseball player, not the vegetative matter transaction.
Herb Tarlek
Famously, Martha Stewart.
I heard she worked hard to get the Jersey out of her speech.
“Democrats Call For Flags To Be Flown At Half-Mast To Grieve Death Of Soleimani.”
Based on what I have seen so far from team blue, this story is not too far fetched….
CNN was PISSED about this article, mainly because it got so much traffic on Facebook. They went full retard attacking the Bee over this.
Methinks the make-believe journalists doth protest too much.
Those damned rubes again! People of Walmart don’t have any IQ. We’re better than they are. That’s why we NEED socialism.*
*To kill them all, dump their bodies in a crevasse, and start over with Smart People(TM).
Even better, the founder of the Babylon Bee decided to look up CNN’s reporting on The Onion and you would not be surprised by the completely different take from the propagandists at CNN
People on the left are smart and erudite enough to know that’s satire though so it’s all good and totally not hypocritical.
the problem here is quite obvious: there are people out there sharing NY Times and CNN stories believing they’re real news stories.
It doesn’t seem to occur to them that maybe they should reflect on why such a story actually seems plausible to some people.
Remember when people proudly proclaimed that they got all their news from the Daily Show and everyone thought that was awesome? Yeah, the hypocrisy never ends with propagandists
Here’s the thing I don’t get. What exactly is CNN’s evidence that the people who shared the story believed it? It was popular. Okay. And that’s why we should believe people thought it was true?
Everybody knows that the people between the east coast DC-NY corridor and LA are stupid. Of course they believed it.
See, the bad thing isn’t that they wrote it as if it were true. The bad thing is that they truly believe it’s true, and wrote it never once thinking that they might be wrong.
Don’t you even read CNN reporter meltdowns on twitter?
Dayum. That hit every mark.
So the judge in the Hunter Biden case recused himself before issuing a ruling on this filing. The new judge wants nothing to do with it.
Seems legit. Why not issue a ruling before reading any of the details and then threaten to throw anyone in jail who comes forward with any more potentially damning evidence.
You kiss your mama with that mouth?
When I posted this, your comment was just a single punctuation mark…
You should know that the powers that be have an edit button.
The judges are wise to remember that Arkancide might be a real thing.
“Why not issue a ruling before reading any of the details and then threaten to throw anyone in jail who comes forward with any more potentially damning evidence”
Judges are not immune to the Clinton Assassination Squads.
Interveners come in two flavors – by right and by the judge’s discretion.
No way this guy is an intervener by right – the outcome of this case will have zero impact on any of his legally enforcable rights. So, he has to ask the court to let him in on the court’s discretion. I see no reason to do so, and neither the judge. I think her ruling was correct.
My question: who is behind this “private investigator”? Why is he doing this?
AIUI, he’s a longtime Florida loon/conspiracy theorist.
I’m like 75% on the likelihood of it being funded by and/or for Biden. Thinking it’s designed to blow up the whole thing – be severely disruptive with a data dump that mixes the real incriminating stuff with a bunch of rank lunacy. It might poison or blow up the process, and it lets them deliberately conflate the real guilt with the nutty stuff, so as to discredit the evidence.
I really hate recurring nightmares that lots of people have. I don’t know if I have them because I hear about other people having them, or if they are things that everyone generates on their own independently.
Like last night, I had that common nightmare where I was sitting in the dining room playing board games with my family, and a mutant bear/ape wandered onto my deck, and I realized the sliding glass door was unlocked so I ran over to lock it but I was too late and the bear/ape got his hand in and and I had to hold the door shut and then everything in my house turned into a cutaway view so I could see the internal operation of everything and then my wife yelled from downstairs and wanted to know what tablet operating system we would recommend to our friend’s kid.
You know that incredibly common nightmare? Yeah, I had that last night.
Your dream mutant bear/ape was polite enough to open the sliding glass dor instead of following the “in case of hunger, break glass” sign?
Note – no I do not have recurring nightmares.
Probably because I’m a chronic insomniac and don’t get to have many dreams.
I just want to know if you have a pair of sleeping gloves.
Yeah, that was the weird part of it all.
Well, it is a dream, so it’s not going to necessarily be logically consistant.
Oh, and the friend’s kid should but Multics on the tablet.
Given that it was a nightmare, I think freeBSSD would be appropriate
that’s a typo, not an attempt at a pun that doesn’t make sense
I was trying to figure it out.
I don’t suppose he went by the name SMITH?
I have the Al Gore dream a lot too.
+1 Man Bear Pig
I figured it would have been this
I used to get that one all the time
I once had a dream that my dog was renting out parts of my house to animals like mice and squirrels and when I found out about it in the dream I threw the dog out of the house. Then the dog’s business partner (an animated gopher of some sort) was chastising me for throwing out the dog with a series of squeels and wagging his tiny furry finger at me. In the distance, the dog was standing very sad clutching his bowl in his mouth.
I was super pissed with the dog when I woke up the next morning.
Whoa! You had that dream, too?
It’s very common with people who have dogs that are pretty big assholes a lot of the time
You’re not an asshole THAT often.
Night before last I was yelling at my son for trashing my garage, and losing or breaking my tools.
Him: You never go into the garahe anyway!
Him: … Fair.
That night I dreamt (very realistically) about the garage and what all he’d trashed. I woke up super-pissed at him as well.
Him: *scurries out of room*
The lady has had dreams that I was cheating on her and then woke up made at me for some reason like I have any control over her dreams.
Been there brother. It’s the part where the {person} angrily justifies the fact that they are angry at you even though the stated explanation boils down to “it is all in my head, but it wouldn’t be in my head if it weren’t for…” that I really enjoyed.
So, did you tell me that exact same nightmare story at work this morning?…
The state of California on Monday reignited a prolonged legal fight with billionaire tech investor Vinod Khosla over access to a beach connected to his property in San Mateo County, south of San Francisco.
Khosla purchased land surrounding Martins Beach in 2008 for $32 million and has for years fought lawsuits from groups alleging that he’s tried to limit public entry to the beach by locking gates and posting no trespassing signs. Beaches in California are public land under the California Coastal Act.
California is now suing on behalf of the California Coastal Commission and the States Lands Commission, claiming that Khosla has been “improperly and illegally” restricting access to the beach. The agencies are asking for a right to use Martins Beach Road, a pathway from Highway 1 that crosses over Khosla’s land, as well as access to the beach.
Khosla, who made his fortune as a Sun Microsystems co-founder before going into venture capital at Kleiner Perkins and then starting his own firm, Khosla Ventures, has refused to back down over the past decade, claiming that he’s defending property rights. He told The New York Times in a profile that he wished he’d never bought the property and that he continued the legal battle because of his principles.
He wishes he’d never bought the property? I suspect there’s a lot of that going around, out there.
Didn’t he know about the beach access before he bought it?
Mr. Mojeaux (from SoCal) told me in 2002 it was a thing.
I suspect he knew about the beach and figured it a plus until he found out about all the people crossing his property to use it.
…he wished he’d never bought the property…
Wait until it is confiscated by the state. Then he’ll understand.
OK, I can kind of get the “beaches below the tide line are public property that you can’t kick people off of”. Kind of.
But saying that you have to create a public access across the rest of your property (presumably, handicap accessible) is way over the line. What’s next? Mandatory public restrooms? Parking in your driveway?
If this is the road in question, it looks like Khosla isn’t the only property owner there. There’s also lots of other beaches nearby, including one run by the state. Seems like there might be other reasons for going after Khosla.
For some reason, I cannot help but think “reasonable accommodation” in that Khosla situation involves doing exactly what the (anti-private-ownership) “activist community” and their proxies on the Coastal Commission want, and no less.
Didn’t he know about the beach access before he bought it?
If I recall correctly, he wasn’t necessarily trying to end access, but wanted to relocate the trail away from his house.
If this has been linked, I apologize.
OMG, let the lolz roll
And that’s BEFORE the Bee works its magic.
Do it, Iran!
Of course, they won’t. They just want those diplos askeert they might and carrying extra rations of water for them.
Methinks the rest of the world doesn’t understand there are more people outside of Washington, that the USA is a big country, and we don’t all think alike.
Dear Iran, we beg you, release those names! Signed, Deplorable, USA
Hmm. So, if I’m Trump, do I issue a tweet:
(1) Daring them to do it?
(2) Saying they are full of crap and will never do any such thing?
Anybody can get a DC phone book.
That’s just shooting fish in a barrel.
Sounds like someone is inviting a foreign country to interfere in our elections.
Oh god yes, make it happen.
Gal from my home town writes cool kids’ books.
Be warned, the video in the story might make your workspace dusty.
I cannot watch that. We recently got a book titled “Douglas, the Boy Who Knew God” and it’s about the true story of an orphaned boy who was wheel chair bound and always attended mass. And that’s as far as I got, because I could not continue reading as my allergies always seem to bother me when I pick-up that book
Here’s the book, if anyone wants to cry while reading a child’s book
I’m gonna order those for my nephew. Thanks for the link, Holiness.
I’m surprised they ran the pic with Jeremy Roenick, since he’s been un-personed.
What was his sin?
Talking shit on a podcast.
Inappropriate, sure, but certainly not worthy of a death sentence.
While it is entirely consistant with the ruleset I’ve created for the world, for some reason I can’t get the next scene of “Twenty Zombi Man” down on paper.
The context – A ‘Zombi Man’ uses the highly poisonous extract of Black Lotus seed to enter the ‘spirit world’ and interact with the beings there, normally to intervene on behalf of the physical world. Of course, not everyone can survive using this drug. The narrator is about to be exposed to it to see if he can survive it, as the Twenty Zombi Man wants to use it as a means of counteracting the most potentially lethal side effects of the ‘Ragewater’ his current employers have insisted he feed the narrator later. (The narrator is a prisoner at this point, and doesn’t get a whole lot of say in any of this).
I’m not sure if it’s the trip, the spirit world itself, or something else that’s making me stumble when trying to compose the rest of the scene.
What’s the next scene/outcome of this scene?
The narrator ends up on the border with the spirit world, but is disinclined to cross the threshold because of an earlier near-death experience. I’m still debating whether or not I’m going to borrow the concept of the spirit bride from actual folklore.
Hmm. I was thinking you could work backward? What happens after he gets back from the spirit world?
He convinces his captors that he won’t be much good in a fight if they keep him in a cage and have his muscles atrophy. So they have him fight (unarmed) warriors from their band for the entertainment of the chiefs. Then the war begins.
Is there a place to study medical billing and coding that isn’t a scam or fly-by-night rookery?
No, all medical billing is a scam, there is no non-scam version available to study.
I’m using Udemy to learn Python. It’s a legit site, but I can’t speak for the quality of their medical coding courses.
WOW! Thanks, $9.99 vs. local (NYC) schools that start at $845.00 and go up to $3000.00.
If you want a not-scam, you’re going to have to pay for it.
Buy once, cry once.
Buy once, cry once.
But enough about my online “escort services” experience.
Oh… You must have tried the gay-for-pay option. I see.
Now, when I went through the course, it was in 2002 and they just did medical transcription. I had to put the work in (finished in about 9 months), but got a job before I graduated and it has served me in good stead ever since.
I can’t speak to the now, but when I was exploring this option, they were NOT a scam.
Yeah. GTFO.
Oh…now I get it. GTFO.
I’m predisposed to believing the accusations, because I have a hard time trusting clergy. But, this pretty much sums all this up: “There have been a flood of sexual abuse lawsuits in New Jersey courts since a new law took effect in December giving child victims until age 55 or within seven years of realizing they were abused to file a litigation.”
There is a reason why statue of limitations exist and the woke craze of eliminating statue of limitations to appease their religious fervor is going to eventually transmute “believe all victims” as a cornerstone of law.
So is that the earlier of, or the later of, “until age 55 or within seven years of realizing they were abused”. Any time you give two deadlines, you need to specify. I suspect the latter. Which makes the seven years an invitation to fraud. Hell, the age 55 is crap; forty years after something happened, there’s no good evidence left to try the case. It will be “plaintiff says, all records and witnesses are gone, so plaintiff wins”. Which is exactly what statutes of limitations are supposed to stop.
Typically, statutes don’t run on minors until they turn 18, so if its a two year statute, minors get until two years after they turn 18. I can’t think of a good reason to change this rule for sexual abuse.
Religious radicals don’t care about laws or justice. What they seek is paradise. This is the reality of the people we are dealing with here.
The amazing thing is that you can just wait for someone to die before saying they molested you, as you probably still have a good chance at winning a civil trial, especially without a living defendant. It’s hard to call any part of that “justice”, but good luck suing a public school administrator for sexual assault (which is far more prevalent, though, rarely mentioned).
Honestly, I have trouble believing it. Basically, it’s an accusation where anyone who could refute the claim is dead and unable to present a defense.
Is there a place to study medical billing and coding that isn’t a scam or fly-by-night rookery?
I think Jesse is the man to ask. Or RC.
No kidding. I tapped out at ‘study’.
No clue. Sorry.
I’ll post it again:
Career Step.
That is the course I went through for transcription in 2002.
Oh! Also. I forgot its superior rival (at least, at that time), but also commensurately more expensive. Andrews School.
Mojeaux, you’re the greatest. Thanks.
You’re welcome.
I won’t say it’s the BEST money I’ve ever spent, but it’s up in the top 5. Certainly more valuable than what I spent on my BA.
Paradise, pt 2
Under SB 50, communities across California would see increased housing growth with the greatest effects expected in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Silicon Valley and other densely populated areas. Lower-density neighborhoods would be forced to allow four- to five-story apartment buildings near rail lines, and smaller apartments and townhomes in wealthy areas near job centers. Increases to building heights and densities would be less dramatic in smaller counties, including Marin, Sonoma and Santa Barbara, and neighborhoods across the state at risk of gentrification will have five years — rather than two — to develop their own development blueprints.
Wiener’s previous attempts failed when groups representing lower-income communities of color argued that his bills would exacerbate displacement of residents and activists from suburbs across the state contended the measure was a threat to the character of their neighborhoods.
The enemy of my enemy is my co-conspirator. Save muh neighborhood character from teh gentrifiers! It’s a shithole, but it’s our shithole.
“Lower-density neighborhoods would be forced to allow four- to five-story apartment buildings near rail lines, and smaller apartments and townhomes in wealthy areas near job centers.”
I have a hard time seeing how rules imposed by a larger layer of government in a disproportionate fashion could be construed in any way as “promoting liberty”.
This reminds me of the gay marriage debate. Many people seem to think that the government federalizing marriage for one particular union is somehow an expansion of liberty, when it just seems like more government regulation (love is most assuredly not love if you are in a polygamous relationship or you want to marry your close relations, like the good people of Arkansas do).
You sort of get what you want in a heavy handed dis-proportionally applied government imposed fashion. There is a lot to be said about localism and subsidiarity, as all of these supposed “libertarian victories” don’t really seem all that different from progressive top down management by our betters.
increased housing growth with the greatest effects expected in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Silicon Valley and other densely populated areas
Assumes that whatever remains of property rights in those areas is sufficient for developers to take a flyer on apartment buildings, etc.
ps- I don’t actually believe in taking a wrecking ball to neighborhoods for the benefit of “society” but I also don’t believe it is proper to lock out the possibility of evolutionary growth based on people’s fear of change.
What if that “change” is subsidized by government? A lot of gentrification is not “spontaneous” and is often heavily subsidized.
Yeah, 1.5% per annum on $500,000 is a lot more than 3% per annum on $50,000.
I have a hard time seeing how rules imposed by a larger layer of government in a disproportionate fashion could be construed in any way as “promoting liberty”.
Single use zoning imposed by government can be rescinded. Likewise, building codes prohibiting multi family conversions.
Sure, but that’s not what’s happening here. Instead we have particular communities being targeted for specific zoning changes. If it’s ok for a state to impose that on local communities then why not the federal government?
If it’s ok for a state to impose that on local communities then why not the federal government?
State constitutions (may) allow it, but the federal one doesn’t? The (nominal) role of states vs. counties vs. municipalities is often quite different from the (nominal) role of the feds vs. states/municipalities. Personally, I’m of the mind that the federal government should have no role whatsover w/r/t municipalities since they are devolved entities of a separate sovereign government. The feds can punish the states for e.g. civil rights violations by municipalities but they shouldn’t be able to e.g. partner with municipal police depts or utilities.
“State constitutions (may) allow it, but the federal one doesn’t?”
True. And states have sovereignty that local governments lack. But, the federal government having no authority on the matter, rarely if ever stops them. They impose a lot of local regulation through HUD
“Lower-density neighborhoods would be forced to allow four- to five-story apartment buildings near rail lines, and smaller apartments and townhomes in wealthy areas near job centers.”
“Forced” not same as “allowed”
Sure, but that’s not what’s happening here. Instead we have particular communities being targeted for specific zoning changes. If it’s ok for a state to impose that on local communities then why not the federal government?
is the state going to condemn streets full of houses, and award them to developers who will then bulldoze them in order to build high rises? I missed that part.
Did you also miss the part where the state is forcing local governments to implement zoning regulations that are being selectively applied to various communities?
is the state going to condemn streets full of houses, and award them to developers who will then bulldoze them in order to build high rises?
I see you jumped ahead. Of course they will, because Kelo says they can, and their religion says they must. And they will be well compensated by developers for doing so.
In response to somebody above because I am too lazy to continue looking for the right thread:
“You can’t defeat an enemy who looks down the barrel of your gun and sees paradise.”
–some internet rando
That’s not strictly true.
You can defeat such an enemy – but you have to be willing to give them all the paradise they seek.
What you can’t do is defeat them while cleaving to modern morality.
Instead we have particular communities being targeted for specific zoning changes. If it’s ok for a state to impose that on local communities then why not the federal government?
Where did the money for those transit corridors come from?
I sliding toward contrarianism, so I’ll stop.
“Where did the money for those transit corridors come from?”
It depends on what type of mass transit we are talking about. A lot of light rail transit was originally funded by the private sector and then grabbed by local government and then eventually heavily subsidized by the federal government.
But, that’s sort of my point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the federal government began implementing local zoning regulations on local governments and made transit funding contingent on those policies being imposed. That just sounds like central planning, much like what the state is doing.
I just have a hard time taking the leap from “local governments shouldn’t have these zoning regulations” to “state governments should be imposing centrally planned zoning regulations that don’t correct the problem and nationalizes local government administration, but it’s sort of kind of a step in maybe the right direction”.
I just have a hard time taking the leap from “local governments shouldn’t have these zoning regulations” to “state governments should be imposing centrally planned zoning regulations that don’t correct the problem and nationalizes local government administration, but it’s sort of kind of a step in maybe the right direction”.
I don’t disagree. I just can’t help noticing the cognitive dissonance between “Boo hoo hoo housing shortage” and “How dare you try to change anything?”
I see this shit out here. Every time somebody even hints about putting up a (highER density) multi-use building, the torches and pitchforks come out.
Yes and it’s insane.
The NIMBYs drive me bananas, but MOAR REGS is only rarely the solution to a shortage of any kind.
Its only a short step from “thou shalt allow high-density housing” to “thou shalt mandate high-density housing”, when (for all the other reasons people aren’t investing in new residential real estate) the promised apartments don’t materialize.
I wasn’t kidding about eminent domain, either. Assembling a number of individual lots into a lot big enough for an apartment building is not a fast or cheap process.