
“Yes, weekend work is fine with me. Holidays too.”
Zardoz has been a bad cement head.
Just for that insult you’re getting sent to the grain fields.
At least I don’t have to face derision for a wall of code.
You’re right; there’s many other reasons for you to face derision.
Exactly. I certainly don’t need to bring it on myself.
grain fields
There’s an Early Edition marathon on some side channel right now. I haven’t seen this show since it was originally run. But it was one my dad and I loved to watch on the CBS Saturday night crap-o-rama. Good show.
Gary is a lot more high strung than I remember. I’m still enjoying it, but the guy needs a Xanax.
Who doesn’t?
One of my college profs wrote for that show.
It’s a great, simple premise.
If ZARDOZ gets fired, I may just write a letter expressing my extreme displeasure.
Strong letter to follow?
You could [threaten to] cancel your subscription too.
You can cancel your green bread subscription?
Or stop following the advice Miss Manners/Prudence have been reluctant to give us. How am I supposed to be a Glib if I get no advice not to follow?
I just stumbled across this.
ZARDOZ, why didn’t you tell us you partied with Stevie Nicks?
GAAAH! PM isn’t complete for this year yet. Fuck you very much for reminding me.
Being the highest level engineer in the group (/humblebrag) I’m one level too high to be eligible for a quarterly bonus — unlike everyone else, I get to have my bonus dinged on the basis of what I do, as opposed to the company’s performance. And yes, since the maximum mutiplier is 1x, there is literally no way I can get a higher bonus than my techs/junior engineers/managers.
That doesn’t sound right.
Then again, I’ve never been eligable for bonuses. I’m not even eligable for overtime.
We have zero bonus action, but unlimited overtime. I would trade for a decent bonus, I’d rather be elsewhere.
This is the first company I’ve worked for that has bonuses in the form of cash.
When I worked for St. Gobain, we got stuff. For example, St. Gobain makes >90% of the wine bottles used in France, so we all got a case of shit-tier (but French!) champagne. And because we used natural burn out (i.e. walnut shells) we got pounds of product from Diamond nuts.
Is it better or worse than Costco champagne?
Unfortunately, I’m way out i the boonies, so I don’t have access to Costco. I would imagine that Costco champagne would be better than what we got. This stuff was below Gruet, below Moet, hell it was below Frexinet.
When I took this job, it was for a 50% pay raise — but a transition from non-exempt to exempt.
If I had remained eligible for overtime, I would have made a LOT more in my first year.
Admittedly, once things settled down into a routine, I do benefit. But being on call 24/7 can be annoying.
24/7? Never again, the money was excellent, but the timing was always bad for some reason…..
I have gotten amazingly good at fixing things over the phone.
*places phone under server*
I’ve never fully understood this. I was told “exempt” is for managers but I’ve been exempt my entire career as a desk-jockey and I’ve never been a manager.
Managers and “Professionals” like computer technical staff. Or, if you’re above a $ amount, they can just declare you overtime exempt.
I forget the exact delineation. But basically, “exempt” is supposed to be for people that need flexibility but won’t actually be required to put in >2000 hours a year. That second half is pretty much never enforced.
However, in my business it does some with some perks. If you work AT ALL during a pay period, you’re supposed to get a full paycheck. So during cost-saving furloughs if anyone from work calls you, you get a full paycheck on to of your vacation pay.
My employer cheats. We can work as many hours over minimum as we want without compensation, but we get docked if we go below.
Actually that’s the result of the Union contract.
The non-unionized salaried employess get the “present/absent” checkboxes..
You must be in some sort of weird NYS thing then, because if you’re getting paid by the hour (instead of the pay period) you’re non-exempt. Hell, the synonyms for non-exempt/exempt are hourly/salaried
So am I misremembering some sort of “manager vs. direct reports” component to this?
I’ve never heard of a non-exempt manager (flexibility, yo) but there are vast amounts of exempt direct reports (like yours truly).
Here are the rules. Now figure out what they mean.
That’s a lot to wade through but yeah I think “white-collar exemption” covers it.
UnCiv, at first glance you’re getting screwed.
I had noticed.
I blame the Union.
Yes, but you don’t have to worry about your company going under because the public doesn’t like the product you make.
Sure we can. We just have the productive people reject the state, leaving only welfare recipients.
I’d rather they trim before that… but I’m not fool enough to believe that will happen.
That hasn’t stopped Illinois from having a massive government-sector work force.
They’re still on the way down, so it’s coming at some point.
Depends how much the public doesn’t like it.
I work for the city, but it’s the airport. They make their own money. Prolly not going anywhere fast.
Greta would like a word.
That chick gets around, I hear.
I’ve heard her bunghole is so loose she has to wear Depends.
Does she need some oleo?
My company does yearly bonuses for everyone who has been employed for a certain amount of time. Idk the exact metrics but it is based on company and department performance. I think we had a decent year again as mine was about what it was last year. That said it is almost gone already. But at least my car is now paid off.
My favorite story was when San Antonio Shoes had a really good year and gave out a bonus of all their employees of $1k x years of service. With no limit. There were a couple of tiny abuelas working sewing machines that had been there more than 40 years.
Damn. I am pretty sure our cfo is aware of the bonuses and profit-sharing expenditures. Might have to do with being a smaller company with multiple offices but only in one state.
I got a good bonus this year dollar-wise. I’m not sure what the expectation should be percentage of salary wise for my role, but I’m happy enough so I won’t bother researching. Half of it went to having some fun over the holidays. The other half went to my law school care of my student loan servicer. $113k to go!
Hail Zardoz! ! !!!!
They still have one kidney, right?
President Xi is a practising Muslim with a fetish for Japanese transvestites and a very small penis that his wife is very ashamed of.
Cashew dick?
I heard Greta raked in 10 grand to take it up the ass.
Verified, I heard it from an unnamed source,
Was it “Sources familiar with the President”? That guy has the best scoops, two of them.
It was on the internet. You can only publish true information on the internet.
Okay, I lol’ed.
One Millionth!
Can you send me a copy? I wasn’t even info-ed as to when the 10 Gs deal got consummated. Always the last to know, damned dial-up anyway.
DenverJ hardest hit.
Sup ZarDoZ! Time for
Tall Cans!
Goin to Cali, one more time,
Getting my Stuff,
With a Friend of mine,
That place can stick it,
Where the sun don’t shine,
Hail ZARDOZ!!!!
Awesome. There’s a whole country outside, er, inside of the coasts.
You sound in better spirits. Does that mean things are going better?
Better, but not swimming quite yet, I have a PFD on so I wont drown,
That’s good to hear. Here’s hoping it keeps getting better.
Still waiting on some pics of your troops, I’m thinking of Road/trail/ path width, I’m thinking about it, and what I want to do..
Good to hear, Yusef, I’m always the last to know.
Better, but not swimming quite yet, I have a PFD on so I wont drown,
I like hearing things are better. I hope they continue to get better.
Aching in your heart?
I wish I could have stayed, it was my Home
I was riffing off the zeppelin song, but there is something about this place. Sucks they’ve wrecked so much of it.
As long as you weren’t riffing on the Billy Ray Cyrus song.
*narrows gaze*
Made up my mind,
To make a new start,
I don’t think so.
TALL CANS @ you, Wendy & Bella
Only for a moment,
and the Moments gone……
Sup Tres!
I’m drunk. And getting ready to make chicken WANGS that have been swimmin in buttermilk since last night.
Have some Candyskins- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdfFVBMXJHE
Oh, that was shupposed to be at the bottom.
Vacation’s over. Got to give my older son a Sportster for Christmas. That’s the most expensive present I’ve ever given. He oughta get some good use out of it. Went to Universal during New Years week. Bad plan. The place was filled to capacity with people from far flung places. From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. we only got to do 3 things because of the lines.
I love theme parks, but hate people. I prefer to go in early spring or late fall, avoiding times when kids are on breaks if possible.
I live on the Colorado River, and this is the time of year we get to enjoy it, soon will be the rats, now it’s just the birds, they cant drive, but otherwise harmless…
I don’t mind people but yeah if I’m not hitting at least a couple dozen rides over nine hours… no.
Tuesday, open the place, no frilly bullshit, just ride the rides, grab a drink, and go,
Don’t you hate when you’re out all day, come home and then get hungry, only to realize you don’t have anything in the house? Do I go back out or starve?
Grubhub or doordash….
and Bevmo for Alcohol,
Pizza delivery. Duh.
There’s a raft of delivery options. Cost about an extra twenty, but they bring it to your door.
20$? try 6$ tops
Use them regularly. Tax, delivery fee, surcharge equals right around twenty. 30 bucks worth of food costs 50. Still worth it sometimes.
Everyone around here has free delivery if you order more than ten bucks. So tax and tip.
Then again, I’m cheap and have ordered in exactly once in the last dozen years or so.
That’s NYC. They’ll deliver basically anything to your door in about 5 minutes there. We had lasagne and cheesecake delivered to our room at midnight when I was there. And, it was really, really good.
I live in ShiPaTown AZ and its like 4-6$ what gives?
How about a large soda?
Well, they list delivery at around that, but they slip a bunch of other stuff in here. It comes out to twenty. Maybe Bullhead pulls off the cheap delivery, but CA tosses in enough to make it sorta hurt.
Why I moved to AZ part 1435,56775,677u8967
I’ve spent far too much lately to justify delivery. I really should go down the street to Aldi and buy something quick,
I made a Costco trip this weekend and literally have a fridge/freezer (and chest freezer!) full of fish/meat and vegetables. But what did I do this afternoon? I ordered pizza and wings. Should have grilled something. ///lazy
registering more than four times the maximum level
World’s oldest living person celebrates 117th birthday
China on Sunday said a mysterious viral pneumonia outbreak that has affected 59 people was not the flu-like virus SARS that killed hundreds more than a decade ago.
I recall the media-driven hysteria about SARS back in the day. *sigh*
“There is no reason to panic,” a local forest official said: “We will tranquillize the animal if needed and we have kept two hunters on standby to give it the tranquilizer shot.”
I, too, will tranquilize it…with a .30-06. I promise it will be quite tranquil after the, um, injection.
Dude leopard hunting is an excuse for buying something exotic! Something custom fitted with hand selected walnut.
And chambered in something ending in “Holland and Holland”
Or Weatherby. Exactly, you get it!
then gets lost in a canoe accident?
And luckily it doesn’t have a detachable magazine that can hold more than
ten*arbitrary number* of rounds!Two, one for each barrel.
Leopard hunting?
Leopard on the loose? Must be a Tuesday in India.
So I haven’t watched any football this weekend, but from the box score it looks like defense came back from the dead? What happened? Not a single 30 spot?
Those college game scores were getting a little ridiculous.
Did anyone else notice the drunk asshole driver story mentioned that 160 people were involved in the rescue? That’s like jobs program numbers, right there.
Well, it IS Europe.
Fire, EMS and PD. Doesn’t surprise me at all in Europe. It would have been half that here.
Ya I noticed that. Surprised there wasn’t more accidents with that many people responding to the accident.
cops are elite drivers !
Want’s a word with OMWC…
* running out of candles to light in my TedS shrine *
you boyz are gonna hafta fend fo yo sefs soon
* returns to vespers *
Glad to know you have a shrine to me.
wax everywhere 🙁
When you exclaim “Oh Ted S.” in response to a your you’re error, is that an apostrophe squared?
I link a place on Manor.
You respond with a place on S. Lamar.
I win Austin forever.
I figured they had one site for both their locations. Of course I meant the location close to campus.
You’re in charge of AUS, amigo: my expertise burned down with the Oasis, and my gumption evaporated when Albert Collins died. I haven’t counted in a couple of coons’ ages.
Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind?
Love that guy!
I knew a wonderful woman from Humble, so yes I vastly prefer Ft. Worth to Dallas. Even though I had some amazing sex with a Dallasite. Dallas to me is a shopping mall that somehow manages to be 50 square miles in size.
But I can’t say I know anything about it since Amye moved away to Fairfield, IA to get her degree.
Note to UnCiv: this is the woman I made innumerable variants of that beer bread for. Her favorite involved hazelnuts and oregano oil.
What should I ask Anna to help me with?
No matter what you ask for, the cost will be a donation to the maharishi.
Fairfield Tx is 1/2 way between Dallas and Houston, maybe Amy went to college there?
Oh no. She went to Maharishi U.
Oh, but I should mention, she took apiary classes while she was there.
from Humble, so yes I vastly prefer Ft. Worth
¿ beg pardon ?
That suburb was more on the Ft. Worth side of the metroplex axis than say Clearview.
Yeah, I’m not grokking that, NA–Considering where Humble (I’m pronouncing the “H”, you southern assholes!) is, in comparison to the Metroplex (much further East than Dallas), how is it “more on the FW side”?
Or, are you talking culture-wise?
burned down with the Oasis
Wait, the Oasis burned down? I was just drinking out of my Oasis cup today.
today’s tiled Disneyland with the golf carts, a parking lot, and little umbrellas in the drinks was built with insurance money
originally, you parked in a field and followed a wire fence to a cut through some live oak scrub and a path that led to decks strung up and down the bluff, the heavy stuff being sleepers and cross ties bolted to telephone poles: all highly combustible
Oh, gotcha. I guess they rebuilt because I went in 2013 or so.
Actors and actresses in anti-gun Hollywood will be surrounded by armed security on Sunday as they attend the 77th annual Golden Globes.
I mean, it is privileged rich people giving other privileged rich people awards. So they are way more important than you and I.
If we had meaningful common sense gun control in this nation they wouldn’t need that armed security.
There is nothing I hate more than the Hollywood Circle Jerk ceremonies.
Not even the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner?
Aren’t they part of the hollywood crowd? They play make believe with the news each night, close enough.
They invite the Hollywood crowd every year, so yeah…I guess so.
I only watch for Gervais’s eviscerations.
If there is anyone who’s perspective and assessment you can trust…
Schiff said, “It was a reckless decision that increased the risk to America all around the world, not decreased it. When Secretary Pompeo says that this decision to take out Qasem Soleimani saved American lives, saved European lives, he is expressing a personal opinion, not an intelligence conclusion.”
He continued, “I think it will increase the risk to Americans around the world. I have not seen the intelligence that taking out Soleimani was going to either stop the plotting that is going on or decrease other risks to the United States.”
He added, “The question is, did the plotting here rise to the level that required his elimination from the battlefield? Would that elimination stop the plotting, or would it accelerate it? Or would it make the attacks in the United States greater or not worse? I don’t think the intelligence supports the conclusion that removing Soleimani increases our security.”
There is a ‘weapons of mass destruction’ joke in here somewhere…Personally I am a fan of WMD’s…women on my d*ck.
Schiff is a cunte.
wax everywhere, I tells ya
With both ZARDOZ and Ted on the job, you’d think . . .
Good grief this game was a bore.
What game?
?♂️ I’ve already forgotten.
Ya, that was anticlimactic.
Just finished watching the first game. Just…wow.
That was a good one. Don’t waste your time on the second one.
Last play pass interference? I’m biased AF so my opinion is worthless.
Shit, I don’t remember details like that.
Details like the game winner. Nice.
Vikings Saints? I’m not a fan of offensive pass interference, but if you must have it I’d probably put that at the edge of where I’d begin to call it. I could see the argument either way, but I don’t have a big issue with the non call.
Clearly NOT interference!
I might be more sympathetic to the Saints’ claims if the announcers hadn’t just been chatting about the excitement of the 2009 OT between the Saints and the Vikes…. WITHOUT MENTIONING THE BOUNTIES!!!!
As long as Peyton is the coach of the Saints, they should never get a call in the playoffs.
Not a good day for teams with home field advantage.
Hopefully that continues next week.
Negative. Go ‘Niners!
I don’t know who to root for now since I was rooting for ‘not-the-patriots’.
But maybe I’ll go for Baltimore. I don’t have a connection except that my dad is from Maryland.
Hoping to invoke the wrath of both OMWC and SP are you?
I’m a Vikings fan so….
My condolences.
*Fist bumps AJB*
*moves over on the Vikes bandwagon bench to make room for Straff and AJB*
Welcome aboard boys!
We’re still playing in January. Let’s hope Lucy isn’t our holder anymore.
So are they going to lose in San Fran next week or are they going to lose in Seattle the following week?
Twitter witches condemn Trump to death.
on saturday 11 january 3 am EST, i will broadcast a death ritual against president trump. witches far and near please join me and perform the ritual alongwith me as i lead through it. to see what you’ll need, open the thread. rt so all witches get to see this.
death ritual against president trump
Sounds like an assassination threat.
The Secret Service dunking chair should straighten those broads right out.
Damn, all these self proclaimed witches drowned. I guess they were lying.
If the water refuses them and they live they’re witches and are executed, if the water accepts them and they drown their profession of innocence was true. I think that’s how witchcraft science works anyway.
Yes, but my money is on they all drown.
Correct, say least somewhat. They also go to heaven. What most prone don’t know it’s that our judicial system convicts a higher percentage of people than the trial by ordeal system did.
Does she have a spell that works against drone strikes?
Schiff oughta see about an honorary witchdom or something.
Thats the kinda thing I’d expect to see for, I dunno, maybe being the first president to extrajudicially kill an American citizen. Mean tweets against people who are trying to ruin him just don’t seem as bad to me.
I wonder who was actually the first President to kill an American citizen without trial? Lincoln certainly did, when he sent the army in to put down the New York draft riots, but I suspect earlier presidents did as well. Washington sent troops to end the whiskey rebellion, but I don’t think anyone was killed by them.
Lincoln certainly did, when he sent the army in to put down the New York draft riots
Among other things…
Well y’all had quite emphatically surrendered your citizenship 🙂
One should be free to leave that which one voluntarily joined.
Not arguing that, but if you leave you are no longer a citizen.
Ok, then EXPLICITLY. Quelling a riot is a different animal than aiming at someone in particular and pulling a trigger. Not saying it was right, though.
Oh please, these bitches can’t even outspell Raven Silverwolf.
I mean, he won the election, but they keep trying to snatch it back.
No worries, the White Witches got this!
Boomerang, indeed.
That’s what I was thinking. The law of Threefold Return.
Karma bitchez.
Imagine if people did this to Obama.
Remember the rodeo clown?
Fired right?
Out of a cannon, into the sun.
“rt so all witches get to see this.”
Well, shit, I for one take these people seriously and respect their beliefs.
#DeathToAmerica Trends in Hollywood
The Mandalorian – Well, it’s better than nothing, I guess
The best Star Wars related thing Return of the Jedi:
Say what you will about Kevin Spacey, the guy does good impressions.
Jon Heder does some pretty sweet Star Wars impressions.
Heh, that was pretty good.
I love the Critical Drinker.
Go up to comment #10 (d)(A)(1)(c)
That’s absolutely horrible in every way.
V Bombers – Vulcan, Victor & Valiant – The Last British Bombers
Love the look of the Vulcan. And that signature howl!
It’s getting better
How is it that we have troops in Kenya?
Get out now.
But who’ll protect the ivory trade?
Paul McCartney?
the answer is still e
*Shakes head knowingly*
What am I, Bulgarian? *Nods head knowingly*
Pax Americana.
Our Kenyan president sent them there to protect the homeland.
I figured they were there on some R&R after being in Somalia…where nothing exists due to no government.
Libertarians fuck everything up!
Jesus, Joseph and Mary; the Eagles had to pull three drunks out of the stands in order to keep 11 players on the field. Might have won, too, if the zebras didn’t screw them on a few bad/missed calls. Packers should have little problem with the Seahawks next week.
If the Eagles had signed Kaepernik instead of McCown (for obvious political and racist motivations!) they’d be playing next week !!!1111!!!11!!!1
I think that Packers-Seahawks game might be better than you think.
Only because the Packers can’t get the offense and defense to be good at the same time during the game this year. If the offense is playing good, the defense lets the other team keep up. And if the defense is playing good, then the offense won’t score any points. (Unless they’re in California, then the whole team plays like shit the whole time, which is why I wanted the Saints and Seahawks to win. Because I thought the Seahawks would beat the 49ers and we could get the championship at Lambeau.)
*takes big breath*
Cuz the 49ers WRECKED the Seahawks the other two times they played this season?
Kur Kuzins sure ain’t gonna get as close to beating them as the Seahawks could.
EXCLUSIVE: Utah man unveils 20-year-old McDonald’s hamburger
“EXCLUSIVE”? I’m sure they were fighting several other media outlets to get this story to market.
So, forget about MREs and Twinkies, instead stock up on McDonald’s Hamburgers for the end times?
Random googling has led me to the answer to this pressing mystery: Where are all the dead pigeons?
But most rarely live that long
* violent retching *
I saw a hawk kill one in my driveway once. It sounded like someone playing 52 pickup. The hawk just kept the pigeon pinned while he caught his breath and scouted a place to eat him. Then, he flew him up into a tree and scarfed him down. It was…dramatic.
“ Trump Says “US Will Not Leave” Iraq Unless Billions For Air Base Are Repaid, Threatens Baghdad With “Very Big” Sanctions”
Us getting kicked out would be the best thing that could happen. Anyone want to start an airbase payback collection for the Iraqis?
“I owed Uncle Sam trillions for some airbases, but Phelps & Phelps PC helped structure a payment schedule that fits into my lifestyle: all those bills erased for one easy monthly payment. Thanks, Phelps and Phelps!”
I’ve always liked that Phelps. His brother Phelps, on the other hand, is a massive prick.
“Fucking Arabs and Persians making payments, sure, but I’ve got things I want to do. That money’s mine! I’ve got things to do and I need it now!”
♩♩♩♩ Call CEB FundSource: +49 . . . 555 . . . 911 . . . 26 ….two two oh! ♩♩♩♩
+1 J.G. Wentworth
Cut your losses, Trumpy boy. You can’t squeeze blood from a stone.
What about oil? We were supposed to get oil for blood. That was the deal.
Trump’s gonna leave Iraq and make Iraq pay for it.
And then the Iraqis present a bill for the appropriated land and destruction caused by the US forces. See how that works?
Our collections department is more aggressive.
Ricky Gervais brings the heat as ever.
The expression of someone who has blown for roles.
I have no idea who that is.
Me neither. It’s a hottake IYKWIM.
This lady otoh likes to party.
Sign in to see whatever filth you posted? This site is going downhill.
Sign in?! I didn’t mark it mature!
Maybe this works.
How about you just describe what nonsense you’re up to?
Use my words instead of images to convey my thoughts? OK boomer.
(It’s a still of one of the chicks in a shot who’s downing a glass of champagne or whatever while everyone else is laughing.)
Thank you. I went through puberty before the internet got hawt.
I mean, I was pretty well into puberty myself when the internet became a thing.
I did not hide my first pictures folder well enough. My mother found it immediately.
Thinking inside the box.
Packed house that seats 30, WOW!
“You just keep chasing the next mountain.”
Cousins post game presser. More cliches than in a Hall and Oats song.
He should just come out and say, ‘I got paid, I don’t give a shit. HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW!’
He played great today when it mattered. I’ll take it.
But he was wearing those dreamy suspenders.
I’m waiting for him to win the SB and still not get a contract extension. Because even if he gets hot for the playoffs, he still isn’t the guy who has swagger.
Swaggert had swagger and look what happened to him. It’s over rated.
How many HOF quarterbacks do you need sign past their prime to carry you to the precipice before you realize the QB isn’t the problem?
Go ahead and laugh now, but what are you going to do now that Rodgers is edging into Vikings-bait territory?
I think Rogers is over the hill now and in a few years we might be signing him.
I honestly don’t know what’s next for us, but when you sign Rodgers and lose the NFC Championship because he danced around in the pocket for 3 minutes before throwing the ball away, it’ll be great to watch yall melt down again.
The Viking put together losing masterpieces in the playoffs like the Lions and Chargers do 4-5 times a year in the regular season. . It came close to happening today, but there’s always next week. Luckily Cook’s knee was down before the fumble.
For that OT Championship game against the Saints, I was in a packed blues bar for the OT. The bar had about 20 Vikings fan there and everyone paid $20 to get in the see the kick ass band. Since everyone was watching the game, the band waited to start until the game was over. Half the band was from New Orleans and the rest from Houston.
When the game ended in dramatic fashion, the band went right into When the Saints Come Marching In. Before the song was done every Vikings fan had stormed out of the bar, including a couple friends. It was glorious.
Local Polka bands update all the old people on the Packers’ game score between sets. ‘Can’t stop the polka Mal.’
Whenever I get to do my next computer build, I’m gonna play around with some deepfake software. I find it fascinating.
The Morgan Freeman made it worth the watch. My attempt at a deep fake.
Such a boring night on here, I might as well be Counting Blue Cars.
That is the most nineties thing I have ever seen.
? I miss the nineties.
Super 90s, from Wisconsin and talking about freedom!
Ok, it’s 90’s night (it still doesn’t sound old timey yet)
…I recall laughing at how awful the 2nd one was…
The Jamiroquai song was popular, but sucked, but I found the video intriguing and looking into it is how discovered gimbals.
The New Radicals were alt rock posers (that’s how shit it was) and was the downfall of alt rock.
Ugh now I click and remember that. Awful. Proof the nineties were over by 1998.
I like Jamiroquai.
Shocking, I know. ?
Oh I vaguely remember liking them in the late 80s – don’t remember the song tho.
Me too, especially the clothes.
And no tattoos!
^THIS + the hair
I was watching some YouTube video of current soldiers. One of the guys had sleeve tatts all the way down to the tops of his knuckles. Shit would have gotten you chaptered out twenty years ago.
On tattoos
Totally overwrought but some of it I agree with. I don’t like them and I think they’re a sign of increasing narcissism – something I am allergic to.
I can’t find that Saved By The Bell: The College Years clip anymore where Bob Golic’s Tweety Bird tattoo turned into a Big Bird Tattoo. But the Nick Swardson ‘Old People Music’ clip is still up.
Piss of your parents by getting a tattoo. Now you’re parents and what are your kids gonna do?
Cut off their dicks and tits.
That turned dark rather quickly.
That’s fucking dark Mo.
That’ll show’em. *winces*
Being a wamen, I’ll forgive you for not realizing the discomfort that cuz us boys.
It’s very dark and I’m not joking.
Being trans or furries or of some other outré sexual proclivity is the in thing. Unfortunately, a few parents are gung-ho to indulge it.
You know who else was Gung How?
More than a few are just straight-up hos.
Attention whores.
Possibly ‘bitchettes’, as we learned yesterday.
Not tatt or pierce anything.
Does “bitchette” refer to small bitches? Otherwise it seems redundant to add the usually-feminine “-ette” suffix.
GT–I suppose it could. But, when males are referred to as “bitch”, and even more feminine suffix is called for.
Because, some dudes are just bitchettes.
/I can’t claim ownership of the word
Slum FTW!
Excellent find!
Excellent find!
He finished up on the BoSox, which I why I instantly thought of him.
I have no idea what any of that means.
/goes back to watching Star Trek
I don’t care one bit about people’s tattoos, but what annoys the hell out of me is that some people still think it’s a super-edgy, rebellious, anti-authoritarian thing to do.
When suburban housewives are getting their kids’ names tattooed on their forearms, it’s no longer badass. It’s gone the way of blue jeans and leather jackets – once a rebellious fashion statement, but now utterly commonplace.
Hell, I think I’m being more rebellious (and I’m not even trying) by NOT having any tattoos.
“Why come you got no tattoo?”
Rick Beato on what killed rock’n’roll.
Answer: Autotune and stripping the blues influence out of the music.
Depends if you count Heavy Metal as Rock and Roll. What has ruined that is nostalgia. In the 90s and 00s bass was finally emerging as a sound in metal. Then the backlash to Nu Metal started and it all went back to the twidd-diddle-waa-deloodle guitar solo and no bass.
CPRM is Jason Newstead???!!!!
Yeah, so I’m watching an Amazon Prime show called Lore. Just got to a frontal lobotomy.
With an ice pick?
An orbitoclast, but they did talk about the ice pick.
I snuck a quick look at the list of episodes…
Oh, now we’re into thorazine!
Ice picks remind me of the death of Trotsky. (yes I know it was actually an ice axe)
Fun Fact – Trotsky’s great-granddaughter, Mexican psychiatrist Dr. Nora Volkow, heads the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). NIDA is the governmental agency tasked with providing a fig-leaf of scientific rationale for the War On Drugs™.
Is it about Data’s brother?
(I also had that thought)
My dad was a cowboy boot wearing, knife carrying Air Force enlistee who became a bearded truck driver who had played HS football. It wasn’t until after he died and thought about his love of Star Trek, that as a married man had convinced his wife to keep up his Star Trek the The Motion Picture Poster for over 30 years, that I realized he was a nerd.
My mom was a small-town Pennsylvania gal and divorcee who took her four sons to see ST:TMP on opening night. Yep, she was a nerd too.
I didn’t know Data had a brother.
2, ackshually (that the series/movies showed).
And, his li’l girl.
And, cat.
I remember he had a cat.
Who morphed from male to female or vice versa I forget which….
I don’t think the 1st model was treated as a brother, in a story context, but I suppose if they were biologic it would be so.
Good point. He was…what, version 0.1?
I don’t know, I’m not Mike Stoklasa.
Oh, yes! And IIRC, Lore could use contractions!
That was the best episode of the lot.
Oh, it doesn’t get any better?
You can’t trust him, until this week his avitar was gyro, not a hero (Ignore all the previous years he used this same avitar, it only proves he’s now a Russian asset!). Clearly a Russian Asset.
I need a gyro.
So, meat stuffed into a pocket of sorts?
/I ain’t judgin’!
Mmmm… gyro.
The actual video is more entertaining
Chief Felon…er, “Phelan”
Greece, fucking up the Vox Populi, those sneaky fucking Russians.
+1 Boris the Bullet Dodgah
There are black people in Greece now?! Man, things really have changed since my youth.
With Wayne Brady as Danny!
It’s a suburb of my hometown – I grew up a couple houses away. The sight of Greece Arcadia High School in a rap video makes my chuckle.
Now we’re on to changelings. Irish faerie rings #FTW!
This is the quality urban legend programming that’s been lacking from History, TLC, Discovery, et al.
Too bad it’s not Irish pearl necklaces.
I was afraid to click that link …
What do you take me for, Mo???
/where’s my fainting couch?
That’s one Clint Eastwood movie I haven’t seen.
I think they prefer to be called the Founders
thank you
Mojeaux, I think you should start writing your books out by hand.
C’mon–how cool would it be to have a copy of Cods and Cuntes* in that kind of ink?
*yes, I remember.
Yanno, I did used to write by hand. Now I only do it if I’m out and there are napkins available.
Well, let’s get you some of that ink and some napkins!
Bounty? Vanity Fair?
Bounty. It’s actually one thing I insist on buying name brand.
Duly noted.
/you know, you coulda asked for linen napkins…
^metoo (well, paper towels – I don’t buy napkins)
Me three.
So useful – I use them a ton for cooking and during the summer they are sweatrags I carry everywhere
Brawny man here. Bounty screwed with their paper towel widths and they no longer fit on our towel holder securely. We’ve had the select a size a size for a while but the select a square has won me over.
Napkins are only for special occasions like Christmas ones.
I’m not sure what sorcery that is but I’ll have to check it out.
No select-a-size in our house. I don’t rightly care, but, spousal unit does, and my apathy keeps me from pushing back.
Can’t spare a square
Okay, I am sufficiently sleepy. Nighters, Glibbies.
“Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 12 = 24 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets, 12 Count Brawny Tear-A-Square paper towel roll gives you the option of a quarter sheet, half sheet or full sheet to choose the right paper towel sheet size to suit your needs.”
“GALLIANO, La. (AP) — Louisiana authorities are perplexed over why a man left apparent designer bags holding drugs, a gun, cash and a digital scale in a convenience store.”
Yeah, that’s kinda weird.
That’s why they call it dope?
Seriously though, I was once muggled and went to conduct some business at the French Quarter Whitney Bank. While trying to find all the cash money to make my deposit, my wee pouch with pipe and fresh bag of dried flower flopped out of my ruck ontot he banking counter. The wonderfully kind teller swept everything into a large envelope, sealed it, and handed it back with a wink.
Now that’s a Bank Secrecy Act I can admire!
Know Your Customer!
This girl fascinates me.
This one https://youtu.be/gfiqW1WaGbw Time for bunk.
Cool! Thanks! Pleasant dreams!
I must be asleep, I read that as ‘Pheasant Dreams”
Well, whatever you do in the privacy of your own head…
Now I’m wondering how gamebirds were hunted pre-firearms. Was it just bowshot? Or were there some other techniques?
Nets also, I think.
Oh, and falconry.
I should have remembered the falcons.
But I’m only partly awake.
Which girl?