Greetings! Brett is still out in the boondocks closing out his deal to expand his empire to incorporate the hillbilly meth market. Quite a lucrative market to get in, to be honest. Lets hope it works out for him.
El Menchito, the heir apparent to a Mexican drug lord was extradited to the US on weapons trafficking charges.
Finally! The media gets their armed protest gone wrong…in Haiti. Too bad it was cops and soldiers protesting.
You can’t like, own like, the beach, man. *bong rip*
Ricky Martin: “Please, protest the Chilean government in an orderly manner.”

You have a hell of a hole to dig yourself out of, believe me, I know holes.
Interesting take on the Brazilian economy.
The main consensus among market analysts – and also people in Mr Bolsonaro’s government – is that the country started spending too much money around 2013, during the leftist government of Dilma Rousseff.
Since then, one of the main thermometers of Brazil’s economy has been the fiscal deficit – the amount of money spent beyond the country’s revenues. Ms Rousseff was impeached amid allegations that she masked Brazil’s fiscal deficit to hide how much her government was overspending. Since her downfall, all efforts from the government have gone into lowering this fiscal deficit.
Some economists say the main culprit is the pension system, with Brazilians retiring too early (some in their early 50s) and with too many benefits (especially amongst civil servants).
Mr Bolsonaro is proposing pension cuts and a minimal retirement age of 65 for men and 62 for women. During the boom years, Brazil had a debt which was 51% the size of its economy. The growing fiscal deficit raised the debt level to 77.1%. The government says that if nothing is done, the country’s debt will be the size of its entire economy by 2023.
Well, this is a travesty.
Hernandez’s parents say their son and the others were playing a game: crossing the border, touching a fence and then running back to Mexican soil. They accused Jesus Mesa Jr., the Border Patrol agent, of arriving on the scene and fatally shooting their son while Mesa was standing on US soil.They wanted to sue Mesa for violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendment. According to the government, Mesa resorted to force only after Hernandez refused to follow commands to stop throwing rocks.
Uno !
An early Mexican?
Well, he’s already Tres, so… Quatro?
Tres was uno, Mexy called dos on tres, and I don’t know was on third.
I once sat there and figured out which position Costello was going to play – because there was an open spot on the roster.
I forget which outfield it was.
He played whatever was left do I don’t think right is right
<uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco cinco ses
The judges also would have accepted:
[plays “Draw Two” on Tres]
slams down REVERSE
/throws over table
Stahp!!! Your bringing down the value of the site!
How do you value a nonprofit site? I mean, it’s mostly unquantified value.
I thought they didnt file as a non-profit.
I could have sworn they did.
Can someone weigh in definitively?
I’m pretty sure not because that would make contributions tax deductible. I don’t think they want the level of government scrutiny that comes with that.
The site is … held by a nonprofit. But not an IRS 501(c)(whichever number would apply).
Tonio is correct. Too much scrutiny, paperwork and cost for us TPTB.
You lit the Tulpa signal.
Oh dear. The Tulpas are coming out the Wazoo
(Howdy BTW, welcome to our little corner of retardation)
Thanks, I’m all about the cake.
No treble?
No treble?
No, No rebels.
Guess it shoulda been ‘primero’
/my bad, amigos
I barely remember any of the spanish I used to know.
Easy to learn, easy to forget.
Some Spanish that you used to know
More Spanish that we all used to know
“Activists used a large measuring tape to determine the 20 meters (yards) of “free” beach space. Federal law states the public cannot be denied access to a space 20 meters inland from the high tide line.”
Free land?
El Menchito, the heir apparent to a Mexican drug lord was extradited to the US on weapons trafficking charges.
He just needs say it was part of Fast and Furious and it will all go away.
Little rude guy?
So is El Menchito actually Eric Holder?
No, that’s El Pendejo.
El Pinche Pendejo.
Ricky Martin: “Please, protest the Chilean government in an orderly manner.”
I thought the idea was to be livin’ la vida loca.
Doesn’t want you to spill your Cup of Life
I’d come up with another music related pun, but this…
…gave me a hangover only a bowl of Menudo could cure.
I thought menudo was a boy band…wait, are you a cannibal?
It is a soup containing hominy and tripe
Don’t you try to throw me off the scent.
They wanted to sue Mesa for violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendment. According to the government, Mesa resorted to force only after Hernandez refused to follow commands to stop throwing rocks.
Now i don’t know about your crazy states, but in mine, that would not meet the justification for “use of lethal force”
Devil’s advocate here, but it is possible for throwing rocks to rise to the level of great bodily harm. Depends on the circumstances.
Not that I’m suggesting this is one of those circumstances. I find it more likely this kid was executed for contempt of cop than anything else.
I’ll grant that there are situations where rock throwing could justify a use of leathal force. My vision of what happened didn’t meet that though.
When I see Palestinians using slings to throw rocks at Israel, I think of ancient slingers in Alexander’s army – who were deadly on the battlefield. But I doubt this obnoxious kid was that dangerous.
If the kid is in Mexico he has no obligation to follow a US officers orders.
If he was shot standing in Mexico and the US officer claimed he wasn’t following orders, that undermines his case.
Oh shit, I finally read the article. This is *that* case.
Its been been up and down the court system too many times to count. Both sides have been conspicuously diligent in putting any useful facts in the record.
I’ll need to read the opinion. Last I heard, the office had a pretty reasonable assertion (based on the layout of the land) that he though he was shooting the kid while the kid was in the US. But it keeps getting bounced down for more fact finding.
In any case, I’ll give it the same credence I give any CNN summary of a SC decision – none.
Why did we give the cops tasers and batons if they’re still jumping straight to making fellow civillians dead?
Because fuck you, that’s why?
They needed more pieces of flair?
*golf clap*
Those are paperwork reduction devices, not killing-averting devices. The operator didn’t feel the need to avoid the paperwork.
Look, he didn’t want to do it but he felt he owed it to them.
“Because shooting a kid throwing rocks is an effective and appropriate response.”
Otoh, a 15-year-old should know better than to throw rocks at law enforcement.
Since then, one of the main thermometers of Brazil’s economy has been the fiscal deficit – the amount of money spent beyond the country’s revenues. Ms Rousseff was impeached amid allegations that she masked Brazil’s fiscal deficit to hide how much her government was overspending.
Geeze…. If only we had the balls to impeach and remove presidents for doing shit like that. we would have been rid of some of the worst ones there were.
Our problem isn’t masking deficit – it’s just the deficit spending. Sadly, our government will happily tell us exactly how they’re squandering money, and the only problems most people have is a) how it’s squandered or b) it’s not enough being squandered.
Yes it was her lying about it though that got her removed. The only qualms the president has about lying to the public is how it will effect elections.
But AFAIK, they’re not (generally?) lying about how much they’re asking to spend. And Congress isn’t hiding how much they budget.
Like the last 25 or so.
Presidents dont spend money
Congess does
It is funny that the US only decides to impeach presidents for the trivial stuff, never the big stuff. It’s like “too big to fail” applied to politics.
A big problem with Brazil and other countries with a history of right-wing military regimes is that it caused a major left-wing backlash once those regimes fell.
Cart horse horse cart.
Expedia to cut 3,000 jobs
Wait, Expedia employs more than 3,000 people? How many people does it take to manage that website? Here’s a thought. If you want to save money, get as far from Seattle as you can.
They have telephone support
I talked to them once.
I give them 4/5 for being courteous, 1/5 for actually helping.
Twice – for fucking up my travel plans. Won’t be a third time.
Well, that’s 5 out of 5! Perfect score! ::flings confetti::
UCSing UCS, I like it.
I used Expedia only once. I booked a hotel through Expedia.
I showed up at the hotel. The hotel had no record of my reservation. I showed them the confirmation from the Expedia website. The hotel staff poked around a bit, and found no evidence of my reservation.
The hotel had some vacancies for the time I planned to stay there. They gave me a room at the rate from the Expedia confirmation.
That was a close one. I’ll never book through Expedia again. This has never happened with Travelocity or hotels’ own websites.
The spousal unit and I have used extensively throughout Western Europe and parts of Canada & USA. We’ve never had a screw-up through them.
On the other hand, our Expedia-booked hotel in London also had absolutely no record of our reservation. After that, we stopped using ’em for hotel bookings. To be fair, they’ve done better on car reservations.
This year, expedia has reported being sold out of pretty much hotel for early june.
The hotels themselves were more than happy to reserve me rooms.
I think they’re falling out of favor with the hotels.
The least useful phone support I’ve ever experienced. I had an issue and called many times: all but one agent couldn’t even understand what the problem was. And even that one didn’t help.
Thousands. The have their own office tower, they don’t just have a phone bank, and they pay10- 20% over market rates if you’re looking for work.
Because shooting a kid throwing rocks is an effective and appropriate response.
Depends entirely on where the rocks were being thrown, and the article does not say. Throwing rocks at a person is an aggressive, potentially homicidal, action, and taking defensive action could be justified. Throwing rocks just randomly at inanimate objects or even animals is an entirely different story.
I mean, it isn’t like the electric chair or hanging; no one would use rocks as a method of esecutio….oh.
Damnit. Execution. And it wasn’t even a John-o
NOBODY throw any rocks. Even if they say Jehovah!
*Throws rock at leon*
Also depends on the size of those rocks
Rioters throwing bricks get shot.
Children throwing pebbles get yelled at.
Teenagers throwing rocks may or may not be attempting great bodily injury or murder.
The headline doesn’t provide enough information to know whether or not to be outraged.
I mean, I see what you’re saying, but I can come up with a hell of a lot more scenarios where some kid is throwing rocks at a guy with a gun where said guy doesn’t need to shoot him than where he does. Unless this kid’s name is David, I’m doubtful lethal force was merited here. But, of course, it’s CNN reporting it so it’s entirely possible this kid was winging bricks at the agent while charging him with a machete.
Is there video? Say, from all those cameras that are supposed to be strappped to police officers for situations like this?
Unless this kid’s name is David, I’m doubtful lethal force was merited here.
The bar is a bit lower than that. For example, people regularly die at the stone throwing festival in India, and those are just dudes throwing river rocks with their bare hands. But yes, throwing rocks is not the same level as using a firearm, so the appropriate response does vary depending on what exactly the situation was and judgement can’t be passed automatically.
Not a kid. I assumed reading the “kid throwing rocks” in the link and through the comments here that this was some 7 or 8 year-old.
Guy was 15 years-old. We went through the same shit with Trayvon Martin being portrayed as just some kid playing. I don’t know the details in this case, but I do know that 15 year old males can cause adult damage if they choose and are also old enough to know that throwing rocks at any person with a gun is a very bad idea.
I wouldn’t hesitate to consider a 15 year old male threatening me with bodily harm to be a serious danger, regardless of if they were unarmed, had a rock, had a knife, or had a gun. Most of those inner-city knock-out games are done by teenagers around this age.
I assume he wasn’t lobbing a 30 pound rock like they were in Braveheart.
You’ve dropped your rock.
I could crush you
Takes real stones to say that to Florida Man.
Apt –
What if that kid was throwing rocks while using hurtful speech?
Obviously if the kid said something racially hurtful, he got what he deserved.
Then he should have been tortured first.
Re: throwing rocks. There was a badge cam from I think Arizona. Kid pledged allegiance to ISIS and called the police. Cop rolls out, dude is in a parking lot, standing there. Cop walks up, starts talking to him. Kid starts throwing rocks from his pockets at the cop. Cop draws, yells at him “stop throwing rocks at me”. Kid pulls out a knife, starts walking at the cop. Cop is just walking backwards around the lot, repeating “put the knife down”. After several seconds, puts a bullet in the dude. Just a bizarre encounter.
Suicide by cop?
Worked out that way.
Mexico’s weapons buyback program – wouldn’t the cartels just outbid the government?
Imma guess the cartel sets some standards on the quality of weapons they will buy.
You sell the government the ones that don’t function anymore,
If our locale ever has a “buyback,” I’m going to get some small-diamater pipe, some cheap pine, a few springs and some nails; assemble a few extremely shoddy “zip” guns and cash in.
If I make enough, I may be able to finance another Model 12.
Don’t forget to have someone at the front of the line to pre-buy anything good that comes along.
Good point. I wonder how many valuable old guns are turned in and end up being cut up.
I need a Model 12 for SASS.
It’s on the list…
Who do you think the government is going to resell the (good) guns to?
but a security expert doesn’t believe it tackles the real sources of violent crime.
I wonder where the cartels are getting their guns now that they are not being armed by the US government. //jk
Watching her walk is fucking hilarious.
“Bitch, you ain’t no hobbit?!?”
Why hold back, Count?
The futbòl photo that never gets old.
The clashes come four months into a series of anti-government protests. They were originally triggered by a rise in the metro fare in the capital, Santiago, but soon became a much wider movement denouncing inequality in Chile, the high costs of healthcare and poor funding of education.
Needs helicopter rides.
Kobe agrees.
Saint Kobe, the patron saint of non-consensual butt-sex.
I thought that was mattress dude.
Biden: “Where am I. Who are you? And where is my pudding?”
“My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see help out, if not, vote for the other Biden,” the former vice president said at the South Carolina Democratic Party’s First in the South Dinner.
The other Biden?
Did they skip his firmware update?
It’s just a light case of senile dementia, I’m sure he’ll get over it.
“Mr. Sanders either lies or ignores the events in Cuba. Socialism is the worst political system any country may go through,” the writers continue:
Cuba had 12 universities and 87% of literacy. Cuba did not need Castro’s “literacy program.” What the tyrant did, in fact, was implement a “political indoctrination program” to deceive innocent peasants. Even today, if you look at a reading textbook of elementary education, you can see that indoctrination is at the core of the educational system imposed by the Castro regime.
Mr. Sanders praises the Education and Healthcare systems in the island, but is it any good that, besides mandatory indoctrination, only students who are members of the political organizations of the regime are allowed access to higher education? Does Mr. Sanders know that Special Rapporteurs of United Nations have sent letters to the Cuban regime complaining that Cuban doctors have become modern slaves? The regime sends doctors to work at other countries and the regime collects their wages while only giving doctors between 75 and 90% of the wage. In addition, their passports are removed and keep them all under close surveillance to prevent any “desertion.”
“Mr. Perez, the suffering of the Cuban people under the socialist regime of the Castro brothers has been so intense and long, that the least remedy for Mr. Sanders’ indolence is a public apology,” the former political prisoners assert. “Mr. Bernie Sanders has all the right to profess any political ideology he likes, but no right at all to lie about the crimes and ills the policies of Fidel Castro, his brother, and their political system have caused to millions of Cubans, most of them now U.S. citizens.”
Best thing that happened at my office today: the newest member of our senior management team sent out an e-mail announcing the winner of an employee award, and he concluded by saying, “Feel free to congratulate X, but…PLEASE DO NOT “REPLY ALL” TO THIS EMAIL.”
And nobody did.
Next time I see this manager, imma kiss him on the mouth.
But a real pro would have used BCC addressing so that even if somebody did that it wouldn’t go anywhere other than the sender.
^ this ^
Everyone needs to embrace the power of BCC
I saw that video. It was…intimidating.
BCC, Hero.
It’s the woke term for BWC.
It is fair to say that there are various issues to criticize about Cuba’s government, which Bernie has done, but to say that he deserves to be attacked and ridiculed for recognizing the advancements in literacy and healthcare of a poor country is not only wrong but evil.
I am a Cuban immigrant who came to this country with hope for the greatness of America, instead I found a country that suffers under the boot of oppression from those who rule it.
Bernard Sanders is the only person who genuinely inspires me and gives me hope for a better world.
And yet, he still left.
“instead I found a country that suffers under the boot of oppression from those who rule it.”
Then leave.
Yep. You found your way here – if it’s not to your liking, find your way back out.
It is significantly easier to travel back to.
Spare me Rose. He deserves every bit of ridicule he gets.
He’s illiberal.
“As a Cuban who’s (sic) family benefited from the educational programs” = We were members of the Party.
She’s full of shit.
I’m keeping it real.
All my life I had to hear all this ‘Mao did some good things’ and ‘the trains ran on time’ justification for murder and mayhem.
Suck my balls.
Ten Minute History, The Russian Revolution:
“It should be remembered that Stalin’s reforms helped turned Russia from an empire struggling to keep up into an economic powerhouse…In conclusion, the legacy of the Russian Revolution is hard to measure. In many respects all it did was replace one authoritarian regime with another. It’s worth noting that the actions of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and many others helped turn Russia into a superpower. One that was vital in helping stop the Nazis.”
It does mention the purges and Gulags but, sheesh, classic “on one hand, on the other hand.”
Yes, they founded the fricken Soviet Union. It was a ‘superpower’ and a shitty one at that.
an economic powerhouse
it was never that. Even counting the Soviet Union as a whole, and not just Russia, its economy was second world for most of the post-revolution period. Remember, most of the economic figures published by the Soviets were lies.
Yup…all the talk about the Soviet Army in WW2 tends to discount Lend Lease materials. From Wikipedia:
In total, $10,982,100,000 worth of materials went from the US to the USSR during the war.
Would not have made a difference if Hitler had just treated the Ukrainians, and other Slavs in territory he captured as something less than subhumans. Hitler was really in thrall to his Aryan supremacy nonsense wasn’t he?
True, although it is helpful for me when teaching to point out to students that the overwhelming number of casualties were on the Eastern Front (and, yes, tactics had something to do with that, but the numbers are staggering.
I also point out to them that Stalin was happy to invade Finland & Poland and that info is kind of excised from most histories.
…by definition.
It’s worth noting that the actions of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and many others helped turn Russia into a superpower. One that was vital in helping stop the Nazis.”
If the industrial power of capitalist America had not been there, the Nazis would have conquered the Soviet Union. Hell, if Hitler hadn’t been a complete jackass they might have pulled it off even with American aid.
Based on minimal detailed knowledge, I think Hitler might well have won if he had not delayed his invasion of the Soviet Union to put down a rebellion in the Balkans. If memory serves, that cost him 4 – 6 weeks, and left the Wehrmacht short of their objectives when winter set in.
Also from the “It Was That Close” files, the Luftwaffe campaign targetting RAF airstrips was within a few days of shutting down the RAF when it was called off. If the RAF had been shut down, the Wehrmacht likely would have been able to invade and conquer England. Then, with the western front permanently pacified, a significant chunk of the Wehrmacht could have headed east to finish off the Soviets.
Hitler was a strategic idiot, but he still came pretty damn close to winning WWII.
I was listening to this interview last night:
His argument is that the German failure to defeat the Red Army by August, 1941 meant they had already lost the war in the east. It’s more nuanced than that and, IMHO, worth a listen.
Or if he had actually concentrated enough combat power at the decisive point. Multiple thrusts are all well and good on paper. Either take Moscow or conquer the Soviet oil supplies, but you don’t have the force levels to do both. Surge the U-Boats to the Arctic and ignore the UK convoys, knock out the Soviets and then deal with the UK.
I don’t know if the Kriegsmarine had the capability to land even a corps or army level force in the UK. Although, if they had, there’s not a chance in hell the British could have stopped them with what they had in country.
(Sic) is a sick burn.
The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall.
John likes robust women. John likes robust women.
Motherfucker….that shit had better be long over by 5:30 or my drive home is going to be a nightmare.
What’t this, BBC instructions to the Underground?
It is fair to say that there are various issues to criticize about Cuba’s government, which Bernie has done, but to say that he deserves to be attacked and ridiculed for recognizing the advancements in literacy and healthcare of a poor country is not only wrong but evil.
Let’s not bicker about ‘oo oppressed ‘oo…
Oppression was; people were present.
Monkeys flinging poo
Good point – when you own a major media outlet, oppo-research can go very deep.
It makes sense for them to start pulling out all the stops against Sanders. He’s leading by +11 in the polling averages, started off with a delegate lead, and 538 is now giving him the best odds of winning by the convention (edging out “no winner” by a hair). If the Dems don’t get their act together there’s a real chance that they’ll be running Sanders as their candidate.
To answer your question from the other day….whatever. I have little faith in the electorate at the moment.
My condolences. That situation in Canada just seems crazy to me, and if that happened in the US I can’t imagine it not having knock-on political effects.
Damn our media sucks. Xi Jinping basically admitted that coronavirus had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs.
Basically admits = “Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping on Feb. 14 told an emergency meeting in Beijing that a national system to control biosecurity risks was needed “to protect the people’s health.”” Followed by a bunch of speculation by a conspiracy theorist.
Seriously this is getting silly.
You don’t understand how much some people get their rocks off panicking.
The drive home had some credentialed person saying we all need to have conversations with our children on how we are going to cope if coronavirus “severely disrupts” our way of life.
It’s a pretty shitty bioweapon if it is one. Not nearly deadly enough.
I would guess a research animal (dead or alive) made it from the facility to the meat market.
* Don’t buy your bat-meat from the market next to the bio-warfare research center.
Doesn’t have to be a weapon – they could be experimenting on all kinds of shit in there.
Not that I buy any of this without proof.
It gon be cold here this weekend!
This is just sad.
Thoughts and prayers JB.
I was watching tennis from Florida – Delray Beach, wherever that is – the other day and the spectators were in jackets, hats, and a few of them with scarves. It was like 65 degrees.
I get the same bemusement from watching Canadians fall over dead with heat stroke in August at Disney world. Bitch, it’s only 95 degrees.
No doubt. Hell, we play full length soccer matches all summer here. Granted, we skip the normal 1 PM start time and play at 9, 11, and 6, but we still play!
Sadly (?) I wasn’t raised by meth-consuming gators, so ya got me there.
My step-dad built his own house, a stilt-house on the Myakka River. He has no air-conditioning.
OMG. My grandma’s then-new husband moved her down to Punta Gorda and boy did we get an earful about the heat. We’re northern stock and don’t fare well in that shit.
Punta Gorda is in my old stompin’ grounds. Nothing but pine trees and palmetto scrub; damn, do I miss it.
I’m with you, Rhy; I resolutely believe that I should never be able to break a sweat inside my house. 72° during the day and 68° + a giant down duvet at night is pure perfection for me.
I have four bundles of wood ready for the fireplace and a fridge full of wine. I’ll abide.
We’ve got a solid week of 50s and 60s. Spring might be coming early this year (yay!), but of course that means we’ll get a late freeze in April or something.
If I were goddess, I’d make it snow the last half of December, then make spring come around January 3.
Russians Declare Election Too Chaotic For Them To Successfully Interfere
New York Times Publishes Guest Editorial By Emperor Palpatine
I feel like I’m trying to smash things with a sledgehammer while a tornado is around me ripping up buildings.”
That’s pure gold, Jerry!
Interesting CL results.
I’m sure by interesting you mean you’re happy BM demolished Chelsea.
Napoli is going for it. They have nothing to lose. They won’t qualify for CL next year. Idiot ADL.
Go Atalanta. Love how they play.
Isn’t everybody?
I sure am.
BM demolished Chelsea.
Clinton got explosive diarrhea?
BBC Headline on the Chelsea match: “Chelsea’s hopes of progressing in the Champions League hang by a thread…”
If, “hang by a thread” you mean non-existent then sure.
Lol. Did they forget the little thingy called ‘three away goals’?
The soccer media in England, Spain and Italy are annoying.
The best one is France.
The replies to your Craig’s List personal ad?
Ii survived a 5.5 hour Telecon that just ended.
Holy cow. There must have been 40 people in that meeting. For 5 and a half hours.
Granted, some good info was exchanged, but what was the price tag??
My thoughts on meetings.
‘Networking’ meetings. /shudders.
It was a program review. I enjoyed hearing about other departments’ going concerns, but a newsletter could have covered that.
What kept me from faking my death to hang up was that the CEO was there and feeling talkative, so lotsa inside info and psychology knowledge.
Every meeting ever. (I’ve used this in training sessions.)
So that’s why you’ve made so many comments today.
Aw, you’re onto me!
Bad Orange Union Buster is bad
But labor groups said the new rules will make it more difficult for employees of franchisees to win changes that they say actually calls the shots in their workplaces — the franchisor.
One estimate from a pro-labor think tank, the Economic Policy Institute, puts the cost to employees at about $1.3 billion a year.
“This rule enables firms to avoid responsibility and liability,” said a statement from the EPI. “Weakening the joint-employer standard has serious adverse consequences for working people, such as depriving workers of the ability to bargain with the employer contracting for their services through an intermediary, who in most cases is the employer with ultimate control over wages, hours, and working conditions.”
The rules reflect the growth of so-called fissured workplaces. There are about 7.6 million employees of franchise owners, small businesses that might operate a restaurant, store or other outlet of a much larger company. There are also some 3 million employees working for temporary help services, according to the Labor Department. And millions more work for contractors providing services, just as janitorial services, for other firms.
Labor groups say the rule will make it more difficult for employees to organize unions at franchisees, such as fast food restaurants, and to get the franchisor involved in the negotiations.
But beyond the question of whether the employees can unionize, labor groups worry that the new rule will give employers greater incentive to contract out work and put another layer between themselves the employees who do their work.
Some sort of rule. Unions don’t like it. Trump’s fault. Wealth inequality. This is CNN.
Uh huh.
“Do you want the job? Yes or no.”
Oddly as an employee adds skills the negotiation expands accordingly. It is almost as if being entirely unskilled makes you less valuable.
So there was no explanation of the actual rule change (great journalism, CNN!), but I’m guessing from the rest of the content that the rule change is preventing employees of a franchisee from suing the franchisor over (some?) labor issues. Given that the franchisor hires, pays, and supervises the employee, how is this not *already* the rule…oh, I know why! They wanna soak the deep pockets!
Given that the
franchisorfranchisee hires, pays, and supervises the employee, how is this not *already* the ruleYou’re welcome.
Oops. Whur muh edit buttin?
Maybe they’re rolling back another one of the edicts that The One threw against the wall on his way out the door.
FTA, that’s at least partially correct – it’s an Obama admin rule that was revoked. Didn’t say when it was added though.
I think that’s what it is.
I believe the real play here is to treat the franchisor as the true employer, which in turn changes the rules (I think) when unions who have unionized one franchise try to expand into other franchises. There are are also rules about an employer closing a unionized location.
Not a labor law attorney, but the rule that was overturned was a big gift to the unions.
I’m certain that’s it – all in the name of soaking the big corporations, when really it’s a play to increase the money and power in union hands.
So much this.
Given the turnover rate of fast food employees, any unions better get their whole annual dues upfront from the first paycheck. A old buddy who owns a BK franchise says you wouldn’t believe the number of W-2s – hundreds – issued from one location. He’s had a dozen or more quit even before their first shift is over because the “I din’t know the work is hard.”
“I din’t know the work is hard.”
I think the unions will take care of that.
by making sure there are no jobs?
Now that would be an amazing racket.
In my limited experience, jobs with high turnover that nevertheless are unionized do tend to collect higher dues upfront.
Once more into the breach. Next meeting teeing off in 1…
I gave you the solution already.
This meeting is one I called myself and is quite focused and involves the right folks.
It sure would keep your people on their toes!
Lack of subsequent paychecks would put me on my toes!
Re: the dead Mexican kid and his parents lawsuit getting dismissed
Yes, the liberal judges are widely known for not siding with the government.
Although, true to form, they brought in issues that are not relevant to the legal case before them:
Pfft. Pikers. I think we crossed that Rubicon years ago.
it’s not as if humans have just naturally hit a ceiling on how long we can live
What is it with lefties and the denial of biological reality, anyway?
austerity, and the everyday hardship that followed, as the likely culprit
Oh, fuck off already. The real problem isn’t that the NHS isn’t spending enough, its that it has had total control of all health care in the UK for two generations.
I thought it was because Lot’s wife looked back. Or Adam ate the apple. Or Noah slept with his daughters or something like that. We don’t live to 900 y.o. anymore.
Our DNA strands “fray” at the ends in predictable rates of decay and we mutate and get old. End of.
Who wants to live forever?
Duncan MacCloud.
Duncan >>> Connor
There is no Duncan. There was precisely 1 Highlander movie and there can be only one! Everything after that was a communist plot.
I’m outright claiming that the series was excellent for the first couple of seasons.
I agree with you about banishing the sequel movies and the idiot Raven series to the far corners of hell. They don’t count.
Virginia Madsen is…Happy?
I love Virginia Madsen. I got a Laser Disk, unopened, of Gotham with her and Tommy Lee Jones on the cover just to display. I don’t even have a Laser Disk player.
Where’s my Singularity, man?
It takes magical thinking to buy into socialism. Once you are off the rails an inch is as good as a mile.
i love it when there’s nothing to steal because there’s no wealth
Based on my experience and acquaintances in Eastern Europe, everyone was stealing from everyone, even during communism. If you aren’t stealing from your company, you’re stealing from your family.
*gales of laughter*
a plan for rapid decarbonisation and economic renewal
I think you can only do one of those at a time. And after you decarbonise, you will definitely need, and have lots of room for, an economic renewal.
Soon, all politics will be climate politics
God help us all. This must be what it was like to live through the temperance movement.
Damn, Lenin sounded almost libertarian at points. Bernie will definitely be the same!
Kudos to the chief for firing this prick.
Last paragraph has the kicker – he was part of the “reserve squad” so he didn’t get FOP support.
Ugh, So you’re suggesting it might have had a different outcome if he’d had full backing or the union.
Feh – only because he wasn’t in the union.
Undoubtedly true. Still, kudos to the chief for firing him while he could.
GT – If you’re still around, I sent the epubs.
Got ’em! Thanks!
Hopefully there are no technical issues. Let me know if they don’t open or somesuch problem.
You’re sending her pubes?
Oh, never mind.
Yes. Thank you.
Books with gloves full of pubes.
But, hey, having figured out how to email physical objects, I’m now going to be rich.
Except it only works with pubes.
That would be enough to get R&D investment.
Which, oddly, might be enough.
You didn’t say you emailed them. Just that you “sent” them. I’m sure the USPS will accept packages of pubes.
USPS is not that fast.
You didn’t say when you sent them. Could have been eight days ago.
I also said I sent epubs.
Which brings us back around to my innocent misreading of your comment.
“Innocent”? I think not.
UCS is Clarence Thomas?
He’s taller and less black.
You know, like Obama.
Let the infighting commenced.
commenced = commence. Thanks autocorrect.
I’ll be happy to donate to a GoFundMe campaign to buy one way tickets to Caracas for the most vocal Bernie Bros.
I wonder if the other Dems are finally going to wake up tonight and start attacking Sanders.
The only chance Democrats have to win state-wide in Florida is to get enough of the vote in Miami/Fort Lauderdale/WPB/Tampa/Orlando to counteract the rest of the state. Alienating a very good percentage of the vote in Miami/Fort Lauderdale isn’t really the way to do that.
They’ll fake up a few million more in Broward.
Now, now. We’re not corrupt, we’re just incompetent.
When allowed to proliferate, incompetence becomes its own form of corruption.
I just had occasion to share a short anecdote about my father that I wanted then to pass on to you lot.
It’s a tale told to my by my Army Dad’s comrades. Dad was sitting in the officers’ club, wearily sipping a beer, and a young new officer decided to pick a fight and show off. He try tried to goad my dad into a physical fight. Dad finished his beer, turned to the young man and asked softly but very steadily “Are you ready to die?” Cocky young officer sheepishly backed down and walked off.
That phrase still flashes in my brain when a young buck decides to try to establish his cred by going toe to toe with me.
Are you ready to die?
See? I was right! ?
3 pieces of wisdom:
*The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
*Welsh + Russian is a volatile mix
*A father’s daughter whose father is a war veteran can be a deceptively formidable adversary
Nid wyf yn credu mai’r broblem yw treftadaeth Rwseg.
Don’t make me drop gloves too.
When I took judo in college, we weren’t separated by sex. It used to piss me off to no end when the women wouldn’t give up. “You’re locked in muni gatame with your hips in the air over your shoulders, I outweigh you by a hundred pounds and I put you to the mat by gripping your belt and bicep curling you. Stop making me put forth any effort until time gets called.”
Oh, I am not claiming women are more physically strong, by any means.
I simply advise you to check on the consumers of British murder mysteries and True Crime shows by gender.
Nono, I was pointing out how they WOULDN’T give up.
When guys were beaten, they’d yield, maybe to save energy for the next bout but (more likely imo) maybe because of the hierarchy/pecking order thing that guys do amongst themselves.
incompetence speaks for itself, I don’t need to cut down others to try to prop myself up.1 in 5 Europeans surveyed says a secret Jewish cabal runs the world
We’ve managed to fool 4 in 5 people!
But Europe is totes not racist.
-1 Mors Aux Juifs
LOLZ! 6 out of 4 dentists agree!
Boa tarde, wokesters, I’m Corn Pop and I’m running for US Senate! Hahahahahahah!
I almost feel sorry for old Joe, but I can’t because he’s a terrible human being.
The fact that he still milks the tragedy of the car crash that claimed his wife and kid for votes negates anything positive he’s ever done.
Has he done anything postive? I know he was in the legislature forever, but I don’t know his record.
I’m assuming he did something kind or helpful somewhere along the way, even if by accident.
I mean, maybe that 12 year old girl’s shoulders were cold and his hands on her back warmed her a tad? Maybe he sniffed a gnat away from that widow’s hair? Something?
I can’t think of anything.
” but I don’t know his record”
Think of the worst possible nanny state record you can imagine and then double down on that. Is there anyone worse who’s still alive? Schumer? Bloomberg’s just a wannabe.
Didn’t he rage against the scourge of raves?
He fought against bussing in the 1970s, that’s about it. The rest of his record is pretty execrable (RAVE Act, created the position of Drug Czar, shit his pants over steroids in baseball, led the charge for US involvement in the Balkan conflicts, etc.). IIRC, he also tried to blame the truck driver for the accident (claimed driver was drinking) that killed his wife and daughter (she ran a red light or stop sign). I DO the plagiarism charge from the ’88 campaign was dirty pool by the Dukakis campaign though.
“shit his pants over steroids in baseball”
He was key in getting testosterone put on the drug schedule list. A fucking hormone on a drug schedule list. Guy is a massive piece of shit.
Yep. Joe Biden has ruined human lives but still craves the power to ruin more.
He takes credit for the awful 1994 Crime Bill, and a great deal of the Patriot Act was based off his 1995 Omnibus counter-terrorism bill…and he probably rapes little girls.
Truly, a detestable human being.
Heh, that was for Rhy.
The mispost makes what I said seem really, really bizarre.
Not only does he milk it, for years he lied about the other guy being drunk and that guy’s family demanded and did not get a retraction from Biden.
The man is scum.
I might need this. Looks like it was originally a custom-order, one of a kind piece. Down side, it’s been refinished. Hmm.
No, Winchester. A Purdy would cost a lot more. 😉
Animal, I didn’t get to say at the time that I enjoyed your Ireland photos. Merry people, aren’t they (if you can tolerate teasing). Ah, I miss the ould sod.
Merry and rather salty – I noticed most Irish folks don’t bother much watching their language, especially after a pint of two.
We can’t wait to visit again when we can spend a little more time.
Aisling Bea agrees.
My son just spent the weekend in Dublin.
It’s now on the list.
Yeah, many fecks and fooks.
I’m getting my great grandfather’s 1897. Haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. He purchased it shortly after the great war.
If you want to know any specifics, when you lay hands on it shoot my details (configuration, stock style, barrel length and serial number) and I’ll look it up in my Madis book.
*shoot me details.
I’ll make sure to post pics. My uncle currently has the gun and said it’s definitely in used condition. My GG served in the war from what I’ve heard that was his weapon of choice. Not sure if he actually cleared any trenches with it.
If it’s an original trench gun it’s worth some bucks. Interesting.
Good looking wood.
Lindros, LeClair, and Renberg.
The last three Flyers I remember off the top of my head.
/very casual hockey fan
Heh. I think he’s talking basketball.
Interesting article. Canada’s White Anglo Laurentian Elite was traditionally quite nationalistic. This is how they defeated American Annexationsts, the Fenians and Quebec Separatists. But instead of prattling about Peacekeeping, multiculturalism and Free Healthcare they now acknowledge that these three things are the result of genocidal settler imperialism. Reminds me of the “Trump is destroying the Liberal World Order yet said Order was built by racist White Men who are destroying the Planet”
Interesting enough for me to comment on, but with nothing intelligent to say.
You’re welcome, I guess.
UnCivilServant on February 25, 2020 at 9:45 am
*shakes head*
For the longest time, I kept asking myself why this one kingdom would stay north of the mountains where it was on my mental map, given that it was getting into subarctic lattitudes.
Today I realized that with the position of the various mountain ranges relative to the prevailing winds, the land south of that range would be a desert. They would cross the mountains, look on the desolation and go “fuck this noise”.
^^this is how you fantasy-up some mappery. geometerology or GTFO.
You stay classy, Lorena.
Yell “Fuck Lorena Gonzalez”, and she’d be screaming misogyny.
Donald Trump ate my homework.
Is this the Snark At Team Blue thread?
Who knew Franco and Mussolini were not real fascists?