Miracle. On ice.
I tuned in to a hockey game last night. Well, just enough of one to watch the Red Wings try and implode. Shockingly, they won in a shootout. The other NHL winners last night were Montreal, Tampa, Vegas, NYI, NJ, Colorado, Winnipeg, the MINNESOOOOODA WIIIIILD, Nashville, Carolina, And San Jose.
That Mookie to LA trade isn’t a done deal just yet. Not sure what’s happening in the NBA because I don’t really care. And across the pond, both Real Madrid and Barcelona were bounced from the Copa del Rey on the same day. In the quarterfinals, no less. It’s the first time in 10 years that neither of them were in the semifinals.The EPL is in the midst of their winter break, which means some of the teams will play this weekend and some next weekend. Yeah, because that makes a lot of sense.

Overpriced, but still good stuff.
English novelist Charles Dickens was born on this day. He shares it with legendary manufacturer John Deere, hurled Dan Quisenberry, (new) country singer Garth Brooks, acting legend James Spader, cross-dressing comedian Eddie Izzard, stand-up genius Chris Rock, Canadian basketball god Steve Nash, former Demi Moore boy-toy Ashton Kutcher, and new wave musician Steve Bronski.
That list is subpar. So we’re moving on to…the links!

Fact check: Mixture
Trump goes off-script in post-acquittal press conference. And the mainstream media goes berserk. I know, I know. Neither of those sentences are surprising. But man, that was some fun stuff watching them pull their hair out. Hell, one of them even resorted to a “fact check” that was 100% wrong.
Adios, you piece of shit. I don’t understand how it took 17 years to get there, since he admitted to doing what he did.
This is what I can “a good start”. Now, can we get to the feds selling off a shitload more land it “owns” across the west? Because the government shouldn’t own a literal majority of the land in a dozen states.
What could possibly go wrong? Well, a lot, to be honest. But the government shouldn’t be in the business of setting these rules in the first place. So I’ve got no problem with it. Also, that thing is ugly.
Don’t worry. He’ll make bail (or just walk free) by lunchtime. And back on the job without missing a shift. He’s a NYPD cop, after all. Part of “the seventh largest army in the world”, according to one Dem presidential candidate.

Put on the hat, Liz.
The Warren campaign is a fucking shitshow. That’s all.
The Weinstein trial gets weirder every day. This should surprise exactly nobody. It’s Hollywood, after all.
Going slow with the end of the week song. What a weird video.
Well, that’s it. Have a great weekend, friends!
New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait ruminated that Trump probably wanted to make similar remarks during Tuesday’s State of the Union but was reined in by staffers.
That’s why they darted him before he got to the podium.
You’d think all these journalists with psychic powers would be making a killing playing poker or something.
They try but people stopped falling for them going all in pre-flop when they had 2-7 off suit.
They sure as hell would be making a killing if what they did was actually reporting the news. And can you imagine being the reporter that actually comes out and shows how corrupt & criminal the Obama administration was and how most of the media defended and covered for him? This was the sort of shit that these paint huffing journalism students used to dream of doing back when. I guess they only feel it is worth doing or good if the guy they go after has an (R) nect to his name or something.
“I knew he looked sedated”
So which of them has 24 hours to go?
Hurry hurry hurry, before they go insane…
oops, too late.
The KKK took her baby away.
“And that baby’s name? Steve Bannon.
“And now you know… the rest of the story.”
“Momma, is that you?”
Gearing up for the hobo fight.
When is Chris Gaines birthday?
July 2nd.
Chris Gaines will be 21 this year
And the mainstream media goes berserk
Matthews said, “The evil part or I should say the serious part was the revenge contract he signed basically against what he calls the deep state, going after Peter Strzok and Page, and Comey and the author of the dossier — going back to the roots of the investigation that led to the impeachment in the House. He wants to get to the root of it. He wants to root it out. He wants to say it was all evil by his enemies. There was no truth to it.”
He continued, “I think especially a promise of what’s to come, not only lack of any reasonable divided government, he is at war with Nancy Pelosi in a moral fight. They are talking about banishing Mitt Romney from the party. That’s the language of a cult, banishment. It’s not the language of the Constitution or our American tradition. Banishment for the one guy who dared in the United States Senate to vote to convict.”
He added, “I think it is also an attempt for the president to tell the troops here’s the fighting line now. We’re going after everybody that went after us. We’re going to fight to the death. We are going to get them. It is about righteous moral indignation. Our family has been abused. I have been abused. The constitution has been abused. We have to get these people. We have now to November to do it. This is to me is a cri de guerre, a fight to war. He is calling on his troops to fight to the death against the Democrats and the American bureaucracy itself. This is the starkest fight I’ve seen declared by any American politician.”
Because no one ever uses war as an analogy. Idk about you, Chris. But the whole thing made me feel a little tingly.
“They are talking about banishing Mitt Romney from the party. That’s the language of a cult, banishment”
Who, other than Matthews, is using that term?
Anybody wanna bet the DNC is trying to figure out how to kick Bernie out of their primaries at this late stage.
That kind of thing would never be done by Democrats!
Something similar happened in the KY senate when the GOP finally started to get numbers nearing parity. I fight within the Democratic Party led to a subset of Ds caucusing with the Rs to get committee leadership positions.
And then a few years later the Rs just took control normally.
Oh yeah, they’re shitting their pants right now. Once Warren finishes her slow-motion implosion it will basically be between Bernie, 78 year old ex-VP Creepy Malarkey, and a 30-something gay guy (NTTAWWT) with zero experience in national government. With the ex-Warren group uniting behind Bernie, he has a real shot at the nomination, which will virtually guarantee a Republican trifecta in November.
You forgot Klobuchar.
Who doesn’t?
Not sure why zero experience in national government is a problem. If anything that’s to his advantage. And really, Obama had none either. Sure, he had a seat, but he only voted “present” because he didn’t bother representing his constituents; he took orders from the party – which is exactly what they expect Mayor Buttplug to do.
Mayor Pete is easily the most electable of that crew.
I believe the term is ‘expel’. And political parties of all stripes can do it. It’s like a club.
Take a chill pill, Matthews. At least Trump has the decency to wait until these deep-staters tried to secretly use the levers of power to sabotage his presidency before going after them. Obama tried to jail reporters who were doing nothing but reporting facts and preemptively weaponized the IRS to silence his political opponents.
And these cunts are still protecting him today. What do you think this whole shitshow to get orange man is about other than these pedantic asshat’s desperate need to keep protecting the Obama administration they worked so hard to peddle on the unwashed masses? The dnc operatives with bylines are desperate to keep Obama’s legacy positive – it is no longer intact since orange man tore the shit Obama did by the pen away just as fast – because when it comes out how corrupt and inept the Obama people were, it will reflect really negative on them and their agenda.
Uh…. and use the CIA and FBI and DOJ to spy on political enemies. And leak classified material to damage political enemies. And distribute classified material around the government with the expressed intent of damaging his successor.
I don’t understand how everyone has been so blind to this stuff.
One more time. Here is the conspiracy, laid out by the actual conspirators in the New York Times on March 3, 2017.
Examine this lede in light of what you know now:
None of this is true, except that the leakers are bragging about their efforts to bring Trump down before he takes office. Sound like a backup plan in motion?
How about this:
For those who have not followed it: the “sources” were FBI and CIA agents who were trying to set up low level Trump advisers. That is all. All of the stuff about “intercepting communications inside the Kremlin” was a lie. It was all about lying about someone who was working with the CIA to spy on Russians in order to make it look like he was spying for the Russians.
The NYT has since publicly admitted – no, not admitted.. bragged? Simply stated? – that it was their mission from the time Trump was announced as the nominee to “get Trump”, primarily using the Russia story as the foundation of that campaign. A story that we know to be a lie. So the NYT not following up on this story makes sense.
But where is the rest of the media? This story is a flaming red flag. It screams of treason. Of a failure to peacefully transfer power. Of abusing the powers of government to protect personal power and harm political enemies. And not one news outlet followed up on it.
not only lack of any reasonable divided government, he is at war with Nancy Pelosi in a moral fight.
Something seems…oxymoronic…about this. How can the government not be divided, and at the same time in a war between leaders of two branches?
I think you could go with plain old moronic.
I started to type “contradictory” and decided that oxymoronic captures it better on multiple levels.
I think Chris has mixed a bit of oxy in there as well.
Chris “Tingles” Mathews is still alive?
That’s too bad.
Walter Shaub called Trump “a disgrace to the office,” NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell seemed to disapprove he used the term in the East Room, CNN’s Keith Boykin called for the “civility police” and dozens of other reporters chimed in to condemn the comment.
The Democrats should have impeached him for indecorous incivility. The evidence is overwhelming.
Don’t be surprised if it happens.
We’re going to impeach that mother fucker….again!
And again, and again…
This is not about anything other than getting rid of orange man so they can hide what they had/have been doing.
It’s as much of an impeachable offense as what they sent up already.
His language is a big fucking deal.
If only he was clean and articulate, you know, for a
blacktan guy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtTR-_Klcq8
Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Ron. Johnson, R-Wisc., the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, requested the records in the form of a suspicious activity report, also known as a SARs. They also requested financial records through FinCEN, which is a branch of the Treasury Department that eyes money laundering.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who sits on the Finance Committee, told Yahoo News that the swift response from Treasury is a “blatant double standard” considering how the Trump administration responded to Democrats’ effort to obtain documents and witness testimony in his impeachment trial.
“The administration told House Democrats to go pound sand when their oversight authority was mandatory while voluntarily cooperating with the Senate Republicans’ sideshow at lightning speed,” a spokesman from Wyden told the website.
That’s some rather indecorous rhetoric, isn’t it, Senator?
Total double standard. On the one hand, you have a politician’s relative riding his coattails into a position of dubious legitimacy and engaging in suspicious and likely illegal activity. On the other hand, you have a political policy dispute regarding actions of the duly elected President engaged in conducting the affairs of state.
I fill out my yearly tax forms in a timely manner as accurately as I can. Yet, if I were to be audited, I would exercise all legal rights available to me to minimize the scope of the audit and protect myself. There is a clear difference between compliance in good faith and compliance no matter what.
You’d think Ron friggin Wyden would recognize this distinction. So much for being that libertarian darling. But, then again, mainstream libertarians seem to think “whistleblower protections” are an expansive set of nebulous guarantees overriding basic precepts of law like the right to confront one’s accuser and due diligence in not spreading hearsay.
There was a clearly stated suspicious activity stated in the request for the Biden info. The request for Trump’s records was “we’re on a fishing expedition”.
That’s the difference. It’s akin to the court demanding a specific crime be stated for a warrant rather than allowing a general warrant to be issued.
These Dems have abandoned anY pretense of following the constitutional protections people enjoy.
Look at the wide eyed optimist over here.
Well, what the Republicans are asking for isn’t privileged or part of an interbranch dispute. Not exactly apples to apples. Ya feckin’ idjit.
Forgot my link.
This is criminal! When Obama used the power of the IRS to go after people that were nothing like this corrupt and criminal Biden gang, but just his political enemies, it was for a good cause!
Morning folks! Travel day after being gone for two weeks. Glad to go home tonight only to have to travel again for work overhead
Over the weekend
I didn’t notice you were gone.
I think I only missed a week or so of posting.
Missed you too Ted
You missed my music links, didn’t you?
Did anyone else notice how Biden dropped right after the Senate trial ended?
Or the bullshit polling finally had to admit he wasn’t that high to start with.
High winds today. Power keeps flashing and we lost the server for a bit. Might lose it again. Perhaps I should just go home…
Wipe it with a cloth. I hear it does miracles. Shit, some of the most corrupt & criminal peops got away with their shit by doing just that!
RE shrinking Utah monuments this will do more to endear Trump to Utah than being well behaved. That fucker Romney hasn’t done shite for us.
Hear Hear! I am tired of all of the BS fawning over Romney here in the state. This should hopefully swing some of that. My wife’s facebook has been flooded with people calling for Romney to get some special citation for being noble and standing up against Trump. Hopefully this will shift things so and people will get their panties out of a bunch with regards to Trump’s perceived “impropriety.”
I’m gonna break with a lot of libertarians on this one and say “no,” for two reasons.
The first is purely selfish, because I enjoy having access to all that land for hunting, fishing, camping and wood-bumming. Were that land in private hands, I’d likely have no access to any of it, and would instead have to pay trespass fees, as is the case in most of Texas.
The second is because I have absolutely zero faith that the money realized form such sales would be used for anything other than providing more Free Shit to buy votes from assholes.
They could sell it all for cash, throw the money in a bit, and light it on fire, and the nation would still be better off.
Just putting it in private hands would make money.
The Feds should have to rent space from the states outside of DC.
I love the money fires.
100% agree.
I see where you are coming from but the Fed Gov has used it’s federal lands to Dick around with the West. It may be a bit georgist of me, but fuckers in California and New York have no right to dictate how 80% of the land in Utah is used.
Eventually the Green Cult will ban most if not all those uses of the land. Of course, they’ll probably also ban them on private land, before banning private land altogether.
Also, is not the land just being sold to cronies? People’s Commisars of the Industry Industrial Complex? It would be cool if someone like [eccentric libertarian billionaire] bought parts of it, but we all know anyone who isn’t approved by Top Men doesn’t get a look in.
Bitch we already doing that
Signed, eccentric libertarian bilionaire
But yes, it needs to be sold on the open market to all comers under generally-applicable terms for my statement to hold true. Selling it to cronies under use-specific terms is not going to be much of an improvement.
There’s plenty of people who would make the land available for public use without a fee. And even if there was a fee, it is still preferable to the exorbitant fees (through taxes and agency funding) we all pay to “enjoy” land that is mostly unoccupied.
Not to mention the mission creep to keep acquiring more and more land that has happened over the last half century.
They need to sell it all and let the owners decide how to use it as they see fit. Then get rid of the Interior Dept. then get rid of the EPA. And if the states want to buy the land when it’s auctioned, let them be answerable to the people who live in the state for how they want it used. But we shouldn’t all be forced to abide by land use regs made by bureaucrats 3000 miles away.
I’d rather pay a fee to a private owner that has a vested interest in maintaining the property, myself.
I assume the lands would just be turned over to the states. The whole purpose is to make the individual states pay for keeping them “free” instead of free-riding off eastern taxpayers. As soon as that happens, the governments in those states – especially the left coastal ones – would sell them in heartbeat which would totally belie their environmentalism and expose them as the selfish money grubbing cocksuckers they pretend they aren’t. It’s easy to be an environmentalist as long as somebody else pays for it – it’s impossible otherwise.
Hah hah hah. That’s a good one. No they wouldn’t, at least coastal states. They’d keep them in state ownership even if they lost millions or billions on them.
Oregon has public lands that are part of the Common Schools Fund, mostly from land gained from the federal government at statehood and is supposed to be managed to maximize monetary return. The recent experience of Elliott State Forest, part of that fund, is an example of what a fuck up that is.
After actually losing money on what should be a productive forest, the state land board decided to sell it. In a single parcel with strings. The winning bidder (and maybe it was the only bidder, I forgot) was a quarter of the estimated valuation based on similar forestland. And cancelled due to outrage by the environmental groups. Latest plan is to transfer it from one part of the state government to another and “pay” for it.
Same sentiment from me, yes for selfish reasons.
Happy Friday, Sloopy and the Jets!
Fuck, what a crazy week. I’m glad it’s over.
The WIngs killed all of their penalties last night, which I believe puts the Wild dead last in the PK. Well done, boys.
I thought Donnnie Two-Scoops was pretty reserved all in all. I would have gone scorched earth on them.
What a weird video.
Which part? Stephanie Seymour, Shannon Hoon, the destruction of a Les Paul or (worse) of a GT350?
Personally, I liked it!
I hope each and every one of you gets better than you deserve today!
I assume that wasn’t a real GT350. At least I hope not.
Speaking of old Mustangs…there are a handful of them in this sale tomorrow.
I wonder how they’ll do, seeing as most of them have assigned VINs by the state. The skinny on the sale is, it was a chop-shop seizure where the guy was destroying the vins and stamping fake numbers on them to export out of the country. He apparently pored over records to find accurate vins of cars that were destroyed and was passing these off as genuine. A pretty shrewd scheme, tbh. But he got busted and the state is selling them off with no reserve.
And in case you’re interested, that’s a legit auctioneer that does everything right. If he’s making a claim, it’s most certainly legit. John and Justin Ball are good, honest auctioneers. Which is unfortunately still a rarity.
Speaking of auctions, this is an extremely cool pistol coming up for one.
I suspect they will do fine, particularly if they are good builds. It appears that some of the American muscle cars are softening overall, Mustangs still do pretty well.
Thanks for the link – I’ll be interested how they end up.
Yeah, because that makes a lot of sense.
Follow the dollars. It makes sense because of TV money. Imagine if the NFL gave everyone their bye week in week 9. Play 8, take a week off, play 8. There is more money spreading it out. Same for the EPL.
Although the better solution to fixture pileup is getting rid of the League Cup.
The 2nd solution is to return the Champions League back to the European Cup and make it a knockout tournament for champions.
+2 good ideas
The first is a real good idea, the 2nd will never happen because of $$$.
Fine. I’ll do the NBA trade deadline round up. Lakers sat on their hands and will pray that neither James nor Davis get hurt. The Heat picked up Iguodala and will make it a fun Eastern Conference finals against the Greek Freak. The Rockets traded their only big man, Capela, and will play no players over six foot six. Clippers take the West and The Bucks (maybe the Heat) take the East. It’ll be a fun finals.
*runs through Google translate, gives up*
Even the Romanian would understand my Engrish.
The Romanian speaks better English than half of us native speakers.
u w0t m8?
Petulant, impotent outrage
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it was “truly nauseating” to see President Donald Trump award the Medal of Freedom to conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh during his State of the Union address Tuesday.
In a video shared on Instagram, the first-term New York Democrat called Limbaugh – who revealed Monday that he had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer – a “virulent racist” who did not deserve the “extraordinarily sacred award.”
“We’re talking about putting someone on the same level as Rosa Parks, for example, in terms of their contributions to American progress,” she said.
Ocasio-Cortez, who skipped the address in protest of the president and his policies, said giving the medal to Limbaugh was “red meat to his base.”
“He wants to assert that Rush Limbaugh is somehow on the same level as Rosa Parks. And it’s truly nauseating,” she said. “And this is one of the many reasons that I did not go.”
Would anyone even have noticed her absence, if she had not been running around bleating about it?
“extraordinarily sacred award.”
True. He should stick to giving it to rich celebrities who’s contribution to the world is being big campaign donors. Screw all that funding millions for cancer research nonsense.
So sacred Ellen and Lorne Michaels have one.
This chick is vile in her illiberal ignorance.
He’s a ‘proven bigot’.
See? It’s all settled wth them.
They ‘know’.
Yeah, he’s such a a “virulent racist” they can’t actually cite any racist statements he’s made.
Didn’t he say something they freaked out about regarding McNabb when he was with the NFL?
Yeah he said basically that the media and the NFL were pumping up McNabb as a better QB than he actually was because he was black and they wanted to have a black QB as one of the faces of the NFL. That was in 2003.
Was he wrong? Mcnabb was always over hyped.
Calling out woke identity politics before it was a thing. Totally racist.
Yeah, whatever you think about the original statement, it was a critique of the media not of McNabb directly. And the other guys on the ESPN show where he said didn’t even blink. It wasn’t until a few days later when one of the Philly papers wrote about it that Berman, et al started back-filling.
They can too. The stuff on WikiQuotes that he never said.
Well, after Bo Snerdly called that asshat out , I think we all kind of should have seen this was a desperate act by the people that need to keep those they have confined to the plantation scared of boogie men so they keep voting team blue.
And the Marine Law Enforcement Foundation, Tunnels to Towers, and the Turtle Preservation Society of Palm Beach
He is also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Is AOC anti-peace? 🙂
Rosa Parks was a prop used in a staged event. She spent a day in jail, and her bail and defense were lined up before the event. I have never understood how this made her heroic.
Eh, maybe because there was a distinct possibility then that she would have been lynched afterward and the local cops would have turned a blind eye. Or that her real punishment would have been the ride to jail or something “accidentally” happening to her while she was there before she made bail.
Just because it was pre-planned doesn’t mean she wasn’t taking a serious risk to her safety.
Furthermore, she is a hero because she was actually willing to do what was right and not sit back and continue being treated as a second-class citizen. Sure, she had supporters helping her carry out her act. But her act still had to be carried out by somebody to challenge the legalized state-enforced discrimination. She was willing to do so when others weren’t.
The narrative. ALLEGEDLY, another woman got arrested (not premeditated) for the same thing first, but the local NAACP chapter, of which Rosa Parks was secretary, decided that the woman was unsuitable for public scrutiny. So ALLEGEDLY they decided to go after the issue with a premeditated redo with a suitable victim: Rosa Parks. ALLEGEDLY, they even had to have a fake redo of the arrest to get suitable pictures of her being arrested on the bus and the white male behind her IN THE PIX was ALLEGEDLY a reporter. Also ALLEGEDLY the pictures of her being booked were for violating a different law.
And good for them. We should all remember what kind of world the democrats wanted for us.
And don’t buy the narrative that those democrats are really all republicans now. The national democrats had no problem keeping a grand wizard of the Klan amongst their leadership until the day he retired.
That was the whole point, hon.
“We’re talking about putting someone on the same level as Rosa Parks, for example”
Rosa Parks was a motherfucking fraud.
* makes popcorn and waits for sloopy to notice.
Meh. We’re each entitled to our opinion on Parks. I respect the both of yours even if I disagree. Yes, some of what happened was created for media consumption. That doesn’t mean, in my opinion, that she wasn’t still putting herself at risk.
*throws away popcorn in disgust!
Damn it reasonable is boooooring
Just because other people were getting murdered for such activism at the same time and in nearby places…..
I couldn’t find who wrote it.
“Live by the snatch, die by the snatch.”
“I know many of you have strong feelings about snatch…”
Holy shit. That was almost Zucker Brothers quality.
I am gonna sue! Who is making movies about me?
“I believe these women completely and without reservation. And I apologize that they have had a bad experience on this campaign,” the Massachusetts senator told reporters after an event in Derry, New Hampshire, on Thursday night.
If only she had a reservation.
The sound I made upon reading that.
This is why she’s a loser. She has no idea of what she’s doing and literally flailing around saying “please like me”.
This is the kind of person who the MIC could easily goad into starting a war cause she’s the kind of person who will do anything to be liked.
Elizabeth Warren is apologizing to six women of color. What’s the equivalent number of white women?
I thought you had to be good at math to get a work visa in Japan?
I’m not on a work visa.
You no longer pimp’n?
The conversion ratio keeps changing. Are those this minute’s rates?
Only in the private markets. FedGov calculations change extremely slowly. The EPA’s limit of detection calculationliterally has (or had as of 2014) a not admitting that it’s not mathematically valid, but that since everyone is familiar with it and knows how to perform/report it, they won’t be changing it.
I got screwed I went long on white women before the 2016 election and their value plummeted.
Depending on their condition, I might be interested in any you want to offload.
They have lower standards for gaijin.
How….would she get one?
Lookit Swiss puffing on the pun pipe over here.
I think we’ve broken Switzy.
Fun fact: Oklahoma (where she gets her claim to Injuness from) has never had reservations.
Only good places take reservations.
Come on, seriously, you guys, the food here is really expensive. The soup is fucking 10 dollars.
How much for the little girl?
Saw a bit of CNN in the hotel. Taking head was saying that Trump saying his conversations with Ukraine were perfect is crazy. “No one talks that way”. WTF everyone talks like that and you freaking out about it only solidifies the fact that you are unhinged and not normal
Everybody knows Romney’s vote was out of spite. If he had talked like an honest person and said as much it’d make me respect him more. This dance of “legitimacy” (read: carefully constructed lies) is getting old. “Nobody talks like that” say people who spend way too much time thinking about how to impress each other.
Out of spite….
Or informed by his own ties to Burisma…
“No one talks that way”
Trump has been in the public eye and talked the same way for decades.
I’ve noticed a huge uptick in people using the word “perfect” in the last year or so. I find it mildly annoying, but it is now used to refer to anything which is not-bad.
: chefs kiss:
To be sure.
It’s not as bad as the hijacking of “literally” to mean figuratively…
That literally boils my blood
literally perfect.
That is normal language transition though. English has a long history of words changing to mean the exact opposite.
Fast, bolt, etc.
A decade or so ago I was pretty well drunk at an upscale cocktail bar right when martini’s where on trend. I ordered like 3 Gibsons in a row as those are my drink, and the bartender asked me if I wanted to try anything different. He suggested I get the menu item named the “perfect martini” and was a total dickbag because he thought Gibsons where beneath him. I spent the next hour giving the bartender shit for it in the way that only a drunk engineer can.
“how do you calibrate your perfect martini”
“Do you use the spherical rhodium martini in France as your reference or have you moved to the newer definition based on the vibration of cesium atoms”
“I assume you must make your martini in the vacuum of space so that the volatile compounds are not modified by contact with atmosphere, but how do you ablate reentry heat?”
Perfect != ideal.
I’d be concerned because perfect in the cocktail world usually means a 50/50 blend of sweet and dry vermouth, and sweet vermouth should be nowhere near a martini.
Some say the same about dry. They are wrong, but it is said.
Also, vodka does not belong anywhere near a martini.
I rarely drink a martini, but when I do, I want it wet and dirty.
The perfect Martini:
1.5 measures of Gin
.5 measures of dry vermouth
3 olives.
Take the Gin and dump it in the sink along with the vermouth. Eat the olives because they are tasty. Then poor 3 fingers of a good whisk(e)y in a glass with an ice cube. Pour club soda over ice in another glass. Drink the soda so your palate no longer is distorted by the olives. Proceed to drink your whisk(e)y.
You’ve got that wrong. But that’s no surprise. Olives aren’t edible.
Olives aren’t edible.
Seriously, dude, what is wrong with your taste buds?
I get some of the things you don’t like, different tastes and all that, but that is just plain wrong.
No, the menu assured me it was the perfect amount of vodka (clue 1 that it was shit!) held to the perfect temperature with the perfect vermouth yadda yadda yadda
“I find it mildly annoying, but it is now used to refer to anything which is not-bad.”
Similar to how the British use “Brilliant”.
RE shrinking Utah monuments this will do more to endear Trump to Utah than being well behaved. That fucker Romney hasn’t done shite for us.
A couple of nights ago, the Bozeman news had a reporter in Texas talking about some big ag convention. He was interviewing the head of a Montana ranchers’ group, and the guy was going on and on about how great Trump has been. That recent thing about clarifying water rules, and generally getting the EPA off their asses. I figured at least half the people watching that were throwing their shoes at the teevee by the time it ended.
Yup. The whole EPA power grab was ridiculous, and the last two Dem Presidents have screwed saying
Around with Utah in their final months in office.
I hope Trump wins re-election and the GOP regains the House.
Then I want them to go full blown, guns blazing, bad ass Roman style on the Democrat party of the United States.
I would be vindictive too. I wouldn’t want little snivelling shits involved to get away with it.
I want the Republicans to take the House solely so they can rescind the impeachment.
The meltdown will be epic.
Trouble is that Team Red has this aversion to governing when they win.
It’s not the aversion to governing that gets me. It’s the aversion to doing anything the party pays lip service to.
They really want to give their concession speeches. At least Mittens will get a chance.
I’m only in it to point and laugh, at this point.
Whereas Team Blue votes in lockstep and rules with an iron fist.
While they can pass the bill, it would be meaningless. The Senate already aquitted.
I would laugh my ass off if a Republican house decide to impeach RBG as too infirm to carry out her duties.
They’d have to win more than just 1 election to really fix anything. And they’d need a supermajority in the Senate. That means losing no more than 5 of the 35 Senate elections in 2020 (the Democrats have a slight advantage this time around). They would need a stronger majority on the Court, and not made of squishes like Roberts. They’d have to clean house in the civil service and the military. The Hatch Act would like child’s play compared to what they’d need to pass. A sea change on the order of the progressive movement would have to occur.
In short, they’re fucked.
Indeed, despite all the wailing of the radical wing of the Democrats, the party itself has immense structural advantages. While the Republicans are competitive at the elected level in a way they weren’t from the 1950s to the 1980s, they have completely lost ground in the institutions. Democratic dominance of the civilian and military sides of government, not to mention academia, business, lobbying, non-profits, the judiciary, etc. is nearly absolute. This is the Fabian strategy writ large. McConnell at least seems to understand this, which is why he is getting judges approved at a breakneck speed, but it will take longer than they’ve had so far to change the courts overall, and nobody’s touched the other institutions in any appreciable way, which have continued to slide over to the Democratic column.
The funny part of all this is that the Democratic Party’s national leadership is in such disarray and has been for so long that it couldn’t possibly be a coordinated or planned effort. It’s not a conspiracy centered around any one individual or group of coordinators, but rather a long march led by no one in particular.
And that’s the beauty and unseen power of the Democrats (and really it’s the same for the Liberals here). They control the narrative and the vehicles and institutions that lend credence and credibility to them are firmly in their control.
They have control and want to keep it.
And the average person doesn’t really they’re being played (it’s also very obvious in TV/Movie scripts in some cases) because most people don’t have the time or interest to keep informed about what’s going on – in addition to being indifferent and apolitical.
I watched Diana West explain who and where Brennan, Comey, Hilary et al came from.
Commies are in the system.
While McCarthy would have condemned the lot, I don’t think any of them are commies (Brennan’s past notwithstanding). They’re just run-of-the-mill left-wingers. It’s about control and prestige not revolution.
They’re all damn commies.
Top Men
But you know they won’t do that. Majority republicans will increase spending, stick God on everything, and overreach so much that you’ll be begging for the democrats to come back. They’re shitheels through and through, just like their opponents.
Friday Funbags Untertitten!
Freitag Spaßtasche Untertitten!
I was clearing the slush off my driveway to keep it from freezing overnight when I slipped and landed on my holster side.
This is why I don’t carry on a loaded chamber. Yes it’s holstered, but I’m a big ol’ boy and that’s a lot more force than I think the holster is designed to withstand.
I’m waiting for the nurse’s office to open, but what’s the protocol for lifting on pulled muscles? I did something to that side of my trapezium, undoubtedly from my giant noggin needing to be decelerated suddenly. I don’t think I’ve done any permanent damage. I could sleep on my opposite side.
I’d rest and stretch, personally. Maybe super light to see how it feels.
No hurry. The weights will still be there in a few days.
I’d be more worried about the noggin.
It didn’t make contact with the asphalt.
Pulls and strains can get real worse real quick.
Ok, I didn’t know if this was one of those “if you don’t exercise it, it will get worse” or “exercising will make it worse” scenarios.
I have been blessed with a lack of skeletomuscular injuries over my lifetime with which to gain experience.
Movement helps, but I would just do slow, controlled movements to pain tolerance to find out where the ouchie begins and ends. Some blood flowing through there will help, but go slow and easy.
Or what Leap said.
(Gotta read whole threads before replying, grumble grumble)
“work next to the pain, not through it”
Follow TAME – Treatment, Analgesic, Movement, Exercise. Do it in this order.
T: if you think you have a broken bone or whatever, get Treatment from a medical provider
A: Take advil or whatever so that you don’t clench up or learn to fear the pain
M: Move it often. Don’t sit at your desk for more than an hour or two without getting up and going for a short walk ordynamic stretching (not sit-and-pull static stretching)
E: Exercise as much as you can *without causing undo flair up of aggrivation*. Find the range of motion that gets you up against the “wall” of the pain, and stop there. Load what you can through the pain-free ROM. Then do unloaded stretching and bodyweight work that challenges the wall.
Extremely helpful. Thanks.
This protocol is emphatically not what everyone thought was the way to manage pain, but my whole family’s experience is that if you buy into it it works really well. My wife didn’t want to. She wanted to do rest-ice-compression-elevation but I’ve managed to get her to try it for herself and the kids and she’s come around to it (not that she would ever admit to agreeing with me on something like this).
If you are lifting, in particular, I think its really useful. When you lift, its supposed to hurt sometimes. Pain is not a valid signal (on its own) that you shouldn’t be doing something.
I fucked up my back a week and a half ago. I was doing heavy rack-pulls and I forgot my straps. I was focusing more on my grip than i should have / would have, and my bracing slipped for a second. My back went “crack-rip” and felt like a dagger made of ice stabbed me right in the spine. Instead of freaking out, which is the ‘natural’ thing to do, I walked around a bit, stretched a bit, and started moving my back in every way, trying to figure out where it hurt. Half an hour later, I was back to full mobility, though with some pain. Not a ton, though. I modified my schedule since then according to the above. I replaced deadlifts with HGHs and hyper extensions.
The only days I’ve felt much pain have been rest days I didn’t go to the gym. I expect to be back to full speed in a week or less.
I disagree with your choice.
I wear a pair of these when slippery out.
You are welcome to disagree.
The White Settlement video confirmed my prior of “cover first, then draw.”
the destruction of a Les Paul or (worse) of a GT350?
I watched the original Italian Job, a while back. I have to say it grieved me deeply watching them push a Lamborghini Miura off that cliff with a goddam front end loader.
Watch the footage closely. You can see that the car tumbling down the mountain had no drivetrain. It was an actual Miura, but a wrecked one that wasn’t going to get (much) more damaged.
I had that reaction when they wrecked that Charger at the end of the original Fast and Furious. Make me ill to see it.
That was the most Charger scene ever filmed. Any Charger would have jumped at the chance to go out that way.
One of my cherished memories is of watching Harold and Maude on campus. Gets to the scene with Harold lowering his welder’s mask, sparking up the torch, and heading for the garage.
From behind me, the piteous moan of a frat boy — “No! not the Jag!!”
¡Viva la Revolución!
Speaking on Wednesday evening, Maduro also claimed that he had tried to “extend his hand” to Trump at the beginning of the latter’s presidency, but that he had allowed those around him aware of the destitution that Maduro’s Bolivarian socialist had caused in what was once the wealthiest nation in the region to “take [him] to failure.”
“Donald Trump, you will not be able to handle Venezuela,” Maduro declared. “No one can crush or break Venezuela. Venezuela has a right to peace, to development towards the future, to its work, to its recovery.”
“In Venezuela, the president of the republic isn’t chosen by the president of the United States,” Maduro declared on Wednesday. “The people of Venezuela choose him through popular vote. It has always been like this and it will always be like this. And I am the president legitimately elected according to the constitution.”
“Enough with your sick obsession, Trump, with Venezuela!” Maduro boomed. “I extended my hand to Trump many times and he thinks that, if one wants dialogue, that is a sign of weakness, no? I tell the people of the United States, Donald Trump is marching the United States towards a high-level conflict against Venezuela.”
“I call on the honest sectors of the United States to confront this interventionist, illegal, immoral policy of Donald Trump against the noble and pacific people of Venezuela. We will continue our path, we will continue it,” Maduro affirmed. “We will continue transiting through the socialist revolution’s path. We have the right to build socialism and we will build it – a new, democratic, humanist, Christian socialism of the 21st century, our socialism.”
Sure, Nick.
Jesus, has nobody told Maduro that it’s not real socialism?
“No one can crush or break Venezuela”
How modest of Maduro, when clearly he has done that himself.
I was about to say…
I had an Uber driver the other day who fled Venezuela ahead of the purges. He told us he was an Army officer who was a critic of the government which, of course, was an invitation to torture and/or jail. His opinion of the US was refreshingly positive. His opinion of the shitheads here who want socialism of any kind was not. He laughed and said anyone who advocates socialism should go live in his ex-country for 30 days. He said they wouldn’t last a week.
According to him, Venezuela is real socialism. It was a fun conversation.
Venezeula was real socialism among all the right-thinking types in the West right up until people started starving. All of Chavez’s anti-democratic measures didn’t matter, and some even got praised, even though we keep getting extolled about the virtues of the democratic part of democratic socialism. It wasn’t until they ran out of everything and the failure was blatantly obvious that it got chucked as an example.
Setech Asstronomy?
All of Chavez’s anti-democratic measures didn’t matter
They don’t seem to understand that socialism requires a strongman. It requires dictatorship. As such that will always be the end result.
High level conflict? Buddy, one carrier and a MAU could take your little country in a week.
(Psst! It’s a MEU now. They changed it in the late 80s.)
He’s still there? And his head isn’t on a pike?
The White House is weighing a plan to dismiss Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council
After his insistence on being called a LTC by a congressman he should lose his commission.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?
Plus firing him during the impeachment would have just dragged the shitshow out longer.
That little twerp should have already been dismissed. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant Lt. Col. Twerp.
Had I been on the committee, I would have started calling him Private Vindman.
Change what you want, but it still doesn’t make any of it constitutional.
When Virginia’s House Public Safety Committee meets on Friday morning to consider HB961, Democrats will move to modify the current language and remove a registration requirement for so-called “assault firearms,” as well as changing a ban on ammunition magazines that can hold more than ten rounds to a ban on those that can hold more than twelve, according to a draft copy of the legislation reviewed by Bearing Arms.
The changes are clearly meant to mollify some House Democrats who are concerned voting for the sweeping bill could mean the end of their political careers in the 2021, but despite removing the registration requirement for existing owners of the most commonly produced rifle in the country, the bill would still turn the vast majority of the state’s legal gun owners into felons overnight.
And then when you get your felony, you can’t vote anymore.
Unless you are a felon that is likely to vote Democrat.
*eyerolls so hard he re-injures his shoulder*
This is a compromise? Why didn’t they just ban magazines that held more than 10.63 rounds? NY’s ban on magazines that held more than 7 rounds worked out so well.
I’m trying to think of a common magazine that the change from 10-12 makes legal. Even the Hi Power standard mag holds 13.
Doesn’t look like a lot.
I’m 15 minutes into his ‘off script’ speech and I see Blue. It’s glorious.
He’s back.
James Woods✔
I was on vacation awhile, avoiding the news. How’d the #Mueller thing work out? The #impeachment scam? Who won the #Iowa caucuses? Is #MichaelAvenatti still a contender for the Democratic nomination for President? How’s #JeffreyEpstein doing?
Yeah! Was he suspended or really was just on vacation? I thought he was booted.
Suspended for wrong-think, I believe.
He was.
Ted Cruz has joined in:
Welcome back. Avenatti won Iowa. https://t.co/4U45I8sOmy
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 7, 2020
It was hilarious watching Mario Cuomo freak out on the news last night because the DHS eliminated all New Yorkers from the Global Entry and other programs – because they now issue NY ID’s to anyone from anywhere.
MD saw this coming and bifurcated their ID program. I’m a little surprised NY, with its vast technocratic expertise (ha!), didn’t do the same.
I am fully confident the DMV did exactly what Andy told them to do.
It sounds like NY did the same thing, with enhanced DHS compliant Real IDs and regular driver licenses to anyone including illegal aliens. The icing seems to be that NY blocked the fed from accessing the records to determine which was which. Which is total bullshit really. In order to apply for Global Entry, you have to have a passport (issued by the federal government), a drivers license is not required.
Come to think of it it, I bet that’s what’s underneath, they’re just not accepting NY ids and /or non-Real IDs as a valid ID for any programs including the others where you don’t need a passport.
In order to apply for Global Entry, you have to have a passport (issued by the federal government), a drivers license is not required.
You can’t just give them your passport and get Global Entry status. There’s also a background check, which requires querying state databases.
Correct , but there’s shouldn’t be anything in the drivers’ license database that isn’t elsewhere in more appropriate databases (i.e. criminal records checks). Especially since a driver’s license isn’t a requirement to possess in order to apply for Global Entry.
The drivers license database will/should have info about immigration/legal residency status. You shouldn’t have a US passport unless you are a citizen. However, you can get one just by presenting a driver’s license and filling out a form, which as far as I know isn’t verified.
The background check would in part confirm whether you should even have a passport, the predicate for global entry.
On the other side, the US government has a record that identifies some illegals – visa overstays and/or asylum “escapees” who got their asylum status and disappeared (which is most of them). And, a lot of illegals have stolen an identity to stay in the country, generally using it to get a driver’s license which would show that they are US citizens.
So there’s probably not a lot to be gained from the DL query, but without the DL query you can’t say you have completed a background check. On that basis, I think its justified.
You can’t get a passport by just presenting a driver’s license. You must submit proof of your identity (which a driver’s license is one but not the only way to establish identity) and proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate).
My first passport required current photos, a drivers license, and my birth certificate. You have to prove citizenship to get a passport.
I had to turn in my old passport for subsequent applications.
and my birth certificate.
You are correct, sir.
A driver’s license is not necessary for Global Entry but access to the applicant’s driving record is. A DUI that could be recorded differently in various states is an obstacle (though not insurmountable) to get Global Entry and especially NEXUS.
Nexus is a little different because of the the CBSA review, but a driving record alone really shouldn’t be necessary. If you’re arrested for a DUI, that arrest record should turn up in a records check, along with any court actions. It’s not handled administratively solely in driving records.
You watched Mario on the news last night? Bet he didn’t smell too good.
The first is purely selfish, because I enjoy having access to all that land for hunting, fishing, camping and wood-bumming. Were that land in private hands, I’d likely have no access to any of it, and would instead have to pay trespass fees, as is the case in most of Texas.
I hear a lot of that, out here. MUG PRESHUSS PUBLIC LANDZ.
Nothing personal, but fuck off. You want to offload all the costs and responsibilities of ownership and maintenance of your playground onto somebody else.
Meanwhile, every hunting season I hear another story about some rancher who has finally gotten so fed up with dumbass hunters that he has closed off his property to everybody but a select circle of family and friends. If I had a big chunk of elk-infested countryside, you can bet your ass I wouldn’t let every random dumbass with a rifle go traipsing around on it, blazing away at anything that moves. I’d have an outfitter making me money off it.
In reality, it’s not even so much about unsafe shooting as it is just reckless wanton destruction of property and people being stupid.
No doubt. It’s disrespectful to the landowner and bad imaging for the gun rights movement (although as usual, I’m sure it’s a small minority of trashy people who are fucking it up for everyone else).
The instructor at my CCW class talked about being respectful if you’re shooting on someone’s land, and he said “And don’t shoot the owner’s cattle. True story.”
Republicans to put y’all back in chains with 3/5 compromise.
On Thursday, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) announced that he would introduce a constitutional amendment upping the simple majority needed to pass articles of impeachment in the House to a three-fifths majority instead. But unlike passing articles of impeachment, adding a proposed amendment to the Constitution is actually somewhat difficult. Ratification requires two-thirds approval by both bodies of Congress, or a convention of the states, as well as the approval of three-fourths of state legislatures.
“It should be harder – much harder – for either political party to take the process our Founders created as a last resort against a tyrannical leader and use it instead as a tool for the tyranny of a political majority,” Sen. Scott said in a statement. “I look forward to all of my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, joining me in this effort to protect the integrity of our nation and our constitution.”
Impeachment of all offices or just impeachment of the President?
“Charges against a California couple accused of sexually assaulting “hundreds” of women will be dropped due to lack of evidence, officials said.
Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer accused his predecessor of mishandling the case and using it to aid his re-election bid.
In 2018, prosecutors said they found proof that Grant Robicheaux and Cerissa Riley drugged and raped victims.
Mr Spitzer said the case was “manufactured”.
He accused his predecessor of misleading the public, as a review of the case found “not a single video or photograph” depicting assault, as Tony Rackauckas, the former district attorney, had claimed.
The couple had denied the charges against them.
Mr Rackauckas, alleged the couple “used their good looks and charm” to lure and drug victims. He brought charges on behalf of seven unnamed women who said they were assaulted by Dr Robicheaux, 39, and Ms Riley, 32.
He said investigators had found “thousands” of videos and images on their mobile phones that showed vulnerable women “barely responsive to the defendants’ sexual advances”, and stated that hundreds more women could have been assaulted.
However, Mr Rackauckas admitted in a deposition last summer that he used the case to garner media attention and help his re-election effort, according to the statement from the district attorney’s office. He lost his re-election bid in November 2018.”
If he fabricated a case, he should be put away for the term he was seeking for the defendants.
If he fabricated a case, he should be
put away for the term he was seeking forbeaten to death by the defendants.FIFY.
Since he was the guy who did everything he could to not prosecute the scumbag cops who beat Kelly Thomas to death, this seems fitting.
He said investigators had found “thousands” of videos and images on their mobile phones that showed vulnerable women “barely responsive to the defendants’ sexual advances”, and stated that hundreds more women could have been assaulted.
However, Mr Rackauckas admitted in a deposition last summer that he used the case to garner media attention and help his re-election effort, according to the statement from the district attorney’s office. He lost his re-election bid in November 2018.”
Why have people lost trust in our institutions? It’s a genuine mystery.
“vulnerable women “barely responsive to the defendants’ sexual advances”, and stated that hundreds more women could have been assaulted.”
Are we still talking about Al Franken?
If you are lured into an assignation by someone’s good looks and charm isn’t that almost precisely the opposite of rape?
Yep, and I bet “drugged” means they all took drugs together and had sex.
Ooh, lemme guess. Other than losing the election, “nothing else happened”.
Fucker should be in jail for life.
“No one talks that way”
Maybe not in your carefully homogenized journalism school patois, but out in the real world there’s still room for linguistic spontaneity and inventive invective.
You say “lived experience” or “my truth” and he’s fully on board.
Singer-songwriter prog-punk band.
Speaking of entertainment, I watched Ender’s Game, last night. I didn’t really know what to expect (It was nothing like Bender’s Game, that’s for sure). It was good.
As usual, the book is better. As the series go, I prefer the Ender’s Shadow series (focusing on Bean), much more then the continuation of the Ender’s Game series (Speaker For the Dead, Xenocide, etc.). The first book is pretty much a rehash of the first from another character’s POV, but the rest of the Shadow series focuses on what happens to earth after the Bugger wars are over.
The short story was best.
I thought Speaker for the Dead was a very interesting and thought provoking examination of some religious ideas. Planter’s ‘experiment’ was a very creative metaphor for humanism. When Card was working out religious themes in the background of his books he was a superb author. When he started to become less subtle and directly proselytizing he was much less readable.
I did like the way that he acknowledged the potential of pension+compound interest+time dilation in Speaker for the Dead, but of course he didn’t notice what that would do to the economy as a whole.
Go to the 35 minute mark to see how a loving socialist government cares for it’s unfortunate citizens who are sick.
Ben Shapiro
This is now “The Jerk Store” Seinfeld episode
Quote Tweet
Paul Sperry
· 21h
BREAKING: House Speaker Pelosi in morning press conference said Democrats will investigate other cases against the president “that we see as an opportunity” for impeachment
Truly a solemn duty.
If only a vital portion of the Trump “energized base” had not decided to sit out the 2018 congressional elections.
Flint 2.0?
Or should I say Flint .08? Why couldn’t this have happened at my college apartment complex? I would have saved so much money.
Just for fun, an advertisement from people with a sense of humor:
Patel & Singh Builders — “You’ve tried the Cowboys – now try the Indians”
Kbolino, above:
Indeed, despite all the wailing of the radical wing of the Democrats, the party itself has immense structural advantages. While the Republicans are competitive at the elected level in a way they weren’t from the 1950s to the 1980s, they have completely lost ground in the institutions. Democratic dominance of the civilian and military sides of government, not to mention academia, business, lobbying, non-profits, the judiciary, etc. is nearly absolute. This is the Fabian strategy writ large. McConnell at least seems to understand this, which is why he is getting judges approved at a breakneck speed, but it will take longer than they’ve had so far to change the courts overall, and nobody’s touched the other institutions in any appreciable way, which have continued to slide over to the Democratic column.
The funny part of all this is that the Democratic Party’s national leadership is in such disarray and has been for so long that it couldn’t possibly be a coordinated or planned effort. It’s not a conspiracy centered around any one individual or group of coordinators, but rather a long march led by no one in particular.
Exactly. I don’t believe in grandiose conspiracy theories about some multi-generational scheme of infiltration and conversion. It’s self-selection, plain and simple. People who believe in government go into government. People who (wrongly) believe government is a benevolent force for the good of mankind apply for administrative jobs and run for office.
The rest of us just need to do a better job of yanking on the choke chain when they get too carried away.
In other words, we’re doomed.
I think studying the selection effect in more detail could be worthwhile. The distribution was not so lopsided before.
That’s because government employees used to be “at will” just like the private sector – so the jobs weren’t as stable since any change in elective office could mean losing your job. That’s how city “machines” were able to get a foothold. The only federal jobs that didn’t have that level of speciousness (for lack of a better term) were DoD jobs because competence mattered. That all started changing in 1978-9. Now that federal employees have great job security, akin to tenure at a university, the unproductive and unqualified hang onto their jobs forever. Anyone going into an “institutional” job that wants to be productive without wasting money soon learns that they don’t belong. As a result those jobs become a haven for parasites – the very definition of a leftist.
I don’t believe in grandiose conspiracy theories about some multi-generational scheme of infiltration and conversion. It’s self-selection, plain and simple.
Yup. Also entryism – when the Troo Bleevers get into position to make personnel decisions, they make damn sure there’s only Troo Bleevers in their organization.
At which point, the organization is hopelessly coopted/corrupted, and there is no saving it. Either the Americans who disagree get ground into dust, or we have some kind of disaffiliation/secession.
Probably the former. Too many squishes who don’t see voting for the Party of Troo Bleevers for what it is.
Someone filled an Indian town’s well with alcohol. Now beer is pouring from people’s taps
“The liquor had expired and was kept there since 2014 so we dug a trench on the premises to dispose of the liquor. Unfortunately, it seeped into the nearby well and polluted the water stream of the nearby apartment complex,” a local official told CNN.
As a result, beer, brandy and rum has been pouring into the apartment complex’s kitchen sinks.
CNN, you’re drunk. Go home.
On the plus side, the alcohol content means it’s less disease riddled than the water was.
That’s only part of it… it’s the boiling of the wort that sterilizes the water used in brewing. Then the acidity and alcohol help keep it potable (the bacteria that can spoil beer won’t cause issues for people, but will effect the flavor).
I guess we will have to wait and see.
Officials with the Texas Democratic Party said the Texas secretary of state’s office recently told them that it will not be able to provide on election night the numbers needed to allocate a majority of the 228 delegates up for grabs in the state on Super Tuesday. In a Jan. 23 meeting, the Democrats said, top state election officials cited limitations to their revamped reporting system, which is used to compile returns from the state’s 254 counties.
“They basically said that’s not built out yet,” said Glen Maxey, the special projects director for the Texas Democratic Party who attended the meeting with state officials.
Late Wednesday, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office, which initially had not responded to The Texas Tribune’s questions about the issue, contested that characterization, saying that “any allegations that delegate allocations will not be reported on election night are categorically false.”
BREAKING: The Left Can’t Meme
Fs in chat.
Is that supposed to be Bloomberg dancing?
I don’t get it.
“If I have to explain it, it’s not funny.”
srsly though, I don’t either. Dumb.
Why the gingerbread man? Makes no sense. A meme should take about three nanoseconds, max, to grok.
Scroll down, and the one with Bloomberg as Lord Farquad is hilarious. That’s how you meme – short cartoon character with delusions of grandeur is perfect for Bloomberg, and its intuitive.
I made it through 16 seconds. Lame.
So… is Mike Accentuating his lack of stature?
bahahaha….what the hell is that supposed to be?
I heard another Dem mention Bloomberg’s wealth the other day and thought I mis-heard. I assumed he was worth $2 or 3 billion and looked it up.
Holy shit $61.7 Billion. He’s going to lead the Democrats in their fight again “inequality”?
It’s like the war on drugs, if the government declares war on inequality, there will be more of it, and an inner party member will benefit.
I read that bloomberg has already spent 300 million on advertising.
Talk about buying your way into the pot.
Bloomberg is on heavy rotation here.
All that because of a cable news channel hardly anyone actually watches?
Nah, he was already a billionaire long before that. Making money by making money.
Crony investing is the best. Now if I only had some cronies with power and influence. 🙁
Jim Acosta complained that it sounded like the president was “answering the questions he wishes reporters would ask.”
No politician ever turned a question to the topic they wanted to talk about.
This is unprecedented.
Never before has this happened in politics or news.
Politicians have messages/narratives that they attempt to push? *rummages through junk drawer for shocked face*
“He’s destroying the Constitution and crushing our democracy!”
Right, because a press conference is basically the same thing as a trial and you can’t just sit in the stand and say things, you have to limit yourself to responding to questions asked of you by the attorneys. But the mainstream media isn’t filled with narcissists with overinflated egos or anything, no sir.
Hey, maybe that’s why they argue with politicians so often. Too similar.
Did you think you would ever see this happen? Disney’s CEO apologized for Disney doing something.
“Bob Iger apologizes after Disney charges Berkeley elementary school for ‘Lion King’ screening”
The circumstances for the $250 charge was previously discussed on this site. They raised $800 at a fundraiser showing the movie without getting Disney’s permission to make money by a public performance of the movie. CEO Bob Iger wrote “I will personally donate to their fund raising initiative” but the amount is unspecified. The story t the link does not specify whether or not the $250 is waived.
I’m working on my MBA and the current class is about business law and ethics. This reads like a group discussion prompt. It’s a classic example of being entirely in the right but looking like a dick.
It’s a classic example of being
entirelytechnically in the right but looking like a dick.When you do damage to a brand like Disney, you aren’t entirely in the right – you have impaired the value of the business far out of proportion to what you gained by protecting your legal rights.
Lawyers who don’t see the bigger picture when protecting their client’s legal are mediocre lawyers, at best. The good ones find a better way to satisfy the imperative to defend legal rights without buttfucking your brand, as the people on this site did within a few minutes.
That’s a good point. How’s the saying go? “Technically correct is the best kind of correct”, said with oozing sarcasm. The school is clearly wrong, but the hoi polloi, aka the people who spend money on Disney stuff, will only see a giant corporation that’s supposed to be wholesome and all about kids siccing their fancy, hot-shot lawyers on a school raising money for The Children. That’s an expensive $250.
Its not about law or ethics, it is marketing.
To top it off, Disney did not learn their lesson on how to handle things like this from the public relations fiasco of the images of copyrighted characters at Very Important Babies Daycare, Good Godmother Daycare, and Temple Messianique. IIRC, Disney went after them, the press howled, Warner Bros. stepped in about replacing the characters, and Disney backed down.
But IIRC, they did not apologize.
Just checked. Universal Studios Florida and Hanna-Barbera Productions, not Warner Bros. And the backing off apparently consisted of not going through with their threat of going to court.
I’m going to disagree. Every school in the country knows this shit. Some Berkeley asshole wants to grandstand because corporashuns and got some know-nothing journalist to bite.
Don’t know if anyone is disagreeing with you. The question is if you are the executive (not so long shot of remaining hypothetical in the case of Naptown’s MBA program) for the corporation getting “grandstand[ed]” against, what to do about it. As RC Dean pointed out, in other words, damage to the brand is not a non-cost. Universal Studios Florida and Hanna-Barbera Productions thought it was worth enough to their brands to spend money on repainting, paying fine(s) to Disney, and so on.
Maybe Iger is lurking here in Glibs. Because I know a couple of us proposed just such a move.
Lurker not poster/commentariat?
I suppose it ain’t about crime.
HB1617, authored by Republican Del. Jason Miyares, a former prosecutor, would have provided grant money to cities in order to implement two programs; Project Ceasefire and Project Exile.
The two programs work in conjunction with each other, both targeting the cities most violent and prolific offenders. Those individuals are given a choice. They can stop shooting, in which case they can work with the Ceasefire folks to help put their life on the right path, whether it’s through a GED program, job training, an apprenticeship, and the like. Or, if they keep shooting, they’ll be dealing with the men and women in Project Exile, and their cases are going to be referred to federal court where they’ll be facing long prison sentences without the possibility of early release.
“You’re going to stop shooting. We’ll help you if you let us, but we’ll make you if we have to.” That’s the message and the strategy behind these programs and it works, as has been detailed by researchers like David Kennedy, who has helped implement the strategy in many cities over the past twenty years. It works because it targets the people who are actually committing violent crimes. In many cases, these most likely to offend are also the most likely to be victimized. They’re responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and tragedy in the communities they live and prey upon. But many of them are not beyond redemption, and lives have not only been saved but changed by these efforts.
Project Exile is still around? I remember that started in Richmond back in the old days when we were close to the top of the list of most dangerous cities.
The Trump administration on Thursday “finalized” plans to expand “drilling, mining and grazing” on land in Utah that used to be part of the Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument and the Bears Ears National Monument, The Washington Post reported.
In 2017, the administration rolled back restrictions on the monuments in what were two of the largest downsizes of protected lands in US history, paving the way for the new plans, which the Post said “will likely intensify a legal fight over the contested sites.”
Downsizing “protected lands” which had only been designated as such by Obama on his way out the door, as a gift to his anti-private-ownership-activist cronies.
Environmental groups, however, maintain that the new plans will allow for “destructive activities” on the land that was formerly part of the monuments.
“One of the wildest landscapes in the lower forty-eight states will be lost if these plans are carried into action over the next few years,” Stephen Bloch, legal director for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, told the Post, which said the organization is one of the groups suing the administration over the 2017 downsize.
You can fuck right off, too.
Take up a collection and buy those rocks. Then you can put up a fence and keep the bad old kkkapitalists out.
And pay the property taxes too. This permanent ownership with reduced or no property taxes that any other property owner would have to pay is BS.
Environmental groups, however, maintain that the new plans will allow for “destructive activities” on the land
Seemed fine in the decades prior to the Obama admin. But, you know, because Barry did it, it is not allowed to be undone. *files injunction*
second attempt
Printed on dead trees, by petroleum powered machines, with metal parts.
“Normal people don’t talk like that. Someone should escort him out and into a psych ward.” – MSM
This is fun:
Feb. 7, 1976 – Toronto Maple Leafs captain Darryl Sittler scores 10 points against the Boston Bruins.
implement two programs; Project Ceasefire and Project Exile.
We’re going to send our criminals to Australia? I like it.
Submitted without comment
She earned her red wings! Good for her.
Is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel opposed to medical care for people 75 and over, for over 75, or something like that?
If so, how many of the US’ presidential candidates are in that age group?
Equal lack of care for all?
Why have people lost trust in our institutions? It’s a genuine mystery.
California Democrat Introduces Bill That Could Fine Or Jail People For Not Voting
I thought everyone voted there, particularly the dead.
Now that they are a one party State they really are going whole hog communist.
I hope Trump uses this.
You cut off the end of the sentence. …the Right Way.
Next up, fining or jailing people for not voting correctly.
1. Republicans are racist
2. Being racist is illegal.
Therefore voting for Republicans is a crime.
Missed it by that much.
I could get behind this if every office had a choice reading “None of the Below”.
If it was binding, yes.
Also an option for “abolish this office.”
Now you’re just being ridiculous.
From the Bee?
California – a parody of a state.
If there are any Republicans in the state legislature they should introduce a bill to fine/jail anyone who is otherwise legally eligible that does not own/purchase a firearm.
Kennesaw GA already did it.
We imported the ballot from Australia, why not import the criminal penalties for not voting as well? What could go wrong?
Hard to believe any literal “State of The Union” doesn’t single out the state of California as a threat to the national unity.
Given what is likely a high number of illegally-registered voters in California, they are requiring many individuals to engage in illegal activity.
— any California DA
EXCLUSIVE: New Trump Budget Includes First Ever Chapter Defining Government Waste, Targets Programs To Eliminate Entirely
Nothing to lose your shit over, but it’s a start.
“The president’s budget to Congress is the first step toward defending the American taxpayer and stopping egregious waste, fraud, duplication, and taxpayer abuse. It’s a target rich environment,” said Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski when asked about the cuts. “Our team of auditors at OpenTheBooks.com is very proud that our oversight reporting and examples of federal taxpayer abuse are being used by the president and the Office of Management and Budget to spearhead cuts. We applaud the president for taking action.”
A move in the right direction, but the biggest problem is entitlements. Military spending is an issue as well.
Very true. Cutting agency budgets and programs has a certain leverage, though, in burning back (albeit temporarily, I am sure) the metastasizing Total/Deep State.
I’ll take what I can get. If I die before this country descends into Civil War II or a putrescing socialist/totalitarian society, I’ll be happy. Pushing that day back is a win.
Exactly, there was a recent aricle on econlog about people not understanding the difference between Millions and Billions (and, for that matter, Trillions). This is probably a nice fix in the millions, which is worth exactly nothing.
Same thing Buffett has said. There are great opportunities to make a huge return with a $10MM investment, but its not worth it for BRK to do it.
But people will die!
I thought they all died already when Net Neutrality ended?
Watch the footage closely. You can see that the car tumbling down the mountain had no drivetrain. It was an actual Miura, but a wrecked one that wasn’t going to get (much) more damaged.
All true.
But still…
Doctor’s death from coronavirus sparks a digital uprising, rattling China’s leaders
Tom Friedman has a sad face.
He was murdered by China, almost certainly.
US progs become visibly aroused.
Democrats Claim Real Impeachment Has Never Been Tried
Impeachment Trial Ends As Trump Makes Plea Deal: He Isn’t Punished In Any Way And Also Doesn’t Change His Behavior In Any Way
Holy shit, the Bee keeps getting better.
I had not seen Romney’s statement about why he thought Trump should be removed from office:
True, and nothing necessarily wrong with that. Nobody disputes in good faith that there wasn’t something extremely fishy going on, worthy of investigation.
Since nobody told the Ukrainains, this is false. You can’t pressure somebody to do X by withholding funds if you don’t tell them to do X to get the money.
As is routinely done, and there are perfectly justifiable reasons for doing so other than forcing an investigation. Such as, there was a new government in a country famous for corruption specifically involving foreign aid, and some time was needed to vet the new government before shoveling money into what could well be a glorified money laundering machine. In any event, since the Ukrainians were never told, forcing an investigation is highly unlikely to be the reason.
Assuming the conclusion? Psychic powers? Who knows?
An odd conclusion for somebody insisting he had to see more testimony to make up his mind. Even more bizarrely, Romney said he might have voted to acquit if Bolton had testified. In what universe does that make sense? Romney must have taken the third-hand reports of what was in Bolton’s book at face value, as probative of the charges against Trump, so that only Bolton’s testimony to the contrary could justify a vote to acquit. IOW, he has admitted he based his vote on evidence not in the record.
What a useless sack of crap. And, of course, Tyler O’Neil gives him pretty much of a pass, really:
An inexplicable mistake that in no way bears on Romney’s character.
As is routinely done
And I think he is legally required to inquire on corruption in Ukraine.
It was personal and political, eh? Every decision a politician makes is political be it politically bad or good.
Romney’s character? This is a guy who has shamelessly reversed himself on virtually every major issue as expediency dictated and fired Rick Grennell because he was gay. What a mensch.
fired Rick Grennell because he was gay
And when asked about it, denied he ever knew the guy. Very . . . Judas-like, no?
That was Peter than denied knowing Jesus.
I think we were told during the Cavanaugh Senate hearings that investigations are good things.
“The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.”
I guess “look into it” is asking for an investigation of sorts, but in context, I read this as “assist the Attorney General” more than “you investigate the Bidens”. And, even if it was, IF Biden was actively working to stop the prosecution of a company in the interests of his son, it may or not be criminal, but neither is looking into it or asking someone to look into it nefarious
it may or not be criminal
I looked at the bribery statute yesterday, and incredibly, I think paying millions of dollars to somebody’s relative to get a criminal investigation shut down is perfectly legal.
It’s amazing how Congress, a body composed of mostly people with law degrees, managed to write the law with such a massive loophole.
Kind of like how they’re exempt from insider trading laws.
Feature, not bug. Intended consequences are intended.
(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
(A)to influence any official act; or
(B)to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
(C)to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person;
(2)being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
(A)being influenced in the performance of any official act;
(B)being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
(C)being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;
See the bolded sections. The statute is pretty clearly saying payments to third parties count IMHO
As I read it, as long as the bribe isn’t solicited by, promised to, or recieved by the public official, its perfectly legal to pay millions of dollars to somebody’s relative to get a criminal investigation shut down. The first section says the briber can be prosecuted for bribes paid to third parties, so long as they promise the public official directly that they will do so.
The second section says its illegal to give a bribe to the public official, who either accepts it personally or on behalf of someone else. The “demands, seeks” in there covers the public official demanding that payments be made to third parties, but I don’t think “receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value . . . for any other person or entity” would necessarily payments made directly to a third party.
The loophole would still seem to exist, as long as the public official isn’t directly involved. I don’t think what the Bidens did would violate either provision of this law. To the point that, even if Hunter had gone to Joe and said “Burisma will pay me a million dollars a year if you shut down the investigation” and Joe said “Damn right I will”, that would have been legal. The promise to make the bribe was not made to Joe, he did not seek or demand it, and he did not receive it.
I don’t see how you could write a bribery statute that didn’t have an element requiring the person being bribed to have solicited, received or been promised the payoff. To do otherwise would potentially criminalize any payment to a friend or relative. If you made it ‘with intent to influence’ you’d still have to prove basically the same things in order to show the intent.
You’d absolutely have to show intent to influence even if you fixed the statute so that the public official didn’t have to be directly involved.
As it is, though, the scenario above, where it was unquestionably influence peddling laundered through a relative, doesn’t even get to that stage. Joe has full knowledge of, and acts on, the bribe paid to his son, and there is absolutely not a criminal case under that statute as long as he personally wasn’t directly involved in soliciting or receiving the bribe.
Unless “directly or indirectly” is read to cover it, but even then, Joe wasn’t directly or indirectly promised anything by Burisma, nor did he directly or indirectly seek or receive the bribe on behalf of Hunter. I’m positing that if he knew about and acted on it, that should be a crime, but it is not.
You could certainly tighten up the statute. Bribes are basically the criminal version of conflicts of interest, and every defensible conflict of interest policy treats payments to family members on exactly the same basis as payments directly to the corporate official. This statute doesn’t do that, and any lawyer who knows how good governance works would see the discrepancy.
Trump Announces New Memoir: ‘If I Did It’
Elizabeth Warren Sneaks Off Private Jet Under Large Cardboard Box
And brutal.
“I didn’t do it, obviously, as I was just found to be the most innocent president of all time by the Senate,”
I had sex with your mother last night. Her pussy smelled like a dead whale.
After 7 years in the ground I am not surprised. Whatever get’s your freak on.
I was wo during why shes always been cold to me.
The dead deserve lovin’ just as much as they deserve to vote!
Bloomberg teach you how to troll?
The President asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival.
And again: are we to assume politicians must be completely immune from examination, because to do so might impair their electability?
That is just fucking dumb.
“Nobody is above the law! … Until they declare that they’re running for office against the person who initiated the investigation.”
– Democrats
Technically, Biden hadn’t even declared during the Phone Call of Nefariousness.
Just because.
Same thing Buffett has said. There are great opportunities to make a huge return with a $10MM investment, but its not worth it for BRK to do it.
That would barely even pay his secretary’s taxes.
Just. one. more. law.
Marquise Tolbert and William Tolliver, both 24, stood in shackles before a Nevada judge on Tuesday and each said they won’t contest extradition to Seattle. Tolbert and Tolliver weren’t represented by attorneys. They were arrested Saturday leaving a casino hotel near the Las Vegas Strip…
As the two men waited to face the Las Vegas judge, they chatted and laughed with each other and tried to hide their faces behind paper when they saw the television news camera recording their actions…
The two men, between them, have 65 arrests and four felony convictions, authorities have said.
I don’t know why I keep seeing this ad, but damn that’s a body.
Second attempt
Its like hentai isn’t a thing.
TL;DR – Heterosexual male drive is problematic and must be hobbled.
Wait- that woman on the desk getting rammed by the IT consultant isn’t really the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation?
Hey…I don’t think she really ordered a pizza at all…
Tell me he fixed the cable though.
That actually solves a potential moral issue for some people, I’d think.
Mornin’ Glibbies. I literally have nothing on my mind this morning except making a potluck poke cake. That sounds stupid and totally unremarkable, but after the past few weeks, it’s nice to wake up to no drama. Also, my kid cleaned the kitchen without having to be asked or told.
Which kid?
Daughter, the I suspect may have fibromyalgia.
My son is barred from his phone until he gets his messes cleaned up and everything in their proper places. Also, he needs to check his attitude. It appears I have found the right motivating tool because I won’t even let him have it to check messages quickly.
OTOH, yesterday he came home from school yelling HI, I’M HOME! and then came to my office to give me a big hug and ask me how my sleep was. He actually does that almost every day (except when he’s really pissed at me), but yesterday it was more welcome than usual for some reason.
May your life remain drama-free. Also – love the new handle.
That would terrify me. “Alright, what did you do or what do you want?”
Nice avatar.
Blinky is ogling.
I’d just settle for her not putting a container half full of tuna salad in the damn sink, then putting a plate on top so I don’t notice it until the next day when I go to do the dishes and get an aromatic experience.
That must come from experience. ?
My daughter loves fruit. I know this because she has a brain condition that prevents her from EVER throwing a core, pit, or peels away. I sat on a particularly ripe banana peel concealed under a blanket on the couch and that shit smeared all over the cushion. Pain in the ass to clean.
We made a rule long ago that food and drink are are only allowed in the kitchen and at the dining table. Also, the kitchen closes at 8. For the most part, that rule has been followed well.
the kitchen closes at 8
There would be a revolt in my house.
For the kids. It’s the cut-off time for when the kitchen gets cleaned.
It was mostly put in place so that if child A was doing the kitchen, child B couldn’t come in and make something to eat. We have a 1-butt galley kitchen and the house is barely big enough to house both of them without WWIII breaking out.
“Mojeaux the Blasphemer”
See what you did there.
And you changed your avatar without it costing any money from taxes or the kind(s) of borrowing to be repaid by taxes.
Handle, not avatar. The avatar is still Mojo Jojo.
Thanks to you, I’m now craving something lemony.
What an unfortunate event.
You and my husband! Sheesh!
That made my snicket.
Heh. ?
I get a Sheesh? Heinlein gets heart eyes? It was the same joke!
*hangs head in shame*
I didn’t get it until RAH said the lemony part, but I thought it best to keep my mouth shut so as to not attract attention to my whooooooooooooooooshedness.
I often miss jokes when I’m tunneled in on a subject.
Always happy to help!
I’m devoted to spreading the gospel of truth of the divine nature of lemon. @LemonGrenade, can I get an amen?!
Lemon God is Good – All the Time!
Make way for the lemon parade.
Have you had a Shaker lemon pie?
The awesome.
I’m seeing that pie in my future…
I have never even heard of such a thing, but I will try it once I get my ass in gear for pie crust.
Pie is not, in fact, easy.
My local Trader Joe’s has Meyer lemons in stock. The Spice House sells both lemon extract and minced dried lemon peels. I think when spring rolls around, I’m going to make some lemon simple syrup, and some candied lemon zests for a twist on Tom Collins.
I had some Meyer lemon sodas recently. Tasty but pricey AF.
Howdy, mam.
Lurked last night but was too busy to comment. I LOVE poke cakes. Was introduced to them in HS home economics (yellow cake with lime Jello; sound weird but is really yummy), and have been hooked ever since. Lately we have been doing it with puddings/custards; yellow cake + almond extract with a poke of Earl Grey custard and a crushed nut or Graham crust is particularly toothsome.
I just can’t get the image of fish-cakes out of my mind.
The last thing I baked was an elaborate peppermint cheesecake. I figured I was due something stupid simple that I like so much.
Bootyjudge, the managerial consultant’s choice
My lefty pals on the DerpBook are convinced he is a wholly owned asset of the CIA. They link to some article where he brags about having a natural resources map of Afghanistan prominently displayed on his office wall which, apparently, is a subject about which a city mayor should have no interest.