Sad Mourinho is the best Mourinho.
What a nice weekend. Especially if you like watching Jose Mourinho get beclowned. And I’m one of those people. His Spuds lost to Chelsea. Burnley throttled Bournemouth, Palace won, Sheffield drew Brighton (and they needed all three points), Southampton won, Man City beat Leicester when they shouldn’t have, ManUre thumped woeful Watford, Wolves drilled Championship-bound Norwich, and Everton lost to Arsenal, which really hurt their Euro chances. Liverpool will be taking on West Ham today.
On the ice, your winners yesterday were Washington, Buffalo, Dallas, NYI, Calgary (duh, they played the Red Wings), St Louis, Vegas, and Edmonton. The playoff chase is red hot right now, and I’ll definitely go over it one day this week. But not today, as I’m way behind.

Yes, he really is dead.
Spanish and HRE King Charles V was born on this day. He shares it with storyteller Wilhelm Grimm, baseball legend Honus Wagner, Navy leader Chester Nimitz, (dead) actor Abe Vigoda, Nike founder Phil Knight, actor Edward James Olmos, rocker George Thorogood, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, F1 legend Alain Prost, Billy fucking Zane, and boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Good stuff, but now it’s time for…the links!

I wonder if he’ll dress up and dance like that clown from America, Jr.
Trump is in India for the next couple of days. I wonder what he’s gonna eat? And I wonder how he’ll manage to make people’s heads explode while out of the country. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, because it’s coming.
China has postponed Parliament for the first time in decades due to the coronavirus. Not that having a parliament matters much when you live in a single-party autocratic hellhole where you can be thrown in a concentration camp for pretty much anything. But I guess appearances matter.
The Weinstein trial just keeps on going. Nice job, judge. You could have let them treat each case separately, but you ha to fuck it up by making the jury consider all charges together. Now it’ll inevitably end in a hung jury.

Back to bartending soon…or hosting a show on CNN.
Well, that’s a shame. What will we ever do without her insight?
I fail to see why taxpayers should be on the hook for this. But it’s Chicago, so you can bet they’ll take it in the shorts. (Please feel free to make your own jokes in the comments.)
Well, this is a dreadfully sad story. The only silver lining is that we know the cops can’t track cellphones as well as I assumed they could.
Am I alone in assuming this is commonplace? I hope not. Also, that department needs to go away.
This seems like a solid way to start the week. Hope you feel the same.
Now have a wonderful Monday, friends!
I was wondering if Trump and family were going to dress up like Bollywood stars and make complete fools of themselves just to troll the Twink in the North.
I hope he brings Modi a few Big Macs…
That would YUGE!
Actually, I heard he was about to disembark from Air Force One wearing an eagle feather war bonnet and a tomahawk when one of his staff clued him in.
Hey, he’s not Elizabeth Warren.
Trust me, Trump’s LARPing is going to be way more badass!
Whatever he does, Shikha is going to have a shitfit.
“”Trump is in India for the next couple of days.”
Prepares for inevitably awful Shika article.
She would only write one?
Has she ever wrote a second? As far as I can tell, she only has one.
Quite true
She can probably dust an old one one off from a menstruation-induced mood to set the tone, then she’ll write a couple of others just to bask in the glory of the NOW.
Nikki, I’m sorry, but Daima is the worst, not you girl.
He was just doing unofficially what the DEA has been doing officially for the past 40 years.
Look, you can’t just go into business for yourself.
He was stepping out on his own business, the gang can not allow that.
“A significant drop in methamphetamine prices led to a nearly a 20% decline in Wichita burglary last year, according to a police official.”
Gee, you’d almost think that the WOD has created incentives for people to become criminals to find the money for their drugs.
Laugh less?
The tectonic shift to the far left has already begun. It cannot be stopped. Perhaps she herself won’t survive but we are only in the beginning, and the new normal are the younger generations now so totally indoctrinated that from their perspective it’s the reasonable, normal, “centre” of the basic-friendly political “spectrum”. The majority of liberty-oriented and conservative voters will die out over the next few decades, leaving the ballots stuffed for socialism.
I don’t think there’s any shift other than working-class people in the US voting Republican. The center moved to Team Red, so Team Blue is more left than before and the Republicans now smell like gear oil, but the overall balance of things hasn’t changed.
“working-class people”
We still have those?
(Not counting illegals – they vote D anyway.)
The young mush-minds have been brainwashed by marxists that socialism is primarily about delivering fairness. They never teach them the true history of socialism. The horrors of marxism that killed over 120 million and imprisoned bout 3 billion people in misery for over 75 years get buried and lies are told to keep these kids from knowing better. They are also told fascism, which is basically the inevitable collectivist evolution promoted by those that realized marxism (because it was international in nature and destroyed everything on the way to it’s advocates taking power) would never work, and created the new 2.0 improved version of socialist utopia, is evil and right wing. Fascism is not right wing: it is a means for government to still control everything but without destroying the means of production, and its first incarnation attacked capitalism by going after Jews (read Hitler & Mussolini’s crap, and you will find it mirrors the marxist shit very closely except for the government taking over all means of production and the national vs. international flavor of this collectivist evil shit). Fascism was labeled right wing by marxists that needed an excuse to hide the evils of communism.
Now we have a slew of kids that have been indoctrinated to look negatively on any kind of free thinking and that socialism is about justice. Unless we reverse these two trends, we are doomed to go back to a dark age.
The young have generally been socialist. Then they get jobs, encounter life, and their politics shift. It may be worse today than previously (although the period from 65-80 was pretty extreme in this as well) but the phenomenon is not new.
It’s almost as if people can change their minds and are not stuck in a voting block based on demographic parameters
The problem is that I am afraid that these bright eyed marxists will straddle the country with a marxist government before they realize how idiotic and evil this ideology is and that they were lied to. Once we have that shit forced on us it will not be removed until blood is spilled.
Bingo. Thanks to the very successful march through the institutions, the die is cast. Its a question mostly of when and how, not whether.
I did also consider this trend but have also noticed that various millenials now passing into their mid thirties don’t seem to have followed this pattern, and if anything are becoming more sympathetic to the left extreme. Maybe I’m being myopic, thinking it’s different this time, which to some extent has been the fallacy of every generation, but that is exactly what the rising tide of socialists are guilty of, too. Mankind, collectively, is always doomed to repeat it’s most tragic mistakes.
Well, yes, that. You’re preaching to the choir here in many respects.
A gift for sloopy, I copied this from reddit, all credit goes to reddit user piemaniowa:
The legend lives on from the Detroit on down
Of the Big House they called Michigan Stadium
The stadium, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the skies of November turn gloomy
With a crowd of Fans Hundred-Seven thousand tons more
Than the Big House weighed empty
That good team and true was a bone to be chewed
When the gales of November came early
The team was the pride of the Michigan side
Coming back from some mill in Madison
As the big Stadiums go, it was bigger than most
With players and coach well seasoned
Concluding some terms with a couple of B1G firms
When they left fully loaded for Columbus
And later that night when the team’s bell rang
Could it be the north wind they’d been feelin’?
The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound
And a wave broke over the railing
And every player knew, as the coach did too,
T’was the witch of November come stealin’
The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait
When the gales of November came slashin’
When afternoon came it was freezin’ rain
In the face of a hurricane west wind
When game time came, the Ncaa came on field sayin’
Fellas, it’s too much cream cheese to feed ya
At twelve p.m., a main coverage caved in, he said
Fellas, it’s been good to know ya
The coach wired in he had buckeyes comin’ in
And the good stadium and team was in peril
And later that night when ‘is lights went outta sight
Came the wreck of the Big House
Does any one know where the love of God goes
When the waves turn the minutes to hours?
The searchers all say they’d have made Indianapolis
If they’d put fifteen more points behind ‘er
They might have split up or they might have capsized
They may have broke deep and took water
And all that remains is the faces and the names
Of the fans and the students and the Alumni
Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings
In the rooms of her ice-water mansion
Old Michigan steams like a young man’s dreams
The islands and bays are for sportsmen
And farther below Lake Ontario
Takes in what Lake Erie can send her
And the football teams go as the talking heads all know
With the gales of November remembered
In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed,
In the maritime players’ cathedral
The church bell chimed till it rang fifteen times
For each loss of the last 16
The legend lives on from the Detroit on down
Of the big house they called Michigan Stadium
The stadium, they said, never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early
-1 Edmund Fitzgerald
my first laugh of the day
Gordon Lightfoot hardest hit
Someone certainly put some time into that.
Less than 1 hour.
(wipes tears from eyes…feels guilty for a half a second)
Tl; dr
That’s probably for the best.
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee,
Superior I said to her offer of head,
So all through the night, the bitch she blew me!
Now it’ll inevitably end in a hung jury.
At least something related to Weinstein will be hung.
I heard his belly was well hung too.
If AOC is willing to eat her own party imagine what she would do to people!
A vicious, vacuous socialist. The very profile of someone you want to keep away from the levers of power.
Will likely be President Sanders’ Secretary Of The Treasury.
But she’s morally correct because she only wants to hose the tippy tops of society.
My concern is they can wipe her seat out but does it solve the problem of the rise of socialism? There’s still a few others like Pressley,Omar and Tlaib. Or did they identify AOC as the ring leader and figure she’s the bacteria that spreads the disease?
I really hope Omar and Rashida get knocked off. I don’t trust the electorate in those places.
No, it doesn’t. And there is a big effort underway to confuse the public about what socialism is — they are claiming that roads are somehow an expression of socialism, and it just gets worse from there.
Roads are state ownership of a means of production, but that is so far from mattering that it is silly.
Oh noes, we have gone from 100% pure capitalism to 99% capitalism!!!!
And there is a big effort underway to confuse the public about what socialism is — they are claiming that roads are somehow an expression of socialism, and it just gets worse from there.
Even conceding that does not actually make the case for socialism like they think it does, for as the old saying goes the difference between a medicine and a poison is a matter of dosage. Saying that roads are socialism and they work therefor we should go all in on socialism is like saying one aspirin relieved my pain a bit so I should take the whole bottle.
The analogy works even better with acetaminophen/paracetamol.
Of the squad I think Omar might be most likely to go. Her loss would be an example of the fragility of the alliance between progs and muslims
That Omar is facing a fellow Somali in the primary really I think makes it betting odds that she loses
She’s also facing a GOP Irani immigrant, but I don’t think Omar has to worry at all. She will probably lose the entire Somali vote but cruise to victory because she has the white progressive voters who will pat themselves on the back for having such an edgy Congresswoman as their representative.
To win those voters over they’d have to be able to tell the difference between the Somalis and everyone knows how hard it is to tell them apart.
And since the local media hasn’t covered her scandals in any meaningful ways, how would the smug hipsters know what a slime she is?
That’s a shame. I didn’t realize ere were so many white guilt progs in her district
Don’t forget Leap. He’s the leader of the resistance.
Pass the had around in your bars, VFWs, and churches, my laddies. Send unpasturized milk, medical supplies, and the sheet music of John Philip Sousa.
St Louis Park would like a word
“Well, that’s a shame. What will we ever do without her insight”
Her district could be eliminated but that wouldn’t stop her from vying for the residual seat.
Im curious about her election anyway. She won a primary where hardly anyone votes in it anyway, but also I have a hard time believing she bootstrapped it.
she didn’t. The ‘Justic Democrats’ group did all the legwork. I’m pretty sure she’s managed to alienate them too.
The Post is being silly here. Her district will not be eliminated. When NY loses a seat next year, the seats are going to be reapportioned by a new “independent” committee, based on population, and all the population loss is far away from her district.
It will still require “stretching” of the districts around NYC, and hers could easily be shifted out of her area.
“We can eliminate a Republican seat from Upstate!”
Yeah; they’re going to try to eliminate Stefanik’s seat in the North Country.
It really comes down to how things pan out. Even with population loss elsewhere, districts within the states have to be off the same population size, so the borders of her district could be shifted.
The district that will be eliminated inevitably is the 27th district since they will only have 26. But those are just names.
those are just names
Generally true, but I’ll bet in NY as in most states, Old Number One is a big deal. In TN it morphs around a bit, but it’s where it always was, up there where the free state of Franklin should be (motto: WV isn’t the only place that cotton doesn’t grow).
I mean…. District 1 will always be where it had always been Because when it it’s introduced it’s the at large district.
/Just yanking your chain. I think it’s interesting the amount of ceremony and tradition around things that happen.
OK, upon closer inspection it appears that NYC has increased it’s percentage of the state population by only one percent, from 42% to 43%, so theoretically, the lost district could be anywhere & yes, she could be squeezed out. I’ll get the popcorn.
I was wondering this.
I think it all depends whether they feel internal enemies are more dangerous than the republicans. I’m not sure which way the party feels about that anymore.
“I fail to see why taxpayers should be on the hook for this. But it’s Chicago, so you can bet they’ll take it in the shorts. (Please feel free to make your own jokes in the comments.)”
It makes sense if you believe in progressivism. Whenever you can fleece the tax payers in order to do something wholly stupid but that advances the narrative & agenda of oppressed snowflakery, you go for it.
I don’t think you need to be a progressive to admit that guys shouldn’t be masturbating in front of female public defenders. You’d have to be a real jerk to do something like that
You’d need some spunk to pull off such a brazen act.
Maybe they are upset that the public defenders don’t seem all that dedicated to getting them out of jail?
On a scale of 1 to 10 they only seem to have about a 4 skin in the game.
Good point. What are they gonna do? Get themselves off??!!
I’m just hoping for a happy ending.
It’s hard to get there though.
Probably have to pull a few strings
Agreed, but the taxpayers shouldn’t have to swallow this load. They should sue the jagoffs who did this and make them pay restitution after they’re released.
I’m not sure about restitution. But he should at least leave a tip. Just the tip.
People don’t really hold these people accountable though. It’d take a stroke of good luck to get the taxpayers out of this.
Connecticut students arrested for saying things
The state of New Britain indeed.
You Americans and you’re antiquated ideas of free speech are so provincial. Speech really can be violence. / British Slave
Reading the law as it is written even people of color could be arrested for using a slur towards a person of the same race. It makes it illegal to ridicule or hold up to contempt any person on account of color/creed etc. But I’m sure that’s not how it is enforced.
It’s a purely subjective law.
How can this possibly be constitutional, it’s not exactly harassment, no?
Paging Mr Smith, Steve Smith to the glittery courtesy phone please….AOC needs some company, stat!
Drew’s advice for STEVE.
back on topic: tell Michael it was only business
Are there new updates in the cheating scandal/s? I’ve only been paying attention to muh team since ST started.
I gave up on the scandal: once they gave the players immunity, nothing mattered any more.
doG I love spring ball with the trades and seeing which kids can make a team.
Tebow sucks. He’s a great athlete . . . but I hate the way he spells his name.
I’m glad he’s back. He seems to be a positive influence to keep on the farm, rather than a serious prospect for much major league time.
He spent the off-season banging Miss Universe, hasn’t had time to practice.
I thought Miss Universe worked for State Farm?
The coronavirus pandemic is starting to expose the structural problems in the Chinese economy.
Somewhere, Nassim Taleb is laughing and doing a few extra squats.
I’ve always argued, and still stand by, that China’s economy is a paper tiger.
I watch these ‘ranking’ videos and how in the 60s the West (mostly America) were in 1st in a wide range of things only to watch China surpass them and how commenters applaud with glee that an authoritarian country beats America (and the West). As if being first necessarily translates into being a pure power. It helps but there’s more to it than that.
China’s economy structurally, to me observing, feels like a house made of weak materials despite looking great on the outside. They didn’t organically grow their economy like capitalist countries in the region like Japan or Korea. I trust India more than I do China.
And judging by how they were trying to hide the Coronavirus, that’s another reason to distrust them.
Taleb is like Rand. 95% of the time they are incredibly right, the other 5% they are so wrong it makes you question how they function.
He’s so over the top that I find him funny.
He’s currently promoting paranoia as a response to coronavirus.
That said, if the authorities don’t take large steps to deal with the virus, the real risk is that the populace may do so, and that could get ugly.
Yeah, there aren’t any personal or social downsides to paranoia.
Rolls eyes.
Why do say that?
*squints suspiciously, adds name to List*
When paranoid, you can be wrong 1000 times & you will survive.
That’s not necessarily true. Paranoia and responding to downside risk is not a free proposition.
Yup. Being too risk averse is just as detrimental as being not risk averse enough. Opportunity costs are a real thing. It may take longer to manifest, is all.
So are we now making the argument that sometimes it is OK to just throw caution to the wind and stick it in crazy?
Err, why am I having a hard time buying this?
In China Exactly how many chains of car dealerships selling high end luxury cars, especially Euro cars with over 10,000 employees happen to have a Director with the first name Brigita?
Literally anyone who wanted to find out would be able to determine exactly who this woman was within 30 minutes or less at this point.
Uffda. The reason the Feds mandated a GPS in every phone is because it would allow emergency responders to find anyone who called 911.
Now you are saying it doesn’t really work? So I’m sure that the Feds will now rescind the restriction and I’ll be able to buy a phone that doesn’t track my ass everywhere? Or is this going to be the case that mandates even more intrusive tracking technology?
Your doctor called and said your chip implant is scheduled for Thursday, if that’s not too inconvenient for you. If it is, then they will just enter your house and inject it into your neck while you sleep.
For the children (TM).
I’m sure it works great when a prosecutor wants to place someone at the scene of a crime.
All those guys who used to do bite mark analysis before that was proven to be bunk probably just shifted over to the GPS location by cell phone department.
How much you want to bet there as all people doing that?
I just overheard someone on the plane saying they analyze extractor marks on casings. bull excrement I’m sure.
As long as the juror believes it, it isn’t lying. Right?
Fire three shots in the air, then use the ‘n’ word, someone will be right there
Sounds like the GPS location from your phone isn’t accessible to 911 Dispatch. Location via cell tower* triangulation is far less accurate.
FWIW, the Map My Fitness act also uses WiFi networks for location tracking. I’m guessing it knows where residential WiFi networks are located.
(*)I’ve seen a lot of lamp posts with cell antennae going in, I think for 5G. Normal lamp-posts don’t need a fiber optic connection.
Cellular phone 911 calls use GPS geolocation information, if that’s available.
The problem with apartment buildings is that the geolocation information is accurate to maybe 5 yards. That narrows you down to about 4 apartments per floor if everything is working perfectly. For a 20 floor building, that’s minimum 80 apartments that are in the search zone under perfect conditions.
Leap, Troy does not have any twenty story buildings, let alone twenty story apartment buildings.
I get that downstate would have some serious issues using geolocation data, but I really get the image of the Troy authorities arriving on scene, looking around and going “that looks like too much work” then driving off.
I’m surprised they don’t have some sort of reverse-lookup directory. Plug in his phone number, out pops his name and address.
The address linked to the account may be in china given it was a chinese service provider, despite being a 518 area code.
Also, it may not be valid to the user’s location, since it is a cell phone.
For instance, my mother is an additional line on my phone plan, but she is two hours away from the address associated with the number.
Oh sure, it would only be one possible tool they could use. Combined with the geolocation it would be of some use.
Also, not saying this should exist – just surprised it doesn’t.
The authorities on the local news were using it as an excuse to ask for more money.
Now you are saying it doesn’t really work?
Given how many times Google maps asks me to rate a place across the street from where I’ve just been, I’m not surprised. If Google doesn’t have accurate tracking then the government sure doesn’t either.
Or is this going to be the case that mandates even more intrusive tracking technology?
I think we all know the answer here.
Speaking of Bozo the Pretend PM, my neighbour works for Via Rail. There’s no work for him for now and 15 of his colleagues have been laid off.
What’s the inside scoop I ask? Like I mentioned here, all true that it’s paid protestors from the U.S. and Central Canada (Ontario is California North now).
Everyone, include First Nations, want the damn pipeline.
El Fuckheado over there is so incompetent it’s not believable which makes me wonder if this lout knew all along and wanted to give the impression people don’t want pipelines. Don’t put it past him to want to shut down Alberta. His father fucked them over once with the National Energy Program and Quarter-Twit may want to keep with his daddy.
The Trudeau family are proving to be a destructive one for Canada.
What do you think the likelihood of a backlash is? He didn’t exactly win resoundingly last time, and I can’t imagine this crisis is good for his image.
I fail to see why taxpayers should be on the hook for this.
Seriously – what does it take to fire a fucking bureaucrat? He disobeyed a direct order from his Chief Executive Officer. And decided he knew more about contagious diseases than anyone else. This prick should be stripped of all retirement benefits and literally tossed out the door.
Nevermind that the CDC also objected to flying the infected back to the US and were ignored.
^This. And perhaps criminally prosecuted.
As always, immunity of government employees from personal liability is a problem.
If this results in American deaths. hang him for Treason.
I would not be surprised this guy did this hoping it would create an economic and health crisis in the US and the democrats could then blam Trump and impeach or unseat him. Someone look for any phone calls from this asshat to Shiff’s office.
I didn’t know Coronavirus was an enemy of the United States.
That’s a bit much. I see it as an operational decision made under high pressure that was incorrect. I imagine the Japanese were leaning on him as well.
It just reflects the caliber of personnel at State.
What it reflects is how thoroughly our government institutions have been taken over by the ideological left, and how little control our elected officials have over them. The sight of a few of them hanging from the gallows might help fix the problem.
If you disobey a direct order, theres usually a carve out allowing personal liability.
People like this is why we have Trump.
It’s a bit more complicated than that from what I’ve read. The Japanese mishandled the testing, just like they did the quarantine. The infected passengers weren’t known/identified prior to boarding the buses (which means they could have already potentially infected the others*). Everyone had exited Japan legally at that point and to offload them, the US would have needed Japan to readmit them.
I’ve been very critical about the way the Diamond Princess, but the truth is, it’s all just a delaying game. There is unlikely to be any containment and the best to be hoped for right now is slow the spread.
*its quite possible given the potentially longer incubation time and asymptomatic/mild nature of apparently the majority of cases, that some of the supposedly uninfected passengers were in fact infected. Actually, given the screw ups in testing and the rates, it’s almost a certainty.
Free speech concerns that were raised following the arrests of two University of Connecticut students accused of saying a racial slur have led state legislators to consider repealing a century-old law that bans ridicule based on race, religion or nationality.
And how, exactly, has this tyrannical horseshit been allowed to stand?
And the state legislature is already conducting a review to see if it should be repealed.
Let’s see…
SEC. 5. No law shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press.
It is illegal to enforce in Connecticut.
Why fucking make kids go to school if you don’t really expect them to learn anything of value? Maybe because school’s priority these days is to indoctrinate the kids into being good socialists drones?
To teach them how to link?
Fuck HTML bullshit.
Holy shit what the fuck is that? Won’t need to be proficient in math and English? Sounds like De Maria is lowering standards to protect the system before than caring for the students.
The system has to be knocked down if this is who is in charge. His logic is superficial. Unacceptable.
So what happens the next time USA does poorly on those international math IQ tests? Can people put a face on who to blame? Say, like De Maria?
I’m also sick and tired of watching people in influential positions looking and dressing like fucken hobos.
I’m seeing this trend here too.
At a ceremony I attended not too long ago, the Deputy Mayor of Montreal was there. I noticed this chap sitting in front of me with a Red Hot Child Peppers haircut and a tattoo on the side of his head and thought nothing of it until he was called upon the stage to speak and learned who he was. I also looked over his attire (I’m the son of a tailor and have that eye) and noticed his off the rack suit was all wrinkled. DEPUTY. MAYOR. Turns out he’s my brother in law’s friend and is a very nice guy – which he is as I met him briefly. Still. Come on guys. Look and play the part! My BIL agreed with me. It was a but too ‘chillaxed’.
Same with the Heritage Minister. Steve Guilbeault is a former eco-terrorist and looks every bit the part of a villain on Rocky & Bullwinkle. As he sat telling us he saw ‘no big deal’ with the psycho recommendations of censorship and throttling by a ‘panel of experts’ for telecommunications, this commie didn’t bother to shave or wear a damn tie.
Hobos. Hobos make decisions for us now.
Theres a way to look smart casual and still come off giving an impression of solid style.
The French have a saying, ‘un touche de negligence pour l’homme elegant’.
It’s not, ‘un touch de I don’t give a shit how I look pour le hobo.’
If you have decided that every human being must graduate from high school you must set the requirements for graduation at a level where every human being can meet them. This is the natural end point of the campaign to eliminate students dropping out.
“Holy shit what the fuck is that?”
The vision of St. Woodrow Wilson incarnate.
learn to HTML, doesn’t have the same ring to it
I would try to answer if public school didn’t fail our kids on how to link.
Note to self. Before smack talking: REFRESH.
Nonsense, piling on simple mistakes is a small joy.
Like learning about sugar?
Especially how to link?
He’s got a few people to swing at before he works his way to you
Pretty sure you’re spot in with the indoctrination angle.
That’s why so many districts throughout America are clamoring for “‘mandatory “ pre kindergarten.
1) Give parents a free entitlement (day care)
2) get the pups suckling on govt year ASAP
Government teat.
Stupid autocorrect never worked on a farm. /grumble grumble
Of course, they will also receive college counseling.
Eventually proficiency in math will be considered traitorous.
+ 2π
“If I did that, I’d turn completely around and end up back where I started.”
/Mr. Benedict
π r round;
cornbread r square.
Math, like the laws of physics, biology, human nature, and economics refuse to bend to the socialist cabal’s will, and hence will be labeled as offensive and subversive, making it necessary for knowledge in these fields to be carefully controlled, if not, outright banned.
Why does the legislature bother passing new laws if it’s only going to delegate all the important parts?
Ask Congress the same question.
And actually, it seems DeMaria actually did the job. He surveyed a bunch of jobs requiring HS diploma, determined what skills the employers were looking for and figured out what point level roughly aligned with those skills.
I wouldn’t wish the Cleveland Public schools on my worst enemies.
Well, yeah, I doubt he is competent overall, I just don’t see the issue with this specific thing. They gave him a vague law, he picked a semi-reasonable number in response.
The only important part to them is “Who gets how much money.”
You’re overthinking it.
The sole purpose of the public schools is to provide jobs. Literally everything else follows from that.
Note that jobs are ac cost, not a benefit.
Keeping the general population towing the government lion is also the purpose of public school.
That’s the surface cover, the ‘expressed preference’. They’d throw that under the line of school buses if it increased head count. School jobs are what matter, not school “purpose(s)”.
Guaranteed this is about pumping up graduation rates. Ain’t “social justice” great?
It sure as hell will create a whole lot of unqualified people, unable to do anything but the most banal and low skill jobs, that will then feel robbed and will easily go allong with those that tell them they should be entitled to what others have. In the name of fairness, of coourse.
It won’t create them. They exist naturally. All any of this crap does is devalue the diploma, and that ship has sailed anyway. The notion of “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” is that government and schools have a magic power that enables them to take a person with an IQ of 80 (yeah yeah whatever, it is a freaking proxy for a more complex idea and doesn’t perfectly map to it. That doesn’t make it ‘useless’ or ‘meaningless’) and make them proficient in math. They don’t. If an idea is comprehensible by the average person that means roughly half the population can’t understand it.
The notion of “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” is that government and schools have a magic power that enables them to take a person with an IQ of 80 . . . and make them proficient in math.
Laws and concepts written by the very same people it would benefit!
How do we deal with the imaginary danger of White Supremacy? MSNBC has the answer – FBI Should Track Young White Men Online, Radicalize Them, Provide Resources for Creating Explosives, Then Arrest Them.
These people need a refresher….
It never occurs to her that it’s unethical to take that approach against any group of people.
Wait, what? How is the government still so racist?
Would it be crazy to just quit talking about race in government language? No putting race on a birth certificate, census card, school profile, scholarship form.
Just fucking stop. I swear it would go away in 30 years.
It’s too politically profitable to stop.
Yeah the Sharptons and Jessie Jackson’s would hate to see MLKs actual vision realized.
Yes – the government will lose interest in race right when we get cold-fusion.
Joke’s on her – they’re already doing that.
Um, remember that the VA gun rally was declared a state of emergency because the Feds tracked a Canadian white supremacist from Minnesoda to NJ to meet up with some other local white supremacists.
The sad fact is that the Feds are tracking everyone and are chomping at the bit to arrest them for any kind of wrongthink.
MSNBC Suggests FBI Should Track Young White Men Online, Radicalize Them, Provide Resources for Creating Explosives, Then Arrest Them
Isn’t entrapment already part of the fbi’s m.o.?
No, because the courts have defined entrapment as requiring that the ‘criminal’ not have any propensity to commit the crime prior to the government interaction. So basically as long as they target people who have made at least one comment that can be read as showing a propensity toward whatever attitude would motivate the crime, all bets are off. Joke about helicopters? Propensity toward extremist violence established.
Same goes for woodchipper enthusiasts?
Good morning, Sloopy!
Trade deadline day in the NHL. As a fan of the most mediocre team in the league for the past two decades
100K people out to see Two Scoops, huh?
A lot of them puzzle me, too.
It’s cool, though, because your musical choice puzzles me not at all. In fact this one rolled up next and made it even clearer that those dudes were a special band.
Have a great day! A classy day, even!
“…including an Elton John hit that seemed to puzzle most of the crowd…”
I’m gonna guess “Rocketman”!
WaPo commenters: European teenagers with blond hair have no business talking about climate change.
“this girl has 46k subs, every 8th grade in America has more than that. Amplifying her message with this framing is not a good look”
I’m still proud of me 2k followers.
An actual whistle-blower just got Clintoned.
Friends of Philip Haney: ‘No way he would have taken his own life’
Is this some kinda Black Spot?
The Twitter doom cult is out in force I see,
That’s not an anti-greta, that’s an internet troll.
Greta Thunberg is an activist backed by widely accepted science. This girl appears to be backed primarily by German nationalists.
German nationalists.”
Has this asshole seen the socialists who back Greta?
As for the science, yeh, ‘I bet you fucking love science’.
WaPo commenters are just as bad as NYT.
I believe there’s something to the quality of a paper through its comments section. Those comment swamps give the impression all the smart people walked away and what was left at the party after the lights went up are the losers.
Where does that, gulp, leave Glibs?!?
Very little of what Thunberg has said is “backed by widely accepted science”. Most of what she says is emotional appeals. Of the portion that relates to testable hypotheses, much of it overstates the cases compared to proven data and verified theories.
Greta Thunberg is an activist backed by widely accepted science.
Like Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus? His paper says limiting warming to anything less than 3 degrees would be a net negative on society.
The cure is worse than the problem!
Unless we have a thermostat control on the sun and the orbit of the earth we can’t limit shit. Cut out 100% of our CO2 emissions today and it would make no difference whatsoever.
Your mistake is in believing that what these people want is to cut out CO2 to save the planet. That’s the excuse/rationale they peddle, but the real goal is globalized control of people by the progressive movement (more marxism/fascism). Arguing in good faith with them is useless. No facts will ever change their appeal to emotion, because the end goal has nothing to do with the imaginary problem they created and portend to want to solve.
The WaPo comments section is just Democratic Underground for the slightly more well read and is replete with assholes.
A winning strategy.
“A guy has 12 assault weapons with bump stocks, which means you can fire it faster. You can pull the trigger faster,” Biden said to a crowd during a CNN town hall. “Why in God’s name should anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone be able to own that? It’s just wrong, and we’ve got to — and I promise you, as president, I am going to get these guys.”
Biden continued after the crowd applauded by reiterating his desire to curtail gun production in America while also acknowledging his goal of hindering the National Rifle Association’s efforts.
“I want to let them know. I promise you. I’m the only guy that has beaten the gun manufacturers — I’m the only guy that has beaten the NRA nationally, and I did it twice, nationally. And gun manufacturers, I’m coming for you. Period.”
When did he decide that guns were an important issue and that this was the winning side?
city boys
At least he’s pro shotgun or has he evolved there too?
You fire off 2 warning shots with your double-barreled shotgun, then shout crazy old-man things at the home invaders.
+1 dog faced pony soldier
“Corn pop with the pool chain in the deep end!”
Does he want me to buy more guns?
And the National Gun Show was this past Saturday in Louisville, dammit!
Miracle on Ice team defends decision to appear at Trump rally
They beat the dirty commies once, and they’ll do it again.
Best timeline
The butthurt in the comments is amazing. Such fragility.
Here’s something that’s not fragile for you.
And wood.
*jaw drop* that woman simply doesn’t age at all.
And the red MAGA hat is considered a symbol of racism and division by a huge portion of the country.
These people are what we call “morons”.
CA to finger pr0n actors/actresses
A proposal in California to require adult pornography and webcam performers to be fingerprinted and obtain a license to work set off a firestorm this week, highlighting tensions among lawmakers, labor unions and advocacy groups for the industry.
Adult film actors immediately spoke out against the far-reaching bill after it was quietly unveiled Tuesday, prompting the legislation’s Democratic sponsors to promise by Thursday afternoon that they will remove the licensing requirements.
Under the proposal, AB 2389, adult performers would have to pay for and complete training every two years on safety, human trafficking and workplace rights, and provide fingerprints to go through a background check to get a license.
How to kill off a lucrative industry in three easy steps.
Seems to be the California way now. Next up: the tech sector.
But the weather there is fantastic, so no one will leave.
/ State Assembly-person
They’re welcome to relocate to my town. Large numbers of physically attractive women with permissive sexual mores is an innate good as far as I’m concerned.
The last time I moved out of California was in 1986. It was almost surreal hearing all the arguments people made in trying to dissuade me from going to Arizona. “Food is cheaper here. Clothing is cheaper. Most of your cost of living is cheaper in California.” “Yeah, well, except for housing…” I couldn’t afford a used condo in California but on the same salary I was ordering a custom home on an acre of land in AZ. They’ve been convincing themselves of the great situation they have in the PRK for generations.
Well, let ’em have it.
I moved out of CA in ’83, ’97, and ’07. Every time I was gladder than the previous time.
I listen to that from my brother. It usually gets brought up in response to my telling him to move back here. Oddly I tell him that in response to him crying about how impossible his job is (Public school teacher in Rancho Cucamonga) because of all the rules and bureaucracy. “But we have all this culture and cuisine!”
Yeah, and you pay $800k for a house you could buy here for $120k, your State taxes are 3 times as high, and you live under EU style regulations. Is the ‘authentic’ Chinese food worth it?
I hear the bat soup is to die for.
Makes me wonder, since most of the scenes are recorded indoors (not certain but I suppose this is still true) – how difficult would it be to just claim it was recorded in Nevada?
The reason it’s in California is all the young girls moving out to LA to live that LA lifestyle, and finding out it’s expensive as hell, and that there’s an ample supply of young women eager to live there. A certain percentage of them are willing to do porn versus working doubles as a waitress and living with roomates somewhere shitty. A hot 20 year old whos willing to fake sexual interest in strangers who moves to Nevada can be a casino hostess, high dollar escort or straight up work in a legal brothel.
And it is what a 4 hour drive from LA to Las Vegas? Not like you couldn’t recruit the girls in LA and have them just drive up to Vegas for the shoot
I think it’s a disconnect. There are the “porn lifer” types, that really get into being a pornstar, whos friends and family are either nonexistent or pro porn. Those types would be fine swooping across the border to do production.
But what really keeps the industry going is the girls who are living that Cali lifestyle, and dip a toe into it. Maybe they shoot a few scenes and drop out, maybe they shoot a few scenes and then start monetizing that with premium social media. But for those sorta kinda pro-am types, they’ll come over to a nice house up in the hills, shoot for a an afternoon with a muscled big dick porn dude, and its all kind of a wild party type thing. They’re in a mansion, with a hunky dude, everyone’s having a good time, there’s a good vibe. Cali sunshine, everyone’s hanging by the pool, it’s kind of an experience. Especially if you’re from a small town in flyover country, it’s this exciting and naughty and daring experience.
Driving four hours to some warehouse right across the Nevada line to shoot on a soundstage strips the glamour out of it and reduces it down to straight up sex work. The sugar baby thing is pretty popular now with college girls, and it works because if the dude is a decently attractive dude, he can take her out, buy her nice things and it’s a pretend relationship. When he writes a check its “to help with rent”. Or maybe they’re together for six months and he gives her a bunch of cash “to go home for the holidays and get some nice presents.” He asks her to pick up groceries for the week, and Venmos her 500 bucks instead of 150. So shes not selling her body to a guy two decades her senior, hes just being a generous gentleman, a real classy guy. If he left the same amount of cash on the nightstand, it would shatter the illusion.
70% of America Thinks Electricity Grows On Trees
That survey sounds about as reliable as a ouija board.
Heh, funded by a solar energy company and the individual survey items are unavailable (that I could find anyway).
The survey was conducted online, and 2,000 U.S. adults age 25 and up participated
An actual whistle-blower just got Clintoned.
Friends of Philip Haney: ‘No way he would have taken his own life’
Although I love a good conspiracy theory, doesn’t seem like there’s much advantage to offing him now.
The sad thing is that as soon as I saw this guy had blown the whistle on the Obama admin, that I was all but sure he was killed to keep him quiet. Pour encourager les autres, if ya know what I mean. I will actually be surprised to find out he really did commit suicide. Like Epstein, he needed to go to protect the deep state and its masters.
Emphasis added.
If true, that could be very interesting.
Ok let’s see it.
Manic Monday: Don’t Mess With Sis
Ha. After a few of those kinds of incidents, Mom and Dad wouldn’t let us watch pro wrestling any more.
Finish him!
The uncle just sits back and thinks to himself “I have taught this one well.”
The mom is acting like she’s upset that she kicked him, but really this is just video from a Child-Fighting ring and she had bet against the girl.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but the local papers have yet to run a single story about Abdi Nur going on record as saying that Omar did marry her brother. Not even a peep about him being a paid shill or something to dismiss his claims.
The other thing that makes me giggle is that it took a reporter from England an entire week here in Minnesoda to find a credible witness for this story. It must be that British accent that won Nur over? I mean, I’m sure the local media has been all over him for years now to go on record.
Think Nur disappears into the muddy Mississippi?
The trembling media in this town is actually quite hilarious. I wonder what the Red Star’s numbers look like these days. Shithead Taylor can prop them up, obviously, but I gotta believe their subscription rate is abysmal.
I listened to Scott Johnson on the local radio station and he said that the reason Nur went public is that Omar’s enforcers are getting so aggressive (because of the Mynett PJ story/divorce stuff) that he thought that he would be safer going public. Now if he gets hurt, people may think that Omar is behind it. Off the record he was worried it would be treated like some random old Somali gets fucked up by young thug Somalis.
well it is just salacious rumor, and our noble institions never traffic in that.
Gender Traitor: Not sure if you’re around, but I saw your complaints about the spin classes. I ignore the instructor for about 90% of the time I’m there, especially as they advise things that are the complete opposite of what you’ll do for road riding (and none of the ones I’ve chatted with after a class do a large amount of road/trail riding at all). Decide what you’re going there to train for, and push for that. If it’s for the cardio part of it, lower the resistance and get the RPM up higher. Does the class you go to have a power meter on the bike, or just a resistance knob? And can you see what RPM you’re doing is, or is it more guesswork? One of the reasons I selected the studio I did was for the stats (on the display, on a board, e-mailed to you after class, and saved to your account).
Trump the communist?
Several Baltimore County lawmakers are criticizing a slide used in an Advanced Placement history lesson at Loch Raven High School that links an image of President Donald Trump with Nazi and communist symbolism.
The slide shows a picture of Trump, with the words “Wants to round up a group of people and build a giant wall.” Underneath are two pictures containing symbols, one a Nazi swastika with the words “Been there” and the other with the Communist hammer, sickle and star with the words “Done that.”
Written beside the images is: “Oh, that is why it sounds so familiar.”
Presented in total, complete context. The things are definitely the same.
The Ming Dynasty was communist? Well I’ll be damned, you learn something new every day.
Berlin wall was communists.
But of course, they want to elect *actual communists*…..
Yeah, I guess it was. Need moar coffee…
Of course, being historically illiterate, they missed that the Berlin wall was to keep people in!!
It’s beyond belief how they keep mixing up Nazis, fascists and communists. Trump is a Nazi, fascist AND a commie all at the same time!
And walls have been built throughout the ages to render that assertion moot if not retarded.
It’s “LOOK SQUIRRELZZ!!” all the way with these morns. Progjection. They are the commies/fascists, but somehow they have been effective at pointing fingers and actually getting a whole bunch of morons to believe their false accusations.
Then the slide seems just about right.
Only if it was preceded by slides asking everyone to announce their pronouns, and a trigger warning about the use of offensive terms like “Trump”, so that those who are sensitive can go to a safe space.
In my experience, the AP and IB courses I took were much more strenuous than college freshman courses.
I liked AP courses because all the teachers in them actually trusted you. They shouldn’t have, I took great advantage of that.
It’s just a meme. Stop being a bunch of pussy snowflakes about it.
Obligatory link
i agree that nazism and communism are pretty much close enough.
Forget the message. The teacher should be tarred and feathered for teaching a class, AP no less, with PowerPoint.
weird ambient music based on folkloric music from Banat
Silent Strike & Makunouchi Bento
What a nice weekend. Especially if you like watching Jose Mourinho get beclowned.
I was horrified when he was the hire, and then convinced myself that it was fine, he can win them at least FA Cup maybe.
Gah, WRONG. How did his tactics ever work? Back 5 and still concedes two goals. 2 goals down and his first sub still leaves all 5 defenders on the field.
This fucking guy. God damn it.
Usually he waits until year 3 to start sucking.
I’m worn out already, I understand all the criticisms about his now. His football is boring, he alienates players (Ndombele, Vertonghen), and he refuses to change tactics (no striker and refuses to play their young 18 yo, so 4-3-3? No, just move someone else out of position). The guy sucks.
I need some help with shipping to China.
I got scammed. A Christmas present I bought (from what appeared to be a California company) turned out to be a scam. I bought a big swing for 2 adults to put in a tree in the yard, and what they sent was small enough to fit in a business envelope.
It came from China, and when I went to check the website, it had been taken down. So I contacted the Chinese company, figuring they were the wholesaler and it was the US company that just had it drop-shipped. The Chinese company said “no, that is what is described on the site… .but we’ll offer 30% back”
So, scam.
Disputing it with Paypal, they took my side, but I have to ship the thing back.
That’s where the trouble starts.
UPS wants $75 to ship the thing to China. WHAAAT!?!?
Apparently that’s a common problem, because google returns thousands of people talking about exactly that issue with returns.
So, you guys are the experts. How do I return this thing without spending more than I’m gonna get back? It is a full sized envelope, with some nylon cloth in it… maybe 1/4 pound.
You’re probably going to have to eat it. One-off shippers have no leverage and pay much more than commercial accounts.
Was it a marketplace site like Amazon or Ebay?
No…. the set up a flotilla of “specialty shops”. I figured it out by searching the item description. It included “Christmas Special!!!” in the description… and the wayback machine turned up a ton of sites with *precisely* that description of the item, including exclamation points and messed up spacing between the words. It appears to be their thing. They sell women’s clothing, fashion accessories like handbags…. all sorts of things that can be misrepresented and then have the website evaporate.
By shipping something that probably costs them $2 or less, they are guaranteed to make pretty good money off of the scam. Even if they have to refund half of everything they take in, they still are making huge profits. And the websites are proliferated by simple scripts. They just pop up and go away every 3 months, apparently.
Lesson learned. I’m not gonna let them keep the money though. Even if I have to eat a couple of bucks on the transaction. Screw them.
I wouldn’t send it back. The odds of them actually refunding you are low. They can claim they never received it, that it was damaged, etc…
Once you’ve established you’re working with a bad actor, it’s best to just minimize your losses.
Yeah, but it is too far to drive over there and punch them in the nose.
I’ll trade you that loss for the customer who recently stuck me for about 4 grand.
Yeah, I had a supplier renege on a quote. Largest job I ever did…. Quoted me like 90 grand and ended up charging about $110,000. I went from making about $18 grand to losing about 2 grand on the job.
I followed through on my quote though…. My word is worth a hell of a lot more than $2,000. ( Even though a hundred bucks was a hell of a lot of money to me at the time. )
Still, working around the clock for 4 days to get a job done and paying for the privilege stung. Everyone working for me made money, even the state made a big stack of money. Cutting that big check to the state really chapped my butt.
Go to Fed Ex and tell them you are an airline employee (just pick any airline) and you forgot your ID at Home. I don’t know if it will work, but airline employees get massive discounts there. When I worked for one and my brother lived in Saudi Arabia I sent him a package for about $20 that fed ex told my parents would cost about $200 to send.
“The judge ordered that inmates who engage in such behavior be required to wear uniforms that limit their access to their groins”
Chastity belts for everyone!
*It’s happening gif*
Left-wing activist and actress Susan Sarandon posted a video to Twitter to let fans know she was headed to the Palmetto State to stump for Bernie Sanders in Charleston.
“OK, guys, I’m on the road again for Bernie. On my way to Charleston, South Carolina. Loved it that last time I was there,” the Thelma & Louise star said as she rode in the back of a car. “It’s happening, guys, it’s happening.”
Getting booted from Congress would be the worst possible thing to happen for Team Red; that woman provides endless soundbites and campaign ads.
What’s happening to her reminds me a bit of the way the Pachyderms treated the Tea Party.
Except the GOP ostensibly stood for the things that the Tea Party was trying to hold them to account for.
AOC is a bit of all over the place, and a much bigger threat to the party leadership’s agenda. The party used to be for civil rights and civil liberties… and she kinda touches on that sometimes. But she’s more in the communist camp, which isn’t really the DNC thing, at least not historically. They were just the “buy votes of poor people” team. And break people into racial, ethnic and gender groups team. And they like them some government contractor graft, so she’s a threat there too. But her greatest transgression is forming her own PAC and competing with the DNC leadership PAC. Even running candidates against their candidates.
She’s not gonna work her way up the ranks like Pelosi did, she’s gonna take over from the outside.
It will be interesting to see what they decide to do. Redistricting her out of office might be the way to go…but her name recognition is pretty huge now. I doubt they can field a candidate to beat her.
I’m going to disagree with you.
If AOC gets booted, the figurehead for proggie Ds becomes Rashida Tlalib, who is vastly less attractive and more overtly antisemitic.
Dutch proposal to dam the North Sea due to rising sea levels:
I don’t know how serious this proposal is but that seems crazy.
The netherlanders have repeatedly dammed the north sea. Look at how the dutch built their country. It’s a continuation of ongoing policies.
I’m aware, this is just on a completely different scale altogether.
I want to make a joke about blue jeans and lesbians.
But the dutch needed the levis and dykes more.
I don’t think cursing the North Sea will do much, but throw in a good fist-shaking and maybe.
Have they tried wiping the sea for disobeying their orders?
like, with a cloth?
Is he even a real Jew?
Sanders posted the following in a Twitter thread on Sunday:
“The Israeli people have the right to live in peace and security. So do the Palestinian people. I remain concerned about the platform AIPAC provides for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic Palestinian rights. For that reason I will not attend their conference.
As president, I will support the right of both Israelis and Palestinians and do everything possible to bring peace and security to the region.”
AIPAC responded with a tweet and a statement of its own:
“Senator Sanders has never attended our conference and that is evident from his outrageous comment. In fact, many of his own Senate and House Democratic colleagues and leaders speak from our platform to the over 18,000 Americans from widely diverse backgrounds — Democrats, Republicans, Jews, Christians, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, progressives, Veterans, students, members of the LGBTQ+ community — who participate in the conference to proclaim their support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.
By engaging in such an odious attack on this mainstream, bipartisan American political event, Senator Sanders is insulting his very own colleagues and the millions of Americans who stand with Israel. Truly shameful.”
Sanders is a true marxists. That means no religion other than marxism. There shall be no other god but Karl Marx and his teachings are the way to achieve paradise (on top of a mass of corpses).
The Sandernistas are out for blood this time.
Remember kids…
Putting white dudes on your list is A-OK though.
These people push me towards the Pinochet camp. If only for survival.
Last time the Sandernistas were out for blood, they took a long gun to a softball game. This doesn’t quite rise to that, does it?
Posted too soon, I initially thought this was just a hysterical socon take…but now I am on the fence, and maybe he has a point?
It’s okay, Matt Welsh is the most shocked human being alive. He has not carpet in his house he finds everything so shocking.
9?? Seems a little on the young side, particularly for a dude.
I work with elementary kids a lot. I have had several hundred in my care over the last few years. Pretty much zero of the 9 or 10 year old boys are “sexual”. A certain percentage of the girls start up with that stuff around 9 or 10. And a few of the 10 year old girls get run over by the puberty train. Which is often very confusing to them…. because they are desperately flirting with anything that moves, but they have absolutely no idea why.
I certainly wouldn’t want *any* of them paraded on a national stage to work out their coming-of-age issues in front of an audience. It is way, way, way too much. Even if this kid actually did know for sure about his orientation, I’d say leave that conversation for a quieter moment and let it happen at a more appropriate time. 9 year old boys don’t date. They don’t have to have an announced orientation.
I think half the girls at my niece’s middle school identify as “pansexual”, when certainly they’re not. They’re just looking for a way to bring positive attention upon themselves, and gender identity/sexual preference is so hot right now.
My opinion: there’s no such thing as pansexual.
I figured it meant “I’ll fuck anything that moves.”
I thought they either had an attraction to Satyrs or cookware.
Woulda been a useful designation when I was that age.
We used smoking as a proxy. Girls who smoked…. that’s who you wanted to talk to at the party.
I guess in our brave new 432-gendered world bisexual doesn’t cover all the bases.
That was my niece. Now she’s 19 and embarrassed by those years.
Color me skeptical. I’m not sure we can stretch Rule 34 far enough to cover cooking utensils.
Sure you can. Though you might be a bit sheltered. The internet is full of disturbing places.
You need to go watch Bill Murray in Stripes and reconsider that
@Scruffy Nerfherder
Oh good heavens, that’s going around my son’s middle school like the plague.
I told my son it’s bisexual with no meaning and worse branding. The gay movement vilifies bisexuals, but glorifies pansexual, so the younguns don’t even know there IS a bisexual.
There are boy parts and girl parts. Occasionally there are both parts. There is NEVER no-parts. PAN means all. So unless you’re out there fucking knotholes in trees and any passing goat, you’ll fuck a boy or a girl without discriminating.
*fingers crossed*
That is not necessarily the case anymore. They have Instagram now which is basically manga porn accelerating “feelings down there”.
I have heard that before.
Gender identity and “pansexual” is the new goth, but with more far-reaching circumstances. My daughter says the MtF trans thing is all over the high school and is really screwing up sports. Fortunately, Missouri has introduced a bill that you must compete as your biological self.
As far as I can tell or deduce, with girls, it’s that they’re tomboys and people are telling them they’re actually boys and confusing them. With the atmosphere as it is, they believe it because apparently there is only black or white, not any gray in between.
With boys, it’s the manga porn, particularly futanari, and autogynephilia, so…a sexual fetish. And Instagram is only too happy to fuel that.
DE-transitioning is starting to become a thing and de-transitioners are completely vilified like bisexuals, only worse. Nobody is calling them “brave” and “stunning.”
I was still firmly in the “girls are gross” camp at age 9.
I did not start thinking in an even remotely sexual way until at least 11 or 12.
This kid learned by example or was groomed. Mommy probably talked about how brave the 12 year old drag queen was.
I worked with kids for over a decade. An elementary school age kid talking about his or her sexuality, seeing themselves as a sexual being, that’s when I put on my mandatory reporter hat. I had that happen a couple times, and each time there was founded abuse.
I think we are at a dangerous point with sexual morality. From my POV, the war is over. “Consenting adults can do what they wish” is pretty much the law of the land. Yes you can’t legally have plural marriage, but the State is no longer imprisoning homsexuals, or locking lesbians away in mental hospitals. Consenting adults is the key phrase here. Yes, the age of consent is an arbitrary line, but short a sea change in the legal system where young adults, at some point, declare a public Oath of Responsibility, that’s what we have. I’m extremely uncomfortable at this time, because having won the fight for sexual freedom in pretty much all spheres, the fight continues, and from my POV, theres only one place you can fight on for, and that’s children. It’s not some Bible thumper conspiracy, we have taxfunded drag queen story hour kid drag queens at pride parades and stuff like this. It’s deeply disturbing.
The age of consent is set arbitrarily but the idea that children aren’t mature enough to engage in consensual sex is pretty universal. I think you can make the argument for an age as low as 14, especially if you take into consideration the age of the other person involved, but the idea that an elementary school child should be exposed to sexuality as a participant, or should be encouraged to manufacture a sexual identity, is absolutely abhorrent to me.
This brings up a weird situation we had this weekend. Our church does a “sleepover weekend” for the youth ministry – Jr. High and High School kids. They sleep over at volunteer’s houses and spend the weekend in worship and service together. It is a great time for all involved. The boys all go to one set of houses, grouped by age, the girls to another.
This year, we had a girl who announced she was bisexual. So they had her sleep over at the church by herself.
I didn’t much care for that answer. But I didn’t have much of a better answer either. Any thoughts on how to handle that one?
(I was actually surprised they had that sort of semi-progressive reaction… there’s a very strong “church lady” contingent running around who get the vapors about every little thing. One lady reported one of the preschool workers because she moved in with her fiance before the wedding. They had to fire her because it went against the church by-laws to have them living in sin.)
RE: the parenthetical
Last year my wife did some part time work (mostly bookkepping) at a Christian school/day care. That was their biggest hurdle to hiring, a large percentage of the otherwise qualified applicants for working in the day care were living with boyfriends and were thus ineligible.
Meh, I knew when I was nine.
That scene was still totally inappropriate and gross, though. Butterchuck should be ashamed of himself but it’s becoming ever-clearer that he doesn’t have any shame.
My first thought was oh, scoring political points but not the worst way ever. It’s kinda nice.
But when you reframe it that you are discussing the sexual preferences of a 9 year old, I can’t disagree and ultimately feel gross.
More power to the kid if he’s that self-aware, but I think the Left’s bizarre preoccupation with juvenile sexuality is creepy as fuck. It’s also plainly exploitative and just weird to announce that on a national stage.
Two thoughts:
First, the reason why Microsoft practically (and in some cases actually) gives away hardware and software to schools is so that when those kids grow up and enter the workforce they’ll have been inundated with Office and expect to use it wherever they work.
Second, how many nine-year-olds are celebrated for discovering and openly embracing their heterosexuality? I think the safe money is on the under, there, mainly because sexualizing children is a major taboo, for good reason. I knew I was into women from the drop, basically, but I also lost my virginity when I was 12, so I’m probably not the template for a healthy adolescence.
I had girlfriends all through elementary. Had my first kiss in kindergarten. Debbie. She had the most beautiful little white sweater on.
Still, I wasn’t actually “sexual” until I was in the double digits. If you weren’t rubbing one out on the regular, you weren’t sexual yet. Even if you had a “girlfriend”.
(note from a parent…. you can tell when your son is hitting that zone even if he doesn’t talk about it. He’ll suddenly start taking loooooong showers.)
Christ, we just had a boy, and the first thing I started thinking about was socks. As in, once he hits about ten I’m just going to start buying them in bulk and considering them single-use items.
Yeah…. all the things you don’t consider when you are planning the wedding..
It starts out cute…. for me it was my little 2 year old girl sitting, naked, on the couch examining her bits with enthusiasm. Welcome to being a dad!
For my wife, it was our toddler son sporting a boner and twanging it like one of those spring door-stoppers…. “Mommy! Look at what my pee-pee can do!!”
She was suitably mortified. Welcome to being a mom!
I think #1 is the other way around. Apple had a disproportionate share of the educational market 25-30 years ago and it didn’t work out for them like that.
Really? Huh….if I’m prying too much just tell me to piss off and I won’t mind, but was it an actual attraction to other boys or a more generalized sense of being different but not able to articulate just in what way?
Just curious.
A little of both, I guess. I didn’t know what it “was” or anything – that came much later – other than it was “wrong”. And it wasn’t “sexual” in the same way that it would get later.
PS. there was no “abuse” that I’m aware of.
That makes sense. In elementary school I had crushes on girls and wanted them to be my “girlfriends”, but that basically meant that when we played live-action G.I. Joe I’d want her to pretend to be either Scarlett or Lady Jaye depending on her hair color. It wasn’t until several James Bond films later that I put two and two together.
Mammary Monday definitely wants to broker your convention.
Sad news everyone! A heroic scientist who wished to test the hypothesis that the world is flat and not round is no more. 🙁
Mike Hughes died yesterday when the parachute system on his rocket was torn off during launch after snagging on the launch tower.
Rest in peace.
Video of launch.
Clealy agents of NASA sabotaged his launch to hide their conspiracy.
It can’t be that he wasn’t that good an engineer.
Moral of the story: Always make sure your chute is properly packed.
Paging our resident gazer!
Say what you will, but at least he died for what he believed.
I’m sure he left his mark on the world.
God bless the crazy visionaries, they might not always be right but at least they tried.
Paging Mr. Darwin, Mr. Charles Darwin.
He was 64, he had plenty of time to breed.
Yes, and that’s unfortunate.
Very reminiscent of Evil Kneivel and the Snake River Canyon rocket jump. Also had the parachute open immediately upon launch. Luckily, his parachute didn’t rip away like that and he landed in one piece at the bottom of the canyon.
What is the worse that could happen?
I think I may have an article posting today (my phone refuses to show the calendar). If so, I’m unlikely to comment on it for the first hour or so. Dang timezones change man.
You have the lunchtime slot (noon eastern, 11am central)
then my comment stands, I will try to add a few contents around noon glib time.
ATTN: Sorry for the long delay, I was trying to give Biff time to make his submission to the Great Glibs debate, but after a few reminders, I never got anything so I’m declaring that he forfeited.
Winners of the last round then were: Jarflax, Ozy and Larry Joe.
I will update the bracket and get new topics out today or tomorrow and we will roll on!
The cognitive dissonance encapsulated just in the headline gives me an aneurysm.
“Unveils $1.5T Plan…” ok, it’s an obscene amount of money, but credit to Grandpa Gulag for actually giving us a price tag (even though we know it’ll go up), “For Free Universal Child Care”.
But, but, but… you just said it would cost $1.5T! How can it be “free”? I just… why… *sigh*.
Or we could tell parents they should take care of their own kids and make it easier for them to do so.
Parents might teach those kids a lot of bad thinking. They can’t be trusted.
I know that one of the reasons we decided that my wife would stay home with the kids was because we wanted them to be proper shit lords. How do you know that a day care provider will teach them to scream “Fuck off Slavers!” when some other kid tries to take their toys away?
Hear, hear!
My 5 year old was rummaging through some toy bins by herself the other day. My wife and I caught her muttering “where’s my fucking dinosaur” as she searched in a perfect intonation of me looking for a misplaced hammer or drill bit.
Not my proudest moment, but it was extremely funny hearing that come from that sweet little shit lord.
Well, I’m proud of you!
It happens to all of us. My little boy once piped up from the back seat: “Daddy, what does pick a lane, asshole!” mean?”
My wife just shook her head.
There’s already a federal program that funds child care for the poor.
Just as poor people already get free health care.
Ever notice how the Democrat party is really about giving “free” things to middle class people?
Then taxing them into poverty.
They pretend to give things to the middle class. They do give to public sector unions and the so-called poor.
Just looking at what exactly he’s proposing, I think $1.5T is a serious underestimation. Also, nothing about that plan is anything but bad. And I mean nothing at all.
Related. The Dems have painted themselves into a corner with all this “free shit” talk.
Yes – the whole idea of limiting government is foreign to them.
Not to mention, if you are a big believer in climate change killing all of us, why even bother discussing anything else?
It’s almost like their real goal is total control or something.
It would certainly be easier/cheaper to just raise the child tax credit.
It would be even cheaper to raze the child tax credit.
Obviously. Or we keep it around a little while longer, entice breeders with a bigger credit in exchange for axing the DOE.
Lol me.
Deer hunting with axes? Takes a lot of sneakiness and a good throwing arm.
Since when has easier or cheaper been a priority of government policy?
How much for the free re-education camps?
Oh, they’re self funding on the chinese model of being organ farms instead.
That hasn’t stopped you from trying.
Bloomberg said, “The whole issue of getting guns off the streets, I’ve fought the NRA tooth and nail, and I continue to do that, and we have this organization of 6 million people, Every Town it’s called or Mom’s Demand Action around the country to get good laws, background checks, so you don’t sell guns to minors, people with psychiatric problems or people with criminal records. They shouldn’t be able to buy a gun. I’m not a big fan of everybody having guns. But The Second Amendment gives you the right. I can’t do anything about that.”
2A does not “give” anything. It is a prohibition on place on the government. And thank you for acknowledging that you do actually understand what it means and you are intent on violating it anyway.
The whole background check is a false solution. All FFL dealers have to do background checks. It is illeagal to do a private sell to a known felon. Most private sales at gun shows require you to show a CCP anyway so there already has been a background check of the person. This is all about inconvenience and registration.
It’s part of that push to force private sales through an FFL to ensure there’s a background check in private-to-private sales. I’m totally against it, but I get the logic, especially if you’re not a fan of the 2A and think guns aren’t really effective in self-defense, or that the benefits outweigh the costs in that regard. So, stipulating that it’s a shitty policy goal anyway, I’ve also never heard of one of these proposals that allows for gifting to relatives or loaning guns–obviously because the people behind these laws hate the idea of any private ownership at all, likely because they don’t own guns, don’t like people who own guns, and want to regulate them out of existence.
I have a friend who likes to spout the “Your more likely to kill yourself than an intruder with the weapon” statistic. But i generally refer him to the fact that Guns have done a lot more prevention of violent crimes than being involved in committing violent crimes.
I hate that argument. Like you say, there aren’t reliable statistics on the number of crimes prevented by armed targets for obvious reasons. But, besides that, my response is usually something like, “That’s not true, but, fuck it, let’s say it is. Even if I only have a slim chance of defending myself successfully, you don’t have the right to take that away from me.” I wonder how these same people feel about allowing patients with terminal illnesses to try experimental therapies.
I wonder how these same people feel about allowing patients with terminal illnesses to try experimental therapies.
They are dead set against. The whole eteplirsen episode for Duchenne’s pulled a lot of masks off. Same with that poor kid in Britain.
I’m a firm believer that the FDA has killed many more people, perhaps even multiples, through Type 2 error than have ever been killed by adverse events in approved drugs.
It’s a completely nonsensical argument.
Suicide is a result of a mental illness, it’s not caused by inanimate objects. People kill themselves with guns in the US because we have guns in the US. In Japan, they hurl themselves in front of hyper efficient and regularly scheduled bullet trains. If you could buy a super concentrated lethal dose of an opioid that sent you off to deep and painless sleep over the counter, that would be the most used method of suicide.
If you could cast a magic spell and eliminate all the guns from the world with a wave of the wand, the drug guys would fight over turf with swords and axes the next day.
I have a statistic for you.
The city of Kennessaw Georgia passed a law that all heads of households must own and keep a gun on the premises.
The next year they went looking at crime statistics.
You know how many home invasions they had? Go on.. you can guess….
That’s right. Zero. Not one B&E the entire year. Down from a fairly large number the year prior.
Turns out, a thief generally doesn’t want to get shot.
We should at least cover the definition of “Infringed” in school.
act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
first thing that comes up on google. Not perfect, but it gets the point across.
Here’s my flow chart to help legislators understand better:
Does your proposed gun control measure act so as to limit or undermine the ability of citizens to keep and bear arms?
-yes- =======> unconstitutional.
See how easy that is? I don’t understand why our justices sitting on the court cannot comprehend a simple sentence like that. “Shall not be infringed” is simple and to the point.
When I read that, the phrasing reminds me of a lot of other anti-gun Progressive politicians. And the thing that I always find both telling and jarring is that it’s written from the perspective that the speaker is talking about the hoi polloi, not his or her peers. You see it a lot when people talk about cops vs. “civilians”, too, and for the same reason: these are people who see themselves as a separate, privileged, ruling class. Which, by the way, is why there’s a Second Amendment in the first place.
Anyone who believes a damn word this petty tyrant says is a fucking moron. Look at his actions, not his words: his first, second and third reaction to anything and everything is “ban it!”.
Look, just because he thought that “all levels of government” should act to restrict your access to soda and salt, don’t go around suggesting that he might abuse his power if he were to become president…..
Every licensing requirement is an infringement. Licensing is a prohibition, with the ability to ask the government for an exception.
Background checks for anything other than a judicially imposed punishment for a crime (or possibly for mental health reasons) are an infringement.
Restrictions on type of firearms or ammunition that an individual can own, are an infringement.
Requirements for storage (including transport) are an infringement.
This isn’t hard. It takes a willful blindness to the plain meaning of words to come to any other conclusion.
“possibly for mental health reasons”
This is a tough one for me. Where do you draw the line? Depression is considered a “serious mental illness” with high risk for suicide. It also happens to be very, very common with something like 10-15% of the population on antidepressants. Do we prohibit all those people from exercising their constitutional right in spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of them will never abuse that right?
And if you do strip them of their rights, then you’re going to get a lot more people hiding their problems, self-medicating, and limiting their participation in the wider world. Nothing says helping depression like inducing paranoia.
See?!?… even two random dudes on the internet can read and interpret a single sentence!!
Simply “not liking” the implications of a law doesn’t mean you get to insert your own judgement as some sort of “super law” that supersedes that law.
I happen to think it is a bad idea for random folks down the street from me to have a 5,000lb bomb in their garage. However, the feds have an entire amendment to the constitution that specifically prohibits the federal government from stopping them. How on earth we have an entire federal bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is beyond me. There is no place in the constitution granting such authority, and with respect to firearms there is a specific prohibition. Yet here we are.
Licensing is a prohibition, with the ability to ask the government for an exception.
Yep. As my state is fond of reminding us, “driving is a privilege” and it is one they can and do revoke. But people act like, since so many have licenses, you’re just being oversensitive/hyperbolic when you point this out. Then again, these are the same people who balk at the notion that every law is ultimately enforced with physical force, up to and including death.
A mandatory license for anything is a statement that you do not have a right to do or own the thing requiring the license. In the case of the Second Amendment, that is a direct contradiction of the the right to keep and bear arms.
Pbbt… you act like words actually mean something…
Leon: “ I have a friend who likes to spout the “Your more likely to kill yourself than an intruder with the weapon” statistic. But i generally refer him to the fact that Guns have done a lot more prevention of violent crimes than being involved in committing violent crimes”
There must be hundreds of thousands to millions of defensive uses of firearms per year in this country that are not recorded. I had one years ago that was not. I was living with my grandmother as she was in the downward slide of Alzheimer’s but didn’t want to leave her home. I was staying in her downstairs room and at 3 am I was awakened to a couple guys trying to break into her garage. They clearly knew the house was occupied but didn’t give a fuck. I could see them through the frosted glass on the door and they were busy working on the lock. I grabbed my 12 gauge Mossberg and racked a shell. The garage reverberated with the sound and the bad guys disappeared. No way was I waiting up for another hour to give a police report about that. The problem was dealt with and they never came back.
(Not that any of this matters to someone who believes in natural rights, but when arguing with someone who doesn’t it is a good point to bring up.)
I grabbed my 12 gauge Mossberg and racked a shell.
Did you already have one in the pipe, or do you keep it in condition 3? I don’t have a shotgun for home defense; I use a handgun, and I keep it in condition 1 (1911 with the safety on).
Just curious – I don’t think there’s a wrong answer (except condition 4, and arguably condition 0).
Assume I don’t know what the condition numbers mean and am too lazy to look them up.
Condition 4 – no magazine loaded.
Condition 3 – magazine loaded, no round chambered.
Condition 1 – round chambered, safety on.
Condition 0 – round chambered, no safety.
I think condition 2 is mainly for revolvers or DA/SA with no safety – round chambered, hammer down.
Well, I have everything stored condition 4 then. Or condition 5 – “At the bottom of a neaby body of water”.
I mean, if you put bullets in the Mosin, closingthe bolt will put one in the chamber, and the safety is nigh impossible to operate. Both it and the .308 are a bit of a bad choice for home defense due to overpenetration.
The ruger 10/22 is stored next to the magazines, some of which are loaded.
I don’t have handguns due to being in new york.
Well if the legislature keeps going down the road it’s on, the number of hoops will just keep getting longer until it’s past my leaving the state.
Sorry for late reply. This work thing really gets in the way. I kept it then and still now very handy and with 5 shells strapped to the outside. Within 6-7 seconds after I heard that sound I had one chambered and two more put in the hole within another second or two.
I keep my 12 gauge ready to rock. 5 in the tube, 1 in the chamber.
Guns with no bullets in them are just paperweights or metal rocks if someone comes in unexpectedly. I know there are folks with kids and everyone’s risk tolerance varies, but we have two (kids, not guns) in the house and they simply know not to f*** with the guns. They also grew up around them and have done some plinking at grampa’s and grandma’s farm, so they understand what they are.
TL/DR – Mine are always in Condition FU
I grew up with guns in the house and had been taken shooting when I was five so I got the drift.
I can’t have guns in my house right now.
Yeah. I’ve been looking into it. Just keep your pistol holstered and keep it on you or, when you don’t put it in a safe, i’m not to worried about carying it chambered.
The problem i have with cord locks for guns is that it’s really only useful if you are storing the weapon for a hobby. There is no point in it for a weapon you actually plan on using for self defense. I keep my keys in a specific spot in the home. I don’t want to have to run downstairs to grab my keys so i can use my weapon.
I have kids and they know not to touch them, but I still don’t feel comfortable with a shell chambered. No one is getting in my house without breaking a window or smashing down the front door and in either case I have a minimum of five or six seconds.
Long Guns/Shotguns are different. I was mostly talking about having a concealed on your person. If its in a holster it should be pretty safe to walk around with one chambered.
Or we could tell parents they should take care of their own kids and make it easier for them to do so.
We could even allow private individuals to offer child care without imposing economically ruinous regulatory costs on them. But why would we do that?
If it’s not conducive to indoctrination it’ll be rejected out of hand.
I am truly surprised that Tony Evers (WI governor) hasn’t tried to massively change the requirements for homeschooling in WI. Our only requirement is to submit (online even) to the Dep of Ed that we are homeschooling our kids.
Desperately hoping for an international incident
People familiar with the trip’s planning cautioned that menus would likely only be finalized at the last minute. And Trump’s aides have been known to intervene to ensure Trump’s tastes are catered to when he’s on the road (he once had steak twice in a day while abroad.)
A person close to the President who has dined with him on several occasions said Trump has salad with a meal every now and then — but other than that, “I have never seen him eat a vegetable.”
In the past, the countries Trump has visited often accommodate his diet, feeding him lamb or another alternative if steak is not on the menu. But several officials said it’s hard to imagine Modi serving the President his usual fare.
“I don’t know what he’s going to do in this case. They don’t serve cheeseburgers,” a former official said of the situation.
Even one of the President’s favorite fast food restaurants, McDonald’s, doesn’t serve beef in India. Instead, locals dine on chicken burgers or fried paneer cheese sandwiches.
“Of course you know this means WAR!”
I guess its too much to expect the Indians to be good hosts and serve their guest what he likes. I am sure that, to avoid any religious issues, Air Force One can carry enough American chow to keep Trump fed for a few days. Hell, I bet its even got room for a chef or two, if the Indians can’t come up with anybody willing or able to cook American food.
In no universe would the White House plop a plate of beef in front of the Indian PM. His needs/wants would be, what’s the word? Catered to. The condescension in believing that the Indians are incapable of doing the same is, well, racist.
Tis the white mans burden to humbly condescend to the level of the superstitious savages.
I am not sure being a good host requires you to violate religious principles. The Hindu prohibition on beef is not based in beef being considered unclean as with pork for the Jews and Muslims, it is based on beliefs about the sanctity of the cow. In other words a Jew can (with a great deal of inconvenience and expense since it will require a separate kitchen, hiring a gentile cook, one use utensils etc.) offer you pork without violating his faith, if for some odd reason that is necessary. A Hindu cannot offer you beef without violating his.
I am not sure being a good host requires you to violate religious principles.
Agreed. That’s why the host asks, and conversation between adults ensues if there is an issue. A good guest won’t unduly burden his host, and a good host will go to some lengths to accommodate his guest. Somewhere in the middle is a good landing place for both.
And world leaders have protocol officers that will handle the dialog without needing additional input from the heads of state.
Heck, he can go there, pick at the food while smiling, and then scarf down some other food in the car/helicopter/hotel.
I’m pretty sure Trump would eat some vegetable pakoras. As long as there was ketchup available, naturally.
As pointed out in article, Trump has eaten lamb and other alternatives to beef with no issues before, so I’m not sure what the issue is. Yes, observant Hindus abstain from beef, and I’m sure that the politicians also abstain at least in public events regardless of their personal level of devotion to avoid scandal, but many Hindus eat meat. Trump may not get a typically American burger or steak, but the Indians will have no problem serving lamb, goat, or chicken.
Which reminds me, I need to pick up some goat, it’s been a while.
You know, I never see ground goat. I wonder why, since it would seem to be amenable to processing that way.
Now I want to make a mealoaf mix that includes ground goat.
I haven’t found anyplace that sells goat.
Now I need to find the brick and mortar jamaican place for goat and plantains.
They briefly had a stall in the cafeteria at the plaza, then I didn’t work at the plaza, and they gave up the stall due to it being too expensive.
One of the things I miss about living in TX were the Mexican and/or Indian and/or [insert largest local Asian minority here] grocery stores. But I’d assume there were some in Albany.
Might be a bit lean for a proper meatloaf by itself, but that’s easily remedied by grinding in some fatback with the goat meat.
Lamb burgers with bacon and chevre. And a bit of an apricot / habanero jam. now I know what I’m doing for dinner tonight.
*gasps, clutches pearls, faints*
I went to a “steak house” in Dongguan, China once. Aside from the cute waitress in a cowgirl hat and cutoff jeans, it was horrible. The “steak” was about 1/4″ thick and tough as a pig’s ear.
I stuck with traditional Chinese food after that.
On the other hand… I took a group from work to Ted’s Montana Grill for Buffalo Ribeye steaks. They were so good that we actually ordered another ribeye steak for desert.
yes, that really happened.
“Could you bring us 16 more ribeye steaks… medium rare, please?” And another round of beer.
The waitress was a pro… didn’t even bat an eyelash…. Just smiled and said “right away!”
I mean, it should be obvious that when travelling you shouldn’t expect foreigners to make your homestyle food to the standards to which you are accustomed.
So, how was the bat soup? Did you order it with or without the corona?
I’m still somewhat upset at myself that I didn’t stop in Captain America’s when I was in Dublin. I’m entertained by someone trying to ape American culture that much (see also the tales of Red Solo cup parties from Europe).
I’m suspicious. “Their story” doesn’t actually include their story. If it were an authentic american restaurant, it’s have some chintzy tale of an immigrant founding a food stand and growing it to a franchise chain.
What the hell is a halloumi burger?
It appears to be a type of cheese.
And the one I saw had a neon of Marvel’s Captain America staring out from a hallway. I’m not expecting authentic “American” food. I was entertained by seeing how the Dubliners thought an American place would look.
Holy shit. I ate at that place.
I mean, it should be obvious that when travelling you shouldn’t expect foreigners to make your homestyle food to the standards to which you are accustomed.
As a tourist, yes. As someone’s invited guest, I would expect the host to make an effort. They should at least ask. As a very high profile guest with an unlimited budget, I would consider the lack of any accommodation a deliberate insult. Now, as the guest, I would consider very carefully what accommodations I would request, and how it could be arranged.
Shit, what’s the point of travelling if you’re not taking in new food?
I don’t think the President travels to broaden his palate. He has other things he needs to be focussed on.
Who’s talking about the president? I was responding to Nick’s chinese steakhouse story.
You want a Sugarfree story after Trump eats Indian food?
+1 Air Force One Presidential shitter
I went to an Italian restaurant in Okinawa once. The food wasn’t terrible, but it was…..interesting. It was Italian food filtered through Japanese palates and sensibilities. IIRC they served marinana sauce on soba, not actual pasta, among other oddities.
Icky Bad Orange Man is a wrongeater and brings nothing but shame upon us all!
Posting an article in the “Politics” section complaining about the President’s eating habits and implying that he won’t know what to do if there isn’t a McDonald’s cheeseburger at a state dinner in India…
I doubt he would mind eating chicken.
Just take that keema mix and instead of of grilling it on a skewer, make it into patties and fry it. Serve between mini-naans.
My 5 year old was rummaging through some toy bins by herself the other day. My wife and I caught her muttering “where’s my fucking dinosaur” as she searched in a perfect intonation of me looking for a misplaced hammer or drill bit.
*outright prolonged laughter*
CPS en route. Bye bye, fatherhood!
In all seriousness that’s hysterical.
Kid’s Toy Car Gets Stuck in the Snow
For eight fucking years he was waving giant red flags in the air, and it would have been pathetically easy to confirm that those accounts weren’t legit. Eight. Years. That this was completely obvious. What a clownshow.
Of course. Less bond than a DUI suspect gets tagged with, and somebody with millions of dollars and overseas contacts walks out of jail. Clownshow confirmed.
Not quite playing devil’s advocate here, but maybe it was all part of a top secret undercover, playing the obscenely corrupt vice cop. Of course, the entire premise of the war on drugs is garbage, but at least that crook-loving Hollyweird top man Scorse could make it into another predictably glamorous vehicle for Leo. Chances of this being the case 0.000027%.
maybe it was all part of a top secret undercover, playing the obscenely corrupt vice cop
Being really, really obvious about being corrupt seems an odd way to go undercover.
I’m surprised the narcos put up with him for as long as they did – they aren’t stupid, and having your guy on the inside living a narco lifestyle with yachts and hookers and shit seems like puttiing them at the kind of risk they wouldn’t like.
The tolerance of the agency and even the judiciary for this speaks volumes to me.
Let’s see….
Trump associate charged with “misleading” people who are investigating a not-crime that didn’t happen – send in the swat team and deny bail.
Government agent actually is a part of a drug cartel and is embezzling from the government…. Put up a grand and you can go?
That’s almost enough to tempt me not to run away with my millions. If they are rolling over that much, maybe they are planning to let you plead to misdemeanor tax evasion and paying a $20k fine. Oh, and a hearty “don’t you dare do that again” on your way out the door.
For Trump, the love is something of a prerequisite for leaving the White House. After some contentious visits to international summits left him feeling attacked by other world leaders, he told aides he preferred state visits where he’s the guest of honor.
He’s something of a reluctant traveler, having visited 23 countries since taking office on 18 separate trips. That’s fewer than his predecessor Barack Obama, who’d visited 31 countries at this point in his presidency.
When Trump travels abroad, aides pay particular attention to the food he’ll be served and any awkward scenarios he might encounter. A premium has been placed on avoiding snags that would bring the President outside his comfort zone — including, according to one official involved, a mandate that familiar food be available during Trump’s meals.
“No whole fish with the heads still on, nothing too spicy,” is how one person involved in a trip early in Trump’s presidency characterized the instructions for Trump.
ver the first three years of his tenure, Trump has gone from lengthy multi-stop foreign swings to more targeted jaunts that last only a few nights. He’s only expected to spend one night in India and isn’t scheduled to visit any other countries.
Trump has complained to aides in the past when he feels like he’s on the road for too long or when he thinks his time is being wasted abroad. He’s also griped about the pace of some foreign trips and he rarely sleeps aboard Air Force One, where staffers have complained about his penchant to stay awake even on long overnight journeys.
Aides and friends describe Trump as an impatient traveler, one who does not particularly relish experiencing foreign cultures and would prefer instead to be sleeping in his own bed. A hotelier by trade, Trump has on more than one occasion berated staff for lodging and food he deemed inadequate, according to people familiar with the matter.
What a bunch of pathetic retards. If you took a poll of “business leaders” I suspect the number one thing they hate is having their time wasted.
“…he rarely sleeps aboard Air Force One, where staffers have complained about his penchant to stay awake even on long overnight journeys.”
Sounds like Trump should dive deeper into the fire immediately pool.
Trump has complained to aides in the past when he feels like he’s on the road for too long or when he thinks his time is being wasted abroad.
Doesn’t President Cheeto know that he’s president of the world, not the US?
That’s a good point. You know that the exact same people would be decrying his “globetrotting” if they thought he was travelling too much.
Teddy Rosevelt was the first President to travel outside of the country while in office. He went to Panama.
Woodrow Wilson was the first President to travel to Europe while in office.
In other words the two big Progressive Presidents, were the presidents that also established the American Imperial Presidency across the world.
If you took a poll of “business leaders” I suspect the number one thing they hate is having their time wasted.
Seems likely, as opposed to politicians who view these things as vacation opportunities.
At least he hasn’t had to duck anti-aircraft fire like our well-traveled SOS did.
Remember when the press hated Reagan because he took naps?
It’s enough to make you think that maybe the press only supports Democrats.
Chris Matthews has slipped the leash
MSNBC host Chris Matthews compared Bernie Sanders’ victory in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday to the Nazi invasion of France, spurring calls for his firing.
“I was reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940 and the general, Reynaud, calls up Churchill and says, ‘It’s over,’” Matthews said on air on Saturday night.
“And Churchill says, ‘How can that be? You’ve got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?’ He said, ‘It’s over.’”
“So I had that suppressed feeling,” Matthews also said.
From the headlines, I expected to see that he had used the term “Blitzkrieg” or something.
Golly what a horrifying analogy. “We all thought the DNC (and whatever remnants of sanity might still be found in the party) had this thing under control. Next thing we know, there’s Bernie riding through town in an open top touring car with people throwing flowers at him.”
So… no thrill running up his leg?
How dare they call them Nazis! that is just so unfair!
Hah! First thing I thought of when reading this story was “Oh, they aren’t cool with Nazi comparisons now? Since when?”
Since “no enemies to the left”.
people throwing flowers at him
I think I need to get away from my house with one of the non-internet connected laptops and just type. The fact that neither has as much computing power as my phone not only doesn’t matter but would reinforce the need to only run the damn word processor and not anything distracting.
Might actually finish the scene I’ve been stuck on.
To me that sounds like a dream come true. A week or even two with no other people. Just me and a word processor.
The only problem would be that as I write I would need to do research…internet connection…..and I would not be able to resist checking in here and oooops there I go down the rabbit hole.
Yeah, that’s part of my distraction problem at home.
My wife keeps the TV on 24 hr per day. I cant express how much that spoils m y focus.
I need silence.
Well, Steel Challenge is being pushed out of the pit this Sunday by USPSA, so you can write then.
So when’s the next session?
Practiscore sez 3/8.
That’s also daylight savings time day.
(I’m at work, so practiscore is unreachable)
Really? It gets the dreaded guns tag?
I go to my alma mater’s library to work sometimes. I don’t have internet access there (although I could if I played the alumnus card).
The fact that I can use my phone as a hotspot without incurring data charges is almost irrelevant. I just don’t unless I MUST email a client.
I could get an alumni ID at my old school… but they’re several hours away and want money for services. So capitalist.
Mine’s only 1/2 hour away AND it’s open on Sundays till 11:00p.m. That’s when and why I go.
There you are Mojeaux. A little while back I made a comment that you complimented and said you were going to save. I lost it and cant find it. Is there any chance you still have it and could post it for me?
*submissive charming smile*
Yes, hold on. It might take me a while as I’ve been reorganizing my computer files.
I saw your comment on voting choices in a deadthread (NA’s IFLA, IIRC) – FWIW, I know Paul Starita, one of the judicial candidates. He’s a former Marine Officer (He was a LtCol when I knew him, but I think he may have made full bird). We were defense attorneys on a case together; we had co-accused in a murder trial. A good guy and he knows about LEO shenanigans. If I still lived there, I’d vote for him.
Don’t any of you people work?!?
Well, I’m Employed by the State of New York, so the typical answer is “You don’t want me to.”
They just won’t give it up:
What utter horseshit. The Russians are not even close to stupid enough to believe Trump would be better for them than Hillary, who had already pocketed tens of millions of Russian dollars and signed off on the “reset” with Russia and the deal with Russian ally Iran. Calling the social media campaign “sophisticated” is a dead giveaway. Poppy has a more sophisticated social media campaign.
The Russians were stirring shit, nothing more, and have to be astonished at the return on their investment, thanks to the Dems and Dem-symp NeverTrumpers.
“sophisticated campaign on social media”
Yet neither of the people that saw it changed their votes.
Clinton would have started a direct war with them over Syria so it wouldn’t surprise me if they preferred Trump. I don’t have a problem with it and that’s a damn good reason.
Most people forget just how. awful she is.
Clinton would have started a direct war with them over Syria
I have serious doubts that Clinton would have done anything so overtly adverse to her paymasters. Between the Foundation and the complete contents of her SoS server, they could have kept her on a damn short leash.
This is projection and damage control. These cuntes are hoping that if they tell this lie enough times, when the truth comes out and people find out it was them, they can say their opponents reversed the charges on them and that it is not true and have a large swatch of mouth breathers go along with it.
Went to a cheese store the other day and fell in love with a Spanish goat cheese. $30/lb.
They had a 32-ounce bottle of Madagascar bourbon vanilla extract for $150, which made me come home and eyeball my McCormick’s with much sadz.
I’m having a hard time computing that. $30 got me a 3lb wheel of really good cheddar.
It’s a high-end store with a chichi address. They sell other imported food too. I almost bought lemon curd, but couldn’t justify it. That’s what Jell-O lemon pudding is for. *sad sob*
Well, I’m not sure where exactly the cows were, but I’m pretty sure the cheddar came from New York, so it didn’t have to travel far.
I may be driving past your neck of the woods, but I’m not sure how my dad would react if I said I had to make a detour to deliver random foodstuffs to a random internet person, or I’d offer to get you some lemon curd.
Don’t worry about it. I’m in a bit of crisis mode and I will probably forget.
Just get vanilla beans if you want to upgrade your vanilla. Couldn’t say whether its as good as the quart of schmancy vanilla extract, but its a step up from McCormick’s.
I just sprung for two pounds of astonishingly good goat gouda for $30, total. So I can’t exactly point fingers, but at some point the ROI on fancy food runs out unless you are a supertaster with financial means.
Vanilla beans can be used more then once as well. Mine always end their existence being put into a container of sugar to make vanilla sugar.
I’m at the office, but I believe I have a quick and simple lemon curd recipe sitting on the shelf at home. Let me know if you’re interested.
Yes, please!
Also yes!
Alright, I’ll try to dig it out, and post it tomorrow morning in the links.
Wife and I looked around, found a goat farm and made a road trip. Fresh goat cheese for much cheaper than that and I know all about vanilla.
Most vanilla extract is fake, made from warfarin.
Here is a very good run down
Check the labels, get the lowest price and you are good.
I did not know about the warfarin. I’ll check into it.
As for your quote, I know I saved it, but a quick scan is not giving me the one I think you want (I have more than one of yours) and I don’t remember if it was here or TOS, which was about the meaning of life and basically that your purpose here is to be a good person and love well. I’ll continue to look for it.
But I did find this quip: “[Graham and Pence] attacked viciously by people whose honor and character could be stuffed up a mosquito’s ass without causing the mosquito any discomfort.” (Feb 22, 2018)
Ha! I remember that one.
You keep a quotation book for Glibs?
Dunken monkeys and keyboards sometimes type something profound.
We couldn’t afford monkeys, so we crowdsourced to glibs.
Isn’t that known as Saturday night?
There are some people here who say profound stuff from time to time.
My closest dairy is owned by a FTM and run entirely by lesbians.
So amazingly hipster, but their cream cheese is amazing. Their tomme is overpriced crap however. The also “raise” pigs by keeping them in a few acres of forest land and “feed” them in a particular spot so that they know/trust/expect to be fed there, until it’s time to harvest them. Unfortunately, you have to buy half hogs or more at a time.
closest GOAT dairy.
I’ll bet that’s some good pig. I’ve bought half hogs before. Worth it for me.
I imagine it would be awesome. I don’t have the freezer space for that.
Do you get to pick which half?
We have bought half cows before.
Before our chest freezer died and I had to throw out about 250 pounds’ worth. We haven’t had the money since to get a side AND a chest freezer.
Might be cheaper to just buy a Spanish Goat.
The taste of th milk/cheese depends heavily on what the goat is fed. Most animals take on the flavor of what they eat.What ever the spaniards are feeding their goats, even if you feed yours the same thing, wont taste the same.
The French have a word for it, I forget what it is, but it means that in every locality the local ingredients have a slightly different flavor so making the same recipe in France will taste different than it does in America.
*Sheriff’s deputy was on my place once to check on a boat that had sunk. As he walked out he noticed a locust tree torn up by buckshot. He seemed concerned. I said
“My son got a new shotgun. I told him only use a locust as a backstop. No oaks, pines, cypress or poplar.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“Deputy, are you married? (he affirms). You want to stay that way? (he looks at me suspiciously) “If you want to stay married don’t ever try to cook a squirrel in your wife’s kitchen that has been eating locust beans. It will stink both of you right out of the house and you will end up sleeping in the yard.
Rex Stout discusses this at length in Too Many Cooks. (People who dismiss genre fiction can suck it. Nero Wolfe is literature)
“…eyeball my McCormick’s with much sadz.”
I just buy the beans on Amazon or sometimes eBay then split them length-wise and throw them in a small bottle with vodka.
So my quandary is this:
Go the homemade route and risk wasting money and time on vanilla I don’t like or (worse) is not strong enough.
This is why I don’t experiment with food. I can’t standing wasting money and time on food I screwed up.
Bloomberg reporting Weinstein guility.
Guilty on criminal sex act and third degree rape.
Guilty on the charges of 3rd Degree Rape and Criminal Sexual Act in the First Degree.
Not guilty on the most serious charges (first degree rape and predatory sexual assault).
3rd Degree Rape is punishable by a maximum of 4 years in prison.
Criminal Sexual Act is 5-25 years.
The other charges would have carried possible life terms (though a 10 year sentence would effectively be a life sentence for him anyways).
I assume even the ones he was convicted on are felonies.
Do you think he’s going to jail?
Both are felonies. Criminal Sexual Act charge carries a minimum 5 year term, so he’s definitely going to prison.
Do you mean, will he be sentenced to jail, or will he stick around to go to jail?
Weinstein’s probably on the phone now with Polanski to get advice on French real estate.
He also still has his trial in California, who I’m guessing will seek to have him extradited in NY. They might not have bothered if he’d been convicted on the more serious NY charges.
They might not have bothered if he’d been convicted on the more serious NY charges.
And miss the chance to preen and posture for the cameras? I doubt it.
Re: AOC and redistricting: the classic redistricting maneuver to get rid of a pesky lawmaker is to redraw the lines, gerrymandering as necessary, so two incumbents are in the same district, and most of the voters were constituents of the favored lawmaker.
But, seeing as how so few people turned out for AOC’s primary, which is where the election is decided, it would be easier to round up a few thousand voters who hate AOC. Say, a bunch of Rs or independents who suddenly identify as Democrats.
Or both.
The Dems’ dilemma is whether they want her inside the tent pissing out, or outside the tent pissing in. This is complicated because she is known to piss inside the tent, regardless.
This is complicated because she is known to piss inside the tent, regardless.
“At least I’m housebroken.”