Of course, there’s a danger to being the first to show up to a STEVE SMITH party.
? for you:
Ok, this bit is over.
Dat Glib ass
Second! Just like the Chiefs!
I dunno man. Game is too close for me to bet on, but I dig BBQ more than I like used needles. KC all the way!
What game?
China’s central bank said it would inject a hefty 1.2 trillion yuan ($173.8 billion) worth of liquidity into the markets via reverse repo operations on Monday as the country prepares to reopen its stock markets after an extended Lunar New Year holiday.
A little stimulus never hurt anything right?
What game?
The stuff happening in between the commercials. [Wife is out of town and I have to record the game so she can watch the commercials.]
The commercials haven’t been good in about 20 years. Not since market research basically proved clever and funny commercials aren’t effective.
Oh my God.
Don’t you have the internet?
A few years ago when the Iggles and the Patriots were in the Superbowl, the VP of Engineering stopped by my desk. “(DEG’s first name here), which do you prefer? Philly or New England?”
I looked at him funny. “What are you talking about?”
He said, “The Superbowl.”
I said, “I hate football. I don’t give a shit.”
He looked at me funny and walked away.
Since I was in the office, I wasn’t going to be 100% honest. If I was 100% honest, I would have said, “My interest in American football begins and ends with the female cheerleaders. Other than that, I hate it.”
Well, at least it’s not as bad as that horrible soccer shit.
I might be able to get into Aussie Rules Football. I saw it for the first time on a bar TV during one of my trips to Australia. I said to myself, “This is awesome.”
Rugby is OK. I think I could get into rugby.
For soccer, at least they don’t wear helmets.
For fuck’s sake, if you’re wearing a helmet while playing a sport, you better be on ice skates or a motorcycle. Being on ice skates or a motorcycle doesn’t require wearing a helmet by the way.
Aussie rules rocks. You’re just in time – the season begins in March.
Football is fun for some of us. Not as fun as women’s beach volley ball but I still enjoy watching it.
The US Fed says. here, hold my beer.
Thia game.
if team.name != “Chiefs”
print “GO ” + team.name + “!!!”;
print “BOOOO!!!”
Fuck. That won’t compile.
You didn’t declare your variables.
In Soviet Russia, variables declare you!
Foxsports is streaming, So I can watch the Chefs win, yay for me…
All you need throughout the year.
They have a live feed right now of player warmups. Kind of cool. Way better than listening to talking heads blather on.
I hear penguins shit a lot.
The HATE birds were all over the 9th fairway, Hate Shit everywhere
Look right, throw left.
This can’t be real.
You’re right. There’s no way Sam Donaldson is still alive.
I laughed. He actually got them to talk about this!
It immediately brought LBJ to mind, who wanted to spread rumors his political opponent had of carnal knowledge of pigs. His advisors were horrified, “you can’t see he fucks pigs!” “Yeah, but we can make him deny it.”
He really does live rent free in their heads, doesn’t he?
Yes. Yes he does.
OMG. So it is a real screen shot? SMDH
That man is a gift.
I played 45 holes today, many pars and many missed birdies, I was looking at the stats, turns out I’m #5 for the Year so far
at my course of course
Total Rookie
Okay, Mojeaux, Kansas just got Rob Riggle’s endorsement.
So he’s picking the Jayhawks?
I don’t think the Jayhawks are playing today.
Also, I have no idea who Rob Riggle is.
I was assuming that Spud meant Kansas City but only said Kansas, and making a joke about it.
He knows what it is. He’s poking at me. ?
That was a twofer, got Te;dS to.
Heh. Note I didn’t respond to YOU.
Didn’t have to. You’re that transparent.
Rob Riggle is a Chief’s fanboi.
Which Chief’s fanboy?
Chief’s starts with a “c”, so why isn’t it the Cheif’s?
Unless followed by F
I don’t know whether to roll my eyes about this patriotic claptrap or bawl because I am a sucker for all this patriotic claptrap.
“America is an idea.” I think it was Suthenboy who said that last night.
Shit. Now they’re playing “Shenandoah.” That hits me in the feelz every time.
Eh, it’s not one of Jimmy Stewart’s best movies.
I roll my eyes. The idea that someone is more patriotic for waving a bigger flag or singing the national anthem with more melisma is really disgusting.
I react to the *idea* of America, not the actual claptrap.
You obviously don’t have a US flag lapel pin. Traitor.
I suggested for years that we shouldn’t play the national anthem before sporting events, and have been criticized from the left and the right. The Kaepernicks of the world kneel during it, and suddenly half the country think it’s virtuous not to suck up to the national anthem because they can use this to piss off Trump and his supporters.
And they act like they were the first ones to show dissent.
I have a Dalek pin on my jacket…
It’s the unlimited rice pudding, right?
My English Granny used to make rice pudding every Friday night. It’s food for poors but delicious.
Part of me felt that way…then theres that reptilian part of my brain that heard Johnny Cash, saw the flag, and started getting touched in my feels. Our history is flawed, most of the time we suck, but there were some real ideas in there, about universal rights of man, that plenty of blood got spilled for.
So, jingoistic, manipulative, and all that…but if I wasn’t at the worlds worst super bowl party (not a single fan here. Thank god I can smoke alone and post!) I might have gotten weepy.
I just wish the ideals and the actuality connected.
Johnny Cash does hit me right in the feels though.
OMG if they have a Budweiser commercial, I’m done. The tears are going to fall.
Get your box of Kleenex
Meh, every country does it. I don’t disparage that impulse in people to rally round their flag, as long as it’s “positive”. It’s what people do. *shrug*
Going to be glad when the Super Bowl’s out of town. Traffic’s been hell this week.
Busy week upcoming. Negotiating a merger under a time crunch (one of those “need to get it done before we go bankrupt” things) and praying that the SEC doesn’t hold us up, and have to be in Orlando Wednesday-Thursday for work.
Plus the kid’s orientation for starting 6th grade in the Fall. Don’t know why they’re doing it so early.
They won that game a month ago. How much longer do they have parades and parties for it? Especially when it wasn’t the local SEC team that won?
Men huh,…..
I didn’t know until I saw it on the big screen; Chris Doleman died from glioblastoma on Jan. 28th. 58 years old. RIP.
We had the news here the night he passed, he was from York, PA.
Over/under on 5 Bloomberg 2020 commercials tonight.
I was talking to my baby boomer liberal dad, the man who makes a maximum contribution to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz every two years. He.. agreed with me that Trump is likely winning in November. He can’t stand Warren or Sanders, and is rolling his eyes at how ridiculously stupid Team Blue is right now. He’s supporting Bloomberg (whom I agree would have the best chance of beating Trump, though he probably wouldn’t) and might stay home in November if Warren/Sanders are the nominee. Was pretty shocked by that. This is a man who once told me that Paul Krugman should be Secretary of the Treasury.
How did you come from that man’s loins?
I read his commercial is playing once. A sixty-second spot for ten million bucks.
Bloomberg is literally the one Democrat who could make me vote for Trump.
Who did more cocaine in the 80s, Lawrence Taylor or the combined usage of the 1986 Mets?
I believe that Darryl Strawberry was a line item in the Columbian budget.
Hey! don’t forget me!
Favre looks as old as I do, damn!
I don’t know whether to roll my eyes about this patriotic claptrap or bawl because I am a sucker for all this patriotic claptrap.
I refuse to watch any of that bullshit. And change the channel at halftime. Kickoff is at half past, right?
I’m watching a Futurama marathon.
I listen to the game on the radio. Makes it easier to comment here.
I’m watching gun stuff.
Y’allins making all that Chili got me hankerin’
So’S I made some Smoked Sausage Chili cheese dogs, yum…
Roasted veggies are coming out of the oven and the steak is about to hit the broiler.
I just saw a Bloomberg “Global Warming will kill us all!!1! and it’s all Trump’s fault” ad on a not-the-Super-Bowl channel.
How can anybody not just laugh at that?
I saw that one yesterday. I thought it was going to be a spoof at first. Unbelievable.
The only thing that can save us is smaller sodas.
I want The Rock to hype and introduce me everytime I walk into the bedroom to have sex.
So, never?
I have read this comment and appreciated it.
Let us know how it goes.
Really, C? You want to smell what gbob is “cooking”?
I’m watching a Futurama marathon.
Nice. If i had that channel, I’d be watching it.
I would suggest streaming that show. When they run it on cable, it’s all cut up and missing a lot of the jokes.
TBH I haven’t noticed – and I have the box-set which is what I usually watch :O
I’m only flipping over to SyFy during the commercials.
Netflix and/or DVD.
Holy shit. Is that entire stadium Chiefs Kingdom?
Because of the red jerseys?
No. Because the chant/war cry was so effing loud.
I thought it was all because they looked as bloated as a person who went on a cheeseburger eating binge with Andy Reid.
It’s like a Nascar race without the flyover,
Stay Classy, America!
I love Mute,
That KC rat mascot be thicc.
A sixty-second spot for ten million bucks.
Weep, America. Weep for the victims of senseless government overreach and ineffectual feel-good grandstanding.
Dave Rubin has giant ears.
The orchestral part is lovely. The vocalist’s interpretation, not so much. ?
Too much Vibrato
Atrocious, vocal gymnastics…..
If you want to impress your friends, the technical term is “melisma”.
I actually did look that up when you used it. Does that make us friends?
My friends are already impressed, that I’m still alive….
You are not wrong, my friend.
The national anthem is marginally better.
I got WANGs swimming in buttermilk, waiting to get coated in the CarbQuik™ secret breading before being sent to their doom in an iron skillet with hot peanut oil. Paired with collards I cooked earlier with a smoked cottage butt (and bacon grease).
Jugsy has take-n-bake pizza and standard breaded wings.
Beer has been flowing for 2 hours. For me. Jugsy has cherry Kool-Aid.
Military flyover always, over my house before I hear them at Dolphins Stadium.
We are all Mo tonight. Unless you’re a filthy bastard like MikeS.
Hey! There are likeable Niner fans here like KSueEllington and Spud.
D’oh! Changed the channel right into the anthem. Mute help us!
I thought she actually did a decent job.
Where is Keb Mo when we need him
I don’t need Keb Mo.
Now who is destroying the Anthem with all the Yelling?
Steven Tyler did it better,
isn’t Demi Lovato a limey?
Born in Albuquerque
Don’t know, but I thought her outfit was lovely. Classy, appropriate, well tailored, and the tiniest bit glittery.
Who’s Demi Lovato? That chic the count potato always links to?
No, that’s Demi Rose who is famous for being famous. I think. She IS a limey.
Got ’em mixed up.
Both kinda thicc. The judges allow.
OMG. Haven’t even made it to kickoff and the nonsense starts
I was assuming that was for the new lingerie league at first. Highly disappointed there.
Where are the Pats? Can’t recall the last Superbowl without them?
I know more than a few folks who are watching this year for exactly this reason.
My regular bar is having a SB party. I wasn’t all that psyched to go, to begin with, and it has been snowing since i got up. 4 to 6 inches, depending where you look.
i ain’t goin’ noplace.
What the fuck? Did the Iranians bomb Pearl Harbor?
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
I sit down for the SB broadcast, and what’s the first commercial I see? Why, “Gurrrrrl power!!!” of course. I just want my football without this shit. Please? Pretty please?
Apparently women and beta males have taken over advertising.
I guess so. Right after showing the kicker and holder were women, they have some blurb about equality. Start them at defensive line and see how equal they would be.
It’s the woke NFL. No can do.
I think that WWII vet and the ref just made a drug deal at center field!
Demi Rose who is famous for being famous.
All that fame went right to her
headass.Ahahaha! Jimmy carrying Joe’s and Steve’s luggage.
That got a chuckle out of me. Plus the smashes on the street.
Joe Buck has chills from the schmaltzy intro. I assume those are douche chills.
I’m afraid to unmute this.
Is this in Spanish or do I have the wrong channel?
Tienes el canal correcto
?Que es el problema cabron?
Where the hell is Mostert?
He will be making an appearance. Niners gonna run it.
A couple t’s of Tabasco helped the dip. Good stuff.
Crystal and Cholula partisans incoming in 3… 2… 1…
I’m a Tapatio man myself.
There really is no bad hot sauce.
There ya go. It seemed like it needed a little kick.
And mayonnaise. I forgot the mayo.
Is this in Spanish or do I have the wrong channel?
Ya got a problem wit dat, racist?
Somebody put a cool damp rag on Mojeaux’s forehead.
Mr. Mojeaux obliged.
Go Trump
Go Trump
War on COPS!
Yeah, so Mr. Mojeaux showed me a pic of Frank Clark wearing Trump swag. I don’t think the usual voting blocs are going to stay in their blocks.
Yep. https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/michael-w-chapman/kc-chiefs-frank-clark-wears-trump-sweater-super-bowl-press
Is he going to win the SB and drive off in a Hyundai?
They deserve it.
This is fun…
Yes it is
This is some good football…despite some hipster and his hippo chick talking loudly about how much they hate “sportsball” in front of the TV.
Kapernick is watching with you?
“Sportsball” is one of those helpful shibboleths that lets you know you can safely ignore what the speaker has to say.
^ this ^
What kind of person does that at a SB party?!
Somebody dragged there by a spouse?
You left out “rude” and “inconsiderate”.
Yes. That’s an acceptable reason to ruin everyone else’s experience.
Kind of guy who is literally wearing a scarf, and got pretty fiestt when a Trump commercial came on.
Me? I got my pretty lady and some good beer in my hand. Hate thebwprld, dude. It’s what you make it.
How many beers have already been in your hand?
Max two at a time?
If you only have two you’re a piker
Gutsy call.
Didn’t know the Four Tops played for KC.
The Four Bottoms play for the other team.
a pic of Frank Clark wearing Trump swag
Did the NFL fine him?
Legit LOL at the Momoa commercial.
That was a good one indeed.
Gonna have to fire up the laptop to get the US feed.
Women all over America are sobbing.
Husband: “I have no idea who that guy is.”
Me: “Jason Mamoa.”
Husband: “He just ruined the fantasies of every woman in America.”
Smart man.
Well, I have to admit that for me, looking at Jason Mamoa is not actually a pleasant experience.
That young man is going to turn the ball over, running like that,
It is not cute or funny or neat or awesome that Mahomes is the leading pass rusher in the post season.
Well what is it, oh KC fan? He takes a lot of risks,
The QB should not be doing that kind of heavy lifting.
It means he’s not finding anyone open to pass to.
It does tend to shorten a QB’s career.
Fran Tarkenton laughs in your general direction.
Anybody else getting 418 errors?
I’ve had 420 errors……
You’ve linked that many songs?
I’m sure I have, all at 4:20 on 4/20
/do you reference?
I’ve been to Winona.
It was just featured in a commercial.
Right. What was it like?
They have a big Cabella’s.
And a big brown beaver?
Yes. It’s well stuffed.
What’s a momoa?
Champagne and orange juice?
A Nepalese dumpling?
Monday Morning Football is a stupid idea.
When I was in Korea, Monday was always a day off (since the game was in the morning).
I knew to expect the Current Year (TM) woke commercials but they are still making my brain hurt. Jake from State Farm got skinsuited. Sheesh.
At least he got a cameo.
Slutty Super Bowl Sunday bringing the big guns.
11 really is going to have lower back problems.
Same with 32. Sweet jesus I would be pissed if I had to lug those around all day.
Not a bad collection.
#6 is intriguing.
Too much cleavage is like too much ass. [Now, having insulted the tastes of the two major Glib camps, I have to slip quietly into each one as they argue and steal all of their booze.]
Oh. So you’re gay.
Damn, I forget about that Glibs camp.
Just wit ’til that asshole comes out and finds the mirrors torn off his new car and smashed through the windshield.
I also remarked about such shenanigans.
Chris Wallace wonders if bad people should be able to get a lawyer.
I fully support blasting Lilly Singh into space.
But everyone is asking if there is space in space for women….
In space, nobody can hear women gossip.
Sounds like heavan.
That commercial got an eye roll here. We need to make space for those women who are apparently so stupid they eject themselves into space. Ya, ok.
That Hyundai commercial was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
That will soon change.
I’ve been to Winona.
What about Kingston and Barstow?
I’ve been to Kingston a lot.
it’s Kingman, I’ll be there tomorrow
This is not going to be a high scoring game.
I agree. And I’m a bit surprised.
They seem to be very well matched. I am pleased.
Yep. It’s going to be a nail-bitter.
The question is whether Mr. Mojeaux will score.
The Momoa commercial ruined everything.
Jason Mamoa isn’t precisely my cup of tea on his best day.
#meneither but I get why others swoon
You and I might have the same taste in men. LOL
Daniel Craig, now …
*fans self*
Yeah, he’s got it goin’ on.
Not pretty but ruggedly handsome.ihe has a lot of character, which is appealing.
Well now we have Pop-Tart man.
I did not see PopTart man. I went potty.
Flaming gay guy with nasty long hair.
Mojeaux your bladder has exquisite timing.
It is known.
Best 007 yet.
I am deeply deeply in crush with Pierce Brosnan, but I never saw a Bond movie until Craig (and then only because my husband won tickets).
*fans self*
Too bad the Chefs couldn’t get another TD there.
Organic is like rain on your wedding day, isn’t it?
My thoughts exactly.
What a gigantic fucking scam that is. And a dangerous one, if it catches on beyond wokesters and authoritarian assholes.
Stealing from someone on Twitter:
I don’t think it will because of prices. Whatever the crop, if prices are too high they will lose market share.
This is how they said you beat the Niners: Get an early lead and make them throw. Very nice start Chiefs.
Jimmy is an underrated passer.
Agreed. Bellechik knows as much.
Alright, but he’s no Mahomes. It’s a better game than I thought. I picked the Niners.
Was that Hard Rock Guitar Hotel commercial local or national?
I see that from I-595 on my way home from work every night.
Saw a bit in NYC but it was boring so I flipped back to SyFy.
Yep saw it here. I thought it was a vegas commercial for a minute.
Then there’s Huawei 5G, Brexit good, Commie 5g Bad, Britain stupid…
What was Aikman just saying about KC bottling up SF’s run game?
I am watching at a bar so that I can’t hear Aikman and Buck.
Fuck Buck. They shoulda had Romo.
Could not agree more. Alas, the sports commenters have arrangements like the old time Hollywood movie studios: an actor belonged to a particular studio (Universal, MGM, etc) so they weren’t free to accept any deal offered.
Romo belongs to CBS for now, but he’s going to ESPN which means he will only comment on MNF.
Not going to ESPN for sure yet. Have a feeling CBS will match the offer.
An ideal SB would be Michaels and Romo. I know they can’t cause of the reasons you said. Sucks. Luckily it’s loud enough here that I can’t hear their inane commentary.
I like Michaels too. I smile quietly to myself whenever he says “footbooawhl”
Michaels is awful. Don’t sully Tony Romo by putting him with that moron.
Hey retard! Shut you’re retarded mouth!
Thank you for saying that, JB.
I always said you were the smartest of the Minny Glibs.
That’s a pretty low bar.
Sick burn!
it’s Kingman, I’ll be there tomorrow
Derp. I knew it didn’t sound quite right.
Sang it for 4o years, fun fact, Written by Bobby Troup, let’s see if Teds. chimes in as to why it matters,
It’s an emergency!
I knew you would come through for us…
Cheers Ted S
Not quite Bobby Troup
It’s a game.
Nice drive there! Go Niners!
Finally started running it.
Aand tied ten apiece. Decent game, so far. Commercials have me underwhelmed. I do like the Tide series.
“Sparkle N. Roby, 34, on Wednesday, Jan. 22, appeared before Saginaw County Chief Circuit Judge Darnell Jackson and pleaded no contest to single counts of felonious assault, felon in possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon, and carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent.”
She seems nice.
I would have never guessed it based on her photo.
Mr. Peanut is alive!!!!
… whut
Causality is backward.
No he is still dead. That was baby peanut.
He said, “Just kidding. I’m back. Where’s my monocle.”
He’s gotta get his orphans making a new one.
Did anybody really think they were really killing off Mr. Peanut?
I thought he’d come out of the colon unscathed.
I admit that I figured the Nut would go bust.
Uffda…that was close to suck town
Creepy ass Google…….
Damn your nimble fingers!
Ass-google is creepy….
No shit. We own your memories, the better to market to you and your heirs.
So I know that latest google commercial was supposed to evoke emotion in me, but I’m not sure it’s the emotion they planned…..
Is paranoia an emotion?
It is for me!
There must be some sort of competition for Most Insipid SB Commercial.
Breakfast for dinner! Wifey is working so when she gets home we’ll have bacon, sausages, hash browns and eggs over easy. Got some nice roma tomatoes to slice in half and flash-fry in the skillet. That’s the extent of my SB culinary adventures. And always, always include the brown sauce (Thanks Grandma!)
That sounds perfect! I do it a lot,
*tips short can Southward*
I hated breakfast for dinner, as it was a sign that Mom didn’t feel like doing anything that day. And the pancakes were usually overcooked.
I gotta be honest, I’m starting to doubt that the Broncos are going to win the Super Bowl this year.
Never give up hope D. We still got a shot!!!
Bless your heart.
Think of it this way: the Broncos aren’t going to lose today.
Straightforward from here:
1. Impeach Chiefs & 49ers
2. Superbowl crisis
3. Broncos win
Watch your back, JFP i don’t want to read about some suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head,
Sounds legit. Need a whistleblower complaint against Shanahan. Hmmm… where’d I put Elway’s number?
Check out That’s Good Sports on YouTube. It’s a Broncos fan’s channel that’s pretty funny and he does at least a halfway decent analysis of the games.
Ok thanks
Kulaks and wreckers!
What a mistake. Better nationalize everything so everyone is equally poor again.
Maduro is Deng Xiaoping!
Sad. They were so close to utopia.
Close to Utopia
what was just trying to sell poptarts just now?
I was wondering the same.
I hope that Sugar Free is ambidextrous because these stories ain’t gonna write themselves.
Wow. Offensive PI? Fucking joke there.
Good call. Stupid rule.
Wokeness really is the destruction of art; not that you can really honestly consider SB commercials to be art. But they at least used to be somewhat creative and funny, now the MESSAGE must supersede everything. It’s a Frankenstein’s monster of Millennial pop culture and Soviet agitprop.
Sounds like Comarade Q needs some reeducation in the gulag until he appreciates the MESSAGE.
I haven’t seen every commercial tonight (grill duty), but what I have seen seems to be better quality than last year, the couple woke ones notwithstanding.
I see that we are starting the second half woke though…
That was a good call for once,
The NFL refs work all week looking at film and evaluating calls. They get “graded” and by season end, the high scorers are rewarded by getting to officiate post season games. That means more money for them .
The head ref of this SB is making a bunch tonight, and was the highest scoring head ref.
Tell that to the Saints about best refs in the post season.
Halftime! Time to mute it and do something else ?
My girlfriend had never heard the term “Jewish lightning” before. Is that odd? I thought it was widely understood.
I never heard it either.
Weird. I heard that when I was a kid. It was explained to me with an air of admiration, so I never grokked that it was a slur.
I went to an evangelical private school and evangelicals practically worship Israel, and my church as a cultural crush on Judaism so I was well into adulthood before I saw any anti-semitism. It always shocks the living shit out of me.
Had a Jewish lawyer girlfriend a few years back and she never did either…odd, since they were Jewish mob in the fifties.
I’ve heard “Jewish-American Princess”, but not “Jewish lightning”.
58 degrees at halftime. Going down to 44 tonight. IT’S COLD DANGIT!
About the same here 77/44, Brrrr.
More people have those shirts than the album.
If you bite a zombie peanut do you turn into a peanut or a zombie?
That outfit isn’t slutty enough.
I got a peek at her maxi pad.
Who was the ghetto Latino tin man?
Lday Gaga: “I better not hear any lip syncing at the halftime show.”
Me at the first note of the halftime show: “She’s lip syncing.”
Yeah, you could actually see the time mismatch now and then.
Plus, there’s no way to belt out a tune whilst leaping around like a frog on stage.
They look like the gargoyles from Ghostbusters.
Very. First. Note.
At least they were hot in skimpy attire. Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson just made me sad.
This new Judas Priest sucks.
Breakin’ the Lo Breakin’the Lo
Thank god for the halftime show where I can smoke, do shots, and smoke some good shit while the hipsters take our places on the couch.
Thank god I’ve got the teevee on mute.
On in the other room, so I’ll hear when the game is back on instead of finding out here 5 minutes in.
I think J-Lo has crabs. She keeps scratching her cooter.
JLo is 50 years old and still unexplainably hot.
Word. same for Shakira, but idk how old she is. And there is always E. Hurley
The explanation is you’re drunk.
Im at a bar and can’t hear. Are these just random thicc strippers dancing around?
Emojis at the halftime show.
Flipped over to the half-time show and it’s some gurrll power shit.
Flipped away.
How dare we treat women as sexual objects.
Oops. Some of “we”.
How do people not see how cringeworthy all the woke stuff is?
It was laaaaaaame.
We are so empowered that we will show you our crotches on screen Right before the cumbaya part. I didn’t know if the singers/dancers were giving birth or taking a deuce.
I want to watch football, dammit, not film of a “gentlemen’s” club.
I usually hate this old chestnut but seriously, what about the children? I would have dismissed them at halftime to another room.
” I didn’t know if the singers/dancers were giving birth or taking a deuce.”
I am so using that at the gym tomorrow.
I want to watch football, dammit, not film of a “gentlemen’s” club.
That and I want to see scantly clad cheerleaders dancing and shit. It seems like the nfl doesn’t really show them anymore.
Yeah, a lot of teams got rid of them. I like ‘em because they are eye candy for the fans, actually lead cheers, and help provide filler and keep fan momentum up during commercial breaks.
Apparently, it’s OK to tastelessly piss of some people, but not others: imagine if a performer did the SB halftime show in blackface.
Northam/Trudeau is dancing again?
Ahem, one drops a deuce which is similar to taking a shit but the adverbs are not interchangeable. One cannot take a deuce.
Well, you sure showed me.
I’m not a professional scatacologist.
That’s how you know I am a Real (TM) female libertarian.
Glad I could help!
What if you’re playing blackjack?
I’m pretty sure pooping at the table is frowned upon.
… revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night …
She got down but she never got tight
She’s gonna make it through the night
I love that song.
Best Springsteen song ever.
Me too. This cover aint bad.
Suddenly I want tacos y burritos.
My first thought when I heard Shennifur LLLOpezzz
Puerto Rican river dancing?
Shakira is an order of magnitude more talented than J. Lo
…and hotter.
She can write songs, unlike J lo
Absolutely. It’s not even close.
Our long, dark nightmare is over. On to the second half.
That was unbelievably bad.
I took a shower and fixed some snacks.
Like, broken chips or something?
Crackers and cheese.
Jennifer Lopez, the only hispanic with less talent than Pitbull.
AOC would like a word.
That would have been much better with less audio and more Shakira rolling around on the ground.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
Seems to me that most advertisers in the first half wasted their money.
These morons are worse than the halftime show.
IDK who you’re referring to, but unpossible.
Bradshaw and crew
Bradshaw wearing spandex wedgies? That sounds great.
Hmmm…that would be something…
Who is less compos mentis – Bradshaw or Biden?
Hahaha did you just see that commercial with the diverse and female austranauts who find water on Mars only to have the schlubby white guy drink it on the way back? Hahaa
‘Why come dumb white dudes can’t complain when they are made fun of?’ he whinged.
Then a sickening Bloomberg ad.
I await the pro family and 2A ad from Daniel Defense, oh wait…
Hah! i was folding clothes…
Bloomberg’s money goes down the hole.
He will never be president. His true talent is funding commie assholes for lower positions.
Interesting. No Bloomberg ad here. Wrong market I spose.
Moms Demand Action.
Stacy’s mom?
Factcheck (via pornhub): True.
Over under on Bloomberg ads in the second half: 2.5
They’ve really gone downhill since their skit show.
More nazis under the bed?
Hitler Youth leader gets a shoutout.
XY tax deduction is running power tools in the basement, which is right under the living room. There is lots of clanging and clanking. The house is shaking a little. I have no idea what he’s doing and I kind of don’t care.
Why do politics have to fuck up the one field of entertainment that used to cross class, race, party lines: sports. ?!
Because politicians are addicted to running other people’s lives.
Running, ruining…whichever…
Because the left destroys everything it takes over.
True confession: Sam Elliot. Still would.
In those gravelly tones? That’s a hard no but I never used to like broccoli before so there’s still a chance…
I’m an eyebrow fan. And an appreciator of toxic masculinity. And faces with “character.”
*Waggles giant Scottish eyebrows*
Wife saw him in his car at the local home store. I wasn’t paying attention and missed it.
ahhh! so fucking close!
That was just a bad pass.
Looked like he was throwing to 54.
Desperation. That kid needs to get his mind right. Down the ball and punt, Dumbass.
Games not over but the Chiefs don’t look to good right now.
Told Ya!!
Fuck off, Tulpa!
Heh, heh! Nice.
Just watched a Nissan commercial. If my math is correct I don’t think that there are enough Black guys for every White chick in America.
Well, according to the Dems, half of the population is trans. Did you factor that in?
I am surprised God hasn’t had enough of his creation and brought about the apocalypse yet.
Makes me wonder how much worse it’s gonna get.
*Cues the simmering Black Woman demographic* Soon.
Johnny, have you ever been in a Turkish airplane?
I thought maybe Wonder Woman was going to do his laundry for him.
I figured it out! Mahomes is Frodo, from the movie, look closelier….
Fuck a duck.
And those graphics suck.
Well, boys, you’ve got some work to do.
Again, Nixon, Alexa didn’t delete the tapes, and they put that in a commercial…
Never drinking Mich ultra again. Well after I finish the case I have.
That’s the thing, isn’t it? I mean the stuff is just sitting there, wearing a slutty dress. What’s a man to do?
Mahomes ain’t feeling very comfortable now.
Oh God. This is going to be nearly as insufferable as when the Saints won and everybody acted like it was divine intervention because Bush hated Black people, isn’t it?
That Niners d-line is no joke so far.
That’s true BUT we’re being very helpful.
LMFAO well that ad just took a giant shit on Bloomberg!
Only people who pay attention to details.
Wow. Those with 0/0 on the boards are sure smiling.
Don’t jinx me!
I don’t understand the Bud Light Seltzer commercial. Are they marketing to paroles?
I thought that was Shia LeBeof.
Maybe it was. That is a terribly confusing commercial.
They’re trying to get that “people with face tattoos who are very particular about what intoxicants they consume” demographic.
Thank you. I’m glad to know I’m not alone.
::Checks for face tattoos::
….No; still don’t have any.
/enjoyed a Bud seltzer this weekend. and others.
Block in the back completely ignored
This game is feeling much more satisfying at the moment.
It is.
NFL execs having major genital shrinkage – defense winning championships.
Too much pressure!
Oh boy. Game over?
I was thinking “We got a lot of game left” at 13 minutes, but I’m getting skeptical now.
How’s the game? Wife has some ChiCom channel on.
You wouldn’t know the difference based on the commercials.
The Chicoms don’t hate themselves.
No doubt.
Cal is ahead.
For once, a truism….
I’m starting to think the anti-showboating rule was a good idea.
Apparently KC has angered the Great Spirit.
Apparently,this is happening too…a Scooby origin story…
My gf is a yuge Scooby Doo afficiando. I hope I don’t have to go.
The voice acting is terrible. They’ve managed to dumb down Scooby fucking Doo.
Scrappy Doo would like a word.
That’s hilarious. The studio is flushing a lot of money down the toilet.
Clearly aliens came down and snatched our players and subbed in some backwoods high school team.
Mahomes DOES look like a teenager…
That he does.
Well, he is Frodo….
The hell. no offsides?
Wasn’t supposed to be a reply, Mo’
I know. That was obvious.
I thought it was too.
Just painful. Nobody can block.
The Niners have a pretty good defense.
That D line is why I picked them. You’re right. Garop is playing well enough.
I think the safety is on the take from KC.
I was wondering the same
Is this thing over yet?
This pressures got to stop!!!
Pretty much.
OK maybe not
Nope. Not with that offense.
*curls up into fetal position*
This is why I don’t daytrade anymore. I am a complete nervous Nelly when things get tight.
When things get tight.
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
I never did.
+1 Kegel
You used to day trade!?! That’s a new aspect to you.
Yep. In the late 90s, Yahoo Finance had a mock stock trading contest. You got X fake dollars and you made your trades and the person who made the most money every month won $50,000. There were many thousands of entrants. So I watched and learned and I was consistently in the top 50 every month. I didn’t think I’d win, but I watched the leaders and learned.
So then I did it for money for a while, but I do not have the fortitude for that kind of adrenaline rush that many hours that many days in a row. When I wasn’t trading, I was worrying. When I was trading I was worrying.
It was SOOOOOO different when I was doing it for fun than when there was real money on the line.
I do not like that kind of pressure. The adrenaline makes me sick. I DID make money, don’t mistake me, but even when I had a good $$$ day I didn’t enjoy it.
So I stopped.
It was also why I was angry about Bitcoin. I KNEW that was going places. It was $18 when I caught it and couldn’t get a Mt Gox account fast enough to get in it. It was $1,000 by the time I gave up trying to get a Mt Gox account.
Mt. Gox? I think you dodged a bullet there.
Yes, I know, but I’m still angry I saw an opportunity, I was RIGHT, and something ELSE kept me from getting there.
When I heard about bitcoin, one bitcoin was less than a penny. My friends and I talked ourselves out of doing anything with it.
That’s just as bad, IME.
Looks like San Fecesco is gonna pull it out.
That’s great. I’m stealing it.
They could still blow it.
If you aren’t doing anything wrong why would you want to leave Wuhan?
Not a bad selection.
On the topic of cheerleaders, I prefer college cheerleaders to the pro teams cheerleaders. The college cheerleaders look more like actual women you’d meet in a bar and got shot down by. The pro teams look more like women you’d never meet.
I love football.
Nice ass
ets.The Texans know how to pick cheerleaders.
It’s a big state, and the highest status job a woman can hold in that state.
Hold up! Not over.
Don’t give up!!
I dont hear no fat lady yet.
The P&G Commercial was pretty good
I’m Charmin clean!
Oh god, their radio spots are terrible.
Have to agree.
This is the best batch of. SB commercials than we’ve had for five years.
Proctor and Gamble?
I still don’t buy their shit after that woke commercial.
I was just about to post what a crap-show for P&G – Peltz should reconsider his investment.
My streaming TV service doesn’t carry the local Fox affiliate, but it does carry Fox Deportes. So I’m watching the game with the sound turned off.
I fucking hate the Niners. They could be playing the Argentinian All-Hitler-Clone Team, and I’d root for the Niners to lose. Since the Chiefs o-line seems … inadequate to the task, I think I’ll go read for a bit and go to bed.
You may not want to leave yet.
Hm, yes, things are looking up. Garapawhoozits just got plowed.
In SF it’s called pegging.
Just go to Fox Sports website.
It’s a whole! New! Ball game!!
Every line from every Hall and Oates song could be used by a NFL coach giving a halftime speech. Prove me wrong.
Every line from “Cats”, too.
Because your kiss is on my lips?
You’re a rich bitch.
“private eye is watching you” works only if you’re playing the Patriots.
Now we have a game! I’ve got it on in the background but this might be one for the ages.
No shit. Wow. True Grit by KC.
Wife is “watching” the game with me while banging away on her laptop and asking me work questions. How do I tell her to STFU without it turning into a fight?
Easy! Barely an inconvenience! Just show her your cat-butt posture.
Um… anyone else?
Go watch the game with like-minded individuals. You know, those that the “normies” call friends?
Turn the TV volume up.
Already done.
How do I tell her to STFU without it turning into a fight?
In practice I kind of ignore my own advice and seek the controversy of being somewhat harsh and direct. But I would advise you, as I would advise myself to just ask politely if she would keep the noise down and/or go to another room.
Wife is banging away on the PC, eh? She got her hands full.
She thinks so. This could all wait.
smack her in the arm, “DID YOU SEE THAT PLAY”!!!!!
I was just going to say smack her.
Given your avatar that’s not surprising.
Game is interesting again. But usually at this time I watch reruns of Home Improvement. What to do. . . Lucking I have large HD tvs in both the living room and bedroom and I tend to pace around the house.
*Pictures Rebel sharpening Great-great-granddaddy’s cavalry saber and muttering to himself about the Land Tax*
No helmet to helmet?
It clearly was helmet to helmet.
KC might have scored too early….
It appears not.
I sit corrected.
Oh boy.
I can’t go for that… 2 pt conversion.
Got ’em.
It looks like the ball broke the plane before he stepped out of bounds.
Go Chefs.
The call stands!!
If the call on the field was no touchdown, do you think they reverse it on review?
According to the rules, it’s TD, but no, it wasn’t
I think Sherman is still a Seahawk at heart.
Didn’t he shit on them before they played in the post-season?
Yes he did. Because they wouldn’t pay top dollar on a long-term deal for a guy who hasn’t been the same since his arm and leg injuries made him human.
Well well well.
Time for the 2 minute warning show. Get J Lo back out there.
Sustainable? Sustain this.
If the call on the field was no touchdown, do you think they reverse it on review?
I don’t. I don’t think there was a clear and compelling view either way.
Looks like Mr. Mojeaux is getting some enthusiastic loving tonight.
Man, this is the best SB I’ve seen In years
Frisco’s really sucking now.
there ya go MO! Victory!
Mojo house erupts, K Suell sadz. Great game regardless.
Oh boy
Scared the dog!
Group hug!
Don’t touch me. Happy you’re happy, but no.
Your in Asia, no one wants to touch you right now/
/They all look alike….
Wypipo don’t get Corona ?
Constellation Brands begs to differ.
Six of one…
X four makes a case.
Was referring to Grapesoda getting sacked, but ::backs away:: ooookay
I’ll give you a ?, but hugs are a no no.
So I guess oil checking is out.
Congrats Mojo!
Something something explosive offense.
Nice comeback win. Happy for the Chefs and the walrus.
I think the walrus just kissed Hahomes.
He kissed Mahomes too
O.M.G. I am fucking sobbing.
One day our turn will come.
Some day it will:)
Hey DJ Grappilow overthrew Sanders and Sanders will always be a Bronco so the Bronco’s almost won. But didn’t, Just like SF.
DenverJ hardest hit.
No matter what happens, Phili fans are still the worst.
Thanks to all the Glibs for a great SB party!
Go Chefs
Go Frodo!
Funny that I didn’t care but just got sucked in. All those injuries never stopped me from knowing what was what on the field. Go Canucks!
Game set match.
They’ve run down the curtain.
Kansas City
I was thinking more of this.
I could never suspend my disbelief for movies like that when i was a wee dodger but now think of these interminable Cape and Capon flicks that seem so popular now.
My mom loved musicals. I never got into them.
As soon as the mayor announces the day, I expect the school district will just cancel school.
There ya go, Mo!
I am not kidding you I am sitting here bawling. I did not expect that and I had no faith and I didn’t know how important this was to me.
Yeah, it’s stupid. Just a game.
Yeah, but you’re a girl. :p
And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
It is just a game but it’s important to get a win sometimes even though it might have little to do with your day to day travails. Take it. Let it warm and sooth you for even a moment because we all know those times are far and fleeting. When the Jays won the Series there was an impromptu conga line that snaked out of the bar and went for about three city blocks. “Blue Jays are the Champions! Blue Jays are the Champions!” Then Wifey never got it.
My dad’s 90 year old fishing buddy came from KC. He took his kids to the last one. I imagine he’s a very happy camper right now.
I was rooting for the Chefs and Andy; but as an impartial observer, that PI call in the endzone was bullshit. But good for KC and Andy.
I don’t really understand what an offensive pass interference IS. I mean, firstly, pass interference is the ENTIRE JOB of the defense, but the offense? WTF even is that?
I wasn’t talking about offensive PI. Kittle clearly extended his arm, buy rule that’s PI (Doesn’t get called often) But it was the defensive PI called on SF against Kelsey in the endzone that I can’t wrap my head around. The DB didn’t look for the ball, ok. But he didn’t impede Kelsey, he jump to block the ball, but in no way did he appear to block his path to the ball.
*rushes to change channel*
Well, the guys from Frisco blew it.
They got there by beating a Packer team that was two players different from a sub .500 team of a year ago with a first time head coach. Wasn’t a big hurdle.
Aesop, Grapes…..
That was fun, very few penalties, very few turnovers, D played great on both sides, not too high scoring, and some good plays…
Was a good game. I am full of good food, half drunk and considering drinking more but 0430 comes early.
Few penalties was my fervent hope ad well.
Congrats Mojeaux!
Special year the way you kept coming back
I have a little notebook where I write things that catch my ear and I take it everywhere I go so I can read it. I have several pages of “What the Royals taught me” after the World Series. I now have two things from the Chiefs to put in my book.
Nice win. Good game.
My loaded nachos were The fucking greatest thing I’ve ever eaten.
Could you scan a copy and send it to the Mariners?
Speaking of the Mariners! THEY are in my book too!
Friend from the Bay Area on FB “I haven’t seen anyone choke this hard since Geoffrey Baratheon”
Too soon!
Ok, try Robin Williams.
“49ers didn’t choke themselves!”
Cass Elliot…
Jeffrey Epstein
I love ham sandwiches.
Grats, Mojo 🙂
Nice work, Frisco.
Speaking of athletics, I’m going out for some late night sprints.
I successfully ran Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, a little over two miles each time, so that’s a big step towards my old running distances (I’m still getting back up to speed after being sick for 7 months). After that, it’s roasted eggplant and zucchini with meat sauce as part of my low-ish carb diet.
Anyone else have any Glibfit progress lately?
I ate a large pizza by myself.
Nice work. I haven’t been able to do that in years.
I played 45 holes today, does that count?
Congrats, Me!
Fuck, y’all!!! 😉
Congrats, HIPPIE!!!! Maybe we can meet up at the parade! ?
I’ll be stuck working in Paola, Ks. FML!
Paola?! Sorry, dude.
Three hour round trip drive with traffic. If that’s the price I pay tonight, worth it.
I blame Shanahan’s flat bill.
That was exactly what made me switch from not caring who won to being a solid KC fan. Fucking learn how to bend that bill like a man!
My poor kid had to sit through several rants about that.
Bend in an arc? Or a proper crease down the middle?
Cause that’s we FFA (ret) fold our ish
Arc. Some of the better quality hats I’ve bought come with the arc built in.
To be honest, I think he liked the “why men never wear flat brimmed hats” lecture more than when I started questioning him why he was sitting around my living room and not driving down to KC to woo the blond Hunt girl in the owner’s box.
Seems to me that would be a smart financial move to marry her.
Why is it that men should never wear flat bills? I wear a flat bill. Mainly because I have a gigantic head.
They’re gay.
Huh, I thought I was the only true Glibertarian with a properly shaped bill… That flat cap shit drives me insane and half the time they aren’t even wearing it over the face. a soft curve to keep the sun’s rays from the eyes is the only true and proper way to wear a hat like that. When I see signallers wearing one i just want to snatch it off their head and stomp.
You’re not alone. Even better when they leave the display stickers on.
Mine is a Fine Curved Baseball Bill, no Stickers, and a double brim, Thicc,
I thought Glibs only wear tricorner hats.
TOP hats! Duh!
Those are for special occasions like when Brexit happens. Silly Glib! Tri-corns are for closers…
“Closers”, or “Losers”?
Speling iz emportent.
Goodell is such a fucking cunt. I felt the need to share that sentiment.
It is widely shared.
I can say I was ahead of the curve. Hating the cunt since 2007. Started with his asinine crack down on player conduct.
Mahomes did not deserve the MVP.
Hate to say it, but I agree. He looked out of sorts for most of the game. Maybe Kelce or Williams? Watkins? It’s kinda hate to single out a player.
I’m hard.
*Raises eyebrow*
It’s one throbbing clit.
Wait! There’s more than one now? I feel like Lip Van Winkle!
Mahomes was not the best player today. He was very sloppy, as compared to his usual.
He’s a kid,but he Won, so there’s a good chance he will mature into a Montana or Favre,
I liked his play, risky, but, no risk, no reward,
I hit a Birdie today, either risk, or Reward, take that shot, Mahomes seems to play that way,
That is also true!
Hey, how are you doing today?
Who did?
Agreed Damian Williams was the MVP.
LJW! Congrats to you as well!
Thanks! You too! Waited my whole life for this and got a World Series and Super Bowl in a 5 year stretch!
I was just saying that! Sports life is pretty damn good here right meow!
#95 on that decisive play but I’ll admit that I was a linebacker in my playing days.
Chris Jones is a monster.
Is that the KC lineman who batted down three passes and tipped two more
I don’t pay attention to that sort of thing – does a not-QB ever win it?
Last year Julian Edelman was the MVP. Everyone was chanting “MVP” when they saw the duck boat with Edelman during the parade in downtown Boston.
Rightly so.
“Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game and a fantastic comeback under immense pressure. We are proud of you and the Great State of Missouri. You are true Champions!”
Second time is the charm?
I just wonder, this race war they’re trying to start, what if Mahomes goes to the White House, is he described as white or black?
Black on Fox, house nigger for the rest. Bet on that.
*Punches Festus in the face* Sir, my cousin is a nigger! #woke
*ducks and lets CPRM punch a cat* OUTRAGE!
And, here I was, thinking Festus was THE Iron Balls McGinty…
Way to go, shitlord. He only gets a binary choice?
Dr. Eugene Gu, sooper genius, is on the case!
I’ve said it before, if Gu was the doc to save me, I’d pull the plug myself before letting that deranged hack do his butchery.
Very much what Gustave said.
I really, REALLY want to see SF or (even better) CPRM incorporate that into a story/animation.
With all due credit to Rhy, of course.
If anyone is curious. Kansas City has sounded like a drunken battlefield for the last hour. Non-stop fireworks.
Yep. Liberty’s nonstop mortars.
Poor doggos!
Don’t have a dog, but my cats are just rolling their eyes at their stupid hoomans.
Well Hoomans are pretty nuts, I agree with them,,,
the Cats..
Bella doesn’t seem to notice, or care about Fireworks or Gunfire, she’s not deaf, but She should be….
/Good Doggie
CNN aren’t the only ones dumb enough to go all-in on Trump’s mockery of Bloomberg’s height:
They just can’t stop themselves from taking everything he says literally. But the real gotcha moment is here:
I hate to go all Ted’s, but.
Sports’s, Precious!
Sports’ biggest circle-jerk of the year. FTFY I don’t watch it, much.
There is nothing wrong with him using a stand, He is small, he wants to be seen, not overwhelm, or does he?
/Picturing 20 foot tall Throne Tower out of UCS’ imagination….
Sweet Jeezum Crow…750+ comments!!
I need to get STEVE SMITH to do the Night Shift posts….
or wake up earlier….
Yo!! I’ve been awake, but, I was required elsewhere.
Also, doesn’t seem that my waking hours affects the late-nighters who show up on Saturday nights.
Oh, well.
Well, it’s Sunday night, what about then, smarty pants?
Oh, well, tonight involved a pretty damn satifying porterhouse for
dinnerbreakfast*, and a viewing of the puppy bowl. Or, most of it.*why not both, amirite?
I’m #5 on my local course, PDGA official stuff, wooo wooo!
/I have no idea how
2015 Royals after barely losing the World Series in 2014 … “We have unfinished business.”
2019 Chiefs after barely losing the AFC Championship in 2018 … “We have unfinished business.”
2016 Bernie Sanders after not getting the nomination…”business is bad..we have unfinished business, but not the capitalist kind! They smear me by saying I’m a communist! I’m not! I’m a socialist like Mao before me! But a sweeter, kinder socialist like in Germany 1943, I mean Sweden!”
You motherfucker:
My comments are getting sent to the spam section.
You guys trying to tell me something?
Maybe STEVE is just pulling them aside for later…?
Hey Diggy! Don’t feel too bad pardner. Some team beat another in oblong ball and some of us are wailing into their cups whilst others are dancing on pin-heads. It’s all good.
Your description reminded me of this.
it’s the name….
So, dipshit Trump congratulated the state of Kansas on the Superbowl victory.
Shit like this is why I can’t vote for the guy.
*rabble, rabble*
no, he Said Misery, try again,
The Sports Illustrated link I submitted said he said Kansas.
Maybe his edit fairy did its magic.
You can’t edit tweets.
I think he deleted the first one, m
I’m just confused as to why my link got spammed.
It’s at SI.
I don’t know why he won’t be re-elected with Mondale numbers when he pulls that brand of shit.
I mean America is so stupid that they prefer Farrah Fawcett to Kate what’s her name… sad! Very sad…
Katie Perry? Farrah? Why not both?
We’re not even woke enough to know Michelle Obama is the pinnacle of female sexuality.
Thank God for not being woke then,
She has the arms of a proud, black- bodied share cropper!
Link? You know I’d never do anything….
enact your own labor, twitter is right there,
Right where?! I can’t see it! is it attacking me!?
only if you click, it’s like a waking dream, if you don’t watch, it doesn’t happen,
/Also Heisenburg,
I’d prefer to be the dead cat, if you please, Herr Professor.
I didn’t bring Shroedinger into this, you did,
Flings a dead cat at you…
I would say that’s better than fingers a dead cat at you.
Feels like about 1/2 of a Biden gaffe,
He said Missouri.
Nono No, it’s Misery…..
now you’ve got it!
That would be like saying the Giants play in New Jersey. What a maroon!
where are the Raiders playing this year…..
Except the Chiefs don’t play in Kansas, or are based in Kansas, and only Jackson County, Mo, residents pay for every damn thing associated with the team.
uhh hello they’re in Kansas City which is obviously the capital of Kansas duh.
Whatever dude. It’s right next to Kansas.
Missourians and Kansans are overly touchy about mixing up where they live or what place/team is where. It’s a regional defect we all suffer from.
Don’t take anything too personally, guys. It’s been an emotional day and I get borderline bipolar when drunk.
I was just razzing ya. I figured.
I figured as well. And I hope to god people realize my gripe was tinged with hyperbole.
I mean, I’m still not voting g for the guy, but I can at least think of a handful of reasons not to that are better than that. Besides, Missouri is going his way easily this November. I could vote for a lampshade as president and it would effect the outcome just as much.
We have a spam section?
Spam IS low carb. Glib Fit approved.
I’ve eaten Spam before but only with tears in my eyes…
Bite the pillow? eat the Spam….
Check your dashboard.
We’ve got Spam, cubed Spam, sliced Spam, Fried Spam, Baked Spam
Barbecued Spam, Boiled Spam Roasted Spam,
We have Spam…
*Dons Viking helm*
If you listen closely, the first item on the menue was spam free. Why didn’t she just order that?
Ono Hawaiian BBQ,Spam? truly American
Fried Spam beats Dinty Moore…anything. I’ll give it that.
This I get, Mo needs to understand that Transparent Hair is a Viking thing, She is actually a Queen, she just doesn’t know,
Drunk Gamboling…
I thought the first stripper won the half time show, although the second stripper had amazing thigh strength.
I wouldn’t kick either one out of bed. Especially together.
The most impressive part of tonight is both women were over 40.
It shows that there are no good Performers anymore, they would hire Bowie or Lemmy if they could,
Lemmy doing the National Anthem!
Lou Reed would be good too.
I’m waiting for the Comeback Tour,
So am I… so it could happen?
Lou and Lemmy, for sure, Bowie is busy Servicing Satan….
Meant threesome with JLo and Shakira
Sorry, no, threesome with Lou and Lemmy? , Maybe…
Huh…I read through this whole damned post.
/75 minutes lost ?
Did you read I played 45 holes today? Well did ya?
I did! And if you keep it up, you’re gonna be walkin’ funny, come tomorrow.
Walking doesn’t matter, throwing does, and I walk just fine,
Aww, Bob….you done crapped on my entendres!
Y’know, when I play shit-lord golf I always play better when I walk the course rather than being shunted about in a perambulator. I can see why golf carts became en vogue but I’d rather tread the fairway. Half of the time you’re deciding who goes first and stuck on a cart path anyway. Long gone are the days of drunken revelry. Jumping sand traps, spinning slo-mo donuts and the like. Why, I haven’t seen a good cart soak in twenty-five years!
OK, this is good, Electric Fence,
Would you like to know more?
It would simplify things, but the Left feels the same way… GAME ON!
Gah. What a maroon.
I, personally, would subscribe to his newsletter.
It would be entertaining.
Styxy just called for Commies to be deported. It’s gonna get bloody, soon.
Neither of them bitches got anything on my bad bitch Marissa.
Read that as Mandisa.
How would you know about that site? He’s a high fashion asset! Get xer!
Now for the other football.
Red please,
not Red,but just right!
Gappy! yum,
I’ve been cooking a lot lately and I hate cooking in a dirty kitchen so I end up cleaning it too even though it’s XX’s job. She does it half-assed and it takes her 3 hours. It’s a point of contention.
Anyway, lately I have found cleaning the kitchen to be cathartic and I am thinking I’ll just let XX off the hook for that altogether. XY is so high maintenance he sucks up all the air in the room. This family/house functions round him and XX is feeling neglected. I really feel bad for the girl because I had to lay it out for her: Sorry, kid, but your brother takes everything I’ve got. Please cut me some slack.
I hope letting her off doing dishes will make up for some of it.
Is there any house task that she likes? I would imagine she’s already doing such, but, if ramping that up is a possibility…?
No, she doesn’t actually like doing anything but sitting on her ass drawing or playing on her phone, and sleeping. I am afraid it might be her perpetual fatigue and joint aches. I would rather she be lazy than me yelling at her for being lazy when it’s really her health. That doesn’t explain her terrible grades, though that has improved this semester. OTOH, she wants to get a job and I’m tempted to let her so she can find out what it’s like working for someone who is not her squishy mom.
Well, presuming her medical issues don’t hamper her landing a job, I would think it very well could help her understand. And, it may help you determine her actual fatigue levels, depending on what sort of job it is.
Same with XY. From what you’ve described that kid needs boundaries. Working in a hardware store sorting widgets might just teach him some of that. Or maybe a Grandpa to kick him in the ass from time to time.
XY has ADHD and “oppositional defiant disorder” (which I don’t believe is a disorder; it’s just a kid being a little shit), but his bigger issues I won’t discuss online. My husband and I have been discussing CBD oil for him too, for his anxiety and anger,. I think if he didn’t have such a hair trigger, some of his other issues will kind of settle down.
CBD will help this, he doesn’t need to know you know,,,
Sometimes people are cuntes, Sweet Mojo, even our children. O.D.D is a made-up term for weaklings. I tried my best with my step-son but could never stop him from staying up all night, playing video games, sleeping in and missing school because I never was in control of the situation. It wasn’t my fault. He was like that when I found him.
Not a parent, or, a psychologist/Psychiatrist, but, doesn’t your statement about your trying with your step-son (presuming this means he was diagnosed with ODD) kind of suggest it’s a real thing?
In that, assholes can still be ‘reasoned’ with, depending on the lever used, since we all have self-interests. When it comes to a disorder*, talking alone is usually not going to work.
Or, am I barking up the wrong tree here?
*as in, a neurological problem that needs corrective chemistry/therapy/surgery/etc.
No. At least in that instance. He was a willful boy that had a place he could run off to whenever he got too stressed. Still lives with his “friend” lo these many years later. I tried to break the chain but it wasn’t. It was silken ribbons. I hadn’t learned the great lesson yet about whose monkeys belonged in which circus.
Ah; got it! Or, at least, I think I do.
Fuck it. You’re not going to make that fly unless she has a motive to do it. Standing over her will not do but she’d probably do well cleaning dishes at the greasy spoon down the corner. Same with diapers. No elder sibling likes that but let the neighbor dangle a five and the kid is all wet-wipes and pampers. You can’t control them even though your heart insists that you must.
Shit, I have to do it all myself, and I cant get lazy, I have no backup,
C’mon Mo…. Kick those kids asses….
Yes. Creatively. Sound like spoiled fucking brats.
If I acted that way (and I did) I would get whipped (and I did). Dave and Lois bred some strong men.
I was 5, and complained in the Grocery store, My Mom beat the shit out of me,in the store, never did it again/
/Love ya Mom!
Here I go, why did She get sick, right when we were climbing up? I have to go on living, but she’s still stuck, this is Fucked up!
Ah Bob! I don’t know when my commiserations become weak tea. I feel for ya! Try to stay strong! Hey, at least you’ve been to Vegas…
I feel like a widower already, and am prepared for the worst, and Vegas is not where I want to be, too many Chinee coming in, too much Corona and Lime virus for me…
And you have always been a straight up Person!, thanks!
Now, I’m complaining to my Dog about my Cat, I need Hoomans!!!!
Could be worse. You might set them against one another.
They made peace,and sleep together, pretty typical for Cats and Dogs, but Bella still harasses kittah, just for fun…
/I larf
Dead thread? OK
I’m signing paperwork for my Census job on Monday, I need a haircut, but my clothes are clean,
at the same time I need to go to Vegas, Job or Wife? Job, so Wendy waits until Tuesday.
Meanwhile all this travel is killing my Assets, so I’m playing close to the edge,,
Ain’t Life Grand?
Excellent song lyrics, right there.
A bouncy C !
And I had a Girlfriend, who turned out mean,
What, just one? I’ve always been the failed state in relationships. That what my exes always say…
German, Loooong ago,
look down
I am a poet, and Art is my middle name,
Mortgage will be paid off long after I die. I’m worth more dead than alive. Feel better now, droopy drawers?
I need a haircut, but my clothes are clean,
And I had a Girlfriend, who turned out mean,
I found a place where grass is grown,
and found a Sunday, where the Chiefs had won,
A simple man,
with simple dreams,
and far away lit brightening streams,
I float away a and say Goodbye,
I turn away, in sadness Cry,
But so much more to say,
the fields of flower match my mood,
the late Summer Solitude,
Clear Blue skies and Amber Cliffs,
and all the things I miss,
OK, I’ll play:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Even Hitler had a dog.
AAAAnd, Fuck Off!
i can play too!
Cyto’s a Green Weenie, and I’ am Blue
he’s a Green weenie and I’m, Not?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fuck off Tulpa!
So, TOS has two articles spewing bile at Bloomberg’s super bowl ads…. written on the pre-release.
After seeing the Trump ad about Criminal Justice Reform, I wanted to post it as a comparison, so I googled it expecting to see a video link to the ad at the top. Instead, I got a blizzard of anti-Trump articles and ads. Huffpo has a hate piece. The Daily Beast had a more hateful hate piece (that one was positively unhinged).
From the NYT I learned that Trump only released his ad touting the successful economy to the press prior to air time. Smart move. They were totally unprepared for what hit them. It will take hours to coalesce around a version of “Trump fighting to help brown people who are victims of the criminal justice system is racist” that works for everyone.
One money quote from the Daily Beast article:
Former Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-SC) reacted to Trump’s commercial on Twitter, saying, “That ad was offensive AF,” adding, “The “I freed a Negro” ad.”
Cyto, you came over from TOS, correct? If I’m remembering correctly, you were/are almost the polar opposite of Cytotoxic, in terms of outlook/philosophy.
Did I just unconsciously make that up?
Pretty much. I posted about it once or twice. I actually had the handle Cytotoxic starting back in 1989 on an Amiga BBS. I was lazy the first day I posted at The Agitator and started with Cyto. When TOS went to permanent handles instead of plugging one in whenever you post, I took the lazy way out. I was about to switch and combine my non-political and political personas, but the Canadian took my name.
I’m about as down-the-line libertarian as it gets. I’m more conservative and more liberal than most anyone I deal with in real life. And like all true libertarians, I’m the only one who really has it right.
::Salutes cyto::
Godspeed, good
mansirxirAs I recall, ‘toxic was….well, rather toxic in his outlook. Made good points, but, seemed like someone I wouldn’t want to hang out with. I dunno.
I thought I recalled seeing you post there, and feeling a sense of relief, as bad as that sounds, that it wasn’t him. Even now, it strikes me as being kind of crappy about someone who was only showing themselves partially. Then again, we aren’t gonna like everyone.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go straighten up my Boy Scout badges…
As dawn comes at seven forty five,
up at 7, thank God I’m alive,
still cold but Coffee,
Damn it what rhymes with Coffee,
the Wind is calm, just after sunrise,
and the play is fine,
Stay out of the River, play to the left,
Don’t stand and wait for,
second best,
and always Demand, what you request, (just causer it rhymed)
Thank you, I gathered all that rambling together and may base a song on the lyrics, it’s pretty silly…
It’s beginning to sound a lot like the songs from Patriot (in my head/ears).
BTW, if you aren’t familiar with those songs, many/most are available on YT, if you need some browsing to occupy your time.
Reading Glibs has brought Many sad but profound thoughts My shit does not stink
Everyone likes their own bouquet. ??
It’s supposed to be Haiku but I format like an Asian cutting you a deal on next month’s rent. Just ain’t never gonna happen…
Your shit might stink, but I don’t smell it, I’m glad you’re here Bro,
Likewise, Bob!
IIRC, your TOS, that’s like a Brownie point to me,
Tres gets a pas because,
Nope. They disallowed my comments at TOS so I came right over here and sheltered behind SP’s legs. And here we are.
EEEWWW!, OMWC has been there,
Original Lyrics…
It’s me, check it out please,
That’s some impressive shit, Bob!
/good “shit”, ya know?
Do i bore you?
Nifty Bob! You should change your handle to Big Love Tomato!
I’m Bob, I’m a tomato, and I’m here to help,
True story
Groovy guitars, by Me,
Synsonics drums, for real,
This one has our Puppies,
our Glib Puppies!
Ugh. Done a lot. Stopped doing about 25 years ago. Petering out, now. Just bored of it all. It’s the denouement. Wifey’s Grandkids will be reproducing soon and I have no legacy. My family is dead or dead to me and the only friends that I have left are posting on an obscure website. Better go eat some eggs!
Is your name Bob? do you liver in Arizona? If so, we need to talk,..
*listens to crickets*
Trump had better retweet the picture where someone drew Kansas as part of Missouri with a permanent marker in response to his tweet. I don’t know if I could handle that level of trolling.
Just a few more to make one thousand.
Well some stupid game interrupted my daily serving of political commentary so ya’ll better get to it.
Really–does anyone other than those poor, unfortunate souls in Mo., really give a flying fuck about which state the team is based in?
Someone could cross the Texas Rangers with the NY Rangers, and it wouldn’t mean a thing in the end. It’s getting to the point that people can’t make simple mistakes any more, especially in regards to uncommon situations (i.e. a major city on a state line), without someone getting cyber-murdered.
It’s completely asinine. I don’t know that it’s completely new but there’s definitely some sort of superiority complex going around. It’s an utter lack of humility, which I suspect is no longer valued…
It’s just stupid. Would you call Staten Island part of NYC? Preposterous.
Yeah, I was a newsreader on my college radio station back in the day, and it’s so easy to screw up while speaking live, even when you have a script right in front of you!
What was that about Jenny Agutter? *cracks another beer*
I literally cracked another beer.
Are you waiting for that TV-prostitute delivery service to come true, too?
Er, uh…I, uh, mean….PERVERT!!
Hologram-whores to sex den is an idea that lived prominently in my fantasy world as a boy. Dead at 30? Fuck that, well worth it!
Well, now, hold on there, Fes…let’s not get hasty.
*Pries brittle old plasticky thing out of palm* “Fargen thing keeps growing back… It’s like plantars warts…”
You’ll have to wait two or three minutes while the autists look up Jenny, relieve themselves and clean up for the key-pad. It’s like being put on hold by the bank. They’re not going anywhere and neither are you.
Hmmm…I wonder which kind. ?
Use your imagination, Sailor…
“Sailor”?? I ain’t the one at the bank….
You know that you’ve become an old man when your eyebrows start running interference on your eye lashes.
When you get to be of a certain age you can’t tell whether “The dog did it!” is a lie or not… (That’s an original but feel free to use it)
Well, eyebrow health is rather important, as I’ve come to understand.
It’s “New Grooming” like when you were a kid in giggly Health class. Farting half the alphabet every time I get up to pee five times a night is not as funny as I thought it would be, either.
Oh, Fes; when farts loose their humor…
You need a vacay. Or, a cork…
Diggy! I didn’t say it wasn’t funny, just not as funny as I thought it might be.
Well, maybe they can loose the waistband?
Also, you’d have to thought they are funnier than I think they are, for them to be less so, now. ‘Cause, youtube can be a goldmine, as it were.
What a game!! Got home, changed into comfy clothes and internet surfed for a while.
Mr Splosives went to bed fully clothrd and top of sheets. I wanted to do the laundry for the Tuesday arrival of stepsons but slipped between the hall closet and the tiled laundry room. THUD!!!
Mr Ex says “you Ok?” And i, knowing I was most definitely not ok (I think I strained an outer ligament but probably not too bad) answered with a plaintive Nooo! Please come help
Did he? Don’t leave us hanging…
That’s been one of my greatest fears. Wifey slipping on the ice and not being able to help. I could and would but a week ago would have ruptured something. Heh. You know another thing that tells you you’re getting old? Saying the word “rupture”.
“Burst” is a great word, no matter your age.
OK–maybe not at the age at which it applies to organs and whatnot…
“Burst” used to be a happy word… Think Q girls.
That’s ‘bust‘, not ‘burst’.
“I thought they said Rapture but I’m still standing here in this interminable line”.
“I thought they said Rapture but I’m still standing here in this interminable line”.
Really? Really? It is my sleeves doing it. The revenge of the Grandpa sweater!
You know another thing that tells you you’re getting old? Saying the word “rupture”.
Fab Five Freddy agrees.
I’m supposing, at this point, she made it safely back to bed. ?
Thoughts and prayers. Ya know chicks do that too. I’ll leave off and see if you guys hit 1000. I need to live clean for a day or two.
Bathe with steel wool scrubbers; that oughta do the trick.
Yeah I did. Thanks.
Would have been better off just sleeping in the corridor than coming back to bed next to Oscar the Grouch.
Monday, take me away!!!
I figured as long as I was on the ground, might make myself useful and elbow crawled to th guest bathroom to clean inside and outside fratures…
Well, that sounds shitty.
Oooh–shit outta luck, that one.
Maybe this one will work.
Could’ve been worse.
Oh, I missed the word “treated”.
I left the bar at halftime and missed all the excitement, ah well. Congrats to Mojo and the other Chiefs fans.
Is that a euphemism for “passed out and got scraped off the bar bathroom floor then tossed in the backseat of an uber”?
Nah, I’m in ‘drunken stumble’ range and I’ve done it so many times my feet take me the right way even if my brain has no idea what I’m doing. The only time I failed to make it home I was at my back up bar which is about three blocks farther away. The police were very polite however.
Congratulations to the Dallas Texans.
Are you the Real Donald Trump??
No, I’m just sore that DFW’s first major football franchise up and left town once the market (?) favored the Cowboys. Really I don’t like the Cowboys, and their big giant egg. Hail to the Chiefs.
First line of KDW’s latest piece:
And 1000.