Sunday Morning Brief Links

by | Feb 23, 2020 | Daily Links | 566 comments

We were up far too late, so I’ll be briefer than normal so I can go back to bed. After all, no-one ever reads the prose, they’re here for the comments. At best, I can just give a few hints as to the subjects chosen.

Birthdays today: one of (((those))) people; the voice of the Enterprise; the best wide receiver ever until Rice; a very, very white guitarist; America’s favorite MILF; and the guy who made the piece of shit I’m currently typing on.



Heh, heh, heh, max entertainment ahead.


The usual excuses. Maybe they want to be entertained as well?


deBlasio is the gift that keeps on giving.


Someone needs to do something futile and useless. Oh, here’s an idea!


This is getting monotonous. 


Rice, avocado, and gnocchi. Ten thousand dollars, people, Ten Thousand Dollars.


Old Guy Music, one I can hardly believe ever existed. And now back to bed for me.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

    I was browsing the internet and found a picture of the DFW glibs meet up.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    “Greta can’t reconcile any of this with any of what she has just seen,” her mother writes. “She saw what the rest of us did not want to see. It was as if she could see our CO2 emissions with her naked eye.”

    In the summer of 2018, Thunberg began her first school strike, taking a homemade placard to stand outside the Swedish prime minister’s office

    Desperate to make a real impact, she decided to do nothing.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It sounds like she was ruined by mom and pop.

      • Chafed

        For sure. Sympathy for your child is expected. Buying into her ability to see an invisible gas is enabling.

      • Mad Scientist

        She can see 0.04% of the atmosphere!

  3. Ted S.

    the best wide receiver ever until Rice;

    Happy birthday Don Hutson!

    • Trigger Hippie

      Don Hudson was born the same day as Lance Alworth? Huh.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    On the third day, a Greenpeace activist offered Greta some vegan Thai noodles. “She takes a little bite. And another. No one reacts to what’s happening. Why would they? … Greta keeps eating. Not just a few bites but almost the whole serving.”

    No matter how much she ate, the amount of food in the bowl was undiminished. Truly, it was a miracle. She shared her bowl and all were fed. Hunger was no more.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


  5. JD is Unemployed

    I’ve a buddy who hangs out at J. Gilligan’s occasionally. I had half a mind to deploy him on recon, but he got some shit going on.

    • JD is Unemployed

      Nobody say anything.

  6. hayeksplosives

    How about a rousing game of “Guess which Pope?”

    Easy rules: 2 possible answers—Pope “Paparazzi” Ratzinger Benedict, or Pope “Is the Pope Catholic–no, Seriously?” Francis.

    Round 1:

    “The essential problem of our times for Europe and for
    the world is that although the fallacy of the communist economy has been recognized – so much
    so that former communists have unhesitatingly become economic liberals – the moral and
    religious question that it [Marxism] used to address has been almost totally repressed. The
    unresolved issue of Marxism lives on: the crumbling of man’s original certainties about God,
    himself and the universe. The decline of a moral conscience grounded in absolute values is still
    our problem today. Left untreated, it could lead to the self-destruction of the European
    conscience, which we must begin to consider as a real danger …”

    • Yusef drives a Kia


      • hayeksplosives

        DING DING DING!!

    • hayeksplosives

      And my personal favorite, one that I think even our atheist Glibs could get behind:

      “Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic.”

      • hayeksplosives

        Round 2:

        “It it has been said many times and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom”.

      • SDF-7


      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Good Morning

      • hayeksplosives

        ( The “Not divine but demonic is classic Ratzinger, btw. Quite the contrast)

      • Lackadaisical


        why’d he have to retire?

    • Pope Jimbo

      *dances around in anticipation of HE’s clue about me*

      Uffda. I hope the clue isn’t too fawning or I’ll be so embarrassed.

  7. CPRM

    It’s children throwing tantrums all the way down.

    • Trigger Hippie


      *throws half eaten bowl of Cheerios at CPRM*

  8. The Late P Brooks

    “And hey @PeteButtigieg, try to not be so smug when you just got your ass kicked. You know how we form a winning coalition to beat Trump? With a true multi-racial coalition of working Americans: something @BernieSanders has proven he can do + you haven’t. Dude, show some humility,” de Blasio tweeted of the former South Bend, Ind., mayor.

    De Blasio knows smug.

    • peachy rex

      And getting his ass kicked in the primaries.

    • Rhywun

      8:37 PM – Feb 22, 2020

      Wow, he rolled out of bed early to twit that.

      • Chafed


    • Hyperion

      “With a true multi-racial coalition”

      Just like the dem presidential candidates! I mean there’s… oh yeah, he’s an old white dude… I mean like… oh yeah, he’s a young white dude… well, like… oh yeah, he’s an old white dude, SHIT! Well, there is… oh yeah, he’s an old white dude, never mind…

  9. Trigger Hippie

    “Bernie Sanders means hope to me,” said Donny Brooks, a 19-year-old student caucusing at the University of Nevada, Reno.

    No doubt. Of course, what you hope for and what you’d actually get with his presidency wouldn’t look anything alike. But what’s the point of being 19 if you can’t be an idiot?

    “Bernie represents a push against the status quo. A win for Bernie is like an actual win for the public.”

    He does represent a push against the status quo, true. A regressive push, but a push none the less. And a win for Bernie in the Dem’s primaries is a win for popcorn futures.

    I’d feel bad for the dems but they backed themselves into this corner, now any attempt to move back to the middle may be nigh impossible for the general election.

    • KibbledKristen

      Bernie, who has been an elected official his entire life, is a vote against the status quo. Makes perfect sense.

      • Trigger Hippie

        In the kid’s defense, and mine for that matter, I guess, it isn’t as if Bernie actually influenced much through legislation during his time in office. Or wrote any meaningful bills, or did much of anything besides cash a check. Nice work if you can get it, but he hasn’t lent much to the status quo and is viewed as a crackpot by many of his peers.

      • SDF-7

        I’d like to think that is indicative that even if Sanders somehow wins the actual election *and* somehow keeps the House and gains some in the Senate he’d have a hard time finding legislative consensus to put through his ideas.

        Then I remember the Obamacare debacle and that the Dems seem to keep in lockstep very, very well… and I shudder. Here’s hoping the non-primaries part of the country is as sane as I hope…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, Sanders is spineless, just look at how he reacted when a woman grabbed the microphone out of his own hand on a stage that he paid for. The other Dems though, not so much.

      • Rufus the Monocled

        The Democrats are in serious trouble. And if you think they’re gonna play by the rules if the far left gets more power….America better sharpen that ‘eternal vigilance’ knife that’s been stuck in the drawer because Bernie, AOC and those two twats pictured above are enough to burn the whole thing down.

        Dumbass, illiterates whoever votes for these bozos.

      • Mojeaux

        I’m torn between thinking there’s going to be a showdown between the populace and the Marxists, and thinking we’ll revolt about as hard as we did when Obama was in office.

        Because of recent events in the Mojeauxland, my husband and I ended up having a long heart-to-heart about the state of the household. At one point. I said, “Yanno, Obama fucked us over good and hard. Gas prices doubled and Obamacare tripled our health insurance premiums.”

        Trump doubled the standard deduction and gas is back to $2.20 a gallon.

        I didn’t really realize until that second just HOW MUCH power one man had over our lives. I’m 52 and have always been middling aware of politics and I don’t remember ever being directly affected like that (Except that extra $600 Bush gave me after 9/11.)

      • Mojeaux

        Oh, heh. What I meant to go on and say was …

        How many people are going to be willing to fight back? I had my head in the sand during Obama’s time because life circumstances weren’t allowing me to pay much attention to what was going on outside my house. How many people are like me? Trying to survive, not paying attention because they can’t or because they can’t do anything about it?

      • cyto

        I am reminded of Bain’s speech in The Dark Knight Rises.

        “We come here not as conquerors… but as LIBERATORS! To return control of this city to the people! …..

        For now martial law is in effect. return to your homes… hold your family close. And wait. Tomorrow you claim what is rightfully yours!”

      • KibbledKristen

        Or wrote any meaningful bills, or did much of anything besides cash a check

        Aka maintained the status quo

      • Trigger Hippie

        Stop making sense, dammit. I’m not fully awake yet.

      • KibbledKristen

        LOL…and here I am, drinking decaf

      • Trigger Hippie



    • Fourscore

      Bernie not only will bring you free college, he will get up and take those damnable 8 AM classes for you plus guarantee you get a good grade on your exams. What’s not to like? And pay teachers more! At no cost to you !

      • Trigger Hippie

        Unicorn farts for everybody!

      • Rhywun

        Yeah, the “status quo” they’re fighting is “having to pay for shit”.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Those teachers need to respect your preferred pronouns … and grades!

        RANCHO CORDOVA, CA—Students at Harvey Milk High School are taking advantage of a new policy that forces teachers to recognize their “grade identity” rather than the actual, objective score they’ve earned in the class so far.

        One 11th-grade biology teacher, Mr. Harper, refused to comply with the policy, and is now on suspension pending an investigation into his harmful actions.

        The teacher repeatedly referred to a student as “failing” despite her clear insistence that her preferred grade is “A.”

      • Fourscore

        “clear insistence that his/her preferred grade is “A.”

        Damn, you just doxxed half of the glibs! If everyone is super, Superman becomes average

      • Rhywun

        Honestly expected that to be real.

    • robc

      I voted for a republican when I was 19. And Ron Paul was even on the ballot. I was an extreme idiot.

  10. Yusef drives a Kia

    Majel Barret, she was a character,

    • hayeksplosives

      I liked her in the pilot ep, but people weren’t ready for an unemotional female lead.

      • Ted S.

        Some people would like women to stop being so fucking emotional.


      • Gender Traitor

        stop being so fucking emotional


      • The Hyperbole

        Let’s not get hysterical.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Back then it was all about HAL,

      • Ted S.

        HAL came two years after Star Trek….

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Thanks for that Ted, what would I do without you?
        walk around ignorant of movie trivia and spelling errors……

      • Rhywun

        Four years if you include the pilot.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    The unresolved issue of Marxism lives on: the crumbling of man’s original certainties about God,
    himself and the universe.


    • hayeksplosives

      If actually interested, there’s more Paparazzi.

      In its turn, freedom of worship can be seen as the basis of all human rights and the ultimate barrier to totalitarianism. According to Ratzinger, this was essentially the unique contribution of the martyrs to the progress of civilization. “As a religion of the persecuted, and as a universal religion that was wider than any one state or people, it [Christianity] denied the government the right to consider religion as part of the order of the state, thus stating the principle of the liberty of faith.”4 This he maintains was the soil out of which, in the course of history, the Enlightenment sprung.5 The Enlightenment was born in “places where Christianity contrary to its own nature, had unfortunately become mere tradition and the religion of the state.” It is to the credit of the Enlightenment, Ratzinger adds, that it drew attention afresh to basic Christian values and gave reason back its own voice.

      *“Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger on Politics” Reverend D. Vincent Twomey, S.V.D., S.T.D. October 23, 2013

      Archbishop Peter L. Gerety Lecture Series Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology Seton Hall University

      • SDF-7

        Interesting… in the Western traditions, I can see his point. I don’t know enough about / am curious about the Eastern side with Buddhism / Taoism / Hinduism / etc. (Part of it is I really don’t know much about pre-East India Company subcontinent politics there, I know there was a whole *mess* of polities, but how they tied into religion beyond the caste system isn’t something I’ve read up on).

        I know Shinto in Japan was tied to the Emperor and hence the state, Confucianism (religion or just Civil Service Code?) was very much a part of keeping the cogs-in-place in China, but were all the Eastern religions somehow partitioned nationally when they preach universalism in the wider scope? Seems odd… Anyway, not a sermon – just a thought. (not-TM).

      • hayeksplosives

        How culturally homogenous were eastern “nations” within their boundaries, to the extent boundaries were defined?

        I believe it’s reasonably accurate to say that Islam is the most blatant Nation-is-State-is-Religion. Islam is a socioeconomic system that cannot be separated into “home life” and “secular life”.

  12. KibbledKristen

    I haven’t been paying attention – why wasn’t Bloomie in the NV caucus?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      too short to ride?/

      • KibbledKristen

        LOL (howdy Yusef…are things OK witchyou?)

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Alright, drinking coffee, Wake and Bake, and all of a sudden Bella is Blowing the Stench!

      • KibbledKristen

        This sounds like a projection of my future self in about 30 minutes

      • Trigger Hippie

        Admit it, you gave her table scraps last night.

        Reap what you sow, dude. 😉

      • Yusef drives a Kia


      • Trigger Hippie

        Lucky puppy!

    • UnCivilServant

      He missed the filing deadlines for the first few primaries/caucuses

  13. Trigger Hippie

    I see Marxism’s failings as rather resolute, but that’s just me.

    • Trigger Hippie


      When you Brooksed your reply to Brooks.

      • l0b0t

        Good morning, TH. Just because you might appreciate such things, my guy had the strains Wedding Cake, G13, and Do-Si-Dos available; I’m grinding and mixing them at different ratios to find the perfect blend. Also, finally got around to dealing with the couple hundred cartridges that have only trace amounts left inside. They are disassembled, in a bucket, submerged in 91% alcohol. With no scrubbing (or even agitation yet), the solution is already fully opaque and brown.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Talk about Fucking Hippies, just grind a nug and smoke the Shit,
        mixing and processing,
        /Old Man yells at clouds, of Smoke

      • Ted S.

        It’s no different from the lengths people here go to to produce the perfect beer. Just drink some Coors Light for God’s sake.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I was thinking exactly that after I posted, OTOH, all modern strains are good, I don’t even know where to find Mexican Dirt Weed,

      • Shirley Knott


      • Spudalicious

        Why would you want to?

      • Trigger Hippie

        I still prefer to smoke above anything else, but it’s hard to pass up what basically amount to to a large THC crystal when it’s offered up to you.

      • l0b0t

        I still prefer to smoke above anything else…

        #metoo I’m not at all a fan of joints and those who mix tobaccy in or roll with cigar leaf need to be smacked around about the head, neck, and shoulders. There is something viscerally satisfying about the feel of glass with a water/ice filter.

      • Trigger Hippie

        I still smoke a few joints during the week, but I agree. Glass is best. One of my chameleon pieces was shown as a link pic here a few years ago.

      • l0b0t

        This is my daily smoker –

        Except mine was purchased 15 years ago for less than $50 and has been repaired with JB Cold-Weld and silicone rescue tape because I can’t afford to replace it.

      • Trigger Hippie


        I prefer a small thick glassed piece I can fit in the palm of my hand.

        It helps me play my favorite hobby of hunting down misplaced items scattered around the home.

        A guy needs to fill his weekends with something.

      • Pi Guy

        *nods vigorously*

      • Ted S.

        I think I prefer the Thin Mints strain.

      • Trigger Hippie

        I just got some of that last night. Ha!

      • Trigger Hippie

        Nice! I have some Thin Mints and Clementine. I also have some crumble left over. Me and some friends killed off the diamond last might.

      • l0b0t

        Awesome. I’ve only recently been turned on to the whole wax/dab/shatter thing and it is very nice. FTR, if you’re ever in NYC, my guy does pop-up catering with infused meals and treats. Holy Mackerel, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to stay for the whole 4 hour thing.

      • Trigger Hippie

        See, edibles are wasted on me. A couple weeks ago a buddy basically force fed me around 100mg of gummies and nada, nothing. A mild body high, barely noticed it. Cookies, brownies, gummies, lollipops, doesn’t matter. It’s gotten to the point where I feel guilty accepting them as gifts. Better used on somebody else.

      • hayeksplosives


      • Trigger Hippie

        Ba dum dum dum ba ba DUM DUM da da bum bum BAAAA!!!!

  14. Tres Cool

    Church is gonna be painful this morning…..PICKLE JUICE STAT!

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of women crusaders not yet beatified

    In February 2017, I published a blog post about my experiences with sexual harassment and gender discrimination at Uber, where I had recently left my role as a software engineer. In it, I described a year of employment that began with a sexual proposition from my manager and only grew more demeaning and demoralizing from there. The post quickly went viral, tapping into a conversation about systemic discrimination throughout Silicon Valley.

    What I wrote changed the world, some said: for the first time, a woman had spoken up about mistreatment, the world listened to her, and she walked away unscathed. And, in those early days, it really did seem that I had turned the tables, and I started to wonder if most of my fears had been unfounded. It seemed too good to be true. And it was. I was soon jolted out of my daydream, and I awakened into a nightmare.


    Some days, when I think about all of this, I wish I hadn’t come forward. At times I fear that if I could have seen how this decision would affect my life, I would not have gone through with it. But that would have been the wrong choice. Writing that post was the right thing to do, regardless of the consequences.

    Speaking up comes at great personal cost. Being a whistleblower is not easy. It is not glamorous or fun. It will terrify you and scare you and forever change your life in ways that will be beyond your control. But, despite all of this, shining a light in the darkness is the right thing to do. In some cases, like my own, it is the only way to leave the world better than you found it.

    Such terrifying. Many brave.

    “Why can’t I act without consequences? What sort of dystopian nightmare world do we live in, where there are two sides to every story?”

    • Shirley Knott

      The essence of politics — “us and them : eliminating them”
      Possibly the best line in Cerebus.

    • hayeksplosives

      Having been on the receiving end of targeted sexual harassment in my early career, I have to say it is a nightmare and invades even your free time outside of work. It’s awful. But I also have a more narrow description of what it is than some people do nowadays.

      I have to say, I wouldn’t recommend speaking out unless you have a trustees manager who knows the law and has your back.

      • hayeksplosives


  16. The Late P Brooks

    “As a religion of the persecuted, and as a universal religion that was wider than any one state or people, it [Christianity] denied the government the right to consider religion as part of the order of the state, thus stating the principle of the liberty of faith.”

    Yeah. The divine antiestablishmentarianism of Catholicism. I’ll take nonsensical gibberish for one thousand, Alex.

    • Shirley Knott

      The Office of the Inquisition would like a few words.

    • hayeksplosives

      He was talking about the ideal. He is very realistic about the actual shortcomings and mistakes.

      That’s what makes reading his theology rewarding intellectually—he’s wrestling with it.

      It’s crazy to think the Catholic Church would switch so radically from Benedict to Francis in one conclave. It’s all about the feelz I guess.

      (/not a Catholic)

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I figure it had to do with getting a South American pope more than anything else. That’s where a large portion of their base is now. Unfortunately for them, they got an Argentinian, economic nitwits that they are.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        They wanted both a minority and liberation theology

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Then they got it. Be careful what you ask for.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        the Catholic rosters are going gangbusters now


        The Christian right has its own problems, but the Christian left is fulfilling Stalin’s own plans: make every social support system an arm of the state. Soon the church has no arms.
        Between this and the fact that the democratic platform is copypasta’ed into the christian left’s statements of faith there is no reason to go to church or read the Bible just put on MSNBC. No reason to invest in a faith community for support they already told you to get the state to rob someone on your behalf

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That’s spot on.

    • ruodberht

      “wider than any one state or people”

      Seems like a perfectly fair description and still consistent with an established state church. What’s your beef here?

      • Shirley Knott

        Global domination has always been doctrine. Much quibbling about “domination” but global is non-negotiable.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    KK- I assume you saw the footage of that Airbus landing in heavy crosswinds the other day?

    Touching down at about a 30 degree angle to the runway- very impressive.

  18. Grummun

    U.S. intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee and information reported by former special counsel Robert Mueller found that Russia unleashed a complex disinformation campaign on social media and attempted to hack U.S. election databases in 2016.

    “U. S. intelligence agencies” == “known fucking liars”

    “special counsel Robert Mueller” == “partisan hack that abjectly failed at his one goal”

    “Complex disinformation campaign” == “spent a negligible amount of money on some random shit-stirring ads”

    “Attempted to hack U. S. election databases” – I must have missed those news reports. Or is this a reference to the “Russian” hacking of DNC servers?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Every country with a meaningful presence in the world messes with the internal affairs of every other country to a certain degree and that’s always been the case. Russian collusion/meddling accusations have become the last refuge of the scoundrel and the desperate.

      Do they meddle? Of course. Is it effective? Hell no.

      • hayeksplosives

        Buying ads and spreading gossip is nothing.

        People still cast ballots according to what they believe.

        Unless there is actual vote tampering and machine hacking, it’s not interference.

      • hayeksplosives

        For that matter, is Greta Thunberg interfering when she opines on climate change? No? What’s the diff?

      • juris imprudent

        The same diff it always is: its different when WE do it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I see it that way too, they have the right to weigh in on things just like others do. At least they don’t buy politicians like the Chinese and the Saudis.

      • Grummun


        Any campaign already has to try get it’s message through past the misrepresentations and half-lies of opposing campaigns, shady online ads are just more of the same.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        USA is #1!

        At election meddling. I think it was around 86 documented instances in the last 50 years not including assassinations and overt regime change

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I suspect we’re the number one meddler because we have the resources to be the number one meddler and other nations would do it more if they could. That doesn’t make it a particularly productive thing to do though.

      • Trials and Trippelations


      • The Hyperbole

        I think their is room for distinction between voicing support for one side or candidate and actually interfering. I’m not saying it happened but if a foreign government did giving money and/or assistance to a campaign that is different then politicians in one country openly stating preferences. In the latter case depending on the politician and the issue that support could hurt as well as help. If the former is, as the article T&T linked to puts it, the dissemination of misinformation or propaganda, training one side in campaigning techniques, making threats against a particular candidate, threatening to withdraw foreign aid, and bankrolling a particular candidate , these aren’t things we should just accept and say oh well we do it, everyone does it no big deal.

      • l0b0t

        + G/d knows how many Chinese nuns giving their life-savings to the Clinton/Gore campaign.

    • JD is Unemployed

      Movie rights already secured by someone in Hollyweird; didn’t move fast enought.

    • Rhywun

      Then you better avoid the Guardian for the rest of the day.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Have some infuriating bullshit

    With a major obstacle out of the way, WinCo Foods is one step closer to opening a Bozeman location.

    Last week, the Montana Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by a several workers and the United Food and Commercial Workers Local-4 Union against the city of Bozeman for upholding a city commission decision to approve of the WinCo. A Supreme Court filing said the reason for the dismissal was that a preliminary settlement had been reached between the parties. No details of that settlement have been released.


    WinCo, an employee-owned company based in Boise, has had several false starts in Bozeman. In April 2016, the company was considering a 85,000-square-foot store in the same area, but dropped those plans later that year over city building and architecture requirements.

    It submitted an informal application in October 2017 for a 75,000-square-foot store. It submitted formal plans in August 2018.

    Those plans were approved by the city that month but appealed by a group of grocery employees and the United Food and Commercial Workers Local-4 Union who said the store would increase traffic and put their jobs at risk. The plans then went in front of the Bozeman City Commission, which upheld the decision in November 2018.


    • hayeksplosives

      I’ve read that 4 times and am missing something.

      The union is mad because it would be MORE jobs???!?

      • l0b0t

        The union is mad because WinCo (a non-union shop) will be competing with their employers (unionized grocers). I’m actually shocked to see the whole Certificate of Need bullshit leave the hospital industry and attempt to ruin retail provisioning.

      • hayeksplosives

        Welcome to Venezuela! Here is your complimentary roll of toilet paper! Spend it wisely.

      • Rhywun

        “Democracy” in action.

      • Ted S.

        More non-union jobs.

      • Shirley Knott

        Odds that WinCo are a non-union shop?

      • Gustave Lytton


      • Spudalicious

        And employee owned.

  20. Stinky Wizzleteats

    An interview on the Rubin Report with the hobgoblin of the day, Richard Grenell (~1 hr):

    I figured he’d have horns.

    • dontreadonme

      Good watch. Thanks!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    The union is mad because it would be MORE jobs???!?

    More NON-UNION jobs. The retards at Grocery Baggers Local #762 should be empowered to decide what should be considered an “adequate” level of competition, because otherwise the rich will get richer, or some fucking thing.

    • Hyperion

      I’m pretty sure we’ve had the technology to bag our own groceries for a very long time. Luddites unite!

      • l0b0t

        That’s why states and localities are working at breakneck speed to take away our shopping bags.

    • Fourscore

      My son got a job at Piggly Wiggly? or A & P? in Madison, WI. At the end of a month the manager told him he’d have to join to union to keep on working. My son asked what the benefits were and was told, “Well, no one can bump you”. My son said, “I’m the f—ing bag boy. Who is gonna bump the bag boy?” He handed in his apron (tendered his resignation) on the spot.

      I put him to work the next day.

    • Mojeaux

      retards at Grocery Baggers Local #762

      I larfed.

  22. Scruffy Nerfherder

    The IDF is increasing the number of Iron Dome missile defense batteries after an IDF bulldozer prevented Palestinians from retrieving the body of a suspected terrorist who was killed while reportedly placing an improvised explosive device near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning.
    Video from the scene uploaded to social media on Sunday morning showed a crowd of Palestinian youth throwing stones towards an Israeli bulldozer sent to retrieve the body of the dead suspect.
    He was identified as 27 year-old Muhammed Ali al-Na’im, a commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s military wing, the Al-Quds Brigade, in the Khan Younis area.
    The graphic footage showed the bulldozer driving at high speed toward a group of Palestinian youth to prevent them from taking the body. Several people were seen carrying one individual, but the bulldozer was seen lifting the body of the deceased suspect from the ground before it returned to Israel along with an IDF Merkava tank which had been guarding it.

    They should have just run over it with the dozer until the body became part of the landscape.

    • C. Anacreon


  23. Hyperion

    “Heh, heh, heh, max entertainment ahead.”

    Man, have you ever got that right. I soooo freaking want Sanders to win. I know he won’t, because the democracy loving dems will fuck him out of the nomination one way or other. But, just imagine Sanders vs Trump. It would be derptastically fucking glorious. The media would have their biggest mass freakout to date. I can’t even imagine what they would do, they hate Trump, but they hate Bernie almost as much. Please, please, invisible sky gods, make it happen!

    • Drake

      It’s already at the point where if they fuck Bernie out of the nomination, the DNC goes into complete ’68 style chaos.

  24. Shirley Knott

    @HM, are you familiar with Chad Engelland’s book Ostension?
    Also, any thoughts on Ingarden’s The Literary Work of Art? (Leaving aside the complete botch he makes of homonyms in the “word sound” stratum. He does much better on that aspect elsewhere.)

  25. hayeksplosives

    Miracle on ice was yesterday, so I need to retire my Eruzione jersey pic for something else. But if I do a gun selfie, I get teased. What to do…

    (Traipses off to FB album)

  26. Gender Traitor

    First-World-Problem question for any geeks who may be about: until recently, when I left-clicked a link, it would automatically open it in a new tab (which I prefer,) but just in the last day or so, it sometimes navigates to the linked URL in the current tab…but not always. Would that be a Firefox thing? A WordPress thing?

    • Hyperion

      That’s typically a browser setting. Check your Firefox settings. In Chrome if you right click, it will allow you to choose whether you want to open in a new window or a tab. I hate tabs, there gets to be too many of them, it’s a lot easier to remember to close a window.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m wierd, I use a combo of windoes and tabs to organize by browsing. Which is why I hate browsers trying to put tabs on the title bar, I need that real estate to move the window, and filling it with tabs makes that inconvenient.

      • Hyperion

        I showed a client last week how she could grab a tab and move it to her second monitor and she was amazed, lol.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! Options are indeed set to “Open links in tabs instead of new windows,” so we’ll see if it behaves itself. I was just recently dragged kicking & screaming into Windows 10, and had to browbeat it into letting me set Firefox as my default browser.

      • UnCivilServant

        I do not like how Windows 10’s settings screens look and feel like they’re hiding all the options you used to have.

      • Hyperion

        Windows 10 is fine. You can get an app that makes it look exactly like Windows 7, as that seems to be the biggest gripe people have about 10, is the navigation.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Windows shell, great product

    • Hyperion

      I just checked Firefox with Glibs. Links open in a new tab by default for me. But I can right click and choose as well.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    More WinCo story:

    The union then filed a lawsuit agains the city of Bozeman in January 2019. Gallatin County District Judge Holly Brown ruled in October of that year that the union members didn’t have a standing in the case because they didn’t live in the proposed area, and because city zoning laws don’t protect against commercial competition.

    In December, the group appealed Brown’s decision to the Montana Supreme Court.

    Lawyers for all parties and WinCo’s corporate office have not responded to requests for comment.

    Union files lawsuit. Lawsuit laughed out of court. Union appeals.

    “A settlement has been reached.”

    What are the odds this settlement allows the Grocery Baggers Union to interfere in WinCo’s internal business decisions? “Nice little grocery chain youse gots heah…..”

  28. KibbledKristen

    Started the dawg on CBD oil (in addition to glucosamine). Anyone have any experience with this for joints (pun intended)? Poor bubba is so gimpy.

    • hayeksplosives

      I found the oil beneficial to my achy foot bones

    • Hyperion

      CBD oil, no. Glucosamine is good as well as collagen.

    • Trigger Hippie

      I have experience with joints!

      Oh, nevermind.

    • Ownbestenemy

      We do CBD just for the big boom holidays. Havent had experience with joint issues

    • Mojeaux

      Started my (possibly ill) daughter on that to see if it would help with her joint aches and pains a couple of weeks ago. I’ll have to ask her if she feels any better. I was going to give it a month before I expected anything though.

      • KibbledKristen

        I hope it’s working for her, MJ! I figured I’d give the dog at least a month on it as well

    • egould310

      Glucosamine works very well for me. This product in particular. Doctor’s Best Glucosamine Chondroitin Msm with OptiMSM Capsules, Supports Healthy Joint Structure, Function & Comfort, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 240 Count (Pack of 1) If you have achy feet this is the stuff you need.

      • RAHeinlein

        Thanks for the recommendation – I’m going to give this a try. I’ve been using Osteobiflex, but not seeing an impact. Just ran out today, so good timing!

    • Chafed

      My lab is 10 years old and has arthritis. Glucosamine has been some help. I’ve tried CBD oil but it gives him the runs.

      • Shirley Knott

        Try a glucosamine with MSM. Apparently the sulfur is a key element in the utilization of the glucosamine, or so I’ve read. Back in the day, I found it made a difference. YMMV

  29. The Late P Brooks

    city zoning laws don’t protect against commercial competition.

    No shit? That’s just terrible.

    • hayeksplosives

      Buy me a monopoly, Uncle Bernie! I don’t want to have to keep up with competition!!

      We don’t need 20 types of deodorant!

      • Hyperion

        The city let the Dodgahs move! We need communism now!

      • Trigger Hippie

        Or twenty avatars. You’re freaking me out, woman!

      • hayeksplosives

        I’ve been listening to too much contractors advice around here: “You shouldn’t use your own picture.” “You should use your own picture!” “Nice avatar!” “Oh, working it for the camera.”

        Screw it—it’s MY avatar.

      • Trigger Hippie

        MOAR BOOBZ!

        *not a contractor

      • hayeksplosives

        CONTRADICTORY advice.

        Fat fingered again…

      • Agent Cooper

        Dat hair doe.

    • Count Potato

      Seems too wholesome.

    • Fatty Bolger

      That’s pretty cool.

  30. Count Potato

    “Airports warn of chaos as up to 181 MILLION Americans rush to get new IDs before October because state-issued driver’s licenses will no longer be valid on domestic

    Most American travelers will need to apply for a new ID because two thirds of 276 million state driver’s licenses do not comply with a security law, sparking fears that the measure could drastically dent tourism.

    In the U.S. there are 181 million people who still do not have a ‘REAL ID’ and more than half of Americans are unaware that they will need the ID to board a flight, according to research by the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) conducted last fall.

    The law, enforced after recommendations following 9/11, means that all travelers will need a REAL ID to fly domestically.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Worthless security theater bullshit.

      • Pope Jimbo

        No, no, no. It isn’t worthless. Now the Feds have access to state DMV databases!

        I was arguing with a normie buddy about this recently. He was convinced that the new cards would have some super technology that made them extra hard to counterfeit. I told him that the main reason for REAL ID is so the Feds can access state databases and get ID pics for their facial recognition crap and other stupid reasons.

        He came back last week and admitted he was wrong. His kid has a fake Real Id DL for drinking in college bars that looked 100% legit.

    • Trigger Hippie

      I wonder when compliance stays relatively low and it starts hurting the airlines financially if they’ll finally give up on this nonsense.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Minnesoda was holding strong until just last year. I was sort of proud that my local state senator was one of the holdouts on this issue.

        The TSA won by scaring the shit out of the people by saying they wouldn’t be able to fly in just a few months if they didn’t pass the law. So Minnesoda caved and signed up for Real ID. Then the Feds extended the deadline for another year.

        I’m sure if the gov went to them and told them that they needed another extension, they’d probably get it.

    • leon

      Reminds me that my passport is expiring and I need to get it renewed.

    • KibbledKristen

      My DL is expiring in a month. I dread having to go to the DMV, moreso than usual

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I’ll just drive,

      • Gender Traitor

        ^This. I’ve managed to avoid flying commercial since 1983 and have driven everywhere I needed/wanted to be. This last DL renewal was probably my last chance to avoid the hassle of having to get copies of two marriage licenses (I DO have the dissolution paperwork from in between) to account for the name changes. No relatives further from Ohio than St. L or western NY, so little chance I’d have to book a flight for an emergency.

    • Tejicano

      I am preparing to get everything in line during my next trip to the US to get a Real ID – even though I don’t have much need for it. The only reason I am doing this is because the “non-Real ID” driver’s license needs to be renewed every two years which is a pain in the arse for me. A Real ID is good for 8 years – and I only have to provide the documents the first time.

      • UnCivilServant

        Where have you been getting your driver’s licenses? mine have always lasted 8 years.

      • Tejicano

        New Mexico is my home in the US. The licenses I got before were 6 or 8 years (don’t exactly remember). Last time I went in to renew I didn’t have everything they needed for a Real ID so they only gave me two years. That was 18 months ago so I’ve figured out how to gin up the documents they want to get a Real ID which is good for 8 years.

    • hayeksplosives

      I had a reslID in NN and a Real ID in California. Not that much harder to do, but you need proof of citizenship and not every DMV is staffed with people trained to evaluate it, so you have to look that up.

  31. leon

    Nate Silver now has contested convention as the most likely outcome.

    Though there momentum seems to be in favor of Bernie winning outright

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      *buys popcorn futures*

      • Hyperion

        Just imagine how infuriated the Bernie Bros are going to be when they give the nomination to Bloomberg and he chooses Hillary for his running mate, lol.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The riots will be epic.

      • juris imprudent

        The convention doesn’t happen to be in Chicago again does it?

      • Shirley Knott

        One of the northern suburbs.

      • Shpip

        The convention doesn’t happen to be in Chicago again does it?

        It’s in Madison, Wisconsin, which is a suburb of Chicago.

      • Shirley Knott

        Milwaukee, of which Madison is a metastatic growth.

  32. KibbledKristen

    So there’s this person in the UK that is asking about my upcoming trip. Not really keen on meeting her or having her interfere with my flirtation plans, should such a situation materialize.

    How do I put her off without being a beyotch?

    • Hyperion

      You have to hang out with her and get pints, just for the accent.

      • KibbledKristen

        Plenty of opportunity for that with my “real life” friends. And my real life friends would be excellent wingmen.

        I have no clue what I would even talk about with this woman.

      • Sean

        Maybe just strip down and have a pillowfight with her? That would break the ice.

      • Hyperion

        Pics will be needed.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Agreed. That is the only true confirmation in this situation.

      • KibbledKristen

        Oh, dear. I…I don’t think such a thing would be pleasing to anyone’s aesthetic

      • Hyperion

        We Glibs must be the judge of this! It is the rulez!

      • hayeksplosives

        In similar situations, when someone knows I’m coming to their area so they want to selfishly dominate my plans, I say the truth “No, I have a really limited time there and I really am quite booked, plus need some time on my own. Tell you what, if you really want to spend some time together, how about YOU fly over and visit ME?”

        That shuts them up.

    • Gender Traitor

      Any chance you can claim “My schedule is so packed, I really won’t be able to spare any time, darn the luck!” plausibly?

      • KibbledKristen

        Possible…I’ll have to finesse it a little, because I don’t think she’s very good hint-getter and she’s overly-dramatic & “woe is me” (based on her Facederp postings). I can see her being persistent to the point of my breaking down and agreeing to something like a 6am breakfast.

      • Gender Traitor

        overly-dramatic & “woe is me” (based on her Facederp postings)

        ::shudders:: Yeah, if forced to meet, make sure it’s a setting with plenty of alcohol available (if breakfast, bottomless mimosas?) and a firm end-time (some other place you have to be where it’s OK if you’re a bit squiffy.)

      • hayeksplosives


      • Tulip

        if you can’t get out of it, make it a limited time meeting. “My schedule is really packed, but I could meet for 20 minutes at XXX, then I have to head for the airport.”

      • Tulip

        What GT said.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Remember that ad from way back when, with all the Galapagos lizards wearing sunglasses?

    I had an inspiration, looking at the “army of Gretas” pic at the Guardian. Somebody should photoshop these, or something similar onto all the little gretabots.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      You see, Trump is enlisting Putin to make sure Sanders wins the Democrat nomination.

      The Democrats are going to explode their own party at this rate. They’re simultaneously claiming to not be in control of their own primary, and to be the only hope for America.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      That thread is a nice illustration of how much the Bernie worshippers and the Dem establishmentarians despise each other. Man are they in trouble.

      • LJW

        From the comments.

        “Mainstream Media is utterly corrupt. Mainstream Media is the ENEMY of the people. Mainstream Media works for the 1% and works AGAINST the PEOPLE.”

        Half true. They work for the Democrat Party establishment.

      • juris imprudent

        This could be like the “which Pope” thing – was x ridiculous thing said by a Bernie-bro, or a Trumpkin?

      • 61North

        Wait a minute. I was told by the Best People that media bias doesn’t exist.

      • Shirley Knott

        Yeah, dems stealing lines from Sarah Palin. Whoda thunk it?

      • 61North

        Projection is a hell of a drug.

    • Jarflax

      Tulsi below uncommitted, which at a caucus I assume means spoiled ballots? Has TGA been around at all? I haven’t seen him for a while?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    In the U.S. there are 181 million people who still do not have a ‘REAL ID’ and more than half of Americans are unaware that they will need the ID to board a flight, according to research by the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) conducted last fall.

    The law, enforced after recommendations following 9/11, means that all travelers will need a REAL ID to fly domestically.”

    Just imagine the shrieks of outrage if President Cartoon Villain scrapped that bullshit as pointless and unworkable. He won’t, unfortunately.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Seriously how does this not impede with travel between the various states freely.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh and the reporting is just terrible. You dont need a real ID. Passport will work and if you have neither, the glorious TSA agents can verify via other means.

        Though will be interesting when some undocumenteds are seen flying around.

      • RAHeinlein

        Agreed – the reporting is misleading and lacks real information. The official TSA site is slightly better, but their list of approved ID’s also lacks clarity. Iowa has been Real-ID compliant for awhile, but recently allowed alternative license renewal options (e.g. stations at libraries) and those ID’s don’t have the star.

      • Ted S.

        The real point, of course, is to inculcate in a new generation that the “Papiere, bitte” mentality is normal and always has been.

      • Ownbestenemy

        True. Unless you fly privately and only have a minor hassle…

      • Jarflax

        ^This, there is no reason you should have to prove your identity to fly domestically. In no way does it increase security. The passenger either wants to blow up or hijack the plane or he doesn’t, knowing his identity doesn’t change that fact or tell you which it is.

    • Sean

      I don’t have one and have no plans on getting one. *shrug*

    • 61North

      Bush Alaska is upset about this, without realizing that they can still fly in and out of Anchorage and Fairbanks on the rural carriers with their old DLs.

    • Q Continuum

      They started requiring it here a couple of years ago. If you get a license, it has to be a REAL ID; sure you can opt out, but you opt out of being legally able to drive as well.

      • 61North

        Your state doesn’t offer a non RealID DL? Alaska still offers the non-compliant DL and state ID card.

      • Q Continuum

        Negative. You have to get it. Complete bullshit.

      • 61North


        A lot of people here who live off the road system only have PO Boxes and don’t have any bills with an actual street address, so they can’t use those documents since a street address is needed.

      • Ownbestenemy

        As said above…papers please

      • Gender Traitor

        Does lack of a street address complicate opening accounts at financial institutions? Last I knew, the FI where I work asks for a physical address to open an account even if statements will be mailed to the PO box.

      • 61North

        I think people just make up an address in that case. In the small communities, there’s platted roads but people rarely use the road name, let alone the street number in everyday conversation. It’s more “The red house across from the water plant’ than ‘345 Main Street’. I’m not sure if your street address has to ping in the USPS database.

      • Tejicano

        That really blows for US citizens who reside overseas. Most Real ID requirements – at least the ones for New Mexico – require documents which show you live in the state where the DL is issued. So if you are paying taxes to that state, registered to vote there, but don’t actually maintain a residence there you will lose your driver’s license. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, OVER?

      • 61North

        DMV employees gotta eat, too.

      • Shirley Knott


      • Tejicano

        You missed my point. In the scenario being discussed people who live outside the US have no way to renew their driver’s license. No fees are being paid – neither more nor less – because the state has not imagined the case where people who pay state taxes do not live there.

      • 61North

        Oh no, I agree it’s bullshit that people who are receiving no services and have no access to it are being punished.

      • grrizzly

        Aren’t you supposed to get a driver’s license in the country where you actually live?

    • l0b0t

      OMG! You’ve outdone yourself. 1, 7, 16, and 28 please and thank you.

    • Aloysious

      #5 seems awfully familiar. Can’t place it.

  35. Rufus the Monocled

    D-did I see right? Did Kirk snort into his flute with his nose?

  36. Rufus the Monocled

    Democrats: This is no good. This…this is no good.

  37. Q Continuum

    The similarities between Trump’s primary run and Breadline Bernie’s are quite hilarious. In both cases you have a bombastic candidate who’s not really even a member of the party for which they’re running. They rant and rave and throw out crazy policy prescriptions and the establishment/legacy media absolutely *HATE* them. It’s beyond hilarious to watch MSNBC and CNN trying to kneecap Grandpa Gulag while the Berniebots start using Trump talking points about the media being the enemy of the people.

    Credit to the Pachyderms in that they followed their procedure and actually “let” Trump have the nomination. The response when Bernie gets fucked again will be epic.

    • Hyperion

      Yeah, this is all fucking epic stuff, no? The political establishment getting it right up the arse.

    • Ted S.

      That’s part of why I’m worried Bernie might actually win. If Trump could pull it off so can Bernie.

      • Hyperion

        “If Trump could pull it off so can Bernie.”

        The nomination? Yes. The general, no.

      • Not an Economist

        The general, no.

        People said Trump had no chance at the nomination.

        Then the same people said Trump had no chance at the general.

        I’m not counting Bernie out for the same reason Trump won. If a recession happens, then look out.

      • hayeksplosives

        And BOY is the MSM trying to spook people into collapsing the DJIA!

      • Not an Economist

        If you want to see people dancing badly on TV, see what happens if a recession crops up in the next 6 months.

      • juris imprudent

        And he will have as much success with his “agenda” as Trump has. How’s that spending cutting coming? What about that wall?

        Bernie has no hold on the Dems, even less than Trump has managed on the Repubs.

      • Ownbestenemy

        While Trump has utilized executive orders, he has met resistance in the courts.

        Bernie has some leftist allies in the judiciary and his orders might stick

      • KSuellington

        +1 Hawaiian judge

    • KibbledKristen

      How long until Bernie has another “heart attack”…only this one fatal?

    • Ownbestenemy

      What is crazy is people, and business as an extension, like to stay the same with only minor moves that we can adjust to.

      With Trump it was a mild to almost no swing right from Obama…however Bernie is going to peg the meter hard to the left.

      Young people dont realize how much damage a revolution does. If Bernie wins, that is what it is because of the drastic seing of a political ideology.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Acid Inspired animal rights/environmentalist video set to porn techno…

      Sure…I’m stoned, it’s Sunday morning, why not?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        At least it’s interesting.

        Most music videos these days are boring.

      • Trigger Hippie


        I admit granny punching the tiger got a chuckle.

        And I didn’t know they bothered with music videos anymore, to be honest.

    • Grummun

      Japanese dude: “Ah shit tracksuit jesus has come in his giant shoe for what I did to that horse”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Ruffalo is an idiot, and his idiotic pronunciations get him incessant praise from the retards on the left. As time progresses, his opinions become even more out there because he has no one in his immediate vicinity telling him he’s just a stupid asshole and should shut up.

      • Q Continuum

        “he has no one in his immediate vicinity telling him he’s just a stupid asshole and should shut up”

        Accurately describes Hollywood… oh who am I kidding, accurately describes most of America.

    • CPRM

      I’m inviting the rest of the world to get involved in our next election, because the fate of the world is in the f***ing balance.


  38. The Late P Brooks

    Meet the Press is on. Soon, I will know what to think.

    Bernie is the odds-on favorite. Look both ways before crossing the street, Bernie.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Them hixpanix; how will they vote?

    It’s not like they’re individuals, with independently derived personal beliefs and preferences.

    • juris imprudent

      Occasionally one or two will try out that independent, individual interest thing and the overseers are quick to whip them back onto the plantation.

    • Q Continuum

      Telemundo gives them their marching orders before they head out the door to a quinceañera at the local park to play piñata, eat tacos and play soccer. Gotta unwind from a hard day of hanging out at the Home Depot waiting to get picked up for a drywall job.

      /elite perception of Lantinx typical life

      • C. Anacreon

        How I love it!
        How I need it!
        You know I can never stop.
        Just give me
        Two tacos,
        Two burritos,
        And a soda pop.

        /Jennifer Lopez song

  40. 61North

    Which one of you got me real high a few months ago and hid my bluetooth speaker in my sauna?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Sorry man, I meant to tell you about that but I forgot.

      • 61North

        These things happen. I found it last night when I fired up the sauna after a long day of powder skiing. I might have been under the influence at the time.

        I’d rather have a larger master bathroom than a sauna, but such is the struggle.

      • KibbledKristen

        fired up the sauna after a long day of powder skiing

        I hate you.

      • 61North

        Knee deep snow at the local area. It’s only open on weekends, so all the snow that fell during the week as prime for poaching yesterday. It was the first time I’ve skied without my ACL brace but it worked out well enough.

      • KibbledKristen

        *le sigh*

      • 61North

        In hindsight I should have stayed in Juneau on Friday and hit up Eaglecrest this weekend, but I’ve been out of town since the 10th and wanted to sleep in my own bed.

      • Playa Manhattan

        I skied absolute crust this week. Blue skies, 50 degree days, but absolute crust. They ran the ice cutters at night, but it’s just not the same.

    • Ted S.

      That would be Hayeksplosives, which explains why her Bluetooth isn’t working.

      • Sean


      • hayeksplosives

        Argle bargle. You kids stay off my lawn. Technology has thwarted me.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    And now- “How will the nigras vote?”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I assume you’re watching Meet The Press now. Somehow it’s not racist to cut the voting pool up into little sections based on immutable characteristics.

    • Q Continuum

      Well in that case, they’ll grab some chicken and waffles followed by some Faygo down at the corner store. After that, they’ll head to the barber shop where they’ll engage in some folksy but strangely wise banter and that will shape their decision. The next day they’ll pick up their welfare check and go visit their dad in prison.

      /elite perception of melanin-Americans

      • Rhywun

        followed by some Faygo

        Wait, they’re covering the Juggalo vote now?

      • 61North

        Gotta pay for that detergent to get the red Faygo off their clothes.

      • Hyperion

        “followed by some Faygo”

        Oooraaaange drank!

      • Hyperion

        Wife and I were driving through a Balmer suburb yesterday and were stopped at a traffic light when she asked me ‘What is fish wings? Fish don’t have wings’. I looked over to see the sign on the restaurant. I said ‘It’s Baltimore, hon’. She said ‘That’s what you always say! What is fish wings?’. I said ‘It’s like Lake Trout, it’s not trout and it doesn’t come from a lake. And it’s Baltimore’.

      • Grummun



  42. l0b0t

    So my Bernie Bro brother has posted some Grandpa Gulag website thingamajiggy where one plugs in one’s income and sees just how Sanders’ tax plan will work out. Everyone on the thread is crowing about how great it is and only the 1% get the shaft. I plugged my numbers in. Under Grandpa Gulag, my tax rate increases considerably (from 5.6% to 7.8%) and my disposable income is reduced by almost $600 per year. That may not sound like much but I only made $26k last year and that elderly shitbag wants to take even more of it? FUCK OFF, SLAVERS!

    • UnCivilServant

      How many of those commenters have a job at all if they’re not seeing similar or worse losses?

    • KibbledKristen

      I’m not sure I’d want to know what mine would be with my income, lack of debt, and no kids. I’m sure I’d be thoroughly punished for being successful and financially responsible.

      • UnCivilServant

        You get to keep… 1%

    • Ownbestenemy

      What terrible marketing….they call the website…bernietax. Oh and my effective rate jumps 4% so thanks Ob…Bernie!

    • Trigger Hippie

      $892 less for me. I’m barely above working poor right now. Clinging to working class with little savings after being forced to buy a car a few months ago.

      For fuck’s sake…

    • Tejicano

      No way I’m gonna look at that site. If I did I’m pretty sure whatever value it showed me my taxes would increase by I would end up spending double-triple that purchasing milspec ammo.

      • Trigger Hippie

        I just did it again with my health care costs at zero. I’m currently not covered and haven’t seen a doctor in a few years for anything. The first time I did it I threw a few hundred in as a reasonable possibility throughout any given year.

        It jumped to $1192 less for me.

        Got my vote.

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re going to trust a socialist’s economic calculations?

      • Trigger Hippie

        Multiply by five? Add eternity?

    • Ted S.

      The site doesn’t say where the 4% (yeah right) Medicare for All tax kicks in for single people with no kids, or whether I’d still be paying for health insurance through my employer, so I can’t figure out my disposable income.

      • RAHeinlein

        Based-on Bernie’s statements and Nevada debate comments, everyone pays the 4% Medicare tax and loses private insurance. However, union workers will only have their benefits increase versus current plans.

    • Suthenboy

      That is all bullshit.
      Free college for all. Forgiveness of student debt. Free medical care for all…..

      We are way past those tax increases already.

      Now let’s figure in the tremendous hit the economy will take as a whole and the associated massive drop in Fed revenue…

      • Trigger Hippie

        You mean to tell me rich people in the suburbs will stop repainting their houses every three years to get up with the trendy Joneses down the street? Thus depriving me of work? Nonsense.

      • Trigger Hippie


  43. The Late P Brooks

    I assume you’re watching Meet The Press now. Somehow it’s not racist to cut the voting pool up into little sections based on immutable characteristics.

    Yes and yes. Skin color is a faithful and legitimate predictor of behavior, but only in categories we (and only we) may permissibly select.

  44. KibbledKristen

    OK, stupid woman on Naked and Afraid brought a non-waterproof flashlight as her “survival item”. Flashlight seems like it should be pretty far down on the list, after stuff like machete, fishing line, fire starter, tarp, paracord…

    • l0b0t

      SQUEEEEE…. I’m glad I’m not the only fan of that show here and I’m extra glad I’m not the only one who second-guesses and berates the participants choices. Machete or a small pot for boiling water would be my go-to choices.

      • KibbledKristen

        Yep – definitely a blade for me. Toss-up between fire starter and pot for the other one. Depends on the climate. If it were the Amazon, probably a fire starter over a pot.

      • Suthenboy

        My choices….clothes and DEET. Oh, and food.

      • KibbledKristen

        Although sometimes the show gives them a fire starter as a freebie if the climate is a bit colder

      • l0b0t

        I love, love, LOVE that one of the most difficult, harrowing, experiences endured by the contestants was in Louisiana.

      • KibbledKristen

        Yes! I want to see the arctic one – only seen bits & pieces of it.

      • Suthenboy

        Have you ever been to Louisiana?

    • UnCivilServant

      Only one item… definately a good blade. Steel can help start a fire (off the blunt edge with the right stone), edge can process plants to make cord, etc, etc

      • KibbledKristen

        A good blade can do almost everything

    • AlmightyJB

      Herion. Then, you get everyone else hooked, and put them to work for you.

    • Agent Cooper

      I’d bring a Snuggie as my survival item, so I’d no longer be naked, just afraid.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    I’d rather have a larger master bathroom than a sauna, but such is the struggle.

    Man, I wish I had a sauna.

    • 61North

      It’s overrated. I’ve used it >10 times since I bought the place this summer. It’s too damn hot, which I guess is the whole point, but it’s not for me. Maybe I need a woman in my life to get more use out of it. But that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms,

      • Tundra

        I use the one at the gym after every workout. I dig it. I’ve been looking at the infrared ones for my house, just having trouble finding a good spot for it.

      • 61North

        I think it’s like having a pool or a boat where it’s better if someone else has to deal with the hassle of ownership.

      • Tundra

        Yes, there is truth to this. What’s the old saying? “If it floats, flies or fucks, it’s cheaper to rent.”

        I guess we can add “sweats” to the list 😉

      • AlmightyJB

        Yeah, I’d rather have a nice big jacuzzi and large shower.

  46. Tundra

    Good morning to you Old Man and to all the rest of you lovely people!

    I’ve got a fun link to contribute.

    Every NHL game has an emergency goaltender at the rink in case one team loses both their goalies during the game. Usually it’s a former college player or something. Last night it actually happened!

    Hurricanes use emergency backup goalie against Maple Leafs

    What a cool experience.

    Make it a great day, peeps!

    • Ownbestenemy

      The Blackhawks one was better

    • l0b0t

      I saw that making the rounds on the DerpBook this morning. Heartwarming and impressive.

  47. UnCivilServant

    Damn. I’m hungry, but with the way my innards have been acting up, I’m not sure how well having breakfast will react.

    • Gender Traitor

      How much do you like broth and/or Jello?

      Speaking of which, I’ll be stuck ingesting only those Thursday as I prepare for a certain *ahem* (routine) procedure on Friday. Hoping some of you will be around during the wee hours of Friday morning to help me through the all-nighter.

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        ¡Pobrecita! Is hell’s Gatorade no longer part of the prep? I observed someone suffer through all that about a decade ago.

      • Gender Traitor

        The gastro office called me and gave me the option of a lower-volume prep drink (Plenvu) which cost more than the 50-gallon option, but sounded to me as if it were well worth the extra $$. Plenty above my deductible in the HSA, so I said heck-to-the-yeah.

      • egould310

        Oh. One of those, huh? My wife had to do that 2 years ago. I’ll try to drop by during the overnight to say “hi”.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! I had the “baseline” one a few years ago. The prep is definitely the worst part. Dose #2 of the prep juice is supposed to go down 6 hours ahead of the procedure, which is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Plus I’m wary of sleeping for fear of not waking up in time to…you know. Any moral support will be gratefully accepted. Immoral support, too, for that matter.

      • AlmightyJB

        My advice is to have dose 2 finished an hour or two earlier than advised. I saved up small water bottles and pre-measured the prep into those and kept them on ice in a cooler next to the commode along with I believe it was Diet Mountain Dew. I would hold my nose drinking the prep and chase with the mountain dew. Also sucked on some butterscotch candies I think? Wasn’t bad. Once everything starts flowing you’re not going anywhere so keep some reading material or whatever close at hand. I actually bought depends to wear for the drive but didn’t need them. Changed when I got there.

      • AlmightyJB

        I think it was life savers butter rum actually. There’s lots of tips online.

      • Spudalicious

        Stay up late Thursday instead of getting up early Friday.

      • Gender Traitor

        Oh, that’s definitely the plan. I’ll hold out for sleeping the rest of the day Friday after I get home.

  48. MafiaBellyInTwist

    The Democrats would probably be better off taking the Presidential election off and just concentrating on the Senate and House contests, because there in a full out civil war over the possibility of Bernie becoming the nominee. The replies to this tweet from actor Mark Ruffalo asking for unity behind Bernie since he’s the frontrunner are pretty brutal:

    • MafiaBellyInTwist

      just noticed I used “there” instead of “they’re” damnit.

      • Hyperion

        The contraction infraction police are on patrol, you been busted!

      • Trigger Hippie

        I think the theory is they are doing just that with the Bloomberg candidacy. He’s using his run as a pretense to funnel money around to the rest of the country or something.

        Oh…Fuck off, Tupla!

        We’ve never spoken before, so just getting that out of the way.

      • AlmightyJB

        Mike will get it done.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Remember when it was imperative to get money out of politics?

        Good times.

    • Hyperion

      Some people are prognosticating that the dems will fracture into two different parties. I don’t see it. The so called ‘centrists’ left in the party are all in their 70s and 80s now and all they do now it try to pretend to be more like the left. The dems will go full on left and any leftovers from the old party will be thrown out to maybe switch parties and be just another Romney/NcCain style East Coast Republican / Dem Lite. There will be no war, the war is over and the left radicals won.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Bluedogs will be the new Dixiecrats.

      • Naptown Bill

        Agreed. This is an important time in the political history of the US, but not an unprecedented one. The same things that have made it unlikely for a third party to arise remain in effect. I could however see some defection to the Republican party from some of the most moderate Dems, especially those in vulnerable districts.

    • Hyperion

      Wait… where are my manners? Fuck off, Tulpa!

    • AlmightyJB

      Nice to see all of the feminist calling everyone who doesn’t support Warren a misogynist, while taking pot shots at Tulsi.

    • Trigger Hippie


      That reminds me, anyone seen Gordilocks around the interwebz? He was alright.

      • KibbledKristen

        He’s not on the Tweeters anymore as far as I can tell 🙁

      • Trigger Hippie


    • Shpip

      I’ve thought of wearing a shirt like that, but I’ve chickened out. I can’t see the odds in possibly hacking off some petty functionary who can ruin my whole day should he so choose.

      And having TSA Pre-check does make the process less onerous.

      Kudos to that dude, though.

      • Lackadaisical

        that’s hilarious.

        also, don’t be scared to let your freak flag fly. they’re just working stiffs and probably don’t give a shit about their job really.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The wife got pissy because I’d opt out to avoid the rapiscanner, and she’d have to wait while I got my TSA body massage.

        Weird place to pat the guy down. Usually they pull you off to the side instead of right in the walk lane. Must have alarmed on the rapiscanner? Or random pat down?

      • KibbledKristen

        I’ve gotten patted down in that same spot after using the rape scan. In fact, I almost always get an extra pat down. It’s a more brief one than the one you get if you refuse the rape scan.

    • Naptown Bill

      That’s funny as hell, but it’s also horrifying. That’s the #1 reason I refuse to fly anymore. No thank you, I don’t think I will pay for the privilege of having to unpack and walk barefoot over your dirty floor in order to get searched by strangers making minimum wage so that I can wait in a food court until I can get on a crowded plane with a bunch of other schmucks.

      • KibbledKristen

        Waiting extra time in an airport is never a problem for me (depending on the airport, but even a little regional like BTV or ABQ can be entertaining). Also, I’m a bougie bitch, so I pay to not go through the normal flying experience.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    Interesting little tidbit: they say the “national security agency” told Bernie the Russkies were trying to interfere in the election.

    Why didn’t they set up a sting to nab Bernie in the act of colluding?

    • Lackadaisical

      because they’d rather be red than dead?

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Chuck Todd is outraged about President Upstart’s refusal to kowtow to the establishment.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    Why won’t President Upstart cooperate with the people who have openly declared their intent to destroy him and his Presidency?

    I’m baffled.

  52. 61North

    Some woman I share office space with was baffled why people would have more kids to get more PFDs and priority for tribally-owned housing. Huh, it’s almost like incentives matter.

    • Tundra

      Why life jackets?

      • 61North

        Permanent Fund Dividend, aka Free Oil Money From The Government. I think it was $1300 last year.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    Okay, Chuck, now tell us how Sanders does with black voters who have a job, in your poll. Or those who actually own their own businesses?

  54. Mojeaux

    Today is orientation at WM for XX TD. I’m almost as excited as she is!

    Re CBD oil. She says she THINKS it’s helping her joint pain but it’s only been 2-3 weeks. Now it will be put to the test.

    I hope she can last.

    • UnCivilServant

      Good luck to both you and her.

    • KibbledKristen

      Fingers crossed for wellness & skool success!

    • Naptown Bill

      Two weeks seems long for what you’d expect from a placebo effect, so hopefully that’s a good sign. Please, let me know if she keeps seeing good results. I’ve started running again and now when I walk up and down stairs it sounds like someone’s making popcorn.

      • UnCivilServant

        In hindsight, bubble wrap was a poor choice for clothing material.

      • Naptown Bill

        Ok, that was a pretty good one.

      • egould310

        See my glucosamine recommendation upthread.

      • Naptown Bill

        I’m gonna try that, thanks.

  55. The Late P Brooks

    Phrase of the day:

    Career professional

    “These aren’t “mid level bureaucrats, they’re career professionals.

    Those fine menand women have devoted their LIVES to serving the nation. President Cartoon Villain is just a carnival sideshow huckster who’d sell his mother’s kidneys to get lunch money.

    • 61North

      I’m so sick of these non-career professionals and career amateurs!

      • Lackadaisical

        having worked with these career professionals, I would put less stock in what they say than the rantings of RDA. (random drunken asshole )

      • Ted S.

        The second half of Mom’s career was as a teacher’s aide for special needs students, a description that anyone can understand. The union, in an attempt to me normal people in the dark, called her a “paraprofessional”, or worse, “school-related personnel” (with the worst being the use of the acronym SRP).

        I never could get an explanation of the difference between a paraprofessional and a paraamateur.

      • UnCivilServant

        A paraprofessional gets paid to jump from airplanes, while a paraamateur pays to jump from planes?

      • Trigger Hippie

        Now say Paraprofessional paratrooper plummets from planes five times fast.

      • Gustave Lytton
    • CPRM

      I don’t know about ma Trump’s kidneys, but I do know there was no way he could have sold his brother’s liver.

    • JD is Unemployed

      Whencefrom that comes?

  56. The Late P Brooks

    Today is orientation at WM for XX TD. I’m almost as excited as she is!

    I’m rooting for you both.

    • Agent Cooper

      If she’s at WrestleMania, I certainly hope the CBD oil works!

  57. Lackadaisical

    I got to the airport on time, but my airline sucks and didn’t tell me they delayed the flight, ado I showed up effectively an hour early.

    started drinking and I get a text saying they’ve delayed my flight another 50 minutes so I’ll also be missing my connection. thanks.

    • AlmightyJB

      At least there’s booze.

      • JD is Unemployed

        Sometimes a necessary part of air travel.

      • 61North

        You can take airplane bottles in a ziploc bag through TSA. Apparently you can’t open them yourself on a flight, but there’s nothing saying you can’t pound them pre-flight.

      • Lackadaisical


        have you ever travelled with a toddler? I had so many powders and liquids,and yes, I opened them all myself.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Except airport regulations and local laws, if applicable. Not everywhere is AK or LA. *sigh*

        I like to save those for the other side when I have no idea where the closest liquor store is (and it usually isn’t) and there no bar/minibar (most of the time).

      • Gustave Lytton

        Fun fact: while you can’t serve yourself, if the FA serve your own brought booze, it’s ok by FAA regs. However airline company policy can prohibit FAs from doing that and everyone misrepresents the FAA regs as ‘you can’t drink your own booze’.

      • 61North

        No shame in doing shots in the airplane bathroom.

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        So which airlines permit it?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Jet Blue. Or did.

      • l0b0t

        Sigh… when I was a regular flyer, I would ALWAYS carry on a sixer of cold beer and a sack full of cheeseburgers.

  58. The Late P Brooks

    Let them eat cake

    Montana’s Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this spring on a Park County judge’s decision to block a mining company’s drilling plans in the mountains east of the Paradise Valley.

    The Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Lucky Minerals Inc. appealed the Park County District Court’s decision to invalidate an exploratory drilling permit for private land near Emigrant last fall. The Park County Environmental Council and Greater Yellowstone Coalition had challenged the project over concerns that it could lead to large-scale mining with the potential to harm the environment.


    Lucky Minerals first asked for permission to look for gold near Emigrant Peak in 2015. Locals and environmentalists opposed the project from the beginning, raising concerns that mining would harm wildlife, water quality and the region’s tourism-dependent economy.

    The opposition ultimately persuaded Congress to permanently ban new mining claims on 30,000 acres of public land in the mountains there, covering federal land near Lucky’s claims and another mining project near the border of Yellowstone National Park. Supporters of the ban see it as a way to hamper the companies’ ability to mine profitably by limiting any potential expansion.

    Limousine liberal ecology activists. We don’t want jobs. We want a picture postcard fantasy world. We don’t need jobs, since we’ve already got ours, those other people can just lump it.

  59. The Late P Brooks

    They fucking love science!

    Lucky Minerals and DEQ filed their appeal of the decision in August 2019. Briefs filed by their attorneys argue that Gilbert shouldn’t have found any fault with DEQ’s environmental analysis, and that it was thorough enough.

    Attorneys for the Montana Department of Justice, which intervened in the case when it was in district court, have also filed briefs in the case challenging Gilbert’s finding that the law was unconstitutional. The DOJ’s opening brief argues there are many other ways for people to protect their right to a clean environment, and that the changes to MEPA simply “clarified existing law” and are constitutional.

    The Earthjustice attorney representing the two conservation groups defended their positions in a response brief, writing that DEQ’s environmental analysis overlooked several key issues and didn’t look at options for reducing the project’s environmental impact.

    The brief also argued that the amendments to MEPA turn the state’s environmental law into “a meaningless paperwork exercise that fails to meet its stated purpose of protecting Montanans’ fundamental rights.”

    Except when science doesn’t agree with them.

    *science, in the form of “environmental quality” department representatives who don’t understand their real job is to let no tree or rock be disturbed.

  60. Gustave Lytton

    The stars appear to be aligning into a delayed horoscope.

    • AlmightyJB

      The world must be ending. There is no future to predict.

    • Spudalicious

      Go ahead, you wake up SP.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m not a big fan of rusty can lids before noon.

      • Chafed

        Delayed Glibfit instead of Sunday night open post? You be the judge.

    • westernsloper

      Bernie winning Nevada has been a sign we are in end times.

      “And the grey haired geriatric horseman shall descend upon the lands supported by violent mobs of pierced peoples.”

      It is in Revelation I think.

  61. Toxteth O’Grady

    Is Giuliani going senile too? He just referred twice to “Terry v. U.S.” [sic] on a podcast while complaining that Bloomberg isn’t a lawyer.

  62. westernsloper

    I went to the store yesterday but forgot seltzer so I had to go back to town today. I blame Russia.

    • Trigger Hippie

      So you’re saying you drank vodka last night?

      • Ted S.

        I went to bed early because I was sick Friday night and got very little sleep. 🙁

      • westernsloper


    • Sean

      I am not stocking yet another caliber.

      • AlmightyJB

        OTOH…10mm ammo has been dropping in price. If you’re going to have a PDW in a non-rifle caliber, wouldn’t be a horrible choice.

      • Suthenboy

        Ditto. Fortunately I already have 10mm.

    • westernsloper

      I want one.

  63. Sean

    Food safety.

    I have some roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon in the fridge. I bought them fresh store made last Saturday. Still good?

    • Chafed


      /Not a doctor. Also vegetarian.

      • Playa Manhattan


        You can’t get jacked as a vegetarian.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Meh. Probably. I let food linger probably too long so I wouldn’t take my own advice

      • C. Anacreon

        Letting it linger can be a problem for cranberries.

      • Rhywun


    • Mojeaux

      Look, if it doesn’t smell bad or taste off, it’s getting eaten.

    • Lackadaisical

      if it smells fine, sure

    • Toxteth O’Grady

      Heck yeah.

    • Spudalicious


    • westernsloper

      If it passes the smell test I would go for it. Bacon keeps a long time. All hail nitrites!

    • Sean

      I ate it with a side of sour cream and horseradish to dip them in. They seemed fine.

      • Agent Cooper

        Sean died. Sorry. RIP, brother.

  64. The Late P Brooks

    Without evidence

    In Las Vegas on Thursday, Trump criticized the criminal case against his friend and political strategist Roger Stone and raised the possibility of “a bad jury.” Trump also broadly assailed law enforcement. He declared some FBI officials “scum” and said, without reference to anyone in particular, “So we have a lot of dirty cops.”

    What makes Trump’s public criticism different from that of past presidents is the way it fundamentally attacks the rule of law.

    The foreman of the Stone jury made explicitly biased political statements. But Trump has no reason to doubt her impartiality.

    • Ted S.

      Obama’s calling out the Supreme Court after the Citizens United decision wasn’t an attack on the rule of law?

      • Chafed

        No because reasons.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Its right there in the article…his critisim is different. No reason other than that needed to feed the frenzied masses

      • Not an Economist

        Because it was Obama, a former professor of constitutional law. Duh…

      • hayeksplosives

        I profess to know constitutional law, and I’m actually a fan of the constitution. That makes me more qualified than barry. Or RBG.

      • Suthenboy

        Even more recent was the Dems (Pelosi?) openly threatening the SC if they made rulings unfavorable to the Dems.

      • Ownbestenemy

        +1 packing the courts.

    • Chafed

      Trump does but lacks the basic competency to raise these facts.

    • Lackadaisical

      *states basic facts, attacks political opponents*

      hEz AtTaCkInG tHe RuLe Of LaW.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It only attacks the rule of law if you believe in the rule of men.

    • Suthenboy

      Projection all of the. time.

      He is not attacking the rule of law, just the opposite. He is attacking the rule of man. I suspect Joan doesn’t know what the rule of law is.

    • Toxteth O’Grady

      I suspected there’d be vintage plates involved. Is that a different pattern from the teacups?

      • Sean

        Yes. This is the butterfly gold pattern. The other pattern I keep is crazy daisy.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Mmmm… porterhouse blue…

    • westernsloper

      Damn you buy nice meat. You ever put a pencil to your monthly beef bill?

      • Sean

        Nope. I just know it gets worse with nice weather.

      • westernsloper

        #metoo Although I am on a chicken thigh binge this weekend. Getting ready to fry up a batch of Tikka Masala ala the commie bastard Chef John.

      • l0b0t

        Made prime rib last night, paired with roasted asparagus. Breakfast today was seared slices of rib, bacon, an egg-in-the-hole, fried tomatoes, and cheese grits. Dinner will be a spinach salad with warm bacon dressing.

      • Sean

        Speaking of bacon:

        “Bacon as we know it dates back to around 1500 B.C., making it one of the oldest cuts of meat. So it’s no surprise that many places around the world have their own versions of bacon. The way this age-old cut of pig is cooked and seasoned differs from place to place.”

      • l0b0t

        I confess, I clicked on that link, fully expecting my takeaway to be “Johnny Foreigner is doing it wrong.” Those all look delicious however.

      • Animal

        Bauchspeck is pretty damn good.

  65. The Late P Brooks

    And then, there’s this:

    The Trump remarks that followed suggested those pardons were a prelude to some reprieve for Stone, who was sentenced Thursday after being convicted last year of lying under oath to Congress and threatening a witness, related to Stone’s work on the 2016 Trump campaign. (The case was one of several that flowed out of the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential contest.)

    I love how they use that “flowed out of” business to hide the fact that none of those cases had anything whatsoever to do with Russian election chicanery. They were just attempts by Mueller to get leverage.

    • Ted S.

      As I’ve said a couple of times before, Trump should pardon Stone on the grounds that the prosecutor types have found it perfectly OK for people like McCabe to lie to Congress and the FBI, and to preserve the rule of law, we can’t prosecute people like Stone on the same charges — doing so is clearly political.

  66. hayeksplosives

    Musing over the Trump and then the Bernie phenomena.

    Similarities: Stick-it-to-the-man, outsider appeal.

    Motivation of voters: Voters hate the usual D v R dance and where that has gotten us.

    Differences (cosmetic, symbolic): Trump is “USA USA!” and God and baby kissing. Bernie is “USA BAD! Capitalists BAD! Rich BAD!”

    I can’t help but think that the more positive message, even though only symbolic, will be more appealing.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m still laughing over the fact that the Dems were more concerned with shutting down Tulsi than trying to stave off Bernie.


    • Chafed

      You are right about the similarities. I agree the more positive message is more likely to win. But only because the economy is good. We have a habit of voting in lefties when the economy tanks.

      • Naptown Bill

        I think this is exactly right. Besides being a crusty ol’ Acela corridor commie who ought to be teaching undergrads at a private college somewhere, his fundamental problem is that he’s preaching a dismal message at a time when the average person is experiencing a strong economy. Hell, I think even during Obama he’d have gotten more traction because so much of the “recovery” was in the stock market rather than the retail economy.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        his fundamental problem is that he’s preaching a dismal message at a time when the average person is experiencing a strong economy.

        Don’t make the same mistake liberals made in 2016. There is a significant population of angry Millennials and Zoomers, particularly on the coasts, who are living hand-to-mouth in the “gig economy” and don’t blame it on the fact that they went to college for a B.A. in Communications but on Amazon and “predatory” student loans.

      • Winston

        living hand-to-mouth in the “gig economy”

        I thought the gig economy was supposed to turn the Yutes libertarian?

    • Not an Economist

      Something else to worry about is — if elected — Bernie won’t get the push back from the courts that Trump has. A fair number will just let Bernie do what he wants until overruled by a higher court instead of everybody declaring nation wide injunctions.

  67. mikey

    “..With a major obstacle out of the way, WinCo Foods is one step closer to opening a Bozeman location.”

    Winco opened a store in Helena last summer. Since Helena is in Montana there was no such BS. The union thugs should be worried – I’ve stopped going to Safeway.

    • Chafed

      Something similar happened in SoCal years ago. The food workers Union struck every unionized grocery chain. Shoppers went to non-union outlets like Trader Joe’s and Wal-Mart. The groceries still haven’t gotten back their previous market share.

      • Spudalicious

        Safeway workers went on strike a number of years ago. Firefighters are union, so we couldn’t cross the picket line. The small, family owned, nonunion store across the street made a lot of money.

      • Ted S.

        Yes you could.

      • Spudalicious

        Not worth it and packed with irony.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Surprised your union didn’t put the non union places on do not buy lists first.

    • MafiaBellyInTwist

      One thing I’ve wondered about that story is that with chain migration laws any relatives can be brought to America so why would they need to pretend to get married?

      • Playa Manhattan

        Student loan fraud. The income of your parents isn’t taken into consideration when you’re married. She faked a marriage to lower her monthly payments.

        But the fraud wasn’t enough, I guess, because she’s advocating for “loan forgiveness”. If I had to guess, she hasn’t paid back a cent of her loans.

      • Lackadaisical

        something i saw indicated to me he was probably actually a cousin, not a brother. also, the rule for spouses means they can immediately immigrate. I looked at getting my sister in law in. the wait is around 15 years. this depends on country, I assume a year or two for Somalia.

      • Playa Manhattan

        100% biological brother. Same parents.

      • westernsloper

        I looked at getting my sister in law in.

        By marrying her?

      • Ted S.

        There’s a reason they’re called “sister wives”.

      • Playa Manhattan

        More specifically to your question, they’re not related on paper. She’s part of the Elmi family, but in order to gain asylum, her family had her pretend to be part of the Omar family. She’s not, but that’s what it says on her documents.

      • grrizzly

        There’s a huge difference in priority with respect to relatives getting immigrant visas. While a spouse of a US citizen may be sponsored for a green card immediately, a sibling will have to wait decades.

        Have a look here.

        A sibling had to apply 14 years ago (in 2006) for his or her case to processed today. While the priority for spouses is current (no wait).

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Factoring in the fact that “no wait” in reality can be a year or more with the current backlog at DoS and DHS.

    • westernsloper

      So what happens to her if there is an actual investigation and it is found true she married her brother to skirt immigration laws? Jail? Fines? Removal from Congress?

      • Rhywun

        LOL, that’s cute.

      • westernsloper

        One can have dreams.

      • Chafed

        I appreciate your optimism.

  68. The Late P Brooks

    Winco opened a store in Helena last summer. Since Helena is in Montana there was no such BS. The union thugs should be worried – I’ve stopped going to Safeway.

    I have never been in a WinCo, but everybody I know who has is a fan. Assuming the store eventually opens, I’ll go there when i’m in Bozmopolis. Just for spite.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I didn’t care for the Meat and produce sections, pass…

      • Spudalicious

        Produce isn’t bad at Winco and I’ll buy pork there. Beef? Nope.

    • westernsloper

      I picked up one of these in my build your own six pack today. Waiting a bit to pour it.

      • Spudalicious

        Nice. I wanted something easy today after the stout bomb I had yesterday.

    • robc

      A good schwarzbier is a wonderful thing.

  69. The Late P Brooks

    For years, there were union pickets at the Meijer store near me in Indianapolis. I’d wave at them as I pulled in.

    *”wave” may or may not have involved less than two fingers

  70. The Late P Brooks

    So what happens to her if there is an actual investigation and it is found true she married her brother to skirt immigration laws? Jail? Fines? Removal from Congress?

    A sternly worded letter in her file, to be removed in 60 days if she hasn’t married another sibling in that time.

    • Jarflax

      I especially like the implication that the reason for this was that her extremely gay brother was being ‘gotten out of town quietly’ to avoid embarassment.

    • westernsloper

      What if she starts feeding money to and banging someone else associated with her political organization?

      • Suthenboy

        Katie Hill had to resign out of shame for her shenanigans but Omar is a low rent grifter. In other words she is shameless. As long as her tribe keeps voting for her, assuming that’s where her votes are coming from, we are stuck with her. I guess the probability that her votes come from the trunk of a car is pretty good too.

    • Heroic Mulatto

      Y’all Boomers and Gen Xers realize that Millennials and Gen Z love the incest porn fetish? If anything, this is going to get her more votes.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Is that why there’s so much step-sex porn?

        I suppose it has something to do with not getting outside enough as kids.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        SF thinks its due to the increase in blended families.

        I think it’s because of video games and anime.

      • Jarflax

        Flouride in the water, or demons depending on which group of my late mom’s friends you ask.

      • Fourscore

        They’re watching incest step porn? I’d never have guessed but who knows those things?

      • Jarflax

        Not specifically, but all evils were caused by one or the other.

  71. RAHeinlein

    Tom Steyer is on Fox making the case for a “Race Commission” to look at the past 400 years and determine “where things went, and what to do about it” because “environmental justice”

    • Playa Manhattan

      You can spout that kind of gibberish in California without raising an eyebrow. Apparently he doesn’t understand that it sounds crazy in the rest of the country.

    • Suthenboy

      Where things went?

      What the hell is he talking about?

      I would say CA should go fuck themselves but they seem to be hard at work doing that already.

      • RAHeinlein

        Perhaps Playa has the California scoop on this, but is Tom saying because people were stolen from Africa we should pay reparations as part of environmental justice?

      • Suthenboy

        Whatever it is you can bet it involves taking our money

      • Jarflax

        You mean the people who were sold by other Africans? Is he saying the slavers underpaid the dealers?

      • Chafed

        Tom is saying anything and everything he thinks will get him elected.

      • Playa Manhattan

        Intersectionality only makes sense to me in the context of religion, and I’m an atheist.

    • Chafed

      That may be the most sensible thing he’s said.

  72. westernsloper

    Gazan terror groups vowed to avenge the death of the operative whose corpse was filmed being carried away by a D9 bulldozer.

    Wait a minute. That is not the story that was linked earlier. I smell shenanigans. Also, the video I saw earlier was not a D9, it was a front end loader. #fakenews

  73. westernsloper

    Anybody have one of these?

    • RAHeinlein

      Yep – I love it.

      • westernsloper

        Hmmm, might need to look into it. Although I am out of storage space. I might need to move out of the shop and build a house one of these days.

    • Fourscore

      Mrs Fourscore has 1 or 2, but we eat a few HB eggs in the salad. Does ’em correctly and easily.

      • Jarflax

        What is correctly? Greasy smelly chalk in a rubber jacket.

        *not a hardboiled egg fan

      • RAHeinlein

        Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Sunday Scaries!

  74. grrizzly

    Not that long ago someone here mentioned his respect for the WSJ: a quality newspaper, unlike the rest of the MSM. Today the WSJ published an article about a proposed overhaul of the FISA.
    The first paragraph:

    Senior White House officials are discussing an overhaul of the government’s surveillance program for people in the U.S. suspected of posing a national-security risk, spurred in part by President Trump’s grievances about an investigation of a 2016 campaign adviser, according to people familiar with the matter.

    Hey, Trump is just angry and it’s only an adviser who was investigated.

    Later in the article:

    Many of the claims by Mr. Trump about Obama-era surveillance against him and his campaign lack merit and in some cases have been disputed by his own Justice Department, but he has said the watchdog report vindicates his criticism of the FBI.

    I fail to see a difference between the WSJ and the NYT or the WP in terms of covering up for the secret police.

    • Jarflax

      The thing both parties come together to support is the Patriot Act and the security apparatus it empowered. They quietly reauthorized it in the middle of impeachfest, and many Republicans voted against it. Oh, you say, the Republicans opposed it? No, they voted against it because the Democrats stripped a $5 billion rider funding the wall. They supported the reauthorization….

      • westernsloper

        Yes, that was BS. FISA does not need overhauled it needs to go away. As well as the Patriot Act, the DOJ and the FBI.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Keep going…

        FEMA, BATF, BLM, CBP, ICE, NSA, DoE, NSC, every special cabinet-level police force…

      • westernsloper

        Well now we are really dreaming.

      • grrizzly

        Given that the media refuses to acknowledge what happened, why would you expect politicians do anything to fix it?

    • Chafed

      That was probably me. I may not like the tone of those paragraphs but they are accurate. I’ll also point out the hard separation between the WSJ’s editorial page and their reporting.

      • grrizzly

        My reply disappeared. So, I’m not going to retype everything.

        Almost everything in the second paragraph is a blatant lie. The FBI (a part of the DOJ) was carrying out a counter-intelligence operation against Trump in 2017. The leadership of the DOJ signed renewals of the FISA warrant applications to spy on Trump. So, of course, it’s fair and balanced to describe the DOJ as Donald Trump’s Department of Justice.

        Everything Donald Trump said about Obama-era (and Trump-era!) surveillance of him and his team was correct.

  75. Rhywun

    Go Grauniads!

    • Rhywun

      Oh lord.

      • Trigger Hippie

        What is: Something overheard at the free clinic?

    • westernsloper

      ESPN so no Grauniads for me.

      • westernsloper

        Bilasport has it. Go Battleaxes!!!!

      • Spudalicious

        I think Rhywun just had a covfefe moment.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        I think it was an orgasm.

      • Rhywun

        I don’t think NY is going to inspire any of that today.

      • Chafed

        Not even after DeBlasio dunked on Buttigieg?

      • westernsloper

        Try incest porn. I hear it is all the rage these days.

      • Agent Cooper

        Go Defenders! Go Dolodale!

  76. Not Adahn

    FYI: I may have gotten my column in too late for it to be posted on time. This is something that is a quite normal result of MERCURY RETROGRADE.

    • Chafed

      That makes me feel better for sending mine in last night.

      • Jarflax

        ^This is why I post occassional articles and don’t commit to a column 🙂 *remembers that he has promised a part 2 Ummm excuse me I need to go work on something now. But first I think I’ll …. 6 days later… Oh yeah.

    • Trigger Hippie

      I figured you took the Oracle of Delphi route and tried divination by way of toxic fumes and never regained conciousness.

  77. Yusef drives a Kia

    45 holes of golf, and no new post? how odd…….

    • westernsloper


  78. Winston

    Sorry but are these Democrats that will hew in Sanders? Pelosi? Schumer? The Courts? DeBlasio? Cuomo? Newsom? Northam? Bloomberg?

    I mean those debates sure have caused the Dems to embrace their inner libertarian. Reminds of Anthony Gregory saying that Obamacare would not be passed because Obama would realize it will cost too much money. Oops.

    • Suthenboy

      I am fairly certain we are seeing the collapse of the party. Letting the commie shitweasels take the party over was incredibly stupid. Jesus, their speaker of the house used to pal around with Jim Jones, a hard core commie. As mentioned earlier we may see a migration of middle of the road Dems to the Rep party. That worries me. How will that affect the R’s? We think they are bad now….

      Taco night….gotta go stir the meat

  79. Mojeaux

    Walmart orientation a SMASHING success! I squeed over her like I was 15 and she was a boy band. Her first training shift is Wednesday.

    • Mojeaux

      Oh and I told her the Glibs were rooting for her and she said thank you and she loves you. (But for all she knows you may be more of my imaginary friends.)

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      YEAY! 90% is showing up….

      • Mojeaux

        That’s what I told her. Be there on time and work with enthusiasm and she’s golden.

  80. Not Adahn

    Gotta say, I am not a convert to the PCC life. It was obviously more accurate and by the clock faster, but it felt awkward and far less ergonomic. I’m sure with more practice it would become more natural, but I really need to put that time to use handgunning.

    • Suthenboy

      I have a ruger carbine in 44mag, not really suitable for that shooting, but it feels very natural and accurate as hell inside 200 yards. There must be something out there.

      • Suthenboy

        Speaking of which, I always thought a Remington Speedmaster or Fieldmaster chambered in 25 acp would be an excellent small critter gun. I won’t hold my breath waiting for it to come into production.

      • Not Adahn

        I know that a lot of it is just the issue with getting my eyeball in line with the sights quickly with the stock being in-line with the barrel.

        I feel like I’m fighting with it, but I’m sure that would go away with practice.

  81. westernsloper

    I think I am going to make the Battleaxes my XFL team. That was a sweet play!