WHY did I agree to do this?
I will NOT engage in games of chance to determine who…moderates… one of these features, ever again! I should have suspected the lots were rigged by all the sly grins around the conference room table. But, be that as it may, I am stuck hosting this. ZARDOZ is taking advantage of the extra PTO he “negotiated” when “THE MASK” flopped as a replacement. Thus, we present the SMITHS. So lets get on with …. the Links.
First up, our Senior Maritime Correspondent, SEA SMITH. SEA, what do you have for us tonight?

Um…get well soon, SEA. *someone call the Coast Guard and send out a warning!* That brings us to our Cascadia Bureau and STEVE SMITH reporting. STEVE?

Thank you, STEVE. Yet another reason to avoid certain government jobs. So, we had tried to reach out through our … contact, to SPACE SMITH. However, he appears to be busy rogering Betelgeuse to death.
In the spirit of Sunday Evening posts, there is no OT or such, comment as you see fit (as if you don’t already).
Thank you and good night.
I bet SPACE SMITH is getting all rapey on Betelguese.
Of course, we may have found SPACE SMITH.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!
or not, Damn you Spud!
But there’s no 3 year joke to go along with it there.
Why would you summon Michael Keaton?! Dammit.
Will he raise a spotlight on the founder being a vulture?
220, 221, whatever it takes…
The question is; Why wouldn’t you summon Michael Keaton?
Congratulations, C–you’re the only person who can get me to watch anything from The Other Guys.
McKay can suck it. Well, other than with Step Brothers.
I didn’t care for The Other Guys or Step Brothers, but Keaton is must see even in shit movies.
I’m aaaalmost there with ya, as far as MK goes. Not quite, but very close.
I will limit that to the last 30 yrs. I can’t come up with fail from him in that time frame.
Hell, I’d push it to 40 years. I don’t know of any I didn’t like, at least for a bit/for his part.
It’s Showtime!
Field of Mars
Experimenting with cold-smoking steaks before grilling them. Anyone done it and lived?
Given them a short smoke and then straight onto the grill. Just don’t cold smoke under 140 for more than four hours.
Nah. An hour tops.
You’re fine. Four hours to 140 is the rule.
Figured. Usually I bring them to room temp before they hit the grill.
Sorry I smoke weed, steaks won’t fit in my pipe….
Field of Mars
^Russian Bot confirmed
Haven’t done a cold smoke, but I like to reverse sear. Reverse on the gas grill w/ a piece or two of mesquite in a foil tray, indirect heat up to about 20 degrees below temp and then sear on a raging fire on the charcoal grill.
Beetlejuice or Batman: Which had the best Michael Keaton performance?
Fight me.
^ correct answer ^
Batman, his performance reminds me of Cruise in interview with a Vampire, out of left field, great casting….
I must disagree about Cruise in Vampire. Just … no.
Come on. For some reason, I totally bought Cruise as fancy lad with latent homosexuality. He was almost made for the role.
So, you’re saying he was just playing himself?
It was the stupid blond wig/dye job. Just awful.
He never seemed more comfortable.
I never saw it. I tried to read one of those books after being hounded to try them, and threw it away unfinished. I don’t expect women to like male fantasy pulp fiction because it isn’t generally well written, I don’t understand women who think that female fantasy pulp fiction is somehow different.
Yeah, he really seemed wooden to me. I didn’t make it through the whole thing… bored me to tears.
I must not be in the target demographic. I hated the Twilight movies too.
“Twilight: a young woman’s choice between necrophilia and bestiality.” [Disclaimer: Have neither read them nor seen any of the movies. No intention of ever doing either.]
I liked the books. I generally like Anne Rice, but like I do with all authors I like, I glommed everything she had written to the pount and then I never went back to her.
The movie was awful.
Rice was FURIOUS about Cruise’s casting and wasn’t shy about it. And then one day she thought he was the greatest thing that happened to Lestat. “I’ve seen the light.”
Sure, Anne. Sheeerrrrrrrrr.
On the bit about Ann Rice being pissed about her book’s treatment in film…
I just happened to be listening to a podcast with John Grisham this morning. He was discussing this exact issue. He said that when “The Firm” hit, Stephen King reached out to him. He told him that if you get involved with hollywood
* get the money up front
* let it go.
They will change your work. It is part of the process. Some of it you might like. Some you might hate. It isn’t yours any more, so just let it go.
He said he’s followed that advice and he doesn’t get bent out of shape. He really liked the first couple of movies, hated one of them (it bombed). But he tells fans all the time – the book is the book, the movie is the movie. They can’t change a single word of the book. It still exists, just as it was. Enjoy them each as they are. And get a life.
Seemed like a good attitude to have… if you are going to get into the business of selling your work to Hollywood.
Interview with the Vampire was like a bad high school play.
You know, I couldn’t put my finger on what I was thinking…..
I think you just put your finger right on it. Yup. Bad high school play.
Mr Mom.
You forget the cinematic masterpiece that is Multiplicity.
I forgot Johnny Dangerously once,….once.
I still do.
How can you forget such dialogue –
“You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes… like yourselves.”
*hits bowl*
Just did.
Two words:
I hung Marilu Henner on a hook once.
“I hung Marilu Henner on a hook”
Perhaps he hoisted her on her own petard?
You might have mister mom, but I didn’t miss yours.
“You’re doing it wrong…”
Good point, Annette…
Now I gotta find that one and watch it sometime. So great.
goin’ back to the 80’s with that and Night Shift…
-tion… to shun, to push away… really doesn’t belong in this word.
MM still makes the cable rounds more frequently than one would imagine. It is, indeed, supoib!
Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing – MK in a bit part absolutely steals the show.
Branagh’s >>>> Wheedon’s
I liked everything about Beetlejuice except the character Beetlejuice.
Nailed it.
Yup, it was a very annoying character and way overplayed by Keaton.
Alec Baldwin was great, though. I didn’t realize it was him until years later. And Winona Ryder was still likeable back then.
I thought they should have stuck with a Topper-like plot. I liked the interaction between the ghost couple & Ryder’s character…and the calypso “possession.”
OK, I hated that part too.
Meh, I liked it for what it was, but I’m one to fall into a story and stay there. It takes a lot of nonsense to bump me out of a story I want to be in.
When that Batman first came out and I heard Michael Keaton was playing Batman, I was like, “Uhhh, that’s gonna suck.” And I like Michael Keaton (I must have watched “Night Shift” 50 times because it re-ran on cable all the fucking time when I was a teen). Anyway, then I saw him as Batman and I thought, “Damn, he was pretty frigging good.”
A bit of an underrated actor, I think, at least for a while.
Hey Ozy, regarding general strength, do you think I held up when we moved? You’re a Fireplug, and a Marine, but I think I kept up…
Well, my standard for moving furniture is do you hold up your end. You did. That’s all that matters, Yusef!
…. to tell Jack to Shut Up!…
…. to tell Jack to Shut Up!…
…. to Shut Up!…
…. Shut Up!…
…. to Shut Up!….
BTW, that movie might have been the origin of the “great teaser trailer”.
I was in the theater a year ahead…. it darkens for the previews. Then a rollup warehouse door. Machine guns blast a line through the door…… and in bursts that Burtman Batmobile. And up comes a Batman logo. Then a date….. Place went nuts.
For those who were not around back then…. Batman had become Adam West for everyone. There was no adult version. So the impact was pretty immense.
The local TV news had this story with the caption at the bottom reading “CREWS SHIP QUARANTINE”. LOL.
You should send them a letter.
Just to try to make himself feel better?
One of those things is a worthwhile field of study.
Horror films?
TBH, it was an easy one……
Is queer theory, right?
+2 snaps in a circle
She’s not the Elvira we want, she’s the Elvira we deserve.
So your heart’s not on fire for her?
I always had a crush on the Elvira we want.
I think even SMITH’s give pass on goth prof.
I don’t think Patricia MacCormack of Anglia Ruskin University will have a problem staying away from the child bearing, for more reasons than one.
The unintended consequences are that she’ll not have a job if her plans works.
You mean besides anal?
I have no plans to procreate, but not because of the philosophy spouted off by Goth Lady. Though I must admit I’ve given a few people who espouse flowery creeds about saving the planet shit for having kids and living a suburban lifestyle.
I have kids, I love kids, FUCK CHILDREN!
/Get off my golf course!!!!!
I thought it was OMWC who fucked children.
I love kids, FUCK CHILDREN!
Context, please
Yes, but you don’t sniff your own farts while preaching to others about their evil lifestyle.
I do things, and don’t talk Bullshit, no time for fart sniffing….
/Smug Storm….
What’s the problem with sniffing your own farts?
Everyone likes their own brand, don’t they?
I do, and love them, the knowing you can wreck someone with the smell makes it Glorious!
Silently Crop-dusting a coworker is a favorite of mine.
Your coworkers must love you.
It’s just the one. We have a running war.
OK–getting the “stepping farts” is usually hilarious. Not sure about a SBD angle on that, though; it would only crack you up, and not your victim/target.
I will say mine have not improved with age. Its not something I ate, its everything I ate. I hate myself, several times a day.
You know it’s bad when you offend yourself.
Slutty Sunday wants to believe.
5, and yes I’d hit 13, there, I said it, yummy
Too many RealDolls
9, 10, 21, 31.
was feeling generous today.
25 is Glibfit.
Slutty Sunday wants to believe.
In life after love?
Seriously, effing Cher? What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Secret Commie? Naaa
[takes back link that hurt Spudalicious]
Hey Swiss! I need a cat butt over here!!!
Close enough
Swiss is too busy hiding his own butt from Cryptid love.
That’s right, I’ll see Ted S. and raise him.
I thought you were going to link to this.
Tennille was much hotter than Cher.
So was Captain.
Hell, so were the Muskrats.
Toni Tennille was hot.
Two words:
Hobbit speaks my language.
I recall Marilu from Playboy? Penthouse? She had the assets. I’m reaching back, way back but worth the refreshed memory.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!?”
Hes Ted’S
Not clicking that, I know what it is…
Dammit, earwormed…
You’re a sick motherfucker, Mac.
No regrets
Not clicking that, I know what it is…
I really don’t think you’re strong enough not to click.
Whose the audacious one?
Not relevant
A link to a NoDak legend. Good job, Ted!
Dammit. Peggy Lee, not Brenda Lee.
Is your homework done? GET BACK TO WORK!
Posted in last thread:
Accounting homework2.
Beer3. Profit!
It’s not my fault I mixed them up. I have a fever.
This will kill your NoDak fever. Say hello to a homey
Yup. Owes his success to a plane crash.
Heathrow airport was thrown into chaos this evening after its essential electronic departure boards failed across all terminals for more than three hours, causing delays and cancellations.
Technology is great, except when it is not.
Plastic slats and Sharpies!
Solari boards for the win!
Guy sitting next to me to ORD was on to LHR tonight. They need to mop it up for him quick. Then the train out to Cornwall.
He asked about Trump and seemed intrigued. His wife despises DJT45. I explained that he should not adjust his opinions about the US based on my philosophy.
I wonder when *certain* types of people claim to not want to procreate: is it a cover for not being able to get laid?
Bu this I mean the the obnoxious, Malthusian weirdo types who always seem to argue that nobody should have kids since they “don’t want them”.
Example A being the Goth chick in the link
Generally speaking, I’d agree. But in this case…I’m pretty sure there’s a hot chick underneath all that crazy. I bet she has no trouble finding other crazy people to bump uglies with.
Fair point. Strip away the angst and malignant self-loathing she’s probably pretty. Before I took “don’t stick it in crazy” to heart (ie my entire young adulthood), I might have fallen into that trap.
I saw so many little White people at my grandsons birthday, I’m not to worried, it was Idiocracy in miniature,
1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
AHAHAHAHHHAAAAHAA Reputation. Y’all kill me.
Oh, former? How many brave patriots currently on the federal dole are willing to go on the record opposing their boss?
Pvt. Vindman did.
Those guys seem to have lined up their landing pad before making their move. Like all of the pundits working for CNN and MSNBC, there has to be a bunch of cush consulting gigs waiting out there. There was just way too much lead-in time on all of this.
Plus, when the people who were “terribly concerned” that Trump asked for Biden’s actions to be investigated were the same people who were signing the Ukrainians in to the white house to see Biden and accompanying Biden to Ukraine, I kinda doubt the “deeply concerned” veracity.
Should be former Pvt Vindeman, separated with a other than honorable.
Not so much reputation as “we still know people there who are eyeballs deep in this stuff, and we want to be able to maintain our privileged place with their protection”.
Amazing that the swamp critters don’t recognize that regular folks see all of their protestations as more proof that they were up to no good and need a good purging.
who have worked across Republican and Democratic administrations
Wow. They have both Country and Western.
Something something Country Bunker
It’s like 1100 spoons when all you need is a knife.
Isn’t it moronic. Don’t they think?
Before, God I look old,
Are kidding? You look damned good for 70.
He could almost pass for a younger man.
You old bro. #metoo
I recently looked at a picture of me from only five years ago. My first thought was, “what the hell happened to that guy?”.
I’m going to dig out Wendy and my Picture when we looked best, mid 30’s, I’m still stunned at how pretty we both were, not bragging at all,
Getting old happens to the best of us. You, too.
You’re still sober enough to type? OMWC is slipping.
All caps Spud. I’m afraid OMWC left her for the SMITHS and they are using her phone.
Poor Tulip. She’ll never be the same.
*1,000 yard stare*
At least it’s a dry… never mind
Bossy Tulip is kinda hot. Just sayin.
Tulip is Mike’s boss?
BOOM! Hair color, I’m so Hawt! the old ladies are gonna cream their Depends….
oh yeah,
There ya go. 68, tops.
Wanna race? how about a walk spoiled? Remember, I’m a Toaster……
Funny, you don’t look Jamaican.
You’d kick my ass, grandpa. My body is older than I am.
A walk spoiled, is a game of Golf…..
Don’t ever let them grind you down
Spud outlived his dick.
Hey! I can still, kinda, once in a while, still get it up.
Yusef, you’d be a hit with the old ladies at the post office the day SS checks come. Show up in the KIA so they’ll know you can still drive.
cries/ wishing I still looked that good at his age
Wait–who’s top in a 68?
68 – you do me and I owe you one.
OK, but….it’s gonna hurt you a LOT more than me. Plus, I’ll never collect.
That’s a good picture.
I hate selfies, I take great pictures of other people and things,
You look much younger in that one.
You give me hope, Yusef!
Some recently told me that I look like a skinny, slightly graying George Kittle. If he shaved his head, upper lip, and lost about seventy pounds…yeah, I could see that. Not sure how I feel about it.
How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking.
Me? 56.6
C’mon, tell my I’m at least 67,
If I bought a selfie stick, it’d be about 5 meters (what is that? like 30 feet?) long. No way I’m taking a pic of myself that close up.
then I guess I am Gorgeous…
“The degree of transmissibility on that cruise ship is essentially akin to being in a hot spot,”
Gotta do what ya gotta do. Nice knowing ya, guys.
I bought a jar of Vegemite to try out. I am… curious.
God bless Amazon.
Lemme know, I always wondered
/Land down Under….
Could have had some toe jam and saved on shipping.
It can’t be that bad. I assume there’s a reason Afghanis eat it.
They also like the taste of boy cock. But, hey, maybe that isn’t so bad, either.
Mic drop!
Mike drop??
I tried that once. If you dry V8 to a paste, and add salt, then add some salt, and maybe a pinch of salt I think you could come close.
Boy cock in V8 paste? EWWWWW
Take some roasted vegetables, over salt them, and then store them in your crotch for a week, or two. Spread on toast.
I’ve had it on toast. I liked it.
I like it on toast with cottage cheese. The intensely savory taste plays well off the creaminess of the cottage cheese.
Smells like sweaty balls. I am not a fan.
Of Vegemite or sweaty balls?
Sweaty balls, unless he’s Cartman…
Both stink.
“Black model refuses to wear ‘racist’ monkey ears and lips at fashion show”
She was probably afraid drugs would fall out her bright red monkey ass.
I think this is different from the Prada story.
Lou Reed wouldn’t have worn that either.
Chinese fashion student trolls New York.
TBH, I would ask, WTF are you guys thinking?
Yeah, that’s a pretty obvious land-mine, like so many of these stories.
Oh, come on. Its not like they asked her to step & fetch.
Or said, “But 1st a number…“
Heh I don’t remember that one
“Its in your blood, boy!”
I suspect that scene or whatever episode it’s in has been memory-holed because I grew up on that show and don’t remember that.
Much of the 1st couple seasons of that show doesn’t cut the mustard with today’s woke audience – Spearchucker Jones and Painless Pollack the dentist have been pretty much excised from modern syndication.
I always say, it’s not a political party, it’s an ideology./…..
Libertarianism is contagious
So is chlamydia.
Hmm…. that or the fat guy doing a strip tease… hmmm….
Fuck it. Neither. I’m happy I have nothing to do with the LP anymore.
I used to work for them a long time ago as a writer and editor. I wouldn’t do that now.
I was somewhat active with the LP when I lived in central PA and for a little while after I moved to NH. Once I started grad school, something had to give. The LP gave. I never went back.
Libertarian platform “Increasing government control is much more dangerous and frightening that any exercise of personal liberty”
Libertarian delegates “Oh, yeah? Screw you normies! Watch this!”
The closest thing I’ve done to being politically active was in early 2018 when after sending Austin Petersen a few bucks for his (R) Senate run I actually managed to get a few email exchanges in with his campaign manager. After a few weeks I asked if Austin might be open to doing an interview for the site after OMWC expressed some interest when I mentioned it in the comments.
I get the feeling the CM gave the site a good look thru because they stopped answering my emails.
We’re #1! We’re #1!
But Tom Woods is the LP’s biggest problem.
I’m listening to Tom Woods as we type. Ya, he is radical.
The edit fairy registering to vote. Not surprising.
Hold on a minute*…is that the new Edit Fairly for the site??
Because, if so, you’ll kindly bring back whatshername
*yes, a whole minute
We really need to form a splinter party, the Glibertarian Party, and I will be your Nominee for President…..
Weed, kites and frisbees for most! Tiny up-side down American flags for the rest!
Weed, kites and frisbees for most! Tiny up-side down American flags for the rest!
Well whatta you know?
Whatever it is, I know it twice.
Those Funeral home people called me today, you know, on SUNDAY, asking if I had decided what to do, I politely told them, YES! WE DISCUSSED THIS,Leave me be,
Again, so sorry for your loss.
Bourbon time. ?
Good evening Glibs.
Evening, Sean. Just finishing a Manhattan, then dinner, then a light pour of something tasty.
Bowmore 15.
Somehow, Yusef’s selfie pics links make me smile. It may be because they are juxtaposed with Ted’s music links.
I’m climbing out of a dark hole, and new hair makes me feel better…
Imagine how good you’d feel if you had your nails done? ?
I’m NOT chipping in to fund him getting a gold grill.
No, Hard Calluses Preclude nails jobs…
……………………..OH–“CALLuses”! Right…gotcha.
/ixnay on that objay!
Note to everyone:
Do NOT piss off UCS.
The dude not only outshot me, he finished in the top 25%.
He’s meticulous, careful, and paints miniatures which means he is used to extremely fine eye hand work. I am not surprised.
I got your miniatures right here buddy!
UCS does great work….
Shooting gloves?
I only wore gloves on the last round, which was my best time oddly. My hands were getting chilly, so they were just light winter gloves.
Perhaps you made the wrong glove selection.
You’re not wrong. But it’s a huge pain in the ass to find ones that fit. The uninsulated Mechanix originals fit perfectly, but their cold-weather ones don’t. I have tried six different pairs for cold-weather and none of them are acceptable.
Damn, NA, I hope he doesn’t find out. We’ll get a lecture on the need for his brand of gloves, etc.
So I have never been a big music buyer. I listen sporadically, and pretty much only when I am sitting at my computer so I generally listen on Pandora (less and less) and Youtube. I am starting to feel guilty about that. I pay for movies, books, and games that I like, but all my music these days is free.
Why would you feel guilty about listening to music on YT?
I feel that I am not rewarding those who provided it.
Suppose you could buy it on ITunes. YouTube should find a better way of getting the money to those who produced the music.
I click on the bands official website, clicks equal money
My ‘purchased’ music on Amazon is Sea Chanties from AC IV (and a Katy Perry album I bought my niece when she was 6 LOL)
Get Amazon Unlimited.
Or SiriusXM
Sirius sounds like shit in my car. After the free trial, I’d never subscribe.
It’s boomy and compressed sounding. Blech.
Huh. I’m not sure if it doesn’t sound that way in my truck or if I just don’t have a good enough ear to tell the difference. Regardless, I like it.
You can swindle Sirius online trials for 30-days at a time if you have enough throwaway emails, and enough numbers/addresses. A VPN helps too.
Or so someone once told me.
I haven’t gotten that devious, but I have maintained the introductory price by calling and telling them I want to unsubscribe when the deal runs out.
I have one of these, and two docks – one at home, one at the office connected to small speakers. When I’m in the car, all I want to listen to is the traffic report so I know how soon I might have to bail out from the interstate to avoid the latest FUBAR.
+1 Sgt Matt
(or if I go South, Chuck Ingram on 700)
My advice is to pay directly those artists whose work you appreciate.
Contact them. Find out their Paypal or Venmo. Send them money. Maybe the equivalent of an album.
I have one fan who (I just now realized, LOL) sends me $15.00 every time I let her read a rough draft of my mext book.
Everything is still biased against the lone artist.
Well, then–stop wearing the eye-mask!
Triggered! I worked at the dirty book/marital aid store across Bourbon St. from where that picture was taken. I’ve watched those tap-dancing kids for years. It’s bloody shameful; the “…watchful eye of their mother” refers to thge lady who sits on the stoop, next door to the HUGE ASS BEER window. Anytime the kids get paper money in their cup, she snatches it away quick as a wink and gets her a HUGE ASS BEER. All damn day. From 10am when dad droped them off, to about 8pm when Bourbon St. closes to vehicle traffic. I always found it very sad.
No talent ass clown.
Today was tax day at the accountants. I was so close…the feds owe me $41 and I owe PA $18.
My poor gf got shafted cuz of issues and income pertaining to DeadAunt’s estate.
We’re punting and actually going out to dinner tonight. I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow with three hours of sleep.
Early shift? Why only 3?
I have to be up by 4 to get there by 6 or 6:30, when all my chemists are there to support first shift.
I remember those days, leave home at 5 AM to drive a 100 miles to beat all the local employees to work. Good thing they weren’t chemists, they’d have bombed my car.
Nitrogen triiodide is every grad-school chemistry majors favorite joke.
When wet it’s benign, but upon drying its a VERY touchy contact explosive.
Drawer handles, phone receivers….just never got old.
Tomorrows a holiday. Tell them you are a President.
at least the Weather is nice…
I took tomorrow off. We’re gonna go to the range tomorrow.
Pew pew pew.
Don’t take UCS, he’s on a roll…
I’m not worried. I’ll host any Glib to the range.
I like Porto.
My favorite place in Portugal, for sure. Eat at Taberna dos Mercadores if you can get in.
YUFUS, my pal.
I just clicked on your selfie. Either you’re ready for the off-off-off-Broadway production of “Breaking Bad”, or you could stand in for the next Colonel Sanders.
Now I want fried chicken AND meth.
More slimming than chicken & waffles
Feminist construction workers.
Skip to six minutes in if you don’t want to sit through the whole cringefest. They try to explain that 20% of both companies means 5% of one and 15% of the other.
I have ‘clients’ that sound like that. I am careful to get paid up front in those cases.
He’s got skillz.
Based on that, I bet you like this.
Or this.
(it was kinda our time)
You speak my language. You and Chafed.
Cause we’re old.
In church today, I got a laugh out of seeing the late-teens/20-somethings wearing cuffed pants, like in the 80s/90s
Whats old is always new again.
I hope you get paid a lot to deal with those types. Jesus, stfu.
Oh not the over the top guuurl power crap. The complete lack of understanding of business and math crap.
Outstanding! I can’t believe they shot her down in flames.
Of course, it ends with the dom having that look of, “You men just don’t get it”.
She’s going to get lichen in her ass.
I’ll help her clean up.
My man Chafed; always there to help!
yes please, may I have some more.
Just this once (no offense, Q): http://archive.li/xZsWK
Why would I be offended? Post away!
Also: tasty.
If that photo is not entitled gravity I would be disappoint.
You’ve got a knack for this Libertesian. Use your gift.
Maybe It is just me, but that is a very unflattering pose.
Tonight’s winner.
Residence Inn
2018 Malbec
deep dish
I am not a shitlord tonight
Need a caption for muh new meme.
Baby Bloomy! Infant politician and brave and stunning abortion survivor!
Nana! VP!
“Don’t ever grow up, Baby B!”
There is so much wrong with that…
“We’ll just abort him if he becomes a problem.”
You and Mojo got gave me an idea…
Needs more blackface.
Diversity and Inclusion!
/since everyone pictured is white
Already have…
“Lil Oedipus is the perfect addition to our family.”
The Clinton’s can carry Mike across the finish line!
“Just relax and let the hooks do their work.”
“Everyone has a good laugh at the thought of Mikey getting with that.”
Your baby is breathtaking!
For Q
Posse Commie Tatas
*golf clap*
Stephen Miller
No no you’ve got it all wrong, it reads “The Dairy, The”
That blond one had a nice set.
Wall o’ text but worth a read.
Sounds like a splitter and a counter revolutionary
One month of growth in my planted fish tank.
There are things I’d like to accomplish (add some real background plants, add more fish, replace the unsightly black pipes, etc.) , but they all cost money, so they’ll have to wait. Overall, the “high tech” (injected CO2) route is so much easier than the “low tech” route.
That’s impressive. Our fish tank (same size) has some gravel I found on the street and a happy meal Hello Kitty figurine.
Looks great! What’s the red/brown one?
Alternanthera reineckii mini
I would think the gun guys would like the AR mini plant.
My planted tank is pretty laissez faire. Do you think it would make it? It’d be nice to have some different color.
I think it would grow fine, but may tend towards brown instead of maroon.
I’m gonna need to thin out the cluster soon. I’d be happy to send you a couple to try out.
Easiest plants that add color:
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red
Ludwigia Repens
Thanks for those tips. For whatever reason, I’ve never gone looking for plants online. I just buy whatever the pet store has, which is pretty boring stuff.
Oh, man. That would be awesome…assuming they don’t freeze on their way here.
If you can hold off a bit until the weather here resembles something approaching spring, let me know.
my handle followed by 13 at outlook
Pink Floyd fan.
And whoever this is, wins Troll of the Year award.
Not troll. I want to know what that dude did to earn a brick to the head by a girl.
He probably told her that Steely Dan sucks.
Definitely brickable.
Bet he wouldn’t do it again.
Knocked unconscious with a brick to the back of the head? better than even he never woke up.
Dude, she hit him with a brick, not a dildo.
Tried to knock out his gold teeth to see how they roll.
Troll whether they meant to troll or not.
*It’s a troll. Just check out his account.
Looks like he’s comfortably numb.
I bet he has some Brain Damage.
Doug Walker?
WTF is the beta teacher doing in the corner? Calling campus security?
I started to write a snarky comment about the “cuck”, then realized; I bet a lot of teachers in a lot of schools are legit worried for their safety. Let’s say he jumps in and grabs this chick. Who knows who will take offense to it, pick up the brick, and brain him for his troubles. Tough spot to be in.
Um, yeah. In a lot of places it’s mayhem now. You can’t touch, you can’t punish, you can’t suspend.
You could not pay me enough to be a teacher.
I dodged a bullet, or I might really be dodging bullets.
When the time comes, you won’t need to.
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, teach.
Those who can’t teach, teach phys ed.
Dayum. She knocked him the fuck out.
He got Deebo’d.
I popped off with my uneducated opinion upthread, but seriously as someone who dealt with trauma victims, what would you say the odds are he ended up dead or a vegetable from that? Back of the head with a brick, dropped straight down like that?
Hopefully one of the law-type folks chime in, but I’m fairly certain a brick to the back of the head of an unsuspecting person will get you an attempted murder charge.
Can confirm. If he died it’s either murder or voluntary manslaughter.
Built in to the action. They’ll charge straight murder on a punch that knocks someone down and they hit their head, causing death. Damn sure that a brick to the back of the head gets premeditated murder. That comes under the heading of things you knew or should have known – or “reasonable person” or whatever other test you’d like to apply.
Which is kinda funny, because when I was growing up, repeatedly knocking someone out was the way you subdued them in TV and movies. Bashing them on the head with a pipe or wrench was AOK… just konks ’em out for a bit.
I can imagine that, if that state has anything like Deadly Conduct, and the guys is “alive”, she’d end up with that (considering age and any other factors that might be relevant to the Court).
But, yeah–it’s possible that she catches Agg Assault (deadly weapon). My comment up above is more my cynicism and educated guess based on very little info.
I’ll just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROcKPuPvcWU
“Yo not muh girlfren’ nomo…
“who brings a brick to school?”
Someone who knows bricks won’t set off the metal detector. And yeah, If I’m teach no way do I get involved. Fuck ’em.
When you see the ingenuity of prisoners at getting around rules (contraband, etc), it’s really no surprise that kids will do the same. So, the brick/MD thing is probably quite true–someone, somewhere knew it was a definite work-around.
Of course, this is one of the bigger issues with the government requiring custody of kids for hours each day, and the people who strive for that job, yet have no idea what they’re getting into. But, yeah–no way am I getting involved in THAT situation.
When a government fails to secure the rights of its citizens, the citizens have an absolute right, even an obligation, to protect their own rights. By failing to act to end the unlawful rail blockades, this government has failed to protect Canadians’ rights to free movement, free association, and security of the person and property. Further, through his pandering to these domestic ecoterrorists, the Prime Minister has emboldened them in their actions.
I do not advocate for aggressive violence. Unfortunately, if ordinary Canadians are forced to act to secure these rights, there will be violence. Sadly, the Prime Minister is too simple to understand this.
Why do you think he wants to ban guns?
Also those pipelines are in areas that vote Conservative so why does he care?
I got a dozen paragraphs in before giving up trying to discern what the protesters want. Smash the system? I don’t get it.
That’s pretty much it. You’re a perceptive guy.
I get the sense that the radicals are using ‘indigenous’ as some sort of smokescreen. Nah… that’s crazy.
Smokescreen for Tides Foundation? Nah, unpossible.
They are protesting the building of a pipeline.
They want money.
Yeah, I suspected as much. And throwing money at them always worked in the past. So why not this time? That’s why I figure they got hijacked by professional leftists – they want more than just money.
Well, and power.
Probably what the professional leftists managed to screw up. Got them all riled up about their rights – and the smarter guys at the top realized they could grift some more cheddar with this. But then they all got tribal (pun intended) about it and made it into a dick measuring contest instead of a negotiation.
This is a good way to lose your next election. Letting them shut down rail traffic makes you look like an indecisive puss.
IF Canadians haven’t got rid of him yet I have no reason to believe they will ever tire of his nonsense.
This implies that he doesn’t want to embolden them.
That’s a good point. This could be Portland mayor style politics. It seems to be a pretty common tactic on the left these days.
Well he did cancel that Barbados trip to get him that Security Council seat. This must be bad for him.
I mean Liberal voters might be running up of propane. That is the important issue.
More importantly, I’m on the carnivore diet, and I’m running out of propane. That steak ain’t going to grill itself.
You don’t eat it straight from the fridge?!
MJ from the top rope!
Mmmmm, steak tartare….
Meatloaf (before baking) is a poor woman’s tartare.
Okay, I’ll admit it. I eat raw (yet nicely salted) hamburger.
I did the same with my mom’s meatloaf when she was making it.
Arguing over rareness is one thing, but it usually involves exposing the animal to some heat.
The best surf and turf: steak tartar and ceviche
Cooking it is a waste of time. Salt it well, slice it right (if it’s not already ground), and it’s delicious.
(fine, fine – technically the ceviche is cooked via the acid of the citrus)
When I’m oiling up and seasoning a steak, one of my little guilty pleasures is cutting off a small chunk and eating it.
The description of ceviche included coriander. I was all in with the citrus, but soap? No.
The description of ceviche included coriander. I was all in with the citrus, but soap? No.
No es necesario. Still tasty without it.
I’m sorry you’ve got the bad coriander genes.
From the fridge….
Look, most of us guys like to warm things up a little bit before we start eating them……
I find things warm up nicely once you start eating them.
I will admit that it’s a bit less tastier when it’s colder.
Evolutionary response. You dig into an animal right after you’ve killed it. Body temp. I get it.
Wait…. are you talkin’ bout what we’re talkin’ bout. ‘Cuz if’n you’re talkin’ ’bout what we’re talkin’ ’bout….
less tastier
and Mojeaux they aren’t talking about meat any more….
I know, but I was.
Girl’s gotta have something to eat too, yanno.
Well, see when a woman really likes a man….
There’s something of that going on with NYC decriminalizing theft below a certain dollar amount. Seeing as how this won’t reduce crime or “inequality” and that Leftists always double down on failed policies, I’m a bit scared to see how far it goes.
I know California did that – I haven’t heard of any change in NYC in this area. Or?
You’re right; I think I confused it with this:
… Although that sounds like steps in the same direction as California.
Yeap. I’m not a law’n’order expert and I’m pretty sure the state legislature isn’t either. This is just ideology at work and I suspect it will get worse as long we retain our one-party government.
I talked about this last night. It’s leading to anarchy and the tyranny of the minority and yes indeed, blood will be shed.
Citation needed. Not to mention isn’t elitism inherently tribal?
Stein also brings up that it is okay that SCOTUS is made up entirely of Harvard and Yale Law school grads. This leads to the question of well why do we think these law schools are so good? And there is a history of defining “experts” to mean “people who agree with us”. And there is a history of credentialing instructions being “captured” to ensure that only those the powerful agree with get those credentials. For example for many centuries only Anglicans could attend Oxbridge. Or how our current universities are filled with leftist professors.
Joel couldn’t run a gas station yet insists he’s “elite”. He’s an earnest guy, but so incredibly obtuse.
because elites created everything that ever existed except for Jell-O wrestling.
Build your own house did ya Joel? Fer fucks sake get over yourself. Ya know what else the “elites” created?
Joel Stein fancies himself a humorist.
That essay was as funny as pediatric cancer.
I heard him on Carolla not long ago. Either he’s given up on “humorist” or has gotten much, much worse at it. He seemed quite earnest about the “elite” thing.
Is this the guy who used to write the last page column for Time? That guy is peak boomer.
Yeah, that guy. Never as funny as he thought he was.
Straff, up above somewhere, Chafed said something that flipped a switch in my brain, which brings me back to your drawing practice. Are you going to lead another or are we going on to calligraphy? I’m good with that, too.
Actually, it once was a hobby of mine. Get a Speedball Textbook, Pelikan Ink, a set of nibs, and a TON of paper.
Got into it in a section in art class in high school. Took a college art class in calligraphy. I have a bunch of paper and new nibs (although getting the B [circle] nibs is a PITA and I have 3 calligraphy books, including ye olde Speedballe.
I think you win the prize for having used the word “nib” in a sentence more often than anyone I’ve encountered in the last 12 years.
Well, fountain pens have become a niche product, so their accessories have as well.
But they also sell cocoa nibs – which taste terrible. (Lack of cocoa butter makes it about as appealing as taking a spoon to a container of cocoa powder.)
I went off on a tangent. This was calligraphy.
When you buy an unused fountain pen tip on ebay is it a NIB nib?
Especially if it’s a vintage NIB nib.
MikeS with the correct answer.
I bought some Pelikan pens online over the years – mostly out of nostalgia – until I realized I write so infrequently anymore that the nibs dry out and I was just throwing money out the window.
Its one of those things you have to keep in practice.
I look at freehand stuff I did 30 years ago and realize I cant replicate it now, at least not the way I did it
I also have the sinistral curse, which, starting in HS, I attempted to cure by using my right hand instead – with regrettable results.
Ew, gay cooties! I won’t even try now.
I have done a bit of art with dipped ink (in high school).
My thing right now is that I want to learn to do what I have always wanted to do, which is to draw what I see in my head. So I need to get some solid practice (years’ worth).
But I also do love calligraphy and lettering, and I’m intrigued by glass-tipped pens.
That said, today, on r/calligraphy, I saw a perfect cooperplate A done with a cheap Bic crystal pen in green.
ballpoint calligraphy?
The pen doesn’t matter.
The way you hold the pen, angle, pressure, and pull it over the paper does.
Well, I have trouble getting ink out of your average ballpoint, so it’s more impressive that the ink flow was modulated enough to do that.
Your emoji needs to tweeze.
It’s only Ozy and Animal that finish their big projects 🙂 The debate series is stalled. I have 2 more articles on the structure of the Federal Government from months ago that I have not even started (and instead just submitted part 1 of a 2 or 3 parter that I haven’t done a lick of work on part 2). I thought you had another Religion post you were going to do? 🙂
-1 final chapter of the Harvey Weinstein movie
I don’t remember having a second essay issue on my mind, although I’ll go back and see if I can find a hint.
Maybe it was Trashy’s promise of a State of the Church Address (which he did)?
Could be. I only vaguely recall expecting another one. I just wanted to include you in the unfinished business category 🙂
I might have. I don’t finish anything.
I also haven’t finished my traditional publishing series.
Seriously, I’m even more of a newbie with caligraphy than I am with sketching. Been trying to figure out where to even start. Just writing the alphabet? What would you want?
Maybe I will do it. I’ll rope Tres in with me. ?
I’ll go back and see how you structured yours and duplicate it.
Absolutely! (Was waiting for you to ask. Wink)
Pfffft. You were nudging me into it!
Hype didn’t need permission to yoink my crossword idea. Same for Sensei and my Jap lessons. Go forth and caligrafy.
Well, how “you people” do it is diff
Good god, I miss Patrice.
He was a funny guy. I enjoyed him on Colin Quinn’s show.
“Tough Crowd” was the greatest damn show.
Not great singing, but the NBA halftime show had infinitely more class than the NFL.
Whenever I see/hear the name Chance the Rapper, I think of this guy.
Heh. That game was a blast.
“The NFL Half Time Show!” Sponsored by the the makers of Duct Tape and Depends!
I might watch that one…
Had on sports radio today going to my brother’s house today, and the talk was about Myles Garrett and if he should be punished more or less depending on if Rudolph said ‘the N word’. I would say even if he gave a 70 minute lecture on how how inferior people of african decent were laced with 100s of ‘N words’, that still doesn’t mean it’s ok to beat the shit out of him with a blunt object.
That ship has sailed, hater.
Its been beaten to death already (ha!) but my neighbor and I were actually talking about it tonight.
Look, I dont care if you are an athlete and did that on a field- anyplace else that’s an assault. Why he never charged criminally….?
That is the first time I’ve seen something on the field that could legitimately be assault, but I do think the ‘waving’ of rights one, under a truly rights based system for the NFL to exist, clouds it even in libertopia.
Never seen this? https://youtu.be/cTbhwCedkQs
Local prosecutor didn’t want to risk it. I agree with you Tres. That conduct has nothing to do with the game. No player consented to getting attacked with a helmet when a play was over. It’s battery.
No, this is battery.
I’m out. Have a good week, everyone!
With a deadly weapon, I might add. You pick up your motorcycle helmet and bash someone with it at a bar and you stand a really good chance of getting that charge leveled at you.
Why he never charged criminally….?
Because self-defense?
It really could be considered assault, but I am only okay with that only if Rudolph wanted to press charges. If he didn’t then it is not assault.
Watching “Stranger Things” for the first time.
*checks to see if “Nancy” is legal – feels better than she’s 25*
You sir are better than all the creepers 11 garnered.
Didn’t help that her handlers had her pose for provocative photo shoots.
But yeah. Nancy is purty.
I was thinking of doing a play off of chicken cordon bleu tying the darn butterlied chicken closed with bacon. Then I realized the rashers were too short. So I was just going to wrap the chicken with the bacon. But I’m thinking cheese, ham, chicken, bacon… something’s missing.
I’ve done similar – bacon wrapped around feta and spinach stuff chicken breasts.
You’ll need something to cut through all of that fat – lemon? Or just over arugula?
Racism./The Media
Are you cooking dinner now?
No, planning tomorrow, since I’m going to the grocery store anyway.
Needs something green and an acid. Spinach and a splash of lemon juice would fit the bill.
Listen to the Spud.
Naw, green makes more sense.
“If we stay on board through next week, we will be tested and will likely come up negative,” he tweeted.
“But the U.S. Government instead wants to take us off without testing, fly us back to the U.S. with a bunch of other untested people, and then stick us in 2 more weeks of quarantine? How does that make any sense at all?”
Trust the asshole living in fantasy world to be a lawyer. I bet he’s already imaging the megabucks he’ll sue Carnaval for. The quarantine on the Wuhan Princess isn’t working, no one is going to be let go to run free next week no matter what your test apparently shows (and lets ignore than mere mouth/throat swabs are largely ineffective and nasopharyngeal swabs are not fun) unless the Japanese are hopelessly incompetent. Which I guess is possible given the terrible manner the “quarantine” has been handled so far.
Alt-Right, I gotta drop out and pass out now so I can wake up for my first day at the new job. Gob Bless Us Every Glib.
Good luck.
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Kick everyone’s collective ass, then, bring back all that
fuck it all, make Cash!
Go woke as possible on your first day.
God, this is THE best advice ever given here.
Sometimes we have to hear someone else say what we already know is true.
So true.
Give em hell!
Demand double time for working on a holiday.
Although….Chafed coming in with a superb, obvious choice.
Good luck!
God Speed, CPRM! Maybe there’s a mousy girl in reception that’s just been waiting for a manly man like you to walk into the joint… Ya never know.
Fuck! it hurts again…….
I’ll keep ya company. I’m not very good at Da emotions thingy, but…
It’s going to hurt for a couple of years, my friend. Good days and bad, but you will heal.
this was our song,one of them,
I adore that song. Just perfect 80s.
*Starts doing the Eurotrash boogie*
That is simply beautiful.
He/she/it could secretly be one of us.
That much is true.
Ugh. 80’s flashback! Not cool!
Lemme guess, you turned it off too soon.
Today I received a new desktop PC. It replaces one I originally bought in 2007, then made a major overhaul to it in 2014 with a new motherboard, graphics card, an SSD, etc. it was pretty spiffy. But it’s time to move on.
So I got a 10 TB external drive to back up all my computers (just created content, like media and documents, not programs or a restoration disk).
I’ve gotten through a bunch of it, but there will be more to add from assorted memory sticks and cards.
Now I am paranoid about everything being in one place, so I think I’ll get an identical 10 TB drive, duplicate it, and store it in my office so that if the house burns down or gets burgled, I still have the photos etc.
I wonder how many years I will squeeze out of this PC. 13 is pretty good for the previous one.
Why not use Carbonite or a similar service as your off-site backup?
Evidently I need to replace my PC. No more Windows 7 support. I wanna get one of those new ones with the do-hickey and a watchamajigs.
You’ll be non-plussed until your daughter plugs it in. OK Genexer…
+1 “Thing that goes up”
+9 “scary black _____”
Can I use this PC to play video games?
Uh, it’s “vidya” games. Try that one around your Nippon friends.
/that’s my attempt at CPRM impersonation
I use Carbonite, a 2Tb external hard drive, and a network server in addition to my laptop’s hard drive.
My “computer” project is tearing apart my old journals and scanning them and other paper keepsakes.
From what little I know, I do think having duplicate drives and various files on (encrypted) flash drives/cards is a good answer.
I can’t speak to the security of Carbonite, but, I would suspect that anything of a sensitive nature wouldn’t be trusted to an online service.
Unless you find any find of fault (security or otherwise) in them, I recommend going with Solid State Drives. They’ll cost more, but are much faster*
*forget I said this if I’m preaching to the choir
Carbonite is encrypted.
tsk tsk tsk….Chafed, my friend–that’s what the Russians/Chi-coms/Trump want you to think.
Are you wearing your tinfoil hat tonight?
Why–should I be???
What’s that buzzing sound?
You ARE aware that the CIA owns one of the main “encryption” companies, right?
And that the govt Rs and Ds alike want to force companies and individuals to hand over encrypted data?
^so much this.
don’t let anyone else hold your data, unless you want everyone to see it.
I am not going “cloud” with any of this. I don’t even have the old PC hooked to the internet right now. pC has been in the garage since the move to Cali; we’ve just been getting by on my basic laptop (which I desperately want back from the spouse).
I hear you. I hope the new desktop helps out on that front.
Also–could a well-timed gift of a tablet maybe help out with the husband/laptop issue?
Nah, he’s just too inept to do the transfer of data and subsequent wipe of the old pc himself.
So I ordered the new one and am handling it.
Running DNAN (Darius Noot and Nuke) on the old one now to wipe it completely. Then I’m planning to find a technical Ed program around here to use it as a teaching tool for budding computer geeks without formal degrees.
? Gotcha. Sounds like THE plan.
“Boot and Nuke” durr . Fat fingered the phone again.
I looked it up, so, you still:
1. educated me
2. drove eye traffic to their site
That’s a ‘win”.
Also–did you ever dec-Hey there….
Uh, I mean, did you ever decide on the Russian nobility title thing?
Any late night cookery going on??
I’m about to start:
1) Salisbury steak with beer gravy
2) Saute’d spinach with fresh lemon juice
3) Baked mac & cheese with homemade macaroni (cheese will probably be a blend of sharp cheddar, gruyere, and what I believe is Parmigiana-Reggiano)
I mainly want to do the macaroni so I can practice with my Kitchenaid pasta press stand mixer attachment. I had trouble making good pasta with it until I saw a Binging with Babish video where he said you have to make the dough as dry as possible, as in barely coming together into one mass. I’ve cranked out some excellent large macaroni after taking that advice. I’m excited to try the rigatoni setting as well… Tubular pastas are my favorite kind.
Left-over red sauce from the freezer on vermicelli. Steak tomorrow.
Think I figured out how to say, “Suck my dick!” in German.
I was told that it’s “Zaugen meine shwanz”…or, something like that.
What?? A HS friend took German and…well, he was a scumbag teenager.
*That was jarringly funny, btw.
Huh. All I know is “Don’t get no jizz upon the sofa!” and “Magical Pig!” Also, “I am the chrome dinette”.
You have an interesting life, my friend. Either that, or, you’re weirder than me.
Frank fan from way back.
I swear there’s something wrong with my key-pad. Fuck a duck.
It’s OK–I was never a Frank fan.
Then you are dead to me, Sirrah! *Turns head like Deliverance Kid*
So, yo’re saying that your family tree doesn’t fork…
Interesting analysis of the current state of the Democratic party.
Yup. If the Dems win this year we are well and truly fucked. They need a purge and the only way for that to happen is that they are resoundingly defeated come November. Do you want to become Canada? Do you?
Well, folks, I’m outtie. Tylenol PM is kicking in.
Good night, Moj.
Night Mojo, I’m not far behind. Tomorrow is sober day and back to it on Tuesday.
Probably will have to repost this thought but interesting when you think about NY bail reform and its proponents and the proponents of the 2nd amendment.
One we are told we cant use this one example as an example of how bad the legislation is and the other we are told we must use this one example.
Case in point is the guy that is gaming the law. We are told to not see this as the norm but an outlier. But one asshole decides he is playing call of duty live and we must give up all our guns.
“ One we are told we cant use this one example as an example of how bad the legislation is and the other we are told we must use this one example.”
Perhaps I am simple, but I’ve read this thrice and still have no idea what you’re trying to convey.
Can you please use small words?
he’s saying that liberals on one hand are capable of realizing that an isolated case shouldn’t result in everyone losing their rights, but that in the case of guns, they are unable our unwilling to extend the same logic.
Except they are aware of this and deny the ‘isolated incident theory.’ Which is why they include suicides in gun related death stats, and every hillbilly or gang banger dust up where three people are involved as ‘Mass shootings.’
While it’s nice to have examples of ‘need’ when it comes to any exercise of a right, I am loathe to rely on them in the long run, simply because I own me, and not the government, nor the collective–neither entity gets to tell me what I can and can’t own, and piss on ’em for doing so.
But but…Obama and the rest of the left assure me that Government is the fount from whom all blessings flow.
Yes–the blessings of violence.
Oh, good Lord–I just discovered that one of the smaller towns in the Metroplex has a street named after John McCain.
Really, folks? THAT was worth the time and effort of the city counsel? This is a town with so much PGA connection, they coulda just called it PGA Avenue…
You can add McCain to the “Government grants it’s royal favor upon you” crowd.
Politics are scummier the higher up in the food chain they go.
Why even in Nor-Cent Texas? I have never known him to be all that popular around here.
Shit–coulda gone with Arnold Palmer….or, one of the golf pros from the town….
Now, why on earth did spell check throw an apostrophe into “its” ??
I’d spell check insists on changing my typing automatically, it had better be programmed with better grammar!!
I lived in Colleyville for 20 years and never heard that one. Citation?
For the John MaCain road, or the PGA stuff?
Also–how’d you know it was Colleyville? Don is crafty!
Notables from/in Colleyville
Again, I lived there for 20 years. I know the names of the streets. I know my neighbors. . . Lots of pro athletes: you get used to it (Rusty Greer is a great guy, for example). My son grew up with all the juniors.
Lots of PUD and subdivisions have full names on them from the developers. And there was a lot of naming weirdness when 911 was born and unnamed country roads needed names. . . Colleyville ssf isn’t even have a high school in those days. My money is simply that John McCain is a terribly common name and one of those two things happened.
No idea when this street naming in that area happened but it could be that this was for John S. McCain – father of the late senator and a famous admiral?
The common name thing sounds right (or, road got re-names for some reason). Considering the time-frame for 911 development, I’m not sure JM was quite that well-known, politics-wise, to get that treatment. Maybe his military career?
I’m very close to the Cowboys’ new facility, and the swankier part of Frisco, but still outside of all that, so I don’t see them. Well, might have had brekkie near a Cowboy on Saturday (guy certainly was built for it), but likely not.
You know/knew Rusty? He’s my all time favourite Ranger. If you don’t see this here I will bug you about it later, probably. In other Ranger news I was pretty excited to have met someone only one degree from Eric Nadel, and my buddy’s dad (RIP) apparently knew John Wetteland. I’m sure pretty much everyone in the Metroplex has these kind of connections, but I guess it’s more exciting for little old me.
I know Rusty, but he doesn’t know me.
You see them at the skating rink, grocery. I saw Pudge at the driving range . . . Not great. Cowboys and Texans, but lots of guys never move when traded or come back to retire. A guy (big name) in my neighborhood blew it all and is limping around as a real estate agent. Lots of pros on the 5A sidelines (including convicted felons who are not eligible to be the under Texas law but nevermind).
And now: Your early morning dose of Good Kitteh/Good Human
My cats are the most hateful creatures this side of BerniBros, post-bath.
Awww… that kitteh had total trust and submission to its rescuer. He either hadn’t known comfort in a long time or was terribly weak.
Toward the end, when kitteh is on the blue blanket, it looks like he has Hemingway cat thumbs!
I know I out that mouse poison somewhere… 😕
What do ya’ll think, is around 2300 words enough/too much for an article here? A lot of that is quoted text, so I feel like it isn’t a lot of work I actually did, but I’m a bit afraid people’s eyes will glaze over unless they like math/Stats.
Nah, I could breeze through that. Getter done.
As long as it’s interesting 2300 is fine.My “so you want to right a book” article is 1000, and it’s on the shorter side.
Morning, UCS!
I’m getting ready to go get the car inspected. Don’t want to, but I don’t want to get ticketed either.
What’s inspection like in your state? As I understand it, the scale goes from Florida (0) to California (9999999999)
It’s New York, so I assume more towards the California end of the scale. I don’t have any points of comparison.
My limited understanding of NY inspections is mostly based on whatever I picked up watching South Main Auto on the you tubes. I’d guess that you’re right. They seem quite stringent compared to many other states. UK inspections (MOT) are pretty rigorous, and have some fairly stupid rules around fixed back seats, which are absolutely not allowed, because they can’t be tipped forward to help rear passengers escape, and this is the logic used to justify also failing them in two seater cars. If you happened to put some nice bucket seats in your old ‘vette or a Miata, you fail MOT. Of course people just put the factory seats back in for MOT.
Cool story, JD.
Do you mean fixed seat backs? Because I’m not sure how a fixed back seat impedes exit from the back seat.
Yeah that’s why I said fixed back seats, but I failed to mention specifically in 2 door cars, where you would typically fold the front seat forward to access the rear seats (if it has any).
In Missouri the inspection is pretty lax. Working head/tail lights, brale lights, horn, blinkers, dashboard gauges, brake pads not ground to dust, and you’re pretty much good to go.
If not, about every third mom and pop garage that does state inspections will look the other way if you slip them an extra $20.
CA doesn’t have an MOT equivalent, believe it or not; just a emissions test every other year for vehicles 8 to 45 years old.
CA doesn’t have an MOT equivalent, believe it or not; just an emissions test every other year for vehicles 8 to 45 years old.
I believe you, sheesh…
Damn 504s…
My last article was about 1200 words and that seemed on the short/quick read side to me, I’d imagine 2300 wouldn’t be too much of a slog, maybe a little over average but not TL/DR territory.
If people were willing to sit and read through the 1400 plus words of drivel in my Hagler vs Leonard review, I’m pretty sure 2300 isn’t too much for something more thought provoking.
Have at it.
I think I may have food poisoning.
Happy Monday.
If you have to vomit, aim away from other people.
Oh, you’re no fun anymore.
Sequester yourself on a large ship at sea.
Also get well.
Five shits in an hour. And the sun isn’t quite up yet. It’s gonna be a looooooong day.
Gas station sushi?
Jimmy Dean sausage.