The New Hampshire bloodbath is probably over–there could be more drop out after the links after all, but the current count is three and a half. Andrew Yang, the answer to a question no one asked, and Micheal Bennett went early after the results came in last night. Deval Patrick dithered until this afternoon to call off the Presidential run no one knew he was making. The half is Steyer, who was rumored to have dropped out then announced that he really hadn’t dropped out. That earns him a ghostly X on the board.
Warren and Biden are going to hold until Super Tuesday is my guess. Without a strong showing by either, Super Tuesday will be the end of them, meaning the race will be between the super-old social beloved by the young who won’t remember to vote and Mayor Pete, the beige gay guy that has been embraced by the olds in the party, and rejected by the Sanders left–smeared as a racist, as #CIAPete and anything else Bernie’s Revolutionary Guard can come up with.
Bloomberg is hanging in the air, like a truffle-rich fart, pouring money into ads to convince America he’s not exactly what he is.
Underground Railroad LARPing
Thanatotheristes degrootorum
Announcing a New Meat-eating Dinosaur from Alberta
Palaeontologists have discovered a new species of tyrannosaur in Alberta. Thanatotheristes degrootorum is the oldest tyrannosaur species ever found in Canada, according to an article published by researchers from the University of Calgary and the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in the journal Cretaceous Research.

“The Reaper of Death”
“We are thrilled to announce the first new species of tyrannosaur to be discovered in Canada in 50 years,” said Dr. François Therrien, Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology at the Royal Tyrrell Museum. The last tyrannosaur described from Canada was Daspletosaurus in 1970.
I Am Poppy: The Movie
A pop singer’s songs and artistic identity have been stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together in a small concert venue after hours, the three of them confront the emotional abuses of the past…until things turn violent.
We don’t want to other the poor virus. Might damage its fragile self-esteem.
The Coronavirus Disease Has an Official Name: COVID-19
After weeks of mild confusion and unwieldy hashtag names (love to type #2019-nCoV), the disease caused by the coronavirus from Wuhan finally has a catchy, accurate, non-stigmatizing name: COVID-19.
The name was announced by the World Health Organization this morning. “COVID” is an abbreviation for “coronavirus disease” and the 19 refers to when it was first identified, in late 2019.
It doesn’t have “Wuhan” in the name, because nobody wants their hometown to be known for a disease. How would you feel telling people you live along the Ebola river?
It’s not just “the coronavirus” because coronavirus is a family of viruses including SARS, MERS, and several viruses that cause the common cold. (The new coronavirus itself will actually be called SARS-CoV-2, because it’s so similar to the original SARS virus. COVID-19 is the disease it causes.)
Whereas my eye-rolling disease goes terminal.
If you’re not first, you’re last.
I’m sorry you think that way.
Florida Man is the only cultured one around here.
Using agar?
Why are they bothering to vote?
Because you just HAVE to vote, let your voice be heard!
Yes, become complicit in your own doom.
Spangler thought of the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man and SugarFree thought of Hillary Resurgent!
Ray Stanz is the one who conjured Stay-Puft.
^^^Found the Ghostbusters Truther^^^
Choose the form of your destructor.
Was the “reënactment” by Mötley Crüe, or were these German negroes?
I think Brits and maybe some other Commonwealth countries still use the diaresis spelling. Go easy on them, they just Brexited.
Not really, but it is a recognized, if very rare, spelling. There is an amusing, though paywalled, article from The Telegraph mocking the New Yorker for using the umlaut spelling for the unnecessary pretentiousness of it demonstrating the lack of self awareness of both publications simultaneously.
Where is my frenemy Ted S, and what have you done with him?
My taste in music is no where near as refined as Ted S’s. Few more’ apos’tophe’s for good me’asure; they’re, that should lure him out.
Blue Öyster Cult – Don’t Fear the Reaper.
I like that Bloomer’s pic makes him look like an evil troll.
So, accurate aside from exaggerating his height?
It’s Bloomberg’s face and personality that does that.
(((Leprechaun))) – The Search For The Shillelagh Of Power
What are the D candidates doing in Alberta?
There was a Poppy movie on YouTube Red or something, this one is on Hulu. I get the feeling they aren’t very popular since it looks like no one bothered to pirate them.
This seems to be more behind the scenes. Get to know the Real Poppy, the blood-rimmed teeth behind the pained smile.
Catchy links format.
No period dress!? No blackface?! Those LARPers suck.
What ever happened with that movie were rich white liberals hunted deplorables? I wanted to see it.
I saw today that they are going to release it – unedited and the same as it was originally supposed to be released.
I hope it’s in the “so bad its funny” category.
Yay! The last one I remember is the one where Ice T was hunted. At least I think that was a movie. I could have hallucinated it.
It was a classic!
It didn’t come out yet.
We should sue New Hampshire to make then take “Live Free or Die” off their license plates, if they’re going to elect the commie.
The “moderates” (Biden/Amy K/Mayor Pete) at least took more votes than the outright commies (Warren/Sanders).
I don’t see a problem. “Live Free or Die” posits two alternatives.
Nobody says you can’t pick one. And I think the commies have picked one.
The Coronavirus Disease Has an Official Name: COVID-19
I was hoping for Xi Flu.
Kung Flu?
Hong Kong Fluey, #1 super Vi!
I liked the simple “Da Wuhan Virus ain’t nuthin’ to fuck wif!”
Corona ‘Recks Everyone Around Me
The RZA! the Shizzah! The Wuhan Clan!
It that like the Wu-Tang Virus?
There ain’t no Tang like the Wu-Tang Tang,
Cause all Poontang is Wu-Tang too.
Where is Chappelle when we need him?
Ohio…with a shotgun.
The Pooh Flu?
Winnie the Flu.
No locks? No chains? – I’m stealin’ dat
There was a guy on Twitter who calls himself a libertarian (he voted for Kerry in 2004, Obama in 2008, Johnson in 2012 (though he says he was wrong) and Clinton in 2016) trying to convince me and others that real libertarians should be supporting Warren for President. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so sad.
As long as you remember this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lives!
Stand up and speak truth to power!
Is this another “VOTE OR DIE!” election? Where are Eminem and Diddy?
Hopeful dead in a ditch somewhere.
I hope no one over 30 still falls for that line.
-1 Sean Hannity
If they say it every time, they’re bound to be right one of these days. The problem is we probably won’t know what’s the most important election until after it’s happened. Like, when a new Congress passes an Enabling Act.
I see now why some people think Libertarians are Fascists. He seems to support all the fascist candidates….
Here’s a link, if you want to suffer through it like I did.
I feel the need to share this gem though.
My brain broke upon reading that.
I suppose a hatred for capitalism and growth could be characterized as “enthusiasm”, maybe?
her left public choice background
Wouldn’t that be “Public choice theory is great! It means I can set up all kinds of agencies and crony deals, and they will be pretty much immune from getting repealed!”?
I was sure Buttplug would be supporting… Buttiplug.
real libertarians should be supporting Warren for President
Could be anyone back at TOS.
Even they haven’t gone that far.
“At least it ain’t Trump.”
TOS editorial position.
Now, for the weather, it’s a bit chilly in New York City…
Can you say “skank,” neighbors? I knew you could.
“non-stigmatizing name”
As i pointed out late in the last post, the Army calls being chased arpound in the woods SERE training.
Don’t get caught.
Sere training is more appropriate for the desert….
trying to convince me and others that real libertarians should be supporting Warren for President.
Sounds legit.
“More than 2,400 fetuses found last year in home and car of one of Midwest’s most prolific abortion doctors will be buried in Indiana
More than 2,400 fetuses discovered last year at the suburban Chicago home and car of one of the most prolific abortion doctors in Midwest will be buried today in Indiana, a state with some of the nation’s toughest anti-abortion laws.
Indiana’s top law enforcement official will preside over the mass burial in South Bend Wednesday.
The ceremony comes five months after relatives sorting through Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s belongings after his September 3, 2019, death came across 2,246 sets of preserved fetal remains stacked floor to ceiling in his garage.
Later, 165 more were found in a trunk of a car at a business where Klopfer kept several vehicles.”
What is it with those people? Seriously? Death cult, anyone?
Too fucking cheap to pay for red bag waste disposal was my first thought. But then, why wouldn’t he just throw it in the garbage?
Might was well get that guy Moloch idol.
It doesn’t have “Wuhan” in the name, because nobody wants their hometown to be known for a disease. How would you feel telling people you live along the Ebola river?
The Spanish Flu says hi, and calls the Wuhan Virus a pussy.
Don’t antagonize it.
German measles, West Nile Virus, the French Disease…
We got a call from the guidance counselor at school yesterday. Apparently there are two girls who’ve been gabbing to everybody about the boy my daughter has a crush on. In response she’s been calling them lesbians. Everyone’s apparently agreed to back off of each other.
Also, apparently the guidance counselor talked to everyone in the 5th grade because apparently the kids talk about nothing now except who’s taking who to the 5th grade dance. Also, there’s a 5th grade dance apparently.
I’m assuming that medical MJ card can’t come soon enough…
So… you’re screening Heathers this weekend?
J.D.: “Candy dish. Joan Crawford postcard. Let’s see, some mascara. All right. And here’s the one perfecto thing I picked up: Mineral water.”
Veronica: “Oh, come on, a lot of people drink mineral water, it’s come a long way.”
J.D.: “Yeah, but this is Ohio. I mean, if you don’t have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress.”
I love my dead gay son.
I mean, I would, if I had a son. And he was gay. And he was dead.
+1 Tony Dungy
That scene was touching, funny, and disturbing all at the same time.
By 5th grade we’d out grown the square dancing in the gym and girls were still yucky. Can’t we let kids be kids? My daughter was still playing dolls at that age. We’re forcing/encouraging behavior that has no basis in biology.
Andrew Yang
I never got the appeal of someone that wears a “Math” pin while promising endless government spending.
Infinity is a legit number.
As my high school calculus teacher liked to say, “Some infinities are bigger than others.”
He’d also scrawl BOGUS over your work if you used bad reasoning.
A teacher at the school at which I was once employed had a teacher who had a rubber stamp with BULLSHIT in large bold type.
You had Bill S Preston, Esquire for a math teacher?
Infinity +1.
“We’re going to pay for UBI by putting a 110% tax on UBI payments.
Deficit this year is 1.1 T. That’s a really big number. Fortunately we have the fiscally responsible people in power, otherwise it would have been out of control.
A trillion dollars is just a statistic
Awesome. Pelosi is demanding that Trump be investigated for a tweet about the Roger Stone sentencing cock-up.
Three of the prosecutors involved resigned, conveniently placing themselves beyond the reach of the OIG (for what that’s worth). Apparently, they lied to DOJ about what sentence they were going to ask for. And, yeah, they worked with Mueller in his failed attempt to frame the President.
I am sure they are closeted (deniably!) with Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi now, sanding the rough edges off of their story.
How many more re-impeachments?
As many as it takes to get the outcome they want.
Well, they can knock one together in about a month, so I would say at least 7 more before the election.
After that? None, because they won’t have the House any more.
As many as it takes!
Interesting. Any references on this?
I think the whole thing should have been dismissed after they raided his house like he was Osama Bin Laden with CNN in tow.
I saw that too but damned if I can find it now.
Found it:
So arrest them for lying to the DOJ?
Oh, you.
Some know-nothings in the lunch room were talking about this today. Apparently they think that the executive has to keep employees that actively undermine him.
Man, this place has been up for 3 years? Time Flies. Hope this site remains up for several more!
I heartily approve of the musical selection.
Another good one that’s been ratting around my melon fr the last few days.
Yet another side effect of getting old, I think of that as the “new GBV album” despite it coming out 20 years ago.
LOL! They put out 3 last year!
The problem, of course, is that not every song is a winner, so it takes awhile to work your way through them.
From the most recent.
So Canada is being screwed by Natives blocking railroads over pipelines. From what I can gather their aren’t very many East-West railway connections. And their is only one road connecting the entire country.
There’s lots of roads connecting the country. There’s only one Federal highway (Trans-Canada). Its designation has funding implications for which levels of government are on the dime for maintenance/upkeep.
Given that railroads and pipelines are in direct competition with each other, I finding that satisfyingly ironic.
The name of the new tyrannosaur alludes to its role as an apex predator
I thought they were scavengers.
It can identify however it wants!
While tyrannosaurs likely had no issue stealing kills from other dinosaurs, since that same behavior is often exhibited by other large extant carnivores that share territory with other smaller carnivores such as lions taking over kills from hyenas, all available evidence suggest they were also capable of hunting on their own. For example, we’ve found tyrannosaurus teeth fragments embedded in the partially healed bones of other dinosaurs, which could only happen if the tyrannosaurus had attacked a living dinosaur that managed to get away.
It is amazing how much we can know about a creature from a handful of bone fragments found at scattered sites. A skeptical denier type might even be inclined to think all the lavish descriptions of the animal’s lives, appearance and habits were pulled fresh baked from the ass of a guy who wanted to make money on the popular science circuit.
Well, I do think there’s more consilient data than any one specimen provides. But I also think science is letting the side down by not publishing that all together. A layman’s book showing how the pieces fit the puzzle would always be useful.
In a way, i can look at it as analogous to tree ring dating; I’m not confident there’s nearly as much data.
Shouldn’t it be named Randyortonsaurus, then?
I never got the appeal of someone that wears a “Math” pin while promising endless government spending.
“A chicken in every pot” sounds great, as long as you don’t ask where those chickens are supposed to come from.
Grocery store, where else? Silly
Or from some website
“Nigerian brothers’ lawyers says they are prepared to testify at Jussie Smollett trial but won’t feel vindicated unless he’s convicted and have ‘no ill will’ against him – just against his attorneys who called them liars”
Weren’t they in on it from the beginning?
He should have just gone to Liam Neeson’s house.
There’s video evidence showing how Jussie rehearsed the attack.
I was late to the morning post, but yeah, Happy Three years. I was a lurker at TOS and can’t remember how I found this site, but I have been lurking for some time and just Tupla’d out over the weekend. Thank you all for the snark, wit, and insight into the many topics and lynx through the past several years.
You’re welcome. Now fuck off.
*tips top had and polishes monocle*
Good to have you and your excellent avatar here, Tulpa.
Fuck off!!
Wow. Praise from Caeser!
Reason 1435465755757576857436887578888 why we are screwed.
I spent the promised 5% raise and now you’re only giving me a 3% raise. Draconian cutbacks, AUSTERITY!!!
If I talk trash about Trump at the cocktail party will that convince you to let yourself get fired? /Libertarian Party
This is how you celebrate a Gliberversary. Well done, NoVa man.
That is how you troll.
Where’s Chappel when you need him?
Where’s Mel Brooks when you need him.
Rhett, how many times have I told you to wash up after weekly cross-burnin’s?
Deputies warned him about wearing a mask in public and he left the scene, Kimmitz said. Virginia law prohibits wearing masks with the intent to conceal identity in public.
The sheriff’s office didn’t identify the man.
So you are saying that the Sheriff is aiding and abetting the crime of a man in a Klan uniform in Virginia? What year is this?
“law prohibits wearing masks with the intent to conceal identity in public.*”
*-Charlottesville Antifa not included.
Wanton Wednesday brings a special 3rd Gliberversary sampling of ginormous jugs.
Not bad.
Tattooists commit crimes against humanity when they ink good skin.
It’s consensual (I hope), so not a crime, but yes.
Glib lawyers assemble! Ha. Anyway. I deal with contracts all day so I notice this crap. I also happen to have been stuck being the manager of my son’s club soccer team. They pay a shit-ton of money to play and I think the coach royally fucked up their roster. He put five kids in an older age group to fill out another roster and try to bypass rules that lets them play for other teams. Here is my message to him. What do you think?
I’m confused. He moved them up to an older age group? If so, I think it’s cool.
Happens in hockey all the time.
He took kids from the U17 team and put them on the roster of the U18. However, he still needs them for the U17. It was smoke and mirrors to have enough players to fill two rosters. Their actual primary team is the younger team.
Unless there is a rule forbidding playing on two teams, I think it would be great for the younger kids to go against better competition.
This happens all the time — it’s not a huge deal.
Most leagues say A-ok to play up, but a big no no to play down.
Kids routinely get played up to fill slots on the older team, and still play on their age group team. I am not remotely expert in this but my niece has filled in on the team a year and I believe the team 2 years up from her. (My niece is a seriously amazing soccer player, obviously some sort of mutation given my families athletic abilities)
I think I’ve explained this poorly.
There are no issues playing up age groups. The problem is the coach rostered these kids on the older team, and wants to passcard them to a younger team.
Ah, that’s different.
Hard no.
So the coach screwed up the paperwork? How serious is the league?
Speaking of foreign interference.
Foreign nationals, under the direction of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, have sent thousands of texts and phone calls urging American voters to support the democratic socialist in the Democratic primaries.
Since October 2019, a particularly devoted contingent of about 40 Australian volunteers have sent thousands of messages a day to American voters through a phone banking system operated by the Sanders campaign, according to a report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
“I kinda feel like what happens in America is essential to the rest of the world,” an Australian volunteer identified as Rob who has volunteered a couple of hours a day to mass-text American voters for the Sanders campaign told the ABC. “Their politics has such a big impact on our politics here.”
It’s perfectly legal for foreign nationals to volunteer for political campaigns as long as they’re not compensated for their services, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and there’s no indication that Sanders has violated any rules by accepting volunteer services from foreign nationals during his 2020 presidential bid.
Does that cover paying for faux dossiers?
And I’m totes sure Team Blue would be totally okay if a Team Red candidate hired a foreign PR firm to text out support. Da, Tovarisch?
This is like when the Guardian tried to organize Brits to contact voters in Ohio in 2004. Somehow that foreign interference is ok.
I recall somebody arguing during the impeachment hearings (I think) that the Steele Dossier was perfectly OK because it was paid for.
Hard to square what the Democrat was saying with what this Democrat is saying. So, par for the course, really. The One Rule is “Its OK when we do it”, after all.
Got into a Twatter exchange with someone last night who claimed that purchasing oppo research from Russian sources was ok. The problem was that Trump allegedly got it for free.
I missed the anniversary thread and (barely) the H&H thread, so belated congratulations!
What’s your take on Levant and the Elections Commissioner bullying him with two former RCMP cops for publishing a book?
I know Rebel is a tad hyper but man that was nuts.
Levant is a shitty, shifty grifter getting fucked by the state for daring to oppose rightthink.
Harsh, but fair.
It’s bull shit.
Go investigate that flyweight Justin.
Levant is a shitty, shifty grifter…
That was my impression of him.
…getting fucked by the state for daring to oppose rightthink
That was my impression of the case.
Tim Kaine✔
The Senate just voted to move forward with a vote on our war powers resolution. This bill sends a very powerful message to the American public—including our troops and their families—that before we get into a war, there will be careful deliberation about whether it’s necessary.
If only this was a principled position, you sniveling weasel cunte.
“Careful deliberation” means “Whatever a Dem POTUS wants”
I really don’t care on this one if it’s principled. I’ll be happy if it passes.
Yeah, I don’t care one bit either. Just git ‘er done.
How dare these assholes do the right thing for the wrong reason!
It’s the Alabama Marriage effect — Social cons in Alabama wanted to get the state out of marriage licensing for obvious reasons, but if the end result is state out of marriage licensing, that’s good no matter the intentions.
Now if you can vote to bring the troops home.
I’m wondering why Tulsi is still hanging on.
VP slot?
Nah. She’s radioactive to the party and the media.
I presume this is the reason: spite
Those sweet sweet donor bucks, plus the notoriety required to cement herself in her current position until she feels like retiring.
Because it’s obvious that Trump is headed for reelection and DNC is going have a major train-wreck. In 4 years she can say “told you so” and run on that.
Just to piss off Hillary.
Probably this.
Good enough for me.
“New mystery virus that scientists can’t even recognize found in Brazil
A new, mystery virus — with genes never seen before in any life form — has been uncovered in Brazil, scientists say.
The Yaravirus, which was named after Yara, a mythological Brazilian water goddess, was found in Lake Pampulha, an artificial lagoon in the city of Belo Horizonte, according to a new research paper on BioRxiv.
Scientists with France’s Aix Marseille University and Brazil’s Federal University of Minas Gerais determined that more than 90 percent of the Yarvirus’ genes had never been identified in other viruses.
“Most of the known viruses of amoeba have been seen to share many features that eventually prompted authors to classify them into common evolutionary groups,” the authors wrote, adding that the new virus “carries an important number of previously undescribed genes.”
Adding to the mystery, it’s unclear when and where the virus originated and evolved, researchers said.”
I’m assuming an artificial lagoon in Brazil is just an open septic tank.
Pfffttttt… there are probably millions upon millions of viruses that we don’t even have a clue of.
I’m not saying…
I’m not sayin’
“The Yaravirus, which was named after Yara, a mythological Brazilian water goddess”
Now do the Jesusvirus.
That’s why FloridaMan has a culture.
When there is a virus that can resurrect the dead after 3 days…
Albert Wesker has a head big enough as it is.
“Good answer. Good Answer!” *clap clap clap clap clap *
/Family Fued
Btw, I took a shit in Florida once.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Fuck off, Tulpa!
we have a new one we have a new one we have a new one
An actual Tulpae, I think.
Filed under: You goddamned idiots, we told you this would happen , but noooooo “trust us” you said, nobody will ever abuse it, certainly not our own government or anybody else
And that’s why we got the careful leak about the CIA backdoor, conveniently ended what, 8 years ago, the other day.
Or the Huawei leak is retaliation for the CIA backdoor leak.
Get yer tinfoil! Get yer tinfoil right here, ladies and gentlemen!
I just assume everyone is spying on everyone else.
Deep thoughts about other people’s money
Cohn and his co-authors found that people who grew up wealthy favored redistribution about as much as average Americans. But those with self-made fortunes favored more inequality. Apparently, many people who make it big out of poverty or the middle class believe that everyone should do the same.
This suggests that the U.S. has a dilemma. A dynamic economy creates lots of new companies, which bring great fortunes to the founders. But if Cohn and his co-authors are right, those founders are likely to support less redistribution as a result. So if the self-made entrepreneurs wield political power, as the authors believe, there could be a political trade-off between economic dynamism and redistribution.
And maybe the self-made have a better appreciation of the value of a dollar. It’s not a number on a screen, it’s blood and sweat.
The real issue is that in a capitalistic, free market society, you really have nobody else other than yourself to blame for your shortcomings.
Like, say, a waitress with a degree (with honors) from a name-brand Boston university?
Lost in the discussion is how many would be entrepreneurs lost all their investment and the money they were able to borrow from friends and relatives. How many “Grandma’s Restaurants” went belly up the first year? How many of those new companies will be around as tech evolves and a generation changes?
Rob Reiner✔
We have a Criminal living in our White House. Full stop.
Always a compelling argument.
John Leguizamo✔
All four prosecutors quit in protest when Trump made the Justice Dept recommend a lower sentence for his buddy Roger Stone. A president who controls how laws are applied is a dictator. If we have to have a dictator, could it at least be one who’s not a fucking idiot?
I…um…wut? Executing the law is in the president’s job description and discretion has always been a thing. If an actor has to comment on politics and government can it at least be someone that is not a fucking idiot?
A president who controls how laws are applied is a dictator.
Because no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.
So economists are confirming that beliefs about the causes of wealth matter a lot. The next crucial task, therefore, is to determine to what degree economic success is due to which factors — parental influence, neighborhood environments, personal work ethic, role models, a culture of hard work, mental health, discrimination, willingness to take risks and so on. By untangling the sources of success, economists can help the public to make an informed moral choice about how much to take from the rich and give to the poor.
I trust them, in their godlike wisdom, to arrive at a politically expedient answer.
Keep telling yourself that.
Makes me think of the hatred of Robin Hood from Atlas Shrugged.
Let’s let the public determine how much to forcibly take from one group to give to another.
Or if those economists can figure out those things it can be taught in an MBA program and we’ll all be rich and won’t have to take any to give to the poor ’cause there won’t be any.
“So economists are confirming that beliefs about the causes of wealth matter a lot.”
And when we figure out the causes we can come up with the cure.
“economists can help the public to make an informed moral choice about how much to take from the rich and give to the poor.”
Yep, Rand was just exagerating.
With two quality additions today, the Honey Harvest/Midwest/Cool kids list is now at 16, representing reprobates from MN, ND, WI, MT, IA, TN, MI and of course NM!
I don’t even have that many family members who will talk to me!
If anyone wants to be added, shoot me an email at minnetundra@ those mountainviewfuckos.
Who gave birth to twins?
Always bring folding chairs !
When is it again?
Fixed italics tags, maybe-
Cohn and his co-authors found that people who grew up wealthy favored redistribution about as much as average Americans. But those with self-made fortunes favored more inequality. Apparently, many people who make it big out of poverty or the middle class believe that everyone should do the same.
This suggests that the U.S. has a dilemma. A dynamic economy creates lots of new companies, which bring great fortunes to the founders. But if Cohn and his co-authors are right, those founders are likely to support less redistribution as a result. So if the self-made entrepreneurs wield political power, as the authors believe, there could be a political trade-off between economic dynamism and redistribution.
And maybe the self-made have a better appreciation of the value of a dollar. It’s not a number on a screen, it’s blood and sweat.
Dominos is cancelled.
Is this real?
Yes it is apparently
here are no issues playing up age groups. The problem is the coach rostered these kids on the older team, and wants to passcard them to a younger team.
MSPSP Rules (10) Players cannot club passcard down in competition or age groups from their primarily rostered team.
You’re saying he should have made their “official” team the younger age bracket, and loaned them to the older?
Didn’t get a chance to post this in the birthday thread because my morning ramped up and didn’t slow down, but THANK YOU for creating and maintaining this site. It sure as hell doesn’t feel like 3 years have passed, which is a sure sign that I’m old and getting older.
I noticed a stark change in the tone and mood at TOS in the articles and the comments. By the time of Trump’s inauguration, I’d gotten completely fed up with them and happened to catch another commentor (Dean maybe?) mention the exodus to Glibs.
I mainly just lurk here and on the Discord server, but thank you for keeping me sane, or passably so, for these last 3 years.
“Researchers in Alberta, Canada, have discovered an older cousin of the T. rex, a 79-million-year-old species of tyrannosaur named the “gay rapist of death.””
Really? SugarFree wouldn’t have mentioned that part?
Happy Gliberversery!
Now, since my doorknob of my front door JUST BROKE OFF IN MY GODDAMN HAND, I will be heading to the hardware store.
All I hear is Daffy Duck – “Hey! Bub, you need a house to go with this doorknob!”
That was surprisingly painless, totally at odds with my past experience with “quick” repairs.
Now, since my doorknob of my front door JUST BROKE OFF IN MY GODDAMN HAND, I will be heading to the hardware store.
That happened to me, as I was leaving, one day. I had to crawl in through a (fortunately, unlocked) window and across the top of the washing machine to get back in and open the door.
Fortunately, it was the inside knob, on the way out. It would have been bad news the other direction, since I don’t normally carry keys for the back door.
Front and back doors have the same keying. Learned to do that the hard way.
Such brave. So courage.
Jesus fucking christ. The assholes in Florida ignored the psycho for years but these idiots gotta clamp down on a little girl with Downs.
Sue the fuck out of the school, teacher and anyone else you feel like.
If we eliminated 50% of the cops in this country, we would still have too many.
If we eliminated
5099% of the cops in this country, we would still have too many.Fixed it for you.
Yeah, that six-year-old was brave for asserting her 1A and 2A rights in a government building.
Such brave. So courage.
Some of that high quality educational experience we keep hearing about. New professionalism.
We need an Amendment. For sure.
Unknown Florida Man or Florida Woman illegally killed two porpoises in a week and a third last May.
Has Ace Ventura been alerted?
WaPo headline:
The District’s economy is booming, but many black Washingtonians have been left out, study finds
Wow. Where do they find the top shelf scholars capable of ferreting out these astounding bits of arcana? WaPo is closed to me, so I am unable to ascertain whether they have any theories as to why this is, or how it came to be.
Because Trump’s a racist.
Nicholas Sarwack is happy. Those government employees will become Libertarians soon enough!
Sarwack reminds me of this guy.
Probably BS anyway. Like, “sure, they’re better off, but they’re not as better off as some other people.”
Happy anniversary Glibs, and a big thank you to everyone who keeps this site going!
Those sneaky sneaky white supremacists
Incidents of white supremacist propaganda distributed across the nation jumped by more than 120% between 2018 and last year, according to a new report, making 2019 the second straight year that the circulation of propaganda material has more than doubled.
The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reported 2,713 cases of circulated propaganda by white supremacist groups, including flyers, posters and banners, compared with 1,214 cases in 2018.
The printed propaganda distributed by white supremacist organizations includes material that directly spreads messages of discrimination against Jews, LGBTQ+ people and other minority communities – but also items with their prejudice obscured by a focus on gauzier pro-America imagery.
Oren Segal, director of the league’s Center on Extremism, pointed to the prominence of more subtly biased rhetoric in some of the white supremacist material, emphasizing “patriotism”, as a sign that the groups are attempting “to make their hate more palatable for a 2020 audience”.
By emphasizing language “about empowerment, without some of the blatant racism and hatred”, Segal said, white supremacists are employing “a tactic to try to get eyes onto their ideas in a way that’s cheap, and that brings it to a new generation of people who are learning how to even make sense out of these messages”.
You can’t fool us with your gauzy pro-America language. America is racism on a solid gold platter. Pro-America = Hate!
I wish I had those kind of mind-reading powers.
They can just Fuck off! The shit gets old, next up, Hitler!
I’m not sure I agree with your reading. Samuel Johnson’s error aside, it is true that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
So 19th Century liberal nationalism?
In the European context, so much yes. Many of those parties eventually did morph into “Christian Democrat” parties, if I recall.
Well the German Christian Democrats were mostly the Catholic Centre Party who did not like the Liberals thanks to the kulturkampf.
Also Abolitionists and Confederate Iconoclasts?
Neither Johnson nor I were saying that patriotism makes one a scoundrel, but that scoundrels seek refuge for their odious ideas and actions by covering them with the mantel of love of country.
I think the onus is on the writer of an article to quote any propaganda they wish to discuss as being offensive in some way. I think Brooks and others are perfectly justified in assuming that the author is being dishonest since the author did not bother to give any examples of either category of ‘propaganda’. Also, scaremongering about increases in speech, no matter how foolish or wrong rubs me the wrong way.
“propaganda by white supremacist groups, including flyers, posters and banners,”
Flyers, Posters and Banners! Oh, My!
That noorious hate group, the ADL? Don’t believe anything they say. If they tell you the sky is blue, get a second opinion.
It is possible the Mojeaux household just caught a huge break. I don’t want to say too much, but keep your fingers crossed.
EEeeeeeeeeeeee! Fingers crossed, whatever it is!
I don’t cross fingers, good fortune to you Mo,
Best of luck to you guys!
Fingers crossed. Legs crossed. Eyes, well, there are limits 😉
May all the best be yours.
Let me guess … you found the treasure on Oak Island.
Shhhhhh. Not so loud, dammit.
Can you introduce me to Rick Lagina??
Just because I admire…um…his work.
Don’t trust that Nigerian Prince.
Wait, what? Do you mean to say…it’s a SCAM?!
Afraid so.
I already got his money.
Give ‘er, lass.
Sure hope so! It’s about freakin’ time!
Larry Flint just optioned Chapter 18?
I don’t think I’m spicy enough for Larry Flint. That’s just low-grade amateurs on PornHub.
Excellent news. Best wishes!
About two-thirds of the total propaganda incidents in the new report were traced back to a single white supremacist group, Patriot Front, which the ADL describes as “formed by disaffected members” of the white supremacist organization Vanguard America after the Charlottesville rally.
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913 to combat antisemitism as well as other biases, has tracked Patriot Front propaganda using messages such as “One nation against invasion” and “America first”. The report to be released Wednesday found that Patriot Front played a major role last year in boosting circulation of white supremacist propaganda on campuses through a push that targeted colleges in the fall.
Say what you want about the First Amendment, those people are too dangerous to be permitted to spread their hateful notions.
It is possible the Mojeaux household just caught a huge break. I don’t want to say too much, but keep your fingers crossed.
*runs through and discards multiple reverse-psychology responses*
I’m not sure I agree with your reading. Samuel Johnson’s error aside, it is true that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
At this point, I assume the absolute worst about ADL and SPLC, and any statements coming from them.
“Gauzy pro-American” language is just a dog whistle? Well, guess who the dogs are.
That doesn’t seem to be what they said.
What did they say? It’s not really clear. If they’re saying that specific groups that spread explicitly racist propaganda are also using softer messaging to expand their reach at the same time, that’s one thing. If they’re lumping in groups that *only* use “gauzier pro-America imagery” with the explicit racists, that’s another.
but also items with their prejudice obscured by a focus on gauzier pro-America imagery
Sounds like the former to me.
Look at the full quote, it’s not clear from this that it’s the former:
The printed propaganda distributed by white supremacist organizations includes material that directly spreads messages of discrimination against Jews, LGBTQ+ people and other minority communities – but also items with their prejudice obscured by a focus on gauzier pro-America imagery.
Question – does “They shouldn’t have to bake the cake” count as a “message of discrimination against…”?
specific groups that spread explicitly racist propaganda are also using softer messaging
white supremacist organizations = specific groups
directly spreads messages of discrimination = spread explicitly racist propaganda
but also items with their prejudice obscured = using softer messaging
Maybe I’m not reading it right but it to me it looks like they are saying what you said.
Oh, and yes if one wants to nitpick ‘messages of discrimination’ is not exactly equivalent to ‘explicitly racist’ but not really bearing on whether they are using gauzy pro america imagery to hide either their discrimination or their racism.
On third thought perhaps that difference was your point, I was hung up on the gauzy business and ignored the what are they calling racists business so yeah I’m probably arguing a point you’re not making.
Has NYC getting its fascist on against Prada been discussed on here yet? If not, see this article about how the NYC Commission on Human Rights dealt with a potentially insensitive doll:
Nothing outside the state.
Pravda vs Prada?
When you’ve (sort of) lost Pravda….
The Country Party had a point.
It’s ridiculous.
They need to fire their lawyers, that’s for sure.
Does Prada need New York? Serious question.
I would guess “probably”. NYC is a notable center of fashion.
Let’s have a definition of “white supremacist propaganda”.
While we’re at it, let’s back out the demonstrable hoax and false flag incidents, and maybe some of the double- and triple-counting, too.
“Let’s have a definition of “white supremacist propaganda”
Well, gee, that’s too easy. It’s every time all those white supremacists claim that they aren’t white supremacists.
Denying being a white supremacist is a dead giveaway.
Gun grabbersWhite supremacists lie.Anything they don’t like? Carranza says that individualism is white supremacy
I thought Bennett dropped out weeks ago.
Haha, just kidding
A judge has overturned a contentious settlement that the University of North Carolina system reached with the Sons of Confederate Veterans over the Confederate monument known as Silent Sam.
The November 2019 agreement required the UNC system to give Silent Sam to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, along with $2.5 million for its preservation and display. It was announced within minutes of a lawsuit filed by the group.
Orange County Superior Court Judge Allen Baddour — who originally signed off on that settlement — ruled Wednesday that the group lacked standing to bring its lawsuit in the first place.
The judge announced his decision at a hearing in Hillsborough, N.C., as five UNC students and a faculty member, represented by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, intervened to try to stop the settlement.
The law is whatever we say it is, on any given day, subject to revision based on the reaction of the mob.
I was told this wold stop with the Confederate Battle Flag
Who told you that?
Reason and Cato. And what you saying back then?
2 more things that arent classical liberal.
Never said they were. And I knew full well they going to go after the Founding Fathers eventually and John Locke as well.
Me? I was saying “Tear ’em down, fuck those racist hillbillies.”
So what about the Bill of Rights, drafted by a slaveowner?
The bill of rights is fine, any statutes of the racist who penned it should be torn down.
Why? Isn’t that the greatest monument to Madison?
So get rid of the Jefferson Monument, Mount Rushmore, Mount Vernon and Monticello and UVA?
Should New York be renamed since it is named after a major slave trader?
The bill of rights is fine, any statutes of the racist who penned it should be torn down.
Because racist? or because you don’t like monuments? If the former, is it the special badness of racism, or are we tearing down all statues of individuals who were not perfect, with a constantly changing definition of what is perfection?
Which laws are those?
‘The bill of rights is fine, any statutes of the racist who penned it should be torn down.’
So say somebody like Jefferson, who inherited his slaves, never purchased a slave, wasn’t legally allowed to free his slaves until his death, which he did, is too evil to be acknowledged for his contribution to the nation’s founding?
Don’t get me wrong, let’s by all means not spend taxpayer money on building and erecting statues of anybody or anything for any reason, seriously. And let’s privatize any existing ones as soon as possible, but you’re playing your handle a little too hard, man.
Bad people can do good things, we do not throw out the good simply because a person behind the good thing was an asshole, also doing a couple good things doesn’t absolve you of being an asshole. So keep the good things but no need to deify the assholes that had a hand in creating them. For instance Chuck berry was an Asshole we don’t need to erect statues of him but we can still listen to and appreciate ‘Little Queenie’
Too late
Who is this we?
Who is this we?
Me and people who have thought about it and came to the same correct conclusion that I have.
I’m not disagreeing with that at all. I’m just wondering why you think they need to be torn down. Why not just sell them to the highest bidder?
I know, the government isn’t going to do that, but a more rational approach to wanting them torn down would be from the angle of “waste of time and taxpayer money on maintenance.”, not personal distaste. That kinda smacks of the tactics of the petty tyrants we so often rail against around here.
Not trying to be a dick, but that’s my take.
We enlightened folks.
*debates with self whether to watch Chinatown or not*
‘Need to be’ is a bit different than ‘should be’. I’m saying if the universities and small hick towns with these redneck statues have a come to Jesus moment and want to tear them down, good riddance. If someone wants to buy them and move them to a private residence I got no problem with that.
Fair enough.
Not a hill I’m willing to die on, but we all feel passionate about different things. I know my stance on the legality of drunk driving doesn’t win me a lot of fans either.
Uh huh. In other words the “This will not lead to trashing the Founding Fathers.”
Also you never answered my questions about monuments Jefferson, Washington and James II. If we should tear down Madison then why not them?
In other words “Sensible people realize the CSA were totally terrible because secessionism, slavery and racism but the Founding Fathers weren’t totally terrible despite being secessionist racist slaveowners since that would mean the Constitution needs to be voided.”
In other words
Why put words in my mouth, I said exactly what meant which was pretty much the opposite of “if the founders were terrible people we must shred the constitution” as your paraphrasing implied. I’ll say it once more so I’m clear, shitty people can do good things, we can/should accept the good things they did and at the same time say fuck them for the shitty people they were. If (inset the worst person you can think of here) discovered the cure for (insert the worst medical problem you can think of here) we can happily use the cure he invented and at the same time hold him in complete contempt for being the assholes that he was. Nothing contradictory about that at all. Judge the work on its own merit but judge the man on the entirety of his life.
The issue that you agree with the 1619 Project people that Confederates were bad people for being racist slaveowners so they did nothing good but hoped that people would agree that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were good things despite being created by racist slaveowners so that wouldn’t be used as a justification for shredding the Constitution and Bill of Rights. However as we see with the 1619 Project this is clearly not the case and your arguments won’t convince them.
The 1619 Project types are arguing that the Constitution and Bill of Rights aren’t good things since they were written by racist slaveowners.
Confederates were bad people for being racist slaveowners so they did nothing good
All right I’ve said exactly the opposite of this twice now, If you don’t get that then either I suck at getting my point across or you suck at understanding what other people are saying.
the Constitution and Bill of Rights aren’t good things since they were written by racist slaveowners.
I don’t agree with that, again I thought I made that clear, must be on me. I don’t know what you don’t get but I don’t know how else to explain it other than what I have already said.
Also do you hate nationalism?
Yes, yes I do.
You do know suppressing supposedly backwards symbols of regional rebellion is a key part of nationalism?
Not to mention the Constitution itself along with the Bill of Rights is nationalist too.
Nationalism is collectivism in diapers. To promote ‘Murica one must also define who is and who isn’t ‘Murican. We see it today on all sides of the political spectrum. The coastal elitists aren’t ‘real Americans’, the deplorables in flyover country aren’t ‘Who we are.’ Fuck collectivism and ergo fuck nationalism.
The problem is that ‘fuck nationalism’ never translates into power devolving to the individual. It always turns into power evolving to the supra national entity instead. I am pro nationalist, I’d happily switch to supporter of the Polis, or the Village, or the Tribe, or the Family or best of all the Individual, but the choice seems to be between USA USA and New World Order, and fuck that.
Cathy Young said this a few days ago.
A real case. OMG.
Ooof. The one who commented “call my wife, let her handle it” probably got it right.
A two part question before I can give a response. A) Is it my step-daughter? B) Do I live in a porn movie?
Well, we lost him.
What a shame! That’s truly a loss.
Thanks for the link. Love that song – it’s one that will always cheer me up.
“‘Mean Girls’ Broadway actress called out for following right-wing Twitter accounts ”
Twitter – still cancer.
“News” articles premised on Twitter threads are arguably worse…supercancer I guess.
That’s half of Yahoo anymore.
The horror… the horror.
I am dumber for having read those tweets from “fans”.
I like to imagine most people are sort of like us, then I read something like those tweets and am reminded how truly stupid many, many people are.
Because it couldn’t possibly be a case of “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”, could it?
*rolling eyes*
For too many people, the problem with the Hollywood Blacklist isn’t that it existed or that Congress was dragooning people into appearing before their committees, but that the victims were communists.
Elementary school security guard fired after assault on 6 year old girl
How the fuck is he not in jail right now?
King’s Man
But apparently the Mom didn’t know about it until the little girl told her about it. Absolutely disgusting.
I was trying to figure out if this was the same 6-year-old mentioned above, but apparently not.
Thing I noticed while walking the dog to the hardware store earlier:
There are _really_ very few political signs up in the area. To the point that it’s memorable when I see one.
This is deepest blue Mass so any signs would, of course, be for the not-Republicans, but I’m not seeing many at all.
There seems to be a distinct lack of enthusiasm.
Maybe grrizzly can recall if it was similar during the last primary season, but ISTR far more signs last time around – certainly lots of signs for Herself.
Probably afraid of getting dragged on NextDoor for backing the wrong candidate.
They are waiting until they are told who to vote for against HitlerSatan.
There’s little need for virtue-signaling in the area where we live. The last time I checked, Trump received 8 or 9% of the vote in 2016. I always noticed more left-wing bumper stickers in the liberal areas in more conservative state, for example, in the research triangle in North Carolina.
Also, there’s no nominee yet. More signs and stickers might appear in the summer.
I just paid my Idiot Tax and thew a couple bucks @ the Mega Millions.
However, if I win, Ill give all my old clothes to your orphans.
Please, you’ll spoil them. They need to earn new clothes.
I thought they were making their own clothes when they got done with their 13-hour daily shift.
You let them stop working after only thirteen hours?
*sigh* 18, but I’m trying to revamp my image from Mean Mistress to Nice Mistress.
Sounds classy, and has more of the air of “Shit-Lord/Lady” around it.
Now wait a minute. Governesses are single.
If I am a governess, does this mean I’m in some drafty castle on the coast of Cornwall looking after the children of a brooding aristocrat rumored to have murdered his 4 previous wives?
Not at all. But you do have to teach school age children at home some sort of marketable skill to help turn that tidy profit. Why else have orphans?
That was your possible good news, yes? The orphans may have mined their way to fortune?
If they HAD, I wouldn’t tell you because you’d come steal my orphans.
Geez, look at the pushover here. They need to earn used clothes.
OW, 45 holes will beat you down, but a no wind day,we didn’t know what to do, Tomorrow?
45 more….
You’d love throwing in KC. We have a lot, I mean a lot of courses here. So much so that they had the Disc Golf World Championships here around ten years ago. It was a bug out watching a 120lbs, elderly Japanese man throw a disc over four hundred feet off the tee. The dudes who looked like linebackers could go well over five hundred. My mechanics always sucked so anything over three hundred feet was a rare accomplishment.
I believe there is one at Stocksdale Park by my house.
I present to you the greatest campaign ad of all time.
I may end up writing him in in November.