Ha, Duke lost to lowly Wake Forest. That’s hilarious. MSU beat Iowa in the wild Big Ten. And Dayton won again as they chase a potential 1-seed. Go Flyers! On the ice, your winners were Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, NYR, Philly, Washington, Dallas, New Jersey, St Louis (in a crazy game over Chicago), Nashville, Minnesooooooda, Florida, and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks.

Pretty much sums it up.
Across the pond, Napoli and Barcelona played to a listless 1-1 draw and Bayern Munich thumped Chelsea 3-0. Man City-Real Madrid and Lyon-Juventus play their first leg today.
French author Victor Hugo was born on this day. As were jeans-maker extraordinaire Levi Strauss, “Buffalo Bill” Cody, chemical magnate Herbert Henry Dow, hurler Grover Cleveland Alexander, cartoonist Tex Avery, comedic genius Jackie Gleason, rock-n-roll legend Fats Domino, “The Man In Black” Johnny Cash, Turkish strongman Recep Erdoğan, douchebag politician Tim Kaine, and rally car legend Sebastian Loeb.

My feelings exactly!
Alrighty then, let’s get to…the links!
I wonder if they’ll have Hot Pockets in the prison commissary? I wonder when they’ll start trying the people from the universities that took the money? Is that coming anytime soon?

If you thought the last Dem debate was a shitshow, you should have watched this one. Hoo-boy. That was absolute insanity. Also, how do they allocate tickets to these things? Do they find the craziest people outside and give them as many tickets as they want? Because that crowd added to the chaos.
The CDC pushes the panic button on the coronavirus. They’re joining the WHO, and every other government, who are shitting their pants over it.
Chicago fails at everything. Why don’t they just let these people become cops. It would probably be safer than what are patrolling the streets.
Damn, that’s a tough way to go. Also, that was either a big-ass suitcase or he’s Bloomberg-esque in stature.

Coming soon to a California reservoir near you.
I wonder how they’ll use this to steal more water from the Central Valley farmers? Because that’s the inevitable outcome here.
Fuck due process and fuck your oath of office, says NM governor. Jesus, these people are trying to lose every single supporter of individual rights that are out there. I wonder, though, if there are that many left.
I just wanted to hear this for some reason. Also, midgets!
Go have a great day, friends!
no water? no Smelt? HahHa! First?
Who smelt it, dealt it.
Sounds fishy.
I wonder if they’ll have Hot Pockets in the prison commissary? I wonder when they’ll start trying the people from the universities that took the money? Is that coming anytime soon? – what does a hot pocket taste like?
Pizza, sort of…
So to much salt and pineapple… got it
Loneliness and failure.
*nods knowingly*
Shame and tears?
Freshly cooked, like lava. Let it cool a little bit before eating.
The worst I burned my tongue was from a local cheese pastry. The pastry was cool already on the outside but the cheese was melted and very hot, and when I took a bite it oozed on my tongue.
Same exact effect.
You know what, I’ve never had one. And hopefully never will. The whole thing just looks like a bad idea.
I’m waiting for the deep dish version before I partake.
Do You Slab? or just Fuck Off?
Well, I’m near Slab City but I do enjoy fucking off…
Ever Been?it’s a lot of fun on Saturday Night,
No, it looks interesting. I’ve been meaning to visit Salvation Mountain… Need to get out there before summer hits.
it’s a good idea actually, convenient, and not horribad,
kids like them, I don’t eat bread so I won’t touch em,
microwaveable calzones are a bad idea?
Well, if you’re comparing them to calzones, then someone has manages to inject distilled disappointment into the shell.
The problem with all frozen Italian foods is that their tendency to make you crave more is far in excess of their satiating ability. Probably something to do with their salt content. But in any case, you can eat 2500 calories of them in a sitting.
“Calzones are stupid.”
-Leslie Knope
If it had been anything else, I would have been seriously disappointed.
I was coming down to make sure someone linked that.
I’ve got something hot in my pocket IYKWIMAITYD!
Yeah, these are great.
“.The CDC pushes the panic button on the coronavirus. They’re joining the WHO, and every other government, who are shitting their pants over it.”
I remind everyone that the democrats have been meeting for a while on how to collapse the economy so they can beat Trump at thee polls. Take this corona virus thing with two wedges of lime.
Yeah, this 24/7 media hysteria over what is essentially a bad case of the flu most likely has an agenda behind it. It’s reportedly receding in China, although you can’t really trust the Chicoms data.
Some of us “founders” were discussing this yesterday. There will be consequences here. Serious consequences, IMO. I doubt they’ll be deaths from the virus but will be serious interruptions in our supply chains.
TEUs at west coast ports are down YTD 8.5% at Long Beach, 6.6% at LA, 5% at Oakland and 20% at the NWSA terminals. And iron is about 10-12% off from just before the virus hit.
When production of transportation parts that are a part of regular PMs for trucks are down 75%, and the same for heavy equipment, how are things going to get moved as efficiently? When a handful of parts don’t get to assembly plants here, how can manufacturing continue at its regular pace? When food packaging isn’t delivered to canneries or other production facilities, how does that food get to market?
We will likely see few deaths here, but we may see a serious impact on the price and availability of the things we take for granted.
Of course they all think I’m crazy for saying this.
Oh, I think you’re probably right, and the left is already prepping the battle space to blame Trump by complaining that the extra $2.5 billion allocated to the CDC isn’t enough.
So fucking stupid. Trump’s a germophobe and a mild authoritarian on things he doesn’t like, similar to Bloomberg.
He’s going to err on the side of caution.
well you are crazy…
All? I don’t.
I wish you’d have been there, Swiss.
It’s likely to pop the China bubble. The largest effects are going to be economic.
This has already happened. The Chinese economy – which was already drastically exaggerated to keep western money, businesses, and opportunities to steal intellectual property flowing – is now in tatters. A large swath of businesses started moving out of China during the trade battles with Trump and now this virus has pushed a whole slew of others that chose to weather that out (see Apple). The totalitarian response to the virus has also created some serious problem for the totalitarian government. The Chinese people participating in the top down created modernization & economic expansion project were willing to put up with a ton of shit from their bosses – including a massive level of corruption that made the powerful real rich (remember that capitalism makes those with money powerful, while collectivism makes those with power rich, and that’s a fact) – as long as they profited from it too. But more importantly, was the promise of security. That illusion has been blown now, and there is no going back.
So much optimism. I used to believe that. Now I believe they’ll be back to their regularly scheduled programming by January 1.
I will not dispute this line of thinking at all, Sloop. It is inconceivable that the weakness built into our global supply chain will not stress and break under the strain of something as vast as a pandemic, and even one of this small nature. Anyone that pays attention would clearly know how vulnerable these things have become because of the combination of bad ideas that now keep this thing working (and only keep it working under ideal conditions).
I’m curious what percentage of manufacturing that is reliant on Chinese manufacturing has switched to JIT inventorying. I’m guessing it’s a lot. Which is why I think this will potentially have a serious impact.
I think a lot. I remember the delivery times back in the day were really, really long, so JIT wasn’t even a possibility. That changed, however.
I don’t source anything from China, but I have some tooling being made there and my dude is getting nervous.
There is no “potentially”. This is already hitting a lot of companies (see all the ones that have revised their earnings and reported so). Most are admitting the virus has impacted their supply chain. Some are not. The real serious hit however, and I admit it will hit everyone, including us because we are an integral downstream, part of this supply chain, is to the Chinese economy. The Chicomss have been exaggerating their economic numbers since forever, and their economy was far weaker than what people believed, and I am already seeing signs that this thing will kick them so hard in the teeth that there will be no denying it. Looks like the top men in China will be doing all sorts of circus acts to make sure their grip on power stays solid. And when these sorts get antsy to keep the people in line, bad shit happens (see Argentina)
Or Tianamen Square, except this time the media is sucking commie cock, so it will barely get covered.
Shit gets back to normal by year end.
I’ve read in several places that Nancy Messonier, a CDC official making most of the noise is Rod Rosenstein’s sister. Yes, that Rod Rosenstein.
Every time you dig deeper into one of these latest & greatest anti-orange man things, you find the same people (or people directly connected to them) behind the drama. They are desperate to bring this guy down to keep their own asses safe from being exposed as criminal entities that abused our system for their own gain.
The CDC pushes the panic button on the coronavirus. They’re joining the WHO, and every other government, who are shitting their pants over it.
Most cases in Europe are in Italy, unsurprising eyetalians are a bunch of unhygienic bastards.
The problem is that there are a lot of Romanians in Italy, Italians in Romania and a lot of back and forth, more probably than any other country. I hope we don;t get that shit.
Some Romanians – including a couple of friends – stocked up on some provisions in case the supermarkets empty. I though of doing the same but seems looks a hassle and also I realized I have no idea what to buy. Maybe some pasta, some meat to freeze, some cans of fish… I never though about having food stocks for more than 3 days.
I feel safe out here in the desert…
Yes but how are the local wine bars?
What is thing thing of which you speak?
Tall Cans!………later today
Well, when grape juice begins to rot…
This is foreign to me. I can’t imagine having less than a couple months worth of food at any time. Not for shit like this, but because when Kroger or H-E-B has a deal running on some steaks or ground beef under $2 a lb, I have to buy a bunch of it.
Are you a mini-Mormon?
I assume he’s just a parent. Kids are eating machines.
Nah, just a bargain hunter.
I bought 8 packages of skirt steaks the other day about 3 lbs each. I probably already have 10 in the freezer. But they were “buy one get one free” at Kroger, and I can’t pass that up at $3.50 a pound. And I will Vac seal them and put them in the deep freezer and they’ll last several months. right next to the three turkeys I bought the day after thanksgiving.
Hard no on the Kroger meat. It’s uniformly horrible around the ATL. If it’s on sale, it’s about an hour away from needing to be thrown away.
Around here, it’s still quite good. Probably because it’s all from within 100 or so miles. H-E-B is still better, but Kroger is fine. Besides, it’s skirt steak. It’s gonna get a long marinade anyway most of the time.
I don’t like frozen meat that much because I never remember to defrost it in advance. Also I am unsure if I can still cook it medium rare after it was frozen.
As long as you defrost it under 40 F (in the fridge), you’re fine. As a bonus, freezing is another way to kill trichinosis in pork.
Also I am unsure if I can still cook it medium rare after it was frozen.
It has never killed me.
Also I am unsure if I can still cook it medium rare after it was frozen.
You serious, Clark?
Not everyone like well done steak
No, I mean not being able to cook a steak medium rare (which is overcooking it, btw) once it’s been frozen.
You just thaw it out and it’s back to being regular uncooked meat. It’ll cook just fine.
Don’t refreeze, that’s about the only way you can get yourself in trouble.
This is how Glibs prepare for the apocalypse.
Essentially, stock up on everything you already like, so if the threat never materializes, you can just eat through your stocks of whatever. Whatever you buy, it should be shelf-stable, so you don’t have to depend on refrigeration or freezing to keep it edible. Dried and canned. The spousal unit and I were having this same discussion last night (although we already limit our contact with large groups of people during the winter, since we’re both wary of obvious vectors . . . ).
“Most cases in Europe are in Italy, unsurprising eyetalians are a bunch of unhygienic bastards.”
Hey that’s a little uncalled for.
*sniff check*
Oops. Never mind.
If you stock up on bullets, you can obtain whatever supplies you need from others.
“I never though about having food stocks for more than 3 days”
{Looks at 3 months worth of stocked food supplies}
{Feels better}
I even have emergency stuff at work (2 days of food, stored water, flashlight, fleshlight, extra clothes). I night be a tad paranoid though YMMV
This explains a lot.
I have 2 months of food and water laid up, plus probably another 2 months of just “shit we plannin on eatin” in my house.Yes, I too only have 2 to 3 days worth of food in my house, officer.Not sure they can steal water from the Central Valley, as it doesn’t have any of its own.
This goes back to a discussion yesterday, and property rights in water. They sure don’t have any natural law rights to water as nature didnt provide the valley with much of it.
They’re stealing water from people who have a contractual right to it with the state. Those farmers bought land knowing they were entitled to a certain amount of acre/feet of water. Then the state just told them to fuck off. So yes, they’re stealing it from them.
“Contract with the state”…you are funny, tell me another one.
“I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” — California
Gunz are even worse than you think!
Whoaa, Joe, I didn’t think you could outdo Corn Pop. You done just outdone Corn Pop. Time to grab your drool bib and sit down, old man.
1/2 the US population has been killed by guns in the last 13 years?
It wasn’t even just a slip of the tongue. The rest of the answer leaves no doubt he meant million and not thousand or hundred.
Your “crying wolf” tactic is more effective when you can claim it affects millions. The only time they are immune to millions of deaths is when you remind them of the score the marxist-collectivists or the fascist-collectivists racked up during the last century. Then they hate the whole millions trope and tell you these were not real socialists.
Socialism has never been tried yet! We’ll kill billions this time!
There’s a lecturer on the circuit giving a presentation at one of my client’s. The guy’s advocating for a ‘3 billion person planet’. At least they’ve moderated their Malthuianism somewhat from their 500 million person quota.
Let’s see, so they only want to kill off 4 billion or so now? I would say to this guy, you first, jackass.
Oh, now fucking way. These people want to cull the masses, but they mean everyone else….
I knew immigration was out of control, but that’s just absurd.
Where the hell is Joe’s family? They should be taking him by the arm and telling him “come on, Joe, it’s time to go home.”
Biden in South Carolina: ‘I’m a Democratic Candidate for the United States Senate’
Where the hell is Joe’s family?
Dead or on the lam, I believe.
I thought they were all working cushy jobs that they have no idea how to do.
RE NM governor threatening the Sheriff. You won’t lose this guy in the comments. He’s a fan. I wonder if he feels the same way about enforcing immigration laws. Somehow? I doubt it.
“I’m sure these same red neck Sheriffs would have no problem taking guns away from Muslims, Mexicans or coloreds. Remember that you are a law enforcement officer. Enforce the law.”
Also. Can the Sheriff do that and repel the governor’s demands? Does he have that kind of authority?
I’m guessing not.
In reading the article it sounded to me like a sheriff somewhere said he would use discretion in enforcing this red flag law. Sounded to me like he was saying he would blindly go out and swat every citizen who somebody claimed was dangerous. I guess that didn’t sit well with her majesty the governor.
We had the “debate” on last night at the station. I don’t remember hearing anyone talk about policy just the candidates yelling over each other, yelling at each other and, the most hilarious, Bloomberg slipping up and stating he bought some Senators.
I watched a little last night while I waited for my wife to start Better Call Saul. It was the part where Bernie was grilled on Cuba. After he was booed, he sheepishly replied “Really?”
Laws against wrongdoing may originate in justice intuitions that are part of universal human nature, according to the adaptationist theory of the origins of criminal law. This theory proposes that laws can be traced to neurocognitive mechanisms and ancestral selection pressures. According to this theory, laypeople can intuitively recreate the laws of familiar and unfamiliar cultures, even when they lack the relevant explicit knowledge. Here, to evaluate this prediction, we conduct experiments with Chinese and Sumerian laws that are millennia old; stimuli that preserve in fossil-like form the legal thinking of ancient lawmakers. We show that laypeople’s justice intuitions closely match the logic and content of those archaic laws. We also show covariation across different types of justice intuitions: interpersonal devaluation of offenders, judgements of moral wrongness, mock-legislated punishments and perpetrator shame—suggesting that multiple justice intuitions may be regulated by a common social-evaluative psychology
Jury duty today…are we all hostile toward it?
why hostile?
Compulsory state service I assume.
I mean it is sort of necessary though rather than having juries of just the people who wanna be there
I think it should work like notary public. A little book work/test and a fee and you go into a pool and if selected paid for your time at a better rate than 10 bucks a day or whatever it is.
The whole point of the jury pool is that it is supposed to be an actual random selection of citizens rather than agents of the State who decide questions of fact in a trial. I am fine with it being compulsory. Also Nullification is an essential aspect of common law justice. If a law or a particular application of a law is offensive to justice the jury is there to say no. Jurors should be instructed about this.
There was a bill a few years ago in the state house that would have obligated judges to inform jurors of their right to find not guilty if they felt the law was unjust. unfortunatly it didn’t pass. But even if it did, it would have been neutered by the Judges, like they did with Section 1984, which basically said “No Qualified Immunity”, and then the courts created Qualified Immunity.
But imagine the head poping of jurists if the bill had become law.
That’s fine in theory but independent thought is almost always weeded out of the jury pool well before a trial starts.
Have you met your “peers”? I want somebody on my jury that can at least read.
“Compulsory state service I assume.”
Not if you’re not a registered voter.
Hah. That depends on the state. Michigan goes by driver’s license and ignores registered to vote.
Doug Stanhope had a bit on jury duty
I’m agnostic towards it.
The jury I nearly served on was a civil suit regarding medical malpractice. ie, the sort of thing a lot of this lot say the courts should be adjudicating.
I put away a guy for 1 year and a $1000 fine. We found not guilty on the bullshit felony charge that would have put him away for a long time (repeat felon). Guilty on 2 misdemeanors. Him and his lawyer were all but high fiving in the courtroom.
He deserved it, but not for that charge.
Nah, its a great chance to practice nullification!
See the doug stanhope bit 🙂
When I was here earlier this month, I was waiting to see if I would be picked for a domestic violence case. I guess I didn’t have all the details though.
Go head and try that and let us know how it goes. Someone has to take one for the tribe.
I would have, but the one I was on was over a legitimate crime.
Mixed emotions. It’s inconvenient. The one time I reported for duty I had to park in the ghetto, go through security, and wait around the courthouse only to get sent home. It was a supermarket trip and fall case, so I’m guessing the store settled at the last minute rather than risk a jury.
But as robc noted, you might luck out and get a chance to nullify a bad law.
My last time, before the vior dire started, I figured no chance a libertarian engineer asshole would ever end up on the case. Then they started asking the questions…I looked around at the other potential jurors and said “Fuck, I am on this jury.”
I made sure I was foreman. I ran a freakin efficient jury room. The trail lasted 3 days, closing was Friday morning and I my bachelor party was that night.
Cuyahoga county has the worst jury duty system I’ve heard of. When your name comes up, you need to go downtown to the Justice center and be there at 08:00 every day for a minimum of a week. No internet, phones were banned (which was ignored by most of the people there), and you’re stuck in a waiting room. Every once in a while, they randomly select a group of people to walk into a courtroom, and then you wait in there to see if you are selected as a jury member or alternate. Otherwise, back into the waiting room. If you get assigned a case, you’re on the case until it’s over. If the case lasted less then your five day minimum time, back to the waiting room. All this for the princely sum of $20/day, which doesn’t even cover the downtown parking.
Two weeks in Louisville, although after the first day, you may or may not have to go in each day. The night before you find out if your number is in the list. Most days you are there for an hour then get sent home. Unless you end up on a jury.
KY paid $7 per day, which did cover downtown parking, as long as your parked in the lot with the special deal with the courthouse. Net of $2. And they send you a friggin w2.
Yeah. This you had to show up every day, lunch was at 12:00, and they would start sending people home around 16:30 or so depending on the court schedules.
It was rare if by lunch they hadn’t sent most people home. They brought in enough people for the theoretical docket for the day. But most cases settled, they would build the pools for the few that didnt, and maybe keep a small group around for the afternoon. Everyone else would be out before lunch. I exaggerated a bit at 1 hour, I think it was generally 2-3. There was a day when we had barely got checked in and they sent us all home. Everyone had plead or settled.
That, umm, sucks. I got a jury notice last month. The letter assigned me a group number. Called an automated line the night before and my group wasn’t one of the ones needed.
That’s pretty much how it is here. The summons has a number. You call the automated line after 5:00 the day before and it will say something like “all numbers below 246 must report”. It’s always numbers below a certain cutoff, so when people get a summons they hope for a high number.
I’ve been called several times, made it to voir dire twice, and was dismissed both times. It’s almost as if they don’t want pointy-headed professors on juries for some reason.
“are we all hostile toward it?”
Fuck jury duty. They can’t make you serve anyway, they can just make you come down there are waste and entire day.
My spelling and grammar goes out the window just by thinking about it.
No. If you truly believe in your principles, you should take part and make a difference. It’s more worthwhile than voting.
Good luck getting on a jury for anything where your principles matter if you are honest about them. I almost got seated on a gun case but the prosecutor dismissed me on a peremptory challenge because I had been asked my opinion on gun control laws and I told them what I really thought.
I see your mistake.
I keep hoping I’ll get a chance to nullify. Hasn’t happened.
Was foreman on a murder case about 10 years ago. 2 accused, tried jointly for murder of her (not his) 2yo. Prosecution dropped the case against boyfriend right before going to jury (they hadn’t proven anything on him and probably just kept it going to keep her from claiming his testimony was bought), and she was guilty – went away for life.
And dismissed, apparently the main witness is sick
If you believe the standard(ish) libertarian position that broad statutory prohibitions should be replaced with individual dispute resolution when actual rights have been violated, then, yeah, you kinda oughta put your money where you mouth is, and participate in individual dispute resolution when actual rights have been violated.
And if the trial is for a victimless crime, then you kinda oughta put your money where your mouth is and nullify/hang the jury.
If you don’t want a plenipotent state, then you need to participate in quasi-civic activities that keep it from expanding even more.
The chance to educate people on nullification? No way!
A fun A-hed from today’s paywalled WSJ:
Translating Harry Potter Into Yiddish Isn’t Totally Meshugge Despite the many obstacles, a quixotic publishing feat has generated some magic of its own
And later in the article:
But why?
Yiddish is the best language.
וועגן דעם,באַרען איר
baren ir, vegn dem
*English to Yiddish says this is “Fuck you, that is why”
But Yiddish to english “About that, fuck you”
Sounds like bad German.
Yeah, Yiddish can be considered a dialect of German, with a lot of influence from Hebrew.
If you were forced to call one of these bands “metal”, which would it be?
Neither are metal. But AC/DC by far if you have to compare.
Ooof. I mean, Zeppelin is probably the best choice; they were the first band described as “heavy metal”, I believe. Also, they’re the most famous band that kind of starts the genre’s split from rock. Cream should be an option, too. I could see an argument for GnR maybe a bit more readily than AC/DC, but neither one is really metal.
I’m pretty sure Black Sabbath was the first band that was contemporaneously described as heavy metal, but I don’t have proof. It was a long time since I looked into it.
Haaaave you met my friend, Blue Cheer?
Arguably, these guys where the first band to have heavy metal applied to them too. I don’t think there is a definitive answer.
My dad had a bookshelf full of psychedelic rock and a hi-fi powerful enough to chip plaster. These bands seem to have fallen down the memory hole, but there was a lot of great fuzzed out rock that sounds more like modern stoner-metal than anything else out there.
I’d say Zepp, for while they are not metal, they did the site and survey work for which the house of metal would be built upon.
Embrace the term Proto-Metal and tap Led Zeppelin.
As I hear news like this, I keep having to remind myself that the people supporting this guy want to go back to marxism, because to them the neo-fascism we have now is too capitalist. And in case you still believe the Nazi’s were right wing, this is a good read to educate you otherwise.
The road to serfdom is a very enlightening read.
It’s evil capitalist propaganda!
/Bernie bro living in momma’s basement
Pie, you made HX cry last night.
Why? How? Who is HX?
Hayeksplosives. Apparently your country is too beautiful in 4k.
I suspected but never knew the HX shorthand
Also if you think my country is beautiful you should see my … neah not gonna say it
well, I’m off to training for a few hours
I’ve read our active shooter policy, and it’s just the “run, hide, fight” thing. Somehow this calls for a half day of training.
I think you should also “press the button that should never be pressed”.
Eh, if I’m running into the woods to put trees between me and a shooter, I’d be running away from the direction of the “I quit” button.
“press the button that should never be pressed”.
They don’t like us to bring guns to work.
An active shooter would do less damage than the “I quit” button.
“run, hide, fight”
If you run towards the sound of gunfire, these are instructions for setting an ambush.
I suggest that you spice up your half day of training by repeatedly asking about improvised weapons and small group tactics.
I’d rather not be a test case for red flag laws. I have too many upcoming matches.
Oh, c’mon.
“So, if there are two or three of us in position, I’m thinking the worst fighter should go first. If they go down, our combat effectiveness isn’t degraded that much. The best fighter goes second, so we have the best chance of bringing down the shooter faster. Anyone else on the team basically bats cleanup. Your thoughts?”
Door Kickers get two in the chest.
Yeah, The guy in White Settlement that stood up directly in front of the shotgun before drawing was very brave, but not a tactical exemplar.
When our security team did a walkthrough, I basically have no “run” options – window doesn’t open, I’m at the dead end of a hall that opens into our reception area. I told them I’d be damned if I’d hide while my friends and colleagues were being gunned down. We had a pleasant chat about improvised weapons (“So, if you have to fight, what would you do?” I pointed to several useful items, including a knife, the other knife, and the fire extinguisher right outside my door).
And nothing else happened.
That’s all true, and yet you don’t live in NY.
Depending on which lab I’m in, I have some impressive wrenches.
I wonder how effective 500mL of piranha would be…
I wonder how effective 500mL of piranha would be…
Are you injecting it or snorting it? Don’t smoke it, it’s really harsh.
Good morning, Sloopy, and thanks for all the fish, er, lynx.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch one second of the clown show. Not even to point and laugh.
I have, however, read a bunch of stuff on the coronavirus and have come to the conclusion that we will all die. But probably not from that.
Thanks for the earworm, you bastard. Looks like I’ll have to bring out the big guns to kill it.
Have a great day!
robc’s trick really works.
It is good to know I have made a small difference in the world.
Holy shit, it does!
Line lengths are longer than brain buffer size.
I can’t take full credit for it. A college friend of mine suggested it to me one day when I was going insane because “Zippedy doo dah” was stuck in my head.
Base line from Paranoid does the same thing for me, I think. But I’ll give this a try next time.
I don’t understand, you just replace one earworm with another? Good earworm though.
The most effective way I found to get rid of an earworm is to finish the song, in your head.
Regarding that dam. I’m really curious why they said a pipe was their big priority. that won’t help you resist an earthquake with an earthen Dan
ugh. early post.
unless their plan is to have such a large pipe that they can lower the water level before the overtopping of the dam from the earthquake can cause total failure. sounds risky to me. I would guess they’re working on something else to rehab it.
In local news, a radio host got indefinitely suspended for using the M-word. No. That’s not a typo. And it wasn’t for saying fucking:
ESPN Cleveland Suspends Tony Grossi for Calling Baker Mayfield ‘F–king Midget’
Most. Entertaining. Timeline.
Well no need to be rude to Baker
Baker being a job makes more sens as a last name than a first name
Maybe it’s a family name. (Buna ziua, Pie!)
That article didn’t give his height. You’d think that would be pertinent.
6 foot 1.
According to Wikipedia (I know) he is 6’1″.
How about IQ? Is he a mental midget perhaps?
football-reference also lists 6’1″ for him. That is a little small for pro quarterbacks these days — that ties for 60th out of 73 quarterbacks who played in the NFL in 2019. (FWIW, Kyler Murray was last at 5’10”, Russell Wilson next-to-last at 5’11”.)
That article didn’t give his height.
“News” media often comes up short.
Latex inflatable trousers, don’t leave home without them.
Looks like that chick the Count is always linking.
Angela Merkel?
SJWednesday: I Can’t Beat This Article Title So Here It Is
I aint clicking but lemme guess:.
chug a beer
slap a hottie on the ass
work on your vintage car
Start a bar fight
Am I close?
No peeing standing up?
1. Drink a whiskey neat
2. Fix something, anything
3. Swallow your emotions
4. Open a pickle jar
5. Forget a birthday/anniversary
What are these “emotions” of which you speak?
–Better Off Ted
Underrated show.
What are these “emotions-
If you had your period you’d know, you insensitive bastard!
*runs off to cry in bathroom*
So what is a man-period? Bleeding out your ass? Seems like a trip to the doctor would be in order.
Hemorrhoid surgery is nothing to joke about.
I begged for that when I was about 7 months pregnant with XY TD. They wouldn’t do it.
We now have a name for it: AOF. Ass On Fire.
I remember my first period like it was yesterday. The bleeding, the mood swings, the bloating.
4. Recognize This Experience Actually Enhances Your Masculinity – By Dismantling It
Damn, not masculine until you menstruate.
Gah! You made me click on an Everyday Feminism link!
Now I have to go take a shower.
Why so pissy? Are you on your period?
You have no idea
Chlorine or Ammonia?
And a really stiff brush.
Optional answer: Mix them, it’s the only way to be sure.
Can someone explain to me why the legal immigration process run by the INS stipulates clearly that any applicant that can’t pay their own way or has a sponsor to do so will be denied a green card, because we clearly want to screen prospective citizens to make sure they are not just coming here to mooch of the giant welfare statebut we are doing the wrong thing when we decide to stop illegals in the country from abusing our welfare system
Everyone deserves help
You are asking seriously?
Yes, I am Suthen. I can’t fucking make sense out of the disconnect that our legal process admits we will be destroyed if people are allowed to come here just to suck at the teat of the productive, while the illegal crowd is encouraged to do just that and bring us closer to the brink.
“Healthcare/food/housing/etc. at the expense of the American taxpayer is a human right.” – Bolshevik Bernie
It seems as if you hate poor brown people Alex. Yes, I actually caught almost that verbatim accusation about this thing yesterday on NPR as I was shuffling through the stations when the sports talk got boring.
I hate freeloaders. I am a big advocate of changing the current INS immigration policies because they suck, but I am absolutely against the importation of a new government-tit-sucking class of people just so team blue can rig elections in their favor with more ease. If these freeloaders are brown, black, white, red, yellow, green, or purple, I don’t give a flying fuck: I am not gonna be on their side.
Heh, I’m with you there. I’m the son of immigrants who did the exact opposite of freeload. It’s interesting how the lefties, who love to talk about how places like Canada and New Zealand are in regards to healthcare, have zero to say about their immigration policies. Our immigration system should be far closer to theirs.
Top 15 Countries by Military Spending, 1914-2018
There’s a lot of history captured in this brief animation.
That was really cool. Watching Russia plummet was neato. Watching us not move for 30 years wasn’t.
It was fun watching the Soviets break their country trying to keep up. Better than fighting a hot war.
That it was. It was monumentally stupid of them. They are, like much of the world, still stuck in a pre-industrial mentality. Until they can shake it, at least to the small amount we have, they will always lose.
It wasn’t so fun watching it in real time but pretty cool when we got to the end. It also made their combat hardware and ammo pretty cheap and available for a while.
One thing I’ll note, if you back out spending on pay and benefits, the Chinese spend more than us.
A Voluntary Force is expensive.
I wonder what the relative “shrinkage” rate is on their spending compared to ours. IOW, how much of what is spent actually shows up as useful equipment and supplies?
That is a good point, given we can’t get good data on how many people are dying from the flu there.
But it ain’t like we spend our dollars real effective in that area either.
Same with Canada. We emerged as a proud military nation after the Great Wars and then, like typical Canadians, we let it all go to waste. The drop took place in the late 1960s with Pearson and the Liberals who decided we were going to be a ‘Peacekeeping’ nation and then we proceeded to not even spend on that.
A national disgrace. But I’m a minority voice on this up here. Canadians still buy into that whole bull shit idealism. Meanwhile, we can’t even protect our own Arctic waters we claim to hold sovereignty over. Comically, and inexcusably, we let Inuit Arctic Rangers – all, what, 12 of them? – patrol the vast Arctic region.
The other day I had someone take issue with me claiming it’s not true countries don’t recognize our sovereignty in the Arctic. Dude claims he lived in Nunavut for seven years and actually believe that. Blew my mind. Russia, China, Norway, Denmark and the USA have all made national or international claims. He then pulled a ‘what do you want us to do?’ as a retort to my suggesting we pump up the military a tad. The only way to exert sovereignty is to maintain a presence. You can’t just go on the notion no one will touch us ‘because we’re polite Canadians’.
It’s immature and naive.
Don’t worry, we’d never let anyone knock off our hat.
Although, what does Canada really need an extensive army for? It’s not like anyone could ever invade.
I meant throttle it back. We can clearly cut spending a lot.
Getting rid of the peacekeeping missions would probably save some coin.
Relax. Canada does not need even those 12 rangers. They, like Europe, get to bask under the American Aegis and spend their money on long wait times for healthcare.
and then we proceeded to not even spend on that
So now is the time to invade Canada…
I wanted to take a swim, but then I got high
Ilkeston NatWest Hole: TripAdvisor halts spoof reviews
Do Sheriffs in New Mexico serve at the pleasure of the governor?
Here they serve at the pleasure of the voters in their respective parishes.
Governors tend to get a Power complex where they think every State official works at their behest.
SJWednesday: The Short History Of A Religious Cult
The article goes on to detail how Chatterji berated her students into subservience using the SJW framework. She and her husband were eventually fired, but of course they landed elsewhere, including a gig at Stanford.
“Cultural Anthropology program”
That’s the problem right there. This is really considered to be a discipline and is a thing offered by the education establishment, when all we have here is Scientology-like idiocy dressed up as something the academic world wants to pretend is serious.
Want to get lost in the wilderness or find yourself eyeball deep in shit? Start telling yourself how smart you are. What you are really saying is “degrees of conscience barely comprehensible by others” – i.e. everyone else is stupid.
Everyone else is not stupid. You are for thinking they are.
I don’t know what any of that means.
No sane woman wears that much eyeliner. I have never known any exceptions.
You only needed to use three words.
The rest was redundant.
Remember when prosecutorial discretion was a thing? And principled refusals to enforce unjust laws were applauded?
But these are totaly just laws. The fix the problem with the constitutions that just give people rights left and right.
The constitution is an evil thing because it gives the worst kind of people rights that interfere with the march of the intellectual elite to progressive utopia. That these people skip the history lessons of the last century when uttering these ideas is just sad. Every character that espoused the need to change things so the revolution could proceed then went on to brutalize and murder. The communists killed some 120 million and imprisoned some 3 billion people in a hell hole of an existence. The fascists killed upwards of 50 million and gave us the WWII debacle. The neo-fascist gave us western democracy and slowly turned western Europe into a new version of the medieval serfdom, and while they are far better at producing a lower body count, they sure as hell have got means to punish those that refuse to bow to their demands. But the problem is the constitution and the deplorables that keep swearing by it…
Funny, when I took a Cultural Anthropology class in community college like twenty years ago it was a really interesting class about analyzing cultures, looking for patterns, and trying to figure out if those patterns were meaningful. I guess it means something different now.
struck a chord. For as long as I can remember, whenever anyone yells at me I have an almost uncontrollable urge to start beating them until they stop. When I was younger, some facial expressions would be enough. And I’m talking about bypassing anger or offense and going straight to out-of-body experience, before I even realize what’s happening, watching myself start swinging. As you’d imagine, this is a serious disadvantage in 99% of social interactions, and I’ve always had to work really, really hard to keep my shit together. However, the one thing I can say is that people trying to intimidate me by getting in my face and being loud has always backfired. And thus, I can say with absolute certainty, that if a professor started getting in my face yelling at me it would not cause me to join her cult of personality. It would probably end with me in jail.
I have the opposite reaction. I get calm and watch them the way you watch monkeys in the zoo screech, bare their teeth and waive their arms. If they lay their hands on me my reaction is different but I dont lose my temper until after it is all over. Then I get mad and rant and rave myself.
I actually have a degree in anthropology (pauses for prolonged laughter from the commentariat). I went to a community college part time for several years after high school while I was working and I took every class I could. There was an old school, whiskey drinking, gun shooting, adventuring around the planet old guy who had four different classes in anthropology and archeology. I took all four. He was one of a kind, and the last of his kind. Even in the 90’s he was highly politically incorrect, no way he’d last five minutes today. Those were, by far, the most fun and interesting classes I took there so when I amassed enough credits to finish at a four year, I choose anthropology as the degree path since I had already done all the pre reqs and I really enjoyed the physical history of humans and comparing and contrasting cultures. Then I got to UC Berkeley. That was where I learned I was no way, no how a leftist. After two weeks I looked around and said fuck this, I got myself into this, I’m gonna get out as quick as I can. I did the final two university years in a year and a half, got the diploma and got the fuck out. This was twenty years ago and I could see how leftism was destroying shit, I would get tossed out of there in a day or two if I went back now and opened my mouth.
I’ll go to the bat for anthropology as a discipline every time. Just because it’s been hijacked by the left for political purposes doesn’t mean the thing itself is bad. Nobody says, “Economics!? That’s just Commie bullshit!” just because Das Kapital happened.
If you haven’t read this Bill, it is well worth a read when you have time.
Excellent article!
People are the same everywhere.
Cheers. Humans love dick, pussy and asshole jokes. This is worldwide from what I’ve seen.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Is Iran run by Democrats?
Iran’s leadership rigs an election — and still loses
I didnt even click the link, I just laughed.
After their “All is well! Dont panic!” press conference on the Corona Virus where the health minister was obviously ill, this comes as no surprise. They may not be democrats but they are completely incompetent for exactly the same reason. They are useful idiots.
They are fellow travelers for a reason….
“If they really intend to do that, they should resign as a law enforcement officer and leader in that community,” she said.
They are making a constitutional argument. You are ignoring it altogether. If anyone should resign, it is you.
When you see the Constitution and particular the specific enumeration of key civil rights as an obstacle to be bypassed, destroyed, or subverted, rather than as a protective wall that keeps great evils out of a free society, that’s the kind of shit you say.
They hate you, and they want you dead or worse.
“‘We don’t work for the governor, we don’t work for the Legislature,’ he said. ‘We work for the people that elected us into office.'”
Rural sheriffs are often the best example of what cops should be.
But notice. He’s a ‘redneck’ to the uber-sophisticated progressive urbanite.
Agreed, but every state is different. Here the parish sheriff is probably the most powerful office in the state. DAs have prosecutorial discretion but they can only eat what the sheriff feeds them. The sheriff is answerable to no one but the voters and they are very conscious of that.
Drugs are unlikely to fall out of these ladies’ posteriors on Ass Wednesday.
Wow. Barely a tattoo or piecing to be found!
“That was Men Without Hats. Or as they’re known now, men without jobs.”
The Simpsons, back when it was funny (S5E17).
What’s the Governor of NM going to do? Sue them. They’ll have qualified immunity.
Ironic considering you tried to prevent a black man from getting on the court.
Biden offered his remarks at the conclusion of the event when CBS’s Gayle King asked all the Democrat presidential candidates what the public’s “biggest misconceptions” about them are and what their personal mottos are.
Biden replied, “The fact is, what we should be doing, we talked about the Supreme Court. I’m looking forward to making sure there’s a black woman on the Supreme Court to make sure, and in fact, get – Not a joke! Not a joke! – I push very hard for that.”
Because skin pigment and genitalia is all that matters.
I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mean someone like Condi Rice.
To be fair to Biden, the “lockstep proggie” part doesn’t really need to be said, does it? Each President is going to appoint the youngest acolyte of their preferred judicial philosophy they can. Bonus points if you can check some kind of box, but the SCOTUS is basically the American House of Lords at this point, and no one is pretending otherwise.
They do have a point…
Two Florida Residents Sue to Keep Bernie off Democratic Primary Ballot Because He’s Not A Democrat
They’ll lose, unless they get a Dem operative for a judge who takes marching orders from the Inner Party to shut Bernie down By Any Means Necessary. The party says who is on the party ballot, and since the Dems were stupid enough to put Bernie on the ballot . . . .
I thought I heard that they made him join the party for this election, anyway. Any confirmation/denial of that?
The interesting part of the article to me is that he is already receiving donations for his 2004 Senate reelection race as an Independent.
He even signed a loyalty pledge. The first line really shows the quality of the editors and writers though:
(Emphasis added)
I dont get it. What is the problem in bold?
He is listed as the Independent Vermont Senator, and as a member of the Democratic Party.
got it, missed the bold I.
The way I’m reading various sloppily-written sources, he is NOT in fact a member of the party. Instead the party made everyone sign a card as a cover for letting Bernie run as a Democrat. Shameless, really.
I am still holding my breath on Hillary jumping in to save the day.
Really? He’s not a registered Democrat?? I thought he would have joined by now.
And yes, they have a point. My state also has closed primaries. If I can’t vote for Sanders because I am not a registered Democrat, how on earth does he get to run?
Because the Dem party lets him, that’s why.
Ah, I see they made him pinky-swear to be a Democrat. Wow.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed at the Democrat debate in Charleston, South Carolina, broadcast on CBS Tuesday night that she was fired from her first teaching job for being pregnant. Specifically, Warren said that after she was visibly pregnant, her principal “wished me luck and gave my job to someone else. Pregnancy discrimination? You bet.”
You are on video stating otherwise and there is documentation stating otherwise.
I don’t think her lies are going to help her at this point. Unless she’s totally delusional (which I would never rule out), she’s playing for a VP nom. Her odds aren’t terrible – unless by some freak accident Klobuchar gets the nom or they broker it for Hillary, they will need to “balance” the ticket with a chick. Her problem will be that she’s from Massachusetts, and traditionally the VP is from a state that they think they need help to win. Which, for the Dems, ain’t Massachusetts. I would bet on Klobuchar getting the VP nom, unless Hillary swoops in after a rash of mysterious suicides, car accidents, and muggings to steal the Presidential nom at the convention.
If Bernie is the nominee, they may have trouble winning Mass. I expect a 1984, 1972 type electoral map.
I don’t. I think the Dems could nominate the reanimated corpse of Stalin and carry a dozen states.
We’re doomed. Demographics is destiny, and the demographics all point to a further drift left until we fall off the socialist cliff. Plan accordingly.
Well, I probably exaggerate some. I think Bernie will carry CA and VT and a few other new englandy states, including MA.
MA, RI, CT, VT, CA, HI…I am not sure I will concede more than those 6. DC too, of course.
You left out NY, OR, and WA.
No, I considered them and specifically didnt include them.
Nope. CA, OR, WA, HI, NY, VT, NM, VA, NJ, CO – all deep blue and not going back, and that’s just for starters. Sorry, CO, but you let commiefornia skinsuit you, and they Foxnews crowd down in Co. Springs ain’t enough to turn that ship around.
We will see about VA. Especially if Bernie is the nominee. I can definitely see him pissed off at the giant shakedown racket that is the government contracting industry. Especially the whole defense industry would be shaking in their boots. Grandpa Gulag could sign an EO on Day 1 “All governmental functions will be carried out by governmental employees. No longer will we outsource taxpayer dollars to giant for profit corporations.”
“I don’t think her lies are going to help her at this point. ”
Lying seems to not ever hurt team blue people unless they have fallen out of favor with the team blue establishment…
See Bloomberg trying to buy the election and pretending otherwise.
It’s not a lie, if you believe it.
As time goes on, I’m very interested to see all the different ways white progressive politicians invent stories of discrimination and oppression. Especially since so many of them don’t actually have life experiences at more conservative environments. 20 years from now we’re going to have white leftist politicians born in the 90s who went from highschool to college to lawschool to a leftwing nonprofit to government service, and yet somehow will have all these insane tales of Straight White Male Bigotry.
I can almost guarantee someone who I went to high school with (at a super proggy school) will spin some tale of the 2007 Young Republicans club spitting on her for being gay, and the media will pump it up as The Hate Crime of All Hate Crimes. I’m 30, and when I was in high school you could still say “that’s gay” and not be ZOMG EVIL. “Fag” was trending toward being something that polite people didn’t say.
Plagiarizin’ Pete hates Revolutionary War reenactments
Buttigieg said, “I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea for somebody to illustrate … why the kinds of weaponry, anything even remotely like I trained on in order to be sent to a war-zone, has no business being sold anywhere near an American school or church or neighborhood.”
The weaponry Buttigieg references, AR-15s, are semiautomatic rifles. They fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled. Rifles made for warfare have a select-fire switch on the left side of the gun, which allows the gun’s action to be shifted from semiautomatic to three-round bursts. During earlier wars, like Vietnam, the select-fire switch allowed the gun to shift to full automatic.
Oh, you must understand my confusion seeing as muskets are actual weapons of war that historically were used in warfare all over the planet for multiple centuries.
“anything even remotely like I trained on in order to be sent to a war-zone”
He probably fainted when he was given his “familiarization training”.
anything even remotely like I trained on
I don’t want to get hyprfocused on this because the entire premise is stupid, but to me this is one that non gun people will think is super important. “why do we let weapons of war in peoples hands?!?”. Because God hates the fucking infantry. If he loved them he would have made them Field Artillery and given them a 155 Howitzer. All Modern Small arms are pretty much the same.
Also aint nobody going to the Gun shop and buying an M2 or 60mm Mortar.
I just wanna go to the gun shop and buy one of these. Is that too much to ask?
I’d like to be able to own whatever firearms I damn well please but, you know, just saying that has probably put me on some (other) list at GCHQ and Counter Terrorism because anyone with such a desire must be some kind of terrorist.
Well, all shooty things are “remotely alike” so he has a point.
Their position also ignores that the point of 2A is to have weapons sufficient for militia duty in the hands of citizens, as citizens are the militia. Considering the modern state of technology, the AR platform or something similar in function is the minimum that the average, upstanding citizen should have on hand and have basic knowledge and skills to use.
He was a REMF Fobbit. While he did some posing with an M4 for photographs, I bet his regular issue weapon was an Beretta M9 pistol that he used as a paperweight.
The weaponry Buttigieg references, AR-15s, are semiautomatic rifles.
Unless they have stopped training people on pistols, “anything even remotely like I trained on in order to be sent to a war-zone” would include every semi-automatic handgun in the country.
I think that was his point.
Anyone want to speculate exactly how Apple enforces this?
TW: Verge
Apple won’t let bad guys use iPhones in movies, says Knives Out director
Or do they simply mean no more support and free stuff for you if you portray their products in an unfavorable manner.
Anyone want to speculate exactly how Apple enforces this?
I suppose they could put it in the iOS EULA, but that only applies to the software, as far as I know. And even that begs the question of how they enforce it.
Apple, I’m sure deliberately, don’t have page numbers. Based on paginating the PDF it is 468 pages long!
OK – it’s multiple languages.
Other than being an 800 lb gorilla that leans on studios?
Yeah, that’s my expectation.
They’ve got $200B in cash. That’s a lot of ad dollars.
Pretty sure the editing and post production stuff is overwhelmingly done on Apples. So that’s a pressure point that can be applied.
My brother does a lot of graphics and animation and from my understanding Windows is king.
Now for software development it seems like Mac is huge and i hate it.
Mac was king for a while, but the windows based, multi-processor chips are so much more capable for video editing and generation now.
Movie VFX is done on windows.
Free Beer? (or water, slaps knee)
<a href="link text“>Miller Lite Is Offering Everyone a Free Case of Beer for Leap Day
On February 29, Miller Lite will post a QR code to its Instagram and Twitter accounts. You have to scan the code, so you’ll need to use a computer or someone else’s phone. The code will take you to a site where you can submit a receipt for a 24-pack of Miller Lite purchased on Leap Day. The cost of your case will be refunded to your Paypal account.
You can also learn html for free too.
Not worth the price.
May as well drink water and water is better for you.
Have you ever seen a Commie Drink water?
+1 Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper
Miller Lite is a fine beer for times when you want to perform the physical act of drinking beer, catch a buzz, and think about beer, but not actually commit to drinking beer. It’s session beer for when you still need to pass a breathalyzer on the way home.
*Tosses Naptown a Guinness*
At least consume something with a little flavor if you are concerned with calories/alcohol content.
Bills lying, hes a White Claw man all the way.
White Claw seems like this generation’s coke in the club bathroom, which is why it’s the lamest generation. But I do suspect that people who regularly consume White Claw and people who are the ditzy meangirls who get killed first in slasher films have a lot in common.
Grapefruit claw is aight.
My go-to cocktail at home is an Rtic full of ice, the zero-calorie Cranberry-Raspberry SodaStream soda, and reasonably-priced vodka, so I can’t really talk all that much shit.
My first claw was bought for me by a lady I just met in a bar because I said I’d never had one. My second claw I think was bought by the same lady. Subsequent claws were gifted to me from the refrigerator of a girl my friend was trying to put the moves on because I had transitioned from wingman to third wheel and I guess she was being polite. I did pretty well on scoring myself some free booze.
I like bourbon and coke, no ice. That’s about as cocktaily as I get, unless someone is prepared to offer me a mint julep.
“But Guinness is so heavy!”
–Way too many people who think dark = heavy.
FFS, Guinness floats on other beers!
I think when people say that they’re thinking of the bottled version that tastes like molasses, “Guiness Export” or something, that you’d find everywhere before they started selling the draft cans.
It still floats on top of Bass.
And Harp (Half and Half), and Smithwicks (Blacksmith), and Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold (Black and Gold), and Labatt’s Blue (Black and Blue), and most ciders (Snakebite).
Yes, but all of those are abominations, unlike Bass.
I think Miller Lite would float on top of Guinness. Aren’t most lite beers under 1 in gravity?
I’m a fan of the Half and Half, but that’s as far as I’ve gone into that list. I’m not sure on the FG on lite beers though, I would think they would be over 1.000, as I don’t think they would have enough alcohol to really get them below that.
Found a hombrew clone recipe of Miller Lite (why?) that says an FG of 1.002.
What would be the worst low grav floating on high grav combo?
Gueuze on top of Scotch Ale?
Worst I can think of would be Berliner Weisse on top of pastry stout.
And playing with an ABV/Attenuation/Calorie calculator I’ve got, starting at 1.025 and finishing at 0.999 gravity would get you a 3.4% beer, at 85% actual attenuation (over 100% apparent), at 77 calories (which IIRC, seems a bit low, aren’t most at around 100 calories).
A proper snakebite should be made with a lager, not a stout.
Mich Ultra is 95 calories, so that does seem low.
I like Guiness, but there are times when you want fizzy malt water that has a little booze in it. Although, Guiness is surprisingly easy to pound and, for my money, is a fantastic summer beer in draft form.
I want to go on the record to clarify that they have not received permission to use my likeness in this effort.
Anything PV posts is excluded from evidence and the jury is instructed to disregard it because wrongthink.
Speaking of hot pockets…
Interesting. I generally don’t have a problem with “Tax Breaks” if that means legit, lowering taxes on the corporation. But if it is subsidies, that’s bullshit.
I think the unilateral approach would work too. It is less of a prisoner’s dilemma than suggested.
Me too. If its worth doing, it is probably worth doing unilaterally
It’s absolutely worth doing unilaterally. Tax breaks to newcomer companies is just a big fuck you to the taxpaying businesses that have been there for years.
Did I mention one of my competitors got a tax break when I have never received jack or shit?
You should threaten to leave the state!
Economic Gardening is a different approach. Rather than importing The One Big Company that will hire 2000 people, you try to get the 2000 businesses already in your town to be successful enough to each hire one more person.
That doesn’t get a politician reelected. Well, it might, but its harder than 1 big ribbon cutting ceremony.
NIH Director Fauci is on Squawk trying to increase the scare factor on coronavirus, and of course shilling for more money.
If Bernie won every state in which Clinton broke 50%, he would get 182 EV. I think that is his absolute upper limit.
I seriously doubt he will get that. How Trump handles the Corona Panic and how the economy reacts will make the difference between a landslide and just a win, but he will be re-elected.
The Dems have gone so far off the rails with their lunacy I dont see how they have a shadow of a chance.
I do too, my suggestion upstream would be 87 EV. Somewhere in that range is about right.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the Marxist-indoctrinated voting demographic.
I was having this debate last night. What does a Bernie nomination do in the general? I think you’d see some independents go his way, but I also think you’d see some Democrats stay home. The question is, how many of each? I think the indies are a wash and enough #NeverSanders stay home that Trump wins it, but the wife thinks Sanders is an outlet for independents who don’t like the Dem establishment but hate Trump.
Will be interesting to see if Dem candidates try to attach to him or run away hard from him.
Bernie would be an answer to a question/theory about the Dem electorate:
How many of these people are actual moderates who believe in a free enterprise system with a social safety net versus actual commies?
To me, the whole con the Democrats pull is that they run as moderates and once they get the chance to ram through new enormous government overreach they do it, and then it costs them the next election, but they don’t care because they know once they move the Overton Window, it stays moved.
When the Democrat is a guy who actually promises to put everyone on Medicare, who promises to make college “free”, who promises to explicitly revolutionize the American system, will they turn out and support that? Will all the soccer moms actually vote for socialism when it is labeled as such?
I think a lot of people will say, “It’s not Socialism, which is bad, it’s ‘Democratic Socialism’, which is just the government taxing rich people so that the rest of us can have access to healthcare and college and stuff.” A not inconsiderable number of people think that voting according to ideological principles or a core philosophy is the opposite of moderation, and so they’ll have no problem talking themselves into a candidate who is offering them “free” shit by “making the ultra-rich pay their fair share” and pretending it’s anything but government-run theft, or Socialism, to the extent there’s a distinction.
The thing is, Bloomy seems to be running on the kind of old-school Democrat platform you mentioned, kind of a highly-regulated free-ish market with a robust safety net. He’s getting killed for being too much like a Republican. The party seems to be racing as far to the left as it can, at least in the short term. I don’t know how many of the candidates are Communists or Socialists per se; I suspect a lot of them are primarily interested in offering whatever they can get away with in order to get votes.
I Think Bernie is a true believer and full on communist. He just is only going as far as he thinks he can and still be elected.
I think you’re giving people too much credit for having core principles when it comes to governance, and for thinking at all.
Not to say that they wouldn’t IF they thought about it but when you’re busy with life and you’ve got to choose between drinking diarrhea straight out of an asshole or eating a solid turd, what is there to think about?
Well, people were saying the same thing about Trump in 2016. What is more interesting is the number of EVs Trump won by relatively small margins. Would Sanders pick up more votes than Hillary in those states?
Good question. We’re gonna find out the degree of Hillary’s repulsiveness. Bernie may be better than Hillary on that matrix.
It’s a mixed bag. Bolshevik Bernie’s base is not the same as Hillbot’s base.
He’s better at promising free shit without any equivocation. It’s so direct that you gotta hope that people see through it. Then again, there may be many people that see through it and still DGAF.
It is interesting. I think for a long time the Establishment Moderates of both parties used the idea that “Hey who else are you gonna vote for?” to strong arm their extremist wings into their camp. But things have gotten so polarized, and particularly the rhetoric against Trump has been so rabid, that the Moderates have created an environment that leads to their own undoing. Now the Extremists can talk to their moderates and say “Who are you gonna vote for? Me or that dirty white nationalist?
What is really surprising is that Trump has been fairly moderate on a lot of issues (Guns for example), but because the Dems decided to not play ball at all it makes it difficult for them to save face and say “Hey if you are too extreme we’ll vote for that other guy”.
In the end i think if Bernie is nominated a lot of moderates don’t vote at all and few vote for Trump.
An Evan McMuffin of the left could pull in a lot of votes.
Evan McMuffin hardly pulled any votes, except in the one state he was expected to… Which by the way, if you look at the Polling fucking Gary Johnson was his own worst enemy. His support collapsed when he said, “You know i don’t think religious liberty can trump baking that cake”.
I’m still shocked that someone like Megan McArdle is going to vote for Sanders if he’s the nominee. I often found myself in agreement with her even as late as half a decade ago.
The war between Left and Right at this point is a class war. Shes part of the Information Economy/Acela Corridor/Front Row Kids group, and that’s what the Left is in this country. Its the the bureaucrats, the academics, the media employees, the NGOs, the government employees, the tech industry that set the policy and the direction of the American Left.
Trump is gauche, hes crude, hes boisterous, he eats fast food. She’s never going to support him, because hes not The Right Sort.
Bushy tailed rats of the world, beware of the new seagull dysphoria!
On the Atlantic City boardwalk you can hold a french fry in the air and a gull will swoop down and eat it.
This is true as far south as Rehoboth and Ocean City, too.
Filed under “No shit Sherlock”
Something every ten year old with a bag of chips (and some Alka-Seltzer) at the beach has known for decades.
I wonder how they’ll use this to steal more water from the Central Valley farmers? Because that’s the inevitable outcome here.
Water used for agriculture is wasted. Everybody knows that.
I’m probably wrong, but I think/hope a Bernie ticket will torpedo future DNC fundraising in a big way. People like Jamie Dimon are not going to be amused. Even the Silicon Valley putzeratti will think twice about funding the Jacobin mob, I reckon.
This is how you do Ash Wednesday: Dunkin’s New Snackin’ Bacon
Starting today, February 26, customers can enjoy our delicious, new Snackin’ Bacon, which comes with 8 half-strips of our high-end bacon (equivalent to 4 full strips!) wrapped in a portable sleeve for on-the-go snacking ease. Our Snackin’ Bacon starts its journey smoked with natural cherrywood. It’s then treated to our sweet and savory blend of brown sugar and black pepper seasoning, creating a delightfully caramelized bacon our fans know and love from our Sweet Black Pepper Bacon Breakfast Sandwich.
So Mr. Mojeaux has right-sided arm, shoulder, back pain and bigly shortness of breath. Guess where we are.
I wrote a nastygram and tacked it on the Suburban that doesn’t know how to park. Because it was that important. ?
Hoping this is all just a scare without any bad results Mojeaux…
Thanks. It is very very busy here for midmorning Wednesday. It is Wednesday, right?
It’s the Humpday, yes.
Right Side? Hopefully that means its not a heart attack.
Doc thinks pulmonary embolism bit he hasn’t even been triaged yet.
“…pulmonary embolism…”
I did that. After a 13 hour return flight from China, I had a 75% blockage in my pulmonary artery.
It was not fun. Sorry for Mr. Mojeaux.
I don’t get it. His family medical history is enviably clean and all the men are long-lived. He had no prior indications. Just started suddenly this morning right after he got to work.
I thought these things had warning signs.
Sorry, Mo. Keep us posted.
I had two relatives and a dog with PEs; they all recovered.
Thanks. Triaged now. They seem in no hurry so no worry?
Ugh. Let’s hope for the best.
Damn, hope he turns out okay and it’s just something minor.
“Janavs, whose family invented Hot Pockets,”
Here’s the thing about that claim. I used to read Ad Age and also Ad Week back in the mid-80’s. One of them did a piece about how to successfully market a new product. They made up a fictional product they called “Hot Pockets”. It was pretty interesting in that it well thought out and exactly the same as what would become Hot Pockets. And I thought to myself, someone’s going to run with this idea. So unless the author of that piece was a Janavs family member (doubtful) her family didn’t invent shit, they just copied an idea they read in a magazine.
Someone is claiming they invented packaged vomit?
Scalding packaged vomit.
Please. It’s called “mayonnaise slices.”
Heroic Trump Saves Indian Woman From Sniper’s Bullet Aimed Directly At Her Forehead
Democrats Publish List Of 7 Progressive Virtues: Envy, Greed, Pride, Lust, Outrage, Sloth, Gluten-Free Gluttony
Dayum. How much longer can they keep this up?
Apparently forever!
The ineffable perfection of government spending
Democratic presidential candidates criticized President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak during their debate Tuesday night, blasting budget cuts his administration has made to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and his thrashing of the U.S.’s international relationships.
“This president has not invested like he should have in his budget. He tried to cut back on the CDC. He tried to cut back on the international organizations that would coordinate with the rest of the world. He hasn’t yet really addressed the nation on this topic,” said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. “I would do all of that.”
It really makes no difference what those buttchugging nincompoops at the CDC are actually working on, if they just had a bigger budget we’d be immune.
Coloring books about “gun safety” are exactly the same as scientific research on disease vectors.
*Irony alert*
Joe Walsh✔
I would vote for socialism over authoritarianism. https://twitter.com/dangainor/status/1231384008069656576 …
Joe Walsh✔
Respectfully my friend, you & @JRubinBlogger need to chill. Like you, I want Trump to lose. There are more people who oppose Trump than support him. Don’t tell me Bernie can’t win. My God, TRUMP is President! ANYONE can win. All of us must unite behind WHOEVER the Dems choose. https://twitter.com/RadioFreeTom/status/1231341711525322758 …
The trouble is that socialism is inherently authoritarian.
5,000 Dentsu employees to telework after staffer at Tokyo headquarters contracts COVID-19
OTH perhaps this may actually be safer than working for Dentsu.
This article is more than 2 years old Japanese woman ‘dies from overwork’ after logging 159 hours of overtime in a month
Calling all fact checkers!
“Imagine if I stood here and said we give immunity to drug companies, we give immunity to tobacco companies. That has caused carnage on our streets,” Biden said. “150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability, more than all the wars, including Vietnam from that point on.”
The heavily inflated figure misrepresented gun deaths in America since 2007. From 2007 to 2017, the number of firearm deaths in the U.S. was 373,663. This number includes both violent firearm deaths and unintentional or accidental deaths, according to the Center for American Progress, an organization that promotes progressive values.
Snopes will probably find a way to rate this, “Substantially true.”
Wow, almost half our population killed off in just 13 years. And now the coronavirus comes along to finish off the survivors.
This is the same progressive schtick, They are obviously double counting deaths, because a bunch of those people were killed by Net Neutrality and the Tax Cut.
So ~ 37K a year. or .11 per thousand people
Don’t expect politicians to have even rudimentary sense of basic mathematics. “Scale” is one of those sneaky, racist, conspiracies that have been created to prevent people from enacting progressive change.
More in line with Biden’s figures, an analysis of FBI statistics by the Center found that from 2008 through 2017, more than 1.5 million aggravated assaults involved a firearm, with rates varying significantly across the states.
No, not really more in line.
Yeah. Don’t give them an inch. He was off by an order of magnitude from that number which is a completely differen statistic.
2 orders of magnitude.
I mean was i really wrong? i was pretty close, not an order of magnitude off on the number of orders of magnitude Biden was off.
In his defense, its an easy mistake to make. Net neutrality is what killed 150 million people, so that’s likely what he was thinking of.
Bloomberg shills in the audience?
At one point, and for what seems to have been the first time ever, an audience actively, aggressively booed because someone spoke ill of billionaires.
Slate scribbler looks on in stunned disbelief at thought of non-socialist Democrats.
“But- but- we hate billionaires. Therefor, everyone hates billionaires. That’s how democracy works.”
They know their audience.
Bloomberg’s actually pretty popular in New York. The only state where he’s tied for the lead right now in polls.
Today in autonomous transportation:
Ohio Self-driving Shuttle Service Stalled After Minor Incident
*bangs head on desk*
Fuck. You. Cut. Spending.
My program that buys each person a ferrari is half as expensive.