Have at it folks. I’m fixing dinner and don’t have time to scrounge for links.
I linked to the death of the founder of Lady Black Mambaza this afternoon. This is one of my favorite songs from Graceland, even though they’re not in it.
Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…
on February 12, 2020 at 7:14 pm
What’s for dinner?
on February 12, 2020 at 7:18 pm
Leftover meatballs and spaghetti from last night and sauteed kale. I’m phoning in dinner too.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:24 pm
As long as you’re using fresh grated Parmesan, it’s all good.
No comment on the kale.
We're not saying BEAM's an alien, but . . .
on February 12, 2020 at 7:25 pm
Kale is Of The Devil.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:25 pm
From the garden, loaded with carmelized onions and garlic. Makes me feel better about myself.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:32 pm
Needs some ground sausage.
Or maybe some sour cream and horseradish.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Roast chicken thighs. I forgot the veg.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:49 pm
Nothing wrong with that.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 7:14 pm
The tattoo ruins it. Some some class!
on February 12, 2020 at 7:19 pm
I would need to closely examine it before making a determination.
Trigger Hippie
on February 12, 2020 at 7:20 pm
Show some ass
on February 12, 2020 at 7:21 pm
Usually I don’t like tattoos on women, but I’ll overlook the tattoo.
We're not saying BEAM's an alien, but . . .
on February 12, 2020 at 7:22 pm
I find myself swelling with Canadian pride. Or something.
Florida Man
on February 12, 2020 at 7:19 pm
You stole Playa’s avatar!
on February 12, 2020 at 7:21 pm
Like I said on the front page, THIS is how you phone it in.
Trigger Hippie
on February 12, 2020 at 7:24 pm
Mind your food. Commenting just means you had time, but you just don’t care.
She needs to cry and say ” you know what they do to child murderers in prison?”
It works for rapist cops
Tres Cool
on February 12, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Brah..she isnt FOP, and on the right side of that thin, blue, line.
Hell, even that guy got home safely that day
on February 12, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Good Lord…
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:22 pm
Bacon! and eggs and Toast, My bro opened his 18 hole Disc course on Saturday, sweet!
going for 45 holes tomorrow, Yippeee!
We're not saying BEAM's an alien, but . . .
on February 12, 2020 at 7:24 pm
. . . going for 45 holes tomorrow, Yippeee!
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:28 pm
I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again, Wreck that Pu=, I mean, Course,
But how about a private course with Beer gardens throughout, That’s Hughson Hills,
Ken’s course
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 7:24 pm
Carly Simon > Paul Simon
Stephen Stills > Paul Simon
Your average nine-year-old > Paul Simon.
Height jokes, people. Height jokes.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Is Bloomberg > Paul Simon?
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:33 pm
lmfao no
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:24 pm
I’m laughing at myself now. I’d been fretting over the timeline for the adventures of Ewald. I wanted him to go on a number of adventures before the Jubilee. I just couldn’t seem to fit them all in.
Then it hit me – there was no reason Ewald needed to be younger than Kord von Zesrin.
In fact, if he were born when his own father were nineteen, Ewald could set out at nineteen himself and still have a decade before the jubilee.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:30 pm
Throwing out the Ju Card? it is history that deserves, to be remembered
Not much, trying to write some more, what’s up with you?
on February 12, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Tryna shoot some more. Forty days til my UK trip – can’t wait for the coronavirus!! (though my trans-Atlantic only has 32 seats, so I won’t be packed in with a bunch of coughing peasants)
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 7:59 pm
Are you doing the return with stop in DUB or flying another route?
on February 12, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Nope – returning direct to IAD on a 777. Reverse-facing window seat should be interesting. Passing through US Customs in Shannon (not DUB) would have been super nice, though. There aren’t many US flights in and out of there, so the line probably would have been minimal.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 8:07 pm
That’s right, mixed up the airports. I haven’t been through Shannon since before CBP started preclearance at select foreign airports.
The JFK-LCY (either direction) is on my list of routes I’d like to fly. Totally jelly.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:09 pm
I’ll be sure to give a detailed report! The daunting thing is to get from LCY to the Renaissance at LHR, where I’m staying. WIth all the viruses and shit, I’ll probably end up hiring a car service.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:23 pm
We want an article with photos!
on February 12, 2020 at 9:10 pm
I’m gonna enlist a colleague to help me put together a lil movie. He owes me because I have to hear about his divorce every day.
Trigger Hippie
on February 12, 2020 at 7:34 pm
I’ll do my best to disappoint you.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Go for it!
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:40 pm
I posted a nice landing video from Britain you would have liked just yesterday, and shouted you out, Howdy KK!
on February 12, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Was it Big Jet TV’s video?
on February 12, 2020 at 7:51 pm
And howdy Yusuf!
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Hola! naaa, i just enjoy great takeoffs and landings, so that euro storm came up in my sidebar, and I thought of you, really,
after all, We are all just Glibs in the Wall……………….
on February 12, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Just wonderin because Big Jet TV had a couple clips go viral from their -hour show on Sunday. My crush is, like, super famous now.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:13 pm
*6-hour show
on February 12, 2020 at 7:35 pm
Ugh, so while trying to do some touch-up paint, I fell off the ladder (thankfully only the second rung) onto the doggy gate, which then got ripped out from the wall. Nothing broken, thank goodness, but I have several egg-sized bruises that are already dark purple. I’m so ready for this week to be over.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:37 pm
on February 12, 2020 at 7:41 pm
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm
Over 50? DON’T DO STUPID STUFF, and I did lot’s of that before 50….
on February 12, 2020 at 7:48 pm
I’m 26, so should have an easier time bouncing back, but DON’T DO STUPID STUFF is good advice in general. I’m just clumsy.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Advice for youth, Slow the fuck down, smooth is faster than Bull in China shop,
JD is Unemployed
on February 12, 2020 at 9:27 pm
_The Yufus & the Hare_. Classic.
JD is Unemployed
on February 12, 2020 at 9:28 pm
Oh dang half asleep whatsapp formatting
on February 12, 2020 at 7:54 pm
Just a baby, you’ll bounce back! Walk it off
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Tht’s why I’m hobbling around now,
on February 12, 2020 at 8:15 pm
At 26 you are permitted some stupid stuff. Hell, almost everything I did that year was stupid. Fun though.
Trigger Hippie
on February 12, 2020 at 7:48 pm
*throws bottle of hydrocodone across the living room, landing nowhere close to Cannoli*
It’s the best I can do. That sucks though. I’m a painter, been there. One day I tell you about the time I accidentally touched live outdoor motion sensor light’s wiring while twenty feet up on a metal ladder in detail. It wasn’t fun.
For now, I’m diving out early. I can’t stay focused on anything for more than an hour or two for the last few days. Things are getting weird.
…And sorry, Mo. Before you ask, I’m not sharing. Nothing personal but aside from a few stories here or there I really don’t go into my current personal shit here. Aside from the usual bitching over trivial shit with friends over a few beers, bowls, and Tylenol PM’s. 😉
on February 12, 2020 at 7:52 pm
Yikes about the wiring, that sounds terrifying.
I hope things work out well with whatever’s going on.
Trigger Hippie
on February 12, 2020 at 7:52 pm
…and I know you’re not Mo. I was just shoehorning that in there, cuz I’m a dick.
Have a good evening. Everyone else as well.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:53 pm
There is a reason electricians use those heaven as all fiberglass ladders.
I hate that when that happens. I fall down once or twice a year. A month ago I fell down on the concrete garage floor, as I was going down backwards I knew it wasn’t gonna be good. I landed first on my butt, then my back, then my head and elbow. I lay there for 20-30 seconds,reviewing all the words I know, then did it again, to see if anything besides my ego was broken. Everything hurt but not broken. I had a heavy jacket on and a cap so that was a little cushion. My elbow was the worst hurt thing . Took a couple weeks to stop hurting.
Hope you’re back at ’em soon, that painting isn’t finished. You have my best wishes for your recovery.
on February 12, 2020 at 10:36 pm
Fourscore, I feel for ya, and the rest of the walking wounded. Slipped raking leaves a month or so back and sprained an ankle and a leg. Milady wife is tired of my Walter Brennan imitations (come to think of it, so am I) and can’t wait to get back to normal.
Tres Cool
on February 12, 2020 at 7:36 pm
From the last thread, in 2016 I wrote in Vermin Supreme/Barry Goldwater.
I love the commentator’s names….Bridget, CraftyDame, SongBirdTiff….
on February 12, 2020 at 7:42 pm
on February 12, 2020 at 7:44 pm
Hi Kristin!
on February 12, 2020 at 8:00 pm
Nice to see ya!
on February 12, 2020 at 7:37 pm
I knew the Stone prosecution was more BS but, HF. Woodchippers are too good for these people.
The shit prosecuters are playing the media like a violin. ‘Course the media love it.
I’m sorry, Yusef. I know your troubles are deeper than mine.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:17 pm
NO! we all have problems, we all deal with them differently, yours are as important as mine, I’m just glad we both have this place to share with, Go get em MO,,
on February 12, 2020 at 8:04 pm
It’s a path forward. I made huge (seriously) credit mistakes many years ago. I got better!
We’re probably gonna get 5 guys cheese burgers (No buns) for V day. ?
juris imprudent
on February 12, 2020 at 9:40 pm
Lemme guess – you’re going to hold the buns.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 7:56 pm
We’re having some wine and keeping the lights on.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:56 pm
I often host Cosmos and Commiseration on Valentine’s day for my single friends and unhappily married friends. Not this year though.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:57 pm
Being single, nothing extravagant.
I might head out to a swing dance that night.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:00 pm
Tomorrow is Galentine’s Day, though. A made-for-TV holiday that I can get behind!
on February 12, 2020 at 8:00 pm
I had Japanese class and that was our discussion tonight. My wife and I generally just stay in. The younger people in my class not so much.
In Japan women take the lead on Valentine’’s Day. Men return the favor on White Day, but Valentine’s is a bigger day.
And in Korea, the unattached celebrate Black Day on April 14.
slumbrew - double secret satan
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
One of the things I like about my wife is that she thinks Valentine’s Day is bullshit.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:18 pm
*thanks God (who, according to some, is dead)*
juris imprudent
on February 12, 2020 at 9:42 pm
When my wife and I had our first Valentine’s Day she laid down the law: buy flowers some other time, never on Valentine’s Day. I did buy her a rose one year – a stained glass one.
on February 12, 2020 at 10:47 pm
I’m driving back to Seattle on Friday. I’ve been in Beaverton, OR for work this week.
I have instructed the wife to make a pork roast, cheesy potatoes, and broccoli rabe.
I’m gonna take a shower and snuggle with my love on the sofa. And play guitar.
And that’s just the upper management. Outside competition is hurting them too.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:49 pm
Nice!!! High five!
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:49 pm
96Million vs, 65 million, and they say Elon is a grifter?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:48 pm
Well they can’t seem to build a Rocket, or a 737, shame really…
on February 12, 2020 at 7:50 pm
The board of directors needs to clean house ASAP. Maybe poach some people from Bombardier or Embraer or even Airbus.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 7:53 pm
Elon buys Boeing? that would work out IMO
on February 12, 2020 at 7:56 pm
Interesting idea…or they appoint a pilot as CEO and get back to building decent and safe aircraft.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 8:02 pm
#insert crack about longtime Boeing line
Seriously, I think part of the problem started from when they relocated their headquarters from Seattle to Chicago.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:05 pm
That was a symptom. At the top they were just another big corporation, not an AIRPLANE Company.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 8:34 pm
That’s probably true, although I think moving away from the heart of the business increased that.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:02 pm
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:02 pm
That would work fine as well, a great aircraft company, it susks they are making these mistakes,
on February 12, 2020 at 10:02 pm
They have 2-300 Max’s stored at my home airport. It’s hard to keep track of them because they are always rotating them around. It’s interesting, it appears that they put all of the Asian airlines off in their own area.
on February 12, 2020 at 7:59 pm
Hello. New here. I’ve been on the liberal side of the political spectrum but seeing Bernie get screwed in the 2016 primary showed me that “the liberal media” really did exist, and I saw them do the same things to Trump that they did to Bernie. I really hate what the Democratic party has become so I’ve been pushed into the Republican party, I guess. 99% of the websites where I got my news in the past went batshit insane for Hillary and against Trump, so I’ve been looking for new sources. Since 2016 I’ve been getting most of my news from Glenn Greenwald and Michael Tracy on Twitter and from Reason.com although over half of Reason’s articles seem to be social justice bullshit, but some of their commenters are good. I found this place through a comment there and after lurking for a couple of weeks I’ve liked what I’ve read. I’m still working my way through the whole “if you’re not a liberal at 20 you don’t have a heart, if you’re not a conservative at 40 you don’t have a brain” thing, but better late than never.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:18 pm
Well, if AC was still around, I would say, yes, the rest of us are quite lucid.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:33 pm
As you work through your Liberal/Conservative dilemma, I would encourage you to also explore your inner anarchist (or at least minarchist). Welcome just the same.
Tres Cool
on February 12, 2020 at 8:34 pm
Fuckin Tulpa!
Go fuck the fuck off, fucker!
And welcome.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 8:55 pm
So what you are saying is that I should bring back Thicc Thursday.
We're not saying BEAM's an alien, but . . .
on February 12, 2020 at 9:14 pm
Yes. Yes. That’s exactly what we’re saying, Cathy.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
Pay no attention to what the others say. They are all excited because today is the 3rd, count ’em 3, year anniversary of this site.
Just don’t forget your apostrophe’s and you’ll be all right.
-Reading or Writing?
-movie or talkie?
-I’ve been arguing with “The New Detectives” on Amazon, does that count?
-*checks VLC* Looks like ‘Winged Hussars’ played last, so I’ll go with that.
-The guy who does my book covers.
-Well, Steel Challenge was okay. I need to zero the red dot and get mud boots. Call it a “Sporting Event”
Notably missing from the filmmaker’s star-studded roundup, however, are several equally prominent actors of color — in line with Anderson’s history of mostly white casts.
Life Aquatic
Royal Tenenbaums
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:23 pm
Fail? Thread?
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:25 pm
Yes, sir.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Hmm, I didn’t picture you as a Sabaton guy? Although you are one of those Warhammer people so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
“Beyond the Edge of the Map” was largely written to the sound of Sabaton and Powerwolf.
I have an eclectic taste in music, but generally prefer something with more energy over less.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Lord of the Rings
Jordan Peterson’s podcast
Groundhog Day
Warehouse 13
“What Ever Happened to my Part” from Spamalot
My sister
on February 12, 2020 at 8:17 pm
-Making of the Atomic Bomb
-Don’t do them things
-Raiders of the Lost Ark
-Deadliest Catch
–That’s Not My Name
-Thomas Cole
-Paul Poiret
on February 12, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Just finished Killer Across the Table by John Douglas and started Anatomy of Motive by same author. Also working through a Tableau book. Don’t do Podcast. Don’t recall last movie right now. Been watching Prodigal Son RV show. Heard Steely Dan Dirty Work the other day and now it’s stuck in my head. Spent the last 3 hours waiting for a tow truck for my wife’s car that got hit tonight. All peeps ok. Of course I was home from work before the shitty ice/snow/slush weather started and had to go out in it to rescue her.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:28 pm
TV not RV
on February 12, 2020 at 8:31 pm
-book – Mo’s
-podcast – Peter Attia
-movie – Young Frankenstein
-tv show – Yellowstone
-song – Something my daughter and her pals composed. I hope it remains nameless.
-artist – SF
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops – yeah , nothing.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:38 pm
“Yellowstone” is great. Its like western “Billions.”
Just enjoyable tv shows.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:51 pm
I finished Season 1, but I need to have a little space before 2. The train wrecks get challenging.
In a way, it remind me of my favorite series – The Shield .
So damn dark but so damn engaging.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:56 pm
“The Shield” is gritty and an all-timer. You generally have good taste so of course you like it.
“Yellowstone” is an extremely accessible soap opera, which is great.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:06 pm
Thanks, but I’m starting to get tired of all the terrible people in all these series.
And yes, Yellowstone reminds me – in a good way – of the soaps I watched many years ago,
I’m just so happy you liked it. It was a hard book for me and is my *least* favorite of all my children books.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:58 pm
Interesting. I have found myself thinking about it a lot since I finished it.
It’s actually not surprising at all that you don’t like it. I’ve known a few artists like you and it seems to be a common reaction.
Whatever. I got more than my money’s worth. Thanks!
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:31 pm
Crusty, Submit this, it would a great post, really
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:44 pm
I’ve been at war with Glibertarians management for years. Until they agree to my demands all potentially great post ideas will remain in threads (if you’re lucky) and/or my head.
If you’re not Alpha enough to submit a post I guess hanging out in the threads like a cuck is the next best thing. You really shouldn’t make up excuses though, if you can’t accept your shortcoming you are never going to be truly free.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:04 pm
*Looks at some of HM’s posts late at night, considers what Crusty could do if unfettered.
-book: Crystal Singer, Anne McCaffrey (comfort re-read)
-movie: The Accountant
-tv show: The Boys
-song: “Miracle”, Sixx:A.M.
-artist: John Singer Sargent
-anything I missed: I’ve been stuck on art journals and junk journals for the past little while. I also have an obsession with other people’s bullet journals as performance art.
This was a great question. Thanks.
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 12, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Aaah! I too love Sargent (and not much art later than that). I have a postcard of Madame X on my wall.
Paul Poiret the hobble skirt designer?
/girl talk
movie: Can You Ever Forgive Me?
podcast: (radio show, but:) Desert Island Discs archives, both recent and early
slumbrew - double secret satan
on February 12, 2020 at 9:20 pm
-movie: The Accountant
I, too, really enjoy that ridiculous movie.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:37 pm
Book: Aztec by Gary Jennings
Podcast: Ben Shapiro
Movie: 1917
TV Show: XFL games
Song: Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis
Holy shit I am eclectic…
Private Chipperbot
on February 12, 2020 at 8:37 pm
book- meditations, Marcus Aurelius
-podcast – hardcore history addendum
movie – Spiderman, far from home.
-tv show – the expanse
-song – c’mon c’mon – von bondies
-artist – my daughter
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops – I play on a cop and fireman hockey team…
on February 12, 2020 at 8:52 pm
Marcus Aurelius was the man. Too bad about Commodus.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:38 pm
– book – I’m trying and failing at reading “Das Kapital”. It’s an attempt to understand my enemies. The problem is, I’ve read ten pages and not touched the book in almost a month. Oh, you said last I enjoyed. That was “The Gift of Injury” by Stuart McGill
– podcast – I don’t watch them
– “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. It was on the bar TV. Been a while since I watched it and it was great.
– I don’t watch TV.
– song – Beck’s “Girl” came up recently
– Artist – Mark Novak, the crusty gunsmith behind Anvil
on February 12, 2020 at 8:49 pm
Das Kapital is, objectively, an awful book.
And thats before you get to the ideas which led to the deaths of 100 million people.
commodious spittoon
on February 12, 2020 at 8:44 pm
on February 12, 2020 at 8:58 pm
Winston’s mom.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 9:10 pm
The only good answer. Thank you, friend.
We're not saying BEAM's an alien, but . . .
on February 12, 2020 at 9:25 pm
A Tale of Two Economies: Hong Kong, Cuba and the Two Men Who Shaped Them by Neil Monnery
I’ve never listened to a podcast. Seriously.
Movie? The Martian.
TV Show? Surprisingly (to me) The Unicorn.
Song/Artist: “Darling You” by Julia Westlin — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8TnhTnu_OA -anything I missed I just hungout with cops: that’s about it.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 9:43 pm
-Things Fall Apart
-any EconTalk with Mike Munger
-Lost in Translation (rewatched last night)
-Mind Game
-roads would be much better without other drivers.
juris imprudent
on February 12, 2020 at 9:49 pm
About Face
Ford v. Ferrarri
The Long Goodbye (original Paul Brady version)
Let’s here more about you and the cops
on February 13, 2020 at 1:44 am
End the Fed by Ron Paul. Yes, finally got around to reading it.
Part of the Problem with Dave Smith, the “Biden’s Downfall” episode. This truly is my favorite podcast. Tom Woods, Jason Stapleton, and Lions of Liberty are great, but nobody cranks out over an hour of meaty discussion (on both current events and libertarian theory) like Dave and Robbie.
The entire Harry Potter series. Girlfriend wanted to watch it, and at first I thought it was gonna be some silly kids movie, but I actually liked it.
-tv show
Oz, the old HBO series about the prison. I got bored with it after two seasons; it’s just the same shit over and over again – being in prison fighting for control of the drug trade.
“Ciaconna” by Antonio Bertali. I really love this one. It was composed in the mid-1600s, but it sounds very modern.
Edward Hopper.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Imaboutta head for the neighborhood golf club to lay waste to other patrons in Trivia. They have figured out the chink in my armor though: I know nothing of music post 2007.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:04 pm
Have fun! Kill em!
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 8:51 pm
the chink
I believe they’re just called “Chinese” now.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:03 pm
Hayek has never been good with “ethnics”.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 9:09 pm
“A … Guide to Glibertarians.com
Posted by Tonio | Oct 15, 2019 ”
I had not seen this article of Tonio’s until now, yet can I recommend it in that it may be informative to new visitors and current commentators who have not seen it previously.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:18 pm
It’s been a big day for new posters. I encourage them.
Lurkers, set your your inner Tulpa’s free.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Fucking right.
And my list grew by another awesome Glib.
You People amaze me. Thanks.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:21 pm
You rang?
on February 12, 2020 at 8:15 pm
Thanks to Spud for girl Canada. That was very much needed and appreciated.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:26 pm
I’d watch hockey with her.
I’ll bet she could appreciate the nuances of the most beautiful of sport.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:42 pm
I’m watching “Miracle” now. I know it’s not… her… but it’s fun.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 9:32 pm
Watch “Goon” next!
on February 12, 2020 at 9:33 pm
Excellent! I hope you dig it.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:42 pm
I was flipping back and forth between that and tennis so I didn’t watch the whole thing but what I saw was enjoyable. And yeah, Kurt was damn good.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:48 pm
They used actual hockey players for most of the parts, so the simulated game was far better than the actual.
I will be geeking out as we get closer.
Pope Jimbo
on February 12, 2020 at 9:47 pm
How many periods would you watch with her before you got tired?
on February 12, 2020 at 9:49 pm
You’ve been married as long as I have.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:29 pm
She’s purty.
Michael Bluth
on February 12, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Since I missed the birthdayfest this morning, Happy Birthday Glibs! Many thanks to TPTB for the hospitality and making a great place. If I had more time to comment more, I just might do it. Otherwise, I’ll continue lurking and posting once in a blue moon.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 8:28 pm
Tulpa picked the one Bluth who thinks he is better than us.
Work has been crazy and have to get back to work in a little bit, but wanted to say happy anniversary, all! Even when I only lurked, this site was my safe place. Thank you.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 8:32 pm
Howdy Lemon, hope things are good,,
on February 12, 2020 at 11:02 pm
Thanks! Finally done with work, at midnight. Worst part of being a QA engineer – the developers will totally swallow the entire schedule, take extra time, even, and then expect QA to save the release. The development team took over four months to write this shit, and my minions and I are expected to finish testing it all in under four days. That’s fair, right??
Private Chipperbot
on February 12, 2020 at 8:40 pm
36oz of two hearted down. Time to lace them up and avoid the pond rockets.
So those new Littoral Combat Ships the Navy just spent many $Billions on? It’s time to retire them.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 8:54 pm
First they need to bring every flag officer who put a signature on those things back on active duty, bust them down to O-nothing and then kick them out.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:00 pm
Heh, they haven’t even finished making the initial order.
on February 12, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Max Boot
Please, Democrats, do the smart thing and coalesce quickly around one of the three moderates—Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, or Michael Bloomberg—who are still standing after the first two contests. The future of our democracy may depend on it.
Normally I wouldn’t like that tweet – but for Boot, I’ll make an exception.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:00 pm
He needs to calm his tits. It’s going to happen anyway.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:05 pm
Calm his tits? That’s Max asking for bukkake.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:06 pm
I hate it when I ask for bukkake and all I get is furikake.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:12 pm
Order the “ekiben” and smile knowingly.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
I basically had the American version on my way home from work.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:23 pm
American version of bento is a Twinkie.
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 9:27 pm
I would have put you down for a chirashizushi guy.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:06 pm
I love it. Anyone but Trump until they realize that Sanders is terrible. And hoping that the Dem will trust them and that they would change the Dems rather then the other way around.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:14 pm
If not, I’ll have to be a cheerleader for Bernie Sanders. Might be uncomfortable at first, but I’ll do it anyway.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:02 pm
Happy Birthday, Glibbies! Been a little more scarce than normal even for my mostly lurking self. Condoling to those who need condolences, encouragement to those who need encouraging. Work had been a mofo. Which isn’t a complaint, work is good.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:02 pm
Assuming Trump doesn’t win, which Democrat do we think is least shitty that’s still in the race?
As in which is the smallest shit sandwich of a candidate for American liberty? I can’t see much in the way of differences between them.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:04 pm
on February 12, 2020 at 9:08 pm
I was born but…
on February 12, 2020 at 9:04 pm
Probably Klobuchar or Pete. 2A will be ruthlessly attacked regardless of who wins.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:09 pm
Pete has the craziest pro-abortion stance of them all apparently. And he’s a good looking man so the world will squeee over his smile while he shits on the Constitution.
I think that I prefer Klobuchar, but only because I have the sense that she is the least terrible but is still really fucking awful.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:26 pm
If Klobbies presidential tour is anything like her senatorial stuff we’re safe. She’s never did anything of significance. She’s Minnesoda born and raised. Boring, expect a Humphrey or Mondale look alike contest with her winning.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:28 pm
She does look like McGovern. *Mindblown*
on February 12, 2020 at 9:29 pm
Boring doesn’t sound so bad, actually.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:32 pm
She was a prosecutor.
Evil and venal well before she hits boring.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:35 pm
Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, that’s a giant disqualifier for me.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:33 pm
She wasn’t boring during the Kavanaugh hearings.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:07 pm
Sadly, Bloomberg. The other two alleged moderates are spineless neophytes and have already shown themselves to raise their hands along with the extremes when asked any tough questions.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
But that doesn’t mean they will actually govern as extremists. They just want to be elected.
However, Bloomers is actually an authoritarian already and would likely get worse with power.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:19 pm
True especially on guns and maybe crime, but on the economy he would probably be better than any of the other Dems. He doesn’t have much interest in identity politics nonsense.
one true athena
on February 12, 2020 at 9:22 pm
Klobuchar less so -she at least hasn’t bent as much to the abortion nutcases. Plus, if it’s true she’s unpleasant to staff, she could get some #resistance within the WH (at least would be better than Obama’s slavish adoration)
But yes, I agree– Pete is just an empty suit that other people will fill, so definitely not him.
And Bloomberg. Man, he gives me the skeevies. I get a really authoritarian vibe off him. But yes, on paper he’s definitely not as far to the whacko as the others.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 12, 2020 at 9:26 pm
Bloomberg’s stance on violating my 2nd Amendment rights is as extreme as it gets. There is nothing moderate about wanting to turn the entire populace into serfs.
one true athena
on February 12, 2020 at 9:35 pm
True. That part is not moderate – though the others would just be his mouthpiece on that issue anyway thanks to his orgs/$$, so I’m not sure it would make all that much of a difference. They all suck on guns.
He’s gonna be Executive Order King on many issues, I think.
on February 12, 2020 at 10:08 pm
^This. The fact that we have an actual communist running doesn’t make the Fascists more appealing to me. Bloomberg is a textbook fascist technocrat. I get not being willing to vote for Trump, he isn’t an optimal choice, but anyone who votes for Bloomberg over Trump isn’t in the libertarian tent as far I am concerned. In many ways he is scarier to me than Bernie, Bloomberg is competent. You don’t build what he has built without being an effective executive. A competent fascist scares me more than an inept commie.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:35 pm
I would say Buttjudge only because he’s not already a swamp rat. Still a fucking libtard though and wouldn’t vote for him. I do respect his legalize opiates stance though. He and CILF would make an interesting ticket.
If it does turn out it’s been an ongoing problem, the best approach is to be as matter-of-fact about it as you can with yourself. Don’t let your internal narrative be, “This is humiliating, I smell and everyone knows but no one has told me, and agggghhh how will I face people again?” Instead, the internal narrative you want is more like, “Well, something on me stinks! I’m going to figure out what it is.”
I know that’s easier said than done — but the more you can see this as a weird thing that happened to you rather than as a personal failing, the better. And truly, this does not sound like a personal failing. You shower daily, wear deodorant, and keep your laundry clean — all the normal defenses most people have in place against our own stinky bodies. Something just wasn’t working the way you expected it to.
It also should help to think about what you would think if you were the co-worker of someone who sometimes smelled. You probably wouldn’t think, “What a revolting person!” but rather, “Oh, she doesn’t realize.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
Bullshit. I had a rank coworker once and there’s no way any manager “pulled him into her office”. Nobody said a damn thing.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:21 pm
I worked with an Egyptian chick that stunk. Rarely bathed but used extra perfume instead. A Canadian coworker guy told her to bathe more. She got irate.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:23 pm
My first job was at a restaurant and we had a waiter who had really bad breath. The manager definitely told him.
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 9:26 pm
I just fired someone for picking their nose. Not literally but lol yes nose picking.
Gender Traitor
on February 12, 2020 at 9:14 pm
List the last you enjoyed:
-book: Beyond the Edge of the Map
-podcast: Don’t listen to any
-movie: Can’t remember – don’t watch many, and rarely in a theater.
-tv show: Forged in Fire, which is on right now.
-song: “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes” linked by Spud in the last thread in memory of Joseph Shabalala
-artist: Charley Harper (I use a datebook full of his illustrations every year.) Fun stuff, sometimes subtle humor if you look closely.
-anything I missed: I knit and do a little crochet so that I can feel productive when I’m being a couch potato.
Yes. Yes, you do. Have you ever incurred the wrath of a redhead?
on February 12, 2020 at 9:28 pm
-book: It’s been so long I’m not even sure, but a Louis L’Amour title would be likely.
-podcast: The Business of Machining
-movie: Yellowbeard
-tv show: Endeavour (backstory of Inspector Morse)
-song: Chelsea Dagger
-artist: Gary Larson
-anything I missed: It’s fucking cold here
on February 12, 2020 at 10:58 pm
Fess up. Your last book was Penthouse Letters.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 12, 2020 at 9:15 pm
Tomorrow’s work from home attire. Gym shorts and T-Shirt.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:16 pm
Man US factional splits are so boring. Where’s my Joe Chamberlains, Hartingtons and WACky Bennett?
on February 12, 2020 at 9:19 pm
Speaking of songs, I’m looking for suggestions to add to my Hype Song playlist. It’s proven to be nicely anxiety-reducing. I like songs that make you strut when you’re walking down the street.
Some examples: Uptown Funk, Shipping Up to Boston, That’s Not My Name (my most recent favorite), Hollaback Girl, Let it Rock, Lust for Life, Power is On, etc.
Can be any genre as long as it’s a good struttin song.
Superstition is good, but it’s too slow for what I *think* she wants. That’s why it’s not in my walking playlist.
on February 12, 2020 at 9:56 pm
You’re right – I’m not necessarily looking for actual songs about strutting or funk-type songs (though most are excellent). I’m looking for more power-type songs. That make you feel confident & energetic. P!nk has a lot of songs in that genre.
Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like”
Bruno Mars “24K Magic”
Justin Timberlake (with or without Michael Jackson) “Love Never Felt So Good”
Róisín Murphy “Rama Lama (Bang Bang)”
Earth, Wind, & Fire “September”
Estelle & Kanye West “American Boy”
Outkast “I Like the Way You Move”
Miranda Lambert “Mama’s Broken Heart”
Katrina and the Waves “Walking on Sunshine”
Hoku “Perfect Day”
Janelle Monae “Tightrope”
Janelle Monae “Q.U.E.E.N.”
Imani Coppola “Legend of a Cowgirl”
Janet Jackson “All for You”
Janet Jackson “Runaway”
Joss Stone “Girl They Won’t Believe It”
Little Mix “Wings”
Madonna “Hanky Panky”
Maroon 5 “Makes Me Wonder”
Natasha Bedingfield “Touch”
Robin Thicke “Blurred Lines”
Santana & Rob Thomas “Smooth”
Santana “Hold On”
Okay, look, people, she asked for walking music. Shut up.
Neil Sedaka “Laughter in the Rain”
Bobby Brown “Humpin’ Around”
S Club 7 “S Club Party”
Spice Girls “Spice Up Your Life”
Lady Gaga “Bad Romance”
Shania Twain “Man, I Feel Like a Woman”
Outkast “Roses”
Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson “Scream”
on February 12, 2020 at 9:57 pm
I have “Poker Face” – I should explore more Lady Gaga
By 1986, when he was the only surviving member of the 1921–22 Second Dail, he objected strongly to the intention of Sinn Féin and the Provisional IRA to recognise “the partition parliament of Leinster House”.[12]
Crusty Juggler
on February 12, 2020 at 9:25 pm
– American Tabloid (a re-read)
-Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast
-Leave No Trace
-The Expanse
-Dissolve Absofacto
-The person who did those John Wick posters I like
-seriously I just hungout with cops
JD is Unemployed
on February 12, 2020 at 9:38 pm
How ’bout them cowboys?
on February 12, 2020 at 9:47 pm
We’re milling around in center city this afternoon, waiting to form up for the Lincoln Day parade. Woman, maybe 25, comes up and asks what us Civil War soldiers are doing.
“Didn’t you hear. Things aren’t going too well in Afghanistan, so us Civil War Veterans have been called up to fight.” Says she, “Well the least they could have done is give you modern uniforms. Good luck to you over there.”
Gustave Lytton
on February 12, 2020 at 10:24 pm
Wool is both warm and flame resistant. Not the worst choice for uniform wear…
The action at Ridgeway has the distinction of being the only armed victory for the cause of Irish independence between the Irish Rebellion of 1798 and the Irish War of Independence in 1919.
The Fenians wore an assortment of blue U.S. Army and grey Confederate Army tunics, some with green facings sewn to them, but many of the Fenians took to the field in civilian clothing with green scarves. The Fenians carried battle standards consisting of the Irish ‘sunburst’ in gold on a green background and one standard featuring the Irish Harp.
We have a bird feeder outside our kitchen window. It attracts two kinds of birds.
Birds that eat sunflower seeds
Birds that eat birds that eat sunflower seeds. http://imgur.com/a/iao4LtT
on February 12, 2020 at 10:08 pm
Red tail?
on February 12, 2020 at 10:10 pm
Coopers. Much smaller. About magpie size.
Sits in the tree above the feeder and waits for a meal. It’s pretty impressive to see it bring down a dove in mid-flight
on February 12, 2020 at 10:12 pm
Watching it eat the dove while the dove is still alive not so much fun.
Nature really doesn’t give a fuck.
Pope Jimbo
on February 12, 2020 at 10:21 pm
Spent last weekend with my dad down in Port Isabel, TX. From his place we watched ospreys catch and eat fish every day. Wife wasn’t too thrilled to see that the fish were alive while being eaten.
Yeah, nature tends not to care too much about the feelz
Don Escaped Texas
on February 12, 2020 at 10:55 pm
One of my grandmothers was abundantly Choctaw. Catch a fish and she would have it fried up and we’d have it eaten in minutes. Afterwards, our bellies full, we would listen to the clicking of the head, as awake as cold-blooded things ever are, still nailed to the tree where she had gutted and skinned him.
on February 12, 2020 at 10:54 pm
I woke up one night to the dulcet tones of a rabbit being eviscerated right outside the bedroom window in Friendly Fridley, MN a few years ago.
Rabbits do scream. Not something for the faint of heart.
That was in my front yard last summer. Came home to see him chomping away on a squirrel who hadn’t been keeping a weather eye out. By the next morning not even the tail was left.
on February 12, 2020 at 10:58 pm
Geez. Who let the libertarian women out of their crates?
on February 12, 2020 at 11:07 pm
Damned abolitionists.
on February 12, 2020 at 11:07 pm
*ducks. Looks for cover*
on February 12, 2020 at 11:10 pm
It was him!
*points and stares with hollow eyes*
on February 12, 2020 at 11:11 pm
There are enough of us you need more than one crate?
on February 12, 2020 at 11:15 pm
I like you at least to be comfortable in your captivity. Makes you more compliant.
Happy glibversary y’all. Apropos of nothing but my avatar I picked up a Moonwatch in mint condition on Monday. Hope all is well with my favorite glibs (which are all of you!)
slumbrew - double secret satan
on February 12, 2020 at 11:20 pm
Oooh, fancy. I’m trying to keep my watch buying sub-$1,000 these days.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 12, 2020 at 11:46 pm
I semi-recently bought a Seiko Presage Enamel Tonneau dress watch, which I’m very pleased with, but my everyday wear watch is a Unimatic.
I’ve got a Breitling I bought a million years ago and was considering a new Omega, then decided I’d rather have 10 less expensive watches than a single spendy watch.
on February 13, 2020 at 12:29 am
I’m ignorant. What is a Moonwatch?
Lord Digby: Elitist Scum
on February 13, 2020 at 2:05 am
A watch you keep in your moon, duh!
on February 12, 2020 at 11:42 pm
Happy Happy to the Glibs! I’m just strafing through tonight but wanted to say that I love this place and everyone here.
on February 12, 2020 at 11:59 pm
The Watchmen graphic novel
I don’t podcast
Death Bed-The Bed That Kills
Hello T’Jane
Watched some of the ‘Special Features’ on the ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters’ DVD I’ve had for over a decade tonight. And all I can say is ‘Cheaters!’ They had more than one person writing/directing/animating/ doing all the voices. I pass out now.
on February 13, 2020 at 12:19 am
I mean, there oughta be a law that forces them to have to compete with me on my own terms, otherwise it’s unequal and inequitable!
one true athena
on February 13, 2020 at 12:33 am
-book – something by Georgette Heyer, I think it was
-podcast – don’t do those
-movie – Knives Out
-tv show – The Mandalorian (I’m also watching The Outsider, on HBO, which I like because it’s super Fincher-esque and I like Ben Mendolsson, but “enjoy” is a strong word. I’ll probably never watch it again)
-song – Meg Myers cover of “Running Up that Hill”
-artist – Can I be cheesy mom and say my son? He drew a cartoon cat driving a race car for his grandpa’s hospital room a couple days ago. Off-the-charts enjoyment!
on February 13, 2020 at 12:57 am
Not cheesy at all. The ability to simultaneously see beauty and barf in the same picture comes with becoming a parent.
Gustave Lytton
on February 13, 2020 at 1:43 am
At least three people got joy from the picture, so already doing better than a Pollock piece, right?
on February 13, 2020 at 2:31 am
Kids’ drawings are the best. Lack of pretension FTW.
on February 13, 2020 at 1:43 am
OT: I am profoundly sad at the moment. Yesterday my husband had an emotional breakdown and admitted that he hated moving to California . I cheered him up and he thanked me then and then also today a couple of times.
Tonight all was well but in the last hour or so the cable internet went out a couple of times while we were trying to stream a show.
He lost it, and said he just wants an antenna and three channels. Being practical, I pointed out that we’d tried the antenna to now avail because there isare too many mountains and we’re too far from the towers.
He said then we’ll put up a 15 foot pole antenna. Agsin, I resorted to facts, but he declared he was going to call and do it anyway.
I said (forgetting the Ferguson rule) that “and that’s why we have separate checking accounts.” He said yeah, we can have separate bedrooms too. I asked if he was serious and what he thought I’d said wrong. He said Shut up Shut up Shut up, and when I tried to interject, he morphed from shut up to fuck you over and over
I dutifully moved my CPAP and alarm clock into the guest room.
And he’s calling me petulant for sleeping in the guest room. I don’t like to go to bed angry but if the debate is declared done and I can’t say anything, I’m out.
He’s still muttering about how I am terrible and an idiot.
I have to agree I’m an idiot. He’s exhibit A.
Man, I’ve been trying so hard to fall back in love with him.
Fuck my life.
But I got my health!
Lord Digby: Elitist Scum
on February 13, 2020 at 1:56 am
Oh, man… Well, cheers to your health, M’Lady.
Lord Digby: Elitist Scum
on February 13, 2020 at 2:03 am
My apologies for the lameness of that response. I would heartily agree with the sentiment that you don’t merit that treatment.
on February 13, 2020 at 2:07 am
As mojo would say, it’s not about x. Although at least he had the decency to tell you that flat out. Obviously he’s pretty bitter and resentful about the move. Sounds like relationship poison if you both can’t get over it. Sounds like you’re financially significantly more successful than him, does that also cause him distress? California is more expensive to live in than Minnesota(?), yeah?
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 13, 2020 at 2:17 am
Hayek, I’m so sorry. I can possibly help with local counselor referrals, and much more probably with legal referrals; whichever you prefer to hear about. Ask TPTB for my e-mail, I guess. (Am also in phone book but not under TO’G, obviously…)
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 13, 2020 at 2:35 am
To amend this somewhat as a local: would he be happier moving closer to town/coast? Cuz from what I gather you are near a major freeway but still pretty rural. I don’t know what life was like for youse in MN, having never been there.
on February 13, 2020 at 4:59 am
No, he won’t be happy until he can turn back time and be perfectly entrenched in Minnesota.
So I’m going to make inquiries to find out whether I can support him living in Minnesota while I stay here.
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 13, 2020 at 5:08 am
Aw, sugar, I’m sorry.
I’d be surprised if I couldn’t help with the legal side. Let me know.
Lord Digby: Elitist Scum
on February 13, 2020 at 6:01 am
That’s for you TOG. Well, for anyone who’s a fan and/or needs to be careful.
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 13, 2020 at 6:56 am
LDES: I think about that every time I hear Icarus!
Why won’t it let me reply to you? no option.
Toxteth O’Grady
on February 13, 2020 at 6:58 am
every time I hear ‘careful’, for that matter–
on February 13, 2020 at 2:22 am
I’ve slept on the couch 5 or 6 times over our two decade marriage. Same with the wife. It happens. I recognized when I was being unreasonable and apologized the next day. Same with the wife. My fear is that a silly argument that meant nothing in the big picture would destroy the other stuff we’d built together. Or…the argument is a manifestation of deeper problems. Tough call. Good luck and remember that patience and biting your tongue are the wise moves.
on February 13, 2020 at 2:15 am
Just returned to the glorious USA 12 hours back. Nothing makes you more grateful than spending a few weeks abroad. Spent about a week in Dubai, 1 week in Mumbai and 5 days in a city/town called Beawar (literally a corruption of “be aware”). let me just tell you, it’s an accurate description. need to play with the 2 year old so may continue this later. . .
on February 13, 2020 at 2:33 am
Got offered a job in Dubai years ago, but passed on it. How was it?
on February 13, 2020 at 3:16 am
The city is very clean, and amazingly orderly for a place mostly inhabited by native Indians and Pakistanis. My friends there said the native emiratis are very racist, and pay is basically determined by your country of origin. Out of her 19th floor balcony I could make out no less than 40 cranes building (what I consider to be ) skyscrapers. So the outlines of the city are always changing. They’re always trying to make the next greatest this or that thing. I felt the place was sort of ‘ fake’. The real tall buildings were sort of inorganically placed and many malls and stores were not as busy as they should have been (my friend in retail confirmed things were slow for them and there’s lots of competition). Prices in the new part of town were comparable to the U.S.
In the older part of town things are much more natural and I paid about 10 bucks for a big breakfast for 4 people. Rules are a little laxer (technically, no swearing, no revealing clothes, no porn, etc), leaflets for what looked like a restaurant menu at first sight (Thai, Chinese, Korean!) turn out to be ubiquitous ads for prostitutes (add Russian, Ukrainian, etc).
I way over paid to do a desert ‘safari’, but that was fun anyway. Deserts are much more beautiful than I had imagined. I think all the money is made in the old and industrial parts, the new areas are just a giant tourist trap, and it shows, it all appears as a bit of a facade.
Gender Traitor
on February 13, 2020 at 5:46 am
Finally figured out where to find the number of comments I’ve made here (this one is 3,302) but lack permission to see more detail. As far as I can tell, the general search function only brings up a few posts (perhaps wherein the author has taken my name in vain or otherwise appropriated the term?) Maybe it’s just as well I can’t easily look back and see some of the lame things I’ve said here. Still, I’d be curious to see how soon after the site’s inception I’d found my way here and (wisely or no) worked up the nerve to open my mouth.
Belated thanks, TPTB, for making and maintaining this virtual “comfort zone” for assorted weirdos.
Looking forward to it, as always. For now, I’d best get ready for an early start to my commute – we’re getting the dreaded Wintry Mix outside, and local news is reporting a couple of slide-off accidents right around where I have to exit the interstate to get to my office.
What’s for dinner?
Leftover meatballs and spaghetti from last night and sauteed kale. I’m phoning in dinner too.
As long as you’re using fresh grated Parmesan, it’s all good.
No comment on the kale.
Kale is Of The Devil.
From the garden, loaded with carmelized onions and garlic. Makes me feel better about myself.
Needs some ground sausage.
Or maybe some sour cream and horseradish.
Roast chicken thighs. I forgot the veg.
Nothing wrong with that.
The tattoo ruins it. Some some class!
I would need to closely examine it before making a determination.
Show some ass
Usually I don’t like tattoos on women, but I’ll overlook the tattoo.
I find myself swelling with Canadian pride. Or something.
You stole Playa’s avatar!
Like I said on the front page, THIS is how you phone it in.
Mind your food. Commenting just means you had time, but you just don’t care.
And on our anniversary, no less!
*runs from the room sobbing*
I don’t care if you phone in the article, but did you have to leave the sidebar on?
Local news and a horrible story:
69 News?
Channel 69 has been around a long time.
She’s gonna be the Belle of the Ball in prison.
Bets on if she lasts a week in GenPop ?
She needs to cry and say ” you know what they do to child murderers in prison?”
It works for rapist cops
Brah..she isnt FOP, and on the right side of that thin, blue, line.
Hell, even that guy got home safely that day
Good Lord…
Bacon! and eggs and Toast, My bro opened his 18 hole Disc course on Saturday, sweet!
going for 45 holes tomorrow, Yippeee!
. . . going for 45 holes tomorrow, Yippeee!
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again, Wreck that Pu=, I mean, Course,
But how about a private course with Beer gardens throughout, That’s Hughson Hills,
Ken’s course
Carly Simon > Paul Simon
Stephen Stills > Paul Simon
Your average nine-year-old > Paul Simon.
Height jokes, people. Height jokes.
Is Bloomberg > Paul Simon?
lmfao no
one of my Favorite Simon tunes..
I clicked on that expecting Kodachrome. Good tune. I’m you have good taste in music.
I’m laughing at myself now. I’d been fretting over the timeline for the adventures of Ewald. I wanted him to go on a number of adventures before the Jubilee. I just couldn’t seem to fit them all in.
Then it hit me – there was no reason Ewald needed to be younger than Kord von Zesrin.
In fact, if he were born when his own father were nineteen, Ewald could set out at nineteen himself and still have a decade before the jubilee.
Throwing out the Ju Card? it is history that deserves, to be remembered
Prince Kord’s Jubilee is a fixed point in the timeline of a lot of characters since the entire family is gathered for the event.
Jubilee is a Jewish thing, look it up , or ask OMWC
It is also a term for an important anniversary,
Prince Kord had been Furst of Karststadt for half a century at that point.
Howdy! What’s up? I live for the late nite open posts, as that’s the only time I can seem to get on here anymore.
Not much, trying to write some more, what’s up with you?
Tryna shoot some more. Forty days til my UK trip – can’t wait for the coronavirus!! (though my trans-Atlantic only has 32 seats, so I won’t be packed in with a bunch of coughing peasants)
Are you doing the return with stop in DUB or flying another route?
Nope – returning direct to IAD on a 777. Reverse-facing window seat should be interesting. Passing through US Customs in Shannon (not DUB) would have been super nice, though. There aren’t many US flights in and out of there, so the line probably would have been minimal.
That’s right, mixed up the airports. I haven’t been through Shannon since before CBP started preclearance at select foreign airports.
The JFK-LCY (either direction) is on my list of routes I’d like to fly. Totally jelly.
I’ll be sure to give a detailed report! The daunting thing is to get from LCY to the Renaissance at LHR, where I’m staying. WIth all the viruses and shit, I’ll probably end up hiring a car service.
We want an article with photos!
I’m gonna enlist a colleague to help me put together a lil movie. He owes me because I have to hear about his divorce every day.
I’ll do my best to disappoint you.
Go for it!
I posted a nice landing video from Britain you would have liked just yesterday, and shouted you out, Howdy KK!
Was it Big Jet TV’s video?
And howdy Yusuf!
Hola! naaa, i just enjoy great takeoffs and landings, so that euro storm came up in my sidebar, and I thought of you, really,
after all, We are all just Glibs in the Wall……………….
Just wonderin because Big Jet TV had a couple clips go viral from their -hour show on Sunday. My crush is, like, super famous now.
*6-hour show
Ugh, so while trying to do some touch-up paint, I fell off the ladder (thankfully only the second rung) onto the doggy gate, which then got ripped out from the wall. Nothing broken, thank goodness, but I have several egg-sized bruises that are already dark purple. I’m so ready for this week to be over.
Over 50? DON’T DO STUPID STUFF, and I did lot’s of that before 50….
I’m 26, so should have an easier time bouncing back, but DON’T DO STUPID STUFF is good advice in general. I’m just clumsy.
Advice for youth, Slow the fuck down, smooth is faster than Bull in China shop,
_The Yufus & the Hare_. Classic.
Oh dang half asleep whatsapp formatting
Just a baby, you’ll bounce back! Walk it off
Tht’s why I’m hobbling around now,
At 26 you are permitted some stupid stuff. Hell, almost everything I did that year was stupid. Fun though.
*throws bottle of hydrocodone across the living room, landing nowhere close to Cannoli*
It’s the best I can do. That sucks though. I’m a painter, been there. One day I tell you about the time I accidentally touched live outdoor motion sensor light’s wiring while twenty feet up on a metal ladder in detail. It wasn’t fun.
For now, I’m diving out early. I can’t stay focused on anything for more than an hour or two for the last few days. Things are getting weird.
…And sorry, Mo. Before you ask, I’m not sharing. Nothing personal but aside from a few stories here or there I really don’t go into my current personal shit here. Aside from the usual bitching over trivial shit with friends over a few beers, bowls, and Tylenol PM’s. 😉
Yikes about the wiring, that sounds terrifying.
I hope things work out well with whatever’s going on.
…and I know you’re not Mo. I was just shoehorning that in there, cuz I’m a dick.
Have a good evening. Everyone else as well.
There is a reason electricians use those heaven as all fiberglass ladders.
Me I hate heights…
Dude, I’m just lending support and offering a shoulder. Good luck to you!
I tripped over the new dog bed a couple of days ago and did the full Super Man. I feel your pain.
Oh no, I’m sorry!
More embarrassment than anything else. I hadn’t even been drinking.
Feel better. Some things you only learn by experience and we’ve all been there.
I’m alerting OSHA as we speak.
War wounds! Wear them with pride!
I hate that when that happens. I fall down once or twice a year. A month ago I fell down on the concrete garage floor, as I was going down backwards I knew it wasn’t gonna be good. I landed first on my butt, then my back, then my head and elbow. I lay there for 20-30 seconds,reviewing all the words I know, then did it again, to see if anything besides my ego was broken. Everything hurt but not broken. I had a heavy jacket on and a cap so that was a little cushion. My elbow was the worst hurt thing . Took a couple weeks to stop hurting.
Hope you’re back at ’em soon, that painting isn’t finished. You have my best wishes for your recovery.
Fourscore, I feel for ya, and the rest of the walking wounded. Slipped raking leaves a month or so back and sprained an ankle and a leg. Milady wife is tired of my Walter Brennan imitations (come to think of it, so am I) and can’t wait to get back to normal.
From the last thread, in 2016 I wrote in Vermin Supreme/Barry Goldwater.
…I had no idea Trump would be this entertaining
Given the front page picture, this is on topic: https://dollarstorecrafts.com/2009/03/alien-lamp/
I love the commentator’s names….Bridget, CraftyDame, SongBirdTiff….
Hi Kristin!
Nice to see ya!
I knew the Stone prosecution was more BS but, HF. Woodchippers are too good for these people.
The shit prosecuters are playing the media like a violin. ‘Course the media love it.
So, who’s doing something extravagant for Valentine’s day? Any trips? Any proposals?
We are not. Couple gifts ?, exchange cards, a lil naked time… No getaways or anything fancy.
I don’t have enough money for gas to go to Vegas to even see my Valentine, YAY LIFE!
Go spend Valentine’s with Wendy.
I’ll pawn my Tele then, it’s already in my mind….
if she knew, she would Kick my ass,
Yes, done deal 🙂
My sister’s going on a trip, so we’re watching her dog. We’re planning to stay in, watch Princess Bride and eat fondue.
Nothing says love like filing bankruptcy with your spouse on Valentine’s Day. We may splurge and grab a cheeseburger.
OMG I’m sorry to hear that!
Meh, no. Don’t be. I prayed for a miracle. I got one. I might have another one in the wings, but Mr. Mojeaux rained on my parade so we shall see.
It sucks, but think of how relieved you’ll feel. A huge weight will be gone.
I got that beat, but I’ll be quiet
I’m sorry, Yusef. I know your troubles are deeper than mine.
NO! we all have problems, we all deal with them differently, yours are as important as mine, I’m just glad we both have this place to share with, Go get em MO,,
It’s a path forward. I made huge (seriously) credit mistakes many years ago. I got better!
We’re probably gonna get 5 guys cheese burgers (No buns) for V day. ?
Lemme guess – you’re going to hold the buns.
We’re having some wine and keeping the lights on.
I often host Cosmos and Commiseration on Valentine’s day for my single friends and unhappily married friends. Not this year though.
Being single, nothing extravagant.
I might head out to a swing dance that night.
Tomorrow is Galentine’s Day, though. A made-for-TV holiday that I can get behind!
I had Japanese class and that was our discussion tonight. My wife and I generally just stay in. The younger people in my class not so much.
In Japan women take the lead on Valentine’’s Day. Men return the favor on White Day, but Valentine’s is a bigger day.
Let me also introduce girichoco.
And in Korea, the unattached celebrate Black Day on April 14.
One of the things I like about my wife is that she thinks Valentine’s Day is bullshit.
*thanks God (who, according to some, is dead)*
When my wife and I had our first Valentine’s Day she laid down the law: buy flowers some other time, never on Valentine’s Day. I did buy her a rose one year – a stained glass one.
I’m driving back to Seattle on Friday. I’ve been in Beaverton, OR for work this week.
I have instructed the wife to make a pork roast, cheesy potatoes, and broccoli rabe.
I’m gonna take a shower and snuggle with my love on the sofa. And play guitar.
I guess this
Is why I haven’t seen any of these roll through town lately.
http://imgur.com/gallery/n2jDSK9 (several pics)
Sad…they need to get their shit together. Airbus, despite the A380, is eating Boeing’s lunch. Buncha commies beating up Boeing, FFS.
And that’s just the upper management. Outside competition is hurting them too.
Nice!!! High five!
96Million vs, 65 million, and they say Elon is a grifter?
Well they can’t seem to build a Rocket, or a 737, shame really…
The board of directors needs to clean house ASAP. Maybe poach some people from Bombardier or Embraer or even Airbus.
Elon buys Boeing? that would work out IMO
Interesting idea…or they appoint a pilot as CEO and get back to building decent and safe aircraft.
#insert crack about longtime Boeing line
Seriously, I think part of the problem started from when they relocated their headquarters from Seattle to Chicago.
That was a symptom. At the top they were just another big corporation, not an AIRPLANE Company.
That’s probably true, although I think moving away from the heart of the business increased that.
That would work fine as well, a great aircraft company, it susks they are making these mistakes,
They have 2-300 Max’s stored at my home airport. It’s hard to keep track of them because they are always rotating them around. It’s interesting, it appears that they put all of the Asian airlines off in their own area.
Hello. New here. I’ve been on the liberal side of the political spectrum but seeing Bernie get screwed in the 2016 primary showed me that “the liberal media” really did exist, and I saw them do the same things to Trump that they did to Bernie. I really hate what the Democratic party has become so I’ve been pushed into the Republican party, I guess. 99% of the websites where I got my news in the past went batshit insane for Hillary and against Trump, so I’ve been looking for new sources. Since 2016 I’ve been getting most of my news from Glenn Greenwald and Michael Tracy on Twitter and from Reason.com although over half of Reason’s articles seem to be social justice bullshit, but some of their commenters are good. I found this place through a comment there and after lurking for a couple of weeks I’ve liked what I’ve read. I’m still working my way through the whole “if you’re not a liberal at 20 you don’t have a heart, if you’re not a conservative at 40 you don’t have a brain” thing, but better late than never.
Warning: Glibertarians.com contains commenters known to cause misanthropy.
No wai!!
I admit it,
Cause? Shit, I’m pretty much pure, through and through.
Welcome, Tulpa!
I like this better than “fuck off”. I’ll turn in my Glibs card now.
Fuck off, Tulpa!!!!
Yay we have a new one!!!
You girls are always sooo slow, God it’s like you can’t play Softballl,
Welcome? WELCOME? WELCOME? We don’t behave like that round these parts!
It is
Fuck off Tulpa!
Welcome and fuck off, Tulpa!
Welcome, seee with a liitle umph..
Now scroll down to the Sugarfree happy hour and see how we do around here.
Jeez, give him a little time to get comfortable before you make him heave his dinner.
FYI “Fuck off Tulpa” is an longstanding and extremely idiosyncratic inside joke about sock-puppet accounts.
Welcome to the fun! This site is an oasis of lucidity in a roiling sea of stupidity.
Are you accusing us of being lucid?!
Hey! I am perfectly Lucid (Blue).
Well, if AC was still around, I would say, yes, the rest of us are quite lucid.
As you work through your Liberal/Conservative dilemma, I would encourage you to also explore your inner anarchist (or at least minarchist). Welcome just the same.
Fuckin Tulpa!
Go fuck the fuck off, fucker!
And welcome.
So what you are saying is that I should bring back Thicc Thursday.
Yes. Yes. That’s exactly what we’re saying, Cathy.
Pay no attention to what the others say. They are all excited because today is the 3rd, count ’em 3, year anniversary of this site.
Just don’t forget your apostrophe’s and you’ll be all right.
Hi, MBT. Glad to have you here.
Also, Fuck off, Tulpa (gotta maintain tradition)
List the last you enjoyed:
-tv show
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops
Geddy Lee’s Big, beautiful Book of Bass
Dan Carlin’s latest
Dead South, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9FzVhw8_bY
Disc Golf
-Reading or Writing?
-movie or talkie?
-I’ve been arguing with “The New Detectives” on Amazon, does that count?
-*checks VLC* Looks like ‘Winged Hussars’ played last, so I’ll go with that.
-The guy who does my book covers.
-Well, Steel Challenge was okay. I need to zero the red dot and get mud boots. Call it a “Sporting Event”
Who is in Wes Anderson’s new film? More like, who isn’t?
Life Aquatic
Royal Tenenbaums
Fail? Thread?
Yes, sir.
Hmm, I didn’t picture you as a Sabaton guy? Although you are one of those Warhammer people so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
“Beyond the Edge of the Map” was largely written to the sound of Sabaton and Powerwolf.
I have an eclectic taste in music, but generally prefer something with more energy over less.
Lord of the Rings
Jordan Peterson’s podcast
Groundhog Day
Warehouse 13
“What Ever Happened to my Part” from Spamalot
My sister
-Making of the Atomic Bomb
-Don’t do them things
-Raiders of the Lost Ark
-Deadliest Catch
–That’s Not My Name
-Thomas Cole
-Paul Poiret
Just finished Killer Across the Table by John Douglas and started Anatomy of Motive by same author. Also working through a Tableau book. Don’t do Podcast. Don’t recall last movie right now. Been watching Prodigal Son RV show. Heard Steely Dan Dirty Work the other day and now it’s stuck in my head. Spent the last 3 hours waiting for a tow truck for my wife’s car that got hit tonight. All peeps ok. Of course I was home from work before the shitty ice/snow/slush weather started and had to go out in it to rescue her.
TV not RV
-book – Mo’s
-podcast – Peter Attia
-movie – Young Frankenstein
-tv show – Yellowstone
-song – Something my daughter and her pals composed. I hope it remains nameless.
-artist – SF
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops – yeah , nothing.
“Yellowstone” is great. Its like western “Billions.”
Just enjoyable tv shows.
I finished Season 1, but I need to have a little space before 2. The train wrecks get challenging.
In a way, it remind me of my favorite series – The Shield .
So damn dark but so damn engaging.
“The Shield” is gritty and an all-timer. You generally have good taste so of course you like it.
“Yellowstone” is an extremely accessible soap opera, which is great.
Thanks, but I’m starting to get tired of all the terrible people in all these series.
And yes, Yellowstone reminds me – in a good way – of the soaps I watched many years ago,
And of course there’s this.
I didn’t even have to click.
The Irish are the master race.
I’m just so happy you liked it. It was a hard book for me and is my *least* favorite of all my
childrenbooks.Interesting. I have found myself thinking about it a lot since I finished it.
It’s actually not surprising at all that you don’t like it. I’ve known a few artists like you and it seems to be a common reaction.
Whatever. I got more than my money’s worth. Thanks!
Crusty, Submit this, it would a great post, really
I’ve been at war with Glibertarians management for years. Until they agree to my demands all potentially great post ideas will remain in threads (if you’re lucky) and/or my head.
The ball is in Corporate’s court.
If you’re not Alpha enough to submit a post I guess hanging out in the threads like a cuck is the next best thing. You really shouldn’t make up excuses though, if you can’t accept your shortcoming you are never going to be truly free.
*Looks at some of HM’s posts late at night, considers what Crusty could do if unfettered.
Thank you SP! OMG Thank YOU!
“Looks at some of HM’s posts late at night, considers what Crusty could do if unfettered.”
Thank you. The only retarded I make fun of are Mets/Jets/Springsteen fans.
Book – Measuring the World
Podcast – Big Ern
Movie – Another Earth
TV Show – The Magicians
Song – Stumblin’ In
Artist – John Singer Sargent
-book: Crystal Singer, Anne McCaffrey (comfort re-read)
-movie: The Accountant
-tv show: The Boys
-song: “Miracle”, Sixx:A.M.
-artist: John Singer Sargent
-anything I missed: I’ve been stuck on art journals and junk journals for the past little while. I also have an obsession with other people’s bullet journals as performance art.
This was a great question. Thanks.
Aaah! I too love Sargent (and not much art later than that). I have a postcard of Madame X on my wall.
Paul Poiret the hobble skirt designer?
/girl talk
movie: Can You Ever Forgive Me?
podcast: (radio show, but:) Desert Island Discs archives, both recent and early
-movie: The Accountant
I, too, really enjoy that ridiculous movie.
Book: Aztec by Gary Jennings
Podcast: Ben Shapiro
Movie: 1917
TV Show: XFL games
Song: Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis
Holy shit I am eclectic…
book- meditations, Marcus Aurelius
-podcast – hardcore history addendum
movie – Spiderman, far from home.
-tv show – the expanse
-song – c’mon c’mon – von bondies
-artist – my daughter
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops – I play on a cop and fireman hockey team…
Marcus Aurelius was the man. Too bad about Commodus.
– book – I’m trying and failing at reading “Das Kapital”. It’s an attempt to understand my enemies. The problem is, I’ve read ten pages and not touched the book in almost a month. Oh, you said last I enjoyed. That was “The Gift of Injury” by Stuart McGill
– podcast – I don’t watch them
– “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. It was on the bar TV. Been a while since I watched it and it was great.
– I don’t watch TV.
– song – Beck’s “Girl” came up recently
– Artist – Mark Novak, the crusty gunsmith behind Anvil
Das Kapital is, objectively, an awful book.
And thats before you get to the ideas which led to the deaths of 100 million people.
Winston’s mom.
The only good answer. Thank you, friend.
A Tale of Two Economies: Hong Kong, Cuba and the Two Men Who Shaped Them by Neil Monnery
I’ve never listened to a podcast. Seriously.
Movie? The Martian.
TV Show? Surprisingly (to me) The Unicorn.
Song/Artist: “Darling You” by Julia Westlin — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8TnhTnu_OA
-anything I missed I just hungout with cops: that’s about it.
-Things Fall Apart
-any EconTalk with Mike Munger
-Lost in Translation (rewatched last night)
-Mind Game
-roads would be much better without other drivers.
About Face
Ford v. Ferrarri
The Long Goodbye (original Paul Brady version)
Let’s here more about you and the cops
End the Fed by Ron Paul. Yes, finally got around to reading it.
Part of the Problem with Dave Smith, the “Biden’s Downfall” episode. This truly is my favorite podcast. Tom Woods, Jason Stapleton, and Lions of Liberty are great, but nobody cranks out over an hour of meaty discussion (on both current events and libertarian theory) like Dave and Robbie.
The entire Harry Potter series. Girlfriend wanted to watch it, and at first I thought it was gonna be some silly kids movie, but I actually liked it.
-tv show
Oz, the old HBO series about the prison. I got bored with it after two seasons; it’s just the same shit over and over again – being in prison fighting for control of the drug trade.
“Ciaconna” by Antonio Bertali. I really love this one. It was composed in the mid-1600s, but it sounds very modern.
Edward Hopper.
Imaboutta head for the neighborhood golf club to lay waste to other patrons in Trivia. They have figured out the chink in my armor though: I know nothing of music post 2007.
Have fun! Kill em!
the chink
I believe they’re just called “Chinese” now.
Hayek has never been good with “ethnics”.
That’s Chinee,
OOoooooooOOOoooo we have a new Tulpa in pending! squeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Say wha??
New commenter awaiting moderation.
Mojeaux gets excited when they show up.
The view, I don’t want to see….
I do! I love new Tulpae!
Didn’t someone write a helpful post about our verbal hazing rituals and Tulpas etc? We should show MafiaTwist before he backs slowly out of the room.
I slapped it down, how do you know it’s a he Hayek?
It’s a screening ritual. If a “Fuck off Tulpa” drives them out how could they possibly stand listening to jerks like me?
Get in line old Man,,,
“A … Guide to Glibertarians.com
Posted by Tonio | Oct 15, 2019 ”
I had not seen this article of Tonio’s until now, yet can I recommend it in that it may be informative to new visitors and current commentators who have not seen it previously.
It’s been a big day for new posters. I encourage them.
Lurkers, set your your inner Tulpa’s free.
Fucking right.
And my list grew by another awesome Glib.
You People amaze me. Thanks.
You rang?
Thanks to Spud for girl Canada. That was very much needed and appreciated.
I’d watch hockey with her.
I’ll bet she could appreciate the nuances of the most beautiful of sport.
I’m watching “Miracle” now. I know it’s not… her… but it’s fun.
Watch “Goon” next!
Excellent! I hope you dig it.
I was flipping back and forth between that and tennis so I didn’t watch the whole thing but what I saw was enjoyable. And yeah, Kurt was damn good.
They used actual hockey players for most of the parts, so the simulated game was far better than the actual.
I will be geeking out as we get closer.
How many periods would you watch with her before you got tired?
You’ve been married as long as I have.
She’s purty.
Since I missed the birthdayfest this morning, Happy Birthday Glibs! Many thanks to TPTB for the hospitality and making a great place. If I had more time to comment more, I just might do it. Otherwise, I’ll continue lurking and posting once in a blue moon.
Tulpa picked the one Bluth who thinks he is better than us.
Hey Tulpa – eff your a with my d in your a.
Well, I don’t think anyone’s going to top that.
Gob would.
Maybe Buster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnc0PyBfNog
What do I always say is the most important thing?
A phat ass?
I’d go with willing over a phat ass.
Bella turned three this week,
Good doge!
Give her treats and scritches
Aww, what a sweetie
My sheltie turned 13 two days ago.
Lookit that baby!
She’s a dandy, Yufus.
Work has been crazy and have to get back to work in a little bit, but wanted to say happy anniversary, all! Even when I only lurked, this site was my safe place. Thank you.
Howdy Lemon, hope things are good,,
Thanks! Finally done with work, at midnight. Worst part of being a QA engineer – the developers will totally swallow the entire schedule, take extra time, even, and then expect QA to save the release. The development team took over four months to write this shit, and my minions and I are expected to finish testing it all in under four days. That’s fair, right??
36oz of two hearted down. Time to lace them up and avoid the pond rockets.
Two Hearted Ale is a good beer.
Second the recommendation for Two Hearted.
Posting again for those who didn’t notice or care: A look back at my contribution for the last anniversary last year.
Listen to these unsolicited testimonials!
So those new Littoral Combat Ships the Navy just spent many $Billions on? It’s time to retire them.
First they need to bring every flag officer who put a signature on those things back on active duty, bust them down to O-nothing and then kick them out.
Heh, they haven’t even finished making the initial order.
Max Boot
Please, Democrats, do the smart thing and coalesce quickly around one of the three moderates—Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, or Michael Bloomberg—who are still standing after the first two contests. The future of our democracy may depend on it.
Normally I wouldn’t like that tweet – but for Boot, I’ll make an exception.
He needs to calm his tits. It’s going to happen anyway.
Calm his tits? That’s Max asking for bukkake.
I hate it when I ask for bukkake and all I get is furikake.
Order the “ekiben” and smile knowingly.
I basically had the American version on my way home from work.
American version of bento is a Twinkie.
I would have put you down for a chirashizushi guy.
I love it. Anyone but Trump until they realize that Sanders is terrible. And hoping that the Dem will trust them and that they would change the Dems rather then the other way around.
If not, I’ll have to be a cheerleader for Bernie Sanders. Might be uncomfortable at first, but I’ll do it anyway.
Happy Birthday, Glibbies! Been a little more scarce than normal even for my mostly lurking self. Condoling to those who need condolences, encouragement to those who need encouraging. Work had been a mofo. Which isn’t a complaint, work is good.
Assuming Trump doesn’t win, which Democrat do we think is least shitty that’s still in the race?
As in which is the smallest shit sandwich of a candidate for American liberty? I can’t see much in the way of differences between them.
I was born but…
Probably Klobuchar or Pete. 2A will be ruthlessly attacked regardless of who wins.
Pete has the craziest pro-abortion stance of them all apparently. And he’s a good looking man so the world will squeee over his smile while he shits on the Constitution.
I think that I prefer Klobuchar, but only because I have the sense that she is the least terrible but is still really fucking awful.
If Klobbies presidential tour is anything like her senatorial stuff we’re safe. She’s never did anything of significance. She’s Minnesoda born and raised. Boring, expect a Humphrey or Mondale look alike contest with her winning.
She does look like McGovern. *Mindblown*
Boring doesn’t sound so bad, actually.
She was a prosecutor.
Evil and venal well before she hits boring.
Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, that’s a giant disqualifier for me.
She wasn’t boring during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Sadly, Bloomberg. The other two alleged moderates are spineless neophytes and have already shown themselves to raise their hands along with the extremes when asked any tough questions.
But that doesn’t mean they will actually govern as extremists. They just want to be elected.
However, Bloomers is actually an authoritarian already and would likely get worse with power.
True especially on guns and maybe crime, but on the economy he would probably be better than any of the other Dems. He doesn’t have much interest in identity politics nonsense.
Klobuchar less so -she at least hasn’t bent as much to the abortion nutcases. Plus, if it’s true she’s unpleasant to staff, she could get some #resistance within the WH (at least would be better than Obama’s slavish adoration)
But yes, I agree– Pete is just an empty suit that other people will fill, so definitely not him.
And Bloomberg. Man, he gives me the skeevies. I get a really authoritarian vibe off him. But yes, on paper he’s definitely not as far to the whacko as the others.
Bloomberg’s stance on violating my 2nd Amendment rights is as extreme as it gets. There is nothing moderate about wanting to turn the entire populace into serfs.
True. That part is not moderate – though the others would just be his mouthpiece on that issue anyway thanks to his orgs/$$, so I’m not sure it would make all that much of a difference. They all suck on guns.
He’s gonna be Executive Order King on many issues, I think.
^This. The fact that we have an actual communist running doesn’t make the Fascists more appealing to me. Bloomberg is a textbook fascist technocrat. I get not being willing to vote for Trump, he isn’t an optimal choice, but anyone who votes for Bloomberg over Trump isn’t in the libertarian tent as far I am concerned. In many ways he is scarier to me than Bernie, Bloomberg is competent. You don’t build what he has built without being an effective executive. A competent fascist scares me more than an inept commie.
I would say Buttjudge only because he’s not already a swamp rat. Still a fucking libtard though and wouldn’t vote for him. I do respect his legalize opiates stance though. He and CILF would make an interesting ticket.
Gropey Joe: The Musical
‘I Am the Smelly Co-worker’
Bullshit. I had a rank coworker once and there’s no way any manager “pulled him into her office”. Nobody said a damn thing.
I worked with an Egyptian chick that stunk. Rarely bathed but used extra perfume instead. A Canadian coworker guy told her to bathe more. She got irate.
My first job was at a restaurant and we had a waiter who had really bad breath. The manager definitely told him.
I just fired someone for picking their nose. Not literally but lol yes nose picking.
List the last you enjoyed:
-book: Beyond the Edge of the Map
-podcast: Don’t listen to any
-movie: Can’t remember – don’t watch many, and rarely in a theater.
-tv show: Forged in Fire, which is on right now.
-song: “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes” linked by Spud in the last thread in memory of Joseph Shabalala
-artist: Charley Harper (I use a datebook full of his illustrations every year.) Fun stuff, sometimes subtle humor if you look closely.
-anything I missed: I knit and do a little crochet so that I can feel productive when I’m being a couch potato.
Aww, man, now I have to finish the sequel.
Yes. Yes, you do. Have you ever incurred the wrath of a redhead?
-book: It’s been so long I’m not even sure, but a Louis L’Amour title would be likely.
-podcast: The Business of Machining
-movie: Yellowbeard
-tv show: Endeavour (backstory of Inspector Morse)
-song: Chelsea Dagger
-artist: Gary Larson
-anything I missed: It’s fucking cold here
Fess up. Your last book was Penthouse Letters.
Tomorrows Golf attire, Black Dickies pants, black/red Dickies shirt, Orange Long sleeve shirt, and SK8 High Vans,
Tomorrow’s work from home attire. Gym shorts and T-Shirt.
Man US factional splits are so boring. Where’s my Joe Chamberlains, Hartingtons and WACky Bennett?
Speaking of songs, I’m looking for suggestions to add to my Hype Song playlist. It’s proven to be nicely anxiety-reducing. I like songs that make you strut when you’re walking down the street.
Some examples: Uptown Funk, Shipping Up to Boston, That’s Not My Name (my most recent favorite), Hollaback Girl, Let it Rock, Lust for Life, Power is On, etc.
Can be any genre as long as it’s a good struttin song.
A classic oldie by Lee Dorsey would fit that.
Funky Kingston
Rockin’ Stroll.
Pretty much anything by James Brown, but I’d put Cold Sweat and There Was A Time at the top of the list.
I’m On a Roll by Over the Rhine, pride of Cincinnati.
I have an OTR cassette
My favorite album of theirs is Good Dog, Bad Dog. Also like The Trumpet Child (whence coming the song I linked above) and Ohio.
(“coming” s/b “cometh”)
You need some Lido Shuffle.
Then ice that cake with some Sheena Easton.
Oh, if you need some intro music while you’re walking to a meeting?
Oh, I almost listed that Sheena Easton!
Fun fact- her hit “Sugarwalls” was composed by Prince.
Prince did a shit-ton of songs for hotties,
Like this
Or, you know, this.
You didn’t link to Vanity 6?
Vanity and Nikki Sixx shot up heroin together.
(I was going to link to “Nasty Girl.”)
I wanted to let you participate, too!
Besides, this is the one!
1980s dirty girl Samantha Fox
No, this is the one.
Samantha Fox….NSFW
Yes, she was one of Prince’s protegees.
Try to NOT strut to this, I don’t think it’s possible.
Now that was a surprising song – right up my alley! Makes me want to walk and punch someone at the same time!
“…thats how you know it’s working!”
I like what I call “Walking Songs”. Songs that make you just want to get up and walk, and yes, strut a bit. Here’s a couple of my favorites:
Trampled Under Foot
Superstition is good, but it’s too slow for what I *think* she wants. That’s why it’s not in my walking playlist.
You’re right – I’m not necessarily looking for actual songs about strutting or funk-type songs (though most are excellent). I’m looking for more power-type songs. That make you feel confident & energetic. P!nk has a lot of songs in that genre.
And one just for fan service.
*fans self*
Synthesizers! (wait for it)
Also: Summer of ’89
Katy Perry also has a lot of songs in the power genre. Yes, I enjoy Katy Perry. Fuck off.
*high five*
Carly Rae Jepsen “Call Me Maybe”
There ain’t no use in tryin anymore
Not sure why the fuck this rolled up, but even if this doesn’t work for you it works for me 🙂
Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like”
Bruno Mars “24K Magic”
Justin Timberlake (with or without Michael Jackson) “Love Never Felt So Good”
Róisín Murphy “Rama Lama (Bang Bang)”
Earth, Wind, & Fire “September”
Estelle & Kanye West “American Boy”
Outkast “I Like the Way You Move”
Miranda Lambert “Mama’s Broken Heart”
Katrina and the Waves “Walking on Sunshine”
Hoku “Perfect Day”
Janelle Monae “Tightrope”
Janelle Monae “Q.U.E.E.N.”
Imani Coppola “Legend of a Cowgirl”
Janet Jackson “All for You”
Janet Jackson “Runaway”
Joss Stone “Girl They Won’t Believe It”
Little Mix “Wings”
Madonna “Hanky Panky”
Maroon 5 “Makes Me Wonder”
Natasha Bedingfield “Touch”
Robin Thicke “Blurred Lines”
Santana & Rob Thomas “Smooth”
Santana “Hold On”
Okay, look, people, she asked for walking music. Shut up.
Yeah, baby!
I have not yet put my walking playlist on YouTube. I have some, but not very many.
Search Angel & the Mambokats for mambo, also.
I have “Get Some” (Lykke Li) on my hype list – it fits in nicely with your list
Neil Sedaka “Laughter in the Rain”
Bobby Brown “Humpin’ Around”
S Club 7 “S Club Party”
Spice Girls “Spice Up Your Life”
Lady Gaga “Bad Romance”
Shania Twain “Man, I Feel Like a Woman”
Outkast “Roses”
Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson “Scream”
I have “Poker Face” – I should explore more Lady Gaga
You really just can’t go wrong with Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Outkast (well….sorta).
OH! Electroswing! You MUST try this.
Alice Francis “St. James Ballroom”
Here’s my electroswing playlist for my Prohibition book.
“Okay, look, people, she asked for walking music. Shut up.”
Thus: No responses posted to your comments here?
It seems that the time it took me to take (approximately four minutes) to respond to you answered my question.
LOL I was trying to head off any ridicule at my silly list. I’m terribly pedestrian in my tastes. IOW, I’m a basic bitch.
Sissy Strut.Sissy Strut
Also, most of your DLR era Van Halen.
Amazon tells me this is a sharable link, so here’s the list as of now
I can’t get to it, sorry. 🙁
This is sort of late, but what about this one from St. Paul and the Broken Bones. https://youtu.be/RBNzf3my46A It’s got a good beat.
What’s the libertarian equivalent?
The purity test. There can be only one.
The Dallas Accord and its eventual demise.
You Know Who Else did something in Dallas?
I went to a gun range and a wargaming convention.
Larry Hagman?
John Connally?
Michael Irvin?
DFW Knight?
Terdema Ussery?
Governor Ann Richards ?
“…to Ann Richards and is famous for saying of rape “if it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.””
Tom Landry?
That dude had great style. And hats.
Why, thanks,Tres! But, my hats aren’t all that.
Norm Green?
*drops gloves*
I had no idea that occurred.
Sinn Fein
The Free State is illegitimate! The Second Dail was never dissolved!
– American Tabloid (a re-read)
-Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast
-Leave No Trace
-The Expanse
-Dissolve Absofacto
-The person who did those John Wick posters I like
-seriously I just hungout with cops
How ’bout them cowboys?
We’re milling around in center city this afternoon, waiting to form up for the Lincoln Day parade. Woman, maybe 25, comes up and asks what us Civil War soldiers are doing.
“Didn’t you hear. Things aren’t going too well in Afghanistan, so us Civil War Veterans have been called up to fight.” Says she, “Well the least they could have done is give you modern uniforms. Good luck to you over there.”
Wool is both warm and flame resistant. Not the worst choice for uniform wear…
Could you see her lobotomy scar?
#1 is tantalizing but I really need to quiz her about that abdominal scar.
Looks a bit like Tulsi. Speaking of which where is TGA?
Speaking of the Civil War and the IRA
Were we?
I prefer the Hollywood Rose.
For your mom.
Please give her my best.
We have a bird feeder outside our kitchen window. It attracts two kinds of birds.
Birds that eat sunflower seeds
Birds that eat birds that eat sunflower seeds.
Red tail?
Coopers. Much smaller. About magpie size.
Sits in the tree above the feeder and waits for a meal. It’s pretty impressive to see it bring down a dove in mid-flight
Watching it eat the dove while the dove is still alive not so much fun.
Nature really doesn’t give a fuck.
Spent last weekend with my dad down in Port Isabel, TX. From his place we watched ospreys catch and eat fish every day. Wife wasn’t too thrilled to see that the fish were alive while being eaten.
Yeah, nature tends not to care too much about the feelz
One of my grandmothers was abundantly Choctaw. Catch a fish and she would have it fried up and we’d have it eaten in minutes. Afterwards, our bellies full, we would listen to the clicking of the head, as awake as cold-blooded things ever are, still nailed to the tree where she had gutted and skinned him.
I woke up one night to the dulcet tones of a rabbit being eviscerated right outside the bedroom window in Friendly Fridley, MN a few years ago.
Rabbits do scream. Not something for the faint of heart.
Ah yes. They all seem to have the mottled breast.
Do people still hunt with hawks and falcons?
A fun YouTube rathole
I had to give up on one YouTube channel. Dude in Utah rescues sick birds and nurses them back to health.
Well, that’s what’s supposed to happen. I got invested in a golden eagle and 20 minutes later he DIED! Then, an owl. Same thing.
I quit that channel.
Owls do the same: thin out the starlings and the squirrels.
You don’t hear a thing and then suddenly like a gun went off.
Birds! Raptors and corvids, oh my!
Crows understand free markets better than BernieBros.
Mother Nature pretty much runs on a capitalist system.
A raven solves a puzzle.
He’s a cutiepie.
I love birds of prey. They’re like cats with wings.
I have a friendly hawk who helps with the squirrels.
Good bird. What a good bird.
That was in my front yard last summer. Came home to see him chomping away on a squirrel who hadn’t been keeping a weather eye out. By the next morning not even the tail was left.
Geez. Who let the libertarian women out of their crates?
Damned abolitionists.
*ducks. Looks for cover*
It was him!
*points and stares with hollow eyes*
There are enough of us you need more than one crate?
I like you at least to be comfortable in your captivity. Makes you more compliant.
*hides behind computer screen*
I snarfed.
Do what now?
Happy glibversary y’all. Apropos of nothing but my avatar I picked up a Moonwatch in mint condition on Monday. Hope all is well with my favorite glibs (which are all of you!)
Oooh, fancy. I’m trying to keep my watch buying sub-$1,000 these days.
I bought my kid one of these. Accurate (knocked off some great movements) but too easy to overwind (warranty means postage to the UK).
Yep, on my radar.
I semi-recently bought a Seiko Presage Enamel Tonneau dress watch, which I’m very pleased with, but my everyday wear watch is a Unimatic.
I’ve got a Breitling I bought a million years ago and was considering a new Omega, then decided I’d rather have 10 less expensive watches than a single spendy watch.
I’m ignorant. What is a Moonwatch?
A watch you keep in your moon, duh!
Happy Happy to the Glibs! I’m just strafing through tonight but wanted to say that I love this place and everyone here.
The Watchmen graphic novel
I don’t podcast
Death Bed-The Bed That Kills
Hello T’Jane
Holy Tunics
Fuck the police.
Watched some of the ‘Special Features’ on the ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters’ DVD I’ve had for over a decade tonight. And all I can say is ‘Cheaters!’ They had more than one person writing/directing/animating/ doing all the voices. I pass out now.
I mean, there oughta be a law that forces them to have to compete with me on my own terms, otherwise it’s unequal and inequitable!
-book – something by Georgette Heyer, I think it was
-podcast – don’t do those
-movie – Knives Out
-tv show – The Mandalorian (I’m also watching The Outsider, on HBO, which I like because it’s super Fincher-esque and I like Ben Mendolsson, but “enjoy” is a strong word. I’ll probably never watch it again)
-song – Meg Myers cover of “Running Up that Hill”
-artist – Can I be cheesy mom and say my son? He drew a cartoon cat driving a race car for his grandpa’s hospital room a couple days ago. Off-the-charts enjoyment!
Not cheesy at all. The ability to simultaneously see beauty and barf in the same picture comes with becoming a parent.
At least three people got joy from the picture, so already doing better than a Pollock piece, right?
Kids’ drawings are the best. Lack of pretension FTW.
OT: I am profoundly sad at the moment. Yesterday my husband had an emotional breakdown and admitted that he hated moving to California . I cheered him up and he thanked me then and then also today a couple of times.
Tonight all was well but in the last hour or so the cable internet went out a couple of times while we were trying to stream a show.
He lost it, and said he just wants an antenna and three channels. Being practical, I pointed out that we’d tried the antenna to now avail because there isare too many mountains and we’re too far from the towers.
He said then we’ll put up a 15 foot pole antenna. Agsin, I resorted to facts, but he declared he was going to call and do it anyway.
I said (forgetting the Ferguson rule) that “and that’s why we have separate checking accounts.” He said yeah, we can have separate bedrooms too. I asked if he was serious and what he thought I’d said wrong. He said Shut up Shut up Shut up, and when I tried to interject, he morphed from shut up to fuck you over and over
I dutifully moved my CPAP and alarm clock into the guest room.
And he’s calling me petulant for sleeping in the guest room. I don’t like to go to bed angry but if the debate is declared done and I can’t say anything, I’m out.
He’s still muttering about how I am terrible and an idiot.
I have to agree I’m an idiot. He’s exhibit A.
Man, I’ve been trying so hard to fall back in love with him.
Fuck my life.
But I got my health!
Oh, man… Well, cheers to your health, M’Lady.
My apologies for the lameness of that response. I would heartily agree with the sentiment that you don’t merit that treatment.
As mojo would say, it’s not about x. Although at least he had the decency to tell you that flat out. Obviously he’s pretty bitter and resentful about the move. Sounds like relationship poison if you both can’t get over it. Sounds like you’re financially significantly more successful than him, does that also cause him distress? California is more expensive to live in than Minnesota(?), yeah?
Hayek, I’m so sorry. I can possibly help with local counselor referrals, and much more probably with legal referrals; whichever you prefer to hear about. Ask TPTB for my e-mail, I guess. (Am also in phone book but not under TO’G, obviously…)
To amend this somewhat as a local: would he be happier moving closer to town/coast? Cuz from what I gather you are near a major freeway but still pretty rural. I don’t know what life was like for youse in MN, having never been there.
No, he won’t be happy until he can turn back time and be perfectly entrenched in Minnesota.
So I’m going to make inquiries to find out whether I can support him living in Minnesota while I stay here.
Aw, sugar, I’m sorry.
I’d be surprised if I couldn’t help with the legal side. Let me know.
Also, for my fellow Craigy Ferg fan, if you’re still awake: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq8yokhpISA
Hmmmm…careful, Icarus.
That’s for you TOG. Well, for anyone who’s a fan and/or needs to be careful.
LDES: I think about that every time I hear Icarus!
Why won’t it let me reply to you? no option.
every time I hear ‘careful’, for that matter–
I’ve slept on the couch 5 or 6 times over our two decade marriage. Same with the wife. It happens. I recognized when I was being unreasonable and apologized the next day. Same with the wife. My fear is that a silly argument that meant nothing in the big picture would destroy the other stuff we’d built together. Or…the argument is a manifestation of deeper problems. Tough call. Good luck and remember that patience and biting your tongue are the wise moves.
Just returned to the glorious USA 12 hours back. Nothing makes you more grateful than spending a few weeks abroad. Spent about a week in Dubai, 1 week in Mumbai and 5 days in a city/town called Beawar (literally a corruption of “be aware”). let me just tell you, it’s an accurate description. need to play with the 2 year old so may continue this later. . .
Got offered a job in Dubai years ago, but passed on it. How was it?
The city is very clean, and amazingly orderly for a place mostly inhabited by native Indians and Pakistanis. My friends there said the native emiratis are very racist, and pay is basically determined by your country of origin. Out of her 19th floor balcony I could make out no less than 40 cranes building (what I consider to be ) skyscrapers. So the outlines of the city are always changing. They’re always trying to make the next greatest this or that thing. I felt the place was sort of ‘ fake’. The real tall buildings were sort of inorganically placed and many malls and stores were not as busy as they should have been (my friend in retail confirmed things were slow for them and there’s lots of competition). Prices in the new part of town were comparable to the U.S.
In the older part of town things are much more natural and I paid about 10 bucks for a big breakfast for 4 people. Rules are a little laxer (technically, no swearing, no revealing clothes, no porn, etc), leaflets for what looked like a restaurant menu at first sight (Thai, Chinese, Korean!) turn out to be ubiquitous ads for prostitutes (add Russian, Ukrainian, etc).
I way over paid to do a desert ‘safari’, but that was fun anyway. Deserts are much more beautiful than I had imagined. I think all the money is made in the old and industrial parts, the new areas are just a giant tourist trap, and it shows, it all appears as a bit of a facade.
Finally figured out where to find the number of comments I’ve made here (this one is 3,302) but lack permission to see more detail. As far as I can tell, the general search function only brings up a few posts (perhaps wherein the author has taken my name in vain or otherwise appropriated the term?) Maybe it’s just as well I can’t easily look back and see some of the lame things I’ve said here. Still, I’d be curious to see how soon after the site’s inception I’d found my way here and (wisely or no) worked up the nerve to open my mouth.
Belated thanks, TPTB, for making and maintaining this virtual “comfort zone” for assorted weirdos.
The oldest comment of yours I found was This one
Thanks! Hey – today is Banker story day, yes? I suspect I’ll add to my comment count after I read it.
Yes, part 4 of 5 drops at the lunchtime slot.
Looking forward to it, as always. For now, I’d best get ready for an early start to my commute – we’re getting the dreaded Wintry Mix outside, and local news is reporting a couple of slide-off accidents right around where I have to exit the interstate to get to my office.
Fun. We have the same sort of weather here, but no accidents so far that I’ve heard about.
I just got THE call, I’ll be back, Fuck ME
I hope it isn’t as bad as that comment makes it sound.
it really is this time,they already brought her back once,
Bless you, Bob. I’ll hope for the best.
Take care, Yusef.
I will, and I’ll keep you guys posted, you are my Family after all,
Oh, man. We feel for you.
We love ya lots!