Q: Our supervisor allows the office to fete colleagues with cake/refreshments for non-work-related life events such as pending births, nuptials and the like. Since these events are held during the workday, I am uncomfortable using my employer’s time to attend.
Further, because the lion’s share of these events celebrate colleagues across campus with whom I have no day-to-day interaction, I have little interest in socializing with them.
Is there a polite way to inform my supervisor that I no longer wish to be solicited or expected to attend these get-togethers?

Consider this my RSVP of ‘regrets’.
Q: Is it preferable to wear long white gloves to a nighttime party for a famous person?

ZarDoZ, you make me laugh!
Tall Cans! mein Froind!
Maibock for me. It came in a regular can.
Nice,put it in a Glass,
Yes I did.
Can I have a gun now?
I can share.
Got a preference?
Go ahead…..lay back, relax, and HIT THAT MOTHERDUCKN THEME MUSIC
Superpowers flex their wings,
hold the world on puppet strings….
Bangin’. Nice.
Woohoo! 5 o’clock. Time to intake the fruits of the grain harvest!
Don’t Drink the Green Bread!
Nor the brown acid…
+1 reference!
But I took the brown acid and I feel fine… *strips off nekked and starts humping the ground*
Heh, heh. It’s been too long since I’ve done psychedelics. It’s not easy to find mescaline these days. Pure MDMA is also damn nice.
Oh my… I remember that stuff, sorta kinda maybe. Does it come with a hangover the size of a sequoia and your brother wishing death upon you? If so, sign me up!
I’ve only taken mescaline twice, both times I felt like a million bucks the next day. MDMA usually has a bit of a downer day two days after.
I regret not experimenting with drugs in my youth. Now I’m too old with too many responsibilities to try it. I guess I have retirement.
If you can get a hold of pure MDMA there is nothing else in the world like it. Psychedelic drugs are good at any age if you are in the head space and physical space for it.
I have to add that there is no mention of injuries due explicitly to pineapple or deep-dish:
Pizza-related injuries more than double in two years
Those injuries are injuries of the soul.
I have a large burn scar on my shoulder from a Lasagna accident, it landed, burnt, and then I wiped it off, along with the underlying skin,
Do we want to know how lasagna ended up landing on your shoulder?
Filming the Scorsese remake of 9-1/2 Weeks.
Not as bad as fondue accidents.
Mine was…
Thank you Zardoz for the gift of the gun.
I’m sitting in an airport and feel the need to cleanse.
Eesh. Both letters asking for advice annoy the shit out of me.
But it is Friday night, so I’m going to pour a Guinness to go with the corned beef currently simmering in Guinness.
I just poured three fingers of rye and inhaled it. Been a sucky week at work. I hate people.
how are your lungs?
No, you can’t have them.
Most letters like these seem to come from people with no self-esteem, no spine or no common sense. And I always enjoy the plaintive “Am I being selfish (if I do so and so)?”
Just once, I’d like the advice columnist to say “Yes, you are being selfish. Good for you.”
Being selfish is one thing that nobody else can do for you.
I’m on call this week and next. Secondary this week, Primary next.
At least it’ll help the diet on weekends.
Have you tried the Sierra Nevada 40 Anniversary IPA? I picked up a six pack and plan on giving it a taste this weekend.
I’m jelly
I thought you were marmalade.
Figured it was either that or this. Oh, the video part? You’re welcome, gentlemen.
Dead eyes and a vacant look don’t do it for me.
Not yet. I’ve seen it on the shelf, but my beer fridge is pretty full right now.
beer fridge is pretty full right now.-
Glib-card REVOKED!
My beer supply is measured in gallons and cases at the present. On call doesn’t help, nor does trying to hit the goals for GlibFit. Damn it, I want to fit into my old bowling shirts again for this year’s Viva.
13 pounds to go by April.
I’ve tried it. It’s an IPA. Tastes like hops. I seriously can’t tell the difference between one IPA and another anymore.
“I don’t know how to say no to parties.”
You got that lady’s number?
“… so I’m going to pour a Guinness to go with the corned beef currently simmering in Guinness.”
Please do continue.
I am serious: I would like to read the recipe that you are using.
In addition I would like to know any side dishes you decided upon, and the side dishes you may have used in the past that you recommend most.
This is for many who comment here regarding cooking: I am considering which Counter Top Convectional Oven to purchase, and have read many reviews. I would like brief serious thoughts and experiences of those who have used Counter Top Convectional Ovens.
I do not have advice regarding a countertop unit (although my sister loves her NuWave oven). But, on a recent vacation I used a GE microwave convection oven and liked it. I’ve always wanted two ovens and am looking into replacing my microwave with a microwave/convection oven
Of course, the GE is one of the more expensive units. Sigh.
I made a chicken (split) in it. It wasn’t faster, but it really cooked evenly and the skin was really crispy.
Thank you, Tulip.
What are you considering? I have a toaster oven (my cheap solution to the two oven desire) and am curious about what else is out there. My sister really does love the NuWave, especially at the holidays.
My parents have a glass top GE from a few years ago, and it is a champ. Works very well, and maintains heat so that steamed veggies get done just right, and sauteeing is easy.
Suck-up. The correct answer is “What the hell is wrong with you? Walk over there, spend two minutes on meaningless chit-chat, and take a piece of cake back to your desk.”
They all want cake.
Someone left my cake out in the rain. 🙁
Thank you for the warning. Top of my list of worst songs ever. (For the record, I actually like a lot of the songs you link, but I’ll be the first to admit that my taste in music has long been regarded by most of my peers as…unconventional, to put it kindly.)
You’d be surprised how many actors thought they could cut a hit single.
Or this guy.
Not to mention this guy.
GL, at least he had an impeccable musical pedigree.
(Is that a semi-Brooks?)
I am watching Season 2 of The Tick. Watched that episode last night.
“They all want cake.”
Is the quote from (among other sources) “Strangers with Candy”?
I believe that I know what you referenced, yet when I briefly looked I did not find the link.
I have cake.
Shirley Temple poke cake.
It’s good, too.
Yum. I just ate a red velvet cupcake from a local shop that had just as much cream cheese icing as it had cupcake. I’m good for tonight.
I am not a cake person, but that is my favorite that I request every birthday. Surprised there is still enough red food dye for everyone else.
You wonder if they’re that punctilious about every possible waste of their employer’s time.
Sure. Facebook is work, right?
I hate forced work socialization.
Bad enough when it’s at work. Much worse when “company picnics” and the like are involved. Shine up the baby! We’re gonna be late!
Company picnic, with a Fun Run!
Fun and Run, don’t go together for me….
I don’t jog. I’ve never seen a serious runner that didn’t end up with a knee brace or foot injury of some sort.
Funny run is okay if you survive.
We do smoked pulled pork and beer can chicken, sometimes ribeyes. People seem to like the food.
“I hate
forced worksocialization.”I’m guessing that’s more accurate .
I like bars because I’m free to socialize or not and I’m free to come and go as I like. Cool conversations, stay all night and engage. People being stupid, drink up and go somewhere else. No excuse needed. I also do better one on one than I do in a group.
You think traffic was bad today? You’re not a truck driver on on an icy road.
*language NSFW
Slow down. Don’t know why that’s so hard for people to figure out.
That was a close one.
Why do i live in the Desert? this is one reason,
Along those lines, I70 in Colorado was a mess today.
There go my career plans…
White gloves? UCS hardest hit! Pictures at eleven! https://youtu.be/au3O5G0dNWk
That’s what I was thinking.
C’mon… we know it really involves The Gift of the Gun.
China Denies Weaponizing Virus No One Has Heard Of
BEIJING – A spokesman from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned rumors that the Chinese military weaponized Mongolian Yak Herpes, a disease unknown to science until this morning. The spokesman elaborated that the virus most certainly was not deliberately created at the Sum Ting Wong Disease Research Center in Wuhan. The spokesman then ran in circles around the podium with the other four spokesmen, sat down, and was replaced by another spokesman. In any case, according to the 2nd spokesman, it was all a long time ago and it never happened anyway. Besides, continued the 3rd spokesman, what about the appalling rates of obesity in the US, especially amongst impoverished Negroes residing in so-called food deserts? Such a thing could never happen under the system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The 4th spokesman then ripped up a Tibetan flag and kowtowed to a giant portrait of Xi Jinping. In response, the NBA now requires all players to carry a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book at all times, and all future games will begin with a playing of the March of the Volunteers. Some experts have speculated that such a disease could have originated from an incident when Genghis Khan had sex with a herd of yaks to win a bet. This is why the banner of his horde had nine bands of yak hair, one for each yak. Chinese officials have repeatedly stressed that even if someone is infected with Mongolian Yak Herpes, they will be healthy again an hour later.
Hail to the Grand Helmsman Mao and His Glorious Successor Xi!
Wan Sui! Wan Sui! Wan Sui!
And hail to the Great Chinese 5G Cellphone Corporation Huawei!
Huawei! Huawei! Huawei!
I submitted this as a post today, but got impatient. If you like these, let me know. Maybe I can do one per week.
Mongolian Yak Herpes
Now that’s a band name.
I don’t know man. Seems too realistic.
Need something in linkable format – that was great!
Halfway through I looked back up to see the source link – Oh! It’s Derpie.
Nicely done. You do a good job of letting the absurdity grow until it’s has to be satire – for now anyway.
Yup. You’re giving the BB some competition.
+1 Vote for weekly “Glibertarian Bee”
We already have one. It’s the web-site that keeps getting Snoped.
Sign me up.
I’d love a weekly Glibeertarian take on world insanity. Sugarfree tends to give me the shivers. – dave
And on that subject – if you have doubts that the Chinese have been weaponizing viruses which they lose control of from time to time ask yourself haw many epidemics have we seen from India with a similar number of people and similar low levels of sanitation?
Greetings from Hueston Woods Lodge. View from our balcony. It’s no tropical paradise, but it’s only an hour’s drive from home, so it’s a nice weekend getaway. We’re here to celebrate Mr. GT’s birthday and for something to do during Bad Sports Weekend (the one between the Super Bowl and the Daytona 500.)
Looks relaxing. Thought that said “Action Lake”. Sea Smith disappoint.
“Action Lake! Cum on in the water’s fine” Uumpha Uumpha Uumpha
Nice! All of our views are pretty much frozen boreal forest for now. Think Sven Hassel novels.
There’s Bundesliga soccer. That’s never a bad weekend.
We don’t do soccer or basketball, and we’d only watch hockey if we can find a Blues game on. The (cable? satellite?) in our room has multiple sports channels, and Mr. GT said he hoped maybe we could catch some curling.
We may take a look at the XFL game on late tomorrow afternoon to see if it’s anything.
Women’s World Curling champeenship is being held here next month. VA-Va-Voom! Guessing by what I’ve seen they are going big on telegenic and not so much on raw talent. Only hot chicks are good at curling? I’m not complaining but maybe it’s akin to the girls volleyball team. Only cheerleaders may apply.
I’m liking the intensity
It’s funny that it used to be the sport of hausfraus and has morphed into this. Those girls don’t have an eyelash out of place.
I saw Bayern v Leipzig on the schedule… that should be… decisive.
Don’t count out Gladbach and Dortmund.
I’ll be pleasantly surprised if Bayern doesn’t run away with it yet again.
If Bayern can win CL (fat chance this year), I won’t care so much about the Bundesliga.
I have a cute story about a married woman and one of Hueston Wood’s cabins Ill share some day.
Pics available upon request.
Back when I was at Miami, a guy brought me out to the park & somewhere along the lake shore late one night after a party…but I’d had too many White Russians and too much pot, so very shortly after we arrived, the thought of kissing me was no longer appealing…
“Puke breath” never kept true love down! Just sayin’.
That looks lovely!
The main part of the lodge is a big 60’s-era A-frame with huge picture windows overlooking the lake. As soon as we checked in this afternoon, we plopped down in rocking chairs facing the windows and soaked up sunshine. Mr. GT read and I knit. After dinner, we plopped down on a sofa by the fireplace in the lobby and read until the Mr. started nodding off.
*goggle eyes*
*fans self*
Guess who is late for work? ?
Spending too much time with your avatar?
Snoozed on the train and missed my transfer. The avatar is art.
“Please change here for the Toei subway line, the Oh Shit! I missed my connection Main Line, and the Yamanote Line. Doors will open on the left side.”
Speaking of said avatar, I’d like a link so that I can continue some research that I’ve been conducting as a side project. For Science.
2% chance of death from Corona virus. Worth it? Count me in up to 49%.
Eh, Death knocks on all doors, eventually.
If you’re late, that means you have to leave early.
The math checks out.
“Sen. Bob Menendez, the ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called the dismissals as “clear political retaliation, the likes of which is seen only in authoritarian countries around the world.”
Sure, Bob. So you agree Obama was running an authoritarian country when he dismissed McChrystal, a director of international security, after he dissed the administration in a ‘Rolling Stone’ interview?
Bob’s familiar with authoritarian countries. That’s where the best teenage prostitutes are found.
Maybe not the best but probably the cheapest and most talented.
Nursing Home Friday Karaoke Nights: Circa 2060
Dammit, I told Dad to stay off the internet.
I like how he spends like 3 minutes talking about his family before the song.
I’m glad that he’s making bank mocking that shit because it sure as fuck isn’t music. I thought disco would die but it just morphed into something just as bad but this hippity-hop thing is akin to Ash’s hand.
Ok, Boomer.
Close but no cigar, my dusky friend! I’m Gen XY, the last of the ones that was able to find his welfare check hidden under his work boots.
Kids should remain silent, Kid!
Kid?!? I’m pushing 40!
When you get to be Fourscore’s age, you’ll think 40 is young.
Christ, I think forty is young.
Lol, Ted. There is NO way I make it to 80.
Some people’s kids.
I don’t want to like Tarantino but…
Eh. They’re both cuntes. I’d call that one a wash.
I like T’s films. I don’t care what he is or isn’t like in real life.
Yusef: may I ask how your housing situation is?
I’m kind of in limbo, waiting for the Census to start, Wendy ill, I stopped unpacking. I’m just about out of money again, however my Fed taxes should cover rent, as for my Electricity?
at least it’s pay as you go, I’m good for another week.
Anyone want to buy a vacation spot? 7k down, owner carries for 10 years, I pay mortgage, you keep the title,
There’s a Gofundme campaign, Down Payment for Yusef!
A third one? I’m familiar with the first two… When do you need to move house?
I’m not sure how helpful these are, but: (1) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bullhead+city+free+clinic&t=h_&ia=web#
Nose boops to Bella and Kitteh.
I keep them separate as needs change
Thanks for the links, I found a new lump in my armpit today, that makes three, time to go see about it all,
The stress isn’t helping. Bob. I’ve got a lump under my shoulder blade that was never there before. Most of the time these things just go away on their own. Stay active, stay focused and drink plenty of beer and water. Smoke’em if you got ’em.
I may go to Kingman tomorrow with a fellow golfer, he’s a Snowbird, so he’s thrilled to have a local show him around, they have 5 or 6 courses there, and Kent is about to open a new one, this place is pretty cool!
Fully amortized over the 10 years?
and do you know what the taxes are?
Yes, 225$ a year for taxes,
You have my email send me details. No promises. This would be an investment and will be evaluated accordingly but shoot me details.
OMG, I shall,
Send me what you sent Jarflax.
I will look at it carefully tomorrow (I have had a few tonight and I made myself a rule about decisions and alcohol a while back)
and now there is,
Apparently Hyundai is now shut down because of parts shortages from Wuhan.
Supply chains here are in trouble, too.
Yeah, I figured this was coming. If it spreads to Foxconn, there’s going to be some serious issues for a lot of electronics manufacturers.
Who is going to spy on me if Foxconn goes down?
Some of Foxconn’s Chinese factories have been shut down already, and they’re apparently going to manufacture masks. Obviously they have more than a little manufacturing ability and facilities in and out of China.
Communist apologist newspaper
This is how I feel lately:
Nobody wants to get drunk and get loud anymore.
Yepper…now its streamed music in the backyard next to a fire
And talking about switching car insurance, tax returns and the results from the latest doctor visit. Ugh. I might as well be dead.
You could be taking about the latest Pokemon you caught instead.
*spins cylinder, clicks hammer on empty chamber*
Maybe next time.
Reminds me of this song.
Oh fuck me… there’s another debate on.
Yes – I saw it also being streamed on Hulu. I cracked up when I saw the time was 7pm to 12am. Seriously they’ve blocked 5 hours?
They’ve got allow extra time for the Warren/Sanders deathmatch.
*sigh*. I miss celebrity death match.
Yeah, that was entertaining.
I happened to spot it on ABC – 8pm to 11pm.
So nothing but the important stuff…
Is this the one where they excluded Tulsi but let in candidates with polling numbers lower than hers?
Dems, my Dear, Dems….
Ah yeah. Guess so.
We lurve Tulsi! She’s a purdy commie!
Well… If all your choices are commies..
If you’re gonna get fucked…
Sorry, but I ain’t fucking you.
The only debate that I watch
“We have not said one word tonight about race!”
Steyer LOLOL
What a transparent douche.
Now it’s panderpalooza from all of them.
This is remarkable. I don’t remember the Dems ever going so whole-hog on “America is racist” as this. Divide and fucking conquer. Assholes.
Isn’t the NYT running with some thing that the nation was based on it? It might be the are colluding? I just like typing colluding. colluzzion even.
The 1619 Project
Yes, they have a project rewriting the early history of the US such that every single event centers around the furtherance of slavery. Lots of historians are calling foul.
Schools are picking it up now. The whole thing is classic agitprop.
Biden’s going on about “redlining”.
Special K on “racist vote purges”.
Bernie on “whites are 10x wealthier – not fair!”
Steyer wants a “commission on race”.
So Trump did really well with whites, so the solution is to antagonize whites?
Only racist whites will get antagonized, so who cares?
It’s all bullshit for the primaries.
The funny part is where they back-pedal for the general. “I didn’t MEAN what I said.”
If you’re family went totally bankrupt in the 70’s do you still owe a historical debt because an ancestor had money in the 1800’s?
Do you even have to ask? Sounds like you aren’t following along with the narrative, comrade.
The could be any of the Dems….
How many fucking debates have they had? What new is there left to say, especially when there’s barely anything to differentiate these people?
Not that I am watching but I hope there are more soundbites of Bernie telling Elizabeth that a woman can’t win. Throw in a “make me a sammich” and I would vote for Bernie.
It’s a shame its on CNN where no one will watch it. Exposing the crazy to a wider audience would be beneficial.
“Orange Man bad! Wypipo bad! Old folks are bad! Vote for me! I’m an old wyperson!”
So now there is new GFM,
I seriously doubt I’ll make 7K, but an Angel might come my way, I have some creative investment ideas…
It will be Glibertoipa! R/v space and hookups, a mile from the River, Cheap rent, and Weed!
read the the GFM, for more details…
What’s the total asking price? No I don’t have any big money now. (You should have ran across this a few years ago when I did.)
That is Miss Manners byline and I gots ten bucks she/he is all those people. That’s a man baby!
Those are her kids. MM has been hilarious (though perhaps now ailing?) for four decades now and I will answer any more mockery with fisticuffs.
I’ve been super digging this band that I discovered the last few days. Also, KEXP out of Seattle has a ton of absolutely awesome music on YouTube, some really great bands come in their studio to perform.
KEXP is great. I’ve “discovered” a lot of great musicians and bands from their youtube posts.
They are terrific.
How’s things, Pud? Behaving yourself?
Doing good. How about you?
I’m a little bummed about this weekend though. I had tickets for Grace Potter last night in Milwaukee but was too sick to go. Had to give away the tickets. I planned to see JJ Grey at 1st Ave tonight and Robert Randolph at Fine Line tomorrow but still sick and supposed to get a snow storm tomorrow night. Still got tickets for Bela Fleck Sunday night, so I got that going for me, and it’s close by.
Grace Potter is at The Palace tomorrow night? Are you going? It would be a great show to take the daughter. Everyone I’ve brought to see her live (30+ people) have loved it, especially the ladies.
Really good, thanks!
Sorry to hear you have the winter crud. I thought about going to the Palace after we talked about it, but Spawn 2 has a million things going this weekend.
Tonight there was a concert at the school with the top choir, band and orchestra. She was in all three. Fun to watch her – I’m gonna miss it.
Make sure and text when you get up this way.
I’ll be sure and get in touch next time I’m up that way. I was gonna get in touch this week but I could tell the cold wasn’t going away. I’m sure I’ll be up that way in the next month or two for a show.
That’s cool your daughter is good at music. I wish I would have got into an instrument when I was younger. I was just always that guy who hung out with a lot of musicians and went to band practices and helped at shows.
You’re out in the west of the state, right?
Yeah, I’m in God’s Country – La Crosse. The home of Old Style, the only fully krausened beer made with pure artesian spring water right next the Mississippi River.
If you ever travel east of Wausau, let me know. Never met an in-state glib. We gotta get a contingent going like those damn minnysodans.
Long time no see Pud!
(That could mean many different things depending on your inflection.)
Good to see you posting again.
We are inclusive, CPRM. Our motley band stretches from Montana to Lacrosse. You are always welcome!
Sure thing. I kind of have an idea where you’re located. My brother lives in Marinette, so I get over your way occasionally. Let me know if you ever get over this way. I like to zig zag back roads when traveling, so maybe I can meet you sometime on my way to or from my brother’s.
Hey C! I just seen the Bears moved their training camp back to Lake Forest, so you were technically sorta kinda right in an earlier post.
Sometimes I kinda regret using this for a user name, but I didn’t want to use the same one from a different site I post at and couldn’t think of anything else. I think I mentioned it was a short lived band name of some of my friends.
Tundra, I’d love to meet you. We’re simpatico. I don’t have the funds to trevailing like most of yall. But I do know Pope Jimbo passes within like 5 miles of me on his yearly trip to Algoma, but he has yet to stop in. On a separate note, I’m considering writing an article about that time I ran for office, just trying to figure how to do it without doxxing myself.
You ran for office?! That’s cool! I hope you can write it without dodging yourself
By this time, we’re all pretty much doxxed, aren’t we?
Change the names and relevant offices and let ‘er rip. It sounds like a great story!
CPRM, this guy used to work for me AFTER he was the Major of Rice Lake at 19 and while he was going to college.
He was a really hard worker, but ended up moving after him and girlfriend split up. He was pretty hard core Libertarian, so we had a lot of great conversations. Now that he’s been in politics for some time, I think he’s had to learn to compromise.
How and why I did it is a fun story, I mean all my stories are fun, but the funnest part I can’t share here without doxxing myself, even though I actually have shared it without anyone knowing.
A gift for Q…
Might be the (((hottest))) on the planet.
That would be Wonder Woman or Bar Rafaeli.
The virtue signalling and identity politics is proceeding unabated. I can’t wait to see one of these people debate OrangeManBad.
The smart move is refuse to debate Trump. Say he is a toxic person and you won’t lower yourself to his level. I mean, it won’t work, but at least you won’t have to waste everyone’s time.
That would be the rhetorical version of bringing a (toy) light saber to a gunfight.
I just turned the debates on (Im about 8 beers in) and I see them all talking like they have a legit shot.
Aww….bless. They’re so cute- none of them realize that Hillary can erase their chances just by hinting she’s going to run.
Moochelle and Hillary when the stars are right…
Its like watching a high school student council debate. Id like to see a pro POS swoop in and shut em all down.
Make it so. That would be an epic smackdown.
Cheetoh Jesus versus Arkancide.
I won’t flip back. It was raising my blood pressure.
Look, I know I’m not supposed to drink coffee, tea, or alcohol. No problem. All those things are icky.
And generally speaking, all through my life I have a real issue with ingesting things that make me lose myself. I fight the laughing gas at the dentist. I go loopy on Versed. I don’t remember one thing I said after I was in a car crash (my fault) (no seatbelt) (hence, I’m still alive), but the EMTs assured me I was very very funny. If I were a drunkard I would be hilarious and never remember a thing.
Can’t smoke, but I wouldn’t want to anyway, and while the smell of cigarettes is irritating, it is familiar and a tidge comforting. The smell of MJ, on the other hand, is absolutely disgusting. Gets in your nose and your nose hairs trap it and it STAYS. Ugh.
But damn, lately I’ve wanted to space out and NOT be me. I have zero way to find hallucinogenics even if I wanted to.
I … kinda want to.
Hallucinogenics have a tendency to intensify your mental state. Going in unhappy can work out badly. Be careful.
+1 Tripper Skipper
I don’t know how to get anything and I’m too lazy to try to find out.
Hang out at bars long enough and drugs will find you.
I’ve never met a ‘drug pusher’. It seems the market works for itself.
Might MJ edibles be more her speed? (If the MJ itself isn’t verboten?)
I got the versed/fentanyl cocktail when I had a heart cath. Let me tell ya- Id have another one tonight just for that, even if my femoral artery gets punctured.
Fentanyl kills pain, but doesn’t do anything else to me.
I’m not sure that’s what you’re looking for.
Shrooms were fun. Acid wasn’t. FWW.
I used to love tripping. It just doesn’t fit my lifestyle (being an adult) anymore.
Lived in Amsterdam for a while in my 20’s. I hear ya. At my age, it would be tilting at windmills.
Ditto. I tried a little coke habit a few years ago and that didn’t fit either. Easy to give up, thank goodness.
Coke was so damn good that I knew not to do it again.
I really liked coke but was poor when it was readily available to me. Late 80’s. Lost a job over it but who wants to be a first mate and eventually gain sea time to be a captain on a luxury yacht anyways.
You could still become a precinct captain. Dream.
lol….I eventually did get a Captains license, (that has expired due to lack of sea time now) but never running a yacht like the one I was working on when I was asked to leave. The asking to leave the job wasn’t due to drug use on the job but more I overstepped the Captains boundaries by asking the owner a question. I was staying out late and carving lines way too much so my judgement was less than on point at the time. I was young and an idiot as most young men are.
Preach it!
Step into my parlor said the spider to the fly. Kidding aside, I played with everything when I was young. Mostly good experiences but sometimes really, really bad. I’m not the one to ask about it. Heck, I can’t even cannabis anymore what with the heeby-jeebies.
We gettin’ old. Get off my lawn, you stepping on my weed.
When I was really ill last year they kept dosing me up with something non-opioid. It was fantastic. I can see why some folks lose their way.
My fav hallucinogen has always been shrooms. Haven’t done them in years. One needs the right people and the right place to partake though to really trip. News I heard said it helps former soldiers with PTSD. I am of the mind people are different and even those who have not been soldiers but experienced any sort of trauma would benefit from mushrooms. The doses for ptsd are way low and not even at a tripping level but what fun is that.
Micro-dosing. Of course when I was a young feller I believed in macro-dosing. Charlotte shrooms are not to be taken lightly. Those blue Mexican ones were eaten like candy. The LSD was batch to batch, of course. I was on a binge for three weeks when I was 18 but it was fairly mellow. Did some DOM once. Once. Second time I ever needed talking down from a high. All the other stuff, meh. Ya gets what ya paid for. That pure ecstasy that was mentioned above was pretty great and unavailable nowadays.
OK, “not supposed to” versus forbidden? Respecting your beliefs, from a risk reward perspective I suggest alcohol. Something simple – e.g. vodka and OJ/cranberry juice, whatever.
Forbidden, but also yucky. I’ve been around alcohol and I just can’t stand the smell.
Alcohol is a depressant so maybe it acts the same on the brain as some hyper people taking speed? Who knows? It’s your brain chemistry and so far as anyone has discovered, quite unique. Pretty sure that your God wants you to be happy, though. I sure do.
MMMMM, Beer….
Hallucinogens are wonderful if taken in the right circumstances, they can be really helpful to working things out or just a fun trippy time. They can also be a real nightmare If the situation isn’t right. I started taking shrooms at 15 and did so at least once a year through age 30. Mostly very good times with a few terrible trips mixed in. LSD is also quite nice as well as mescaline and cactus derivatives. MDMA is not quite a hallucinogenic drug, but it is a damn fine one. It’s a real shame it’s illegal, it’s something else to experience. I haven’t partaken in any of it for a long time due to kids and life responsibilities, but I’m looking forward to taking it again in my old timerhood.
The truth is, I will never do any of it. I really do not like being out of my gourd. I can be stupid stone cold sober. I don’t want to get any stupider.
I don’t like being out of my gourd either, but there is a level below that which can be quite enjoyable. FWIW.
Yeah, Ecstasy IS something else. And I don’t remember any nasty side-effects, unlike most other drugs.
Coyote Party aside, right Rhy?
On the couple of dozen times I’ve taken it the side effect has mostly been feeling mellow the next day. It really is the best chemical drug hands down.
I think I posted this before, but the last time I tried any hard drug was November 13 1999. I took MDMA and spent 4 hours sitting in a dark room simply unable to deal with any human interaction. It was far and away the worst experience of my life. This was an atypical reaction, but not unique. Most MDMA on the street is not pure, and your own mental state strongly affects your experience.
Dark room? Lucky you, I can’t deal with humans in the Daylight, and I’m not Pie!
Mail sent
I think anything is possible, and unfortunately because it is a street drug with no quality control it could have contained anything. Dancing my ass off, hilarious conversations and getting and giving massages was more my experience with it.
The few times I did it, we were always out clubbing.
What side effects did weed provide?
Weight gain?
But yeah, no side-effects for me there either.
Once they legalize it here, I may never drink again.
Oh! Wait! I have some Xanax!
I’ll take one of those and just pass out for a while.
I want a Xanax.
I want about fifty of them.
Xanax is no different than anything mentioned above other than the right people make money from selling it to you.
Well, let me tell you. My doc rx’d it for me for anxiety attacks. My brother warned me not to use them as regular medication because people can get hooked on it.
I took 1. One. ONE. O.N.E. In 10 minutes my eyeballs practically rolled back in my head and I fell on my bed completely passed out for several hours.
There was no tripping involved. I don’t even believe I awoke rested. I can’t remember. It was a couple of years ago.
Anyway, I gave most of them to my bestie but I kept a couple. I could call up my doc and have another rx seeing as how, you know, 30 of them lasted me for 3-4 years. Except…I only took 1.
Yeah, extremely soporific.
Can I be your new bestie ?
My point was there are all kinds of mind altering, knock yourself out , or whatever you are looking for options out there but only the ones made by the “approved” people are administered legally. After my hip replacement they gave me a bottle of Oxy. The bottle sits unopened because I didn’t want to take it. I am also familiar with anxiety attacks. One day I decided to not have them and it worked.
What dosage? I have a bottle of .25mg. Much easier to regulate dosage for those occasional days.
Spud with the Kotex off the top rope!
I don’t know. I just put 3 pills in a baggie, threw it in my desk drawer, and gave the rest to my friend.
I also gave her a shit-ton of oxy (yes, really). It doesn’t work for me and if it doesn’t work, I’m not going to waste time taking it.
Ixnay on the ostingpay. What you describe in your clearly entirely made up post is a felony.
Of course it’s made up. I tell lies for a living. The only people with my internet search history are writers.
I understand. I was given 6 tramadol when I fell on my face. I took one about a month ago when my shoulder hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep. It helped (a lot) but it still hurt enough that sleeping was hard. I didn’t trip. I also still have part of a bottle of codeine cough syrup. I have used it over the past week (1/2 tsp at a time). No trip. I do hoard that stuff, but it doesn’t get me high. I’m still cautious about taking it.
I have a bunch of Tramadol. That works, but I only use it when I’ve done something bad to my shoulders.
I have script for tramadol, it does just enough that I don’t have a limp, which actually gives me more energy because locomotion is more efficient. But then it’s like my anxiety meds, where I try to limit usage so much as not to be pegged an ‘addict’, so I use it less often than I should which leads to more problems. Bless the drug warriors!
I really enjoyed a bottle of Xanax once. (Over a month of so.)
Yet another brilliant handle. You’re on a roll.
Right now I’m self-medicating with food and not even ashamed of it. Except my stupid jeans keep reminding me that the side effects are huge.
Well shit fuck all. Looks like my dad has the cancer. Throat cancer. Giving his smoking since 14 and drinking probably at that age too it was inevitable.
I’m so sorry!
A true Libertarian, he will be missed..
I’m sorry, but I’m drinking and smoking just like him so I can’t feel too sorry,
We pick our poisons, and takes our chances……
Very true. He knows that. Just is a brick to the face is all. He is the pariah of the family but still me dad
You talkin’ ’bout me Willis?
Pariah #!
That might be the coldest comment I’ve ever seen here.
Mine? it’s called truth, if you smoke Cigs, you get it,
You don’t need to feel sorry for his old man, but how about Own’? A little sympathy seems in order, especially from someone who has received so much of it.
My first words were, I’m sorry, FFS, I’m not an asshole, I’m just doing what is killing his dad, I can relate…
I read the “I’m sorry” in the “I’m sorry, but…” way. I apologize for misconstruing your words.
Internet intent Fail, sorry
and I always look to the other people effected, like me?
C’mon dude
Not at all. My dad is a pragmatic old fool. He’d agree with yusef on this
Thank you, I lost both parents on the same day from the same thing,
We takes our chances…
I didn’t think it was cold. It came across as Yusef commiserating.
Thanks Mo, I thought I was gonna get slagged,
Not how I read it, but I’ll defer to you and say that it appears I read it wrong. Yusef has a way with words and sometimes I misunderstand his meaning.
I’m so sorry, OBE. I don’t know what more to say besides hugs to both of you.
Oh, man, I am so sorry!
Sorry, dude.
How old is he?
He is almost 80 so not like he is young. Man could pull 18 year old tail at 50…so hat tip to him
Still, it sucks to go through it. My best to you and the old man.
What stage?
Find out in a few days on his next appointment. He drank away his savings and is relying on rhe VA
VA? Lung Cancer? that’s how I said goodbye to my Dad,
God bless you,
Yep…I am sure they will honor their debt to a Vietnam vet
If writes down how he got 18 year old tail at 50 then he’ll die a wealthy man.
That sucks, man. Hopefully they caught it soon enough.
Sorry Obe.
Crap on toast! That sucks.
Bulleit Rye 12 year is a bit of a let down. Doesn’t seem as sweet as regular Rye. Oh well, week is over.
I’m watching Netflix’s How to Prevent a Pandemic. Seems relevant and is interesting.
I’m watching the Wild grind out a late goal to take the lead against the little bitch Stars and a terrible officiating crew,
I cant find my ROKU remote….
Good. Fuck the Stars.
And Corey Perry in particular.
I’ve been saying that since 1993
I’m still bitter.
Don”t know if this is a troll or real. Guy in bar is wearing a sweatshirt with the name Our life under a coathanger. RL LOL and the people around me think i’m crazy.
You know, I COULD put on some happy music and fold plastic grocery bags into little triangles.
Baby….take the xanax
Little triangles of EVIL. Ban it!!
You could end up with art like this https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/trash-as-treasure-crocheting-plastic-coral-reefs-129088343/
Those are kind of neat.
Whats the happy music
Bruno Mars
Angel & the Mambokats
janelle Monae
don’t judge
also don’t judge
Other random things I’ve gathered throughout the years.
Judging occurs.
That should not be possible to say in passive voice. I need to ruminate on the flaws in language as a mirror of thought. Paging HM…
Here’s one of my guilty pleasures that will probably lead you to judge Moje’s choices less harshly.
To be sure.
No judging, ok
Oh, that’s adorable!
Umm, or you could crochet them https://www.diys.com/plastic-bag-crochet-projects/. That seems more relaxing
That’s intriguing. I have a mountain of plastic bags in a closet. Of course, I also just acquired a little black fuzzy poop machine, so I may need those for another purpose…
My mom makes welcome mats and on my recent vacation I met a woman who makes little ‘beach bags’ to hold your phone and room key while you’re at the beach or pool. I saw the Smithsonian exhibit years ago and the plaque said the artist solicited work from crocheters across the country. It was pretty cool.
Oh! It makes me so mad– I found something I thought would be neat to crochet with plastic bags and now I can’t remember what it was.
Some ladies in my area make sleeping mats for the homeless.
That’s a cool use
There’s a piece at the art gallery of found trash linked together in interesting ways. I wouldn’t call it art, though. I’d call it workmanship. Crafty, something a mommy blogger would do a YouTube video on. Wasn’t even craftsmanship, like making chain mail.
I get the frustration/anxiety. I’ve had that at various times in my life, though probably not for the good reasons you have. My suggestion (free on the internet, so…) just pick a project. It’s separate from work and doing it gives you something outside work to focus on. Pick something small. When it’s done, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that has nothing to do with work or the things you’re worried about and that will help. It’s not a panacea, but it will help some.
Yeah, I’m about to wrap up my latest job and do a little tinkering on a scrapbook.
If you ever need to vent, I’m here and can give you a private contact.
Oh, thank you! I might take you up on that.
And actually the silly songs posted have helped a lot, and also remembering the crocheting of sleeping mats for the homeless.
Do you have a Pinterest account? Here’s mine: https://www.pinterest.com/moriahjovan/
No pinterest, no social media beyond Glibertarians. I’m happy to give you my email
As long as we aren’t judging happy music. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hVByU1F24Gk
Cheers, ladies!
Makes me think of One Crazy Summer and my fear of being killed by a mortarboard.
Well, there you go. Listen and feel better. Also good is Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, especially Spring. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bQujhuIst5E
What do you think Tundra? Does this get him into our club?
Perfect. That song actually does make me happy. What a great, mixed-up time of life that was.
Plus, that hair OMG.
CPRM: He’s in.
Rhywun: I’ve used that song too many times, but I never get tired of it. That album never seems to age.
Then, if Gustave is our club, you’re in mine and gustave’s club.
Heh, yup. No problem here, though. That album is soooo good.
you’re in mine and gustave’s club.
You and Gustave really need girlfriends, brother.
Capital letters.
It’s more about mutually ironically (or perhaps unironically, I can’t keep it straight anymore) knowing what S-Club 7 is.
*schedules intervention*
Woo hoo! In what?
Tundra and I are the local 528 of the Appreciation of John Cusack society, and Gustave and I are the local 69 representatives of the S-Club Appreciation Society. Seems like a solid union to me.
You and Gustave really need girlfriends
I’m not sure my wife would be ok with that.
So you’re saying there’s a chance…
*holds stereo overhead in celebration*
A crude joke, that someone else, but not me, would make would involve a wrestling term.
Just to clarify some things, I told my wife if she didn’t take care, she would end up where she is, she didn’t listen, OK fine.
I smoked and drank way too much, was a speed freak, the whole nine yards, and i still drink a lot and smoke the Ganja.
I’m already suffering the effects of my pleasures, and they will probably kill me, So be it.
Its all good man…I knew what you were saying
I know you got it, it was in your original comment, I suppose the truth is painful, i know..
but avoiding Truth is folly and wasteful..
But it’s so warm and comfy!
You’re a little fatalistic tonight, my friend.
Always, lately, the future is uncertain, and I’m unsure of the future,
But who is?
Nobody. Not one of us. Live, learn, laugh.
..the guy on first?
I don’t know.
He’s on third.
Knows on second..
Nothing left to lose?
there’s nothing I can do
Nothing to include.
Nothing compares
Jeez, I can’t follow that.
I only went looking for his cover and then found that. Then some dust got in my eyes.
The ganja might be what’s keeping you alive. 😉
No cash, no Ganja…..
Well, hell.
I have beer, and a half Gram of some good stench, and Food!
/I’m ok
Beer and ciggies and the love of a good woman and her pets.
Fuck me I need to go back to work! This indolence is killing me by degrees. Two more weeks, Darryl. Two more weeks…
I’m going crazy not working, Dogs need a task…
I have it all! except my Woman……
Had to watch while Wifey ran the snowblower last week. Not fun. I taught her how but it’s just so awkward to see.
A few years ago Mr. GT had to coach me on how to use our new snowblower shortly after he’d had surgery. Our next door neighbor saw me struggling and saw the Mr. standing in the garage in a robe & holding a catheter, so awesome neighbor came over and shoveled one part of the driveway while I wrestled the beast around another part.
Good people are excellent.
Heh, I have great neighbors. When I have put stuff together, they have showed up to help (without asking) and when I start shoveling, they show up and help. I’m not incompetent or struggling, it’s just that they are good guys.
When one neighbor had knee surgery, I and several others made sure his shoveling was done. My neighborhood is as it should be.
It used to be like that in our neighborhood. Everyone clearing the worst out of the driveways but something has changed over the last few years. It couldn’t be me. No. It’s the neighbors that are wrong.
Man, I really wish Folks! had been a bigger hit so people would get my ideology of ‘The hook will catch the wire.’ Good thing I didn’t opt to print it in mass market paperback…
When I hear that quote I immediately go to Midway.
Essentially that, as a calming mechanism.
I watch WWII video games to fall asleep. Is that so wrong?
All I can say is, incredible!
I got fingerprinted today for my new job, the first time in my life. I wasn’t told whether is was only for cross-reference purposes or they are now held in some DB. Hopefully my fingers haven’t appeared on any crime scenes, which I totally never would have been at…
It doesn’t matter what they told you, this is your new normal.
THIS IS NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION printed right on a SS card, every where ‘let us use your SS card to identify you’
…including on the Federal I-9 “Yes, I’m allowed to work in the U.S.” form. Because FYTW.
Did you ask if you might need a Law-Yer?
LOL. A virgin. I’ve been fingerprinted so many times by the government(s) it lost any meaning. US visas, UK visas, Schengen visas, Green Card, Global Entry, NEXUS, US naturalization, firearm permits (two states), CLEAR. I’m sure I forgot something.
Eddie Van Who?
The extra caffeine I had this afternoon is finally wearing off, so I’m heading to bed. Nighty night, all!
‘night, GT!
‘Night, GT.
Jinx! Now you can’t speak until somebody says your naaaame!
Good night!
Yeah, I’m about done, too. Fair sailing and calm seas, fellow Glibs! We’ll see you come the morn.
Good Night Good
GuyGirl.WaPo headline:
They spelled ‘ridiculous douchebag swap fuckos’ wrong.
They are serving LTC’s and can be relieved of their duties for almost any reason their chain of command desires. The magic words are “lost confidence in….” no need to say more. They still get a paycheck and will be reassigned, just like every other officer every 2-3 years. They will probably receive a very mediocre Officer Efficiency Report because then it is almost impossible to appeal. No commands, no promotions, no War College and they retire.
I’ve seen it happen to better people than them. They are staff pukes and just because the Commander in Chief decides to not use your script for a phone call (multiple sources say that is what caused the butt hurt) doesn’t mean you are a hero of the resistance.
This is just like the Soviet purges
When do we get to stop pretending that Ciaremella isn’t the whistleblower?
Escorting Vindman off the property was a nice touch. Now bust him down a rank for his belligerent insubordination during his testimony to Congress then chapter him out for being a fat body. Add rumors of being investigated for possible Art 94 Sedition.
No shyte. Had I been the congresscritter he admonished to use his title I would have addressed him as “Private First Class Vindman” and made it stick. I can’t stand most politicians but self-important military officers piss me off more.
And guess what… there still has been zero follow up on the reports of sexual assault by Sondland
Funny how a man who’s been a public figure for years suddenly was accused of several assaults in the past just as he was about to testify. What are the odds that there won’t be any more after giving the right evidence…
Are you suggesting that a person NOT defending Donald Trump might not be telling the truth? Next thing I know you’ll come out as a ‘Round Earther’!
for the first ten seconds
Alt Right by all accounts this may be last weekend of unemployment. I plan to live it to the fullest. XFL 2.0 airs tomorrow, I have my DVR set. I missed the last one because I was working, missed the AAFL because their games were mostly aired on stations I didn’t get. I pass out now/
It’s remarkable how full-time employment puts your free time into perspective.
God hates us all!
Fuck off, Tulpa.