Before I throw this at everyone here, I wanted to point out there is a bit of a shortage of blood donations due to the recent social distancing experiment. Even if you are not cursed with a relatively rare blood type like I am, your precious bodily fluids are highly prized. So prized, they will pay you absolutely nothing, but will be really, really nice to you.
They’ll even pretend to mean it.
This is my review of Clown Shoes Don’t Fear the Blender IPA
The thought experiment comes from the good folks in Kentucky, where a man diagnosed with CoronaChineseBatWuhanyouknowwhatIamtalkingabout virus COVID-19, refused treatment against the recommendations of medical professionals at a hospital, and even refused to quarantine himself.

Ever notice only politicians wear green neckties?
The state’s solution was to surround his home with police to keep him in his house.
“It’s a step I hoped that I’d never have to take,” Beshear said in a conference on Saturday. “But I can’t allow one person who we know has this virus to refuse to protect their neighbors.”
Where the thought experiment comes in: does reckless disregard for others constitute a violation of NAP?
If any action taken by the state is ultimately backed by the threat of violence, where in this case they made it abundantly clear by posting police outside his door, it stands to reason Kentucky man is threatening others by refusing to quarantine.
Refusing treatment is besides the point here, because self-ownership rules the day. A terminal cancer patient can refuse treatment; doctors cannot necessarily treat you against your wishes.
Knowingly walking around in public with an infectious disease on the other hand can be argued as a form of aggression. If one goes by the assumption violence from the state is justified if the circumstance would warrant a equal or greater violence in return should it be done to an individual. As Penn Gillette explains with the rhetorical question would you use a gun to enforce (insert pet issue here)?

I’ll learn to stop pressing the trigger, when you learn to cover your mouth.
Which means the question we are ultimately distilling down, is should an Asian man sneeze on you, are you planning to shoot him? I sincerely hope not.
If you are not willing to do that, maybe we ought to tone down some of the shenanigans over Asians? Criticize their government, it is probably warranted as the virus did indeed originate there and it isn’t racist to say so. Beating up the guy delivering your take out because your uncle’s job at the plant got sent overseas or because you suddenly got the sniffles however, is a bit of a reach. Cut it out.
Otherwise, this type of disregard for the safety of others is arguably similar to the guy at the gun range with terrible trigger discipline. It is well within the rights of the range owner/management to ask him to leave; even do so in the event he returns. I don’t see it differently here, especially with the fatality estimates in the United States being as low as .05%. A reasonable solution might be to make Kentucky man famous, and allow an informed but free society choose to not associate with him for the time being. The fun part? Due to this HHS memo linked here, they can do that without violating medical privacy laws.
Unless somebody else has a better idea that doesn’t involve imprisoning people in their own homes.
At least there is no shortage of booze. Clown Shoes has made a variety of innovative styles and this is certainly one of those. The floaters are there on purpose. It’s actually small chunks of ground up fruit that is reminiscent of Rani Float. The tartness of the berries oddly enough make this IPA tolerable, but floating fruit will probably throw you off. Especially given chunks in beer are typically a sign of bad beer. They get points for trying something different. Clown Shoes Don’t Fear the Blender IPA: 3.2/5
“Cut it out.”
First they bombed Pearl Harbor, then they took our jobs, and now this?
How about they cut it out!
Cut it out
Cut the Grass
<a href=""Cut the cake
Ack, I fucked up the HTML. Cut the cake
Why not charge him and seek a house arrest order? At least then it would have a sense of law behind it other than the State flexing its police boner.
Don’t know much about this part of the law but I’ll bet they have broad powers in a quarantine emergency to just isolate you without further due process.
Yep. There isn’t much question that quarantining an infectious person is beyond the pale. The problem is assuming that translates into quarantining people who aren’t sick/contagious – such as some of our CCP-wannabe-tyrants think is okay.
Those are some rapidly oscillating, high-amplitude goalposts you’ve got there.
What is “shit that has actually happened courtesy of ignorant American citizens”? Although preaching that message to this crowd is belaboring the obvious.
Could you expand on that please? I’m having a hard time figuring out what might be objectionable in that paragraph.
First sentence – shifting between/equating “people with an infectious disease” and “Asians;” treating coronavirus as if it is a potential threat on par with a bullet, Ebola, rabies, measles or polio; equating defensive violence and retribution; reductio ad gunnutum. You manage to include the same untruths usually expressed as “if you aren’t for open borders, you hate all immigrants you racist” and “ZOMG Libertairans think it’s OK to shoot girl scouts selling cookies if they’ve posted a no trespassing sign!” And that’s just the first sentence.
Third sentence – relies on “establishing” the nonsense of the first sentence as having been agreed upon for the logic to work. Though honesty, you can’t really believe that the behavior of high schoolers is illustrative of how to apply the NAP do you? Also, “we?” If you want to include yourself with a gaggle of pubescent punks, that’s your right but leave me the fuck out of it. Especially after the second sentence.
Fifth sentence – Beat that strawman!
Sixth sentence – rejoice in being more righteous than that strawman.
Fifth sent
Lighten up, Francis.
Do tell.
All I hear is ching chong bing bong when they talk, am I right?
If they don’t want to get beat up, they shouldn’t eat bats and steal my place in Harvard
Finally….somebody gets it.
With all due respect to your status as a founder: Go fuck yourself.
Thank you Not Adahn, he frequently does this sort of sneering indirect ad hominem toward someone, and usually no one calls him on it.
Or you could just understand what parody is and chill the fuck out. Go take a run or beat off or something.
Why not both at once, pussy?
I have been hearing people telling the world not to attack asians a lot lately, usually coupled with orangemanbad racist for saying Chinese virus, but I have not heard of people attacking asians. Am I just missing the stories of roving hoards of asian bashing white supremacists? Or is this just this weeks virtue signal?
Virtue signal?
Dude I tossed out the take out guy stereotype…should I have gone for the seductress, the math nerd, or the Karate guy?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to lump you in with the virtue signallers. I read your post as jokingly making the same point I was, which is “No shit you shouldn’t beat up/shoot/drive into exile asians, but is anyone actually doing so?”
There are a few isolated incidents, but mostly bluster on the net,
And the isolated incidents are international front-page news for some reason.
Ok, so there have been incidents. I stand corrected. People suck.
Kentucky asshole knows he has the virus, therefore any action he takes to endanger others is at least negligent if not malicious.
So yes, it is a violation of the NAP.
We’ve got a confirmed case down the street now. He’s in self-quarantine. I haven’t burned a cross on his yard yet.
I think I agree. I am not sure the police need to be involved, but I think it is seriously negligent of him to not protect others. Same goes for the assholes who show up to work with the flu.
Japan asshole raises Kentucky asshole
Spoiler: he dead
Okay. What if he has a cold? Is there a line somewhere? If so, what’s the criteria? Having a conversation with a passenger or listening to the radio, while driving, is to some degree, distracting. Is it negligent? NAP violation?
I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but there is a line there, somewhere. I find the placement of that line to be the interesting part of this experiment.
I hereby invoke the term “reasonable precautions” and run away from the problem like any good Congresscritter would.
I’m not convinced there’s a line. I think it’s much more of a ‘fuzzy zone.’ It’s the moral equivalent of the Sprites paradox.
effing autocorrect…
Tort. Let courts decide damages.
How could you ever prove such a thing? (and be just)
I think I’m with robc on this one; it’s the underlying issue at the heart of tort law. Tort is simply “a wrong for which the law recognizes a remedy,” but there is some question-begging going on in that definition. Why does/did the common law recognize a remedy for certain acts and not others? Clear NAP violations, like battery, have origins in our systems as civil matters, but murder seems to almost always have been expropriated as a matter solely for the regent/government. Theft seems to have been a dual-track notion – you could sue for civil remedy AND the crown was likely to take a dim view of thieves. Regardless, the common law seems to me to be a wonderful mechanism for having the people who are sitting in judgment explain the underlying principle that led to the particular judgment. It’s a wonderful method of allowing matters relevant to contemporary adjudicators to adapt articulated principles to circumstances, yet preserve the ethical kernel that justifies the taxonomy/classification.
Very well stated. It’s not clear at all where the line is or what the role of government should be. My instinct is to let the locals sort this kinda shit out.
Floating chunks in my beer brings back rough memories of youth. I’ll pass.
Floating chunks in a pool of beer is normally a very bad aftereffect.
Unless of course, you’re a furry
I feel strange for ever dining an Orangina now.
Wow. I don’t know which I find weirder. The fact that commercial exists, or the fact you knew it existed.
You know how when you know only one fact about something, you don’t forget it?
Well, that’s the chunky-soft drink furry porn commercial I know.
Shit’s getting serious now. Some of the beer delivery sites are crashing up here in Ohio. But I may get part of my weekend back at least.
OT: Essential vs. non-essential: Guidelines in NY on business closures
Construction got a pass. Thank God.
Can’t put those union voters out of work ya’know.
Yup. All “non-life sustaining” businesses in Philly shut down, but every night outside my window the jack hammers are busting up the street. And I swear it’s the same spot every night.
At least they put out better info. Businesses owned by a single owner is a small ray of hope thay Nevada is following suit.
Yes. I’m in New York and in an “essential” industry but we found out for sure from a state agency at like 1600.
What? All this time I thought you were a specimen of Florida Man.
Nah, it’s too hot and humid in Florida for anything to get crusty. You must be thinking of Swampy Juggler.
Also, the nice young fellow at the liquor store in the same plaza as our supermarket assured me they would remain open.
Sounds better in the original German.
Ja, natürlich.
Every bank branch around me has been closed for days.
When was the last time you went to a bank? As long as the on line services and wiring services are up and running we’re OK.
(I did go to one the other day to get a couple rolls of quarters}
Other than ATMs, a couple years ago to get a new card. I don’t even remember why that was necessary.
The lobby of my credit union is closed, but they’re doing certain urgent things by appointment only, along with doing drive-thru banking and processing anything that goes through the ATMs.
Hadn’t thought about it, but I guess drive-thrus wouldn’t be a thing in NYC, would they?
Outside of Manhattan is just like any city…
Well, not just like. I’ve never seen one in 20 years of living in Queens and Brooklyn. But on the outskirts, sure.
The fast food drive through ‘drive-thru’ is just as ubiquitous in Brooklyn and Queens as it anywhere else in the USA. The only time I’ve gotten out of the car is to exchange a toy about which my kids were beefin’.
All of them here in The Rockaways remodeled into storefronts full of ATMs. You want to see a teller? Go to Howard Beach.
Banning news organizations would fail a First Amendment challenge, so there would be no point in trying to close them. And even as bad as the media are, it probably would be even worse to shut them down.
What a wonderful opportunity for our betters to pick winners and losers.
If any stranger deliberately sneezed on me today, I would probably throw a couple of punches or kicks. Maybe not to the face where I might further contaminate myself, but I’d be pretty pissed.
When I go for my walks I make it clear to the street people and predators to stay the fuck away from me. No I don’t have any change/cigs/clocks/need to chat.
So, open carry?
Probably…exposure would be so much awkward.
The tartness of the berries oddly enough make this IPA tolerable, but floating fruit will probably throw you off.
You would not be wrong. Not a fan of floaters.
Vegas mayor telling the Gov to do fuck a duck. You made the decree, you enforce it.
“Sisolak urged the public not to call 911 to report businesses not following the order.”
What kind of asshole would…….. never mind
That’s how revolutions start. Some scofflaw decides he’she knows what the people want and is willing to provide it. The law breakers should be licensed so we know who they are, for the children.
Holy crap! A politician following the Constitution. Be still my beating heart.
Question, based on what my mother told me, and implied from Unreconstructed:
Why are TX grocery stores having issues keeping produce in stock? My grocery stores here have everything. Strawberries, grapes, avocados, sweet potatoes, lettuce, you name it. Supposedly, the only thing in my Mom’s HEB were two rutabagas and mustard greens. Why is supply not keeping up with demand there the way it its here?
Possibility 1: There is something hitting TX supply lines harder than NY. Does it have something to do with the Mexican border?
Possibility 2: The surge in home cooking is higher in Houston than here. I could believe that Houstonians have a greater tendency to rely on restaurants for their diet than here — supposedly Houston has more restaurants per capita than NYC.
Maybe HEB doesn’t have the warehouse capability of your local chain. Safeway here has a sign on the doors stating all their warehouses are out of tp and do not know when the supply will return. Vege’s are hit and miss. One day hit hard, next visit a few days later fully stocked.
So, Safeway didn’t think to save a few rolls for themselves so they could keep the lights on?
I doubt it. A lot of produce here is Mexico sourced and fresh produce is in fair supply.
It’s Saturday March 21st, and Mike DeWine is still an asshole. Regardless of what CNN says…
If I’d watched any of his briefings, I’d no longer have a functioning TV.
Fuck, the only reason I’m following them is to find out what he’s going to close next.
Maybe it is time for some good old fashioned shaming?
Would be mocked by Hoosiers for being a bunch of sissies make any difference in DeWine’s thought processes? I think we some state to not lock shit down and then hold daily press conferences where they mock all the pants shitting that the other states are engaged in.
Sadly, Minnesoda won’t be that state. We’ve jumped on the Freak Out wagon big time.
I wish the govs of the Dakotas, Iowa and (even) Wisconsin would make fun of our gov. I would hope that we’d choose a few deaths over being mocked by some NoDak rubes.
It would be more effective if it came from That State Up North.
Soviet Canuckistan?
Santa’s Workshop?
The state that contains Ann Arbor.
Ours closed bars and restaurants. It was looking for a while like he was going to do nothing, and all of a sudden schools were closed and a fewd ays later he announces the business closings. Not sure wht he was told to change so drastically.
Probably something along the lines of how Bush and Obama got banks like BB&T to take bailouts that they didn’t need or want.
Sure but still easy to get tax dollars for a new stadium, I’d bet. Seats would be 6 feet apart though.
Otherwise, this type of disregard for the safety of others is arguably similar to the guy at the gun range with terrible trigger discipline.
Yikes. That was fucked. Posting the DEA idiot probably would have hurt your point.
I like Clown Shoes beer, but I’m not sure I’d like this one.
Who waves their gun around with their finger on the trigger while they scratch their back?
Why didn’t he just scratch his back with the gun?
Brass fell down his shirt. Its a natural response (seriously), he actually WAS trying to scratch his back with the gun hand.
natural response
It’s interesting what we prioritize. If you’re focused and your habits are ingrained enough, inborn reflexes can be subsumed.
Or I might drive into a telephone pole trying to keep my coffee from spilling.
I rolled a car 3 times by swerving into the median at 85 mph at age 20, when I dropped my lighter and instinctively grabbed for it. I advise becoming focused and subsuming, because that was a painful and extremely frightening experience.
why would anyone ever need to drive over 40?
* waves hands like Bernie *
Because at 40 I wouldn’t have launched the car so high that a trucker on the other side of the median thought I was going to hit his cab? (I can confirm that the gull wing slope in median strips does in fact do what it is designed for, which is to redirect your momentum and flip the car so it doesn’t decapitate an oncoming trucker). He was the ‘first responder’ and helped me get out of the car. I was just sitting there taking inventory of my body, shocked to be alive, and he pointed out that my fuel tank was leaking and I probably should not sit in the car.
I had a severe accident while adjusting the damn radio at the same age. It’s also why I get pissed when i see people texting and driving.
No rolling but I did a 540 going ~70 mph right about that age as well, same kinda thing – the map fell off the passenger seat and I was reaching down to get it. Luckily I only lost a hubcap no injury.
I was on my motorcycle on I-15 headed south into San Diego, doing about 80-85. I tried to put my iPhone into a different pocket and dropped it onto the tank – the urge to start flailing to catch it was instantaneous, but suppressed, because I likely would have laid the fracking bike down in the process. It all happened so fast – and internally – but it was an amazing bit of suppression of that urge to catch a falling thing, lest I unbalance and become road pizza while “saving” my phone. I’ve had numerous instances of that same phenomenon, including when flying and a bird suddenly “appears” under your rotor arc and you start to flinch.
When I learned to fly I was taught explicitly to always quickly determine worst case outcome and avoid that first. I tend to drive the same way. My wife gets upset when I won’t swerve to avoid the critters.
Bird strikes are a very real thing in aviation, maybe even moreso in military aviation, where you regularly fly low and fast and in formation. They teach you that the birds will generally tuck and dive so “hold what you’ve got” (much along the lines of not swerving to avoid animals). It’s no trivial thing to override that desire to flinch and “swerve” because if you do you might smack into another aircraft and things get really, really bad then.
won’t swerve
exactly what I meant by subsume
I’ve always been hard, harsh, and unyielding . . . Calvinistic in a way I inherited: unswerving behind the wheel and everywhere else. Sometimes it’s a mistake, but not usually; often, there is a high social penalty for being right this way. It’s like trying to explain the math behind that 10% chance your platoon is wiped out scenarios.
The other thing is people resent a man who takes his licks and moves on. Most people die a thousand deaths: they keep backing up hoping not to lose until the clock runs out. My old man was like that; I’ve chosen to make new and interesting mistakes instead of repeating his.
Oh I know. I had a couple of near misses with my father in a helicopter flying VFR at 500.
My wife’s cousin who flew military and is now an evac pilot had a horrible bird strike in Iraq. Pretty much hit an entire flock. He said the entire machine was covered in blood and feathers, inside and out.
I had a good friend who had not one, but two! bird strikes during our time flying together. His first in flight school that produced one of the greatest stories ever (or of my era, anyway) about the instructor screaming like a girl because the bird exploded as it came through the screen and hit my friend in the face, knocking him unconscious and splattering on the instructor behind him, who evidently mistook all of the bird guts and viscera for my friend’s head. His second was a turkey buzzard while he was at helo Top Gun school (WTI) in Yuma. That one got him a dried leg from the buzzard on a necklace from the boys who cleaned it up.
Now that’s pilot humor.
One of my instructors was a retired AF pilot, Chet was his name, terrifying flight instructor was his game.
When he said turn, he meant 90 degrees, now. He was constantly pulling power, making you do spins, stalls, etc… Flight instruction time with Chet was continuous stress.
Chet laid open his shoulder like a flap of beef when turning over an ultralight prop. Drove himself to the hospital with his co-pilot in the passenger seat. Chet had a fuel issue with a seaplane and had to land in the trees in Canada. lost an eye, broke his back and a couple of limbs. But Chet kept right on ticking. One hell of a dude.
I had an almost identical experience last summer, headed out to Phoenix. My phone slipped out of its RAM mount & was only saved by the fact that it was plugged into a charging port and actually dangled there long enough for me to safely pull to the shoulder. I had that horrible initial instinct though to grab for it, and would have ended up shiny-side down for sure.
What pisses me off most is that I’m having to use the GD phone because the in-dash nav on the Goldwing is shit & the maps have to be manually updated by purchasing drives, and the company that makes them for Honda hasn’t released new ones for the bikes since 2015.
I was fucking with my phone for directions in that anecdote above. And I was on a liter crotch rocket.
It’s the bane of motorcycle riding – you really cannot afford the heads-down time that navigating demands. I’m back to old habits: a thorough map study committed to memory before getting on the bike.
There may be a solution...
That’s cool, I’ll have to look into that more seriously.
Thank you for that, Flax!! I’m going to look into getting one. The one thing I absolutely LOVED about military flying was flying with a HUD. It makes a HUGE difference and was one of the chief reasons US aviation stayed ahead of the Soviets during the Cold War – designing aircraft with the ergonomics of the pilot/crew in mind, as well as the to stay “heads up.” All of us video game era kids (guys my era and younger) were sometimes referred to as “HUD babies” by older dudes. Same thing with NVGs. Guys who flew on ANVS-5s were permanently scarred by it, but those of us who flew with 6’s had no problem flying goggles.
Ever notice only politicians wear green neckties?
*hides green necktie*
Thot experiment? That’s Q’s music!
Report from the local Fresh Market – foot traffic back to normal after last week’s spike. Shelves were more full too, with some occasional bare spots.
Picked up some bone in ribeyes on sale.
Yes, my grocery store has butter, but not the brand I want!
/first world problems
Funnily enough the only butter they had was the brand I tend to buy. But I’ve got five sticks in the fridge, I should be good unless I go on a baking binge.
Vermont Creamery Cultured.
I don’t know that I’d use it for baking, but in situations when you can really taste the butter, it’s wonderful.
I tend to use a cheaper, all-purpose butter.
I like the one called Generic, with a big G, or as my late SIL said, geriatric
Kerrygold safely restocked here!
I planning to leave for the gym soon. They have reduced hours but I can’t remember their Saturday closing time. Hopefully it is not noon. After the gym I’ll stop in at the grocery store. We have a snowstorm coming in on Monday which would normally increase the number of grocery shoppers during the weekend before. These aren’t normal times.
I planning to leave for the gym soon.
I proofrad gud.
Your government hasn’t taken away your right to go to a gym yet? Lucky
Some folks I know are surprised that my gym is still open. They are restricting entry. Sununu’s order prohibiting public gatherings of more than 50 people mean the gym won’t let more than 50 people, including staff, in at one time.
Interestingly enough, I’ve seen no attempt at enforcement of the 50 people maximum for a public gathering enforced at the grocery store.
Yeah, America is pretty fucked.
Wegman’s meat counter last night was cleaned out of beef and chicken, but had a healthy supply of pork. Who knew Lancaster kept kosher?
Report from the local Fresh Market
Great. But what about the Flesh Market? Any bare spots there?
“Check back this evening”
The city next to ours just implemented a “social distancing” policy for bars and restaurants, which means that dine in is still available. I think we’re going to hit our favorite haunt one last time and then hunker down for awhile.
I thought this was a pretty good article on what our longer term response should be in regards to China.
I think he completely missed the point. Globalization isn’t a root cause, it’s the inevitable symptom. The root cause is profligate government spending and the associated sky high taxation (read: taxes, regulations, legislation/litigation) that comes with it. The only thing that stops the socialism is government collapse. You have to hit peak retard in your country for that to happen and I think most of us here agree that we aren’t even close to the peak yet.
I, for one, am looking forward to our air quality being as shitty as Beijing’s when we “redomicile” our manufacturing base.
Ooh better.
Seriously though, a lot of the “Bring it all back!” crowd haven’t really thought through all the negative externalities of the radical American autarky they advocate. Much less the fact that without tyrannical governmental control over the economy, it’s all a pipe dream. If I were looking to open a factory and China was out of the question, I’d be looking at someplace like Kigali. The Rwandan economic miracle has been sorely under-reported. I want my washing machines to be priced a good 300 bucks lower than Speed Queen’s. Your business can only grow so large when your products are limited to being luxury items for the upper middle class.
Are a lab coat and safety glasses really necessary for inspecting a dryer?
I dunno. I don’t have a PhD in Dryerology.
That’s “Doctor” Mister Dryer Inspector, pal!
I certainly think a lot of companies will rethink their supply chains. And they should. There are a lot of countries around the world that can and do make stuff.
My products are all made here, because it actually makes the most economic sense. If I could profitably make them in Rwanda, why not?
I wanted to buy Speed Queens for my house. I was vetoed. Those things are amazingly groovy.
Your business can only grow so large when your products are limited to being luxury items for the upper middle class.
True, but you do generally have an economic cushion that mass-manufacturers don’t. Bigger is not always better – or more profitable.
* bangs the Mexico drum *
There are other countries in the world besides an authoritarian state and the US. I’d like to see Latin America, India, and African countries get more US manufacturing. Fuck having a vast majority of it in China.
If the 2 people in critical condition die, this one car accident down the street will have wiped out as many people us CV has in the entire state of Ohio.
Don’t give DeWine any more ideas…
Ban bans.
::wild applause::
Ban governors.
::looks around for a lighter to hold aloft::
I’d rather have bars than cars.
I’ll take both, thanks.
Of course you’d want bars, after you finish your hot dish, Young Minnesoda Man, and the rest of your carrot jello surprise. Then you can have a bar.
Have the supermarkets there been cleaned out of tater tots?
No, but one local grocery chain sold 6 months of TP in 4 days. I’m sure there are similar numbers nation-wide. It would be amusingly interesting to hear the finally sales number once the Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020 has concluded.
Sounds like bullshit to me. No way a local chain holds 6 months of supply of “A” inventory items.
They have their own warehouse and do indeed bulk buy long shelf-life items like paper products. And it’s not like they had the entire 6 month supply in there; they were still getting trucks from their supplier.
I stand corrected. They had 6 months worth in the warehouse. So they actually sold more than 6 months worth when you add in the resupply orders.
The man from Mars ate all the cars. And all the bars.
A little pushback against Wolf’s order in PA
Business groups greeted a broad shutdown order from Pennsylvania’s governor with questions, objections and outrage on Friday, warning of its implications and seeking clarity about its details.
Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf directed all “non-life-sustaining” businesses to close their physical locations late Thursday and said state government would begin to enforce the edict starting early Saturday.
The Health Department reported a sharp rise in the number of confirmed cases on Friday, adding 83 in the past day for a new total of more than 260. There has been one death from COVID-19 in the state.
Among the toughest actions by a U.S. governor to combat the spread of COVID-19, Wolf’s closure order drew loud complaints.
And a lawsuit, which will go nowhere.
A Lemoyne-based law firm challenged Gov. Tom Wolf’s right to shutter law offices throughout the state.
By ordering law firms to close their doors Thursday, Wolf deprived citizens of their right to counsel, lawyer William Costopoulos argued in court papers. Costopoulos’ petition noted that the high court, in ordering the closure of state courts this week, creating several exceptions for emergency petitions involving custody, protection from abuse and other matters.
Wolf has gone nuts.
Was there ever a time he wasn’t a pandering moron?
Though, since I don’t live in the state anymore, I don’t follow news like I used to so maybe I missed him not pandering. But he’s always been a moron.
I saw a landscaper and his helper working on my way home today. I was happy to see some resistance.
Also, the two gun shops I drove by were both open. ?
Nice to see somebody in this state has some balls.
I work at a Philly law firm. Many of us went in Friday to grab as much stuff as we could, (I grabbed some hand sanitizer) since they weren’t going to enforce the Thursday shutdown until midnight Friday night.
I was going to move in 2 weeks, but my moving company has shut down due to the order. I was able to extend my current lease another month, so I did and postponed the move. I figure who knows what other govt BS is coming, better safe than sorry. So I’ll be paying 2 rents for April and won’t be able to go to work and my 401 k is down God knows how much – I stopped looking. Thank you Govt!
You moving to the burbs or staying in the city?
Staying (4 blocks away lol)
My area is still pushing back. Hairdressers and gyms are doing private sessions. I fear that most for now are looking at it like a bad snow storm, a few days of discomfort then a quick recovery once the plows are out. They don’t get it yet that this will continue for the next several weeks if we let it.
OT: Remember when all we had to worry about was Congressmen prying into phone records?
Adam Schiff (via his committee legal representation) is refusing to turn over information about the subpoenas he used to get private phone records of people like reporter John Solomon, California Rep. Devin Nunes, the president’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
There are four reasons, that that information shouldn’t be shared with the public. The first is sovereign immunity. The last is the best (imo):
Translation: “Govt’s right to hide shit from the citizens outweighs the citizens’ right to know what their elected representatives are doing with the tax money that pays govt’s salaries.”
Fascinating conception of the relationship of the citizens to the state. And that’s really what’s been lost in this Country: a plurality of the citizenry now thinks that govt grants rights and we are all subjects of L’Etat Almighty.
Damn. That’s satire that stings.
I read a “clarification” of Gov Newsom’s stay at home order. It said we are still “allowed” to take walks and jogs, etc.
The very sentence that I am ALLOWED to leave my home to take a walk makes me want to fight.
Not worried about Asians. I am looking out for NY license plates, but I was before.
Oh I forgot. (((NY))).
Hanes is retrofitting some plants to produce face masks – go private sector!
Panty sniffers rejoice!
Hanes makes men’s underwear too.
I’m for Michael Jordan modeling…
“Why does this maks look like a jock strap?”
In the meantime, going into the store with pantyhose over your head should work fine.
We went all “local” and tied banana plant leaves on our heads to keep the bees and bugs out of our face in the jungle in Cameroon, so I spose it could work.
Wait, are you in Costa Rica with FloridaMan?
Noooo, that was years ago. And way to overlook my “plant” joke. FM made it back safely so I saw.
Make your own using Hanes t-shirt(s)
Well, looks like I’m done with work for the day at least. Of course, they didn’t make that decision until after making us wait for 45 minutes. Discuss, plan, then take action.
Coronavirus: First confirmed death in Minnesota
And there’s this:
Later in the article:
Government tests 4,000 total since this fiasco started. Mayo doing more than that in two days.
I can top that.
Why the hell doctors do not have these tests is baffling to me. The National Guard is roaming around western CO towns and testing 100 people at a time. Durango was yesterday and today. Polis is asshole.
“Well, let me tell you something, funny boy. Y’know that little stamp,
the one that says “New York Public Library”? Well that may not mean
anything to you, but that means a lot to me. One whole hell of a lot.
Sure, go ahead, laugh if you want to. I’ve seen your type before:
Flashy, making the scene, flaunting convention. Yeah, I know what you’re
thinking. What’s this guy making such a big stink about old library
books? Well, let me give you a hint, junior. Maybe we can live without
libraries, people like you and me. Maybe. Sure, we’re too old to change
the world, but what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book, right
now, in a branch at the local library and finding drawings of pee-pees
and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers?
Doesn’t HE deserve better? Look. If you think this is about overdue
fines and missing books, you’d better think again. This is about that
kid’s right to read a book without getting his mind warped! Or: maybe
that turns you on, Seinfeld; maybe that’s how y’get your kicks. You and
your good-time buddies. Well I got a flash for ya, joy-boy: Party time
is over. Y’got seven days, Seinfeld. That is one week!”
Bookman ?
Bookman. Seinfeld.
Pay attention.
Mr. Bookman
Any book that doesn’t warp your mind at least a little wasn’t worth reading.
I did have a thoroughly used copy of The 5 Chinese Brothers.
“The victim was a resident of Ramsey County ”
That’s why I don’t live in Ramsey
This virus will ruin us
At a distance, Cuomo looks like a geriatric pool boy with the unbuttoned white polo with oversized logo.
Go on…
I’ll leave that to a future SF horrorectomy.
New Yorkers. I can’t even with these people. Can you even? Because I can’t even.
I guess that was the last mask really to throw off. Everybody just wants to be led by an articulate dictator.
They don’t care about articulate all that much. People want a strong man to keep them safe. Of course the first thing a strong man does when he achieves power is to take the nation to war. People are stupid.
They seem really hung up on Trump’s speaking style. It seems very important to a good many of them that their dictator is well spoken, or at least speaks in a way that soothes them.
No, they seem really hung up on Trump. Cuomo frequently sounds incoherent as well. It is how people from Queens sound.
My rhetoric is as smooth as butter.
Oh you have shed the accent? Sorry, I can deal with the upper midwest sing song, the middle plains rasp, the Appalachian mush mouth drawl, actually enjoy the real souther twang, find the Noreaster hayshakers perfectly understandable, can put up with massholespeak (in small doses), but not the angry mobster accent from the outer boroughs.
Because black guys just sound “cool”, naturally. Even though you’re a heroic mulatto, for this instance you’re a black guy.
It was an occupational hazard. After 2 decades of phonetics and adjusting my voice to teaching foreigners to learn English my normal voice has become General American newscaster English. I don’t sound like I’m from New England much either.
General American newscaster English
Sorry for your loss. I’ve called that the Walter Cronkiting of America. The best thing about America is all the local quirks and weirdness between folks who would gladly die for each other. Whenever anyone laughs at my drawl, I’m thankful it means there’s nothing more important going on to talk about.
It is a loss.
If I had my druthers, I’d sound like my Trinidadian father.
Chicks love accents.
Whereas other people are schooled in their native tongue, English speakers aren’t.
The Trinidadian accent is awesome, musical and flowing. It is on the opposite end of the spectrum from Queens. An islander sounds less threatening while actively murdering you than a New Yorker sounds wishing you good luck.
True. It is very selective. But Obama is the epitome of their ideal, and yet he was smarmy and stuttered a lot.
“Ooh, he card reads good!”
I couldn’t stand to listen to Obama’s speeches. I find Trump’s public speaking style much more conversational and much less imperious.
I frankly can’t stand to listen to any of them. Knowing they are either outright lying, just parroting what they’ve been told but don’t understand, or simply making it up as they go along, doesn’t help. The last President I can actually stand to listen to is Reagan, but even then he’s not far off from a used car salesman at times.
My mother (NYer) says Trump is the first Pres she understands when he talks.
They already had a statist from NY running that makes Curomo look like a libertarian in comparison. His name was Bloomberg and ya’ll didn’t pull the lever for him. Americans’ have a very short attention span.
“very short”
No pun intended.
I’m starting to wonder if my wife got CV back in early February. She went to New York and came back with a horrible cough that lasted a week.
U.S. women’s football team are among the Americans rescued by military as planes are sent around the world to pick up citizens left stranded by coronavirus pandemic
I am perplexed.
Wow so many racist countries closing their borders.
If it’s the lingerie league, then that is exactly the life saving mission the military should do. We should not allow other nations to steal our hot chicks in time of crisis.
If they look like I imagine, however, drop ’em out over the ocean.
It’s Legends Football League now.
@JonHaidt I was on the side of “lets not disrupt normal life until we really have to.” But the graphs and arguments in this essay from @tomaspueyo, on top of powerful arguments from @Yascha_Mounk and @NAChristakis, has pulled me over to their side.
Scanning the horizon for philosopher kings, I see only hacks, partisans, and apologists.
I read that pueyo article almost two weeks ago. And there’s a lot of bullshit in it. For 1, CCP figures should be taken with a grain of salt – especially in light of what they have done afterward.
Second he states South Korea is testing everybody when in fact it is testing about 10k a day. Over two months that is only 600k in a country of 52 million the size of Indiana. There has been no shelter in place order there. People put masks on when they go out. That’s about it.
I imagine even once testing becomes more commonplace there will be a lot of selection bias with confirmations. A hospital is not going to waste a test kit on somebody showing little to no symptoms.
A lot of people looking for confirmation of their gut feelings and wishings.
Including here.
That’s just human nature.
WSJ: Emergency rooms are straining to keep doctors on the job
WTF? Nobody even has the stupid virus yet. How can this thing be putting a strain on emergency rooms already?
Oh…. per the article…. one lady who runs an ER is worried because she doesn’t want to put older or imunocompromised doctors in contact with ER patients.
So……. not really straining. Just having to be mindful of a couple of staffing decisions.
But don’t worry… they aren’t trying to spread panic or anything. This is responsible journalism just keeping the public informed.
In italy a few retired doctors in their 70s cam back voluntarily to help and few died… So one must be careful
Hey! We just jumped ahead of Germany and Iran for confirmed cases!
And to show how far along we are in the spread of the disease…. we only have 147 officially recovered from the disease… with 22k cases.
Comparison of recovery criteria for different countries
Note that recovery is from Covid-19, not full recovery to prior/full health. For example, someone intubated with organ damage will still need a long time to recover if ever.
So weird thing is, in a nearby MD county, they had 6 cases where 3 had made a complete recovery in a week.
It’s amazing how few cases are in the former USSR countries. It must be the vodka!
That, relatively few visitors, and lack of testing.
Romania has who the fuck knows how many cases. I assume this is the case for most countries.
Hey coroner virus, take a back seat because shit just got real:
Taylor Swift told the TRUTH about call with Kanye West over his song Famous as she airs concerns over it being ‘mean’ and he fails to tell her about ‘b***h’ lyric, leaked video proves
Oh. My. God.
I don’t care. I’m not renaming my Ekans.
I’d read the article so I would understand what Crusty is talking about, except I cannot imagine any information it contains would be of interest.
the alt right was correct in supporting Taylor Swift
I guess I have achieved MLK’s dream. I don’t care if the self important celebrity spewing retardation has white skin or black skin. I hate them for the content of their character.
In these trying times this is good to know.
dunno bout the us of a but things look fucked up in old Italy right now.
Romania is set to announce new restrictions. I may have to do a round of shopping soon. As things seemed to calm down I was thinking I would space shopping out more to buy things fresh, but as it is I may need to restock a bit.
Looking at the data I don’t get the numbers though huge discrepancies
Generally those numbers don’t mean a lot because testing is only prevalent in a couple of places and the authoritarian countries are going to lie lie lie.
Italy might also be overcounting the deaths relative to other countries. Though, their population is noticeably older than most other countries except Japan.
On topic, I think yes endangering others with contagion is breaking the NAP, just like unprotected sex with a STD you know you have and not letting the other party know
That was my thought(s) exactly. Though I’m not sure what should be done about it.
we don’t actually know whether this is true
so I’m filing a FOIA request just as soon as ………………
How convenient that the War or Terror and the War on Drugs are considered “emergencies”!
Welp. Time to muster. The shoe has dropped – The Republic is dead.
“The shoe has dropped – The Republic is dead.”
A little late to the party there.
Even with boiled frogs, there are phase changes.
Of course there’s some fuckwits in the DOJ that think that’s a great idea.
@justinamash Congress must loudly reply NO.
I don’t know if this qualifies as confirmation.
January Jones is having a better time than you
I guess the drugs kicked in.
Also … proof that people will buy in to any scam.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
We need a hall of shame in this thread. These people got us here owing to the lack of preparation. Murderous idiots!
Someone with twitter add glibertarians to the list !
Every entry should just be the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China.
The Ioannidis problem: these pseudoempirical idiots don’t get that INSURANCE is cheaper than catastrophe, which is why under convexity you act early, quickly, and … CHEAPLY.
We now spent 2 Trillion when it could have been minimal on Jan 26.
shoulda banned China travel on new years day
Unassailable logic.
It’s Twitter-town Jake.
Shut up already juris imprudent piece of shit can you stfu just for once
What makes the twitter bullshit more stupid than the usual internet you piece of shit dont even know how memes spread
You need to get smacked asap
Got back from the grocery store. Holy shit… things that were wiped out:
Toilet Paper (they just rolled a pallet out as we walked by)
Things that were very low on stock:
All dairy
Frozen meals
The couple behind me in line had their essentials: Beer, TP, and booze.
I worry more about food than anything else. The brief potato famine around here that lasted about a day and a half was truly frightening.
I’m slightly optimistic about the salt and flour being low. I was expecting that to be full, instead it was the bread isle that was full, and the stuff to make it at home was empty. I’ve got my first loaf of sourdough from the new starter proofing now, I’ve got a freezer full of meat, and just stockpiled more frozen vegetables. As long as the power holds out, I’m good.
I got into trouble with wife for buying 6 lbs of rice yesterday. I mean the stuff lasts forever so why not stock up.
Make sure to store it correctly or you will have 5lbs of rice and some extra protein with the weevils
I’ve known how to do that forever.
I remember getting mad at my son when he was staying with us, because I had flour and cornmeal I’d stored properly for months or years and the fucker used my flour and didn’t seal it back up and guess what? Bugs the next day.
TP here was low – like about 25% of normal display area. Canned goods and juices were light, but everything else, even bread and milk, were like 100% this morning, with slightly light crowds and no crazy behavior. A few days this week, you’d see bread or milk pretty low by the evening.
Culturally, my area’s pretty much at the “yeah, distance some and be smart, but the panicking is stupid.”
I don’t see any panic here, yet…
I just got back from the gym and a brief run to the grocery store.
The store and the gym both reduced hours. Weekdays the gym opens an hour later and closes an hour early. Weekends are even more reduced. The store will close daily at 6 PM starting Monday.
No pasta, rice, frozen vegetables, flour. Few paper goods (TP, paper towels, tissues). Water aisle looked cleared out.
Meat selection was light.
Fresh produce area and dairy sections were full of product.
We could all use a chuckle.
hopping like that is exactly how I imagine penguins on stairs. That is what they do with rocks in nature
This, I wonder now how that guy imagined they would do it.
Yep. They’re rockhopper penguins.
Give it a fucking. rest.
The more they continue down the herp derp Trumpkins are so stupid hur hur, path, the more likely he is reelected.
Look fat, He’s just stating a fact, you Trumptards are so touchy.
Sounds about right.
These “briefings” are fascinating. This might actually be “the most transparent administration in history”
As I’m typing this the word transparent was just spoken about 4 or 4 times. Weird.
As opposed to about 3 or 3 times? :-p
Do I Need to Stop Sleeping With New Guys Because of the Coronavirus?
She’s only worried about spreading Tom Hanks disease?
Appropriately playing “Revolution Calling” after that.
My first thought. There are how many worse things than this you can catch/spread?
Some that can be treated, but you will never be rid of. To me that’s a lot scarier than a flu like virus.
Hell yes. I’ll take a bad flu over herpes.
If I were a multi partner person in the current environment, and I mean long before the Coronavirus was even heard of, I’d be constantly worrying about contracting some type of incurable STD. That’s aside from just how fucking crazy people have become. I’m very happy right now to be in a monogamous relationship. I don’t need that sort of stress.
I’d be a lot more worried about panresistant gonorrhea.
I’ve decided on doing a Borderlands marathon to ride out the apocalypse. I wanted to start back with the first one since it’s been 10 years since I played it. I installed it and OMG, the FOV! I don’t know how I played that, or maybe it just looks like that at 3440×1440 resolution. Anyway, I couldn’t take that, I felt disoriented and semi-nauseous after just a few moments. The worst part though was just not being able to tell exactly where I was, like tunnel vision. Claptrap would walk away and I’d be turning around like ‘where the fuck did he go?’.
So I bought the new ‘enhanced’ version, which has a slider bar for FOV. I own all of them now, so my marathon is about to get underway, besides the occasional pause to get a beer or check the posting here. Or wife asking me to look at what she’s doing in the kitchen or get laundry out of the dryer. Life is rough right now, I need a distraction. Maybe pixel mass murder will help.
Are there enough other players in the older games to be able to group up consistently?
I remember trouble finding a group in BL1 even before BL2 came out, and I personally don’t like playing these type of games without other people.
I’m perfectly fine playing solo anyway. I’m pretty much a solo RPG person. Even MMOs I will play that way. I run into other people in ESO and team up briefly, but then everyone just goes their own way again.
My gym closed down. Luckily one of the instructors at my son’s martial arts school has a small group that works outprior to the school opening. Unfortunately that means I had to roll and later spar with the Russian guy.
Word to the wise: don’t spar with the Russian guy.
Apollo Creed hardest hit.
Since we both have jobs, we both agreed body only. My legs are rather sore.
Kobra-Kai says “sweep the leg”.
Just another thought, although I’m sure most people have already thought of it. We have a water purifier and so we’re going to start bottling the purified tap water. It’s free and all that.
Being the hormone fueled idiots they’ve always been.
The landscapers are working on my yard – cleaning it up and mowing for the first time this year. His helpers appear to be his wife and younger son instead of the usual guys. I’m guessing because of the virus.
All of the landscapers here are illegal aliens. I don’t see them being frightened off by a virus. There are dollars to be made.
Cheers Ya’ll. BBQ on the smoker, GBV on the boom box, and margaritas in Timeloose.
Rock on.
Party on.
I have corned beef is going on the smoker soon.
Not drinking yet, though.
We have corned beef in the Crockpot. I, too, have not yet begun drinking. Was trying to decide if I should yet.
So… pastrami?
Not drinking yet since the girlfriend took her car into the shop, so I’ll probably have to drive to pick up dinner tonight.
Just put some chops* in a marinade because it’s all about that
bassbrine.*Fresh/frozen chicken is still a delicacy in these parts. Plenty of pork/beef though.
Tri tip salted and in the fridge. Not sure if I’m grilling it tonight or tomorrow.
I picked up a sandwich from a local bar that is still open for take-out. It was tasty.
So this is based on GMT so the end of the day is 8:30pm EST. Unless there is some late reporting, looks like we’re in pace to have a drop in new daily cases for the first time in a week. Also, a drop in new daily deaths for the second day in a row. Hope that’s a trend!
“Also, a drop in new daily deaths for the second day in a row. Hope that’s a trend!”
Me too. This will make politicians sad, but the rest of us happy. Of course it’d better make them happy too before they’re all hanging from lampposts for not saving us.
We’re popping locally. Probably due to increased testing, but I guarantee there’s more out there.
I don’t think most cases will ever be diagnosed. Because many people will not even know they had it and will just get over it. The danger is obviously to older people in poor health.
Yeah, and they probably need to stay home for a while. Same with nursing home and hospital workers and the like. The rest of us though…
NYC is definitely going to help keep the numbers up.
It’s no wonder. The last time I was in Manhattan, you literally could not walk down the street without being shoulder to shoulder and running into other people. It’s a giant human can of sardines.
Sounds like hell.
I hate it. I told my wife I’ll never go there again. There’s nothing there I need and cannot do without.
The most beautiful view of NYC I have seen was in my rearview mirror.
I am one of those people the Babylon Bee was talking about in their article ‘Coronavirus creates nerd utopia’.
That’s what is being ignored. The virus has probably infected 10% of the population already. Realize that 10% of the people telling you the news have or had the virus and don’t know it. Because they aren’t 75 years old.
BTW, I wonder how much social distancing is going at TV stations – I assume every anchor is still having someone apply their makeup prior to going in front of the camera.
I told my clients that until they ask me to come back to the office, they will never see me again. I worked from home for 2 years without ever going to an office. Then I got a good paying client who asks me to come in twice a week. OK, if I have to. Otherwise I’m more than comfortable never going in again.
Are you a web cam prostitute?
Is that the same thing as software engineer?
Just after I posted this new cases jumped up. Still could be a drop though.
Death takes a holiday?
California Didn’t Need the Guns, Until They Did | Silver Lining Coronavirus Lessons
“prefer a gun that shoots nonlethal rubber bullets”
Can I buy a gun that only shoots people in the legs, because I don’t want to actually kill anyone
A gun that only shot people in the legs would have a very high kill rate. One strike to the femoral artery and, without medical intervention, you’ve got 60 seconds or so before you join the Choir Invisible.
True. Femoral nick is unforgiving.
But what the heck got into the son?? Someone needs to tell him that women only pretend to like the “sensitive””vulnerable” types.
Too many movies where the hero shoots people in the leg or shoulder to not do permanent damage. Sorry Hollywood, but you have a better chance of full recovery being shot in the abdomen than the shoulder or knee, and as you said, a thigh hit risks opening the big artery.
+1 Sean Taylor
When I was in grad school in Birmingham, several of my friends were med students and residents. They all worked in the downtown ER. The consensus was that Birmingham (and adjacent communities) had a lot of shootings, but that people really didn’t want to kill anyone. They all commented on the extremely large number of gunshot wounds to the legs.
Back then, Birmingham was near the top in murder rate and violent crime, particularly in the area of black-on-black gun violence. But according to the doctors, a lot of it seemed to be because of a very casual attitude about shooting someone in the leg.
Okay okay guys, it was bad joke, sheesh. No more “ackshuallys” required, hah.
The state wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me!!
My spouse was tending bar on a stormy day. The wind, rain, and hail were getting intense, with the big windows flexing.
So he gathered up the patrons to the center of the restaurant. One guy sat by himself right by the window. Spouse encourages guy to get away from the window, but guy says “No, there hasn’t been a warning, and the government wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me.”
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Kids playing with the new neighbors. I might be doing this isolating thing wrong
Kid’s are outside playing around here. Some socializing going on. My wife doesn’t want to leave the house right now and I respect that. I’ll go out and get stuff we need, this will pass.
I will let you smarter than me people figure this out. Chinaman propaganda?
Time to eat tacos and take a nap.
That test has essentially no predictive value.
Silicone Saturday doesn’t discriminate.
3, 4 and the rest of em without excessive titty matter
#21, wow.
#40 too.
I’m also having my seasonal allergy flare up today. There are a LOT of flowers and flowering trees in bloom here now. I get this every year. It’s very hard to tell it from a cold.
I know too many conspiracy theorists. The following rant is the end of an argument I have been having with a friend who is a 911 truther (no, not a porsche fan) and anti-vaxxer:
I’m dropping the argument at this point because honestly how do you argue with that
My father, who had polio as a child, would like a word.
Earlier in the argument I mentioned polio, meales and diptheria, his response:
Notice the telltale of the commited conspiracy theorist when confronted with clear refutation of their point “Are you saying that a safe and reliable water supply, safe and reliable food, safe and reliable sewage disposal, refrigeration, electricity, proper trash collection and removal, etc. had no effect on human longevity?” Immediately shift by claiming that the person refuting their argument is in fact denying some other indisputable point, tangentially related at best. We are not rational beings; we are rationalizing beings.
Vaccines are nothing but relics of barbarism.
The claim that measles has disappeared, particularly before the early ’60s, is risible.
I *still* itch all over when thinking about my case of the measles. Probably the worst childhood disease I had, including mumps.
I remember when my parents took us for the polio vaccine. Nobody was skipping that for their kids.
There have been studies on this very topic. Conspiracy theory thinking is immune to “facts-based” refutation. In fact, studies show that when beliefs that are not arrived at via rational means are assaulted like this, they become more deeply held.
The only way is to start arguing a more ridiculous theory, going flat earth or perhaps some level of multiple illuminati groups controlling it all through secret Trilateralist meetings while getting their marching orders from the Gnomes of Zurich, who are secretly being controlled by the lizard people, who are really Atlanteans who survived the sinking of their island by the ancient aliens who built the pyramids.
“Vaccines are stupid.”
We freaking LOVE science!
“The Seasonal flu/ cold is cause by a lack of Vitamin D (this phenomenon doesn’t exist in the Tropics”
LOL, I get the fucking flu every time I go to Brazil!
Oh this guy isn’t a leftist IFLS type. He is as alt-right as they come. When you get down to actual beliefs, not rhetorical styles, there is very little difference between Richard Spencer types and antifa types.
That’s why you can’t argue with cranks – they’re already operating on presuppositional apologetics. He’s not trying to argue with you; he’s trying to convert you. In his mind, the truth value of his claims are irrefutable. There is nothing you can say to convince him as anything you claim is prima facie false and evil.
Yes indeed. There is no argument against a conspiracy based position that cannot be viewed as propaganda spread by the conspiracy the position assumes. The thing I find disturbing about this is the element of self doubt it instills in me. Not doubt about my position on vaccines, that kind of doubt is healthy, but rather a doubt that I am somehow immune to this kind of crank behavior. How any of my cherished beliefs are similarly delusional? Because there is no magic bullet against this phenomenon. The guy I was arguing with is extremely intelligent and well read.
a doubt that I am somehow immune to this kind of crank behavior
It’s not really doubt, and it’s not really behavior that intellectuals fear. I would hope that everyone is thoughtful, patient, open, and sincere in his handling of philosophy, theories, and data. That’s all you mean: you hope you’re doing your best to live up to such standards.
That is it exactly. You’re right. It isn’t really doubt just a reminder not to stop questioning my beliefs.
You are not immune to rationalization, motivated reasoning, cognitive bias, etc. This is one of the core tenants of critical thinking.
The problem is, it is extremely difficult to see when you are engaging in this behavior yourself.
My go-to demonstration of this is to ask people to think about politics. Did you ever notice how people’s politics are stupid? I mean, really stupid. And not just the people you disagree with. If you ask enough questions, you’ll find out that even people who are very close to your beliefs have some really dumb team-based politics going on. Not most people. All of them. Even the really smart ones. It is depressing, isn’t it? Now look around. To everyone else, you are part of “other people”.
For a prime example, look at the good people over at the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe and Science Based Medicine. Some great teachers and communicators of critical thinking. And they are blissfully unaware of their own idiotic politics that come seeping in from time to time.
So all you can do is be aware of it, and question your beliefs. Always. And not in a “make sure I have evidence to support me” kind of way, but in a “What are the weak points of my position?… how might this be wrong?” kind of way. Always carefully follow counter arguments and instead of thinking holes in their argument, take the best possible version of their argument and apply it to your position.
Do all that and you’ll be doing really well. But you’ll still be susceptible to confirmation bias and all the rest. Because that’s how we are wired.
Only way to play is to go more outlandish – yes the germ theory of disease is all false, I have a potion that cures all! I can let you in on the ground floor…
As someone with a child who can only take the most important vaccines because they actually do have a detrimental effect on his health, this type of crap is tiring. I get lumped in with the truthers when I point out that not everyone can tolerate the entire schedule of vaccines that they prescribe these days and that maybe it would be wise to reserve the required vaccine usage for the most severe diseases instead of constantly adding to the list with no regard for compounding effects.
Yes – agreed 100%. New vaccines are question marks – it takes at-least a generation to understand impact.
Nah, keep going. Start working the Rothchilds’ in there and how he’s being duped by them.
He is an actual close friend I have known since junior high. He is also at massive risk from this virus, because he is had a liver transplant last summer. I’m not trying to bait him.
I’ve been going back and forth with a relative about Coronavirus. When I pointed out no one did anything about H1N1 until after about 10,000 people had died, my relative said, “Right, so let’s not repeat that.” And goes about how it’s too early to tell this is no worse than the flu, the numbers just keep increasing, and assuming this is no worse than the flu will possibly allow millions of people to die.
My response started with, “I’ll be blunt. Get a fucking hold of yourself. “.
Dude, I worked in a mental hospital for a decade.
My advice? Do not engage with that person. Smile, shake your head and move on.
They only told you it was work. :-p
Instead of surrounding the dude to keep him inside upon the threat of death suppose they just posted a couple cops to watch and if he leaves they follow him around with a plague flag and a bull horn alerting everyone that he’s unclean? Would there be a libertarian argument against the state publicly shaming somebody?
I assume it would be similar to the arguments against the “perp walk”.
Can we split the difference and just make him wear a dunce cap?
Stuck at home? Bored? Sober?
Pour a drink, relax, and watch Mr. Mike’s Mondo Video.
Why not? Don’t cost nothing.
Costs time.
Time has come today.
Cats in the pool.
I’m….captivated @ 5 min in
So new restrictions in Romania:
A sort of curfew between 10 PM and 6 AM
closing dentists except for emergency procedures
Closing malls except for food cleaning and medical supplies
Closing borders for non citizens/permanent residents
Cannot walk on the street in groups meaning more than 3 people who do not live in the same house
The vampires are going to have a problem.
those who do not have food reserves only have themselves to blame
also the local version of the IRS and the Consumer protection agency can now give fines for breaking covid rules, not just the police
also a crackdown on price gouging and people who bought lots of mask and cloves and things to sell later at a a higher price
Wait cloves? I bought all the coriander by mistake!
It makes as much sense as people hoarding toilet paper.
. . . cloves and things . . .
Cloves? You mean of garlic? And “things” like crucifixes? ;-)
gloves smartass
Is there a Hot Toddy gap? Or a mulled cider gap?
I am unclear on how the curfews help.
They help the same way the sugar, meat and flour rationing helped in WWII. They increase the sense of seriousness and feelings of virtue among the population voluntarily accepting silly unnecessary sacrifices in our hour of crisis.
I assume the thinking is minimize people going out and it is easier during the night than the day
The general message is stay home. Now I feel bad about visiting my mom.
Don’t feel bad. I’m going to call my mom after lunch.
Im drinking screwdrivers, and about to mash into some chilaquiles.
I am sort of panicking now I need a drink
Dont panic. Panic never makes things better.
Despite all of the hysteria here the world has not ended and the situation isn’t as bad as the last apocalypse when we did not have panic.
To me it looks more like an excuse for the pols to get the police state they have always not so secretly wanted. That worries me a lot more than any cooties.
My panic is about me somehow being an asymptomayic carrier and passing sonething to my mom although i have been working at home for more than a week and only went out to the neighborhood store. But i do not have a mask.
Can’t you just cover your face with your cape?
My mother informed me yesterday that she is nailing her doors and windows shut and not having contact with any other person. She is 80 and has fairly advanced COPD so I encouraged her to do so.
There is so much we don’t know about this bug….are there lots of old people who also get it and are asymptomatic? Is it only certain old people who get severe cases? I hear lots of clamoring from ‘experts’ and the more I hear the more I am convinced that they just don’t know.
Dont panic.
That drink idea…now that you mention it…
Are you or her sick? If not visit and be with family. Even the condemned get to see their family before they are executed by the state.
Local newsheads claiming there are “orders to stay indoors” and scofflaws are flouting it to get outside. Bullshit!
There is a reason I never watch these hacks except when I stumble on the channel by accident.
Thats the legal framework Nevada Gov asshole is basing his dictate on. However each county sheriff is questioning his legal authority outside casinios. I am sure they will eventually fall in line though.
Las Vegas DA and mayor said screw off…city commissioners said rat on your neighbors.
Rat on them for….?
Having their business open when deemed not-essential
I saw that on the news. They also said cops will be walking through the parks to enforce social distancing.
They’re holding hands and coming right to us!!!! (15 seconds pass) Cease fire!!!!!!
I rode on I-93 through Boston to Quincy. Many overpasses had either cops or firefighters on in large numbers. Weird.
Watching for escaped New Yorkers?
No offense to our New York Glibs and Californians but can we just permanently quarantine those states regardless of virus?
We need to smuggle the Glibs out first.
Thanks for thinking of us Suthen.
Most of our hard core statists aren’t native to here anyway. They moved here to fuck it up.
BostonStrong 2.0
They should be arrested for being in groups of over 10.
They cancelled a bunch of sail races a few days back. When one guy said he’d miss sailing with us I told him that “The racing is cancelled but not sailing. We are free men and can do what we decide to and not what the governor playing mommy says.” That being said I leave soon for a sail with friends. Next weekend we may take some additional time off and sail to some of the other islands.
That sounds utterly cromulent. Totes jelly.
Go dbeagle. Sail if you want.
Fair winds and following seas my friend.
I am about to take another stab at carbonara sauce. My first attempt was tasty but I over-cheesed it because…..well…cheese. It ended up tasty but too gooey. I am using a different recipe this time with egg, heavy cream and a lot less cheese. In addition my wife, who is a better cook than I am will have a hand in it.
Wish me luck.
Paging Hyperbole to the cream colored courtesy telephone.
Yeah, now you’ve done it, Suth.
Look fats, I gave it a shot with cream, It can be tasty no doubt, but it fundamentally changes the flavor and texture of the dish. If you want to call it ‘carbonara’, you are wrong, but I’ve accepted that meanings no longer have words so what the hell, enjoy. Just know that you are missing out on the singular culinary experience of a correctly done “no cream carbonara” sauce.
Call it what you want….I have achieved success! Christ that is delicious….bacon carba……Suthenboy sauce….and I had to substitute fresh green onion from the garden because I stupidly ran out of sweet onion.
Perfect texture.
Cheese it!
Times BBQ update.
Sweet! Please pass me a Founders bottle and 3 ribs — church service on Facebook Live begins in 5 minutes.
Ours is live streaming on YouTube tomorrow at 11.
The live stream is working very well at the moment, although this “new normal” is a bit weird… I don’t recall ever having sipped a beer during chuch until now.
If you’re Catholic you get to sip wine.
All of y’alls beer talk and photos makes me want to have beer. There have been lots of times when I loved the taste of a really cold beer. Alas I have given the stuff up. I got to a certain age and I just cant drink the stuff anymore. What a shame. That one looks very tasty.
That’s a toki Irish coffee. The cold beers are all in the fridge until now.
Ahhhh. So I can drink it!
Being a denier,I just texted a self quarantined friend something snarky, and she says I better take it serious cause her 40 year old neighbor died of the virus yesterday.
First of all I don’t believe her, because only 3 people have died in the whole state.
But assuming that’s what he died of, I asked if he had any health issues. She said no, other than je just had some surgery the other day.
insert face palm.
Consider the bullshit people buy about global warming. Are we now going down the road of ‘everybody that dies died of the magic cooties’?
Yeah, her story sounds like bullshit.
Here you go: ?♂️
Grazi ?♂️
Russel’s Reserve 10 yr and Ginger Beer. ?
Watching Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot is hawt..
not thicc
My father dated an Israeli actress back in the day. For the last 40 years I have heard snark about how an (((actress))) is the most insufferable woman you can imagine.
Yeah, she is hot and for all I know the most endearing person you could meet, but I don’t want to hear later that I didnt warn you.
Oh, if I could hit that, I wouldn’t care at all about the repracusions.
Milwaukee’s Beast Diet and Kroger Hot & Spicy pork rinds
A local brewpub’s barrel aged Scotch ale. It’s from St. Patrick’s Day. They haven’t reopened yet.
Oh look! Its Patriot Act II: Over-reach Boogaloo
Yeah thats not cool. Whatchagonnadoaboutitthough
Goddammit those shitheels never quit.
Here is my shocked face ?.
If NJ “top” health official is saying we are all going to get it….why lockdown the state then? Mask slip?
Slow down the spread, minimize the burden on the hospitals, at least that’s the theory.
And it is probably a good theory, or would be if we were being asked to do it instead of ordered to comply with a centrally dictated set of rules. I find myself irritated with almost everyone in this. Even my libertarian friends, many of whom are taking the atitude of “If you order me to stay home I will rebel by not alterng my behavior at all.” Kneejerk rebellion is not better than kneejerk compliance. (not directed at anyone in particular)
I think that’s the key…but as all the Guvs that have locked down have stated…no one listened to us so now we will show you the real power of the State.
I get it and most others do but I dont get it overall.
That’s my problem. I’d rebel, but they are ordering me to do what I already do anyways. I work from home and rarely leave, except to get food.
This is a good read about the CCP virus:
This is worth your time. It compiles a lot of the stuff we’ve been batting around here.
I’m still having some numbers trouble. Other than Italy having 25% of a flu season in 2 weeks and overwhelming the system, none of the numbers seem to add up. With 80,000 dying of flu here in the US just a couple of years ago, I’m having a hard time reconciling “way worse than flu” with “less than 10,000 deaths worldwide”. China has lost on the order of 5,000. But flu will take the better part of a million there in a bad year. Even 100,000 – a very slow flu year for them – would make this thing seem irrelevant.
So I’m still in the “I don’t know what to believe” bucket.
This guy does a great job of distilling it down and finding the salient numbers (such as we have). Numbers about rate of change currently – showing whether it is growing or declining by location, rather than total cases, which is where the press is stuck.
I think it’s depends on what worse means. More dead? Maybe not. But faster spread and more that need to go to the hospital in compressed timeline? That can cause issues, with hospitals not equipped to handle that throughput
Also the length of treatment time. Weeks is much more challenging than days and I think that’s a big issue.
Good article.
Good read. Thanks.
Time to fire up the smoker. Got some work done in the trailer putting up shelving and securing the AC unit. For now, still good to be in America…for now
I’m grilling up a big ol’ pork tenderloin as we speak. I will admit to taking the shortcut due to everything being on lockdown. I just grabbed some Dale’s marinade and let it soak for 15. Nothing fancy today. Hell, the kids will probably end up getting Mac n Cheese to go with it. Not the good stuff with the pouch either…. the stuff with the powder.
Why? Because they’re kids and they don’t like the fancy stuff. And don’t even think about bringing any of that home-made crap around. No real cheese in their macaroni, thank you very much!
Meanwhile, I’m tossing some big ol’ onion slices on the grill, along with some squash. Should be tasty.
Excellent! Pork loin here and using pecan as the smoke. Getting ready to toss an onion on the fire. It doesnt add much to flavor but the smell with pecan is nice.
I helped my neighbor take out a pecan tree and an apple tree in Atlanta some years ago. He looked at me kinda funny when I toted off half the wood for my barbecue. Smokers were not nearly as popular back then, and mostly you went with hickory.
But I’ve left the big oil drum smoker BBQ days behind. Now I’ve gone all Hank Hill, because I live in an area where lots are measured in square feet (literally). So propane it is.
I always toss in a little extra sharp cheddar and either finely chopped pickled jalapeño or sweet basil. Just a little…it goes a long way.
Oh…or bacon. Bacon is never a bad idea.
Nope..even some smoked sausage dresses it up nice. We did mac’n’cheese last night.
Or both…
Actually, we were debating slicing that bad boy open and stuffing it with all of those goodies.
But lazy took over. We are doing meat and veggies. Over fire. That’s it.
Paper plates. Screw washing dishes tonight.
And rescue beer. (What is rescue beer, you ask? Well, we just found a cooler full of beer that has been sitting in the back of the carport since our last gathering. Everyone thought someone else cleaned it out. So it is full of good beer of various origins…. And we’ll see how well it survived. Prolly poorly, will be my guess. At least for the good stuff. But if there is some MGD in there, I’m sure it is fine. Either way, pray for me. Or the beer. )
Rescue beer. I like that.
Nothing left to cut. Plains clothed officers doing compliance checks on businesses that dare stay open
There’s a great little coffee shop near me. They are staying open, takeout only. My daughter has been going up there each day to get a coffee. She knows the owner and doesn’t want them to go out of business.
I think I will too. This is so bad for little mom n pop businesses.
Last night, our favorite local restaurant was doing so well with take-out that the wait was over 60 minutes.
Oh good. I think we’re going to get some food from our local Mexican place tonight. Nicest people ever.
The slowest part about picking up my sandwich was that they had no cash in the cash register. The one employee had to go get the cash. They had a bit of a backlog of sandwiches to make for people that called in, but I overheard the employees talking about exactly when to close. “If it gets really slow after x PM, feel free to close early.”
There was a line to get crowlers from the nanobrewery.
A local beer bad has a bottle shop attached to it. The bottle shop opened up again with limited hours.
No word on whether or not the one brewpub will reopen for take-out.
I doubt the local Irish pub will reopen until this blows over.
Yeah. A local restaurant group and the Ohio Craft Beer Alliance have been posting lists of what’s available at their members (takeout, delivery, shipped items, gift certificates, etc.). I’m supposed to be getting some beer delivered in the next hour or so by one of the local breweries, and just picked up a takeout dinner from a local German place.
Well, knock me over with a feather! Amazon just texted me that they shipped my backordered essential toilet paper hedge today… Bottoms up!
I admit…. I’m having trouble picturing how that works.
Looking at the pictures, I had not a single clue.
But after watching the video? yeah, still confused. It sends a little stream from the back of the bowl to the front. How is that supposed to clean yer pooper. Does it have some adjustment thingie for height? Do you have to …. you know… manually.. adjust that thing?
Inquiring minds want to know. Well. Sort of.
I want to know too… perhaps I’ll post a mini-review next weekend after giving it a spin. That said, aren’t there any other Glibs that have one of these?
Evidence over hysteria — COVID-19 by Aaron Ginn
*ahem* (Look up.)
Yeah, but she said it better.
Man, tough crowd.
On my FB page, I prefaced the link with “Do you prefer facts over fear? Data over dread? Stats over stupidity? Then READ THIS!”
I fully expect to catch shit from all the usual suspects. :-(
How are you, girlie? You guys surviving the sunshine?
Fine, thanks! A little stir crazy of course, and colder than I’d like. How is your clan?
At least i get to go to work if I want or work from home. Otherwise, the closures and ban on public worship are pretty messed up.
I have 90 elementary school kids on Wednesday nights, and 3 classes of elementary school kids on Sunday mornings.
I gotta say, I wasn’t sad when they announced the cancellation. A little break is kinda nice.
We’re fine. Spawn 1 has been really disappointed he got dragged back from Scotland. He was supposed to be starting three weeks of travel yesterday. Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, etc. He’s pretty bummed.
I usually work from home, but it’s all these people who are making it tough! 😉
I don’t go to church enough, but now that it’s closed I really want to!!
Now that I’ve had a day off on the Kid’s activities volunteering….. you are welcome to take my shift every now and again. Come on down! We got Jesus here, just like anywhere else. And you get to eat pot-luck before we start! It doesn’t get more authentic than that!
XX just got told she’s the best worker they’ve had in a long time and that they have gotten compliments on her work. She was also directly complimented by a customer for her zoning.
/proud mama
zoning? She putting a shed in your yard ?
It’s Walmart parlance for making the shelves look good. Remove items that don’t belong, move items that have been pushed back to the front of the shelf, cover up empty shelf space where feasible.
making the shelves look good
I would imagine a lot of their lingo has taken over; everyone knows what a SKU and a planogram is now.
I was raised to call it “facing.”
True fact: WMT made me barcode materials in the early nineties; I was ahead of others in general manufacturing on that point for almost a decade. They paid for it, and our entire operations improved due to it.
I do not know who designs some places’ planograms, but it’s clear some of those people never actually worked the floor in the store.
I have no idea what a planogram is.
No, it’s ratting out the neighbor who has one too close to the property line. *looks at neighbor*
I was thinking they put her in charge of “social distancing” or something.
I’ve worked different places that called it different things, including facing, but I figured everybody knew what zoning was (my bad). When I worked at Walmart, when I was put in charge of the linens and such, it was basically referred to as “clean up that area over there.”
Glad to hear it!
The problem why we are going to have serious economic consequences from this, is snowflake culture. First world problems. We are no longer prepared to tough out any sort of serious threat in a day when someone not using the correct pronouns cripples someone to the point of needing a safe space and being totally unable to function.
We’d better learn a lesson from this.
Here I am now.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Nicely done, Timeloose!
Great tune. Great band.
Here’s another garbage man that may tickle your dumpster.
I see there is a 1956 movie version of 1984 that I never saw available for free on youtube. I am going to make a stiff one and give it a watch.
Who are you teasing?
The 1984 version of 1984 would be what I consider to be the gold standard. They even filmed scenes that were identified by date on that specific date. That I what I would call dedication.