Future contributors?
As soon as I walked in the boardroom at Glibertarians.com, I knew I was in deep kimchi. OMWC had a twisted grin and was waggling his eyebrows at me, Mex was trying hard to look nonchalant, HM just gave me a slight shrug. Brett was gone….probably “motivating” his MethGator™ distribution chain again. SP was kicking an old desktop computer and threatening its hard drive with reformatting, if it didn’t cooperate. Banjos made some excuse and hotfooted it out of the room, while Sloopy was already on PTO. Jesse was looking a bit uncomfortable – maybe Adorphan, Inc was getting battered on Wall Street?
“OK, now what?”
“You came up for Cryptid duty again.”
“What?! I always get that – why can’t someone else do it?”
“You need to catch up on site contributions…not meeting your quota.”
“…damn. OK, but I want those things OUT of the studio, as soon as we are done!”
“Sure, we can do that.”
Right. So lets get this going, the sooner I can flee. First up, we hear from our Maritime Mayhem Correspondent, SEA SMITH. SEA, what do you have for us this evening, besides leaving seaweed and salt water all over the studio?

Q: I refuse to accept plastic items at gatherings, and do without if there is not another option. Finger foods on a paper napkin work very well, as gatherings that use plastic tend to be casual. I take paper goods as my contribution, so others have a choice, also.
This is done without getting on a soapbox or offending the host. This planet is drowning in plastic, and each person can make a difference, starting with their personal choices. If one can refuse to eat meat, one should also be able to refuse, tactfully, plastic.
Um, thanks for all that, SEA. Now time to turn to our Senior Cascadia Correspondent, STEVE SMITH. STEVE, what do you have for our readers tonight?

Q: What has happened to the art of small talk? It is, or used to be, a style of conversation that exchanges small ideas and small questions, enabling people to know each other better. It should make a person more comfortable.
Starting with, “How do you know the host?” is a good idea. Asking “Do you work near here?” is less intrusive than “What do you do?” and lets the person tell as much as they want. If I have met the person before, I might ask, “Are you still working at ____?” In turn, the person would ask a question such as, “Are you still involved with your hobby?”
I was at a child’s birthday party where there were more adults than children. It was a small gathering, and I have known all the guests several years. I asked each person questions about their work, their family, hobbies, etc.
Everyone seemed comfortable giving me updates on their lives, but not one person asked me a single question. Not one person, not one question, though we did share stories related to the questions I asked. They all know I am involved with volunteering and what my hobbies are. They know me enough to ask me about my life. Except for two other adults, everyone there was a generation or two younger than me.
Am I feeling sorry for myself? Am I being selfish? Am I expecting too much of the younger generation?

Free Cascadia indeed. Last up, our CLEANSING Correspondent, ZARDOZ. What is on your mind tonight, ZARDOZ?

Q: I received an invitation to a friend’s milestone birthday celebration, where the birthday part is incidental to its being a charitable event consisting of a mock version of a popular game show. Guests are expected to pay to attend the event. The celebration will consist of serving an appropriately themed cake at the end of the event.
I am on a budget, and have specific charities to which I donate. I find this invitation distasteful, as it appears to be a minor form of extortion. Of course, I will gracefully decline and wish the celebrant well. Would you consider this invitation acceptable and/or in good taste?
Um…yes, yes you have spoken, ZARDOZ. Thanks for that. The comments are over to you, Glibs. I am getting the heck out of here.
42 months, so who is the AntiChrist?
It was always Fumbles.
“how about KillShot…or DeadEye?”
“way to go, fumbles”
In that vein- NSFW
Bitch Pudding Cunt Face should be a weed strain.
You mean it ISN’T?
I just posted it in the other thread. I figured this out in 1995.
WTF is wrong with people?
The Anti-Christ
“I am the Walrus. I am the Walrus.”
I thought it was Glibs, Incorporated
Glibs, GmbH
Ja, natürlich.
Glibs e.V.
General cargo ship PORT OLYA 2 loaded with 4698 tons of barley ran aground in Volga – Caspian Seaway Channel at 143.5 kilometer mark, at around 1600 Moscow time Mar 18
Narnian nationalists strike again.
General Himmelfarb at the Spasky had a a leprotic seizure and was towed to the local Lion where he was successfully Decaffeinated
“the thromful sodester frittily dained in the blapless trushdom”
I still remember that, from 2nd grade and being taught about context.
“what kind of sodester was it?”
“how did it dain?”
“what was the trushdom like?”
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
I think we could all use a frabjous day right about now.
::sharpens vorpal sword::
Frabjous: Adjective. characterized by feelings similar to being kidnapped, raped into submission by a hairy manbeast, and turned out onto the street in a port town the day before the Navy’s Hospital ship discharges the untreated venereal patients after 18 months in quarantine at sea.
You mean the Marines?
I created a small diorama featuring a certain Cryptid, just need to take some pics,
You know how your out shopping for one thing and find that one thing you didn’t know you needed? That Cryptid…
You dont find the cryptid- the cryptid FINDS YOU
hmmmmm, hacked my phone eh?
It better be Lena Dunham!
Bloop!Barf!*sad Ningen emoji*
Shorts Cans!
Even cryptids have limits.
RE the future contributors map. No love for the Jackalope?
I liked Pooh Flu.
Winnie the Flu.
Trump’s already taken #winningtheflu
I actually agree with complainant #3 – nobody should be “forced” to contribute to a charity against their will. Of course, they can just decline the invite so there’s no real conundrum here at all. Nut up!
Geez, it’s Friday already?
I’ve had to consult my online calendar carefully each WFH day. Whereas when I actually retire I just won’t give a fuck what day it is.
Not the first time.
Googled the dude and apparently he’s racked up an impressive list of naughty behavior.
Cricket ain’t rugby.
I call the big one Bitey!
I will officially not be getting out of this chair except to use the john until tomorrow morning.
Some chairs are for recreation.
You win Twitter today
Took me a sec, then LOL!!
Oh, well done.
When is the next Gift of the Gun coming? That might help things.
UPS left a thousand rifle rounds on my doorstep today, which was nice.
Who do you buy from?
I’ve been asked that before, Sean. Don’t answer!
Ooooh,…carry on.
Usually sgammo. I snuck this order in right before they closed due to high demand.
Aimsurplus gets some of my money too. Occasionally targetsportsusa, brownells, or even cabelas – depending on deals.
I used to get a lot of stuff through AIM. Good people.
Sorry about the job situation.
Thanks. If you’re gonna be passing through the region, let me know.
I could use some back up bourbon…just in case.
*mumbles “fucking wolf”*
Cash or ammo reimburse not a problem. ?
Also, for the record – my employer is good people, even if he annoys me occasionally.
I’m planning to be down late April/early May, assuming things get back to something approximating normal. There are some events I want to attend.
Like I said on Glibs helping Glibs thread, I have no problems with shipping stuff.
Oh, I noted your and gbob’s offers. I hope we don’t get that far into it…
I’m down in York County by the MD line, so if you need something I’m not that far.
Thanks JI.
Let hope I don’t rely on MD liquor…
Narcissistic boomer cunt.
I admit that I was thinking something very close to this.
“People worry what other people think of them when they would be surprised how little they do.” – Clemens
Everyone loves someone that talks about themselves all of the time.
Ahem, ’round these parts, that is “cunte”.
I’ve long since had to learn that, typically and for most of the time, no-one gives a rat’s ass about me. That goes double for the yutes, who behave as if I’m invisible/meaningless.
It’s surprisingly liberating, all things considered.
Your dangerous ideas that I can’t specify are terrorizing the students of this campus in a way that I can’t specify.
Did drugs fall out of Prager’s ass?
I just heard someone say that even the people who are walking around saying that this is no big deal are super secretly scared and that this is just their own way of coping.
No. It fucking isn’t. This isn’t scary. You cunt.
And they’re all going to vote for Joe Biden, because reasons.
Just explain that you are worn out on living through the end of the world over and over.
When everything is a public health crisis, nothing is a public health crisis.
Man, aids is ravaging the land and Reagan doesn’t seem to care at all.
Someone needs to dig up the clip of Oprah predicting that most of us would have the AIDS by the early 1990’s.
Yeah, sex was going to kill us if nuclear war didn’t first. Growing up in the 80’s was just peachy.
Heh… Yeah, the 80’s was when herpes became quaint.
Obvious, but what the heck.
Well, Santa Claus got it.
Heh, heh, you guys rock.
Damn, how many nightmares did I have as a kid of people vaporizing in a nuclear attack cause I watched The Day After?
My mom was briefly obsessed by that movie. Ugh, mom ?
I stayed up past my bedtime and I paid the price for years.
I don’t recall if I just missed it or purposely avoided it, but I’m happy I didn’t watch that, given the number of stories like yours.
I could tell you my Nuke paranoia story, but it’s long and involved.
I’m pretty sure I missed The Day After, but I saw Testament. Not the stuff of nightmares, but horribly depressing. And, as it happens, set in a suburb of San Francisco.
I was 11 when it aired and don’t remember being at all frightened.
I skipped polio in the ’50s, too many people dying
I was 14 & me neither.
AIDS freaked me out WAY harder.
Me too. I was a little younger, didn’t understand why aides was this scary crisis being hawked on the news.
(Not a misspelling, I was young and didn’t grok)
I was at Ft Lewis when “The Day After” was shown. I wasn’t impressed. However I did get a big laugh when about a week later a unit set off a nuke simulator near the edge of post. It was a clear day and the mushroom cloud was seen by civilians living nearby. Much panic occurred, Later the Corps Commander restricted the training areas you could use those simulators in.
All I really remember about The Day After was all the adults around being Very Serious about it and making sure to let all the kids know that they were there to answer any questions that the kids might have, because Nuclear War is a Very Serious Topic and also nuclear war is bad mmkay.
That and the guy (Jason Robards?) who was in his car and survived by ducking and covering under the dashboard, which all the kids thought was the stupidest thing ever.
I think if I actually saw the whole movie I wouldn’t have been so freaked out about it. I used to creep into the hallway outside my parents room to get a good view of what they were watching, and I happened to catch the segment where it was frying people. Something about seeing the skeletons glow for a second as the bodies were incinerated somehow caught into my mind and I kept having nightmares about it.
They showed it in the Soviet Union on TV. Probably later than here. I recall making plans to watch it but somehow I didn’t. I haven’t seen it to this day.
I remember watching the news one night and the very serious news people explained that they had just pre-screened it and it was so so very sobering and important. Then it came on later that night, and it was so pathetically bad that even teenage me turned it off.
Pooh Bear needs to be pilloried in the market square for a week so we can smash rotten veggies on his fat Pooh Bear face. You aren’t getting away with this shit, Chicom, fuck you.
All right! Finally some good news in what has been an utterly soul crushing couple weeks. I got the Willys back and running. As part of the adventure I ran out of gas as my gauge is stuck and doesn’t go below 3/4 full. I totally spaced on that and of course ran out of gas on the Great Highway. Luckily my lovely wife was home and able to grab the empty gas cans from our garage and rescue me. Got a couple gallons in and a few sprays of carb cleaner and it was roaring again. Thank Zardoz. It’s been 8 damn months getting that thing back up and running right.
If you were in the Albuquerque area I would do my best to meet up so we could get some picks of you vehicle with my class-3 GI-spec 1919-A4 mounted on it.
Hell yeah. I need a gun mount on it. Here it is in all its glory next to the USS San Francisco memorial.
Literal drops of envy.
That is a bloody gorgeous vehicle; I’m happy you got it up and at ’em again.
I do hope it did “jump like a Willys in four wheel drive”
That’s a good song.
Awesome, thanks guys, I never caught that lyric before but I love that tune.
My wife just got one her cases featured on Volokh conspiracy. She’s all jazzed. I know, it’s way too local. She then started reading some other stuff on TOS and, after awhile started yelling t her monitor. I just calmly said “Yup, told ya.”
Your wife sounds awesome. Good job, dude.
I pray to every god that anyone believes in, and every god that anyone doesn’t believe in, that one day, on this site, we can all actually type; “Reason” as a descriptor of the very place we are referring to.
That would prolly result in excessive drinking, I’d think.
Can you define “excessive”?
I’m with Neph’.
I cannot define it because, every time I’ve done it, I don’t remember it.
Colion Noir, white-supremacist.
And, apparently, automotive-sexual.
I like him.
He had some clothing identifying as ammosexual in one of his vids.
Saw this on Twitter today…apparently someone’s trying to beat SEA SMITH at his own game.
that’s some First World weaponry right there,
Triple 300’s nice. I think getting rammed at sea justifies shooting.
getting rammed at sea
Track down my ass. Those were PLAN or another Chicom government agency’ folks trying to provoke a shooting incident so they could retaliate or try to dirt up Taiwan while the world’s attention is distracted.
That was the Chinese Maritime Militia in action. It is fisherman etc with paramilitary functions under the direction of the CCG or PLAN.
Not gonna lie, they have a good march.
This is done without getting on a soapbox or offending the host.
So you wrote an email to congratulate yourself instead?
Back in MIA waiting to get to Orlando. Come home to hear a curfew has been enacted for 11pm. Hopefully we can find a Lyft home. I’m sick of these ass hats making major decisions last minute. Evaluate, plan THEN execute. Asses.
Glad you made it back into the country. Good luck getting home!
Very little is changing day to day to justify the day to day changes.
WTF does a curfew accomplish?
A show of dominance.
Mostly this, but a guess with school being closed a reason to harass kids.
Respect mah authoritah!
The same thing as “gun-free” zones.
What do you mean?
/wonders what’s going to be closed in Ohio tomorrow or Sunday
Hoping I can get over to our favorite winery – in the next county – to stock up before they close the border. Or the interstate. (Why not both?)
You can always make your own. Much easier then brewing beer. Good luck on getting over to the winery, which one if you don’t mind me asking?
Brandeberry Winery near Yellow Springs. I am about the furthest thing from a wine connoisseur, but they have several wines that also have berry juice, and I’m partial to those. More than anything, we’ve gone for the music. (We used to play there, and several friends still do.) They also have more traditional varieties, and they’ve won a fair number of awards at various competitions.
Sounds like you would really like the wines from this place up near me. Wine awards are as big of a joke as beer awards though, there are so many competitions they’re easy to game. Not that there aren’t awards that indicate good QA practices though.
Because I have not panic-bought guns and/or ammo?
We just stopped for gas at Costco in Nampa, ID, and decided to go inside to check out the mid-apocalypse TP situation. The TP was wiped out, but there was a surprising lack of rioting and fighting. There were very few people inside, like what i would call a normal 10 am opening crowd. There were no lines, and the deli was still serving delicious hot dogs, but nothing else.
Coronavirus – It’s Deadlier Than You Thought
You’re either with us, or with the virus.
…and hetrosexuality. Lol
Yeah, it’s this.
My answer to the Yellow Flu:
Get Some BAllz
O, jawohl!
Let’s move past doom and gloom…
So, I’m at least 3 months past due on a hair cut. The mousse has been doing an ok job, but not enough hold on windier days. Any recommendations for hair cream? Which seems to be the next step up.
Cut your hair yourself. It’s what I do.
Been buzzing my hair to the scalp for ~20 years. Unless someone else has, uh, input on your hairstyle, there’s no excuse to find a barber.
Me and the gf have reciprocal agreements…
I like her hair long and she likes me with hair.
I was inspired to self-cut by an old buddy. His now wife put an end to that in his case & IMHO it does not suit him at all.
Have her cut your hair; Mrs JI has been cutting mine for years (with the savings going toward her own hair needs).
Agreed. There is no need for most of us to pay for a haircut… sorry to those who earn their keep that way. I do myself and my brood. The boy is the most complex, with today’s long here, short there styles. The youngest wears bangs, so that’s a pain to maintain – she doesn’t like getting it cut, and bangs are pretty much a monthly responsibility.
But the wife….. she wears her hair long. And still pays $60 to get it cut. That ain’t complicated at all. Just whack it into shape with scissors. (Ok, I exaggerate. Her hair is thick, so you have to undercut layers to get the appropriate shape. But still, between that and paying to get her nails filled, she spends more than enough to buy an entire professional barber setup every year)
I was a barracks barber in Army – $5 a pop for a Mighty Fine, High & Tight, or High Top with or without fade and I’ve been cutting my own hair for 30+ years. One of my biggest regrets in life is not just buckling down and going for a cosmetology cert. when I was in my 20s. I know a few theatrical stylists who make serious money doing blowouts and wet combs all day.
No cream, but I have a full can of Aqua Net that I’d only use if we built a spud launcher.
Hair cream is full of chemicals. If I were you I I would go with a hijab.
Water is full of chemicals, too.
This is not the 80’s. Ditch the mousse and use some texture lotion ?. American Crew makes good products.
I’m an American Crew fella myself. The light hold gel is probably not what’s called for here.
Not a Dapper Dan man?? I haz disappoint!
I’ve seen decent reviews on them.
Which one? https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=American+crew&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
I like their Light Hold Texture Lotion. It will give you some control and take away any frizz without the crunchy feeling of gel or mousse. If that’s what you need it is the best hair product out there. If you want a lot of control then get some of their pomade.
I do not not want crunchy. This sounds good.
One of those bottles lasts me about 6 months and I use a bit everyday after I get out the shower.
Yeah, that’s what’s on my barber’s shelf.
Any recommendations for hair cream?
I was expecting that:)
Dixie Peach Pomade if you are southern, Bag Balm from Tractor Supply for every occasion
Beanie. Everyday. All the cool kids are doing it. Just have to be careful not to do anything else that hipsters do. One strike and you’re not out.
I’m with ya. My GF says my short and easily managed hair makes me look “too harsh”, so I’m growing it out. Not sure what the end result is suppossed to be. I have switched to Loreal Boost It volume enhancing mousse. It holds pretty well, but mostly it’s the hair getting longer so that the weight keeps it down instead of sticking straight up (which is fine with short hair but looks ridiculous when it’s longer).
I’m finally off the conference call for the night. To most likely need to join again tomorrow.
At least I have beer in hand, and beer being delivered tomorrow.
I just finished a Jolly Roger. Lager time.
Not a Major Lager?
Fat Head’s will be bringing me two six packs and a crowler (it looked interesting, a red wheat) tomorrow afternoon. I’m supposed to get my supplies to brew beer tomorrow. So that’s going to be my task on Sunday.
Nope. They don’t distribute my way and since I’m from PA, Lager means one thing.
One of the local brewpubs is considering reopening for take-out food plus growlers/crowlers. They took a survey on facebook. I told them I’d be interested in it. No word yet on whether or not they will do it. Two of the nanobreweries in the area are still open for pick-up. The Irish pub is, last I checked, closed for the duration.
No, but I just had to pimp a good label design. I’ve got three different breweries I can order beer from, and they’ll deliver it to me during this madness (one has a dollar amount, the other will deliver 2 six packs, the other requires a case order). I was hoping to make it to the grocery store today, but the 12+ hour workday killed any chance of that.
I’ve already told my work that if DeWine issues a stay in home order. I will be going to the grocery store to stock up. It’s somewhat entertaining/frightening that saying things like, “I’m going to pick up over 10 lbs. of flour” is seen as a normal reaction to what may happen in the next couple weeks.
Speaking of that… time to start mixing up some bread dough…
Yeah, dumbass just got around to closing senior centers. Shouldn’t you have shut down the seniors before f’ng o er everyone else? Yeah, I picked up a bag of wheat flour today and some yeast. Already have plenty AP and bread flour.
I’ve got plenty of yeast, the sourdough starter was very happy today. The goal tomorrow is to either get to the grocery store in the morning, or walk over to the local strudel shop (depending on when the conference call for work starts), dinner will be from a local German restaurant that the girlfriend and I have wanted to go to, but haven’t yet. They’re offering takeout and delivery for the duration.
That German restaurant looks awesome.
DEG: I’ve also got this one near me (that I have been to), who just announced a while back that they’re buying a building across the street to build a brewery. Then this place where I know the head brewer (and they make an awesome Schwarzbier).
Yeah, that looks great. I like sourdough but my wife does not.
I’m jealous. All I have near me is this place, which is a pretty good place run by Bavarian expats.
I expect if Baker issues a “shelter in place” order in MA, Sununu will follow quickly in NH.
Racheal Madow just got a hard on.
I refuse to accept plastic items at gatherings, and do without if there is not another option.
Another option!
Mmmm, shigella
Whoever the cameraman is should be beaten.
I think we can all agree with that.
Thread: Many who are freaking out & panicking need to get a grip, do your research, & understand that most of the virus hype + gov’t approaches are coming from a single data set projection from a few scholars @ Imperial College UK.
The projections are NOT coming to fruition. /1
As Biden said the other day, we shouldn’t have a president who bungles things, but instead one who believes in SCIENCE!
Somewhere, Nassim Nicholas Taleb screams in rage.
the projections are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!
I flopped over on my desktop ded, D-E-D. I am now in my recliner mindlessly watching a medical drama.
My life, she is exciting.
Did the desktop survive?
I could never destroy either of my desks. They’re too tough.
Challenge accepted…
You wanna take on my tanker?
No it’s someone else’s property. I don’t wreck other people’s stuff.
So… you wouldn’t like my main working desk. Tempered glass and steel.
What makes you think that?
I have a triangle desktop that goes in a corner. It hangs on my wall with ginormous braces and lag bolts. When we move, I’m going to put it on galvanized pipe legs so I don’t have to keep hanging it.
I also have a 70s-era Steelcase that I adore. I’m going to have to let that one go, most likely, but they aren’t expensive to replace.
If I had the capacity to come and take that off your hands, I’d offer to buy the steelcase.
But the logistics and where to put it makes that not viable.
Yeah, look on FB. In my area, I see them pop up about once a month, about $25 or so. They don’t get snapped up very quickly.
I don’t have anywhere in my house to put one that makes sense. I’d have to get my computer moved to my exiting desk and break down the “desk” I’ve been using. (it’s a set of metal shelves I’ve set some plywood on top of as a temporary measure when I moved in)
Because if I really wanted to, I could break it. I even checked the weight of my monitors before ordering them to make sure the monitor shelf would support them.
The Mister turned on Ancient Aliens. I am trying not to pay attention.
It wasn’t aliens.
I’m not saying it was cryptids but it was cryptids
Ancient astronaut theorists make everything better!*
Sadly, Mr. Mojeaux doesn’t agree.
Forensic Files will do in a pinch.
I’m out of my hed, H-E-D!
Please hurry, or I may be DED.
They mustn’t carry out their evil scheme! AAAAAAH!
What, Eddie spells Dead wrong.
/spelled right
/spelled wrong
/ashamed he had to research it, since it’s been years ~12 since I’ve seen a screening.
Asshole mayor wants to hurt the economy even more, shutting down all “non-essential” retail businesses, complains we aren’t all forced to stay in our homes (stay strong, Charlie Baker – not something I’d thought I’d ever write).
Actual words from a coworker today after the company has spent Zardoz knows how much time/effort/money trying to make sure production can continue and staff does not have to be cut while abiding by government irrational, constitutionally suspect and generally destructive edicts: “I feel like a lot of people aren’t really taking this situation seriously.”
My blood-pressure elevated. Then a guy I consider to be a mentor who agrees with my “let’s take a chill-pill” on the Wuflu matter said El Salvador (?) shut down everything because of one case. I added, “It seems that the rest of the world is intent on destroying their economies along with us.”
Stupid fucks I work with don’t really understand the broad picture and are slaves to msm/government driven hysteria. Of course, at least one person in my department is a Bernie-bot who clearly does not understand/appreciate that his job would likely not exist if TheBern! got his way. ///endrant
I’m glad to be working where I am. The techs are mostly blase about it and the engineers are mostly unfazed. Everybody is joking about it. And now we’re all working from home until further notice 😛
“It seems that the rest of the world is intent on destroying their economies along with us.”
The economy of most countries would not change if people stopped going to work.
Good thing about working at home, I don’t have to worry about leadership overhearing my conversation. E-mail came back “I could actually read that in your voice with the subtlest of sarcasm”. Funny because I didn’t think I was being subtle at all.
Apparently someone in my company has five family members who contracted the COVID, one of whom is on a ventilator (all in Brooklyn, NYC). I feel bad for him, glad that I didn’t bitch more in any channels that people may see.
Cryptid Sighting submitted!
‘I am on a budget, and have specific charities to which I donate. I find this invitation distasteful, as it appears to be a minor form of extortion. Of course, I will gracefully decline and wish the celebrant well.’
I’m actually pleased that this person finds the subtle extortions baked into maintaining or advancing social status distasteful.
I’d also agree with the statement up thread that publicly stating so kinda dulls the gleam of any dignity gained.
If you don’t care about a cause, don’t donate. But also don’t publicly bitch about being hit up for money cuz peer pressure.
And if you do care about a cause, truly care, then decline the invitation anyway, stay at home, and cut a fucking check. Donate the entrance fee/cost of the plate and open up the slot for some social climber. Some or most of the money they give will still go to the cause while all of yours can go directly without all that overhead involved in hosting a charity event.
Don’t make it about you.
E-mail I just received:
Laughed at “We’ve got to laugh
Tom Hanks survived 4 years on an island as a castaway!
He spent a year in an airport without being able to leave ?
Caught AIDS in Philadelphia ?
He was in World War II and rescued Private Ryan;
He went to Vietnam and rescued Lieutenant Dan ?
Was on a boat kidnapped by Somali pirates ?
Survived Apollo 13 trying to reach the Moon ?
Landed a Boeing on the Hudson River✈
If that son of a bitch dies of corona virus ??, we are ALL fucked!!!
also don’t hang around Tom Hanks,
I larfed Spud,
He also survived the steaming pile of shit that was “Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”.
Really? Haven’t seen it yet. Was already disappointed in Parasite.
Hanks himself was pretty good, doing a take on Rogers rather than a direct imitation.
But the movie was godawful. You’d think it would be a biopic about Mr. Rogers, but no, it was some semi-true story about a sad sack guy magazine writer (played by an actor who looks like he does nothing in real life but mope all day) who was downtrodden about his relationship with his father and it was making him a bad husband and parent. Meeting Mr. Rogers (after being assigned to write a profile on him for Esquire, of all magazines) helps him to see life in a different way. Turns out only about 10% of the story is true, and they even made up the whole father thing. And it was the sappiest and most completely unsatisfying story line this side of the Hallmark Channel. Even my wife, who is a sap for chick flicks and family movies and had really wanted to see the film, said afterwards ‘what in the fuck was that?”
This is why Tom Hanks is OMWC’s favorite actor.
I thought Roy Scheider was.
Only in his Chief Brody role.
An interesting cover. And I would like to play with her under the covers.
That is a good cover.
She’s hot
I’m thinking we Glibs need a “Day of Defiance” next week where we each violate one of the bans unconstitutionally placed on us by the various governors, mayors, and other assholes (I repeat myself). No need to get arrested but just do something “not permitted” and then report back what happened.
“I found the doors locked and mandered around aimlessly for a bit.”
We already have seven of those next week, just like this week and just like all of the weeks preceding.
+3 Felonies a Day
Monday’s going to be fun. I was told to come into work, but I have a feeling Cuomo wouldn’t find my job essential.
(For the record, I *want* to keep working.)
I fully expect Governor Klansman to not only follow CA’s lead, but to (try to) do it more and harder. I plan on pretending to be Lung Pow Sicken if pulled over. My job IS essential…to me*.
*That said I can work from home. But I will likely have to run by the office for a few things if the edict is given.
What, exactly, is going to happen to me if I go out? Every day? Like I have been doing? Because I can?
No restrictions yet, but I will walk my Dog at the park no matter what, something about Slavers? Fucking Off?
“No need to get arrested” who cares? I got no place to go, and the jail should at least have TP.
There’s no bans here yet, although rural San Miguel county has implemented a cower-in-place order despite having exactly zero cases.
But, you people in NYC, what’s your problem? They can’t arrest all 7 million of you.
Word on the street is that Montrose county just found its first case. I expect full blown panic now.
‘violate one of the bans unconstitutionally placed on us by the various governors, mayors, and other assholes…’
A day in the life, my friend.
Well there’s a case of Kung Flu at my local hospital. 60ish yo woman, travel-related, not a resident here.
We have a case in the nearest city to me but I don’t know the circumstances.
There are 5,000+ cases in my city. Dunno the number of hospitalized but you can probably imagine the freakout going on.
That’s over 25% of the whole country’s cases.
City where people are living cheek to jowl?
Of course it’s a viral hotspot.
Italy is getting hammered.
That’s because it’s full of italians who hugged people flying straight in from Wuhan.
Well, there are only 190,000 people in my county, so…
Yeap… 5,000 of anything is nothing here – but most people are innumerate.
To wit
Who can stand reading this crap?
Thats… not a whole lot for NYC.
But Ohio may have had its first CORONOVIRUS DEATH!
/looks at everything shut down
/looks at the jobs lost
And a small voice was heard rising from the smouldering pile of ashes, whimpering, “If it saves just one life…”
Mobster Bernie Bros (The Irishman Parody)
That was great:)
Free Cascadia! (On topic?)
On a personal note, I think I have gained 5 pounds in the last four days, and I haven’t washed my hair.
Off Topic—Regarding empty TP shelves. I am thinking that stores have it coming in/are restocked but aren’t putting out. It may not be worth the hassle of restocking, having to ration, and dealing with aggressive shoppers. If most people are panic buying it, hold it back until everyone calms down.
Dad got a hot tip from a Walmart employee about a shipment coming at three this afternoon. Sure enough, it came and everyone walked away with the one package of TP they were allowed.
We’ve been reduced to the Soviet Union.
BreadToilet paper lines are a GOOD thing…It’s… So… Beautiful…
/Bernie Sanders
No. Fucking. Shit.
And all because of alarmism.
Right? This is what I was saying outloud while grocery shopping the other day. Also something about this not being the Black Plague, fucking morons. I tend to speak my mind even if there is no one to hear it. But I’m sure that I was overheard.
Kinnath is a unique name. I knew a guy in HS with that name. Were you, by any chance, an army brat in Colorado Springs during HS?
“kinnath” is a handle. It is the Anglicization of a name I use in one of my hobbies.
“one of my hobbies” = porn site username.
No. I use a different handle for that. I try to keep them separate.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good evening, Bonerlvr69lol
Username? Pffft. Bitch, kinnath be a content creator not a user.
I am smiling for a good reason.
Hast thou been taught in the way of Fucking Off?
/ Tulpa for YOU!
Thanks, Yusef. I got one a couple of months back, but a welcome is always appreciated.
“I think I have gained 5 pounds in the last four days, and I haven’t washed my hair.”
The fantasy is better than the reality.
I don’t want to be inappropriate – and believe me I get it with the situation…
but I dig a flakey, smelly scalp.
So, you know…you know…
That Malt O Meal was not a good idea.
Never is.
Correct answer: Always is.
Well, see, the problem is that one summer about 3 years ago, I ate MoM for brrakfast, lunch, and dinner all summer. AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL summer. That was all I ate.
Now, I feel like I’m having an allergic reaction.
Oh. Yeah, that’s different. Overfamiliaritis. Bad deal.
My daughter loves their frosted flakes.
Made in downtown Northfield, MN where she goes to college. The whole town smells like cereal.
It is unfortunate that the company moved to Minnesoda.
Wiki say it was founded in Owatonna, MN then move to Northfield.
Oops! In my
drunkennessbuzzedness I got it mixed up with Cream of Wheat.Also, Northfield kicks ass.
/Not said by anyone named Cole or Younger
The nice thing about recently backing way off my normal pace – 3 glasses of wine tonight and I’m sailing.
My congratulations
I thought that was Erica Rose Campbell for a moment.
I don’t like it when a woman looks bored, naked around me.
oh Damn!
In the past half hour I have killed two tiny spiders on the wall in my home office. I do hope that they are not newborns. . . perimeter bug treatment begins tomorrow.
You’re not supposed to kill the spiders.
If I don’t, my cats will.
And your dog will kill the cats who don’t kill the spider.
And I don’t know why, she swallowed a fly.
My petite, female feline is the one that gets the fly’s (I’ve seen her grab one with her paws out of the air). The male seems to like spiders. Idk if these insect/arachnid snacks are healthy for them but so far so good.
I had a barn cat that was the most vicious hunter ever. I saw him leap from the upper rung of a farrowing gate (a skinny 1″ steel tube) up 6 feet with a half twist, sink his claws upside-down into the roof beam, while simultaneously catching a barn swallow in his mouth.
You’re supposed to spray for them.
Spiders I don’t mind… but millipedes, those things creep me the fuck out.
House centipedes bug me.
Mostly it’s line of dozens of legs darting across the floor at thirty miles an hour when I don’t expect it.
They’re even ugly sitting still.
When I was a kid, my room was in an attic. So, I figured out that if I put my shoes by the few heating vents in winter, they would be more comfortable when I put them on in the morning. One day, my foot wasn’t fitting in that well, so I pulled my foot out and shook it. At that point three fucking millipedes fell out and started running around my room.
I’ve never seen a millipede that big. The type that lives in new york is tiny.
For every spider you kill, 7 more are created. Science! or something.
Tonight’s episide of Numb3rs (Loved that show! Brainy boys make me hot!) on the Heroes & Icons channel:
What a co-inky-dink.
I suggested that we order takeout from our favorite neighborhood restaurant in order to support them during these hard times.
It turns out we weren’t the only ones. There was an hour long wait between order and take-out.
Sometimes I want to kill my neighbors, but tonight I am happy with them.
I just got Gus’s Chicken. The driver did the “ding, dong ditch.” thing. Drop the bag, knock and run. Fucking funny. They were out of bread, for some reason. Kid had to trade his PB&J for tenders, yet another sign of the end of times.
Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken?
I’ve stopped at their place in Collierville, TN.
That’s it. They’re new (ish) out here. Great chicken.
The only issue I ever had there was biting into the chicken without letting it cool. I’m not going there for an expensive dinner, I’m going there for a good cheap dinner.
I prolly shouldn’t have gotten rip roaring drunk last night.
No, you did the right thing.
That’s crazy talk.
One way to fix that: start drinking again.
I agree – we had plans!
The Fauxgelberg was brilliant – many an artist’s creativity may be alcohol fueled.
Whu *hic*
I love the little details on the new Sisters of Battle minis.
Hate the fiddly bits needed to get that detail.
Wish I could leave off the modeled plastic flames, but I can’t/
Le sigh.
Fitting the fiddly decorative bits on The Exorcist is time-consuming. But you can’t have a Battle Sisters army without the pipe organ missile launcher.
Working weapons or GTFO.
Get me an M113 to use as a base and we can build one.
Pix, dammit!
President Cartoon Villain strikes again!
Saw that on Faux. Saucy.
Ok then….
Does he gain Strength Through Joy?
What do you say to Americans, who are watching you right now, who are scared?”
President Trump: “I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say. I think it’s a very nasty question. And I think it’s a very bad signal that you’re putting out…”
They are driving hysteria by not presenting the situation in context.
I don’t call it Comcast, I call it Concast.
Donna Welch
He reacted that way because he doesn’t have a clue as to how to reassure the country.
“Daddy, please tell me everything is going to be ok.”
And these are always people who have forsaken a belief in a supreme being.
Here’s what pisses me off. I have ten Harleys and a shit-ton of parts. They just dropped in value by prolly half. Upsides: buying just got a whole lot easier and my government paychecks are way steadier than Tom Hank’s hand in that war movie.
‘The Burbs was a good-ass movie.
“Art, Your house is on fire” and your Wife’s home”
My Wife’s home!!!!!!
“Does the state consider my business to be essential” is a new one for this libertarian-minded fella.
The is, probably, “yes…for now.”
And the National Homebrew Competition has cancelled the first round judging which makes this really personal now.
No more fun ever
The balls on some people.
I gave up on the NHC after getting a blank scoresheet back. The other one just had numbers on it.
This song popped up in youtube’s recommendations after I watched some bluegrass. I noticed no one wearing seat belts. Those were different times.
There sure are a lot of these “HOW I GUNNA GET LAID DURING KUNG FLU!?” articles lately.
I can’t tell you how much trim I’ve pulled just by standing with my “Free Hugs for Asians” sign in Harvard Square.
Do I have to do everything around here?
Not as much as the “Will eat butt for meth” sign you left in the trunk.
These are desperate times.
And everyone.
So that’s what I’m doing wrong.
On the other hand, I’d have to go to Harvard Square.
On the gripping hand… uh…
That’s my favorite euphemism for clunge.
Not really. Skype meeting means I don’t have to wear pants.
Here’s some inspiration.
“You’re not racist if you hate everyone equally”
That’s true.
That’s true.
Now I want to be the reason someone gets pregnant today.
I was put off by the blatantly “modern attitudes” of the annoying Brit millennials.
Also; “Believe in yourself. It’s never too late to kill someone”, was the best one.
The Games Workshop “Space Marine Heroes” series is basically, “Loot Boxes, 40k Edition”. The individual boxes are cheaper than regular 40k models, but you don’t know what’s in them beyond which line they come from. Supposedly there’s a ruleset for a game using those models specifically, but meh, who cares. I have doubled my number of terminator marines for less than the cost of a box of termies.
Stay in place like Hunter S Thompson
“a snow cone”
He was nuts. Who eats fettuccine Alfredo in the hot tub?
It’s madness!
Been there. Sort of.
We’ll be doing our part for mild #resistance against overbearing dictatorial governors tomorrow. My son has his golf lesson, and apparently — the (public) golf course and driving range are open but lessons at the range are not allowed. But… nobody will check the course, so lesson on the course, suck it gubernor. (of course we may be thwarted in the end, if the county figures out the course is open and nobody’s allowed to have fun)
I got my hair cut yesterday (when it was legal just frowned on) and my stylist and I were discussing options if the dummies shut down salons and it occurred to me — licensing is theoretically about hygiene. Hours and hours of licensing for hair and nails, mostly on a pretext of ‘health’. So why are these licensed professionals with trained hygiene practices being forced to shut down? It’s so annoying, since it shows exactly how useless that claim is, when they’re treated no differently from the handbag boutique at the mall.
I brought up the concept to the girlfriend of offering to travel around to cut/dye/condition hair (she had a cosmetology certificate for the state that I think is still valid). Her response was, “It’s illegal,:
Any Glibs with an urge to be Johnny Fever?
Long ago, I had I pirate radio station. It failed due to tech reasons.
Attempt 2.0 is to have DJs who pick their music. Program their shows. Play whatever they like, since we pay for the license.
It’s going to be focused on Buffalo (you have to do a 5 minute local news play), But other than that, it’s your show.
If interested, send me a note at Bamepowgal at gmail dot you know it, dot com
I did a show at UB for a few months. I was *really* bad at it. Like, skipping records, dropping records behind the machinery bad.
Oooooh, I get to do that for a week a year, in the desert, with none of the licensed inhibitions (I believe the running tally for our FCC indiscretions is self-calculated in the 9, might even be 10, figure realm).
Does anyone remember that 70’s TV show with the kid who had a mobile pirate radio station in his van and had to keep moving around to evade the FCC? Can’t remember what it was called.
There was also the 80’s show Max Headroom that had a pirate broadcaster as one of their main characters.
I would LOVE this. But I am a bit out of your listening area. But good luck. I’m a huge fan of any pirate radio station.
“It’s going to be focused on Buffalo (you have to do a 5 minute local news play”
I have no interest, but for anyone who is interested, if you need help filling time topics include:
– “pop vs soda,”
– Stefon Diggs
– beef on weck
– snow is actually good
Or, “sandwich”.
/attention whore
/ignores Mo’
I got kicked back, unknown
If you can feed the local news, I could be interested. I could throw up local CLE news…
Day two of getting paid to stay home. Ironically, the government is forcing me to home school my kid. Fucking school still calls and texts me three times a day to remind me of the free lunch programs and where I can go pick up soggy brussel sprout lunches ( if needed.) Kid is overjoyed. He hates mini prison. Apparentley parents do have a degree of influence over kids.
Here’s a fellow Californian and his take on the panDemic https://youtu.be/4xZbCajXaAA
He’s good
Watched about half, but, yeah, that guy’s cool.
He’s pretty much every guy that I knew growing up. Git ‘er done!
Fuck me. My plant is indefinitely suspending operations starting tomorrow night.
Im one of 40 people out of 700 who will still temporarily have a job monday morning.
I can work next week, but after that its all up in the air.we will see.
Wondering how many dead governors it is going to take to convince TPTB this might have been a bad idea.
How many Dem Govs have shut down their states? How many Rep Govs?
DeWine is an R, but I suspect the rest are D.
DeRINO, amirite??
I asked that question the other night and Don came off the top ropes with a link. It is R heavy.
How may states have shut down?
What is the threshold for a ‘shutdown’?
We have to define parameters before we can assign blame.
I would say close businesses like ski areas, in house dining, barbers and the like. The asshat who did it here is a D.
What is the threshold for a ‘shutdown’?
Shelter in place — shut everything fucking down but essentials.
Iowa has closed most public gathering places — bars, restaurants, theaters, gyms, etc. However, most businesses are still open. There is no expectation that being out in public will get you arrested.
I did get out and shoot at the range today. So there is some relief available.
Even Cuomo’s plan is not an actual “lockdown”. I won’t need a permission slip to go outside.
We are unequivocally shut down. Take out food only, all non essential workplaces shuttered, all entertainment nixed. I’m only out of work because I have mild COPD. That’s good for a paid vacation. Otherwise airport mechanics are “essential.”
Well Fatass (D-IL) joined the list today.
That sucks. Hope it doesn’t last too long.
It will last as long as it takes to bring the system down, Comrade.
Wow. And you are at the beginning of the line. Shit trickles downhill. Have you heard of any other steel plants shutting down?
That sucks Lach. Hopefully this idiocy ends in a week when the dead are not piling up in the streets.
We’re all dead man walking at this point. Get Sean’s haircut and have sex with Susan Sarandon.
1970’s SS? Hell even 1990’s era SS is an idea I can get behind!
Thelma and Louise SS. My preference.
The best 1970 SS
Can’t argue.
Who killed JFK?
You did, Lee.
It was hotly debated until about 3 years ago. Since then, Trump, obviously ( unless it was Ted Cruz’s dad?). I have no idea who killed JR, though.
Oliver Stone.
Ted Cruz’s father.
Coates Lear.
Mister Wu.
Woody Allen – thoughts?
Nope, never think about him at all.
I’m sure he has none worth considering.
Quirky whiny. It’s disgusting that a step daughter would take advantage of her step father like that.
Thank you
Good early movies, lots of mediocre movies in the middle part of his career with some real stinkers (Purple Rose), and mostly decent ones since around Match Point. And fuck Amazon for refusing to release a Rainy Day.
Sleeper is excellent. Otherwise, none.
AHEM! Take The Money And Run was very influential in my formative years.
Hm. I know my indie channel showed that a lot but I don’t remember it at all.
Used to drive by the Sleeper house on the way to ski.
Bananas was pretty funny.
“From this day on, the official language of San Marcos will be Swedish.
Silence! In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour.
Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check.
Furthermore, all children under 16 years old are now… 16 years old!”
Love and Death. The scene where the dialog is basically nothing but Russian existentialist book titles and references is priceless.
Also the line about nurses.
Missouri cases, 77; deaths 3.
Kansas cases 48; deaths 1.
Whole bunch of Chicken Littles want the MO gov to shut down the state. He flat said he wasn’t going to shut everything down and put people out of work and counties and municipalities could do what they felt best.
Live Aussie Rules on FOX Sports if anyone else is missing sportsball.
There’s nothing else to watch in the entire world. Even the KHL has folded.
My buddy is watching 30 year old NHL games.
Not me.
46 year old Rockford Files.
I got the Emma Peel dvd set for when the internet goes out.
Central and South American soccer was active but seems to have shut down during this week. None of it available in the US, though, except some Spanish and/or pay channels.
Turkish soccer also ended this week.
Aussie soccer is still active & available on ESPN+ – I have several matches on my mental backlog.
I fully expect Australian sports to fold the second a player tests positive.
<a href="https://www.rebellermedia.com/original/original-outlaws-8-used-cars-1980"Original Outlaws #8: Used Cars (1980)
What if we like to watch?!??!
I think I prefer to watch the other former Musketeer named Russell.
(Even if her performance in The Americans scares the attraction out of me)
That is a question for the ages – Keri or Kurt!
I mean holy moly Keri…but there’s Kurt!
She was outstanding in The Americans.
I prefer to have screen lusting for chicks that would at least hesitate before shanking me.
Kurt, duh. But she’s definitely attractive and a good actress — also a teeny person. I saw her costume for the Star Wars movie about a month ago and she is tiny. Actresses are thin obviously, but even with two inch wedge heels the entire costume (with helmet) was only 5ft tall. Definitely an outsized presence on screen.
Great bum. Top-knotch tail!
Who killed MLK?
The street sign industrial complex.
::wild applause!!!:::
His legacy? Barack and Michelle Obama.
Good gawd, man. Do have no shame? It’s disgusting. Get an avatar.
lol you look like a big silly goose now
Oh! I’m sorry Mr. Seagal. I didn’t realize it was you.
Loved you in Executive Decision!
Speaking of screen lusts, I’m torn on Ayako Fujitani. There’s too much Seagal in her face at certain times. It’s like hot…hot…hot…good lord it’s her dad looking back!
His stupid dream.
First he went colorblind.
NY just announced that all non essential people should STFU and die.
That is a fairly “New York” attitude to take.
California just announced that it’s gay but not racist.
Winston’s mom just announced massive closures.
Went shopping this morning. Since college has been closed down, probably for the rest of the year, there are much fewer hot chicks wearing revealing clothing. Instead, now have a game of guessing “Elderly or Asian” when I catch a glimpse of someone wearing a surgical mask.
It’s a conundrum.
Trick question – it’s an elderly asian.
Saw one in the cooler aisle leaning over into the case, kind of chubby but curvy, could have been a senior who does yoga but went with Korean. Should have bought a lottery ticket.
Somewhere on the list of sports teams than need to be renamed for current year
Alexander Haig just announced he’s still in charge.
(Ok, I’ll stop)
Kentucky just banned all gatherings of people that include more than ten teeth.
The CDC just announced, if you have a fever, you should try more cowbell.
Go on…
You’ll be be here all Tuesday, try the Fish….
Better him than Pelosi.
Is Generalismo Lou Reed still dead from THD?
It’s coming…
I’m seriously considering the consequences of my company’s no weapons policy. Way too few people around my office these days.
Netflix can’t keep up. Keeps dropping sound or freezing completely. I’m too far “out of town@ to have any choice but cable, and it sucks.
Aw well. Enough bandwidth for Glibs!
Avatar = prom pic?
Nothing in particular. I was 18.
You’re stocked up on the essentials, then. When this site crashes I am literally purploxed. (It’s a made-up word, hang fire Teds’)
And this is why I keep DVDs.
Go on…
Bullhead city, open for business, kind of
All Laughlin casinos shut down
50 people at the park, all day
no meat, eggs, cereal at WalMart
My idiot Daughter neglected to buy food early, she’s fucked, I warned her……
Can she graze on Overpriced fast food?
She spoiled her kids on junk, only the oldest will survive the great Cereal Shortage, Deegan can come over here and eat Meat
Mad delicious beef stroganoff with portobello shrooms and intoxicating spices.
Ready to hibernate now.
Who’s the little Girl? She Purty….
Resembles a pin-up girl stenciled on the nose of a B-17!
Vargas girl!
Yes. Not an over exaggeration.
I’m going to send you a picture of Wendy, you will be blown away,
I was planning stroganoff tonight too but I forgot to buy mushrooms so… tomorrow.
Plus I was lazy AF today. Tater tots and Jimmy Dean for dinner. Jesus….
Do you have an air fryer? Brings a new level of awesome to tater tots. Especially the minis.
Nah but it’s on my wish list. For better times some day.
is it worth it? like, no more oil mess to clean? they sound awesome, and oiless fried food sounds great,
Good question. If it can simulate “deep frying” without actually deep frying, I’m sold. I have a bunch of frozen Indian samosas that want deep frying but I’m tired of dealing with all the oil.
Hopefully one of our resident Chefs will give us an answer….
I know there is *some* oil involved – just not an entire pot of it IIRC. In fact the name “air fryer” seems misleading to me.
I thought the same until I got one. Depending on the food, there’s isn’t a necessity for any added oil.
All they are is tiny convection ovens.
Intersting. Will keep an eye out for later.
In my opinion; yes. Get a cheapie and try it out. (we got ours at JC Pennys for I think $40) There’s a short learning curve. Basically, take the recommended oven time and cut it in half. Some foods will exude oil, some will benefit from a spritz of oil. Some frozen foods will do better with a quick defrost in the microwave.
Thanks Mike, I saw a few cheapies and wondered if I should try, now I will…
I’ll try that!
Sounds good for a plague feast, good luck on the Mushrooms
I’m planning on stroganoff.
That’s what she said.
A Tanker. For free.
“I know where there’s a rig to pull that Tanka”
You drag that out of F8 by yourself? Where’s detention being held if the narc can’t put his feet up on that thing?
MAGA, bitches!
“Super Trump, Da da da da daaaaahhhh!”
Take a look at my hot wife, she’s the only one I’ve got
Saw that tour in Montreal when I was a kid.
If I had $900 to burn …
Yum. (But such much?)
I love mid-mod so so much.
The kidney shape of the deck would drive me nuts.
Fake news,
also Sheryl Attkinson is Hawt!
I’m surprised Atkinson hasn’t been cleansed.
This “social distancing” trend hasn’t caught on here. Neighbors are having a BBQ and it seems festive, maybe even a little raucous? Expectation the the cops show up to shut it down = zero. Folks are wiping the sleep from their eyes about this nonsense.
But I want 1940’s era Virginia Grey to come to the party ala “Field of Dreams”.
Drinking at home alone is suddenly hygienic.
That’s why I never get sick, My household air is Alcoholic,
Just lies around all day and hitches a ride on Bella when it wants to go somewhere? Smells familiar.
She can pull me on a skateboard but she’s only 50 lbs, give the kid a break
Lucky! My dog weighs about 15 lbs and doesn’t love me.
So I’ve been doing my part to “flatten the curve”! Want to know more?
OK shoot..
So your saying that you’re “Flat-curious”?
So your saying that you’re “Flat-curious”?
*sigh* doubles are so random.
Can you repeat the question?
Sexlessness and barely conversing is hygienic. Conducting business from home isn’t a euphemism for prostitution. Literally rubbing elbows is considered rubbing elbows. Down here, it’s our time! It’s our time, down here!
The Golf guys and a few old Ladies, Hot though, otherwise I’m Solo, always stroking my Wookie
I wonder how many of those GIs or w/e we called them, if we’d said, Hey, we’re sending you up agains the Huns, but you can’t fuck any of the prostitutes because you or they might have influenza, would have fragged a motherfucker. And that was back when flu could kill you. Not like now, when flu shuts down the world and everyone watches as their retirement slips away into the ether.
Some old ladies are pretty good looking, as in my age old, so Shaving, nice clothes and good hair are mandatory if you wanna get laid….
/did I just say that?
We’re practicing social distancing down here. We’ve had a lot of practice.
It’s their soft-ass kids and grandkids leading the charge. Maybe there shouldn’t have been a polio vaccine so that everyone would be aware that shit happens sometimes.
soft-ass kids and grandkids leading the charge,
And they will die first
Is there a sci-fi series involving a villain trying to reintroduce Darwinism to improve the human strain? All I can think of is Godemperor Leto, which wasn’t really reinvoking evolution so much as evolutionary psychology, and Larry Niven’s Puppeteers selecting for luck with the genetic lottery.
Haven, and the Sauron Supermen,
we were Cattle……..
The antediluvian kings colonised the world
And Cthulu is only the Gatekeeper for the Elder Gods, careful out there!
As we seem to be in a permanent state of panic here in the west, I spent the day shooting. I picked up a ’48 vintage K22 Masterpiece recently, so I took that and my ’19 vintage .32-20 Smith up into the hills for a little plinking. But, I really need to join a range, get back to working on my target shooting skills. And now, at 9:30pm I am enjoying a nice glass of the one true whiskey, Midletons.
I don’t hate people, I just feel better when they aren’t around.
No, Save ammo, the Zombies are near!
We have a foursome set up for 10 AM, let’s see who shows up, so far it’s all rebellious types and Dog walkers, INSURRECTION!!!!
Man, I got a lake house in Bass Lake rented for the first week of April. Very fucking expensive and a bunch of people are que’d up to go. Trying to figure out how much of a hit cancelling is gonna be.
Fortunately, my fun is free and close by, I feel for you richers having to cancel your fancy vacations….
/seriously, it sucks
I knew someone would go there, LOL
Abe says schools to reopen mid April, amusement parks are going to reopen soon. How did we manage to escape the carnage?
Gaman power. Also, longer intestines prevent the sars-cov-2 from getting established.
Is Japan exactly like Italy? No, it’s not. The US is. Obviously we are doomed.
” soft-ass kids and grandkids leading the charge”, I had an altercation at the park yesterday with a very large man and his very large Family, as I walked away, my only thought was, I’ll outlive you, Obese guy, and he couldn’t have been 35 years old, Ozy was right, Sugar kills
Buy diet tonic water.
*sips G&T*
I only eat Oreos, otherwise no Sugar, Diet Tonic Water has too many Calories for me, don’t want get over 138 lbs you know…
Not ten stone!!
Leathery and sinewy for the win!
HeY! I resemble that,
/better than an old fat guy…..
I say again: slinging pussy is recession-proof.
well it is social distancing, where’s me a nasty Red head Q?
Slay it
They get to sling it? I barely get to whip it a little.
Maitland Ward. Would not.
BevMo just sent me a CV message, this is getting old…
Got a coupon code I can borrow? 😉
This was Wendy’s song about me, really,
by Prince! ?
He wrote that didn’t he? great song,
My ex used to listen to that album incessantly when we first joined groins. She read the whole thing as “Wimmin Power” but I thought there were some pretty songs and basically , meh. Everyone is entitled to interpret Art as they see fit. Should have been a warning sign. Hell, I still listen to tunes from when I was a boy because SOMA.
I still listen to JS Bach, don’t go wobbly on me now George….
This was our song, She was a randy gal, got I miss that ass!
“sign in to confirm your age”
Great song. Even thought I’m too young to watch it.
Fun to play to,
Cars *and* Driver’s Seat!
I love hauling ass down the Highway music, like this classic,
Cliche, but thats what the word means…
I don’t always listen to Chris Cornell, but when I do, so do my neighbors
Fuck Yes! Laughing hard!
I thought that was Sinead Oconner.
Google tells me I’m an idiot.
Don’t believe shit you read on the internet.
Tell you what, Sinead Oconner is impossibly sexy in that video.
Liv Tyler as Arwen was stale for me. Sinead Oconnor in that video is elven like you can’t believe.
The Bathrobe Belt in the Gold-Plated skivvy? What do I win? What? Too soon?
Prince wrote the song, she recorded it (first?)
You’re gay, don’t tell me you’re so gay she’d turn you off. She’s wonderful.
She’s wonderful. That album is great.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest you’re gay.
Aw jeez, I suck.
Damn straight.
2.6K people downvoted that.
What the hell is wrong with people?!
good taste?
I was honestly confused/surprised by the Prince “cover” label. I’ve always known it as Sinead’s song.
I mean, I don’t doubt he wrote it, but I don’t recall ever hearing him perform it.
AFAIK, he did not record it.
Good heavens, Miss Hayek: you’re beautiful!
(OK, we knew that, but you do have Doonesbury eyes.)
Is that not a Hot little Girl! and Like Fine Wine, she has aged well….
I went to a reunion some years ago. The number of fat, balding individuals was shocking to me and I’m not even gonna mention the guys! Haaayooooo!
More Terri Nunn, what an adorable Gal
and a link to Terri,
An early favorite
She did a Penthouse spread before she got popular. Much spanking, many splooge!
YAAASSSS! and my Young wife loved that song, real. fun . times.
/never forget
Twenty years ago,
We get old, amazing
I am ageless. But I don’t like mirrors.
Well, yeah. You’ll turn to stone!
Now I’m over here, a great video, Hams!
No, see, it’s ELO time now.
OK,just for you,
Oh hell yes
A different vibe, but a good song.
You and Pie huh?
I keep a self-portrait in the shed…
Dorian, where have you been?
/i saw a great ban once named Dorian Grey, no one but me got it,
Do you rub lotion on it?
Protect it with your life.
All hope rests with him, we must pray to the Glib Gods..
Bah. You’re “as fit as fiddle” like Grandma used to say. Me too. Aches and pains but still alive and kicking. Just not as bendy/springy as I once was. Thinking yoga for the stretching bit and the leering.
Disc golf has about the hardest throw in all of sports, no kidding, about 5 rotations happen at once, you definitely feel all your muscles if you do it right, and if you do it wrong you feel it, at 56 for sure….
Would have been fun to go to school with you! I had a buddy that was into martial arts that used to win bar bets climbing up and down stairs on his hands. Ferocious sparring partner! About your size and full of gentle. Man, when you’d block a kick you felt it. Okay, his name was Corn Pop!
I was a vert Skater, Bass player and Rock Climber, i love to fly! If they close the park i will defy it, and I’m not the only one, I have nothing to lose but my Liberty at this point, HAHA!
I am hearing that sentiment and passing it on to the higher-ups!
And the hardest song I ever played,
And one of the Funnest sons i play,
My feed wouldn’t play that tune but instead jumped to this. https://youtu.be/mYKLvYGqaC0?list=RDX4bgXH3sJ2Q It’s nice to see those autistic kids having fun!
I was reminded of your uploads yesterday morning! (esp. the canine one) Your voice has a nice timbre (I guess? count me among the musically unsophisticated).
*big grin*
here, take 15 minutes or so, this is why I like these guys, just once,
Iron Maiden
Every sniffle and cough has me wondering if I’m infected. This sucks.
No, relax and don’t freak out, ir you are that sick you may have the “common” Flu, hydrate, eat and stay warm, you will be fine, and grab a Towel…
What Bob says. Like him I’m “Ironman”! Don’t really get sick and have been wearing the same sized pants for decades. I’ll be a big hit when they stuff me in the retirement home to die.
I’m not even sick, thank goodness. Just random stuffiness and the occasional vape-cough.
Yes, this is the day.
OK something I’m familiar with,
I’m currently on a country-ish kick
I used to know you, man.
I’ve also been listening to this country music.
I can’t imagine the stage prep. Mind you, Alice Cooper is still humming along although he cancelled his local show. Rebel without a cough.
Old? maybe, Glib Dogs…
Awww! Kota and Steele (RIP) representing!
Kids playing in the yard with an armed escort.
Concept album name.
This is my new groove https://youtu.be/Lg9HnYN-K6M h/t to whomever linked Baroque Lutes first.
Our first act of defiance will be grooming dogs under the threat of a boot to the neck. How damn sad that is
Kids playing in the yard with an armed escort.
Kids playing in the yard with an armed escort.
Don’t know why that keeps happening but girls like twice if it’s good. I swear it’s the squirrels!
David Byrne is cool and I lust after leggy brunettes. I know she bats from the other side but a man can dream… https://youtu.be/hpPYKJAnwUo
David Byrne is cool and I lust after leggy brunettes. I know she bats from the other side but a man can dream… https://youtu.be/hpPYKJAnwUo
Huh. Got a 418 message this time. I swear it wasn’t me plugging the terlet. Squirrels can fuck the fuck right off!
Kids playing in the yard with an armed escort.
Messing with the lines. “You’ll lose a finger!”
I can’t believe I stayed up this late and it’s only you and me. (no offense) I’ll go to bed now so you special overnight people can do your thang.
I’m tapping out too. This week has been both physically and mentally exhausting. Night all!
What? I’m still Drunk,…..
Dig this one too https://youtu.be/jZVL8gIUII8
Kenny Rogers, 1938-2020
I guess he knew when to fold ’em.
Yeah, I can’t endorse his facelift decisions, but he seemed to enjoy life.
I had to stop listening to Ruby. I’m drinking Old Granddad, and was growing cross listening to that song.
I was never really a Rogers fan; that over produced, pop-country of his is (to me) everything that is wrong with the genre since the late 1960s. Still, sorry to see him go.
Did you just link to your own link?
We get big trucks, we push the groceries to the shelves, the groceries sell out in hours. To be a mensch, I went in early. My reward was being told I was “full of shit” and “a gay asshole” by an irate lady who was wholly convinced that I was hiding hand sanitizer in the back of the store and lying when I apologized and explained we have been out of it for a week. On the plus side, my round trip to NOLA in 3 weeks is down to $49. I just hope I can escape Poohfluquarantinocolypse.
Being called a gay asshole. She didn’t think too deeply about that insult.
Went for my regularly scheduled 6am Saturday Krogering and the motherfuckers have pushed back opening an hour ‘To clean and restock’. Fuckers have been closed for 7 hours already whats another 60 minutes, if you really need more help bring in a few more stock boys for fucks sake. Now my beat the crowd system will be useless, any asshole can get to a store by 7am. This CCP Virus caused Tom Hanks Disease shit is starting to piss me off.
Tee hee, yesterday my union sent out a text explaining those very hours (plus the first hour of the business day is reserved to the over 60s) and that we are not to engage with customers like you, but to refer you to a manager or security.
Oh I didn’t make a fuss or anything, I went back at 7 and sure enough full parking lot and a bottleneck at the entrance, there was plenty of stuff, The mac and cheese was a little empty that was it. I’m tempted to panic buy and start hoarding not because I’m worried but just so I won’t have to go back for a couple months, people are fucking insane.
Yep, did the same here. I would always stop and grab a couple things on the way to work, or try to go early right when they opened doors on Sat. Grocery pickup is a day and a half out. I have been pissed about this for over a week.
Also yesterday I saw two people out and about with the face masks on a, first time around here (NC Ohio)
NC OH, eh? I was born in Tiffin, but we moved to Dayton when I was <4, so I don't remember living there.
The mask thing baffles me. People are masked everywhere here (Rockaway Beach, NYC), but they’re wearing those dust masks one might wear when cleaning the attic. A few people have fancy blue masks and one guy at the grocery had socks on his hands. Also, local brewery tap room, which has already been package beer/growler fill only for several days, has gone credit card only for fear of handling dirty Federal Reserve Notes. The nice young DID take my cash tip after I explained the whole tax thing.
Nice young lady.
It wasn’t all that long back there were stories about forcing NYC businesses to take cash because… “undocumented” [sic] immigrants couldn’t access the regular banking system.
I just want to shake these people and yell at them telling them that the masks don’t help.
I really had no intention of waking up this early, since it goes against my personal moral code to go out any further than my back porch before noon on the weekend.
Well, a good morning to you, regardless.
Thank you! To you also, even if it’s a good morning’s sleep.
Good morning! Now I want to go out on my back porch (AKA Tranquility Base) but it’s too cold. : (
I wanted to go for a walk yesterday but it was raining on and off. Today is only supposed to be in the 40s. 🙁
Now a word from our sponsors.
I had no intention of waking up this early, but I was trying to get to the grocery store. Because people are panicking like dumbasses, I have to break my habits and store extra food.
The local Hannafords had toilet paper when it opened at 7am, but when I arrived at 7:15, they were sold out. I know because I saw people checking out with TP, and saw the bare aisle where it would have come from.
I’ve been up for a while because if I drifted off again, I may miss the guy coming at 8 to spackle my basement.
Give me one good reason why an NFL team couldn’t try to exploit the untapped market of Olympic speed walkers. You could find one that could do a post pattern.
They tried Renaldo Nehemiah. Fast as blazes, but couldn’t catch a ball.
Have you seen speed walkers walk? They could catch a ball
Yes I have, and if they want to keep the size of the Olympics down, that’s one of the sports they should get rid of.
Straff’s drunk again.
Little bit.
Due to the ethnocentric time preferences of TPTB, I’m either shitfaced drunk or stone sober when commenting.
Seems to me that you don’t spend a lot of time on the in-between. Not a bad business model.
I plan on drunk commenting before noon today. One needs goals in these times of uncertainty.
And that is a nice ass.
On the chick in your avatar? You’re just now noticing?
I’d like to think a donkey just strolled past his window.
A very pleasant-mannered burro.
Nah. I was flexing my butt cheeks as I went up the escalator. #showmustgo on.
This take on the New Warriors trailer/launch is very amusing. I’m not familiar with this guy or his channel but he seems to nail it.
He’s an AnCap, a lot of you lot would probably like him. He’s not the funniest guy, so I don’t go out of my way to see his stuff.
Are they shooting at the walls of heartache?
Bang bang!
I want DeWine to be remembered as a one-term governor.
I would prefer him to be remembered as the former governor who was impeached from office in 2020.
That’s our only hope, since apparently Ohio law doesn’t provide for recalls of statewide officeholders. >: (
My breakfast was whatever fell out of the grocery bags. A can of meat sauce with beans, and some mandarin oranges. Zero effort, but no consistancy.
Whoa……….hope you are not one of the poor souls with a TP shortage.
No. I still have five and a half rolls.
I’ve got 20+ rolls!
Panicky people keep picking the shelves clean around here or I’d have picked up another package.
And no, a little bit of canned “chili” is not going to mess up my insides.
My breakfast was a cup o’ coffee. I’m waiting to poop so I can do my weekly weigh-in. I was down 2lbs last week.