Rays fans getting on the “social distancing” bandwagon early.
Looks like they’re gonna try to play the US Open at Winged Foot this year after all. I’m still not holding my breath. MLB would have opened today in a normal world. And nothing else happened in sports.

X-ray discoverer and dude with a solid beard Wilhelm Röntgen was born on this day. He shares it with English automotive pioneer Henry Royce, commie douchebag Sergey Kirov, auto racing legend Cale Yarborough, actor Michael York, Genesis keyboardist Tony Banks, Irish author (you should read) Patrick McCabe, director and Weinstein pal Quetin Tarantino, singer Mariah Carey, another singer (isn’t she the one that pissed per pants onstage?) Fergie, and multidimensional QB Randall Cunningham.
OK, I sent too much time trying to find those few people. So I need to quickly move on to…the links!

“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” – the BBC
Boris has the bug. I’m sure a bunch of leftists are happy. I’m sure more leftists were hoping another world leader with bad hair caught it. Because they’re so tolerant.
“Pay no attention to this, you can trust us!” – The Chinese Communist Party (and NBC News, the NYT, MSNBC, ABC News, Reuters, and a whole host of other mouthpieces).
Two girls patients one cup ventilator. I don’t think I’ll like this version much more than the original.
Don’t these dumbasses know people need exercise? Or that it’s possible to be in a shared space yet maintain personal distances from each other?

There’s finally a naked protester worth looking at. But the whole damn world has lost it’s mind and won’t be able to enjoy it. Also, this headline is somewhat misleading because she was wearing drawers.
Maybe they’ll eat all the bum shit. Although that might be a bad thing.
I’m sure this is Trump’s fault. The mayor has already blamed him for allowing her to run her city as she sees fit. What a misogynist.
I’ve gotten away from playing birthday songs. I’m making an exception today. And it’s the full version!
Now go have a great end to the “work” week. And an even better weekend, friends!
Da Fuq?
Starting the comments this way keeps the weirdos away, that’s what I heard
Sure it does.
Punctuation mark firsts deserve one of the Swiss gifs, not sexy finish line gif. Sorry Canuppet.
Is that a canuk muppet?
Yes, I considered Mupnuck, but it sounded like some sort of swamp dwelling gnome.
He’s our Canadian POC.
(Person of cloth)
I’m sure leftists want this pandemic to continue for ‘insert petty agenda here’.
I’m sure they want the markets to recede despite recent highs. Which it could very well do. I don’t trust it. Especially once the money is spent and if this pandemic is still swirling around. Are the markets going to expect a second round of stimulus? Buckle up buckaroos. It’s bound to be wild until it’s perceived to be under control.
Far more interesting than the fiscal side is the monetary side. The demand for dollars collapsed several months ago, the overnight interest rate shot up past 10%, and now you’re going to have the Fed expanding it’s balance sheet by at least 4-5 trillion dollars to accommodate this new spending and their quantitative easing.
Are the markets going to expect a second round of stimulus?
Yesterday a bipartisan group of congresspeople said to expect at least a couple more rounds of stimulus bills. So I’d plan on even more outrageous shit being put on the taxpayers shoulders. Especially in an election year.
Ugh. Am I alone in seeing that this “cure” is far, far worse than the disease?
No, but if you say it out loud you are a monster. Unless you have a (D) badge.
I was listening to Dave Smith and Scott Horton on POTP podcast. I wonder if any of their friends are going to pull them aside after that one. I get that they are frustrated with the boom and bust and whatnot but some of the stuff they were saying was just plain weird. Like talking about how you don’t deserve the money from your house appreciating and all that is because of welfare from the government for pumping money into the market.
What is weird about that? You don’t ‘deserve’ price appreciation, it happens independent of your actions or virtues, and a good bit of it DOES happen because of artificially lowered interest rates and inflation.
I wonder if we’ll hit the point where dumping monopoly money into the market stops being stimulus and triggers the full melt down this time?
“I’m sure leftists want this pandemic to continue”
You can’t get people living in prosperity to want socialism. And what about the kiddies we’ve spent 12-16 years indoctrinating. What if they get jobs? No, we need this economy thing gone, you can’t just let people take care of themselves! Viva la revolution!
Well, it’s either that or cut red tape and allow new ones to be installed. Can’t be going around procuring durable medical equipment willy nilly you know.
If anything, this pandemic has shown that most of those laws, if not all, obstructing fast movements and solutions to problems are there for any other reason than safety or whatever other bullshit the people that passed them put them in place.
Well, looking for the silver lining – hopefully some of the CoN laws and other regulations being set aside right now – will hopefully be left undone when this is complete – looking towards the possibility of similar occurrences in the future.
Similarly, might cut down some faith in the CDC/FDA, etc and look at more reasonable guidelines going forward.
Look if our TOP. MEN couldn’t stop this, do you think chaos could have done better?
The “laws” are put in place to reward cronies that reward legislators with contributions to keep that sweet pork river flowing. Is as has always.
The story of the woman on the bull needs more pictures.
The model made a suction cup *pop* sound when they took her off the bull
Heh heh…
Now the bull looks like a snail went wild all over it?
I think there’s maybe half a dozen on this site that would write that quip, Alex. Glad to see you took one for the team!
Festus, in your opinion, how many low lifes are there that would also make some crude crack about them never getting the fish smell off the bull?
Like the economy is tunabull.
I have it on good authority that man was not banned from Eden for eating the fruit of knowledge, but because Eve went swimming and then she made the fish smell….
Eve was the original Karen. Convince me otherwise.
So it wasn’t the fruit that got them kicked out of Eden, but Eve telling God “Get me your manager”?
Surf’n’Turf is a cherished tradition.
And less hyperbole. The streets are not “empty”. There is no real “quarantine” in effect or any reason to “stop her” from doing this.
It’s almost like they just found an excuse to put a hot chick on the front page or something.
America needs more nekked hot chicks on the front page, I say!
Ol’ Blighty might be an object lesson on that.
Hey, that was page three.
Let’s play a game.
What do you estimate the real number of cases to be in China?
I’m going with double. No way in hell USA, Italy and maybe Spain are surpassing it.
An order of magnitude would not surprise me at all.
We’ve seen that story about 23 million canceled cell phone accounts – if accurate, that’s far beyond official numbers.
I don’t think that even China could hide those kinds of numbers if it were true.
Over a two month timeframe? ADVChina has graphics with the breakdown by cell provider, etc.
Hard to see other explanations for it given the ubiquity of cells there.
Hey Fishy, where’s the ADVChina breakdown of the cell phone stats? I was just at their YouTube page and couldn’t seem to find anything (and wasn’t gonna sit through 15-minute-long videos just for one or two nuggets of info I couldn’t find by “scanning” through the video at high speed). The spousal unit’s got lots o’ experience in cell provisioning analysis and wants to see if she can come up with different explanations for the phenomenon.
Thanks, mang! I’ll see what she’s got to say about it later today . . .
They can’t hide anything indefinitely, but they certainly are bullshitting hard, and everyone seems assured that we are being lied by them. How much lying is going on is the thing. I suspect we will eventually find out the Chinese not only tried hard to hide the whole thing from the world, but from their own people, causing a far larger number of people to get it, and because of the general health of the population being compromised by a large number of things (pollution, air pollution, bad hygiene practices, and so on) many people were compromised and likely succumbed to the virus. I find the 21-23 million number to be staggeringly high and believe it is somewhere lower, but it is definitely NOT as low as they are now pretending it is. I could be wrong and things really are that bad, and that should tell you how horrible the CCP is when it is more concerned with making sure they are not blamed for fucking this up (like our team blue members that want to use it to win an election).
I think to add to that you have to also add in information and repression into the mix. China is trying to clamp down hard on dissent.
I’m going with at least an order of magnitude above the official rates.
What’s the real rate anywhere? Nobody will ever know because so many people got/have it and are asymptomatic. Hell, it’s probably an order of magnitude greater everywhere. But especially in China where the government are going out of their way to cover up what’s been going on there.
This comes from experts, and y’all know what I think of experts, but I think in this case they might be correct. I have been arguing with many that the panic caused by these asshats calculating mortality based on reported infections vs. deaths (and the deaths could also be misreported as the virus when it was some other reason) was simply an idiotic way of doing things and a complete change of how we usually calculate mortality risk period. I suspect a lot of the people that panicked and told us we had to destroy the world to save it will act as if they knew better once people realize how fucking idiotic this exercise was. Especially considering the damage it will do both in the short and long term.
I’m gonna call bullshit on the experts. PA is testing and getting 90% negative right now. 1) If our testing capacity is so grossly limited, we aren’t directing it very well or 2) This testing is throwing all kinds of rocks at the supposed R0 (transmission rate).
PAEveryone is testing and getting 90% negativeFWIW I can’t help but notice this trend repeatedly.
That isn’t getting repeated anywhere in the news. I had a touchbase with my VP yesterday and mentioned it and he had no clue. Also, take into account that it’s only 10% positive on people who are showing symptoms because they aren’t really testing anyone else yet.
Did they get their kits from the same Chicomm companies that the Spanish did?
Kathy Griffin is in the hospital because of tummy trouble and she was furious that Trump wouldn’t let her get tested for THD.
Personally, I’m going with China’s numbers. All those extra urns were needed for people who came down with terminal lead poisoning.
“What do you estimate the real number of cases to be in China?”
Wild guess. 200,000.
I’m flabbergasted at the number of media outlets that are accepting the Chinese numbers at face value.
Are you, really?
Totally flabbergasted, like for reals
As Ace points out: this shit has been going on for a decade or more. And it is not just in our media. Our tech sector has helped the Chicomms make their socialist police utopia a reality while grandstanding here in the US about protecting people and our freedoms.
Also, TDS makes these morons highly susceptible to falling for any and all sorts of blatantly stupid & false shit, as long as they can rush to the camera to tell you how bad orange man is, and plays an even bigger role in this….
It’s hard to open a sweat shop and get slave labor in the US these days.
Move em to India or Vietnam?
The same cunts that literally stood in the middle of a potemkin village in North Korea and regurgitated their propaganda during the olympics? The media is more committed to Chinese communism than the Chinese communists are.
Paymasters. Friends and benefactors.
Jane Fonda is pure evil.
Dial this into the crazy/hot matrix https://youtu.be/ohnblmkufJA Black flag.
I’m sure they know they’re repeating lies. Telling one that so many people already disbelieve is the surprising part. Maybe everyone with doubts about their credibility already tuned out.
This fiasco has scuttled what little faith I had left in the general public’s overall intelligence.
Not only are they continuing to slurp down the Soylent Green bullshit fed to them by the media, they were more than willing, eager even, to toss away civil liberties for an “emergency” that has largely been manufactured.
Kudos to the naked protestor, not just for being hot and taking off her clothes, but for telling the lockdown to fuck off.
A lot of these people were just hoping for some crisis that would allow their cult leaders to fuck over the people, and this is not anything new from them, Q.
Grab em by the pussy, Hillary 99% is gonna win, 25th Amendment, Russia Russia Russia, Kavanaugh, Ukraine phone call impeachment, Kurds abandoned, yadda yadda yadda yeah, sure…the China flu numbers are to be trusted
What is quite stunning is how angry they get that after all this shit they have done their popularity/trust numbers keep dropping while the targets of their ire keep getting better numbers. It’s almost as if these collectivists idiots have become so enamored and dependent on their usual bullshit “we didn’t do enough of it” or “didn’t do it hard enough” response to pointing out what they did failed, that they are repeating it in this scenario and not realizing the harder and more f it they do, the more people will tune them out.
Imagine watching Biden speak, and then reporting and saying there’s nothing wrong with him…it’s just a stutter. That’s just a lie, and lying to yourself if you think that
BUT ORANGE MAN BADDDDD!!!!!1!!eleventy!!!
Winston fucking loves Big Brother.
Winston’s Mom loves fucking Big Brother.
“I’m flabbergasted at the number of media outlets that are accepting the Chinese numbers at face value.”
They share a common ideology with the Chicoms, an ideology in which lying is a key feature.
The CCP is moving on up! A few years ago it would have been self-dug ditches. Now the victims get fancy urns!
The people have struggled mightily to build their country up. They deserve to take part in their new prosperity. You could say they’ve urned it.
In the US you would never be given such a grave and honorable gift from the government.
Man, you two are killing it today!
It is kind of strange that they’d get an urn after all that coffin they’d been doing.
Hmm . . .It seems like there is a joke buried in there.
What a jarring thing to say, PJ, I’m really burned about your tone.
Glad you finally interred the thread.
The new clay army.
I think we need some humor on the Friday.
DOOM and Ksuell to the courtesy phone?
Heh, heh. Lock humor, I like. Thanks!
“Coyotes are being seen on the empty streets of San Francisco”
I see cougars in the local bars in summer, when the tourists are here.
I saw one at work tonight.
I hate dealing with Coyotes, I track them for miles and never manage to catch up.
You sound like a good candidate for CBP Employee Of The Month.
Be careful out there, Sloop.
Dammit, an auction is by definition not price gouging because that is the price point the market will support.
every arm’s length transaction is a legitimate estimate of the market, wouldn’t you say ?
Well yeah, except for a T-Rex.
Don’t be reach shaming the Tyrant Lizard King. He’ll end you.
But it won’t be a happy ending if you like the rough stuff.
At best a data point :). The market is a fiction. A story we tell ourselves to explain the patterns we impose on a great array of individual decisions.
The state AG needs to clarify that online-only auctions are considered retail sales and aren’t subject to TDLR regulations. Tim Worstell knows this, which is why he said all sales are subject to approval from the state AG office rather than the TDLR. So he may be subject to price-gouging laws here. If he was smart, he would have run this as a “live virtual auction” and allowed one or two people to bid live, which would have exempted it from retail price gouging laws.
Are the laws stupid? Yes. Was he dumb for not getting ahead of this on a technicality? Absolutely.
He should also make a statement that this isn’t considered an auction by the state of Texas. Because he’s making those of us who diligently follow the law and TDLR regs look greedy.
Also, if he’s making under 25% (how they got this information is beyond me) on a household goods auction, he sucks at negotiation. He should be making closer to 40-50% after commissions and buyers premium. So while he may look greedy, he’s not doing a very good job of being greedy.
To these fucks anything that doesn’t result in people trying to make a living (other than themselves) taking it in the ass is akin to profiteering. Especially when they want the free shit and you want them t pay for it.
Good morning all
I can’t imagine what my day would be like if I didn’t have you to check in on and wrestle with every day.
Cale and Donnie never gets old
More productive? Mine would.
Petty, Waltrip, Foyt finish 1,2,3. That was a star packed top 5 on the last lap.
Guess who has thrown a spanner into the works?
Guess who has thrown a spanner into the works?
It was a squirrel, wasn’t it?
Based Massie.
Sassie with Massie!
Good job, congressman.
The squirrels?
You fucked with squirrels MORTY! (images SFW, language is not)
I may need to binge me some Rick & Morty.
Tee hee.
I’m gonna go get the papers, get the papers…
It was unclear exactly why he may want to delay the bill, which some lawmakers have said contains too much wasteful spending — including $25 million for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.
Yeah I don’t get it either, true mystery.
Obviously he just wants PEOPLE TO DIE
Dead like that link?
You knew what it was going to be anyway
The orders have come down. Cuomo has spoken, it’s time to start lifting the shutdowns. NPR has stopped talking about 18 months and had really toned down the “false hope” attacks. Although there was a bootlicking piece praising China and how wonderful things are there.
The ‘China did a better job than America’ and ‘USA passed China hahahaha!’ narratives grates.
America is free. China is a prison.
America Is The Dude. China is Nurse Ratchet.
“The orders have come down. Cuomo has spoken, it’s time to start lifting the shutdowns.”
Huh. When bad orange man said something to that effect yesterday, that made him literally Hitler. So is Cuomo one of the Nazis now too?
I find it inhumane they’re locking up old people.
It’s literally the worst thing they can do ironically.
A couple of friends of ours have parents being cooped up in tiny residence rooms.
Me and my brother in law have a deal in place that one of us will take mother in when the time comes. It’s the least we can do. The matriarch did too much for the family.
You are Good Sons.
The broad kept the families together during tough times.
My wife too is on board with it.
The girls would take care of their Mom. Me? I got nobody except Judi and I’d honestly rather die at home in pain rather than going to the hospital after the last experience.
Word. This. Fuck that.
Looking at the proposed payouts for the unemployed due to the shut downs looks like there will be a lot of cash chasing after fewer available goods. Ordinarily that would cause some pricing fluctuations so we’re gonna need price controls to prevent gouging and then rationing to prevent hoarding.
We’re needing Top Men to handle this
We have top men working on it now.
Top. Men.
If I get my Sophie Bucks I’ll probably pay off my back taxes (not a huge number) and spend the rest on beer.
Today in Pat’s Pandemic Ponderings:
I went to the store yesterday for my 2nd weekly grocery run since the toilet paper panic began. Stock is still lower than normal, but at least 50% better than my last shopping trip. I even had the exceptional good fortune to find a 12 pack of mega-roll Quilted Northern triple ply at Walmart. I usually buy Charmin, but my anus is in no position to complain during these trying times. I stopped at Smith’s (Kroger) first, but they only had the store-brand generic 4 packs in stock. I picked one up just in case, figuring the 79 cents was a good insurance policy in case things got desperate. Quantities on meat, eggs, and paper products are still limited. Most other quantity restrictions were gone. Albertsons helpfully put down blue lines 6 feet apart in the checkout lines, which is especially helpful since they had all of 1 lane open and their checkout lines obstruct the main corridor at the front of the store even under normal circumstances. Unlike last week, it wasn’t wall to wall people. In fact it was pretty slow. Give it another week or two and I think things should be at least approaching normalcy again. And in case I haven’t mentioned it before, this is the most retarded shit I have ever experienced in my entire life. I figure I’ve got at least 30 years to go. It makes me wonder kind of abject fuckery I’ll be complaining about then.
Damn kids today, making us where bubble suits every time we want to leave our houses. I ‘member when we were just under shelter in place orders for weeks at a time. Man, those were the good old days. Kids are getting soft, I’m telling ya!
/damn it!
/goes to make coffee
Semper ubi sub ubi
I’m with you. I got a hunch officials went into hyper-precautionary principle mode. Look, Italy is basically gonna end up with the same numbers as the influenza flu and they got blindsided. We’re much more prepared and mobilized so I’d be rather surprised. Plus I’m getting the feeling, in Quebec anyway, because we’re run by a pro-business, pro-private party, they’re itching to get the population back to work. They want nothing to do with spending the surplus. I got some insider info there.
I gotta say. So far? I’m proud of Quebec so far. Plus they’re giving Justin the middle finger behind the scenes.
You know who else condemned panic buying and hoarding?
The A&E Network?
The Office of Price Administration?
At my retail postal site the lines are ten feet apart and they dragged some of the lobby furniture over to the counter to create a barricade. People have lost their fucking minds.
We can trust the ChiComs numbers. Utterly reliable.
We can rely on them – to be wrong, and whatever the party feels is best for the party.
Retread from old thread – Had to decontaminate one of my sites because an employee might have come into contact with someone who may have the Yellow Peril. Virex everything which should hold until at least two hours ago when the day shift started which is when people started touching things again. Maybe this is power-grab by “Big Keypad” because spraying that stuff on electronics seems counter-intuitive.
Aw man. Yellow Virus. That’s so going into my lexicon.
Peril. The correct term is “Peril”…
Whereas, the destruction of our economy should be referred to as “Moo Goo Gai Panic”.
My favorite was chink-in pox
Freaky Friday: Desperate Times Demand Ingenuity
okay… At least it will reduce the amount he’ll be touching his face.
I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message.
I’d like to see someone confront Biden, asking him to repeat his recommendations without a teleprompter.
“Uh, the thing, uh, and the other thing, uh, and the CEOs, you know, uh, and of course the students.”
Hi, sports fans. Out for my daily morning walk in my favorite county park here in Bergen County NJ. Oops, no can do, all our county parks are closed beginning today. I guess our county executive didn’t want to be upstaged by Chicago. I wonder if he also thinks their gun culture is also worth imitating.
It’s Bergen County so I’ll guess “yes”. I plan to be out enjoying a park in Warren County later if the weather holds.
Enjoy. WRT to the closures here, I have other things to do, but some of the regulars don’t. There is an older couple, both vets, the wife is severely disabled and wheelchair bound. I see them every day with their doggie, chat a few minutes. This might be the highlight of their day (the walk, not me), but I guess that’s an egg that needs breaking.
Freaky Friday: Never Go Ass To Mouth
*lights HM signal*
Does anyone actually use dental dams other than to show how hip one is to the safe sex?
Can’t even say that I know what it is. (I have an inclination as to what it may be, but have never seen one)
Cellophane sheets of paper..
Ball gag?
Essentially it is a tongue condom.
There’s finally a naked protester worth looking at.
[browser crashing link removed]
Well that’s a good way to start a Friday linking.
I propose a new level of screwed up link, beyond the Gilmore and the Sugar Free, we have discovered the Scum! Not content with merely failing to link, or forgetting to close a tag, the Scum prevents even viewing the linkless post by crashing the browser.
Every time I hover over that link, it crashes Chrome.
It was supposed to be a Joe Dirt meme.
Twice. It’s Corona link. Contactless transmission.
My browser hurts….
Weaponize that link!
Go post it on DU, Slate, Salon, Twitter…
The fuckers on those sites would all demand safe spaces, crayons to color with, and human sacrifices to make their angst go away…
Clap for Carers: UK in ’emotional’ tribute to NHS and care workers
Please clap…
They became Nazis so slowly, I hardly noticed.
“This hospital would rin fanstastically if not for all these sick people!”
“Useful”… The N95 mask slips off.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the NHS.
CV pandemic also might result in her sorely needed weight loss.
Sure they look for ways to let you die, but the healthcare is FREE!
Food here is terrible, and such small portions.
June Andrews, starring in the Sound of Morbid
I prefer Julie Andrews in S.O.B. Perky!
Am I the only one who looks at this and thinks, ‘they’re doing, you know, their jobs?’
Whether it’s a pandemic or a quiet year they’re doing what’s expected of them.
Maybe I’ve been hanging around here too much.
“a hospital that has 92 delayed discharges”
Delayed how? By who?
They took longer to heal than the bureaucrats allotted. Top Men are never wrong.
Happens. I had Giardia when I was about 22 or so and my Doc went on vacation. Ended up being a volunteer Nurse’s aide for a few days after I was healthy and clear.
Emotional pleas and outbursts have seeped into the political and social public discourse. Every other day a Canadian politician seems break down or have their voices crack as they speak.
While some may think ‘aw, they care’, I’m not one of them. It scares the shit of me such people run our affairs.
I cry over silly things but I’m not in a position of leadership. The Party of Feels.
I’m hoping my carer doesn’t have the clap.
Giving someone the clap isn’t usually a sign of respect.
Shel Silverstein agrees.
We used to sing a little ditty about a “popular” girl that we knew. “When you’re horny and you know it clap your flaps!”
The Town Crotch?
How bout a Clap for Checkout Clerks?
They are doing even more important work that Carers and getting paid a lot less.
This infuriatingly stupid place we find ourselves at now would be incredibly bad if the stores were shut down…
They’re getting paid a bit more now. Number 1 son (college senior) works part-time at a local supermarket, where the employees have just been given a $2/hr. raise. Seems there is a shortage of workers now that the local parents won’t allow their HS kids to work any more. I think my kids are beginning to understand the idea that with crisis comes opportunity.
Let’s just hope they don’t start looking at it the way team blue does…
Oh no, they are proper shitlords-in-training. Number 2 son will be finding work shortly, now that his uni has become the last (?) school in PA to officially close for the semester.
Friday Funbags wants to destroy the economy for no reason!
3. Or 26.
File under “what happens when you trust China” as well as “socialized medicine = no lab industry”.
Spain says coronavirus tests it bought from China are failing to detect positive cases
That’s worse than random. Actually kind of hard to do.
That’s why China has so many less positive cases.
That’s rich coming from Mr. Typo
Sentences should end with a period. ?
“Cruel and unusual punishment”!
Here, have a tampon and plug that period….
China has many more less positive individuals, like all commie countries. Optimists get the gulag.
What’s wrong with you, Spain? Don’t you want to report fewer cases?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Double shame on me! China is ass-whowle!
So, as I sit here with everything shut down, I get to thinking. I have several games that are designed as party games, where people use their phones/tables/web browsers to put in their inputs. If the Glibs are interested, I’ll drop the $15 for a month of premium Zoom (to get beyond the 40 minute limit), and set up a meeting where people can drop in and play games. I’ve got the first three Jackbox Party Boxes which provides several options.
You are a solid Guy, Neph (meant in the most positive way)!
Aside: Rufus, do you frog-Canucks pronounce that Gi (hard-g and hard-i) like normals or Geeee (like the silly French name) when you call someone “guy”?
The second.
Hell, I still got a job (and if I wanted to risk it, I could use my work account to do this). I’ve dropped more money on dumber stuff, and it’s not like I even have to put on pants to do this one.
JackBox”…it’s not like I even have to put on pants to do this one”
I think Chaturbate already has a lock on that
Can we play global thermo nuclear war?
If you really want to. But it’s a single player game.
Im game. We play as a family all the time. I remove all restrictions on language for the kids. Its my way of finding out their true vocabulary and humor.
Feeling like you’ve got too many brain cells this morning? Boy, have I got the cure for you!
Why would teen girls care about Marxism anyway?
They don’t. Teen girls care about what Teen girls have always valued and it sure as fuck ain’t politics unless it’s larping for attention from Teen boys. The editors at Vogue care about it.
Like this?
I refuse to watch that band but, Yes?
It’s a fun video.
I’ve always liked this video. Not in 240p, though.
I don’t think teen girls read teen vogue anyway.
I think it exists as a convoluted jobs program.
It’s owned by Conde Nast, which is basically a commie propaganda mouthpiece.
I think Instapundit found an article once that said the reader base of Teen Vogue was older men, so yeah
Would not be surprised by that. It’s legalized early pubescent porn.
It would seem that the Editors at Teen Vouge are adamant about ending teen pregnancy and so are trying to steer young women down a path that is completely off putting so as to stop them from banging.
The labor theory of value just won’t die.
Selling your labor in a capitalist marketplace so you don’t end up on the street is horrible and unnatural, and we shouldn’t have to exist this way.
Lol Commies.
Gimme shit you pay for!
You would think farming would’ve been a clue that value isn’t inherent in labor.
Government closes businesses, capitalism to blame.
Selling your labor in a capitalist marketplace so you don’t end up on the street is horrible and unnatural, and we shouldn’t have to exist this way. – appartment buildings usually are just fund in nature outside capitalism.
I need to plant a housing tree in my backyard.
I always wondered if that was you…
Why was I not following you?
If you’re worried about pregnancy, just do it in the ass. If you’re worried about STDs, Kung Flu is gonna kill you anyway so have at it.
Are these girls looking for boyfriends?
The blondie is about as tall as me. Statuesque, even…
Given how obsessed my gal and her friends are about sharing panic ridden articles about Winnie the Flu, it is a moral responsibility for some scientist out there to publish a report about how giving your partner frequent oral sex during confinement will ward off the epidemic.
Q delivers again!
Poor sock…
Jim Acosta✔
CNN: The United States now has more coronavirus cases reported than any other country in the world.
Jim Acosta✔
The US has just passed China, a country four times larger In population. https://twitter.com/acosta/status/1243322169913901059 …
Shut up,
MegJim.I really hope the true numbers get leaked out of China so all these asshats can have their faces rubbed in it for years to come.
They could rewrite yesterday’s weather without a shred of cognitive dissonance or shame. At this point, the only way to deal with them is to mock mercilessly and/or tune out.
And I am all out of tune out…
I was thinking more of this interpretation….
The large number may also speak to how much testing is taking pace in the US versus anywhere else.
Acosta should also learn WHY the Spanish Flu was named the Spanish Flu. It wasn’t because it started there.
Shorter Jimmy the Tard: Communism works!
Of course he would say that.
It’s amazing how uncurious and shallow a mind people like him have.
What a low IQ loser.
We’re the worst.
I thought it was xenophobic to even mention China in the same sentence with coronavirus? Has Acosta gone to the Dark/Trump side? It seems pretty obvious to all Top Men cocksuckers that this virus originated in a secret lab in Palm Beach, was released by the Pentagon in Wuhan, and spread for the sole purpose of re-electing Donald Trump and pouring tens of billions of emolument dollars into businesses controlled by the Trump family.
“I support the second amendment, but…”
The citizen said, “Your executive actions closed down gun stores, saying they’re ‘non-essential.’ The poorest minorities living in the most dangerous cities with the highest crime rates now have absolutely no way of buying a firearm. I’ve lived in Newark, so I understand this first hand.”
He asked, “If less guns reduce crime, will you give up your personal bodyguards?”
The governor replied by intimating that he and the citizen had a philosophical difference in the role guns play, with the governor believing “a safer society has fewer guns, not more guns. And the guns that do exist are in the hands of the right people — particularly trained members of law enforcement.”
The governor then giggled, referenced an armed law enforcement member next to him, and said, “It is what it is.”
Someone doesn’t understand the point and purpose of 2A.
“As long as the men with guns are taking orders from me, I’m all good.”
The governor then giggled, referenced an armed law enforcement member next to him, and said, “It is what it is.”
I use this “trained law enforcment member” for my private bodily protection, but fuck you rando citizen you aren’t important enough to protect.
Someone doesn’t understand the point and purpose of 2A.
Oh, he understands it. It’s why he’s trying to get rid of it.
I mean… If he doesn’t the people might be able to take him and hang him for instituting quazi martial law.
Maybe he can be convinced to forego a seat belt while being chauffered to Atlantic City at high speed, just like the last Goldman Sachs alumnus we had in Trenton. That guy was a real prince.
I wonder if any Abortion clnics have been closed because of the virus, and what the reaction would be if a right wing governor ordered them closed as “non-essential” operations during the pandemic.
“Under that order, Planned Parenthood can still continue providing essential procedures, including surgical abortion, and our health care centers continue to offer health care services that our patients depend,” the clinics said in a statement. “Our doors remain open for this care.”
Morning, Glibs. I hope that today finds you all safe and healthy. Let’s have a look at the astute observations that our esteemed Blue Checked nomenklatura are putting forth:
I’m gonna have to get checked for brain damage after reading that thread.
Their rooting for failure is not a good look.
Oh, look. I’m getting dragged, as the kids might say.
I don’t know why I even bother.
Stupid people need to be bitchslapped. If they are allowed to just say and be stupid, they start thinking they are winning.
Because you’re programmed to do so?
Twitter really is the septic tank of social media.
flawless analogy
because the gray water that comes off the top is good for the grass. I never understood anyone bashing a platform instead of some content. I use twitter and facebook every day and have zero trouble finding thoughtful people to enjoy following. I don’t buy the things at the grocery that don’t suit my palate, but I also don’t spend every day buying and re-tasting things I already know I don’t like.
I’m not busting on anyone; I just think this perspective doesn’t come up here as often as the “twitter sucks” trope does.
“Look at the accounts you like and avoid those you don’t” has worked for me so far.
Because the platform could be designed to generate terrible content? Scott Alexander had a post about how tumblr was like that, but I can’t seem to find it.
Because the platform is run to prioritize garbage content and suppress content that is displeasing to Our Masters?
I’ll just repeat what my boss said about social media: “Facebook isn’t where intelligent people go for intelligent conversation, Ozy.”
Ditto for Twitter.
I don’t mind because I avoid both (as much as the rest of the planet will let me), but you have to at least consider the purposes for which these platforms were designed: and it wasn’t for preserving or encouraging thoughtful discourse.
Good luck to Boris and I hope he comes out OK. He’s a politician and all but I can’t help but like the guy, luckily he has a roughly 99 percent chance of being just fine.
Got it from Charles, maybe?
I could use an asymptomatic positive dx, and the 2-week holiday therein.
Sleepy Joe should offer her the spot and then rescind it.
The most popular choice for vice president among both male and female respondents was Sen. Elizabeth Warren
I looked at the polling data to see what other names were there because no way did i believe Warren could be that popular. Only 25%. But the other names? Harris, and Abrams? Abrams is like Beto, famous for being a looser.
+1 string of beads
Good move, put the shrillest, lyingest, full of shittiest person from the contest a heartbeat away from the presidency. If they do keep Biden and he gets elected he almost certainly won’t finish his first term.
What is this runner up participation trophy nonsense? She had lackluster appeal in the primary, so put her on the ticket, obviously.
Right – he’s gonna pick the woman he beat in her home state. Idiots.
My bet is it goes to Harris – right gender, right color – most progs won’t criticize her (even though they could and should).
I’m really looking forward to the Bernie Bros being made to kneel and kiss the ring.
They won’t, they are true believers in Bernie, and Bernie alone.
TheBern! should run third party. This is his last hurrah. It would make for great entertainment.
And give her some bedding as a consolation prize.
I can’t decide if Cowen has a point or if he is a dumbass: Universities Shouldn’t Spend Their Endowments on Coronavirus Relief
The real contributions of Harvard, MIT and Stanford to the world are not the food-service workers they hire. They are the ideas and innovations produced by its researchers, plus the talented students they educate. Less successful universities also contribute those same broader benefits, even if at a lower scale of effectiveness. Furthermore, the top schools rely on those lesser institutions, if only as future employers of their graduate students and thus maintaining a liquid market in scientific endeavors.
Harvard, Stanford, and MIT stay true to their missions not by regularly asking whether they ought to redistribute their endowments to starving people around the world. And their food service workers are not more needy because of Covid-19 than other possible recipients of the funds — the dengue victims in Central America, say.
The real contributions of Harvard, MIT and Stanford to the world are not the food-service workers they hire. They are the ideas and innovations produced by its researchers, plus the talented students they educate.
Ok then…
You see the problem too.
Cowen does have a bit of a Top.Men. technocrat fetish.
Historically, they have added value, just not quite as much as they think.
Cowen needs to be talking about ending the market distortions that make higher ed so overvalued instead.
They need that money for the real woke projects like defining all the various genders. Maybe if they spent the money researching how the corona virus was impacting all 58 genders (number will vary daily) the money would be considered well spent?
It is rather silly to compare people employed by you to whom you may feel some responsibility with unknown people on other continents.
They are the ideas and innovations produced by its researchers, plus the talented students they educate. – they should focus on actual research maybe…
He’s trying to peddle this bullshit only a year after the admissions scandals.
Are you saying Bella Giannulli isn’t a Top. Woman.?
Did he learn PR from the ‘bed blocker’ Brit doctor?
Apologies if this is a re-post:
All the supplies they are ‘giving’ to other countries had to come from somewhere.
It’s likely much worse than that – all of the supplies they’re giving (selling, really) to other countries now are proving to be mostly defective and useless. The ones they shipped out earlier probably got used in China.
ADVChina has a good bit on it in their podcast from last night. Highly recommended.
The Chicoms need to have their backs broken after this is all cleared up.
We should have done that a decade ago when it became obvious what they were up to. I am hoping that one of the good things that comes out of this terrible experience is the globalist vision with China at the center falls dead on its ass and we leave them hanging with their dicks in their hands. Halting the power the Chicomms have accumulated so they can lord it over everyone will be beneficial to the world.
The latest country to do panic buying
I’m hearing through the rumor mill that it’s coming.
Not the Japanese too…we’re doomed.
The super market nearest me scaled it’s hours back by about 6 hours a day. When I walked through earlier the instant ramen, Udon, noodles section was all but picked clean.
People are being told to stay indoors for the weekend (it’s Friday night here) so everybody stocked up.
Three Planes That Shot Themselves Down
Cool, thanks.
You ever watch TheFlightChannel on YouTube? Guy uses computer flight simulator and cockpit recordings and stuff to recreate air disasters…good stuff
That started in WW1, before there was a reliable interrupter for the machine gun. Shoot your propeller off, you don’t have much chance.
That stuff fascinated me when I was a littl’un! Imagine fixing deflector plates to the prop and hoping for the best? Used to make toy biplanes from clothes pins and popsickle sticks. I’d always remove the spring and reverse the clampy parts so it would be more aerodynamic. https://youtu.be/XwB7URKoV3A
No kidding. The Brits wound up going all belt and suspenders by mounting one gun on the upper wing, above the arc of the propeller, and another, with interrupter gear, in front of the pilot.
Of course, then the upper gun would jam, them pilot would stand up to bang on it, and all too often accidents happened.
The gun tunnel in the Gotha G V was a good trick.
Henry Jones SR shows how it’s done.
Having had a few hours of training, I think I’m safe in saying that Innovation Engineering = Six Sigma – math + hucksterism.
*googles Innovation Engineering*
*cough* bullshit *cough*
Simpler version – baffle them with bullshit while quickly slapping together some cheap crap they think they want?
old knowledge + new packaging = flavor of the month
Do you have Six Sigma certification X? No, I did grad work in design of experiments and have been applying it in various industries for 30 years. Sorry, we’re looking for certification.
I do throw them a bone: a lot of people need flowcharts and presentations for problem-solving. Some ways of thinking aren’t intuitive, and sometimes some obvious bullshit like RedX seems pure genius to some people.
I have a couple of Six Sigma certifications and now I’m studying for the PMP because people love the credentials and don’t care about the decade of leading projects.
If you’re so experienced whycome you don’t have this piece of paper?
Yep – I had the piece of paper that said I was really good at my old company’s internal methods of project management, which means zero anywhere else. Won’t make that mistake again.
Nothing wrong with that, of course. I never fooled with any of that, never even got my PE.
I hope no one reads bitterness into my note. I don’t care how companies make decisions so long as I don’t own their equity, and, if anything, such rank and bald front door stupidity is nice because it warns me away from Stupid Corp; they’re doing me a favor. I run on my resume and am totally content with the consequences: if they can find a better man for less, they would be insane not to retain him.
Yesterday a client texted ManIMissYou; it was one of those places where they paid for two years’ advice but really got a fraction out of what I could have done for them. I’m totally content with it so long as I have the half dozen references.
This should be prime golf time for me anyway. I haven’t sized or sold anything in three weeks to speak of: one $4,000 job; that’s it ;thirty minutes’ work that will pay about $1,000 if I get the sale. The mayor has the courses shuts down because reasons.
Yeah, I did project management in a few industries for a couple decades. Maybe the certs would have made a difference when I was looking for another job – possibly I could have done much better than I did.
I’ve ended up doing gigs for a few companies who need a guy in Asia who they know will get the job done on time. It’s better pay (over time spent) than I’ve ever made so I’m happy with it.
sounds wonderful to me
I did this one job * checks LinkedIn * in 2011. During the recession, DumbCorp had dumped their quality staff and just ran wheels-off for three years. I built them a project management template with APQP from scratch in less than a week: the principle and simple addition were all I needed.
Also restored their UL compliance and saved six figures with simple material review board sort of effort. None of it was even hard: they just thought managing overhead was more important than managing the business.
Eventually we dug out enough for me to get a look at legacy product: it does not robustly work; maybe it works half the time. Again, I ended up walking away from people who’d rather cherish ancient delusions than consider the data and recommendations I provide. I’m convinced that this sort of non-sense is common, but, happily, most rims have more lugnuts than we need or half of us would die every year.
I’m lucky that the projects I run are really short term. My value adds are knowledge of local languages and business environment plus deep experience in a few industries which are key to the projects but generally unrelated. It also help that I am located on this side of the globe, can recruit local staff when needed, and know my way around any relevant part of Asia. Much easier than sending somebody from Dallas.
The number of desktop support people who can’t follow basic instructions makes me weep. Oi, I’m the one who knows the system you’re trying to work with. The steps I give will work, if you skip one, you’re going to have a bad time.
Yeah, I’m probably out of sync with corporate norms at this point. In most situations I think there are too many cooks in the kitchen, too many emails, and not enough people doing what they’re told.
I value operator feedback, but the pendulum in some places has swung to the entire proletariat’s having a say about every nut and bolt, and I suspect that’s gone way t0o far.
I am a bit worried about this place. Cuomo demanded that we hire more people or he’d
withdraw his bribes to the UAEcancel his tax incentives. Now I’m seeing a lot more of this kind of crap… including initiatives on Diversity and Inclusion.*shudders*
We had people from more than 50 countries here, I’m pretty sure we were a fuckton more diverse than whatever HR squad is that will be doing the lectures.
this virus is starting to harsh my mellow. You people just had to elect trump to fuck us all with the same Trump virus.
also that 16 year old french girl with no preexisting conditions kicking the bucket has me worried. I do have good health and the physique of a demigod* but still.
* one of those out of shape demigods that probably follow Dionysus around
I bet after the autopsy they find she had some undiagnosed condition..
Pay no attention to to congenital heart defect behind the ribcage.
Must be that ewwy cripple, Vulcan!
French? She smokes. Or vapes.
Look man. It was Either Trump Virus or Hillary Virus. There was no one else running at all. The American People had no choice but those two. There was nobody willing to do this but them.
Well, we know it’s all actually part of Putin’s Master Plan, Orange Man is just doing his bidding!
Funny how all of that shit has died down now that the progs have decided that Trump isn’t dictatorial enough.
I keep seeing our media talking up China in order to make our country’s current “leadership” look bad. And I fear it will have a second-level effect of propping up the CCP.
And I’m going to be honest here. China is a shithole. It’s a shithole of the CCP’s making. Jokes about hygiene and living standards aside, the reason those poor people over there live in abject poverty and with dubious health standards (by our metrics) is because their totalitarian government doesn’t allow them full exposure to the world and doesn’t pull them up. And yes, it’s the government’s responsibility to manage that kind of stuff when you run a top-down centralized prison state.
The Chinese people are slaves. I feel more sympathy for them than any group out there, aside from perhaps the Norks. Their ability to cast off/hang from lampposts the CCP has already been diminished because they are disarmed. And it will be further eroded because our western media are putting the Chinese government on a pedestal in order to score domestic political points and make orangeman look bad. It’s a sad state of affairs.
I though generally wealthier people ate the exotic animals… and the current fascist-ish CCP did reduce abject poverty some. Not to defend them though but it is also cultural. Like the rhino horns for dicks thing. It is not all CCP… Then again if the CCP would have been honest when the bug started, things would be mch better. That is why it is the CCP virus.
Cultural norms change with additional information. Sanitation standards in the west evolved with information. When the government is in charge of everything including information, it’s their responsibility to improve sanitation as a core job function. They didn’t because they don’t give a fuck about their people. And this isn’t just about the Wuhan food market. It’s about forcibly stacking people on top of each other then forcibly expelling reporters and scientists and/or forcibly silencing them so they can’t get out reliable information because it may make the regime look bad.
Cultural norms change with additional information. – some do not all. Eating tiger penis and having wet markets of exotic animals may or may not.
They didn’t because they don’t give a fuck about their people. – while this is 90% true I would say, another 10% is probably they did not want to rattle them by banning things they like that did not inconvinience the CCP. I expect more regulations in the future
The casual cruelty to animals knocks them down a few pegs from “civilized” in my opinion. I hope this wakes them the fuck up. Dude, you come for a dog or cat or pangolin in my vicinity I will fucking end you if I can.
Traveling through China in 1988, my buddy and I were in Wuhan and stopped in this big restaurant for dinner – boiled dumplings. This was the kind of place most people could afford, not some tourist trap by any means (weren’t many tourists back then anyway). I always carried our chopsticks but we had been out longer than planned and only had one pair left. My buddy won the toss so I used a bamboo pair from the shop.
After the meal I was at the front paying when I saw how they handled the chopsticks – used ones got put in the bucket half filled with water and then issued again to new customers without even a rinse. It was little more than a microbe exchange.
Soon after I came down with amoebic dysentery. It wouldn’t cost them too much to teach germ theory to their people but they simply don’t care. I actually believe many of their educated class don’t fully believe in bacteria and viruses.
The US army invented bacteria and viruses.
It sounded better in the original Mandarin.
The CCP had the good sense to allow markets to be freed up before the population came for their heads and that’s the only credit they deserve.
Externally, yes. But internally, they still subject their people to what is basically slave-status. They’re pure evil. And the Chinese people deserve better for the simple fact that they’re human beings.
I believe it isn’t that they just want to make points on Trump. They really like and admire the ChiComs while hating the Russians for giving on Communism. The media elites love the fact that Chinese who call out the media on their lies and propaganda end up in prison or disappeared.
These fuckers were steeped in marxism and feel the wrong side won the Cold War (fucking evil Reagan and Thatcher!), and while they feel butthurt that the Chicomms sold out and went fascists, they are still hoping eventually they will go back to marxism. And ain’t these totalitarian top men dreamy?
The term “useful idiot” in this context is a century old. Good old Walter Duranty is proud.
It’d be nice to see a good in-depth investigation get done on Western media’s financial ties to the Communist Chinese. The groveling and whitewashing they do for them is just nuts. It’s Walter Durante vis a vis the Soviets level propaganda.
They need to sell picture shows.
The PRC has a well honed knack for obtaining compromising footage of western business executives engaged in illicit activity in their hotel rooms while visiting China. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a number of our esteemed fifth estate have made cameo appearances in some of it.
How much damage could such footage do in the present day? This is like trying to end a French politician’s career with evidence of an affair. You’d have better luck with evidence that the man had no affairs.
“LeGasp, Jean Marie LeFleche has been faithful to his wife for thirty years?!”
Depends on how old the girl or boy is.
I had plenty of business colleagues that seemed intent on providing them with plenty of footage.
I think Chinese investment may have been what (in part, at least) saved the dying media industry. And I don’t even think it was “nefarious” at first. The tailoring of media content to the basest consumer was already somewhat afoot but it wasn’t happening fast enough. Chinese investors, flush with cash, saw an opportunity. Newspapers, magazines, television news, etc. all get “saved” (well, some of them anyway) when everyone thought they were going to die off.
Then Xi Jinping takes over the helm of the Chinese state, and being an older school communist thug than his recent predecessors, sets out to assert total control. Well, look here, there’s a bunch of private(-ish) Chinese investments in Western media, and the CCP can put the hurt on anyone who doesn’t want to weaponize them. Add in a pliant Western media, whose jobs were essentially saved by these investments, and the end result is a predictable if disgusting deference to Chinese communism.
Now, the real question is, does this theory line up with the facts…
Worked for Hollywood.
So many Blue Check tweets lately read like experiments attempting to record the exact measurement of the minuscule crack of light that exists between free speech and sedition.
Interesting week; Wednesday we laid-off approximately 20% (96 people) of our workforce. Yesterday I was -still employed and- finally granted permission to WFH. In the afternoon a large customer that had drastically scaled back orders last week told us they are shutting the doors for the entire month of April. An hour later we learned that at least 4 of our oil field customers are basically shutting down operations for the rest of the year.
As I was packing up my PC to begin my WFH experience, my boss confided in me that his gut says we will also be closing the doors for April.
I hope I have a job to go back to when this is all over.
I’m sorry man, I hope so too
Sorry dude.
Fuck. Sorry, man.
Uffda, that really sucks Mike. Best of luck to you.
God damn it. Sorry to hear that.
Sorry man.
I’ll say this for all Patrons, if you miss a payment or two I won’t pull you from the credits. I’ve done it before for some folks that could’t make the nut.
Whoa, sorry Mike.
Ouch. Sorry man.
At least the DNC aren’t trying to sell anyone on “funemployment” this time around. Probably wouldn’t work with everything being shut down.
OMG crossing my fingers for you.
Sorry to hear that MikeS. Our oldest son is in a similar situation “your job is secure” – “whoops, customer cut back”
Best wishes to you and your family.
Well it’s all worth it so some grandstanding prick can pat himself on the back for saving the world from a glorified cold virus. Aren’t you grateful for that $1,200 check they’re sending you? Saints, really, the lot of them.
Crap! I’m newly anointed “essential” by the overlords. Wonder when I receive my special papers?
* staples Two Sigma certificate to Festus’s forehead *
I’m 95% sure you deserve that!
No argument here, sadly. Wish I’d lived a better life.
I’m anointed ‘essential’, got a special laminated document and everything. But I’m still going to be subject to rolling layoffs come the beginning of April. And I’m still in a probationary period, no idea how a two week layoff will affect that.
I’d have to direct you to your supervisor or you HR rep with that question.
That’s not a joke, it’s my honest advice.
I talked with my supervisor last night, but we were going off the dates on the letter in my inbox at work, which is if this goes into May, and I just double-checked the one that got mailed to me at home and it is for April. I’m not on shift with a supervisor before the dates on the copy I got in the mail, and HR isn’t even coming in right now.
When I go in tonight I’ll leave a note for the department supervisor to try and get some clarification. It would suck to have my probationary period rebooted with each lay-off.
I hope they’re sensible, and at worst it pushes the completion back only by the total days not worked due to layoffs. But I can also see some bureaucrat insisting it be counted from most recent hire date.
I’m a dues-paying member of the UFCW or as I like to call it, the Undocumented Foreign Colored Women’s union… We have a shit-load of pull and great bennies…
I hope this works out for you, Mike.
Sorry man!
I hope so too.
Sorry to hear it, Mike.
Although most of my customers are ‘essential’, there is a lot of talk about skinnying inventories, which pretty much amounts to the same thing.
I condole you, good sir.
Fuck, dude. I’m sorry. Hope they are just panicking and will keep their wits once they do a real analysis.
Add my name to the list, MikeS and what all the others have said.
We can still do some diving in the river, if things work out.
Damn, man. I’m really sorry to hear this. Hope everything turns out not nearly as bad as expected.
Damn, I’m sorry Mike!
Lisa Kudrow has this sigh she does that speaks to times like this: equal parts exhaustion and serenity; wish I could find it on youtube
oil field customers are basically shutting down Hard to blame those guys. I’ve been a fellow-traveler and even married into O&G once in Texas, and there’s one great trend I noticed there: a lot of really solid guys who got bucked out of the business in 1986 easily transferred into other industries. Tool-makers, welders, purchasing guys got snapped up in other places.
I’ve said this before here: the long-term trend convinces me that the price of oil will always damp to 40 in 2020USD.
Wow. So many nice replies. Thanks to all of you for the good thoughts and vibes. They are very appreciated and it seriously touches me. (Not like THAT!) ?
I’m staying optimistic for now. The boss said he guesses that if we close the doors for April, it will be a temporary layoff and that I’d be called back when the doors open. No guarantee of course, but that’s the reality I am choosing. Also, I’m one of a group of people that actually has enough work to last a few weeks even if we did close the production floor, so best case scenario is I still keep drawing a paycheck during the shutdown.
Glass half full.
Hope you’re right about getting paid while the shutdown is on, Mike. Hang in there!
Didn’t mean to make light of your situation with the prior comment. That sucks, Bro. Lived it. Learned it. Loathed it.
That sucks. Good luck!
How the tables have turned.
Protesters on the Mexican side of the border blocked for several hours on Wednesday the Mexico-bound lanes at the main border crossing in the twin border cities of Ambos Nogales, to express their displeasure with the Mexican government’s response so far to the new coronavirus pandemic…
Less than a dozen people wearing face masks and carrying signs used two of their vehicles for a blockade of the two southbound lanes at the DeConcini crossing, several hundred feet into the Mexican side of the border, video taken by Mexican media showed.
Some of the signs asked U.S. residents to “stay at home.” Others called on Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to step up controls and restrictions along the U.S.-Mexico border to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Much racist. So bigot.
This time it’s different!
Quarantined Journalist Really Starting To Annoy Family By Calling Them Racists All Day
Government Accidentally Shuts Itself Down With Ban On Non-Essential Businesses
“Oops,” said Senator Mitch McConnell. “We meant non-essential private businesses. Of course, the government is always essential, even when it’s not doing anything or is making things worse.”
So is the market dropping while Pelosi figures out how to add more pork to this giant pork roll of a stimulus?
It’s Massey holding it up.
Massie simply wants them to come in to vote. He hasn’t delayed this to find a way to lard it up.
Yes, you are right. I didn’t mean to infer that. I comment more clearly below.
No need to get up Ted; I’ve got this one. Imply, not infer.
I can’t do anything right!
Welcome to me!
Donald J. Trump
Looks like a third rate Grandstander named
, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous……
…& costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!
It’s just politics amigo.
SOW, fitting name for a bill filled with pork.
Nothing says “I love Screwing the American People” like bailing out every corporation known to man.
This is where i think it’s funny. Libertarians are often called by the left as Loving corporations and hating the poor, but whenever a crisis comes, The left is all on board with giving handouts to anyone who comes knocking, and calls us callous for not wanting to do it.
So we get blamed for the Bailouts we opposed and they get to act like they didn’t support saving banks, boeing and big business.
This was basically the conversation I had with a commie friend yesterday who said despite the shitty stimulus package, he trusts the government more than corporations. The corporations also run this country you know.
Fuck off, Trump. You’re letting Congress get away with a shit deal.
“Had to give up stupid things.”
You can’t be more honest than that.
God dammit, can’t Trump just acknowledge that Massie is trying to keep the bill on the intended track? Also, he should be vilifying the people who wanted to come back into town, throw a bunch of pork into this package and then just leave. I mean, if this is the crisis of our lifetime, you’d think these fuckheads would be staying in DC doing their goddamn jobs as opposed to heading back home for another extended time away from their duties.
Mr Libertarian And Principle, Justin Amash isn’t going to stand against this either?
Judging by his twitter stream, he might be joining forces with Massie?
Shit someone beat me to it… But yea this is CRAP
He sounds like me dropping comment turds on late-night posts. Or morning. Choose yer poison. What a retard.
I hope Massie isn’t destroying any influence he has. If he can actually prevent the stimulus bill then that sounds like it would be worth it a hundred times over. If he’s just delaying the bill by a day or two while simultaneously eliminating any hope of advancing the needle on libertarian measures in the future, then I’d say this is a net loss.
I agree. The ‘stimulus ‘ is horrific and I get why he thinks he must oppose it, but this is a symbolic gesture and is infuriating most people who want their free money. I think this whole charade, like 911 before it, is another full turn of the screw.
We were always silly to think the ratchet could be loosened.
*settles into uncharacteristic depression*
He’s a not too influential congressman in the minority party. There’s no way he can stop the bill.
They’re saying he could stop it by calling for a quorum! Gasp! How dare he ask them to be there!?
I’ma lot of people, including other (R) House members rallying behind him. Looks like Trump went too far here, but one thing about Trump is that he actually seems to pivot when he has a bad take. We’ll see…
He can’t stop it permanently. But The current process i think requires a Unanimous vote from the House, so he can stop that.
It’s tough, because in such a case you can’t stand on principle without being accused of grandstanding. In a way it is an attempt at manufacturing total consent from congress.
It doesn’t have to be unanimous. Massie can still vote no on his conscience. What has to be unanimous is consent to method of voice voting. A single member can object to voice and demand a roll call instead. That change in method will delay the vote and paint Massie as a villain since he could vote against the stimulus anyway with the voice vote.
So it’s not the unanimous part that’s pissing the Repubs off, it’s Massie insisting on a procedural delay that’s futile. I’ve read in some articles that he’s really enraged the GOP over this and will destroy any chance of his any influence over anything moving forward.
You said it better. ?
That’s funny because I thought you explained it better below.
Ahhh I see.
Not sure how a i feel about the voice vote.
All he’s threatening to do is (rightly) insist that there be a quorum for the vote. The plan was to have a skeleton crew, ask for a voice vote, and rap the gavel. Massie is threatening to call for a recorded vote, which would prove that there wasn’t a quorum. So now the congress critters are scrambling enough voters back to get the needed 216 (IIRC) aye votes in the chamber.
The great libertarian fuckup is not trying to infiltrate and influence the GOP. The socialists have been incredibly successful in doing this with the Democrat party. Massie accomplishes nothing doing this excepting destroying his influence with the GOP.
I agree. He’s picking the wrong hill to die on.
Socialists are perfectly happy to get 60% of what they want, then come back later to get the other 40%. Libertarians get neck-deep in their own assholes debating No True Scotsmen bullshit and insisting on a perfectly principled solution every single time. That is why libertarians fail as a political force.
On top of the fact that people just don’t like liberty all that much, libertarians (small and big L) suck at messaging, political gamesmanship and strategy.
Not to mention big L totally screwing over the folks with popular support who are trying to run locally, etc.
“Neck-deep in their own assholes” I’d steal that but I only comment here.
The real contributions of Harvard, MIT and Stanford to the world are not the food-service workers they hire. They are the ideas and innovations produced by its researchers, plus the talented students they educate.
How droll.
I hope I have a job to go back to when this is all over.
Ouch, Mike.
After right wing media, report Neil Ferguson’s revises his model and outlook. He takes to twitter where he doesn’t need to respond to anyone to lie that he did not make a revision.
You can’t have a highly transmittable disease that you recognize was already present in the UK, and maintain your 500k gloom if nothing is done model. Further he is quoted as saying the 20k would have died within the year with or without corona.
He states in the article that his revision is due to the lockdown, which had only been in place for 2 days. So his twitter rebuttal doesn’t ring true.
He continues to ignore herd immunity, which Gupta at Oxford pointed and criticizes his model for. This lines up with non-Doomsdayers that posit the virus was likely present in many parts of the world before February.
Fuck Ferguson. His history is that he makes poor models and thinks every bug is the next big pandemic.
He has the corona, which if I was crueler man would make me dance with delight.
*joins in, traipsing around the Maypole*
What are the odds a bunch of those urns are filled with the ashes of Hong Kong dissidents?
Certain sorts of conspiratorial types have suggested China released the virus deliberately in order to impose more draconian measures to tamp down any rumblings among the proles in light of the Hong Kong situation. You can count me among them.
Pretty damn bad job if to hurt Hong Kong, they release it in their own territory…
The idea was more to keep the Hong Kong contagion from spreading to the mainland. Can’t have the proles getting uppity and all that. It makes more sense framed like that. Then again, I wouldn’t put it past the Chinese to deliberately release a virus just for the MKULTRA lulz. The CCP is certainly no less fucked up than our government.
*tunes fun foil hat*
With the added bonus of wiping out the burdensome elderly and weak?
I’m just thinking, we say all the time centralized government can’t match supply and demand, yet now we’re to assume all those urns are full and not just overstock from a shitty planner? Can you guys make up your minds!? /Hyperbole OFF
Alternatively, and more in keeping with the historical record of centrally planned economies, the urns might be double-stuffed due to shortages.
They don’t bother putting ashes in urns when they are not returning those ashes to the family. Any disappeared protesters will remain disappeared forever.
Who’s the shithole country now?
We’re all shithole countries… some just shittier than others.
Yes, that’s why our death rates are much much lower.
I laugh every damn time somebody surprises me with that video of Hillary spasming in front of microphones.
Ioffe is a Russian-born, US-domiciled reporter who misses the authoritarianism but doesn’t want to admit it.
Grade A malarky
Silly B-itch has never traveled in China’s backcountry. You don’t have to spend too much time there to grok the reason why they are referred to as shitholes.
She’s one of the most despicable propaganda operatives in this country. I noticed her years ago.
The responses are good.
Korean beer. I am unimpressed.
Also I forgot to buy milk.
You are doing it wrong. The only reason you need Korean beer is as a chaser for Soju. You bought soju right?
the only soju found in romania is shit. at leas the beer can be drunk.
Ice Point Filtration system. so fuckin what?
The only Soju found in Korean is shit. There is no up-market Soju.
I never had sake I liked either, buy I understand there is upmarket stuff.
Standard grade Sake is only half-fermented with alcohol added – makes it taste “fresh”. The up-market Sake is a different thing altogether. I’m not really a big fan so I don’t drink it often.
I am sure this would have left a mark if that old imbicile was able to register the world around him anymore
yes yes, you are a high patriarch of science.
What about men being biologically different from women, dillhole? You gonna defer to the scientists on that one?
Of course . . . the social scientists!
These progs always have what they think is a clever answer that highlights they dysfunctional logic and stupidity…
I’m sold.
Remove travel restrictions on CCP Virus hotspots?
Veto the bailout?
Reinstate regulatory barriers to the CCP Virus response?
Really, Joe? You’d those things?
Remove the hair live on TV? Okay, I’m Bald! Happy now?
So, entire country on and in-home lockdown for 14-30 days? Please, run on that message.
You’re going to abolish the U.S. government, nuke every American city daily, and gay marry Xi Jinping? I mean, it’s a strange ethos, but I guess it works.
My official coronapanic theme song
The eye-patch slips:
He really is shit.
Dan McCainshaw
The One-Eyed-GOP-Deepthroater strikes again.
Surprised he could get the pig to hold still while he applied the lipstick.
He’s half-right. This is an economic crisis largely of the government’s making. This is exactly the trope of “The government breaks your leg, and expects gratitude when it gives you a crutch.”
^^^ !
The NYC Health Commissioner didn’t seriously say this…did she?
Trump slanders my boy Massie:
Donald J. Trump
Looks like a third rate Grandstander named @RepThomasMassie, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous…… Tip
Donald J. Trump
…& costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!
By the Time Trump is done, he’ll have thrown everyone out of the party.
Maybe Rand can talk sense into him.
In other words: “Fuck the Constitution.”
Most libertarian prez EVAH.
At least Amash had the good sense to turn being the object of Trump’s hate into a CNN bootlicking gig.
Japanese Whisky Declared ‘World’s Best Single Malt’ At The World Whisky Awards
World’s Best Rye: Archie Rose Distilling Co. Rye Malt Whisky
An Australian whisky from a Sydney distillery claims the prize here. It’s a mix of malted rye and malted barley, aged in virgin oak casks.
Suck it Americans and all you inferior “rye” whiskey.
I’m sorry Pie, I can’t hear you over all the bourbon in my basement.
And Romania won what?
Best red wine vinegar?
How did the Romanian entries do?
Brooksing my response to Brooks:
Covid-19 Theme Song.
Good morning, Sloopy!
And good morning to the rest of you shining beacons of hope!
I appreciate the lynx, but I’m going straight to the music. While it is really fun to make fun of Phil, Genesis was a really solid band. And if the virus ever subsides, they are doing a geezer tour.
It was a weird week and I’m glad it’s almost over.
Have a great day, peeps!
If nothing else the musicians were versatile enough to transition from 70s prog to 80s pop. And if Peter Gabriel had stuck around we’d never have gotten the iconic monologue from American Psycho. Overall I’d have to say my favorite of Phil Collins is Lily Collins.
That alien chick?
My bad, that’s Lily Cole.
Ain’t nobody making that mistake.
This is Holly Cole without undergarments. https://youtu.be/evN6DIGPIJM
“Some people think Genesis is the literal word of God. I don’t even think Phil Collins was all that good a drummer.”
They were great and then “Duke” happened. I listen to Genesis all the time. Even “And Then There Were Three” has some pretty great tracks. Collins ruined the band by going top-forty.
Collins ruined the band by going top-forty.
Lol. Collins responded rationally to the market!
Sure. And sold out. I’m no purist but Genesis was one of my favorite bands and they kicked their fans in the nards.
Late-stage Genesis sucks.
The unintended air pollution declines from the virus outbreak are just temporary, experts say.
But the pandemic’s unintended climate impact offers a glimpse into how countries and corporations are equipped to handle the slower-moving but destructive climate change crisis. So far, researchers warn that the world is ill-prepared.
For years, scientists have urged world leaders to combat planet-warming emissions, which have only continued to soar upward.
“In the midst of this rapidly moving global pandemic, it’s natural that we also think about that other massive threat facing us — global climate change — and what we might learn now to help us prepare for tomorrow,” said Peter Gleick, a climate scientist and founder of the Pacific Institute in Berkeley, California.
“The pandemic is fast, shining a spotlight on our ability or inability to respond to urgent threats. But like pandemics, climate change can be planned for in advance, if politicians pay attention to the warnings of scientists who are sounding the alarm,” Gleick said.
The International Energy Agency, or IEA, has warned the virus will weaken global investments in clean energy and industry efforts to reduce emissions, and has called on governments to offer stimulus packages that consider climate change.
But an economic stimulus package that considers global warming will likely not be the response from many countries.
For example, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic recently urged the European Union to abandon its landmark green law focusing on carbon neutrality as it grapples with the virus outbreak. The Czech Republic depends largely on nuclear energy and coal.
Climate researchers warn that the virus will hinder climate change action from corporations and countries in the long-run.
Rob Jackson, a professor of Earth system science at Stanford University and chair of the Global Carbon Project, said companies that are hurting financially will likely delay or cancel climate-friendly projects that require investment up front.
Sarah Myhre, a climate scientist and environmental justice activist, said that the way in which the world recovers from the pandemic is vital in the fight against climate change.
“If the actions here continue to bail out fossil fuel companies and multinational corporations and banks, and invest in fossil fuel infrastructure, then we are digging a hole deeper into a more violent and dangerous place,” Myhre said.
“I think that there’s potential for this pandemic to become a moment of mass awaking of our ability to have compassion for each other,” she added.
What’s the point of stirring up a vast global panic if we can’t use it to force the proles to bow to our demands?
offers a glimpse into how countries and corporations are equipped to handle the slower-moving but destructive climate change crisis
By causing a swift, cataclysmic economic crisis?
Greta’s handlers nod and steeple their fingers…
To be fair, that’s been the proposed course of action for 3 decades now.
Thousands dead, trillions wasted, green energy sector hardest hit. Fuck the green energy sector and fuck the cocksuckers that are pushing this shit right now.
Kung Flu Fighting – Crowder hits it out of the park.
Who is the random guy sitting in front of him?
Had to share! https://youtu.be/kPlR9n_6uas
I kept waiting for the part where she would offer to have him do the mile high club thing and kind of felt robbed when it din’t happen…
I thought it was sewn into the fabric.
Great, but 4 minutes is too long for the joke.
Just shared it, didn’t write the bit. She played her part to the hilt.
I will criticize it as if though it were your own!!!!!!
I’m rolling over only because Republicans.
The replies. I’m all out of tears but I do have a good stock of ass-wipe.
Conservatives should start inundating Twitter regarding false information in the same manner as liberals. Ex: AOC and others stating “corporations don’t pay taxes”
That is against the terms of service to spread fake news.
Bingo – seems to be a one-way street from a political perspective.
”There’s just a lot of members whose lives are at risk right now.”
She says that like its a bad thing.
The last time the China numbers seemed to be not completely “no one is getting infected anymore” bullshit was on Feb. 13th, when they reported a huge spike from Feb. 12th, then suddenly the numbers almost quit rising. Almost as if someone reported real numbers, then something bad happened to that person and it was lies from there on out.
Doubling every 3 days, that’s those numbers X 16,000.
So, infected in China is 60,000 x 16,000 = 960 million, out of a population of 1.3 billion. So, possibly less than 960 million, as running out of people to infect slows the exponential growth rate.
Deaths, however: 1,370 x 16,000 = about 22 million. That’s my guess as of today.
On one hand I find 22 million hard to accept, even in China, on the other, it is very close to the number of ‘missing’ cell phone accounts.
We’ll never really know. The number that Mao killed and their Korean War casualties are all just guesses. Why track them when you place less than zero value on lives?
^This is why we shouldn’t have become so complacent. Ends to means…
Highly unlikely, aren’t gifts exchanged during Chinese Year Year? The cell phone thing is probably mostly due to people activating fresh phones and ditching old numbers.
It was a decrease in total accounts.
…aaaaaand it’s illegal to *not* have a cell phone number there.
The only way an account disappears like that is unpersoning or death.
Good Heavens! I hope you are wrong but nothing in my lived experience has yet failed to dash every single dream thus far. That’s nearly two Holocausts.
When you have close to 1.3 billion people still living in the 19th century and another half a billion participating in the new China, losing 22 million is not that big of a deal (especially if they are the low end people in the system and you can use the “crisis” to bag some of the politically nuisance types….
They just shut down all their movie theaters again
Ours have been gone for weeks. There was a bowling alley open but they got shamed into submission. By the local paper.
I’d say that as of Feb 12th they realized that the situation in Wuhan (plus maybe a half dozen other places) had gotten beyond their ability to handle it – health care facilities were more than swamped. They didn’t even have the resources/manpower to test most suspected cases. So they quietly let it be known that the people would have to fend for themselves. Self quarantine and stay healthy if you can. Do your best if you’ve caught it already. Basically like Europe during the Black Death.
CCP doesn’t have to put soldiers with guns on the streets since the people have every reason to stay indoors to avoid getting infected since there is no safety net when that happens.
Those with money will have access to any drugs or facilities available – depending on what they can afford.
I would guess they have 500k infected and 30k dead to date.
Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen.
Andersen said humanity was placing too many pressures on the natural world with damaging consequences, and warned that failing to take care of the planet meant not taking care of ourselves.
Leading scientists also said the Covid-19 outbreak was a “clear warning shot”, given that far more deadly diseases existed in wildlife, and that today’s civilisation was “playing with fire”. They said it was almost always human behaviour that caused diseases to spill over into humans.
To prevent further outbreaks, the experts said, both global heating and the destruction of the natural world for farming, mining and housing have to end, as both drive wildlife into contact with people.
“Our continued erosion of wild spaces has brought us uncomfortably close to animals and plants that harbour diseases that can jump to humans.”
She also noted other environmental impacts, such as the Australian bushfires, broken heat records and the worst locust invasion in Kenya for 70 years. “At the end of the day, [with] all of these events, nature is sending us a message,” Anderson said.
“There are too many pressures at the same time on our natural systems and something has to give,” she added. “We are intimately interconnected with nature, whether we like it or not. If we don’t take care of nature, we can’t take care of ourselves. And as we hurtle towards a population of 10 billion people on this planet, we need to go into this future armed with nature as our strongest ally.”
People do things I don’t approve of. I will do anything I can to stop them.
Literally saying that Gaia is angry. Lol
Haven’t I seen this episode of Star Trek (TOS)?
In my day, when the trees started talking it meant Charlie was about to spring an ambush
*for purposes of this joke I am a Vietnam veteran
Huh. Always featured you as much younger. Sorry you had to live that, Pat.
I was actually a Vietnam war profiteer in a roundabout way. My biological father served in Vietnam, was later given VA disability for PTSD, and as a result the VA paid for my degree. Almost makes up for never paying my mom a dime in child support and giving my a stupid name.
Well! Who feels the fool now? Sometimes jokes don’t internet well. Sorry about your Dad, you cunte.
Lol. Yeah, I should have been clearer. I meant *only* for the purpose of the joke I am *pretending* to be a Vietnam veteran.
Stolen valor!
She fucking loves science.
How exactly is any of that supposed to happen if you can’t even destroy a little bit of the natural world? We’d be sleeping in the woods naked eating nothing but produce that fell off the plants naturally – and even then, she’d probably chastise you for depriving the insect community of food since they were probably going to eat that rotten apple.
Oh right, they’re just anti-human Luddites.
I’d chase AOC through the woods, Naked And Afraid style. Like STEVE SMITH!
I do not believe there are no nudes of her somewhere. I really want to see her titties
I’m not that invested in it but I’d click just for curiosities sake. They do seem to be a fine set of melons. Get ’em while they’re fresh!
Rule 34 (totally NSFW)
That took 10 seconds to find.
Or this pic, likely photoshopped (still very much NSFW)
So immature.
Black hos?
Rhode Island closes the border – with New Yorkers.
Decades too late.
As the governor of NY I have activated the national guard. Our tanks will be rolling into Rhode Island this afternoon to counteract this act of war!
This means war!
What the fuck?
OK, now this is really getting out of hand.
So much for open borders…
Rumors going around truck drivers refusing to deliver to NYC and suburbs
Yes, because of (((them))) according to facebook. Apparently someone called the cops on two truckers illegally parked and sleeping in their cabs and the trucks were towed, and that is a horrible insult to the great heroes of the
Soviet UnionCovid Crisis, and it must have been those awful (((hasidic))) and totes their fault the cops towed the tricks rather than simply asking the truckers to not block whatever they were blocking.Look man, I don’t make the rules, I’m just given wide berth on when i choose to enforce them.
Damn it Fat! I thought you liked me, Man…
This story seems to suggest that the National Guard are at airports & trains stations while the highway patrol will be dealing with vehicle traffic: https://www.providencejournal.com/news/20200326/33-new-coronavirus-cases-in-ri-raimondo-requiring-travelers-from-ny-to-self-quarantine
There doesn’t seem to be any indication here about closing borders but rather requiring self-quarantine.
Similar from the RI government website: https://health.ri.gov/covid/
Just occurred to me: can’t the elderly / “vulnerable” at least drive or be driven around safely? If so why should they be stuck at home?
“Old People Cooties” on key-pads. Disallowed!
As mentioned on a previous thread, the retail site has barricaded themselves behind furniture so that the oldsters don’t get too close to the service counter. I’ve just about had it up to here with this nonsense.
Knowing how things work in China, here’s my read on the 21MM missing cell accounts: The guy(s) who were faking the account data to make their sales department’s numbers look good all got caught up in the quarantine and stuck and home, and didn’t get their normal chance to fake/tweak the data for that cycle.
They were never real.
Stuff like this happens all the time – the real data gets filtered through the folks whose pay/position depend on them, instead of being available unfiltered. So in normal times, nobody really believes their numbers are that good. But this time they didn’t get the chance to mess with the report.
Now that’s believable.
Wells-Fargo runs the Chinazi cell phone racket? I’ll buy that.
Some info on the Chinese numbers
They want us to subscribe to the Financial Times?
Fine, be a cheapskate…
I suspect there will be reports of a secondary large flare up of cases being squashed by the CCP in the near future.
one Beijing-based coronavirus researcher who wished to remain
anonymousalive cast doubt on the official numbers, saying that cases with symptoms were just “the tip of the iceberg”.A question for people here that know about tools: Are there any manufacturers that make cordless drills in the US or at least not China? I’m looking for one on this side of $200.00 and buying nonChinese stuff (Taiwan’s fine though) is something I’m going to start making an effort to do when reasonable alternatives exist.
Off the top of my head, I think Makita makes them in GA, and DeWalt in TN.
DeWalt makes some of their stuff here, but they use ‘globally sourced’ components (which of course means China). Festooll is Germany, but much further north of 200.
Check this out:
Most operations I know of get their US sticker with whatever maximum imported content their industry allows; my guess is you’re lucky to get a 51% American anything if that.
I’m with Mojo: I do the cords because I do most of my work at home within 100 foot of an outlet; I also enjoy the full torque. My intuition is that schlepping around the batteries is about the same trouble as humping extensions.
Sorry, no.
I have 20V Milwaukee drill/driver combo that I use 99% of the time. Light, powerful as hell and great batteries. Oh, and the built in light is a godsend for hangin cabinets and the like.
If I’m driving lag bolts into redwood or something, sure, I’ll get one of my Holeshooters out, but for most jobs the cordless is the ticket.
The answer is you need both.
Bosch is Gerrman
That’s raciste
Seig HI!
Made in Malaysia, I bleieve.
For the record, I understand wanting to support companies that supposedly manufacture outside of China, but it’s tricky. Even tools ‘Made in Malaysia’ could have substantial sub assemblies made in China.
I gotta be honest, I want the CCP to die, but I don’t think this is gonna do it.
*reads replies, googles Festool and checks prices*
DeWalt it is. Thanks everybody.
Piggybacking on Tundra above, if you are looking to transition into all battery powered tools you are committing yourself to DeWalt for everything. DeWalt obviously makes great tools, but they are not cheap. I see it more as a brand for contractors, a tool to be used on a daily basis.
For the average homeowner, they will get a ton of value buying the house brand from Lowe’s or Home Depot (Kobalt or Ryobi). I know you specifically asked for American made, but just something to think about.
Yes, this is true. My drivers get used the most, so that’s what I care the most about. My saws, etc. are all corded, as I don’t use them as much.
If I were to go cordless on those, I would have no problem going with Milwaukee, since I’ve had great luck with them and they are generally priced right.
That said, Ryobi makes a decent product as well.
Festool’s the shnizzle, but their prices aren’t for the faint of heart or light of wallet.
Check here:
As an example there is on Makita drill that is listed as made in Japan.
Knowing how things work in China, here’s my read on the 21MM missing cell accounts: The guy(s) who were faking the account data to make their sales department’s numbers look good all got caught up in the quarantine and stuck and home, and didn’t get their normal chance to fake/tweak the data for that cycle.
This actually makes sense to me. More than the notion that a group of people roughly equivalent to the entire population of metro NYC has died unaccounted for.
Did you watch the Chernoble miniseries? It’s hazardous to underestimate the ability of totalitarians to try to hide bad news.
I sure hope it’s not 21 million dead, but the bullshit numbers and the claims the virus originated in the U.S. should make one suspicious of anything coming from CCP officials. It seems like an unreal number, but so did the Holodomore numbers — at first. It’s a third world country that’s given up on treating the sick, with about 4 times the U.S. population.
Massie’s probably being blamed for a slight (so far) Dow downturn.
We have to pass the bill; we’ll make it up in volume.
Yeah, at this point, I am willing to let go of this bill and get back to trying to get people back to work somehow.
as spoofs go this amused me
Serious journalism
There is a fundamental difference between China and the US. China has broken the spread of the virus with a lockdown that first started in Wuhan on January 23 and is now being lifted in stages; only a few dozen new cases are allegedly confirmed each day, and most of these are apparently introduced from abroad. The US has not broken the epidemic. And if Trump has his way, easing guidelines to stay at home by Easter, we will fail to stop the epidemic and millions more will be infected. Even with active control, we might be facing around 81,000 deaths by July according to a new detailed analysis from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle.
There is, in fact, a fundamental difference between China and the U S, Jeffy, but that’s not it.
I’m sure you’d be happier living in a totalitarian dictatorship, so I think you should apply for political asylum in Peking. Just tell them Trump is trying to kill you.
This is CNN.
He’d be able to publish all kinds of mean things about Xi… oh wait…
Whtimer: K-12 to be closed for year.
This is getting stupid.
Heh. As soon as I hit enter I knew that was the wrong phrase. Our school year runs until June 15th and she already wants to close it down.
Makes since the number of children under 18 who’ve died from the virus, rounded up and expressed as a whole number, is zero.
Good to see you on here Pat…saw a death by cop in Parump on the news yesterday..
Damn. I don’t follow the local news here at all, but I’m not that surprised. Boy do I have a fun story about the Nye County Sheriff’s dept and a piece of stolen property…
I already told my two teens to expect finishing 9th grade from home. They are digging the distance learning part except for some friends living quite a distance away. I point to the bikes in the garage..
Trump bears direct responsibility for America’s unpreparedness and failed response to the epidemic. Since Trump came into office, he has systematically taken apart our protective public health system. The pandemic unit at the National Security Council was dismantled in 2018 under his watch. Trump slashed the CDC’s epidemic control teams in 39 countries, including China. And when the epidemic hit, Trump ignored it, downplayed it, and made repeated false claims. Even now, he spouts vulgar nonsense about restarting the economy by Easter when public health experts say the threat is going to persist for far longer.
Trump is profoundly culpable, but he is not the only reason for America’s dismal situation in the face of this epidemic. Our for-profit health care system rakes in money on disease, not on health. Instead, we have a system that works for the rich, instead of a public health system for all Americans that readily anticipates and controls new pathogens through testing, contact tracing, and quarantine.
Americans across the country are fighting to stay alive, while Trump acts as if he is more intent on saving the economy. We can still try to control the virus as the East Asian countries are doing and in the process we will rescue the economy too. We need decisive action across states and cities. We are finding leadership today in our governors, mayors and our brave frontline health workers.
President Cartoon Villain cackles gleefully in his lah-bore-uh-torry as millions die.
“And when the epidemic hit, Trump ignored it, downplayed it, and made repeated false claims.”
I seem to remember him shutting down flights from China, while being impeached and being called a racist for it.
Yea, I mean just look at countries like China and Italy – they’re not having any problems with this at all because they have Free Healthcare™ for every citizen.
I was assured that our health care system was fixed back in 2010.
Americans across the country are fighting to stay alive, while Trump acts as if he is more intent on saving the economy.
What an odd thing for a so-called economist to say.
Oh, that’s right. Like Krugabe, Sachs is a political propagandist in drag.
Someone should explain to this moron that a collapse economy means a very large part of the population that is not loaded with money they made from crony deals with politicians will soon be dealing with far bigger problems than a cause of the sniffles.
Fighting to stay alive from a disease with somewhere around a 1% mortality… I’m going to die of a rage induced coronary if I don’t stop reading this stuff.
“Died from complications from COVID-19.”
“Ford, General Motors and Tesla are being given the go ahead to make ventilators and other metal products, FAST! @fema,” he wrote. “Go for it auto execs, lets see how good you are?” Not for the first time has Mr. Trump jumped the gun.
The decision to cancel the announcement, government officials say, came after the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it needed more time to assess whether the estimated cost was prohibitive. That price tag was more than $1 billion, with several hundred million dollars to be paid upfront to General Motors to retool a car parts plant in Kokomo, Ind., where the ventilators would be made with Ventec’s technology.
You’re doing a heckuva job, Trumpie. Much of this rings true; I await more details.
CNBC is reporting Trump’s tweets directed toward GM/Mary. The automakers should never have said “yes” so fast, as you note, there is absolutely no way those companies could turn this around rapidly, not to mention liability.
This is how you force Trump Defense Production Act.
Would it really cost that much to retool/update a factory for a comparatively small, not really complicated item?
Depends on what it was tooled for.
Vacuums and ventilators have enough similarities that it was probably relatively cheap for Dyson to do.
Car parts and ventillators… if we’re talking brake pads, you need more work.
Worst case scenario you’re stripping to bare floor and starting from scratch.
Also, amount of capacity you’re building for comes into play.
bare floor
That’s probably not what anyone’s thinking. This is light assembly at GM: they’re not doing anything but screwing together others’ parts, a matter of finding some marginally-used area and forklifting a few workstations out of the way. It’s not a 10 acre project, and they’re NOT tearing out the the Silverado line to do this. They’ll find space if it means just taking down some racks; in lots of the country there is tons of empty space that would be easy to power up; also, the suppliers are dead in the water as well if they ain’t building parts. Again, the question is cleanliness, so some clean-room types are going to make a few bucks on this and some concrete will get polished and striped.
Purchasing paces this. Getting hospital-grade widgets will be the tall poles in the tent leaving plenty of time for setting up a clean acre to screw these things together in.
I did say that was the worst case for retooling.
My guesses:
a/ some specialty parts are low-volume and can’t be ramped up: duplicating those from scratch is the only source of incremental volume
b/ cleanliness specs mean some components and processes are much more expensive and take more time that their industrial equivalents
I’m confused about the motives. If GOVERNMENT IS THE ANSWER and we’re hemorrhaging cash anyway, who gives a shit what this costs. Why not just start a couple of the easier and faster options to get something going and hop them up later.
BTW: it’s a jobs program. Y = C + I + G + . . . . how is overspending on this worse than randomly mailing checks to people? I thought Republicans were experts at macroeconomics.
People starting to realize that the structure of production is important.
2 trillion bucks worth of cronyist bullshit including over a hundred million to museums, the NEA and public television, what’s another billion.
Trump doesn’t like the price tag, but the bigger issue is cutting projected quantities and delaying ETA until late April
Isn’t this exactly how it should be done?
Another Trumptard Nazi trying to kill us all with false hope! We’re doomed, now go back to your house and die, all of you!
When Toto pulls the curtain back, will the sheeple see the wizards for what they are, or stick their head in the sand.
If it saves one political career…
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock on Thursday announced that he’s ordering the state’s 1 million residents to stay in their homes in a stepped-up effort to fight the spread of the coronavirus.
The stay-at-home order goes into effect Saturday and lasts until April 10. Under it, people will be allowed to leave home to shop for necessities such as food, to seek medical care and for outdoor activities — as long as they stay 6 feet (1.83 meters) apart from one another — among other exceptions. Essential activities, services and businesses will be allowed to continue uninterrupted.
“I’d rather be accused of overreacting than to have the health care system overwhelmed,” he said.
The order is likely to accelerate the economic blow already caused by the coronavirus, which was illustrated Thursday with the release of federal jobless claims. That data from the U.S. Department of Labor and the state showed the number of unemployment claims for the week that ended March 21 rose 1,700% compared with the week before, and 1,900% compared with last year.
But Bullock said the economic harm is likely to be greater if the stay-at-home order isn’t followed.
“The question of what happens if we don’t curtail this spread and the long-term impact to the economy are even much more significant than these actions,” he said.
Jumping Jeezis on a diamond encrusted pogo stick.
Let him who is without sense lead them.
Well, I mean due to the great population density in Montana, it makes sense, right? I mean I’ve never been anywhere in that state where you could be outdoors and be more than 3 ft away from another person.
Nevada is prepping for it also…
This shit is out of hand.
Even in Massachusetts there’s no order to shelter in place.
Where is Flava Flav when we need him?
Don’t believe, don’t believe, don’t believe the hype! Yo!
Fighting to stay alive from a disease with somewhere around a 1% mortality… I’m going to die of a rage induced coronary if I don’t stop reading this stuff.
No kidding. I’m infinitely more likely to die of apoplexy than the Chinee Sneezles.
Too bad my blood pressure medicine is probably made in China.
And has people have mentioned before, it’s definitely lower than that because of the untold numbers of cases that people wrote off as regular cold/flu and got over without any testing or treatment.
Hell, I had this wicked case of bronchitis that started in November and lasted almost two months. The coughing was so bad that I lost my voice. I had to keep cough drops next to the bed because I would wake up with coughing fits so severe that I’d regurgitate a little bit.
This song came on a few minutes ago. Am I a racist for liking it? I must at least be guilty of some sort of cultural appropriation or other crime.
Yes, but you’d also be racist for being ignorant of it.
So I am going back to the hospital today to finish up the door hardware install for the new Wuhan wing. It’s pretty funny, there were over two dozen workers there the last couple days, no one wearing a mask except for one dude sanding, and zero protective gear or distancing. Then I step outside to the sidewalk and see people moving to the far side when they pass me like I’m emanating Coronavirus.
I ran into a friend of mine the other day and she gave me a hug.
I guess I’m dead.
The guy who is the project head over there also had an upper respiratory flu like thingy that knocked him on his ass for a couple weeks in early January. The numbers of people who have already had this and fully recovered are huge. This is more overhyped than global warming.
Watching Cuomo on teevee and it always makes me laugh when they wear their disaster uniform. No time for a suit, only a personalized golf shirt to show how serious and connected they are to the common man.
Thomas Massie responds:
I fucking love this man. He inspires me to run for Congress.
He’s right.
But it won’t matter. People who don’t have a clue how this shit works simply think they won’t get their CoronaBucks.
Damn. Well said.
I hope he remains popular with his constituents. Stubbornness worked for the Drs. Paul.
He goes up to 11!
John Kerry is a war criminal and an asshole.
If anyone needs something to watch during the panic I would highly recommend Tiger King, the story about Joe Exotic. I had read about him at the time, but this takes a deep dive into the world of people who keep tigers and lions as pets. It has everything, humor, murder, sex slavery, weird people, mutilations, the whole shebang.
Suck it, peons!
Bus drivers are protesting the Bozeman School District’s decision not to pay their bus company while schools are closed for the coronavirus emergency, complaining Bozeman is the only district in Montana not paying drivers.
School board trustees voted unanimously two weeks ago to cancel bus routes this week, which means the district won’t pay First Student, the bus company contracted to drive Bozeman’s school buses.
Bozeman drivers are “pretty upset,” Mark Varcoe of Butte, president and business agent for the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 381, said Wednesday.
Superintendent Bob Connors said administrators are again recommending canceling bus routes for two weeks, based on the argument that the bus company shouldn’t be paid “for services not rendered.”
“Services not rendered” you say. So the teachers aren’t getting paid, either, right?
I crack myself up.
Yikes! This one may reach a thousand yet!
I really applaud Massie for having massive balls (Massive Massie?).
#metoo. but they procedurally dismissed him in like 2 seconds