Liverpool won and Man City lost, which means the league is just six points away! Now the focus shifts to UCL, as long as the Wuhan Virus (yeah, I said it) doesn’t fuck everything up in Europe. MLB regular season is right around the corner, as long as the Kung Flu doesn’t fuck everything up. The Corona Virus has fucked everything up for tennis. And as promised, here’s a breakdown of the NHL playoffs as we close in on the end of the regular season. Poor Phoenix. Will they ever have a playoff team in any sport again? That logjam in the west for the wild card is sure gonna make the last few weeks interesting.

Italian explorer (who never visited America) Amerigo Vespucci was born on this day. As were French revolutionary Comte de Mirabeau, railroad magnate Leland Stanford, commie shitbag Vyacheslav Molotov, loudspeaker designer Paul Klipsch, jazzman Ornette Coleman, 1st man in space Yuri Gagarin, chess genius Bobby Fischer, terrorist Bobby Sands, football coach and funny guy Mike Leach, wrestling legend Rick Steiner, steroid aficionado Brian Bosworth, and midget actor Emmanuelle Lewis.
OK, on to…the links!
If you want a real body count, you need the Bandidos on the scene. Oh, and also the cops. Since, you know, they’re the ones who killed everybody in Waco.

Accurate (we’re on the right ride, btw)
The global stock markets are shitting the bed. But boy is gas ever gonna be cheap.
Take it easy. I mean, we know you Brits have a reputation for loutishness on airplanes, but come on.
It might be time to cancel large corporate events that are likely unnecessary.
You gotta be a spacial kind of asshole to do this.
As if California doesn’t have enough problems.

Zodiac killer
Zodiac taking some time off. So is Paul Gosar, who is now being accused of racism because he called it the Wuhan Virus. Unfortunately for those calling him that, many of them have plenty of pieces up where they referred to it by the same name. But the perpetually outraged gotta be outraged.
Here’s a nice song. Enjoy.
Now have a great day, friends. Stay safe and wash your hands.
I’d pay to see this shitshow.
As if California doesn’t have enough problems.
Both have the same link.
/in before others
Wait, there’s links?
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
“Own goal”
/Swiss 0 – Sloopy 1
:: runs toward corner flag::
::slides on both knees, lacking any sense of creativity::
That’s better than the stupid thumb sucking celebration.
Gawd I hate that.
Drive moar?
Short small oil frackers, that’s what we’ll do.
Fuck those fricken frackers.
I got gas over the weekend, and was surprised to see it was down to $2.29/gallon.
$1.95 in Indy
I filled up at $1.92 yesterday.
I’d pay to see this shitshow.
The orange doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Yeah, but does the crack rock fall far from the dementia tree?
I’d put my money on Hunter. But the Chinese already did that.
“Saudi Arabia slashed”
You know what else Saudi Arabians slashed.
This comment was greedy, barbarous, and cruel.
Truly for some men, nothing is memed unless THEY meme it.
Jimmy Carter’s electoral hopes?
Which time?
Cross the Brazos at Waco!
Just a reminder that Canada’s #2 Chrystia Freeland is a cunt:
I think I loathe her more than Justin.
He should have told her that the club’s members all identify as black and don’t appreciate their POC spaces being arrogated by white people.
Why is Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec standing there in a bathrobe?
Yes Cruz is a conservative?
: Curses phone under breath:
Officers recognize that it is likely that many partygoers left the scene prior to being interview by Cleveland police, Ciaccia said.
Safer for them to call the Bikers.
The women helping Hollywood shoot safer sex scenes
Intimacy Coordinators was my favorite band in college.
Their shows always made me uncomfortable.
I saw this comment before it was cool.
“Safer” sex scenes? Because they are dangerous and likely to cause injury?
I call dibs on the drugs that just fell out of your ass!
Well only on a technicality – I shitlordedly posted that link near the end of the comments on one of yesterday’s many posts. What do I win?
I have enough difficulty not reposting links within the same thread, let alone checking previous posts!
I’ve read a few things about this. I assume it is just a way to make sex scenes so cumbersome to shoot that they just shoot less of them.
It’s putting a fig-leaf of respectability on it.
“if we wrap this up in enough red tape, our colleagues will stop making fun of us for being porno directors”
See what you did there. Did you?
::ejaculation of surprise::
And probably some insurance/#metoo CYA.
But anything that makes shooting sex scenes slower makes them more expensive, so it will lead to less of them. Or, at least, less ambitious scenes. The New Puritanism is always expressed as “safety.”
Once I make a mistake, I stick to it. I don’t cut and run like you or the French.
Lol. I’m not even sure I’m right. This one could go either way.
It is “fewer.” I have been grammar shamed!
I’ll make less comments about this now that you’ve admitted I was right.
It’s all on a spectrum. Really you are just non-binary grammarian.
There aut to be some rules.
In your defense, if the scenes are this bureaucratic there will be less sex in them.
Language is descriptive not prescriptive
That’s utter folly.
Do they have these coordinators in the UK? I swear there are sex scenes in stuff like “Outlander” that go beyond “getting to third base” used to be. In fact, I can’t believe that in some of these dramas the actors aren’t actually screwing.
Depending on who you believe Blue is the Warmest Color was either unsimulated, or they used really good prostheses.
Whatever blows your skirt up.
Pretty sure Marlon Brando didn’t have an intimacy coordinator for the butter scene in “Last Tango in Paris”
This is the first time I’ve actually considered Trump losing in November.
Of the market totally fucks itself over a virus were in for an interesting election.
It shouldn’t matter, but with the media going 24/7 falsely blaming Trump for the virus, it could have an effect.
It’s his fault a virus exists!
We only mocked him for wanting to close the border and shut travel from China.
Can you believe this racist xenophobe?
The fervor is likely to have subsided to a large extend by November – the media shot their wad too quick on Swine Flu 2 Electric Boogaloo. Expect a banking crisis around September though.
This is most likely. It’s just the first time I’ve considered this possibility in any real way.
That’s my thinking too. I’d expect markets to at least start rebounding by that point.
Also consider what this will do to all the candidates’ rally plans.
This plays right into Biden’s hands. His campaign speeches are one gaffe after another. Now he can suspend most of them in the name of safety and call on Trump to do the same, leaving the latter no way to counter the media narrative.
“welcome to the first presidential Skype debate, brought to you by raid shadow legends”
Great point. However, even scripted he frequently goes off the rails.
“Cut. Take it from the top, Joe. And relax, we can do as many takes as we need for you to properly identify your wife and the state we’re making this for.”
As if. Trump will say no and now Biden isn’t stumping and Trump is. Remember when McCain announced he was suspending his campaign and called on Obama to do the same
Thanks, Debbie Downer!
Or it might go hard the other way – people blaming China for the thousands of American deaths (at least) between now and November. If that’s the case, Trump in an epic landslide.
Doubtful. People will care less about where it originated than they will about what steps the government is taking to mitigate its effects. Nobody blamed the Gulf Of Mexico for Katrina. They only cared about the government response.
I blame China. I don’t believe in that level of coincidence – that a pandemic spontaneously started just down the street from their main virology and bio-weapon lab.
Ah fuck. I get some live tennis free on the BezosVision, so I’ve been enjoying that of late. Last nights women’s doubles final in Monterrey was pretty good. Sharon Fichman is the Nick Kyrgios of the WTA so I was rooting for the Kato/Wang combo, who didn’t go down without a fight. The singles final (Svitolina dramaqueena vs Bouzkova) wasn’t bad either.
Overall I’ve been rooting for Leylah Fernandez because it’s fun to see a 17yo gun down some more established players. Back in Acapulco I enjoyed watching Fernandez make it to the final but she couldn’t beat Heather Watson. Watson seems about as likeable as a urethal swab, and clearly had some discomfort about wearing the sombrero which I (perhaps incorrectly) considered might have been “ewwww! Cultural appropriation! Don’t put that on me, you Mexican shitlord!“. She gave a flat, boring speech about winning, which basically amounted to “yeah whatever, I’ve won stuff before. I’m going to eat tostadas!”, while Fernandez gave an impassioned and humbling address in Spanish and English about how happy and grateful she was to have made it so far.
For a casual watcher like me, for good or for ill, tennis is totally a game of personalities as much as it is skills. The same is true for all sports. I’m just a fickle, judgmental douchebag of a human being after all.
Yanno, it’s been a while sine Peter Sellers put out a new movie.
Yep, more than many popular sports. I have my favorites and villains too.
Crazy they canceled Indian Wells. And Miami – another huge tournament – follows immediately after it. In theory.
This could be a year when a lot of big events are cancelled. The Olympics are coming up. In Japan, no less. You have the European Championship, the French Open is around the corner, the Six Nations is teetering and Italy have already cancelled two of their matches, making it hard to determine a winner.
I’m curious to see how that plays out.
“the Six Nations is teetering”
#$% &*(!@
They’re actually talking about playing March Madness in empty arenas.
Trump continues to weaponize the government against his political fo…oops, nevermind.
Something Something Restoring dignity to the office….
But boy is gas ever gonna be cheap.
Which will come in handy since people panic-buying disinfectant.
“I just want to be pure”
“Wuhan” Virus is racist? How about “The virus released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology”?
I’ve been calling it the “Kung Flu” to avoid and racial insensitivity.
Because “Yellow Fever” was already taken?
Eh. Too cartoonish for me, but now I want to listen to John Davis marvellous theme music for 90210. I was going to link to something oddball there but what I wanted isn’t on youtube.
1 pt from 3. 4 from 4 wont be bad result after this weekend.
Don’t do that to yourself.
It’s over. And boy, was I ever wrong. They just laid down and died yesterday.
I told you that was a distinct possibility.
Good Lord…
Remember this the next time China says it can build a hospital in a week.
Coronavirus: Ten dead in China quarantine hotel collapse
Hey, they said they could build it, they didn’t say it would stay up.
Where’d they get their engineering from, the Brady Bunch episode where they had to figure out how to spend their green stamps?*
*side note: you never saw that TV set they decided on in another episode. Why? A family that big, you’d expect them to occasionally want to watch two different things.
Was that the one settled by he driving competition or was that a different episode?
Wasn’t that the house of cards episode?
Your thinking of the one where Greg murders the girl running for class president against Marsha.
54-40 And Fight was the name of the episode. )Season 1 Ep 15.) A bracelet almost takes out the house of cards, but in the end Tiger fucks it all up and the girls win on a technicality.
Ah yes, the driving competition with the egg wasn’t something else.
Was, not wasnt.
Wasn’t that the one where Carol got into a fender bender in the grocery store parking lot. And the dude showed up to court with a neck brace on?
And the dude with the neck brace was the same actor who played Uncle Fester.
I don’t know what’s worse . . . that you know all these things or that I understand every reference you’re making.
The engineering was probably OK.
Problem is they only likely used half the rebar the plans called for and the concrete mix was probably well below spec too.
I seem to recall a Glib who worked in developing nations say they specified way too much rebar in their designs as they knew half of it was never going to installed.
In other words, it was built it China, by Chinese, with Chinese materials.
We derated Chinese A36 steel by 30% in our designs.
Almost certainly. Chinese concrete is god-awful in general and the on-site testing regimen is almost non-existent.
Oh, you’ve seen an Afgani school built before then?
Donald Trump Jr. wants to debate Hunter Biden in a bid to prove the former vice president’s son has financially benefited more than him from their fathers’ government positions.
It’s entirely their decision to have their appearance be whatever they prefer. They do not, however, have the right to require that others must find their choices attractive.
^^^kitten killing Nazi devil-worshipper confirmed
Some people can’t recognize love unless you cough up a hairball. That’s why they surround themselves with cats.
They also find the smell of ammonia sensual
unless you cough up a hairball
If she shaved her kitty this wouldn’t be a problem.
I don’t know about anybody else, but nothing gets me going like dreadlocked pit hair and rainforest floor coochie.
Well, it’s official.
There have been two cases of Trumpvirus in my county.
It was nice knowing you all.
Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect.
Privacy? Who cares about that when there are brave blue people trying to solve crimes!!!
How in the fuck does being in the vicinity of a crime constitute probable cause for a warrant? Other than FYTW, of course.
I’m fairly convinced that the FISA abuse scandal showed us what is common for seeking a warrant. If the cops want a warrant on you, they are going to spin everything they have or don’t have in their favor. And who is going to stop them?
^^ this.
The lawyer, Caleb Kenyon, dug around and learned that the notice had been prompted by a “geofence warrant,” a police surveillance tool that casts a virtual dragnet over crime scenes, sweeping up Google location data — drawn from users’ GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and cellular connections — from everyone nearby.
I swear, I though general warrants were unconstitutional. I’m sure I read that somewhere. Oh yeah, I did. In the Fourth Amendment and Section 12 of the Florida Constitution.
Further evidence that the fourth amendment is on its last legs.
+a shitload of DWI checkpoints
Look, the constitution is not a suicide pact, if it was actually adhered to as it was originally understood 95% of all government actions would cease and the nation would collapse!!11!!!
You’re really selling me on this strict adherence to the Constitution.
You have nothing to hide if you don’t ride a bike past any homes.
If you have something to hide, you shouldn’t be out riding your bike!
Work hard everyone.
He means “free to the right people”, not the people who will be forced to pay the cost.
Free to people who are dumb enough to vote for Bernie.
Epic level of passive-aggressive assholery…
China is now demanding an apology from the world on behalf of the sacrifice their people made dealing with Wuhan virus first
Look at the balls on these assholes…
Flashback to May 2018.
Take a look at the largest #virus bank in Asia! Wuhan Institute of Virology in Central China’s Hubei province preserves more than 1,500 different strains of virus.
Do any of them cause diabetes?
China is asshole.
I mentioned the story I am writing at end of last week.
I have a technical question, so I wouldn’t give a very vague preview as I flesh stuff out. I mentioned it was a combination of two ideas.
Idea one, a pre-steam feudal society based around waterways. Centered on waterways so much that peerage level and prestige and power are determined by the size of your watershed.
Vassalage is defined by tributaries. If your river is the tributary to another river, you are their vassal. And that goes down and down as waterways branch off. This explains the boating questions I was asking about on Friday. Anyway, got that worked out.
Idea two, which is where the new question is coming in, it is a matrilineal society. Men hold all the positions, but it is determined by the female line. To give an example from real history, lets use the English making descendents of Sophie the heirs to throne. The first King under this rule would be George I, just like in reality. The heir-mother (term I created) would be her first daughter, Sophie Charlotte, whose son Frederick William I (or Prussia) would have been the heir to George I. So nephews inherit, in general, not sons.
But that leads to a question, let me lay out a situation.
We have heir-mother A, who has a son 1A. He is King.
She has a daughter B, who has 3 sons, 1B, 2B, 3B, and a daughter C.
C has two sons, 1C and 2C.
1B would inherit form 1A. Be who would be next in line? Would it be 2B or 1C?
Which goes back to George I. When he died in 1727, his youngest brother Ernest Augustus was still alive, would he have been the new King (for 1 year, he died in 1728) before Frederick William?
As I talk it through, I think so. Otherwise you get some weird circumstance, where maybe 1C should inherit before 1B? Anyway, yeah, I am going with that.
You can see some of the “palace intrigue” that could come into play, as the heir to the throne isn’t necessarily that closely related to the current occupant. A son or brother whacking the King is one thing, a nephew is entirely different.
Rules of succession are completely arbitrary.
Yes, but they do tend to make some sense, so I am trying to make sure mine does to. I don’t want to end up with the Quidditch of succession rules.
If Rowling had posted here before writing the book, we would have corrected the rules and saved her a bunch of grief.
But would she be a billionaire now?
She would have a playable sport, and that is more important.
Playable? They fly on enchanted brooms.
Quidditch is simple to understand. You either go for the golden snitch or you rack up goals.
It is almost as bad as crickets “if you can delay long enough that the 5th day ends, its a draw” rule.
It’s 2B until 1C is born. Then it’s 1C. So if in your timeline there’s already a 1C, then 2B’s off the hook.
Actually, I have already decided it is age 18, not birth. No baby Kings running around in my universe.
But if 1C is 18 and 1B is 40 when 1A dies, who inherits? I want it to be 1B. But if 2B is not before 1C, what if there was 1B died as an infant?
So, I think the entire line of Bs should be before the Cs. I am still thinking about it.
My original thought was the order would be 1B, 1C, 2C, 2B, 3B.
But now I am thinking 1B, 2B, 3B, 1C, 2C, to avoid the infant death problem.
So a matrilineal seniority succession.
I think the practical effect of going from 1B to 2B to 3B would be that whole generations of C-liners get skipped. And that when you’re finally done with all the B brothers, the process for predicting who’s next would involve so much back-tracking and recalculations that there’d never be good predictability or stability. So every matrilineal changeover (e.g. Bs to Cs) would be viewed as illegitimate.
I played around with this with some of the european lines.
Lack of a daughter (or a daughter who doesnt have any kids) causes all kind of crazy back tracking and calculation. It is why I like the idea so much.
What becomes clear is if it very important for the heir-mother to have both a son and a daughter to keep the line alive.
Since you’re driving the kings based on matri-linearity, should the mother in question being alive be a determinant?
If B is still alive when 1B passes, then 2B, else 1C.
Yeah, I am thinking thru it. I think first son to reach age of maturity and first daughter ditto.
So it wou;ld go 1B, 1C, not 1B, 2B. Otherwise, daughters would need to be treated the same way and that messes with the story I have planned and still handles the infant/child death issue properly.
So order of succession would be 1B, 1C, then if no 1D, 2C, 2B, 3B if still around.
You can see some of the “palace intrigue” that could come into play, as the heir to the throne isn’t necessarily that closely related to the current occupant.
This can all be solved the Ottoman way: kill all potential rivals to the throne on your ascendance.
People dying of coronavirus, stock market tanking; CNN is dripping pre-cum everywhere.
Dow is 25,864? I wouldn’t call that “tanking”. The market isn’t some perpetual motion machine that can go up forever.
Agree completely. However, it’ll be reported as “Trump Ruins Amerikkka’s Economy Because He’s HITLERRRRRRRR!!!”
Federal Reserve: Hold my beer!
I’m thinking 20,000 before end of March. Then, if you have any cash, there should be buying opportunities.
I hope not.
Apparently trading has just been suspended.
This was baked in. The big boys are sticking it to the little guys right now.
The major index growth has been manipulated for at least the last year wherein the stocks that matter (AAPL, etc…) keep getting pushed up while the broader stock indexes have been sliding or stagnant.
But gas prices lower… Obviously that is the result of Obama’s infinite wisdom. And Trump is tanking Barry’s glorious economy.
Mammary Monday could really use that extra hour of sleep.
“Plastic surgeon, 49, ‘drugged high-end escorts with tranquilizers and then filmed himself raping them,’ police say
A plastic surgeon from Ohio drugged several women and then filmed himself raping them while they laid motionless, according to authorities.
Manish Gupta, 49, is alleged to have solicited sex online from a woman during a 2016 trip to Los Angeles for a plastic surgery convention.
Gupta, who was booked into Lucas County Jail on Friday afternoon, has been charged with illegally dispensing controlled substances, aggravated sexual abuse and sex trafficking. ”
How is that trafficking?
Dood, they were hookers! They were going to fuck you no matter what!
He’s not that bright
“An investigation by the FBI found that in 2014, an employee who worked at Gupta’s clinic in Toledo found several SD cards that contained video clips of the doctor having sex with unresponsive women.”
unless it was Bring Your Illegal Sex Tape to Work Day.
“Bring Your Illegal Sex Tape to Work Day”
Best day of the year.
Um… you mean “undocumented sex tape.”
While he had them knocked out, the least he could do is a little nip ‘n tuck.
Because the only way to have sex trafficking at any level of statistical significance is to count prostitution as trafficking.
It also gets headlines and brings in that sweet, sweet federal cash.
aggravated sexual abuse
Rape IS aggravating.
“One UChicago Crushes commenter declared that I was entitled ‘to a brick wall’ demanding I ‘support a movement [socialism] that eliminates violence on a systemic level or face the consequences.'”
Help us eliminate violence or we’ll kill you!
“declared that I was entitled ‘to a brick wall’ ”
Socialists and their entitlements. On libertopia you build your own damn wall.
I swear, these little commie fucks need a Holiday in Cambodia in the worst way.
Turns out the guy who did the Minnesoda Hockey Hair videos is dirty whore. After he got a giant donation to the Hendrickson Foundation, he came back out and made a new Minnesoda high school video.
Outstanding. Need to follow-up with best lacrosse flows.
Saved for break time. thanks!
My daughter went to a birthday part at the roller rink this weekend. I saw 2 dudes with Jerry curls. It was awesome.
Funny bit of trivia. This guy invented the Jehri Curl:
This reminds me of “Hollywood Shuffle”. And that reminds me of “Pootie Tang”, which I watched last Friday. The film is rated only one star. That’s fucked up, so I gave it some thought and here’s the deal. You make a film like “Sounder” or “The Help” and your gonna get four stars because they’re films about the poor black folk oppressed by whitey. But do a send-up of black culture and you get just one fucking star. BTW, “Pootie Tang” is 81 minutes of hilarious!
I like that the wiki article for the Jheri Curl has a picture of Ice Tea sporting one as its lead image, in a picture that certainly reflects a pre-NWA aesthetic sensibility. Since the wiki authors went with that image instead of one of someone more iconically associated with the style (like Michael Jackson), I can only assume it is a troll.
Sorry, Billy D will always and forever be the canonical Jheri Curl in my mind.
I remember that crap caking up on every school bus window during that era.
the perm has caught on at one of my local rinks. it’s hilarious.
quite a few get extra points for the stache.
New York power plant mines Bitcoin using excess energy
“Respect Black women.
Believe Black women.
Elect Black women.
How is that “international”?
I respect black women who are worthy of respect, same as I am with everyone else. Black woman are not some kind of noble, holy creatures. There are wonderful black women and awful black women, just as there are wonderful and awful white men.
White men invented slavery. Why would you say any white man is good?
I think it was the Egyptians, and in accordance with the Black Egyptian Hypothesis that would make black people the inventors of slavery.
This is post-Yakub, of course.
Here’s hoping she has a black chick for an opponent.
Query: are Somalis black? Why do I doubt sub-Saharan no they are?
She has at least one other Somali gal running against her in the primary and an Iranian gal is running in the GOP primary.
Somalis and African Americans have had some real problems in the local schools. The Somalis are not shy in letting the local blacks know that their ancestors were never slaves. For some reason, this doesn’t go over well.
Something like “Too dumb to follow basic instructions?” would be my comeback.
I think the GOP candidate is Iraqi not Iranian.
Yup. You are right. Dalia al-Aqidi is her name.
All the buses and local governments are plastering their PSA posters with African Americans and Somalis getting along and engaging with each other with joy and respect. Are you suggesting their aren’t perfectly reflecting reality in their government propaganda?
I think the govt printing those posters up shows that there is a need for them. You don’t see posters showing Norwegian and French immigrants getting along do you? Because those groups have put aside their historical griefs and get along. It also helps that Ole and Sven have stopped taking their boats across the lake in the summer to raid Jacque’s summer cabin.
Exactly. When I was college shopping in the very late 1990’s, this was the running gag – diversity on the cover, self-segregation in the dorms.
But yeah, the hostility between the two groups is pretty clear if you hang out anywhere the groups mix.
No no! It is because no one will let the French in, and every good Swede knows to avoid Norgies!
That’s been the case in the DC area for a while, apparently. There’s a large Ethiopian community in the DC metro and the word is they look down on black Americans, supposedly because of slavery.
The Somalis are not shy in letting the local blacks know that their ancestors were never slaves.
Which is kind of a dick move, considering those Somali ancestors were quite involved in the acquisition and sale of slaves.
“International” just means “things I like” for some people. Like “diverse”.
How is that “international”?
Illegal alien votes.
Stock trading halted for 15 minutes after the S&P 500 craters 7%
Why are so many of the S&Ps
worst days in October?
You can thank the Saudis and the Russians for that.
Crypto is getting crushed, too. Interesting.
Everything speculative is going to get crushed. It’s a flight to safety.
Gold is already up 6% the past 30 days. Dollar will come out strong and Japan’s central bank will be happy.
When gold starts taking a hit that’s when you’ll know it’s serious because margin bets are getting called and the funds will have to raise cash to pay out.
Good point.
libertarian moment?
In all seriousness a not even full on pandemic of killing people virus is causing this much trouble? The virus seems to be a convenient excuse.
It’s just revealing the structural defects in the economy. They’ve been ignoring China’s very serious debt problems for years but can’t afford to do so now.
After spending $10M over 5 years to fight obesity, Sconnies are fatter than ever.
Don’t despair though. These selfless obesity fighters have already gotten a $1M (for 5 years) to help the Menominee Nation establish a tribal food system.
Did they spend it all on cheese danishes?
Ooooh I thought it was Obesity Promotion Initiative.
Leaders of the Wisconsin Obesity Prevention Initiative,
It’s called the WOP Initiative and they want to fight obesity? How you gonna fight obesity when your diet is all pasta?
You have to be very, very educated to be stupid enough to
thinkbelieve this would do anything.Excellent song choice. Still one of my favorite bands.
Corona has arrived in Indiana. I’m hoping we can shoot it or blow it up with fireworks fast enough.
Which means it’ll be in Chicago next.
Yes and we’ll get blamed for it.
“We passed common sense virus control, but those virus shops in Indiana…!”
Good thing there’s no one left alive in Indiana after Pence murdered everyone during his stint as governor.
There are people here, but none of us are female or gay.
Sounds lonely.
Max Von Sydow is dead.
Pour one out for my homie Brewmeister Smith.
-1 John Elsinore
/my mind is polluted with useless info
“I mean, the Colonel is dead and yet we’re still enjoying his chicken.”
God I love that movie.
He was great in “Escape To Victory”. But then again, everybody was because that movie was fucking awesome.
“Colby, after giving me ball here, I do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, goal. Easy.”
We are all hosers.
“We all know why you’re calling it the “Wuhan Virus,” and fuck you.”
I remember when he seemed reasonable.
Ken has gotten really crotchety as of late.
His shtick has always been “be flamboyantly hateful towards an unpopular target.”
It’s an extremely successful tactic for building social cred.
Yup. I lost a lot of respect for him when he disparaged all the reason commenters during Woodchiper Gate.
He was mostly joking there.
I still follow him and am fine with him… but this past weekend I muted Balko on Twitter. Given that he was my most essential follow for a long time and that I’ve been following him since before Reason (on his old Agitator site), what’s happened to him since Trump’s victory is depressing to me.
With the Reason commentators, probably. But not with The Oatmeal v. Funnyjunk, or any of the kulturkampf crap (Becky Watson, Atheism+, Gamergate, etc.)
But the cred is only good at stores full of assholes.
Asshole is in the brown eye of the beholder.
Not to summon anyone, but I’m sure we do it here too.
Wuhan virus still has nothing on TDS in raw numbers of casualties.
Fun fact – ebola was named for the Ebola River in the Congo where it was first identified and the hantavirus was named for the Hantan River in South Korea where it was first identified. Guess we all know why those were dubbed what they are now called, eh Ken?
Why are so many ostensibly intelligent people driven so completely mad by Trump? I’ve been trying to figure this out for several years now and I still have no idea. I get that he’s a buffoon and a braggart, a liar and a phony, but why the hysterically overwrought overreactions about literally everything having to do with this man? There are plenty of legitimate things to criticize Trump for – why make up stupid, transparent bullshit?
“ Why are so many ostensibly intelligent people driven so completely mad by Trump?”
He reminds them of the type of they like to dismiss and cluck their tongues at and those people like Trump. It’s actually a class thing and a status signaling thing as much as anything else.
I think that’s part of it, but I think that another part is that he refuses to take them seriously. He doesn’t accept the premises of their faith, and it infuriates them. Also, I think it’s because Trump shits all over the corporate media, which in turn blasts him every chance it gets, and people like Ken either buy into it or find it easier to go along with it.
That is exactly why. He pokes holes in their smug arrogance and it’s driving them mad.
The personal is political. Not taking the same position that the social circle you are in, or aspire to be in, holds has gone from irrelevant to unacceptable. This effect is amplified tenfold on social media. Trump’s stomping ground is social media. He’s shitting in their pool, crashing their party, and just all around being a dick. He’s Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack and they are all little Judge Smails.
I don’t consider him a phony at all. He is consistently himself and doesn’t chase social trends in any attempt at phony hipsterism. He’s not any more closed-minded than any liberal you’d ever meet, it’s just that liberals like to think they’re open-minded because they chase social trends even though that always involves denying or denouncing (lying) they followed the last now-out-of-fashion trend. Basically the difference between the hive-mind and making up one’s own mind.
I think phony is at least somewhat accurate. He often says things that he doesn’t follow up on, or doesn’t really mean, or doesn’t know to be true. But when he speaks he is usually being sincere. He might flub a number, or exaggerate an effect, or promise something beyond what can realistically be delivered, or even make some shit up on the spot. But the point of what he’s saying generally matches what he intends to do. That is a level of nuance that is apparently beyond the modern liberal mind to understand, at least where their opponents are concerned.
Zika and West Nile sound pretty racist, too.
Calling it Lou Gehrig Disease is racist.
It’s certainly less apt that “Tommy John surgery.” At least Tommy John was the first person to have that type of surgery; Lou Gehrig wasn’t the first person to have ALS.
Wow I just got blocked by popehat…
He’s probably blocked half of Twitter by now. Every time some controversy flares up, he blocks anybody who disagrees with him, no matter how slightly.
I didn’t even say anything bad.
Don’t sweat it, the man’s an asshole.
Hopefully he will neither sic his twitter followers on you nor write a post about how the NYT needs to interview your employer, your family, and your families’ employers about what it’s like having to deal with you.
Ken can be a real cunt.
HongKongFluey was the funniest i’ve seen so far.
Everyone got upset with “Hong Kong Fluey” and “Slant-eye Sickness”.
“As part of a series of actions around the world, XR UK women formed a topless chain across Waterloo Bridge to highlight the vulnerability of women in the face of climate breakdown.
The climate emergency is a women’s emergency.
We are here to highlight the increase in hardship, violence & rape already facing women in the global south as a result of the climate & ecological emergency.
A January 2020 report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature found that climate breakdown and environmental degradation are driving an increase in violence against women.”
It’s never the women whose rack you want to see who takes off their tops in public.
“Some of the women were naked, some were not…Most of the women, I decided, would have looked better in clothes, preferably togas. If this was what the preachers had been worrying about all these years, then they had been barking up the wrong tree; it was nothing to arouse the happy old beast in men. The total effect was depressing. That was my first impression — but before I got to my destination even that had worn off. Ugly bodies weren’t any more noticeable than ugly taxicabs; the eye discounted them automatically.”
Yes, that is true. The demographic of women you’d like to see topless is not even adjacent to the demographic of wamyn who believe standing topless with their sisters on a bridge will bring positive attention to solving the threat against wamyn and female (and presumably female-identifying) bodies due to climate change. This is why prejudice and judging people by their physical appearance are two important life strategies. I’m not being facetious, by the way.
It’s almost as bad as for women as war!
I didn’t click because I saw a clip yesterday and decided that it’s not for me. There is what might be considered a measured, proportional response to that sort of thing, but I don’t think it was deployed in this particular instance.
All I know is that thunderstorms make me want to kick women right in the uterus. //jk
I’m thinking I should self quarantine myself from work…
Just to be safe.
Every March my seasonal allergies start near the beginning of the month and get progressively worse. About 50% of the time it turns into a sinus infection. Right now I’m sneezing all the time, coughing some, and have a pretty terrible sinus headache. I’m giving serious consideration to calling work, telling them I’m showing symptoms and then taking a two week vacation.
Ever try allergy shots? I started them last Oct and they’re working wonders for me so far. Beats the hell out of having to pop antihistamines every day.
I’ve had it suggested, never actually tried that though.
I’m avoiding doctor’s offices for now as well, unless I really really need it.
Ah yes, probably a good move to stay away from doc’s offices for the time being as long as it isn’t an emergency.
I suspect the allergists are not being overrun right now…
Per U.S. gallon and (of course) converting from $CDN to $USD, regular gasoline has dropped to $2.25 USD here in Edmonton (lowest price per the GasBuddy app). That’s amazing.
I paid $2.14 this morning, down from $2.19 last week and $2.39 a few weeks ago. Some stations around here are down to $1.99. I haven’t seen sub-$2 gas in a very long time.
Also, Bent crude is down nearly 20% today to $36.95 a barrel.
That’s what the panic is really about. There’s a lot of junk bonds in the US oil drilling market and if it heads to $25/barrel things are going to get ugly.
Price discovery is a bitch.
Yep (and excuse my typo above, I know it’s Brent, not Bent).
I don’t think that happens unless there’s very wide-scale quarantines severely limiting movement though.
The Russians and Saudis may force it regardless.
They were distressed last week, this week they’re panicking.
A specific example:
Chesapeake is one of the largest frackers that isn’t a major (Exxon, Shell, etc…) and is 309 on the Fortune 500.
I also happen to know for a fact that they do not have a forward-looking budget. Hard to believe for a company of that size, but true.
Anyone have an idea when the drop in crude oil will make its way to heating oil prices? I’ve asked my local company in the past, but they were unhelpful.
Give it a month or two. In other words, beyond the seasonal demand.
Thanks. I guess the fixed costs for distribution and refinement will keep the cost from dropping a comparable amount anyway.
I know most of us aren’t in too much danger, even if we contract coronavirus, but I think my wife and I are going to tell her parents not to come down here in a couple of weeks like they had planned to. They’re both in their 70s and my father-in-law has underlying health problems.
That’s probably smart. The correct way to react to this “pandemic” is to do whatever one would do during a particularly bad flu year. Namely, keep the elderly and immunocompromised away from potential disease vectors.
That’s what we’re trying to do. We’ve got a two month old baby and for some reason the sight of a baby drives some people absolutely nuts with the desire to get up in his face, whether it’s a relative or a complete stranger. For us, the safest bet is just to keep him home, which means keeping ourselves home. While it’s been hell on the icemaker and we’re having a shelf named for us at the liquor store, it does play into my misanthropy quite nicely and we’ve been catching up on movies.
GAH!!! Elderly women at the supermarket have no compunctions about reaching over and touching your newborn. We got so bad that we would just hang a blanket over the car seat so no one could see her.
Babies and dogs, man. Some people have no boundaries. I’m waiting for the first corona-related violence to pop off because somebody’s nana reached into a stroller and got cold-cocked by a vigilant mom.
It’ll be ladydoom, you can put money on it.
Try taking your cute little kids to Korea and then get back to me. My youngest son still has nightmares about the time we were visiting some tourist site in Korea and a bus load of Jr High girls got off while we were standing there. He had to suffer through about 50 girls pinching him and ruffling his hair and telling him how cute he was (he was 4 or 5).
Grannies are just as bad.
NEEDZ mOaR panic!!11!!
AKA Elementary Schools
Two kids in elementary school in my house. We are fucked.
Same. And i’ve seen the kids on that bus. There is one who always looks like she is dying of some awful disease, with her brain running out of her nose.
We’ve applied for my oldest to get into a charter for Kindergarten. At least the caliber of disease will be higher. Maybe dropsy or the vapors rather than regular ol’ gross head colds.
They’re both in their 70s and my father-in-law has underlying health problems.
Someone is fishing for an excuse not to have to visit the in-laws.
Georgia Supreme Court Refuses To Consider Whether State Legislature Should Be Exempt From Public Records Law
Does John Roberts have a twin on the George Supreme Court?
While George might have a Supreme Court of his own, I meant Georgia.
Govt hacks covering for govt hacks. I’m sure the legislature will pay the supremes back one day.
It’s all so unnecessary. Just pass a new law amending the old law and exempting the General Assembly. It would be, what, 5 lines long?
I am getting tired of all these pretenses. Why is trust in government so low? Well, one only needs to look at the actions of the government itself.
That’d look bad though. Having the SC decline the case lends it an air of legitimacy and also allows some blame displacement plus they can apply the lack of disclosure to other areas.
This just in, Georgia legislature votes to give supreme court 25% raise.
According to the State Medical Board of Ohio, someone submitted a petition to add “Bengals/Browns Fans” as a qualifying condition under the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program.
Works for me.
“Just in: Twitter applied its new manipulated media label for the first time to a deceptively edited video of Joe Biden. It was shared by White House social media director Dan Scavino, and retweeted by the president.”
I’ve been looking, wheres this edit?
Did Joe not stumble through your different sentences at once and come off like a senile old man?
He did, but it was edited to make it look far worse.
The funny thing is that it wasn’t really the Trump fans that were spreading it on Twitter. It was Bernie supporters.
To the establishment types, there’s little distinction between the two.
The spread of fake news is worse than the Coronavirus
If that’s “manipulated media,” they may as well just slap that label on every video on the site.
You’re trapped in a fortune cookie factory in Wuhan, armed guards at the door forcing you to work. What do you do?
Smugly remind everyone fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco and get shot.
This started out like it was going to be an episode of The Twilight Zone
going with the ol’ standby.
Wipe your nose with the paper going to the western country a-holes.
A medium article worth reading. Who knew such a thing was possible?
Does medium have an editorial position? While it is the platform of choice for long-form liberal rants, I have seen a lot of content on there outside that mold.
No, I think basically any jag off can create an account and write there. Its more like Twitter than NYT. There’s no editorial oversight at all as far as I know.
Yeah, YouTube has become the Fox News, Jordan Peterson, and Hoover Institution pipeline for me and I’m fucking sick of it. The algorithm isn’t even an algorithm anymore, it’s just a means of trying to jam middle of the road shitty content down your throat.
Fortunately, I don’t consume anything political on Youtube. So all my recommendations are woodworking, knifemaking, people turning money into loud noises, and weight training.
The Recomender is very sensitive. I go through phases of what i’m interested in watching, so right now my feed is full of people turning money to loud noises, and Holster Reviews.
My daughter’s occasionally watch YouTube videos on my phone so my video recommendations are all sorts of random. Guns follow by puppies and kittens.
larf! yeah ditto here. my recs are either violent action or sickeningly sweet.
Guns, Blippi, woodworking, SpaceX launches, America’s funniest home videos reruns, and fighter pilots playing DCS happen to be my most recommended videos.
You gotta respect the guy for his accomplishment. Dude who was best known for shitting in another dude’s mouth on stage makes children’s show that is apparently more addictive than crack.
I also respect the fact that not everything has to have some life lesson built in. Most of his show is “I like fucking around with heavy machinery” or “I like playing on kids’ toys”
Oh, both valid points. I just have that reaction.
I listen to a number of Hoover Institution podcasts because they are interesting and I like to hear the varied arguments made (I’m a big fan of Richard Epstein). The Hoover Institution channel has quite a lot of interesting stuff on it, as does *gasp* The Federalist Society (how dare I). Munger Jr et al make a good (if not obvious to the rest of us) point about the “zombie bite” model. I find it’s good to can my watch history every so often if it’s recommeding too much of the same old. It consistently recommends Fox although I consistently don’t click on Fox. I would subscribe to the Kennedy podcast but it’s behind a paywall. Anyway, the zombie bite thing isn’t just algorithmic, it’s also how a lot of (yes, mostly lefties) think about those they disagree with (“where did you read that?!”). It’s not only become taboo and wrongthink to express certain ideas, but also to even give them an audience, to listen, to consider them, so a lot of what I consume I daren’t ever share with most people I know because you never know what they might assume based on that. Interestingly enough someone like my sister, based solely on the knowledge that I consider myself libertarian, has this idea about what that means in which she assumes my worldview is “very right wing”, and shaped entirely by things like zerohedge, Fox, Breitbart, and probably various things I’ve never heard of, all of which I rarely if ever look at, and then only when linked, with the exception of Fox because I’m sometimes curious about what they lead with. It takes me back to some self-help drivel I happened upon (I think when scrolling too far on a STEVE SMITH advice link), in which I read a statement to the effect of “when you’re not around, people will imagine/invent a version of you”, which ultimately I know is certainly not limited to absence – but that’s going into some horrible shit I had to go through that taught me a lot about people, and ironically from which I built myself up as someone who’s worldview is rooted in a deep faith in the ultimate goodness, and capacity for constructive exchange etc, of PEOPLE. It’s quasi-humanist I suppose, sort of. Government fuck off. People got this. Where was I? Oh yes, big long paragraph. Byeeee.
Oh good god, I hate the “where did you read that” argument.
Whenever I argue about gun rights with my “progressive” family members, they inevitably throw out “what was your source for that” which is shortly followed by “You’ve been reading too much of that NRA magazine”.
We’d be having arguments about whether or not Obama is against gun rights. I would reference something that he voted for as a senator, and I’d get the “too much NRA magazine” line. I could pull up the official Senate website and show what he voted for, and they would still just accuse me of being brainwashed by that evil magazine. It’s insane. Meanwhile, everything printed in Mother Jones or “reported” by John Oliver is considered sacrosanct.
I think a foundational belief of Leftism is that average people are just stupid lemmings who are constantly being manipulated by forces beyond their control… Hell, most of them seriously believe that Russian bots brainwashed people into voting for Trump. It’s really no surprise that the “algorithmic radicalization” myth is catching on.
That second chart is fascinating and shows an interesting pipeline from MSM to partisan left sources.
Yup. basically everything flows you from far right back to mainstream “acceptable” opinion. For example look at the Libertarian Row. Everything flows towards libertarians except the “Mainstream” stuff which then flows out.
That’s pretty rich coming from the New York Times.
That NYT crap was just more gatekeeping to shame YT into only recommending goodthink channels. They can’t handle any competition to their ideas.
I watch YouTube in private tabs and haven’t logged into my google account in probably 5 years. I can’t imagine using YouTube for content discovery. It’s barely passable as a content consumption platform.
One of these things is not like the other…
I thought the Massachusetts Rifle Association was oddly specific
Ornette Coleman:
You’re welcome, Glibs.
That is some silky sweet horn there.
I maintain that if you need a seminar on how to get yourself off, you definitely shouldn’t be in college.
They gonna touch them genitals in an inclusive and safe climate change.
Show us on the doll where you like to be touched.
Doll are an exclusionary unterm. Them prefer “articulated evidence personikin.”
I don’t know if this has been posted, but I saw an interesting survey (for Women’s Day, of course) of opinions around the world on what is NSFW. Some interesting findings: acceptance for asking a colleague out is lowest in the US but highest in Malaysia, the US and Mexico tie for frowning on sex jokes while the Belgians are most likely to let it slide, you are least likely to get in trouble for viewing Q’s posts in India, and the Swede’s are the most confident at calling out senior colleagues for being sexist. Also, South Africa is the most chill with hugging a coworker to comfort them while Japan stays true to stereotype by being the least chill with this, by a large margin.
Funny that Women think touching people is totally acceptable, but asking someone out is unacceptable.
It depends on who’s doing the asking.
touching people is totally acceptable
Chicks love a nice pat on the butt.
It depends on who’s doing the asking.
Yup. And that low-cut blouse is not for everyone to look either.
first rule: Be attractive.
Second rule: don’t be unattractive
Death of Hope Part 1: Anarchy Reigns
Some sort of warhammer fan short film. kinda freaky