This is for the sports update.
Your North American sports scores yesterday were ALS beat TOL 3-2, SAN beat NEC 2-1, and CRA beat AME 1-0. Across the pond (in Russia), SCH beat FKKR 2-0, LMO beat ROS 3-0, and CSKA played UFA to a 0-0 draw.

One of Woolery’s contestants
Slave-owner (so I guess we should cancel him) James Madison was born on this day. He shares it with comedian and violinist Henny Youngman, Innovative genetic researcher Nazi war criminal Dr Josef Mengele, slapstick comedian and fundraiser Jerry Lewis, game show host Chuck Woolery, Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci, CHiPs actor Erik Estrada, Mexican anchorman Joooooooooooooorge Ramos, rapper Flavor Flav, NFL QB Rodney Peete, actor Alan Tudyk, and NFL great Ozzie Newsome.
OK, let’s get right to…the links!
Everything is closed. Well, not everything. Just almost everything.
The Federal Reserve reaches a new low. Literally.

When one photo says it all…
This was an absolute shitshow of pandering. Well, except for the “racism” in calling past pandemics by their common names.But good lord help us if either of these two assclowns are elected. May as well kiss free enterprise and personal responsibility goodbye.
This is just shocking! OK, actually it’s not shocking. Now if he could just address the meth.

Armed robbery victim
I’m not sure “donates” is the word I’d choose seeing as armed officers went to confiscate it all. This was theft, plain and simple. And sure, the guy might be a bit of an asshole. But price gouging laws enabled what he did and these second-level effects should be blamed on the laws that enable them, not the actors who have the foresight to fill a marketplace.
I don’t know who these people are, but they sure sound like a couple of retards. With apologies to retarded people.
I assume this homeowner will be criminally charged very soon. And go ahead and read the comments. They’ll surprise you.
I always knew the French had a casual attitude toward pedos, but Jesus H Christ. This guy deserves a visit from the hangman, not a five-year sentence.
If you don’t like this, then fuck you.
But even if you do hate it, I still want you to have a great day, friendo.
We’re witnessing what happens when the Fed panics. Grab your ass and hold on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
My guess is one of the major banks is collapsing, probably Deutsche Bank.
To make matters worse, there’s a shortage of dollar which will create a liquidity crisis in of itself. As margin calls go out, the big betters (hedge funds and banks have some 300 to 1 derivative bets out there) will not be able to find the dollars to pay and there’s going to be a freeze up in the credit markets.
And the Fed also eliminated reserve requirements for banks.
*grabs the Pepto*
To wit, there were no bids for long term Treasuries last week because nobody had the dollars to buy them with. That was the warning signal.
So… What are going long on? Anything?
If you have cash available, 7 to 10 year T-Bonds are safe for the time being.
The Fed has been injecting hundreds of billions in liquidity into the credit markets ever since the overnight rate crisis 6 months ago. The market stopped lending on treasuries ages ago.
True. But it just got ten times worse.
Time to mint a few trillion dollar coins, problem solved!
A shortage of dollars or a massive spike in demand for credit?
It’s getting into some esoterics of the foreign currency markets but as I understand it, three quarters of all cross-currency funding is undertaken in USD. With the dollar in scarcity, that’s creating a $12T short that can be squeezed.
The Fed loves this. They get to wield their power over a sinking ship. They’d rather rule over hell than reign in heaven. What a mess.
Serve in heaven. Whatever. If you guys run out of booze, lemme know. Plenty here.
That’s how to self quarantine, man. I even invented a new drink for the occasion. A quarantini. It’s just like a Gin Martini, only you rink it alone and in lockup.
I’ve had those . . . most of the martini’s I’ve ever had were like that.
DruMPH IZ Trtyying ToO HydE THe MonEYz PuTEEN PAid HIm!1!!!!!!11
Rates will be negative before the election. Bet.
You never reach the zero bound if you rename it the Zeno bound.
It’s all Greek to me.
This is unequivocally the most hysterical, retarded shit I’ve ever experienced in my life btw.
South Carolina decided on Thursday to close schools in the two counties affected so far and leave them open elsewhere. Yesterday afternoon, the Governor announced schools closed statewide starting today thru the end of the Month.
I don’t know who was pressuring him, but it seems to me he took a well thought out decision and turned it into a panicky decision.
It is a domino effect. Once one guy does it, everyone has to.
Down here in South Florida, one district closed and within hours all of them changed their minds and followed suit. You don’t want to be the guy on CNN explaining why you didn’t shut down and 1 little old lady (or bonus, little old lady school teacher) dies of SARS Covid-19.
We have one of the two or 3 largest school systems in the country in Broward County, and our superintendent is scared of his shadow because of #MSD Strong.
The worst part will be how much they pat themselves on the back when this never gets as big as predicted. They’ll think it is because of the safety measures put in place. But most likely, it would have never gotten as large or as sever as they predicted anyways.
I see this going as the 3 humped camel. First hump is going to be very little because we took all of these precautions. Then everyone is going to freak out that it’s ‘no big deal’ or ‘just the flu’ then the 2nd hump comes, when everyone thinks that there is no danger or that there never was any and THAT is when we wind up with a lot of dead people.
After the 2nd hump of fatalities, people are going to take thing seriously again. It’ll be too late.
Concurrent with that line of thinking, I’ve been running with the theory that we’re over isolating ourselves. We need some people to get it to spread out the distribution. With our current isolation levels, we may just be setting ourselves up for failure. Also, 3-4 weeks from now, all those parents that are sitting at home with children will stop caring. The isolation and confinement will be too much. They’ll stop caring if they get it or not, because they can’t stand being cooped up any longer.
We;ll find out in the next few weeks.
SARs had a much higher mortality rate than COVID-19 does. But you didn’t become contagious from SARs until about day four or five after you developed symptoms. That allowed the Chinese to get ahead of it, and they still were bleaching entire subway stations every night.
I think it’s easy to underestimate how far the Chinese have gone in combating COVID-19. I am certain they have violated every principle we hold dear and then some.
This is what happens when a Black Swan event hits an extremely overpumped economy that’s supported by a house of cards. Ron Paul and Nassim Taleeb just got vindicated.
Sadly, there are no rewards for chicken little when he’s right.
Even calling this a black swan event is itself an absurd exaggeration, IMO. The actual risk involved here is fucking minuscule. An asteroid strike in NYC would be a black swan event. This is nothing but media stoked hysteria because orange man bad. You’ve got the same people who were advocated for removing travel restrictions during an Ebola outbreak putting the entire country on lockdown and waxing poetic about the ability of the Chinese to impose martial law on hundreds of millions of people. It’s nothing but pure, unadulterated bullshit.
It’s a double hit, really. The Saudis and Russians are the Thelma to the coronavirus’s Louise. They’re both slamming on the gas headed for the cliff.
Oh yeah, that’s a whole other issue. I mean the COVID19 panic particularly. The oil supply shock is also having outsized influence, but it’s more understandable given the utter fabrication on which the last decade’s “booming” market has been built.
That said, the virus is no joke. Italy is a damned mess. While the death rate is not horrid, the hospitalization rate is god-awful and completely overwhelming the healthcare system.
This is something that confuses me.
Remember Katrina? Remember all those people sitting in the Superdome, supposedly dying in squalor? Remember how there was a parking lot filled with buses just a few miles away? And the mayor did nothing. The governor did nothing. The people there did nothing.
People who expect help apparently will sit and wait for the help, regardless.
In this case, Italy is running out of space in hospitals. How hard is it to commandeer a hotel? Why wait for the president if the need is real? Just walk down the street and negotiate one.
And ventilators…. bagging works. It is primitive, but it works. Why not start pressing ordinary people into shifts of bagging. People are generous and industrious. All you have to do is ask and they will show up. Do something people.
The people in Katrina weren’t contagious (mostly)
That and the real crunch is in healthcare workers who are getting sick themselves. This is a crisis of the healthcare system more than anything else.
Here’s a minor example:
I volunteer with kids at the elementary school robotics club. At the recent state championships they were a little badly organized and ran way behind in the contests by lunchtime. So they had kids waiting in line for more than an hour for their turn at one of the events, and announced a break for lunch.
Confusion ensued as they told everyone to just leave and come back. Some left. Some stayed not wanting to sacrifice over an hour of waiting… the cutoff was going to be less than an hour after the return from lunch, so many kids were not going to get to compete, after having worked to qualify for the state competition.
Everyone just stood there complaining.
So I grabbed one of the organizers and made them aware of the situation. Deer in the headlights. So one other coach and I told them to go arrange to extend this portion of the contest so everyone would know that it was going to be OK. Off he went.
Then I started asking for a piece of paper and a pen. Again… deer in headlights. Finally I asked a lady from one of the big private schools if she had brought a pen and paper (remembering that you don’t ask “someone” to call 911, you tell a specific person). She hemmed and hawed and “I don’t know if we can”. So one of the high school volunteers understood, got a handout and the two of us made a list of who was in line.
Problem solved.
But 95% of the people just froze, waiting for someone in authority to decide what to do. These are the Superdome people.
Oh I get it.
Compound that problem with bureaucratic empires and you see why the system locks up. The FDA and CDC actively prevented more test kits from coming available. To his credit, Trump cut some of that red tape.
Looking at these numbers what sticks out to me is how low the “recovery” numbers are. This seems like some persistent shit even if it doesn’t kill you.
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Looking at the numbers, I think their “denominator” is “people who sought treatment and were triaged into the hospital system”.
So not “all infected people” (which is a hard number to get), not even “all people showing symptoms”…. This would tend to exaggerate the severity of the disease by cherry picking only the worst cases.
Either way, a lot of people have gotten really sick, so it is hard to talk about it rationally. Any time you say “only a few thousand” someone can point to a dead grandma as a counter-argument.
part of it I think is how recovery is measured. Most countries with smaller numbers have been using two or more negative tests over a time period, and it unclear whether the patient is still contagious at that point. They aren’t shedding viruses at the level of beginning of infection.
Another point is recovery numbers are when they’re declared free of Covid-19, not necessarily when they’re returned to full health. For someone that developed pneumonia or had organ damage, there’s still a road ahead and still need healthcare resources.
An awfully expensive pigeon if it isn’t a black swan. The money being thrown at this is astounding.
“waxing poetic about the ability of the Chinese to impose martial law ”
This is the shit that scares me the most. How much everyone is willing to just let the government do fucking whatever they want.
People are taking about closing the state boarders down. It’s retarded.
That particular action would guarantee a full-blown depression. Interstate commerce would grind to a halt.
Huh. I read Leon’s comment as “closing the skate boarders down” and thought he was using them as typical rebels. Then Scruffy talks about them being a catalyst for a complete financial apocalypse and that didn’t sound right.
A huge portion of the interstate borders thing is a response to DeBlasio saying he was going to keep the schools open at all cost because school is the only place kids get food and they are going to starve to death.
If you are buying in to the “ten times as bad as the flu” story, having people flee NYC a month from now because the virus is out of control and bringing 10,000 cases to your area, overwhelming all the efforts you have taken…. well, that seems like a bad idea.
Remember, flu killed 80,000 people in 2016-2017. Ten times as bad as that is almost a million people.
I understand where people are freaking out about stuff. I just had a better opinion of my fellow American.
People have immunity to the flu. There is a flu vaccine every year. Covid-19 isn’t the flu.
I hate having to point this out. We’re way past the ‘in theory’ or ‘it’s probably just the flu’ discussions. Italy is a country, a real place, with real people and a decent health care system, parts of Italy are in complete paralysis right now. That’s not a debate or a let’s discuss this. It’s a fact. This isn’t ‘the flu.’ Someday it will be. But right now, we have no immunities or vaccines or antivirals that will stop or slow this thing down.
I get it. We’ve been comfortable for literally decades and it’s hard to imagine an uncomfortable tomorrow. But it’s coming. Whether you want it to or not and when it gets here, it’s not going to be ‘just the flu.’
For most people it is a flu. They get sick they stay home, they get better.
I do wonder why everything doesn’t shut down every flu season, considering the number of deaths?
I do wonder why everything doesn’t shut down every flu season, considering the number of deaths?
Because this is10x worse than the Flu. And no one has any protection against it. And you will die.
“with real people and a decent health care system,”
I thought they had single-payer? If so, their system is not decent.
By trying to control health care prices, governments all over the world have created a shortage of the product.
Escape from New York?
Actually, that’s going on my watchlist for tonight.
Just don’t watch the sequel.
Spoiler alert: it’s fucking garbage.
You sort of have to do it all at once, or not bother.
Yep. I wouldn’t imagine bars and restaurants being closed for an indeterminate amount of time from a Governor (fuck you DeWine!) being blandly accepted. Shit, there were places that prided themselves on staying open during the worst blizzards, people opened their doors (and their supplies) during the blackout… the downstream effects of this are going to be huge. Restaurants aren’t the most stable businesses in the best of times. Now if you can’t offer takeout, you can’t open. If you can offer takeout, you don’t need half your staff (and tips will probably be down). Breweries that are on a taproom model (no distribution) can’t open now, and beer will spoil. Shit, a brewery just opened near me ~2 weeks ago, no kitchen, no food, so no to go orders. I doubt they can turn enough profit just doing growler fills. They don’t have a canning or a bottling line (both are fairly expensive, and can’t get spun up in this short of a time frame).
I went out last night. Bartenders definitely very worried.
Are they worried about being shut down or are they worried about what they might catch from a customer?
They’re worried because they were being shut down as if 9pm with no indication when they would be back to work.
And as expected, just got an e-mail from the brewery:
They’re trying to figure out a way to do growler fills with what they have on tap. I’m trying to stay out of the public (due to travelling) for the time being.
The guys buying up TP or hand sanitizer or whatever to resell, I put in the same category as payday lenders.
I defend their legal right to be the extreme scumbags that they are.
I have an extra 30 oz. tub of Germ X that I use to refill the smaller bottle in my car periodically. Accidentally bought 2 because I misplaced one and thought I was out. That was months ago. I saw that they’re going for $50+ on eBay, so I thought I’d throw up my extra one and cash in. Luckily for us, eBay has banned hand sanitizer from being listed on the site to avoid price gouging. Now my extra 30 oz. of hand sanitizer gets to sit under my bathroom sink unused for another 6 months. Because that’s better than somebody paying out the nose for it.
It’s also better than the cops kicking in your door to make you “donate” it and the public shaming you’d be forced to endure.
He said the outpouring of hate has been scary for him and his family. He said people have incessantly called his cellphone, posted his address online and sent pizzas to his home. His inbox was flooded with ugly messages, he said. One email he shared with The Times said: “Your behavior is probably going to end up with someone killing you and your wife and your children.”
Show your outrage by wasting other resources.
Get Preet Bharara to prosecute that guy.
I admit it might be me drawing weird distinctions, but see my comment below on dutch auctions.
I think going thru ebay make sit okay! — not sure I can defend my premise.
Eh, price gouging is kinda scummy, but at the same time it’s a valid market mechanism and tends to produce better outcomes than the alternatives. Ordinarily I wouldn’t jump on a bandwagon like that, but this is such an absolutely silly panic that I just can’t muster any guilt for sticking some idiot for 50 bucks to ward off what might possibly amount to a bad flu – if you happen to be really old or in very poor health.
I think my thought is that price gouging isn’t that scummy, but intentionally going around buying it up at every store in order to price gouger is super-scummy. And still she be legal. The stores need to switch into dutch auction mode.
Stores aren’t set up for that though.
The dumbass thing about hoarding such things is that it isn’t in your best interest. It will just lead to more sick people around you.
Stores are set up to do “limit 1 per customer”.
One local market had a limit of 4. Now it’s 2.
Should be forced to do so?
Is that a response to me? I don’t see the word force in my post.
In defense of payday lenders, they’ll loan to people who otherwise can’t get credit. Sure, a lot of these people shouldn’t be using credit, but for some people it helps.
I will defend payday lenders to my death.
With regards to the anti-gouging laws, if only there was some person (he could have even been a foreigner) who would write up an entire series of seeing the difference between the seen and the unseen with regards to economic action.
We can’t let it be a Franchy, they would never get it right.
I know I mentioned it the other day, in the contest of beer and booze, but I always want to ask anti-gougers what their view on dutch auctions is.
I’m fine with this stuff selling in Dutch auctions. I’m fine with it being sold in traditional auctions. I’m fine with it being sold on street corners or garage sales. And I’m fine with it being donated voluntarily.
The dude bought it fair and square. It’s his to do with as he pleases. Same goes for the retailer who bought it from a wholesaler/distributor/manufacturer.
That’s it. There’s no “but” or “well, except” clauses to my statement. People should be free to do what they want with whatever they legally obtained. Period.
The next step is requiring retailers like Costco and Sam’s Club to sell “essential” products to nonmembers. Then distributors will be required to practice “fair” distribution.
You aren’t an anti-gouger, so I didnt ask you.
I’d like to consider myself an anti-gouger. At least morally. But I don’t think there should be laws addressing it.
Also, it’s an open forum. I didn’t know offering my opinion (since I brought the topic up) would rankle you so bad. I apologize for replying.
Is you humor detector broken? Or maybe I am just not as funny as I think. No….Its the first.
I think we are in 100% agreement on the law. And the morality. I just want to hear what the people who support anti-gouging laws think about auctions. But they probably aren’t reading my posts here.
Ah. Yeah, I read your reply as you being a little salty that I’d replied. I’ll get the batteries checked in my detector and have it recalibrated. ??♂️
But seriously, one can be an anti-gouger but still be against government involvement. I thought you were asking the opinions of the former and not necessarily the latter.
The hyperbole has a list.
I don’t even like the term price gouging, so I only consider the pro-law ones the anti-gougers.
As I said somewhere upthread, I find the people going store to store buying it up to sell at higher prices scummy. But, honestly, I blame the stores in part for allowing it to happen. They can’t totally stop it, but they can put limits on purchases.
Does that opinion only hold for certain items and situations? I do exactly that with LEGO sets. I search retailers for deals and then resell those sets at a tremendous markup once they go out of production. Information arbitrage is a basic ingredient in commerce, no?
Does that opinion only hold for certain items and situations?
Probably, maybe. I don’t think you are taking advantage of a LEGO shortage. That is more of a collection thing. Other LEGO exist, if they don’t want the particular one you are selling.
I havent defined it well enough to make me happy. I have been using the Potter Stewart methodology: I know it when I see it.
He doesn’t have a problem with the meth and gay hookers, only the booze.
I’m one IPA away from butt sex and meth addiction.
How you doing…?
On Andrew Gillum…. As a Florida Resident…. Who the hell was voting for this goober? He was an obvious “no” from the jump.
And on the other side…. I had a hard time figuring out why they nominated DeSantos. Turns out, the dude is fairly competent. Or at least he has competent public health officials and he listened to them. Florida is way ahead of everyone else on virus fighting things.
Oh, and because we have so many New York people who come down here, the incompetence of Cuomo (yeah, suck it politicos), He’s been lobbying Trump to restrict interstate travel. Don’t need NY dragging their epidemic down here. (Watching the Cuomo brother shilling on CNN like some broken animatronic has given rise to a certain level of animosity toward that crowd)
Re: Gillum. I lived in Tallahassee when he was a very young City Commissioner and then mayor. He came across as bright, ambitious, clean cut, and (dog whistle) articulate. In a blue city dominated by University students and employees, state government workers, and with a large black community, he did well. In the last few years he started making some really blatantly intentional woke statements to elevate his notoriety to the national level. Also he gave a buddy some sweetheart contract to run a restaurant in a historical building the city renovated at great expense. I was grossed out and ignored everything after that. My brother kept paying attention and found this photo, which kinda hurts his support in the black community.
“It was this big.”
‘A French priest who acknowledged sexually abusing at least 75 boys over decades was sentenced Monday to five years in prison, in France’s worst case of clergy abuse to reach trial’
1.25 months of prison per kiddie diddle? Seems a touch low.
Je vois ce que vous avez fait là.
My five years of French just checked in. Formidable!
1.25 months of prison per kiddie diddle? Seems a touch low.
Keep in mind that this is the same continent where Norway gave that shooter essentially 4 months of prison per kid killed. So on that scale it works.
Well they WERE probably white kids…
When the CV dies out as all these things do, the government will take credit for their aggressive action. Mean while America has changed, it will never be the same. The young folks will think its normal.
For those of us a little more experienced, I will say while we appreciate your concern please don’t worry. Take care of yourselves and your family. The new America is not the one I know anyway. I haven’t seen a kid with a slingshot trying to hit that pesky squirrel in a tree, since I was a kid with a slingshot. Life goes on.
I still own a slingshot, have faith!
Of course, what an almost forty year old man is still doing with a slingshot is anybody’s guess…lose faith!
Give your sling shot to an 8 year old and he’ll be shooting at cans/ bottles and hopefully he’ll see a squirrel. Kids need to be kids.
Put new rubber on the sling shot for the kid, too, TH.
Safe sex and squirrel killing… two birds with one stone, in a manner of speaking.
Hmm, the niece is seven now. Maybe it’s time to officially maker her parents hate me.
“I haven’t seen a kid with a slingshot trying to hit that pesky squirrel in a tree, since I was a kid with a slingshot.”
I think we ‘re all too busy to go watch for those kids. They’re still out there though.
I’m pretty sure a kid with a slingshot these days would be arrested for carrying a deadly weapon.
Fourscore, those kids are still out there. A couple years back I took my nephews to a Ren Faire. The youngest (was probably ~7 at the time) wanted a bow and arrow. While they had real ones, I didn’t want to get beaten by my sister and BIL. They did have little kiddy ones on the cheap (elastic cord on solid wood) with some blunt point arrows. They tried to hit birds, squirrels, and any outdoor creature they could see with those arrows until they were all lost.
That does give me an idea to get him a slingshot this year… (he’ll be 10).
At 10 he needs a Red Ryder bb gun, so he’ll be ready for that .22 in a couple years. Safety first. You’re a good uncle, Nep.
It’s been decades since I’ve fired a gun (just some .22, shotgun, and black powder back in the Boy Scout days). While neither the sister or BIL are big on the Dem side, the BIL’s family is. So rather then bringing up that fight, the slingshot would probably be the safer way to go. Although… I could do it as a Christmas Story reference, which would probably be appreciated…
We have to do our bit. Show and teach the kids what we used to do. Ive noticed they do take a liking to it and dare I say, they realize how cool it was; how cool we were. It’s liberating.
They live in such a condensed, organized and structured life now these kids. There’s no room to just go out and be Calvin & Hobbes.
To me this is a tragedy.
I played organized soccer but it didn’t consume my life. I understand if I, personally, had betting coaches and academies I’d have been an even better player but the trade off was we got to do so many other things and activities because we weren’t a practice and tournaments five days a week.
I know people who have their kids in TWO hockey or soccer schools. It’s nuts. I loved soccer but not that much. Makes me wonder how many of these kids really like it for what it is or if they’re just going along with it.
“better”. What in the fuck?
‘Betting’ coaches would make for a better story. Though I did have one who was as close to Morris Buttermaker as they come.
Wife and I have had the same discussion about how we’re going to handle the kiddo when she gets older. On one hand, I was the kid on the rec league who probably belonged on the travel team. I would’ve (and did) thrived when allowed to focus on one sport/activity.
On the other hand, unstructured time is important, as is getting breadth of experience.
When it comes down to it, we want kiddo to do what she likes and do so in a way that doesn’t require us to pay thousands for the privilege of packing up and traveling around the region 50 weeks out of the year.
My niece is a prodigy soccer player. Like invited to international Soccer and Futsal camps good and complimented by Lionel Messi good. (Must be a mutation lol) Watching my brother and his wife constantly scrambling to get her to all the travel dates and pay for the camps and academies that go with being on the serious track in all that makes me kind of crazy. She has a shot at someday playing on the National team, but she is 13 and a lot of things can happen, and a LOT more kids are on the track than there are slots so the ‘payoff’ is still a huge gamble. Meanwhile the price is huge. Every week, seemingly all year long (Futsal and Soccer remember) either my brother or his wife is driving her to Michigan, or the Carolinas, or even further. And it isn’t just her that pays the price. My other niece and nephew have their family constantly disrupted as well. She loves it, and is not being pushed into it, but I really doubt it is worth the cost.
When I played baseball to a high degree it was all on me and how much my Dad was willing to drive. Nobody told me that I had to practice. That’s 12 miles downhill to get there and twelve miles back. On my Sears Special bike. Making those “All Star” teams meant a lot to me even if my parents could give a shit. When we won the Little League Championship I walked home to my Grandpa’s house and told them the good news.
On the priest… how the heck do you get a way with abusing at least 2 boys a week for 20 years? That’s 2,000 kids. Isn’t at least one of them going to do something about it? Is child sex abuse really that safe?
France, dude.
It’s probably a case of him actually abusing a pretty large number, and then people coming out of the woodwork in more recent times to pile on and claim abuse to get in on the victim cred and compensation.
He acknowledged abusing 75 boys though.
In the article it says he abused at least 2 boys every weekend from 1970 to 1990.
Not a Wilt Chamberlain brag, but close.
At some point the cure is worse than the poison.
In other local news, the girlfriend works at a retail place in the mall. She’s expecting that they won’t close that. I told her to expect that job to be put on hiatus by the end of the week.
Many malls are in a serious decline, Dollar stores and on line shopping are picking up the crowd.
If I was still into paintball, I’d love to organize a big overnight event in one of those abandoned malls. Maybe zombie themed for the punters.
You mean places like these? At least one of those in the pictures is now an Amazon Fulfillment center.
I also saw that the casinos in Vegas are shutting down for the panic.
Yeah, like that.
Ironically, the madlad who shot up the music festival probably killed more people in Las Vegas than this virus will. Might be time to print up another batch of those obnoxious #VegasStrong bumper stickers I always see when I’m driving in the city.
Madlad = cartel or ISIS connection the CIA was funneling guns. The dead guy in the room was just some idiot Fed in over his head. *tears off long swatch of tinfoil*
There is a fairly extensive system of underground utility tunnels connecting almost every building on the campus of FSU. Back in the early 1990s, we discovered a way to surreptitiously access them and spent many a night playing live-action Space Hulk; sometimes fueled by the stupendous amount of psilocybin mushrooms that grow in the Florida Panhandle.
This became kind of a big deal at MSU in the 70s. It worked it’s way into D&D panic and all that hysteria.
-2 to your roll for sanity after sitting through Rona Jaffe’s Mazes and Monsters.
I assume this homeowner will be criminally charged very soon. And go ahead and read the comments. They’ll surprise you.
Must’ve been linked on Drudge.
My favorite:
Today was my first day of teaching at my new school. I’ve been doing this for ~10 years but it was my first actual class (mock classes for bosses don’t count…unless we wanna get frisky…and looking at two of my bosses…ugh…if they wanna get frisky then I’d absolutely be apart of that business. DAMN).
Classes were supposed to have 12-or-so kids only had 3-5 because of the paranoia. So that was nice. I had obvious and predictable issues with the admin system but so did everyone else. Being in front of the kids and keeping them engaged and dropping knowledge worked out just the way I wanted it to.
It’s an odd and silly lifestyle. But I take it seriously and it pays the bills and savings come along. My last classes were in August of 2019 and other than those two months in Thailand (was I fired or did I quit? I could argue both in front of a jury without losing sleep) I worked doing freelance stuff or dealing with The Incident.
Feels good to be back on my feet again. I wish everyone the best, even though for some of you it ain’t right now. Life’s always got that curve it gonna throw, don’t it?
Good stuff!
Biden said that Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal is not the answer. He said Italy has a single-payer system and their health care system is still in crisis.
“That would not solve the problem at all,” Biden said. “It is not working in Italy right now.”
DementedSleepy Joe gets one right. ///brokenclocks…Watched the debate. Biden was basically saying the whole night that Bernie was turning the ratchet too quickly. Not that his final goal was wrong.
“You’ll scare the normals…slow down!”
Good morning, Sloopy!
Thanks for anti-ad-blocking lynx. I don’t think I could handle a full strength lynx dosage this morning.
I got Spawn 1 out of the UK this morning – his plane just left Amsterdam. Since the UK went to Level 3, he gets to self-isolate for a couple weeks. Not sure how to execute that with other people in the house…
I don’t care what anyone else says – that’s a wonderful song!
Make it a great day, people. WTF else are you gonna do?
Glad to hear you were able to get your Spawn back out of Europe.
I’m getting concerned about the summer trip that’s planned now…
Set up an ice fishing house in the backyard…
But the water in the lake is already warm enough to go tubing!
Shit, I’ve got to brave the Walmart crowd today to buy a couple tubes and tow ropes.
So the deck boat was purchased? Congrats!
We ended up getting a 19′ ski boat. After looking at the pontoon boats, they just felt like they’d be boring. And after scooting around the lake watching the people on pontoon boats putter along, I’m sure we made the right decision.
Next year I’ll move up to a 24-25-footer. But this was the right entry point. Small, easy to operate, and fun as shit.
When the kids were small, we had a 17′ Sea Ray. It was perfect for trailering to the local lakes. The kids loved it!
We had a lot of fun times on the water.
I’m a bit jealous. I’ve been wanting a lake day and some tubing for a couple of years now. Enjoy it!
That’s a good plan!
Manic Monday: Social Distancing Is Important
[golf clap, because we all needed that]
Haha. You’re saying we should just nuke the whole world from orbit?
To be sure…
We’re nuking Robbie?
Manic Monday: Turning On The News
Manic Monday:
Manic Monday: What You’ll Be Doing In Two Weeks
Okay, that’s funny.
They’re shutting the continent down.
I swear to God if this thing ends up being just SARS or MERS or H1N1 with ADHD – I’m going to stop talking to humans full stop and just quietly stock up on necessities while the herd go about their day eating hay and jerking off.
Its the Perfect Government Storm, to take our minds off the real life problems, like the economy/deficit.
I’m disappointed already. But epedimiologists are having a hay day with those reigns of power. And now that executives at all levels have seen that the plebs will let them do whatever, it’s open season on liberties.
Boston Bombers come to mind. Millions of people hiding at home because the Powers that be said so. Pathetic and half-ways contrived.
Yup. Most people are contented by their prison and then they’ll Wonder why they are being hauled to the gulags.
Will the gulags have Netflix?
Speaking of…
/throws on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 7
Of course.
How else would you have the privilege of watching hagiographies of Obama and Herself?
Will the gulags have Netflix?
Netflix and chill. Everyone knows the sex is better in communism.
More likely they just play this on endless loop. (Go to :35):
Eventually the “be afraid of everyone except a government employee with a gun” is going to be seen for the stupidity it is. MSM will be the last to acknowledge.
The older I get the more I think Kaczyinski was right about everything.
He did solve a lot of mathematical problems and wrote some interesting stuff while self-isolating.
Well, except the whole “everyone should live in primitive shacks” part
The thing is, there is no counter-example that will be accepted. So no matter what happens, they will have their actions confirmed.
Huge epidemic that kills – you see! you didn’t listen and didn’t do enough!
Tiny epidemic that doesn’t kill too many – You see! We were right and we saved the world!
Because there are still areas with no health care system capable of handling this, and no real means of imposing “social distancing” to any great degree… we’ll see. When it reaches these places, if it racks up huge death tolls, we’ll know they were right.
The UK are being a lot more hands-off from a government standpoint. If that holds, we may have a counter-policy to look at in the western world.
Unfortunately, I’m sure their government will also panic soon.
They’re fucked any which they go. Bed occupancy in the UK stays around 94%. They have no surge capacity at all.
I think they may be more vulnerable to the virus than the US. Most of the people running their governments are ancient old.
You’re always right when you get to set the bounds of the argument. Married much? This is where we are. An old Marriage between a couple that don’t even like each other anymore. They can’t agree on what’s for dinner much less whether they should spend their “Golden Years” together. He wants to move to a retirement home, read the news and play golf everyday. She wants to get involved with aquafit and sit on the board of the HOA. Plus, she thinks that she has the only set of keys to the motor-home.
I like your analogy. You should start a newsletter.
I’ll call it Festus’ Follies and invite special guests. We’ll have “Complaining Neighbor”, “Bitchy Old Cat-Walker” and “Biker That Lives Down The Street and His Stripper Friend and Her Dog”! I’ll make a mint!
Gender plays no role, why do you assume my, my, my friend’s stripper friend is a her. Besides I don’t have a dog.
Sure, Dad…
What’s interesting is people who wonder how ‘we got Hitler’ this is one way.
It’s so damn easy to whip people up.
First two cases in town. The Government wouldn’t release where in northern BC. I suppose they thought we’d go and lynch them or something. All of the southern cases are identified right down to the location but apparently we, The Redneck Nation can not be trusted with that sort of information.
“It’s so damn easy to whip people”
Givers and takers, I’m sure
“eating hay and jerking off”
Umm . . .we hang out here, I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t everyone’s routine.
It’s the new Vegan thing. We call it Hayeksplosives. You’ve never heard of it but it’s cutting edge…
No love for awesome comment. *kicks the tires*
Buckle in, folks, because we’re going to see disaster socialism at it’s finest.
Top. Xers…
Condolences to Rhywun over his lost kitteh plus freedom of Speech, Movement and Free association. People are 9/11 freaking out. Strike that, the media is is doing that on their own goddamned, lonesome self. This is ridiculous and I think that the public is starting to get wise to the scam.
Spend some time on twitter. It’s mostly people applauding these government officials for shutting down businesses. As for the people who will lose their livelihood? They are all saying the government should pay them whatever they’re losing.
I’m seeing the herd mentality writ large. Unfortunately, it’s a herd of sheep being willfully led to the proverbial slaughter of diminished liberty.
No thanks. Once it’s safe to move around the city again, I’m very curious to hear what my regular bartenders and the like thought about all of this. That is assuming they still have jobs, and the places are still open.
I have hectored the members at my local to buy gift cards while they are forced to close for 2 weeks. Also, a GoFundMe started for the bartenders/staff. I went in on both.
That’s what’s happening here. They told me ‘stop taking payments’ (yeh fuck you) and we’ll cut you a cheque this week’.
It’s mostly people applauding these government officials for shutting down businesses.
And those are the mild comments. There are people twitting that we need no-shit martial law.
I’ll activate from the Retired Reserve to run my county… (First decree, there are no decrees!)
I’m probably in a bubble since I work in construction and outside of that most of the people I talk current events with are conservatives or libertarians, but people don’t seem to be freaking out too much IRL. More people I’ve talked to are more concerned with the panic buying than with the virus itself.
Every person I’ve talked for the last week has been marveling at the hysteria and our far more alarmed by that than the Virus itself.
A preview of things to come:
In Italy, violating quarantine carries a fine of 600 Euros and a maximum of three months in jail.
You pay to get infected. So Italy, such Latinate!
So, the same punishment as molesting 7 kids in France.
I only wish I was into molesting kids. Then moving to France would be totes cool for me…
Internet ‘is not working for women and girls’, says Berners-Lee
Women and minorities hardest hit…
That guy sounds like a total bitch.
The feminists and social justice warriors are about to find out how important they are in an actual crisis.
…and University Administrators, useless mouths all.
Show us on the doll where the internet touched you.
*Points at brainnnnnnnn*
Yeah . . .I know a girl who sells (non-nude, or even that risque) pictures on Snap chat for $30 bucks a pop. Makes 5-600 a month. She’s in her 30’s, overweight, and not the hottest woman I’ve ever seen (not bad, just not drop dead gorgeous either). But yep, the internet is so awful for women.
So I’m supposed to feel bad about that? There’s not way I could sell a photo of myself online for $5, but yep, women hardest hit and all.
Maybe if you offered bottles of hand sanitizers to your “subscribers”?
You could make lots of $$ and avoid those pesky anti-gouging(price, not eye) laws.
“Buck a pop, same as downtown!” Forbidden fruit. Some guys fap to the weirdest things…
“the web is not working for women and girls”.
Camgirls could not be reached for comment.
“Line is busy, please wait, your message will be answered in the order it was received. You are # 471”
It’s funny that for being the eldest Glib, you still rock the memes. Must be the bee-stings.
I have a question about numbers. There’s something that doesn’t add up.
They are saying that this virus spreads much more readily than the flu (already very contagious). And they say it is 10 times as deadly.
So, last big flu season (2016-2017), almost a million people in China died. This virus almost killed 4,000 before it began waning.
Now, why hasn’t anyone stuck up a hand and said “Hey, Mr. CDC Guy… why the huge mismatch in numbers here? Why are we not seeing tens of thousands dead in these huge cities? Why only hundreds in Italy instead of tens of thousands?
Now, I’m not doubting that they have an answer. But the people covering the story are so eager to figure out a way to get the officials to disagree with Trump, or spin something that they can use against Trump or criticize Trump… they never ask any useful questions. And to me, this is the most obvious question and it cuts right to the heart of the panic.
Is this really ten times worse than the flu?
Because I think a bunch of us are highly skeptical of that claim, simply based on historical numbers.
Covid-19 virus has been circulating in China since October (at least). Yet only a few thousand deaths.
Flu has killed over 20,000 in the US this year.
Why don’t we have a single competent journalist in the room who can ask that question. These folks are extremely smart and highly knowledgeable. I’m sure they know the answer. But I don’t. Because nobody asked them.
And it makes me suspect we are panicking and bankrupting thousands of people for no real reason.
It makes me suspect that the right answer might be to isolate the elderly and other vulnerable populations as the virus passes through.
But we won’t know. Because the 4th estate is actually simply a propaganda PAC for the DNC, and they are putting all their energy into explaining why Trump got millions killed from COVID (not Wuhan).
“Covid-19 virus has been circulating in China since October (at least). ”
Yes, really. They back-tracked it and did mutation analysis. Both numbers match. October-ish for first community circulation.
Was it in Wuhan?
Yeah. But you are not allowed to say that anymore. Because it is racist, for reasons that escape me.
I believe absolutely nothing the Red Chinese have to say on this or any other subject.
Looking at the numbers from real countries like Italy and South Korea, it sure sounds more dangerous than the normal “flu”.
How is it more dangerous? It has a lower lethality rate than SARS and MERS apparently.
From what I gather, it’s the spread of the infection they’re scared about. Hence, the race to ‘flatten the curve’.
Flu generally has about a 0.1% CFR. Covid-19 has a CFR anywhere between 0.7% and 4%, depending on where the numbers are being reported. And initial reports were 6-8%, which is similar to what SARS and MERS were reported as. So i’m gonna guess that those numbers were due to low case counts.
Yes, but even South Korea isn’t going into this level of paranoia. South Korea is about the size of Indiana, with 10x the number of people.
South Korea doesn’t have the litigious proclivity the US has. Probably also doesn’t have the asinine “Certificate Of Need” roadblocks beeping the number of hospitals down.
No, I think you had it right the first time.
South Korea has been far more aggressive with testing and has a better handle on what’s going on that here in the US. They’re government is also flowing more information about where hot spots are.
The Chinese government welded people into their homes and they still have entire areas under absolute lock down and quarantine. Governments outside of China don’t have those capabilities or willpower to do so. Nor do i believe that the populations will allow it.
I think china will start allowing movement and commerce again in those areas, coupled with the virus being brought back into China from other countries, you’re going to see those numbers you’re talking about really quick.
Essentially, China is different. You’re not wrong on your numbers, we’re just not at that stage yet.
“Nor do i believe that the populations will allow it.”
After what I’ve seen, I think you are overestimating the populaces of the Western Nations.
Mostly I’m just wishing that we had competent reporters.
The guys at the CDC will know the real answers to these questions. They’ll be able to explain them in detail. A competent reporter would be able to package those answers in a way that ordinary people could understand them.
Instead we get “10x worse than flu!!”
Which is suspect because of the denominator. In South Korea the case fatality rate is down to .7%. But even there they have not done a longitudinal study to find the mortality rate. So we don’t know if the difference in CFR is due to superior medical care in SK, or due to more people seeking treatment and more testing availability (increasing the diagnosis rate)…. we just don’t know.
Which wouldn’t be important – except the 10x rate is the single greatest driving factor in the shutdowns.
Well, that, and as you have pointed out, the stress on the hospitals. It seems apparent that this disease will put a lot of people in the hospital for an extended period of time. This eats up a lot of beds and a lot of equipment and personnel.
I think this is overestimating the CDC by orders of magnitude, but it’d still be prudent to ask.
There are probably people at the CDC who do know. You won’t be able to talk to them though. You need to talk to Media Relations.
True. I used to work at Emory, next door to the CDC. We attended lots of meetings together, some journal clubs. Plenty of smart folks work there.
Also plenty of ordinary bureaucrat types.
If you ever worked at a University, you know… the guy who gets to be the department chair isn’t the best and brightest, he’s the most political. Same goes for government officials, I’d guess. Probably time 1,000.
That’s true in most large businesses too.
-1 Dr Hingest
+1 John Withers
The problem is, also, if they manage to ‘flatten the curve’ they will say, ‘see? We needed to do this!’
I’m of the same mind. The panic is causing huge multiples more damage than the actual virus.
It’s the knock-on effect. Never let a good crisis go to waste. We called this months ago. The only thing that could defeat Trumphemhitlerin was a big, fat, juicy melt-down. Will it work? Remains to be seen.
I suspect the hysteria will have long since blown over by election time, but we’ll be looking at another semi-orchestrated banking crisis in probably September or October.
The banking crisis is imminent. You won’t be waiting that long.
Yep. The banks (and the Fed/Treasury) are the weakest links in the supply chain.
And the government response will only result in weakening all the other links in the chain instead of just removing the bad links.
Tin foil hat time, but I genuinely believe that the Fed response and cooperation from the major financial institutions (as if there were any other type anymore) will keep the current crisis on a slow simmer until nearer the election for the express purpose of influencing the results.
We’ll be lucky if that happens.
You and your contextualizing…
Biden: Find Me a Woman
“If I’m elected president, my cabinet, my administration will look like the country,” Joe Biden said during the CNN Democrat debate. “I commit that I will, in fact, pick a woman to be my vice president.”
Biden’s announcement will likely be the biggest headline from the debate.
“There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow,” Biden added. “I would pick a woman to be my vice president.”
CNN moderators quickly seized on the moment.
“Just to be clear, you just committed here tonight that your running mate if you get the nomination, will be a woman?” CNN’s Dana Bash asked.
“Yes,” Biden said.
So no Hilary as VP?
If he has a death wish.
With men in leadership positions and women occupying token vanity jobs. Sounds about right I guess.
Illegal immigrants assigned to the Department of Labor?
In a unification ticket it’s Sarah Palin! (That would just be fun to watch dem heads explode (more))
Even Gabbard would be hilarious.
Tulsi would toss the old man through a wall at some point when he tried to sniff her hair.
True. He wouldn’t be able to resist.
I’ve seen Democrats call Gabbard a Republican who says she’s a democrat. I can only guess because she voted against impeachment and has a penchant for calling out the DNC
Abstained, she technically didn’t even vote against it.
But she does appear on FOX. This is a cardinal sin in the church of the DNC.
But she does appear on FOX.
So does Bernie.
This is a cardinal sin in the church of the DNC.
But yeah, you’re probably still right.
He’ll be dead in a year or two and then she can use her strong, measured voice to convince us all about the Flavor-aid. Can’t wait!
Because type of genitals is hte most important factor.
+1 Golf clap +1 Star Trek 6
Wonder if he’s going to look through binders of resumes to find a suitable candidate?
Everybody knew that already, Joe.
He went on to add, “We will also be supplying all cabinet level positions with President approved shampoo and conditioners.”
“I would pick a woman to be my vice president.”
So far major tickets with a woman as VP are 0/2. But that has more to do with this move generally being a mark of desperation rather than a sign of strength. I wonder what it is in this case…
Headlines to rival the Bee…
I can’t help worrying about this thing. Not only about the financial situation, and businesses shutting down. I have to take care of my mom, who is in a very high-risk group. If I catch it, it might kill her. So keep worrying I might have been infected the last time I was out. I don’t have a cough or fever, but I keep wondering that I might be asymptomatic.
I get your concern. Unfortunately there are no guaranteed ways forward. I’ve got a friend who has her 72 year old father and 94 year old grandmother living with her family. She’s panicking, but I think we can just do the best we can and hope.
Good luck and prayers to you and your mother.
Wash your hands. Wash frequently touched surfaces.
Oh, I’ve been doing that. But it starting to make me nuts wondering about the last thing I might have touched.
Also, no seems to be sure exactly how this is transmitted.
I understand that you are worried about your elder loved ones. We too are worried about our kids. The truth of it is there is not a damned thing they or we can do. We older folks are not worried for ourselves, Que sera sera. Listen to Doris Day.
Like MLK, I have been to the mountain, unlike Mr King, I didn’t see a damned thing on the other side.
Listen to Doris Day
Consensus is that it is transmitted thru droplets and contact. Unfortunately, it appears to be quite robust and able to survive for long periods on hard surfaces (gas pump handles, etc…)
*shrieks, drops gas pump*
Make especially sure to wash the Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl.
Damned alien cops!
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — Five people including a police officer and a gunman have died in a shooting at a Missouri gas station after the gunman went inside and opened fire, police said Monday.
The dead also include three citizens, Springfield police Chief Paul Williams announced Monday, and an officer was injured along with another citizen.
Doing the Jobs americans won’t. We have to hire them foreigners to police ourselves.
Some of the real heroes are the people volunteering to be guinea pigs
Inovio claimed they came up with a theoretical vaccine within 3 hours. It’ll be interesting to see who ends up with the fat government contracts on this one.
Coming up with a potential vaccine is easy. Proving it to be safe and effective is the expensive part.
I worked with a lot of people who were trying to come up with Aids vaccines and treatments back in the 90’s. There was a lot of optimism. All of the obvious answers failed.
This guy did it 245 years ago. If he had applied some heat to his sample, it may have not have almost killed them.
If Trump streamlines the process, then he’s risking public health to ensure profits from big pharma. If he doesn’t streamline the process, he’s letting people die because incompetent and evil.
No question he going to have to keep the FDA and their usual BS out of the process.
9 women, each a month a pregnant, trying to have a baby. There are some things that can’t be sped up.
I saw some clip on the news about doing plasma transplants from people who’ve already recovered (for treatment, not prevention). They said in the 10 people they tried it on, they all recovered quicker than others. But, only 10 people were tried.
Chick-fil-a going to drive thru only. There drive thrus are already a complete CF, I can only imagine what it is going to be like now.
That sound you just heard was the South going into panic mode.
Not until the Waffle Houses start requiring the patrons to glove up and wear masks.
Waffle house needs the employees to glove up and wear masks.
You joke, but the federal government uses a Waffle House as a barometer of how bad the crisis is in an area. And the Waffle House DR (Disaster Recovery) planning is no joke.
I went to the local WH this weekend. For some reason the condiments were not left out on tables. Not sure if that is related.
I risked my life and went to Lowe’s Saturday around dinner time. The CF drive thru only had 5 cars or so in line.
I saw a tumbleweed blow through.
I don’t know, our local CFA seems rather efficient. I’ve gotten in the queue while it was wrapped all the around the building, and had my food in about 10 minutes.
It is efficient, but every CFA parking lot seems like a death wish. Two lines wrapping around the building is just too much.
Yeah, it does present a hazard for everyone. I hope none of the kiddos get injured.
It has to do with pre-existing infrastructure (sites and parking lots) coping with an expanded business model (more drive-thru). They’re converting what they can, and major rehabs and new builds try to separate the traffic streams entirely. But some of the not-yet-converted ones have it all crammed into the old parking lot.
Oh, and my middle sentence is observation, not inside knowledge. Most of the legacy sites don’t let them fully accomplish this separation.
“every CFA parking lot seems like a death wish”
Just got notice of the first construction job delay/potential cancellation at Busch Gardens.
And so it begins.
That’s what I was waiting for.
I have friends in NOLA who do background acting for TV. All productions are shut down until further notice.
The ‘climate doomers’ preparing for society to fall apart
I guess what confuses me is the assumption that people can’t figure out to wash their hands frequently unless the fucking federal government urges them to do so.
Maybe the masses really ARE that stupid? Dunno.
Signs point to yes.
Would that be a sign on Ellis Island?
Even then, behavior change is hard. Still see people spitting in public.
Not just people. Fucking doctors don’t wash their hands on the reg.
Most doctors I’ve seen some into the exam room and get their hands wet for a few seconds, but definitely don’t scrub.
I regularly see doctors walking to get lunch in their scrubs while smoking a cigarette.
Maybe the masses really ARE that stupid? Dunno.
Well, they did elect the federal government, so maybe?
I went back into the Way-Back machine with Doc. This one about H1N1 in 2013:
Even 200k to 400k worldwide is not a huge number.
I wonder why 2016-2017 isn’t written about in the history books? It was “bad” for a flu season. And killed twice that many in China alone.
Went throught that timeline saturday. What’s crazy is two months into that from first detection that killed nearly 150 americans. Can’t help but notice the difference in coverage it received but maybe that was a function of who was in charge at that time. But also that doesn’t explain everything as Cyto cites below every year flu kills thousands.
Perez: Catholics love abortion.
JONATHAN SWAN: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, he’s the leader of the Catholic Church in America, he wrote this after you made those comments: “It saddens me and weakens the democracy millions of Americans cherish when the part that once embraced Catholics now slams the door on us.
TOM PEREZ: Actually the majority of Catholics voted for Democrats in 2016. Matthew 25 is a pretty important teaching. And Matthew 25 says, you know, “when you are hungry, I fed you. When you were naked, I provided you with clothing. When you were an immigrant, I welcomed you.” I think one of the reasons why so many people are moving away from Donald Trump is that he’s abandoned all of those values.
SWAN: It said it saddened him because the Democratic Party stands for so much of what Catholicism teaches. But this particular area of Catholic doctrine, you are saying it’s not negotiable. That was his point.
PEREZ: Again, the challenge that I see among a lot of people that go to Donald Trump rallies and then they will go to church on Sunday — and I don’t know what faith they are worshipping — Donald Trump has done more to hurt the least of us, among us, than just about any president I can think of.
Well, catholics are a bit different from other christians.
Their religion is inherently authoritarian, after all..
And they were the ones with that whole “inquisition” thing, so forcing people to serve at the point of a gun is probably bog standard for them.
We literally are witnessing and erosion of common values.
This guy is bananas in his selective babbling and profound ignorance.
Matthew 25 King James Version (KJV)
25 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Damn. That’s a lot of euphemisms…
Do not get me started on that parable.
tl;dr The groom was an asshole for staying at his bachelor party all night long when he knew people were waiting for him.
Wait, so God is an asshole for not rapturing us yet?
Ackshually, it’s not a good comparison.
Jesus tells us that we will know not the day and hour of his return. Okay, we got the memo: Be prepared.
The wedding was at time X. Everybody showed up except the groom. People had a reasonable expectation that the wedding would take place at the appointed time.
Judging by revealed preference, I’d say that abortion is only a first-priority issue for probably about 100 people in this country.
Also if this idiot was… not such an idiot he’d have maybe leaned on the old testament Jewish law that permits abortion up until birth.
I could find 200 people in an hour where abortion is their only issue. All of them vote Democrat because of it.
This. I think it is the top issue for many, many Democrats. They don’t come out and say it, of course, but it’s evident in their actions. For example, it is behind every freakout that develops when a Republican president nominates someone to the Supreme Court.
I know quite a few people personally (including myself) who will never vote Democrat because of abortion. Abortion, as an issue, is baked into the D and R bases.
Right, but when push comes to shove I think it ends up being a lot less important than other parts of the platform. If Bernie was a squish on abortion, or if Trump was, I don’t think their respective bases would appreciably diminish come election day, whereas if Bernie came out and announced he was supporting welfare reform or if Trump announced he was abolishing ICE, I suspect you’d see a much larger measurable response at the polls.
I’m that way too, but my R friends miss the logic of the next sentence when I tell them that this is why the high-level Repubs will never ever actually do anything to either stop abortion or even to devolve it to more localized control, because then this lock on a voting block goes away.
You’ve never met a desperate 15 year-old? Virtually all of my female friends had abortions in high school.
I went to Catholic school, so my situation was different. There was one pregnancy in the class when I was there (a senior).
+1 Back door exception!
There are many openings for fun that have a 0% risk of pregnancy.
+1 ear play
Dude, you should have used a condom.
It said it saddened him because the Democratic Party stands for so much of what Catholicism teaches.
Erm, no. I’ve never met a devout Catholic who was a Democrat. Sure, the big government welfare state crap tends to wake their willies up more than your average evangelical, but the Catholic-Democrat alliance generally comprises Easter/Christmas only “Catholics.”
I have. He was my US rep for a number of years. His biggest issues were anti-death penalty, anti-abortion, and a big welfare state.
The last of those types got washed away for voting for Obamacare, didn’t they?
He retired about 1992, now sure how long others lasted.
I didn’t know about the tennis thing.
The Dems are pretty open that abortion is a litmus-test now. Pro-life Dems are being driven out and/or they are “seeing the light”.
Get out of the south and you will.
Still no TP at the grocery store apparently. Plenty of wine and beer though.
We should start a pool on the hoarding. I had it pegged at 2 weeks before everyone had too much stuffed in the garage and supplies returned to normal.
Here tp is to be founds although not in great quantity.
The secret location is West Marine. They have boat toilet paper. Expensive. But they have it.
I learned this week that the liquor stores around here carry TP. Somehow I’ve never noticed it in there before. But someone told me that and now I’ve seen it at two stores. Makes sense, but you’d think they’d keep it closer to the cases of cheap domestic beer.
Hamm’s is a known laxative.
Plenty of wine and beer though.
Same where I have been.
Well, if you take up a diet of win and beer you probably won’t need as much TP, so it all works out.
Ralph Northam: Gun Salesman Of The Year
Firearms sales skyrocketed in Virginia and also increased nationally in February, according to new data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).
The NSSF’s adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) data shows that Virginia performed nearly 66,000 background checks in February alone, a 63.4% increase from the roughly 40,000 performed a year earlier. Virginia’s numbers have increased over the past four months, dating back to last November, when the most recent elections took place.
The rise coincides with a newly elected legislature that is increasingly hostile towards the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. Multiple pieces of legislation, including a limit on handgun purchases, a red-flag law and much more, advanced during the state’s 2020 Legislative Session.
“It’s a trend we’re seeing in Virginia. What that’s telling us is that Virginians are voting with their wallets. The Virginia legislature and governor are not listening to their citizens,” Mark Oliva, NSSF public affairs director, told America’s 1st Freedom. “We defeated probably the most-egregious bill, still, some very bad ones went through. [Virginians] are buying the firearms they want while they can before their rights are infringed.”
Now that Obama’s gone, somebody had to pick up the slack.
Just ordered a thousand rounds of 9mm myself.
Northam is easily the most diabolical transparent grifter I can remember being a gov of my state, and fucking Terry McCauliffe preceded him.
Yikes! The Dow dropped again.
It was up earlier. weird
This is gonna kill me. If I have to sell into the teeth of this selloff? Yeah, yikes.
Sell everything and buy Bitcoin.
Half the stories in the Daily Mail have celebrities in masks.
On their tits?
This story annoys me to no end.
How rotten of a parent do you have to be to not take care of you own kid? I’ve been very poor in my life and somehow always found a way to feed my wife and kid.
Of course, maybe I’m heaping scorn on an imaginary shitheel parent that doesn’t exist. Are there really kids out there who would actually go hungry if there was no free lunch? Maybe I’m a victim of believing what the proggies tell me?
I’ve lived in countries where people were far poorer than Americans, and parents still manage to feed their children. I think i knew one family who was so destitute that they depended on the government to feed the kids.
It’s complete horseshit. Again, one of those things that if people would just spent a moment thinking through, they would realize it.
It’s the same as those ‘starving’ kids PSAs on the radio. Horseshit.
Cuts off food stamp eligibility for two certain Midwest glibs
Sadly, yes. Yes, there are kids who would get significantly fewer calories if access to the school lunch program is interrupted. Would anyone die? Not very likely, but it would be rough. The middle school where wifey teaches (in Jamaica, Queens) has a student body of about 950 kids. 100 of those students live in homeless shelters. NYC provides free breakfasts and lunches at schools to every single student and free breakfasts for every single student on all holidays and school breaks. The program was income tested until a couple years ago when the city decided that there was too much social stigma attached to receiving free lunch, so the program was expanded to include all kids. Costly and wasteful at the best of times is an apt descriptor of the program.
The older i get, the more and more i think: If God had wanted man to live in cities, he wouldn’t have firebomed Sodom and Gomorrah
I agree with that. I’m routinely puzzled and astounded by the beautiful, giant, expensive mansions up here that are built directly abutting someone else’s beautiful, giant, expensive mansion. I just can’t wrap my head around spending that much money to live so close to other people. I can’t wait to flee NYC.
The virus has made me re-think my plan to eventually sell the house and move into a condo. I thought about it as a chance to enjoy more leisure time, since taking care of a house eats into it. But the trade off is living on top of a bunch of people with a virus and a panicky mindset.
I just finished telling my wife I’m done. I don’t want to be around people who over react anymore. I’m disillusioned.
I want to find land somewhere with no fucken people around me. That way when stupid shit happens I can just be left alone.
Now whether I can convince her is another matter. But I would like to find a way to get it done.
That toilet paper thing broke me.
For now just put a sign on your house saying that you have the Coronavirus and no one will bother you.
Or until the locals show up with torches to burn your house down.
Here ya go Rufus: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/marree-australian-outback-abandoned-derelict-house-1665007525
The school lunch program has enabled shitty parents.
If kids living in homeless shelters need food, why aren’t they handing out food at homeless shelters instead of schools?
Are there really kids out there who would actually go hungry if there was no free lunch? Maybe I’m a victim of believing what the proggies tell me?
My wife had a pre-school aged patient who she suspected was being starved by the parents. She reported it to her contact at CPS (mandatory reporter). The family was already under investigation, and CPS did nothing. They only seem to bring the hammer on those who refuse to bend the knee. Those on welfare, who compose the vast majority of legit cases, already have the knee bent out of fear of losing their gravy train. To tangent out, she had other patients who were routinely abused and even one sadistic murder by the parents that made the news. Again, signs were reported and no action by CPS.
I think food stamps are a problem. Too easy to sell for cash at a discount. Better to just distribute dried beans, rice, and blocks of cheese to those in need.
Vegas is doing the same thing however I fail to see the logic of closing the 5th largest school district and then consolidate “free food ” locations to a 2-hour window in 15 places.
It would seem it defeats the whole purpose of closing the schools. Oh and you dont need proof your kid attends the school district…only need to be a school aged child
Yes. Do many (most?) of them have terrible parents who could, but do not, feed them? Yes. Do all of them? no.
PS – the parallels between my youth seeing this shit in poor country folk, and my adult seeing it in poor urban folk… its enough to wipe any kind of racism out of a person. The drugs change, but the underlying dysfunction don’t. Child support getting spent on drugs. Dudes buying WIC or food stamps outside of the dollar store. all the same
Israel will use anti-terrorist tracking tech to fight coronavirus outbreak
I bet it would work against outbreaks of voting for Trump, as well as outbreaks of independent thought or self-defense.
I’ve never even been to Wuhan, I bet it’s FAAKE NEEWS FROM RUSHUN TROLLZ!!1!!!
Cyberattack hits Department of Health and Human Services
Text message rumors of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown. @CDCgov has and will continue to post the latest guidance on #COVID19. #coronavirus
Top. Men.
“not the actors who have the foresight to fill a marketplace.”
He didn’t fill a marketplace he only emptied a lot of marketplaces. He didn’t add to the supply, be just glommed on to what people would have bought normally.
Wrecker, Hoarder,Kulak!
Wrecker, Hoarder, Kulak!
forgot to include squirrels.
Hah. Remember when you free market lovers slavisly praised the Free market and made fun of Venezuela because of no toilet paper? who is laughing now?
The Asians and Euros with their fancy bidets.
Not just them
I got one just in the nick of time.
. . . aaaaaaaaaaand then the power failed. ;-)
I thought that’s what they printed so much money for?
I am, for one. Because a toilet paper shortage really doesn’t effect me at home.
I just shower every time I take a shit. Problem solved.
Well, as long as you’re not waffle stomping.
* looks up while rapid prototyping rolls of TP *
Markets will provide !
* prototyper alarms: out of starch slurry *
Rats. BRB: gotta run out and see if there’s a hemp-based slurry
But good lord help us if either of these two assclowns are elected.
May as well start preparing now, because if this virus panic knocks down the economy one of them is going to be elected. The voters like to double-down on stupid.
It already has, we’re not gaining 10k points back in the Dow by November.
If it’s under control and people are getting vaccinated by November, Trump wins easy.
This made me lol – Biden Starts Coronavirus-Centered Debate With A Cough
Asked what he would say to Americans “who are confronting this new reality,”
Disaster has always been a part of reality. People who aren’t prepared are just being brought out of fantasy land into reality.
We’re all preppers now.
The Depression fucked up a couple of generations – wasting food was a mortal sin to my grandparents. Maybe this will fuck us up or straighten us out (depending on your perspective).
While it’s all interconnected, the stock market portion of the economy has much less of an effect on elections than the employment portion and the wages portion. Now, the stock market crash could portend a wider crash, but that’s not necessarily the case (it could just be a readjustment of inflated values).
Anyone have any idea where to track the actual hospitalization rate of coronavirus so far in the US? I’m very curious about this.
There are some good sites with up to date infection and death rates, but I’m strongly suspicious of the high hospitalization rates being bandied about
I made the mistake of looking at a few news sites last week. It seems journalism has gone even further down the shitter. Everything was Trump good/Trump bad turned up to 11. Also the apocalypse is nigh.
However, I was able to find a good source for Coronavirus information. You’ve probably seen the map but they also have well done daily situation reports that you can get by email if you want.
Pretty good. The map isn’t accurate below the state level.
No but my state’s department of health has a map by county so I’ve been watching that.
I see the same on the local news. No cases yet in my county, but the adjacent counties have some.
Oh so brave. Minnesoda moves forward on ending conversion therapy for gay kids. No mention whether it also covers trans kids and will protect them from surgeries or hormone therapies when they are very young.
That’s a good conversion.
“If you don’t like this, then fuck you.”
thanks for the ear cancer
Palate Cleanser
Mammary Monday sez tits are more contagious than any flu bug.
Schlichter is kind of a windbag, but I do enjoy his acid wit.
He’s spot on about the Chinese.
It’s funny because it’s true.
I can’t read that. Like I Tried, and it was just awful.
Governor Newsome, one of the more loathesome creatures on the left, has gotten brave after suggesting people keep 6 ft apart and avoid gatherings of 250 or more, so today he says restaurants, breweries, wineries should close.
How lame.
In Utah we don’t have Breweries and Pubs to be closed. Hah!
Epic Brewing and Wasatch Brewery have a sad.
The restaurant thing feels a step too far to me.
Mrs F has maintained that 6 foot perimeter for 20 years now, way ahead of Ol’ Gavin
Also, do not go into an elevator and do not use a stairwell if someone else is in it.
Welcome to Ohio !
Has any Glib gotten the bug yet?
Since we can’t bet on the NCAA tourney, maybe we can put together some action on who gets it and when?
Heh, I’ve got one kid at home with allergies (probably), one with what is looking like bronchitis or strep, and another just waiting to catch it.
I do not look forward to a visit to the doctor for the sore throat stuff.
Glibs have been self isolated forever, don’t you read the newsletter?
I didn’t know it was self isolation, I just thought no one liked me. Way to ruin lived experience!
Who knows. I have no symptoms unless I thing about “what if I have it what if I have it”and then I get a feeling of tightness in the chest.
Let’s just speculate on who hasn’t shown up in threads lately.
I had something last week. Thought it was the flu, but it lasted about 4 days, so longer than I’ve ever had the flu. Just tired and got an ear ache. /shrug. I haven’t traveled lately. My wife works at a school that had confirmed flu, so who knows.
I have a very social 19-year-old at home until at least April now. I assume he’ll get my wife and me infected eventually.
Now this is how you glib.
I’ve felt something weird for the last week or two . . . clearly I have coronavirus, it couldn’t be something much more common like a weak cold . . . nope . . .definitely Corona!
You are going to Die. Make your peace with it.
I also coughed once this morning. Death is finally here!
Clear your browser history!
I wonder if there would be a market for a “Life-Alert” style device that one could use to instantly purge one’s browser history and any other folders marked as sensitive. You feel the big one coming on but can rest assured that with the mere touch of a button your loved ones will be spared learning the true extent of your depravity.
Preferably connected to an incinerator that you can keep your stash/sex toys, etc in.
Update: I just sneezed once too . . .
So, you are already dead, just haven’t stopped moving?
Pulse stopped a while ago . . . just reflex typing as my nerves shut down.
I sneezed once yesterday, and my nose has been running a bit. It couldn’t be the fact that we’re back into the 30’s temperature wise.
Quarantine Thy self sinner!
Sneezing is not a Wuhan symptom.
But Nephilium still needs quarantine.
I was planning on it due to travel anyways.
Besides, it’s not like there’s anywhere to go in Ohio at this point anyways.
We’re going to need to see a positive test result from an accredited lab!
I’ve failed a few of those before . . . oh wait, you meant for coronavirus, not STD’s or drugs.
China’s embassy in Lima got very upset at Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa for criticising China and saying coronavirus originated there in a column. called him “unconstructive” and “prejudiced”
I guess things have slowed down enough that the ChiComs can return to focusing on the Global PR game.
Fuck off commie liars.
Suck it China. You thin-skinned, arrogant, insecure pricks. Grow up already. You’re 5000 fricken years-old and you act like you’re five. The world is growing weary of your shtick.
Relations with Germany just got worse.
“Germany is not for sale,”
It’s already been purchased by the EU.
I thought it was the other way around.
Or vice versa. Brussels puppet bureaucrats succeeded where Hitler couldn’t.
It could go both ways. The people of Germany were sold by their government to the EU. The product of their labor is used to ensure the German Governments control of the EU.
So the nationalist/isolationist gadfly who was to take us back to the stone age is getting cock blocked on a major international trade deal by the globalist darling of the world’s largest free trade bloc. Is there literally anything Trump can’t do?
But is this info even accurate?
Don’t think it matters right now.
I find it hard to believe for some reason… I don’t see what would be the point
It was too good to check.
The news media is evil pure and simple.
As far as I can tell, the vast majority of this panic falls at their feet. They stoked the PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC fires for weeks and it’s finally paying off for them. So they wreck people’s livelihoods, crash the stock market and cause a recession all in the name of clicks and GET BAD ORANGE MAN. I don’t remember this level of panic even after 9/11.
What’s disheartening is that enough people still listen to them that it was actually effective. They are evil, they hate you and they want you either supine or dead.
If you talk to my FIL (an ardent Republican) the media has been to laxidasical about the panic, and it is at odds with the response being taken by the government. But i think he really wants society to collapse.
Meh. The situation is not that simple. Media always stokes panic but this only happens when there are underlying issues.
Also the stock market would have crashed sooner or later this was just a nudge.
I disagree that a “crash” was inevitable. It might be a matter of semantics I agree that a correction was overdue, but not the market getting sodomized for 1/3 its value.
Meh the market was pumped up by a lot imo. It would have corrected more slowly maybe but significant. Even 1/3.
If this correction is exaggerated it will probably go back up in time.
Anyway the media is always sensationalist so I dont it was an orchestrated crash-the-market-against trump effort. They did what they do.
The Euro media did the same with no Trump to blame.
They hate Trump just as much, if not more than the US media.
I doubt that and anyway it did not influence he virus coverage. The EU media did not decide toc rash the markets to hurt trump. Lets be reasonable.
No, they decided to push the virus to prove their NHs were glorious works better than the Chinee. Fucking racist Europeans.
oh horseshit
It’s so bad the Surgeon-General had to tell them to shut the fuck up already.
I don’t remember this level of panic even after 9/11.
Have we invaded Afghanistan in response yet?
They would if they could.
Really I should’ve gone with invading Iraq as a response to 9/11, but felt Afghanistan worked better for the joke as (I think?) there’s still more boots on the ground there, making the re-invasion even less sensical.
And there goes the final support for stocks…
It was stupid for Trump to continually take credit for the markets given it was a bubble that bound to pop. Even if it happened after re election, the bubble would only have gotten bigger and then a bigger bust. In a weird way, this may have been the best outcome for him because he can blame it all on the virus.
Yes. The stock market is a piss-poor metric of economic health.
And dumber for Obama to take credit for the strong economy.
What stupid shit will that empty suit say now?
“Miss me?”
not dumber: same
until this disturbance, it’s exactly the same curve back from an epic recession
Report from the front line (Montgomery Twp., PA).
Everyone at work today. Everything normal.
Traffic coming to work was thinned down a bit. Maybe 10% ?
Err…County not Twp…
Traffic around here was minuscule. Like Christmas Eve minuscule. But, all of our schools and government jobs are on hiatus. I’m at work, and clearly working hard!
Romania has 159 official cases. As I work from home, there is not much I can say, except traffic I see out the window seems to have slowed down a bit and I talked to a colleague who went to the office and says things are very quite in that area – the busiest office area in Bucharest.
They said when it was going to happen that it was going to be fast.
@Hayeksplosives. Everyone said i was crazy to live by the Army’s Chemical Depot. But with zero cases here, who’s laughing now? #TheRadiationAndChemicalWeaponsHaveSavedUs.
So… I should look for some gay frogs to heal myself?
I guess the left should be double happy about the stock market crash, it makes Trumpypoo look bad and also it reduces wealth inequality while at the same time showing capitalism is bad.
The amount of socialist morons on twitter gloating that for a couple of days there were empty shelves in stores was astounding.
The amount of socialist morons on twitter gloating that for a couple of days there were empty shelves in stores was astounding.
I made that joke upthread. The difference being, you know, The shortage is due to a demand shock, and not that suppliers have stopped selling. But I wouldn’t expect a socialist to understand that kind of economic nuance.
They are dishonest/ignorant. In a free market you occasionally wait for bread. In communism you occasionally get bread.
We must do something; this is something, therefore, we must do it!
Gov. Murphy announces NJ statewide curfew for all residents, businesses must close at 8 p.m.
It’s known that the Virus is most contagious once the sun sets.
When the Sun goes down.
I believe that’s also when the night comes down.
He closed your link too. Probably this.
I’m friends with the owner of our gym. Is Murphy going to pay his rent and taxes while he’s closed – or just ruin his business?
It’s just insanely idiotic – does he think the potential for spread of the virus gets worse after 8:00 PM? It’s just an additional burden on citizens and businesses, because FYTW.
I said it previously- these wannabe tyrants are getting a taste of the power they can grant themselves as “emergency measures”, and they like it.
Yes because viruses understand time.
We’re run by complete retarded fucken idiots who know jack shit but take action that will sweet fuck all to hide the fact they’re fucken retards in order to show they’re ‘leading’ when in fact they’re fucken retards.
Curfews? Really? I hope anyone who buys into this shit and encourages get Covid-19. The irony would be delicious and appropriate.
will do sweet fuck all
We’re run by complete retarded fucken idiots
I think this is a point where you assume Malice instead of Stupidity. The Average Joe on the street can see that a curfew will do nothing to curb the Virus.
If you saw Phil Murphy in public without knowing who he was, you wouldn’t trust him to park your car, much less govern a state.
And the one-upsmanship game begins. Before long some woketard is going to cancel life as we know it.
This doesn’t even have a remotely logical premise.
If anything, shouldn’t we demand that all businesses run 24 hours right now to help spread people out over a greater time period?
Market rallying…was down 12%, now down 7%. It could end up anywhere from 0% to -15% today.
Tilting out again. Have fun you Glibbies!
Tilting out again. Have fun you Glibbies!
We get it. Geeze.
Don;t forget to use the hand sanitizer
I’m reporting you to you know who.
Squirrel. Not Adahn was right!
Norm Macdonald does standup about coronavirus
Norm McDonald First Confirmed ‘celebrity’ death from Covid-19! The virus killed him with two shots to the back of the head from 5,000 yards.
<3 Norm
There is a Coronavirus disclaimer linking to the CDC on a comedy video . . .
And lastly, an ode to COVID19
Any reasonable person understands that she is requesting to be launched directly into the Sun for her carbon sins. I’m pretty sure.
I’ve already seen memes about how climate change has killed millions, yet coronavirus is getting all the funding.
They are literally celebrating an economic meltdown.
They’ve been praying for this to happen. That’s how much they love America.
Coincidence? I think not!
“This is just shocking! OK, actually it’s not shocking. Now if he could just address the meth.”
So, once you’ve been elected to any major office, governor, mayor of major city, Congress, etc, you just automagically opt out of the system where us peons go to the clink and you get a vacation at some uppity resort instead? Am I getting that right?
Gay Meth orgies are apparently not covered in the “Dead girl/ Live Boy” portion of your plan, Mr. Gillum. You’ll need to sign this rider and initial here, and here and here.
NY and NJ have apparently just closed ALL businesses, except for gas stations, pharmacies, and grocers, until further notice.
But your parks are free now.
Unless you stay in the park after closing, in which case you get piled on by a bunch of cops, shot, and arrested for having drugs on your person that mysteriously appeared after the cop-piling.
When I was 17, my girlfriend had drank too much at a concert and started getting sick in the car while driving back. I pulled over into a large park around midnight and she ran to the bushes and started puking. There were a bunch of cars and people congregated near us, including several guys posted around the perimeter like guards. Bad idea to stop there but not many places an underage kid can puke up alcohol in peace. Two came up to me and asked what I was doing there and that we needed to leave immediately. I pointed to my still puking girlfriend and was told that it was okay to stay until she finished but not to move from that spot unless leaving.
Then I heard sirens, followed by yells, and everyone booked out. Fortunately, I evaded the cop-piling.
Not quite all, but a lot
Nice and vague about nonessential.
You have to marvel at his impressive ability at being an asshole – at all times and in every situation.
Nice touch there.
It’s totally not about control!
Reposting in case someone else find this interesting, phylogenetic analysis and mapping of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens
If they shut down the beer stores Imma start getting murderous. Wood-chippery, even.
They know all to well not to stop the flow of beer in Wisconsin. If we sobered up we might not need so much government support, newly elected Democrat gov can’t risk the population sobering up.
Well, looks like I’m brewing this weekend. Assuming I can still get delivery this week.
Uh…. Dude gets shot in his sleep in no-knock gun raid
Are we missing a Glibertarian?
“Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj, 24, of Fairfax, Virginia, said he met Lemp in 2016 and bonded with him over their shared interest in cryptocurrency. They also talked about politics. He described Lemp as a libertarian who frequented the 4chan and Reddit message boards, sites popular with internet trolls.”
“He probably had it coming to him!” reads the story. Fuck people, at this point! I say that as an an actual “gentle man”.
He got red flagged. red flagged = shoot to kill on site, asleep or not. We’re going to see a lot more of this.
police opened fire from outside his house
Cops shoot into the dark, violating a major rule of firearms use, but only cops should have guns.
“Detectives were following up on a complaint from the public that Lemp, though prohibited, was in possession of firearms,” the release says without elaborating.
Which clearly requires a pre-dawn, no-knock swat raid…
Cops are not liable for the bullets once they leave their gun.
Cops are not liable
for the bullets once they leave their gun.for anything the gun does, it acts of its own accord.Anyone read anything that says why he was prohibited from owning a firearm? The story I read said that the victim and the rest of his family living at the house had no criminal records.
So if he wasn’t a felon, what other super serial reason was there for not being allowed to own a gun?
Red flagged is my guess. Someone said this extremist libertarian gun nut has a gun.
So, procedures were followed, send out the good squad and take care of this. Problem solved, all the officers went home safely.
The law worked as it was intended.
Obvious Rushun troll is obvious.
I thought that was some new form of Pig Latin.
We joke about about somebody missing, but they straight-up executed him for some basic government doubting.
Friends said they never heard Lemp espouse any anti-government rhetoric. Sandler said Lemp was not a part of any anti-government or militia-type group.
I mean if he did, then it would have been totally legit.
afaik, we only have NoVAns, not Marylanders.
Me, Naptown Bill, Hyperion I think…frickin Midwesterners.
Apparently this theory is making the rounds:
Just a portion of it, you’ll have to click for more.
Now that’s just ridiculous.
Not enough Blindenbergs, Illuminatis, and “Da Devil Made Me Do It” to make this serious read..
Also, terahertz scanners are a plot to turn everyone gay.
Someone brought up the Dean Koontz book to me. I said ‘and a broken clock is right twice a day’.
At least it’s stopped goddamn raining here for now.