Not this year
There’s really not much going on in sports, aside from NFL deals, college transfers, and the Tokyo Olympics about to be postponed. Sorry, all. I really enjoyed doing those updates a lot more than I realized. But they’re gone for the foreseeable future. If any of you have an idea for a replacement, let me know. Because I’m coming up with nothing.

The Big Bopper
Famous people born on this day include actress Joan Crawford, brilliant director Akira Kurosawa, German rocket scientist Werner von Braun, record-breaking runner Roger Bannister, major leaguer Lee May, The Cars’ Ric Ocasek, basketball star Moses Malone, acting legend Richard Grieco, TV personality Perez Hilton, distance runner Mo Farah, and basketball star Jason Kidd.
OK, moving on to…the links!

A great woman
A wonderful and brave woman has passed away. What a touching story abut a fearless human being.
The stock markets shits the bed again as Senate Dems block the stimulus bill. The bill is a shitty waste of taxpayer money. Unfortunately, they’re holding out for even more. Let’s see how the media spins it. Stay classy, Gray Lady.
Wait, what? This can’t be real. Dude had a few people in his hotel room and the cops arrested him for having three things that are clearly legal in every sense of the word. Fucking Chicago.

Get well soon, Rand!
Rand Paul is the first Senator to test positive for the Coronavirus. I like Rand, generally, but why the fuck was he working out at the gym while awaiting his test results?
New York is rapidly approaching a crisis. This doesn’t bode well for the millions there who don’t even have the capacity to keep more than a few days worth of food at home. But at least they don’t have to live with the hicks in flyover, right? Seriously, people there with sense need to GTFO out. Oh that’s right…most of them don’t have a car either.

Soon to be posted at the Lincoln Tunnel
Well, this is some shit. Because his products are essential to a lot of people and that kind of pressure from public officials is just plain wrong.
Oil continues to plunge. Fine by me. It’s already at $1.69. Let’s see how low it can go!
This legend deserves more than one song. One. Two. Three. Damn, in these crazy times, I sure needed that. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
Now go out there, or stay in, and make it a great day.
Saudis might actually lose this fight with Russia.
Of course, the US shale business will lose before either of them do.
It’s turning into a bloodbath here. Had a guy call me over the weekend begging me to buy a bunch of vac trailers for next to nothing (like barely 4x scrap value). I’d have taken him up on the offer of he wasn’t abandoning his yard and would have let me store them there.
A lot of resellers with deep pockets are going to be stockpiling inventory, I’d imagine. They did it in 09 and 16 when the markets tanked and made out like bandits.
The numbers I’m seeing are that the Saudis need $91/barrel to break even on government expenditures. They’re tapping their sovereign wealth fund, but it’s draining quickly. The Russians need far less and are claiming they can support $25 to $30/barrel for 6 to 10 years.
The shale business got saved in ’14 /’15 because there were plenty of buyers for junk bonds, but those don’t exist anymore so they’ve got no source of funds to continue operations or service debt.
If they need $91 a barrel to basically stick a pipe in the ground and pull up what’s on the other end, which is how they extract their oil, then they deserve to go tits up. Because our guys can frack hard-to-reach oil for half that.
I think they need about $12/barrel to do that. They need $91/barrel to pay for their government welfare programs.
Ah, I see now. But that would still be a surprisingly high number, since it hasn’t been at that level since late 2014. And yes, I realize it would have been lower then due to inflation, but it’s barely gotten over $70 in the last few years.
Which is why they have been draining their reserves keeping the payoff policy in place. The Kingdom basically buys the loyalty f seriously bad hombres with oil money. Most Saudis have no skills or see any work as something beneath them.
Correct conjecture.
I’ve read $80 to balance the Saudi budget.
Oddly, both Russia and Saudi Arabia have around $500B in cash reserves. Seems light for a war to me.
Well….Russia is still making out because they’ve got Europe over the barrel for their gas, etc.
Would be very interesting to see what the actual #s are like for Russia.
We’re seeing the effects in the construction business now. Firms are shutting down because someone tested positive. They can’t get permits because government officials can’t/won’t come to jobsites.
That’s all temporary. I’m terrified of what’s going on in the credit markets though. Every signal is screaming DOOM.
That’s by design. They need to crater the economy before the November election. How many Americans get destroyed or lose their livelihood is of no consequence as long as they increase their odds of retaking power. Lots of people keep asking me when we will go back to normal. These people want this shit to be the new normal. They need us all scared and willing to give up our rights fast, so they can go back to their normal where they are neither accountable to the people nor held responsible for any of the travesties they inflict on us.
Everything is Trumps faul. Everything
Revenge for email scams.
Never change CNN.
I apologize for going OT right away, but I have to hit the road to my allegedly essential job, and I have difficulty posting links from my phone.
I don’t remember which one of you lovable miscreants posted this a while back, but I loved it so much I bookmarked it AND snagged the image. I need it today to motivate myself to go to work.
That’s not even OT, lol.
^ better
Moving in Stereo – how every car stereo system was tested in the 80’s.
It was “Tom Sawyer” or “Back in Black” up here.
It’s not really Moving In Stereo without Phoebe Cates’ bare rack.
Chipwooder is wise in the ways of the perfect breasts…
We’re aren’t getting a bailout? Sell! We’re all getting a bailout? Must be worse than I thought. Sell!
Everyone except my family is getting a bail out. 2018 was our highest earning year in our careers.
I might get some Sophie Bucks but Wifey will get nothing and like it!
“Sophie Bucks?”
I think that’s what they’re calling the free Loonies in America’s hat.
^ She was down with the sickness and Justin grew another beard. Dark times=dark humour.
Humans really are panicky herd animals.
It’s the downside of The Greenspan Put. People know the Fed will prop up the market and they also know that it won’t calm fears this time.
Really dug your graph, Straff! You should re-up for the morning glories.
Took hours. Thanks.
When you have ” target=”_new”.<a href="https://pjmedia.com/trending/report-china-may-have-massively-underreported-coronavirus-deaths/shit like this being reported, maybe it is OK to be more careful (not panic, that’s idiotic and a sure way to fuck things up). Could all be much ado about nothing, but I suspect the CCP cares more about keeping its power and keeping the serfs under control than deaths (they have billions so what are a million here or there?), kind of like team blue here in the states.
HTML fail.
Paul went to the gym because he was asymptomatic. Which is dumb for a doctor.
Or maybe he is saying, “its just the flu, carry on.” Asymptomatic flu carriers (do they exist?) go the gym.
It still flies in the face of any medical advice he’d received or given in his entire medical career relative to illnesses of this type. And yes, I realize he’s an eye surgeon, but he still had a formal medical training for stuff like this.
Hence my 2nd sentence. It was a pretty dumb move, especially considering Ted Cruz got it right. Being dumber than Cruz isn’t a good look.
Hey! Unfair! His Dad was smart enough to kill a Kennedy and he’s the Zodiac. I’d venture he’s plenty smart.
Doctors and nurses make terrible patients
Maybe its like hotels and nobody actually uses that gym?
Maybe the gym thing was Rand bein’ subversive…
I mean on the sharing, not the acquiring.
My understanding was that he was being tested as a matter of precaution, not because he knew he had been exposed. That puts it in the gray area, but still.
I thought he as at the same event that led to the KY governor, the Louisville mayor, and Louisville’s rep all getting tested. The Mayor’s wife tested positive.
Ah… dumbass then
Was it a Congressional gym? If so, I come to praise Rand, not admonish him.
I believe the House and Senate each have their own gymnasiums.
Are you shuddering at the redundancy or the fact Tonio said, “gymnasium”?
A and B. Unless it’s AOC, Hooker Boots and Tulsi. That would be fap-tastic!
Gymnasiums are the traditional greek place for young men to be “mentored” by the white haired ruling class….
if 25% of congress dies from corona, the lock down are experiencing might have been worth it.
Ah, who am I kidding. someone even worse will be appointed or elected.
Morning all. Last day before lockdown here in Ohio. Customer I support just dropped a repeating 09:30 – 18:00 meeting on my calendar for every day this week…
You should suggest new time due to a conflict each day.
I saw the list of essential jobs. It could cover just about anyone that can be creative in explaining what they do. Unfortunately, it also gives free rein to the cops to do whatever they want.
That order is so unconstitutional I can’t see how it would stand scrutiny. Unfortunately, if you went to file a suit, you’d probably get arrested for being out.
I’ve already been shifted to full WFH. My role would fall under essential as I “provide IT services necessary to allow others to work from home”. The company I support (and I have a badge for) is also essential as part of the infrastructure. Thankfully, I’m in the suburbs, and as a middle aged white man, am not the one the cops are going to hassle.
Oh they’re gonna use this as an excuse to hassle a broader range of people than usual. It’s a public health crisis now, not just the scourge of minorities running around that they usually target for harassment. It’s their chance to split anyone’s head open and get no pushback.
It’s like Christmas for heavy-handed cops.
I’m planning on trying to get in a run to the liquor store when I can log off of work today. After that, I’ve got stockpiles.
If the weather ever cooperates, I plan on some bike rides.
The thugs are shutting down inter-provincial travel up here. Wifey works at the airport and they’re getting scaled back. Hoping it’s like back in the 90’s when I was at the mill and we went on “work-share” because we couldn’t source timber. Never lost a dime. She’s got a shit-ton of seniority so we might be alright.
Some courts are closed to the public and doing everything possible via email, fax (yes, still, don’t ask), and videoconference. YMMV widely by geographic location and type of court (state, federal).
“Oops, misplaced that filing.”
-clerk of courts
Shut them down and adjourned nearly everything up here too.
“I buy ebooks because I need to crack them open to see what my competition is doing, and I buy music to help me write.”
*innocent look*
That order is so unconstitutional I can’t see how it would stand scrutiny.
I know of two challenges to the panic orders. One in PA and one in NH. Both shot down.
I still stand with Rand, but at least 6’6″ away at all times.
He was only trying to put other senate members at risk.
“Never trust a curly-haired man!” My Grandma. I had curly hair…
What was the rationale on that one?
He told her he would only put in the tip?
Before my time. They were both pretty cantankerous old fools.
The immediate response I saw on Twitter from the left was equal parts glee (people hoping he dies) and incorrectly calculating that the Dems are now a majority in the Senate and it is the time for Schumer to assume the leadership role and ram through a bunch of leftist shit like socialized medicine, and hold another impeachment trial.
These people are beyond caricaturing.
That’s what is really irking me the most. They want to see it burn and have no shame about wishing harm and death on their fellow citizens just to score political points. I’m nearing “senior” age and have never seen anything this poisonous in my lifetime. I hope this bukaki’s in their collective faces come November or Trump just cancels the Election by executive order.
Never let a crisis go to waste. In fact, manufacture one and destroy the country, cause if team blue is not the one in power, then the country can go to hell.
I had higher hopes for all of us but then November 9, 2016 happened. I’m so, so disappointed in my fellow civilized people.
Rand on Twitter is funny as hell. And I like his hair, so nyah.
I had “Rand Hair”. So you like me! You really like me!
I already liked you, as evidently you are a friend to gray / grey cats. Or one anyway.
I like you too! I’m a friend to all cats, regardless of colour. My grey feller is special, though.
But at lest they don’t have to live with the hicks in flyover, right?
I wonder how many are voluntarily leaving the city once they find out they don’t have to work for a couple of weeks?
My wife was shopping in a local meat market in western NJ – near the Phillipsburg / Easton Bridge – when a couple of women from NYC walked in all masked up. Everyone gave them dirty looks.
Did they give them dirty looks because of the masks or because they aren’t locals? Either way, seems nasty. I can understand the masks may be overly cautious, but I wouldn’t denigrate someone for wearing one. And how would anyone know they were from NYC unless they declared it?
It was because they were talking loudly through there masks about how they had to drive all the way out to the boonies from New York to find decent stuff – and generally being stereotypical rude New Yorkers.
This is Karen and her friend Chloe and they need to speak to the manager…
Where are they going to go?
The rich will go to their vacation homes. Those of lesser means will go to grandmas house. Much virus speading potential.
Similar lockdowns/shutdowns did the same in Hubei, Iran, and Lombardy.
Not the Hamptons?
‘We should blow up the bridges’ — coronavirus leads to class warfare in Hamptons
That’s the kind of behavior that could get you shot.
they’re holding out for even more.
Not enough abortion funding, which is clearly the most important thing right now.
That is the only way to make things fair. Lots of old people are dying, we have to balance the numbers with young people – health equity!
It would be helpful if Congress lifted the penalties on early 401K/IRA withdrawals. There are those of us who have their savings tied up in those vehicles who don’t want to get ass-raped if we have to tap them.
Or getting creative on taxes for repatriation of cash. Some kind of rate cut window that provides an incentive to companies holding cash overseas, where they only get a carrot for doing some kind of incremental CV-19 dividend.
Didn’t we already blow that load earlier when Trump first got elected?
I don’t think that happened at all, no. Might be wrong, but seriously think that’s a “no” – at least not totally.
In 2018. Though not everyone brought their profits back, but that is to be expected, and probably wouldn’t again this time. Unless I’m missing something about your proposal that differs significantly from 2018?
OK. Well, dump the remaining disincentives, then.
That is in the bill congress is allegedly passing – Mnuchin is talking about it on Squawk right now.
It’s how (((they))) get you hooked – the first taste is free.
Israeli drug company donating 6M doses of malaria drug to US to combat coronavirus
Fuch yeah, Promised Land!
Weird autocorrect but ok
Finally some good news.
Meh, dying of coronavirus is too good for him.
Enh. He seems slimy as fuck but he didn’t write the rules for that game.
Perhaps, but boy did he run with it.
Could you believe the shitheads in the Liberal party?
Quebec has struck a proper tone so far. Trudeau, Duclos, Freeland and Hajdu complete jokes.
What the fuck is it with this party and their emotional breakdowns? This is leadership?
What a bunch of useless cucks and fucks.
Fun fact: When the city of Montreal asked the Federal government to enhance screening at Trudeau airport, Justin refused. So the Mayor put on his pants and sent the Montreal police to do it. A big fuck you was sent.
Apparently, Quebec Premier Legault has been at odds with Justin to the point of letting him have it.
Hate the game, not the player…
New York is rapidly approaching a crisis.
Of their own making.
And people say NYC doesn’t manufacture anything.
It’s the Number Three source of corrupt politicians in the United States.
First two being Illinois and Maryland?
Crises and rude people, apparently. Never been. Never need to.
Kmele has been posting from his VA compound for the last week. 5th Column has actually been getting decent.
This cannot be stated enough: Fuck. Mike. DeWine.
Good morning to all, and hello to Tres and GT; fellow Daytoninan here.
Springboro representing (from Texas).
Springboro is a couple of miles down 741 from me.
I’ve been stalking this site since it came into being. I followed TOS for years, since 2008 or so. (did Shrike and John ever get the grudge fuck they so badly needed?) I rarely commented (handle was Dunkel) but I read every thread. Still do. Commenting in real time is a bit more conspicuous than work allows, reading threads after the fact is easy to get away with. But now there’s nobody looking over my shoulder, so I’ll give it a whirl.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
*does Tiger Woods fist pump, falls down stairs*
Must be something in that Dayton water.
Are you on shutdown or WFH duties?
WFH since last Tuesday. Wheeeee……………….
Fuck that authoritarian prick. And while Im at it, that cunte director of health Amy Acton. She was cute at 1st, playing everyone’s friend.
Also, fuck DeWine’e horsefaced, wannabe petty-tyrant daughter, too. I cant get through 1 commercial break on WHIO w/o hearing how many cops and FOP members she’s blown throughout her career.
Welcome and a hearty Fuck off, Tulpa to you good sirrah!
So, are we getting any closer to the point where the wider public says, “I’ll wear a mask, wash may hands, stay away from gramma, but I gotta go out and make a living”?
I think about Easter.
Use screws.
Ceramic deck screws with star driver.
Nope, we’re closer to this
Mama mia! No ping pong for you!
Nope. Americans seem made of sterner stuff. We’re a hardy breed up here and the FU gene hasn’t completely been washed out yet.
No. We’re getting farther away from it. Hell, most people I interact with on twitter from Ohio (due to football) are thrilled that Dewine has effectively shut the state down. The few that are critical are shouted down quickly.
Twitter is not a representative sample of anything.
You’d like to think so. But these people aren’t there to spout about politics. They’re there to talk about football and come from all across the political spectrum. That’s why I think they’re pretty representative.
I think it depends on paltform. r/cfb is more representative of reddit than it is the general population, even though it is for talking about college football.
It is less insane than most of reddit, but still leans that way.
Same, to a lesser extreme, for twitter.
I will say this: Ohio State is killing it in recruiting while all this is going down. They have more top 100 recruits for the next class committed (9) than any other conference, let alone school. Tony Alford and Brian Hartline are in a tear.
And to top it off, we got our running back problem for this fall solved with that transfer in from Oklahoma. Although I think Master Teague will be fine by the end of summer anyway.
Based on my facebook feed, that will never happen. Everyone has brownstains on their shorts and are doing the ‘right thing’ by shaming those of us who want to go outside and see other humans.
“want to go outside and see other humans.”
Does not compute.
One night per week and then I’m good for the next week.
My grandmother admonished me on facebook because I posted a few pics of my kids going in a hike—on the mountain preserve behind my house.
In 3 square miles, we saw 4 people.
Tell her you’re coming over to visit, and have this nasty cough you can’t explain.
She also admonished me for not visiting.
She’s a wily one…
Yeah, I miss one of my Grandmas.
In a video he posted on Twitter, Addis said many people in the community, including potential first-time gun buyers, are concerned because the sheriff’s office, in coordination with the county’s courts, district attorney and public defender, is releasing “criminals on the streets.”
Self-defense and the constitution are “non-essential”.
You must have missed that clause in the Bill of Rights where it says it’s all suspended if the government decides to declare an emergency.
Look a little farther up in the document in Article 1 Sec 9. That’s their golden ticket to pull shit like this.
A virus is not a rebellion or invasion, so nah. As usual they are just relying on the FYTW clause.
And even then they can only suspend Habeus, not anything else.
“The document says nothing about the invasion being done by a foreign army, your honor. This virus has invaded our nation and the government has the right…nay, the responsibility…to suspend the constitution in order to protect American lives.” government counsel
“Agreed! Case dismissed with prejudice!” Judge. “And don’t file an appeal or I’ll hold you in contempt.” ::bangs gavel::
Yeah, this sort of ruling is why the Dems need to keep the animated corpse of RBG in SCOTUS.
I have no doubt RBG would vote against this kind of authoritarian shit. This isn’t one of her proggy blind spots. But it’d take time for it to get slapped down by the SC and the damage would be done by then.
I have little faith that the SC wouldn’t uphold another Korematsu in the heat of the moment.
RBG, Thomas and Gorsuch would possibly vote against it, The other lefties, Alito, Kavanuagh and Roberts would vote to uphold it,
Not to mention that a lot of districts are refusing to arrest, much less prosecute, people for petty crimes including theft.
My son was out on a highway last weekend and said the traffic was light but everyone was driving like maniacs. I bet cops don’t want unnecessary interactions with random strangers. Coughing and sneezing while handing over your license probably gets you a verbal warning from a distance for anything short of vehicular manslaughter these days.
My zombie apocalypse guns are no longer in the safe. Mags are loaded and ready to go.
I really don’t expect much of that behavior around here. The people here, for the most part, are a lot more sensible than the ones in the awful stories I am hearing, and that includes our govt officials.
Almost no sign of the apocalypse out here. Gas station cashier was wearing gloves, and traffic has been like Friday every day, but that’s it.
I live in NJ, about 10 miles outside of Manhattan. Weirdly light traffic, gas station attendants and supermarket cashiers wearing gloves, but otherwise nothing unusual.
“Cashier gloves”
*UCS Cheers*
Nobody here’s being too crazy. Regular folks are doing the “social isolation” thing in a usually-sensible manner and washing their hands, and employers are trying to keep things going for their people.
Some of the normies I know are really into the LARP-tastic part of living in a “real” disaster.
Does it count as program compliance if you’re carrying but never leave the house?
My BIL lives in San Diego and a cop friend of his told him a few days ago that if he doesn’t own a gun (he does) he ought to go buy one and keep it close to hand. This was just before Newsom’s shelter-in-place order. Where I am there’s a fairly regular tide of burglaries, car theft, and porch piracy, but I haven’t seen any increase yet. Still, I’ve got a few pistols in condition 3 at the front of my gun locker with the key close to hand these days, just in case. A few times I’ve considered taking a pistol with me to run errands, which in MD lacking a permit is a damn risky proposition.
San Diego cops are notoriously a little trigger happy. My wife used to work for the POA’s in-house attorney there. I’m not really surprised they would tell you to arm yourself. At the same time, I would be very very careful when interacting with them if you have a gun.
And yeah, getting caught without a carry permit in MD is not good.
I pulled mine out.
TMI dude….TMI
Really weird side effect.
I thought I had my rate locked in a week and a half ago, but it looks like nothings in stone until we finish the paperwork. (up a point verbally since then). A little frustrating, but at least owner will be paying all closing costs. Decided since it’s a VA loan, I’ll skip out on the down payment too since I can’t take enough out of my “small” IRAs to make it worth it at this point.
Interest rates on the street are starting to diverge from prime. That means the Fed has got problems, serious problems.
Day one of working from home:
I did my usual morning routine and have logged in to work. I’m dressed and sober this morning. We’ll see how that progresses throughout this shelter in place shit.
Start of week 2 for me here… But I was already WFH 3 days a week before that. Difference is now the workload has been much heavier then usual with everything coming down at once.
Don’t scare me off…I’m easing into this.
I only wore pants two days last week.
I would think not wearing pants is uncomfortable
I’m guessing he’s on a kilt kick.
Ditto. Not much change in my job except that I spend a measurable amount of my time deleting coronavirus emails
Bacon-magic! WFH means you can just hop right into the skillet first thing.
Oh goddammit. My other gun club closed down indefinitely yesterday. I can feel my limited skills atrophying.
*dry fires*
*realizes I can dry fire while WFH during meetings, is very happy*
Don’t worry, it’s like falling off a bike.
I haven’t fallen off a bike since it was stolen.
SP Strikes again!
Glad I’m not the only one who has done that during a meeting – just make sure that computer camera is off and blocked.
My home computer has no camera! Muahahahahahahahaha!
Tape FTW!
When was your last desk pop?
When I do that, the live ammo stays upstairs and only snap caps and a clear gun come down to the basement office.
I’ve read enough articles online now using the phrase “hunkering down” that I want to punch the authors through the screen.
*Hunkers down to avoid Chipwooder’s punches*
If anybody missed the Dems in the senate blocking the bill, here’s a funny aside to that story: the only senators that didn’t show up to the session are the four GOP senators in quarantine and one Bernie Sanders, who is chilling at home in Vermont. The same Sanders who refused to answer a question the other day about the Dem primaries by saying “I’m dealing with a fucking global crisis right now!”
Guess he deals with a global crisis by staying home and not doing his job.
That is how he dealt with his 30’s and now he’s a millionaire.
Speaking of which, anyone seen Slow Joe lately?
He’s had something like six minutes of public appearances in the past eight days.
There’s not much he can say, really.
I suspect his handlers are hoping this crisis continues until November so they can prevent the people from seeing the guy is off his rockers and an imbecile.
Dropped off the map. He’s supposedly going to run shadow press conferences to state how Trump is fucking up the whole corona response and how he would do it better. People are saying he’s probably got the virus.
And how Hillary is waiting to take over the nomination once Joe is incapable
And how Hillary is waiting to take over the nomination once Joe is incapable.
Sooooooo, three months ago?
They may also have figured out that (like Hillary a few years ago), actually being seen/heard only harms him. He’s got the Donk nom all bottled up on paper, so why get out there and alienate a bunch more people before it’s really necessary?
Oh, I’m sure that’s the real reason. Seems to me, though, that from a political perspective there’s a fine line to walk there between limiting his opportunities to shoot himself in the foot and looking like, well, a feeble senile man who is completely out of touch.
he’s probably got the virus
I speculated this. But more likely his dementia is getting worse.
Joe says you have been challenged to a pushup contest with him…
He didn’t say what global crisis. I assume him losing the primary is a global crisis to an international socialist.
For sports NASCAR ran a full iracing race at Miami-Homestead. Full replayhere. It was better than nothing, and more fun than i thought it would be. Some of the home rigs the drivers racer on are pretty sweet.
That would be a whole hell of a lot cooler if they remastered “NASCAR Racing 99 Edition” and had them using the mechanics of the older cars. The COT may have saved some lives, but it’s sure made the racing boring.
Democrat Introduces Gun Control Measure During Pandemic
It is as unconstitutional and tyrannical as you think.
Sponsored by Hank “Guam will capsize” Johnson. Figures.
See, this is the thing I keep telling my wife. I–and I think I’m not alone in this–am having a very hard time taking politicians and other “authorities” seriously about the threat of this event when they use it as an excuse to recommend their pet legislative projects or unrelated agendas.
And refuse to roll back their unhygienic enviro bullshit. Or their enviro taxes.
+1 reusable bag
Everyone forgot why single-use disposable items came into use in the first place: sanitation.
I went to a wine store I frequent and got a “Blue Times Partner” card which allegedly will give me 10% off from now on.
I did risk infection going out of the house, but I just got in my car, parked in front of the store, I was the only one in there, Stayed 6 feet from the owner at all times. I think the odds are minimal.
We just go about our business. Staff are wiping down the key-pads but that’s about it. Wifey wears nitrile gloves everywhere but I haven’t bothered. If it gets me it gets me. I don’t have any elderly contacts and I’m basically a shut-in except for beer runs anyway. Postal workers haven’t lit their collective hair on fire. Yet.
I guess I count as elderly, so I wear vinyl gloves from point of leaving the car to point of entering it again. Necessary cards in separate pocket, wiped down with alcohol swabs upon returning home. They’re easy precautions, even if excessive.
At worst, the gloves remind me not to touch my face.
But your beautiful, beautiful face…
No kidding. I can’t keep my fingers outta my eyes because my work is dusty as hell.
When fo all the restaurants become Taco Bell?
Soon. Head to the sewers now.
We’re all Chuds now. Thanks Drumph. Thanks a lot.
If I hear about sourdough starter again drugs are going to fall out of my ass.
Sourdough is great for your gastro-intestinal track. Just sayin’…
What kind of drugs? /not-the-fbi-informant-i-promise
Shitty ones.
So you don’t want to join Tulip and I in the joys of baking?
I dig the joy of baking, IYKWIM
My fridge and freezer are fairly full, I think I have an easy 3 weeks of food, record for me. I also have sufficient wine although if this goes on to long I may need to get into the good stuff. I need to drink and eat less though, I noticed last couple of weeks of WFH I ate more and drank more than usual. gained about half a kilo weight, and I need to lose 10 not gain.
Glenallachie 12 is decent scotch,.
“Half a kilo” !?
That’s a lot of dope!
“Made in China”
dammit, it’s mostly white lead.
gained about half a kilo
What’s that in freedom units?
1.1 pounds
Add 32, divide by 454 and then multiply by 9/5
Or something like that
fridge and freezer
I had this French boss who thought he was pretty smart, that Google would fill him in on the little engineering details and, voila, he’s as capable as me. Ok, Baptiste: convert a superheat of 5°C to Fahrenheit.
When I started my work in combustion, it took me a long time to get my head around the concept of lb/lb-dry air
A pound of air (.081 lb/ft3) seemed like a foreign idea.
You’ve been carrying around the weight of the air for decades now.
This was seen and duly noted!
That’s really low, clearly below STP. Where is that value useful to you?
I’m an order of magnitude guy and tend to ballpark stuff in my head a lot, but I respect details when needed.
I usually teach one number, 14.5, for a bunch of stuff: CFair/lbm, PSI/atm, and psychometry of gasoline to air. I noticed those all at the same time (HS junior) and just never much worried more about it.
Engineers can be smart. To keep all units on the same basis, its generally lb-fuel/lb dry-air.
And like you said- for nearly anything, its a 14.7:1 ratio, ideally
For sports NASCAR ran a full iracing race at Miami-Homestead. Full replayhere. It was better than nothing
I noticed F1 has put some old races on youtube (in their entirety, I believe). That might be a risky strategy, if people start to realize how much better F1 used to be, both in terms of cars and on track competition. Put some early 80’s races on, and contrast them with the crap they run today.
I want to see that car with six wheels racing! Jody Scheckter in a Tyrrell P34 is what the world needs right now.
I had an r/c model of one of those! Complete with ELF graphics
They also showed a race from 1985(?). Short-track at Richmond. Very different race, back then. So crash. Much fun.
Way to go giving ammo to the selfish libertarian stereotype there Rand.
My front door neighbours are no better. They like to act like The Gadby’s. Constantly on the go and entertaining. I told my wife I don’t think those two are going to be able to handle a lockdown. They seemed to have cut of some routines but then last night they had a small party. His daughter and boyfriend came by with some balloons as well as another couple. He had just told me the other day we need to keep social distancing. His daughter is never home – and still on the go and they bring home two outsiders? The whole point is keep social distance.
His wife who is in her mid-50s just dealt pneumonia as recent as last year. He works for a government agency and may have to go back to work at any time. Not prudent I guess.
Now, I’m not one to be all concerned about the virus and don’t care much for what I perceive to be a slight dose of hysteria, but this struck me as odd behaviour.
If you must know, I was cleaning my bikes outside when this was going down and had a clear view of the proceedings.
Gadsby. Bah.
Fiddling while Rome burns. I don’t blame them.
I agree with their actions, but not their hypocrisy.
I would host people but everyone is too scared shitless.
Pretty much that.
The entire street has self-isolated for the most part. The only traffic is with them and their daughter. Too cool.
I’m just having fun with this. I get along fine with them. Good folk.
Swingers detected.
Lol. I always make that joke to my wife. It’s not normal. They disappear for 10 hours sometimes (so he tells me strangely) and when I ask him what he’s been up to he says ‘not much’. It can’t all be family functions or dinners.
/strokes chin. It’s a secret, eh? Shut up!
“Oh this? It’s an antique riding crop from my grandfather…” – swinger
Don’t lie! You stroked something else. Sinner!
Gaudy fish-bowl by the entrance confirmed! Lots of ashtrays and table-lighters… Ask Festus how he knows. On second thought…
I have a friend who swaps.
Is his name Glen?
Well, it’s also a four letter name that starts with ‘G’!
Better than a parent.
And incense and Glade plug-ins to hold down the fuck-fumes.
Hah! Fuck-fumes is the best term that I’ll never ever get to use in a regular conversation. My Bud came over for a visit one time when I lived in my parents’ basement and he said “Dude! Your room smells like pussy and sperm!” ” So what? Wanna smoke a joint?” Sure…
Try ‘twat-mist’
Good morning, Sloopy!
And to the rest of you – welcome to the working week!
Oh, I know it don’t thrill you, I hope it don’t kill you.
What’s the general sense among you for how much longer people will go along with the stay home orders? I was at Home Depot over the weekend and it was hopping. Lots of projects being completed during this mess.
Absolutely fantastic song choices. Candy-O is my favorite Cars album. Except for all the rest of them…
Have a great day people!
Here’s to you, Friend! https://youtu.be/oHmUTxus12w
Michigan’s martial law edict coming this morning. For 9 deaths in the entire state.
Expecting the same here. “War Measures Act” coming soon to a theater near you!
Meanwhile, the Texas governor is scrapping a bunch of long-standing regulations like licensure renewal procedures and letting retailers deliver beer.
He’s recommending people stay at home. But nobody flanked by armed officers is telling us we have to. Hopefully he keeps his head like he’s done so far.
G_d I miss Tejas.
Well, not between July-September. But the other months.
Hawaii has zero deaths and the idiot gov and Honolulu mayor killed the entire economy with panicked shut downs and quarantines.
This is panic. The closest thing is watching a panic among a group of javelinas.
My guess is by June this will all be over. between better treatments, warmer/wetter weather and people just no caring anymore. If it’s not over by June, it won’t matter because the world economy will have collapsed, all thanks to mass hysteria.
I agree. There’s a point where absent any worsening caution and fear are going to be outweighed by confidence and boredom. Even if we maintained the current rate of infection I think after another week or two people will just factor a little more basic hygiene and typical flu-season protocols into their daily behavior. It’s gonna be more Florida beach-goers and less NYC takeout bans barring actual zombies.
*realizes I can dry fire while WFH during meetings, is very happy*
Video chats will be greatly improved.
“Just do it this way.”
Things that annoy Pie: in Romania the decimal separator is , (comma) but many utility companies have international software that uses . (dot) . My online banking tool want , which means I cannot copy paste the sum and sometimes type . out of habit.
Also, the standard excel separator in Germany is ; . The tools I develop sometimes output files in comma separated value. It seems for some Germans with masters degrees in engineering, changing excel separator is beyond their abilities and sometimes complain they cannot open the csv files in excel .
oof. That is crazy. Tabbing through the import menus is complicated. *eyeroll*
Honestly I thin k they just cant be arsed to google but pisses me off.
The problem is the tool manual got bloated because the tool owner (I just do the coding not the electronics stuff) put all these things like importing in excel in the manual ans now no one reads the important stuff because the whole thing is huge.
Pipe is the ultimate separator. The situations where a pipe would appear in the data already are small and can be dealt with when they arise.
That is nothing whatsoever to do with your post.
Pipe is a separator used by Cadence extracted views and as such it would cause confusion.
Also things that annoy pie, people who write skill code in a snobbish lisp fashion. Makes it hard to read for me.
setq(c top) is harder to write than c = top.
while(nequal(sub1(length(var)) 0) is totally unnecessary would be easier while(length(var) <1 given the list always decreases by 1 element. Ok I am done. Another sip of scotch and moving on.
Recognizing this, I haven’t used a comma (,) in about 20 years (ich denke: since I first went to work for a German firm).
I also went ISO on dates a long time ago, especially in filenames: 2020-03-23; I social distance from anyone who finds that difficult or ambiguous. I was never a dash fan, but I don’t like more than one period (.) in a filename . . . or, really, in anything. What I despise is cute Americans (Hollywood) using dots but also American order: 03.23.20; fuck right off: Americans own the forward slash, and everyone knows what 03/23/20 means, so don’t fuck up European nomenclature, which everyone is also comfy with 23.03.20 by getting your chocolate in my peanut butter.
So many people in Romania lie about where they have been to avoid quarantine. I don’t get it. It will only be worse if you get sick.
Nobody wants to get cooped up. They should have quarantined the vulnerable 5% of the population and let the rest of us go about our day to day business. Everyone that was going to get the Chinee Plague would get it and we’d build immunity. We’re kicking the can down the road. This is fucking insane.
Yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous, because even the fear mongers aren’t saying they’re going to stop the spread of the disease, you’ll just get to die in relative comfort because there will be a hospital bed for you.
Judging by my last stay in Hospital I’d rather die at home, TYVM.
Nah, I 100% agree.
I’m running low on coffee. I guess I’ll venture off to Costco, in a while. That should be fun. I also need sardines and beer.
Coffee supplies here are still good, I’ve got several pounds of unroasted beans. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to order more though.
*glances at 200 days worth of caffeine pills*
200 tea bags. Should hold.
All the hipster roasters near me are closed so I bought supermarket coffee. But then again sacrifices are made.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Something standard Libertarians don’t get (but localists get very well): liberty & threats to others don’t scale the way they think they do.
Libertarians need to translate threats to individuals into threats to the collective without naive linear scaling.
So is the scaling logarithmic, parabolic… or? and why?
Why do you keep posting the mutterings of a senile old man?
why does anyone do anything? sheer absolute boredom.
*Looks at ratty old sock and internet history*
I got nothing…
Shorter Taleb: Self-quarantine and don’t be an asshole.
As usual, Taleb talks like an asshole and fails to distinguish between legal requirements and moral requirements.
I read a bit of Taleb’s “The Bed of Procrustes”, and the conclusion I’ve drawn is that Taleb is a smart guy who has taken his own life experience and confused it for a set of universal truths.
I read two of his books and my only conclusion was “Rich proggie liberal who thinks he is smarter than everyone finally learns what average people have known for milennia.” I think that was after “Black Swan.” A math genius former colleague of mine, however, thinks Taleb is just a complete fraud.
I is smart. I know maths. You is dumb.
liberty & threats to others don’t scale the way they think they do
What the fuck does that even mean?
Libertarians need to translate threats to individuals into threats to the collective
What are threats to “the collective ” if not the sum of threats to individuals?
How many states are in full lockdown now? So far we have avoided it in Indiana. 6 deaths and 201 cases for 1.6 million residents, which is pretty mild. The interesting thing is that as testing ramps up, only 13% are coming back positive.
Rumor is that statist we call governor is going to issue lockdown today . . . just a rumor so far, but I can see him doing it.
Illinois did last week, and unfortunately we haven’t been too far behind them.
According to the tracker website, 458 total U.S. dead out 35079 cases. My calculator says that is 0.013. Clearly we need to shut more things down.
That’s actually a good sign. It means testing is getting ahead of the deaths, which leaves some hope that they’ll be able to put a lid on it.
The normies are waking up to the idea that *maybe* we don’t have a good handle on who has it.
“Next-Best”. for a very narrow definition of “Best”
That’s my point. There are likely hundreds of thousands or millions who have it/had it. That number doesn’t matter. The total death count is 458 two months into this.
10/19-3/20 – 390k to 710k flu hositalizations; 23k-59k deaths; 38 million to 54 million illnesses; all in the past six months.
People are going to get sick. Maybe many people will die from this. How will it compare to the last six months?
You a-holes ruined it for me. On Friday I predicted that DeWine would shut it down shortly after you did (I predicted tomorrow or Wednesday).
I underestimated his power-boner tho.
Technically, our lockdown doesn’t start until tonight at midnight, so you were technically correct on your prediction.
Yeah, but he announced it yesterday on the radio while I was chowing-down on some fat-girl ‘gine.
I’m still gonna blame Indiana, and pat myself on the back for being able to close the deal.
We just got our orders from Comrade Holcomb. But not in effect until tomorrow.
MA is getting locked down right now.
Libertarians need to translate threats to individuals into threats to the collective without naive linear scaling.
I’d ask what that means, but I cannot be bothered to care.
Meanwhile, in a state with six diagnosed cases and no fatalities, the governor has nuked the economy from space. Who doesn’t understand risk assessment?
Every single person I know except my wife?
She may not understand it as well as you think. She married you after all.
I had assets, she understood there was very little downside at the time.
I’m not sure she’s redone the calcs lately though. 😉
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Yep, lots of fires and bust-outs on the horizon.
*counts insurance money*
…what? Accidents happen!
(((Fire drills)))?
So. First post only will be positive going forward? This is indeed the end times.
The last link was positive as well, for most consumers.
Referring to Tundra posts, always Sunny in Minneapolis. Not meaning to shank your fine work, Sloop!
Heh, meanwhile NY still has its single-use bag ban boner ragin’.
keep the bags clean
the customers per se are disgustingly filthy: how do grocers know they’ve washed their hair and their clothes in the past day?
The first sign of a moron is arbitrary limits: no more than 250 people in an assembly. Right: I doubt anything that was pulled out of someone’s ass is golden. No one loves numbers and answers more than this, but a lot of things in life can’t be managed with a slide rule.
I really need to get a bag printed with “Don’t worry, I washed this bag three times with trisodiump phosphae detergent” like I said I was going to a few months ago back when it was a joke.
So far none of the cashiers have said a word about me dropping a stack of plastic bags on the belt in front of my groceries.
Scratch that, some have complimented the color of the blue bags.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked to provide a fake number or measurement – dyspareunia isn’t necessarily better than no pareunia.
You’ve made me relearn a word. Well done RA!
Fortunately the insurance was up to date…
Mammary Monday brings you a natural resource that’s recession proof!
Question for next winter: Is this nonsense going to be used as a precedent for flu season? The flu vaccine is notoriously unreliable, so will the scale of flu deaths lead to more of the same?
And if not, why not?
No – This isn’t intended to prevent the spread, just to slow it down while capacity is increased to deal with it. That’s only needed for novel illnesses.
No, this is intended to crash the economy to keep Trump from being re-elected. That factor won’t be there next year.
No. Bad Orange Man won’t be president anymore. Mission accomplished.
It depends on who wins the election.
Heads up to VA glibs. If you haven’t gotten your CCL, get it now while you can still take the online course. Effective January 2021, that option ceases to exist.
A real man does not need a CCL
Are you saying real men like to get ass-raped in SPMITA prison?
Doesn’t you country only allow people in witness protection to carry a gun, and treats knives over a certain length as guns?
Guns are legal, you just can’t own silver bullets.
I though they were only allowed to carry wood stakes.
Doesn’t you country only allow people in witness protection to carry a gun – no idea
Just the motivation I need.
My wife let her CCW expire. Now she’s got to haul her 9 months pregnant ass to Circuit Court to deal with this instead of a quick renewal via mail. I’m not pleased about it.
So the NYS governor is saying this will last 4-9 months longer. He really wants to burn the state/country’s economy down.
Lets see if everyone is still on board with isolation a month from now.
Two weeks of true isolation should end it. At that point, everyone symptomatic can be tested and them and their households quarantines until all clear.
Yeah, but that isn’t the plan anyone seems to be making.
Trump was already strongly hinting that he wants the lockdowns over sooner than later. I think if the malaria medicine thing works – which we should know for sure within a week – Trump will have the feds order a few billion doses to be handed out everywhere, and declare victory.
If NY wants to stay shut down that’s there choice. Once Trump declares the danger past, good luck enforcing it.
That is what I’m afraid of.
New Yorkers LOVE authoritarianism, so I don’t doubt it would be enforced.
It would be pure entertainment if red states had people pop a malaria pill and get on with life while blue states remained locked-down. I doubt they could sustain it more than a week.
In order to help fight COVID-19:
Cuba sent doctors to Italy.
Vietnam sent tests to Italy.
China sent doctors, masks, and respirators to Italy.
The United States…uh…has done nothing for anyone and actually needed Italy to send us tests despite being the richest country on Earth.
After the emergency – The Cubans and Vietnamese defect and refuse to go home.
And why on earth would Italy be sending tests anywhere? I am going to doubt that there was any need.
USAF C-130s Flew Self-Contained Care Unit to Aviano Air Base in Italy on Friday.
I guess a 10-second internet search is too much to ask of that guy before tweeting.
Someone actually posted that in a reply, but it got ignored completely.
Not mentioned: who is paying.
I know the masks, etc. the Chinese sent were sold, not donated.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Naw, we can just chuck the panickers out of helicopters.
The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
And this was written by an economist or at least someone familiar with how economies work, right?
I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics.
A physicist who studies pandemics.
Sure. I mean, everyone needs a hobby.
defeat coronavirus
Coronavirus has won. The idea that a lockdown will “defeat” it is a lie. In two weeks Coronavirus will be there. In two months Coronavirus will be there. in two years, Coronavirus will be there.
Panic buying
The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a massive second wave of initiatives to support a shuttered U.S. economy, including buying an unlimited amount of bonds to keep borrowing costs low and setting up programs to ensure credit flows to corporations and state and local governments.
The Fed will buy Treasuries and agency mortgage-backed securities “in the amounts needed to support smooth market functioning and effective transmission of monetary policy to broader financial conditions and the economy,” and will also buy agency commercial mortgage-backed securities, according to a statement. The Fed had said a week ago it would buy at least $500 billion of Treasuries and $200 billion of agency MBS.
The rate on 10-year Treasuries plunged following the announcement, flattening the yield curve, while the dollar dropped and U.S. stock futures pared their earlier losses.
Intervention into the corporate bond market is an unprecedented step for the Fed, though central banks elsewhere have undertaken similar measures to support liquidity conditions for corporate borrowers in recent years. The moves underscore the scale and scope of the disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak, as large portions of the economy have shut down almost overnight in a bid to contain it.
We’ll be suffering from the cure long after the disease has faded.
The cure is going to be much worse than the disease.
“Wow, just wow,” George Rusnak, head of investment management at Wells Fargo Private Bank, said on Bloomberg Television. “Hopefully you’ll come out of this with some fiscal stimulus as well, and you’ll be set with good growth opportunities in the long run.”
The Fed will support “the flow of credit to employers, consumers and businesses by establishing new programs that, taken together, will provide up to $300 billion in new financing.” It will be backed by $30 billion from the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund.
“This is a great step forward,” said Julia Coronado the president of MacroPolicy Perspectives. “Getting to the corporate bond market was critical. A lot of people needed to be clear the QE was unconstrained.”
The Fed also said it “expects to announce soon the establishment of a Main Street Business Lending Program to support lending to eligible small and medium-sized businesses, complementing efforts” by the Small Business Administration.
Let’s replace wealth creation with debt. What could possibly go wrong?
You know, I have tried mightily to not acquire debt in my business and have always been at somewhat of a market disadvantage because of it.
I don’t see where I’m going to have a choice going forward. They’re flooding the system with so much cash that if I don’t do it, I’m going to get buried by my competitors who do.
And I was hoping that higher interest rates would bury them.
This is symptomatic of the largest problem with the economy and culture: refusing to allow consequences to work their magic.
Without accountability, the standards of conduct shrivel and the markets are distorted beyond recognition.
But the people that created this shit in the first place blame all this shit on capitalism. And the imbeciles that read Marx & Lenin, looked at the sanitized history of the 20th century to whitewash the murder and slavery these asshats created, decided that the problem was that the wrong people were in charge because that shit totes should work otherwise, despite scores of attempts ending the same way, & fell in love with this evil ideology because it would allow them to fuck over those that are productive and thus, make them look like the losers they are, eat it all up.
Envy is behind practically all of the social justice movement.
I believe that’s called a moral hazard.
I worked for a guy a while back who owned a small tech company based around a proprietary hardware/software combo (still does, I assume) with the same philosophy–no debt, no equity, just grow the business from revenue. He ran (and continues to run I assume) into the same problem. His long-term strategy, such as it is, is to grow the business as best he can and try to get picked up by a large corporation. No luck so far; he’s hit a ceiling where he can’t generate enough revenue to pay what he needs to expand enough to capture more.
I don’t own my own business and wouldn’t presume to pretend to know better one way or the other, but I do know that, within reason, a certain amount of debt is not considered unhealthy for a company, particularly where it’s being used to support expansion necessary to capture market share otherwise unattainable with cash on hand and where the company’s liquid and liquid-ish assets could be used to pay off immediate liabilities if necessary. On the other hand, debt is scary, and I think if I owned a business that represented my livelihood and worldly goods I’d be pooping bricks over taking on debt.
where the company’s liquid and liquid-ish assets could be used to pay off immediate liabilities
Precisely correct: I have nothing against Bill Gates putting lunch on a credit card.
Thisssssss. Debt is not evil. Debt is a powerful tool that comes with a lot of risk. When properly planned, leverage can make you a shit ton of money. When improperly planned, debt can drown you.
We’re using debt right now to remodel the house before sale. When we decided to do this, it looked like a great move. Now it’s much more unknown. Best case, we cut a check the day after closing and pay off all outstanding debt (remodel related and not) . Bad case scenario, we can’t sell the house and pay the remodel off in 3 months. Worst case scenario, the debt doesn’t get paid off in a timely manner because we’re unemployed.
I make the assumption that coronavirus wasn’t going to blow up into a global pandemic 2 weeks after taking out the debt required to pay for the remodel. Just goes to show that you shouldnt pay footsie with debt.
I did this with Paypal capital infusion loan program. They charge a flat fee and take 30% of your earnings until the loan is paid off. I used it for marketing my books and such, but I still got nowhere.
I could have recently gone out and gotten millions in financing pretty easily. That’s not true for the near term at least.
The issue I have is that in a normal, functioning market eventually interest rates climb to a point where those that are over-saddled with debt cannot underprice their product because they can’t continue to acquire more and more debt to cover their operations.
But we’ve been at record low interest rates for decades now. I was hoping for a turn eventually, but I think by the time it comes it’s going to be a currency failure and then it doesn’t really matter any more.
We had our first death. so i imagine things will be shutting down here fast too, because the governmental
groupthinkconsensus is that on death means the economy must die.90-year-old with emphysema?
Thanks to HM
Yet another program, a Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, will “enable the issuance of asset-backed securities backed by student loans, auto loans, credit card loans, loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration and certain other assets.”
Death spiral.
My first task at work today (well, besides proofreading my boss’s e-mail to the staff reassuring them that we may not actually go out of business) was to draft what amounts to a “hall pass” to tell any cops that hassle our staff that yes, our employees ARE allowed to come to work.
“Papers, please.”
“Here *cough, cough* you go Sir *sneeze, wheeze*!”
I’ll just direct young Herr Goebbels to the cleaning products stacked in the back seat of the Tacoma.
I’m sorry sir but we’re going to have to take these supplies into evidence.
Yeah, we are carrying “hall passes” too. Seems rather silly. It’s in company letterhead. I could ha be made it in my mom’s basement.
Us too. Our homemade looking ones are from DHS.
Crazy Orange Man is crazy
President Trump on Sunday night said that the government would reassess the recommended period for keeping businesses shut and millions of workers at home after this week, amid millions of job losses caused by the efforts to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
This just proves Trump has no understanding of economics or human nature.
IMO Trump’s biggest problem right now is NYC – De Blasio has the media eating out of his hand on hospitals running out of supplies, health care workers reusing masks, Federal government not “lifting a finger,” yada-yada.
Someone posted a link to a story about nyc yesterday and buried in the details were two interesting points.
First, lack of space in hospitals is often due to city or state regulations. Second either the state or the city has stockpiles of gloves, masks, and ventilators that they are working on “releasing.”
Yes, I actually think Cuomo is doing a good job – Javits Center is opening-up with a 1000 beds, he is asking the right questions of the administration. De Blasio is just making noise.
3M CEO was on this morning talking about N95 and other masks and was challenged regarding roll-out to healthcare – he pointed out the fact that FDA regulates use and only recently approved.
Thank goodness that Trump is doing everything he can to eliminate red tape.
Cuomo for all his evil, has had years of running bureaucracy as HUD secretary/asst secretary and so on. He also seems to be able to distinguish from politics and non-politics. This newer crop of everything is politics is having a harder time of it.
I still think he’s a piece of shit.
Oh, no doubt. The problem is he’s a relatively experienced/competent POS, unlike an emoting feelz politician.
Cuomo is giving a press conference right now – he actually stated, and included a slide, that Trump came through with his requests. He is also pushing alternative strategies versus lock-down (i.e. isolate the at-risk) and citing studies from Yale as back-up.
Likewise, Trump has praised Cuomo’s response during his press conferences.
Full tinfoil hate to guarantee a Trump victory – have Cuomo run as VP.
Saw an interview with Pence and Fauci last night (Fox). Interviewer kept bringing up CON laws and Pence and Fauci both seemed on message that they have to remind governors and mayors that such things are in the state and local realm and they already have the authority to do nearly everything they ask the federal government to do. As as Trump pointed out, even if federal stockpiles are given to FEMA to hand out to states and locals as needed, they still have to replenish the stockpiles and that takes factories being open, ports being open, trucking and rail operating, etc.
People seem to think our land of plenty happens by merely wishing it.
The states are a dead letter. The Feds have supplanted them in the minds of the electorate.
Ain’t it funny that crooks running these municipalities want to take credit locally for anything that goes well, but blame the FedGov when shit goes bad? Didn’t see this same shitshow with Katrina? They blamed evil dumbo Boosh for the problems created by their local leadership, and they got away with it because most people are idiots.
an insistence that appears to say “this is all China’s fault.”
It IS China’s fault.
ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!1!!eleventy!!
Go fuck yourself.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, an infectious diseases expert and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has said in interviews that he believed that it would take several more weeks until people can start going about their lives in a more normal fashion. Other infectious disease experts suggest even harsher measures than social distancing are required to truly beat back the outbreaks in the United States.
But at the White House, in recent days, there has been a growing sentiment that medical experts were allowed to set policy that has hurt the economy, and there has been a push to find ways to let people start returning to work. Some Republican lawmakers have also pleaded with the White House to find ways to restart the economy, as financial markets continue to slide and job losses for April could be in the millions.
See? Republicans don’t care about you they only care about money.
That Fauci guy needs a sharp blow to the base of his skull.
It’s all going according to plan. Trump kills everyone and then he becomes the richest in the land! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Fauci is another Deep State Hillary loyalist. Why Trump wasn’t more aggressive rooting those people out of the bureaucracy I’ll never know.
What would a depression look like? Malnutrition, starvation, crime? Definitely more suicide, alcoholism, and drug abuse. That has to be considered.
Just one more problem the people will need us to solve /democrats everywhere
Stay tuned!
And opportunity costs of lost medical research that could have been going on.
I believe this is true, but also that the benefit of this is much, much lower than the cost.
I’ve said it before – Fauci is a blowhard, who would have been at the top of Trump’s fire immediately list except the Dem’s/media have anointed him. Lifelong bureaucrat, HIV/AIDS guy at NIH, couple that with former CDC Director Frieden’s “let’s bring Prop 65 to the nation” non-sense and CDC rescope, and you have literally zero to offer from those organizations that should be providing leadership on this issue.
BTW- Frieden is making the media rounding saying the CDC is sidelined “we’re fighting with one arm tied behind our back” Go to the CDC website – they haven’t even been able to maintain website guidance and the alphabet messages are all different “over 60” -“over 65”- “over 70” are high risk.
Fauci says he can’t stop Trump from talking at briefings
Our press, ladies and glibs.
Priceless. Fauci only wants to be there when he is the center of attention – otherwise his body language is terrible. TBH, I wouldn’t want to be there either – those things are absurdly long.
Thanks for the link about Gertrud Steinl.
I wonder if there were a lot of other small acts of kindness like that that we’ll never know about.
I hope everybody in here takes the time to read it. It’s the kind of story everyone will benefit from looking at during weird times like this.
‘…feelings too
Of unremembered pleasure: such, perhaps,
As have no slight or trivial influence
On that best portion of a good man’s life,
His little, nameless, unremembered, acts
Of kindness and of love.’
Watch the movie “JoJo Rabbit” if you get a chance. It’s amazing. I won’t offer it as “proof” but I think you’ll come away with the sense that yes, there were thousands upon millions of such unremembered acts of courage and kindness. I would also recommend “The Pianist.” (Spoiler alert: sometimes even Nazis can be kind).
XY has a job interview at McDonald’s today. Cross your fingers, please. I need him to have this job, for his sake. Maybe a boss can do what we can’t.
Money, a sense of self-sufficiency and some independence can do wonders.
Also, having to meet obligations to someone who has no incentive to care if you end up sacked beyond having to find a replacement helps with responsibility.
THAT is what I’m going for.
His parents and teachers HAVE to deal with his shit. A boss doesn’t.
For both your sakes I hope this comes through. Best wishes!
Oh that sucks! Wifey’s first-born was just like that at that age but lacked the capitalistic instinct. Just a Gomer. We used to battle until he finally left home at 15. He’s never found his footing, has never had a girlfriend or a steady job. Best wishes for your “problem child” Mojo!
Disclaimer: He IS getting better at behaving himself. The house is more peaceful.
I have ZERO doubt as to the kid’s willingness to work and his money-grubbing ways.
I have EVERY doubt that he can keep his know-it-all-ness AND unwillingness to learn new things and doing things new ways AND his general contempt for people he finds intellectually inferior to him (which is almost everybody) under his hat. This IS the House of Well Ackshually.
And if he can do that, he can’t save his money.
He’ll be best as an entrepreneur. Last summer his lawnmowing business was going gangbusters. I was/am so proud of him. But he got on my last nerve and, since he needs me to do his business, I told him I wasn’t participating any longer.
Emancipation at 16 is on the table. It scares him to death. I hope he can save enough to make that a reality IF HE WANTS TO. I told him he could stay as long as he wanted as long as he canned his attitude and contempt, and obeyed house rules. But if he wanted to leave, we should make a plan to make it happen without it blowing up in his face (and ours).
He says he wants to go to college for landscape design. That’s great. I don’t mind letting him live at home for free if he’s doing that and being a decent human being.
XX is 16.5. I want her out at 19 after she finishes trade school so she doesn’t have to be held hostage by her brother’s behavior anymore. I want her to see that she has the world at her feet and as long as she can pay her bills, put something aside, and save a little of her fun money, she could go to the freaking Caribbean or Europe or Asia or wherever every year. Travel the world. Have a blast before or if she ever settles down.
She just converted herself to full time at Walmart for the duration of the quarantine, which will probably extend through the end of the school year. It’s already at April 24.
I have EVERY doubt that he can keep his know-it-all-ness AND unwillingness to learn new things and doing things new ways AND his general contempt for people he finds intellectually inferior to him (which is almost everybody) under his hat.
Getting one’s ass kicked a few times by reality has a tendency to disrupt such narcissism.
I was the “idiot” of my social circle in high school. Out of the handful of kids I spent the most time with, it wouldnt shock me if their median IQ was above 160. Valedictorian, Salutatorian(?), third, fifth, seventh, and tenth best students out of a class of 700. Very intelligent group, primed for success. Many of them had egos the size of their GPAs.
To a person, we all got our asses kicked in the 10 years after high school. The ass kicking took various forms, never academic, but this same group has something it was missing 15 years ago… Humility. Turns out that being smart doesn’t guarantee success in all parts of life.
Happened to me too.
I hate to admit this but he’s a lot like me, but 10x worse (by my mother’s estimation I mean).
And if he can do that, he can’t save his money.
He’ll be best as an entrepreneur.
If he can’t accumulate investment capital and build up/maintain his working capital, he won’t make it as an entrepreneur. Hopefully, he will learn this lesson shortly.
his general contempt for people he finds intellectually inferior to him
As noted, he will have opportunities to outgrow that, as well. I hope he takes them.
Gomer had capitalist instincts. And he was a damn fine mechanic. He was just bad with money and lacked social skills.
Goober, OTOH, was a fucking genius with people and was excellent at impressions, but was susceptible to being scammed.
Fingers crossed.
New Zealand shows how a lockdown should be done:
Covid-19 coronavirus: What the lockdown means for you and how it will be enforced
But there could be consequences to ending the measures too quickly. The recent rise of cases in Hong Kong, after there had been an easing of the spread of the virus, is something of an object lesson about how ending strict measures too soon can have dangerous consequences.
In a tweet on Monday morning, Thomas Bossert, the former homeland security adviser who for weeks has been vocal about the need for the U.S. government to take stricter measures, said, “Sadly, the numbers now suggest the U.S. is poised to take the lead in #coronavirus cases. It’s reasonable to plan for the US to top the list of countries with the most cases in approximately 1 week. This does NOT make social intervention futile. It makes it imperative!”
Mr. Trump knows that Dr. Fauci is seen as credible with a large swath of the public and with journalists, and so he has given him more leeway to contradict him than he has other officials. But the president has also resisted portraying the virus as an existential threat in a way that the public health experts have.
” But the president has also resisted portraying the virus as an existential threat in a way that the public health experts have.”
Maybe he does not believe it to be his job to stir up panic in an effort to make himself feel more important.
Addis said, “Just because we’re in a crisis doesn’t mean we have to suspend our constitutional rights.”
Sorry dude, that ship sailed long ago.
No kidding. My hope is that there is at least some segment of the population rethinking how cavalier they may have been in tossing those rights away and will act accordingly.
Sununu under pressure to order “shelter-in-place” in NH
State Sen. Jon Morgan, the head of Exeter Hospital, and several other community leaders in Exeter are urging New Hampshire to follow other states that have issued shelter-in-place orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
In a letter sent Friday, the group called on N.H. Health and Services Commissioner Lori Shibinette to recommend to Gov. Chris Sununu that he implement an immediate statewide emergency order to stop all non-essential activity outside the home.
Whelp. Guess I’ll see if I wake up dead tomorrow or in a Police State. God speed, fellow Glibs! We need to resist.
PA Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Wolf’s order
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by a gun shop that challenged Gov. Tom Wolf’s authority to shutter businesses determined to be “non-life-sustaining,” paving the way for enforcement to begin Monday.
Without comment, a majority of the state’s high court late Sunday denied the petition by a gun shop, a gun purchaser and a law firm to have Wolf’s shutdown order thrown out. The lawsuit had claimed Wolf’s edict violated the Second Amendment right to bear arms and other constitutional rights.
The court also said a legal challenge to Wolf’s order to close law offices had become moot because of subsequent action that lets lawyers work from their physical locations to perform duties deemed essential by county or federal judges.
The same court that decided it had the right to draw electoral districts when that was explicitly the preserve of the legislature?
Yeah they need to be ousted and real judges put in place.
“He made his law. Let him enforce it.”
Easy enough in theory to kick them out: They’re elected.
How much you wanna bet they’d rule any election they lost as “invalid”?
I think there was been turnover in Supreme Court justice elections, though it’s been a while since I lived in the state and paid that much attention to them that I cannot remember details.
Freedom ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
Freedom ends not with a bang but with a
whimpersneeze.Sununu said he might extend shutdown orders
Gov. Chris Sununu advised citizens to expect that the restrictions on public access in New Hampshire caused by COVID-19 will likely extend beyond the expiration date of existing executive orders.
“I don’t think it would be smart to say this will all be done April 7,” Sununu said during an interview Monday on the NH Today Show with Jack Heath.
How about we acknowledge a real disaster?
A strong earthquake in Croatia on Sunday caused panic, the evacuation of hospitals and widespread damage including to the capital’s iconic cathedral – all amid a partial coronavirus lockdown.
A 15-year-old was reported to be in critical condition and 16 other people were injured, authorities said.
The European seismological agency, EMSC, said the 5.3 earthquake struck a wide area north of the capital, Zagreb, at 6:23 a.m. (0523 GMT). The epicenter was 7 kilometers (4 miles) north of Zagreb at a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles).
At least four weaker temblors followed the initial quake.
Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said the earthquake was the biggest in Zagreb in the last 140 years.
Why are you downplaying the virus? you must think it is a Hoax like Trump.
C’mon Reuter’s it’s easy to spell.
M-A-R-T-I-A-L L-A-W. Simple, and descriptive!
PS: How is the army going to slow the spread of a virus?
The North Korean Way!
With bullets.
If you don’t go to your room voluntarily, I’m gonna ground you.
In the authoritarian’s mind the military is a magical trump card. Eventually reality will catch up when their trump card is laid low with the same illness everyone else is going to get.
Notice that as soon as this shit got out China locked down their bases. The trouble is that they cant actually deploy them without exposing them. Waiting for a vaccine? For the cooties to run its course?
This is like someone hitting the brakes on their car after it has gone over the cliff.
Britain sent in the army to deliver protective equipment to hospitals on Monday and told people to stay at home and heed warnings over social distancing or the government would bring in more extreme measures to stop the coronavirus spread.
Not that i don’t think they have contemplated it, this seems like a case where the writer takes two different things and links them together by using the word and. In this case the Government sent in the military to deliver equipment, AND the government told people to stay home.
Of course you have dolts like this:
War is the health of the state. Therefore, anything that can be characterized as a war will be.
Is that you, Woodrow? /swoon
Do they really think army deliveries are going to be more efficient than private sector deliveries? About the only thing the army can do is ignore traffic laws and bypass union lumpers for unloading the trucks.
It’s interesting & some historians argue that – in Britain at least – it goes back to WWI. Basically, Britain was struggling to get ramped up for war production in 1915. So the government stepped in and, through brilliant central planning, transformed British industry and helped win the war. You get a similar story in WWII.
For the most part, it’s not true, but the idea persists that the government and military working together can overcome a crisis (obviously a lot more to it than that, but that’s the gist).
Similar stuff in NZ where they’re about to enforce a draconian lockdown:
“Compliance with the lockdown will be enforced by the police and the New Zealand Defence Force.
Police Commissioner Mike Bush, who is on the Government’s lockdown taskforce, said Kiwis could expect to see a strong police presence on the street.
There is likely to also be some military presence as well.
“I can understand that seeing an increase in presence by police and our military may not be what we’re used to in New Zealand, but they will be working together,” Ardern said.
Authorities have the power to enforce the lockdown if they see people flouting the rules.
Bush said: “It’s about education and encouragement, we don’t want to get into a place where we have to enforce these directions, but we will if required.”
See my link above for more details. The government there IS “allowing” people to go on a walk with their kids as long as they don’t interact with anyone else.
You-know-who hardest hit
For those with caring responsibilities, an infectious-disease outbreak is unlikely to give them time to write King Lear or develop a theory of optics. A pandemic magnifies all existing inequalities (even as politicians insist this is not the time to talk about anything other than the immediate crisis). Working from home in a white-collar job is easier; employees with salaries and benefits will be better protected; self-isolation is less taxing in a spacious house than a cramped apartment. But one of the most striking effects of the coronavirus will be to send many couples back to the 1950s. Across the world, women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic.
Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely. But in the past few days, the conversation about the pandemic has broadened: We are not just living through a public-health crisis, but an economic one. As much of normal life is suspended for three months or more, job losses are inevitable. At the same time, school closures and household isolation are moving the work of caring for children from the paid economy—nurseries, schools, babysitters—to the unpaid one. The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children. Instead, couples will have to decide which one of them takes the hit.
Many stories of arrogance are related to this pandemic. Among the most exasperating is the West’s failure to learn from history: the Ebola crisis in three African countries in 2014; Zika in 2015–6; and recent outbreaks of SARS, swine flu, and bird flu. Academics who studied these episodes found that they had deep, long-lasting effects on gender equality.
Yes, yes, of course.
“Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely.”
Clearly this means that women are affected more severely.
Luckily we don’t allow children to marry and adults are theoretically capable of making their own choices.
You just don’t get it. People should never be in a position to have to choose between two hard choices.
Again, if the people writing that genuinely thought this was a crisis they would behave accordingly.
Housewives don’t get paid? I was under the impression that the husband goes to work every day and just gives them money with which to manage the household and take care of the kids all day, which is increasingly easy in the modern day with all the labor-saving technology that even poor people can afford.
I had no idea that housewives had to pay rent. Thanks, Atlantic!!
Not seeing the “getting paid for labor performed” part here.
It’s on an expense account basis.
So you’re saying she gets free room and board, petty cash and incidentals? Like…a hired hand.
How’s that bookkeeping work, anyway?
What’s a housekeeper cost these days?
Personal assistant?
Personal shopper?
And on call 24/7.
So unless she’s getting the equivalent of all those jobs or at least a percentage of each market wage of time performed of each wage, on paper, with a check, room and board deducted, don’t talk to me about housewives getting paid to stay home and take care of the kids.
It’s an utterly thankless and unvalued job all the way around.
Try having to make money to help support the family on top of it.
I can’t, no one has seen fit to marry me.
Aw. I’m sorry.
Have you asked someone yet?
No, never got past the dating stage.
Anyone else see the Joe Biden from-home speech? He walks up to the podium, they tell him to start, he says ok then just stands there for ten to fifteen seconds. Wife comes dashing in cooing and reassuring him and guides him off camera. As he leaves he says “Thank you all” or something to that effect.
The guy completely blanked out and had no idea where he was or what he was supposed to be doing. It was sad really. Who ever thought I would end up feeling bad for Joe Biden?
Sounds like he failed his Proof of Life video.
The Kung Flu is the best thing to ever happen to him. He has an excuse to stop making public appearances and everyone’s distracted away from his rapidly progressing senility.
Somebody needs to explain to them that you don’t actually have to do it live.
Yup. I had the same feeling about Clinton. Even evil people seem pitiable once they’re old and sick enough.
Are you joking? Got a link?
I saw the clip on the Tucker Carlson show….thursday?
I believe its this one.
This social distancing probably invigorated new life in his campaign. I can’t imagine how psychologically crushed his staff must have been to see 20 people at his rallies.
No, it was worse. Black curtain background and a small podium. And he never spoke. He just stood there, blanked out, staring at the camera.
He needed to reboot
This I’m going to guess the version you saw was highly edited, from this video it appears he starts to speak and the tey cut to the end where the wife comes out. He does stand there awkwardly but it’s after he finished the speech.
How recent was this? Having trouble finding news coverage of it. Weird, huh?
Very recent, within the last week
Where are all those armchair psychologists who declared that Trump is mentally ill? Why aren’t they giving the same treatment to Joe Biden if they’re so concerned about the mental stability of our commanders in chief?
Also, any licensed mental health professional would lose their fucking license if they tried to make a diagnosis based on video footage that was obtained and heavily edited by a hostile third party (the corporate media).
State Sen. Jon Morgan, the head of Exeter Hospital, and several other community leaders in Exeter are urging New Hampshire to follow other states that have issued shelter-in-place orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
The Monkey-See-Monkey-Do epidemic.
I’m sure you’ll all be shocked and relieved to hear that Tom Hanks is fine. Somehow he beat the odds and survived his namesake virus.
Given that the odds of survival appear to be upwards of 95% or more, I’m shocked anyone makes it through the RNG.
Are we supposed to be self isolating, self quaranting, sheltering in place, hunkering down or cowering in shelter?
I’m cooking spaghetti sauce. I don’t know what the rest of you guys are doing.
I’m taking my girls for a bike ride.
To nowhere. Because you aren’t allowed to go anywhere. I think they closed “outside”.
That’s self raguing.
Mama mia!
Thats-a one-a spicy meatball!
Yes. A perfect opportunity to practice your day drinking.
Not much has changed for me except that the wife can’t go to the store as much. So On Net i’m probably saving more money during this crisis….
Watching porn.
self isolating
And self-stimulating.
Idk. I’m at the office. Apparently a couple people are actually sick with something and stayed home.
So I finished binging “Travelers” last night. I know a few of you are ahead of me on that…
For those who aren’t, it isn’t bad. If you like sci-fi, it is worth a watch.
But there’s a trope that really annoys me and it was all over the last season. When they have the bad guy in their sights and don’t pull the trigger. It probably happened 4 or 5 times in Travelers … they happily shoot 20 other people, but hesitate to shoot the big bad guy who is causing all the troubles. And of course, he escapes because of this.
Coincidentally, I had “Iron Fist” on as background noise while doing housework this week. And it had the same problem. It really bumped me from the story. Dude fights his way through a bunch of guys trying to kill him, gets to the big bad guy who murdered his parents…… aaaaand decides to talk it out politely. And his compatriots are aghast that he might do violence to the big bad guy – even though they were fighting side by side with him seconds earlier.
I wonder if the two share some writers – because both series had the same trope. Struggling over the ethics of killing the big bad guy mere seconds after having no such qualms about killing a bunch of henchmen.
I have more qualms about beating up henchmen than offing the bastard that caused the problem. I mean for henchmen, it’s often just a job.
Yep. The peons are expendable, but the TOP MEN are not.
It aggravates the shit out of me. One of the reasons I enjoyed the Daredevil series more than most because the character struggles with killing in a more believable fashion, or as in the case of The Punisher, not.
It’s a yin yang thing in story telling.
One of the great tragedies of Disney’s decision to move to Disney+ is that we are not going to get to complete those series. They had really good characters and interesting writing and acting.
“When they have the bad guy in their sights and don’t pull the trigger. ”
That’s the part where the evil genius explains all of his diabolical plans in great detail, right?
That breaks an evil overlord rule.
Or begins to… and then a bad guy comes in behind our hero and the hero turns to quickly shoot the bad guy…. only to turn back around and see that the main evil dude has escaped in the confusion.
It’s the code of Chivalry. You keep the nobility alive for ransoms, and assurances that you and your family won’t be killed in a similar situation.
My wife and I liked the show, but yeah, that’s a common trope.
FYI it’s been canceled.
They teased a reboot. No fair!
Next you’ll tell me they aren’t going to follow up on the teaser at the end of Remo Williams!
Why limit this to fiction?
Remember the hissy fits when we took out Solemani (or whatever the Iranian VIP was)? No one gave two shits about the driver of the car. Or the thousands of peons that President Drone Strike offed.
It was beyond the pale when someone in the Ruling Class got whacked on purpose though. So maybe it isn’t actually a trope? Just something based on real life.
Must be a more recent thing, because it was no problem when we whacked Yamamoto.
How long before some asshole with a badge decided to ventilate a driver who refuses to roll down their window so Officer Coronavirus can get in their face?
I think ventilators are in short supply, so maybe we are good.
Legit lol.
That’ll be the end of me.
Last ticket was in AUS. Cracked the window; he was insulted; good: choke on it. Slid DL and insurance through crack.
He said something I didn’t respond to well (at all?); he probably asked where I was going, which I wouldn’t have answered anyway. I gave him some sideeye and the ASL for “deaf.” I’m not deaf, but signing “hard of hearing” could look like you’re going for a gun, whereas “deaf” is an unusual gesture that is clearly sign language to anyone.
It’s really not a big deal to me if I survive the encounter: tickets are just overhead, the cost of doing business; I’ve got both financial and emotional budgets for two a year. If it helps pay his $30 wage, I guess I’m there for him.
My best friend sucks up to cops; we argue bitterly about it often.
I vacillate. I usually am cordial, but won’t answer questions about my speed or whatnot. I also usually have a pretty good get out of ticket free option, so it’s hard to not use that.
I usually am cordial
Me too. But I have never gotten it in return.
“How much have you had to drink tonight, Officer?”
The pragmatic strategy is to be polite, friendly and relaxed. You are friends…. You are on the same side…. Unless they are on quota watch, this is the best strategy to get to a warning ticket.
Arguing is a bad idea. The only time I ever argued with a cop on the side of the road, he said I was doing 80 in a 55. Now, he was set up just past the on-ramp coming from Octoberfest. Halfway down that on-ramp I had the epiphany that the cops would be all over that location during octoberfest, so I set my cruise control…. because nobody drives 55 there. Not even 65.
Any other moment in my life, I would have quickly sped up to around 80mph, just like everyone else. But that night, I knew better.
So when he pulled me over, I was a little bit defiant. When he did the old “do you know how fast” dance, I told him I knew exactly how fast because i set my cruise control at the bottom of the on-ramp.
He asked a bunch of “are you challenging me” type questions and pulled my wife out of the car. She was pretty well 3 sheets to the wind. He tried to get her to say that I abused her. She gave him the drunk girl version of fuck off. After fishing for about 15 minutes for a crime, he let us go, disappointed that he didn’t get to make an arrest.
The wife still gets hot telling that story.
Oh… I forgot about the guy on the way home from college way back in ’84. I was in a car packed to the top…. every free space was full of stuff. At 2 am. Some guy was riding my bumper with his high beams on, so I slowed down to let him pass. He stayed right there. So I slowed down more. Still on my ass. So I stopped. He stopped.
So I continued – only a couple of miles to go…. He followed me as I turned off onto a side road. So as I crossed a really high and bumpy double railroad track crossing, I stopped just so to place him on the track where he couldn’t start up fast, and I gunned it to gain some distance. This was my home turf, I knew it well. As I was approaching the 45 mph speed limit, some little voice said “what if that’s a cop”. So I quit accelerating exactly at 45mph. He came flying up behind me at 90mph…. I could see the headlights dip as he struggled to brake fast enough behind me. Right on my bumper. Couldn’t even see his headlights.
At the end of the road, I’m about to turn right at a stop sign when he turned his lights on. Yup. Cop.
“you were speeding back there”
No I wasn’t.
“do you know the speed limit is 35″….
No, the speed limit is 35 back at the railroad track, it changes to 45 200 feet past the track. I was not speeding.
After some back and forth about where I was going and some pointed avoidance of “why the hell are you driving so recklessly behind me”., he visibly gives up and says “you were about to run that stop sign, weren’t you?”
At that point I gave him his fig leaf… Yeah, maybe one of those rolling stops…. (smile)
So I take it back. I’m 2 for 2 when giving push back. Not really arguing… but giving push back.
1987: I’m driving a 1980 Plymouth Horizon – 43 horsepower. 0-60 in 15 seconds. Cop pulls me over on Lake Shore Drive (posted limit 45) and says “I clocked you doing 75.” I said “I’m certain your device says 75, but this car can’t go 75.” He grumbled under his breath and that was the end of it.
That’s great!
I had that experience on a college beach trip. My buddy was driving his Ford Pinto. Local PD said we “peeled out of the gas station and were driving 60 mph through town. We laughed and told him this pile of junk wouldn’t peel out in loose gravel. And it certainly couldn’t get up to 60 in two blocks. Not even downhill with a tailwind and certainly not with 4 of us in the car.
He still pushed us to “pay the ticket now, or come back and face the judge”. He wanted $50.. I think we managed $18 in change before he realized this wasn’t going to work for him. Don’t shake down the college kids in a $500 car. They ain’t got no cash.
Coulda been an Omni GLH…
I have a good friend who drives around with a box of office supplies in his back seat. As if he just had to clean out his office. He swears he has gotten out of dozens of speeding tickets because of it. When pulled over he points to the back seat and the box and says “Figures. Why shouldn’t everything go to shit today?”
He claims that he stumbled onto this when he really was pulled over one day after just getting fired. Just left the box in the back seat ever since.
People seem to think our land of plenty happens by merely wishing it.
As I call it, the “Magic Hat” theory. Somebody just pulls everything we want and need out of a magic hat.
Presto! Your wish is fulfilled.
The electricity comes from the wall!
The question is…. when you pull the plug out, why doesn’t the electricity dribble out and run all over the floor….
It only does that if you don’t have self-sealing outlets.
Well, wood, drywall, and carpet are poor conductors, so the leak is slow and takes time to build up. Where do you think static electricity comes from?
it does: around 10^(-13) amps on a damp day
be careful out there !
You need self-sealing outlets 😉
absolutely, since my air-plugs don’t comply with the new California Air Resources Board standard
You might have a career in government. Just say it without the sarcasm and you are golden.
That is why you have people who couldn’t make it a day without the market pleading for the government to destroy it.
pulls everything we want and need out of a magic hat
They are pulling it from somewhere but not from a hat…
That trick never works!/Rocky the Flying Squirrel
They also don’t realize how thin the veneer or civilization is, either.
veneer of
I forget where this saying comes from…Thailand?….maybe all of east Asia.
‘It takes ten drops of sweat to make one grain of rice’
I think we have lost sight of that in this country…or at least a sizable number of us have.
Looking for more reading material?
Will not stop recommending John Ringo’s “The Last Centurion”.
Perfect context and goes to the heart of the matter – even if we’re not facing a killer plague (thankfully).
I enjoyed it.
I guess none of them saw that Twilight Zone episode with the genie. Wishes rarely come true the way you would expect them to.
My current hex: May you get exactly what you asked for.
A classic.
But not nearly as evil as “may you get exactly what you deserve”.
That sounds more like a threat. Mine sounds like benevolent and full of goodwill. It confuses them. I get hostility goung straight to bemusement to vague gratitude and then they get exactly what they asked for. Hopefully.
It’s like saying “may all your dreams come true.”
People forget that nightmares are dreams.
The only dream I can remember of late was playing with kittens.
That’s probably fairly easy to make come true.
It WAS: May all your wishes come true, but then someone pointed out that that would encompass the spirit of the wish, and the more precise thing to say (because precision is the key here, no?) is May you get exactly what you wished for.
“May you get precisely what you ASKED for.”
Whoever took over Drudge Report is doing everything in their power to stoke panic.
Prominently linked ‘What do you want me to do?’: Fauci’s strikingly honest review of Trump response…
Now, does the article support this? Well, it certainly highlights a press conference where reporters focus on getting Fauci to disagree with the president. But what he actually says is mostly 180 degrees from the implication of the headline.
Also prominent – Unemployment may rise to 30%, Cuomo says 80% are going to get virus…. And nothing much about feckless democrats and their gamesmanship. Nope, they are featured for their criticism of Trump. (not even the Trump administration, just Trump himself)
I haven’t even been able to look at it for months now. Last time I was there, it was nothing but a messy wall of red bolded text about Trump’s imminent impeachment. It was once a good news aggregate site, but now it’s just a mess. Realclearpolitics is maybe the best news aggregate site now.
I noticed something different about Drudge about 6-8 months ago. Read somewhere that he said, he doesn’t run it anymore. More adds too. I am thinking of dropping site for something less dramatic. Anyone have advice on new aggregate site?
Yes. Realclearpolitics.
Or Glibertarians. But you really have to read a whole lot of crazy shitposting stuff to get to your links. I’m pretty sure that bunch there are a bunch of dangerous extremists.
Also they still do firsts, which is pretty off puting and shows a bad culture.
So shouldn’t the strategy be to isolate and protect the old and immunocompromised instead of this pants-shitting slowdown of the whole economy? Is it really worth that to prevent 20 and 30 year olds from getting it, who would most likely experience nothing more than typical cold/flu symptoms?
Call for Glibspertise here:
Holsters. I need to get a holster or two. I seem to recall some chatter here awhile back on this topic, and I thought I even saved a link, but damned if I can find it.
WiFi router. Ours is apparently getting elderly and a little cranky. Want to replace, but don’t know which ones are recommended. I’ll need a couple of extenders, too – the Casa Dean has plaster walls which are apparently some kind of mil-spec signal blocker.
Thanks much.
Damn, shit must be hitting the fan at the hospital.
The ASUS routers are reliable and reasonably priced.
I just bought a Kydex holster for my M&P 9. Can’t review it yet because I don’t have it.
What kind of holster are you looking for?
I recently acquired this one . I have really liked it, I’m always wearing a shirt that can hide it. It is very comfortable, especially since i sit at a desk for work all day, and fairly concealable. This is the only one i found that had good reviews that was also a kydex holster, which i preferred for the retainment options. Good value, and about par on price for a good shoulder holster.
*** I’m not actually sure the holster is kydex or some other kind of plastic, but it isn’t a pure leather holster.
Had a Wethepeople.com kydex holster for my XD-45 before I sold it. Did not feel very comfortable for concealed carry. Probably just need to get a few pairs of larger pants.
Honestly…in spite of what the instructor said, I may wind up going with small of the back carry just due to comfort/body shape. Once I get an MP Shield, I’ll try a few more holsters.
That’s pretty much why i went with a shoulder holster. I literally am always wearing some kind of jacket or a loose button up shirt that does pretty good a concealing. Small of back is probably the only way i could get it done with an IWB holster. For me comfort is pretty high, because if it isn’t comfortable, i’m not going to wear it, and then what is the point?
One open carry for the Para .45.
One concealed carry for the Sig P938.
This is one of those “been meaning to for awhile” deals. The willful destruction of civil society by Our Masters reminded me that I hadn’t gotten around to it.
I also panic-bought the ammo I’ve been meaning to buy for awhile anyway – thousand rounds each of .45 and 9mm.. 4 week wait from Fenix Ammunition, but waddayagonnado?
I got one here for P938.
I have several Alien Gear. They work well but the bolts tend to come loose without applying loctite, which was okay when they were dirt cheap but not so much anymore. Also have a Galco that’s held up well.
I’m actually looking for new holsters too for some new additions and have been strongly leaning towards Crossbreed. Curious if anyone has had experience with them?
I like the looks of those, but they don’t do Para-Ordnance or my model of Sig.
I like Galco
but, in leather, you’re paying for a beautiful finish that’s just going to get banged up; other solutions might be more cost-effective.
Holsters….when I feel flush Bianchi. When I don’t Safariland. Either way I am a leather guy.
I just bought one of these: https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/bianchi-model-100-professional-sub-compact-automatic-size-9-thunder-380-sig-p938-walther-ppk-inside-waistband-holster-left-hand-leather-plain-tan-19227/FC-013527192271.html
I posted the link too quickly. I bought the right hand model
I carry Sig P938
I’d recommend a Tommy Theis holster. I’ve had one since I started carrying in 2014 and it’s held up very well.
I did break the plastic clip when I was getting into the car; it snagged on the door jamb. But I’m left-handed, so maybe that wouldn’t be an issue for righties. I replaced it with a metal clip that he sells, and it’s held up very well ever since.
Constitution schmonstitution.
I wonder what the plan afterwards is. I mean, disarming the populace is only the first step in these plans.
If government officials get to implement these extreme measures cuz of the extreme situations, shouldn’t the public get to put extreme measures on those government officials? Something like: as soon as this is under control you all have to resign and no pension. Sorry, but no one who has tasted that much power can be allowed to be in power.
Why the sudden emphasis of “forgivable” loans? I’m missing a point somewhere. At the end, all loans are forgivable; why bake in a low expectation of repayment?
Somehow I suspect that they haven’t thought this one through. People are generally reluctant to loan money if they can’t be guaranteed of a return. And I suspect that the economy wouldn’t function too well without ready access to credit.
The cases I’m considering would be federally-back: return is guaranteed.
Because they want to borrow your money.
Can I get a few bucks until next pay year?
No idea what this idiocy means for my job.
Well, Bloomberg did such a great job that they’ve got nearly a third of the cases in the US in NYC alone. Pushing toward 15k today, as the state has over 20k.
Well played. Keeping those schools open so the kids wouldn’t starve to death worked out great. And I watched CNN, so I also know that it was heroic to finally close the schools. New York politicians…. heroes all around.
Now you know why DeSantis was asking Trump to close down travel from NY. Where do you think they all go to get away when they don’t have work?
De Blasio?
Florida governor Rick DeSantis was rumored to ask Trump to shut down travel like a week ago. He was looking at the actions of other states, particularly New York and didn’t like where things were heading. He’s been at the front of the curve…. but a lot of New Yorkers come to Florida. So if they get overwhelmed up there, what happens to all of our efforts here in Florida when they come flooding down, spreading infection everywhere.
They’ve worked pretty hard to isolate the nucleation sites – Florida was early on with the cruise industry. He bought a quarter million tests and distributed them to private and public labs as soon as they were available. With the huge elderly population down here, spreading like wildfire would be dangerous.
So when 10,000 new yorkers decide to come to their vacation home and bring 2,000 infected folks to the state, it will swamp those efforts pretty quickly. At least, that’s the thought.
You get to make more YT videos ?
I guess none of them saw that Twilight Zone episode with the genie. Wishes rarely come true the way you would expect them to.
“A one foot tall piano player is not actually what I wanted.”
*Liberace cries, flees from room*
“Since the pool ball, he checks the size of everything before he puts it in his mouth”
Heard that with a monkey at the zoo that put peanuts up his ass first cause when he swallowed the mango pit it hurt coming out…
I’ve wrapped myself in foil to the point I look like a baked potato- but this entire charade is a dry-run to see how people will comply when November rolls around and Darth Cheeto gets re-elected. Every one of the pols putting into place “lockdowns” or the like know that an infection from CoVID is just a cold or mild flu. And they’re willing to either burn it down economically, or see how complacent everyone is.
/picks filling out of molar that is a secret CIA transmitter
Charlie Day shows how it’s done.
Don’t forget the tracker up your nose.
Thats like one of those boogers you yank that just slides out like linguini and it feels like its attached to the base of your brain.
This is why, right before the dem convention, right before CornPop announces Lieawatha as his running mate, she mysteriously disappears. Rumor will be that she has the virus and is self quarantined. That’s when CornPop trots out Hillary as his choice.
Updating here so as not to shit all over Animal’s thread before I’ve read it:
McDonalds is not hiring 14- to 15-year-olds at this time. I am disappoint.
I’m sorry.
He’s more phlegmatic about it than I am, though. I was excited for him.
Sorry Mojeaux. I was hoping for some good news for you.
Thanks. Minor setback, is all. Not his fault at all.
He is both much older and much younger than the calendar says he is.
celebrity 90th birthday today