Day 13 of house arrest…quarantine…whatever. Finding things to occupy my daytime hours is becoming scant. While my daily necessities are still in high enough supply, my cellmates are taking to watching Survivor again. There must be something out there to amuse me. Lets check out Facebook.
Okay. Thats mostly retarded.
This is my review of Primator Double Bock
“Hero” is perhaps a stretch when talking about the guy stocking the produce at the local supermarket, and that seems to be in style at the moment. Given thats how many of us, including me, got started professionally, I’m not about to knock it. In fact I’ll go to bat for the garbage man. That man hauling away your trash is definitely a hero. In spite of the sentiment, nearly all the jobs there will be eventually replaced by an AI. Even the cop? Especially the cop! The trouble is preventing it from turning into a surveillance state.
Consider this scenario of a routine traffic stop gone wrong. Here the cops attempted to stop a vehicle speeding, who reacted to the police pursuit by fleeing, resulting in a car wreck. The suspects then fled the scene when the cops noticed the driver had a shotgun. Which then escalated into a shootout, with the cops claiming began when the driver shot at them. Eventually, a citizen with a CCW made a hit on the driver who fled once again, and tried to hide away…it ended when yet another citizen apprehended the driver.
The passenger is still at large and don’t worry, none of the police were harmed…
It is fair to argue this whole thing could have been prevented by the suspects following traffic laws which meant the cops had no reason to pursue. The reverse of that argument is had two guys not show up armed, in a semi-armored vehicle with an easy means of coordination between other similarly armed individuals to issue a traffic citation, perhaps the suspects wouldn’t be so paranoid?
Given the majority of crime is property crime and even most violent crimes never being enforced while the crime is in progress, a human cop to file the report can probably be replaced by the victim filing via a web portal. Because the response time in some localities can be long enough for a cop to literally show up late enough to the scene and everyone including the victim being gone, the real engineering problem lies in stopping crimes in progress against a victim unwilling or unable to defend themselves. The above scenario began as a traffic citation. Photo radar and red light cameras are a common enough where I live, but I hate them, so lets have traffic enforced by a system of drones. Go too fast, one records the license plate and the location and mail the citation to an address on file, just make them few enough in number and program it so its presence doesn’t impede the flow of traffic. I’m not terribly worried about the 5-10 MPH over the limit driver (I’ll admit I’m that guy), its the guy going 95 in a residential neighborhood. Besides, with self driving cars becoming more of a reality that might eventually solve itself.

For a real crime? Lets say a few of these drones has a single counter measure built in. 1 in 20 has a measure to safely stop a vehicle. 1 in 3 has a less than lethal means to stop a person, like a taser. Apprehend long enough for a driverless cruiser to pick them up. The suspect won’t get in the cruiser? Record the suspect’s face, determine the identity (if possible) and file an arrest warrant to be enforced by a more…effective means later on. The idea is to prevent the situation from escalating into yet another quagmire.
For example, 911 is called for a robbery at a convenience store, these drones would then scour the area for a suspect matching the description. Program them not to deploy the counter measure unless a number of qualifications are met. Even then, being less than lethal lowers the stakes as does enforcement not being a person, because killing a drone will never equal killing a cop. How would they know which is the right guy? That I cannot answer intelligently, after all human cops can find probable cause in a nearly infinite number of scenarios. Putting a series of well known go/no go rules in place seems like a way to cut down on unnecessary collateral damage ensuing from poor decision making from the blue line crowd.
There will certainly be a few bugs to work out, but I’m sure one of the nerds here can come up with a better idea. Overall its a system that sounds expensive enough only the government is dumb enough to buy it.
While I had high expectations for this one, most doppelbocks are malt heavy but somewhat balanced by using a number of malts to keep it from being too sweet. This is not one of those. While it pours like engine oil and has a pleasant mouthfeel, this one is sort of like a drinking a Dr. Pepper reduction. Primator Double Bock: 2.8/5
“Hero” is perhaps a stretch when talking about the guy stocking the produce at the local supermarket, and that seems to be in style at the moment. Given thats how many of us, including me, got started professionally, I’m not about to knock it.
I got started doing that too. I wasn’t a hero. “In style”? Fuck. I would like a return to normality.
In fact I’ll go to bat for the garbage man. That man hauling away your trash is definitely a hero.
I was the garbage man for the dorms when I was an undergrad. Nope, not a hero.
For example, 911 is called for a robbery at a convenience store, these drones would then scour the area for a suspect matching the description. Program them not to deploy the counter measure unless a number of qualifications are met. Even then, being less than lethal lowers the stakes as does enforcement not being a person, because killing a drone will never equal killing a cop.
Using drones to help apprehend robbers is intriguing. If they see use, shooting them will be treated the same as shooting a cop just like what happens with police dogs in come jurisdictions.
While I had high expectations for this one, most doppelbocks are malt heavy but somewhat balanced by using a number of malts to keep it from being too sweet. This is not one of those. While it pours like engine oil and has a pleasant mouthfeel, this one is sort of like a drinking a Dr. Pepper reduction. Primator Double Bock: 2.8/5
Yuck. I guess I’ll pass. I like Czech beer, but this does not sound good.
“shooting them will be treated the same as shooting a cop”
He had a name
Blue Line Corp. Model X260?
Old Blue. He had my back during the 2030 riots that ended the great 10 year Quarantine.
Now I have to go look at Melinda Dillon nude pics. I can’t get through a whole thread without fap material presenting itself.
His name is Robert Paulson.
I was the garbage man for the dorms when I was an undergrad. Nope, not a hero.
You sir, have my respect. All those empty beer cans, razor blades, and used condoms…. *shudders*
I’ll take respect. Thanks.
I don’t remember many used condoms or razor blades. Lots of empty and partially empty booze containers, vomit, and for the women’s dorms not so sanitary women.
You want Robocops, this is what may transpire.
Sorry, very NSFW in case any of you are still doing that office thingy.
I like Doppelbocks but sickenly sweet doesn’t sound good.
I’m at “work” although with the Governor running healthcare I’m not doing much. Just geared up for a COVID surgery, with spacesuits and triple gloves, just for the patient to refuse last minute. Oh well. This killing time is killing me.
That was…interesting.
Thats enough internet for today…
“How would they know which is the right guy?”
Is he black?
Speaking about beer …
Donation Not Taxation on March 26, 2020 at 7:11 pm
Idea 2 fix public perception
Can you believe that worthless asshole in the meme? I mean…. delivering Miller Lite? What scum!
Dude, he is delivering High Life. That’s the Champagne of Beers there. Hero.
The stuff is more flavorful on the way out.
It’s not my jam at all, but if I am at an event with ice cold coolers of every American industrial beer, that is likely the one I’m mostly grabbing out of.
Agreed. Miller>Coors>Pabst>Bud
Impeccable taste E. I’d pick the same order.
I’m a firm believer in the theory that relatively few people are temperamentally suited for law enforcement. The key to a workable system is to maximise the number of “natural” cops on the beat, while minimising the number of roided up goons/petty tyrants/panic-firing cowards/etc. And the way to do that is to drastically reduce the number of laws, while allowing for plenty of self defense.
Which is to say, do exactly the opposite of what we do now. (It’s not that complicated, truly – the Peelian Principles were formulated in the 1820s, for fuck’s sake.)
maximise the number of “natural” cops on the beat, while minimising the number of roided up goons/petty tyrants/panic-firing cowards/etc.
I think you may have a different definition of “natural” cops than most police departments.
I look at it this way: Who, if they were disappeared today, would you notice their absence most quickly?
Electric guys
Water guys
Garbage guys
You would notice immediately.
Mayor? Lawyers? Cops? You might never notice their absence.
I don’t have an electric guy. I have a smart meter.
Electricity, without it we go directly into pandemonium. Even water we can source locally with the correct filters and ability to boil.
But society breaks down almost immediately without electricity (and fuel)
Yes, you can source water locally but how much time and energy would be spent every day just acquiring the most basic of necessities? The overall productivity of our society would be greatly reduced.
“you can source water locally”
Maybe you can.
Actually, and unusually for Tucson, there is a pond a half mile away. And I’ve got the filter for it. So it would just be the hauling, and I’ve got two five gallon water “jerry” cans. So I could.
Mayor? Lawyers? Cops? You might never notice their absence. – in big cities with no guns you would miss cops
There is a way to fix that.
I have seen far, far less cops in this big city over the past weeks and I have been driving and working in every part of it. It doesn’t worry me personally much as I have in sourced our defense.
No,then what at you would be missing was your own gun.
Thanks to all the stress of the last couple of weeks, I’ve been able to drink beer and not gain weight. So that’s a plus.
I’ll save my weekly report for the GlibFit tomorrow, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised this week
Double Bock – bleah
libertarians for police drones is a new one 🙂
Im just trying to improve a shitty situation.
The problem with the hero meme is that it only looks at the last person in line. Ie., truck drivers aren’t dispatching themselves or repairing the trucks (not to pick on truck drivers).
so you are saying cam girls are the real heroes?
Go long on Chaturbate stock
Indeed. We’re at a place in time when simple, honest work suddenly becomes “heroic.”
Well, for a wide variety of the chattering class, they really are. Ask you average HR rep about how to fix an internet connection (outside wiring) or get he AC to blow more than hot air and all you will get are blank stares. But that guy comes in and replaces a fuse on the blower motor side or pins something causing hall efect in the cat5 and they are a true hero.
Those things are literal panty droppers.
I am not a big fan of the word hero. The truth is our society works the way it does because we have, overall, a very good work ethic. That extends from the grocery store stocker to heavy equipment operators to doctors and engineers. It includes all of us…or most of us anyway.
Pretty sure the great majority of commenters here know who those exceptions are.
Hero’s are people who do heroic things. Putting on a uniform is not heroic. Putting your own life in grave mortal danger to save someone you don’t even know would certainly count.
A guy I respect once said that if you have a hero, look again; you’ve diminished yourself in some way. Kind of agree with that thought.
That train guy that died helping others qualifies in my book.
Yes. Seconded.
Heroism requires doing the right thing in the face of sacrifice (or at least high risk of sacrifice), and not just inconvenience cloaked as sacrifice. Certainly not simply performing your duties as normal.
Not disagreeing with you, guys. I think his idea was that people sometimes look up to others they consider heroes because they believe themselves incapable of doing what their heroes did. I grant you that folks like Hank Aaron, Dave Brubeck and Albert Einstein performed things that the average human couldn’t dream of. This doesn’t make the average person less than their ‘heroes’ are.
One of the people I respect was a short, slight Ohio kid who was deaf and had poor eyesight. He was an NG during War 2 who, among other things, asked to be demoted to private because he felt he was unfitted for command because of progressive deafness. He died on New Georgia.
His name was Rodger Young. And he was just an average guy.
So he solved the trolley problem?
I thought you kant do that.
OT speaking of heroes and with risk of assdrugs
King of Thailand rents entire hotel for self-isolation harem
King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand has rented out every single room of a hotel in Germany so he can self-isolate with his harem of 20 women and his servants.
King with a harem? Great work if you can get it.
It’s good to be the king.
I bet not.
One is all I can handle. I cant imagine 20.
that is because you care about the one.
It’s actually to hide the fact that he’s HIV-positive.
OT: Watched the movie Platform on Netflix <>
Intriguing premise. The ending sucked–Obviously.
The film is set in a large, tower-style prison where the inmates are fed by means of a platform that gradually descends the levels of the tower, ostensibly a fair system if each inmate takes only his or her fair share of food, but deeply inequitable in practice as inmates at the top levels have the ability to take much more food and leave less for those below
Crude Marxist propaganda?
I’ve seen the preview at least three or more times, and my impression is “Marxist propaganda “. Pass.
Hey man..they had to choose btw saving a small child and panna cotta desert. I was routing for the desert.
Probably…but I didn’t appreciate that aspect while watching. Some of the food preparations were quite impressive and elegant. And i was interested in the connection/interaction between how cell mates at different levels.
Ok. I like food porn. Maybe I’ll watch it. Watched “Anna and the Apocalypse” on Amazon Prime just now. Funny and cute for a Christmas/zombie/musical.
Now we’re watching “The Black Forest”.
If you like the food porn route, did you ever watch the Hannibal series? I believe it’s on Amazon Prime now as well.
Oh yes. Very excellent acting. And definitely food porn.
Since the Gov now recognizes ammo and gun stores as life sustaining, I’ll be traveling to my range tomorrow. I need to keep my self safe.
I would be doing this one way or the other.
“Hero” is perhaps a stretch when talking about the guy stocking the produce at the local supermarket, and that seems to be in style at the moment.
Perhaps we should be calling everybody heroes, rather than reserving it for people who do government-sector work. I’m reminded of the old Budweiser “Real Men of Genius” ad campaign, which before 9/11 was “Real American Heroes”. But after 9/11, you could pretty much only call police/firefighters/military “heroes”. Would that we can finally get away from that attitude.
That same attitude is why I rail the point of boring the rest of you against the term “first responders”, since it generally seems to get used in the sense of wanting to define a class of people the user wants to give extra rights to.
They also aren’t first responders. They are second responders. When my family member gets injured or has a heart attack, I’m the one doing chest compression while on speakerphone to 911. If a guy breaks into my house, I’m the one trying to protect myself and my family.
Haha, great picture. Surprised I haven’t seen that one yet.
I thought it was great. So funny that I showed it to my wife…bad move. I’ve been working on her, but she is still in the “Cops are only doing their jobs” camp.
So was Eichmann
“Cops are only doing their jobs“
Precisely why they aren’t heroes unless/until they actually do something heroic.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have a dark horse entrant in the “who can come up with the most oppressive response” competition, 2020 edition,
Whyizzit that my mind turns to things like tar, feathers and rails?
Mine turns to lining the roads with crosses, but I guess we could try the softer opttion first.
I was going with defenestration.
Softy. I was thinking stakes, Vlad the Impaler style.
The Howard County commissioners can go fuck themselves.
Of course it’s not fair. That’s what happens when you start picking winners and losers. Assholes.
Because people can’t drive to the next county and shop there.
Not after the roadblocks go up. And if they still are defiant, we’ll lock them in their homes like the Chicoms did.
Mike S gets it.
So by picking the winners and losers, they show they’re just punishing us and dishing out favors. Why ban jewelry purchases? Is that really a major means of transmission?
Their default isn’t “do we have to shutter this?”, it’s “can er shutter this?”
I knew it was just a matter of time.
No arts and crafts, Bitter Assholes…….
/time for Golf, Cheers!
Right. Schools closed, families locked up at home. Sales of toys and games “not essential.”
toys/games, carpet/rugs/flooring, nonemergency appliances, music/books/magazines, craft and art supplies, paint, and entertainment electronic
You, serf! You’re supposed to stay inside your hovel and contemplate your wickedness for as long as we tell you. No distractions.
So when does Toto pull the curtain, and will Dorothy say something or will she cover her eyes?
IN a different timeline, “Mike DeWine, county commissioner”
I plan on committing all my property crime with drones myself, so I’ll include anti-popo-drone countermeasures. Probably just a 20mm cannon to start, followed by guided missiles for those longer range shots. Of course, the police drones will counter with their own missiles, requiring me to implement defensive countermeasures, probably chaff, flare, jamming. It would probably also behoove my drones to work in pairs, for mutual support, one to execute the property crime, while the other watches and is prepared to intercept the popo drones. Datalink technology between cooperative flights will provide situational awareness and increase the efficiency of property crime execution. At this point the popo will probably start defending likely property crime target areas with surface to air munitions, requiring my crime drones to be able to detect hostile launches to defeat said attacks either kinematically or with countermeasures. Kinematic defense will require a high degree of maneuverability, so I’ll design future crime drones to be capable of extremely high speeds, wing loadings and vectored thrust.
Beware the property crime industrial complex!
*places order with Acme for Acquisition Drone Model 4*
Wouldn’t it be easier to just train a falcon to attack the police drones?
Not easier, but a better long-term solution.
Butlerian jihad comin’ soon.
Every time I look at one of those LE, Military or Security drones I immediately think how to best, most easily disable it. Spray paint, etc, to blind the sensors, but that requires getting close. Fire is always good — fries sensors and electronics. Twine, netting, etc to foul axles and rotors. Dropping an anvil on it.
I hear the ACME company supplies anvils as well as a variety of explosives.
I remember the halcyon days of last summer when flamethrower drones patrolled the skies.
Report from the Fresh Market – week 3 (I think).
Foot traffic about normal. More pasta on the shelf. A sign at the meat counter limiting purchases of ground beef, chicken, etc. to 5lbs each. Not unreasonable.
The big change was the store was rearranged to promote social distancing, along with signs and floor tape.
Three people were seen wearing face masks. Two of them were older, I get it, but the guy didn’t have the bottom fastened down. Dude, I think you’re doing it wrong.
One middle aged woman pulled down her face mask to make a phone call. Lady, I think you’re doing it wrong too.
Reminds me of the chick two weeks ago that was wearing nitrile gloves. While drinking her latte and chatting close to the store employee.
Gloves and masks are charms against illness, just like the fascinum back in the day.
“Flying Penis Amulet”
Band name? Or album ?
I saw the same thing with the masks the last time I was in the grocery. Cargo cult behavior.
Watching people who deal with food and medical care it is obvious to me that an awful lot of people either 1)Dont believe, 2)dont understand or 3)dont care about germ theory.
I even had a college grad (humanities) tell me once that we dont really know if germs are real because we cant see them. *head desk*
Damn you.
Great song. I knew I could count on one of you lot to link it.
People just don’t get respirators. I worked in the nuclear industry in the 90s and the number of respirators I’ve seen with holes cut in them so people could smoke in airborne contamination areas would surprise you.
Maybe the mask makes him feel less vulnerable which is something I guess but it isn’t doing much good with a hole in it. Intelligent Asian stereotype busted…
Third week here and the Kroger was again extra busy at opening time, plenty of food, meats,eggs,frozen veggies, everything except of course the one thing I particularly wanted, inspired by Neph’s tales of sourdough starter-ing I wanted some whole wheat flour, no dice, plenty of AP, but no WW. Also I didn’t need any but checked and this is the first week there was no TP on the shelf.
Are they designating their first business hour as seniors/at-risk only? My local Krogers be doing that.
Yes but only Mon-Thrs. Interestingly I just took a non essential trip to the ‘ghetto’ Kroger to see if they had WWF and no dice but the place wasn’t as busy as I’d expect. I think ‘ll have to invert my avoid-the crowd-strategy and start going at night right before close.
Talk to someone and ask when they’ll get their next shipment in, and remember that it may take them several hours after that to get the product on the shelves.
So back from the corona improvement warehouse. Pretty light for a Saturday morning, but it was still kind of early. Got my door trim molding and since I was already there, I picked up a couple of rhodies and some hummingbird nectar.
Seems like no matter what anyone’s inner thoughts, nearly everyone was trying to be respectful towards the other person as far as distance and personal space.
We have that here too but as I have pointed out before everyone here is packing so we are a more than usual polite to one another.
That whole ‘armed society is a polite society’ isn’t just a bumper sticker.
Not everyone here, but enough to make rando stick ups somewhat dicey for the criminal. I am seeing several open carries. Oh, and a rifle in the window rack of a pickup when coming home. Haven’t seen that in twenty years or more. Everyone has theirs cased and out of sight.
Rifle racks in pickups were everywhere when I was a mere Arizona youth. Heck, when I was teaching in Bozeman in the mid-90’s it was still the norm. Even on campus and at the high school loaded racks were common in the fall. It is sad to think they are unusual.
I remember them when I was a kid in PA. It was practice that died out around the 90s from what I remember.
Rhodie is a colloquial term typically applied to a white Zimbabwean – females i assume?
*thinks of harem full of Clare Careys*
No, just rhododendrons.
/runs google image search on Clare Carey.
Hmm… I could go for both.
I filled a hole in my wall with concrete. I’m letting it cure before I do the stucco. I was pretty proud since I’ve never done concrete work before and all my wife could say is “it needs to be sanded flat”. Thanks for the hot tip. ?
Make your own nectar! Easy, cheap, better for the cute little jerks.
This is an antique safe from France with a special lock mechanism
*gets dynamite*
Hope their White Flag is easier to get to. They probably all just keep one in their pocket.
Apparently “#TrumpGenocide” is trending on Twitter.
Thanks for the review, señor! Sorry it sucked.
Cops are a tricky question for me, as a count many of them among family and friends. In theory, they are simply part of a functioning community. The challenge of course, is that they have become slaves of the city managers and politicians. Add in the bizarre state of the criminal justice system and the warrior bullshit and you’ve destroyed what could be a decent and necessary job.
Replacing them with machines without a complete overhaul of the system is pointless. My BIL is a retired cop and by all accounts one of the great ones. He said flat out that there are simply too many laws that they are expected to enforce, simply for the fines. And yet, property crimes with actual loss aren’t even prosecuted. It’s fucked up.
I hear ya. I too have relatives that are cops and in my meatspace social circle.
Restricting International travel was one thing almost all Reps and Dems agreed on. I’m guessing Shikha was one of the 5%:)
A good start would be getting rid of victimless “crimes”. That’d eliminate about 3/4 of the laws on the books and free up the AI cops to focus on things that actually matter.
Also, if the prisons were unburdened with those who are in for victimless crimes, the staff might actually have time to prevent 8th Amendment violations like prison rape.
Soon there will only be cockroaches and feral dogs left to vote for Democrats.
And no lessons were learned.
What makes you they won’t keep voting after they’ve left?
I’m kind of shocked at the number of common sense rule suspending being done. Now if only people could connect the dots and realize many/most aren’t needed outside of a crisis either.
What was stopping people from accessing them before?
“Absent today’s waiver from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau, the massive increase in conference calls made by American consumers using Zoom and WebEx to work and attend classes from home during the COVID-19 pandemic would likely result in Inteliquent being deemed an “access-stimulating” carrier under the FCC’s rules. This, in turn, would trigger financial responsibilities—namely significant cost increases—for Inteliquent that would impede its ability to serve these conference calling companies.”
To think we live in a world where the term “access-stimulating carrier” is considered a coherent phrase.
In fairness, it’s due to telecom regulations and how government regulates compensation between carriers. Small carriers can, and have, artificially pumped up call volumes in order to extract money from other carriers.
Fuck. Yeah.
Twitter harassment worked.
Time for plastic bags.
My buddy in Sisters just said the state pretty much shut down every potential outdoor destination. What do you need gas for?
Still have other stuff to do, like regular groceries and work life, for the time being.
Your buddy must be loving this, unless he’s impacted by this. Drove through Sisters last week and there was almost nobody and much much less traffic. Had to actually watch my speedometer instead of just following behind the line of cars. Slightly exaggerated, but there were almost more state DOT trucks on the pass than private cars and it wasn’t even a snow storm.
I know, I was just kidding.
No, he hates it. He is an avid and accomplished mountain biker and all the trailheads are shut down.
Oh yeah, I understand why he’d be pissed.
Just got back from a beer run to downtown Cleveland. It was creepy. Pretty much everything is shut down, almost no traffic, very few people on the streets. Stopped at a Target on the way home, it was picked over and they’ve put limits in place as to what you can purchase. Entertainingly enough, they were out of dried pasta, with the exception of the chickpea pasta. Even in the end times, people still have lines they won’t cross.
I noticed that the fake meat products were fully stocked.
Go figure.
Fake meat will bring about the rise of the cows!
That was great! “Fine, give me the fucking burger.”
That’s interesting. In my local supermarkets the fake meat products are almost totally out of stock.
I was able to get spinach pasta. Luckily for me, I’ll eat anything.
I’ve got pasta on hand (and flour, eggs, and salt), I was just looking around to see what they were out of. The jarred sauces were almost out, but canned tomatoes were still well stocked. At the one brewery there were a couple other people waiting for some pizzas to go, no six foot gap between them, complaining about places refilling growlers (county board of health asked places to only sell new growlers, and not refill ones brought in).
I’ve been finding the more suburban locations to be better stocked, but you sometimes have to go far out, to the point where you can’t see the next stoplight down the road.
Fire sale on deli salads here: $2/lb.
Went shopping this morning. Target is mostly restocked except there was almost no rice, dried beans, or canned veggies on the shelves and there are no paper products at all yet.
I want to see TP on the shelves just to know that the population is coming back to their senses.
“I want to see TP on the shelves just to know that the population is coming back to their senses.”
Adventure in lock down.
The local phamacy won’t let cusomers in the door. Call ahead with your order and they’ll bring it out to you. Small town and they know all their customers by name – no big deal.
Go by to get my wife’s meds and there’s a small crowd on the sidewalk in front of the place waiting for their turn. Small town so they’re all in a group chatting.
Not sure what I hate more – waiting in line or chatting – so I just keep driving.
Cloudy but warming up so I’ll go for a bike ride. Our commie govener has benevolently ALLOWED “outdoor activities”.
Remember, cycling is a form of transportation. Unlike, say, tennis.
We’re here in the upper 50’s today, but rain all weekend. Cycling has been approved, and cycling stores have been deemed essential. One of the local ones is keeping the doors locked though. You have to knock and drop off your bike, or see if you’re allowed inside. They’ve also suspended all of their bike rentals.
Well, the only positives from this shitshow is that I am getting done some put off projects. Got the Willys Jeep back up and running last week after 8 months or so taken apart. It’s running nicely, starting up better than ever really. Now just got a new cartridge put on the turntable and aligned and weighted properly. Got Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions playing. It’s an Ortofon 2M Red cart and it sounds fantastic.
Wold Dogging Final
Fun! Makes me wonder if most dog parks are closed. If so, poor doggos!
They are here, both the public and private ones. But more folks are home and walking their dogs around the neighborhood.
My local dog park is closed. Apparently it is impossible to stay six feet from the next person in a park. I hate politicians.
Same here, but the dog parks are more like cage matches when there’s people and they do get crowded.
I thought of something else when I saw “dogging”, but this was much better.
My Meijer had absolutely no flour, but plenty of sugar. This also includes bisquick and other baking mixes.
I was gonna make biscuits and gravy tomorrow, so I thought, fine Ill get some grands in a tube. Absolutely NO refrigerated biscuits. WTF ? Also no TP, but otherwise well-stocked.
Someone keeps buying all the damn frozen spinach, too.
First, PornHub. Now, UK medical fetish company donates entire stock of disposable scrubs to NHS.
These are the heros we need.
New York banned plastic shopping bags at most stores, like grocery stores.
Now? Plastic bags are back! Thanks, CoVid19!
Theory: Big Oil is behind both the virus and virus hoax.
Yeah, that was confusing at both Target and supermarket yesterday. Asked if I needed bags (no) then said they couldn’t use mine and were giving away the 10¢ ones. Whatever.
I believe plastic bags are only “back” in the sense that the State is not yet punishing stores who use them. They are not available at any store around me except that one liquor store I visited yesterday is still using them.
Several of the grocery stores here in Cleveland have banned the reusable bags for the duration. Single use plastic bags were banned January first, but enforcement was delayed for 6 months. A couple stores had already gotten rid of the bags, so now they are selling paper bags.
So if you don’t care to pay, no bags?
At a couple locations, that’s the current plan. They’re charging $.10/bag, so it’s not that terrible a price.
I’m not paying 5 cents a bag, period. I’d just shop somewhere else; there are plenty of options, at least for now.
The county enacted the ban, but certain cities have passed laws banning the bans. So it’s a city by city thing, and a store by store thing.
In Massachusetts reusable bags are now banned. Stores are required to provide single-use paper or plastic bags for free. A complete turnaround.
Which environmental group is the most freaked out?
I don’t like the ban any more when it had my preferred outcome. Ban the bans, let the stores provide the services to their customers they believe will get them the most customers.
+ $.05
Interesting how much of the government action is actually rolling back regulations that they put in place to begin with.
You see, a store employee won’t use your bag, but you can use your bag. But also you can use our plastic bags.
Makes sense!
The Alarming Scope of the President’s Emergency Powers
Totally fine for her preferred politicians. Totally bad for the meanie currently in power. And once again, no lessons are learned.
I used to try to tell people during the Obama years, “I know you like what he’s doing, but you should be concerned about the damage being done to civil liberties. Obama won’t be the president forever, and someone very bad will be in that office at some point. Maybe not the next time, or the one after that, but sometime in the future, we’re going to end up with someone really bad in there. Do you want to set this precedent that the chief executive can just do whatever he wants?”
I guess the “really bad president” happened sooner than I expected (not that I think Trump is the worst ever, but they do).
Have any of their minds changed?
“with the flick of his pen”
Plus, I hear the president also has a ‘phone.
Trump says he is considering imposing a quarantine on New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut
How fun!
It’s long past time to treat Escape From New York as an instruction manual.
“stay at home orders could last as long as nine months”
WTF??!! What, exactly, does he think the state will look like at the end of 9 months or stay at home?
If this extends past April, and there isn’t widespread civil disobedience, I will lose all remaining respect for my fellow Americans.
I’ve already lost a lot of respect for the general American public when I realized that there’s more bitching about Trump not being authoritarian enough rather than the civil liberties violations that are occurring.
Most people think that rights are just nice little extras that apply when everything is totally peaceful and safe. The second something bad happens (or, when the media says that something is bad) they’ll happily toss their rights out the window.
That mindset is how we ended up with the Japanese-American internment and the PATRIOT Act.
Yeah. The fact there’s people calling the cops on “non-compliant” businesses now helps me to understand how people decided to go along with the [insert oppressive regime of choice].
I spoke with the state ag’s office just the other day! Narcs!
What’s the point of an Enabling Act, if you just give up power in a couple of days?
Great. However, a few years too late to save the rest of the country from the prog infestation… wait, wrong virus. /NJ resident
China just lifted the quarantine in Hubei Province – people immediately went out and beat the fuck out of the police.
9 Months from now? People would celebrate Christmas by hunting politicians for sport.
Won’t take that long. I never thought I’d see the day that the folks up here would ignore “POLICE LINE – DO NOT CROSS” signs in the local county parks. People walking and jogging everywhere in defiance of the local authorities, right here in prog central. People are already fed up.
Heh – Out here in Republican Warren County they don’t bother with that crap. During some budget “crisis” they “closed” the state parks near here. People just parked along the street and walked around the locked gates.
I love it out there. In my HS days, we spent a few nights at Sunfish Pond, good times. Still trying to figure out who “E. Garvey” was.
Police also don’t want to interact with people, especially people just walking in a park.
Here that would require the cops to get out of their cars and walk/hike. They’ll leave that to the rangers.
Part of my jogging route goes past the courthouse/jail complex downtown, and some of the deputies I see around there are so fat that the grip of the gun is covered up by their gut. They’re almost concealed carrying.
I have nothing at all against fat people (your body, your choice) but if you have to lift up your fat to draw your gun, you have no business being in any kind of law enforcement role.
I dunno, sounds safer, fewer police shootings right?
Also, think you spot fat people easier when jogging?
Kind of getting overlooked in there, but there’s police on police action going on. Sort of like how some provinces intercepted supplies destined for other provinces several weeks ago.
Yeah – I was watching the video trying to figure out what was going on. Kind of sounds as if New York State cops showed up in a PA town and the locals took exception.
In a clip published by the Huanggang city government, which administers Huangmei, the county’s Communist Party chief Ma Yanzhou could be heard speaking to people through a loud hailer, warning them that by gathering in a large group they were increasing their chances of contracting the virus.
Wait.. didn’t he get memo from Beijing that it’s been defeated in China, and the only sources of infection are coming from overseas now?
I’ve been chastised by my email buddies for not shitting my pants hard enough.
“We will let you out in November so you can vote for me for President on the Democrat ticket.”
From ‘way up there:
Wouldn’t it be easier to just train a falcon to attack the police drones?
Why would you waste a perfectly good falcon? Use flocks of hate birds. Nobody cares what happens to them.
Fucking hate bird was on my jogging path yesterday morning. I could tell he was agitated and he started coming at me. I sprinted around him and past him. Don’t need that bullshit in my life. Fucking hate birds…
Some sort of laser-directed hate-bird-flock deployment system?
It’s kind of a chilly dreary day. I have been sitting around watching vintage (mid ’80s) rally footage on youtube.
Here, too. I got a walk in, but that may turn out to be my most productive hour of the day.
Raining here. No walk for me. 🙁
My grocery store was just a bit busy this morning. I wasn’t getting a full order but some very specific things.
I had a hankering for buckwheat pancakes and sausages. No buckwheat flour but I was able to get a 2lb bag of buckwheat powdered pancake mix.
Stir fry beef. Meat was in large supply.
My wife is baking bread, so she needs more yeast. No small packets as they are a restaurant supply. So I have 1 lb of dried yeast.
That’s a whole lot of yeast. She hasn’t jumped on the sourdough trend?
No doubt. I’m going to have to vac pack it. She wants to make sourdough. No starter yet, she want to make some.
If the beer I’ve got fermenting in the basement wasn’t due to get a big pile of dry hops tossed into it, I might have reused the yeast for bread (and offered the cups of slurry to friends/family).
“I will have… the mashed yeast.”
Is it me, or has Bill DeBlasio aged about 10years over the past two weeks?
But what if a president, backed into a corner and facing electoral defeat or impeachment, were to declare an emergency for the sake of holding on to power? In that scenario, our laws and institutions might not save us from a presidential power grab. They might be what takes us down.
As we all know, the President is invested with superpowers during the inauguration. It’s foolish to think anyone could refuse to obey plainly illegal orders.
Bullshit. This isn’t an AI, this is an actual recording of Bill on Epstein’s Island.
People would celebrate Christmas by hunting politicians for sport.
I’m all a-tingle, just thinking about it.
Totally OT, but kinda need to vent. Woke up to a phone call from my mother this morning. I knew something was wrong from the sound of her voice. Turns out my cousin – honestly my favorite relative – killed himself last night. He was, in some ways, like a big brother to me. He lived with us one summer when I was about 8, so he could get his Texas driver’s license (my uncle was stationed in Maine with the Air Force, but was retiring shortly after that, and they didn’t want to deal with changing over that quickly). He also got me started playing tabletop games (Kingmaker was his favorite), and took me to a few gaming conventions back in the late 80s.
This sucks.
I am so sorry, man. Terrible news.
I’m sorry to hear that man.
Good Lord. I am so sorry. Because of All This?
Don’t answer if you don’t feel up to details.
No, I’m pretty sure it had to do with other personal/family pressures that he’s been dealing with for a while. Sadly, he never let anyone know the stress he was under, as far as I can tell.
I’m very sorry. Losing somebody like that is particularly tough – been there unfortunately. Finding a local support group and meeting with them can be a help.
Agreed. sucks.
My condolences. That’s terrible.
That sucks, man. Was he a Cleveland Browns fan?
My condolences.
I’m sorry to hear that. Sometimes people hold things inside and nobody else has a clue until it’s too late. My condolences.
I am so sorry to hear that.
I’m sorry.
So sorry. My condolences.
Drake’s advice is good.
I call it the club nobody wanted to join.
That’s terrible news. My condolences.
Unreconstructed: I don’t know if it would help, or would make it worse, but Steam has a 2018 version of Kingmaker available.
That’s awful. My condolences.
Fourscore on March 28, 2020 at 8:50 am
“Staying drunk for two weeks is no way to go through life, Grandpa”
“OK, OK, I get it” Under my breath, “Little Snot Nose”
I’m trying to come up with a snappier response about how it was a way to get through life without killing said snot nose, in the same “go through life” phrasing though.
Sober people. How I pity them.
May I suggest this?
‘problem lies in stopping crimes in progress against a victim unwilling or unable to defend themselves’
MS, the flaw in your solution is that when the LEOs get the money for drones, that is not the priority for the ‘problem’ for which drones are the solution.
Right now, #1 seems to be Wuhan fever enforcement, but recent past:
‘orthomosaic maps’ ‘highly frequented locations in cities, such as malls and schools’
‘allows investigators to look back over a crime scene in detail, even after they’ve left’
‘what the damage looks like on the ground following a flood, storm, earthquake, or other major disaster’
‘ find missing or lost people’
‘visualizing the magnitude of the accident and its impact on traffic flow’
‘investigating possible bomb threats remotely, without putting officers in harm’s way’
‘collect samples of potentially hazardous materials’
Right now, #1 seems to be Wuhan fever enforcement,
Not really. I don’t live in such a city.
How are you not dead? / prog
I’m trying to come up with a snappier response about how it was a way to get through life without killing said snot nose, in the same “go through life” phrasing though.
“if you live to be my age, maybe you’ll understand.
Practicing psychiatry without a license
For his entire adult life, and for his entire presidency, Donald Trump has created his own alternate reality, complete with his own alternate set of facts. He has shown himself to be erratic, impulsive, narcissistic, vindictive, cruel, mendacious, and devoid of empathy. None of that is new.
But we’re now entering the most dangerous phase of the Trump presidency. The pain and hardship that the United States is only beginning to experience stem from a crisis that the president is utterly unsuited to deal with, either intellectually or temperamentally. When things were going relatively well, the nation could more easily absorb the costs of Trump’s psychological and moral distortions and disfigurements. But those days are behind us. The coronavirus pandemic has created the conditions that can catalyze a destructive set of responses from an individual with Trump’s characterological defects and disordered personality.
But we need to consider something else, which is that the coronavirus pandemic may lead to a rapid and even more worrisome psychological and emotional deterioration in the commander in chief. This is not a certainty, but it’s a possibility we need to be prepared for.
Here’s how this might play out; to some extent, it already has.
Let’s start with what we know. Someone with Trump’s psychological makeup, when faced with facts and events that are unpleasant, that he perceives as a threat to his self-image and public standing, simply denies them. We saw that repeatedly during the early part of the pandemic, when the president was giving false reassurance and spreading false information one day after another.
After listening to the president’s nearly-two-hour briefing on Monday—in which, among other things, Trump declared, “If it were up to the doctors, they may say … ‘Let’s shut down the entire world.’ … This could create a much bigger problem than the problem that you start off with”—a former White House adviser who has worked on past pandemics told me, “This fool will bring the death of thousands needlessly. We have mobilized as a country to shut things down for a time, despite the difficulty. We can work our way back to a semblance of normality if we hold out and let the health system make it through the worst of it.” He added, “But now our own president is undoing all that work and preaching recklessness. Rather than lead us in taking on a difficult challenge, he is dragging us toward failure and suffering. Beyond belief.”
“My mother? Lemme tell you about my mother.”
Wow. The powers of projection are strong with this one..:
What is the Goldwater Rule, Alex?
“Don’t eat the yellow snow?”
(Does anyone else here remember AuH2O from the other place? I liked him.)
Wasn’t he the one that married another reason commentator? If so, TPTB still keep in touch with them.
“We can work our way back to a semblance of normality”
Well, there’s an encouraging thought.
These rants always remind me of a borderline personality disorder. A BPD usually starts out liking someone and that someone is the greatest thing since sliced bread. They go overboard with it. Then that person does something to displease the BPD and BAM! everything gets turned on its head. Suddenly that person is Satan incarnate and the hatred begins to grow on itself until it becomes a frenzy of vitriol, bile and hate.
These can be the smallest things that ordinary people barely pay attention to. If you set one off you may not even remember what you did.
That is what this TDS looks like to me.
Why do they make me want to like Trump so badly? I don’t want to like Trump. Please, progs, stop wanting to make me like Trump.
So very much this.
Steal a Twitter idea: Post the Playboy cover from your birth month
Hubba hubba
My dad might have that one in his stash. I will check next time I’m out there.
I’m not telling you guys when I was born.
Playboy magazine and I were both born in December of 1953.
March 1960
M. Monroe was on the cover, without covers
Playmate. NSFW.
Fun fact- this one lived in my small town for a bit. I knew the guy that delivered her Dayton Daily News.
Not bad.
But what happens to Trump psychologically and emotionally when things don’t turn around in the time period he wants? What happens if the tricks that have allowed him to walk away from scandal after scandal don’t work quite so well, if the doors of escape are bolted shut, and if it dawns on even some of his supporters—people who will watch family members, friends, and neighbors contract the disease, some number of whom will die—that no matter what Trump says, he can’t alter this epidemiological reality?
All of this would likely enrage him, and feed his paranoia.
As the health-care and economic crises worsen, Trump’s hallmarks will be even more fully on display. The president will create new scapegoats. He’ll blame governors for whatever bad news befalls their states. He’ll berate reporters who ask questions that portray him in a less-than-favorable light. He’ll demand even more cultlike coverage from outlets such as Fox News. Because he doesn’t tolerate relationships that are characterized by disagreement or absence of obeisance, before long we’ll see key people removed or silenced when they try to counter a Trump-centered narrative. He’ll try to find shiny objects to divert our attention from his failures.
It’s pretty obvious SOMEBODY needs to be under a physician’s care and close supervision, but it ain’t President Cartoon Villain.
Blah blah blah. This shit is beyond tiresome.
Trump is president. He is going to be re-elected, probably in a landslide. Get over it assholes. You forced that pinko moron Obumbles on the country for 8 years, now it is your turn to eat shit.
270 to 200 is a landslide ?
Who got the other 68 electoral votes?
it’s a left-brain right-brain thing: obviously, math wasn’t involved the past two minutes
I still want to know what a landslide is:
is it 338-200 ?
Depends on if “your guy” lost or not.
I dont think we have held the election yet.
probably in a landslide
I just want to understand what you are asserting. There’s a lot of this boasty/subjective talk on Glibs, but I’m a numbers guy, so I need a little help.
You will have them in November. Right now he is polling high and is quite popular. On the other hand….my god….look who is running against him.
I had this conversation with myself on here a month ago.
Yeah, the “landslide” descriptor is kind of an interesting one, at least for presidential elections. It most usually, I think, shows up in the EC numbers. But vote percentages are, in terms of numbers, more interesting. It’s very rare for the winning candidate to break 60% in a contested election (so, discounting ones like 1792 and 1820).
Hoover in 1928 got 58%, about what Roosevelt got 4 years later. The only ones with +60 were FDR in 1932, LBJ in 1964 and Nixon in 1972. I don’t know what that says overall, but national vote totals are usually around 53/47 even with an EC landslide (and, yes, I know the EC mitigates against some people voting, but who knows how those numbers would go).
Trump said… We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College
I think a true landslide is pretty close to impossible now. There are a hard core of electoral votes each side pretty much cannot lose and the election is all about the middle chunk. Trump isn’t winning New York, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and several others. Team R has a similar, possibly larger in number but smaller in electoral votes, solid block. We aren’t seeing a replay of 84 no matter what.
With the Kung Flu, I’m gonna call NJ in play.
No, I have not done any drugs today.
Yes. I said it months ago. I stand by it.
FTA. NJ has 35,000 cops (WTF?). 700 are in in quarenteen. Two Per Cent. Big Whoop. I’ll be more call in “sick” every day.
Diarrhea kills 1.8 million a year.
Where’s my diarrhea check?
Finally someone speaking up for the little guy.
You think the ChiCom virus run on TP was bad, imagine a national outbreak of cholera and dysentery.
Diarrhea Planet
Ford to Use Seat Ventilation Fans From F-150 to Make
Do they come already smelling of beer and ass?
Would you rather inhale a little ass or would you rather choke to death?
I was wondering if this was standard or an optional extra.
The fans and other components that are capable of keeping your backside cool
might come from Visteon, the Ford heat exchange spin-off, or they might come from Valeo, Mahle (Behr), Denso, or somebody like that. Mainstream Ford will have very little to do with designing or building blowers because they haven’t done it for years because no OEM has done it for years.
If there is any 3D work, it’s for adapters in the very short run. The capacity to make the current fan is well over a million per year, so no wizbang desktop toy will have much to do with that (notice the weasel words marketing made them wedge in there: a large scale of components, whateverthef**kthatmeans).
Fun fact: Sheldon Road (where Ford HVAC was originally built) was one of the very few Ford plants not named for the city it’s in because it’s in Plymouth Township, MI.
Conor McGregor wants Ireland to mobilize the military and begin 24-hour patrols. He also told Irish folks stranded abroad to “to make the current locations their home, saying: “You are doing your country an incredible deed by staying put.””
So more Irish Americans are made?
If they are staying with their cousins.
I keep hearing that nonsense. Mobilize the military. We always have that magic bullet, dont we? Because the military is immune t this virus and wont fall ill in great numbers and become dysfunctional. Let’s get ’em all out there roaming around as much as possible.
Seriously…mobilize them to do what? 24 hour patrols for….? What the hell is he talking about?
He’s talking! That’s interesting!
Force people to stay home I think. Remember, there are people in Britain who think others hiking on remote trails or walking their dogs are a threat to the whole country.
Even though BBC, celeb is talking Republic of Ireland.
Note for Ted S.: Yes, Northern Ireland (not Republic) is part of UK, but not part of Britain. Republic is not part of either.
Have not talked to celebrity in question, but will guess …
A law passed during the ‘crisis’ gives sweeping power to detain, restrict travel, and so on.
Despite the law and an SIP, still have incidents including but not necessarily limited to:
man and a woman who coughed into face of Minister for Health, then fled while laughing
father and son on video spitting on two gardaí on duty
Celebrities. Is there anything they don’t know?
Yes – reality
Hollywoo Stars & Celebrities, What do they know? Do they know things? Lets Find Out!
/insert Bojack Horseman bit here
I do hope you all knew I was quoting Homer Simpson.
For sure
Shouldn’t he be busy getting choked out?
What a pussy.
Fuck you, Conor the Cunte.
I do not care what that CTE-addled twat thinks.
Just made these Apple Fritters. They were delish.
I would be your neighbor, if you lived next door. I like apple fritters.
Drizzle some honey on the fritters. Better than a glaze, right?
Estimated deaths from influenza last year were 34,200. I’ll be pretty surprised if CV even hits that.
I am a CZ fanboi, so I think either would be an excellent choice. I also wonder if maybe you meant to say you were deciding between the PCR and the P-01, not the SP-01?
The PCR is a lightweight version of the CZ 75B Compact, with a decocker. As such is it an excellent choice for concealed carry. And everyone who has one loves it. The P-01 is very similar, with a tad more bulk because it has an accessory rail dustover. I thin it weighs like a half ounce more because of that. So if you’re not goung to mount a light/laser, get the one you think looks better and/or is cheapest.
If you did really mean the SP-01, you’re talking about a very different type of gun. It’s a steel-framed pistol weighing 50% more than the PCR/P-01 and having an inch longer barrel. It’s also the platform that launched a thousand competition pistols. The SP-01 has the 2nd gen CZ75 ergonomics (as opposed to the original on the PCR/P-01). My Shadow 2 is basically a SP-01 with a higher undercut and more checkering. Many people run SP-01s in competition with minimal modification, and I’m planning on getting one for IDPA. So the SP-01 will be less pleasant to carry concealed, but it’s also a more “do everything” pistol, and has a lot ore potential upgrades available if you’re into that sort of thing.
I see you whippersnapper’s conversations about guns and I think….geez. Alll of my guns are relics and antiques. Then I remember, oh yeah, so am I.
The CZ 75 is 45 years old. Not all that newfangled 🙂
I never paid much attention to CZ
To be fair, they were on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain for a while.
You might like one of these
And somewhat based on the Hi Power which is even older, if I’m not mistaken.
52 years older.
I really want the PCR, but I’m tempted (once my self-imposed spending moratorium ends), to just say fuck it and get the old-school full size. I love carrying the Shield, even with fewer bullets, but i wouldn’t mind having a full size for my bedside gun.
Silicone Saturday draws you in, then destroys you.
14 for Tres. 52 for me.
Made a quick run to Albertson’s, where I hardly ever go. The shelves were surprisingly bare, compared to my last trip to my regular store, but the Bozeman news last night had a report about a run on grocery stores yesterday because of the lockdown order going into effect. Good work, dummy. Just as things were beginning to settle down, you incite the mob to flock back to the stores en masse.
I don’t know how the crowd compared to a “normal” Saturday afternoon, but the store definitely wasn’t empty. Bloody scofflaws, out trying to act as if the world is not ending.
I was shopping locally, gas $1.40, eggs, large, $4.99. Liquor store appeared well stocked but since I don’t partake it doesn’t matter but when I did relax back in the day it didn’t matter too much what was available, I was flexible.
We get $25 million, you get unemployment.
The Kennedys have money, right? Let them bail it out.
Their money all goes to the Betty Ford Center.
Only if you can get through to the unemployment office.
The girlfriend still hasn’t been able to.
President Rutter went on a media blitz …she would forego her $1.2 million salary
Nice work if you can find it, this is why I claim it’s all a joke, and we’re (those that actually believe in an honest wage for honest work) giant suckers. Tell your kids- get involved in politics/government early and play the game, grab as much pretend money as you can and ride gravy train ’til the house of cards comes crashing down. Everyone’s going to suffer when that SHTF but you may as well live well while you can, virtue ain’t much of a reward.
Yeah, but to reap those rewards you have to spend all your time hanging out with politicians and lobbyists and similar grifters.
The rattlesnakes you have to deal with in. that world….no thanks.
I went to the grocery store today. Plenty of fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy. There were canned beans, big bags of rice and plenty of bottled water. Flour was gone except for a few bags of self-rising flour, and no yeast. No paper products and few cleaning supplies. I wasn’t looking to buy, just to see what was there.
Bottled water is back and available at the local stores. There were several conversations today at the breweries about what’s out of stock (or limited) near people. One of the brewers commented that Costco had to limit flour purchases per person, then said he doesn’t even use flour, but felt like he should buy some.
Leaving the front lines of the grocery wars. I’ll be honest. I felt like I was doing some good, working for Instacart. Well, my partner, and love of my life, came down with symptoms. As a result, I’m legally quarantined.
Fuck. I’ll live with it, but I feel like I’m letting folks down.
Sorry to hear that man. Good health to the both of you.
Good luck to y’all.
I hope everything is OK, dude.
What symptoms, by the way?
Sorry Gbob.
I bought a b&w laser printer a tidge over a year ago. I hated it because it couldn’t see my computer. I barely used it and my stupid 150-year-old inkject’s scan quality is better than that laser.
I needed it this week and it still wouldn’t see from my computer, so I said fuck that. Today, I took it back to Best Buy expecting to be offered a replacement, and prepared to pay more for a NICE laser printer even though I don’t NEED one because I CAN use it, and I’ve sunk that cost anyway.
Well, Best Buy is not letting anyone in the stores and their employees can’t touch the product. I pull up and say, “Return. Complicated.” He said, “We can handle it here.” Ohhhkay, like to see how you do that on a >1 year old return.
This is how you do that: “We don’t care. Not gonna bother with an exchange. Here’s your money back.”
What brand of printer?
Brother, but it was a really cheap one.
I had an idea and needed a cheap printer for a specific purpose. It would have been a very good idea had I been able to go through with it, but I was not (not related to the printer). So the point became moot, but with everything going on, dealing with it was kind of an afterthought and only when I barely needed it. My husband and I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get it to see my computer and yesterday was the last straw.
Ironically, I had the same problem with a HP. I bought a Brother this week and it works well.
My inkjet is a Brother and it’s been lovely all these years and I’ve been getting cheap knock-off ink the whole time, too.
My husband won an HP and it doesn’t wake up when the computers wake up, so it’s practically useless.
My son has an Epson. Sort of. It doesn’t work at all for any functions because it wants new ink before it’ll scan and he can’t afford the ink.
I’ve had a good history with Brother home laser printers. But I don’t think they’re perfect, and lemons will happen.
As for mine, I had to change the toner and some other part of the assembly broke off. I couldn’t find where it went, so I figured the printer was toast. But it still prints, and takes paper from both sources. So I don’t know what that part was for, but it must not be that vital.