Any rules when it’s an open post?
If this is your first open post, you must post.
Clothing optional.
I have worn pants for three days in a row. I feel like I’m failing at this whole lockdown thing.
So where’s my beefcake “1st” GIF??
Here you go
Or is this more to your liking?
::ponders how to explain figurative concept of “beefcake” to UCS. Throws hands in air with sigh of resignation::
::starts to crave actual cake, dammit::
Mission accomplished 😀
::now craves Cheesy Poofs::
Did you have dinner yet?
On Sunday, we usually do a biggish brunch – waffles & sausage patties – and just nosh for dinner. I’m nibbling at another bowl of Sam’s Club red-skinned potato salad – one of my favorite “comfort foods.”
Yeah, I saw this one after I posted the first one.
Tundra to the rescue!
::plants virtual kiss on (facial) cheek::
Where are those fingers going, tho?
Oh, you know…
They are pointing up to Heaven, where that poor goose is at rest
Oh, my!
I have a feeling I’m not their type! ; )
Here you are.
Doxxing yourself, eh?
I have no appetite. ?
Rulez? We don’t need no stinking rulez!
STEVE SMITH will remove the CEL from INCEL, I think.
The IN part will remain.
nice av
Get a
roomden.Howdy glibs. Sorry I missed the Night Shift, Diggy! I was awake and didn’t even think to check in.
A bunch of us also had a grand time in a Zoom chat that Nephilium set up. He’s talking about doing another one Friday during “happy hour” (exact time unknown, but he’s US EDT.) If that works with your schedule, you should check it out.
It kinda killed Digby’s Glibs post, but it was fun as hell.
^This! Friday night should be a good time, but since Sunday evening tends to be an Open Post, doing one then wouldn’t step on anyone’s toes.
Damn man. I already apologized to Digby about killing his post.
I do still have to work tomorrow, so doing it tonight would be a bad idea. As I mentioned earlier, Friday seems like a good idea.
I also may have to test if I can just leave a meeting open without hosting it.
Don’t sweat it. We all share the blame for that, and Digby was cool with it.
I’d put most if the blame on the guy who kept telling everyone who posted a comment on Digby’s post to click on Neph’s link. That’s the jerk I’d blame.
Or the jerks who blindly followed that jerks pleas.
::hangs head::
Sorry Diggy…..?
Neph, I promise I’ll have a mic for the next one. The Mister may also have a webcam, but I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
You do you.
There’s always the option to dial in, or just listen in to us drunken assholes.
/now reads several posters comments in their voice.
You weren’t using a voice modulator? Ha, ha!
Heck, we have a shit-ton of mics, so that’s easy. I may even ask the Mister to dig around his audio gear to see if we can run my voice through an Eartha Kitt filter. (Or insert sexy-voiced chick of your choice here.)
The girlfriend has been saying she wants to join now. I had to point out that the mic I was using would pick her up sitting behind me regardless, and putting on a new headset and joining would just lead to terrible echoes.
Neph, are you sure she’s ready for us??
GT: She’s been with me for a decade. If that’s a sign about my issues or hers is something I’d save for another
day</del<year.Stevie Nicks?
I have purely personal reasons for having an aversion to Stevie – I was once fired from a band and replaced with a drum machine and chick who was obsessed with Stevie Nicks (and who did, indeed, sing kinda like Stevie – if Stevie had a sinus infection.) My sweetest revenge was that after that, the band well and truly sucked and folded up their tent within six months.
Sorry to hear that GT.
But, damn, SN singing Gypsy is like a musical seduction to me.
It’s all good – it all worked out for the best, and that was almost twenty years ago. Before they fired me, we used to do Leather & Lace.
My voice is a bit low to really do Stevie’s songs justice. My range is closer to Chrissie Hynde’s.
Stevie who?
blackjack – From what I know, she’s always struck me as the sanest one of the bunch. (Low bar?)
Hellz yea that sounds awesome. Already had to install Zoom for meetings.
I finally watched that link you posted to the Zoom chat. That was a good song and a good performance.
Thank you! : )
You’re welcome!
I can’t Zoom, as I’ve forgotten my Apple password. ☹️ I do have Skype.
Is that really required? I didn’t have it before, and I just downloaded whatever Neph’s link led to & jumped right in. Of course, I’m on a PC.
Easy install here & I am on a Mac.
Same. Just got done with a call with my family.
I think so. You have install Zoom’s ap.
I did it all on my phone and it was quite easy; apparently, my fancy, cheap bluetooth headphones have a mic. I don’t have a mic or camera attached to my PC.
Christening of my offset smoker today. Babyback Ribs. 25-35 mph winds with 50 mph gusts. Wife says they were best ribs she ever had:) Success.
I asked in the other thread, but which smoker?
Oklahoma Joe combo. Has Charcoal grill with smoke box and also gas grill.
This one
Nice looking, would you recommend? any issues, does it seem well built etc… I already told my scrap guy to haul off my worn out Brinkman so I’m definitely in the new grill market the year.
Yeah, it’s very sturdy. I had one issue when I bought it. The handle on the smokebox had a crooked offset making it impossible to bolt on. They sent one within two weeks maybe sooner. I did put high temp silicone around all of the seams, especially where the firebox connects to the smoke box. Pretty tight. Lids only smoke leak point. I had bought some insulating strips for those but was waiting to see if I needed them. Looks like I do:) it’s a nice set up though.
Cool, thanks. I watched the video on their site, am I right in that the charcoal side has no mechanism for adjusting the height of the coals?
That’s correct, although depending on how much food you had, you could cook very low in the firebox and higher in the smokebox.
Pics of the ribs? I wanna see that smoke ring!
Everything’s put away:) Maybe tomorrow.
Nice, my neighbor just bought one like that. I’m in the same boat as The Hype as my burn box just burned through on a brinkmann, apparently a burn-through warranty can’t be used when they went bankrupt, who knew?
One good thing to come out of the ChiComVirus pandemic is 24/7 coverage has driven lots of other stories off the news. For instance, no more coverage of tributes to Joe Altobelli, his wife and daughter, and the six other people who perished in the Los Angeles helicopter crash. Joe Biden and his family’s hi-jinks are also out of the news. I have no idea what Jesse Smollett is up to.
On the other hand, the Philly “Inquirer” today gave a half page book review to Greta and parents’ book by tying the CCV pandemic into the immediate need to stem the destruction of earth.
On the other hand, the Philly “Inquirer” today gave a half page book review to Greta and parents’ book by tying the CCV pandemic into the immediate need to stem the destruction of earth.
That made me eye roll so hard I think I gave myself a headache.
Credit where it’s due: the lunatic fringe of the left (which now the entire left) is always. on. message.
I’m not sure about that. They post plenty of intersectional bullshit. Some of them are making an effort to shoehorn it into the pandemic. That’s when it gets noticed.
I just knew the ‘rona and climate change would become an item.
Lunatic Fringe
Was not disappointed
the Philly “Inquirer”
Back when I lived in the Philly area, we called it the Stinky Inky.
I’m still waiting on that whiskey sour recipe…
Pour two fingers of whiskey in a rocks glass. Add 1 ice cube from Hello Kitty ice tray. Open bag of Sour Patch kids. Enjoy.
/soul dies.
Shit–for a minute, I thought you two was twins!
Buy can. Open.
Well, canned cocktails are becoming a thing here in the states.
Why not? There are some decent ones out there.
I will never stand between someone and their alcohol. I’ll just mock their delivery choice.
/Stares at White claw
Well, that’ll never work.
/pops open can, downs tasty beverage.
Last Summer, the stores around here couldn’t keep canned wine and canned cocktails in stock fast enough to keep up with demand. They were very popular at the beach.
Something something no glass allowed at beaches, pools, etc….
The recipe is in the name — whiskey and sour mix.
Or is that the joke?
Properly done you make your own simple syrup and yada yada yada…
Yeah, I make my own sour mix when I make electric lemonade in the summer.
Sure, although I’ve worked in some pretty fancy bars, and none of them did that.
I’ve never seen a proper margarita made at any bar. Fancy or not.
One of my favorite test cocktails.
Needs more sugar.
Sorry Count:
/kicks a rock
Sour mix? I’m not a trash person.
1/5 whiskey, 1/5 Calpico concentrate, over ice in highball glass, fill with soda water.
Joe Diffie disease claims it’s first (AFAIK) “star”.
Terence McNally died several days ago.
I stand by my original comment.
Just because you hadn’t heard of him doesn’t mean he wasn’t a star. I hadn’t heard of Joe Diffie until today.
Calm down, Ted. It was a joke. Besides, John Prine trumps them both.
And John has been hospitalized with Kung Flu.
I would be shocked if John Prine had the physical reserves to survive it.
Ah shit. I hadn’t heard that. That sucks.
Don’t pin your blues on me
*Pours a Vodka and Ginger Ale for him*
Applies flag decal to truck bumper
Nice article:
The Ballad of John Prine
Cool story. I didn’t realize he wrote “You Never Even Called Me by My Name”me By My Name”
how I think of Prine
signature tune: Paradise
best tune: Angel from Montgomery
Honorable Mentions:
Spanish Pipedream
Sam Stone
I couldn’t pick just two, but these are certainly two of my favs. Mostly because the first one was my introduction to Prine, and the second was from the first album of his that I bought.
Lake Marie
Picture Show
I take that back; Quit Hollerin’ At Me was my first Prine song.
It brings me back to LoRae, the kitchen wench, who introduced me to John Prine, Jerry Jeff Walker, and Jimmy Buffet. I mean I grew up country with a little Replacements mixed in. She was harsh, but she was fair. When I fucked up, she let me know. When I did well, she let me know. I washed her dishes with pride.
She made a damn fine pineapple upside-down cake.
Dog racing side of town.
Both great tunes, but because it’s the theme song of the OU RFC, Illegal Smile is still my favorite.
If’n you like John Prine, you might check out Todd Snyder:
He opened for John Prine on his latest tour.
I’ve been recently “discovering” him. I will be listening to a lot more this week.
Todd Snider is /was also in the band Hard Working Americans. The keyboard player from that band is his manager and lives in La Crosse, so he usually plays here a couple times a year. He’s a headliner one night at a 3 day hippy music festival I’ll be going to this summer. He puts on a fun show.
Haven’t followed Todd’s recent stuff, but this will always be his signature song as far as I’m concerned.
Hang in there, John! Another duet with Stevie can wait! : (
He ain’t gonna make it. There are a million notes to carry on his legend tho.
Mark Blum (the asshole boyfriend of Linda Kozlowski’s character in Crocodile Dundee, passed away from complications of the virus a few days ago.
He was in several other films, most notably Desperately Seeking Susan, and seemed to be well-known in New York drama circles.
I liked him. Why IS this hitting celebrities particularly hard (assuming it is)?
Travel and fan interaction are my first go-to’s. Beyond that, I would have no idea.
Oh man. Prop him up beside the juke box.
When I die, wouldja photoshop my fly shut for the obit ?
Damn, I read that order wrong.
I’ve been doing overhead medicine ball throws. It’s a nice triple extension exercise.
Anyway, here’s something weird and wonderful: The Secret Darker Art of Dr. Seuss
The sculptures he made out of horns and antlers are interesting.
The pics at 9:53 are my favorite. Very MC Escher.
His father’s rifle is on display at the Springfield Museum.
Classic Roast Battle
problem – sea lions crowd docks; causing damage and loss of revenue
solution 1 – chicken wire
solution 2 – flags
solution 3 – beach balls
solution 4 – robot killer whale
solution 5 – mechanic to fix engine of broken robot killer whale
#6 – grenades
Technically it’s not a taking.
Rhywun is this story getting any traction in NYC?
Wouldn’t know. I pay no attention to local media other than the Post and even there I’m sick of the 24/7 freakout.
Anyway, meh. Rock and a hard place. They were probably passing it around for days before they got tested.
Still waiting on that whiskey sour recipe…
There is no way to fuck up a whiskey sour. It’s like pizza, or sex, even when it’s bad…
His internet must be broken.
Incel Riot is better. I still haven’t played Virtual Signal.
Better link.
The Gary Oldman vehicle “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” is a tremendous movie.
I’d like to see the BBC miniseries.
It’s on YouTube bro
Awesome – thanks!
Alec Guinness is marvelous in that.
soft robot grows like vine
Blow air into plastic. Wow.
Can it be controlled over the internet? Could be useful for webchats.
The HM signal has been lit.
Event 201.
My God, it was Bill Gates all along.
Bill Gates, the neoliberals, and the neoconservatives have banned together to spread the coronavirus to destroy liberal-run American cities and take control of the world economy.
Considering that the rona is ravaging liberal population centers and countries with shit-tier socialized healthcare the most I doubt that it was released on purpose. If it were, that was an epic fail.
The main factor to me seems to be regions with lots of recent travel from China. Thus, northern Italy and NYC and Qom (? that city in Iran).
Plus Seattle
Travel, dense populations/close contact/more frequent interactions. Seeing origins in the US associated with UK/France variants.
I’ve joked about it before but how much does mass transit increase the spread? Being jammed in a bus, train or subway doesn’t sound very healthy.
No it doesn’t. Especially when no one wears a mask to keep their respiratory droplets from spraying all over. Can add in other interactions where people stand far too close in your personal space. And open plan offices and shared touchdown desks.
A pro-Trump friend of mine has been saying this stimulus bill is not-at-all Trumps fault because democrats are evil.
His position was that the dems had him in a corner with the rona, and knowing that the people would turn on him if he didn’t DO SOMETHING! ™ immediately they made him agree to this steaming pile of shit.
I know Trump is a big spender, always has been. Does his theory hold water?
He could have vetoed it and let both houses override.
Only if you have your tongue deep up Trump’s ass.
No it doesn’t. Trump is all in for money to businesses. See his statements about corn subsidies. He has always been an idiot with daddy gov handing out money.
No. Trump went ape-shit over Massie holding it up.
Yeah, I’ve tried to stand up for Trump here because I really do not want a democrat win, but this ‘stimulus’ crap is way up the scale of awful.
It was inevitable. At least he helped the GOP torpedo Nancy’s attempt to stuff another New Deal into it.
Maybe it was inevitable, and maybe trying to put on the brakes would have been political suicide, but it’s a serious stretch for my principles to accept it even so. The glee with which ‘our betters’ toss around our kids and grandkids future earnings disgusts me.
He could have tossed Massie a bone but Trump would rather insult an opponent. Bone: “I understand Massie’s position. Just weeks ago, Speaker Pelosi was saying the law applies to everyone. So Massie thinks the House rules should apply in this case too. Well, he’s right but this is a crisis and sometimes we have to overlook the fine points.”
Or, he could have just not tweeted about it at all (I know, god forbid).
There’s plenty of blame to go around, and he deserves some of it. He signed it, after all.
This is where I’m at.
Given that Keynesianism has been accepted by the ruling class as the true economic doctrine, the giant stimulus consisting of tax cuts and spending increases was inevitable. The range of acceptable solutions goes from more tax cuts (right-wing) to more spending (left-wing). Anything else is treated as quackery. Trump never claimed that he would break with this paradigm. He’s rather conventional in this regard.
Narcissism explains the random, ranging collection of Trump notions, assertions, and actions.
I won’t pretend that there are legions of examples, but principled folk have a consistency and arc to their lives. The only consistent factor explaining Trump is self-absorption; to the extent that is true, he’s happy to have, like his buildings, his name on anything. There’s a huge magnet under his compass, but, at the end of the day, it’s his compass, and if he wants to do a deal, a tremendous, huge deal for the sake of it being a Trump deal, well, what’s inside the packaging matters not a tinker’s damn.
Since it’s not the vector to success, this bill can’t be said to have made him do anything. Frankly, TDS^(-1) means that his legions would indeed let him off the hook if he shot a guy in the middle of 5th Avenue; his army’s confirmation bias are both his libido’s trampoline and his derriere’s armor.
What he must do is only one thing: find people in Kenosha who haven’t voted for him before who want to now at a rate higher than low-enthusiasm Democrats come off the 2016 sidelines. This is the only thing in politics that matters whatsoever and why you see my avatar twinkle when anyone suggests Harris or Warren as Biden’s VP.
I grew up in Kenosha. It’s pretty evenly split now between R vs D and Bears vs Packers.
I went to part of Jr. High and High School with Reince Priebus. In HS he was like a reincarnation of Alex P Keaton. Even as a sophomore he carried a briefcase every day and dressed in a suit or business casual. He was a happy go lucky guy and always spreading the Republican message. Now he seems to be a cynical, unhappy person. The quest for power seemed to take a toll on him.
We may have discussed this on here before, but Kenosha was our big destination during high school in the mid 1970s from the suburbs north of Chicago. Drinking age was 18 for everything, and drivers licenses didn’t have photos on them yet. A great memory is being 16 years old with a fake ID (they didn’t really care in Wisconsin anyway) going to a club called the Brat Stop in Kenosha, where an unknown local band named Cheap Trick played that night, and we talked with the band between sets, enjoying the guys and their music, but never dreaming what they’d become.
Very cool. I remember hearing that ZZ Top used to play there regularly when they were a smaller act.
The Brat Stop is still there. It’s huge. I think there’s 3 different bars and a couple bigger spaces for wedding receptions and conferences. I know they still have live music in one of the bars.
Wisconsin changed the drinking age to 19 when I was 15 and to 21 a year or two later, so didn’t really go to bars until after HS. Still never had a problem getting booze.
I probably shouldn’t do it after last night, but I’m enjoying a World Wide Stout tonight.
I’ve noticed that my beer shelf is much lighter after the past 48 hours. I may have to order some crowlers from a local for delivery tomorrow.
But how are you doing in the sourdough dept?
Got a loaf rising now, there’s over 12 waffles in the freezer.
Need some starter?
I’ve gone through a lot. I plan to scale back acquisitions.
I’m trying to avoid figuring out how much I’ve gone through over the past weekend.
All the cans from last night are still on my kitchen counter.
My sympathies.
I clean as I go. So seeing a large number of empty cans near the trash scared me.
I rinse cans out and set them out to dry. Sometime after they dry, I crush them and put them in a trash can. My plan is once the can fills up to find a recycling center in hopes of getting money for them.
That’s how I bought my second bicycle and my first car. Now days, recycling cans supplements my vodka habit.
All my cans from last night sold today, so I get to do it all over again.
A true hero would have a longer beard.
Hey Hyperbole? Ouch.
It’ll come in time.
A better review system than the NFL’s.
Is that from a movie?
No idea.
Needs moar chicken bones.
Proven Covid19 cure: Tonic water and zinc.
Zinc gluconate is the active ingredient in the Zicam swabs they banned in the US (you know, the ones that worked…) and it is a great cold remedy.
I keep it on hand.
Out of stock everywhere right now.
Come back zinc!
Must have been a Rohm revolver.
Why was Zicam banned?
Got out of the house today, went to the dispensary, went in the pool with the kid for 3 hours, picked up dinner, went for a walk. Now working. Later THC vape and sleep.
Why the fuck must the media make these press conferences about themselves? I mean, I know why. But still. Why?
I may be requesting asylum soon. In the US, not Cascadia, although it’s probably still a safer bet than the UK.
Stay well! We already lost Joe Diffie above.
I love Joe Diffie’s tunes. I sincerely hope someone has propped him up beside a juke box.
Have they issued the blue overalls yet?
Noylt yet, but there are now centrally-appointed regional taskforces led by “Gold Commanders”, and made up of various military personnel and govt apparatchiks.
Raises glass of
Victory Gintequila lime and soda towards JD.I know it’s nuts, and there is nothing I can do about it, but I’ve been sick worrying about whether I’m carrying the Kung Flu.
I was worries after I traveled for work. But no fever, no symptoms, live in a “hot spot” so…
/sees typo. Hurts soul
I don’t have symptoms either. Apparently you can have it without symptoms, or they can take a long time to show up.
It’s been two weeks. No fever, no cough, etc.
I worry after every time I go somewhere.
I’m not worried about me at all. I’m in my 40’s, relatively healthy, and have an immune system that’s deadly (literally, I went through an auto-immune disorder as a child).
I have to take care of my mom, so I’m mostly worried about giving to her.
Tonic water and zinc!
Also, stop worrying and wash your hands, you silly goose.
I was getting pretty worked up last week about it (I have asthma). I kept asking to be allowed to WFH, and they kept putting off a decision. (Turns out at least part of the reason for that delay was they were preparing for layoffs.) I would get all nervous anytime someone wanted to converse with me and insisted on doing it from 2 feet away. Over-reacting? Maybe? Just glad I get to WFH now. Of course, my wife works in a grocery store, so…
My dad used to work for 3M, and apparently found a stack of masks when the parents were getting ready to move to the new place. Need some?
I don’t know…do I? I can’t decide where the line is between prudent and panicked.
Do you meet a high risk criteria? Is it worth more to you to be able to kiss your wife then to live?
/tries to duck.
I’d think the virus would hit asthma sufferers harder than it hits the average person.
You can always buy your wife jewelry instead. (Ordered online, of course.)
Caption contest.
This is the best concert seating arrangement I’ve ever seen!
“Preparations Underway For Winston’s Mom’s Gangbang”
pallet of lube: check!
That’s what the forklift is for.
“The Sun Myung Moon Bridal Suite”
The AVN awards are going to be interesting.
We got a hell of a deal on these cots once the Boy Scouts folded!
Wasn’t that supposed to be –
“We got a hell of a deal on these cots the Boy Scouts folded once!”
Uh, For those of you who do have allergies, you can request a foam rubber pillow.
“The trade show was cancelled when all the companies realized they were going to debut the same exact product.”
::golf clap::
Pfft. Everyone knows that service is what sets companies apart.
Preparations for accommodating the delegates on the Democratic Convention floor; three way deadlock between Biden, Sanders and Cuomo expected.
We ran out of cells. Welcome to the gym.
Since we are going to die from the CCP Virus,
See You on the Other Side
Road to NowhereI guess we are on a
Or maybe a Nonstop to Nowhere
Anywhere’s Better than Here
There’s no way out of here.
Your music tastes are impeccable blackjack. As you posted above, Christine McVeigh > Stevie Nicks.
Thanks, man. You realize that means that you too have impeccable taste.
Good one.
‘The Hunt’ Makes Fun Of Deplorables And Libtards
I saw it. It wasn’t that good.
I turned it off less than halfway through without even knowing the political undertones. It was simply a bad movie.
I like action/horror and dark comedies and I loved it. Plus, the fight at the finale was reminiscent of Roddy Piper and Keith David (at least to me, or maybe because watching it made me want to watch They Live again, next).
It’s on my list. Not high on my list, but it’s there.
And I like Final Girl and Zombeavers… so
Heh. Final Girl is on my list!
It was a pretty good flick. I don’t think I’ll watch it again, but unlike most movies I watch now days I did enjoy watching it.
As it happens to be available on prime right now, and my husband is amenable, I’m off to compare my opinion to yours!
Zombeavers is probably the best deconstruction of horror movies to come out in many years.
/deletes a rant because he realizes he’s had too much beer tonight.
Come talk to me this weekend if you want uncensored thoughts.
Tucker and Dale would like a word with you.
They can wait <a href="https://www.glibertarians.com/2019/10/some-horror-movie-picks-for-halloween/"in line.
I stand by what I say. Zombeavers is the better deconstruction if you know the rules.
/kicks rock
I wouldn’t know, I didn’t even get through the first few minutes of Zombie Beavers because the film making was so bad I couldn’t stay on board for the writing.
A quick bit about it:
/spoilers for an old horror film, tap out if you care.
The slutty girl being the final girl, while the virginal girl was the first victim is a real change to the standard horror film rules.
Do you have a twatter? I could DM something you might find interesting.
I do not. My handle at the mail of google will get to me though.
Both Zombeavers and Tucker and Dale were very good.
I thought this was better than that Final Girl.
Loved Tucker and Dale, guess I’ll have to finally break down and watch Zombeavers, too.
Second liking the Hunt. I didn’t expect much as far as story, or, film-making, but, watching Betty Gilpin kick all sorts of ass was the payoff.
“Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Thursday that the petition came as many people worry the World Health Organization may have to change its name to the “Chinese Health Organization.” ”
“Taro Aso ?? After roasting WHO for reacting too slow, he says: “Taiwan has been the most successful in disease prevention this time precisely bc it’s kicked out of WHO. But I can’t call it a country, bc CCP will get angry and tell me to step down again””
He didn’t last very long as PM for saying stuff like that. He’s probably not wrong in this case.
CCP says Japanese Finance Minister is Aso.
That’s great. The second response is a change.org petition. I don’t think CCP gives a rat’s ass.
The Nightmare Artist – all heavy metal album cover art is a ripoff of this guy
whoa. Those are some dark paintings. Very cool.
All I want to do is enjoy the sun and drink on my porch, but no, some person has to call my boss and cause trouble for me by not fully explaining her (non)issue and then getting mad when I can’t fully answer the question.
In other news, Kirkland cab sav box wine gets a 7/10.
I’m old, I’m tired but mostly I’m irritated, about the the BS corona shit, as if it’s a phenomena that’s wiping out humanity as we know it. For a little perspective, there are 3 million deaths every year in the US. 3 million, that’s over 8k per day average, 8k every day, 7 days a week. Cause of death, here’s the top 12 with the numbers for 2019. Take that, Corona and my 2 trillion bucks. I want my money back
This whole thing is a nothing, a blip that barely registers. Nice politics though. We’re being saved, right into the poor house.
It’s insane. People are going batshit crazy.
*Yaps like a small dog and takes a bite out of a raw onion*
You are spot-on, as usual.
This is absurd.
“I want my Two (Trillion) dollars!”
It’s massive. Trump said he’d seen early estimates that 2.2 million people could have died if the government had done nothing in a worst-case scenario, so “if we can hold that down to 100,000” or less, it would be a “good job.”
We’re in good hands.Trump said he’d seen early estimates that 2.2 million people could have died if the government had done nothing in a worst-case scenario, so “if we can hold that down to 100,000” or less, it would be a “good job.”
Those are the stats he’s being fed and it’ll be interesting to see where the final tally turns out. It’d be nice to see an alternative analysis done with the data they used for their model using different assumptions once this is all over. Ultimately though, no politician wants to be the guy that underestimated the effects of a disease working it’s way through the population so they’ll always go with the worst case scenario.
The two million number has already been retracted by the person who issued it.
Did they revise that based on the original assumptions (in which case they seriously fucked up) or did they use new assumptions i.e. closing businesses, social distancing, etc? If that’s the case, if you take the model at face value that’s an argument for the measures working as long as the real world outcome resembles the predicted outcome.
The original assumptions changed. Specifically, they underestimated how contagious it is and how many people already had it.
Other models are being utilized at this point – this aligns with official government models, but is independent:
Either way, not a worthwhile price to pay.
I am furious. The economy is largely shut down because we will have as many deaths as a bad flu season.
They present the worst case numbers to keep everyone scared and obedient. There will also be more stories about younger people having severe cases of CCPV and of course deaths. At no time will percentages be given out unless they are scary.
What was he gonna do? Be the only world leader not to set his own hair on fire ( assuming that’s his own hair!) He really had no choice here. If he did nothing and nobody died, they’d call him out for risking it. If he did nothing and everybody died… you know. If he freaked the fuck out (he did) and nobody died, they’ll say it was a success. If everybody dies anyway, they’ll say ” just think what would have happened if we had done nothing!”
This is the last thing he wanted, but he seems to be working it as well as anyone would’ve. Obama would’ve parlayed it into dog knows how many government takeovers, even at this early stage.
What an orator. The classiest.
he’s no Hitler
/ ends that debate once and for all
There’s a great Stossel bit where he criticizes alarmist reports about things like crime, pollution, etc. It turns the thing that shortens your life more than anything else is being poor. Smoking is a distant second.
The two often go together.
*checks account balance, lights cigarette*
I’ve found that holding a cigar is a good way to feel like a supervillain. There aren’t too many things you can buy a gas station for $4 that can do that.
I don’t smoke, but I like the way they smell.
Back in the day I smoked, and enjoyed cigars. I somehow doubt me enjoying a cigar once a month was as terrible as smoking a pack a day.
Now work considers any nicotine use to be equivelent.
I smoke a cigar (Acid Blondie) once a year at deer camp.
*fills out life insurance appiication truthfully*
*gets denied coverage due to smoking*
Dafuq you filling our insirance forms truthfully?!
filling OUT insurance*
Because they say filling it out untruthfully will deny claims.
I am a fool.
My work has annual test for nicotine. That’s all they test for. My opinions about this testing would probably not be friendly to people.
Mm, pipe tobacco.
^So much this!!
Many governments are doing their best to ensure that one leads to the other.
It’s for your own good.
Just bring on the zombie apocalypse already. Let’s make this shit entertaining.
635,000 died last year from heart disease so if heart disease could be totally prevented those people would have been spared. Indeed they could have been spared of death by heart disease but all will die from something else. There still would have been 3 million died, only some would be a little older perhaps but at least they wouldn’t have died from heart disease.
Is stupidity taught or is it inherent?
“Is stupidity taught or is it inherent?”
I think it’s more that scared people can’t think straight. Same deal for other intense emotions.
“Nude woman ignores coronavirus warnings to straddle ‘Charging Bull’ ”
the drugs fell out of her . . . . what?
The drugs fell out of the bronze bull’s ass. It was a miracle.
*angels sing*
It’s like a cross between Lady Godiva and Slim Pickens.
::wild applause::
well played, sir
[grateful bow]
I try.
actual rock song title: Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell
A metal statue in NYC in March. That seat must have been cold!
There are a few bad ideas in there that I think are too young to be there. I’ll take the other bad ideas.
26, 36
Frustrated Fiscal Conservatives Try Reverse Psychology
WASHINGTON DC – “Great, spend it all! Why can’t we make the stimulus even bigger?”, said Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). “C’mon, Chuck. We all know you’re too chicken to cut spending. Bockbockbock buh-gock!” An official with Senator Schumer’s office responded that Schumer’s dad can beat up Paul’s dad.
Brilliant! I laughed!
[grateful bow]
I prefer to have at least 4 or 5 punchlines per story, but I couldn’t think of any more.
I think your training is complete grasshopper.
We all know he is a BB plant.
The mask. It slipped.
I couldn’t find an Instagram account for any of them, they couldn’t have been that famous.
What the hell is instagram?
I’m young and I don’t know how this shit works, as far I can tell from my friends showing me shit on that site you use it to look at weed and buttcheeks.
You got it!
I don’t know, but that’s what fellow millennials talk about.
I think I’m the only person under thirty on this planet who eschews “social” media. I do my livin’ in the mortal plane.
This is Instagram
wasting time with Excel
y = -0.0003x + 0.0254
y = percentage of CV19 cases who have died in a state
x = percentage of those voting for Trump in 2016 in a state
R^2 = 0.23
Your avatar would make a great t-shirt. Just add the words “I love guns and rich people.” Liberal heads would explode if that shirt was worn to a Bernie rally or any other leftist event.
Haha. That’s funny. Would buy.
I wish it weren’t so busy and you could see
* the tiger emoji where my orange tristar normally is
* the three earrings
All that comes through is the nasty hair and mustache
And it is fucking frightening
I’ll take my chances. This is fucking ridiculous.
See you in the camps!
Hey Tundra – I’ve been trying to catch up with you. I saw your query to me about pull-ups a couple days back. So I wrote up a submission to the site with a bunch of info about pull-ups combined with the new stuff I found out about recently. Keep an eye out for it if you’re interested.
Thanks, brother! I’ll be looking for it.
It never ceases to amaze me how solid You People are!
“YOU people?” / feigned indignation
Well fuck. The COVID-19/Coronavirus is real. My mom just called me to talk.
The last time she called me to talk was when she decided to tell me she had to get a pacemaker put in.
/families all good. Parents are both healthy
My mom just started texting the last year or so. It’s very confusing. She texts random things that happen and I don’t know if I’m supposed to respond or if shes just letting me know about this thing I don’t care about.
my dad texts like Trump tweets: it’s totally unhinged
I’m not your Dad!
My sister deals with my parents much differently then me. She gets upset when there’s little contact. I consider it business as usual.
I’d be freaked out beyond speech if my mom were to call me over this.
She’s been dead for 12+ years, so that may have something to do with it…
The Granson and I plowed through 31 holes today, and then decided to go swimming again in search of my Lost Disc, out to a temporary island and into the current, there it was, Deegan dives in and grabs it, just Because, truly a miracle find
That’s a helluva a find!
I went kayaking today and sank. Does that count?
Yes, it does, I sank an unsinkable Catamaran once, imagine Stan Marsh?
Like sit on top or skirt required kayak sinking? There is a story there!
Was it because you loaded it full of guns?
“If a man loses anything and goes back and looks carefully for it, he will find it.”
Sitting Bull
Lizzy is right.
That’s not what happened in Easy rider.
When i shot it into the River, the water was up, 2 hours later, it had receded, but not enough,
Today, same story, but lower and earlier, so we could go out further, it was great fun, and saved me 15$ as well
Here’s why I think incompetence caused the outbreak:
Plasma Economy (Chinese: 血浆经济) was a 1991-1995 plasmapheresis campaign by the Henan provincial government in China, in which blood plasma was extracted in exchange for money. The campaign attracted 3 million donors, most of whom lived in rural China, and it is estimated at least 40% of the blood donors subsequently contracted HIV.[1]
The Plasma Economy campaign boomed due to demand by biotech companies, and became a lucrative source of income for middlemen. The campaign had low health and safety standards, and lacked proper sterilization procedures; needles, blood bags, and other equipment in contact with blood were often recycled and reused. It is estimated that by 2003, over 1.2 million people had contracted AIDS in Henan Province alone.[
In plasmapheresis, blood plasma is taken from donors, while the remaining blood constituents such as red blood cells are returned to the donor. The blood plasma is then sold to pharmaceutical companies to produce blood-based products. As a cost-cutting measure, some stations mixed several bloods in the same centrifuge, resulting in large-scale blood contamination.[2] As a result, by 1995, such stations were shut down in Henan province, while blood collection was restricted by area, although demand for blood plasma still remained strong.
The impact of the Plasma Economy campaign had a long-lasting effect. It is estimated that by 1999, the Caixian County in Henan had 43% of its blood donors being infected with AIDS,[2] while in the village of Wenlou, over 65% of its residents had contracted HIV.[3]
“That’s racist!!”
/MSM progtard
Stop calling it the Chinese AIDS!
I forgot to mention that the CCP’s response to this disaster was to pretend it never happened.
It is a story based on the blood sales in rural Henan province that sparked a major AIDS crisis in China. After the first edition sold out, it was banned—no more copies can be printed in China. Yan Lianke has stated in interviews that the book could have been better if he had not been self-censoring himself to ensure it could be published.
“If only we could be China for a day!” – Tom Friedman, idiot
I really believe there is a significant percentage of supposedly educated Chinese who either do not understand or refuse to believe there are bacteria and viruses which cause illness in humans. I expect they still believe in “Chi” – essentially the same as “humors” or “vapors” in medieval Europe.
This is why I never got a Chi a pet. Demonic things.
“while in the village of Wenlou, over 65% of its residents had contracted HIV”
I think I’m gonna use my Trump Bucks to build a new PC. The rig I have now I built like 8 years ago, it still specs out for most things I need to run, but it’s getting out there. And twice in the last year (second time was today) I had it not recognize a HDD on reboot and had to move to a different SATA port on the board. I wanted to buy some new cameras, but I can’t do no editing if my computer won’t boot.
I’m buying a Steinhart watch and a new 12 gauge. Keep having boating accidents.
The ETA 2824-2 comes in different grades
OOOOOH Yeah, Great call, mine sucks, minimal gaming
how do they since the feeds for these online concerts ?
They since it when they done it?
Are you looking for nerds or geeks?
Damn. Shimura Ken died.
Was he married to Japanese Barbie?
Japanese Barbie is called “Licca chan”. He’s probably the most famous comedian in Japan. I’m truly bummed out.
Me too. Just saw it.
Another for those not familiar with his work
Six days. Wow.
Can the Japanese even get a Chinese Virus? asking for a Korean friend………..
Wow. Sorry to hear that. This is hitting home.
Sure is. I’ve binge watched Drifters for years.
Ozy, since my husband was sent home with pay, I set him to proofreading. He’s kinda freaking out about your tale.
Here ya go Mo. This is for when you write the your bestselling novel.
Dayum. That’s awesome.
USONIAN!!! *squeeeeeeeeeee*
Yup, I love that aesthetic as well. That wood is amazing.
Well, if those are limestone walls…
*looks at picture*
What walls? That house has no walls.
I submit this because ya all been linking some bummer music and that song has always lifted my spirits.
I’ll see your gospel happy music and raise you this bit of happiness.
Uuh, ya no.
When ya hawt, ya hawt
Jerry Reed was a pretty decent guitarist.
Youtube served up this next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xovw2_nMRo
Mr. GT once said, “Jerry Reed is the only man in Nashville who could get away with calling Chet Atkins ‘Son.'”
And BB King. (3:34 mark of the link Kinnath beat me with) ^
::grins:: Good catch!
Good night all. Aiming for a Friday night happy hour, if there’s interest.
Definite interest, thanks! Good night!
Yes! A Friday night happy hour would be great!
Sign me up
Webcam, too. Jugsy may show her…
..huge tracts of land!
Id be game
Anyone got a funny headline idea?
This isn’t really funny:
Headline: Government Bans Humor
Quote: “During these troubling time when families are going through tragedy, it is unfair for other to laugh. Therefore this directive is required to ensure emotional justice”
I think I can work with that.
SPLC Warns of Sinister Alt-Right Tactic Called ‘Humor’
ATLANTA – Morris Dees, head of Southern Poverty Law Center, held a process conference in which he warned of a dangerous new trend among hate groups. “With this tactic, bigots deliberately create plausible, but false stories in order to make their opponents appear foolish or malevolent. The worst part is, many people will share the stories even when they know they’re false”, said Dees, adding that “we cannot afford another Pepe debacle”. He went on to say that tech companies need improved algorithms which can flag so-called fake comedy. The internet fact checker Snopes says it will now inspect jokes and assign them ratings on a continuum ranging from “funny” to “hate speech”.
Haha. Nice. That’s a good one.
Concur–is excellent, Derpy.
the bee does:
China: ‘We’ve Completely Cured Coronavirus And Everything Is Fine Here And No One Is Allowed In To Check’
Government Accidentally Shuts Itself Down With Ban On Non-Essential Businesses
Study: COVID-19 Impacts Men, Women More Than All Other Genders Combined
oops. Missed one
Quarantined Journalist Really Starting To Annoy Family By Calling Them Racists All Day
Trump extends ‘Social Distancing’ guidelines for 30 days, but refers to them as Leper Length causing accusations of racism as well as a spike in Google searches for “Where is Lepertania?”.
Trump Extends Social Distancing Guidelines for Mothers-in-Law, Telemarketers
Sometimes CNN does it without trying.
Jake Tapper looks like a hostage.
“In another blatantly racist tweet, Trump refers to Premier Xi as ‘Chinese Leader’!”
[golf clap]
That was an honest LOL
I found this funny.
Tarantino Honest Trailer
oh that was good, Funny Because it’s all true, Good Find!
That was educational.
..cause you watch it!
/sic burn
Although, Straffin-san, I was wondering if the Japanese in the movie was correct.
/bows mildly
The Japanese was correct – but I suppose that’s because he knows it will be screened in Japan and people there (here) would notice.
Thinking about getting into reloading, but thought id ask around here on thoughts and recommendations.
I think this is a tough time to be trying to buy the equipment and materials.
Suthen posted a series of articles on reloading.
Found the link to the series.
Nice Thanks!
You’re welcome!
I need to eat something and go to bed, so I will leave you lot with this. I liked it.
Not supposed to be a reply. Gilmored it.
Wash your hands!
Anyone have experience with Gun Mag Warehouse?
Yes. They are good to go.
Just finished writing the next cartoon. I think this is most my own personal politics has influenced the writing. I’m just really sick of all this shit.
You are not alone in that.
So–you’re doing OK, it seems…
Yeah, but that gal got switched to second shift, so she’s leaving when I’m coming (get your mind out of the gutter!).
She….and, not you?? That was your shift, dammit!
Different departments. But both essential enough to get out Papers.
Unfucking believable. Another place I hang out at is enforcing coronavirus or Covid-19, and anything else (usually Wuhan virus) is either racist, offensive, or pushing a political view. Utter bullshit. And the moderators are editing previous posts to enforce the term.
Fucking commie cock sucking fellow travelers.
The masks are really coming off.
I think you described the Zoom chat from last night!
Oh, we were all shit talking [REDACTED], the [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] and Flems…cousin-fucking JCVD-worshipers that they are. Then, it was on to orgy etiquette for monarchists.
Loads of fun!
That must have been after I went to bed.
Well, we wouldn’t dare offend our mythical libertarian ladies, now!
Some people are just really good at mind reading.
I like the “Any other Term is pushing a political point”, but saying “Wuahn Virus” is Racist is not pushing some political point. Look I hate the whole everything is political claptrap as much as the next guy, but the hate over Wuhan Virus was completely manufactured.
Indeed, manufactured talking point direct from the CCP.
There was a part in one of Trump’s press conferences where a reporter brought up an accusation that someone in Trump’s team had called it ‘Kung-Flu’ and Trump repeated it like ‘Kung-Flu?’ but the stupid reporter talked over him, otherwise I could have used that to Make Animation Great Again.
The CCP on domestic communication still refers to it as the Wuhan Virus. It is only when addressing the international audience do they refer to it as COVID-19.
But millions of innocent Chinese is the US are being slaughtered on the streets because of those racist terms.
Excuse me for a moment, I’ll be back, but I’m going to record the next episode. Don’t run off on me while I do so, like the Hero I am.
Well, you do
youHat, and Hair.Recorded, man those guys are mad at Donald.
Interesting side note–after I can’t remember how many months, I finally got my H&H sticker put on my back window.
Watch out, vandals!
Yeah, I saw the e-mail. Glad you only have to worry about the Vandals; I’m scared of them AND the Visigoths.
Oh, fuck a bunch of Visigoths…Ain’t nobody got time for Visigoths.
I tried to make a joke about Cathars, who were a much later sect of christians on the Iberian and how Lucas stole them and made them into literal cat people, but I couldn’t pull it together.
Too bad. Also, not sure I like The Old Republic version anywhere as much as KOTOR’s version.
What a difference some pixels make.
Yeah, that game ruined everything Obsidian built. A portend of things to come I guess.
Damn Democrats.
We don’t need another hero.
Other GAYS feel different.
I love that song, unironically and ungayly.
That’s confusing, because I like that song ironically because it’s so gay. But, I just wonder, would this choir kick a guy out if they found out he was straight? I really don’t get this building your life around one aspect of your life. I’m not out trying to form a barbershop quartet with other celibate Catholics, and frankly I’d probably punch someone in the face for asking me to join such a stupid thing.
I just mean it’s a very good pop song.
Yeah, it’s totally gay – but that’s not why I like it.
I suppose there was a time when the various gay men’s choruses made more sense. Not my jam but whatevz.
I never thought of it in that particular term when Bonnie Tyler sang it.
Just saying, is all.
Well, this coming week is my week in the office, so I need to head for bed. I’ll leave you with a song that I hope you won’t take as a downer. I’ve linked another version of this, but I just came across Mother Mavis singing this timely/timeless song. I choose to think of it as a kind of protest song.
Nighty night!
Ive been saving this all day-
*waves to the late night crowd* Sitting here with a gin & tonic (inexpensive and inoffensive Frio gin, distilled in San Antonio), reading Glibs, and generally being useless. A pretty good Sunday, I’d say.
If it’s not Fleischman’s your a snob!
The margarine??
If $12.99/750ml is snobbery, I’ll just hafta lift my pinky as I sip.
When I was flipping my schedule yesterday I binged ‘The Tiger King’ on Netflix. Being a film maker I was able to spot all the tricks they used. I never watched Making a Murder, since I had seen that all unfold first hand and knew the story already, but now I get why so many people bought into that thing. This is why refuse to do documentary work and eschewed news, I know just how easy it is to manipulate people.
So, give me, us a breakdown on your observations. Yeah, I know it’s an undertaking, but, I’d like to hear at least a thumbnail sketch of your critiques.
Seconded this. My son and I watched (most?) of it, and I found his reactions…interesting.
I’ll start with the one that was really the most obvious. His campaign manager. There was a scene where it was very obvious he was reading off cue cards. I could see his eyes tracking along left to right, down, left to right. It was terrible.
And the TV producer bemoaning all his footage being lost in the fire, when clearly most of the series was constructed from his footage.
Yes, that one was a “head-scratcher”…?
I did enjoy seeing the short clip of Bill O’Reilly hosting Hard Copy though. Reminded me of a time when no one took him serious, a better time.
Oh–you did actual “watching”. As in, you were truly observing. Still the actions are still the actions. People doing shitty things; guy blows his meth head off on accident; lots of screwing, it would seem.
/still hate being manipulated with scripted shit, but, there ya go.
*Still, their actions are their actions.
/not even drinking…smdh
I was up for 26hrs and had 15 beers when I was done watching. I could have been more precise, but VIRUS WE ALL GONNA DIE!
Presenting information out of order to extend the curiosity while diluting the reality, that’s a great trick ro use in this kind of thing as well, used to great effect here.
Very true. It’s the “Netflix Doc effect”. Not that I believe it’s that new; just that it’s becoming more a thing with streaming services (especially Netflix) wanting more programming, which includes documentaries.
Hey, CPRM–got an idea…..
No, I will not make pornos…unless they have a Catholic message.
Something like, Hail, Momma!, maybe? Last Nights…
/Not Catholic, and even I ain’t goin’ there…
//Also, that got a big laugh from me
You can find plenty of it.
Just to know how sinful you are, the Lord tells me to ask you where?
Wait, wait….”message”? Or, “theme”?
Or, did you read it as ‘massage’?
So no condoms?
JaimeRoberto Delecto , confirmed protestant.
I thought they were just for sailors and carnies.
@CPRM nearly any porn site. Nuns having sex or priests having sex appears have once been a popular theme.
Awww, nertz–you were supposed to give us the directions to the super-secret “ultra porn”.
masksventilators slip.https://buffalonews.com/2020/03/28/roswell-park-vp-placed-on-leave-for-anti-trump-facebook-posts/
I have a feeling lots of dead weight will be let go.
For now. She will be replaced with some other former political operative.
Why do I whole-heartedly believe this?
I hear Amazon is hiring lots of new workers. How’s that working out?
Huh….I woulda never thought a warehouse would be unsafe!!
This whole “we must sanitize the world every other day” effect is going to kill the economy.
Or, just here me out, Clorox will RULE THE WORLD!
It’s got electrolytes!
It’s what the plants crave!
On the other side of the country
Lots of unintended consequences (yes, UN intended—nobody planned releasing that virus), one of which is people will get less and less immune to things.
Reminds me of a time-travel story I once read. Modern chick finds herself on a pirate ship in the late 1600s and she can barely breathe without puking from the stench. Not just the ship. EVERYWHERE they went. On the beach, in open air, everywhere. By the time she was whisked back, she was nose-blind to it and the first thing she noticed was how sterile the air smelled.
Hmmm….I’m gonna go out on a limb, and suggest the author didn’t know about my ‘enchanting musk’.
/I swear that I bathe regularly
Yeap. There is an old stable on the next block over that reminds me what NYC used to smell like less than a hundred years ago.
Humans have a difficult time finding happy mediums that work on large scales–especially, when there is a “somebody do SOMETHING!!” facet in play. While its fantastic to eliminates so much in the way of disease transmissions, its crappy to go reducing immunities.
Kinda like parents who want to ‘give’ their children everything, as opposed to preparing them for most anything–the kids grow up to be clueless. And, voters…
This is why any culture which develops from the descendants of any post-apocalyptic band I lead will have rain dances, and sun dances, and harvest dances. That way they will have “something” to do whenever people are panicking – at least what they do won’t be doing anything harmful.
I am intrigued, and I wish to subscribe to your post-apocalyptic band’s newsletter.
Spanish conquistadors believed the Aztecs were venerating them by burning incense around them wherever they went. The truth was that the Aztecs could barely stand their stench and incense was the only thing they could find to alleviate it somewhat.
That’s rich coming from those motherfuckers.
Cortez and co. said they had to approach the Aztec capital from upwind because the city had a very strong stench of death.
On a side note: You never really hear of anyone under the age of, oh, 75 being called Birdie anymore.
Well with all the problems with the virus, the morning commute is much shorter.
Good morning GLibbies
You’re going outside! You’re SPREADING THE VIRUS!? YOU MURDERER!!!111!1!11111!!!
Morning, Pie. Have you already made the commute, or, getting ready to?
Well the commute is to another room of the apartment
Another room? That’s slave conditions! If you can’t roll straight off your futon onto your work chair you’re being exploited by filthy capitalists!
Inorite?? Mr. Big Euros, over here…
Two rooms! Probably has indoor plumbing…
Nobody needs more than one room, except for Bernie. He needs more rooms for his smahts. He’s wicked smaht. Way more smaht than us.
And they force him to use the metric system.
I give him (and Festus) credit for not shaming the rest of us on the Zoom chat for being Imperial.
Fine Corinthian leather.
Don’t get a speeding ticket.
What gives us the right to deprive corona vita virus dna strands their right to replicate?!?!!!
We’re smarter, and, better looking. Yeah, I’m gonna go with that.
I did that joke already.
Yeah, but…Dustin. Maybe back in the 60’s?
You’re the one talking about having sex with him, no me.
You wound me, bruh! I’m not Jon Voight over here…
In Stasi news….
Too bad assholes. You’re inviting the snitching and sticking noses in other peoples’ business. Deal with the calls. Besides, your 911 center said call volume was down in another story…
Is that from your personal YT library? C’mon–you can tell me.
I’ve got a bunch of these stored up for Gustave, that’s our thing.
In these challenging and uncertain times, it’s good to see some things remain constant.
Oops, wrong response….
But, understood.
Correct response would be when the family gathered at my grandparent’s house to watch Rescue….911 where a person with our last name, who wasn’t actually related to us was on; because the Shat was the Shit in my family…and I didn’t realize until my dad died that he was a nerd, even though he talked my mom into hanging a Star Trek The Motion Picture poster in their bedroom.
Shat IS the shit, so, it’s not just your family. Or, maybe it’s that you all recognize quality.
The Shat can do no wrong.
Also–just occurred to me, but, how you holding up, schedule-wise? Adjusting at all?
CPRM on March 29, 2020 at 10:34 am
I find it kind of scary that all I have to do to stay up for 20 some hours to flip my schedule from night shift back to regular is just not drink when I get home from work. I’m more the bald guy from The Machinist than Tyler Durden though sadly.
On that note I’ll
go to bedpass out. Got another two days off, you can’t get rid of me that easy.“a.m.”?? There’s a 10:34 “a.m.” now? And, they allow commenting??
Well, it’s all the same thing–911 and non-emergency call-taking. It’s just that 911 calls are supposed to be answered in a certain amount of rings, and, is for actual emergencies (attempting to re-train people to differentiate between emergencies and non-emergencies). So, I don’t fault them for the message, but, yeah, they are bringing it on themselves, and, it seems people in the area loooove them some authoritah.
Stop injecting common sense into my ranting!
::hangs head again::
Yes, sir….
What is this zoom thing? Do I have to use my real email?
No–it is a download, but, it was actually a Chrome extension for me. I think it did ask for an email, but it doesn’t appear to use it, and, allows you to identify yourself as you see fit–nothing doxxable, that I could see.
We had a blast on it, and, yeah–you begin to read peoples’ comments in their voice.
No, UstaBeAman@geocities.net doesn’t work, I tried it.
Try BabyImAllMan@netscape.co.uk See what kind of luck you have with that.
I don’t recall being asked for an email address. Or, I was drunk.
But my inbox is not full of junk from Zoom so I think I was right.
Rhy, I think you’re right about it. I did sign up for the service after the call, and I think I got one “confirm address” email, and one welcome afterwards. For the actual call, no email req that I remember.
Also, not that I have any real idea of what I was expecting, but, you have what I would call a great news reader voice. Very clear and
authoritarianauthoritative sounding. If you had a speaking tour on whatever topic, I’d say you’d make bank.LOL I hate my voice and I’m terrified of public speaking. You must be confusing me with DEG or dare I say Straff.
*that feeling when everyone’s voice is so much better than yours*
Yep, I felt that. I hated the gamer headset I was wearing, and the fact that I was on a chromebook, as opposed to a proper computer.
Eh–maybe with some TrumpBucks…
But, yes–good, clear voice on ya, Rhy.
I did not need an email
Well, with Pie’s answer, I think it’s confirmed–no email needed to join in a call. Now, when you host, you have to already have an account requiring an email, and the free version limits a call to 40 minutes.
Dont know why im still up..its actually a go into work day tomorrow. My quarentine is complete and no one in the household or peers got sick. I think the day before I was not allowed back in the office (a week and half ago) I forgot my lunxh.
Last post 1:38am
Caronapocalypse take everyone out?
Eh–playing catch-up with all my online viewing/reading. Also, any chance we can get you on on the upcoming voice chat on Friday?
Voice chats? What new spoor of madness is this?
Nephilium set up a Zoom meeting around midnight Saturday/Sunday. It was fun, though I couldn’t participate except by typing in the “chat” window – no mic, and Mr. GT was asleep close by, so I didn’t dare phone in either. I know how sound carries in our small house because he sometimes doesn’t think to use headphones when he’s watching an online video after I’ve gone to bed.
Neph’s going to set up another meeting for Friday “happy hour” (exact time unknown.) I plan to procure a mic by then, as we have plenty of mics in the house. I will only use a webcam if mercilessly shamed into doing so.
If not midnight, friday is a time frame I’d be able to attend.
I’d guess very late afternoon/early evening for the start, extending goodness knows how long. (Sunday a.m. I finally knocked off around 3:00. Don’t know when the others tapped out.)
Neph will probably post a link on the currently-active thread when it’s show time.
And I’ll probably miss it if that time isn’t narrowed down before then.
That’s poorly phrased. Please read as pessimism rather than hostility.
I’m going to get myself caffiene.
I’m confident there will be plenty of advance notice in the day or two leading up to it.
I was asleep. I have work today.
For anyone interested in that new Palmetto State Armory 9mm “Glock clone”, it has, of course, been delayed: http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/2020/01/22/palmetto-state-armory-ps9-dagger/
Thanks, I missed the news that they were coming out with that. I’m going to get a Glock 19 in the near future but will look into these first.
Oregon strip club repurposes as a food delivery service to obtain an essential business classification in order to stay open:
Good on them, strippers need to earn paychecks too.
Cop math sucks, but we already knew that.
Voice chat: I am not sure I am set up for it but I would be willing to give it a try.
Lately I am living in my pajamas.
I do better writing than speaking extemporaneously because I have time to think before submitting.
But yeah, I would give it a try if for no other reason than just to lurk.
*Just got back from a store run. The clerk wiped my card off with alcohol.
Aw, c’mon! I’m dying to hear just how Cajun you sound! ; )
Me too. Hope I didn’t scare ya off, I was slightly tipsy…
Nah, I haven’t been scared of anything in 40 years. Ok, hurricanes, tornados and house fires excepted. You cant do a damned thing about those.
I enjoyed our talk Festus.
Ha. I am not cajun. I am pure redneck peckerwood.
*When I was in school I tried hard to get rid of my backwoods accent. I still had a trace of it of it which had people looking down on me so I thought, fuck it. I found that if I just relaxed and spoke with the accent I grew up with people would greatly underestimate me and they would relax and start talking. I could sit quiet and they would run their mouth and I would find out all kinds of things about them before I had to decide what I would let them know about me. It is so effective a strategy that I just got in the habit and dont think about it any more. Thus my handle ‘Suthenboy’. It works online too. Not around here so much because y’all all know me well enough, but other sites….I regularly get talked down to which makes me smile because I know I’ve got ’em.