The Hat and The Hair Expanded Universe: Bernie and Joe

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Hat and Hair, Joemala, SugarFree | 336 comments


A deserted aircraft hanger, somewhere in California


“Concede, old man!” Joe demanded. “I have all the dirigibles!”

“Never!” Bernie shouted back, struggling to get out of his suit jacket.

“I’m gonna-gonna-gonna beat you with my things,” Joe shot back, holding his arthritic fists up in front of him and jabbing at the air.

“You don’t know what is even going on!” Bernie replied. “I’m the future! I am the rev-o-lu-tion!” He flapped his arms wildly until his suit jacket finally fluttered the dusty floor of the hanger.

“You’re no bigger than Corn Pop!”

“What the hell is a corn pop?”

Biden gibbered incoherently and shuffled toward Bernie aggressively.



“Why doesn’t anyone like me?” Elizabeth asked Bailey. She buried her face in the thick ruff of the dog’s neck and sobbed. “I couldn’t even win my home state,” she whispered.

She pulled back and looked into the labrador’s warm brown eyes. “But you like me, don’t ya boy? Don’t ya, boy?”

She felt the warm trickle of his urine ruining down her leg and cried even harder.



“It’s my turn!” Bernie said, swatting at Joe.

“It’s your turn!” Joe replied, a burst vein in his eye spreading out to an 8-ball hemorrhage.

“That’s what I said!’ Bernie said. He grabbed for Joe’s arm, his dry hands scrabbling for purchase against the dress shirt.

“I never said that!” Joe said, panting already. His left arm hung by his side, lifeless.

“Ow!” Bernie said, clutching his chest. “Not now! Not now!”



“It’s over, Mike, it’s just over,” Mike said into the mirror.

“Half a billion dollars down the drain,” said Mirror Mike. “We could have done some much with that money.

“I still have plenty of money, Mike,” Mike said to Mirror Mike.

“You make me sick,” Mirror Mike said. “You should really think about killing yourself.”

“No, Mike, don’t say that!” Mike said into the mirror. “I’ll run ads against Trump all the rest of the year! I’ll spend a billion dollars to get Trump out of the White House!”

“Chicken,” Mirror Mike growled. “More chicken!”

Mike ground a soggy drumstick into the smooth cold surface of the mirror and began to weep.



Bernie staggered backward to a metal folding chair and sat down heavily.

“Is that it?” Joe asked. He was trying to make the fingers of his left-hand move and the blood-blown eye had gone blind.

“Only,” Bern wheezed, “I have,” he paused for a few deep breaths, “The stamina,” he swallowed hard and farted, “To win.”

Joe limped toward him, grunting, balling up his right fist. “I’m gonna, thing, with, adverb, direct object, noun.”

“You demented old fool,” Bernie gasped, lifting his foot to hold Joe at bay. The shambling form dropped onto him, tipping them both back onto the floor.

“I’ll never give up the fight,” Bernie gasp, Pepsodent and the sharp reek of cell death fogging Joe’s face.

“I still love you, John Kerry,” Joe said.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Spudalicious

    Brilliant, just brilliant.

  2. Old Man With Candy

    Because all men and women are created equal, thing, and… why am I stopping?

  3. leon

    “I’m gonna, thing, with, adverb, direct object, noun.”


    • Shirley Knott

      It’s practically verbatim.

  4. Fourscore

    Another Grand Slammer, SF.

    Summed up the geriatric crowd. Kick the kids to the curb. Somewhere Putin checks a ‘W’ and waits for a summit.

  5. Jarflax

    I was really looking forward to the Trump v Commie shout offs debates. Trump beating up a frail old man with dementia is not going to amuse me.

      • UnCivilServant

        The worst part is the first voice in my head was someone’s parody of bernie, rather than his own stuttering insecurity.

    • Old Man With Candy

      However, it will amuse the hell out of ME. Trump can probably get Joe to the outrage point where he either has an aneurysm on stage or actually launches himself at Trump’s throat and is killed by the Secret Service.

      Go long on Orville Redenbacher.

      • leon

        Joe did promise to punch him in the nose if they were debating….

      • R C Dean

        Joe did promise to punch him in the nose if they were debating….

        Trump should ask him to formally commit to refraining from any violence during the debate.

        Just to set the tone.

      • Rhywun

        Trump should ask him to formally commit to refraining from any violence during the debate.


      • Francisco d'Anconia

        And he likely will

      • Jarflax

        You are a meaner man than me Mr. Candy.

      • Sean

        Trump can probably get Joe to the outrage point where he either has an aneurysm on stage

        I’ve already pictured this in my head.

        I think it’s very likely that he has a full on meltdown on camera, if he makes it to the debate stage.

      • Rhywun

        I see that too. I have a feeling Donald knows exactly how to push his buttons.

      • Chipwooder

        The one arena where Trump truly displays genius is in getting opponents to lose their minds. Joe’s has already gone bye-bye, so this will be like playing Madden on the rookie setting for Trump.

      • DOOMco

        I have a preset in NHL where I basically become the hulk. It’s when gta murder isn’t going to do it.

        Trump could probably get Bernie to have the same issue, but Joe is even easier.

      • Naptown Bill

        Yeah, Biden’s going to lose his mind. I don’t *think* he’s going to do it in a way that will endear him to undecided voters.

      • whiz

        What I’m worried about is that Trump does demolish Biden, but so thoroughly and meanly that some people will feel sorry for Biden and vote for him for that reason.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Go long on Orville Redenbacher

        Um…isn’t he dead?

      • SugarFree

        Hasn’t stopped Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

      • Swiss Servator

        But his tasty popcorn lives on!

      • Mojeaux

        *opens cabinet door*

        Nope. He’s right there on the shelf next to the cocoa.

    • Hyperion

      Yeah, I’m disappointed, but not surprised, at all. Maybe at least the Bernie Bros try to burn down the convention stage, but it won’t work because of all the urine bombing that happened first. It’s going to be a repeat of 2016 with more senility, less coughing, and no glass ceiling or weeping CNN anchors.

  6. Tundra

    It’s your turn!” Joe replied, a burst vein in his eye spreading out to an 8-ball hemorrhage.

    I will be giggling about this for the rest of the day.

  7. robc

    I’m gonna, thing, with, adverb, direct object, noun.


    • robc

      Also, what leon said.

      • leon

        I like you robc. When i’m libertarian dictator, you’ll be allowed to stick around.

      • UnCivilServant

        Later leon: “Remember when I said you’ll be allowed to stick around? I lied”

    • Drake

      Yes! Joe’s most coherent sentence ever.

    • Rhywun

      Vice President Mad-Libs.

  8. Hyperion

    It’s just like 2016 all over again. Only this time, with no vagina. The dems have finally become the one true party of old white men. Much woke, many brave!

    • Bobarian LMD

      I don’t recall any vagina in 2016. And speaking of which, where’s Tulsi?

      • robc

        2 delegates!

  9. Swiss Servator

    So. Many. To Choose. From….

    “She felt the warm trickle of his urine ruining down her leg and cried even harder.”

    ““Only,” Bern wheezed, “I have,” he paused for a few deep breaths, “The stamina,” he swallowed hard and farted, “To win.””


    ““I’ll never give up the fight,” Bernie gasp, Pepsodent and the sharp reek of cell death fogging Joe’s face.”

    *continues to gape in wonder*

    • Ozymandias

      Yep. All of the same ones for me. Thank God no one is home. I’ve been howling freely.
      I have to give the award to “the reek of cell death fogging Joe’s face.” Yeah, that’s a clear award-winner right there.
      Bravo, SF. Truly wonderful. The best timeline – “God Bless Us All… Everyone!”

      • Old Man With Candy

        Since you’ve met SF, the irony of all of this is not lost on you.

  10. Warty

    We live in a world that’s even better than the best of all possible worlds.

    • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

      ” . . . world without end, Amen.”

      • Warty
    • Tundra

      SF should give thanks to whatever scary God he worships.

      • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

        His whole life is one long paean to the Elder Gods.

  11. Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

    . . . Pepsodent and the sharp reek of cell death fogging Joe’s face.

    So stealing this.

  12. Fourscore

    Joe can hardly wait to get on the world stage and challenge Trudeau, Macron, Boris or the German lady to a push up contest.

    • leon

      Jan 21st 2021

      Ladies and Gentleman, Chuck Todd here. It is my somber and sad duty to inform you that the President of the United States, Joseph Biden, Passed away today at 12:30, during a State meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He seems to have challenged Trudeau to a “Push up contest”, and his heart gave out. Vice President Hillary Clinton was immediately notified and sworn in to office at approximately 12:45.

      • Naptown Bill

        Oh god, don’t even joke about that shit.

      • Bobarian LMD

        “Clinton valiantly tried to save the President, waving off Secret Service while administering CPR”

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        “When asked about the two bullet holes in the back of his head, Hillary responded, ‘what? Those were there before.'”

      • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

        Those were there before.

        Actually, that would explain some things . . .

      • banginglc1

        Donations may be made in Joe’s honor to the Clinton Foundation.

      • Jarflax

        Donations may shall be made in Joe’s honor to the Clinton Foundation.

      • Bobarian LMD
      • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

        “In unrelated news, Justin Trudeau’s Fondation Trudeau received an anonymous donation of 100 million dollars U.S. shortly thereafter.”

      • Francisco d'Anconia

        “Joe didn’t kill himself!”

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Just wait ’til the Puppetry Majors hired by the DNC get the strings untangled. There will be no more ineffectual pawing at the air. Strictly business. The gravy train will be put back on the rails, and business as usual will return. There might even be a monetizable position for Herself in the offing.

    • SugarFree

      VP for Biden. Hopefully, someone in his camp realizes that would be signing his death warrant suicide note.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Warren. You want a VP who is massively more dislikeable as life insurance.

      • Bobarian LMD

        That would be the rational choice, but Joe is a couple mini-strokes away from rational.

      • SugarFree

        Biden might not be allowed to choose his VP if it comes down to a brokered convention. Biden only has two more sure-thing states with a decent amount of delegates: Illinois and Florida.

      • Chipwooder

        Hillary isn’t massively more dislikeable as well?

      • SugarFree

        Hillary still has a whole bunch of vile idiots who think she was the bestest, mostest, perfect and awesome candidate evar!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hillary still has a whole bunch of vile idiots who think she was the bestest, mostest, perfect and awesome candidate and President evar!

      • SugarFree

        Well, yes. It was stolen, you see. Stolen from Her!

        Imagine how many of them will wail and rend her clothes if she has to take a VP slot? BUT SHE ALREADY WON!

    • R C Dean

      The VP will definitely be a chick. Which narrows it down, as near as I can tell, to Klobuchar, Warren, and Herself.

      The VP traditionally has two functions:

      (1) Pull a marginal (home) state over into the W column. Only Klobuchar ticks that box, maybe.

      (2) Be the campaign’s attack dog. All three are overqualified, but with the DemOp Media at full frothing at the mouth TDS mode, its not even clear that the campaign itself needs an attack dog.

      Other than motivating the Vagina Uber Alles crowd to actually vote, its hard to see how any of the three would actually be an asset in the election. They might go “relative unknown” for the VP. Unless the economy tanks, the nominees are going to be up there to take one for the team anyway.

      • invisible finger

        I wouldn’t count out Occluded-Cortex yet. Might not be a marginal state, but definitely attack dog and will use the racist angle to the hilt.

        And if I were really cynical – oh wait, I am, – I would say Biden/anybody is a loser ticket so the DNC puts her on so she can be on the losing side and take her rightful place as a footnote in party history.

      • SugarFree

        AOC isn’t old enough. You can’t be a VP if you can’t be President.

      • invisible finger

        Aw shit. That means she’ll still be relevant in 2024.

      • Hyperion

        It’s Warren. It’s already been decided.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        What votes does having a female VP gain them? Is there anyone who thinks “I was totally going to vote for Trump, but “vagina!”, so I’ve switched to the D party”?

        Or is just hoping to scoop up people that either were going 3rd party or weren’t going to vote at all?

      • robc

        The people who voted for McCain because of his VP?

      • SugarFree

        It’s not to change votes, but to ensure turnout for those not happy they only had two old white men as viable primary candidates.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        Ah, that makes sense.

      • R C Dean

        What votes does having a female VP gain them?

        Turnout, not mythical swing voters.

        In theory, of course. They are all completely sold on diversity tribalism. “Won’t nobody vote for anybody who isn’t the same Identity as them”.

  14. ChipsnSalsa

    *chef’s kiss*

  15. The Late P Brooks

    She pulled back and looked into the labrador’s warm brown eyes. “But you like me, don’t ya boy? Don’t ya, boy?”

    *malicious chortle*

  16. WTF

    “I’m gonna, thing, with, adverb, direct object, noun.”

    LO fucking L!

  17. JD is Unemployed

    “Why doesn’t anyone like me?” Elizabeth asked Bailey. She buried her face in the thick ruff of the dog’s neck and sobbed. “I couldn’t even win my home state,” she whispered.

    She pulled back and looked into the labrador’s warm brown eyes. “But you like me, don’t ya boy? Don’t ya, boy?”

    She felt the warm trickle of his urine ruining down her leg and cried even harder.

    Overall this was one of my favorite so far, but something beautifully understated and sad about this just twanged my funny bone hard. My chest hurts from the laughing and/or some sort of secondary infection of the bronchi common in cases of lolololavirus.

    • Not Adahn

      It kind of made me sad, because the submissive urination made me think that the doge might have been abused.

  18. kinnath

    The only thing that can beat Trump this fall is the economy.

    Incumbent presidents with a sound economy do not lose re-elections.

    And there is no reason to expect that crazy fucking Joe Biden will recapture the blue wall that Clinton threw away in the last election.

    Joe being on the ticket instead of Bernie may save the House for the Dems though.

    • Chipwooder

      Plus, a good bit of Biden’s resurgence stemmed from his invisbility. Several pundit types have marveled at how Biden won states that he barely campaigned in and spent little money on while his opponents dumped millions in, but they’re missing the real story there: Joe Biden does better when he’s out of sight, out of mind. He’s not going to be able to lay low during the general election. He’s going to have to go out there day after day and speak, and when he does, he’s going to say a lot of ridiculously stupid things.

      • UnCivilServant

        “I’m here in West Dakota asking you to candidate for senate or vote inequality.”

      • Rebel Scum

        Joe Biden does better when he’s out of sight, out of mind.

        Interestingly, the same goes for Her Shrillness. ///Loading . .

  19. Mojeaux

    Okay, Walmart just pissed me off, but far be it from me to helicopter that shit, even if it is my problem.

    XX has not been assigned a handheld scanner yet nor has she been trained on it. So her manager told her to use her phone and the scanner in the app. The app needed camera permission (natch), but she can’t give that permission because we have controls on her phone. There she was with a customer trying to scan the thing and embarrassed because she needed to be unblocked blah blah blah.

    Mr. Mojeaux and XX are going back and forth about un/blocking this or that or some other thing (which is a longstanding and ongoing issue), with the customer right there. So now they’re both texting me about the other.


    And they both come back at me with the whole unblocking business. *headdesk*


    • Rhywun

      So her manager told her to use her phone and the scanner in the app.

      Not cool. Sorry you have to deal with that shit.

    • DOOMco

      Yeah, I’m assuming Walmart is paying this month?

    • Naptown Bill

      That’s some bullshit.

      One of my work email addresses–the EPA-managed one, of course–goes to a mail server with an authentication policy that would lock me out of my own personal phone if I tried to unlock it and failed three times in a row. It also would require that I use a pin rather than biometrics. Naturally, I didn’t set my phone up to check that shit. If they want me to check work email on a phone they can lock, they can buy me a phone for that purpose.

      • Rhywun

        a mail server with an authentication policy that would lock me out of my own personal phone if I tried to unlock it and failed three times in a row

        Say what? Also not cool & I’ve never heard of that.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah, old job had that kind of a setup with the company e-mail server. So they provided a company phone (the other option was that they pay $50 a month for your cell bill, but you had to transfer control of the number over to them).

      • Rhywun

        you had to transfer control of the number over to them

        Oh hell no. My company did not do that.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. One of my coworkers got burned by that. He figured that getting the money would be better then carrying two phones around. Then when he lost his job, he found out that the company wouldn’t give him his phone number back. He had to get a new number from the cell provider, and the number got ported to the company. I don’t even think it was ever used again, it was just company policy to hoard them for some reason.

      • Naptown Bill

        Looks like Sensei’s got the same issue downthread. It’s an Exchange server, and the knuckleheads who administer it think we’re storing nuclear launch codes here or something. My university email is, surprisingly sensibly, through a G Suite account and just requires a password. No expiration date on that, either, and minimal requirements.

      • leon

        I had the same issue at a former job. They wanted me to agree to allowing software that would let them factory reset my phone remotely.

        I said, i just won’t use my phone for work.

      • R C Dean

        If they want me to check work email on a phone they can lock, they can buy me a phone for that purpose.

        That’s exactly what we do.

        I hear some stores are using cheap smartphones over WiFi for stuff like inventory scanning and so forth.

        We’re about to sink some coin into hundreds and hundreds of IPods (iPhones, with no phone capability) that will be slaved to our wifi network for nurses and doctors to use. All kinds of cool interoperability with our electronic medical network and misc. networked health care gizmos.

        Bonus: we will also tell staff who has one of these that they are not allowed to have their personal cell phone with them while working (something that is years overdue, IMO). I expect much wailing and gnashing of teeth about how they have to be in constant touch or their li’l snowflakes will die a horrible death.

        My question: why hasn’t anyone taken five minutes to train her on the scanner? What is this, Progressive Insurance with magic scanners that only Flo can use?

      • Mojeaux

        MASSIVELY understaffed. It’s why they can hire teenagers at their first job for $11/hr who get to pick their extra shifts.

      • Mojeaux

        how they have to be in constant touch or their li’l snowflakes will die a horrible death.

        I have to turn my phone off some days to have some peace from getting it blown up. I HATE how Pavlovian I am to that fucking chime.

      • Naptown Bill

        The nice thing about using stuff like that instead of dedicated scanners, besides the flexibility of apps, is that you don’t have to do much training because most of your users already have a smartphone and are more or less familiar with how they work.

    • Nephilium

      Nope. My device, my software. Your device, your software. That’s the rules.

      /my response when I get asked why I didn’t install Office or Teams on my personal phone

      • Rhywun

        OTOH… I was OK with adding their email account to my phone in exchange for the $60 a month they were paying me for the privilege.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        I am ok with the software on my phone in the exact same proportion as they are okay with me rolling in at 10:30 after answering emails by phone from my backyard for a couple hours.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. I’m alright with installing some software (stupid meeting shite) onto my home PC (where I can nuke it when I leave) in order to make my work from home days easier, or install some airline/rental car app. That has a benefit to me. If there’s an issue, they can call me.

    • UnCivilServant

      I carry two phones, one is mine, one is my employer’s. They can set whatever rules they want for the one they own, but my phone is mine.

    • banginglc1

      You’re right, Everyone else is wrong. Wal-Mart can pay for a phone or issue a scanner. They cannot and should not have access to her phone without due compensation.

      • Mojeaux

        Everyone else in this thread? No one in this thread has disagreed with me.

      • Nephilium

        You’ve found the one true belief of all libertarians?

      • Mojeaux

        EL DORADO!!!!

      • Sensei

        I won’t allow my company’s email on my phone – same reason as others here – they have the ability to factory reset the phone and I can’t use biometrics.

        So until they buy me a phone it’s not happening.

      • banginglc1

        Everyone else was meant to refer to XX, Mr. M, and Wal-Mart

      • Mojeaux

        Oh. XX and Mr. Mojeaux are just engaging in an ongoing war and are not thinking of the bigger implications. They’d get it if they thought about it for 0.5 seconds.

        If XX would PREFER to use her phone because it was more efficient, I would tolerate it.

    • pan fried wylie

      Training for a barcode scanner. Oh, I get it, it incorporates an analog clock, that’s the problem, yeah?

  20. Rhywun

    This is the sort of thing Donald is up against.

    Two milk haters stormed Joe Biden’s stage at his Super Tuesday celebration shouting, “Let dairy die!” But this has been going on for months. In Las Vegas recently, Bernie Sanders was greeted by two topless anti-dairy protestors who smeared pink paint all over themselves on stage. “I’m your biggest supporter, and I’m here to ask you to stop pumping up the dairy industry and to stop pumping up animal agriculture,” a protester (not topless) added. “I believe in you . . .”

    Cake. Walk.

    • DOOMco

      Yeah, go anti dairy, you Vermont senator.

  21. slumbrew - double secret satan

    My only desire for this primary season was for Warren to lose Mass. 3rd place was just icing on the cake.

    • Tundra

      I think Amy knew she was gonna lose here. I seriously doubt the deal she was offered was VP.

    • Ted S.

      I wanted a brokered convention, so I wanted Warren to win MA big and Bloomberg to do well enough to keep going.

  22. kinnath

    for the whiskey geeks that hang here.

    Well, this definitely tastes like it costs $11. Notes of melted plastic despite its glass bottle. However, there are definitely worse bottles out there.

    • slumbrew - double secret satan

      4 Roses & Evan Williams are both solid. It is known.

      • robc

        Evan Williams single barrel (not pictured) is the best bourbon for the buck that you can get, IMO.

        It isn’t my favorite, but the ones I like better are much more expensive.

    • kinnath

      This is like a scotch you put in a decanter, so you can’t see the label. It’s something you’d give the guy who’s trying to seduce your wife.

      • Tundra

        Guy is funny:

        Besides wisdom, there’s also flavor, and you feel like an old-time bandit when you drink it. I wish I was drinking it out of an enamel mug with a warrant out for my arrest.

    • Naptown Bill

      I’ve had Four Roses before. It’s actually pretty decent if you know what you’re getting in to. Old Crow, too. Both are good for mixed drinks.

    • Drake

      Ballantine’s Finest

      The stuff goes down like water and makes you feel like a private eye with a totally manageable drinking problem.

      Made me laugh.

    • Nephilium

      I enjoyed Paste’s blind bottom shelf Scotch, bourbon, and gin (no link to avoid moderation hell, but you should be able to search for it). They specified the cost range for each (Usually a $25 or $15 cap), and blind tasted them.

    • Chipwooder

      No Old Grand-Dad?

      • Sean

        I’m working on a bottle of the 100 proof this week. *thumbs up*

    • Trolleric the Goth

      Old Crow is better for $11 than most of the “$11/fifth” analogs in other spirits

    • Florida Man

      Rebel Yell is actually good. I almost bought a bottle today but went with Bulliet’s Rye instead.

  23. Scruffy Nerfherder


    I mean, I really want it to be and that’s all that counts.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    So her manager told her to use her phone and the scanner in the app.

    He could let her use a tracphone out of the case for that, if the store doesn’t have enough scanners. The phone will run apps on wifi even if it is not activated on the phone network.

    • Naptown Bill

      ^This. I hear some stores are using cheap smartphones over WiFi for stuff like inventory scanning and so forth.

      • Mojeaux

        Which would be fine if the store’s wifi didn’t suck.

      • R C Dean

        I’m pretty sure the wifi signal in our building will give you cancer. I swear I can feel hair follicles dying whenever I go past an antenna.

      • Jarflax

        It’s a hospital, everything in it is giving you cancer, MRSA, or TB.

      • R C Dean

        Don’t forget C. Diff.

      • Chafed

        Mmmmmmmmmmm. C. Diff.

  25. DOOMco

    Top notch.

    • Tundra

      So’s your avatar. It appears that she doesn’t care for your dad jokes.

      Get used to it.

      • DOOMco

        I sent my family a picture of her with my hand next to her head.
        “Here’s [babydoom], and you can tell how big she is with my handy scale. “

      • Tundra


        Welcome to the club.

      • cyto

        Now that I have a kid in middle school, dad jokes are one of the great joys in life. Middle school kids are amazingly easy to embarrass. It is one of the few weapons that always works against their kind.

      • Chipwooder

        As a fellow middle school parent, you may appreciate this.

      • DOOMco

        Where’d you get that tape of me? Did Ben send it to you?

      • Fourscore

        I can laugh now, 40 years ago not so much. Fortunately Al Gore hadn’t invented cell phones at that time.

      • Ozymandias

        My most recent best entry involved a play on words with the name of the Pokemon character “Pikachu.” I knew it was good when I heard the 11 year old boy repeating 5 minutes later. He got a laugh out of it.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        SF and I were just talking about how we just discovered the essence of 12-year-old-ness in one picture:

      • SugarFree

        This is how COVID-19 started, in the food court of Disney Wuhan.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Why I say “Happy Holidays”:

      • Gadfly

        Even ignoring the phallic implications of that design, it’s still terrible because it forces the user to stare into those cold plastic eyes whenever they take a drink. I can only assume that this was done deliberately, or while high.

      • Ozymandias

        The latter seems about right to me.

      • banginglc1

        I thought that’s what made it hawt!

      • DOOMco

        To the infinity bong!

      • Psycho Effer

        I thought it was a crack pipe.

  26. Drake

    Takeaways from Super Tuesday…

    (6) Without Warren in the race Bernie would have won seven states: Minnesota, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Colorado, Utah and California. Biden would have also won seven states: Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Texas.

    (7) If you accept the Club goal was to diminish Bernie Sanders, the plan for Klobuchar and Buttigieg to exit the race and Warren remaining in the race did exactly what was intended.

    Probably explains why everyone except Warren dropped out suddenly.

    • leon

      (6) Without Warren in the race Bernie would have won seven states: Minnesota, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Colorado, Utah and California. Biden would have also won seven states: Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Texas.

      While not quite “those were Bernies Votes”, this get’s awful close and so deserves a bit of a ‘Fuck off’. This is a counterfactual that might be supported, but who really knows what would have happened. I’m still not convinced that Warren would endorse Bernie.

    • R C Dean

      That’s been my theory all along.

      Warren is in it to divert hard left votes from Bernie. She’s been pretty much non-viable since her collapse late last year. She also suddenly has new sources of funding, so you do the math.

      Whether Bernie would have won those states if she hadn’t still been in the mix, nobody knows. Still, every delegate she takes from his column is a win for the Party. Which, like a pack of fucking idiots, let a hard-left non-party member run in their primary. They should have just let Warren run as the hard left candidate (they pretty much have to have one, given the infiltration of the party by the hard left). How hard would it have been to say “Bernie, buddy, we all love having you in our caucus, but we just hafta limit our Democrat primary to actual, you know, Democrats. Sorry, man.”

      But instead, they are playing scorpion-and-frog with the hard left, with predictable results.

      • SugarFree

        A third-party run by Bernie would have assured a Trump win. That’s the threat he’s always held over them.

      • robc

        And still does.

      • leon

        playing scorpion-and-frog with the hard left, with predictable results.

        Am i the only one who heard this fable as the Snake and the Indian boy?

      • kinnath

        That’s a new one to me.

      • leon

        In the story i heard, the Snake asks the Boy to carry him down from the top of a mountain.

      • pan fried wylie

        Sounds like the low-budget non-Disney copycat fable.

      • Tundra

        I thought it was the lost cross-country skier and old trapper.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I thought it was the old pervert and the cute Girl Scout.

      • Tundra

        Kindly old priest and naive altar boy?

      • Fourscore

        Salesman and farmer’s daughter?

      • R C Dean

        Hunter and bear?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        The lost hiker and STEVE SMITH?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Sure, but couldn’t a simpler explanation be because her campaign still has cash to burn?

      • kinnath

        No. As I recall, the candidates are allowed to collect donations for their presidential campaign and then transfer left over funds to a senate or house campaign after they withdraw.

        Keep those checks rolling in baby.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        So then the simplest explanation is she is a power hungry twat that will never relent in the face of obvious defeat?

    • Drake

      Soak you hands is kerosene and light a match – the only way to be sure.

    • cyto

      Soap and water works much better than hand sanitizer. Just sayin’….

      • Rebel Scum

        -0.01% super-germs

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Just went to the jan-san supply store to pick up something. Guy at the counter looked defeated.

      “What do you want?”

      “I need some degreaser.”

      “Oh, thank God. I thought you were going to ask me for 50 cases of hand sanitizer like everybody else today.”

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Apparently, all of the municipalities, courthouses, schools, et al waited until this week to order massive amounts of sanitizer, masks, gloves, etc… Unfortunately, there are none available. Back orders are stretching out for at least two months.

      • leon


        In two months this will be forgotten.

      • pan fried wylie

        “WHO THE HELL ORDERED ALL THESE FACEMAS….oh, shit…” *quietly alters purchase order*

      • Tundra

        I find this baffling. What on earth is the hoarding thing about? Even if you end up quarantined, you can still get products delivered to your house, ffs.

      • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

        Well, not everyone can.

    • R C Dean

      I pointed out today that every drug store also seems to be a cut-rate liquor store. So if they run out of hand sanitizer, just move over two aisles and get a handle of Popov Vodka. It’s cheaper, anyway.

      • Nephilium

        State run liquor stores here in Ohio. Maximum of 41 proof outside of them (149 inside of them).

      • banginglc1

        -151 rum

      • Rebel Scum

        Might as well drink gasoline.

      • Nephilium

        Sorry, I pulled a Biden on the max proof. It is 151, even though Bacardi ended that line.

      • Not Adahn

        The last time I had Bacardi 151, the bottle was equipped with a flame arrester. My 190 proof Everclear has no such device. I’m wondering if the laws have been relaxed (not likely) or if the flame arrester was just a marketing gimmick on Bacardi’s part.

      • Nephilium

        IIRC it was due to a lawsuit where some kid burned himself trying to do dumb shit.

      • pistoffnick

        I was on an apple pie moonshine* kick a while ago.
        I went to buy 2 large 1.75 liter bottles of Everclear. The clerk said there was a city ordinance prohibiting a fella from buying 2 large bottles. So I bought 4 of the smaller 1 liter bottles instead.

        {taps side of forehead}

      • banginglc1

        There are other 151 rums still. But I do miss Bacardi. A 252 (Bacardi 151 and Wild Turkey 101) was one of favorite shots. My mind worked clearly while drinking them, but I lost all coordination and couldn’t walk. It was always a good time.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The natives still tell legends and tall tales about the things my body would go out and do after my brain would black-out drinking 151 and coke.

        My head would go to sleep 4 hours before my body. How I never woke up in a jail cell…

        Bob’s eyes crack open: “Why is my hair so greasy? Why do I have all these quarters in my pocket? Where the fuck did the pies come from? Wadda ya mean, there are pictures?”

        I don’t drink rum anymore.

        Or tequila, for entirely different reasons.

      • robc

        Shouldn’t that be a 126?

      • SugarFree

        Do you wanna do math or are you here to drink?

      • pan fried wylie

        Shouldn’t that be a 126?

        My first thought was ” 151*2 != 252, dumas ”

        2nd Thought: The “302”, aka “The Delaware Doubledown”

      • R C Dean

        Purell is 140 proof (in case you’re wondering why the wetbrain parked in your doorstep is sucking on a bottle of it), but I would think that even 41 proof vodka could still be used to sanitize.

      • Nephilium

        It’s like you don’t even read the linked articles:

        To be effective, hand sanitizer needs to have a strength of at least 60 percent alcohol. Since you’re going to have to mix your sanitizer with aloe vera gel in order to stabilize it and protect your hands, most recipes suggest that the mixture contain at least two-thirds 99 percent isopropyl alcohol and one-third gel. A 91 percent alcohol would work as well.

        You’re just a shill for big hospital!

      • pan fried wylie

        Too lazy to find a source, but I thought I read somewhere that you don’t want stronger than 70% isopropyl for disinfecting because the water content is necessary to the mechanism of action.

        Also, azeotropes.

        Reading the linked articles is for suckers.

      • Naptown Bill

        Vodka solves a multitude of problems.

    • Caput Lupinum

      My firm cancelled their planned women’s day meeting over the corona virus. Sucks for anyone infected, but the disease gave me three hours of my life back.

      • pistoffnick

        The company I work for has assembled a CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE TEAM

        No word on whether they get cool superhero costumes

      • Nephilium

        It’s the costume from Zardoz.

      • pistoffnick

        That’s going to clash ideologically with the “Xxxxxx bans guns on this property” signs.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The writer of that story is an idiot. It’s the same faces in the same order just moved outward so no one is too close together.

    • Timeloose

      I was going to be visiting Belgium (Leuven) next week for work. Now all of those beers will have to be drunk by some other slub.

      Thanks Coronovirus you are messing up my drinking. I’ll have to partake here instead.

      • Nephilium

        I’m flying through Atlanta and Baltimore next week (one transfer on the way out, a different one on the way back), should I expect to die from the virus?

      • Tundra

        I’m flying to Prague (through Amsterdam) in a month. Should I expect a Mad Max sort of adventure before I die from the virus?

      • Timeloose

        Lets hope there is a gimp playing metal at the front of one of the airport carts at least.

      • Invisible BEAM of the comment stream

        That’d be an epic way to go, mang.

      • Timeloose


        I was in Dulles last week and there are quite a lot of people concerned. The airport personnel are using big jugs of purell after each transaction or wearing gloves.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        You’ll only die flying into BWI if you go into the city.

      • Nephilium

        On the return flight, the choices were BWI or Midway.

        Fuck. Midway. I don’t think I’ve ever had a good experience at that airport. Hell, last time we were stuck there for ~3 hours for a delayed flight, and they closed the bars and restaurants an hour into the delay.

      • Pine_Tree

        No, but I hear that if you leave the airport in Baltimore, you should probably expect to die from something else.

      • Pine_Tree

        Oops, too slow.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Probably explains why everyone except Warren dropped out suddenly.

    Purely coincidental. No behind-the-curtain maneuvering. None.

    • cyto

      Even if it isn’t true, they certainly went out of their way to make it look as if it were true.

      1. Spend a couple of weeks whinging about who is going to derail the Bernie train.
      2. Try pushing But-edge-edge to the front…. but get little traction. Try Klobutchar.. get no traction.
      3. Panic that Biden looks to be a loser.
      4. When Biden actually follows through and wins South Carolina as planned, all the moderates drop out – even But-edge-edge who is still in decent position. Everyone endorses Biden. Except Warren, who is billed as Bernie lite. She’s in it for the long haul.

      Yup. Hard to spin that any other way than “orders from on high” said Biden is the anointed. That is the DNC thing, after all. That’s why they included the superdelegates, so the party could make sure that their man won. Remember what happened to all those committed superdeligates who were lined up behind Clinton in ’08….. Obama put on a good showing for about 2 weeks and everyone evaporated, telling clinton to hang it up. She dropped out almost immediately, knowing the party was not behind her. In 2016, she simply took over the party and rigged the primary, making sure there were no more spring surprises for her.

      So I think it is gonna be tough to convince the Bernie Bros that they didn’t get hosed by the establishment. They already believe it going in, before he got it stolen in 2016. Now, the second time around?? Yeah, I doubt they’ll be buying in on Biden.

    • leon

      No behind-the-curtain maneuvering

      This is known as “Rigging” if you are part of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        For a career politician, he really sucks at politics.

      • SugarFree

        Vermont politics, which is about as hardball and smashmouth as your average grade-school student government campaign.

      • Ozymandias

        I point people to this movie and always ask them of elections: “Do you think it gets more civil with more money and more power at stake?? Do you think that somehow, magically, better people just appear?”
        And then the follow-on: Do you seriously believe that ‘honest-to-goodness, dedicated public-servants, Mister Cleaver!’ is what government is comprised of as a result of elections? Were you not paying attention during that Middle School Civics lesson when we had student elections? Don’t you remember that shitshow?!?

      • SugarFree

        “But that’s just Tracey Flick!”

        “Bitch, who do you think Elizabeth Warren was in high school, Molly Ringwald?”

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Great movie

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Here comes the emergency pork.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s definitely scary, if you’re over 80, or if you run an assisted living facility, or are at risk of being overwhelmed, like a hospital.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or if you need those same services.

      • Mojeaux

        Yeah, ran into that last week with Mr. Mojeaux in the way overcrowded ER in a stuffed hospital.

    • Urthona

      that seems like a lot.

      • Timeloose

        Is it time to start to price gouge?

      • Rebel Scum

        Better to douse your hands in cheap vodka.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That’s only the first tranche.

        If it continues to roll, and there’s no reason to think it won’t at this point, it’s going to cost a lot more both directly and indirectly.

    • ChipsnSalsa

      The Salsa Laboratory for Infectious Disease has now been incorporated and ready for some sweet slush money.

    • Mojeaux

      Cheetoh Jesus is entertaining as hell.

    • Tundra


    • kinnath

      I think I am falling in love with this dude. Totally platonic though. I still dig chicks.

      • Mojeaux


  28. Fatty Bolger

    When did you stop writing fiction?

    • SugarFree

      Years ago, it seems.

  29. banginglc1

    Just a friendly reminder.

    Vote BLC1 for President . . .he can remember his own name and doesn’t look like a cheeto!

    • ChipsnSalsa

      Those are some convincing arguments there…

      what free stuff can you offer me?

      • banginglc1

        Unlimited Veto’s and pure entertainment . . . if you think Trump’s unhinged . . .

      • Tundra

        You better hire SF to handle your Twitter account.

      • Rebel Scum


        And Milo Y. for press-sec.

      • banginglc1

        Since he writes such wonderful children’s stories, I was thinking SF for Sec of Ed

      • Ted S.

        Unlimited Veto’s what?

        Sorry, I can’t vote for you if you abuse apostrophes like that.

      • pan fried wylie

        Only you would scoff at FREE apostrophe’s.

  30. mexican sharpshooter

    She pulled back and looked into the labrador’s warm brown eyes. “But you like me, don’t ya boy? Don’t ya, boy?”

    She felt the warm trickle of his urine ruining down her leg and cried even harder.

    Is this the same Labrador from the Subaru commercials?

      • Naptown Bill

        I pet Bailey Warren. He is an almost 2 year old Golden Retriever. He is campaigning through Iowa to become First Dog. The most important issues he wants addressed are more Milkbones and getting rid of student debt.

        I honestly think the dog is probably as qualified as Warren to speak to her economic policies.

      • Jarflax

        Bailey identifies as a cat.

      • kinnath

        Cat, well that’s one way to say it. Bailey!

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Lol, and I thought I went over the top when I wrote this as satire the other day.

        “The deceased are a great constituency for Bernie. He relates so closely to them! As somebody who has seen the light, so to say, a few times, Bernie has a good grasp on deceased-American electoral issues. They are really passionate for free college and single payer healthcare!”

  31. Fatty Bolger

    Heh, just got a Bloomberg flyer in the mail. It says he’s undefeated. Oops.

    • Rasilio

      Hey, you don’t technically get defeated if you quit

      • R C Dean

        Hey, you don’t technically get defeated if you quit before you lose a bunch of races on Super Tuesday

        Sorry, that ship sailed.

        On the plus side, he now gets to pay every consultant he contracted with through the election to work for somebody else. The man is a genius at business, I tell ya.

      • Fatty Bolger

        He can also stop trying to pretend he’s a normal human being. That’s got to be a relief.

    • Naptown Bill

      Well, guess we don’t have Mike Bloomberg to kick around anymore.

      • Hyperion

        Can we at least shoot him out of the midget cannon?

      • Fatty Bolger

        Hey, he’s slightly above average in height (5’10”), and has the driver’s license to prove it!

      • ChipsnSalsa

        pull the other one!

        My drivers license says I’m 180 lb.

      • Hyperion

        You mean 4’10”, right?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Well if it’s on the driver’s license then it must be true. And I’ve never weighed more than 210.

      • Hyperion

        The question is how big was the box he was standing on when they took the picture? Klobuchar is 5’4″ and she’s noticeably taller than him.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        I throught Bloomie was 5’7″ (which, ISTR, is what about half the Glibs roll in at), but here he is, next to wee Sarko.

        So, 5’5″ or so.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Did the flyer say what would happen if he wanted to stay in the White House past 2 terms?

      • Fatty Bolger

        It says Mike will get it done… no matter how long it takes.

  32. Heroic Mulatto

    The coronavirus ain’t shit. It can’t even kill children. It was specifically bio-engineered to kill Baby Boomers. This is plain as day and I will duel any man who says otherwise.

    • Rebel Scum

      It was specifically bio-engineered to kill Baby Boomers.

      I figured China created it to thin out their elderly population.

      • Hyperion

        Our own proggies were in cahoots with them. Since only our college aged kids are the only ones dumb enough to vote socialist and they aborted most of that pool, we’re going to have to thin out the Boomers to even it out.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        That’s my neighbors only half-joking theory (she works in biotech, is between jobs and is avidly following all the covid-19 news)

      • Heroic Mulatto

        China is hero

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Maybe the Chicoms were just trying to kill off the vestiges of Confucian elder veneration after they seriously wounded it with the one-child policy.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Stop trying to make me like it.

    • RBS

      “It was specifically bio-engineered to kill Baby Boomers.”

      Do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?

    • Plinker762

      Bonk bonk on the head.

    • invisible finger

      Sorry, HM, I need to see public sector pensions solvent again before I’m convinced.

    • Florida Man

      I’ll take that challenge. Not that I have any strong opinions, I just enjoy pointless violence.

    • leon

      It was specifically bio-engineered to kill Baby Boomers. This is plain as day and I will duel any man who says otherwise.

      So you’re saying it was made by benevolent aliens come to liberate us?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I don’t know. It seems like whatever being that’s running the simulation is getting bored and is just messing with things. The being may just get bored enough to shut the whole thing down.

    • gbob

      I wasn’t supportive of his views on fucking ladyboys, but his whale fucking ideas had merit.

    • Hyperion

      He was in? I don’t even know what happened with the libertarian moment. It’s almost like someone just made that shit up.

    • Gustave Lytton

      McAfee campaigned in 2016 to be the Libertarian Party’s candidate for the 2016 presidential elections. He was even featured in the Libertarian Party’s first televised debate with fellow candidates Gary Johnson and Austin Petersen.
      Gary Johnson eventually won the nomination and tapped Petersen to be his running mate.

      That’s some good retconning right there.

      • robc

        Honestly, it is more believable than what really happened, so I am going with it.

  33. Hyperion

    The SHORT unhappy campaign of Mike Bloomberg. No pun intended, really.

    Short and Unhappy

    Poor Mikey, got up on the stage and got beaten up by Pocahontas, had no comeback, just stood there looking like a 3 year old toddler who just got a scolding.

    • Gustave Lytton

      He deserves credit, not derision, for the patriotic belief that his country needed him.

      No he doesn’t. What that authoritarian asshole deserves is being held face down in a Big Gulp.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The one positive part of his campaign is yet another nail in the coffin of the theory that money buys elections. But like every other previous example, it will be ignored and hand waved.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        yet another nail in the coffin of the theory that money buys elections

        That was my first thought as well. You are also correct that it will promptly be ignored.

      • Plinker762

        No one has more money than the Russians!

      • slumbrew - double secret satan

        They’re so good, they only needed $100,000.

        Imagine what damage they would have done if they had Bloomberg money.

      • Plinker762

        They have the “rope with which we will hang them” multiplier.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        +1 Palov’s secret research

  34. Heroic Mulatto

    John McAfee@officialmcafee 9h
    Smartest man on Earth?

    Not even.

    Smartest man over 70 with a wife less than half his age who is an anal fisting maestro and can play piano?


    I can’t imagine how much of a tedious, overweening prig one must be to not love this man.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I can think of one former neighbor (never proven)

      • Heroic Mulatto

        If it were in the States, I would have taken my chances. I defy you to find 12 men who would convict someone for killing the motherfucker who poisoned your dogs.

      • Tundra

        Not guilty.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        The John Wick defense.

      • Chipwooder

        And there was never any actual evidence against him, was there? I thought there was nothing more than a history of animus between the two men.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Very soon after moving in, I found a neighbor trespassing on my fields.

        SSD: Hey man, you can’t walk around my property without permission. /Points to Doberman by side. I let her roam and she’d rip your throat out if I wasn’t here.

        Neighbor: That’s okay. I keep a gun around to shoot dogs who bite me.

        SSD: /Pats holster. And I keep a gun around for anyone who shoots my dog.

        Neighbor never trespassed again. Can you believe that fucker? Threatening to shoot my dog on my property while trespassing!

      • leon

        That is some nerve. I often am amazed by the assholitude of some people.

      • R C Dean

        I know a rancher who found a couple guys trespassing on his land to hunt.

        He, naturally, was armed. He made them lay their guns down and back away, then told them to leave. If they wanted their guns back, they’d have to come to his house. Never heard if they did or not.

        I certainly wouldn’t turn my back on an armed trespasser.

      • Tundra

        My neighbor trespassed recently. To bring me a beer.

        He’s Laotian, though, so he probably didn’t know he was supposed to bring a sixer.

      • slumbrew - double secret satan
      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Poachers are dangerous. I mentioned I’m having some trouble with them the other day, and would have handled such an encounter differently than with this asshole neighbor. That was smart of the rancher to take their guns.

      • R C Dean

        From what I gather, its SOP when Texas ranchers encounter poachers/trespassers.

        As is, it goes without saying, the ranchers always having a gun handy.

    • slumbrew - double secret satan

      He’s the best of us.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I thought jurisdictions weren’t using bonds anymore, innocent until proven guilty.

    • Hyperion

      Look at the picture. Did they arrest her in a 4am swat raid? Cause that looks like she’s wearing a nighty, size 5XXX.

      • banginglc1

        “Would” – John

    • Ozymandias

      And she’s a real looker, eh?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Thank you my friend.

    • ChipsnSalsa

      the Colorado District Attorneys’ Council said in a statement. “As with any defendant, Ms. Lewton is presumed innocent until proven guilty…

      I remain unconvinced this is their standard opinion in all drug related charges.

  35. Rebel Scum

    Mark Meadows✔

    Michael Bloomberg could barely win a delegate in a primary with $500+ million—but if you ask Washington Democrats, a few Russian trolls spending 100K on Facebook ads swung the entire 2016 election. Got it. #CollusionHoax

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


      Over and over and over again

    • mikey

      You’d think everybody would be trying to hire those Ruskies – they’re clearly the Jedi Masters of all campaign consultants.

    • AlmightyJB


    • Rebel Scum

      Trump having a Big Gulp on the podium during the Trump vs. Bloomberg debates

      And a cheeseburger, bucket of fried chicken and half a meatlovers pizza.

      • Rasilio

        Have the Secret Service visibly stop and frisk Bloomberg before he gets on stage

      • ChipsnSalsa

        Bloomy would try to take it and eat it.

  36. R C Dean

    Further on my “we don’t know ’nuffin about the Kung Flu”:

    CDC just changed its guidance on transmissability and precautions for healthcare workers dealing with Kung Flu patients. Formerly, it was airborne, wear a virus-rated N95 mask. Now, its droplets, wear a surgical mask, face shield/goggles, gown, and gloves.

    Not sure what the latest is on how long it can survive on surfaces.

    • leon

      Not sure what the latest is on how long it can survive on surfaces.

      9 months, Or 4 years and 9 months. Depends on who wins the election.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Still hasn’t been updated on the website.

      I wonder if that is actually the case or the CDC is just trying a mostly effective alternative to deal with the lack of N95 respirators?

      • R C Dean

        For them to change from “airborne” to “droplet” would be a huge change with many knock-on effects, I believe. When I say “just changed”, I mean we got the word around noon, maybe.