So…definitely no panic at the Home Office. Nope. All is in order, and everything is fine. Chocolate will save us.
So, with all that straightened out, lets get to the links. Besides, I need to go find out if Don Brett is back from his latest MethGator™ product development meeting. Something about adding cholorquine or such?
- Now this really hits close to Gnome.
- Dear Glibs in the Land of the Rising Sun. Prepare to be locked down. You know the drill – secure muchly booze, food, tp and porn!
- At least some in the UK are still a bit defiant. For now, at least.
You all gambol in the comments.
Cat play centres are essential, unless you want to buy new furniture and draperies.
If you don’t buy cat play centers, you have to buy extra peroxide, neosporin, and bandages.
My dad used to say, “you can either have cats or nice stuff in your house”
Someday I will post a pic of our living room. Everyone will be equal parts amused and appalled.
Here you go
LOL – I AM equal parts amused and appalled!
It appears entirely built around the needs of the cat.
Cats. We had 9 at the time that picture was taken. We are down to 7, but the LR still looks pretty much the same.
You are crazy cat people.
Want 2 more? ?
That would be crazy.
The Mister & I are the weirdos in my family for only having one (who’s in my lap right now demanding attention.)
I approve, and her royal cuteness nods her approval.
How many cats do you have? *backs away slowly*
My god!
Spartacus, these guys are here to make you feel good about yourself again.
Every day lately when reading the comments on Glibertarians.com, I loudly exclaim, “What the actual fuck?” to at least one comment one of You People have made that reveals your Real Life proclivities.
Guess to whom it was in reply today?
Totally worth it.
Awww!! Pretteh kittehs! <3
I like Seamus, Hans, and Tabbykat.
I envy you, you have designer furniture and it looks comfy. I know, envy, but I’m happy that some are making it.
The cat prefers the family room to the play center. My legendary self restraint means that we still have a cat.
It’s tough to gambol indoors.
Most casinos have high ceilings.
Where there is a demand there will be a supply. Bookies and speakeasies are your friend or soon will be.
UH-OH! Democrat Rep. Velazquez Tests Positive for Coronavirus — Was with 80-Year-Old Pelosi Three Days Earlier
Stop teasing me.
This is all Massies fault. It was his plan all along.
Even more reason to like him.
Man, I’m gonna need more booze for my party in 2 weeks.
meh, they’ll give Pelosi the HCQ/Z-Pac treatment as a prophylactic
Dammit…what if Botox has been the vaccine and cure all along
Nah. Botox has no genetic material in it, so there’s nothing for the virus to work with.
“Give evil nothing to oppose, and it will disappear by itself.”
One woman was seen carrying a cat play centre from the popular shop in Bristol
How can kitty toys be deemed non-essential? What a race of heathens.
Why is the shop open? Do they not even know how to properly crater their economy??
I’d say that playing with pussy is now more essential than ever.
Is that REALLY necessary? Hundreds of shoppers are spotted at The Range in Bristol defying government orders to stay at home and only shop for essential items
The world has been taken over by 60 year old bitties who comment on what is in your shopping cart.
The only correct answer to that question is “fuck off and mind your own business.”
Less talky more smitey.
Total assholes.
I picked up plants when I got moulding to finish up door replacements. Are the plants non essential. Sure, but since I was already there, it didn’t increase the risk to buy them at the same time. And it’s making my wife’s mental happiness much better every time she looks out the window.
(And the door moulding is so we can have another bedroom ready that doesn’t leak air around the frame if we need to isolate from each other.)
Im sorry, but ‘essential’ is subjective. This 30-pack of Milwaukee’s Best Light is very essential to me.
I called the liquor store in MD before making a run there yesterday (since the syphilitic camel we call Gov Wolf shut ours down) and they said about Gov Hogan’s order “oh, were considered essential”.
I don’t blame them, it’s only the second week where I’m at and I’m getting stir crazy. For those who actually enjoy going out and socializing this must be hell, it’s no wonder people are finding excuses to go out for stuff and they should be allowed to do so without the morality police giving them shit.
Music for our current times
CBS obtained footage from the COVID-19 wasteland that is New York City.
Fake news! That was the last Glibs Meetup.
Would I be wrong to assume they were trying to keep the numbers close while there was still a chance the Olympics would go on?
Tokyo’s Sudden Rise in Coronavirus Infections After Olympic Delay Sparks Questions
I think I saw that move before…
(Loved that movie as a kid, and enjoyed rewatching it recently)
Garbage in, garbage out
Still, even if all states mandate social distancing within the next week, and then maintained this through May, some 82,000 people in the US could die from coronavirus by August, University of Washington health metrics sciences professor Christopher Murray told CNN on Tuesday, citing his modeling.
The model estimates that more than 2,000 people could die each day in the United States in mid-April, when the virus is predicted to hit the country hardest.
According to my model, you’re all gonna die.
Not me.
Ok, according to his model — we’re all going to die and you’re going to regenerate. Better brush up on your cricket pitching…
Dude in the cricket outfit WAS the Dr after Tom Baker!
Im amazed I remember that, cause for me it goes from Tom Baker directly to Christopher Ecclestone
I liked the 5th Doctor a lot. (Sorry, Sean.)
Until the reboot, he was my second favorite.
I hadn’t really considered mixing old and new, but when I do I think he’s still my second favorite.
I liked the 5th Doctor too.
My liver is, at least.
This model, did he sniff the glue while putting it together?
Just give me a whole lot of extra quinine for my gin and tonic and I’ll take my chances.
The economy is still trying to kick. We have to keep the pillow on it a little longer.
Last week I saw a chart somewhere that showed the German-speaking cantons had the lowest number of coronavirus cases in Switzerland. The Italian-speaking canton had the highest number. And the French-speaking ones were in the middle but closer to the German-speaking ones.
I wonder if it’s more that Italo-Swiss were more likely to have contact with an Italian, or if people of Germanic heritage have a greater genetic resistance than those of Latin/Mediterranean heritage? Of course, it’s multivariate but I keep thinking of the mild resistance Mediterraneans have against malaria from various hemoglobinopathies like thalassemia, sickle cell, or (maybe?) favism.
You don’t think it could be because the Germans are standoffish, the Italians are touchy-feely, and the French tend to be somewhere in between?
As I said, multivariate.
Also, I’m not sure SARS 2 can be passed through the oral-vaginal route. I am willing to volunteer as a human test subject for that study, however.
Sand in your clit again?
(Only kidding HM! Just couldn’t resist the obvious)
How was I supposed to know?
I was drunk. It was dark.
And tasted vaguely of sea-life?
Seafood is our regional delicacy.
Or different behavioral habits?
Boswald Bollocksworth
Fascinating chinaman plague is proving iatrogenic
What do we know about German hospitals? They are clean, they don’t wear filthy scrubs home
What do we know about Italian and American hospitals? Filthy. Workers wear scrubs all over town thinking they’re on a a hospital drama
He ain’t wrong.
When rich Russians need medical treatment they go to Germany. Until now–the borders are closed.
For some reason I want some old* gold roubles now.
*as in from the time of the Romanovs
*as in from the time of the Romanovs
That’s using your noodle.
A couple of possibilities: 1) The Italian and French regions of Switzerland are closer to Italy, or 2) Germans really are the Ubermenschen.
I wonder which option the Germans believe.
“FBI warned of concerns over ‘biosecurity risk’ from Chinese scientists’ research in the US after intercepting Sars virus and flu samples illicitly carried in their luggage a year before coronavirus outbreak”
“The great cover-up of China: Beijing punished covid whistleblower, claimed it came from US and ‘is STILL lying about death figures’ – so what CAN we believe from them?”
so what CAN we believe from them?”
Best to just verify it all…
This is known.
Articles like those, make me wonder…are those $2B stealth bombers we have worth all that money. Maybe we should see.
So sorry to hear a UFO glassed your bioterrorism facility outside Wuhan. Very mysterious. We’ll get right on that investigation.
Utah started Publishing the # of hospitalizations with their data too, which is helpful for understanding the bredth of the pandemic.
18,513 tested
887 sick
73 Hospitalized
5 Dead.
I’m trying to figure out Michigan. The positive test % here is 2x as high as any other state from what I’ve seen. They said they’ve done about 25k tests with just over 5k positive. Most states are around 10% positive.
NY has managed to get their positive rate above 1/3rd.
Their requirements to get the test are probably higher.
Nobody’s getting a test here unless they look like they already have it.
And still nearly 2/3rds are negative. Are we sure we know what we’re looking for?
Hold on to your butts:
Oh Christ. Kill the used auto market again?
It’s the EPA rules. So they’re using lube instead of going dry
Nice little bit of branding they did on that. He just shot CAFE in the ass and called it increasing safety.
Whatever works.
Remember, he’s also a big fan of the chicken tax.
And with math only a bureaucrat could love.
This changes the rate that pollutants must decrease from the original Obama decrees. As result they’ve formulaicly determined that cars will be X% cheaper. This resulting slower price increases will cause an increase rate of purchase over the one in the Obama rules.
New cars of comparable size are generally safer ergo – lives saved!
My guess is this was done because the Church of Green Worship had another equally wonderful model that took the increased pollution from this decree and extracted it out into a lives shortened and deaths caused by this horrible piece of legislation.
I’m so happy I don’t to deal with type of stuff anymore…
Not as bad as it was, but still pretty bad.
My feeling too.
Is he going to give us Cash, for those clunkers?
Is that all that Trump is doing now? Taking Obama’s policies, like “cash for clunkers” or “Obamaphones” and rebranding them? Am I crazy or is that what this all is?
We are trapped in some fucked up Groundhogs day universe.
It looks like as of now, he just relaxed EPA standards, while making wild claims about how it will transform the industry…but it certainly looks like he is setting the table for more.
I may have read it too negatively at first. He may just be rhetorically advocating buying “better and safer American cars” going forward. The last thing we need is Cash for Clunkers part 2.
Me too.
But we all know it would take just one call from one of his cronies in Detroit.
I don’t see any buybacks. They have relaxed Obama’s CAFE standards (was 5% year, now 1.5% year) and claim it will reduce costs of vehicles by ~$1000.
Sure, if you keep it 20 years your costs will go down a grand, if you only consider fuel savings. But the price of the car is about to go up a couple grand, and repairs will be more frequent and more expensive.
He’s the FDR for a new millennium.
“Cheeto FDR”
You can bet that is what a Biden administration would be doing!
Yes, he really is, but with added nationalistic flavor.
Good lord…
Its almost like he knows the economy was his largest selling point and his over correction is going to lead him into a ditch…
Fucking Trump really does not want my vote.
“The killer coronavirus can spread through the air and remain contagious for hours, another study has suggested.
US scientists found high levels of the bug lurking in the air in rooms long after patients had left.
What’s more is that traces of the coronavirus were also discovered in hospital corridors outside patients’ rooms, where staff had been coming in and out.
The University of Nebraska researchers behind the study say the finding highlights the importance of protective clothing for healthcare workers.
It follows a wealth of studies that have suggested the highly contagious disease does not just spread via droplets in a cough or sneeze.”
So, to loop this back into the previous discussion… At what point is the thing so contagious that there is no way to predictably contain it? How does that then affect the liabilities?
Makes it sound like the lucky ones are those who have a mild case, recover, and go on with life.
The healthy will envy the slightly ill!
Unfortunately, it appears that previous infection does not necessarily confer immunity.
We need a lot more data.
More fearmongering. Were any aerosol creating produces done in those rooms? How big are they? Negative air pressure? What levels of detection? Just because it’s detectable doesn’t mean it poses the same risk as someone coughing into your face while viral shedding.
Otoh, you just installed mouldings to make a room more airtight.
Guilty. I also have minimized my own direct person to person contact even if I think the orders are economy (and life) destroying.
You know what really, really, really pisses me off? When a news article cites a study and provides absolutely no citation that would enable a reader to go and locate the original study. It drives me bonkers!
Trust the Journalists and their cherry picking. Don’t try to think for yourself.
Panic man, Panic!
You’re right.
They probably didn’t pay the journal to view it and just went off the abstract anyways.
Anyone else have a strong skepticism when media figures let us know they have tha VID? Believe all covids?
Maybe if they had been obeying social distancing rules….
This cheered me up a little
Amazon walkout organizer gets the boot.
Amazon has terminated an employee based in the company’s Staten Island, New York, warehouse after he participated in a worker walkout protesting the company’s response to the novel coronavirus.
Amazon (AMZN) confirmed the firing Monday night, telling CNN Business in a statement that the employee, Christian Smalls, was supposed to be under quarantine.
“Mr. Smalls was found to have had close contact with a diagnosed associate with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and was asked to remain home with pay for 14 days, which is a measure we’re taking at sites around the world,” said Amazon spokesperson Kristen Kish. “Despite that instruction to stay home with pay, he came onsite today, March 30, putting the teams at risk.”
The firing follows the protest partly organized by Smalls, who had called on Amazon to shut down the Staten Island facility for deep cleaning after multiple cases of the coronavirus emerged there. In an interview on Sunday, Smalls told CNN he had spent the past week trying to persuade senior warehouse officials to close the building and sterilize it, but to no avail.
In a phone interview Monday night after his firing, Smalls said he is being singled out for punishment and that his firing reflects a culture of apathy at Amazon.
“Everybody’s been warning me that [this] might happen, so I kinda expected it,” Smalls said. “But for them to do it this way, and for the reasoning behind it, that tells you right there that they, number one, don’t care about people, and number two, it’s just a target, a straight up target.”
Smalls said he next intends to visit City Hall to persuade local government officials to intervene.
New York Attorney General Letitia James said late Monday evening that “it is disgraceful that Amazon would terminate an employee who bravely stood up to protect himself and his colleagues.”
“At the height of a global pandemic, Chris Smalls and his colleagues publicly protested the lack of precautions that Amazon was taking to protect them from COVID-19,” she said. “Today, Chris Smalls was fired. In New York, the right to organize is codified into law, and any retaliatory action by management related thereto is strictly prohibited.”
James also called for an investigation by the National Labor Relations Board. On Tuesday, Smalls told CNN that he intends to file a complaint with the NLRB.
“Legal action will be taken in due time,” Smalls said.
If it’s so scary to work there, quit. But why would you do that when you can run and bury your face in Letitia James’ skirts?
I hope he and De Blasio and James have a press conference, and they catch the cooties from him.
They are going to commie the shit out of this, there is no doubt.
You’re killing me, Smalls.
Call Suge Knight for a little “help”.
You’re killing me, Smalls.
Smalls? I’ll tell you how to fix him. What you’ve got to do is cut the hamstring on the back of his leg right at the bottom. He’ll never play golf again, because his weight displacement goes back, all his weight is on his right foot, and he’ll push everything off to the right. He’ll never come through on anything. He’ll quit the game.
I am now the proud theoretical owner* of a CZ-P P-01. I finally found one of these online. While I was briefly toying with full-size, this seemed like a good compromise between that and a smaller, plastic gun. Thanks again, everyone. Let me know if you need help picking out bikes.
(*) Pending “warehouse verification” which has me worried.
I also found out that the closest FFL to me is a pawn shop within easy walking distance, but I shipped to the large FFL gun store which I know to be open.
Congrats on getting the gats!
Nice! Get a bunch of mags before someone else does!
Excellent. Start shopping for extra mags. ?
How long was the wait Tonio? Word on the street here is BG checks are six days out. This has never happened before.
Yesterday there were 8 coronavirus deaths in Massachusetts, today–33.
Time to panic?
Alright, Kids. I have to run out and risk certain death at the grocery store. I’ll expect my medal for bravery if I return alive.
Sorry, Grrizz. Mis-threaded.
Reply still works.
You get an achievement medal if you score some TP!
Oh come on, even in my misbegotten corner of NY, the generic TP has returned to the shelves.
On my booze run, I stopped in at Kroger on the way home. They were out. They had some store brand the week before. Maybe you have to ask for some.
I thought that was just a brown oak leaf cluster for the medal.
Bronze Star but no Combat V
I already have the Combat “V”… IYKWIM.
Alas, I have no personal awards for valor.
I’ve seen BSM’s given out for less…
Don’t get me started…
Haha I won’t bring up the CAB either then.
/ not an expert
The Combat Action Badge was created so that the non-infantry types could have their own version of the Combat Infantryman’s Badge. There was significant push back. Army culture had always said that the infantry were the ones doing the fighting, and every other MOS existed to support the infantry, which in my opinion is true. The problem was that since GWOT started, there were as many or more POG MOS’s engaged in combat than actual 11B’s (infantry), and they felt there should be an equivalent award, because after all, it was worth 15 promotion points. There was much debate.
The CAB was established, and everyone wanted one. Everyone that wasn’t infantry of course. Whether you deserved one for having a mortar round land 100 away while walking to the jerk-bucket in your shower shoes, or getting blown up by an IED then actually engaging the enemy became the new debate. Getting one depended on who was doing the approvals.
/lower enlisted army truck driver
Pretty much. Kiss your ass good-bye they’re, chief.
Uh stupid autocorrect
Tomorrow 135, Thursday 550, Friday 2050, Saturday 8300, Sunday 35,000, Monday 145,000 a week from today 600,000, You will all be dead by next Wednesday at noon.
That $1,200.00 check will buy me a day, right?
So, pretty much everyone, including Pat Buchanan, the editorial staff of The Atlantic, Tucker Carlson, Jeffery Sachs, Victor Davis Hanson, Nassim Taleb, and the autists of 4chan have crafted a Dolchstoßlegende in which the pandemic is all the fault of we, libertarians.
So if we’re the newest Jews, then who do I have to kill to get a hot pastrami and tongue sandwich with a half-sour pickle and a knish in this place? I’m fucking starving!
Unfortunately there are no Female libertarians… So no sandwiches.
/Ducks, Runs, Hides.
All of these euphemisms…
Shorter version – they found out about your new fetish?
It’s not like I’ve kept it a secret.
Unlike China’s actual deaths from SARS 2.
L’etat est HM.
Why do we keep abusing all our political power?
Trying to go blind?
Except libertarians are like Murphy’s Law, or the gremlin that lives in your dryer and eats your socks. Nobody really believes in libertarians.
“Whycome dey no let us rule Xi Jinping?”
our new SAFE VEHICLES RULE. Get rid of those old, unsafe clunkers.
Wait, what?
“”They say it to me in a way that’s like, “Look, I’m just being the realist, I’m just being realistic here.” And I reply, “I don’t think you are, and it’s not really good enough! We can do better than that!”
I love that you say “silence is the sturdy ally of gendered microaggression.” In a climate where some are dismissing microaggressions, tell us why this type of aggression is important to pay attention to.
One-hundred percent. I love the word microaggression. I’ve been doing therapy for years and think it’s the best thing ever, and we talk about “telling the microscopic truth.”
There’s so little vocabulary. In Thomas Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd, Bathsheba says, “It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language that is made by men to express theirs.” You know, I’m trying to express myself in a language that just doesn’t have vocabulary for me.
I did an interview with Vogue magazine a couple of months ago, and I talked about how, in the run-up to my 30s, [I felt] this incredible, sudden anxiety and pressure that I had to be married or have a baby or [be] moving into a house. And there was no word for this kind of subliminal messaging and anxiety and pressure that I felt building up but couldn’t really name, so I used the word self-partnered. For me it wasn’t so much about coining a word; it was more that I needed to create a definition for something that I didn’t feel there was language for. And it was interesting because it really riled some people up! It was less for me about the word but more about what it meant — just this idea that we need to reclaim language and space in order to express ourselves, because sometimes it’s really not there.””
Apparently, the English language isn’t good enough for actual English women.
Is there a GoFundMe page for a libertarian women willing to slap the stupid out of these two twats?
Id b̶u̶y̶ watch that for a dollar !
Sadly, I think that stupid runs clean down to the bone.
If shit gets much worse with house arrest and unemployment, perhaps it will become to pass that whenever the word micro-aggression is uttered or some other spoiled commie whine word, everyone in hearing proximity will smack the shit out of that person.
That gibberish actually hurt my brain.
She’s an actress. While there is nothing to prevent actors from being intelligent, it’s not their prime attribute. They have to look pretty, emote, and remember their lines and blocking. Everything above that is gravy.
I’ve been doing therapy for years
I’ll bet
aka masturbation?
She took a really long route to get there.
Yeah, you felt it. Didn’t really provide any real evidence that this was not only being said to you, but was being forced on you.
Gee–I wonder why any man wouldn’t listen to you two…
Do you see how she’s looking at me?
With those vacant cow eyes?
Looks like she had a surgical procedure, someone transplanted a big fat ass on to her chest.
What the fuck is your fetish with hobbits?
You sick freak.
Kim Kardashian is not a hobbit.
One woman was seen carrying a cat play centre from the popular shop in Bristol
Mission essential pussy playground.
That was my nickname in college
That was my nickname in college
Huh. Small world.
They just called me “Mepp” but everyone knew what it stood for.
You were probably a real spinner back in he day…
Ba dah tum. He’ll be here all week! Tip the veal and try the waitress!
Cow tipping and a waitress? My inner redneck is excited now.
the pandemic is all the fault of we, libertarians.
*puffs out chest proudly*
You might not want to exhale around OMWC.
He’s in the 1,000 year+ high risk cohort.
But he’s also the only person that old, and so far no one else in that cohort has died, so he’s probably safe. Science!
Your logic is irrefutable.
Tres Sr. has been taking hydroxychloroquine for quite some time now for his RA.
In his words, “Im fuckin immune!”
So the cure for the virus is grade school girls? I think I’ll take my chances on death.
I wonder if he gave any thought to digging in his pockets and personally paying his staff more. Im sure they’re all “essential”.
Sen. Sherrod Brown wants some workers to get hazard pay during coronavirus emergency
Lockdown continues. They finally closed Mrs TOK’s gym. It was secretly allowed to stay open due to a lot of cops working out there, but the owner finally got “a letter”. Something to do with insurance. Pray for my soul, as Mrs TOK is quite fond of the gym.
Get her a play center so she doesn’t claw the shit out of your furniture.
If by play center you mean 300 lb Olympic set, I’ve looked and can’t find one locally.
Order her a home pole-dancing setup.
“Look, honey, it was all they had. Stripperobics are a real thing.”
^^^This guy gets it.
Dave Smith on the Jimmy Dore Show talking about the stimulus deal or the bailout deal or whatever they called that monstrosity:
In Tokyo, there has been intense speculation that a lockdown could come soon, fueled by the rising number of cases.
The national total edged past 2,000 infections after a center for disabled people in Chiba prefecture, east of Tokyo, found seven more infections. There have been 66 deaths.
This is insane.
The Tokyo people have survived attacks by giant radioactive monsters in the past, they’ll be fine this time.
On the bright side, our new dining room set was delivered today.
Life goes on. Although, if I had know we would be heading into a serious recession last January, I doubt I would have ordered it. Ah, well.
I like the table.
I have to reserve judgement on the chairs, as I can’t tell how comfortable they are.
Quite comfy. Leather seats, the back has just the right angle.
Very sweet! I like your Southwest theme. Arizona fits you well.
Beautiful, RC.
“Hey, Hon, look at this! Oooops, never mind”
I want to build a new computer desk, taller than the one I have now, so I can use it with a drafting chair to sit or stand at about the same height.
Very nice. What does the Satan emblem on the corner of the table mean?
I believe it stands for “This table cost one (1) human soul, lightly used”.
Very nice.
What’s the design on the chair backs?
Purely decorative – the set is Harvey Ellis; some of the Harvey Ellis inlays are pictorial, some are not. The design on the chair backs actually (and purely accidentally) matches the design on our living room rug.
Mrs. Dean wanted the Harvey Ellis to go with the liquor cabinet in the living room.
Elegant. Much classy.
Very nice – Stickley?
Not yet, but give it time.
Larf, I did.
Yep. Good eye. Made the mistake of stopping by their store in Tucson with Mrs. Dean during their winter sale.
They make it too easy – everything matches!
We actually changed the stain after we placed the order – lightened it up a notch or two.
Also on the downside, they had one of these. Holy crap, is that comfortable. Immediately went from my “that looks nice” list to my “WANT VERY HARD RIGHT NOW” list. Including the ottoman.
Damn this recession. Damn it to Hell!
You can keep saying recession all you want, but the Gods of the Copybook Headings are all whispering Depression.
I was expecting ‘Unpainted Arizona’s’
Ah, see I was about to ask if you are having the same problem I am: wife sits in the house for weeks and suddenly doesn’t like something in the house.
*pulls back rug on wall to reveal gun safe
I thought the gun cabinet was in the background in the other room.
Pish. The main gun safe is [LOCATION REDACTED]. Quick-reaction guns are, well, easily accessed.
The basic plan is:
The Dean Beasts act as shock troops to disrupt the initial incursion. Two highly pissed off pits seem adequate for the purpose, even if they are short. Aimed fire is provided by me, with whatever is most immediately to hand. Mrs. Dean holds down the assembly point if a retreat is called for.
When the ammo runs out, the swords come out.
Drone strike it is.
Nice. I like it.
Very nice.
Just had a set of these delivered a couple of weeks ago.
Same finish.
Sweet. I really like that stain on the quartersawn oak. A lot.
It is gorgeous in real life when the sun shines in the windows (yes we upgraded to quartersawn oak).
Nice. FLW’ish.
there is NOT enough mission in this life
The vigas are actually straight – they look curved because of the panorama shot.
Ooooooooh, purty!
Something, something, clever… Titty Tuesday.
I’m amused that #15 doesn’t have her face in the picture but has what appears to be an ID showing what might be her face on the back of her phone.
#17 looks kinda crazy but I’ll take her anyways.
Speaking of unnecessary shopping. I ran to the hardware store to get a 6m nut I dropped on the floor and couldn’t find. Fucker rolled somewhere. When I was paying for my 25 cent purchase the big grumpy lady behind the counter was complaining that nobody was following the stay at home order. I gave her my best, “fuck off bitch” look. Also, it was essential. It was for the water rower and Heir Polis stated shopping for exercise equipment is essential.
How do you loose something over 19 feet in diameter?
The loose made me smile.
It passed spell check 😉 and it would be a bitch to loosen.
Ok, m 6 wise guy.
Cleanest story about busting a nut I’ve read in awhile.
Boy, I’ve got an electric utility asking me whether it would be constitutional for the governor to bar all utilities from shut-offs due to nonpayment. There is no such order yet, but they’re saying they could go bankrupt in a couple months if such an order came down. Crazy times. And I think we know the answer, anyway.
Mine already said they’re not shutting anyone off. Don’t know if the order came down from on high.
I’ve always been sorry I didn’t visit Lausanne, but I couldn’t afford it when I was visiting Switzerland. I only saw Zurich and Bern. I was there when I went to the Lindau conference in grad school. I met Solow and Nash among others. I made friends I still stay in touch with.
I had a feeling that the view from the Cathedral in the article was familiar. Yep, 8 years ago.
That’s a good picture.
Never been to Lausanne, but I have been to Luzern.
NYC curve already flattening?
There is indeed a paper to read. I did not.
The last two days kinda looked that way but it’s premature. Today already looks brutal.
Yup; just checked. Sadly, today is going to absolutely blow away the cases and death numbers. And it’s still early.
Toxic individualism will kill us all
This dynamic is playing out in small ways across the country. Bret, a sales representative from Plano, Texas, who asked that I not use his last name, proudly told me how unfazed he and his conservative neighbors were by the threat of an outbreak. In his view, the recent wave of government-mandated lockdowns was a product of panic-mongering in the mainstream media, and he welcomed Trump’s call for businesses to reopen by Easter.
When I asked whether the virus had interfered with his lifestyle, Bret laughed. “Oh, I’m going to the shooting range tomorrow,” he replied.
Was he worried that his friends might disapprove if they found out?
“No,” he told me, “around here, I get much more of people saying, ‘Why don’t you go Saturday so I can go, too?’”
Terry Trahan, a manager at a cutlery store in Lubbock, Texas, acknowledged that a certain “toxic tribalism” was informing people’s attitudes toward the pandemic. “If someone’s a Democrat, they’re gonna say it’s worse,” he told me, “and if someone’s a Republican, they’re gonna say it’s bad, but it’s getting better.”
As an immunocompromised cancer survivor, Trahan said he’s familiar with commonsense social-distancing practices. But as a conservative, he’s become convinced that many Democrats are so invested in the idea that the virus will be disastrous that they’re pushing for prolonged, unnecessary shutdowns in pursuit of vindication.
But there are real ideological forces at work as well.
Katherine Vincent-Crowson, a 35-year-old self-defense instructor from Slidell, Louisiana, has watched in horror this month as businesses around her city were forced to close by state decree. A devotee of Ayn Rand, Vincent-Crowson told me Louisiana’s shelter-in-place order was a frightening example of government overreach.
“It feels very militaristic,” she said. “I’m just like, ‘What the hell, is this 1940s Germany?’”
But when we spoke, she seemed even more aggravated by the “self-righteous” people on social media who spend their time publicly shaming anyone who isn’t staying locked in their house. “It really reminds me of my kids who tattle on their siblings when they do something bad,” she said. “I’m a libertarian … I don’t really like being told what to do.”
The politicization of everything rolls on.
Have any of these fear mongering alarmists ever read the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
Even if the wolf finally shows up, no one will listen to them.
Another coastal elite goes on safari in Deploraland eh?
Yeah, let’s see what happens next flu season.
“The politicization of everything rolls on.”
“Could”? LOL.
A line has been
walkedcrossed.Hard-drinking Australians were given strict warnings Tuesday to cut down on their booze intake with new national limits set to restrict buyers to 12 bottles of wine and two cases of beer per person, per day as part of a coronavirus crackdown.
Major retailers agreed to enforce the new rules limiting individual purchases as Australians went on a panicked buying spree that included raiding resources at pubs, bars and takeaway outlets called bottle shops.
What an authoritarian shithole.
It’s like a prison there!
I imagine some people see this as a dry run for climate change austerity…
Or health restrictions. It’s for your own good.
“Retail Drinks”. Is that some sort of government outfit?
Industry body
Per day? That’s cutting back? I don’t think there should be any limits, but holy crap!
Per capita alcohol consumption/year: Australia (19th in the world), 3.2 gallons; US (48th in the world), 2.4.
How are they going to enforce it? Ration books?
Cirrhossis will enforce it at those limits.
12 bottles of wine and two cases of beer?
This has been on heavy rotation in my house these past few weeks:
Great song, damn shame the guy died right when he was starting to get noticed.
Expected this.
COVID-19 peak in NH predicted
Eleven people in New Hampshire will likely die from COVID-19 on April 21, the peak day for such deaths in the state under projections released this week by a university affiliated research center.
On that day, the state will be short 81 intensive care beds, according to the projections by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. It also said that 131 invasive ventilators will be needed.
I think this will turn out to be total horseshit.
Well, fuck, the Montana governor just ordered no utility shutoffs due to non payment. Also, no evictions by landlords, and no late fees.
Baker extends fucking over Massachusetts
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has extended the state’s stay-at-home advisory and an order requiring all non-essential businesses to close through May 4.
The 10-person limit on gatherings in the state has been extended as well, Baker said at the State House, following a similar extension by the federal government. The orders had previously held through April 7.
Baker also said that hotel rooms and home-sharing platforms like Airbnb can no longer be booked for people to go on vacation. Instead, only health care workers and others who were displaced from their homes amid the coronavirus pandemic can book rooms.
Today was the most traffic on my drive in 2 weeks. No way PA lasts another month of lockdown.
The drive through line at the essential Taco Bell was at least 18 cars deep. Which, of course, explains the TP hoarding.
You misspelled ‘chipotle’
We lost early trout season, but there will be trout mid-April or there will be blood.
But… but… but… Wolf just added more counties to the lockdown!
I’ve got an electric utility asking me whether it would be constitutional for the governor to bar all utilities from shut-offs due to nonpayment.
*hearty laughter*
Well, fuck, the Montana governor just ordered no utility shutoffs due to non payment. Also, no evictions by landlords, and no late fees.
I’m trying to pretend this lockdown authoritarianism will cost him the Senate election, but he’ll probably win by a landslide.
That’s why he’s taking the lead among governors – entirely for his election. “Look at me, I stopped Coronavirus from spreading and saved countless lives!”
Which should be immediately followed by a bolt of lightning striking him and a round of laughter from the Gods. If there were such things.
Close to gnome? Who will narrow gaze the narrow gazers?
43 comments for someone to get it…
For The First Time, I’m Doubting My Decision to Come to America
By all means, allow me to show you where the exit is…..
What good is all that state capacity when the president dismisses an extraordinary threat to public health as a “hoax” for crucial weeks?
Yascha Mounk is a blatant liar.
Anyone pushing that blatant lie that takes thirty seconds of cursory research to debunk can be safely ignored (but won’t be).
Why does he have to worry?
According to my Facebook feed, “everyone knows Trump said that” and it’s the single biggest reason the virus is in the country.
And if you try to say otherwise, even just to clarify, suddenly you’re an evil Trumptard.
Also, don’t ever bother trying to respond that Trump never said “Nazis are good people” either. Everyone knows he did.
These people are primed for North-Korean-style state worship.
Primed? Were you paying no attention whatsoever 2008-16?
I know. I’d like to think this is new and therefore not totally ingrained in our culture. But I’m sure I’m mistaken.
It takes time to really ingrain that cult of personality devotion. You can’t expect it in just a single administration.
Yes indeed.
Death rate in the US is currently 11 per million. Germany is 8. So Germany has done better so far, but not by a lot when you compare to, say France, at 54 deaths per million.
It is getting worse, by a little. Total deaths per infected right now is around 2% for USA and 1% in Germany. But it’s likely to be way lower than that because most people who have it will never be tested and a lot don’t even have symptoms.
Ours is rising now because NYC began rationing tests and only testing those with serious enough symptoms to be hospitalized.
“Total deaths per infected”
You mean total deaths per confirmed cases.
Germany is up to 9 now, but they are also blatantly cheating by our standards. Their death stats don’t include complications. It’s very difficult to compare mortalities between countries because everyone does it differently. Reminds me of the infant mortality problem.
Reminds me of how countries, especially the likes of, say, Cuba, give false statistical impressions by making apples-to-oranges comparisons with other countries’ stats.
That’s kind of what I mean. Like the U.S.’s infant mortality rate is higher than other first world countries only because the U.S. is more likely to declare “deaths” rather than unviable. Probably because of its comparatively pro-life culture.
Yeah, but you can be sure that China is accurate with theirs. The NYTs says so.
I agree that it’s difficult to compare. There’s different methodologies for counting, there are different phases of the outbreak, etc. I just get annoyed with the kneejerk reaction of “OMG, the US is bungling the reaction!!!!!” Compared to what? Nobody seems to be doing real well.
China did the best. /NYT
“This gentleman filled up his trolley earlier today with plants in an effort to do some gardening” – Monster!
“This many bought a new gaming headset to enable him to communicate online ” – Monster!
“The police murdered sixty individuals who defied the government’s SIP order” – HEROES!
It’s crazy, because we have these ‘only go out for essentials’ orders. What are they going to do, stop every car and ask the person where they are going and for what reason? Couldn’t I just lie? How would they know? Are they going to send other cops to follow everyone to their destinations 24/7?
I just ordered some beer and food. Are they going to stop the delivery guy and hassle him?
Are they then going to put all the cops in biohazard suits to make sure we don’t all get it via transmission to everyone by cop?
This is all very ill conceived by the ‘experts’, the media, and their political ‘leaders’ enablers.
There only going after the easy targets, such as businesses themselves. Just today we had a client forward a a letter from the county attorney threatening to fine them for remaining open and being a “nonessential” business. Luckily, the CA reversed her decision after the client pointed out the governor’s directive defining the sale of appliances as “essential”. But this is the kind of shit to expect.
Here in MD, they’re threatening, this will be enforced, $5000 fines, a year in jail! LOL fucking L! You have so much fucking crime in Baltimore City, you can’t even get enough jurors or jail spaces, 300 murders a year, and you’re going to make mom sneaking out to see a friend a criminal now? This is the sort of fucking deranged thinking we’re seeing.
Hey Pat, you’re near Boozeman, right? Any reason you can gather why Gallatin County has the bulk (69/184) of cases in Montana? I’m going to assume it’s the wealthier people who live in Bozeman returning from out-of-state/overseas travel, at least initially. There seems to be community spread there, though.
How many nursing homes there? Waiting to see today’s stats (which are actually yesterdays stats), but in CO there are 14 outbreaks in extended care facilities. They don’t tell you how many of those poor people are among the dead though.
We have a few in Montana (not sure how many in Bozeman), including a couple deaths in remote Toole County.
I’m increasingly concerned that the next big risk is supply chain disruption given the shortages of PPE, sanitizers, other necessary products. Our CPG customers and many of their suppliers are raising alarms.
How are you going to not disrupt the supply chain when you are deeming certain businesses non-essential? Oh yeah, I forgot, the politicians have ‘experts’ who know everything about everything and there’s no possible way they’ll miss something that will devastate the supply chain. We’ve got to trust in our experts == we’re doomed.
Any particular area?
The slowness to refill some of those items has been concerning to me already, and starting to see other supply chain issues as well at work (telecom).
That’s . . . not good.
Looks like I’m doing some more shopping tomorrow.
Hey, the My Pillow guy is trying to help by manufacturing some PPE, for free!
But everyone hates him because he believes in God and he’s only doing this so you’ll buy his Giza sheets.
Was watching either some WWII/mid century program/commercial on TCM or Radio Classics, and it’s amazing how far the chattering class culture has diverged from mainstream America. Didn’t use to be like that.
Muh LEGACY!!!!
Former President Barack Obama issued a rare criticism of the Trump administration Tuesday after it announced it’s rolling back his signature fuel standards aimed at combating the climate crisis, saying Americans “have to demand better” of their elected leaders.
“We’ve seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall,” Obama wrote in a tweet.
The comment is notable as the former President seldom publicly criticizes his successor, who has focused on undoing his legacy — particularly his environmental and climate policies. Three years ago, Obama similarly lamented President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the landmark Paris climate agreement, saying the move adds the administration to “a small handful of nations that reject the future.”
Earlier Tuesday, the Trump administration, which has already nixed a number of Obama-era environmental protections, announced it is replacing fuel standards rolled out in 2012 with a plan that calls for substantially lower annual increases.
According to The New York Times, which first reported on the details of the finalized rule, a recent draft plan showed that the rule would allow for nearly a billion more tons of carbon dioxide released, as well as 80 billion more gallons of gasoline consumed.
The administration said Tuesday that it believes the rule will cut the average cost of a new car by $1,000, resulting in more Americans replacing their older vehicles with newer ones that have more advanced safety features. That will result in fewer highway fatalities, it said.
The former President wasn’t alone in his criticism of the change on Tuesday.
Gina McCarthy, his former EPA administrator who now heads the Natural Resources Defense Council, argued that “gutting the clean car standards makes no sense.”
“It will harm the air we breathe, stall progress in fighting the climate crisis and increase the cost of driving. The only winner from this action is the oil industry, which wants us stuck driving dirty gas guzzlers as long as possible,” McCarthy said in a statement Tuesday.
Fuck you and the broom you rode in on.
“rare criticism”
The articles lamenting the US being out of the Paris Accords always fail to mention that we are one of the only countries that are exceeding our carbon output goals from that agreement, so pulling out of it is technically meaningless. (Also, we’re ahead because of fracking, and they hate that being the reason, as it should have been windmills, I guess).
Still waiting for Obama to have a ‘rare criticism’ of the Paris signers who have yet to come anywhere near their promises. But they’re better than we are, because they signed something on paper, even though they are ignoring it.
Fool! We can’t morally preen – what do you think is more important: results or preening? I thought as much.
The real reason they want us in Paris is for us to provide the bulk of the sacks of cash that the poorer countries want.
“You are correct, sir.”
Jesus fucking Crikey. People losing their jobs and this motherfucker wants to push climate change hysteria. These jackasses never change, never will until they have drawn their last breath.
Absolutely, it’s their SOP:
And many, many similar articles are just a quick search away.
Good thing his administration didn’t ignore the reports about not having enough ventilators on hand for emergencies.
Or refilling the stockpile of N95 masks that were drawn down on his watch.
Trump has been very good at defending the country from the ecofundies. This is an unequivocal plus of his presidency.
No, you moron, we demanded better elected leaders and we got them. And he’s rolling back your non-legislation. Maybe you did need more than a pen and a phone.
Hey Pat, you’re near Boozeman, right? Any reason you can gather why Gallatin County has the bulk (69/184) of cases in Montana? I’m going to assume it’s the wealthier people who live in Bozeman returning from out-of-state/overseas travel, at least initially. There seems to be community spread there, though.
If that was for me (and even if it wasn’t)… I’d say the single biggest factor is the airport, which has become the busiest airport in the state. The people who live in Gallatin County travel a lot, especially since there seem to be a lot of part-time residents. There are also a lot of touristas.
Virtual Happy Hour Etiquette
This is reassuring.
Maybe the morons should expect the anyone they contact could be infected? Like the rest of us?
Gotta keep those heroic first responders protected. Also seems like a blatant HIPAA violation but what do I know?
Starting to feel like Donald Sutherland in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
*points and hisses*
I feel more like Kevin McCarthy.
Unintended consequences. Now those who are sick might die because they’re afraid to seek medical help. Oops! Gotta make them omelettes.
So now they’re pursuing polices that discourage people from seeking treatment.
People are either going to get sick or this or get used to it. The get used to it is pretty scary. Because they’ll be using every flu reason to pull this shit. It could be a new virus, we don’t know! Someone sneezed, shelter in place!
Allergy season is about to ramp-up. Im waiting for everyone to get runny noses, coughs, and sneezing before our statist prick Gov says “re-emergence”
and keeps this shit rolling all summer long.
I’m already feeling it when I forget to take Claritin in the morning.
It’s already hit down my way and half the people you see are sneezing and sniffling to varying degrees.
Uhh… HIPAA? I hope everyone involved is sued hard.
HIPAA has always been a joke. Most of my clients are in medical research, so I do know this. You don’t have any fucking privacy, medical or otherwise.
Or any other rights. Because now a governor of a state can by instant decree violate your Constitutional rights of freedom of assembly. It’s OK for them to suggest it. Enforce it? Nope.
HIPAA is a good fig leaf for the state and local health departments here to refuse to provide any details that the general public could use (such as to take their own steps like self-isolating because they were at a certain store on a certain date) or determine if they’re doing an adequate job (no).
I’ve mostly seen HIPAA used as a reason for lazy and/or power-tripping medical clerks to refuse to access necessary patient information for you (even though you’re within the regs) or as a reason to hang up on family members of patients.
Welfare check! blam-blam-blam
When we were discussing the original NAP/Quarantine question in Demi-God chat, Mexican Sharpshooter posted a section from HIPAA that specifically grants the state the power to publicize the name and location of people with a communicable disease during an emergency.
If we’re nice, maybe he will post it in here.
Thank you. I had a call from my boss a minute prior to my quittin time and was getting ready to post that.
So, no evictions, no foreclosures, no utility shutoffs. We can only purchase approved items. We have the military doing house to house searches for out of staters…limits on freedom of movement and assembly.
Americans do everything better, including totalitarianism apparently.
It’s for your own good!
It really feels like a trial run for a full-blown police state. And half the country will clap like seals.
I think it’s well more than half. The left and right are both authoritarians.
Yeah, it’s clear our classical-liberal experiment (if such ever existed) is over.
“And half the country will clap like seals.”
For a few weeks they will. Force them to shelter in place a few months, a lot of people will see things in a new way.
So, no evictions, no foreclosures, no utility shutoffs. We can only purchase approved items. We have the military doing house to house searches for out of staters
I oppose all these things except the last. Anyone who has spent a winter in south florida will agree with me.
(Just kidding. Mostly.)
It’s a crazy world out there. The body armor packages Sean (I think) posted recently are starting to seem like a decent idea. Might have to put some stimulus dollars towards a his and her set.
I was already thinking about getting some for the dogs before all this went down. K9 vests are a little more difficult to find though. Most of it seems geared towards pig hunting.
Good luck. I’ve been watching plate carriers and plates sell out at several places.
I haven’t ordered any yet,but have been on their website a couple times now.
I can’t live like this. Starting tomorrow, I’m back to walking and running. Missed a week because I’m just pissed off at all the bullshit. Need to find some other new hobbies. Experimentation time, folks, see how resourceful we can be.
I’ve been taking up jogging after work. It helps.
I might start at home Yoga again too. Need to get wife involved. She won’t leave the house, which makes me even more pissed off.
Gaming as always, just can’t focus.
My clients who have suddenly been forced to work at home are driving me fucking crazy. They have no idea how to communicate with their own teams like that. I wasted half a day today getting requirements from them for a simple report because they can’t be at home and on the same page.
Even though we are deemed “essential”, the ripple effects of the SIP orders are becoming more palpable. I represent several residential landlords, and that business has all but stopped.
She’ll need yoga pants to do the exercises properly of course…
I’ve been going on bike rides in the afternoon. Gotta make lemonaid out of the lemons.
I would buy bikes for wife and I right now since we have nice biking trails here. But looks like the bike shop is non-essential.
It depends on the state. In CA they have been defined as essential.
switch from pr0nhub to xvideos.
I think a lot of people are all jerked out. Maybe he should just increase his alcohol consumption.
Fap overdose? Is that the next medical crisis?
I think that the technical medical term is referred to as ‘blisters’.
Is xvideos giving out free memberships though?
Isn’t it all the same Canadian company behind it?
Need to find some other new hobbies.
Go to the hardware store and peruse the plumbing aisle’s for components for bong making. NO NOT BOMB, BONG.
Hi, Preet!
“Go to the hardware store”
Yeah, well if they weren’t all closed…
They closed the hardware stores there? That’s essential stuff in those stores.
I assume, since ‘groceries’ and ‘pharmaceuticals’ are the only things I’ve heard that are essential.
I’ll find out in a few days or a week when I risk being put in the camps for venturing out.
Isn’t this the point? They’re always in short supply.
Can’t they just print more?
This is fine stuff.
Yankees are awesome
Never tried it before.
That is not a comment I expected to ever see from you.
Yes it is.
Mentioned about George Carlin using bay leaves for deodorant the other day and someone asked for a cite.
I haven’t been able to find a youtube or anything else of the particular bit, but I did find a transcript.
It’s pretty good written out, but hearing his inflection makes it so much better, particularly the different kinds of voices he uses for each kind of soup:
Hey, if ya ever run out of deodorant, I never mentioned that. Ya can, ya do, even in the nicest home. You get one pit done, y’know, and (moan, groan). Ya gotta go like that..(does an unseen visual gag). If you run out of deodorant, go into the kitchen and put a bay leaf under each arm. It doesn’t stop you from perspiring, but you smell like soup! Keeps your friends alert, y’know. “Hey, who’s wearing Chicken Vegetable?” “Not me, I have Bean With Bacon.”
The man was a genius. He would have a new hour-plus set (usually 90 minutes) each year.
Well, I’m home from “work”. Not that anyone cares. Let my 30 day (or longer) unpaid self-exile begin.
Kind of sad. Found out from one neighbor, that my neighbor on the other side of my house has the THD. He said the gubmint sprayed stuff all over his house and yard while wearing suits.
“THD” = Totally Hip Disease?
Who knows.
Tom Hanks Disease. Pay attention!
Damn, I was going to go for “This Huge Dick” next.
congrats: only certain guys think that way
Whatever happened to the Official Glib Guide to Inside Jokes and Acronyms?
There’s not a chance that’s correct.
^^^Troll ?
No, I just really hate that wrong name.
I’m kidding of course. What do you prefer?
I’ve been sticking with Wuhan Virus, or Wuhan Coronavirus.
Why? Tom Hanks got it in Australia, not China.
a/k/a The Herp Derp.
“Total Harmonic Distortion”, duh!
Less +-0.005% @200W baby!
Now do RMS !
Rigid Member Syndrome.
Only a problem after 4 hours.
I’ll stick with straight DC. I’m am out of work, ya know. Plus, because I haven’t done any “productive” work in 15 years. I can barely find the power switch on an O’Scope anymore.
Self-exile = not by choice? Sorry TARDIS.
Thanks, but it was by choice. I could stay and take a 25% reduction in hours/pay, but taking no pay at all seems to be the preferred option from the CEO. It’s better if the younger set stays and gets their finances in order. I think there will be some major long term job losses that should not hurt me (too badly, I hope).
Good on you! Hope they appreciate it, at least a little.
I hope so too. I remember losing my job along time ago from a layoff. My dear wife worked 50-60 hours a week for months, with shit wages, to keep the house we just bought.
“Let my 30 day (or longer) unpaid self-exile begin.”
Sorry to hear that. I’m working from home. For now. But in this sort of insanity, no one should assume their job is safe. And that includes politicians and media fuckwits, whether they know it yet, or not.
Today is the end of 1Q. I expect things will get uglier in a couple of weeks as the balance sheets start showing harsh reality. Like the no-disconnect/no-evictions above. It sounds good and charitable, but those are real expenses that aren’t being paid.
We were told on Monday to think about scheduling some vacation time. That’s a big liability, I guess, so getting it off their balance sheets now helps make sure we have jobs to come back to eventually. That’s the implication, anyway.
Anyway, sorry to hear that. This too shall pass.
Well isn’t that special?
Twitter will be taking that down soon enough. China is not fault! Bad Orange Man is cause!
Hold my beer, China.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck me.
Gently? With a chainsaw?
President Berdimuhamedow? Is that you ? ! ?
Dude, your timing is immaculate.
Indeed, well-conceived.
It was a close finish. Hyp should have pulled out.
For today’s graph comparison I learned the data CO.gov puts up is yesterdays numbers. So hospitalizations yesterday, 509. The projected by the graph on the site RAH provided yesterday that Fauci and the lot are going by has CO at 1,674 beds needed for covidites on the 30th. I love models! Of the 69 deaths in CO, 58 were over 70. (69 being higher than Fauci’s chart projected) but we have now 16 outbreaks in extended care facilities. No idea how many of those folks passed.
Just Ban that Word!
You see, here’s how you solve problems.
Deja Vu.
“President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow of Turkmenistan”
He seems nice.
That’s a name Douglas Adams would have come up with.
Henceforth, he shall be known as President Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.
“Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged”
“Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ”
I mean, seriously, his parents must have hated him.
If I ever go into porn, that’ll be my name.
Heh. Your session will start momentarily. If at any time you wish to stop, your safe words are “Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.”
For some reason, I’m thinking of Lucy Lawless…back in the day.
This is our big chance!
The public’s unbreakable focus on the virus is narrowing the range of issues on which Democrats can effectively draw contrasts with Trump — temporarily sidelining a broader agenda involving once-pressing issues such as climate change and gun control.
“It was always going to be a referendum on Trump,” said Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2004. “But the referendum was going to be about things like climate change and how you want to reform health care and all these other things. Now it’s only going to be about this one thing — whether Trump is competent and sane.”
Trump, he said, is “a deeply disturbed narcissist who is incapable of being a leader, and that’s what the referendum is going to be on.”
Most Democratic strategists believe, like Dean, that Trump’s reelection prospects will be diminished by the pandemic, with its rising death toll and ruinous effect on the economy. But the general election is more than seven months away and Trump’s public approval rating has ticked up as the coronavirus has spread — though not nearly as high as the last Republican president, George W. Bush, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
Armchair psychiatrists across America agree. President Cartoon Villain is a menace. Who will save us from him?
They’re completely disgusting humans, we already knew that. But they’re not done proving it yet. Keep digging, shitheads.
“Most Democratic strategists believe, like Dean, that Trump’s reelection prospects will be diminished by the pandemic”
“Trump’s public approval rating has ticked up as the coronavirus has spread”
Logical consistency, how the fuck does it work?
A deeply disturbed narcissist. In other words, a politician.
So, my brave food/alcohol delivery girl showed up. She was wearing her jammies. Seriously, red ones with Santa and Reindeer. Bless her heart, the end times have come.
pics ?
I’m not quite that mean yet.
I think I’m in love.
Did she fix the cable?
+ Karla Hungus
Well, whaddayaknow? It’s snowing. That’ll keep the virus at bay.
So basically the whole world’s gonna go on lockdown and we’re all just gonna go along with it?
You expect me to leave my house?
I don’t do that voluntarilly most times.
I only get out of bed under protest.
I saw reese’s bunnies at the grocery store.
been hoarding these for two months already
That’s where you goofed. The safe place is under the bed.
KMart delivers?
I defied the ban on nonessential purchases by buying bird seed at Menard’s yesterday!
Then I got so busy at the office I forgot to refill the feeder. (Sorry, birdies!)
Did your cats go hungry? The feeder is just bait, right?
Sacrilege ! You buy your seed here, missy!
Some of us aren’t.
Serious question: What is the critical mass of people who won’t to make a difference?
Per municipality?
Per city?
Per metropolitan area?
In podunk here nobody is following it. From what I saw in my trip to the “big city” last Sat they are following it more. I imagine those who are ok with living in large cities are more ok with Gov control and adhering to stay at home orders. Then again in large cities, you usually can’t help but be face to face with someone just because that is how cities work. I do like the Leper Length rule at supermarkets though. My personal space has always been 6 feet and it always annoyed me when someone got in it. I would not do well on a subway.
I was talking with my wife about that, but she already knows it. I’ve always been that way. I hate it when someone I do not go gets right up against me in a grocery line. Stay the fuck out of my space! I mean really, there is no excuse for that, it’s rude to start with.
But that’s something completely aside the government’s uncontitutional edicts.
I’m still going to work, despite being “non essential”. Fuck you Wolf.
I’m able to social distance like a mofo since I’m the only one in the building.
Some one has to keep administrative stuff going. I like the structure (and a paycheck).
Gov. Whitmer reverses course on coronavirus drugs, is now asking feds for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.
Wonder if anyone will ask her if she had blood in get hands.
Jesus wept.
Ugh typing on phone. There should be torches and pitchforks in Lansing.
“Gov. Whitmer reverses course on coronavirus drugs, is now asking feds for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.”
Isn’t that the stuff bad orange man was touting a week ago and CNN and NYT then went into overdrive saying it will kill people instantly?
You know, maybe I just cannot keep up.
That was before it started looking like the Trump-deranged wife murdered her husband. Now they can’t get any mileage out of banning it.
If she’s not sweating under a lamp during an interrogation right now, someone isnt doing their job.
Ray Charles could see that wasn’t an ‘accident’.
Trump’s early touting of this drug and the press and Democratic overreaction based upon that mention might just be the thing that saves Trump’s ass in all this. The early response was a bit of a clusterfuck but he sure picked up on this way ahead of most others.
I hope she said “please”.
Do what now?
we’re all just gonna go along with it?
Until it stops snowing, anyway.
VDH – what’s up with California and covid? Where are the deaths?
STFU Libertard! We’re all gonna die! DOOMITYDOOM11111ELEVENTY!!!!
VDH should already know the answer. It’s us insidious libertarians keeping the virus out of California with our free trade powers just in order to confuse the epidemiologists and the national populists who write navel-gazing essays about shit they know nothing about.
Where have I heard that before? Oh that’s right, IN MY FUCKING HEAD.
I’ve been wearing a scarlet letter for weeks for being a denier….I said its been here and infecting people since December.
If it would have been known, the Chicoms, out of their great concern for your life and their upstanding reputation as a world leader, would have let you know.
Just another Trumptard lie.
It’s been here in Sf since late December, which makes logical sense as any contagious virus that is in a pandemic in China wouldn’t take very long to show up here.
Los Angeles is actually not that densely populated compared to New York.
Today, in meaningless metrics: “Yesterday, there were 7200 911calls.”
So what?
*CBS news
Models, models, everywhere.
According to my model, your model is full of shit.
There are sick warfighters on the USS Theodore Roosevelt! We’re dooooomed!
Must be a terribly vulnerable population – not one that would shake off the symptoms as some 90% of those infected do.
Ooh, nice. RENT STRIKE! Sure. Why not?
Does this mean property tax will be canceled too?
Want to strike fear into the hearts of bureaucrats?
All taxes cancelled immediately for a period of one year. You job is now non-essential. Go home and leave people alone.
Can we call April 2020 “Groundhog Month”?
Sure. I have a feeling we’re going to be living it over and over.
Because I do business and real estate law not bankruptcy? Oh, you meant in general.
AZ Glibs, I’ve been in Kingman golfing, and got back to Bullhead for 9 more holes, and a chum told me they were closing the Liquor stores on Friday, any news about that? I call Bullshit
closing the Liquor stores on
We’re gonna need another whiskey rebellion.
Ducey was pretty reasonable, so I call Bullshit, he said Golf courses were essential services ffs………..
Not yet in the PRMD. But that could change as the effort to make people get TDS has increased ‘exponentially’.
We used to be able to at least enjoy a drink, but now that Trump has…
Cabernet sauvingnon in the decanter
will grill filets for NewWife and me as soon as she’s done with her afternoon gyrations
I’m pounding beer, and I don’t feel a thing
there was TP at the store this morning
I’m not building anything; I’m not planning anything; I’m not designing anything. A man needs purpose.
See above: pr0nhub v. xvideos.
of course you’re right, brother
I kinda lost it there for a moment * slaps self *
cracks #3
#3? I’m on #9, 27 holes will get ya!
Build a graph using every states actual stats compared to the official model the government is ruining our country with day by day. That isn’t building so maybe not up your alley, but I wish some smarter than me person would do it. I get more pissed off every day.
As to building, I am going to do my first 80 lower milling tomorrow. And if this shit keeps up, I might even finish my drift boat but my table saw is at work and I need to make a few rips for backing for the front deck. Fuck it, I have the circular saw, I will figure it out.
Fuck that, I’m worried about Beer…….
Yeah, me too. Worried I’ll drink way too much of it while ‘sheltering in place’.
I gonna look like Chuckie pretty soon.
I did kinda enjoy that five minutes the other day with Excel: felt normal.
Shit results with shit data: kinda reminded me of my Warranty Manager days.
Warranty Manager days.
Are you that asshole that keeps calling me?
Is anyone else praying for America’s Newsman, Chris Cuomo?
Someone related to the NY mafioso fuck.
America’s Governor™’s brother has the CV.
Has he been declared non-essential yet?
America’s Newsman.
Of Cuomo’s Nitwit News.
I read that as America’s Nessman.
Why? does he have dirt on Hillary?
Is anyone
elsepraying for America’s Newsman, Chris Cuomo?FTFY.
It’s spring, it’s lovely out, we’re (most of us) living in the wealthiest country in the world, a world which is for all of us the wealthiest it’s ever been. The one reliable characteristic that all people share beside greed is shortsightedness. We’ve been primed by a couple generations of leisure to be super risk-averse and by the last couple years of constant panic to be super fearful of whatever comes next.
Who’s this We? Kemosabe……………………
Don’t worry. Nothing can be worse than bad orange man, if we survive that.
This is true for the most part. Fear really is a thing in itself to be feared.
It’s official the world is ending.
Oh, Fuck Off!
thanks, I can’t remember who has been welcome already and who hasn’t
and there’s no pineapple or deepdish data in dude’s profile
I think Morton’s been around before.
I think the avatar threw me off
whatever happened to Groundskeeper Willie ?
Wasn’t there a Morton at you know…TOS?
I thought the official Glib welcome must include something about Tulpa. Why are we breaching protocol? Is this really the end times?
No; apparently there was a 6.5 in Idaho 20 minutes ago.
I’m in Coeur d’Alene. Today we had blue skies, snow, rain, wind, and this earthquake. I didn’t feel a thing. I think I was in the parking lot when it happened. Some ladies in mom’s building said the blinds swayed
At about 6;15 PM I’m heading off to the big medical center for an abdominal ultrasound. Been fasting for 12 hours.
I thought it was an oddly late appointment time but I guess they are trying to manage peak traffic flow.
Hopefully you spent last night chugging the Colon Cleanse®
You mean Milwaukee’s Best?
we can safely assume Gilmore’s essential and still doesn’t have time for our BS still ?