Last month for WAWR I wrote that I picked up The Decadent Society by the lone staff writer at NY Times thats supposed to be their “conservative” columnist. I bought it after I read this review by Peter Thiel. It turns out Thiel’s name comes up several times in the book, none of them regarding anything negative. I guess if you kiss his ass enough times he’ll give you a shout out.
This is my review of Laughing Dog The Dogfather Imperial Stout.
The book itself is broken into multiple parts, where Douhat explains multiple facets of a single premise: we’re stuck in a rut, but its a comfortable rut to be in.
The first part of the book is called “The Four Horseman”. Those being Stagnation, Sterility, Sclerosis, and Repetition. All of these are simply symptoms of societal decadence as he describes it. Stagnation being the point in time where economic growth is a point where the majority live comfortably relative to each other. While inequality exists as it always has, in general the key difference in how you and I might live isn’t terribly different than Bill Gates. He and I share access to the same basic needs. He has running water, a climate controlled home, a refrigerator, a car, etc. I have all of the same. There are however, luxury goods and services he can afford that I certainly cannot, and I am certain he has a better car than I—several in fact.
The disparity is his ability to create and market products on a large enough scale to accumulate wealth over his lifetime that I have not. The most basic levels for both of us, however are covered. This is what accounts for stagnation because in the past, marketable good and services met basic needs, today those are all met for so many the incentive to go further for nearly all of us is not there. In essence, why build a better mousetrap when there is no infestation of mice taking your food? With this come sterility, where a decline in birthrates occurs when a society reaches the point of decadence. Sclerosis where the society essentially falls back on past successes rather than improves and moves beyond them. This ends in repetition where society goes into a form of groundhog day, and relives the best of itself over and over. The example Douhat gives are most easily seen in popular culture. My generation for example doesn’t have a cultural phenomenon like Star Wars or The Beatles, we just borrowed those from Boomers, repackaged and resold them—poorly for the most part.
In a conversation somebody pointed out to me once the 90’s never really ended. He’s right in that sense, because that was really the last time anybody was willing to try anything new. Check out this list of comedies. Never mind the rankings, that isn’t the point; see how many were made in the last 10 years (Three. One I have not seem and two of them aren’t even funny).
The next part of the book is where he goes on to describe how we got to this point. He doesn’t really assign blame, but attempts to take an honest assessment of factors. Yes, he does spend time talking about politicians and their role in facilitating all of this. My initial impression of this book still holds. This reads like all of his columns: he is good at identifying the cause and effect but not always to the right conclusion.

Captain’s Log: We’ve been locked down for six days. I’ve been using a copy of Harry Potter for toilet paper. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi.
The underlying warning is societal decay is a gradual force from within that suddenly collapses upon itself when faced with a outside threat that otherwise would not be an issue when the society was at its peak. It is not a book to recommend to a mid-wit while locked down during Corona Virus, as it will probably scare the Hell out of him.
It does end on a high note. Which is where Peter Thiel comes back in. Essentially there is still a group that is willing to risk their fortunes in places where we previously thought no fortune could be made. Douhat specifically cites the burgeoning space industry to effectively move us out of the rut and into a new frontier. New technology creates new markets, new markets creates necessities we never though we could live without.
It going to be 108 degrees tomorrow, so this is probably going to be the last time I review one of these for a while. I thought I would be in the mood for it, but I wasn’t. Laughing Dog makes a competitive entry that maybe goes a bit far with the bourbon notes but I was overall happy with it. The stout is not so much like burnt coffee so that may be why I noticed the whiskey more. Laughing Dog The Dogfather Imperial Stout: 3.9/5
“My generation for example doesn’t have a cultural phenomenon like Star Wars or The Beatles,”
Harry Potter?
“repackaged and resold them—poorly for the most part”
High school wizards instead of space wizards.
Way back when, in high school we were given an assignment to discover Shakespeare plots in current tv fare such as “I Love Lucy” or “Have Gun will Travel.” Seems like every basic plot from ancient Greece is just recycled over and over again in more modern settings.
yup: there are only seven plots AFAIK
But only 4 types of conflict.
Star Trek with James Kirk and the Enterprise mirrors the real life voyages of James Cook and the Endeavour so closely it seem to be beyond coincidence.
+1 Hero’s journey. My high school English teacher cleverly explained it by showing us scenes from Cool Hand Luke.
How did the Lucille scene play into it?
While Mr. Miller also showed us scenes from Roman Polanski’s MacBeth, including a nude Lady MacBeth, he knew the limits to his tenure as a public school teacher and thus did not show us Lucille.
Harry Potter doesn’t count.
I should also note I am explaining Douhat’s arguments, not mine.
Sounds tasty but stout weather is pretty much over.
Last week it still dropped into the 50’s at night, now, 70’s
I wonder if MS wrote it last week?
Wrote it Wednesday. Drank the beer last weekend.
Jen Rubin in drag
I guessed David Brooks.
What did I lose?
I assumed Jen Rubin was already in drag.
Interesting, sounds like Rome all over again, but who is Caesar?
We have Golden Eagles at the park, Big, the hawks keep there heads down,
Had a pair of those that nested in a 100 ft. white pine in my front yard. I loved them there as they kept the rabbit population somewhat in check. I wish they would come back.
Even the Bald Eagles give the Goldens space. They don’t mess around.
still trying to find my way around, here.
My old bookmark gives me a Server Not Found error. I entered the site by appending /2020/04/ to the end. Even the link from the dashboard gives the error.
Also still have the same errors posting and the grey on grey is back.
I still count to 5 and hit F5,
works for me,
For some reason, I can post straight text but cannot post URLs (if I do that, I get a “warning” page that states “Duplicate comment detected: looks like you’ve already posted that.”)
Something something clear your IP addresses something DNS. I did that in Chrome and everything worked OK. It has something to do with the transition to a new server to handle the traffic.
Cargo cultists
Unprecedented situations require unprecedented actions. That’s why the U.S. Federal Reserve should fight a rapidly deepening recession by taking interest rates below zero for the first time ever.
The Fed is inventing a trade-off where none exists. If the central bank really cares about financial stability, it has many tools to ensure it. Right now, for example, it could block large banks from paying dividends, a practice that erodes the capital they need to absorb losses. None of this precludes a monetary policy focused on the Fed’s congressional mandate of maximizing employment and keeping inflation near target.
So, the Fed is left no good argument against going negative. Terrifyingly high unemployment and potentially rapid disinflation are powerful arguments in favor. Next week, the Fed should take interest rates at least a quarter percentage point below zero.
Sure, dude. What will all those newly flush “consumers” consume? How will that grow employment in the face of governments prohibiting people from going to work?
Top Men to the rescue!
Chesschick? About as common as
libertarian womenunicorns.A comment from the link you provided:
Funky Ben
Apr 24
“I bet 98% of twitter doesn’t know what the Gulag Archipelago is”
I am not on twitter, but if any of you are and are also so inclined, would you do a favor for me and post a link to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” and/or an audio tape and recommend it? I have posted such links here on Glibertarians previously, however, I do not want to become directly involved with Twitter and thus cannot post links thereupon.
Here you go. It’s quite a lengthy book, so most of the editions I’ve found appear to be abridged, but that may not be a bad thing.
When I was at the liquid store a bit ago I almost grabbed a stout. I wasn’t in the mood. I decided to stick to Mich Ultra for afternoon grilling because I am a finely tuned athlete. Oh, and the bastards were out of my bottom shelf tequila so I had to buy another bottom shelf tequila. Time to get the man to order me a case.
The 30 Funniest Movies of All Time by a millennial that has zero life experience or watched much besides her current release crap.
She also is confused between a funny movie/comedy and a movie with comedic moments.
How is Best in Show above Spinal Tap?
The same way Sleeper isn’t on her list at all.
She’s a Brooklyn hipster, which would explain her terrible taste.
That is a seriously flawed list.
Not only are some all-time greats absent, but there are some seriously unfunny movies on there.
I’m gonna take a risk with my personal bias too – Mean Girls is derivative crap that failed to make either me or my then-fiance and noted SJW-ish woman laugh at all. Bored to tears, both of us.
And I am not sure you can have an “all time great” comedy without a memorable line. Most great comedies have a single line that will identify the movie.
“This one goes to 11.”
“I don’t know… Abby Something….”
“Build a bridge out of her!”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“How…. How did you get the beans above the frank??”
” Suppose you agree that he can’t actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’, but that he can have the *right* to have babies. … We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister, sorry.”
“That’s Hedley”
“Lighten up, Francis….”
“Yes, it’s true…. this man has no dick.”
“was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”
Lol, I can identify all of those movies.
I just realized that off the top of my head, using only memorable quotes, I’m already 1/3 the way to a 30 best list. And it is already better than that hipster list.
Let’s see….
“I’ll have what she’s having”
“I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.”
“I’m taking the dog… Dumbass!”
“LOOK! I’m a teenage girl, I’d rather be anywhere than here! I’m all about long sullen silences, followed by mean comments, followed by more silence! So what’s it gonna be: long sullen silence or mean comment?”
“That rug really tied the room together, did it not?”
“Son…you’ve got a panty on your head
“I hate Illinois Nazis”
“Earn more points by sleeving!!”
“Yeah….. I’m gonna need you to put a cover sheet on the TPS report.”
“You’ll shoot your eye out!”
“He’s cute, ain’t he? Only problem is, he’s got a little bit of Mississippi leg hound in him. Mood catches him right, he’ll grab your leg and just go to town. You don’t want him around if you’re wearing short pants, if y’know what I mean!”
“You know how I know you’re gay?”
That’s 2/3 of a 30 movie list, just by quotes, and definitely a better list than the hipster.
“I ain’t playin’ with you K… Have you ever flashy-thingied me?”
“You’re not gonna fall for the banana in the tailpipe? It should be more natural, brother. It should flow out, like this – “Look, man, I ain’t fallin’ for no banana in my tailpipe!” See, that’s more natural for us. You been hanging out with this dude too long.”
“I was born a poor black child”
“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!”
” So You’re Tellin’ Me There’s A Chance.”
“Yes they do, Otto, they just don’t understand it! ….. Now let me correct you on a couple things, okay? Aristotle was not Belgian! The central message of Buddhism is not “Every man for himself!” And the London Underground is not a political movement! Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked ’em up. ”
“I love my dead, gay son!”
“I-I. I-I-I… want the knife….. please…..”
There’s a bunch of others that I just can’t come up with a quote that reads right. A bunch of 48 hours or Fargo comedy is in how they say it, or what it was said in response to.
But my point stands… it was dead simple to come up with a better list than the hipster list.
3 Heathers
Agreed! Recognized almost all of them. My contributions:
“Who’s your favorite little rascal? Is it Alfalfa? Or is it… Spanky?”
“You wanna fun-arrest me, fun-pig? Get a fun fucking warrant!”
“Good, bad, I’m the guy with the gun.”
“That’s when I’m counted as a man! That’s when I throw my balls over my shoulder and charge into the night!”
Mean Girls is great.
You are dead to me.
Ok, not really.
Maybe it was just the fact that they hailed it as the most original screenplay of all time, and literally every second of that movie is taken directly from another movie. Expectations and all that.
I wonder about my reaction to what I consider a great movie: The Princess Bride. I went in expecting less than nothing – the girls picked it out and I was judging on nothing more than the title. So I was blown away by a masterpiece of comedy. If I had gone in expecting the greatest comedy of all time, would I have felt the same way? Who knows.
I do know that I had two minor chuckles in the entire “Mean Girls” experience. And I’m usually reaaaaallllly charitable to comedies.
Stunned Duck Soup made her list. I prefer A Night at the Opera and Room Service, but …
Every time I post a comment, I get a “no posts found” error message.
Anyway, I don’t know if this is because of the difference between commercial and consumer supply chains (which is part of the problem with toilet paper).
That is the saddest photo I’ve every seen. And the potatoes look far better than the little D quality crap that makes its way to the grocery store.
McDonalds used to be the countries biggest consumer of potatoes by a wide margin. I am guessing that market is dead.
The many locations I drive by here in NYC are doing absolutely gangbusters in drive-through and take-out business. Massive lines most of the day.
Plus baked potatoes are a staple at restaurants. Even if you don’t eat them, your meal comes with. Same goes for fries.
Substitute that stuff out for something you want.
There are some differences between what can be sold to consumers vs commercial buyers.
Well, there are some differences (no one sells chipping potatoes in supermarkets), much of it is packaging and distribution.
Are there similar regulations to what Rand Paul tried to amend regarding meat production/selling?
Not sure what you mean by “similar”, but all food production is heavily regulated. Imho, some of the worse are process regulations, where it’s illegal to sell the exact same product made in a different way.
Don’t read the replies.
The first reply was a head on desk moment.
CP: ‘Let my people go!’
Every time I post a comment, I get a “no posts found” error message.
I was getting that error message yesterday — now I’m getting “duplicate message” errors, but (so far) only when I try to include a link. Fun times, I tells ya.
*pulls hair out, gives up on humanity*
Russ Roberts says this is the golden age of television, so the Star Wars/Beatles argument may be wrong.
Different media?
The headline: “It’s Not Fake News: Trump Did Actually Suggest That Injecting Bleach Could Be a Cure for COVID-19”
The article: “Did the president recommend that Americans inject themselves with bleach as a COVID-19 cure or prophylactic? Strictly speaking, no.”
That’s in no way what was suggested. They’re full of shit.
Every time I start to wonder if we really do get the government we deserve, something like this happens and I can say authoritatively we get exactly the government we deserve. None of this matters, but it will animate everyone until the next pointless distraction comes along.
Had an experience about that last night. Woman is all one rampage on how Trump she be more like Cuomo. After some back and forth I found the quote and played it for her. She insisted I didnt find the real quote. So far no counter evidence provided.
I should learn to keep my mouth shut.
Matches my experience. Just shut up and move on to something else.
The Cuomo thing drives me nuts, because they keep comparing him and NY to Florida and De Santis. NY is far and away the worst in responding to the virus. It isn’t even close. Meanwhile, we are doing pretty well down here, despite the ongoing sabotage from New York residents continuing to come down here. The dude should be a pariah, and he’s their hero because he yelled at Trump and because his brother is on CNN, so they have to sing his praises.
“Everything has been invented already”
We may all soon be superfluous, nothing left. As soon as the debt catches up we’ll all be back to the 18th Century and there’ll be lots of work and we’ll be so tired we’ll go to bed in the dark (again)
I’m not gonna do a tales from the Fresh Market this week. Nothing new to note. I did score my salsa though. ?
I put in an order for that salsa negra from Boston. They took my money, but no indication that it’s been shipped yet.
I ran into Wmart. Beef area empty except for ground beef. Which is no biggy for me because I never buy steaks from them. Other than that things are mostly normal.
The Fred Meyer here was mostly stocked, about 80% normal in non-perishables with a few of the lesser chosen items still not in stock. TP and cleaner was well stocked.
Kroger was more or less back to normal, fully stocked, crowd much smaller almost before time size but it’s hard to tell because they only let the geezers in early and open later.
My local Hannaford still didn’t have much in the way of paper products or pasta when I was there yesterday.
And some cunt went through the “express” self-checkout with an entire cart that was well over 14 items.
Check out this list of comedies. Never mind the rankings, that isn’t the point; see how many were made in the last 10 years (Three. One I have not seem and two of them aren’t even funny).
There’s only four from before the modern MPAA movie ratings era (Duck Soup, Singin’ in the Rain, Some Like it Hot, and Dr. Strangelove). None of the great silent comedies; none of the great screwball comedies; no Preston Sturges; no Ealing representative; and no “I’m Alright Jack”, for starters.
From the end of the article:
Ah, fucking hipster. That would explain why she has such a shitty list.
I was actually going to use link here to the top 100 comedies of all time per IMDB. The problem is it was written in 2011.
I think we can do a better job, just among ourselves.
I concur
Any list without The Philadelphia Story or His Girl Friday are dead to me.
And no The Producers or Blazing Saddles. I can’t even.
Takeaways from the state numbers
If you’re a health care worker, live/work in a communal setting (prison, nursing home, etc), or Hispanic, you’re more likely to end up with covid. The last one is particularly interesting and isn’t being mentioned at all except in the usual SJW woke vague injustice crap.
(Obviously the first two categories are heavily weighted towards who has access to and and is being tested)
“Many of you have asked if I am willing to travel around Florida wearing Grim Reaper attire to the beaches and other areas of the state opening up prematurely. The answer is absolutely yes. Beginning May 1 we will hit the road here in state. Please retweet and spread the word.”
He’ll be posing for a lot of pictures with people,
Proof that men can be Karens, too.
* citation needed
I replied with “Make sure you make a stop in Central Park. Take the N train for me.”
More proof that we’re living in a simulation ran by someone with a sense of humor
Adrian Gombart of OSU’s Linus Pauling Institute
To be fair, the Linus Pauling Institute’s mandate is to find more uses for Vitamin C.
I thought it was micronutrients in general, to distance themselves from Paulina’s megadose legacy.
“Racist plaques depicting Winnie the Pooh holding a bat with chopsticks have begun to pop up around Atlanta, and police have no leads as to who is responsible.”
“Despite the plaque’s overt racism, Atlanta police department spokesperson Carlos Campos said that the crime will likely not be considered a racial bias crime as police would need further proof that the motive was based on race, sex, sexual orientation or religion.
“If someone were to be identified as placing them, any charges would have to be looked at on a case-by-case basis, depending largely on whether any damage was done to the property to which the medallion is being affixed,” Campos told the Atlantic Journal-Constitution.
Georgia does not have a hate crime statute of any kind, so local police will likely have to hand over the case to the federal government in order to prosecute the unlawful act under federal hate crime laws following an arrest.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is expected to begin reopening the state as early as tomorrow to the dismay of Democratic state lawmakers and health experts. It will be one of six Southern states to test the waters of opening businesses even as coronavirus cases continue to increase steadily across the country.”
It is overtly racist, and anyone who can’t see that is obviously themselves a racist and is therefore guilty of hate crimes.
Oh bother.
It was probably Tigger. I’m not saying it’s always the Tiggers but it was probably Tigger.
Tigger King?
Tigger, please.
Do better, America.
I’m getting beat down by hate crimes, euro-think, and conviction by seems-like-something-he’d-do. The breadth of bad thinking is just stunning, and the likelihood that I’m going to be victimized for wrong-think soon or later is depressing.
Pooh is weak tea; China has been The Dragon for 4k years; the judges would also accept a panda if a “bear” motif were absolutely required.
What crime?
The cops don’t really care about graffiti, do they?
But these plaques have wrongthink on them.
It wong tink! Wong tink made dear leader sad, so lacist!
Don’t know, I imagine in some cities it’s frowned upon and taggers are harassed and arrested, others not so much. Either way the cops may be doing it for the wrong reasons but there is a crime here.
I suppose, depending on where they post them and what kind of adhesive they used.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime.
Whenever you think the word “racism” could not possibly get more meaningless, the future will prove you wrong.
OMG how backward. Just what I would expect from a slave state SMDH.
I’m almost ready for the guillotines; if wrong-think is so serious, it should be a capital crime and let a new reign begin. Can someone promise me I’ll live long enough to see this go full cycle . . . I just want to see these Robespierreaux get a taste of their own sauce
“Racist plaques depicting Winnie the Pooh holding a bat with chopsticks have begun to pop up around Atlanta, and police have no leads as to who is responsible.”
Hahahahhahaa!!! That makes my day.
So, the CCP Chairman now has the Atlanta cops doing suppression of free speech for him?
Gluing things unto private property is free speech now?
I agree — it is vandalism. But no one in the article is outraged because of that.
so local police will likely have to hand over the case to the federal government
I’m sure the “perpetrators” traveled across a state line at some point in their lives, so of course the federal government has complete and total jurisdiction over such a matter.
Day started out shitty, but got better. Dude paid me. Letter from the IRS wasn’t an audit. Got lots of wonderful help on Cods & Cuntes from Glibs. Proofreader done with Ozy’s project.
Its noon in God daylight time. Hot shower and some funk r&b ought to get me rockin’ and rollin’.
Mazel Tov! So, “Fuck you, pay me” did the trick?
My tersely polite version of “fuck you, pay me” appears to have done so, yes.
The last one is particularly interesting and isn’t being mentioned at all except in the usual SJW woke vague injustice crap.
I could be completely off base, but Hispanics “in general” seem to live in larger, multi-generational families. So…
Most of the local Hispanics are essential workers, making suburban properties fit for a Better Homes and Gardens cover. This gets you more exposure than sitting in front of a computer
commentingworking from home.A number of cultural and economic factors that can/could contribute to that. Chief among those is racism, of course.
To be clear, it’s the bigotry of the virus.
Isn’t Bari Weiss also supposed to be a token “conservative”?
No, Bari’s very much of the Left but sometimes strays from the party line, so she’s No OK.
No, Bari’s very much of the Left but sometimes strays from the party line, so she’s Not OK.
You can say that again.
So the logged out appears to persist when the web page is loaded. But if i go to Glibs via bookmark, I’m still logged in.
Access to the Ocean is open (I can’t believe I had to write that) but individual beaches and parking are up to local jurisdictions. In some places, you can go to the beach and sunbathe but still need a mask and 6 ft distance.
Yeah, sure.
Good to see.
Just got back from a few hours at Manassas Battlefield. Had to drive to 4 parking lots before finding an open space in an out of the way trailhead. When we drove into town to get lunch, the traffic was on par with a normal Saturday afternoon, if not even more crowded.
If gov’nuh kkklansman doesn’t open this state up soon, the people will do it for him.
“he people will do it for him.”
We need to see that nationwide.
When I was in town it seemed everybody with a four wheeler, dirt bike or bicycle had them loaded up and heading to the hills just like any Saturday. I saw a couple guys buying a bunch of fishing rods at Wmart. Guess they are taking the kids fishing. People are done with this idiocy.
Can’t wait to see the tan lines. Fractals FTW.
I happier “fuck off, slaver “ news, the San Clemente skateboard park that Newsom closed has been reclaimed by teens.
The kids had kept using the park after it was closed so the state dumped tons of sand in it so they couldn’t skate.
Today the kids finished removing all the sand and declared it reopen.
I like those kids.
Someone needs to make a Beachboys remake of ‘California Girls’ with the video playing of them shoveling the sand out of that. Commiefornia Kids!
Give me a Frontside 180 or give me death!
A couple of days ago, Mr. GT mowed the grass for the first time this season, so today it was time for me to assume my superhero(ine?) persona of Cordless Electric Weed Whacker Woman. Just one problem: out of trimmer line.
As we’ve tried to favor the local mom & pop joints with our meal carryouts, my intention was to do likewise with this purchase. Drove up to the local Ace Hardware. Long line outside waiting to get in. Drove up to both the nearby Home Depot and the almost-as-nearby Lowe’s. Same thing. Came home and ordered from HD because it was $2 cheaper than Ace AND I KNOW HD has curbside pickup. So now I’m waiting for the text to let me know it’s ready. I’d rather wait in my car than stand around like a sheep.
I want my old normal back.
That said, I keep reminding myself that I’m luckier than so many other folks. I work in an “essential industry” (financial services,) so I go to work every day, and I trust that the leaders at my place of employment will only consider layoffs as a last resort. But I’m angry at the so-called “leaders” who are cavalierly causing so much disruption to our way of life.
P.S. Link in previous comment took me to my favorite road rage song.
The only reason you’re using curbside pickup is irrational fear of being around people. 😉
Ditto on the last (well, on skipping lines too). I’m still working, but there was less than smooth sailing before this and I worry how much longer before the ship starts taking on too much water. “Essential” businesses rely on “non-essential” businesses and consumers employed by “non-essential” businesses to keep the lights on and widgets being made.
Exactly. The credit union I work for had a good year last year. We will not have a good year this year. We will make fewer loans and have higher delinquency, more charge-offs, and fewer recoveries. All that remains to be seen is just how bad the bad will be.
If you like old time country/western music, check out KWPX Cowpoke Radio
Looks like they play some old radio shows like 50’s era Grand Ole Opry, shows sponsored by the old biscuit flour companies, Cowboy stuff, Western Swing, Hank Williams, Sr and Jr, Johnny Cash, etc.
I haven’t put it in my regular radio rotation, just got hipped to it this morning. I figured some Glibs might be interested.
“Cowpoke Radio”
For some reason, that made me laugh. I think now everything is funny since I can’t stop laughing at the bat eating Pooh Bear plagues.
Those plaques are right up with NOLA water meter covers and Parisian manhole covers. Pure art. I want them for my wall.
I’d like to have one as well. I hope they glue one up nearby.
Thanks, egould, got it on and sounds great.
Now I need a yellow bandana
I have it on as well. Good stuff. Thanks for linking this and also thanks for reminding me of Septic Death yesterday; I haven’t listened to them since maybe 1987.
TMZ with some news.
Or drugs might fall out of my ass.
That little symbol you just posted is obviously that white power Nazi symbol and also means you hate Korean people, so racist.
I am sure the ‘surgeon’ said “Ooops”, took his gloves off and said ” Let’s go get lunch everybody”
If the surgeon was hoping for Glorious Leader’s sister to step in to the leadership role, I’m not sure that’s a preference he should have had.
She seems like a thinly-veiled batshit psychopath (mebbe it runs in the family).
I hear a lot of people foo-fooing the ‘choosing the lesser of evils’ strategy but often that is all there is. ‘Head in the sand’ doesn’t work.
It will be funny if we find out the Doc who performed the surgery is the sister’s personal physician.
Craven groveling, FTW!
A Michigan state senator apologized Saturday for wearing a face mask that resembled the Confederate flag during a vote at the state capitol.
State Sen. Dale Zorn (R) had previously denied that the pattern on his mask was the flag but admitted Saturday he made an “error in judgement.”
“I’m sorry for my choice of pattern on the face mask I wore yesterday on the Senate floor. I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents,” he tweeted.
“My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode.”
Now shave your head and put the dunce cap on.
Pathetic. Can he just get his ballz snipped and put in a glass jar on display in the state capital?
…resembles the confederate flag…
Ah. So it wasn’t the confederate flag.
No, but it was obviously something racist and Nazi, because someone said so.
My favorite iteration of this story happened when some grade-A morons in Seattle couldn’t tell the difference between a Confederate flag and a Norwegian one:
[Kif sigh]
They couldn’t even bother to confuse it with one that has a saltire?
Cool. I learned a new word today. Hey Ted- what’s that word for when people over-sing the national anthem?
melisma – had to search the comments for that one
“In our political climate”
Fuck off with that shit. People are just dumb, no matter what the climate is.
“However, when asked by a local reporter what the flag stands for, Zorn replied, “The Confederacy.””
Either he is an idiot, or that didn’t happen.
about the 1:16 mark
Stupid move.
Of course, at the article, there’s no pictures just bullshit drone footage of a barn.
TMZ with some news.
Or drugs might fall out of my ass.
Why are all these drugs on the floor?
They are for the squirrels.
What could go wrong?
“New Jersey renters struggling to pay rent during the coronavirus pandemic can now use their security deposits for help.
Gov. Phil Murphy issued an executive order Friday that allows renters in the state to direct their landlords to tap into the previously paid security deposits either to pay rent in full or to make up a shortfall.”
So the Gov can just rewrite a contract now?
Apparently, state governors have unlimited power.
And there goes any potential landlords’ desire to rent any new properties.
Next up: “why is there no affordable housing?!?”
Sounds like the only solution is for the government to take over all housing.
Well, what else can be done? The free market has failed us once again.
Capitalism has failed! Socialism has never failed. We have no choice!
Yes, Rands heroes arent realistic, but her villians are dead on perfect.
We’re about to get a new version of ‘Slum Lords’. Rent is cheap, but the building is falling apart, there’s no water, or heat, or electricity. But that’s OK, because the rent is not too high!
In other news, first/last/security deposit morphs into entire lease prepayment.
Property taxes are also waived. Cool.
Oh, wait….
Waived or delayed?
Oh, of course not. Nothing on that in the article. Gotta pay them pensions.
So, I’ve never been a landlord but, wouldn’t most landlords work something out with tenants who’ve been reliable in the past? If people aren’t working, and few people are moving to jobs in new cities, I would suspect the number of people in the market for a new rental would be low. So a landlord would gain little by evicting a reliable tenant. But, like I said, never been a landlord so maybe I’m missing something.
Yes, but the landlord would still have leverage. Now everyone, particularly the deadbeats and slow payers, can just say FY, that’s the law and skip the entire amount.
My dad runs the finances for a small business with retail space. His experience negotiating with the business’s landlord is they want to know/see what other suppliers are getting squeezed first before they consider a discount. And of course, all of the other suppliers want to see the same.
My limited experience on the commercial side is that landlords would rather leave inventory unoccupied than take lower rents.
And I should say that experience is a month ago when they were forced to close the retail store.
I dunno how it is right now in the commercial market. Can’t really find a replacement tenant and just about everyone’s cash flow is clamped down or cut off.
My limited experience in looking for a house to rent says the same thing.
I’m not quite sure of the logic.
There’s got to be a factor that isn’t obvious. Some thing that makes the overhead of paying the taxes on a vacant property less costly than having a tenant at a lower rate.
Yes, but I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of what that is.
Not only paying taxes on a vacant property, but paying for the utilities too.
You can shut off the utilites and drain the pipes if you anticipate a long term vacancy. It would apply more on commercal properties.
I can’t speak to any particular area and real estate is at its heart a local business, but the residential rental market as a whole was not even a little bit slow going into the current nonsense. Commercial is much more complex.
Seems like the landlords can get by without income. Looks odd to me. That’s why I’m not a landlord.
Old joke.
What did the Gypsy do when he won the lottery?
Opened a dozen empty storefronts.
Who has best “standing” to being these guidelines and other arbitrary utterances from governors, mayors, etc?
It seems to me that sufficiently significant individual rights were trampled and the governors bypassed legislation and ignored the Bill of Rights.
It seems to me as well….because that is exactly what happened.
I guess it is too much to hope for that they will be punished.
I think maybe people are not quite realizing exactly what has happened here.
For years, many years, non-governmental bureaucracies, like the WHO, have been pining for a pandemic. But they never could quite get it. Remember, despite their best efforts, Climate hysteria has failed them badly. Seeing as this might be their last chance, they gathered all their troops and advocates, like the UN, the CCP, the DNC, and other leftist and authoritarians around the globe and went full in for it.
This is what happened. And I think they know this is their last chance at true global socialism.
“Being” was “suing” originally.
Is it just me or does cutting off the spigot mean that water stops coming out of the end of the hose? I don’t think these delays on rents and mortgages are going to work the way people think it will.
Printing more money: If you need a certain number of board feet of lumber to build a house but you are falling short, making the unit of measure smaller so there are more of them doesn’t mean you can now build your house. You still have the same amount of lumber.
We really are on a ship of fools.
When the word “money” replaced “currency” in the common parlance and understanding as a “medium of exchange of value” – and the govt took it over with fiat – it was only a matter of time before the “value” part got lost and people began to think that all we need to do is simply “print more!” to solve problems. It’s (yet again) reification: confusing the map for the actual dirt on the ground. Most people no longer understand that “money” only matters to the extent there is actual value undergirding the currency.
As you note, Suthen, we haven’t added any more value, but we’ve added more currency, thus devaluing every holder’s in the long run. It will only last as long as it can. Unless someone adds a shitton more value – or pulls currency out of circulation to get it closer to the actual value in the economy – someones (no apostrophe intentionally) are going to pay dearly when it contracts to match reality.
I have tried numerous times to explain that the dollar is a unit of measure, nothing else, and I always got blank stares. I will add that all of the people I tried to explain it to were products of public school.
I am not sure that there was ever much understanding of the concept of currency. For as long as I can remember old geezers have been whining that “when I was a kid gas was 15 cents per gallon!”
If you say “Now adjust that for inflation. It’s cheaper now” they still just shake their fists at the clouds.
*shakes fist at clouds*
I did tell about my father finding flyers in his old books advertising guns I now covet for $85 dollars? BAR’s for $95…Winchester model 70 for 50 bucks…etc.
I know, if you adjust for inflation they are essentially the same price today but my lizard brain screams and I shake my fist at the clouds.
I need an ATM and a time machine.
That’s a fantastic analogy I’ve not yet heard. I might even use it to get a few of my friends to understand why I rant about the Fed and monetary policy all the time.
Thank you Bob. Please do.
I came up with it by trying to explain to someone how value increases/wealth is created and how money is used to measure that. I used the analogy of lumber, starting with a standing tree and step by step being made into a house.
I still did not get through to them but I liked the analogy so I still use it.
I love you Suthen. In two sentences, you managed to distill what generations of economists and elected officials either don’t understand or are purposefully ignoring.
For real.
/Que up Paul Krugman explaining why lumber is racist and how republikkkans ruin everything.
I love you too I0b0t.
OK, you two get a room already!
Isn’t that exactly why a 2×4 is now 1½” x 3½”?
You still have to have the same number of 1-1/2″ x 3-1/2″ boards to build the house.
Then you have hidden inflation like sugar and ice cream. Used to be 5 lb sugar and 1 gal ice cream for $X. Then it was 4 lb sugar and 3/4 gal ice cream for the same amount.
I’d rather have the price go up than the amount per container go down.
Most people don’t pay attention to the container size if they’re buying out of habit. They WILL notice a price change.
I can’t remember what company it was, but a company that processes olives took 1 olive out of each jar and had a huge jump in margin. One olive made a difference for them, but people who buy those olives would never notice.
Speaking of container size, there’s always that clever trick of raising the bottom of the container up so that it holds less than the height of the container would have you believe it holds. I believe I’ve noticed that with ice cream, and I KNOW I’ve seen it done with yogurt containers.
They started with rounding the corners of the ice cream containers so that you can’t judge the volume as easily.
I’ve long noticed the ever-shrinking container sizes more than price changes. And I always resented being treated like an idiot.
Yes, but you get more out of each tree. And they are lighter thus cheaper to transport, easier to handle, don’t need as heavy a foundation, you can get more insulation in the wall so you’ll save in heating and cooling over time. That one move more or less made homes free, which is why they are now a natural right.
Legit LOL
So… The Intercept is back for more with Biden and Reade….
And this time, since the new evidence is a 1993 call to Larry King by Reade’s mother asking about the trouble her daughter is having with a prominent congressman, CNN actually has been forced to address it.
They actually do cover the King interview, although that part makes up less than 1/4 of the article… the rest is a recap of Reade’s allegations and then a healthy dose of team Biden’s denials, totaling about half of the content.
The NYT is still only featuring their three articles defending Biden and “debunking” the allegations. (remember, only 3 people corroborated having heard the allegations contemporaneously, and *No one else* said they heard any such allegation! Also… other than the other women who have said that he touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable, no other evidence that fits a pattern could be found.)
We’ll see how long they can keep a lid on this one.
There’s definitely a big chunk of the DNC making noise for a different candidate. So there is a possibility that support for Biden could fall apart and coalesce around someone else.
I happen to agree with the contingent of the DNC that thinks they’d do better with another candidate as a last minute replacement. Someone with appropriate gravitas and name recognition might be able to join the ticket in September and waltz to an unvetted victory. Cuomo has been getting a lot of heat lately, as have Bernie and Warren. But to fully take advantage of this opening, I think the Dems have one clear choice. Lady Obama.
She would be really tough to attack and would have a unanimous press protecting her at every turn. I think Lady Obama as a last minute replacement is a winner, given the current chaos.
Shorter version: let the Wookiee win
(Couldn’t resist)
One Wookie to rule us all. How exciting. Michelle is not political candidate material. Besides the fact that she has stated numerous times that she hated being the wife of a President for 8 years, and the fact that she can’t do it even if she wanted to, they keep grasping at those straws. Can we just cycle back to Oprah already?
Her book tour was a test-run – she thought no one would touch her and like her husband has no ability to withstand criticism.
She also cannot fake being an eloquent spokesman like Obama can. She’s awful. Think Warren or Kamala Harris awful, only worse.
Lunch Lady Leader ‘Eat your kale pudding, you ungrateful deplorables!’.
Ugh, I laughed at the Wookie joke at the same time stifling revulsion at the thought of that hateful, divisive, greedy woman having the reins of power.
but enough about Hilldog
Pretty funny…
I’m still kind of astonished at how completely this issue has flipped. It has not be very long at all since the Kavanaugh hearings, and as recently as days before these allegations surfaced, the left was using “serious and credible allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh” as a go-to line. Heck, the left commentariate even used this as their own direct comparison (Kavanaugh’s accuser was super-serious, while Reade is just spouting nonsense).
The standard was clearly “believe all women” and a lack of any contemporaneous allegations was actually evidence of just how seriously we should take the allegations. And even when fully refuted, they remain “credible allegations”.
Fast forward to today with a DNC candidate and apparently 3 people who were told contemporaneous to the event do not serve to corroborate the story. Nor do several subsequent complainants who have come forward with allegations that they were touched in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Now video evidence that Reade’s mother was told about not only the harassment, but also about her inability to break through the layers of protection around the senator.
Imagine for a moment that such an allegation surfaced against Rand Paul. How long would it take for Jezebel to jump on the story?
Well, they did finally jump in on the story a week after it broke ….. to berate the journalist who put Reade on her podcast. You see, proper journalism demands that you properly vet these stories and not subject women to the vitriol of public examination when their stories are going to fall apart.
No, seriously. That’s their take. You shouldn’t publish allegations by liars, essentially. Because it will embarrass the liar.
I’m not sure you could actually believe that, but they actually published it.
Nothing, as of yet, about the contemporaneous corroboration from the Larry King Show.
Nothing from Jezebel could shock me. It’s as if they aspire to be every bit as loathsome as their namesake.
I am an old guy so y’all have to politely listen to me tell the same stories over and over again. Humor me.
When I was about ten there was a race between a turd on a slice of bread vs a slice of bread on a turd. I asked my father “Why cant we get someone good?” to which he answered “Who?”
Me – “I dunno, someone good”
Him – “Give me a name. You see, the good people don’t want to have anything to do with those jobs. They are out in the world creating and enjoying their lives. Who wants to dive into a snake pit? A snake, that’s who. We aren’t going to get anyone good. “
A list of comedies that doesn’t include Blazing Saddles seems pretty useless.
Can’t imagine why a wokester would skip over that one…
Probably because the Sheriff is a N…………
The Sherriff is near?
It’s funny because we both saw the same movie!
I saw that is available on Hulu and I was somewhat shocked. I figured the movie would be blacklisted because the woke set is a bunch of humorless pearl clutchers incapable of grasping the concept of satire.
Agreed. Ditto, A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Also, Girls Trip but no B.A.P.S. or Soul Plane? Really?!?
Soul Plane was awful.
Young Frankenstein > Blazing Saddles
Life of Brian > Monty Python & the Holy Grail
I know some (many) of you will cry “Blasphemy!” but I would argue that my “greater thans” actually resolve at the end (as opposed to collapsing into nonsensical silliness.) I like all four films, but my preferred two, I would argue, are ultimately tighter, cleaner productions.
I do like Life Of Brian better, but that doesn’t take away from The Holy Grail. I always get Life Of Brian confused with History of The World for some reason.
Love Grail, and I can quote lines from it with the best of them, but among other advantages, Brian is better satire.
The sermon on the mount scene from that movie is one of the greatest things ever committed to film. I learned a lot from that scene. And I laughed long and loud.
Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?
Grail resolves at the end. They get arrested by the cops.
I agree wholeheartedly about Life Of Brian; IMO, it’s the best Python movie. I’m torn on the other two. I would have to give the edge to Blazing Saddles (but just barely) because it just gets more outrageous with age. The Broadway production of Young Frankenstein however, was STUPENDOUS. Having spent years in TV/film work where everything is non-linear and there are many, many, many takes from different angles, the skill of those who stage live productions always impresses me.
I’ve tended to be a bit skeptical about the many film-to-stage adaptations of recent years. (Mary Poppins? Srsly??) but that’s one I wouldn’t mind seeing.
One summer in college, to fulfill a requirement for my (useless) mass communication degree, I worked stage crew for my university’s summer theater season. Looking back, I think that, if one couldn’t hack it in the theater as a performer, it would be fascinating to be a stage manager.
Life of Brian is definitely my favorite of the Python films. Going into the Mel Brooks realm, while Blazing Saddles is awesome, I think there needs to be more love for Spaceballs.
+1 I’m surrounded by Assholes.
Speaking of which are we having a happy hour this evening?
Today’s brews are Sierra Nevade Otra Vez, a lime agave gose and Hell of High Watermelon by 21 Amendment. Both are good. I had Shiner Prickly Pear beer a while back. It was good too. I remember having a jalapeno beer once. It had quite a kick.
Probably should save this for the glib fit post, but since I am bored, here goes:
here are the Army’s jobs by fitness category
There’s 210 entries and 163 of them are for the lowest category, moderate. I haven’t checked the doctrine, but my understanding is that everyone in the Army is supposed to be able to function as infantry should the need arise. That’s why everyone gets trained on rifles, gas masks, etc. If that’s the case, I wonder what’s the logic behind having 80% or so of the force in the lowest fitness category.
The new test is more comprehensive, gender and age neutral, and easier to pass. It also takes a lot longer, requires much more equipment, and is more likely to cause injury in both the test itself and in the preparation for it. The real kicker is that they left in the event (2 mile run) that is far and away the most common reason people get injured and get no-run profiles. If the ability to run is not necessary to be a soldier, it makes no sense to make it a requirement. And anyway, all the high octane units have their own required feats of strength.
I thought about what would be a better test. Maybe something like x number of body squats, y minutes of front leaning rest, z reps of supine bicycle.
“Quarrying Specialist” – Combat Engineer MOS or Leavenworth occupation?
[golf clap]
I read an article once about a kid in some African country whose job was to make gravel. He found a big old bolt and used it to pound rocks. He made a little bucket of gravel per day for which he made about a dollar.
That is not an uncommon practice in lots of other places as well.
today’s word salad from Thom Hartmann
Georgia Governor and corporate toady Brian Kemp said, “We will allow gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, aestheticians, their respective schools, and massage therapists to reopen their doors this Friday, April the 24th.”
Notice what is missing from that list? Any company or industry large enough to have a lobbyist who can shovel money to Republicans in Georgia, including Kemp. Every business on his list is a small business, and now that he has issued an executive order saying they can be open, those small business owners and employees will probably not qualify for unemployment insurance in Georgia.
This strategy in Georgia, which is being replicated in other Republican-controlled states, may well be the latest effort by Republicans to screw working people and small businesses. Republican governors live in terror of the rightwing billionaires in their states who don’t want them to raise state income taxes or corporate taxes to help cover the costs of average people being out of work.
Once again, Republicans put the interests of rich people and big national corporations ahead of the people in their own states.
[head desk]
He said dastardly, evil Republican billionaires don’t want people to be out of work because they don’t want to pay their unemployment benefits.
Greedy bastards.
And if Kemp had only allowed big businesses to reopen, Hartmann would say it’s because those businesses donated to Kemp’s reelection fund.
I just see the name Thom Hartmann in print and my head hurts.
Last time I checked, there were a large number of big companies who owned hair and nail salons (and their schools), gyms, restaurant chains, etc. In fact, many of them grabbed PPP money and were shamed into returning.
UI tax rates are individualized. Each business pays a different rate, based upon their employment history. While not quite as 1:1 as each business paying for the employees it sacked, it does assign a rough level of correspondence. Small businesses are just as much affected by UI rate increases as large businesses, perhaps even more so since they tend to run lean.
I’m not sure who’s dumber between Hartmann and Krugman, but at least the latter used to be less dumb.
And can we all drink a shot to those poor 11C bastards, particularly the newbie who gets to hump the baseplate (2 shots or a shot and a beer for airborne units).
+82 alcoholics all the way
from wiki’s Stormin’ Norman article
It was then that he later recounted he found chronic problems in military leadership, amid what historians have called a larger doctrinal crisis. Schwarzkopf later recounted many officers and NCOs he met in the assignment “had no sense of duty or honor, and who saw the world through an alcoholic haze.”[35]
“The problem with the Americans is that they don’t follow their own doctrine.”
Several decades we had a discussion and the conclusion was that being able to run 20 minutes without stopping would prevent capture by the bad guys a very large part of the time. 20 minutes with boots and packing some heat is 2 miles or so. That’s probably about right.
It was a different time and different challenges and maybe the physiology has changed and maybe not.
That explanation makes sense up to a point.
1. I thought the whole idea was to get the other guy to run away from you.
2. If you ran 20 minutes in full battle rattle (minimum of 7 pound uniform, 3 pound helmet, 15 pounds of armor, 7 pound rifle, 10 pounds of ammo) , you’d be shagged out.
It makes sense for people with a high risk of capture to spend more time running.
Running and PT in general were not a big parts of military training in the days when soldiers walked everywhere.
The force march – or humpin‘, as many here know it – is what makes infantry the Queen of Battle. I forget the USMC standards for force marches, but an infantry company with full load (~85 lb/man in toto) has to be able to move 3-5 mph… in perpetuity. It doesn’t sound like much, but a 15 min/mile with all of your shit and organic weapons for 20 miles (or so) a day is pretty good and has held up across the millennia. You can push them harder when needed, but they’d better be able to get to the battle with enough wind to now engage in combat.
Read SLA Marshall’s “The Soldier’s Load and the Mobility of a Nation.” It’s been decades since I read it, but I recall he had looked at all of this and concluded that we (the US) overload our troops. It was required reading at TBS… and then our instructors proceeded to ignore it and load us down like mules. But humping is a unique way of moving that conserves more energy than running, but it’s at almost the same pace. It takes some getting used to – especially the muscles in the front of the shins. Fuck, just thinking about it makes me start to get butterflies. I did one of those Go Ruck (Heavy) things a few years back and it was a reminder of just how awful that is.
Thanks for the book suggestion.
Fun fact: the Army used mules all the way up to the 1950s. The Army was the world’s number 1 owner of mules for a long time.
-1 Patton on bridge
In About Face, Hackworth tells a story of a cavalry officer who shot the wheel of jeep that broke down, because something something horses? Anyway, the bullet ricocheted off the rim and hit the dumb bastard between the eyes. Stupidity can be fatal.
Yep. Before there was AirCav, there was…actual Cav.
So poison control has received an uptick in calls regarding ingestions of cleaners (cause of Trump!) in NY but no increase in hospitalization or deaths because of it….
I am calling trolls on this…
If someone over ten years old is dumb enough to drink Clorox or Lysol I strongly encourage them to do so.
As you note, Suthen, we haven’t added any more value, but we’ve added more currency, thus devaluing every holder’s in the long run. It will only last as long as it can. Unless someone adds a shitton more value – or pulls currency out of circulation to get it closer to the actual value in the economy – someones (no apostrophe intentionally) are going to pay dearly when it contracts to match reality.
Value (wealth) is being destroyed in an unprecedented manner, so we’ve got that going for us.
A wealth tax oughta fix that right up
I’ve just been wasting my day playing X-Com: Chimera Squad. Ran into a wall on one mission, so taking a break. Wish me luck all, I’m trying to teach the girlfriend how to make Shepherd’s Pie tonight. She’s already upset that I don’t have a written recipe for it. 🙂
Written recipe for sheperd’s pie? It’s lamb, veggies and gravy under mashed potatos. (some substitutions can be made, but it can change name)
I’m trying to use this to teach some of the basics of cooking. Such as general cooking orders, how to make gravy with the drippings, and working with basics.
That’s to key to learning how to be a good cook. Not recipes, but techniques.
That’s why I have a lot of books on cooking, but very few cookbooks.
I like having a lot of cookbooks, I’ll check a half dozen or so for recipes on any particular dish and then just free wheel it using what I like from each one.
I can only cook a few things – rice, pasta, bacon, eggs, pancakes, french toast, burgers, pork chops, steaks
One time I baked tater tots and put powdered cheese and red pepper flakes on them. It was my magnum opus.
In college, my staple meal was fried egg sandwiches. I ate 8 eggs in a day once.
My favorite cooking book is the Flavor Bible. It’s a cross reference of foods that work well with other items. Using that, you can make all sorts of good items.
Hyperbole: I can set one up, but I will probably only be around for a short time tonight. Need to get back to saving city 31 (and destressing by shooting alien terrorists in the face).
Yes, but following recipes can be good exercise to developing good techniques. Particularly for a beginner.
Hrmm.. I think this might be a sign.
I randomly dropped the street view guy on the route I’m looking to take out of Roswell, and it landed right in front of a restaourant in Pie Town, New Mexico, which is at the distance I’d have made by lunch time on the day I’d be leaving Roswell.
Just from the name of the town, I have to take a look.
The town is probably full of vampires.
It should be close to high noon around the time I’m there, in the New Mexico sunlight. So I won’t see them.
Funky little place. Plan to stop for a piece of pie – seriously.
That’s a real pretty drive.
I already put it on the intenery. I figure it’s better than albuquerque.
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia is on Amazon prime.
It’s a can’t miss.
‘I done told that woman to not cook me no slimy eggs!’.
I too, dislike “ronny aiigs”.
No, it’s ‘I don’t like no ronny aiigs!’.
I think the reason I find this shit so entertaining is that I used to go down to spend summers at my grandpa’s place in Appalachia when I was growing up. In case anyone thinks there are not a lot of people EXACTLY like the people in that video, well, it’s because they don’t know. I know, boy do I ever know.
Fun fact: Until last November I lived 12 miles from where the majority of the documentary was shot.
So, you know exactly what I’m saying.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d hang out with a lot of those rednecks before I would with a bunch of the smug proggy douchebags who are so common around here.
The English….I can make out their garbledy-garble if I listen closely. The Scots….not so much but with practice I might be able to. Appalachians I can make out pretty well.
There are some places in rural Louisiana where I just cant. I ran across a guy in the woods once who talked to me for ten minutes and I just shook my head and kept eye contact but I couldn’t understand a single word he said. Really, not a single word. My father laughs at me about it. He knew who the guy was. “Oh yeah, he is from (not gonna say). They all talk like that down there”
I have the Appalachia thing down to a fine art. I can talk exactly like them, accent and all. My friends and co-workers around here find it hilarious. I have to get a couple of them to do the Balmer Downy Ocean hon thing, because I can’t even come close to that, but they can nail it.
I do love a mushmouthed Cajun. It gets even more fun when they’re oilmen, freshly ashore with a pocket full of money and they’ve been drinking in your bar all day, being wonderful if understandably boisterous, and some dumb drunken tourists stumble in off of Bourbon St. and start making fun of the way those roughnecks talk.
Look up Coolie Ranx. Jamaican, Nigerian, and British accents all mixed in with a New York one. Nice guy, but nearly incomprehensible after a couple of pints.
We spent a couple nights in an extended stay hotel in Galliano. That was…interesting.
Is that a porno? I do luv me some trashy women.
Tig ol bitties!
That band has been banned from a bunch of places. I’ll give you moment to guess why.
Confederate Railroad Refuse To Change Their Name Despite Multiple Bans
Are we going to ban 38 Special, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Molley Hatchet as well?
I never understood people who believe that offensive things should be banned. They always seem to ban things selectively.
and now, some fine blues tunes
There used to be a Confederate Air Force as well, but they lost their sense of humor almost 2 decades ago and renamed to Commemorative Air Force instead.
Meh. Go for the Symbionese Liberation Navy.
What could be worse than dying!!!
Why the fuck is anyone wearing a mask while driving? That’s just fucking dumb.
PITA to keep taking it off and putting it back on? Heeding official advice to handle it as little as possible? Heading for the drive-thru?
They’re uncomfortable and I do feel like I’m about to suffocate after wearing one for a couple of hours. But I’d rather use up another mask than to drive with it on.
Confederate Railroad Refuse To Change Their Name Despite Multiple Bans
My favorite C R song
I just got a call to expect an offer on the house later this afternoon. Hopefully it’s a good one. ??
Here’s hoping.
Good luck!
Yay! Fingers crossed.
That is excellent news ?
Good luck man.
Even if the offer is not so great, better to take it, cut your losses, and relocate to a less insane state.
Keep your stick on the ice.
quando omni flunkus moritati
Good luck!
Fingers crossed.
Woohoo! Would make for a happy story:
Trashy Escapes Panem Before Hunger Games.
“fly me to the moon
let me kick its fucking ass
let me show it what i learned
in my moon jujitsu class”
I don’t envy you though. I’m glad I no longer have a house for sale. Now I only need to deal with the more painful ordeal of buying another one. Assuming we’re not all jobless and broke before then, and our better still allow us to own property and not reside in our selected box, same as all the other boxes, cause equality.
I just got back from practice, now that I’m following through my lower back isn’t coming to an abrupt stop, which is how I hurt my back in the first place.
High wind putting was great, you have to commit, which can lead to hilarious outcomes, but a good time today, only 96, Bahh!
The WSJ has an article about the latest model BS from Gates-funded IHME – this is the link to the data page. Essentially, they have provided timelines “estimates when states may be able to consider easing currently implemented social distancing policies if – and only if – strong containment measures already have been instituted.”
Some jackass put that up on a twitter thread about CO easing restrictions saying it was way too soon. I can’t take it anymore and have to call those halfwits out now. I usually just ignore, but I can’t anymore and I am easily triggered. I had to ask why in the fuck would he believe one prediction by that organization since they had to change there model four times because it was so off. No response. The IHME should be shamed into the shadows and Bill Gates told to fuck off.
A brief article on the various players in North Korean succession if Kim Jong Un shuffles off of this mortal coil:
It looks like his sister is most likely but he has a son, a nephew, and a brother waiting in the wings too. It sounds like things will actually get worse if sis takes over.
Regarding the Reade charges against Biden. Watch almost any 1930-1950s movie on Turner Classics and you’ll probably see some woman haul off and slap a man for “getting fresh” with her, even though it’s a patriarchal society.. Isn’t that what women learned to do when a guy got handsey without consent? Then along comes feminism and now women like Reade, and a lot of others who’ve made charges, stand there and take it quietly when Biden or other man starts behaving inappropriately. Why, under the rule of feminism, are women meekly submitting then waiting decades, in some cases, to speak up? What would you (mythical) libertarian women have done if Biden came on to you like Reade has charged he did? I’m betting a knee to the gonads, even at pain of losing your job.
blast from the past
The Sarah Palin email hack occurred on September 16, 2008, during the 2008 United States presidential election campaign when the Yahoo! personal email account of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was subjected to unauthorized access. The hacker, David Kernell, had obtained access to Palin’s account by looking up biographical details such as her high school and birthdate and using Yahoo!’s account recovery for forgotten passwords. Kernell then posted several pages of Palin’s email on 4chan’s /b/ board. Kernell, who at the time of the offense was a 20-year-old college student, was the son of longtime Democratic state representative Mike Kernell of Memphis.
reminds me of how this CNN technology expert got pwned:
turns out it’s not a good idea to talk about everything that happens to you on Twitter
I just got a call to expect an offer on the house later this afternoon.
I know this is facebook but this is good.
I may have mentioned before that despite being the wiliest critter by reputation they are actually easy to catch by hand and easy to tame. I may have even told in detail how to do it….but I wont again. If the rednecks around here knew how then all of the turkeys would disappear.
What the hell?
He has been feeding it. Notice how it is looking at him and pecking at the pattern on his camo. Like most critters, feed a turkey once and you cant get rid of it. Every time after that it sees you it will come running.
Aaahhh, the thing was getting a bit close to the eye balls for my taste. We have turkey’s here but didn’t where I grew up so I have never hunted them. I have heard conflicting stories of whether or not they are good to eat. Seems a lot of work when I get one out of the freezer section.
That’s a funny coinkidink.
Yesterday a turkey came strolling along just outside my office window before twilight. I see deer in my back yard all the time and (I had forgotten last night) I saw one in my neighbor’s yard just after dawn. I yelled at my son that there was a turkey but it didn’t flinch and continued to stroll along. He and I scurried to the back door to watch it stroll toward the woods easy as you please.
When people stop shooting at them they lose their fear quickly. Especially if there is food.
Throw some corn out there…they will find it. Soon they will hop in your lap every time you go out and sit.
Ha! My son said, “Are you going to shoot it?”
“You know I don’t have any guns.”
“You have a bow and arrows.”
“I don’t know how to clean it.”
“If you did, would you shoot it?”
“I’d try.”
Alright. Due to popular demand Happy Hour tonight, starting at 20:00 Eastern. If anyone who has signed up for a Zoom account is interested in sharing hosting duties, I can make a recurring meeting with alternate hosts. Reach out at my handle at Google’s mail.
Just don’t let Tres host.
You don’t like tall cans?