They really got me this time. I thought the call to the boardroom of Glibs HQ was for a debriefing on the server migration.
But the stifled laugh from OMWC disabused me of that notion right quick. SP was face down on the table, fast asleep….poor kid was worn out. was looking down at his hands, not making eye contact. Mad Scientist was over in the corner of the room cursing a hapless automotive tool – no help there. Warty was at the gym, testing DEADLIFTBOT 2.0 and I didn’t see any of the others in the room. Well, except Mex. He was always there to give the bad news.
“Me, again?”
“Yes, you’ve seen the publishing schedule. SugarFree was doing double duty, and we gave Banjos, Sloopy and Brett a little time off. You can’t say this is unfair.”
“The Cryptids are in the studio.”
“Fine, fine. Lets just get this over with.”
Good evening everyone, and welcome to the All-Star Cryptid Links. I am your host, Swiss Servator. Looks like we have the whole panel ready to give their featured Link of the Day.
Let us begin with our Senior Cascadia Correspondent, and onetime Grand Mufti of Cascadia, STEVE SMITH. STEVE, what do you have for us tonight?

OK, then. Thanks for that. And I think we all want to see a Free Cascadia, don’t we.
Next up, the other half of TEAM SMITH, our Maritime Mayhem Correspondent SEA SMITH. SEA, take it away.

Um, very well. I hope the water is fine.
Next up, our Chief Cleansing Correspondent, ZARDOZ. Take us to the finish line, big fella.

Well, that is one way to look at the story. THank you, ZARDOZ and all our panel. You all feel free to comment away, I am getting out of here as fast as I can.
You need.
I need a fairy godmother
Skip to 5:20
I’m happy that has over one million views.
I used to have a crush on Vicki Lawrence or something.
Used to? USED TO?
Be honest with us and yourself.
If you can find the first season of Carol Burnett show (Prime), Lawrence was an absolute doll.
She was a total hottie.
Oh my God.
For those of you who have good taste, the Post Malone Nirvana tribute is good.
For those of you who have bad taste, I have one message for you:
My body is available to rent, and the only price you have to pay is to use me as you please.
Thanks, Swiss. I really needed the laughs tonight.
I was amused.
Sorry to hear about NH.
Rally on the 2nd. I’ll be there.
Good on 5.56?
I could always use more.
I need to finish zeroing my Tavor.
Clarification: State of Emergency, not shutdowns.
Still.. Fuck Sununu.
I identify as a sentient Nerfball,
“Texas’ attorney general has accused the nation’s largest egg producer of price gouging during the coronavirus pandemic.”
Mrs Duggar is in real trouble now.
1.18$ here, I call bullshit,
$0.70 a dozen at Aldi.
Last time I bought eggs it was $1.79 for a half dozen and $2.69 for a dozen.
Damn! is gas 5$ a gallon?
/gas, 1.65$
/Milk 2.37$
Gas is $1/gallon at our nearby Sam’s Club.
During the initial panic buying, the only eggs available were some “local” brand (Giroux farms) that I never bought because of the price difference.
Four of the dozen were double-yolked.
Anyone know what happens to those if they are fertilized? Does one of the yolks eat the other or do they both develop and get crushed inside the shell and die?
I had that happen recently. Spooky.
Penn State has the answer.
Now if Penn State could only solve tOSU defense.
Even before the whole buggering boys thing, one of my fraternity brothers taught me to hate PSU.
Karen on the use of dating APPs:
Even worse are the people taking dating apps to a more dangerous place than simply talking about the coronavirus: They want to meet up. During a time when a large swath of people have been mandated (or at least strongly encouraged) to stay in their own homes or at least six feet apart from anyone they don’t live with.
The author can go fuck xerself.
“Rothenberg believes the apps should do more to enforce social distancing, including adding a feature to report users for “irresponsible behavior” and sending warnings to users who violate social distancing recommendations. But it’s a tricky situation.”
Yes, go fuck xerself indeed
Just get her to show up in a pair of Tyveks and finish off the night with a handee through a nitrile glove. Problem solved.
Well, I know what tonight’s fetish play is going to be.
Have fun, throw in a HEPA mask if oxygen deprivation is your thing.
Don’t ask him about his plague stick…
A classy date would bring a fleshlight.
And injectable Lysol.
Earlier problems I had with posting comments have gone away. Slow, but it works.
Thank you SP!
Dem congresswoman Karen Whittset being expelled from the democrat party because hydroxychloroquine saved her life and she thanked OrangeManBad for publicizing the drug’s possible effectiveness in treating the commie cough.
There is a word to describe that party and it rhymes with weevil.
We need to come up with a word that means both monstrously evil and mortifyingly stupid simultaneously.
One and done.
You can add “sucks the joy out of everything” to that definition.
Bureaucrat covers that part.
Welp, that was quick.
“We need to come up with a word that means both monstrously evil and mortifyingly stupid simultaneously.”
For those of you with 25 and unders, let them know you think Post Malone slaps.
This site is obviously biased against handsome, well-endowed men who believe in freedom and making people laugh their balls off.
Except that the proceeds go to the WHO.
Slaps, Ted. Slaps.
That is what is important, Debbie Downer.
[Slaps Crusty Juggler]
Crush it under your Boot heel?
/too communist?
There is a word to describe that party and it rhymes with weevil.
I thought she was just being censured.
They’re censuring her because she thinks hydroxychloroquine saved her life? Odd.
Prince Rupert’s Drops vs. STEVE SMITH
That actually surprised me. I thought that effect was a quirk of geometry and impact transfer. I had no idea they’d stand up to slow pressure. Especially since those had a void in the.
That is pretty cool.
Cool as shit. I did not think glass of any kind would hold up to 29K kg of pressure. And that was just the first one.
What’s that accent?
I’m no expert, but I’d say Finnish. He sounds just like Finns that I know who speak English.
Skip to the 2 minute mark
Actually 4:30 is where it becomes amazing
The Golden Child is an excellent movie, that Charles Dance did not pick up an Oscar yet in his career at some point is crazy, and Charlotte Lewis was hot.
I I I want the knife!
Yes, a very good movie.
The Golden Child would have been a second rate remake of Big Trouble in Little China except for Eddie Murphy’s top form. Too bad he moved on to fat suits.
+1 “you jus gonna save that for later, huh?”
My (vague) recollection of The Golden Child is that it struck me as one of those “high concept” movies, easily summed up in one phrase – in this case, Eddie Murphy and the Temple of Doom.
there is blood…in the oatmeal
She was Nancy Kwan level hot in that movie.
And if you aren’t old enough to have had a crush on Nancy Kwan when you were a kid… well, you missed out.
Same with Ming Na-Wen.
Whaaa? Did I miss something? Why would STEVE SMITH give up that gig?
In re: Nigerians, the two most beautiful accents were a British girl I heard in 1984 and a Nigerian woman I met in 1989.
Go back a couple of Sundays or so. You will see it.
Wow, I just got an email, turns out I’m this guy’s only living relative!
food for thought
The name Karen is a girl’s name of Danish origin meaning “pure”. Karen is a Danish diminutive of Katherine, an English name derived from the Greek Aikaterine.
The name Keren is Hebrew and means “ray of light” and should not be confused with the name Karen which is of German origin and means “hard worker”. Keren is very close to the Sanskrit name “Kiran” which also means “sunbeam”.
Sounds like Karen has an identity issue.
So English is hte only language in which “Karen” has a negative meaning?
I thought this Karen equals buzzkill nanny mom was a very recent invention.
iz joke
Report back to the Afternoon links, for admonishment.
Sorry, I’ll be busy then. In the meantime, enjoy this soul-ful 70s hit:
Oh Swiss – you know I love you. If I accomplish half as much by the time I reach your age, I will consider my life a success.
Good tune
I misunderstood. I saw the cat. One of my weaknesses is that insults I perceive as mild, other perceive as spicy. After many years of people shitting on me, I find it hard to care about anyone’s feelings, even if I bother to search for them.
If you lived my life, you’d be the same.
To quote a large number of Cook County Circuit Clerk employees…”tough shit buddy, we all got our own problems.”
Don’t do that, capisce?
Hey man, I’m at 26th and California. Can I get a ride?
I’ll get “DERP” tattooed on my knuckles if you get “SWIS SERV” tattooed on yours.
So when you have an ultra-compact pistol, you naturally decide to put a red dot and a can on it.
Although kudos to the maker for acknowledging that “some gun porn might be nice” while coronalockdowing.
I know nothing about concealed carry. In theory I would think the red dot is a problem due to bulk. The video makes me think otherwise.
I love how Kim still rides on Train Force One. It makes it very easy for our intelligence services to track him.
I don’t think we’re the ones he’s most worried about.
Evening, Glibs. Tonight’s flick is a favorite, ‘Tucker and Dale vs Evil’.
I love that movie.
Ditto. It’s held up remarkably well under repeated viewings. Next up, another favorite of mine, ‘Cry-Baby’.
‘Evening. Zoom chat is going.
Ill jump on later…link?
Cool I’ll be on in a bit
Evening! Can’t zoom and movie at the same time, so y’all have fun! Say hi to everyone ignoring the comments, from me. 🙂
Hey! I’m multitasking. OMG… I love crybaby so much. Also, everything else Waters has done.
I needed something sufficiently anti-establishment for the evening and this is definitely hitting the spot. Big Waters fan, too.
Say hi to everyone ignoring the comments, from me. ?
hehe… done.
Likewise my greetings to all the Zoomers. The Mr. is spooked by all the stories he’s read about Zoom security holes (though I trust Neph knows what he’s doing,) so I’m not inclined to risk domestic tension by joining you all. Plus I’m pretty sure I can’t drink enough to keep up with the room. ; )
Can’t find the zoom link. Any idea where it is?
Here you go. It was kinda hidden in one of Neph’s comments during PM Lynx.
Thanks. Wanted to pop by and say hello. It’s just says “Waiting for host to start meeting”. Hmmm.
Hmmm…maybe that’s not the right one. I’m not there, so I can’t offer any other help. : (
No problem. Thanks, GT.
Neph handed it off to Trashy who handed it off to I don’t know who and then it just ended mid sentence while Raven was talking. Very weird. I blame Tres.
I’d start a new one, but I got REAL zoom meetings to attend from now. 😉
I blame Tres.
Me too. Especially since I passed hosting duties to him.
Oh dear…
Me too. Especially since I passed hosting duties to him.
We’re watching “Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood”. It’s pretty awfularious.
Tri-tip roast on the counter gettin room temp. Sauteed mushrooms with thyme and parsley. Spinach salad with chopped egg, olives, feta and lemon vinaigrette.
I love cheesy horror series. Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Sleepaway Camp, etc. Hubby wanted some comedy tonight.
Tucker and Dale is a good way to go for funny. I’ve only watched it once. Maybe revisit it this evening.
Yeah, it’s up there with Evil Dead II for splatstick horror in my book. Maybe tomorrow I’ll switch back to the gore and watch Dead Alive again.
Watching Evil Dead 2 and 3 is pretty much our only form of religious practice in the Gould household. Oh, and Devil’s Rejects.
I break in every new TV with a marathon of: Young Frankenstein, Army of Darkness and Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy. Once it’s gotten through all three, I call it part of the household. Hmmm… made the hubby do the same thing, when I initially started dating him.
Rosemary’s Baby is positively biblical if you rely on horror movies for your religious services. Hail Satan!
Rosemary’s Baby. Great flick. Love some 60’s-70’s satanic paranoia freakouts.
It looks like I’ve managed to fix our 9yo plasma TV. The other day the TV set started making a loud buzzing noise that’s much more loud than normal. So, it’s either buy a new TV or fix it. Apparently, it’s a rather common issue with Panasonic plasma TVs. So, we had to dismount the TV set, remove the back panel and tighten all the screws on the circuit boards inside. Now the TV set is back on the wall and there’s no buzzing. Too bad there’s no longer an excuse to buy a replacement.
Dem OLED’s is sweet but don’t…just don’t:
I’m safe, I don’t watch CNN. But I’m aware of the burn-in issues with this plasma TV, many years and a certain channel that I watched all the time.
Sure, as long as you know what you’re getting into and know how to avoid it. If I was some schlub off the street that makes 30K a year and one of these things got burned in I’d be mighty pissed. You have to dig a bit for the info.
I was in walmart yesterday. They had 3 different 65 inch smart TVs for under $500.
But did they have toilet paper?
No. No paper goods at all.
And the wife sent me to get some more elastic for masks. The entire sewing section was cleaned out. Every scrap. 3 whole aisles, there wasn’t enough to fill a shopping bag.
I suppose folks are sewing now…
I was up way past my bedtime, Swiss. And I didn’t get my nap or my after-nap cookies, since I didn’t get my nap.
Thanks again for all your efforts.
Thanks for keeping things chugging along here. You are doing valuable work on behalf of our sanity.
One might even call it “essential”.
I wish I could send you a cookie or 12. Thank you, staying up all night to fix the website you run for free is so far beyond the call of duty youdeserve all the cookies you want!
*tips tiny little rat-cap*
Thanks SP.
Thanks SP
Thank you SP!
Anyone else getting logged out repeatedly tonight? Did check the remember me box.
And funny text format is back.
The text looks normal to me, but I’m still experiencing the weirdness when posting comments – after I hit “Post Comment” and wait a bit, the comment gets posted on the page but appears to be trying to post a second time. At that point, I hit the “X” to stop the page from reloading and hit “Cancel Reply” over the comment entry box.
Someone needs to call CPS.
Sorry to miss the Zoom, Fellow Glibs! Working out in the yard, doing some writing, and practicing piano. Got some other stuff to catch up on, and having a cocktail now with the Missus.
Special thanks again to SP for the work on the site.
Funny links tonight from our cryptids, although the “gouging” stuff grates on me as an attorney. I hope their lawyers (in both cases) destroy those nonsense laws.
If Kim Jung Fuckhead croaks, what does the media do? Do they have to let go of the COVID narrative and OMB (orange man bad) long enough to report on it?
Related: what happens when Georgia and other states that are “opening up” don’t wind up with bodies like cordwood? Ignoring it is their default, but it will be hard for folks to ignore all of their friends out living their lives. Given that the Media has “nationalized” every issue, I wonder how much of “state’s rights” we’ll get on the subject of NY, MI, and CA and the other Team Blue despots that refuse to let go of their iron grip. Also – courts/judges are far more sensitive to what’s going on around them then they would ever admit; it will be hard to rule that some tyranny is OK in the face of other Americans enjoying their liberty, but I’ve been disappointed more than once before.
They’ve been acting like South Dakota is in a full-blown “bring out your dead” crisis. I imagine they’ll treat Georgia the same. In the meantime, I got a salon haircut today, and I’m going to try to have my sisters over to my house for a game night this week.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Personally, I think the media’s reaction to a formal end to the Korean War during Trumps will be most entertaining.
Honestly, I’ve had enough of video meetings today. For the first time in ever forgot to turn off video during the company all-hands and it was shortly after 4:20 so, uh, you know. Luckily only one coworker messaged me teasing me about it, and I shut off the video right quick. But then, later that night, my daughter ran into my bedroom with an active video chat going on her ipad, when I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off. I’m cursed. If I haven’t been fired on Monday, maybe I’ll try next week.
Luckily for Sea Smith the US Coast Guard has some uplifting news: Freeway Traffic Might Be Light, But Our Coastline Is A Different Story
I don’t want to spill the contents, but Sea Smith may have a lotta access to lube for the foreseeable future.
He needs to be careful using those petroleum products to squeak it in, that can cause all kinds of skin issues from what I understand. If those were tankers full of aloe vera gel he’d be set.
We are prone for a big oil spill.
Benjamin Franklin is into it
Dutch seamen?
Welp, someone figured out my google news filters.
Not so tough when your receptionist is still stuck in India!?
*runs away*
Is she setting up another safari to find SNOW SMITH?
I’d ask but she keeps telling me to drink bleach and die
That’s ABOMINABLE SNOW SMITH, sir! He didn’t go to RAPE school for six years for you to leave off his title.
Couldn’t leave SNOW SMITH out of this, could you?
This interviewer is a trip. Bill Cosby is a necrophiliac.
Yeah well, so’s Vincent Furnier.
Yes he is
Saw him in concert. Great show! Lead band was Ace Frehley.
Her filters (if she has any) sure don’t meet HEPA standards. : )
No, that’s his brother Daryl.
No, it’s his other brother Daryl
No, it’s his other other brother Daryl.
It’s pronounced “Da-rill”.
Hi, I’m Larry.
35 years of hearing that fucking joke… *sharpens door machete*
Would Flo
Yep. Cute and funny. ?
The magic virus knows which states are about to reopen. The increase has nothing to do with the increase in testing.
Jesus. One freakout after the next.
Finished Cry-Baby and decided to move right on into Ed and His Dead Mother. John Glover and Steve Buscemi. I love this movie.
We just wrapped up Death of Stalin. Buscemi is a genius.
I guess I was just chucked out of the Zoom chat.
The squirrels have hacked zoom!
Gee, they could have at least cat-butted you first as a warning.
Straff was just trying to get in, and the link Neph posted this afternoon didn’t seem to be working.
Ah. I was just trying to join and it was waiting for the host. I thought maybe the host lost the connection
Who did trashy hand moderator to? I was making a drink then.
I think someone hit end chat and it killed the Zooming. I am not sure who was the moderator at that point. I blame Tres.
Well he killed a TV on the one I joined maybe he stepped his game up and killed Zoom?
So imaging the Simpsons drunk cameraman “We are experiencing technical difficulties” is the correct image.
Zoom’s just a Chinese commie plot anyway. Y’all oughtta consider y’allselves lucky.
I think the Zoom chats might need a Designated Driver.
Is everyone kicked out?
I got, “this meeting has ended”.
Ah man…missed it by that much
The best I ain’t stoned but the music makes me feel stoned song I ever done heard, Kyuss-Space Cadet:
The music along with the vid is pretty trippy.
I did many drugs at the studio while they were recording that. Well, not many drugs. Actually just two drugs. But alot of those two drugs.
The New Radicals were prescient.
In a mall without a mask? My God.
I have been locked up with playing schoolteacher to 3 recalcitrant kids, so I’ve missed a lot of the discussion around here. Did anyone mention this from TOS
the headline:
It’s Not Fake News: Trump Did Actually Suggest That Injecting Bleach Could Be a Cure for COVID-19
Literally fake news about not fake news. Dude never even obliquely mentions bleach, or cleaners… but saying that he suggested people do exactly that is not fake news….
Ok Jake. Got it.
I saw it and rolled my eyes and complained to my husband about how far TDS had carried everyone over the edge. But I also watched his briefing, turned and said, “the headlines about Trump suggesting people inject bleach will print in 3.. 2… 1…”
I don’t know. That might be the stupidest shit I ever heard him say and he has said some stupid shit.
Wouldnt you also do the same knowing whatever you say will be twisted and bent? It’s playing the telephone game knowing the next person is purposefully going to mess it up
I cringed a bit over it, just because it was so clearly someone brainstorming off the cuff, which is not something you should do in front of a hostile audience determined to interpret everything you say as awful. But I also resolved to get more time outside in the sun after his briefing.
Getting time out in the sun is always a good thing. Plague or not. I had no problem with that, but the disinfectants? Seriously, we are going to look at those for use inside the body? That is………….I don’t know what.
I don’t take any politicians seriously. I mean, we’ve had others suggest everything from using nukes on the population, to paying everyone $2k a month to ‘end inequality’. Suggesting we research using disinfecting agents in therapeutic treatment for the wuflu isn’t much loonier than, say, a $15 minimum wage. If I thought politicians were *smart* I might start respecting them. The only thing I respect is when they leave me the fuck alone and let me do my own thing.
Or printing $6 trillion in a couple of weeks.
That’s truly insane.
I heard someone talking about it earlier… if we lived in the time when you had to mint the coins, or even print the bills, it would take a year or more to churn out that much currency. Now they do it in seconds with the push of a button.
It seemed pretty clear that he was talking about a conversation he was just having minutes earlier with these same experts, one where he asked a question… in context with something they were telling him. A question that they apparently didn’t respond to with “holy shit, did you just suggest people inject bleach???”
I would expect Trump (or any high-ranking politician who wasn’t a biology major) to have an understanding of these matters roughly on the level of a liberal arts major. It sounds like he asked a question or two that were of the “undergrad asks questions based on what he just heard in the lecture” variety, and got answers from some professors that were in the “I’m engaging an interested undergraduate” bucket, not in the “this guy is insane” bucket.
I’ve asked similar questions and gotten similar answers. When I was really young, I took astronomy at Duke. My professor was a real up and comer, working on calculating the emission lines for water as his main project. I considered going in to that line of work and he was interested in having me come to his lab. In class he taught us about black holes. They have something called a schwarzschild radius. Everyone says “nothing can escape a black hole, not even light”, they actually mean “from inside the schwarzschild radius” , not from the singularity. And because the singularity is a point, it’s location is actually indeterminate, from a quantum perspective. They were speculating about black hole evaporation due to the singularity tunneling outside the schwarzschild radius.
So, I put 2 things together that he taught me… the schwarzschild radius stuff and the “big bang” being the beginning of space-time. Nothing exists outside spacetime.
A question that was being pondered was the “big crunch”. If the universe collapsed to a singularity, would it rebound into another big bang? How?
Well, that’s where I stuck up my hand. “If nothing can exist outside the spacetime of the universe, and the universe is shrinking down to the point that it is crunching into a singularity…. the moment that the size of the universe becomes less than the schwarzschild radius of the universe, wouldn’t it immediately undergo expansion – being outside the schwarzschild radius?”
He pondered my question a moment. Then started to speak.. Then paused. He thought some more.
Finally he said, “It doesn’t work like that”. Thought a little more…. “But it is complicated. You’ll have to come study for a few years before we can talk about the answer.”
I never did take enough physics, math and cosmology to have that conversation.
I might be completely wrong, but that’s what I was hearing when Trump was talking about asking them about things that might work like a cleaner. Light therapy is actually a thing – they even use light to activate various agents to localize them to a target inside the body. So there could be a myriad of things that these guys were talking about that prompted Trump to pick up a half-understood thread and ask a few questions.
One thing I do know for sure….. he never once suggested injecting bleach.
It seemed pretty clear that he was talking about a conversation he was just having minutes earlier with these same experts, one where he asked a question… in context with something they were telling him. A question that they apparently didn’t respond to with “holy shit, did you just suggest people inject bleach???”
I would expect Trump (or any high-ranking politician who wasn’t a biology major) to have an understanding of these matters roughly on the level of a liberal arts major. It sounds like he asked a question or two that were of the “undergrad asks questions based on what he just heard in the lecture” variety, and got answers from some professors that were in the “I’m engaging an interested undergraduate” bucket, not in the “this guy is insane” bucket.
I’ve asked similar questions and gotten similar answers. When I was really young, I took astronomy at Duke. My professor was a real up and comer, working on calculating the emission lines for water as his main project. I considered going in to that line of work and he was interested in having me come to his lab. In class he taught us about black holes. They have something called a schwarzschild radius. Everyone says “nothing can escape a black hole, not even light”, they actually mean “from inside the schwarzschild radius” , not from the singularity. And because the singularity is a point, it’s location is actually indeterminate, from a quantum perspective. They were speculating about black hole evaporation due to the singularity tunneling outside the schwarzschild radius.
So, I put 2 things together that he taught me… the schwarzschild radius stuff and the “big bang” being the beginning of space-time. Nothing exists outside spacetime.
A question that was being pondered was the “big crunch”. If the universe collapsed to a singularity, would it rebound into another big bang? How?
Well, that’s where I stuck up my hand. “If nothing can exist outside the spacetime of the universe, and the universe is shrinking down to the point that it is crunching into a singularity…. the moment that the size of the universe becomes less than the schwarzschild radius of the universe, wouldn’t it immediately undergo expansion – being outside the schwarzschild radius?”
He pondered my question a moment. Then started to speak.. Then paused. He thought some more.
Finally he said, “It doesn’t work like that”. Thought a little more…. “But it is complicated. You’ll have to come study for a few years before we can talk about the answer.”
I never did take enough physics, math and cosmology to have that conversation.
I might be completely wrong, but that’s what I was hearing when Trump was talking about asking them about things that might work like a cleaner. Light therapy is actually a thing – they even use light to activate various agents to localize them to a target inside the body. So there could be a myriad of things that these guys were talking about that prompted Trump to pick up a half-understood thread and ask a few questions.
One thing I do know for sure….. he never once suggested injecting bleach. despite the headlines to the contrary.
I never heard any of the a fore mentioned nor do I care. I just heard what he asked and ya, it was dumb as dog shit. I say really dumb shit all the time so I get it. But jesus.
Trump saying dumb shit is to be expected. The media then running around with their hair on fire is also to be expected.
Changed this up just to fit the current mood.
It’s a good fart….
Goat damn phone
lol……..a much better ending statement.
OK, then.
Somehow “to be sure, Trump is super evil” seems worse to me.
But this is actually much, much worse.
This is “Strictly speaking, those nice catholic boys were just minding their own business when a bunch of grown men who are professional racist provocateurs harassed and assaulted them, but they are clearly at fault anyway”.
State a bunch of facts that completely destroy your argument, then proceed to write an entire article ignoring those facts. This is what passes for journalism in the 21st century.
I heard the soundbite from the CBC yesterday and he was just being as inarticulate as usual. Shut the fuck up, Don! Sometimes he listens to the Hat too much.
I don’t know how he makes it work. I’m fairly sure he’s just this side of functionally retarded most of the time… and yet somehow things keep working out.
It makes no sense.
I don’t believe in the occult… but “made a literal deal with the devil” is actually more sane than any other theory I’ve heard.
Yes, that’s what I was getting at.
This is just the media doing what it does every day. Find something inarticulate he said, twist it, pump it into the public’s head, repeat. It’s getting pretty old.
Wendy’s song about me,
I miss her so much
Damn, Bob.
You ok there?
There’s gonna be push-back but the punishment will never fit the crime. She might not win reelection but she should be wearing an orange jumpsuit. Yesterday.
Thanks to Google fuckery I completely missed the chat tonight. Had to reset most of my passwords and by the time I was done the fun was aborted. I has a relatively minor sad…
I was thinking of joining too, those chats normally go to 3am or something.
There’s always tomorrow 🙂
I’ll be there, fashionably late.
Everybody was pretty much ready to check out and then apparently Tres ended the meeting as he was leaving. I am assuming he did not know he was the moderator but then again we are talking about Tres.
*cough* he must have been drunk *cough*
Logged out of Glibs again.
I’d forgotten how sweet Cutty Sark is. Like going on a date with a high school squeeze again. Well maybe better. Forget those top shelf Scotches.
High School squeeze? Hope your arms and penis each grew about a foot longer, pal…
Of course, that’s if I get in touch with anyone from high school. Drifted away. Or rather, I drifted away and didn’t try to keep in touch.
Music time
Funk you back!
Love that brass!
Oh my word! That is awesome. Down the rabbit hole of their music. Love it!
If you dig their groove, Pants is the bomb!
I like it.
How have I never heard of him? I dig funk but not in a sit around and listen way. It’s great for work, though.
Oh yeah! Found out today that I’m getting “Hero-pay” added to my wages. Extra buck twenty-five an hour retroactive to April 5. Works out to an extra $160 gross thus far. *shakes dice* ” Momma needs two oil changes!” It’s a nice gesture and I’m not complaining overmuch but why weren’t they paying that rate before these trying times?
Ah, but did your employer make special “Community Superhero” shirts for you to wear like a local supermarket chain did for theirs?
Do you have your Hero License?
Heh! You remind me of the time I got my first raise.
I was working at a pet store at the mall. I was the top salesman in the store each of my first two months there, so the manager calls me in and says she’s really happy with my work… they normally don’t do reviews or raises until 3 months – but since I’m doing so well I’m getting a raise (above the minimum wage I was making. ) A nickel! I think it took me from $2.25 to $2.30.
I later found out that she was reworking the books to put all of my sales and the sales of the other kids who were not going to be around long term on to her girlfriend’s tally…. because you got a commission if you made above a certain threshold in sales. I was just starting to question why I was the top salesman every single shift I worked, yet somehow I never managed to reach the threshold for commissions, while the lesbian who hung out with the boss all the time was pulling in a bunch in commissions….. when I had to quit to head off to college.
Any idea if she ever got punished for these shennanigans?
Since cyto didn’t describe either of them as attractive… yes.
She either liked fish-sticks or scissors. My first real paycheck job was working as a gas jockey/tire repairman/general roustabout mechanic. My cow-worker on the evening shift used to fuck off to canoodle with her beau right when the busy time started. Imagine running six pumps alone + cash + oil levels + tire pressure. I was a one-legged boy in an ass kicking contest because the slug was the Sister of the owner. I used to tear up a little come Five PM and all of those headlights would come our way. Fucks sake, I was 15 years old and on my own.
ETA I was 15, still going to school and homeless.
Actually, I think I did hear that she got fired and arrested for embezzling. It was long after I left, and I didn’t stay in touch with any of those folks. I worked there when I was 17. That was way back in 1983.
I had two jobs at that time… the other was waiting tables.
Both of them featured older managers who were skimming my money. Waiting tables we split tips evenly. So even though I was putting as much as $260 bucks in, I’d go home with $20-$35. It took me most of the summer to figure out what was happening. I didn’t understand that your boss might be a low-life scumbag who was trying to cheat you.
Before those jobs, I worked odd jobs and yard work. Lots of “by the job” you’d better hustle if you want it to be worthwhile type stuff. The jobs I picked up for contractors were very clear in expectations and payment – and they never tried to stiff me. (although I did hilariously underbid a couple of projects. One summer two friends and I decided we were going to make bank painting houses. The first one we bid out for $200, figuring we’d knock it out in 2 days, tops. Turned out to take us 2 weeks of very long and very dangerous days. Idiots. Definitely was not worth it.
All I read is that you hate teh gazy!
Heh. That smells familiar. Worked for a private contractor that under-bid a painting job. He bought the wrong stain and that old wood just sucked it up like a straw. I was there for two weeks. Had some really bad contracts when I ran saw. You’d walk out of the bush breaking even, if you were lucky. Many drunken tales but no fortunes were made in those endeavors.
Random old song that was stuck in my head today.
Damn. You could cut glass with those jawlines. I really dug your Space Invader flick and the actress is hotter than the sun.
Yeah, struck out on that one. My batting average is at .0025 career. HOF material I says!
See? If you lose your job you’ll still have 1986 era Kate Bush to cuddle with. That ought to stiffen one’s resolve!
Stop making sense.
Login to Reply again.
Is it your cookie settings?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Yeah! He’s not your supervisor!
I just want to point out, when Neph’s whole Zoom thing fell apart when I wasn’t around to participate tonight. I’m an essential
workerdrunk.We’ll pay you an extra buck twenny fi an hour for the drunkeness.
Night glibs. Need to watch something to put me to sleep. I’m working for the weekend before I get laid off again.
“Video unavailable” but yes, I remember it well! Sweet dreams, Cartoon Man!
Wow. I’ve never seen a session die off so quickly. Don’t lie. You guys are seeing other websites on the side aren’t you? AREN’T YOU????
Amazon and Steam.
Horlicks tastes like Grape Nuts.
I don’t know quite to make of that…
I’m stumped too.
Cutty Sark talking.
In my limousine.
That type of music always makes me think “Wait, am I trying to get laid here and if it happened do I remember her name and what the fuck am I doing in this strange apartment and where the fuck are my pants? My pants! Car keys! Ease away…ease away… “Hi lover!” Oh fuck me dead.
That’s like every day for David Byrne.
/imagining his life based on top singles
I imagine it like this David Byrne and David Lynch have a picnic. Here’s more but this time with Andrew Bird! I guess I must have a soft spot for beautiful lesbians because I sure do love me some Ani DiFranco, too.
Had a peripheral buddy named Nick but we called him NIX for his propensity of catching crabs and over-sharing his experiences. Dude got hot and heavy with a coed at the dorm but he pissed her off somehow and locked him out, buck nekked. I’ll give the dude credit, he walked home in the buff, loud and proud. Three miles.
I like that.
I love this song and video
As a free human I choose to interpret the song and images as I see fit. Fuck that journalo with a rusty fence post.
Mornin’ RHY1
Mornin’, Fess.
Silly meme making time.
this website is prejudiced against Romanians. Yesterday evening it stopped worked, and this morning I see the posts were posted and commented upon, which means it stopped working only for me. I call foul!
also it takes about a minute to post a comment
Only takes us normal people a few seconds to post a comment.
You must be using that Euroweenie metric time or something.
I must be an honorary Romanian because it takes about 60 seconds for me.
The mid-Atlantic Glibertelecoms relay seastead has been having some problems, evidently, with patching through to Transylvania. SEA SMITH, do you know anything about this?
$50 ?!?!×39-30rd-magazines/
Can you get them cheaper than that for me, Pie?
Chair sleep counts as real sleep, right?
Not if you’re over thirty, I don’t think.
Well that’s not very good tidings, then…
Every damned night I go to bed around 8ish and every damned night I wake up at 11:30 – 12:30. Then I struggle like hell to go back to sleep. Around 3:30 I give up and make coffee.
My sympathies Festus.
I can’t drink coffee anymore.
MTA Thanks for that. I switched over to tea but it’s run the course. Caffeine gum?
In my next life I want to be a dog. They lay down, they close their eyes and three seconds later they are snoring.
Do you actually get up when you first wake up or stay in bed? I’ve found if I get up and do something for an hour or 90 minutes I can fall back asleep much easier.
Yeah, I have to get my mind on something else other than what is keeping me awake. If I just lie there my mind stays in whatever groove it’s in and sleep is impossible. If I get up and do something my mind usually gets to thinking about other things which don’t keep me awake.
I have tried it all. My insomnia is one of the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis….one you don’t hear about but turns out to be one of the most miserable symptoms. Ambien is effective at putting me to sleep but it only lasts about 2 hours.
My kingdom for a solid 8 hours sleep!
Advil PM is your friend.
Just WTF do people think a mask is doing for them while they’re driving anyway? With these people you know it’s little more than a magic charm.
Have. you ever watched ER staff behavior? It is pretty clear that they either don’t care, don’t understand or don’t even believe in germ theory. How people who never even had the class behave is no surprise.
*The only time I have had infections are times I was treated in a hospital. Every time I treated my own injuries I healed up in record time with no infection.
So going to the same place as all the other sick & infected people might not be the best course of action? Well, enough about this website.
It’s because they are treating a “prison population”. You’re not a person, you’re a number. We are the filth and they are the custodians. It was shocking the way they mistreated certain patients last time I needed some service.
I see these idiots driving around with masks on. They’re alone in the car. I don’t get it.
They (quite obviously) don’t get it either. They seem to think that the entire earth’s atmosphere has been saturated with the virus that you could catch the chicom flu if you were alone on a ship at sea.
You have the best handle on Glibs, bar none!
Someone told me it’s juvenile. Not sure if they were serious, or I said something to piss them off.
Did that someone notice the name of this site?
Apparently not.
Well, he probably agreed to wear the ribbon… Glibs like weirdos!
You must have autocorrect turned off to misspell a word as simple as ‘are’.