We need a remake of this guy…IRL.
Big birthdays today are: badass British patriot Guy Fawkes, badass American patriot and president Thomas Jefferson, desperado Butch Cassidy, Radar developer Robert Watson-Watt, overbearing columnist Christopher Hitchens, chess master Garry Kasparov, and acting great Rick Schroeder.
OK, on to…the links!
The CCP are assholes. That is all.

Aw, come on!
As if we needed this as well. Come on, God. Give us a break here.
The headline is garbage, but the story is real. You know, because people still need to eat.
Chicago starts returning to normalcy over holiday weekend. Note: this is not a happy story.
But was she social distancing? I mean, before she was arrested, anyway.

Coronavirus is asshole!
This should be seen as good news. This narrative is becoming a lot more plausible. But we won’t know until we get a lot more testing done.
Could this be a libertarian opportunity? Short answer: no. Long answer: helllllllll no.
Let this song take the edge off of the links. Sorry they’re such a downer.
Go try to have a great day, friends.
You’d think those Indiana guns would have the courtesy to shelter in place.
Quiet Chi-town week end. Wait’ll summer gets here.
Yeah, that’s really low for a 3 day weekend in Chicago. I just looked up the stats to explain “flattening the curve” to one of those guys who thinks that “on Tuesday, Covid-19 became the leading cause of death in the US” is a thing, but “flattening the curve” can’t possibly have any effect.
The stats for Chicago are roughly 250 people shot per month – there’s quite a bit of variability though. Weekends are worse, so you’d expect maybe 40-50 over a holiday weekend. 22 is on track for a tuesday, wednesday, thursday run.
Hey, I said they were getting back to normal. By June or so, those shooting numbers will be back up there. Give them some time.
Gotta thug it out, yo.
Did they put up No CV-19 Zone signs next to the No Gun Zone ones?
You may have just solved this thing. I may just make this suggestion on the Nextdoor app.
People are definitely starting to “violate” TEH RULEZ here. Why, I saw people gathering!!!! *KAREN FAINTS*
How are things supposed to work when people break the rules?!?!?!?!???!?????
But… there are signs up!
“Do your part/stay at least six feet apart!”
Lockup time for you citizen for wrong think!
Y’all are damn lucky. The Karens in my neighborhood are all in even though at least one of them will likely lose their home and business.
None of my nursing coworkers are against this at all. Not sure how the younger nurses feel about this as I don’t work with them anymore
I sadly don’t know my neighbors well enough to know who the Karens are.
We cruised our neighborhood on the golf cart yesterday. Quite a few people out playing in groups or grilling/drinking beer together in their driveways.
We’re getting back to normal, although we’re in a cut-off community with literally one road in and out and a majority of residents are working from home so the interaction outside the gates is limited.
Good to hear that sanity exists in some parts of the world yet.
Isn’t that the premise behind The Decameron?
I don’t think Sloopy and his neighbors are a bunch of Italian youths telling tales to pass the quarantine.
I think the proper term for an adolescent Italian is a “yute.”
Be very public about telling the Karen who loses her home and business how much she deserved it for supporting this shit.
I went to Home Depot this weekend and it was packed. Lowes was even busier.
People are getting antsy.
antsy: is that when people mindlessly sacrifice themselves for the”good of the colony”?
It’s the emotional equivalent of having ants in your pants.
the Karens gotta Karen
K health or wealth? Which is it gonna be you greedy money grubbers
Yeah, right?
“Do you want to survive or do you want to eat?”
Starvin Marvin asks why not both?
If we keep leaving the third part of that rhyme out of the calculation things will never get better…
Not the worst Lionel Richie song, but truly far from his best.
I thought it was an annoying Adele hit.
Sadly, Jim Morrison’s voice is what first came to my mind.
I need to cleanse it.
“By the time a deputy arrived, Vergara had pulled on a dress, but it was too short to cover her genitals and she had on no underwear, cops said.”
Sophia Vergara showed up to the airport naked and they arrested her?!?
Well I thought it was clever.
: Takes Vergara’s ball gown and goes home:
I know someone who’d be quite interested in that spectacle.
“Come on, God. Give us a break here.”
I kind of like Dave Smith’s take. If you tried to bargain with God over this, you’d be like… No, yeah… We deserve it.
The CCP are assholes. That is all.- how many western politicians drool over the thought of being able to do this?
Most of them?
It would be for our own good.
All of the ones that have a deep-seated desire for a very sudden death.
‘desperado Butch Cassidy’
celebrate by wearing that style of mask today
Maybe I should wear a Domino mask.
I’m not wearing any mask. Fuck that.
Wait, I might wear one today to Walmart. So I can buy a no-contract phone with no ID and some gift cards with cash.
Not a brown-eyed girl mask?
Gimp ball optional?
The Lone Ranger, wearing a Domino mask, rides off into the sunset.
‘Who was that unmasked man?’
Thank You Mask Man
Thank you for this. I LOVE Lenny Bruce. “You think I was always in the shingle business? Look at that – “Thank you, Masked Man. Leo Corillo, Freeport, Long Island.””
I’d forgotten a lot of it, probably haven’t watched it in twenty years, I had it on a VHS (long gone and I have no VHS player anyway). Don Not Tax’s comment reminded me of it, I’m glad it’s on youtube.
“China is cracking down on publication of academic research about the origins of the novel coronavirus,”
It’s good that we have strong and independent academic institutions that can’t be pressured into kowtowing to the government demands…
Lesson of the coronavirus is that all the norms you think are enshrined legally are just things that the government doesn’t have a good enough excuse to convince Karens to do.
Thissss. Rule of Law is a farce.
“Could this be a libertarian opportunity”
Walking the Appalachian Trail? Could be, its been done before by political hopefuls. Or not.
I’ve done it…. at least for a week. There was a lot of distancing… until we ran into that group of coeds. Then there was much, much less distancing for a while…. then some more distancing. Then we ran into that other group and hung out for a couple of days and there was much, much less social distancing for a while….
Best hiking trip ever was when I ran into some hippies at 11,000 feet in Kings Canyon. They had about a kilo of weed on them.
Kings Canyon is so much more fun than Sequoia. I used to live in Woodlake, CA and I’d still make the hour drive up to Grant Grove and enter rather than the Three Rivers entrance of Sequioa that was 10 minutes away.
It’s always been kind of ignored for the more popular parks.
It’s also where the halfway house for problem bears is before they euthanize them. Absolutely have to keep your food in the lockers.
No fuckin way! My brother in law lived there for years. He’s in Visalia now, but he lived there for maybe 10 years. I went to his wedding up there. Kinda green acres-y.
So, it was basically about as bad as a bad flu season. Good thing we destroyed the economy and violated everyone’s civil rights.
It’S NOt tEh FlU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Dyngus Day. Sorry, it was cancelled. The literal translation is Wet Monday.
So problematic that I literally can’t even.
Tonight’s Google Porn search selected.
Fine! No Pirogi for you then!
“Traditionally, boys throw water over girls and spank them with pussy willow[1] branches on Easter Monday, and girls do the same to boys. “
Unintended or unexpected?
Totally expected Cops too busy being assholes to look for any real crimes being committed.
I wonder if they deliberately announced they would be ignoring crime, like many American cities have.
“In an open letter to the nation Monday, Ramaphosa said it was “despicable” that criminals were seeking to capitalize on the shutdown”
You know that will get those criminals, they have nothing but societal good in mind. Now that they know they are being despicable…
At least they aren’t deplorable but they’d be happy if they were deportable
Ramaphobia sounds like a rather specific fear.
A fear of Dodge trucks?
More details on China is asshole stories.
If we let China get away with inflicting this shit on the world, we all deserve to end result of a world dominated by the fucking evil cuntes that hid this and let it turn into a pandemic. China is not ready to be a global player: the country is run by an inept class just like most other nations today seem to. It is funny how the entire globe seems to be run by banana republic credentialed morons with delusions of grandeur that basically feel no matter how bad they screw up, they remain superior to the unwashed masses they constantly buttfuck.
Is it just be or does Fauci kinda resemble Jamie Farr?
So what restaurant is he going to catapult into the national spotlight?
I won’t know until he’s seated between Charles Nelson Riley and Bret Stephens cosplayers.
I think you mean Brett Somers?
Oh, ha! That’s a pretty big fuckup on my part. Especially being as big a Gene Rayburn fan as I am.
On China holding back publication of Covid origin research:
And this is different from every single day in China how?
Analogy: ‘Enlightened’ people who got to the ‘right’ social gatherings complain about the lack of sophistication, understanding, and so on of the people who complain about human rights abuses, etc. then ignore their own hypocrisy when the same ‘enlightened’ people complain about someone they like getting executed
Depressing. Dyngus Day in Buffalo is one of the great parties one can go to. The boozing and debauchery is a scary sample of what this town would be like if we every won the Super Bowl. Best memory. About 9 years ago, a car dealership thought it would be a good idea to toss out golf balls during the parade. Give tens of thousands of drunk people golf balls and by the end of the night, there wasn’t an unbroken window in sight.
I used to pregame at a party called the “Polish Olympics” before Dyngus day. I’m wearing viking horns, a Cape and underware.
Yes. I was very, very drunk.
“Give tens of thousands of drunk people golf balls and by the end of the night, there wasn’t an unbroken window in sight. ” Think of the lost economic stimulus!
Nice one.
There’s an annual wing crawl in Lakewood every summer. Usually about 20 or so bars participate, and you get 4 wings (usually more) at each place (2 buffalo, 2 of their choice) for ~$25. There’s also drink specials at all of the bars. One year they decided to do frisbees as a giveaway, Give thousands of drunks walking from bar to bar a bunch of frisbees, and they will play frisbee across the street.
so is that 80+ wings for $25?
Nice two.
Yes. Yes it is.
About a third of the places you don’t want to eat at though. There’s at least one bar that has been doing their wings in crockpots for as long as I’ve been going.
That’s… heresey!
I’m ashamed that I have to bake my wings, but at least I can manage some crispiness to the skin.
You just made my stomach upset.
We make it a point to at least walk into every bar to see what they’re trying to serve us. None of us understand why a place that doesn’t serve wings usually tries to jump in on this event. Every year there’s at least one bar that tries to do that. One year a wine bar signed up for the crawl…
I dig your spotters.
The woman behind you looks like she’s questioning her life choices.
She looks like she’s 17, so maybe she didn’t have a choice?
Inequality doesn’t just make pandemics worse – it could cause them
Off course it does…
There is a school of thought that, historically, pandemics have been more likely to occur at times of social inequality and discord. As the poor get poorer, the thinking goes, their baseline health suffers, making them more prone to infection. At the same time they are forced to move more, in search of work, and to gravitate to cities. The rich, meanwhile, have more to spend on luxuries, including products that hail from far-flung places. – yes because everything is zero sum. It is not possible that a lot of trade is spurred by higher numbers of people with spending money
“As the poor get poorer,”
But that’s not what had happened. Even in China the poor have gotten richer.
The poor have gotten poorer in Venezuela and several African ‘Republics’
Well when the virus originates there, they will have somewhere to look for evidence of their theory.
“As the poor get poorer”
Aside from a few outliers, the poor today are only poorer in a relative sense and are arguably richer than middle class people from 30 years ago and upper-middle class people from 60 years ago.
This touches on a bigger issue that gets me fired up.
They’ve completely shifted the argument from “ending poverty” to “ending inequality”. Because they never wanted to lift poor people up as much as they wanted to drag wealthy people down.
These “warriors” don’t care about poor people’s situation beyond how they can manipulate it to gain more power over wealthy people.
Poor people in America are fat. Let that sink in while I go eat my 2nd breakfast.
Second breakfast? Do you live in The Shire?
*lights up some pipeweed.
I have yet to meet one of these social justice types that was not motivated by envy of what others had that they did not, a fierce jealousy and anger towards success (especially through hard and smart work), the idiotic belief/need to be the last one fed to the crocodile, fear of failure or consequences, or simply a desperate need to morally preen when it will cost them nothing personally. Practically always you will find several of these all at work together in these fucks.
Equality of outcome is about as evil a desire as one could advocate for. It not only destroys individuality, but drags all down to the lowest possible level. The misinformation and outright propaganda used to convince people this is something to strive for is not just galling, but dehumanizing.
It’s all about beauty.
“What the honourable member is saying is that he would rather the poor were poorer provided the rich were less rich.”
So tedious….
‘This should be seen as good news. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/New-signs-suggest-coronavirus-was-in-California-15194436.php This narrative is becoming a lot more plausible. But we won’t know until we get a lot more testing done.’
SLD ‘facts’ and China
‘Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17
•Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed
•Documents seen by the Post could help scientists track the spread of the disease and perhaps determine its source’
The CCP seems hell bent on making sure people have a real hard time tracking this thing or accurately sequencing the genes before they have set the right tone for the narrative. This should seriously scare the fucking losers now pretending this incident demands we hunker down and collapse the world’s economies. Cause the next time, when a real scary bio weapon is released, they will find out why helping China cover this up was not just a mistake, but helping them along the way to weaponizing the next pandemic.
‘This should seriously scare’
Should: yes. Will: no.
That’s how/why you then end up with history book entries where people from a future time say “How did you not see that horror coming?” and tut-tutting the people that let it happen…
A doctor on Fox was just talking about how Corona is 5 times as contagious as normal influenza. In other words – we all probably had it already.
I predict that they discover that the level of exposure has something to do with the severity of the symptoms. So somebody in NYC who gets exposed repeatedly on a subway gets a lot sicker than somebody who gets a small initial exposure out in the suburbs.
30%-50% Of Patients In Chicago Tested For COVID-19 Already Have Antibodies In System
I believe the fourth time this piece of garbage journalism has been posted.
Can you elaborate?
From what I gathered another time this was posted a Phlebotomist shouldn’t/wouldn’t have access to the results of the blood work. IANAD but a few of the hospital related glibs seemed to be calling BS on the story.
What percent had drugs fall out of their ass?
Unfortunately we couldn’t locate a phlebotomist to give us a solid number.
Would anyone be interested in a Wednesday night Glib poker game? Figure a small buy in, like 20 bucks? Tournament style would make it easy for doing a paypal transfer for the winner…or we could get more fancy.
I’m dying of boredom here!
gbob wants people to start slitting throats.
Trying to keep my own throat from being cut. Last night I told my girlfriend “I cant believe I was born two generations too late to give you a black eye, and one generation too early to replace you with a fucking sex robot”. Apparently this was not taken well.
Point is, i need a distraction!
I’m physically working but I’d be interested if not for that.
Private room on poker stars?
That’s where I’m leaning right now.
I’d be interested. I just made an account this weekend as a few of my friends and I tried testing it out. We realized our buddy in PA was left out in the cold, trapped to just the servers in PA.
I’d be interested.
9pm Eastern?
That’s right when I’m spiffing up. Fuck a duck.
That works for me.
I would, were I any good at poker. Trivia nights? That, I’m good at.
I’d be interested depending on the details. 9 is bit late start for me but I would play if the blinds and rounds and number of players are set so that the game won’t go much past midnight.
Feeling so fucking low. Hope and pray that you are all feeling better than me even though I don’t hope and never pray.
I was low yesterday but got better… had a drink in the one sunny spot on my balcony. Hope you have some sun and the old vit D, it helps.
Thanks Pie! I don’t see the sun for half of the year.
Finally we have a sun back with a little warmth (some days but not today). What a difference, I want to be outside now rather than have to be outside. The sun shine, disinfects the body and the soul. Cold this morning but a nice sunny day.
Two of the most important things humans need to regulate their moods – sunlight and salt – are things people these days are told to avoid. I guess the choice is a longer but chronically depressed life vs. just living large and in charge. Me, I am going for the later.
Hopes and prayers back at you. Being alive is it’s own reward.
It’s just such a high-grade slope of bullshit. I don’t know whether to shit or go blind.
Plant a hill type seed. Shit makes great fertilizer. Or start a German Pr0n site.
Don’t know if you’re referring to the coronavirus police state or something else, but I was just thinking the other day how fucking sad it is for those with children knowing they’re coming of age while civil liberties are coming to an end. Big sad.
Yeah, that. Being cooped up doesn’t help much. Judi is going a little nuts.
Call the agency that handles foster parenting, since that’s still needed.
Bring a couple kids into your home whose parents can’t take care of them. You’ll feel great about life in no time when you see them smile because someone gives them the attention and love they need.
That’s actually a nice idea, Sloop but who lets kids into plague homes? Plus, Wifey and I work opposite shifts. She’d love it.
And they come with money! 😉
I might have seen this movie circa 1972 or so.
Mammary Monday is definitely better than eating pangolin testicles.
You set such a low bar for yourself.
I see, it was because you knew we’d notice all the ink.
56, and maybe 43 too.
Have you actually tried eating pangolin testicles?
I bet someone will say they taste like chicken. Me, I am more of a “gina” eater because of being a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, but I do admit that stuff tastes like chicken too…
I warned of Trump’s attack on science. But I never predicted the horror that lay ahead
Ariel Dorfman
My own dire prophecies failed to adequately predict the future and today I see him as someone far more terrifying
Duke sucks
With a science background like that, you have no choice but to accept his assertions on authority.
Since he’s a professor of literature at Duke, I have to assume he’s a full-blown postmodern communist. That place is a breeding ground for those nitwits.
It makes sense why he has such a magical thinking view of science.
So does Dick Vitale.
I’d say I rub this article in my Duke loving wife’s face, but Christine Blasey Ford went to UNC and received a lifetime achievement award from UNC after the Kavanaugh fiasco. So i don’t have a leg to stand on
I am so sorry.
“Vladimiro Ariel Dorfman is an Argentine-Chilean-American novelist, playwright, essayist, academic, and human rights activist.” Has he ever held a real job?
Trump’s attack on science
*throws flag* Assertion without evidence!
“Despite this anti-malarial remedy not having been tested with objective standards nor its side-effects sufficiently vetted, he treats it as a miracle drug, harking back, perhaps, to when he announced that “one day – it’s like a miracle – [the virus] will disappear”. Magical thinking is to be expected in religion, ”
We haven’t gone through the tests at normally do so we clearly shouldn’t use this at all until we have proof!!
And they call us libertarians autistic.
Lifting restrictions on the free market to do research while scaling back the inefficient governmental “science” agencies isn’t an “attack on science”, you stupid fucking asshole.
Yeah. This Vladimir Ariel Dorfman pedals the worst kind of cynical, lying, bullshit that feeds the most hateful morons who live for this garbage. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and probably realizes on some level that what he is asserting is objectively untrue, but it’s all about the “greater truth” that serves as a rationalization for the “by any means necessary” approach to furthering the commie cause. There’s no limit to how low they will stoop because the ends of commie-topia justify all means.
Yeah, I’m not even gonna read that. I don’t need that fucking anger this morning.
Elon Musk explains why Tesla’s Model 3 has an in-cabin camera
Who the hell would buy such a thing?
Well, “Fake taxi” seems to be a pretty popular category of pr0n, so maybe Tesla is pre-equipping their cars for the DYI types. Call it “Fake Uber” or something.
DYI? Do Yourself In?
Just hang an extra pair of driving gloves over the lens.
I’m sure that’s all it would ever be used for. I’m suuuuuuure…
“As the coronavirus pandemic throws millions out of work and devastates economies worldwide, governments are struggling with the dilemma between keeping people safe from a highly contagious virus and making sure they can still make a living”
Gee-whiz! When you forcibly stop businesses from opening, people don’t make money and lose their jobs? How can this be!
Is being a complete idiot a requirement to get hired as a journalist, or does it just help you advance faster?
J-school grads are stupid, but nobody is *that* stupid. It’s just political cover.
I remember the gas crisis when I was a kid in the 70s. Who would have thought the U.S. would be the leader of OPEC a few decades later?
It’s a genius Trump move: 18D chessmaster is managing the world economy in mysterious ways you wouldn’t understand. Standby for landslide and further blooming of the libertarian moment. Get a cash rake to sweep up all the money these and further achievements will net the typical America.
* clicks heels to attention, salutes you all, phones in reservation for another GOP tatttoo *
You could have shortened it to “Christ, what an asshole!”
That’s what happens when the country becomes a net-exporter of oil. Different priorities.
Q meme of the day?
Seems more HM to me
Needs moar dat ass.
Myth: People starved under communism.
Actually, life expectancy doubled within the short period of time because when people were slaves… their feudal masters didn’t give them so much food…
Ending slavery does miracles to people’s ability to be nourished!
Thing is, caloric restriction has some longevity benefits…
Capitalist slaves are better fed than communist comrades of the proletarian variety. Slaves represent a significant investment. Proles are expendable.
Notice how the only line that changes is “age 0”. Life expectancy != life span. Surviving to age 5 is rather unimportant if you’re going to die in a gulag at age 20 for hoarding and subversive behavior. And this, mind you, is relying on the rosy statistics cooked up by Soviet statisticians.
I know it’s a personal and moral failing, but I genuinely and thoroughly hope that pieces of shit like that die in the most horrifyingly painful, lingering, and grotesque manner possible.
I wish more people would remember that. Especially when looking at time periods with high infant mortality. No, people didn’t used to drop dead at thirty, it’s a statistical illusion.
The numbers are meaningless without comparison points and cause of death. Never mind that you can’t trust Soviet stats.
It is insane how people believe commie data
a basic income (UBI) doesn’t fundamentally address the inner contradictions of capitalism, it doesn’t challenge exploitative economic power structures at all. it’s just another temporary “fix” to save the capitalist system. it won’t structurally improve anything .
Myth: USSR did not put a man on the moon.
Actually the USSR led the world in space exploration, putting the first man in space. Coordinating at a national level can do well for your space program.
/ Your evidence is non supportive of your premise.
The USSR put a lot of men in space, most of them are still out there.
Virginia update:
Hospitalized patients: 1272
ICU patients: 440
Ventilators in use for COVID: 294
Total ventilators in use: 627
Total number of ventilators: 2815
Beds available: 5953
Total COVID case confirmed: 5274
Fatalites: 141
And it appears that the curve of cases is flattening off
The peak death day for VA has the same number of deaths as a bad highway accident including a bus. Y’know, the kind that makes the national news in the “be sad for these people” segment, never to be heard about again.
And, again, 40 of 141 deaths happened at one single nursing home in Henrico.
United States Roaring 1920s soon after Spanish flu pandemic. Chances United States Roaring 2020s?
Near zero. We had our roaring decade… The teens.
If that was a roar I’d hate to see what a whimper is.
Stay tuned…
Yep, isn’t that a scary thought? I’m rather pessimistic when thinking about what the economic repercussions of this social cowardice are going to be.
Maybe if use leftist vocabulary, ring up Thomas Friedman’s golden straight jacket ‘problem’, call the freedom synonym ‘temporary’ or ’emergency’ …
The silver lining is that this will most definitely pop a few bubbles that have been blowing up for a while. The bad news is the Fed is trying desperately to reinflate them. California is bankrupt now, although nobody is talking about that yet. That shoe will drop sometime this summer. If you thought taxes and fees were bad before, hold on to your wallet, Newsom is coming for the middle class.
The stock/bond market crash has crushed countless pension funds. In the course of a week, all of the fiscal issues that we’ve been ignoring for a decade came roaring back.
Democrats in California have been kicking the pension problems down the road for the last 20 years, they thought they could ignore it for 20 more. Guess what? Calpers is fucked starting immediately. How are they going to address that? Bailout from the Feds? The rest of this country better tell us Californians to pound sand.
I think their solution has become apparent. We’re inflating our way out of it.
For most normal people, the 1920’s (23 to 29 really) was a lightly better decade than most. Employment with decent pay if you were willing to work, some innovations that regular people were beginning to be able to afford – radios, cars, telephones. It wasn’t money raining from the sky for your average guy in the middle of the country.
most normal people
Yes. Since many people were farmers, there was a lot going on. On the one hand, commodity prices were crashing, and few smaller operations could compete.
On the other hand, if you could industrialize and deliver four or five times more crop than before, you had a chance to secure a net improvement in lifestyle. In rural areas where the manufacturing jobs and infrastructure improvements would not hit until electrification, many would look back and regret the passing of that previous decade.
Except for Prohibition.
my folks made out fine: profited heavily from Prohibition
thanks for tripling the strike price on recreational ethanol, frivolous regulation gods !
Of course we had the Coolidge/Harding tag team government spending, and I don’t see Pence/Trump being up to that.
Rolls of toilet paper used per person per year [OC]
High concept: State by state US states actions results (real life) compared with official model. Cower in place unnecessary. Social distancing unnecessary.
Wait. Someone in the media is looking at the actual numbers instead of just sucking Statist cock?
Think of it as man bites dog story: commie cough edition
Probably covered yesterday? RE: Reade/Biden
What was deleted?
No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses, and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.
Other than that…
Sure, other than all the brazen molestation in front of cameras, all they have is this one lying liar’s word for it. Who are you going to believe? Some woman, or the New York Times?
/I wish it was satire
I can just see the storm of reporting on this to come…..
OTOH, I could channel Soave and offer them praise for waiting to report this story until they were able to run it as a denial or debunking….
He’s actually roasting NYT over it.
Have a link?
Maybe not roast, but he is reporting on it:
Don’t let anyone tell you that journalists are dumb. They are not, and they know what they are doing.
Consensual affair – not sexual misconduct
Talking about what women will consent to – not sexual misconduct
Your “evidence” does not support your premise.
On the list of “fake outrage”. People are pretending to be outraged that the black surgeon general said Abuela.
People are sooooooo full of crap….
Also… Via drudge. Dont know why I go there any more. Clearly no longer the pulse of the news like it once was. Now plainly an anti Trump propaganda site. Pushing Cuomo and De Blasio are great and Florida’s DeSantis is terrible too.
Except for Prohibition.
Sorry: the 504 pandemic.
There has been more than a few of us saying this. Which then makes the closing of the economy in March, after the thing has been here for four months and not overloaded hospitals, especially stupid.
You haven’t been watching the news. Fauci said he warned about this a couple of weeks before they closed everything down, so it is all the government’s fault. Trump literally murdered everyone.
We have always been at war with Kung Flu… or not?… whatever. As long as it makes Trump look bad.
Gretchen Whitmer is getting her name out there is this “crisis”.
That’s, uh, a slightly different story
Oh, really?
I’ll see your Whitmer and raise you a Murphy.
He is a dick, but I have yet to see sections of Walmart taped off because electronics or garden seeds are “non-essential”.
Whitmer may be the most despicable character in politics this year, and that’s saying a lot.
Canceling boating season in that state may kill whatever chance she had of carrying Michigan for Biden.
I think they pulled the article, while it’s loading, I see “worst governor in America” but then an article on R.A. Dickey from 2012 pulls up.
FTA @ ‘The headline is garbage, but the story is real.’: ‘The decisions are complicated because each nation is on its own coronavirus arc’
Does ABC journo think entire world has to do same things same time?
If we aren’t united, then coronavirus will win!
Only when we are talking about the US. Then Wyoming needs to follow NY exactly.
I got into it on twitter yesterday with some dunce lamenting that Abbott might let Texas go back to work soon. My argument was that Abbott would likely reduce statewide restrictions and let county judges decide what to do locally (not ideal, but better than one-size solution for a big state). His argument was about Dallas and it’s proximity to New Orleans (the next state over!!!) meaning it could easily just spill over.
I reminded him that New Orleans is as close to Nashville as it was to Dallas. He persisted in saying each state should have the same standard applied for all its residents. I reminded him the state is longer than the distance between NYC and Atlanta and wider than that between DC and St Louis and the “solution” for Abilene May not be the same as it is for Houston, Beaumont, or places like Big Spring or Del Rio.
He told me I just wanted people to die so Trump could get re-elected for saving the economy.
I imagine that to be a fairly high brow conversation for the twatter.
O dear lord.
Things would be so much better if people died so Biden could get elected.
What businesses?
Keep them locked down until next year, and there will be nothing left.
I guess we can expect similar calls for the US in next week or two.
I’m utterly unsurprised by the authoritarian pols salivating for this shit. I have to admit, as cynical and bitter as I am, I was caught completely off guard by the response of the citizenry. The apathy and even enthusiasm for a total police state. i thought there was still a better than 50% contingent that would push back fairly aggressively against it. Our civil liberties are officially dead and off life support now. No services will be held due to social distancing.
There are a lot of people grumbling and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Most of the conservatives (family and friends) I’ve talked to are out of the panic phase and into the annoyance phase. Anger phase comes next, followed by the defiance phase.
Same. I thought there would be major pushback at this point, and there really hasn’t been. Worse, a significant chunk of the population seems to be cheering the tyranny.
I see some. The last day the gym was open a young lady was venting to the owner about how their rights were being completely trampled by a power-hungry governor. Driving around looking for a place to hike over the weekend – saw one remote park where all the police tape, closed signs, and posts had been neatly wrapped into a ball and tossed into the corner of the parking lot. People out hiking and exercising their dogs on the state land they forgot to close were having fun and disregarding all the draconian orders.
The optimist in me wants to say that most people aren’t complying with it anyway. My girlfriend and I have still been visiting each other, and there doesn’t seem to be any less vehicle traffic. My guess is that people are still having indoor house parties if they want to.
… But the pessimistic side of my brain says that the majority of American citizens are only good at talking about freedom and beg to be protected like helpless little babies as soon as the media declares something to be dangerous.
enthusiasm for a total police state
I’ve posted the high governor approvals here before; I think that’s a proxy for the general enthusiasm. I credit the short-sighted, risk-adverse tendency of women, but I haven’t found any such data yet. My guess:
80% of women
60% of men
70% of Americans
I had this discussion with my wife over the weekend.
Her opinion is that no woman should be in charge until after she gets thru menopause.
It’s probably closer to 90% of women. Even my wife has mostly fallen in line with all of the restrictions, and she’s generally a hardheaded contrarian.
What has blown me away is the flat out fear some people are living in. I heard about a couple of ladies who work at a vet clinic, which remains open, quitting their jobs because they think they are being exposed to something that is going to kill them on the spot. It is an irrational fear but they believe it none the less.
I find a direct correlation between how much influence the MSM and social media have in one’s life and their level of panic.
My wife is ebbing and flowing, timed up with whenever she talks to her mom. Her mom is a very stereotypical “emote through the issues” type, and wife isn’t immune to her influence. Doesn’t help that the pregnancy hormones make the swings feel like an amusement park ride…
Yep. Board gamer friend of mine is only leaving his house to take his dog for a walk. He’s convinced this is all needed, and that anyone joking about it is going to kill people.
Soccer moms haven’t been hit by hubby’s missed checks yet. Once that happens, all bets are off and the tide will turn.
*Looks at picture, double checks with internets, realizes Cayman Islands road system is based on driving on the left like UK, Japan, and Australia etc*
I’m getting 503s and 504s. What gives?
Also I definitely didn’t post that as a reply to Q’s post.
Same. But my posts are going through anyway.
I am as well.
I need to get a cowboy hat. Since work now requires wearing a mask, I figure I should try the bandana and cowboy hat combo.
Don’t forget the boots. A Stetson looks silly with running shoes.
and the sixshooters
Well, duuuh!
Well, I’m a long tall Texan…
“On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion. But two days ago, citing the need for social distancing during the current pandemic, Louisville’s Mayor Greg Fischer ordered Christians not to attend Sunday services, even if they remained in their cars to worship – and even though it’s Easter. The Mayor’s decision is stunning. And it is, “beyond all reason,” unconstitutional.”
Well the judge is a Nazi nominated by ORANGEMANBAD, after all. That explains perfectly why he would interpret plain language from an evil, outdated, racist document written by slave owners.
“Ordered”……I’m sorry, who the fuck is he to order any such thing?
Mayors be governing.
The guy who got away with doing that.
Sounds like you need to get your mind right, boy.
It’s nice to see there’s been some limited success at defying these orders. And yet.
It’s helpful to learn what our betters think is essential and what isn’t.
I think the IJ is going to have a lot of work coming its way after this.
I wonder if he can be charged with 600,000+ separate first amendment violations? (One for each resident of the city)
“Fully naked woman tries to book flight at New Orleans airport”
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
As always, it’s never one who you’d want to see naked.
I bet she’s a blast at parties tho.
For those who are interested. I’ve got virtual happy hours scheduled for this weekend:
Friday at 19:00 Eastern
Saturday at 20:00 Eastern
/replaces TV
Re the Chicago story, if you are killed by a gunshot, but have the Chinese virus, is that a Corona virus death?
/I don’t know
Who are you to question medical professionals?
The Cook County coroners case archive reports are public domain. You have to dig, but you can see them.
I saw one the other day that was a blunt force trauma due to a fall. It was listed as an accident with Covid-19.
What? You don’t like being blatantly lied too?
Chicago starts returning to normalcy over holiday weekend. Note: this is not a happy story.
In other Chicago news, our city government continues to be the hopelessly retarded clown show it’s always been:
This neighborhood is about four miles west of me. I haven’t driven through there since this happened to see for myself, but the photos circulating are really something else.
Which alderman’s cousin runs the company that was selected for the demolition?
Frayed relationship?
President Donald Trump on Sunday evening retweeted a user who called for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired, the latest sign of apparent tension between the two men amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump’s initial handling of the crisis has come under increasing scrutiny as it’s been revealed that administration and health officials were sounding alarms for weeks before Trump took decisive actions such as calling for social distancing measures. He has disputed that his administration was slow to respond and has called for the economy to be reopened quickly, potentially by the beginning of May, despite health officials’ warnings that doing so could risk a resurgence.
Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, conceded to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday morning that earlier mitigation efforts could have saved more lives and again called for a cautious reopening of the nation, despite Trump’s calls to quickly restart the economy.
“Obviously, no one is going to deny that. But what goes into those decisions is complicated,” added Fauci, who is a key member of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force. “But you’re right, I mean, obviously, if we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then.”
Crazy me, I don’t think a “boss” should hesitate to dismiss an openly insubordinate employee who contradicts and undermines him.
“I don’t work for you. You work for me. But not anymore.”
I’m sure CNN would jump at the chance to pay Fauci to come aboard full time and snipe from the sidelines, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
I’m sure CNN would jump at the chance to pay Fauci to come aboard full time and snipe from the sidelines, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
I never really watched CNN, so i don’t know if it was ever any good. I remember when i was in school CNN was always touted as a “Fairly even handed, straight news” organization. But they have either always been bad, or Trump has completely broken them because they are awful.
The Clinton News Network has always had a lefty tilt; however, they still did at least some straight news reporting and tried, under some circumstances, to be balanced. They started rolling harder left during King Zero’s reign, but Trump has completely destroyed them and driven them off the rails.
I mean, it wasn’t called the “Clinton News Network” in the ’90s for no reason. Their hard news used to be a LOT better than it is now though.
It was propaganda for team blue and statism back then too, but they could present a better veneer of legitimacy because less people could challenge their narrative. Today what we have is a combination of these people having become too lazy/inept to actually think through their bullshit before they speak out, and thus, constantly exposing their stupidity and bias, and a complete breakdown of their cognitive abilities when it comes to their inability to change track on the fly without anyone being able to call them out on it, so then, as their idiocy is taken apart, often with examples of them saying the exact opposite as what they are peddling now Back when, or covering for team blue malfeasance in general, they just end up more desperate and just double down on the emotional stupid.
“I’m sure CNN would jump at the chance to pay Fauci to come aboard full time and snipe from the sidelines”
Trump is smart enough to know not to do that. Keep your enemies closer. So hang onto Fauci and marginalize him in decision making, but keep trotting him out there for press conferences. The fact is health officials were parroting the WHO until South Korea reported an outbreak and shortly after that the administration cut off China flights. Whenever some asshole reporter tries some revisionist history, Trump immediately calls them out on it but Fauci is more interested in being conciliatory than factual.
Cue more “Fauci is the sexiest man alive” pieces. C’mon, troops!
I saw a family out and about riding new Easter bikes today. I nearly died!
Damn. Needed Karen for that one…
“For many working-class people, the threat posed by the pandemic is as much about economic survival as about physical health. But for some culture warriors, such attitudes smack of right-wing contrarianism. Dismissing concerns about the economy as a symptom of indifference to life, Polly Toynbee claims that divisions on the questions of ‘your money or your life’ has ‘sparked the latest culture war’[…]Many greens believe that lockdown is a small price to pay in exchange for bringing closer a carbon-neutral world. Since they regard human freedom as principally meaning the freedom to destroy the planet, its loss is no big deal[…]in recent months the focus has shifted to a far more fundamental question – the value of freedom itself. The freedom of movement, the freedom to create and innovate, the freedom to take risks – all are going to be increasingly challenged by those devoted to creating a culture of human restraint.”
And here, I think, is the answer to the question of “why did Italy and the rest of the world lock down if it’s all just a plot to get BADORANGEMAN?” Getting Trump is part and parcel of the larger liberty-killing project of which Greens are a key part. Trump, no libertarian by any stretch of the imagination, still stands in opposition to the Total State and absolute control over the citizenry being demonstrated by Kung Flu. Lefties see human freedom as an obstacle to their utopia; since Lefties control the culture, worldwide lockdowns were inevitable. Getting Trump is just gravy.
You just wait. Trump is going to open things up and Trudeau will delay it for a month. *grinds dentures*
Yeah, it’s a lot more to do with the designs of supranational global planners, IMO. Getting rid of Trump is necessary but not sufficient.
Americans Need To Start Pushing Back Against Draconian Lockdowns
Ya fucking think?
Not a reply. 504. Kill me.
Ordering de facto house arrest of the entire citizenry, without individualized probable cause of a crime being committed, is not within the authority of any level of government.
Reality of the situation seems to indicate otherwise….
They have the power, they don’t have the right. This is the kind of thing the second amendment was intended to address.
This. The Culture War is playing out in the exact same way all across “the West”.
Same. I thought there would be major pushback at this point, and there really hasn’t been. Worse, a significant chunk of the population seems to be cheering the tyranny.
Yeah. Some of the people I know in real life, whom I consider to be reasonably smart, seem to have just accepted the lockdown as a completely reasonable response. Because- you know- Public Health and Safety.
It gets more depressing every day.
I’m trying to watch South Park and that shitstain from the Daily Show is sucking Cuomo’s cock during a commercial. Apparently Cuomo is “crushin’ it”. God damn it.
The daily show is still a thing? I thought it was cancelled a couple years after that smug prick Stewart left.
What? It continued on after Craig Kilborn left?
What’s with the Louisville Mayor? Jesus.
I’m glad that judge bitch slapped him.
If only it was canceled, now it’s just another shitty show headed by a guy that no one knows who he is.
How can the gov of the state with both the highest number of cases and the highest number of deaths be crushing it?
Because REASONS! Stupid Glibtard.
↑ DNC plant
Lemme get this straight…
Trump is going to be paying Mexico to not pump oil?
Also NPR’s “investigative reporting team” has gone through Trump’s plague “promises” from a month ago and has conclusively proven he’s a lying poopyhead.
I thought Trump said we’d cut some production so Mexico didn’t have to. Which really isn’t that big a deal seeing as the demand and refining capacity is way below what we can pull out of the ground right now.
I was talking here recently about the Frac tank market being absolute shit, but it’s starting to rebound. Why? People have finally reached storage and refining capacity and drillers are now buying tanks to store oil in so they can sell it when it hits the mid-$40/bbl range and basically pay for the tank with the difference between oil today and that mid-40 number. Then they’ll sell the tank to a tracker and make $8-10k each.
It’s a bold and desperate strategy. Exactly what I’d expect oilmen to do.
Happy Easter (and belated Passover)!
Jesus was punk!
When he leaves the tomb, if he sees his shadow we get six more weeks of lockdown.
Happy Easter!
History’s greatest monster
Coolidge noted that the press was far more likely to publish propaganda in autocratic or Socialist countries.
He acknowledged concerns about whether business considerations could affect editorial positions and news reporting in a society like the US. But he pointed out the flip side, saying:
“There does not seem to be cause for alarm in the dual relationship of the press to the public, whereby it is on one side a purveyor of information and opinion and on the other side a purely business enterprise. Rather, it is probable that a press which maintains an intimate touch with the business currents of the nation, is likely to be more reliable than it would be if it were a stranger to these influences.”
Then Coolidge added his famous quote:
“After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these the moving impulses of our life.”
It’s hard to dispute the notion that most Americans are concerned about the economy and personal prosperity. And, Coolidge made it clear that he didn’t simply mean “greed is good.”
“Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence,” he said. “But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it…But it calls for additional effort to avoid even the appearance of the evil of selfishness. In every worthy profession, of course, there will always be a minority who will appeal to the baser instinct. There always have been, probably always will be, some who will feel that their own temporary interest may be furthered by betraying the interest of others.”
Try saying that today.
I’d vote for him.
Zombie Coolidge 2020.
Put together! (Ted will get it.)
Last American to actually be a worthwhile President.
I like Ike, everybody likes Ike. You don’t like Ike?
Well, given the alternative…
The only person that I’ve seen yet wearing a mask was a crazy guy two weeks ago. It was a dust mask and he had safety glasses and kitchen gloves on. Make of that what you will.
Here more than half of people wear one
He was working on his asbestos souffle?
Was he also furiously pulling his pud in the parking lot?
NYT Headline
There is absolutely no bad thing that cannot be attributed to Trump.
“Child trips on rock, scrapes knee; Trump Era’s crumbling infrastructure to blame”
That child had better not have damaged that anti-tiger rock.
Or something like
“Dog bites child; Trump Era Animal Control units struggling without federal funding”,
followed by
“Animal Control in the era of Trump; animals literally locked in cages”,
with no evidence presented as to how this has anything to do with the federal govt, let alone the president.
The crisis encapsulates the hollowing out of Navy leadership under President Trump.
I’ve seen it. Trump has been made a Senior Rater to every Officers Evaluation Reports, and has final say on their evaluations.
They did an article about the woman accusing Biden of sexual assault. Turns out she’s a big fat lying liar. Also Trump was accused of much worse stuff and he probably did it, unlike Biden who is just the nicest guy.
The blatant editorializing in the headlines is way past ridiculous.
I just don’t trust hair huffers.
Give Rose McGowan ‘credit where credit is due.’ Possibly lone voice of ‘#Believe Women’ includes against Joe Biden
You know it’s gonna be a good week when you have to run scanpst first thing Monday morning.
*shakes fist at Outlook*
Ima blame the Squirrels for this one.
I served under Ford, Carter, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump – and would beg to differ.
The US’s media is not a one-trick pony. They also blame bad on climate change or on both climate change and Trump
Sometime after his election but before he actually took office, one of the major networks ran a story about how kids can’t find such-and-such country on a map, and it began with “In Trump’s America, schoolchildren cannot blah blah blah”.
He doesn’t even have to take office for them to start blaming everything on him.
More from CNN:
As conversations intensify in the White House about how and when to give guidance to reopen the country, the President is talking more and more to friends from Wall Street, hedge fund managers and others in the financial world pressuring him to put a specific date on the calendar for when businesses can reopen — and to do it soon, according to a person familiar with the President’s conversations.
Meanwhile, the President’s allies in conservative media have begun waging a campaign to discredit some on his team as narrowly focused on charts and models rather than the economic pain inflicted on millions of Americans
OMFG! The President is listening to alternative views. People who have a differently weighted scale of coasts and benefits are now being consulted?
Time to invoke the 25th Amendment.
according to a person familiar with the President’s conversations.
The most famous person of the trump era.
It sucks. I have no one to speak with except for the Glibs. Everyone else is bat-shit insane.
Same here Festus. I got my wife and some customers that we can talk to about this.
My brother is loving this..all the worlds problems can be laid at OrangeManBad’s feet. His Gov in Mass is apparently a god to him.
Good news though is our 15 yr old has his b-day with us and grandparents.
When will one of these networks have the brains to get somebody on that will ask “is national guidance really a smart thing for Trump to do since infection levels are so wildly different in different parts of the country?”
People that would ask that kind of subversive question were weeded out and disinvited long ago.
Not to mention that they will reflexively be against anything bad orange man decides to do unless it hurts his chances at the polls. How sad must life be for someone that thinks like this?
If you haven’t seen Train to Busan yet, watch it.
The sequel is coming.
Korean films are so much better than the Hollywood crap these days.
I thought it was excellent.
These 500 errors are just getting weird.
“Guru Meditation:
Varnish cache server”
It’s like a fortune cookie on acid.
“The ‘super-humans’ getting America back to work: How first wave of corona survivors are performing vital tasks because they are now thought to be immune to the virus
The first wave of coronavirus survivors are doing their part to help the United States get back on track by donating blood and plasma and heading back to work.
Americans who fell ill with the virus in February and early March and were in isolation well before states started shutting down, are now emerging to test drive their immunity.”
“More than 100 recovered coronavirus patients in South Korea test positive again amid fears ‘reactivated’ cases could spark fresh outbreak
South Korea reported today that at least 116 people initially cleared of the new coronavirus had tested positive again.
It came as officials suggested they would soon look at easing strict recommendations aimed at preventing new outbreaks.
South Korea reported only 25 new cases overall on Monday, but the rise in ‘reactivated’ patients has raised concerns as the country seeks to stamp out infections.
Officials are still investigating the cause of the apparent relapses. But Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), has said the virus may have been reactivated rather than the patients being re-infected.”
Fuck, it’s like my broweser is stuck on Gilmore.
I’ve actually been on a train to Busan. Wasn’t fun.
Hopefully you wore a rubber.
I have a 3rd round Skype interview in an hour and am losing power and internet intermittently due to this storm. Super.
Best of luck to you, Mr. Canadian rapper/lazy producer of beats/child actor.
Good luck!
Good luck, make sure the camera is angled so they can’t see you aren’t wearing pants.
Good luck with the interview. It’s curious how often internet access issues coincide with important meetings.
Good morning, Sloopy!
I hope you and the girls had a nice Easter.
Lots of negativity in the lynx today – every day, really.
So let’s have another great song and say fuck it all!
Have a great day, people!
Same wishes to you and yours sir. And don’t let the assholes wear you down!
I am getting a 503 error after every post They are posting, but its giving an error. Anyone else getting this?
It’s just you man.
yes. If I refresh and hit resend, I get the duplicate comment message but the message posts
these pick a quarantine house memes are running out of ideas…
house six?
goddamnit this was not supposed to go here
this is weird. This comment is when I tried to do what sloopy said. I thought the comment did not post but it seems it posted in the thread where I had posted a last comment. I thought it was only posted here but I see I posted it as a new thing as well. Things be weird
House one. Sleep during the day.
It’s acting weird today. Try hitting post, give it a few seconds, and then refresh the page.
Been happening to me for at least an hour.
A glitch in the matrix? So I guess they are on to our seditious ways and coming to shut us down.
I just had to explain to a client what “Amazon does not publish material freely available on the web” means. He told me it was a compilation of information, but I assumed he reworded everything just enough to cover fair use. I didn’t know until Friday (when I was almost finished) that he’d lifted the entirety of the contents from Wikipedia, thinking that a compilation of disparate sources would cover fair use. I told him to rewrite it or, in the alternative, pay me to ghostwrite it for him,* because Amazon’s not going to touch it.
*I won’t ghostwrite fiction, but nonfiction’s a walk in the park.
So I have been tracking the covid data for CO the stated is putting out on a spread sheet and comparing to the model. I haven’t checked it in a few days and just looked. All the numbers I had entered for hospitalizations and deaths have been changed to better match the model which they were not even close to before. Amazing how that happened. I was suspicious of the numbers last week and now I do not trust them at all. They are over counting cases and deaths on purpose.
But we should take people that want to miss use models and data for an agenda as serious experts, and never question the demands of their cults. Fuck them all.
Anyone else getting this?
*waits for prolonged delay, opens tab anew to see if comment went through*
Protip: when you post a comment and it’s just sitting there reloading the page, hit refresh and it will load both the comment and the page right away.
That only generated an error telling me I already posted that comment.
I just let it go to the Gateway Timeout and it posted anyway.
tried it. didn’t work
So, I’m doing my morning check of Tinder to see if I’ve matched with anyone who isn’t trying to find a soul mate or trying to sell me pictures. Soon-To-Be-Ex Wifey popped up as a potential match. Kill me now.
So…. did you swipe right?
I DID, because I want to see the bitch squirm.
Mojeaux, you missed the Saturday call where I explained that I got into her phone again. I discovered she is panicking because her new guy has been ghosting her for a week and is thinking about reconciling with HIS wife and kids. I’m embarrassed that my life has sunk to the point where this is fun and exciting.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m chuckling on your behalf after reading that.
*delighted witchy cackle*
d00d, I’m telling you, do not move out under any circumstances and go for palimony. Seriously, play hardball.
It’s never going to be what it was, but if you also want revenge, just demand what you’re worth and make her pay up.
Tell me Karma isn’t real. Go ahead.
Beware her realizing she is not going to get what she thought she was and trying to reconcile. Resist that. Once a partner has abused and destroyed trust, only a fool will not expect it again. And going through life constantly waiting for the repeat will eventually kill it anyway. Take your loses as is, get the best deal for you (and your kids), and move along with your life. Yes, change can be scary and difficult, but trying to hang onto something that has gone sour/ugly is always going to cost you more.
Take it from me: things will get better, and you will learn to cope a lot better if you didn’t let her screw you over on the way out because you thought being nice was going to be rewarded. Stay strong. Stay committed to looking out for yourself.
Thanks. Yeah, I’m still heading to NOLA as soon as I can. I want to return to a place where I might stop having all these damn boating accidents.
Why could this advice not been around for me? Take it.
+1 Pina Colada
Do you like pina coladas?
Literally no one on Tinder is trying to find a soul mate.
That’s what Grindr is for.
Hope you have a lawyer (am not asking and don’t tell me). Stay off social media, including perhaps here. 🙁
Try to be really nice and understanding about her situation because it’s going to suck for her. Decent available women vastly outnumber decent available men, I’d say five to one. So you’re going to have fun dates three nights a week with chicks who are younger and prettier than her; her guys are going to need excuses about their jobs, debts, addictions, and sartorial perspective; be a good guy and start feeling sorry for her immediately. My ex is brilliant, decent, able, skinny, and outdoorsy, and her dating life was wretched; I know my son watched us both and was baffled why I was wading through hot chicks while she her rolls came up psycho time after time.
Pro tip: don’t let your kid post pics of you and the girlfriend half your age piled up on the couch watching the Cowboys game. If he does, enjoy it long enough for all the parents at church, school, hockey, and scouts figure it out, and then give him a stern talking to about privacy. I found saying “this is not anything I ever wanted” helped.
Men age like wine, women age like milk.
You’re saying we turn to vinegar?
at least vinegar is useful. most wines age worse…
these pick a quarantine house memes are running out of ideas…
house six?
Between about ten years old and….well now….I would head to the woods with a gun and a sleeping bag and not see or speak to another person for up to a week. I did it mostly when I was younger. I am too old to sleep on the ground these days but my jeep has fold down seats.
I think you’d have to put a gun to my head to get me to sleep on the ground now.
I was fine with it up until about age 30 though.
One of the dads in my son’s scout troop makes these things that are basically a bivy sack hammock – a hammock with a waterproof covering and bug netting. Beats the hell outta sleeping on the ground, that’s for sure.
They make all kinds of hammock systems. Lighter than a tent, but only good in warm weather.
Sigh… for me, it involved wee barrier islands, not much more than mangrove sandbars really, where I could take the Zodiac out, hang a hammock, catch some yellowtail, build a fire, and be left alone (well, except for the mosquitoes and noseeums).
I think I need to do that myself here soon. It’s been years.
This was my old stompin’ ground, the Ten Thousand Islands. There is a rumored, yet undiscovered, NAZI unterzeeboot forward operating base on one of the islands that we diligently searched for as kids but (shockingly) never found.
So, I’m doing my morning check of Tinder to see if I’ve matched with anyone
That’s bizarre. I was just wondering how the computer romance services are doing in our new time of trouble.
I had a zoom speed date thing. I got zero matches out of it but it was at least something different.
You take a good picture of your junk to share Pie? And hopefully you were not dressed in your count chocula fineries. While some chicks dig that, most don’t….
70 deaths in Minnesota.
Median age 88.
47 of 70 in nursing homes.
What the fuck, Walz?
State and county here are refusing to release details citing patient privacy and HIPAA, and they’ve been doing it all along. I’ve thought it was absurd not to give people a general idea of where the infected person was or had been so the general public could adjust their own patterns or self isolate if they felt a need for a period of time.
Now it trickles out here and there that both the deaths and infections seem to be mainly assisted living facilities. Could be the lack of testing available to everyone else, but our idiot J school grads still can’t connect dots.
From that Federalist article linked above:
In Greenville, Mississippi, police issued churchgoers $500 tickets for sitting in their cars at an outdoor service. The churchgoers are suing. In Kentucky, the governor announced law enforcement will record the license plates of anyone showing up to a mass gathering and then transmit that information to health officials, who will order a 14-day quarantine of those persons.
My initial response was, “Antbody who doesn’t insist on a jury trial is crazy.”
But then, I began to have doubts…
“Your Honor, the jury finds the defendant guilty of attempted mass murder and depraved indifference. Also, sedition.”
You are guarenteed a Trial by a jury of your
PeersKarens.The cops are playing a dangerous fucking game.
At least she’s consistent. Even calls out Milano.
She’s nutty, but a consistent nutter.
Rose never struck me as a political hack. Alissa is a hack of the worst sort.
“The Post reported that Reade “did not mention the alleged assault or suggest there was more to the story” when she previously told the paper Biden inappropriately touched her neck and shoulders and has said she “twice voted for the Obama-Biden ticket.”
“On Thursday, Reade filed a complaint with D.C. police,” the paper notes before writing, “Filing a false report is a crime punishable by up to 30 days in jail.”
The Post also made a point to note that Reade’s therapist has not provided notes and Biden’s accuser once praised Russian President Vladimir Putin. McGowan apparently feels the story doesn’t take Reade seriously enough.”
Predictable, but still awful.
I always thought she was a bit of a nutjob (maybe she is), but she’s been right about a whole lot of stuff. She flat-out states in an interview that she doesn’t like Milano.
Oh, she’s definitely a nutjob, but an honest one. She’s not in the business of running cover for Donks while attacking Repubs, unlike Samantha Miceli.
Hey Almighty – I saw your reply to my post about booze, only a couple hours later.
So to answer your question, one of my favorite Tequilas is Chinaco Anejo. Probably the smoothest liquor of any type I have ever experienced. Almost like a shot of warm water as far as smoothness. I still have an unopened bottle from back when the bottles were hand-blown which I am saving for the proper event.
“I met Bill Gates only once.
He did disclose, however, that he named his company …
Microsoft …
After the size and condition
Of his penis.”
Government: we need you to social distance.
Aussies: okay. I’m gonna social distance by setting up a campsite in the wilderness where there are no people.
Government: …
Aussies: …
Government: … okay, but we’re still going to fine you if you do that.
Fleeing into the wilderness is not an allowed means of social distancing.
Idiot governor has made her in restaurant dining ban indefinite and says she won’t roll back restrictions until there’s no Covid death for 10-14 days.
A week ago there was a surge in cases coming for the end of the month. This weekend it’s down to we’ve reached a plateau but it’s not going to go down for six weeks. And btw, it’s only because of these illegal and unAmerican actions so we need to continue them.
says she won’t roll back restrictions until there’s no Covid death for 10-14 days.
So when are you meeting up to storm the Governors Mansion and throw her out?
We’ll see. Between the progs, the Karens, and the state police, that’s a Murray Federal Building level of support right now. The state police assassin that murdered LaVoy Finicum in cold blood not only got away with it but the media still won’t publicly name him.
Enjoy your perpetual restrictions then.
So I see the new line is Fauci is claiming he told the admin to shut it all down in Jan/Feb. However one problem with that is at the end of Feb Fauci said we didnt need to change our livestyles.
So which is it? Or are you Dr. Fauci reading the tea leaves you are about to be no longer serving at the pleasure of the President and are trying to PR a narrative….
Its like the articles where AOC is claiming she voted against the Bailout now that she see’s she’s becoming unpopular to progressives…. “She Would Have Voted” against the bill.
Just my opinion, but what Fauci seemed to be saying to me was that he would have recommended earlier shutdowns had we had the same information then that we have now, and had China been forthright from the beginning rather than the lying commie shitweasels they are.
True have to take inaccount how the news spins it
Exactly. It’s all about stirring up drama for those assholes. Accuracy hasn’t a damned thing to do with it.
Tapper was trying hard to bait Fauci into condemning Trump, but he didn’t really do that.
Agreed, I’m no fan of Fauci (media whore who I’m sure Trump would fire if he could), but Tapper pushed and pushed to get him to say something with an adjustable soundbite.
He’s just preparing for his upcoming gig as a CNN commentator.
I’m not saying it’s Nazis, but…
The cost of going out on a Saturday night just keeps going up and up.
For seven visitors to Santa Cruz, California, the bill came to $7,000 in fines for violating local shelter-in-place, or SIP, guidelines.
They “came from Fremont to get some ‘essential’ drinks,” Police Chief Andrew Mills tweeted. “If you are not from Santa Cruz and you put our community at risk, you will get a ticket. #shelterinyourowntown.”
The department tweeted, “7 x $1000 = One Expensive Hang Out. Everyone should know by now that this is not the time to meetup and party.”
Land of the Free? Home of the Brave?
We’re gonna need another anthem. That one’s wore right the fuck out.
the bill came to $7,000 in fines for violating local shelter-in-place, or SIP, guidelines
Call me crazy, but the word guidelines suggests that it’s a suggestion, not a “pound you in the ass command”.
Can the tourists say they thought the $7kvwas a suggested donation, since it’s not in laws.
The lawsuits that are going to be filed nationwide once this is all over should be interesting to behold.
All three of them?
Why…. The courts will approve 99% of the things done.
O say can you see
That we’re no longer free
What so proudly we hailed as our system at last failed,
Whose scared masses and movie stars, through the pestilence fright,
o’er the Twitter we watched, were in coffins nailed,
and the Karens’ red glare, the cop choppers in air,
gave proof through the night, the tyrants laid bare,
O say does that star-spangled banner now show,
O the land of the free was lost long ago.
*Standing ovation*
I linked this yesterday, in a dead thread.
Something something more of what you reward
As the U.S. Federal Reserve rolls out trillions of dollars to blunt the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, there’s a notable difference to the last financial crisis: close to zero concern over “moral hazard” – the sticky business of bailing out those whose dilemma is of their own making.
In an appearance on Thursday, Fed Chair Jerome Powell made clear that he faces no groundswell of criticism this time around, either among the central bank’s policymakers or the wider corridors of power. The priority, he said, remains on helping people who through no fault of their own have lost their livelihoods, at least temporarily, due to “stay at home” orders across the country.
“People are undertaking sacrifices for the common good. We need to make them whole. To the extent we have the ability to make them whole we should be doing that as a society,” Powell said. “They didn’t cause this. Their business isn’t closed because of anything they did wrong. They didn’t lose their job because of anything they did wrong.”
Fed policymakers are agreed on going full steam ahead, Powell said, in part because they learned from the last crisis that worries an increase in the money supply will cause runaway inflation are unfounded. With muted inflation in the decade since, the central bank chief was curt on Thursday.
“I worry that in hindsight, you will see that we could have done things differently, but one thing I don’t worry about is inflation right now,” Powell said.
State and local governments which have intentionally destroyed the economy, but there’s no moral hazard in bailing them out? We are going to dump vast quantities of helicopter money directly into circulation (unlike last time), but there is no reason to believe it will be inflationary? We’re all Modern Monetarists, now, I guess.
Go fuck yourself, Powell.
Somewhere in Hell, John Law becomes tumescent.
People are undertaking sacrifices for the common good. We need to make them whole.
By devaluing their money and giving it to bankers.
“People are undertaking sacrifices for the common good. We need to make them whole.”
Is this the part Hayek calls ‘The Fatal Conceit?’
They are not “undertaking sacrifices”, they are being forced into penury by bureaucratic diktat.
Hey! Red Letter Media explains Poppy – https://youtu.be/YAa_m9H-PGs
Orange man is bad?
more 256D chess from the Most Libertarian President of All Time™
Libertarianism means the States can keep us locked up for 2 months? If that’s libertarianism, I want out.
Whichever government official, of whatever rank or branch or party, is the one saying “This is bullshit, its time to get the country moving again.” that’s the one I support. Don’t care if its Orange Man Bad or Coon Man.
I’ll take federalism where my governor has been at least somewhat restrained over a decreeing emperor arogating all the powers to himself like the Governors were just middle managers in his business. This is a purely state issue and the Federal Government coming in either way is only going to cause trouble. I don’t care if the ends are “libertarian”, the means are not.
Would you take a different position if you lived in a state with an out-of-control Governor (e.g. Michigan)?
Geeze he’s such a dummy.
It is a testament to the idiocy and venality of our media class that this idiot is able to bowl them over even once, let alone all the time.
Or the fact that He’s Not an idiot?
Dow Jones Chokes on Morgan Stanley’s Devastating Lockdown Timeline
America will remain in a state of rolling lockdowns for the next 18 months
No, it won’t. That is just fucking absurd.
more 256D chess from the Most Libertarian President of All Time™
It’s a low fucking bar, Don.
Candidate for best TDS of the day:
CNN claims Trump prevented alphabet letter agency types from saving US from needing cower in place to fight commie cough
Morgan Stanley’s biotech analyst Matthew Harrison said on-off lockdowns would likely remain in place until 2021.
As long as nobody dies, it will all be worth it.