Q: A few years ago, we bought an old house Dracula wouldn’t have been willing to live in, tore it down, and replaced it with a spiffy modern house. The next-door neighbors were enraged at this and did their best to block our plans. When that failed, they continually called the city to complain about the inconvenience to themselves of our project.
Now we are done, and these same neighbors have embarked on an extensive renovation project. They are doing the same things they complained about us doing: starting work too early, storing materials in the street, workers playing loud music, and so on.
I don’t want to be difficult the way they were, but I can’t help wanting to ask them why this is OK when they do it. Yet I also realize saying this would make a bad situation worse.

John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It’s twelve o’clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.
Yeah I don’t get why a Wang Chung video needs a “This video may be inappropriate for some users.” warning and a login.
Probably “wang” and youtube’s idiotic algorithms.
Mebbe they got confused and thought it was Wu Tang Clan?
I thing this is more the help we need.
Watching Trolls World Tour with the kids… No need for LSD, just watch this movie for 15 minutes and you won’t know what’s real any more.
D00000000000000d. /takes hit on bong
I’m super confused. Is she a musician? I thought she was just an internet meme.
Chill, mang. Most of us just got here.
Whatever. Have a toke, d00d. You’re stressin’.
It didn’t include rape so I figured you were trolling.
Hmmm. Sometimes he does just “hit on head with big rock”, right?
If I got hit in the head with a rock, why is my ass so sore?
Some questions shouldn’t be answered.
In the spirit of being neighborly offer to keep their pets and/or children so the parents can have a relaxed week end out of town. In the meantime flatten all their tires.
I liked it. The point was made though it is a little flashy.
So does anyone have a good idea how long this virus hangs in the air? I need to know for important practical reasons.
According to your Dr. Fauci, several hundred thousand years, which is why freedom must die a horrible death throughout the Western world. Of course, he’s a 79-year-old Boomer who should’ve retired a decade and a half ago, but whatever . . .
Depends on how you smoke it. If you’re a Boomer, you shouldn’t be a Choomer. I hear the vape version barely smells at all.
Well, if anyone has any serious answers, please let me know.
STEVE SMITH SAY READ: https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=229248
Forest lawyer and Forest doctor
Who knew?
Dr. STEVE, esq.
His prostate exams are unmatched anywhere.
Sorry, man, just being…glib. I have heard that it lingers for a couple of hours, but, I also heard it is transmitted by droplets. Droplets being heavier than air, I would guess they fall out of suspension fairly quick. I doubt whether even the “big shot experts” can truly answer your question.
That’s most likely true. Since I’m supposed to quarantine myself based on clinical (my test came back negative) I need to decide what measures I need to take to protect my mom who is in a very high-risk group.
So glad your test was negative. I think your best bet, especially if you still need to take care of your mother, is to wear a mask around her, and for her to wear one around you as a precautionary measure. I mean, it’s great that you don’t have the commie cough, but it would seriously suck if you just gave her regular pneumonia or flu, too, right? The alarmist readings I’ve seen say coronavirus can live up to 36 hours on some surfaces but on most dies off within six hours. Wash your hands, wear a mask, hope for the best, and know that I am also hoping for the best for you too.
Based on what I’ve read larger droplets don’t hang very long at all, but the finer/more aerosolized spray I’ve seen “potentially a few hours.” Humidity plays a role (more humidity means smaller droplets meet other ambient droplets, engage in raucous sex and fall out of the air faster because they are heavier), as does face covering. Perfect face covering: N95 on a beardless person that is well fitted and worn consistently reduces spray by a ton while variations from that help or may help, or may make you more likely to act like your protected while not helping very much at all.
In the case of masks more humidity is worse because the mask loses efficacy as it becomes saturated with moisture. Not having a tight fit, having a looser weave of the fabric or too few layers and the ability to filter decreases dramatically. I’ve been playing with the different masks recommended by the CDC and settled on a variation of the bandana and coffee filter one. It has a bunch of layers, isn’t particularly uncomfortable and doesn’t require sewing. If you put your hand in front of your face and breathe hard you won’t feel it on your hand. The t-shirt one has to be a joke. Masks should be replaced frequently and reusable ones should be washed and the exterior of the mask should be treated like your face…as in don’t touch it.
There are also HEPA compliant air filters for rooms. I haven’t seen anything about them but my intuition says they’d be useful based on the HEPA standard. Many of them come with a built in UV chamber which would further help limiting the amount of particulate in the air (I have one for other reasons and have been running it in the bedroom at night because my boyfriend is WFH and I’m not).
Second on LemonGrenade’s suggestion that you wash your hands, particularly using the pattern popularized in memes.
Sorry that’s long. I hope at least some of it is helpful.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making people believe that there is an “expert” in any subject that actually knows an answer.
Not much of a trick.
Now, if you could make the hikers and campers think they hadn’t been raped, that would be a trick!
It was fry day at Casa ‘nick’s
Battered cod
French fries
Deep fried pickles
Mozzarella sticks
Cheese curds
Funnel cakes
The house smells like the state fair.
Holy crap. If I did that at Casa BEAM, the spousal unit wouldn’t talk to me for a month.
Can I hang at your place?
That’s awesome. Not very keto, but freakin awesome nonetheless.
Did you enjoy battering the cod?
I always do. ?
good Friday
What’s good about it?
*opens another beer*
I think you just answered your own question.
It was a good day for me. I had the day off as my hiring anniversary day is coming up an I have to burn some vacation hours.
I got the lights working on the 5×10 enclosed trailer I bought a few weeks ago. I got the seller to knock off $100 because the lights didn’t work. I fixed the loose ground for maybe $2 in crimped connectors and heat shrink.
That’s $98 that can go towards vodka or ammo
Also I helped my daughter figure out several thermodynamic chemistry problems. It has been 25-30 years since I took Thermo*.
*flips beard over shoulder*
I still got it.!
*Thermo 1 is the course that weeds out the men from the boys in Engineering.
Love that feeling like when you pull an question out of nowhere – on a topic you haven’t studied in fifty years – and none of the three college student contestants on “Jeopardy” comes up with it.
I have never used this, but by golly, I remember!
I have some junior engineers that have never changed their own oil.
I mounted an index and they were AMAZED that I got it 0.08″ from true.
But then I’d have to figure out what to do with the old oil.
The Fire Department accepted it where I used to live. No idea about NY.
I could walk down the street to the station and ask. They’re not quite close enough that they could extinguish my house without leaving their driveway, but they’re pretty close.
You can make an awesome oil burner for next to nothing. Setting one up to heat my greenhouse all Winter.
What a cunte.
Battered cod
French fries
I remember those long ago days, when a man could go to a restaurant and order fish n chips, and eat them right there, sitting at a table.
Good times, man. good times. All gone, now.
Every now and then, my multi-ethnic workplace does fish and chips, but serves them with a curry sauce. It’s freaking amazing.
Curry sauce has been known to make almost everything better. That and pindasuas (peanut sauce).
I’m drunk. Deal.
Yeah, Fried fish is great, but Indians can make everything better.
Except possibly steak. But I’m sure they could
I think this is incorrect.
They’re not big on subtle or ‘ under’ cooking things. which it’s basically key to good steak, for me.
there are some great keralite recipes for beef though.
They even make good steak. I was at a cookout with some indians from Fiji. My wife asked why they were eating steak and they said “we’re not indians. We’re Fiji Indians.” The steak was excellent.
With other people? Eh gads, man. That’s crazy talk!
*Total disclosure. I’m currently a fan of social distancing with everyone but my gf. I’ll get over it.
So they ripped out a Victorian and replaced it with a Brutalist.
On the one hand, I agree with the neighbor’s sense of taste, but since they went whining to the city to get it stopped I hope they step on a dropped roofing nail and get tetanus.
My neighbor down the street just built a giant refrigerator looking house. He’s some big shot MMA trainer. His front door literally looks like an ice dispenser. It’s fugly as all hell, but hey, to each his own, right?
Electric chair.
100 lashes first. Then the electric chair.
I dated Austin’s City Planner for a surprisingly long time. She took me with her to a City Planner’s conference in DC where she gushed about how wonderful their subway stations were. She actually thought “Brutalist” was a compliment.
Meh, it has its place – if anywhere, faceless government facilities.
DC’s subway stations are light-years better than anything in NYC, that’s for sure.
There is some building in Montreal that is the most overtly evil structure I’ve ever seen. I think it’s the headquarters of the ministry of prisons or some such thing.
Boston City Hall is a Brutalist piece of shit, totally out of place with the surrounding area.
Let’s put this pile of concrete in the middle of some of the oldest buildings in the county…
You read my mind. I know nothing about architecture and I think it’s ugly as hell.
I rode the NYC subways in the late eighties and you ain’t lying. It was like if you installed windows on a trash dumpster and the drove it at 100 mph down a miniature alleyway, screeching to a stop every 3-5 minutes. To add to the effect, throw in a bunch of homeless drunks and prostitutes. The smattering of normal people seemed totally unfazed, btw.
It’s a lot cleaner now, at least. But you can’t change how cramped the stations are.
And the handicapped elevators will ALWAYS be used as toilets.
Where’s the evidence that the old house actually looked decent/interesting.
(I’ve been on a bit of a HGTV binge lately…..my new job has “weird” hours and HGTV is one of the “safe” channels that a bunch of folks watch in the office in between “real work”. Also..can’t wait to move in to my place in…3 freaking weeks – literally put 1000 miles on the car since last Saturday)
My condolences on the HGTV.
You think Dracula would be caught undead in a MCM or a ranch?
Castle or GTFO!
Didn’t see that you pointed out how bloody weird that description was.
Guess this is why there’s still a market for homes with an HOA.
Drinking Fireball and apple cider, hot.
What in the devil…?
The one legitimate use for fireball.
I found “The Windsor’s”, a spoof of The Crown and in money and royalty in general. It is stupid. I like it.!
No mention of this?
“The governor announced Friday he’d signed bills that include requiring universal background checks on gun purchases, a red flag bill to allow authorities to temporarily take guns away from people deemed to be dangerous to themselves or others, and limited handgun purchases to one a month.
“This is an exciting day for me,” Northam said on a conference call with gun-control advocates.”
So I just bought a BCM AR. Thoughts?
They have an excellent reputation, I have no direct experience with them.
I believe Tim from MAC did a 5000 round no cleaning endurance test with one of theirs.
I’ve heard a lot of positive things, but was slightly concerned about the ‘enhanced light weight barrel’. I was able to find an upper and lower separately and figured I better take what I can get right now. I only have the upper right now, lower is due in about a week.
There are some excellent light weight/pencil barrels out there, but they’re usually spendy.
See also WWSD?
Hope you got some ammo for it too. ?
Save the ???.
I haven’t bought any recently, but still have some on hand.
Turtles or ammo? ?
Quality stuff. Works right. Bet your life on it.
Good rifle. Worth the price if you’d rather not build your own.
Fuck that guy.
“What is ‘due process’?” – Gov. Klansman (D-bag, VA)
Hey now, he could have been the other guy in blackface.
Tucker Carlson always refers to him as “Governor Klansrobes Blackface”.
NOVA definitely needs to be separated from the rest of VA.
Gov is just saying what he can get away with now.
I concur
The gun is good. Its even better as a gift.
*holds out hands*
I know you weren’t interested in the P210. Apparently they’re not as great as the hype and price would make you think.
I’ve got my eye on a particular 10mm. I’ll know more Monday morning…
Already have a case of ammo in route.
Police tell locked-down Brits they can’t go in their own GARDENS: Officer scolds family for letting their children play on the lawn – before force bosses apologise for ‘ill-informed’ approach
“Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves.
neverwill be slaves.”She actually thought “Brutalist” was a compliment.
“See those people? I can have them all thrown in jail if they don’t do what I tell them.”
The next-door neighbors were enraged at this and did their best to block our plans.
Zardoz has the solution to this.
Word. I guess I’ll make time this weekend to play some Empire so I can make Britain great again.
Noisy neighbors: Weld a large nut to a piece of 6″ pipe or other suitable piece of steel. In the early morning put the impact wrench to the nut and go to town.
Armed in 1918
Have I mentioned that I like Julie?
You know what they say about blind prostitutes?
You’ve really got to hand it to them!
Even they can find a nut sometimes?
To me, this was a perfect joke. But then again, what I don’t think is funny, others laugh at.
I larfed.
Friday Funbags is making tits great again.
4, 9, 20
Listen people, everything is improving and we will begin our recovery soon eno…wait what? What?!?
Giant Asian hornets that can ‘kill with a single sting’ to invade virus-stricken US
Globalist Scum, what say you now?
The killer bees story at least used to run once a year when I was a kid. Pretty used to this one.
This Yellow Peril thing has gone way too far.
“High Yellow” is not the same thing as Chinee.
Wait until they get Africanized.
Africranized movie stars from the 1930s and 40s:
Africanized movie stars from the 1930s and 40s:
Well played. That ought to be played on TV every year right before It’s a Wonderful Life.
Oh, nonsense. The Schmidt Sting Pain Index says otherwise:
Nonsense? Did you watch the episode with the giant hornet? forward to 11;20
I’m pretty sure I saw a Mud-dauber take a yellow Hornet out of the air the last time I was doing yard work.
Who’s scared of some measly Asian bees? We grew up with those Africanized killer bees.
I hear they’re superpredators.
Sadly, far too many bees come from broken hives. They grow up without even knowing their fathers.
Only a lad, really couldn’t blame him…
Jeff Dunham lurks on Glibs
Me tomorrow morning.
You think you’re getting sex?
Ask him tomorrow and you might find him a grave man.
A few years ago, we bought an old house Dracula wouldn’t have been willing to live in
I keep reading that and it still doesn’t make sense.
Dracula “lives” in an old, decayed castle. Technically, he un-lives in a coffin.
There we go. I always associated Dracula with class. The classiest, in fact.
Q would approve of his gals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXcJTbgt1N8
Found some unopened kratom in a parking lot today. Yay me!
Did it blow your mind?
Like Oswald did to JFK?
Back and to the left….
Didn’t it?
Have you tried it before? I’ve never had it.
Mild pleasant buzz. Got a $5 ounce of powder from a Tom Woods promotion. Supposed to be good for chronic pain.
Feels like a Vicodin turned down to 5.
Yeah, sans itch, nausea, or irritability.
Pedaled out to the lake today – the pelicans are back. They’ll stay through fall. Life goes on.
My cat killed a chipmunk. My wife says it’s because of the quiet outside. Biggest critter she’s ever killed.
There was a scandal when Life magazine in WW2 put on its cover a picture of a young woman admiring the skull of a Japanese soldier sent to her by her boyfriend.
During the Korean War, it was common for a while for US troops to decorate signs with the skulls of dead enemy. In east Asia, human bones are held to be sacred, and even the South Koreans complained. The practice stopped.
sf’d link, fixed
That doesn’t look admiring, that looks like she’s going “Why?”
Admire means “look at”. That’s what she’s doing, yes?
It has additional, more common meanings.
What word would you use?
Probably studying, or contemplating. But that expression is not admiration.
I can see it as admiring. I can see it as horror, too. I can see it about 6 different ways, like a portrait whose eyes follow you as you walk down the gallery.
Anthony Jeselnik’s Parents Found Drugs In His Room
Anyone have a link (or can point m,e in the right direction) for the Zoom thingie?
Ah, Zoom…
Bernadette was my favorite.
If you are still looking, comment 30 on Thursday afternoon’s links has the Zoom info.
Thank you.
You are welcome. He usually posts the info once each in the morning links and afternoon links.
My son turned 21 today. He’s a constant reminder that erections have consequences.
Mine turned 14 yesterday. He’s a reminder that even your best planning doesn’t always turn out how you expect. Somehow, I ended up with a kid already at least 6’3″ at just 14 years old and i’m only 5’4″. It’s a good thing I established dominance early on, because he’s huge compared to me.
How tall’s the dad?
Dad is just 5’11”. We each have a few sports that are unusually tall, but the majority of us are squarely in the ‘normal’ range.
In the family tree, not as our own progeny.
Better get your boy a jumbo box of condoms. My brother looks identical to me, we have the same personality, same style, same mannerisms…I’m 5’11” and he is 6’1″, you can take a guess who gets the most girls… It’s not even fair!
lol. I remember the first time my son came home from school to report he had a girlfriend – in the fourth grade. I said, “Wow, that’s pretty fast.” and replied, “I know. I’m a natural.” Thankfully, he hasn’t gotten more adventurous than taking girls to school socials. (That I know.)
Every inch counts…
My dad’s 5’10. My mom’s 4’10. I’m 5’4. If I have kids before I’m measured for a coffin, I’ll be surprised.
If you have them after that, I’ll be surprised.
Dr Fauci? More like Dr Fraudci, amirite? I’ll be here for the next 15 minutes, then I’ll be staring out the window at the rain which rarely falls in the Southern California desert.
Tip the cow, try the waitress.
The fire at Notre Dame was arson, full stop. France imported the Religion of Peace (TM) and paid the price. The media was willing to cover for the “refugees” so the truth will never come out and it is a great shame. God forbid the people of France become angry at the invaders who hate them and demand that they be ousted, that would be racist, islamophobic, etc etc…
Hey, now- Robert Spencer is a greasy Islamophobe. Pay no attention that the whole reason he is in the US is because the Ottoman Turks chased his Christian ancestors out of the Middle East.
Everyone, boo this miscreant! Boo now!
Not to put too fine a point on it, but you were posting several jihadwatch articles per day, and I said that they were intentionally poorly sourced garbage meant to incite anger and obfuscate the original story so one couldn’t actually tell what was going on besides the very specific spin from that guy. If you have an angle, even one I find unpalatable and you argue in good faith with good sourcing, I can certainly respect that even if I don’t like it. Jihadwatch is not that.
From what I said about it two years ago:
Oh, is that what it is? OK, I’ll just leave this here.
You know there is a difference between questioning unreliable sources and pointing out the logical and ethical errors in the more extreme anti Islam sources, and promoting sharia. I am not sure Jesse is claiming Islam is without fault.
Spencer has written several books on Islam and jihad which are meticulously sourced. He probably knows more about Islam than most Muslims. I’ve read the Qur’an in English and I’ve been reading it in Arabic for a while, and I find little to fault in Spencer’s analysis.
I am not an apologist for Islam. I am far from that; you will frequently hear me trying to explain to people that the Crusades were in fact justified, were a counter attack trying to oust Islamic conquerors, that the various traditional heroes in eastern Europe saved civilization etc. I don’t know the whole history of your pissing match with Jessie but whether Spender is an expert on Islam or not, his website is polemic not research.
Pie!Dracula!You excused Spencer’s reference to a “recent report” which he had referenced several times over a three year period as “laziness” in the conversation noted above. He also linked two publishings of the same story by the same author to make another one of his “articles” seem more robustly sourced. Why should anyone trust your assessment of the quality of sourcing?
If all of the articles I tried to run down sources for at the time were overtly sourced out of “laziness,” why do I trust his blog as a source?
@ jesse
What is Spencer lying about? What is he misinterpreting? If the answer is ” nothing”, what do you expect me to say in response to your objections?
here, let me give you a visual aid:
Oh shit, that video has changed my perspective considerably. If only I’d known that there were muslims who were shitty people I would never have criticized Jihadwatch for being intentionally misleading by representing a three year old retrospective on a THIRTY YEAR OLD CASE as “new”
Thank you Derp for having taken the time to enlighten me with your tiresome bullshit.
I never read Breitbart and don’t care about this specific issue. But what are the good mainstream sites? The WSJ employs similarly shady tactics when it wants to deflect from the issues it wants to protect. A month or two ago the WSJ had an article on spying on the Trump campaign and tried to whitewash the spying by citing its own articles from 2017. Three years later–given all the evidence we have now–the Deep State excuses from 2017 have no merits, but the WSJ presented them as if they were still valid.
I think any article that’s intended to inflame passions should be given a deeper read and assessed based on what they’re using as primary sources. Jihadwatch particularly got my ire because the headlines and quotes from the articles being posted were so shocking I went to read more and it was like trying to navigate a maze just to find the information he kept referencing. Or I’d click a link and it’d just be all articles about Germany on an international news aggregator. You weren’t meant to get to the bottom of any of the articles and that pissed me off.
It might also be worth reading the actual article. From the second paragraph, “No one knows whether jihadists ignited the blaze or not, and there is ample reason to ask questions.” I’ll play along with the idea there are questions worth asking. I won’t draw the conclusion it must have been Muslims who torched the place.
13th century wiring was notoriously bad.
Yup. Tends to go wrong when the whole place is shut down and nobody is there. A real pain.
So I will have new vacation plans as my annual pilgrimage to the Black Rock Desert is canceled this year. Cheers!
My cat has discovered how to open the cabinets. I guess I need to get some childproof mechanisms to keep him out of it. It is about time, I suppose. He is probably 35-ish in cat years.
My idiot kitten knows how to sneak in cabinets when I open them, completely unnoticed. Then whines when she is tired of being in the cabinet…
I have two. The older/male is the recent culprit of mischief*. Me petite female feline is the one that tries to sneak into cabinets (and closets) and whines after getting herself stuck in one.
*He used to stick to being generally annoying when hungry (I have to keep him on a strict feeding regimen to control his weight) and try to get into the trashcan, but lately he has started doing other things. For instance, he never used to get on top or into the cabinets. He now does both. He didn’t used to hop on to the wall-mounted tv in the bedroom and he now does so. Idk if he is just copying the other cat (as far as getting on the cabinets/tv) or is having some kind of mid-cat-life crisis or what.
I have two baby girls at present, both about seven months old. My idjit is the black one, idjit two is my brothers cat (he is quarantining at my place since UF is shut down)
Jelly. I have one (out of the three that made it to eighteen or older) left, and he’s teetering on the brink. When he finishes his natural lifespan, we’ll be looking for a new kitty.
I love cats. Majestic creatures.
Also a cat person.
I want an owl, a cat, and an otter. The trifecta of malevolent evil all in one place covering air, land, and sea.
Um, you want to tell us about the owl and otter?
I don’t know if Mojeaux is on tonight, but I started ‘The Proviso’ today. I’m on chapter 16. Of all the sub-genres I ever thought I’d encounter, libertarian LDS romance has got to be the most surprising. Love that you put all the highlighted terms to explain various phrases like the temple recommend, although I don’t need them myself. I realized just how much of Mormon culture I remembered, and it brought me *right* back to my youth. And I’m devouring it, so far. Thanks for writing it.
Is this the first of her novels you’ve read?
I read Dunham first, which is pre-Joseph Smith, so The Proviso was a surprise.
1520 Main tells the story of how THAT family of miscreants got into the church.
Just purchased, and next on the reading list. I was wondering how Dunham made it to LDS.
Giselle, Sebastian, and Knox’s grandfather made a deal with the devil.
Missing you Glibbroads at the Zoom chat. : (
I had a very hard day today and totally forgot. You guys still rockin’ and rollin’ or is it winding down?
There’s 11 of us right now. Neph handed off the reins to CPRM.
I’m trying to get in and am unable. I need a password to go through the app.
Did you follow a link? Let me try to post one – I think you won’t need one if you follow a link??
Yes, I tried the link several times. I would prefer that to an app.
See if this works.
This is the link Neph mailed out earlier.
I swear I am trying to get there thru the web interface and I can’t!
Doesn’t anybody have a password?
Er, posted. Ugh, I’m wiped.
Mo: the password is in the link I posted.
I didn’t need a password to get in. Try 004882 – that shows up in some of the Zoom meeting data.
Mojeaux is one of my favorite glibs because she is living proof that not all artists today are lefty knuckle-draggers.
And that unicorns exist! I don’t generally go for romance, but I’ve made an exception for Mojeaux, purely because it’s so refreshing to read a writer outside of Heinlein that actually works within my own political beliefs. What drives me most nuts is how many artists recognize that guns are essential to liberty, or that otherwise end up espousing a somewhat libertarian viewpoint in their works – because that what makes logical sense – but are total commies in real life. I’m looking right at you, Whedon, you deranged asshole.
The diversity in this community is astounding. It drives a spike right into the heart of the left wing narrative that everyone to the right of mao is a white supremacist.
It’s been a key part of my keeping my sanity during the cower in place orders. Knowing that there are others here who feel the same way (even along a broad spectrum, but from what I can see, none of us think that shutting down entire businesses in response to a pandemic was appropriate). I’m working in a job that’s media related, and watching the debates about just how much to ratchet up the panic in response to this virus, when combined with my own governor’s actions has me seriously on edge. The thought that they could lock us up through the summer, and that people would go along with it, terrifies me.
☺️ Awww, thanks! *smooches*
I actually don’t know why artists are generally lefties. I don’t see any particular character trait that they have in common.
My brother does side work drawing (for tattoos and whatnot)
He is a capital L Libertarian who doesn’t like the politics of most in the art business.
Like you, I don’t understand it. Why are they all f’in commies!?
I’m glad you’re liking it, but remember, I do use that deceit/deliberate mistaken identity thing you don’t like. I remember because I’m nervous as hell and biting my fingernails! ?
This may be hard to believe, but most of my fans are liberals and progressives, especially when I was first starting out. Thing is, liberals and proggies can be taught and persuaded—but you MUST entertain them well.
I make no judgements on the story so far, just that it’s kept me reading. But it has brought me right back to my childhood. I was devout until about age 14 when my parents broke with the church. I attended the dedication of the Frankfurt temple, even. So the background feels like snuggling down into an old blanket, and while I’m no longer a member, it’s good to remember the culture, and why while I left it behind, I never ever hated it.
That’s so lovely to read. Thank you.
I admit, I had some moments as a bitter ex-mormon. But the larger community has always been something for me to admire. I can continue to despise those who caused my parents to leave the church, but I grew up, and the emphasis on family, self-reliance, preparedness, taking care of your community and helping those who cannot (not will not) help themselves has always been something I loved and approved of. My mother has since converted to eastern orthodox, and while I belong to no religion currently, I encourage my children to look with open eyes and make their own decisions, and always emphasize respect for beliefs. (That aren’t communist.)
So, why’d your parents break with the church?
I’d rather not air it over a public forum. It was a bad leadership problem, occurred over 30 years ago, and I’m sure is not representative of the church as a whole. Since then, my parents have divorced (if that even counts – they were sealed in the temple, dammit, and I’m pretty sure they’re stuck with each other in eternity, and won’t that be entertaining?) My mother has switched to eastern orthodox and tries to pretend her marriage to my father wasn’t a real church marriage because it was mormon, and my father has remarried without trying to lie to himself that the first go didn’t happen.
No worries. Bad leadership is the bane of my existence at this moment, but not local leadership. I don’t know WTF those cryptkeepers back in Salt Lake are smoking lately.
At least the church has oodles of cash. If the governors really do continue pushing things as far south as they’re trying, it has the ability to help its members stave off ruin. And it’s terrifying to me, hearing Fauci and Gates talk about digital papers we could carry in order to continue commerce and I’m thinking, shit were the mormons right? I need to build up my stockpile to weather the storm without succumbing to being chipped or what have you. You guys were smart to preach preparedness from the start.
Yes, but they’ve already been down this road with the gummint.
That said, the Southern Baptists I went to school with were far more upfront about saying “the gummint is the debbil” and had details to back it up. It is SCARY how right they were–and that was in the 80s!
Thanks to Neph for the video giggles. Enjoyed seeing faces to pair with names.
I also want to apologize to everyone who Googled me. Yes, I am that good looking.
Neat car.
I achieved car-buying age of majority in the wrong decade. I so would have gotten one of these. I recently paid off the semi-modern equivalent, but it is not the same.
Somewhat relevant.
RIP. Need to rewatch House now.
This would be excellent news if true.
Feels only anecdotal at this point, but 30-50% of people testing positive for coronavirus antibodies?
Talk about shattering a narrative.
As has been pointed out previously it is unlikely that a phlebotomist is actually privy to the data and this story may be BS.
did drugs at least fall out of his ass?
Yes, but they were just anticoagulants
Hooked up with a good Guitar player, He already wants to kill me, because I won’t shut up,,,,,,
I mean, the guy writes a 47 part song, and expect me to play a Bassline on the fly?
Why do you girls always hook up with the guitar player? He’s just going to end up eating your food and stealing your cash. And eventually the drummer will end up living on your couch.
Umm,You know I’m not a Girl, and thank God we don’t have drummer yet, they are like fleas, Bombing is the only way to be rid of them,
How can you tell the stage is level? The drummer has drool coming out of both corners of his mouth.
I have ben told not to assume people’s gender!
Just busting your chops.
I know, I’m having fun…
Love ya J!
How can you tell the stage is level?
The Singer hasn’t fallen of of it yet,
It better be level, they kept the club owner there for 3 hours trying to get the levels right! Of course the bassplayer then turned his 9001 watt amp up to 11 and no one can hear anything else over his monitor.
What?I can’t hear you over my Ampeg Bass Amp!
1978 Steven Tyler would like a word.
exact reference, you win a Prize!
What do you call a fuil time Roadie?
A Drummer/…….
Singers are Cocky.
Guitar players are arrogant,
both are idiots,
I can’t run my Marshall over 2 without blowing my windows out,
“why is that guy yelling”
Lead Singer
When they are all nude, where’s the fantasy, it seems lost,
My husband thanks you.
I wondered if you were a MLW, now I know……
What’s MLW stand for? Hubby is replaying Fallout 3, but willing to look over at the screen when I point out boobs. I finally told him I wouldn’t bitch if he blew up Megaton, so he’s thrilled.
Mythical Libertarian Woman
“Mythical Libertarian Woman”
Because there is no such thing as a libertarian woman.
Mythical Libertarian Woman. Or as it has evolved of late, a Unicorn
Pppthhht! I can prove that unicorns exist. I have no legitimate evidence to show proving MLW in any form.
Proud to wear the label. Will hit fifteen years married to my husband in May, and despite 2020 being an absolute shit show, the one thing I will always retain confidence in is my hubby.
Keep it up,good ones are worth keeping!
“where are the roadies?”
Those are the roadies
“so where’s the band?”
that is the band
LOL. For Space Smith.
You should check out Playa Manhattan’s avatar.
It’s been a long week. My shortest workday has been 10 hours, going back to sunday.
So I am on my third bourbon and listening to Sinatra on the HiFi. The only thing missing is a cigar (3 more weeks)
Ohh, yes,
Finally heard from my Girl Child, i was getting freaked out,
I give up, I can’t do this any more…..
What do you mean?
Drifting in AZ?
Hey Yusef, anything I can do?
Guess y’all are done Zooming, eh?
Styxy bringing the beef! https://youtu.be/l5dnBxCwOFA