WASHINGTON – Tragedy struck yesterday as the world’s reserve currency was rushed to the ICU. Outside the hospital, well-wishers mostly dressed in top hats and monocles, placed flowers and held candles while a choir of orphans sang You’re the Inspiration by Chicago. After 70 years as the world’s strongest currency, The US dollar has recently fallen on hard times, including multiple stints in rehab to break its addiction to stimulus and inflation. According to celebrity addiction expert Dr Drew, the downfall began when Dollar separated from its long-time partner, Gold Standard, in 1971. The divorce was tumultuous, and Dollar admitted that it began self-medicating to cope. Dollar blamed every US president since Nixon for enabling its addiction. Dollar promised its fans that upon its recovery, it will re-unite for a tour with the rest of the American Greatness band, just as soon as drummer Manufacturing Base kicks his Oxycontin habit. President Trump tweeted that American Greatness was always his favorite band and that he has all their albums.
US Dollar Hospitalized After Stimulus Overdose
About The Author

The world's foremost authority on the science of stupidity, Professor Emeritus at Derpskatonic University, Editor of the Journal of Pure and Theoretical Derp,
Chancellor of the Royal Derp Society, and Senior Fellow at The Dipshit Doodlebug Institute for Advanced Idiocy
Nice job, although it hits a bit close to home.
That ain’t satire and it ain’t funny.
OT: some NSFW puppet cosplay
I’m never going to be able to watch the Muppets again.
Oh my. And yet, I clicked through, looked at every one of the images and busted out laughing at a few a of them.
Same here. Some of those are hilarious. And yet, I think of how much time it must’ve taken to make all of those, and I shudder.
The time it took to sculpt/arrange all of those. Wow, but some people have time on their hands.
Christ, not another Demi Rose link.
This was clever. Nice work!
‘Cats’ visual effects artist says rumored ‘butthole cut’ exists
In the before times when there was freedom and joy this movie was developing a following similar to The Rocky Horror Picture Show live viewings.
We will know when we have defeated the coronas when gaymos and weirdos gather together to squeal at this horrible movie.
HM hardest hit:
Glibs was found on cat buttholes.
*furious jazz hands*
A criticism if I may, the premise of “US Dollar” being part of an old rock and roll group should have been at least hinted at in the headline, the way it reads it takes too long to draw out that part of the ‘joke’ which is really the hook. The first half just reads as a straight news story about the Dollar tanking albeit with some anthropomorphism, by the time the reader groks that Dollar is a member of a rock group the article is winding down. Perhaps a more Rolling Stone-ish headline “American Greatness fans stunned by long time front man U.S. Dollars’ hospitalization”, just a suggestion not a sermon.
You’ve got be a blast at parties.
To know me is to love me, the most common descriptor attributed to me by those who have made my acquaintance is “great fucking guy”
Actually, I was thinking the same thing until you pointed it out. Now I like how he did it.
Legit LOL
Now THAT is funny. ?
That’s just your THDS speaking.
BOOM! Out go the lights?
It is a strange world. The EU collapses and everyone there reverts to sovereign currency and the Euro is no challenger to the dollar. It will end up “stronger” than ever, at least in a relative sense. I’m not sure that even if the EU holds together the Euro is a challenger, though obviously that was the intent. Russia, China? Don’t make me laugh. India? Not even Japan and South Korea. As bad as we fuck up, we just take everyone down with us.
The dollar is the best looking turd in the punchbowl.
It’s an interesting conundrum. How much longer can Rome last if everyone else’s currency is also in the shitter? I don’t know the answer. We keep the economy crushed much longer, though, and we’ll probably find out the answer to that question the hard way.
It should be stronger, there will be a lot more of them. Tag team dollars!
Seems like a success story: Too many dollars chasing too few of goods. Where have I seen that before and quite recently and close to home.?
Time to pull the plug.
What is something Winston’s Mom does nightly once per week after she punches in for the evening?
nightly once per week
nicely once a week
In these times…
Bailey Quarters > Jennifer Marlowe
Lillian Carlson
This is correct.
So, why not all three?
Objectively correct.
Totally NOT a police state.
OH, what a fucking peach!
Oh, yeah, some fucking doctor just gets to nullify the First Amendment. Totally not a police state, though. I’m sure the Founders would have allowed George III to lock them down, as long as he yelled “OMG! COOTIES!” first.
Totally. Constitutional.
Which still leaves them better than NJ. Truly a low bar…but still…
the county’s public health officer, on Saturday banned all gatherings of “any number of people”
One is a number. The loneliest of numbers. Can three dogs in the night still gather?
No, there will be no more joy to this world… neither to you, nor to me.
Its like you’ve never been to Spain:
I just hope the bullfrogs pull through this.
Sheriff Bianco is just trying to save lives.
I’m trying to get that ticket. I want to have a jury of my peers decide the legality of forcing me to wear a mask in a store. I’ll probably avoid the summons just by being confident, though. They only pick on the weak.
What if you share a house with people you are not related to? This is getting very ugly.
Dr. Newsome will just prescribe a new home.
Mrs. Dean and I shared a table at dinner. Is that illegal?
No, but you probably overloaded on fiber. Maybe even carbs.
Very laughter. Much amuse.
Truly cringe inducing
TFW, a company that sells frozen meat slices is better with information than the media.
Anecdotes ARE data, though.
It’s not entirely objectionable, but there are some “tells” in there about relying upon “credentialed” sources. The subtext to me sounds like, “don’t believe people who tell you this isn’t bad and have ‘anecdotes’ to support it.” I suspect “data” to the author means “stuff with which I happen to agree.”
Yup, just enough tells to set off the “proggie virtual signalling” alarm.
To me, the author wrote the opposite.
Someone took Stats sophomore year.
“we live in a society” – yeah, fuck off Bernie Bro.
Under that second tweet, in the More Tweets section:
Christ, what an asshole.
So, a crucifix to a vampire. Is it possible to make CNN sigh? I think this might have done just that.
artist’s statement
I was tempted to do a whole Behind the Music type montage where US Dollar snorts mortgage-backed securities off of strippers, but it was hard to write.
Mortgage backed securities are like the 100 bucks I loaned to my brother-in-law 3 years ago. He promised to pay it back, didn’t he?
Oh, that’s good, Derpy. I think I would have liked the longer version done in that VH1-narrative style.
And a Pop Up Inflation version!
Needs a file photo.
With intravenous feeds…
Or a ventilator.
Jack Nicholson Interviewing Actresses in 1970
Shouldn’t it be “Manufacturing Bass” or “the bass player, Manufacturing”?
As we work our way through this, noting the more restrained way Japan is trying to balance between keeping people healthy and not trashing the economy, sometimes it feel like Japan is watching pensively while holding America’s beer.
It is interesting. Their hands are tied by law as to how far they can go. Also, they can’t even pretend to be a self sufficient country, so I think the government is really hesitant to go much further.
“Their hands are tied by law as to how far they can go”
The same is true in the US but that doesn’t seem to stop the American Top Men from enacting any rule that pops into their power-hungry minds.
The same isn’t true if the US is willing to violate the constitution. We’re getting into the “parchment barrier” argument here. Bullets > paper.
Most of the PTB in the US seem to be more than willing to simply ignore the constitution and tell people what they have to do regardless. I found it interesting to hear Japanese politicians go to lengths to explain that they are requesting people follow the guidelines they have published. They have been very clear that the law constrains what they can make people do so they have to appeal to the people to do the right thing.
In the US they just tell people what they have to do without even mentioning that they don’t have any authority to order such things.
If you haven’t looked at Ozy’s post that come up while we were asleep, take a look. He fleshes this out in excruciating detail. Excruciating for people who thought they had constitutional protections.
Thanks for the reminder. I saw that and did not go back to read it. Nails it.
Their hands are tied by law as to how far they can go.
Some of us were under the delusion that was the case in the states as well.
South Dakota v. Dole says hi.
Damn lawyers. That had to do with with federal funds though. Since when can a state blatantly violate simple constitutional bill of rights guarantees.
Ah fuck, I thought of multiple examples as I typed that but I am leaving it. *Shakes fist at trash for pointing out my delusion*
Since when can a state blatantly violate simple constitutional bill of rights guarantees.
When that right hasn’t been “incorporated”. Dole isn’t a perfect fit, but it’s an example where fedgov used the states’ broader powers to get around a constitutional protection of rights.
IOW, they’ll always find a way.
For those who were asking what “Karen” meant”
“K*ren is an Anti-Woman Slur”
Karen is like the Fredo of N-words.
“midget” is an n-word for little people
I had been wondering what tentative connection this might have once had with some group of Burmese rebels. TIL at Glibs…
My little brother had a turtle that escaped and came back home months later.
Took a walk around the block, eh?
So the cat didnt come back the very next day?
A non-covid political story that is mildly interesting.
Mildly interesting, to say the least!
Curiouser and curiouser…
Probably posted already, but fuck.
*Loads wrist rocket*
Dude, I knew you was totally Mandalore!
They’re floating the idea of doing random mandatory testing for CV19 in our county to identify hot spots. I can’t imagine that’s legal but when did they ever care about that. Also we have a little over 200 cases and 9 deaths. Not like we’re being overrun.
I got some paperwork after a recent med visit. One item listed was HIV: negative.
I was surprised that the doc could just order that test without asking.
Standard for the last 20 years, I’m clean…
Given that you may be immune-compromised I see where that could be legit. On the other hand, maybe the doc thinks (hopes) you are an whore.
Either way, Call Saul!
#2 file
#3 ???
#4 Profit!
So much this. Never seen it not asked prior to bloodwork.
One of the words on the street here, getting close to a month ago, was that the top men in Denver did not believe there were no cases on the western slope. Polis sent the national guard to set up testing in Telluride. My understanding is they found one active case. As I have linked several times, a couple who reside there who happen to own I biotech company had their people work up a test and they are testing the entire county for markers (or whatever the hell they are called) to find out how many people had it and moved on with life.
Please, please, please. We need an antibody test pronto so we can see that many people were infected with this and did not even know it. I’m sure it was here since the beginning of January.
Check the link in comment 36.
Drugs, Ass, Whatever….
President Trump tweeted that American Greatness was always his favorite band and that he has all their albums.
The circle’s not complete until he later also claims he never hear of them.
M favorite of that genre is the Ann Coulter episode.
sooner “He’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy.”
or later I don’t know Papadopoulos. I don’t know him.
at least we’ll always have John Prine
:’ (
sooner I love WikiLeaks
or later I know nothing about WikiLeaks
Waiat, Wait, Wait, hasn’t any one told you to Fuck Off?
I didn’t see it, so Fuck Off! Just in case…..
@ Donny
thanks, sweetheart: sorry for my excusing excursion from my steady series of Escaped usernames
for my unusual
Sweetheart? Fuck Off, Really……
Oh, did you Escape? My Bad……..
Don Escaped his Moniker.
Oh, that does deserve rather enthusiastic opera applause.
*drops sweet curtsy*
*throws kisses*
**Don’t tell anyone, Mo, but, I scanned that as “sweet crusty“, which caused a much-needed double take**
***looks around for jugglers***
Nah, bruh. No crust unless it’s on baked mac and cheese, and then we’ll talk.
Yeah, I figured as much.
I will say, though, that “dropping sweet crusties” could become a slang hit in one or more sub-cultures.
That’s Don Escaped changing his handle, some people do that, Personally I don’t get it, but whatever lifts up your skirt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mo helped out, thanks, Don, you Asshole!
yeah: went too far with that one
::looks at revised screen name:: Nice!
Quit hollerin’ at me!
Covid19? Ha, soon comes the hot times, OMWC starts to complain, all the Midwestern Glibs begin sweat with the Humidity, and YDAK Laughs at the Heat,
Get Ready, Summers Coming!
But we’re still going to perpetually be “just 2 weeks” away from the peak, and they’re gonna keep this shit rolling
Tony Kornheiser has this devastating takedown of the PHX Suns about how they’re always just two years away from being two years away
/Tall cans! Courtesy of Ozy!
Ozy is a fuckin’ asshole, cause I read his post, and its absolutely infuriating. But from what Ive seen, also correct.
So other than being a Marine and a damn lawyer, Im thinking he’s a solid dude.
I went to golf and everyone was talking CV, sat down, had a beer and let them play on, then me an Curtis played, no CV talk, just a chill game. If your not going to do something, STFU!
I’m tired of non stop CV news, where are the Millions of Bodies? FUCK OFF!
Let’s add a few details to Derp’s fine article:
When asked to comment on monetary policy, Biden said he believes that we should, must go back to the Evening Standard. He added that having a gold backed currency would make our wallets to heavy.
I wonder if the Romans knew how Stupid the Senate was…..
It’s about time we identity politics the shit out of this.
I always knew Joe DeRosa is an unfunny lefty POS.
/okay done with comedian jokes
“The data in an atmosphere of crisis is less precise,” said de Blasio during a Manhattan press briefing. “Gender is immediately available. Age is immediately available.
And since those two classifications portrayed men and old people as hardest hit, new ways of slicing the data was sorely needed.
Isn’t that how Winston’s Mom identifies?
I watched the Cuomo presser – nice deflection and pretending he had no knowledge, despite the NYT (and others) reporting the past two days.
Nuke it from Orbit, Blb bla bla….
The US dollar is a metaphor for Artie Lange, right?
On January 30, 2020, Lange announced that he had been sober for one year.
Oh… oh. RIP US dollar.
For a bunch of Glibs, you are a Damn good Group, thanks, and I love every one of you….
at least we’ll always have John Prine
sorry for misthreading this above
NewWife and I saw him at the Ryman last year.
He should be entombed under the stage
To be fair, I saw him 8 years ago, and he was kinda fucked-up then.
However- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3qr4xi0RTk
Here’s hoping you’d only be half as “fucked-up” if you have to go through he health problems he did.
But…but…they said the CoViD-19 did him in!
yeah, he’s just used up
and I ain’t gettin’ no purtier myself
Love the avatar.
more of my nonsense
no idea who drew Prine (who I stole this from); I’m really good at caricature, and Prine is an easy mark, but I think it’s been done
Here he is all fucked-up 2 years ago.
When I saw him, I was gonna say he had some cancer
Well, fuck!
Pours out a little vodka and ginger ale for one of my favorite musicians.
Buddy, when you’re dead, you’re a dead peckerhead.
I saw him in Duluth as a Father’s day present from my wife.
What an awesome gift. I saw him once in GF 15-ish years ago. What an amazing, fun show. He really connected with his audience.
He was a constant around the campfire as I was growing up
We took our HS kids to see him in Ventura, CA in 1998. It was there first live concert. They were appalled when their parents joined the crowd dancing in the aisle for the first song, “Spanish Pipedream”.
I last saw him live in 2012 in an old theater in Honolulu.
Fair winds and following seas to you John.
This will be interesting to find out when Cov2 started spreading and how many people have already been infected and recovered. I hope a bunch of other private actors do these studies because I have no confidence in a govt backed one.
Thanks straff. That is the first of that kind of test I have heard about and I really hope we can get a widespread testing of people for Covid antibodies. I had all the symptoms of it in early January and I know a few others here as well that did. I imagine once people realize it’s been here for a while and the death rate is far lower than imagined we can start to return to normal life.
The government and it’s lackey’s in media will jump on every insignificant mistake in the study if it were to prove/strongly suggest that the mortality rate is much, much lower than the govt’s number. Shocking that government reacts to incentives, isn’t it?
I’m highly suspicious (obviously) of the government and this whole bullshit panic is only pushing me farther into that. At a certain point I don’t think the media will be able to bury this any longer, but I still hold onto some of my natural optimism. The death rate of those infected with this is a fraction of the current numbers, I would bet 100 to 1 on it.
At a certain point I don’t think the media will be able to bury this any longer, but I still hold onto some of my natural optimism.
That “but” should be an “and”. 😉
Heh, heh. Indeed.
Same difference in symbolic logic! ^
I’ve mentioned it before – I hope there will soon be a way to test and prove a person has already had and recovered from the Chicom virus. In December and early January I had 3 business trips (6 flights) between Tokyo and Shanghai (1 trip) and Tokyo and Hokkaido (2 trips) on which most of the people around me were Chinese mainlanders (determined from their accents). Add to that a week working in Shanghai, traveling on the subways and through airports. During and after that I had a lingering upper respiratory infection which seemed a bit different from what I usually get from drying my sinuses out on the flight. It’s possible I did not pass this to my family because I was away most of the time – might have been recovering by the time I got home. Either way, I’d love to be able to prove that I have been infected and recovered so I can at least try to get back to work ASAP.
From what I’ve seen, the big tell is having lower respiratory infection and a dry cough with fever. Then again, there could be multiple strains of this bug out there. And I can’t imagine that Japan was somehow spared from earlier infection from China. Too close and too much travel back and forth not too mention your New Mejicano butt spreading it all over Kanto. *Grins*
7 have been identified so far.
Thanks for last night’s excellent article.
Thank you for the kind words!
The question then becomes: what sort of immunity do those other strains provide for Cov19 and could you use serum for convalescent treatment. *My use of terms correctly not guaranteed.
Here’s the thing. SARS 2 is the psycho-killer cousin of the common cold. Think about it – the best we’ve been able to do for the cold in the past 100 years is still chicken soup and Tylenol.
The Sars-CoV2 receptor-binding domain structure, which allows a virus to latch on to and enter a cell, is similar to Sars-CoV, despite amino acid variation at some key residues.
Over my skis here. I’m assuming that is referring to the viral “spikes” and the chemical ability to latch on the cell’s receptors. I believe chloroquine disrupts that process and would hope that other strains would be able to produces antibodies that would counter that virus with antibodies.
I think it has been here since Nov or Dec. Hence why the “models” are fucked. And seriously you didn’t click the links I posted? I have been on this band wagon with you! I work with people who got knocked on their ass in Dec with some respiratory ailment in Dec that did not test positive for “flu”. We work in the entry point to Telluride. If you know ski towns these days they are reserved for the wealthy. The wealthy travel. Most travel makes it way through CA. And I guarantee this thing got here through CA. An Australian chic is linked to nine cases in Aspen. I got ten bucks she picked it up in LAX or SFO.
I’m a bit surprised that Australia isn’t seeing much bigger numbers of infected people – walking around Sydney last year I was hearing Mandarin about as frequently as English. So many Chinese have bought property there the market is going off the rails in terms of values.
“An Australian chic is linked to nine cases in Aspen”
It wouldn’t surprise me if she picked it up at an airport at home.
Jet aircraft + airports
It wouldn’t surprise me if she picked it up at an airport at home.
Could be. Could have been someone on the plane. These things move as they move, I haven’t been to Australia for more than a few years now. (4?) I don’t remember an overwhelming number of Chinese but my entries were Brisbane or the much preferred Cairns.
Yeah, it was my first time in Sydney. Second on Brisbane/Cairns. Both are lovely places.
If you are visiting there – particularly in any of the smaller towns – and want to see how far your money will go in a pub do what my buddy did. He bought a beer and when the eventual question came from one of the locals “How do you find Australia, mate?” he looked then in the eye and stated, with proper gravitas “It’s God’s country”. He couldn’t pay for a beer the rest of the evening and went to his hotel totally drunk on his ass.
I think it’s possible I may have had it. I had a brief but intense illness in January. I was sick for four or five days. It hit me very suddenly – I was fine in the afternoon, and then right around dinner I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Went to bed immediately after dinner and didn’t get out of bed for days. Had a fever that reached as high as 102, extreme fatigue, and rather painful soreness all over my body.
I never saw a doctor because I’m one of those “only if I think I’m dying” types, so I don’t know what it was. Thought maybe it was flu. However, though I haven’t had the flu in a very long time, I don’t recall having flu without nausea before. On the other hand, I didn’t have a cough either, which seems to be a hallmark of WuFlu. I don’t know that I did have it, but it wouldn’t shock me to discover that I did.
I posted it this morning:
Not sure if it’s only lab confirmed influenza or just ILI.
*Raises glass of vodka-ginger ale.*
Well, fuck. John Prine was one of my favorite songwriters.
A true American treasure.
I’m gutted
Please don’t bury him down in the cold cold ground
*flu shot is topic of tv shows Mr. and Mrs. Mojeaux are watching*
TV character: There is no conspiracy, no awful things.
Mr. Mojeaux: Anthrax.
I met up with an AC/R guy, Im an HVACR Guy, anyway, we are looking to go into business here after the fall, there are Zero Refrigeration companies here, they all come from Vegas, so we re in a good spot when things open again, if not, We are all Fucked anyway
ever thought about truck/heavyduty AC?
it’s a specialty that most shops just aren’t good at
I did that for Del Worsham Racing for a few years, good work, but not year round, I like Commercial Rooftop work
But you see Don, we are trying to fill a niche that doesn’t exist in BhC, No one does Restaurant Refer work in town, its all AC, So when things start up, we are going to ne there, local, and make customers…
Keep them pokers in the fire. As many as you can so that when people start going back to work, you’ll have a head start on them.
Exactly! thanks straff!
my favorite songwriters
Willie Nelson
John Prine
Dolly Parton
John Hiatt
Hank Williams
Guy Clarke
Steve Fromholz
Jimmie Rodgers
Dwight Yoakum
A Thousand Miles from Nowhere is the shit
Do you know from Paul Thorn?
You forgot Warren Zevon
Disregard. Missed the “my favorite” part.
was a quick idea before I had to run make the bed with NewWife
Apparently not a 60-minute man.
Jimmy Webb
I mentioned him the other day on here
Yep, after I said how awesomely awesome Glen Campbell was.
best Glen Campbell
Change my mind.
While Im at it- some big butts
Don’t make me choose. That is a no-win scenario.
Sir Mix is aging like Elvis, methinks. Don’t get me worng–guy is a razor-sharp business mind, when it comes to music.
I just fear that, after he passes, it’ll be; “D’ya prefer ‘skinny’ Sir Mix-A-Lot, or, ‘fat’?”
/not a Biden joke.
This is my vote.
The missing of a specific place that is important to you is timeless to a soldier far from home.
go to 2:30 to miss the commentary.
You misspelled John Lennon. While a POS personally, and a marginal (tho pop music) legend, Ill argue he’s the best songwriter ever. Willie is a very close 2nd.
I thought I knew you. ?
as a songwriter? C’mon.
hard to argue with that so far as it goes
I much prefer guys who’ve lived their stories, guys I’d like to go fishing with, but that’s not a CMA category
You’ll like this:
loch and lusa are the same word in different Muskegon languages: black
Tres is gone
I’ll bet there’s some fabulous displacement story how that got all garbled up. The Chickasaw and the Choctaw used about the same word, and it’s all over the place here. The confluence of the Mississippi and the Loosahatchie is only two miles from where I write.
Define “songwriter”. The tunes are catchy, the lyrics retarded.
“Jealous Guy”?
thats one of his best pieces
Considering he most likely did beat women, I find that song just plain ol’ creepy.
IF you’d stop beating women, you may see it in a different light
“I dont know what the big deal is about “battered women”. I think they taste fine raw” -some comedian
Now I have to start beating women to expand my knowledge base. That, Tres, is how you Glib!
and “most likely” doesnt work. Just cause she’s jap- he was from Liverpool. Not a pool of testosterone there.
Seriously. Where’s the deep insight in that song? It’s the refrain of every asshole that hits his wife. He’s admitted doing it, so am I missing something?
Prine didn’t live forever
Billy Joe Shaver isn’t a genius, but he did write the best Waylon tunes
I would take Hank Sr and Prine from your list and add Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, John Fogerty, Nick Cave, Bob Mould, Prince, Dave Mustaine, and Jeff Hanneman.
Cash: since I live on Big River, hard to argue with a Sun man
Haggard: I saw him in Fort Worth, but he didn’t sing Don’t Sing Me No Songs About Texas; I love his style and taste better than his lyrics; some of his populist bullshit probably keeps me from idolizing him
Then you would be wrong.
/Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, John Fogerty, & Dave Mustaine fan.
Wait…aren’t we largely in agreement here?
Face masks are mandatory in public in LA starting Friday.
It’s yahoo…there isnt a TW big enough, but….I like the Russia tie-in
Facing a crisis that rivals Pearl Harbor, world’s superpower pleads for coronavirus aid
Doctors are “scrounging” and the US is “supplicating” before Russia. Goddamn do I hate loaded language in news articles.
“The plane is en route,” the Russian foreign ministry tweeted on the morning of April 1, posted along with a video of the packed aircraft. With the hashtag #RussiaHelps, the Kremlin said the supplies would “save the lives of American citizens.”
Thats fuckin piss-hooker confirmation, right there.
Russia is lying and this is propaganda. Russia is evil. Russia isn’t lying and this is propaganda. Russia is evil.
Meanwhile, dont look at Biden Jr hanging out over there. LOOK- ITS FUCKIN CORONA!
You got you weave tangled with your weft. And that’s how you gin something up from whole cloth!
At least we know that Russia is evil.
I was always told that. Nobody mentioned China until now. I mean, Hillary and Bill loved giving them state secrets. Her un-secured server in the shitter was hacked more time than a TB ward. I dont get it.
We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
Several of the Dems on stage have named China as our biggest foe. ?♂️
Something something actions something louder.
Citation needed.
You need to read more Emmanuel Goldstein.
I will if you give me a link.
All I got is wow. Just wow. Although the Antinov 124 is an impressive airplane that still flies in some of the worlds finest shitholes.
The AN-124 is awesome. But even a blind hog gets a truffle from time to time.
I always assumed that had a lot to do with the design being spec’ed to work with what passes for a runway in much of what was the communist blok.
USA Today but same difference
Im gonna re-post this link that I think Barrister Dean did….look at the IRI cases and how they peaked. Then once “corona” had a label…..they diminished
I have to go wash my hands.
Under both wings and the cockpit….air force shower
I’m out.
I’m gutted that John Prine is dead.
I’m not sure that I can work tomorrow.
Good night.
Good night, Nick.
I have the same helmet Hulk Hogan is wearing.
You’re the Stuntman, eh?
I just ordered your bonus Swag from CafePress. Unfortunately it may not be delivered until June:
Aww, man–I thought it was just stuff you had. No need to order nuthin’.
But, seein as you have, thank you!
Meh, it’s a fraction of what you’ve paid me. And also, I want a report on the quality as I think it’s an item no one has ordered yet. (and a clue: tooth not included)
I can handle a
bookmerch report.C–try not to barf
Three young girls lusting after an old man, and it takes all three to run a twitter account? Disgusting on many levels.
I don’t disagree. In fact, I even address the (non-Twit) issue in my next Night Shift.
/oh…”hint, hint”
Nothing wrong with young girls lusting after an old man, they just always seem to not follow through. Where is the scandal!!
As long as it’s the ‘correct’ old man, knowwhatimean?
Yeah……dammit. ::sigh::
Love it! A while back a Minnesoda friend posted Midwest Driving School.
*taps out
Over the weekend I ran my Weber for about 8 hours – first smoking an end roast, then a batch of Tandori, then some ribs, etc. For lunch today I had some of the Carne Asada which I grilled – Oh. My. Zod! Wonderful! I always use a Jaccard tenderizer for skirt steak since that cut tends to be tough and chewy. The Jaccard makes it really tender and allows the marinade to get in deeper.
I wanted to recommend this device (the Jaccard) to y’all but I just looked in-line and it doesn’t seem like they offer the handy manual version any more. I suppose they would be dangerous around the mentally challenged and it must have gone the way of McDonald’s hot coffee. Sad to say. If you can find one at a flea market or a Salvation Army shop pick one up.
Meh, I’m surprised, gimme a Redhead/Pussy
Strange, but Functional
There is no such thing as NSFW when you WFH.
My Shorts are on!
Quick. Someone teach me yoga.
Doggy pose?
Fake news?
I hope so.
The sad part is that I can’t put it past them to have done so.
My secret plans for the next vid chat.
Ooh-hoo! Bus-ted!!
So, did the families of the other cited people get courtesy calls from the po-po?
“Illegal social gatherings”
This is a still a free country, you wannabe jackboot.
Is it?
No, but I’m saying it anyways.
And there are four lights.
I voted for Tulsi Gabbard today! #Freedom #LetItAllBurn
You First….
It’s dead Jim.
I hear a lot of tough guy Molon Labe shit around here, Walk the walk, or it just talk,
I said nothing about mole man’s labia! Nice slow jam.
RE, Spect!
Wadda ya say?
Don’t grab my ass during the slow dance?!
Oh, so now you’re gonna make me barf?
I can’t help it if you have a weak stomach. Just like people who complain about spicy food.
Why do you hate
your anusme so much?I’m just sick of people asserting ”THIS place or THAT place gives me diarrhea!” I’m someone with a slow bowel, check your privilege!
I was saving this for Eric Clapton, but, what the hell.
I would posit “come and take it” is itself passive.
That is, quite simply, brilliant.
Are you Talkin’ to me?
Walk on home boy…
But I’m already home…
Were country roads involved?
listening to Richard Norton Smith
My 80yr old aunt called me today going on about she had to call 911 last night. I drove her through the bank drive-through and ran into the store for her yesterday. I’m thinking, “Oh fuck! I gave her CORONA!”; after several minutes she gets around to the point. She had a rash breakout. She blames the KFC she made me buy her (even though she’s never before had an allergic reaction to KFC). Doc prescribed some stuff, my mom picked it up. Thanks for the heart attack.
Bought into the panic erh?
No, but the way she went on about having to call 911 and how horrible it was that she couldn’t sleep…I was expecting something more than ”My back itched and I couldn’t reach it.”
Yes you did…
A KFC rash sounds positively South Park-ian. Was it that severe, or, is 911 just how she deals, medically?
She does like to complain, but I didn’t think she’d take a rash so far as to call 911.
Well, it’s probably one of their better calls, when all is accounted for.
1 case in the county. OMG!
Oh, I wasn’t even thinking of batusi. I’m sure even a rather pedestrian heart attack call is more stressful that a rash.
Heart attacks can’t go to the hospital! Gotta save beds for CORONA!
? ?
You need Cleansing, Soylent might work…
Let OzzyMan put a smile on yer face.
/that first one, not the….those 3
Dog Jenga! hell yes!
And a refreshing Nap!
I got a new cartridge for the record player a few weeks back and have been going through the collection. Playing the side 2 of Inner Visions right now, so good.
Great Album, I grew up with it
God I love the sound of a Moog Synth!
Viva El Moog!
I might get a chance to set up my EDM rig Friday, Moog Heaven!
Its 75 in here, I’m cold…..
This is Innervision, get it right….
Jesus Children of America.
That needs a comma in there.
Jesus, Children of America
Hows that,?
That says it all right there. I can’t believe what a few weeks have brought us. This is what my response music sounds like.
When does my Heat Pump start?it’s 73 in here!
It’s allegedly 70F inside, but 45F outside and high humidity. I feel freezing.
*turns on AC*
::tosses covers off. Cat parks itself on exposed legs::
That’s right about my threshold.
Yep, I run hot. Nurses kept trying to lower my temp and it turns out that I was “born that way”. O minus blood too.
“I mean who knows Marshall law may go into effect, ”
Marshall. ?
Beat me to it.
That’s some top-notch journalism there, yesiree.
I don’t remember much about that show.
No, This one
Lol…Arsenio Hall…
Never heard of it.
Having jogged my memory – it was forgettable schlock.
Remembering old TV series has me asking “Why would you ever name your show just ‘Legend‘???”
You know how many things turn up when searching for that?
I’m impressed that you remembered it.
I’m pretty sure my family might have been the only one to watch the original run all the way through.
I’m impressed that anyone remembers Arsenio Hall.
The stupid is spreading. Close the bridges!
“Makes me think it’s a little communist of them honestly. I get the priority there because they want to be safe for everyone, but tennis I see no problem with it,” Shane said.
So far, it appears our county parks are still open (all events/activities cancelled, of course,) with the obligatory warnings about social distancing.
Our township also has two parks. I should drive by and see if they’re accessible. Might have to stage a civil disobedience picnic.
Restaurant Update: You Can Get Liquor with Orders
Is it possible that pushback might actually work? Is that too much to hope for?
Two prepackaged drinks? Lame.
That’s plenty for a pre-teen…
Pushback working would be the governer resigning in disgrace and the state reopening. Not merely a loosening of the noose.
Yeah, we have a long way to go yet. ***SIGH!!!***
::pointedly refrains from holding breath::
Hey, GT! Shoe problem solved. Just needed to dip deeper into the stock. Wifey likes to purchase two pairs at a time when they’re on sale and I found the ones that worked for me last summer. When you do 10 to 15 miles per night they are important. Thanks for your recommendations!
Least I could do, which is why I did it. File for future reference. : )
Tip’s tinfoil tricorn.
Oh God. Teds is gonna kill me….
Poisoned myself a little at work last night. Fucking chemical sprays! How do they work? Dumb-ass.
Are you sure you’re not from Labrador or Winnipeg?
Nope. Just plain stupid.
Well done!
Someone hasn’t heard of MMT.
Mean Mountain Time?