“Nobody talk to the NCAA”
Kansas is about to have the NCAA hammer drop on them. Oregon’s governor said no sports with crowds through at least the end of September (which fucks me over, oddly enough). And the UFC is gonna make a fortune this weekend by not being pussies. And that’s sports.
Barbed wire creator John Gates was born on this day. He shares it with the man who ended WW2 with a bang Harry Truman, American golfer Francis Ouimet (I recommend “The Greatest Game Ever Played” as an excellent movie, btw), blues legend Robert Johnson, epitome of heroic defiance and great human being Mordecai Anielewicz, comedic actor Don Rickles, heavyweight champ Sonny Liston, novelist whose book was made into an undisputed (by intelligent people) great film Peter Benchley, rocker Ricky Nelson, and football coach Bill Cowher.
Good list. A couple of legendary people on it. But we have to move on to…the links!
Two pieces of shit will face justice. Good call. I hope they rot.
The story that caused a million heads to explode yesterday. It’s either an indictment of the FBI (I think it is), or it’s the end of rule of law in America (which it most certainly is not). I hope I get to repeat the previous headline about pieces of shit facing justice very soon, because heads should roll over this.
Some good news. So much for the meat shortage, amirite?
More good news! Governor Abbott slammed this idiot judge, as well as the Meal Team Six cops who went overboard in West Texas the other day, after issuing the revised order. He’s a great governor.
Prince Andrew just can’t catch a break. Well, aside from not facing charges for being a child rapist, I guess.
What could possibly go wrong? I have an idea: anybody that was in jail for a non-violent offense doesn’t need one and anybody that’s in jail for a violent crime needs to stay in jail. And then they can use the monitors on all cops. Problem solved, Chicago!
::cough::BULLSHIT::cough:: Put up or shut up, Newsom. Because this sounds like scapegoating.
Want to know how to drive kids to private schools or homeschooling? This is how you accomplish that. What’s with people making stupid declarations like this and what the Oregon governor are doing? It’s several months away. Stop trying to “out-care” each other and wait until you have more information, you bunch of dumbasses.
Get the blood pumping this morning. You’re welcome.
Now have a great day and a better weekend, friends!
“novelist whose book was made into a great film Peter Benchley”
I think the novel after that might have inspired the wet t-shirt contest.
I prefer crazy drugged-up Nolte over that Nolte.
Also, nice cans.
Oh yeah. She was in the nascent spank-bank. Actually saw it in the theater when it came out. Must have been 11 or 12.
That movie that invented the tropes is hackneyed because it uses the tropes it invented, don’t ya know
I loved The Deep and especially The Beast.
The Beast? Wasnt that one about the Nazi zombie shark-man?
Yep. “Ever seen a match burn twice?” * lights match, blows it out and applies the smoldering head to the unsuspecting victim’s forearm* I knew some cruel kids.
I hope everyone home schools and property taxes get cut in half.
Taxes won’t be cut in half. How else are they gonna pay those dedicated teachers who will be fucking off all day while parents go bananas?
I’m trying to find a silver lining in all this to maintain my sanity, even if it’s ironically delusional.
From the news the last few years the teachers will be teaching how to fuck with bananas and the the parents will be ordered to go away.
“Taxes won’t be cut in half. How else are they gonna pay those dedicated teachers who will be fucking off all day while parents go bananas?”
Yeah, the problem usually is the massive amount of administrators that add absolutely zero value to the system IMO. My town’s middle school had a shortage of teachers, but had about 20 bureaucrats that were all pushing papers and making upwards of $100K. And that does not include the 5 directors they had making over $200K. When people became wise to that and asked why we needed more than one, they told us because these people were mostly too busy with other commitments to always be around, and thus, 5 of them were needed to assure minimal disruption. Lucky for me the town held the line and we eventually ended up with only 2 people that get paid to not be around and twenty more that add zero value. In the mean time, the teachers complain about not enough of them being there to deal with the kids. Go figure. Soft people the lot of them.
I want to run a Spelling Bee just so I can assign the word “featherbedding” every year.
Yeah the idea of property taxes going down is hilarious. Even more funny is the butthurt and complaining already by muni’s bitching about not having the planned budget increases as if they are the only ones going through tough times in a country with more people unemployed than the great depression.
Oh no’s no pay increases and a hiring freeze? The horror.
On the radio yesterday, a teacher said she is working 11-12 hour days on lockdown.
She said she teaches first grade.
We call these people ‘liars’.
Yeah I picked up a teacher doing Uber the other day (Floriduh, ymmv). She told me she is still getting paid but barely does any work now.
The hosts didn’t call her out on it because they are teacher worshipers. That was some deep bullshit.
I question if she’s even being honest about being a teacher or where she says she lives. Do these people not realize that people have kids and are actually seeing what this distance learning actually consists of because they are all locked in their homes 24 hours a day?
They are hoping most of the parents remain disinterested enough that the truth will not come out about them really indoctrinating and not teaching.
You miss heard, she said she worked 11-12 days for an hour since lockdown started.
hahahahahahahaha. More than likely the opposite would happen.
or it’s the end of rule of law in America
Not railroading someone for political purposes has destroyed the rule of law. It is known.
Schiff said, “I think we lost 50 years’ worth of ground in solidifying the independence of the Justice Department after Watergate. This really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established, where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics. Here, Bill Barr, once again, doing the political dirty work for the president in making a case go away that the president tried to get Jim Comey to make go away and then fired him when he wouldn’t, tried to get Jeff Sessions to make go away and he wouldn’t.”
Elizabeth Warren✔
William Barr is not the President’s lawyer – he is the country’s lawyer. His political interference is blatantly corrupt and he should resign.
What does the Central Wisconsin Apartment Association have to do with this?
It’s now Cunts With Amazing Asses?
Have they not read the evidence? Did they not see the Brady material that was withheld, which had Comey’s handpicked team’s fingerprints all over it?
They might want to reconsider pushing the issue, because this will backfire spectacularly on them if they push it. Especially if Flynn comes out and says he only pleaded guilty to protect his family from the FBI’s extortion play.
^^^ !
The morons they are speaking to don’t care about evidence, witness the Title IX debacle.
What’s happening now is the backfiring for what they did before.
I find it especially galling that they’re playing the “but he confessed” argument when Obama’s main claim to fame prior to winning in 2008 was getting videotaped homicide interrogations mandatory in Illinois because false confessions were becoming common (The Reed Technique – most recently demonstrated on Making A Murderer and dramatized years earlier on Homicide).
I can understand campaigning on principle and then ignoring principle once you win office, but to campaign AGAINST principle after losing office is bizarre.
They’re screaming bloody murder about it because they know some of their peeps are in deep shit.
And those peeps might cut deals that implicate some of them.
And not just about what we know about….other stuff they did will come out as well.
It’s like an iceberg. What you see above the waterline is a fraction of what’s hiding below it.
See for example the revelation about the investigation of FISA warrant requests resulting in the vast majority of them coming up not just short in accuracy, but downright having no legitimate reason for ever having been submitted cause the SOP process to verify there was no abuse simply never was followed.
Also just take a look at how Hillary was let off the hook for clear criminal behavior. In her case I understand Obama had to tell the DOJ to turn a blind eye to it all, so he could avoid being implicated and destroyed by Herself as she took everyone down with her, though.
Look at those names and tell me we didn’t fundamentally have a banana republic under Obama, the remnants of which are still fighting to keep a lid on what they did.
A law that hasn’t been used since the 19th century is drug out to pursue an incoming National Security Advisor and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Desperate times…..
A law that hasn’t been used since the 19th century is
drugdragged out… /pedant mode“drug out”: much like “chill out” except with the assistance of pharmaceutical intervention. ;-)
And this will be worth fighting over.
I would caution everyone not to read Popehat’s take on this if they value their keyboards.
Over at TOS, John was having a field day.
John hates popehat so much. But than again John hates a lot of people. But popehat has legit lost his mind. Him and Balko are two guys I legit lost all respect for. It’s unfortunate Orange Man syndrome melted their brains.
Popehat blocked me so fortunately I can’t.
That guy is a gigantic cunte.
It’s for the best trust me.
Oh my god did Trump ever break him. He was always a lefty, but for a long time seemed like a sane, honest lefty who was great on 1A issues.
Now, he’s a complete lunatic who blocks anyone who even mildly disagrees with him.
Popehat needs blocked from the boots that need licking.
*glances at popehat’s twitter feed*
He’s taken the position that since he confessed, the DOJ should not relent. That’s pretty much the summation of his argument. Exculpatory evidence be damned.
Once a ruthless prosecutor always a ruthless prosecutor? How many times have we seen this with some other egregious injustice – a line of prosecutors backing up the original?
Somebody should link his OWN blog posts on Never Talk to the Feds back to him.
Look what they make you do: cry for the imprisonment of an innocent man because your politics demands it.
I hope this precedent is applied even handily to every fbi case going forward. It’s a fucking bullshit standard. That organization needs quarantined inside the hoover building and have it’s budget lit on fire.
Why not just set the building on fire?
No that’s not right. They need to be cast out into the street and the building be sold to a developer and the proceeds used to retire a tiny sliver of the debt.
A whorehouse/chicken wing hybrid would be a good start.
Because I’m not positive half the posters here aren’t informants and I think it would be funnier if they had to report to work without a budget to actually investigate anything more involved than hr complaints and who left the toilet seat up.
Warren is such an unlikable piece of shit.
::cough::BULLSHIT::cough:: Put up or shut up, Newsom. Because this sounds like scapegoating.
If a republican blamed a nail salon, how long would it take for them to be called a racist? 5 minutes? 10?
Cancelling sports was extra stupid. Athletes are generally young and very healthy.
Although maybe not the coaches. Andy Reid looks like the Hamburglar.
Just test them all. I’m sure that’s what the UFC is doing.
That’s what the NRL is going to do in Australia. They’re restarting later this month.
Sounds reasonable until the first person tests positive and sport is cancelled again.
Give the anti-body test too. Then it’s a “so what?”
So much for the meat shortage, amirite?
I don’t do bugs.
Supermarket had a two per customer limit on meat.
These two are for me. Each of these other pairs are for my other personalities.
How you gonna get a full belly on two bugs?
Depends on the size of the bug
I’ve seen news stories talking about how this time is the time that more people will shift to meat alternatives and stay with them going forward.
Vegan remorselessly fapping…
lmao keep dreaming vegan commies.
That’s a “be careful what you wish for” scenario — if the vast majority of North America’s meat-eaters were to switch to vegetable sources of protein, you’d see the veg protein supply chain empty out almost overnight, with zero replenishment until Fall harvest, assuming of course our idiot politicians don’t cripple ag production this summer.
Don’t worry CAIR is on the job and those meat shortages will soon be over.
Way to build up good will CAIR!
The action Thursday was a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. It comes even though prosecutors for the past three years have maintained that Flynn lied to the FBI in a January 2017 interview about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.
Even though.
Even though Flynn was viewed as a promising lever with which to pry the Usurper off the throne.
They maintained it for three years…until they were forced to produce evidence they’d withheld proving it was all a set-up.
Heads should roll.
I’d pay to see Brennan’s head mounted on one of spikes atop the fence surrounding the White House. There are about a dozen or two more that should join him. Fucking Commies.
How a man who admitted to voting for CPUSA candidates ever achieved a high position of power in the CIA will always baffle me. Where the fuck is James Jesus Angleton when you need him????
Baffled how? He was promoted by Barakimnotasocialist Obama.
Yes, but he was already chief of staff to the CIA director under Clinton and deputy director under GWB. It wasn’t just Obama who promoted this shitbird.
Didn’t he plead guilty? I mean there is NO WAY an innocent person would plead guilty when going up against the limitless resources of government, the threat of having stacks of charges added to equal possible lifetime sentences, having their family threatened by the same limitless government, or the thought of facing a biased TDS judge or jury who would ignore the facts just so they get to burn a witch. NEVER WOULD’A HAPPENED.
Trump should hold a press conference where he trots out a bunch of people who pleaded guilty to crimes they didn’t commit, under intense pressure from the cops.
Bonus points if he brings people from Pelosi and Schiff’s districts.
This would really be worth watching…
Double bonus for someone prosecuted by Kamala Harris.
Something like that.
More good news!
The cop in the pic has his mask below his nose…
I can’t stress enough how much I want those two to spend a long time in prison. I mean, this was so egregious it might have resulted in (misdemeanor, probably) charges in Chicago.
It’s akin to “Deliverance” except for the fact that they didn’t fuck him up the ass and just plain murdered the guy (Race issues aside, of course).
“Attorney General Barr’s politicization of justice knows no bounds,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.
“If there’s any politicization of justice to be done around here…”
I’m coming around to the idea of 4 more years of Trump – these people will go totally over the cliff.
She’s evil. She’s an evil old woman that leaves her fortune to the cat shelter rather then give her Grandchildren a pittance because one of them broke a tea cup from her collection. I don’t cotton to hatred much but I loathe Nancy Pelosi.
Aw, she might bequeath them some half-eaten freezer-burnt ice cream.
“The story that caused a million heads to explode yesterday. It’s either an indictment of the FBI (I think it is), or it’s the end of rule of law in America (which it most certainly is not).”
It’s both Sloop. And the real story is this one: Obama knew. I am gonna go out on a limb and tell you that he not only knew, but he was running this shit show through Brennan and other asshats in his weaponized administration. That fucker should be making my next set of personal plates in a PMITA prison. Most ethical administration EVAH! Yeah, Nixon was railroaded for wishing for/asking for law breaking things that were SOP in the Obama administration.
Of course he knew – one of the Lisa Page texts from back in 2016 said something like “POTUS wants to be kept informed of what we’re doing”
Those were jokes and hyperbole chipperwooder they in no way actually meant anything to *checks notes the field agents and DOJ prosecutors investigating the case.
Everyone keeps skirting around mentioning the LIghtbringer’s name for this. I think mainly because of his likability with their base. I truly hope every last one of them gets the justice they deserve and the whole world sees the truth.
It’s become very apparent that Flynn was going to be in position to expose all of the shenanigans the Obama administration had pulled, and they wanted him gone because of it.
Obama sicked his weaponized bureaucracy at Flynn for two reasons. This was one of them. The other was pure vindictiveness because Flynn had called them out on politicizing intelligence and the horrible Iran deal lying to the American people so Obama could claim this as his legacy. Like all team blue capos, Obama believed that the best way to deal with those that pissed you off was to destroy them completely and leave them to linger in limbo. The okld communist/fascist reeducation/death camps and the usual Clinton suicides were just so old school for Obama…
Flynn was vocally on board with ending the wars and jailing Hilldog. Here we are four years later, the wars are still going and she’s still free.
So it obviously worked.
What baffles me is how people don’t recognize that if they can so this to a guy like Flynn, most people aren’t even a speed bump.
Speaking of that Tundra, I seriously had a lib tell me that because they were small potatoes, they never had to worry about the scary government apparatchiks coming after them like those higher ups in power. It so baffled me that they thought they would be safe from these people when the inverse was demonstrated by the actions so far revealed, that I asked them to elaborate.Their logic was that these powerful people wouldn’t bother with nobodies because they would be punching up. Me pointing out that the logic shared was dumb as shit because these autocrats would much rather punch down – especially for petty and personal reasons – because that was far less risky and difficult, was not well received. So when cornered with this, the lib reverted to the “well, they did it to protect my team, so I will just go along with it” defense. You know, like the whole #MeToo movements recent revelation that they believe Tara Reade, but that they would stick with Biden because of team.
Fucking nuts.
Principals over principles.
Yes, and supposedly he had a plan to reorganize the intelligence agencies.
Flynn had made it very clear that the weaponized bureaucracy was so politicized it could no longer function, and he planned to clean house. That pissed off a lot of the Obama appointees that were picked not for their skills or ability to do a good job, but to be loyal and do whatever Obama and his people asked, no matter how criminal, and knew they would be seeing the door. And hence, we are now here after 3 years of this shit.
Rumor that Oregon and OSU could switch home and home years.
OSU only has 4 Big Ten home games in 2021. They’re not gonna give up that extra home game next year and swap it with one where they’re probably only allowed to sell 30-40k tickets this fall.
They need to enforce the force majeure clause in the contract and find another opponent. Or just play in an empty Autzen Stadium and run the head-to-head winning streak to 10-0.
OSU only has 4 Big Ten home games in 2021
This is why 9 is the proper conference size. Full round robin and an even number of games, so home and road are in balance. And why if you are going to violate that, like all conferences do these days, you still play 8 conference games.
The conferences with 12 teams who only play three crossover games while padding their OOC schedules with November FCS schools should be taken out back and shot.
All P5 teams should play their OOC games early unless a late season opponent is also a P5 school. And I’m including Notre Dame as a non-P5 school. Fuck them and their “mystique” when they never manage to show up for big games.
The Pac-12 California may or not be screwed. Either way, I doubt they’ll lift a finger to help Oregon teams. I foresee lots of games in Arizona and Utah – and tough shit about your evil Governor.
Who cares it’s the pac-12
Rather watch pewee football. Basically the same style of play and it’s cheaper to attend.
Me dammit!
Damn drake I guess nobody’s perfect.
I didn’t really until grad school at USC. Hard to be on that campus for 2 years and not get pulled into it.
i mean I love the talent off the field of the fanbase some real hotties. Respect. But as a brand of football? It’s just tiresome the amount of talk to actual quality of on the field performance you see.
They had a good run with Pete Carroll. Since then they’ve run through too many ADs and coaches. Dumping Ed Orgeron was really stupid.
A. its where the OnlyOSU is (Baseball, bitches!)
B. is there anyother confrence? Nope…
C. Fight, Fight, Fight for the Crimson and Grey!
Please tell ESPN and that idiot Scott before they try to revive their buttcrack of dawn game starts to curry favor with indifferent east coast viewers and sports media.
Rumor that Oregon and OSU could switch home and home years.
Not a rumor. It’s called the Civil War and has been going on for the past 59 years (longer as OAC/OSC, except some of those were played in Portland).
“This whole thing started in the state of California — the first community spread — in a nail salon,” he said.
I’m gonna need something a little more substantial than an assertion.
I keep looking for the “without evidence” disclaimer in that article, but for some reason it’s not there.
Fucking Newsom is acting like FDR Junior. Who doesn’t think of a certain demographic when you mention “Nail Salons”. He’s evil. He’s Greg Stillson from The Dead Zone.
Greg Stillson was just fucking crazy. Newsom is evil.
The Progs always try to paint Trump as being that way. Fuck me. I’ve been drinking too much lately and working too hard. My patience is running right the fuck out.
I am no fan of orange man, but I find myself getting forced to defend the guy way more often than I want to from not just baseless, but downright obviously false accusations that are nothing but bullshit because I see the danger of letting team blue get away with the evil shit they are doing. I am furious at the money printing going on, but I am far more concerned about/terrified of what happens if we let team blue get away with the weaponized bureaucracy Obama created so they could permanently take hold of power (at any and all costs).
“San Antonio passes resolution declaring the term ‘Chinese virus’ hate speech – as Ted Cruz calls the decision ‘nuts’
The term Chinese virus has been labelled hate speech by San Antonio’s city council.
Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who put forward the now-passed resolution, blamed the use of the terms Chinese virus and Kung Fu virus for a rise in hate speech during the course of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Texas city will now ask its citizens to ‘report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation’, according to San Antonio’s WOAI-TV.
US senator Ted Cruz blasted the decision as ‘nuts’. He added that the council were acting like ‘a lefty college faculty lounge’.”
How’d they get “antisemitic” in there? Do those dumb fucks even know what that word means?
Also, lockdown Ted Cruz has been the best Ted Cruz. It was a low bar, to be sure, but he’s been hilariously caustic with his language.
The notorious Chinese Jew!
I read that in “The Hat” voice! That’s been happening a lot lately.
Oh good…I thought I was the only one starting to merge realities
Marco Polo reported encountering a community of Jews in China. Finally, they reemerge.
-2 / Tom Johnston and Eudora Welty
I guess Bexar County has a sleepy little town that needs renaming?
Doobies did write one great song, I’ll give you that.
I was driving through there once and guess what came on the radio. At the time I thought ‘holy shit. The Matrix is a documentary’.
Guess Hated Chinee is right out now.
The preferred construction is Murder Asians
So you are saying that it is a Chinese virus that is Chinese and from China? ///WuFlu ///Sinovirus ///CommieCough ///LungPaoSicken ///etc.
California man.
The Modesto CHP arrested Gabriel Moreno after he allegedly jumped on a moving tanker truck carrying bulk red wine, climbed under its belly to unscrew a valve, and drank the wine as the truck traveled up Highway 99.
Video of the wild ride was recorded on the Cherokee Freight Lines tanker truck Moreno allegedly targeted.
The dashcam video first shows Moreno in a sedan, putting his hazard lights on, directing the truck to the side of the highway.
The truck driver pulls over, believing he may have a mechanical problem, only to see Moreno get out with only his underwear on. The camera shows Moreno running to the passenger side of the truck and out of view.
As the truck driver pulls back on the freeway, another onboard camera captures Moreno jump back into view, then on the back of the wine truck.
With no shirt and no shoes, he rides on the side of the tanker. The video then shows him climb underneath the truck as it hits freeway speeds.
No shirt, no shoes, moving service.
“Cherokee Freight Lines”
The bath salts were making him thirsty.
Oklahoma woman.
Oklahoma City police identified a woman accused of firing shots inside a McDonald’s restaurant after being told by employees that the dining room was closed due to coronavirus restrictions. …
According to police, the suspect entered the restaurant and was told by employees the dining area was closed. She was asked to leave but refused, and police said a physical altercation ensued between the suspect and an employee.
Police said the suspect was then forced out of the restaurant by employees. She reentered the restaurant with a handgun and fired about three rounds in the restaurant, according to police.
I’m lovin it!
“It begins…”
If I ever was gonna be tempted to go play for the other team, I would go for this guy and because he does things like this.
MN can’t open until WI says its safe. If it saves one urban blue voter’s life…
You mean the urban voter likely to not be one of the ones that lost their job and as an introvert loves the fact they now can work from home and goof off with their pets and family while collecting a pay check? The one that wants this shit to last forever because work is for the idiots that don’t know how to do something useless and get paid for it?
We have jobs that can be done at home only because we have homes, food, electrical grids etc
Those who are for this lasting forever while they work from home are soon going to sing a different song.
Yeah, that is something I am flabbergasted never registers with this crowd. These however, in their defense, tend to be the same people that tell me electric cars are great for the environment and that I am crazy when I react the way I do when I respond to their response that “electricity comes from the wall, of course” to my question of where they think that electricity the car uses comes from….
“…if you keep everybody under home arrest and say you cannot practice your business, you cannot sell your goods, there will continue to be economic calamity.”
Uh…I think that is the point; economic calamity.
And he is rocking the beard these days.
Robert Johnson
The significance of his recordings just can’t be overestimated. Here’s I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom.
That gives on to Elmore James.
Which further gives ZZ Top.
Johnson dawned a century of greatness.
And the cool myth of how he got his talent
Turns out that Crowdstrike admitted under oath to congress they had no direct evidence that the russians hacked the dnc emails. lmao. What a fun news week.
Fuckin’ knew it.
I know it’s scary it’s almost like the conspiracy theorist and kooks got this one 100% right. Who could have guessed cnn/wapo/NYT were gaslighting and misleading us the whole time?
*raises hand*
They got it right because it’s not even hidden, the information is right there plain sight. A simple timeline of known actions shows that the primary email “hack” was not a hack at all, but came from an inside source.
Everyone KNEW this was bullshit. But they ran with it for 3 plus years Banjo, because they absolutely needed to paralyze this guy’s administration – both to protect Black Jesus’ rule by the pen& his manufactured legacy and the weaponized bureaucracy he created for their role in this sham so they could keep lying about how “scandal free” the Obama administration was – and provide themselves with the cover that would allow them to run a soft coup. We the people are lucky these people are not just inept, but downright stupid, and that they failed.
Now we get to expose the corruption of the Obama administration, destroy the myth of how “scandal free” and “transparent” that banana republic of an administration was, expose the media as nothing more than dnc operatives with bylines, and do incalculable damage to the lefts mad rush to destroying this republic in the pursuit of the left’s fantasy of a totalitarian state run by a hereditary credentialed elite class that lives in Panem on the backs of the fucking unwashed serf class, all while telling them they are taking care of them by making them settle for the lowest common denominator.
Fuck the lot of these cuntes.
Great rant. Would read again and agree.
Who’s gonna report the bombshell story? That’s right, none of the legacy media. I’m so pissed off right now and I want individuals to pay for this egregious assault on our society.
Of course they didn’t. But I guarantee they destroyed the evidence that would have determined who did.
I think you mean murdered *cough Seth Rich *cough.
In local news… You mean pushing through a bunch of unplanned bills with contradictory purposes could have negative consequences?
Wow. there was a hard frost, last night. Fucking global warming- how does it work?
We’re getting snow predicted for this weekend/early next week. I’d really like some decent weather. Maybe we all need to idle our cars in the driveway for a couple hours a day.
Beans. More beans. Maybe Laser Beans.
Flatulence is causing AGW!
Snow possible tomorrow. In Virginia, in May. I had to turn the heat on. In Virginia, in May.
It’s cold for May.
Robert Johnson
My dumb ass linked thrice, the deadliest of sins, and so a great post will be forever in moderation; I tried: I tried too hard.
Shorter version: youtube to I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom; then try on some Elmore James; top off with ZZ Top.
Johnson dawned a century of greatness.
Son House in his early days was the better vocalist. It’s amazing that House, Johnson, and Muddy Waters all came from the same little place.
and BB and John Lee
and me
Look what they make you do: cry for the imprisonment of an innocent man because your politics demands it.
No infidel is innocent.
Politics often makes me think of that Bourne Identity scene where Bourne kills the other assassin and he says “Look what they make you give”
Can someone explain to me in a sane fashion how those two guys in GA shouldn’t have been arrested and charged? I’m seeing some members of conservative media kind of trying to in a round about way defend these fucking hicks.
I have no idea.
Wow. I haven’t seen anybody try to defend their actions. Who would even bother trying to do so?
I’ve seen a couple people pull the whole wait and see move on it as if the GA police and DA had some kind of legitimate excuse to delay arresting these guys.
People who reflexively worship cops, since the father is a former cop? Just my guess.
I’ve read some “well, AKSHULLY…” posts claiming that this guy actually was a burglar, etc, all of which elides the fact that shooting an unarmed man out in public isn’t generally an acceptable way of handling burglars anyway.
I’ve heard that they were trying to make a citizens arrest…which also ignores the whole chase and murder thing.
You shoot a man in your house who broke in? I have no problem with that. You rove around a neighborhood hunting down a man you think might have broken into other people’s houses, and kill him while he’s unarmed? Yeah, you’re a murderer at that point.
Yeah, you can’t do a “citizens arrest” and oops I’m wrong but you resisted. That’s called kidnapping and murder.
Seems like former cop didn’t realize he was used to special Kings Men rules
I mean you do have to admit it is a surprising vigilante anarchy perspective from the cop worshiping set. My guess is it wouldn’t apply consistently to every situation. It’s hard to swallow that this is in fact not about race this time.
Did the cops have the video?
If no, I can understand.
Yeah they sat on it since February. The fucking joggers family had to get discovery to see it and put it out there before they did shit.
I’m not talking about people defending the cops waiting to charge him. If they just got the evidence, I understand that part. I’m talking about people actually defending the action. Anybody that would do that, in light of what’s now out there for the world to see, is either a bootlicking imbecile or an out-and-out racist. Or both.
The Senator from Pendergast.
Cenk isn’t very bright.
Cenk Uygur
If we had a Democrat with balls when we take over, they’d cut off funding to red states & make them beg for their handout. Almost all of them are welfare queens who live off the blue states. Republican run states are on average miserable failures who take more from federal govt.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
Well run States should not be bailing out poorly run States, using CoronaVirus as the excuse! The elimination of Sanctuary Cities, Payroll Taxes, and perhaps Capital Gains Taxes, must be put on the table. Also lawsuit indemnification & business deductions for restaurants & ent.
The feds spend a lot of our money on military installations/universities/healthcare/welfare in all states.
If you spend yourself into debt because you believe the government will bail you out, and demand that bailout, I think you’re at much a sink for tax money as those states that take it up front.
Cenk literally named his show after the people who committed the Armenian Genocide.
Slimy carpet salesman is what I feature every time I see that fat fuck’s visage. If that’s a little racist then I can live with that small sin.
It’s kind of funny, every time I’ve seen a picture of him over the years his face is a little fatter, like a balloon being blown up, and now about ready to pop.
The left has an magazine actually called: the Jacobin Historical shame is not for them.
And festoons everything they do with hammers and sickles.
Maybe Cenk will make that the centerpiece of his run for Congress!
Ohhhhh…..wait a minute…..
Eric Moyé is a cunte
Republic of Texas! Don’t trust Moye! Moye is asshoe!
“Sarah Silverman sports jaunty ponytail and sunglasses as she joins in nightly salute to healthcare workers in NYC
She’s made a point of making a noise every night at 7 to show support for New York’s frontline healthcare workers.
And on Thursday, Sarah Silverman once again took to the fire escape of her apartment to bang pots and pans.
The comedienne seemed to be having a blast as she laughed and hollered while hitting a frying pan with a pair of metal tongs.”
That sounds insufferable.
Wifey #1 looked and acted very much like her. Sarcasmatronic.
Looking like her is fine. Acting like her? Hard pass.
Hey, she was great in Star Trek: Voyager! A veritable tour de force.
I saw that one a couple of years back. During the original TV run I’d stopped watching after the first season because that was back when you had to watch things at a certain time and I guess I couldn’t for some reason. Anyway through all the years of reruns I never caught up until relatively recently and those later seasons were definitely worth it. I was bummed that they didn’t take the opportunity to launch a new series by using that time ship episode as a backdoor pilot. Star Trek: Relativity would have had a nice ring to it. Instead they decided to fuck up the whole time cops/Temporal Prime Directive thing with the temporal wars story arc in Enterprise.
I didn’t hear a peep out of my neighbors last night. It was weird. The last couple of weeks they’ve been banging and hollering, and even letting off fireworks for the Thursday night cult worship. They had their gardener round a couple of times this week, plus they’re in their second home which they traveled to after the lockdown, so perhaps they finally figured they should probably keep it on the DL. I actually like that they are scofflaws, and they didn’t mind my smokey bonfire either.
In related news, I was the only person within visual range who seemed to be taking part in the (poorly advertised) 11am doorstep 2 minutes of silence for VE day. That’s my signalling to noone done for the day. It seems ironic celebrating victory of totalitarian zealots while under national house arrest.
The more I learn about the end of the war in Europe, about the Communist atrocities that were rug swept by the Allies, about the forced repatriation of Soviet, the ethnic cleansing of Germans in Eastern Europe, the less VE Day really strikes me as a celebration.
Maybe those miserable people just decided to turn on the gas.
File under “used to be funny”
Texas reported more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases for the third straight day as the state heads into its first weekend of reopening the economy with limited measures.
The Texas Department of Health reported 1,293 new positive cases of Covid-19 on Saturday, which is its second highest single-day infection rate. This also marks the first time Texas has recorded more than 1,000 cases three days in a row.
Texas now has a total of 30,552 positive cases and 847 fatalities. The spike in infection rate comes after Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order on April 28 allowing certain businesses to reopen on May 1.
Define “case” plz.
Something tells me at least 85% of those “cases” are people who are not even sick.
Simpler than that, even: the death trend in Texas is the envy of the other 49 states. If they don’t care about rights or data, what exactly are their pronouncements based upon?
Power lust of course
My favorite is Oregon. Look at the linear scale in comparison to other states. The entire thing is a flat line, and yet, lockdowns continue!
Media Outlets Mislead Readers about COVID-19 Data
Cases are going to keep going up as more and more testing is done.
It’s ICU% that needs to be monitored.
“I don’t like it being used for nefarious purposes,’ Oakley said to the Hollywood Reporter in March, after three stills of the episode went viral and compared the ‘Osaka Flu’ to the problematic ‘Chinese Virus’ – a name popularized by conservative circles”
Yesterday, the Minnesoda dept of health was going on and on about the need for more contact tracers. Today there is a nice story about the actual bill. And by nice, I mean… um….. Uffda, I got nothing.
The lede:
Later in the story, the actual number turns out to be $250M for this program. But it is OK because $200M is coming from the Feds!
Also, if you test positive and rat people out to these contact tracers, they will run those contacts down and tell them they are in mandatory quarantine for 14 days. I plan to start compiling a list of Karens if I ever test positive. Also think I can name the Gov and force him to quarantine for 14 days?
So if a police officer touches me, does the police department shut down for 14 days?
+1 / Alabama
We’ll use that system as a baseline design for our upskirt abortion sniffer infrastructure.
Jeez, Don! Don’t harsh my vibe! It’s getting to be shorty-shorts season here and you want to jeopardize sun-dresses? Have you no mercy in these trying times?
effective Contact tracing a virus that is largely asymptomatic and has a 14 day gestation period is the dream of a retarded public health officials who absolutly don’t live in this plane of reality. Anyone who seriously suggests it as a way forward and assigns a budget to do it should be regarded as either an insane retard or a conartist grifter.
Can a retard really be be insane? Wouldn’t the retardation kinda prevent them from the conscious acts of insanity?
I don’t know, but now I want to see an example this psychosis. Be a great premise for a film.
Don’t mention cake….
maybe hatred of cake is an underlying sign of this malady.
Wilford Brimley:
[on tape] Hi. This is Wilford Brimley. Welcome to Retardation: A Celebration. Now, hopefully with this book, I’m gonna dispel a few myths, a few rumors. First off, the retarded don’t rule the night. They don’t rule it. Nobody does. And they don’t run in packs. And while they may not be as strong as apes, don’t lock eyes with ’em, don’t do it. Puts ’em on edge. They might go into berzerker mode; come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows. You might be screaming “No, no, no” and all they hear is “Who wants cake?” Let me tell you something: They all do. They all want cake.
I know you jest, but yes developmentally disabled people can also suffer from other forms of mental illness and in my limited experience seem to at a higher rate than normal. Or maybe normies are just better at concealing their issues.
What is a normie? Cause I have only met crazy people and fucking crazy people….
“Minnesota’s Department of Health is asking for tens of millions of dollars to build a massive — but temporary — apparatus”
Now do the DMV and automated licensing.” Just a few more million and a few more years and we’ll be there”
Now do voting in Presidential Elections.
We should be just treating people and working up tobherd immunity. Contact tracing is completely senseless right now.
which makes sense why the SCIENCE crowd is pushing for it.
The feds spend a lot of our money on military installations/universities/healthcare/welfare in all states.
Don’t forget teh ROADZZ.
Conservative Militia Group Prepares For Societal Collapse By Training As Hairstylists, Nail Technicians
They’re more right than wrong.
The fact we didn’t and aren’t opening keeping wth the lockdowns means we’re in trouble in the long-run in my view.
No one in their right mind would open a business after this complete hysteria. Had they opened up I think all this misery and stress wouldn’t have taken place or at least kept to a minimum. Instead, they keep pushing it which now makes me think it’s malice.
I wonder how much of this is tied into November. Would they be acting this way if it wasn’t an election year? It makes no sense states that have TINY numbers would double down.
If a virus really did come around killing 2-3 million people in a 6 month timeframe you would legit have societal collapse. I’m almost convinced of it. We are suffering food shortages now. Tens of thousand dieing a day for months time would be catastrophic to how soft people are today. And that is a realistic possibility to happen one of these times.
Look up Ezekiel Emanual if you haven’t.
This fucken prick is so beyond the pale evil if you had to draw up a comic villain you’d have to use his punum.
This bioethicist (red flag!) penned an article in The Atlantic six years ago making the case that living past 75 isn’t worth it.
Now he’s acting like he wants to save everyone. He predicted 100 million cases by now and has done nothing but fear monger and be wrong. He’s one of the degenerate twats insisting lockdowns must continue for 18 months.
Tell you what piece of shit, shut it down. But hand over your pay check you son of a bitch.
Holy shit what genius optics.
“Some federal employees likely aren’t taking vacation right now, either because they’re under state stay-at-home orders or there’s simply too much work to do — or some combination of both.
A few House Democrats are eyeing new legislation that would ensure federal employees can hold onto the annual leave they’d otherwise have to forfeit at the end of the year.”
JFC they have no shame. There are 33 million unemployed fucking people. Get a goddamn grip.
I really hope there’s another government shutdown after this. I want to see the news spin the stories about the poor government workers who are having their pay delayed for a couple of weeks and how they’re suffering. I think the people who were laid off, and didn’t get back pay will remember.
I’ve been telling people who are for the lockdown basically this: You stupid dumb fucks. If this persists or there’s another hysterical meltdown lockdown next up to pay the price are government workers and people working from home. You splendidly clueless, pant shitting morons. SMEs and ‘non-essentials’ have taken the hit. They’ve been sacrificed as you watched stupid #CanadaTogether shows and sang O Canada deluding themselves into thinking they were saving lives.
I get a blank stare back.
Canada just announced 2 million jobs lost in ONE month in April.
Wow. This virus is some kind of job killer, eh?
Fucken sheep.
I heard last night on “The Most Trusted” that it was 5 million. In a population of 40. This is fucked up. Now we have regional arguments wherein your asshole from Quebec is telling the country that the oil-sands are doomed. Super helpful you fucking leech. Transfer payments have been paying your freight for 40 years and you have the gall to spit in the face of Western Canada? We need a a secession and we need it now!
Yeh, it’s getting all kinds out of control.
America lost 20 million in April.
I just heard a 33 million number bandied about as a total loss. That would put unemployment in the 14% range.
My opinion is we haven’t even gotten out of the uncertainty phase. The free fall is coming.
As I recall. 16.8 million lost in March. 20 million lost in April. 36 million lost in 7 weeks.
Unemployment rate in excess of 14%.
It’s actually worse than that.
There’s two million people in Canada?
Some animals are more equal than others.
Yeah that irks me. There is nothing stopping me from taking leave. Sure I can’t go on my planned trip but I am still taking it to get my own R&R.
I feel so ashamed for being FedGov when shit like this comes out.
Jesus Christ will someone pull the vaudeville cain on Newsom already? I think that fucker is dumber than Justin Poptart Lasagna.
All these Democrats are sociopaths.
Meanwhile, that South Dakota Governor gives me hope. Outstanding.
I’m voting for her.
They all seem to have great hair, though.
So when all these motherfuckers went on CNN and MSNBC claiming they had seen evidence of Russian collusion, they were lying.
Probably a shoe-in for trading moral character for helping remove orangemanbad.
There were over 57 Obama admin people that were interviewed, under oath, and asked of any evidence they had, no matter how flimsy. Not a single one of them had anything. And I mean absolutely anything (not just evidence that could be held up in court, but anything verified that might otherwise not be admissible). They then classified and hid these findings for over 3 years so they could run their soft coup. The Obama administration would give any of the old hand Soviet style tyrannical and criminal governments a smile for how effective it was at hiding its criminality and abuses.
Many of us counted scores of abuses, but the fact is that for every one of those we saw there had to be twenty or more that never made it to the light of day. And the fact that the dnc operatives with bylines are volunteering to help them cover up their criminality and abuse should remind us all that our press has sold out to the tyrants because the tyrants peddle feelings and pretend to care.
“There were over 57 Obama admin people that were interviewed…”
One for each state!
Yes, they were.
Wait, you mean admitted perjurer James Clapper was dishonest again? The devil you say!
““Why don’t we go back to that sentence that I just asked you about. It says ‘the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their staff dealing with Russians,” Gowdy said. “Well, how would you know what the U.S. government knew at that point? You didn’t work for it, did you?”
“I didn’t,” said Farkas, a former mid-level Russia analyst who left the federal government in 2015.
“Then how did you know?” Gowdy responded.
“I didn’t know anything,” Farkas said.
“Did you have information connecting the Trump campaign to the hack of the DNC?” Gowdy asked.
“No,” Farkas admitted.
“So when you say, ‘We knew,’ the reality is you knew nothing,” Gowdy asked later during the deposition.
“Correct,” Farkas responded.
Gowdy didn’t stop there.
“So when you say ‘knew,’ what you really meant was felt?” he asked.
“Correct,” Farkas answered.
“You didn’t know anything?” Gowdy continued.
“That’s correct,” Farkas responded.
Farkas, a Democrat, is currently running for Congress in New York’s 17th district.”
Sad thing is that even after this she will probably still win.
Doesn’t matter to the true team blues because it’s the classic collectivist mantra of “by any means necessary”, which excuses anything in pursuit of leftopia, the first priority of which is the removal of BOM from power. It all gets memory-holed in The Narrative and they move on to whatever’s next – what are they up to now? Plan F? G?
“So when all these motherfuckers went on CNN and MSNBC claiming they had seen evidence of Russian collusion, they were lying.”
The fact that they didn’t immediately leak, considering how much leaking they did, it was the giveaway to me that they had nothing and were just making shit up. With the frequency and easy that they leaked false narratives, had they had proof, there is no doubt that they would have not just pasted it front page on every freaking medium, but they would then have immediately impeached Trump, Pence, the speaker of the house, and given the throne to Herself to punish the assholes that dared to fuck over the election they had rigged for Crooked Hillary. The fact that everything they did amounted to cheap prosecutorial tricks to get people connected to Trump on any possible charge, no mater how ludicrous and especially meaningless, all so they could then say “see, we might have nothing, but these people were crooks anyway”, was so blatantly obvious that it left no doubt in my mind people that didn’t see this whole thing was made up did that because they needed to ignore the truth/reality to avoid having to ask themselves the though questions.
I expect them to now double down on the lying and deflecting. Especially the media. One would think that finding out you were not just hoodwinked, but fucking used like a cheap whore that didn’t even get paid would dissuade these douches from carrying water for these team blue and deep state Bolsheviks any longer, but my bet is that these assholes double down. Admitting you were that stupid & partisan and that you basically aided and abetted the criminals, is too much of a psyche dump for them.
And the saddest part is there is a lot of Americans out there who still believe all the bullshit.
I love the recent quotes from numerous team blue miscreants that the disservice and abuse of the law is on those that didn’t let them get away with this criminal behavior. And yes, there are a lot of morons still accepting that defense as a good enough reason to stick with the debunked narrative.
The opposition to the dropping of the case that I have seen COMPLETELY ignores the DOJ’s shenanigans.
It doesn’t matter to them what the government does as long as they get their desired outcome. It’s frankly astounding to see how vehement they are in this matter.
We’ll see what Sullivan does with this.
I suspect that a lot of the collusion peddlers will suffer hard in their attempts to ignore the reality that they were used/mislead or believed this bullshit, and will do their best to have to avoid admitting that they were part of another conspiracy and criminal enterprise of the Obama administration’s weaponized bureaucratic machine, but in the end will not be able to admit they were wrong. Their identity is wrapped in these lies, and admitting they were player or went along with the lying, would hurt that. And these shallow people will not be able to cope with that, so they will not go there.
The team blue deep staters simply can’t admit they were part of this criminal enterprise, because there will be consequences. The media can’t admit they are team blue shills even though there is no doubt of that anymore. So the Kabuki theater will keep going on for these scumbags.
So they entrapped the guy based on manufactured evidence of a crime that never happened, then told him they would do the same to his kid if he didn’t cave in to their demands, offered him a shitty deal the law firm he first had told him he should take (a law firm where Eric Holder now worked and whom was regularly conferred with by Flynn’s first attorney team), but then also demanded that deal be hidden from the court (so they could then go after Trump, use Flynn as a witness for the prosecution, and not disclose they coerced Flynn to do that), and then spent years hiding this shit, but these people will still pretend that Flynn is the bad guy because they forced him to plead guilty? Yeah, these people are not advocates for a totalitarian state where the state manufactures a crime against a man they need to destroy, at all.
“The fact that they didn’t immediately leak, considering how much leaking they did, it was the giveaway to me that they had nothing and were just making shit up.”
This. Exactly this. I said this years ago. Where’s the leak? They leak everything remotely negative about Trump, why not the evidence of collusion?
Why their heads aren’t on pikes indicates to me we are way too soft now. Hard times may be needed to cure the softness and decay. Has sad.
Am I cynical for not being at all surprised by any of this? This is what happens, this is what humans do. To think that it wouldn’t happen here is magic dirt thinking at its finest.
They need to keep manufacturing the fear. A rational mind free of fear is seeing the numbers and data now and concluding, ‘Huh. Ok. Not so bad. Let’s move forward’.
I refuse to believe there are that many people cowering in fear. It can’t be. It makes no sense. The ones that worry me are those who know better and see it’s not bad but conclude ‘let’s be safe just in case’.
I don’t like politicians who do this. They’re not leaders. They’re predators preying on people’s angst and fears pretending they follow ‘science’ like that jerk off in Illinois.
Republicans want to get back to normal.
Democrats want to social engineer a ‘new normal’. This will have severe unintended consequences on top of the ones we’re seeing develop. Watch.
“Hard Frost” is Brook’s pornstar name.
Damn, that’s cold.
Golf clap. One glove on.
Icee what you did there.
Unlike your livelihood,
voting for Democratsdemocracy is important.If California is to remain on lockdown and its citizens forced to practice social distancing, then there’s no way Democratic operatives can go door-to-door to collect ballots in the state’s special election set for May 12th.
That’s the idea behind a lawsuit filed against the governor to stop the tawdry process of “ballot harvesting” in two contests. First is the special election to replace Katie Hill, the congresswoman caught pressuring a current and former staffer to have sexual relations with her. The case was the first time many people had ever heard of the word “throupling.” The other contest on May 12 is a state senate seat in district 28, Riverside County, to replace Jeff Stone, who went to work for the Trump Labor Department.
Hill took the once-reliably Republican seat in 2018 after Democrats changed the law, allowing the collection of mail-in ballots directly from people.
California Republicans in 2018 expected the usual voter turnout in Orange County and sat by while third-party ballot harvesters brought in booties of hundreds of ballots each putting a blue wash over the last Republican bastion of California. It took days to count all the new ballots.
Ballot harvesting is an abomination to democracy. I mean it was so bad that Congress refused to seat that one congressman from NC over it. So why do they accept it if the locale has made it legal.
I’ll give you a hint. R v. D
Don’t worry; Supreme Leader Newsom will make an exception for the important work of the Glorious People’s Democracy Defenders.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Today, I’m happy.
Happy that two shitheads are gonna pay. Happy that Flynn isn’t. Happy that Newsome is torpedoing his formerly inevitable presidential run.
Most of all, I’m happy that The Specials exist.
I hope you all have a fabulous day!
Damn, I miss the nineties.
the 1890s? 1790s?
490s he’s into Goth
We talked 1790s yesterday – don’t think anyone really wants a repeat of that.
Me too. I miss being athletic rather than a work-horse. I miss the freedom to strip nekked and dive into a lake without shame just because I wanted to. I miss freedom. Period. I hope there will be a huge back-lash to this insanity but I believed in Santa for about two months after I turned 5. I think that’s where our society is at right now. Lip-quivering babies that are almost ready to admit that Mom and Dad are the ones that put the presents under the tree.
I refuse to believe there are that many people cowering in fear. It can’t be. It makes no sense. The ones that worry me are those who know better and see it’s not bad but conclude ‘let’s be safe just in case’.
They spooked the herd and started a giant stampede. It’s a lot easier to start than it is to stop.
“Just kidding!” won’t work.
FROM DAY ONE OF THE LOCKDOWN I told my wife, ‘Good luck re-opening’.
From the get-go I was astonished at the stupidity of it all.
It’s one of the great false dichotomies of our lifetime. Bigger than ‘you’re either with us or against us’.
‘We had no choice’ suggests there were’t other ways to approach this.
I further predict it will also go down as one of the great hysterical reactions in history as we get the data. The unintended consequences (what they call ‘collateral damage’) that will be examined will make sure of this.
Authoritarians everywhere are in a state of permanent orgasm now. They have seen just how easy it is to control the population with fear and promises of safety; even people who are very low risk and should know better. Decades of easy living and complacency have spooked people into doing almost anything to preserve that easy living, even if deep down they know the guidance is illogical and tyrannical.
This “state of emergency” stuff will be the go to for a laundry list of nonsense: global warming, gun control, socialized healthcare, reparations… They have found their golden ticket.
I don’t think so. We aren’t doing this shit again. They blew their wad. The politicians and bureaucrats are going to join us in the unemployment lines soon when people realize those temporary layoffs are actually permanent.
Morning Sloop Yinca!
Too bad the MSM narrative will ignore, in bad faith, the general response of most Americans to the horrible murder of Ahmaud Arbery for the very deliberate and express purpose of using this to paint about half of them as degenerate white-supremacists.
When you realize that you will be called a Nazi no matter what you do or say, it’s very liberating. You might as well just do or say whatever you want.
Does that mean the hate bird step is back in?
Well duh, and speaking of which, Poland isn’t going to invade itself! Aufwiedersehen, meinen Glibervolken!
Minnesota’s Department of Health is asking for tens of millions of dollars to build a massive — but temporary — apparatus
“After all that work? All that money? We can’t just throw it away. We might need it again, some day. We’ll find a use for it.”
I’m sure once we go to an entire mail-in voting process, those contact tracers can be repurposed to collect ballots. Probably help fill them out too.
That prick Eric Moye and 11 of his Democrat pals are pushing back.
The Dallas Morning News wrote a puff piece defending him with what has to be one of the most lame ‘he’s a swell guy we swear. The swellest’ piece i’ve ever read. They went to find all his buddies who said he’s principled and awesome.
Don’t care. A judge who does that is not a good person. The law is an ass in this case (and let’s face it, there was a lot of leeway and discretion he could have displayed not to mention some compassion. Dude’s body language was way off and his tone was frightening. I mean, 1984 scary in his cult-like demand for an apology to lick state balls) and he’s an ass. Full stop. I bet you this guy has been one gigantic asshole on the bench.
People who scream ‘she broke the law’ are a) wrong and b) missing the point. The idiot said she was SELFISH. The court in effect is DEPRIVING one’s right to earn a living based on a pandemic that is NOT an existential threat and a lockdown that is NOT backed by science.
In Soviet Dallas, selfishness is a crime.
‘she broke the law’
I still haven’t been told what actual law was broken.
^ This ^
She Disobeyed and Refused to Apologize at her show trial.
And she wasn’t summarily executed? See what happens when the commissars ease up, just a little.
He could have made his point with a stern warning and a little mercy. What good does it do to lock up a mother and productive member of society where she’s likely to contract the very disease they’re supposedly trying to prevent? Fuck that guy, I hope he ends up homeless.
Theodore Dalrymple begs to differ.
Not only that, apparently she couldn’t call her daughter AND this prick was one of those judges who was freeing up criminals.
So out go the criminals because Covid, in come manufactured criminals for ‘contempt of court’ and forget Covid.
It’s breathtaking in its decision.
This whole thing has made it very clear who rules us.
Friday Funbags’ contribution is consistent with expectations.
I’d hang out with #27.
I like #30’s dress, and her gallery.
What’s the deal with Musk and some sort of baby name? I decline to read about it myself.
I hope it’s spelt “Raymond Luxury Yacht”.
I started listening to the Rogan podcast with him on it. At the very beginning he explained the name, but it went right over my head.
I’ll try to keep listening, but he didn’t seem like a great interview to me.
I believe the answer can be found here.
What’s the deal with you even asking? The poor little bastard has a lifetime to live it down. Maybe in 30 years he’ll track down his daddy and have the fight of his life?
*Sue punches Juris in face
anti-Lil Rona Panic protests planned for today and tomorrow:
Philly today
Ohio tomorrow
I wonder what would happen if a bunch of New Yorkers picketed Gracie Mansion holding signs with pictures of guns. Would the
NYPDMayor’s Private Army machine gun them?Does Lebron have to pile onto every crime he deems an outrage?
Big coach killing drama queen Jordan would eat with a slice of cantaloupe.
On Thursday, the governor modified his executive order to eliminate jail time for those who violate the order. Previously, violators could face up to 180 days in jail. The modification is retroactive to April 2, when the stay-at-home order went into effect.
Abbot, if you never wanted people to go to jail for your orders you should have not allowed jail time for violations in the first place.
Oh, I’m sure he wanted people to be jailed, but now that they might not be able to keep this going indefinitely you gotta CYA.
I think this was the first case where somebody was jailed. He was quick in his response.
I’m not going to give him a pass. Something about an Iron Law….
We have to have better intercourse around the world.
“I would get much more engaged in the world, we can’t step back,” Biden said. “If in fact, for example, we solve the problem in the United States of America and you don’t solve it in other parts of the world, you know what’s going to happen?”
“You’re going to have travel bans, you’re going to not be able to do, have economic intercourse around the world,” Biden continued. “When it’s America first, it’s America alone.”
No it ain’t. And I daresay that the elected reps of the US, including the president, should care for the interests of the US and it’s people first and foremost. You know, sovereignty ‘n shit.
I too would like some more discussion on creating better intercourse for everyone. That’s a pretty decent platform.
When I was in Korea in ’93 to get married, all the cabs had these little plastic deals in them that were holding forms. They had some hangul writing as well as “Intercourse Discomfort Report Form”.
It was for complaint forms about the driver, but I laughed every time and took forms and threatened my soon to be wife with being reported if she didn’t make the wedding night extra special.
Well played!
You’re just not hitting it hard enough
In response to the worsening economic crisis facing the country, Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Bernie Sanders of Vermont along with Ed Markey of Massachusetts will introduce a bill aimed at establishing a rebate payment program that would deliver $2,000 dollars to US residents including children until the Covid-19 pandemic has ended.
The bill has a tall hill to climb in the Republican-controlled senate as few GOP lawmakers have voiced support for continued monthly payments. The one-time payment of $1,200, which was what passed in the Cares Act in late March, was a sticking point at the time. In addition to being more expensive and on a recurring basis, these payments would be available to US residents no matter if they have a social security number, which includes undocumented immigrants who pay taxes but don’t have a SSN.
This bill would grant married couples who file together $4,000 and $2,000 for each child up to three — per month. It would also block debt collectors access to seize payments from individuals who owe money.
“The coronavirus pandemic has caused millions to struggle to pay the bills or feed their families,” said Harris in a statement. She cited the stimulus package as important step but added it’s not enough.
“As a result of this horrific pandemic, tens of millions of Americans are living in economic desperation not knowing where their next meal or paycheck will come from,” said Sanders.
“The one-time $1,200 check that many Americans recently received is not nearly enough to pay the rent, put food on the table and make ends meet. During this unprecedented crisis, Congress has a responsibility to make sure that every working-class household in America receives a $2,000 emergency payment a month for each family member.”
The goose who lays the golden eggs isn’t dead yet. Let’s slit its throat. If that doesn’t work, we’ll set it on fire.
Hanged, drawn and quartered. Not the goose, the congress critters.
I’ve been wondering what with the tribe’s being sovereign how this worked. MI gov is asshole seems to be the answer.
This is where I like First Nations.
God bless americans.
Really….after the debacle in Texas with the beauty salon and the jackbooted judge?
Go ahead, point it right at your own dick and pull the trigger.
Hey Suthen! I really dig that Hayde band! The other night I went on a tangent and listened to everything I could find. The singer resembles my first serious girlfriend but without the crazy. She’s amazing!
Thank you Festus. I am glad. you enjoyed. I try to only post really good stuff. She really is an amazing vocalist. I was suprised to find out they are Norwegian. The seven foot tall accordion player cracks me up. He has to bend over double to share a mic with the fiddle player.
A touch of their Eurotardness shows in the song ‘All My Tears’ and it actually makes it a lot better.
I heard Whitney has some Covid infected blankets ready as a peace offering.
Or Whitmer fucking autocorrect
How the state will respond to the planned openings isn’t known yet; on Tuesday, Nessel’s office warned one tribal casino that had planned to open this week that patrons would be “subject to civil and criminal penalties” if they visited the casino.
Blockade the rez with the National Guard. Shoot to kill.
I Left My Heart at Wounded CV
“The faster we reopen,” Cuomo told reporters this week, “the lower the economic cost, but the higher the human cost, because the more lives lost. That, my friends, is the decision we are really making.”
Andrew Cumo.
Starve them. Gee, where did we see this before?
Yes, fuckhead. Tradeoffs are a real thing adults deal with each and every day.
Well, I’ll give Santino this much: he certainly is an expert on losing lives given his state’s absolutely appalling track record.
Has there ever been a larger disconnect between press coverage and actual performance than Cuomo’s WuFlu days?
Deaths and suffering from economic costs are secondary and will be ignored because of it. Bastiat reigns supreme.
Commies can’t recognize that economic “cost” = human cost.
Is he that stupid? Or just assumes most people are?
Pols assume people are gullible and stupid. For supporting evidence, they refer to their own election and how much they lied.
True. The Cuomos have a couple of generations of terrible governance people ignore.
How does it result in more deaths?
Unless you can prove that reopening fast will overwhelm the medical system (which is a hard sell based on past performance and new data), how does letting people go about on their business kill them?
The virus is here. Quarantining was never about hiding until it was gone completely. Open now, open later the people who are sick were going to get this virus at some point.
I guess you could say that those old sick geezers might croak from natural causes while everyone was hunkered down, or that a miracle vaccine might come along, but that seems like a bad way to bet.
“How does it result in more deaths?”
Because they told you so your holiness! Their models say this. (see AGW arguments of science consensus, science deniers, and so on for details).
Wasn’t the whole argument for the shutdown that the same amount of people were going to die no matter what we just didn’t want to overwhelm the hospitals the first month?
Of course, it wasn’t articulated so explicitly. My wife is Exhibit A in thinking that quaranting right means that the virus will just disappear after a while.
Even if that were the case, we’re past that point.
The virus is not going away. We have to live with it now.
I posted this yesterday, but got no comments. I think the damping sine wave model, 6th graph down, is the right one.
And the link inside that article to the study that herd immunity may occur at 20-25% was interesting…that is based on superspreaders getting it and getting out of the way early.
How do you feel about your vaunted Parti Quebecois leader trying to chuck us under the bus yesterday or is that just a stupid question?
What was said? I don’t even listen to these idiots.
This is Kate’s take on http://www.smalldeadanimals.com:
Heh. Saw some nefarious goings-on last night. Bowling alley manager taking cash payment from two old Q-tips so they could have a little recreation. Warmed my cockles, it did.
Heh. Saw some nefarious goings-on last night. Bowling alley manager taking cash payment from two old Q-tips so they could have a little recreation. Warmed my cockles, it did.
You can say that again!
It looked precisely like a drug deal.
Did anyone get shot in the balls and then end up with bags of drugs dropping out their asses?
I just figured you had two cockles that needed warming.
I’ll keep the cockles and take the loss. Cuntes.
In case it hasn’t been mentioned,today is the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
We live in a country that had changed considerably in 3/ century.
Has changed in 3/4 century.
Nobody remembers this battle https://youtu.be/v4fg09o3pPU Such wasteful, so bravery.
Andrew McCarthy has very nice summation of where we’re at with all the DOJ shenanigans.
Where the fuck is the original 302 written up by that asshat Pientka? And where did Gray order him moved to so they could hide him from people wanting to get facts about what really happened from him, huh?
Heh. My parents thought that Watergate was stinky in the way-back machine. This is scads worse. Heads on pikes, people. It’s the only way to be sure.
Rosenstein vilified? Agitated over being the fall guy? Pure BS. Rosenstein is a weasel, and he deliberately set Trump up by recommending that he fire Comey, after he had already talked to Mueller about running the investigation. Remember, Rosenstein was in that position because they pushed out Sessions by opening an FBI investigation on him – an investigation that was mysteriously and quietly dropped after Sessions recused himself. They needed to push Sessions aside, to make room for their inside man – Rosenstein.
You know… morons
A black lawmaker came to Michigan’s capitol with an escort of armed black citizens on Wednesday, days after white protesters with guns staged a volatile protest inside the state house, comparing the Democratic governor’s public health orders to “tyranny”.
The state representative Sarah Anthony, 36, said she wanted to highlight what she saw as the failure of the Michigan capitol police to provide legislators with adequate security during the protest, which saw demonstrators with rifles standing in the legislative chamber above lawmakers.
“When traditional systems, whether it’s law enforcement or whatever, fail us, we also have the ability to take care of ourselves,” she told the Guardian. Anthony became the first African American woman elected to represent her district in Lansing, Michigan’s capital, in 2018.
One of Anthony’s constituents, a black firefighter, organized Wednesday’s capitol escort. While early reports focused on three black men with large rifles escorting Anthony, there were six participants, including two women, and some of them were armed with handguns, Lynn said. Five of the participants are black and one is Hispanic. Michael Lynn Jr, a Lansing resident, said he was frustrated to see his legislator being violently intimidated in her workplace. He said the escort was the first time he had ever chosen to openly carry his AR-15 rifle.
Lynn said he did not want to see a black woman who had been elevated to political office feeling threatened “because of the white supremacists in the yard” and wanted “to make sure that would never happen again”.
“Being a black and brown female Democrat in the capitol now is a dangerous job,” Lynn said. “This is an environment that Donald Trump has nurtured.”
Anthony described last week’s protest, which drew hundreds of people, as “one of the most unnerving feelings I’ve ever felt in my life”.
White supremacists, that who it was.
Trump’s America.
They expected blacklash from all the racists white folk 2nd amendment protestors…*crickets
Huh? How did Donald Trump make MI’s governor go full on tyrant?
And if I read the article did this lawmaker sing the praises of the 2A because it allowed her (and her supporters) to protect themselves? And not have to rely on the inept MI LEO’s?
“Huh? How did Donald Trump make MI’s governor go full on tyrant?”
Cause orange man bad!
He won the election they thought they had rigged for Crooked Hillary, and then was in a position to undo 8 plus years of manufactured narrative to make Black Jesus out to be far more competent and not at all as crooked and criminal as he and his administrations were. That could not be allowed to happen, so he had to be stopped. Scorched earth. Better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. Literally.
She’s black AND brown?
Maybe a little Puerto Rican floating around in there?
I read it as “blackandbrown”. The once-phrase has lost all meaning through overuse.
Andrew Cuomo can eat a big, rancid, AIDS infested bag of dicks.
Took the dogs for their checkup this morning. Had to wait 15 minutes in the cold for some nurses to take my dogs in. Fuck off. If you’re going to enforce this stupid social distancing, at least answer the door in a timely fashion. On the way back, I stop at Town Hall to pay my water bill. They no longer take cash. They want a check. A check? What the fuck. If we’re only taking archaic methods of payment, how about fucking barter system? I’ll bring you a fucking goat.
Fact that my woman seems to get her panties wet as she watches that statist fuck just adds to the burn.
Today is a Fuck You Friday I decided. I may start drinking now. Why the fuck not.
Fuck everything.
Sheet, even my backwards city has an online payment portal for water bills.
“Fuck everything”
Yes. Literally and figuratively. This attitude is the only thing that brings any semblance of meaning in life.
Wait. It is racist to expect people to have a photo ID to vote, but totes OK to require people to have a checking account? How does that work?
One would hinder team blue’s election stealing activities, while the other prevents team blue from knowing where to take money they will tell you is not yours anyway?
The same exact reason that we have to keep American citizens locked into their home while throwing wide open the borders and letting ‘undocumented’ free to do whatever the please.
That link about Cali wanted to separate families because of the virus, after they just cried Nazi camps and Hitler because illegal families crossing the border got separated, is a perfect example.
One thing we can be certain of, everything the left do is based solely on politics. So it’s just inevitable that they’re going to appear to be in a constant state of conflict with themselves. IOW, they’re hypocrites and they’re not even self aware of it.
Let alone your proof of ‘rona-immunity in order to be allowed to roam the streets.
The Hill, while almost entirely left leaning, most of the time, seem to be somewhat more opportunist. And by that I mean, they go into a ‘whichever way the political winds are blowing’ mode. Which seems to throw their lefty troll commentariat into a tizzy.
I think the lockdown Nazis are starting to lose the narrative. Maybe I’m being overly optimistic, but it appears to me the winds are beginning to shift on this.
If politicians would have shutup they could have kept it going for however long they needed but they couldn’t contain their giddiness for it.
Cuomo tells you to get an essential job because non-essential work will kill someone…
Newsom politically attacks OC and its beaches
It also doesn’t help the narrative when you shift the goalposts so quickly. Most states gave breathing room to hospitals and then quickly said they need more time.
All the while, the media didn’t question and carried the water dutifully from the most local level to the ilk in mainstream.
Michigan’s state capitol has been the scene of several large protests demanding that the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, reopen the economy.
While police at the capitol usually do an adequate job of protecting lawmakers, Anthony said, she felt law enforcement had simply left them to their own devices during last week’s protest.
What were they supposed to do, you witless bint? Open fire?
Don’t give them any ideas. Thankfully, nobody brought a dog to the protest. That always seems to induce cops to start firing.
Rehoboth Beach, DE anti-lockdown protest planned for May 16th
Thanks for the protest links from last night. Looks like one is happening close enough that I may have to stop over tomorrow.
“The thing that keeps me up at night is the fear that we are becoming more polarized, more angry,” Anthony said. “My fear is real that we are creating an environment that is a powder keg, and I don’t want to see citizens of all stripes getting hurt.”
Destroying people’s lives and livelihoods is not exactly a sure fire way to reduce polarization or anger. And telling people they are naught but pawns and subjects who must bend the knee or suffer the consequences; if that’s not how you create a “powderkeg” of resentment, I’d like to now what is.
Holy shit these people are stupid.
Not stupid, but willfully blind to their own actions.
Totally incapable of viewing things outside of the lens of politics.
But if them dumb rednecks would just agree with us about everything and worry more about transgender bathrooms than keeping their silly guns, we could all start getting along. Then we could let people go outside again, I mean after a 27 step program written by some unelected bureaucrats, for our own good.
Just bend the knee – bow to your superior, even grudgingly – and acknowledge that you are but a vassal subject to whatever whim they have.
It looks like Twitter is censoring that kissing a nurse picture.
Victory in Europe, 1945
Social Media Nazis, 2020
Actually, it looks like I’m wrong. I’m seeing a bunch of blacked out pictures on Twitter.
Has anyone ever tried that Gab site? Just always wondering if there’s some place besides here that I haven’t been banned from yet and how long it will take me to get banned. It’s another one of those odd hobbies we take up when under house arrest.
“110 years ago, in Iowa”
Best headline ever
It may be an urban (rural?) legend, but supposedly there was once a headline “Manly Man Marries Fertile Woman”. Manly and Fertile, of course, are two towns in Worth County, Iowa.
wait I thought linking Klara Sjöberg tweets was my thing. Are you getting in on my turf?
Some pushback in Minne.
About goddamn time. Oh, and a nice quote from one of our cunt governor’s staff:
Wow! I mean, its hard to say you aren’t going specifically after places of faith after a comment like that.
“Beware of any business suing to reopen, as they may be showing their true colors of caring more about the feeding their families than about human life. This [the closures] is #prolife in 2020,”
There fixed it
Beware any governor continuing lockdowns, as they may be showing their true colors of caring more about putting their boot on your face and consolidating power than about your liberty or safety. This [the closures] is #tyranny in 2020.
We truly are in a war, once again. We’ll soon see if the citizens of this country have finally became the dumbed down sheep the statists are hoping for, or if we still have enough spine to stay somewhat of a free people.
We have to end public school or nuke it from space and start over again with it, or we have no hope for the future generations. Pub school is a leftist indoctrination camp, it no longer has anything to do with education. Note for lefty progtards: I didn’t say end education, you ninnies.
Welcome to Canada. We used to be a semi-free country.
Well that was stupid. And directly opened him up for accusations of bias.
It all makes sense
Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan said Thursday at least 20 miles of streets closed to allow people under stay-at-home orders to get some exercise would remain permanently off-limits to vehicles.
“People have more ways to get out safely and get out and walk and bike,” she said at a news conference.
The blocks are part of a program, launched April 17, called Stay Healthy Streets. The city also announced that an additional three miles of streets would also be closed to through traffic, at least temporarily.
“Stay Healthy Streets are an important tool for families in our neighborhoods to get outside, get some exercise and enjoy the nice weather,” Durkan said in a statement. “Over the long term, these streets will become treasured assets in our neighborhoods.”
Or else.
… and if you need something heavy delivered, it sucks to be you! 🙂
Hope you have an alley!
WTF? Do they not have parks?
Streets aren’t closed to residents or deliveries, just thru traffic.
“Gavin Newsom says ‘this whole thing started’ in a nail salon”
Is that what they call virology labs in
WuhanSacramento?Name the salon pussy (Newsom).
link, maybe
Stupid figners.
what confuses you?
I lack figners…
China gets top score as citizens rank their governments’ response to the coronavirus outbreak
The Chinese are so lucky they have a strong government
pointing a gun at them while they complete the surveyafter them.In a totally anonymous survey in which there was no way to identify the survey taker, especially the ones who say something bad about their government.
And since you can’t find any of those people anymore, now that they have been disappeared, this claim is totes legit?
“heads should roll over this”
Progressive pro-people and pro-labor reforms can help workers in the short-term, but we cannot permanently patch up this old broken down capitalist system. The solution MUST be #Socialism!
Question: how many socialist parties are in the US? UK is at least 10. In Romania I can’t think of more than 4
Equality of outcome means that all they can honestly deliver is equal misery for all the serfs…
yes. but how many splitters among those want to deliver that equal misery?
The political class hopes that by promising enough free shit they get the power and then can steal some serious loot, but really do nothing much that will help anyone but themselves, while the people that vote for these assholes get some crumbs and told all is great. These people then feel they won because they think the new bullshit hurts their neighbor more, so they are OK with the buttfucking they get. The fact that their neighbor feels the same way about it, and thinks it hurts them more, never registers. Massive idiots.
I understands that. But it does not answer my question.
The UK has
The communist party of great britain
The communist party of great britain marxist leniist
The communist workers party
The socialist party
The socialist party of great britain
The socialist workers party
The socialist unity party
And a few more. How many does the US have?
Democrats, Green Party, a whole bunch of others with accurate names, like you listed there.
With our first past the post system reinforced by the hoops that third parties have to go though placed there by the duopoly parties they have much less relevance than they would in a parliamentary system.
Yes, that is true.
Team res is also a socialist party. Just different priorities than team blue…
You forgot the Judean People’s Front
To the battlements!
So in what’s already been the most consequential year for politics in a generation, with a presidential impeachment and a rampaging pandemic, Capitol Hill could get significantly crazier.
“If you thought the Kavanaugh hearing was contentious this would probably be that on steroids,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). “Nevertheless, if the president makes a nomination then it’s our responsibility to take it up.”
While no one says they expect a Supreme Court vacancy, GOP senators also acknowledge it’s plausible that Trump could find himself with a third nominee. And one thing is clear: Most Republicans have no qualms about approving a Supreme Court pick from a president in their own party, even if it is an election year.
In 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said voters should decide in the election which president should choose the next Supreme Court justice because the Senate and White House were controlled by different parties. And in the Trump era, he’s repeatedly asserted that he would fill a vacancy in 2020.
What a shitshow it will be.
President Cartoon Villain will probably puke up some idiot academic who couldn’t give a fuck less about rights or limited government, who will be treated as if he’s the reincarnation of Judge Roy Bean by the media. The Democrats and never-Trumpers will shriek a fling their shit.
With the Garland pick barry wasn’t even up for re-election, so it’s a little different.
Which to me was obvious proof that he would have supplanted Ginsburg as the biggest commie on the SCOTUS.
Garland is Obama’s hand picked gun control guy.
Trump will pick that chick, I can’t remember her name, one of those dumb hyphenated names that start with Amy.
Coney Barrett
I won’t hold my breath. Even if the Skeksi kicks off it would do him well to wait until after the election to appoint a new Justice. If he is still the President.
I’m sure he will, wait until after reelection that is. I’m also sure that they can keep her alive for 4 more years, no matter what. They’ll have her wired up to some AI machine in which she can participate in court decisions while in a vegetative state if that’s what it takes.
Sorta like Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker
Local paper laments that GOP isn’t offering up Top Men to run for office and complains that its anti-government and Trumps fault….
Fuck public service. Competent people have a problem being at the mercy of incompetent systems. That’s why it only attracts posers.
Id rather a plumber be my mayor than someone groomed into the game. That is what they are scared of, that people will go for that and realize they get no different or possibly better results.
I’d rather make it like jury duty. “Okay, Ownbestenemy, it’s your turn to be mayor!”
Oh…I didnt receive it in the mail…thats weird.
But yeah less time in the confines of cesspool of politics ensures minimal corruption
How the fuck are you gonna be able to game that system you propose and fleece the people, Tundra? Cause without that ability to game it, the hereditary credentialed elite aristocratic ruling class is not going to accept the system.
That’s the problem. Our entire government system has become nothing more than a game to allow a few people to game the system for the benefit of themselves and their friends, cronies, family.
Almost everyone running for US Congress today have only one goal, to go in there and come out a a millionaire with all sorts of cushy jobs in academia or company boards, waiting for them in case they lose the next election and get cut off from their gravy train.
Would also be intesting to know what that author thought of AOC
Fucking hell.
I ordered 6 bottles of booze from the PA state website. They sent me two.
Fucking retards. They only charged me for two, but where’s the rest of my order???!?!?!?!?
How many bright red coronavirus banners does the site have plastered all over it?
Did you read the fine print ‘in these troubling times, blah blah blah blah blah’…
I am so sick of this whole thing.
Be thankful for your rations, comrade.
They checked your voter registration, it wasn’t a D, was it?
Ha! You can watch soccer from Belarus live on youtube. Right now.
The government of Belarus apparently want people to die.
President of Belarus probably getting a cut from sports-books.
WOAH! Comey is about to be bitchslapped?
Wake me up when they have Comey appears in court in an orange jumpsuit with shackles. Because until then, I’m going to keep assuming and.nothing.else.happened.
At a certain point, you get jaded about these things.
If it does happen, I hope that Comey appears to be wearing highwater orange pants because his request for his to be tailored was denied.
I’d accept a raid at dawn in full tactical gear with Fox News trucks just happening to be in the area.
Either all his ducks are in a row and is going to hammer away? or Barr is a stooge of the President.?
I wonder how the white privilege folks will treat this one?
Love the scary quotes around “starving” Dude has no income for 60 days you asshats and seems like a bastion of the community to boot. So I know what we should do…slap him down with a 25000 fine.
He could have been a fat fuck with a 3 carat diamond pinky ring and still be in the right.
I harped on it the other day, but this idea that the media and culture push that only a small, local business which “gives back” deserves to reopen is almost worse than not letting any open.
The sleazy used car lot run by the fat white guy with the diamond pinky ring is equally as valid and vital as a POC owned barber shop that “gives back”.
I agree. That’s just a bunch of typical commie bullshit.
With silence.
‘Minnesota nice’ seems to be comprised of an awful lot of libertarian minded people who are outnumbered by outright jackbooted fascists.
But, they apologize as they stomp on your face, forever.
With the Garland pick barry wasn’t even up for re-election, so it’s a little different.
Exactly. No matter what, there was going to be a new face in the White House. Lame duck is lame. Fuck his “legacy”.
How did Glibertarians miss Friedrich Hayek’s Birthday???
Too local.
There is only one true Hayek.
Hayek? Like High Explosives?
Gliberinas hardest hit.
May I recommend this site.
Huh, Never heard of them. How’s the commentary discourse there?
Juris is a kochtopus confirmed.
Fucking retards. They only charged me for two, but where’s the rest of my order???!?!?!?!?
Where’s your ration card, hoarder?
Not only hoarder, but wrecker, Kulak, and shitlord, confirmed.
You jest, but they are rationing it a max of six per order per day.
When you can get on their website.
I tried to order from the pepper place you told me about last night. I got frustrated because everything I wanted had a ‘tell me when it’s available again’ button. I’m going to try again. I might order some seeds, they had those in stock, just to see if they actually ship them eventually. Still waiting on seeds from 3 sites, no updates in more than week and no seeds arriving.
They ship pretty fast, with in a couple days of placing my orders. Both shipments were created on a Sunday.
Helluva thing when you have to go to Maryland to exercise your liberty.
It is amusing when PA and VA residents now look with envy at those free people there in the commie public of Murland. I’m sure that Fatty Hogan will, right after eating his body weight in donuts again, do something to destroy our brief moment of slightly more free in the middle.
Just got back from the grocery with pizza makin’s.
Creepy development: They had a guy there as big as a mountain wearing a shirt that had ‘SOCIAL MONITOR’ printed on the back of it. He couldn’t have been more than 20 years old and was just standing around doing nothing or saying anything to anyone other than “Thank you, come again” as they left.
I tested it. I deliberately stood about 3 feet from the guy behind me in line. No one seemed to notice. Still the idea creeps me out.
Go back down there and take a large sticky note with ‘KICK ME’ written on it, walk by the social monitor and give him a pat on the back and a ‘have a good day’.
As I said…he said nothing to me or anyone else.
He was a young, black kid. He was a giant but I definitely got the ‘good guy, non-aggressive’ feel from him. I could see him playing video games and eating pizza with his friends while they laugh at juvenile jokes. He is there to get a paycheck…which are in short supply these days. I am not going to pick on him.
I’d be happy to do that to John Bell Edwards. In fact, given the chance I most definitely would.
Creepy development: They had a guy there as big as a mountain wearing a shirt that had ‘SOCIAL MONITOR’ printed on the back of it.
I’m going to need a bigger ration of Victory Gin.
Fuck it. Going to sleep now. Neph! When does the chatter start? Please provide a link because I am so very lazy.
This appears to be old, so I’m not sure it was ever posted here, but: