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SugarFree’s 2016 Campaign Coverage
Secret Nazi President by Baked Penguin
DoD Anthrax Vaccine Serial by Ozymandias
A Call for Articles
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A “418” or “unused” error is generally caused by “too many” login attempts “too fast” and will resolve on its own.
Monocle & Eyepiece
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A stolen joke:
An old Jewish man rubs a lamp, and a genie emerges.
“For freeing me from the lamp, I will grant you one wish,” the genie says.
The old man instantly pulls out a map of Israel and says, “My deepest wish is that the Jews, Muslims and Christians in the Holy Land will live together in peace and fellowship forever.”
The genie hangs his head and says, “Even with all my power, I cannot achieve such a feat. You must wish for something else.”
“In that case,” the old man says, “I just wish that my wife would give me a blowjob.”
The genie thinks for a moment and says, “Let me see that map again…”