The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
Any unauthorized reproduction, without the express written consent of the National Football League is strictly prohibited
Date/Time: 27 May 2020
Location: Cape Canaveral, FL
Dragon 1 this is Flight. Initiate system checklist
Flight this is Dragon 1. We copy to initiate system checklist.
Go flight.
Go flight
Engine Brake?
Go flight
Go flight
Dragon 1, this is flight. We’re getting an update on the weather report within the hour, hold fast.
Flight, Dragon 1. Roger that.
Flight, Dragon 1. Repeat last transmission?
Dragon 1, this is flight. Copy that. We’ll get that updated weather report, shortly.
Flight, Dragon 1. Roger….
Meanwhile….at mission control…
“Did anybody else hear that transmission?“
”Roger dodger that. Dragon 1 copied last on the weather report.”
”You aren’t on the radio you fuckwit.”
“Roger that, I’m not on the radio.”
”When this launch is over, I’m going to discuss my feelings with the two of you. Its stressful enough here with this launch, this virus, the spiraling descent of American democracy into fascism, my Chow mix losing patches of fur, racism bleeding over into personal interactions in public parks…I just can’t…”
”Your finger is on push to talk you fuckwit. Now Dragon 1 knows all about your feelings.”
The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
Any unauthorized reproduction, without the express written consent of the National Football League is strictly prohibited
Meanwhile…in Dragon 1 capsule…
”Can you believe that guy?”
”Space is no place for your feelings.”
”Apparently neither is New York. Can you believe that Karen? Calling the cops because a black guy intruded her bubble.”
”That guy did intrude her bubble. He tried to lure her dog away.”
”Total alpha move. He saw she was shit-testing him and won over dominance of her dog. Now even her cocker spaniel knows she answers to him.”
”What are you talking about? She lost her job for that.”
”That guy is straight up BASED.”
“She was in the wrong the entire time by having the dog off leash. Now she has no job, no prospects because she’s a brutal racist, and her dog doesn’t even answer to her. That’s how you beat feminist hypergamy. Thats how radical feminism gets beaten. She challenges your rightful place as the ALPHA, you put her right back down and make sure she knows she’s the bitch.”
Back at mission control…
“What is going on here? What is shimmying the rocket?”
”Its the storm.”
”The rocket is too distraught to fly today, its trembling with fear. Fear of the virus, fear of fascism, fear of racism seeping its way into everything…”
”All of you fucking people need to get a grip.” A short man in a cheap suit said in the back corner of the room. Moist patches of sweat permeated his gray, woolen jacket. His skin tallow. Stubby fat fingers gripped a cigarette and a small device wired to his facemask. He clicked the button in the device to revealing the facemask opening up. He placed the cigarette to his jaundiced lips, and took a long, sweet drag.
Who is this guy?”
”Never mind who I am. I’m just the guy everyone calls on to save them from themselves. ‘Oh, this virus will kill us all! Save me Mr. Government goon man!’ ‘Its fascists coming to get us, save us Mr. Government man’. Do you think I like being called out here to Americas wang every time SPACE SMITH rapes a rocket? Do you think I like being the guy that has to solve everything?”
“You’re goddamn right I do. It gives me a reason to lord over all of you cucks.” He opened the mask again to take another drag.
“What should we do then?”
”I dunno. The government doesn’t own this rocket. Call the owner.”
The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
The following transmission is classified
Any unauthorized reproduction, without the express written consent of the National Football League is strictly prohibited
…Meanwhile…at SpaceX headquarters
“Mr. Musk.”
”Stop. What did I ask you about that?”
”About what?”
”If you were going to call me ‘Mr. Musk’ you will do so only while wearing a pair of sequence panties, and a pair of high heels.”
”Sorry, Elon.”
”Too late for you now, you best go find your new uniform.”
”Yes Elon.”
”Thats Mr. Musk to you.”
”Yes, Mr. Musk.”
”Mmm. Now what did you need me for?”
”You have a call from Kennedy.”
”MMM. What does she want?”
”Not that Kennedy.”
The aide handed musk the phone, and left the room while trying to hop on one leg, taking off his skinny jeans.
”This is Elon…listen it is no concern to me when you launch off this spinning disk in space…Its the Jews again. Listen, if you mess with Jews, you will lose…SPACE SMITH…I’m not commenting…
…on that. Just take a red pill and leave me the fuck alone.”
Meanwhile…Back at mission control
”Elon wasn’t any help. Now what do we do?”

My vagina is down here.
“I dunno .” He put out his cigarette. “Scrap it until Saturday, throw Bill Nye on to entertain the retards with his color commentary—“
”Color commentary is triggering.”
”Perfect. Put that asshole on TV. Later bitches. SPACE SMITH was never here, just blame the weather.”
Swamp gas.
Bow before me, peasants.
In space, no one can hear you not consent.
Why would anyone now to the 2nd place?
Now should be bow
Bow should be “wow”.
Why should anyone bow at all?
/Slaver, Fuck thineself nether…..
We all bow out at the flatulence of your hubris.
Careful. Ted’S. might mistakenly think you are interested in fun butt stuff.
How dare you insult HM!
You don’t bow.
Take advise from Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. He was the second man to walk on the moon.
Neil before him.
Never heard that one before.
Consider it stolen, albeit 50 years late.
“sequence panties”
You mean like one for each day of the week?
Or a y-k-w level typo for “sequined?”
Launch sequence undergarments.
If you eat chili the night before, you can achieve maximum burn.
I was thinking the same thing. Since it’s Elon Musk, I assume sequence is correct.
Regarding those underpants labeled for each day of the week, I think my college roommate wore underpants labeled for each month.
”I dunno. The government doesn’t own this rocket. Call the owner.”
*Future press secretary takes notes*
Return of Pie?!
“That’s how you beat feminist hypergamy. Thats how radical feminism gets beaten. She challenges your rightful place as the ALPHA, you put her right back down and make sure she knows she’s the bitch.”
From G-d’s mouth to your ears.
“In the fallout, investment firm Franklin Templeton announced Tuesday afternoon it had fired Amy Cooper, saying, “We do not tolerate racism of any kind.”
I have mixed feelings about this. She was an asshole for threatening to call the police and lie about dude threatening her but at the same time I hate when the mob gets someone fired from their job.
On a side note, my wife a children’s librarian was reading this YA novel by a black author and thought that the book was good but at times was a little heavy handed with SJW stuff. She wanted to write that as part of her review on Goodreads but before she wrote the review asked me if that was a good idea to post that.
I told her fuuuuuuck no. There’s always someone out there looking for a reason to create a controversy and make someone an example. Also told her that her library would not protect her and even fire her if they got one whiff of an accusation that they hired a racist. She thought better of it and decided to leave that part out of the review.
It makes my skin crawl to realize just how completely protected that cult has become from any reasoned criticism or frank discussion. Protected at the expense of the livelihoods and good names of principled people.
I have heard that the guy had dog treats but no dog. She filmed him and he told her to stop. She said no and he said that he would do what he’s gonna do and she won’t like it. Then started beckoning the dog with the treats. Pretty threatening, if true. Still, why can’t these petty arguments stay between the a-holes that have them? Losing her job? That’s way over the top for being a dick one day to a rando who’s not without fault either.
Sounds like you have it backwards – he recorded her.
If you look, she has her phone up and pointing at him. The clip we see starts with that.
In Space, no one can hear you laugh……..
Space laughter, the final frontier.
Space Balls!, the Toilet paper!
Thanks to Tonio for yesterday, and I’ve scheduled a Virtual Happy Hour for 20:00 Eastern tonight.
Many thanks to both of you.
My vagina is down here.
+1 ambiguous sex junk
You meanlike Old Greg ?
Haven’t seen that since college. Classic.
their Story of Funk is likely my favorite
Bill Nye Cringe
“My vagina has its own voice.”
Silicone Saturday beckons with fleshy goodness.
Speaking of, the rocket/capsule should have had sexy lady painted on it, or at least a silhouette. It could be the sexy silhouette mudflaps of space.
Truck nuts.
Your jib, I like the cut of it.
Only if the silhouette had bunny ears to keep it classy.
Of course. We’ll have the best spaceships, the classiest, maybe ever.
Another picture of #5
Also #41 needs to work on her swallowing technique.
Maybe she wanted a pearl necklace.
“Weather”…. I knew it!
We all knew it, implicitly.
I’m watching guys in space live from my computer with no lag,
And fresh water on tap! It really is a great time and place to be around.
1950s Betty Homemaker and white picket fence might seem like a better time, I have to say “Advantage: Present” just based on medical science alone.
Violent Protests and Peaceful Riots
So I posted this without watching all the way through first. A few clips of Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo I hadn’t seen prior…these two are complete, contemptuous, propagandist fucktards.
A Space Smith post? *departs to make a cocktail*
Deep State, Jews, National Security but you repeat yourself.
I have seen Dragon videos before.
the Dragon looks like a Living Room!
Where’s the beer, eh? Bob & Doug…
I have failed. The girlfriend didn’t get the Bob and Doug joke, even after being prompted with McKenzie. I’m now showing her some of the old bits.
Wife made that joke before I could do-do-do-do-do-do-do.
“My brother and I used to say that drownin’ in beer was like heaven, eh? Now he’s not here, and I’ve got two soakers… this isn’t heaven, this sucks.”
What a wonderful day. Got to watch the launch. Thunderstorms and heavy rain all day. Now drinking beer in the garage while doing some straightening and maintenance. Leftover mapo tofu for dinner.
No tofu, but stir fried steak, broccoli and mushrooms with fried rice (that had some finely diced leftover pulled pork – just this weird little hint of bbq flavor).
The tofu part is deceptive. It’s ground pork sauce. With chunks of the white stuff.
Did you have any of that garlic raiyu left for it?
No, made it mild for the wife. Hmmm… maybe I’ll add some to mine tonight.
In shocking news — a politician may have lied!!!!
I’m sure most people here will need emotional support after this shocking news.
A narrative bites the dust,
a narrative bites the dust,
and a narrative does,
a narrative does,
a narrative bites the dust.
“Speaking Saturday, Minneapolis police spokesman John Elder, however, said that sometimes people arrested will provide false information. He says background checks are showing some people arrested have records from other areas.”
Also, that entirely depends on who they arrest. Are the police more likely to arrest poor black people who are against them, or rich white antifa kids?
Florida man accused of kicking chicken like a football
Did he bend it like Beckham?
Shanked it like Finkle.
Copulated like Crackers and Cookie.
Creeped like Waters
If he was Florida State man it was wide right.
Too soon!
Thank you. Was about to post same type joke.
Should have cooked it not kicked it.
Did he choke it? That’d get you arrested.
What do you do with people like this?
Likely funded by the usual suspects, you can say they’re “LARPing” all day long but they view this as a war so what response do you make?
Option 1) Treat them as ordinary law-breakers. This seems to be fairly useless since they typically use fake IDs and either way they have deep-pocketed benefactors that get them off the hook.
Option 2) Declare them terrorists and/or irregular combatants.
Option 3) Declare them an enemy army.
Options 2 or 3 lead to much death. None of these options are working since even with Option 1 (which should be the way it works) they never face any accountability and are out rioting and agitating again in 48 hours.
/Minnesotan extremely tired of this shit.
They tend to commit their crimes in areas where they can get sympathetic authorities and prosecutors if it gets to that and juries if it gets to that. Good luck getting anything done before the populations in the various locales get fed up.
Also, in the long term go after their funding.
This is what I’ve been saying all along. Isn’t shit like this exactly why RICO exists?
Not sure about RICO but I suspect the feds will go after the paymasters if it does turn out that they’re bussing in agitators/rioters/arsonists from out of state. It’s conspiracy to commit all kinds of shit and actually shouldn’t be too difficult to track the funding streams down.
No. RICO exists because it was too hard to prosecute people for non-violent crimes, so we had to have something to use against the other organized crime groups.
I kind of wonder where the propositioned bricks came from?
Arrest them and offer clemency in exchange for moving to Hong Kong.
Immediate transshipment to Gitmo.
Send in the rooftop Koreans. After half of a dozen laying in the street this shit will come to an end inside an hour.
I seem to recall a fellow (who was rather learned and accomplished in this field) mentioning something about a “…whiff of grapeshot.”
I know you’re just joking but I wouldn’t recommend it (man shoots looter dead in Minnesota, arrested for murder):
Who is this dude?
Fucking excellent video!
Young Rippa, an ancap who does mostly comic book and movie stuff but occasionally delves into politics when there’s big news. Seems to be a good dude.
I noticed the wall of comic stuff. Hadn’t heard of him before though. Seems like a well-adjusted, thoughtful and reasonable person. *subscribed*
That guy gets it.
And “duty to retreat” is horseshit. Every individual has a right to, dare I say, stand his/her ground in self-defense and defense of his/her property.
After the LA riots, the cops spent the whole year watching video from the news, cameras, etc. They id’d as many as possible and cruised around casually arresting them one by one. They claim they got the worst of them. My cop friend said they all worked overtime the whole year catching them. There’s at least one cop who knows all the crazies from each neighborhood.
They’ll only get the stupidest among them this time because they’re the only ones not wearing masks.
“Options 2 or 3 lead to much death. ”
So what? They’re not people, they’re communists.
Although, I still think option 1 works, as most of them are breaking several state and federal laws.
But what would you do for a green card?
In the fantasy world my brain likes to go to from time to time I would like to see the people who live there rise up in force and kick the living shit out of anybody from/or out of the neighborhood idiots burning the place down and looting.
This. Absolutely this.
“Danger, Will Robinson, my sensors detect SPACE SMITH!”
“SMITH, you’ve switch off your targeting computer. what’s wrong?”
“Damn it SMITH, I’m a doctor, not a pin cushion!”
“After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and humanity was saved by the rapiest thing which God, in His wisdom, had put upon this Earth.”
[Queen alien snaps air with mouth-inside-mouth]
[SPACE SMITH rubs “special friend” and exposes…]
The Army has people you can talk to, in case you need them.
[hangs head in shame]
I was just trying to make a funny…
I know.
It doesn’t make me any less concerned.
“Damn it SMITH, I’m a doctor, not a pin cushion!”
Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not an art critic!
So… anyone have any respect left for reporters? Cop cars are being burned in Cleveland, and the article says:
I’m sure none of them were wearing masks to hide their identity, that would be crazy talk. I’m also sure the reporter interviewed enough of the protestors to know why they were wearing masks.
Mind reading thousands of people. That reporter is like Clark Kent on steroids.
I had my first GREAT day this year. Hung out with a new friend all day AND made a new connection. The weather is fantastic, the beach is packed, I got a great deal of soul nourishing sunshine, and I’m gonna get some cold beers for tonight’s Zoomy thing. I love you all.
Song of the day –
Good for you l0b0t!
I got in a bike ride, sat at a bar, and have some crowlers in the fridge.
Good day.
Go you!
Great days are few and far between for most of us. Grats!
And thanks for Seger B side. There’s a lot of good ones.
We will always protect free speech and Angelenos’ right to live without fear of violence or vandalism. To increase safety for demonstrators, law enforcement and all citizens of Los Angeles, we are putting a curfew in place from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Wait!, I think I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago..
Just wait for the J.J. Abrams reboot!!
Nah, the studio, citing creative differences, gave Jar Jar the boot and turned the helm over to known starmaker Paul Feig. Expect lots of improvised comedy about ladyparts.
Or give it to Ree-an Johnson and expect ill-placed/timed humor, the destruction of the story and breaking the existing universe.
Sigh… remember the good old days when we could simply mock Michael Bay for his ‘SPLOSIONS? Can we go back to then? I’m tired of modernity.
Give it to Woody Allen.
To protect freedom, we’re instituting a curfew…
Minnesota nice.
“People should be able to come together … and mourn and grieve and demand change and justice in policing and every other racist system that we have that has been part of this state,” Flanagan, the first Native American lieutenant governor in Minnesota, declared.
“But in this moment, we cannot because there are detractors,” she continued. “There are white supremacists. There are anarchists. There are people who are burning down the institutions that are core to our identity and who we are.”
This is an odd narrative. If you are going to bullshit at least try to make it make sense.
Why bother? 53% of the voters and 99.95% of the media will take any of these fuckos balls-deep.
We may be in trouble, here, folks.
“If you are going to bullshit at least try to make it make sense.”
Not so. The difference between lies and bullshit is that a liar knows the truth and wants you to believe something else. A bullshitter, on the other hand, is just trying to change the subject.
This is perfect bullshit – police death of black man causes Bad Orange Man’s white supremacists to riot. It hits *all* the right buttons!
One reporter asked the president if he was “stoking more racial violence” by suggesting that his supporters rally at the White House.
But Trump disputed the reporter’s characterization of his supporters.
“MAGA says Make America Great Again,” he said. “By the way, they love African American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people.”
The president said he is unsure if his supporters will rally at the White House on Saturday night but that he had heard they would.
“I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going to be there. I have no idea whether that’s true or not,” he said. “But they love our country.”
‘Maga loves the black people”
Silver tongued devil. He’s like another Churchill.
Proof that SF merely documents non-fiction.
Sometimes he says the right thing. He didn’t take the bait and he was inclusive. Sad trombone sound effect for the reporter.
Get up in there.
The illustration is of lesbians….on an article about having sex on the first date. I dont see anything about toothbrushes there.
I think new on he right identifies as a man so that’s technically hetero sex.
the one on the right…Jesus
So glad I’m already married.
No. Shit.
When dating isn’t about evaluating the other person for a life-long commitment, holding off on sex is pointless. The third date rule was a worthless rule put in place solely to bridge between two incompatible cultures.
Gee, thanks for that explanation. I was super confused there.
Sex on the first date happens. Sometimes sex doesn’t happen until dates after the third date.
I figure couples will figure out what is best for them.
I noticed that 53% of the people who responded were up for sex on the first date.
On an entirely unrelated topic, about 50% of people are men.
This is my shocked face.
Now that’s a weird fetish. Do they just go out on the town and load up their pants or what’s the deal?
I’d rather not know the details, but apparently having full diapers is part of it.
Nice socks, asshole.
The Hair of the South
“What I heard from Minnesota officials — all of them — was that white nationalist groups are planning online, to blend into the protests and stir chaos, “using the legitimate protesters as a human shield.” What logical reason would LEFTwing groups have to burn black communities?”
A logical reason to riot?
Dude, there are literally no historical examples of lefties burning black communities.
You racist.
And no history of black communities burning black communities. And there definitely is not a serious problem of violence in the black community…perpetrated by the black community…
blend into the protests and stir chaos
Isn’t this exactly what
AntiProfa has been doing*?*Alongside the rioters that were already rioting.
“Y’all do realize “antifa” is just short for “anti-fascists…” right? As in the people who confronted the nazis in Charlottesville… why would they try to burn and destroy black communities? ”
the people who confronted the nazis in Charlottesville
You mean the actual fascists that initiated the violence in Charlottesville.
And looking at that thread, they seem to have missed the armed black people and their acquaintances that protest and are also posted up to defend their businesses. Your skin pigment doesn’t matter. Your behavior does.
Yes, NBC News tonight managed to twice associate white supremacists with the riots. No evidence of course. Probably the guys who assaulted Jessie Smolett drove up from Chicago?
His Jamaican friends?
Or was it Somalian? (I may have fucked up the joke *sigh*)
Nigerians, you fucking racist.
(am I doing that right?)
Inchoate rage + a fear of being shot by a deplorable?
Gov. DeWine calls out the National Guard in OH (presumably with Dr. Amy’s permission.)
We’re finally on our own.
(Come to think of it, in all the excitement that 50th anniversary blew right past without a peep, as far as I could tell. Maybe there was more press about it at the opposite corner of the state.)
No big news up here that I saw. But I generally don’t look for local news (with the exception of the COVID stories).
I was just down in that area (Mogadore) today.
OT, GT: I had a change of heart about Nook et al, and have taken it down from there. I hope that’s not a problem. I had to enroll in Kindle Unlimited.
No worries – the EPUB you sent me is fine! Thanks again!
Minn. mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be ‘public health disaster’
Are these people for real?
Yes. ///HonkHonk
Crowder watches CNN
Anyone else’s city getting burned by mysterious out-of-towners? Because now apparently mine is.
Not yet, (nor do I live in a city) but I was thinking of making a facebook account just to heckle local county commissioners with the question: If we citizens riot will you jackasses lift the covid theater restrictions? Because I can do it. I was ready to riot about eight weeks ago.
LA is going pretty good. They say there were 533 people arrested Friday for looting and other stuff. I don’t doubt that the two month house arrest lead up is helping fuel this.
Who would have thought forcing millions to remain their houses for months at a time would lead to a large number of people primed for violence?
This guy aint no “citizen”.
Agree. The weapons handling is too smooth. Too smooth for the average cop either.
My thought as well. That is not a normal door smasher.
SWAT or good tac team member on the force.
I watched a couple times and I don’t think it’s a cop at all. He drops the mag and cycles the bolt on the spot. I don’t see a cop immediately clearing a police weapon or leaving a nearly full mag and round lying on the ground.
At any rate, a responsible individual in that instance.
Local FOX network security.
So, someone who knows how to clear an AR.
Good work whoever you are.
1. Blue cities still locked down
2. Cops and National Guard haven’t done crap
3. The usual groups are sponsoring and fanning the flames.
4. Cable news is covering it all night
End even 2 of those things and this all goes away.
Yeah, he looks like he’s done that before. Maybe in a sandier environment.
Security guard for the local Fox affiliate’s tv crew. Called 911 to report the weapon so thinking it’s not off duty cop.
CNN seemed to know what kind of guy to bring along for security in that situation. Too bad they don’t get him to consult when writing articles about firearms.
Quote from the AP’s treatment of the rocket launch today, paragraph 4, the transition paragraph between the high level overview and the actual meat of the article.
Is there any question that the press is an enemy of the public?
That one sentence has everything wrong with the industry that purports itself to be “news”.
Way to be a Debbie fucking Downer AP. It looks like good news isn’t allowed.
That’s not being a downer, that’s driving an agenda.–eugene
fuckin Antifa. Rioting in SLC
Antifa in SLC?
University of Utah
Weren’t they all sent home due to Tom Hanks Disease?
You sure they’re not white supremacists?
Probably a safe bet but what do I know?
1. Start reasonable peaceful protest.
2. Bus in communist agitators who incite violence.
3. Get sympathetic press to insist they were actually white supremacists.
4. Profit!!
Think twice before clicking on this.
What. The. Fuck?
That’s enough to put Q off tits. Good lord…
Ain’t clickin’.
Straff has replaced HM as the Don’t Click Glib,
City-wide curfew starts in 35 minutes.
We still got an hour and a half. People are rushing out to get their big screen tvs before “closing,” LOL!
No curfew here as far as I know.
Aww, Mom. Can’t I watch Johnny Carson?
As far as I know, Baltimore has been burned to the ground. Haven’t heard a peep. No news is good news, they say.
The bad news is, now the rats are all next door.
The squirrel cannon works just as well on their tailless cousins.
The following transmission is classified
So this means Hillary Clinton can save it on her unclassified server?
How do you think Glibs got it to publish?
Clown Prince says he stands with the Floyd George murder protestors.
Response asks, “What did you say to the ReopenNH protestors?”
Well played.
My 7 y/o just made his own sign. He’s marching through the house yelling “we ur us! scroo yoo puleice'” I have no idea where he gets it. I told him he could not take the sign outside and march in front of the house. I guess I better stop letting him see the news.
I learned it from you, Dad!
I’ve been attending TNT (we tell the normies that it’s “poker”) since the late 70’s. The day after election day 2016 most of them lost their fucking minds.
Probably at least four of them are hard-core lunatic TDS refugees. I’ve been trying to keep my head down and my mouth shut. I got this the other day.
So I finally had to jump right into the machine gun fire with this.
Will see how it turns out
Counter to the recipient’s opinion? Not in total lockstep with the ideological push so I’m thinking you may have a very emotional response coming.
Well said Hobbit. Let us know what the responses are.
I made the mistake of letting my mask slip in the ‘nonwork’ slack chat at my company. Although I tried to speak in a language that they’d have more trouble refuting.
[proggie commentary about the need for gun control]
me: i disagree simply because any limitations end up being discretionary based on who is in power, and tend to disfavor the poor, and powerless, who are precisely the people who most need to be able to defend themselves. it doesn’t matter what the law is, rich people will always have guns. the only thing that gun control does is keep poor people from defending themselves
[proggie moderation about how they believe in the 2nd, but some weapons, people shouldn’t have]
me: but now that they’re out there, without a special super secret brain wiping device, they’re out there. we can’t put the secret to gunpowder and ballistics back into a box. hell, anyone can even 3D print a gun. why not just let people arm themselves and charge them with murder when they do it wrong? i live in a county with an extremely high concentration of gun ownership per capita. know what? i don’t even bother closing the front door of my house unless i’m leaving for more than several hours. we don’t lock the house unless we’re leaving for more than 24. part of that is because the likelihood of encountering someone armed when committing a crime in my area is extremely high. part of that is also because, i know all my neighbors are well armed, and if something really happened, i wouldn’t have to wait on the police. i live in a largely blue collar neighborhood, and people are polite, mind their own business and most of them have guns. i would very much like people in poor neighborhoods to have the same level of independent security.
[insert total silence in response]
I never know when to keep my mouth shut. I agree with you. Gun control screws the poor. Most laws screw the poor. The people in my town have been cheering all of these Covid laws because they can all afford to sit around for two months. They love the gun laws. Then, they tried to buy guns during this BS and couldn’t. The stupidity of giving up your freedoms will just never sink in to these people. They deserve what they get. Too bad so many decent people are getting shafted along with them. They go on and on about race. When I tell them that I care about all victims of police violence, they call me a racist. We are well and truly screwed. They just keep giving up freedoms and blaming whomever the DNC tells them to. I’m sad about it. I guess I should go back to staying on Glibs where the normal people are.
Protesters in Beverly Hills.
Pool boys are on strike?
Not a single protestor among them.
About time for some gratuitous T & A.
At least someone is only thinking about pussy while Rome burns.
I’m a cat person.
Is that you, Mrs Slocombe?
An Are You Being Served Reference? Sweet.
Just for you Hyp.
Worth watching:
Don’t burn your own neighborhood down, but blame other people who have nothing to do with it, and thank you antifa. /Joe Biden
Oh wait… what was his name?
Is this how I finally get my ethnostate?
You’re already there aren’t you?
I’m waiting for you all to create one so I can come home.
Don’t wait on me to do it, if I wanted to live in an ethnostate I’d move to Vermont.
I dunno if we’re still zooming, is there some secret place to find urls?
I was told if I were glib I’d be in on the secrets of the universe.
Comment 8
See Neph’s comment #8
Night 2 after bringing a new puppy home. Forgot how much they whine in their crates. Last night was a shit storm literally. Better prepared tonight.
Police chiefs across the country are saying much the same tonight.
“WOW: Man in Salt Lake City pulls bow and arrow on protesters blocking traffic and the protesters swarm him, disarm him, assault him then break and flip his vehicle.”
Someone didn’t learn the lesson of Reginald Denney.
99.9% – that is the number to know.
Darn it. I thought it was 99.44%.
You are so ivory white!
And, unlike Natalie Wood, I float?
“Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Retweets List Of “Supplies” Needed For Minneapolis Riot
Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, helped spread around a list of supplies needed for the violent riot in Minneapolis Wednesday evening
Isra Hirsi, co-founder of the “grassroots” anti-capitalist (their term, translated, socialist) US Youth Climate Strike, helped signal boost a list of supplies requested by the Minneapolis branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Among the provisions that the DSA requested, were the following:
Plywood for shields
Tennis Rackets
Hockey Sticks
In addition to typical first aid tools to counteract inflammation caused by tear gas and pepper spray.
Here’s the tweet she helped spread around, below is her justification for it:
Want to help out your comrades protesting at the 3rd precinct (at Lake and Minnehaha?)
Here’s a good list of much needed supplies (except for milk! Water is always better for eyewashing than milk!! Please don’t bring milk!) ”
Wow, she is exactly wrong. You want milk. Fucking family doesn’t even know how to riot. Goddamn posers.
I’m absolutely floored that Ilhan Noor’s daughter is even more repulsive than she is.
“WATCH: Rioters Call for Somali Cop Who Killed White Woman to Be Freed on CNN
It’s almost like these riots aren’t actually about “police brutality” at all.”
Not good but that seems to be an isolated douchebag as far as the message goes.
Well knock me over with a feather. I’m shocked!
All this riot coverage on tv. The networks are making an in-kind advertising contribution to the “Vote Trump 2020” effort.
Now that was pretty funny.
TFW Europeans tell you there’s no racisim in Europe and don’t get how Americans can have so much hate.
Honestly Fuck Europe, I am glad my ancestors left that shithole.
I hear San Marino’s still alright.
I learned today that the original gummy bears manufacturer used Jewish slave labor during the 30’s.
If that bothers you then stay the hell away from Fanta:
Well, I heard a comedian say it on the radio to set up a joke… but I did hear ot on the radio. Google says
Was watching some ABC news coverage at the Whitehouse and the reporter specifically mentioned Antifa and said that Antifa protesters were getting shouted down by the peaceful protesters.
Good. Damn fascists calling themselves Antifa should be declared a domestic terrorist group.
I’d like to see that. And yes I’m serious.
Have you nice folk heard that these protestors are simultaneously fighting against white nationalists and are also white nationalist Trump supporters trying to damage BLM? CNN told me so it must be true.
I’ve only perused the headlines, but the fact that they can’t find an acceptable narrative gives me great schadenfreude.
It makes me laugh, thinking about how they bent their back over for Antifa a few years ago.
Have you folks seen the video of the small business owner that was beaten and probably murdered for defending his store? Beaten, it looked like to death, with a skateboard in Dallas. He drew a sword should have went with an AR-15.
I was attacked for commenting we have always been at war with Eastasia under that narrative on reddit.
I’m doing my part as a keyboard warrior I suppose.
AR15? I’ve heard those are only for assaulting people. You mean they could be useful in defense?
Yes, the rioting is totally justified and also the rioting is all because of outside agitators who are probably Trump supporters bused in by the Russians.
My friend’s wife says I must be a crypto fascist because I posted literally, “Two wrongs don’t make a right,” about the rioters on Facebook.
If you think Ends don’t justify the means, then you are a nazi
Call her racist.
I can’t she is half black so it’s impossible for her to be racist.
You might as well go all in. She jumped to a conclusion. You have nothing to lose.
She sounds like a real piece of shit
Have you folks seen the video of the small business owner that was beaten and probably murdered for defending his store? Beaten, it looked like to death, with a skateboard in Dallas. He drew a sword should have went with an AR-15.
I read he was alive but unresponsive.
Horrifying, but holy shit that showed some awful judgment. A sword??
Store owners should embed claymores in their storefronts. That will disperse the mobs efficiently.
I hadn’t seen it, but heard about it, and my first thought was, “in a state like TX why the fuck didn’t you arm yourself properly?” It’s a lot easier there, than, say New Jersey. It’s still terrible and I’m not looking forward to living through the late 60’s yet again. I was born in the mid-70s, dammit, and only read about the long hot summers.
I was listening to the Chicago police scanner on youtube. Somebody tapped into the scanner and began playing NWA Fuck the police, which was funny. Then they began to pretend they were a police officer and said all units deadly force is authorized. Shoot to kill. Thank god the police aren’t idiots.
If you want to see what the enemy looks like, go to R/chapotraphouse. Its the fanbase for one of the largest leftist podcasts and they are loving this they think they are about 5 minutes away from seizing the means of production and putting Bernie into power.
They’re more like 5 minutes away from martial law and shit getting really ugly. Never been more grateful to have made the decision to relocate away from large cities.
Yeah, this is depressing. This isn’t going to go on for much longer without serious repercussions. It all relies on what happens tonight really.
Communists overestimating the prospects? say it aint so
They’re blowing their load on this and it’s going to blow over like it always does.
Columbus is pretty quiet. People mostly obeying the curfew is sounds like.
There was some looting earlier.
Two “protests” scheduled for Boston tomorrow – one in Roxbury (“Nubian Square” – WTF did _that_ renaming happen?) and another by City Hall.
Our record with these sorts of things getting out of hand is… pretty good, so we’ll see.
WTF did _that_ renaming happen?
The answer is pander-riffic!
“The people have spoken. The people have incorrect opinions.”
*raises finger*
What’s a Nubian?
This seems oddly relevant
A melanin rich individual from a bit south of Egypt.
I was told this was going to stop with the Confederate Battle Flag.
They are doing you a favor by burning down City Hall. That brutalist POS has got to go.
Amen, brother. Jay-sus, is that an eyesore.
A million years ago, my roommate had decided to study architecture (briefly – he was a dope); he left one of his textbooks around the apartment and, in the intro, the authors stressed how important it was for architects to to carefully consider the surroundings of their buildings and not just plop down whatever strikes their fancy – paraphrasing, but it has stuck with me through the decades:
“… like Boston City Hall, which squats like a concrete alien amongst the bricks of some of the oldest buildings in America…”
Time has been no kinder to the building.
That’s an apt description. I know nothing about architecture. I remember the first time I saw it. My first thought was how it was incredibly ugly, uncomfortable, and out of place.
It takes a special kind of elitist asshole to defend that building.
Way to stay on-brand, architects.
That’s hysterical. Way to know your customers.
SLC has imposed a curfew until 6AM monday Morning. Pretty heavy handed. Its like every side keeps making decisions to piss me off. Fuckin commies the lot of them.
Seriously? I would think banning church attendance would be a big deal.
Church services have been limited for the last 3 months already.
But it sounds like the “Curfew” is really just a ban on public assembly, not buisness/church stuff.
We just had the Supremes sign off on government restrictions of churches. Apparently Roberts silently converted it into some kind of tax and therefore it’s OK, despite being specifically proscribed in the founding documents. Now, they’re rioting over “racism” with no concern whatsoever about the actual crazy abuses of the cops and courts. Fucking people are crazy.
I know. That has me pissed. Especailly cause i know come July 4th, we’ll have prayers in church thanking for our “free nation”.
I know that is incredibly ungrateful, but come on…
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t think of that.
St. Louis County?
Salt Lake City.
Ooof – is this a drugs falling out of ass thing, or news?
Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore Burned Down in Riots
(I know there are plenty of SF nerds here)
Nope. No drugs or ass.
I guess the good people of Minneapolis will enjoy their version of the Watts riots and the resulting empty lots and burned out buildings.
Just think of all those broken windows to rescue us from the Covid Depression.
I wonder which progressive pundit will be the first to say that.
This seems like a responsible, informed take.
the last 4 years has done a lot to expose how disconnected the media elites are. This is Akin to let them eat cake.
The Akin’s Diet.
Or arresting someone who defends themselves and their property against violent felons.
I’m listening to local news. LA is really a mess. There have been plenty of jokes here about Korean business owners on the roof with rifles. I’m genuinely wondering if we are going to see something like that again.
It’s bad, but not ’92 bad. I went up on Mulholland in ’92 and it looked exactly like Apocalypse Now. Maybe with a little time to soak. I keep getting bitched at on Nextdoor for my “privilege” because I’m pissed about losing all of my rights. Then, I get called a racist for caring about the non black victims of police violence. I’m tired of it.
I’ll defer to your first hand experience about the severity. It’s still amazing how little time went by between Garcetti saying he wouldn’t ask for the National Guard and announcing they are coming.
I also suspect social media is contributing to the situation. That didn’t exist in 1992. I would not be surprised if, in a panic, martial law gets declared tomorrow.
In ’92, the cops literally went awol for the first three or four days. They didn’t lift a finger. That’s why there was so many “Korean rooftop store owners” Cops didn’t care a whit. From the top of the mountain, there were fires and helicopters every few blocks as far as you could see. It made it up into the valley a little. They got the strip mall down the street from my house, mainly because it had a shoe store and sneakers were big back then. It took a whole week and the cops finally came out of hiding once the peak was over. I’ll be surprised if this makes it that far.
I will tell you this. I went to school in ’94. I went into the loan office and said ” Can’t we all just get a loan?” It cracked them up!
Not a Nextdoor guy, but I have to think that’s like Facebook – why do that to yourself?
My wife got me on it. I have had some fun debating. I’m just pissed off in general right now. It’s kind of a bonding thing with her, really. But the people are really shitty. It gets old. It started when My car got stolen. Shoulda right quit then, LOL.
Something all the oh-so-insightful talking heads on tv seem to be missing is that the kids out there acting up right now have been forced inside for three months because of a disease that never threatened them. They haven’t been able to see friends, go to parties, hit the clubs, play sports, do any of the usual things they do to blow off steam. And now they’re full of pent up frustration and taking it out on whatever is in their way. Yeah, they’re upset about George Floyd, but they’re also mad about their continuing denial of any healthy release of energy, and they’re letting loose in the first chance they’ve been allowed outside together without being screamed at to go back inside.
And Don Lemon on CNN awhile ago was pontificating this is all about a nation divided by The Evil Orange Man. Fuck off Lemon. If this had been a year ago there would have just been some noisy protests rather than chaos in every city. Let people get back to their lives.
I like your analysis.
Agreed, spot on.
Good analysis but the link between this and the covid isolation will never be made, not because it’s not valid (and obvious) but because of political expediency.
This is also true.
Quit reading my mind!
I just had this exact discussion today. Back in April, I had bet a friend that, by the end of May there would be riots due to the Wuhan coronavirus lockdowns. I lost that bet, but I then bet that there would be riots by the end of May. My friend tried to claim that this week’s riots were unrelated, but I argued that they are directly related. If it weren’t for the inchoate rage fostered by the lockdowns, the murder of George Floyd would have led to some local marches in Minneapolis, some national news coverage, and maybe some DOJ oversight.
May as well resurrect this song that never really died:
It was apt during the Rodney King riots and unfortunately it still is now.
Some asshole threw something at my building, honestly this is making me feel nothing but hostility to these rioters and all they claim to support.
I know it shouldn’t I should separate the protesters from the scum, but it is very hard.
They choose to stay when things get violent. Why not head home when you see people who are protesting with you throw things, light things on fire, or destroy property?
City Air will make us free!
I thought it was “work”?
I had never heard of that, thanks.
Well if this keeps up we won’t have to worry about anti-black cops but Communist thugs. Mission accomplished I guess.
Attacking/dragging someone holding an American flag and then waving a Mexican flag above. Great visuals, dumbshits.
I’ve noticed that the Proud Boys are apparently nowhere to be seen. Wisdom or deciding that larping protest civil war isn’t so much fun with a group who are now full out violence with a Dem establishment to cover for them. Only a matter of time, if this keeps up, before it goes El Salvador or Northern Ireland. Someone’s going to get tired of this horseshit and start stacking morgues with these criminals and wannabe revolutionaries.
We can only hope.
Portland is a commie shithole.
Any sane person would pack up and leave before it burns.
Tonight’s moron fest in Old Town Scottsdale is likely going to provoke a reaction from authorities that’s gonna wind up sucking for everybody here.
Philadelphia has devolved into a shitshow too. Weak leadership is obvious. A line of police stood feet away from thugs lighting fires and they did nothing. ?
These mayors standing by while roving gangs burn down their productive constituents’ shit need to be thrown out on their asses.
More from the tolerant left.
I don’t expect for this to get much play on major news networks: