They’re back!
I’m somewhat amazed we survived the week. Golf is back. They’re playing soccer in Spain. And the EPL isn’t far behind. Things are looking up.

Will this survive the cultural purges?
Heavyweight boxer James J Braddock was born on this day. He shares it with former president and deep state assclown George H.W. Bush, holocaust victim Anne Frank, acting great Jim Nabors, kinky sportscaster Marv Albert, musician Pete Farndon, Canadian funny man Scott Thompson, psychologist Jordan Peterson, actor DJ Qualls, and soccer player (who never should have left Liverpool) Philippe Coutinho.
That list was weird. And now…the links!

Historical illiterate
Get a load of this fucking imbecile. That’s all I can say beyond the fact that I’m not surprised they gave their platform to a moron who teaches at a junior college as long as she says the “right” things.
You misspelled “rioting and looting”. Oh, and you can thank their union for that.
And speaking of thanking the union… I’m willing to bet my life savings that part of the story never gets mentioned in the larger conversation. It’s disgusting. And at the same time unsurprising.

Pandering and appropriating
Pelosi jumps on the revisionist bandwagon. I get the feeling she’ll win. Especially since the GOP are starting to cave on the issue. Well, these people have to get reelected after all.
“Reassessed” is an interesting word choice. I’d say “erased” works better.
When hostage-taking became “patriotic”. Jesus, it’s almost like these people have no fucking clue what private property rights are anymore. Or maybe they just hate the concept. Either way, this is absolute bullshit.
Hey look, some actual good news! This should be nationwide and it should happen immediately.
Adios Charlotte…hello Jacksonville! I wonder if they’ll call JAX racist now.
And just in case shit wasn’t crazy enough, now we’re doing this. Hey, at least it’ll start a new news cycle, I suppose.
Enjoy this. I should probably play them more.
Now get out there and have a great Friday and an even better weekend, friends!
Myth: Second Amendment protects individual liberties
Myth: This writer has a functioning brain.
While gun control advocates point out that 36,000 Americans are killed by guns each year, it is also essential to consider how guns threaten First Amendment rights and the will of democratic majorities.
The idea that a right to bear arms is necessary to protect oneself from a tyrannical government implies that violence would, at some point, be justified.
Once you include suicides I will ignore you. Suicide, while sad, is not a crime. And violence in self defense is always justified.
She seems to be arguing that if a majority of people say you should die, you should have no recourse.
It’s the main idea behind single payer healthcare.
Suicide is a crime – you are depriving their god of one of its cattle.
She sure is pissed that people bearing arms might mean the mob doesn’t get to have their way. Not to mention the fact that majority rule would all but negate the rights of the minority.
I don’t think she actually believes minorities have rights.
I don’t think she believes anybody has rights.
They’re on loan from the good government.
Now obey or you’ll have another one revoked.
So when cops gun down Breonna Tayler in a no-knock raid, that’s somehow NOT tyranny?
Everyone educated enough knows that liberties are granted by the government. So they couldn’t injure liberties, as they are the font of all liberties.
In the name of the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. USA.
I believe you mean, “USAmen”
This is how schisms and religious wars start
Splitters the lot of you!
Libertarians are not joiners. It is known.
If his articles are anything to go by, Mr McGinty is a pretty good joiner.
“However, it is difficult to imagine Black Lives Matter and other anti-police brutality protesters using the Second Amendment effectively. It stretches the bounds of credulity to think that heavily armed Black Lives Matter protests would be met with anything other than large-scale state-sanctioned violence. ”
Other than this is exactly what is happening in Seattle right now.
Cue picture of the armed Black Panthers on the Capitol steps in Sacramento.
The left realizes they have lost a lot of ground on the second amendment in the last 4 months.
But they can’t give it up.
Fuck, they can see how it could help them and they *still* can’t give it up.
The folks asking, “What do you have planned for us, that you need us disarmed?” are getting their answer.
“Heavily armed citizens showed up recently at protests in Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Montana, Colorado and Idaho to allegedly protected peaceful protesters from antifa.”
“The FBI stated there is no evidence that any protests have been linked to antifa.”
That’s the best claim ever.
NPR was running it hard yesterday.
It’s so stupid.
“we looked at some arrest records and no one claimed to be part of this ‘antofa’. So it’s definitely white supremacists” is essentially what they said over and over
Look, George Floyd’s death was so outrageous, even the White Nationalists took to the streets in protest!
After watching the FBI’s wild assed political behavior in the anti-election coup, is anyone surprised?
Within my lifetime the history books will reflect that 9/11 was a white supremacist false flag. Bet.
“In each instance, armed protesters used the Second Amendment to undermine democracy and individual rights.”
Some fucking assholes are interfering with the agenda of the far left to wreak havoc on America and Americans in order to make sure the people know never again to buck the will of the left and elect some Cheeto looking motherfucker instead of the candidate they are told will win.
“The photos and video footage from around the country of a heavily militarized police force firing rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds of peaceful protesters certainly seems to justify the founders’ warnings to the dangers of standing armies.”
The whole thing is a word salad.
I’m still on my first cup of coffee, so I may be able to translate. Since the police force has become militarized in the US. That gives credence to their argument that they aren’t “civilians”. Therefore, the police are the type of standing army the founders warned against. So we need to defund the police and use the real standing army to police the cities.
That’s what I got out of it.
Yeah that thing is full of bullshit.
“You misspelled “rioting and looting”. Oh, and you can thank their union for that.”
VIva la revolucion pendejos!
Robert Byrd has a sad.
+1 Grand Exalted Cyclops
“”They even had the unmitigated gall to go and make coffee for themselves and to pop popcorn — my popcorn — in my microwave, while looters were tearing apart businesses within their sight, within their reach,” Rush said.”
Yes, you should play them more often. And I have no problem with the choice, but that seems the laziest of non-deep cuts. Do you sideline for a christian music station or something?
“that song where the girl says she’s going to get her worship”
^^The part that made me laugh out loud.
add an ‘on’ to the quote. I blew that joke.
She blew her worship.
I’d rather spend a night in the woods contesting the ownership of a brick of cocaine with STEVE SMITH than listen to Geddy Lee sing. God almighty.
Sooooooo, not a big fan?
I’ve tried to get into Rush since it’s a libertarian fan favorite, and the music is good as prog rock goes, there’s just some quality to his voice that I can’t tolerate.
I can only take his voice in small doses, a song now and then, but not a full album at a time.
There are a lot of voices less objectively irritating with that screechy/grainy quality than Geddy Lee’s or equally so, but I hate them and love Geddy. Can’t stand: Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, David Bowie (except Labyrinth), Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, and a couple others I can’t remember right now.
Bowie copied the style and delivery of Anthony Newley, an English theater singer.
The Evidence
That is extremely interesting and also spot-on.
Suck it haters.
+the whole other side of that album
*makes pinch hitter whistling noise
In local news. Dr. Amy Acton has resigned as Ohio Department of Health director.
No one one was worshiping her anymore, time to move on.
GOP-led committee backs renaming bases that honor Confederates, setting up clash with Trump
Well, since that white-supremacist Obama failed to do so when he had the chance.
“I wonder if they’ll call JAX racist now.”
following up from yesterday: BORTLES!
You wanna hang out in my Bud-hole?
“For the first time in nearly three years, three American aircraft carriers are patrolling the Indo-Pacific waters, a massive show of naval force in a region roiled by spiking tensions between the U.S. and China and a sign that the Navy has bounced back from the worst days of the coronavirus outbreak.
The unusual simultaneous appearance of the three warships, accompanied by Navy cruisers, destroyers, fighter jets and other aircraft, comes as the U.S. escalates criticism of Beijing’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, its moves to impose greater control over Hong Kong and its campaign to militarize human-made islands in the South China Sea.”
That doesn’t seem crazy.
It’s so unusual that it only happens every three years! Unprecedented show of force!
3 years ago was in the before-time.
Of course. The revolutionaries want to declare a new Year 0, so everything is now unprecedented.
That hill opinion article gave me aids.
At least you got more out of it than I did.
‘They committed treason’: Pelosi pushes for removal of Confederate statues, military base names
Funny you should mention.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levy-ing War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giv-ing them Aid and Comfort.
Who invaded who with the explicitly stated intention of doing so prior?
You could argue that the confederates invaded the Union by seizing a significant portion of its territory and declaring independance.
You could if you ascribe to the concept of “perpetual union”, which was ended when the 10A was added to the constitution that replaced the Articles Of Confederation.
That’s the only part of the articles that they like. Not the “unanimity is required to change this” that got thrown out.
If you can join, you should be able to leave.
Now, it took several attempts, but so far the UK hasn’t been dragged into a war with the EU
An analogy I like to use is if you are friends with a group but you decide to leave and they beat you into submission to remain in the group. A better one is probably a twist on Lincoln mealy mouthed political bs: A house divided cannot stand. Indeed. Which is why some may leave to build a new house.
That and they wanted to keep their slaves in spite of people getting increasingly uncomfortable about it.
Sort of like the people in the CHAZ, who’ve declared it is no longer part of the US?
Settle down, Boys….
seizing a significant portion of its territory and declaring independance.
King George III agrees.
levy-ing War against them, or in adhering to their
The states are free and independent aside for a few delegated authorities to the common government among them. Among those authorities is not the authority to prevent a state from voluntarily leaving that which it voluntarily joined.
There was a new england secessionist movement during Jefferson’s tenure as president. He only ever spoke in support of it. I wonder why.
George was more reasonable than Parliment, yet all of Parliment’s evils got blamed on him.
“Orangemanbad 1776”
Life is easier when you don’t see nuance. People are bad or good and no mix of facts of motives changes that.
Sure. You’re obviously an asshole that misspells on purpose. Git him!
Motives? Facts? Good and Bad are racial characteristics. Whitey = Bad, (((Bads))) = Origin of evil, POC=Holy Innocents
Who invaded who with the explicitly stated intention of doing so prior?
Who fired shots rather than negotiate a divorce?
Who dispatched reinforcements to a fort in order to enforce trade tariffs on, what was at that point, a foreign country?
negotiate a divorce
Ignore the confederate negotiators who were will to purchase federal land and pay their portion of the federal debt hiding behind the curtain.
As usual, and particularly here, history is complicated.
As no separation agreement had been reached, it was not a foreign country.
So the United States didn’t exist until the Treaty Of Paris?
Not the United States that exist today.
Is that so hard to believe?
Or do you accept that a couple of guys with barricades can lay claim to someone else’s land and declare themselves an independant country and it’s totally legitimate?
A formal agreement between secessionists and the former country isn’t necessary to the move to secede being legitimate. France recognized the US before the Treaty Of Paris. So did several other nations. They traded with the US before the Treaty was signed. They had mutual assistance pacts. They were treated as sovereign.
French recognition of their enemies rebels that they were supplying to undermine said enemy would be about the same as China recognizing Chaz. Recognition by the former ruling power is the more relevent metric.
someone else’s land
I are saying it was King George’s land? I am find with the acknowledging the secession of 6 blocks of Seattle if it was the actual land owners doing it. Of course, if that was the case, the mayor would be fighting against it.
Yes, they were behind the curtain because the barn-burners were leading the whole thing.
The South had some legitimate grievances, but they also had the ultimate argument against the justice of their cause.
I’m fairly pro the argument that the Civil War was not exclusively about slavery and that State’s rights v the Federal Government was a valid reason for war, but here’s the thing. Sovereignty is not a magical quality granted by heaven. Sovereignty is the ability to hold and control your territory. You are sovereign as long as you are able to resist conquest and no longer. Should the Union have let the south leave? I think it would have been nice. But they didn’t and they won the war. In the affairs of nations might makes right, because the whole concept is based on might. (Which I admit is the strongest moral argument for An Caps)
In the affairs of nations might makes right, because the whole concept is based on might. (Which I admit is the strongest moral argument for An Caps)
And also the strongest practical argument against AnCap.
They fired shots when the US reinforced a fort on what they considered their lands.
My reading is that the SC militia learned about it and decided that they needed to take the fort (having no really ability to counter a navy otherwise). Never mind that no one was killed. Lincoln got to say they fired the “first shots” and invaded VA.
Interesting that Lee neglected to move on DC after routing the Union at Manassas…like he wanted to make clear he was fighting a defensive war.
like he wanted to make clear he was fighting a defensive war.
Big mistake – he should have known that a war doesn’t end until you break the enemy’s will to keep fighting.
I agree. Should have moved on DC and forced a peace deal. Many lives could have been saved (despite some other unfortunate circumstances that would have continued a bit longer.)
If I’ve learned anything recently, those slaves should have accepted another generation of slavery if it Saves Just One Life.
Stay On The Plantation orders. Make them wear masks and labor 6ft apart. Don’t have to shutdown their businesses cause they don’t get paid so there’s no livelihood to destroy.
More like he had no logistical base and the Union had very large forces in and around Washington.
A contributing factor I assume. But the Union army at Manassas was is shambles. I recall a quote from one of Lee’s generals, something about “give me 30,00 men and I will take Washington.”, assuming the quote is legit.
Also it wasn’t Lee.
“Imperial Yanqui Aggressors Violate Chinese Sovereignty, continued A12”
“Hundreds of looters storm a Florida Walmart and make off with $100,000 worth of merchandise while it was closed during the George Floyd protests”
So the government spies on social media, but couldn’t prevent this?
Looters bagging over $375K in purses from NYC shop caught on video
“21-year-old Colorado woman shot dead after argument about dog poop”
I can’t even tell if the dog was on the guys property.
Shit, man.
Hey, can I borrow your head bag? I think I need one to block out the news.
You’re welcome to it. But you’ve got to like kolsch.
1981 was a harsh one, personally. Damn I loved that album at the time! Thanks, Sloop!
“CNN commentator Angela Rye has called for all statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to be taken down because the men they enshrine were slave owners, she said Wednesday.
Rye’s demands come during nationwide protests spurred by the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, during which Confederate monuments have drawn the ire of demonstrators with dozens defaced and demolished nationwide.
‘American history is not all glorious… George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are,’ Rye declared on the network Thursday. ‘Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not, he wasn’t protecting my freedoms – my ancestors weren’t deemed human beings to him.”
Uh, everybody knows Washington and Jefferson has slaves. We also know the great things they accomplished, which I suspect is the real problem you have with them, you insufferable cunte.
Her inferiority won’t ever be addressed, no matter how much she can tear down.
Wait until they find out about the Augustus of Prima Porta
Wait until they find out about Muhammad.
John Adams, on the other hand, did not ever own slaves, and opposed it loudly and strongly. And it also persona non grata.
Almost like it was never about slaves or something.
“Glibertarians commentator Animal has called for CNN commentator Angela Rye to take a long running start and go fuck herself.”
I second that motion and propose offering her a helicopter ride to help her get up to speed.
I third the motion and hope she approaches maximum velocity into an active volcano. Although, I not sure that even molten lava can squelch her level of mendacity.
Trust in the Lava.
I called this five years ago. I didn’t want it but here we are. It’s like when the term “Woke” started being bandied about. I prayed to the Elder Gods, “Please don’t let this happen!” but my supplications went unanswered.
Oh this was foreseen. I knew they eventually would come for Thomas Jefferson. Dude, some college took down Shakespeare in the English faculty and put up some pic of a black woman poet.
Up here, we went straight for Sir John A. MacDonald.
Arkham runs Gotham now.
Arkham’s been in charge for a while.
I thought Shakespeare was a black woman.
Nono. He was definitely white.
He stole the work of a BIPOC LQBTI2Q womxn and passed it off as his own.
“It’s simply not true. Lawfully gathering and expressing first amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society, and providing true equity for communities of color is not terrorism. It’s patriotism.”
I do not think “lawful gathering” means what you think it means.
If you just ignore the rioting, then it seems like people are violently responding to protestors.
Also any preparation for a riot is violence
“Roof-Top Normies”
Louisville SWAT haz a sad; they have to go back to being used for what they were intended – and those situations are just so rare.
SWAT should be a qualification badge not a dedicated team. Then every decade or so, when you actually have an armed standoff with barricaded criminals holding hostages, you have some people with training to deal with it, You don’t let them live fire practice on drug dealers (or their innocent neighbors, or on some dude the CI didn’t like, or on the guy that whupped little Joey in Counterstrike)
Historical figures reassessed around globe after Floyd death
“Reassessed”. And I fail to see what Floyd getting killed by the cops has to do with historical figures that are far more significant than Floyd and the person that murdered him.
As I note below, allowing for this incident to become martyrdom is irrational.
“I live next to a college and I’m mad about it”-karen busybody
“We ask that you … adopt a social host ordinance that addresses the disruptive effect of ungoverned social gatherings which disrupt the peaceful enjoyment of our homes and neighborhoods,” the letter said. Signed by nine residents who live just east of Keene State College, the letter was sent to the council and Mayor George Hansel.
Oh, go fuck yourself.
You live next to a party school. In a small hippie city.
There’s gonna be drugs and alcohol and music. And that’s not by the students.
I don’t support a collective guilt ordinance, but being deprived of the use of your property because of asshole neighbors is frustrating.
It is. There’s no real good answer.
The city already has noise ordnances. I’m 99% sure littering is illegal.
Idk this all just seems like a solved problem that Karen just can’t handle. it’s living on a golf course and complaining that sometimes a ball ends up on your deck.
This. The question in my mind is always “who was there first?”
If you build your house next to a gun range or a race track, you can’t (shouldn’t) complain about the noise.
…my nosy neighbor-lady does just that. She literally said “They say they’ve been here since 1940, but this is a neighborhood now.”
Call her an evil gentrifyer.
“There’s no real good answer.”
*Looks out windows…sees only woods in every direction.*
Then call the police when you’re being deprived of that right and let them deal with the specific violation.
This is a form of prior restraint.
Yeah, the cops show up, tell them to keep it down, cops leave, mayhem resumes, lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum and nothing else happens.
My brother scored some awesome weed for his bachelor party when I was in Keene.
Just declare your fraternity or whatever an autonomous zone and tell Karen and the law enforcement to fvck off.
Good Morning!
I have been sleeping like absolute shit lately, which makes me completely non-productive. The fact that I’ve been filling my spare time playing LOTRO with my brother and his kids isn’t helping any either.
However, I resolve to put the M9 back together this weekend so I can go visit Sean and compare it with his 92x *wants*.
So what’s the nearest town again? I’ll also look and see if there are any matches going on near there.
Oh yeah, what are the laws concerning out-of-staters
transporting an/or carrying?
Don’t accidentally cross into New Jersey.
You will be fine if you keep it unloaded and trunked.
By the way you will pass casa de Time prior to getting on the PA tunpike aka I476. We can compare your M9 with my CZ and Tangfoglio.
There have been many articles on people who’ve had their firearms unloaded, in the tunk and got thrown in prison by NJ authorities because they were out of staters with no NJ documents.
Also, it’s NA who has the M9.
I’m speaking of PA not NJ. I wouldn’t go near that state with your 10 ft pole.
Well, I’d be bringing my CZ too, naturally. But I’d definitely be interested in the Tanfo.
I’ll endorse UCS’s advice.
Keep your stuff unloaded and in the trunk in cases. Ammo separate container from firearms.*
*I’m not an attorney.
Closer than Ottawa but further than Montreal.
I guess I live closer to The Wall than I thought.
And google must be so busy mattering black lives that they’ve let their algorithm go to shit. Why would my first responses be as to “Milton NY to Quakertown PA” be flights? (six hours via Southwest, btw).
Airlines buy ads. The highway doesn’t.
This looks helpful.
WTF did you do to your M9 that it takes you a whole weekend to put it back together?
One of the beauties on that gun is the ease with which it can be disassembled and assembled in mere moments.
Careful though, because if someone is practiced at it, it is not at all difficult to snatch the slide off with a one handed slap.
Ample assets. That is a euphemism for ‘fat’, isn’t it?
Artificial buckets of it.
Carried round in saddle-bags.
I only use natural buckets. Turtle shells, sheep bladders, uhhh, coconut halves, etc.
RICHMOND, VA: This story is developing, but it appears that “protesters” visited the law firm that filed an injunction against the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from its place on Monument Avenue. Buried at the bottom is the information that the “protesters” cut power to the law firm’s offices. Wonder how they’d feel if someone tried to intimidate the lawyers for someone they like.
Apparently the city agreed to maintain the statue at it’s current location in perpetuity as a condition of accepting it.
How did the Richmond PD conclude that a broken window and power cut off didn’t constitute damage?
Also, long time ago I had a case or two that involved John Click, referenced in the article, seemed like really good guy.
“In Perpetuity” doesn’t mean anything when there’s a mob.
Although I believe the city can legally comply with that by not removing it, but turning a blind eye to the mob that pulls it down. Because that’s what they did a couple days ago as the Jefferson Davis statue was being fucked up.
Mob rules are great – until you are the smaller mob.
Those aren’t protesters, they’re white supremacists.
Well, Profa DOES act like nazis…
Heard about the law office thing this morning. Mayor Phony really needs to start doing his job.
agreed to maintain the statue at it’s current location in perpetuity as a condition of accepting it.
Idk all the details but apparently it has to do with a part of Henrico annexed by Richmond shortly after the erection of the statue in the late 19th century.
And speaking of Henrico, such a racist name.
Hey man, Seattle. You voted for it so it’s hard to be sympathetic. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point the people who had property damage done to them are ok because power to the people.
As for erasing history. While it’s ok to ‘reassess’ things I don’t think Floyd a career criminal should be the impetus for this. It’s pretty outrageous. A bit of a troubling trend. It won’t stop at ‘racist’ statues. Eventually it’s going to hit the Washington and Jefferson memorials if you think things to their logical end when it comes to mob rule.
You already have idiots calling for whites to ‘decolonize’ their bookshelves.
Until one person says fuck you, and another, and another until a voice is made, they won’t stop. They have some weird boundless energy. Crazy people are like that.
Every last bit of this shit is leftover Christian theology in a world that left Christianity behind. A humanity tainted by original sin that can only be ameliorated with intercession to the divine by a priestly class. Only because it’s nihilistic materialism from the Marxist dialectic there’s no redemption arc in their theology. You don’t get to obtain the kingdom of god at an unspecified future date in exchange for your self-loathing, guilt and shame. Your redemption only arrives in the form of your annihilation. It’s something, I guess.
Dude. Props for writing something like that on the fly.
Your redemption only arrives in the form of your annihilation.
Wasn’t that one of the points of Atlas Shrugged?
Doesn’t matter. They were looking for any excuse to get the commie revolution larping rolling.
‘decolonize’ their bookshelves.
Hm. Too bad a spend so much time practicing colonization.
I* spend…
“‘I’ll straighten out Seattle’: Donald Trump threatens to take on the cop-free ‘autonomous zone’ himself, says he won’t let the city be ‘occupied by anarchists’ and criticizes response from ‘pathetic’ mayor who said it was a ‘block party’
President Donald Trump has said that his administration is ‘not going to let Seattle be occupied by anarchists’ after demonstrators took over a six-block section of the city, including a police precinct.
On Monday, police in Seattle abandoned the city’s East Precinct after receiving threats that it would be burned down. The precinct and the surrounding blocks have since been taken over by George Floyd protesters, who have erected barricades, posted armed guards, and declared that police are not allowed inside.”
They aren’t anarchists, demonstrators, or protesters.
“police are not allowed inside.”
And their own “armed guards” are what, exactly?
Trump is making a mistake if he gets involved. He’ll just be getting the Dem governments off the hook while he gets all the blame for anything bad. He should just let them stew in their own juices. It’s not like Seattle was ever going to vote Trump anyway.
There are reports coming out that DC Mayor Bowser directly instructed the cops to get rough on protesters when they assisted the clearing of Lafayette Square in order to tar Trump, since he would catch the blame.
These people are lunatics. They’re playing with fire and it’s going to blow up. It’s best to let them do it on their own unless you want to be caught in the conflagration.
Yep. This shit doesn’t end until that whole section of the city burns and people start to wake up to what these people are really about.
My gym reopened this morning at 5 am. I arrived at 4:59. The world is slowly getting back to normal.
Second Wave!!111!!11!
4 restaurants in Charleston closed after employees tested positive. A second wave is happening, but mostly because we missed the first.
Back to normal once the riots mourning St. George of Floyd subside, and state, county and municipal Gauleiters remove their garottes from the neck of the economy.
That normal?
“EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s brother wriggles out of $1M he owes to car crash victim’s family by having just $29 in his bank account – despite life of luxury as a law firm’s frontman”
Will he have his own brand of beer?
I need to write my next beer article, Billy Beer is a part of the next story.
I’ve got an unopened 6 pack in the garage that I don’t think I’ll be opening anytime soon.
Man that 2A article is not only wrong but terribly written.
“Katie Scofield has a Ph.D. in political science from Indiana University, with a focus on comparative constitutional law.”
Ask for a refund.
“She was awarded a Fulbright grant to study the Ecuadorian Constitution”
No doubt because she thinks the Ecuadorian Constitution is vastly superior to the USA’s.
“teaches government at Blinn College in Texas”
I’m sure your anti-liberty, tyrannical bullshit goes over well in Texas.
Blinn is where people who can’t get into aTm go.
Ass to mouth?
It’s the Aggie way.
Thats… not a terrible description of travelling between Bryan and College Station.
You mean like that guy who blew himself up in Philly?
I took a few classes at Blinn to save $$$ while at A&M. It was the first time I was introduced to the concept of “white guilt” in a sociology class.
Indiana University. She probably got the best education they could provide.
(Go Boilers!)
Boiler up, hammer down!
The higher ed bubble can’t pop soon enough.
“She was awarded a Fulbright grant to study the Ecuadorian Constitution”
Cue Ryan Reynolds “But Why?” gif.
Blinn students are referred to as Blinndergardeners. In case you wanted to know.
G’night, all!
Friday Funbags Untertitten!
13 and 28 could borrow some yarn to finish their shirts
I went to Durkan’s Twitter account.
She’s a crazy person. She’d make a deal with Hitler and scream, ‘Peace in our ti….’ and then a bullet in her brain.
Joe’s handlers are doing a shit job.
“Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did,” Biden said with a mask dangling from his ear.
“Because just like television changed the civil rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor’s dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women who were trying to go to church, and fire hoses ripping the skin off of young kids,” he said. …
“That — all those folks around the country who didn’t have any black populations heard about this, but they didn’t believe it, but they saw it, it was impossible for them to close their eyes,” Biden continued.
“Well, what happened to George Floyd, now you’ve got how many people around the country? Millions of cell phones, it’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this,” he said. “Look at the millions of people marching around the world.”
George Floyd. Civil rights martyr of our time. It is definitely not a marxist insurrection.
He’s their perfect candidate. His brain is complete mush so they know that once he’s elected he’ll be the perfect sock puppet, or they can off him and use his terrible health as plausible deniability. Watch out for his running mate; it’ll probably be Ta Nehisi Coates or something.
It is definitely not a marxist insurrection.
The fact that it’s being used as a pretext in other countries really gives the game away, doesn’t it?
Hmm, I never considered that maybe Gov Cooper broke his own reopening edicts so that the RNC convention wouldn’t take place in NC.
I am not sure that was a primary motivator, but who can know in these times
Let’s go over a little bit of the cognitive dissonance and inconsistencies we’ve seen in the past few days:
1) Cops are universally evil and should be eliminated :: Cop unions are one of the Donks’ biggest contributors
2) We must vote for Donks to improve racial conditions :: Donks have had complete control over the cities that are being protested against for decades
3) We need violent revolution against the state :: The Second Amendment is illegitimate and citizens shouldn’t have guns
4) Joe Biden will change the system :: Joe Biden has been an elected official for 45 years
The amount of indoctrination and damage done to someone’s brain to believe all of these things is staggering. These people are literally at Jonestown-level brain washing; I feel pretty certain that if a prominent black person told them to drink cyanide Kool-Aid, a not insignificant number of them actually would do it.
In the end it is the fault of extreme libertarians who are in control of the federal government. KOCH
It was Flavor Aid, Q. The compeditor so low rent even my poor-asse dfamily didn’t buy it.
This is the one that feels like willful ignorance.
It’s those obstructionist Republicans what did it!
We are seeing 1984’s doublethink on a massive scale before our very eyes.
Which, of course, was not prophetic, but was inspired by the behavior of the 1930s communists.
Has anyone seen Egould lately? Curious if he has a front row seat to the CHAZ.
He is too busy consolidating his power over the Autonomous Zone
Na, Warlord Raz is a rapper, not a shoegazer.
When hostage-taking became “patriotic”. Jesus, it’s almost like these people have no fucking clue what private property rights are anymore. Or maybe they just hate the concept. Either way, this is absolute bullshit. – would you libertarians just make your own autonomous region?
If that happened, the FBI/ATF/DEA/whoever the fuck would shoot the shit out of it.
Not until we legally purchased the land from its owners.
Not a hot take for me, too on the nose.
So, I guess you can’t BTFSTTG without burning everything BUT the system.
Who are you, Tom Morello?
His song, Save the Hammer for the Man, is a really good look into the mind of a progressive, and demonstrates Pat’s comment comparing their ideology to a religion, particularly the self-loathing part. Relevant snippets:
“I hurt the gentlest souls, I robbed my wife and son.
I turned my back on troubles, troubles I’d begun.
I cut a swath of pain and loss in the hallways of my home.
In the quiet of my room I know the things I’ve done…
For the path of my redemption will mean the end of many things.
The ransom for my soul: the blood of generals and kings.
Save the hammer for the man, save the hammer for the man.
I sinned and I have suffered
And it feels good in my hands.
Save the hammer for the man…”
“US naval buildup in Indo-Pacific seen as warning to China”
If the Republicans don’t run with this then they deserve to lose.
Well, it’s not like they are there to vote.
I hope Trump does exactly nothing about this. Let Seattle get what they vote for good n’ hard.
I don’t think there is an upside for him to stick his dick in it. All he has to do is keep shining a light on it and make the media try to defend it.
The media is already trying to portray Trump as weak & powerless.
“Festive zone.”
It’s a great place to go if you’re a funemployed imagineer.
Ah, the Branch Davidian Strategy. Bold move.
It’s the Summer of Love man. Don’t you dig it?
My prediction? The city and various corporate entities like Starbucks will do everything they can to prevent it from devolving into a full-blown murderfest.
If the Seattle cops have any sense, they’ll walk off the job en masse before they’re ask to clean it up.
Isn’t it ironic
then they deserve to lose.
It’s not like they actually want to govern when they win.
I was so disappointed when my dad explained the concept of a road team and why the Globetrotters always won with their fancy tricks.
I thought the Generals were due!
The Repubs are as disconnected from normies as the Dems are. They have no idea that they SHOULD run with it in order to win.
Or else they’re just cowards hoping the Dems will like them if they obey hard enough.
Raz will be Biden’s running mate.
FNC’s Carlson Welcomes CHAZ to the Global Family of Nations
Tucker gets it.
Video won’t play.
“It’s Occupy, but without the rapes and trickling urine down the street.”
I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
It’s Seattle, there’s always something trickling down the street.
More like Carmen Worst. Amirite?
ART GALLERY AND LIBRARIES BACK- give the remaining ones a few days to get burned down first
how bourgeois
Happily so. I don’t consider bourgeois an insult.
you and Deirdre McCloskey
Same. If I won the lottery, I don’t think I’d change too much about my life except breathe a little easier. I’ve had tiny tastes of the wealth life and it’s way too much work for me. Give me a moderately large house with a killer craft room/office and we’ll call it good.
if you don’t have a temperature and humidity regulated wine cellar what is the point of money? I swear you people.
“I don’t drink,” she said apologetically.
that is what i meant by ” you people.”
Oh, THAT’s what that whooshing sound over my head was.
Why would I keep wine in a temperature and humidity regulated cellar? I’d use it for myself and my computers.
*retreats into cave.*
“I don’t drink,”
Well, it’s also a good place to store your cigars.
I had one this week and one last week. It was nice. Took the stiffness pout of my rhomboids
The last time, the therapist didn’t believe me that I store my stress in my gluteus maximus, but then she got to that portion and went, “OMG you weren’t kidding.”
No, no I wasn’t and no, I’m not a perv.
That said, if I were rich, I’d pay someone just to play with my hair for hours and on demand.
if I were rich, I’d pay someone just to play with my hair for hours and on demand – I think the technical term is boy toy
No, dude, I don’t care as long as they do it right. That’s not sexual in the least. It’s ASMR.
“I’m not a perv.”
Then what are you doing hanging out with us?
*suspicious squint*
Shhhhh. Don’t tell anybody.
Then what are you doing hanging out with us?
I always assumed she was doing research for some future novel.
Nah. Even fiction has to be plausible.
“Took the stiffness pout of my rhomboids”
That’s some euphemism.
No euphemism there. I also went to a massage which took the stiffness from somewhere else. But that is different.
Able to open up here in Ohio this past Wednesday.
John Cleese slams UKTV decision to remove Fawlty Towers episode as ‘stupid’
Cleese is becoming my favorite Python simply because he’s got no patience for the stupidity.
Now this shit is going too far.
Blazing Saddles will be next.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I love that movie even if I’m Irish.
The censors are near?
Anyone who has a problem with that episode either has never actually watched it, or is a complete fucking idiot. The joke is that the Major is a clueless old relic who has no idea that what he’s saying is offensive.
We love that show and when my middle son was about 6 yrs old, he was watching it with us. Next thing I know he was goose-stepping with his finger over his lip.
We had to have a conversation that you cannot do that in public because people will not understand you are aping a show. A show that is comedy.
Just show him the Ministry of Silly Walks.
Censoring Fawlty Towers…that is the last straw.
Time to activate hon. I’ll get the aircraft ready.
Teacher/principal is asshole.
A Baltimore County, Md., fifth-grader got a visit from the police after his teacher called to report that she had seen a BB gun on the wall behind the student during a class video call.
The boy’s mother, Courtney Lancaster Sperry, a Navy veteran, is warning other parents about a lack of privacy during virtual classes after her son was targeted by a teacher who saw what she thought was a scary-looking gun hanging on the wall of the boy’s bedroom.
“While my son was on a Zoom call, a ‘concerned parent’ and subsequently two teachers saw his properly stowed and mounted Red Ryder BB gun and one other BB gun in the background,” Sperry wrote on Facebook. “He was not holding them and never intentionally showed them on video. In fact, he was oblivious that they could even be seen in the background.”
After the teacher reported the gun, the principal, Jason Feiler, decided to call the police to report the guns and ask that the home be searched.
The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well, Sperry said, adding that the school handbook does not address rules for virtual learning at all. Besides, “he did not BRING anything to this meeting and he is in his own home,” she said. “They were simply in the background in our home, safely stowed in a room behind a closed door, with no ammunition (if you can even call it that).”
No, no it doesn’t. The home is not the school.
In some places misuse of emergency services is an offense, so that principal should be facing a fine for that call.
Pfft- A Principal won’t be fired short of pissing off the wrong politician or a career filled with molesting students.
They aren’t going to get fined either. We both can dream.
If we’re dreaming, the teacher gets fired too.
He could’ve shot his eye out!
However, the parent is a little bit of an idiot as well.
Good lord…..the term “sheeple” is stupid, but damn if some people don’t fit that bill.
I don’t say this very often, but okay boomer.
Oh boy. Hope they never see a picture of Seans lunch. That would send them into a conniption.
Handguns are vegan and gluten-free. What’s the problem?
They may contain lead.
Oh, yeah, that triggers some Cali labeling requirements, doesn’t it?
The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well,
Go fuck yourselves with a rusty hammer!
That trope is going to come around a lot when kids are doing half time at school and half at home. Going to need to verify that the “schoolroom” is safe with a visit by CPS or some such group.
He’s ten. He can have a BB gun.
You mean a .410 and a .22, right?
Do Americans really think their healthcare system is better than the UK’s NHS? If so, why?
So here is why I see the NHS as superior to the American system.
The NHS treats everyone regardless of their ability to pay, from the Queen to the guy on the street.
The NHS is cost-effective.
The NHS is modern and cutting edge.
The NHS offers fair, collaborative, patient-centered, accountable health care.
The NHS doesn’t rely on insurance companies to approve care for patients before they receive it. Doctors can be doctors and treatment is not delayed because the insurance company denied care, the patient has no insurance, or the insurance company can’t decide if they even want to pay.
Doctors are not ruled by insurance companies and patients are not denied care.
The NHS is innovative and has world-class research facilities.
No mention that every single health outcome for the NHS ios inferior to both the US and most continental Europe systems e.g Switzerland Germany Netherlands Austria France etc . Bu tit is modern and cutting edge and innovative and has world-class research facilities. It is only that the patients die.
The NHS “Treats” everyone – after a long enough wait or by crossing them off the waiting list as dead.
The NHS is cost effective – by denying treatments to patients with “poor prognosis” and by delaying treatments for all others.
The NHS is modern and cutting edge – because it buys its equipment from US developers and US Pharma companies.
The NHS… LOL, nope, get back on the waiting list, Pleb.
The NHS doesn’t reply on insurance companies to approve care – It cuts the middleman and denies treatment directly.
Doctors are not ruled by insurance companies – just the NHS trust’s refusal to pay for anything.
Let’s sweep the kid NHS murdered under the rug.
Kids, plural. There were at least two well documented cases where it fought tooth and nail to prevent them from leaving the country for treatment at a real hospital.
There’s a reason why the vast majority of medical innovation (especially pharma and medical devices) comes out of the US.
No, but it is delayed because capacity and because the government doesn’t want to pay for certain treatments. You need that cancer screening? See you in 6 months.
So does the US. And if you can’t pay, they sign you up for Medicaid.
I assume the rest is complete lies too.
I’ve seen some people (Mrs Suderman, I think, for one) say that Euro health systems are superior for minor medical issues (sprains, mild illnesses) and significantly inferior for major life-threatening conditions.
“I’ve seen some people (Mrs Suderman, I think, for one) say that Euro health systems are superior for minor medical issues (sprains, mild illnesses) ”
I’m skeptical of that even. I can go to the walk in clinic on my lunch break and get minor shit done for less than a hundred bucks out of pocket. I doubt you can just walk in and get shit done in 30 minutes in Glorious Peoples Health System.
Oh, and of course the US doesn’t have a free market system. They backdoor their socialism through insurance companies and ER mandates.
Hence, why Italy’s “World Class Health System” was rendered useless by Covid.
The NHS treats everyone regardless of their ability to pay, from the Queen to the guy on the street.
The guy on the street is getting the same treatment as the Queen. It is known.
The NHS is cost-effective.
Because it lets people die.
The NHS is modern and cutting edge.
Thanks to medical research in the US.
The NHS treats everyone regardless of their ability to pay, from the Queen to the guy on the street.
Absolutely false. Older people are routinely denied treatment due to their age. Everybody knows it, too. The Queen being a notable exception, of course.
The NHS is cost-effective.
Due to heavy rationing. See above.
The NHS is modern and cutting edge.
Sure, they’ll have modern treatments as long as other countries are making and paying for most of the medical advancements for them.
The NHS offers fair, collaborative, patient-centered, accountable health care.
Meaningless pablum.
The NHS doesn’t rely on insurance companies to approve care for patients before they receive it. Doctors can be doctors and treatment is not delayed because the insurance company denied care, the patient has no insurance, or the insurance company can’t decide if they even want to pay.
It really doesn’t matter much to the patient who denied the care. Care is denied. And insurance companies can be sued.
The NHS is innovative and has world-class research facilities.
It’s not me, it’s you.
The idea that someone like Chelsea Handler has something to teach me, is at the same time hilarious and nauseating.
What, someone who’s entire career is “Look at me, I’m a drunken slut” isn’t your intellectual superior?
Intellectual has got nothing to do with it – it’s the conceit that she is superior in any way.
When you spend your entire life surrounded by people who are trying to persuade to give them sex it fools you into thinking that you have worth. This is the root of a lot of this vapid nonsense.
Do people really want her to give them sex, though?
She seems more of a ‘fag hag’ to me.
there is a lot of shame in denying the oppression of black people
Black people are not oppressed in the US. In Africa, however…
Jason Biggs reacts correctly to her dumb ideas.
A school has dropped plans to name one of its houses after JK Rowling in response to the Harry Potter author’s tweets about transgender women.
The Weald School in Billingshurst, West Sussex, said it did “not wish to be associated with these views”.
What is dumber, the fact that they wanted to name it in the first place or that they changed their mind?
The latter.
“This movie eh. Poor script but it leaves you sexually frustrated. The film is rich porn.”
If the movie suck except for the sex scenes why exactly would I watch it instead of actual porn?
UK economy shrinks record 20.4% in April due to lockdown
t’is but a scratch
I dont think “due to lockdown” is fair. I would go 8% due to lockdown and 12% due to voluntary actions. My ratio may not be exact.
On the Richmond statue thing: couldn’t Trump just declare them national moniments (like Obama did with Bears Ears and that other place), which would effectively make them federal lands?*
The Antiquities Act grants the president pretty broad powers, after all.
*I don’t support Trump abusing this power any more than I would anybody else, just asking a question.
Trump should take down confederate statues and put up statues of himself and Mitch McConnell
*golf clap*
Trump is a dictator!!11!!!! *smashes someone else’s property
Shit, I want them to come down now. We’ll see how the woke brigades like it when tourist dollars start drying up. I’m not spending a fucking nickel within the Richmond city limits anymore. My money will stay in Henrico and Hanover and Goochland.
I’m not spending a fucking nickel within the Richmond city limits anymore.
Ditto. Except I am on the south side.
I mean, without history, why would anyone visit Richmond other than visiting family? It’s an otherwise nondescript medium-sized city. It has the distinction of having urban rapids for kayakers, and that’s about it.
Define “Visit”.
I passed through Richmond once. But I didn’t stop except at red lights.
Correction – that was Norfolk, I’ve never been to Richmond.
At Norfolk, you may want to avoid stopping at red lights as well.
Unless you took a rather circuitous backroad route to Norfolk, you passed through Richmond, at least on the interstate.
You’re thinking of Portsmouth, aka P-Town.
And Richmond has seen a renaissance over the last thirty years. A renaissance that is rapidly being undone, thanks to all the fucking hipsters who are going to willingly tear down what they’ve worked to rebuild.
I was on the Delmarva pennensula, headed towards north Carolina, I crossed the bay bridge/tunnel which lets off at a red light in Norfolk.
thanks to all the fucking hipsters who are going to willingly tear down what they’ve worked to rebuild.
Almost all of whom have moved here in the last ten years, many to semi-gentrified Church Hill. I will laugh my ass off when they start crying if Church Hill reverts to its ’80s-90s shithole status.
without history, why would anyone visit Richmond
Goes for much of the state (even though there are plenty of outdoorsy things to be done.). VA has a long and storied history that many find intriguing. But we have to burn it down because reasons.
I have a dozen pictures of my daughter as she grew, standing next to the Stonewall Jackson statue at Manassas. I wonder how long until that one is removed.
Very on brand for 2020, two nuclear powers seem to be edging closer to all-out war.
Smoke ’em if you got ’em.
It’s going to be a long year.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal that up to 12,000 Chinese troops pushed over the border into India last month amid border clashes as Beijing looks to slap down Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his ever-closer relationship with the United States.
Seems like that could backfire. It seems unwise to me for China to risk war with an India-US alliance. The main thing China has going for it on the balance of power thing viz the US is a ton more people and long supply lines – two things that India could easily compensate for.
Also, the world’s gone topsy turvy. I got a fundraising letter from Donald Trump Jr. raising money for Rand Paul.
(no thanks)
You don’t support Rand?
I vacillate back and forth. He’s still kinda libertarian, but since Trump he’s edged closer and closer to all-out regular old Republican.
I do like that he recently called for a ban on no-knock raids.
We’ve got so few ideological allies in DC, I don’t know how we can afford to be that picky.
But we do call ourselves libertarian, so it kind of comes with the territory.
If there is one thing libertarians do well – it is purity screening; no one is as pure as the one true libertarian!
And we wonder why we are a joke
The phrases RINO and DINO exist for a reason. It isn’t just us doing it.
Successful movements wait to purge until after victory.
Peace be onto Xer?
Libertarian or not, he’s the only one actually trying to do something effective these days. If he gets a nationwide ban on no-knock raids he gets a lifetime pass from me.
Appreciate the irony of such a ban with no Congressional authority to create it.
You need someone like Rand to at least attempt to drag the GOP in a better direction. It’s mostly futile, but there is no analogue to Paul or Massie on the Dem side.
Apparently you haven’t heard of AOC.
vacillate back and forth
That’s my very favorite sort of vacillating !
/ asshole of a buddy
You’re one of my favorite assholes. Maybe second only to my own.
He must be a very close buddy to tell you he enjoys anal stimulation.
Something sounds wrong with Don’s statement, but I can’t put my finger on it.
I do. He is one of the very elected politicians in this country who sound sane to me. The Dems are simply insane and most other Republicans are spineless amoral pussies.
He’s vocal in support in Trump when he agrees with his actions and vocal in calling him out when he’s doing something dumb.
Patience, by country.
at least we better than eyetalians
…said literally everyone.
Va fare un culo!
Deutschland über alle.
Not enough context, though. What if I owe 3 large to Johnny Twosocks and he’ll break my face if I don’t pay in 15 days?
Patience is less relevant.
Also, what’s the inflation rate?
Went to check, the statue is safe
Now that’s funny.
I have no idea who that is.
Arrogant asshole soccer player swimming in gold coins and poon.
Ah, a commieball player.
How about this guy? No one is going to pull his down, are they?
Neah. Why would they?
What did he do for African Americans? Did he promote trans bodies? BAN HIM!
fuck no
Pyramid of Subversion – I would say we are at least two, maybe four levels higher than indicated.
Wow, haven’t seen Kevin’s blog brought up in a loooong time.
The problem is prosperity.* These people have way too much time on their hands and zero purpose in life. “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” and all that.
I honestly don’t know how they can afford iPhones and Macs unless their parents are paying for all that.
*I am not bagging on prosperity.
These people have way too much time on their hands and zero purpose in life. – Nation al Service is needed
I honestly don’t know how they can afford iPhones and Macs – I blame China
It’s amazing the things that people believe are vitally important when no one is in danger of starving to death.
And EVERYTHING has been politicized. A feature of end-state liberal democracy?
Try to watch sports on TV, any kind of news, a new sitcom, any damn thing. We are absolutely saturated in politics.
I agree completely, Mojeaux. That’s the root cause of all this.
Boredom. I don’t recall it offhand, but there was a book written about how boredom can drive not just individuals, but entire societies off the deep end. When you are sweating bullets to eke out a living, you aren’t bored, so yes, prosperity is a great enabler of boredom.
I suspect the explosion of unemployment due to WuFlu has played no small role in it. If you’re working, you don’t have oodles of spare time to spend as an October Revolution LARPer, nor most people want to risk their jobs by doing so.
If you’re already unemployed, then you don’t have nearly so much to lose.
The statue of the man who warned against appeasement has to get boarded up to stop it being vandalised by anti-fascists; the statue of the man who visited & praised Hitler, & insisted that the Nazis were arming “for defence, not for an attack,” doesn’t.
It’s all so confusing…
But….wasn’t Churchill the original antifa???
You would be extremely hard pressed to find anyone who was more bitterly opposed to Nazis. So yes, the stupidity is beyond galactic level.
But….wasn’t Churchill the original antifa???
But he also hated and called out the communists (“iron curtain” and all that), so he’s got to go.
I was in two minds whether to post this image because I think it’s both a little niche and a little arch.
Right enough twitter for today
A statement so true, it’s tautological.
Ok one more
can we get a Hot Girls of Antifa thread going please?
Yeah, about what I expected.
Not hot.
Apparently, not.
I guess my idea of “hot” is a bit off. Yikes.
Here, have an actual hot commie
Oh ya, I remember her. I see she has started an Only Fans thing. The girl will be rich. Way to sell out to capitalism.
All this craziness has caused Mrs. TOK and I to reconsider our policy of no firearms in the house. She is insisting on getting a safe, though. Can anyone recommend a decent gun safe that won’t break the bank?
gun safe – gay
Also real men don’t need guns. Get a pointed stick.
Mr. Apricot…Come at me with that banana. Hold it like that, that’s it. Now attack me with it. Come on! Come on! Come at me! Come at me then! (Shoots him.)
Get something that can be bolted to the floor, and has a 60+ minute fire rating. I avoid the electronic locks, favoring the mechanical dial style. Glass relockers are good to have.
Are you experienced with firearms? Seems like if you don’t have any right now, you aren’t. Please, before buying any, find a local gun club, maybe with an active IDPA/USPSA group. Try out other people’s guns before buying yours, and make sure you talk to experienced people about safety.
Before I got married, I used to shoot every weekend with my brother in law. I used to have a CC permit and I owned a S&W revolver, .22 rifle, and a very nice MAK-90. Mrs. TOK felt very strongly against keeping guns in the house, so we compromised and I lost LOL. But we do have close friends who are gun owners, and Mrs. TOK spent some time shooting various things at her uncle’s house recently. We do have teenage kids in the house so we plan on taking them out to the range and giving them some lessons in safety.
Rifles/shotguns, or only handguns?
Sounds like only a few (for starters, amirite). I’ve seen some that fit between wall studs that looked interesting that could take a handful of guns, but not a Suthen of guns, but haven’t seriously researched them.
“…a Suthen of guns…”
*wipes coffee off of screen*
Thanks, RC.
*tips monocle to Suthen, goes back to pondering converting current 1100 to ho e defense mode or buying new shotgun with money needed elsewhere*
I was just pondering over selling my Saiga 12 and buying two Mossberg 590m’s but now I see the 590m’s are chambered for 2-3/4″ only.
Why on earth would anyone make a 2-3/4″ only? 3″ guns can handle 2-3/4″ so why limit options when the cost is zero for giving that option?
I would assume capacity? But yeah that doesn’t make much sense
My Coachman is 2 3/4 only, I assume because it is small and light and kicks like a mule even with the 2 3/4s
I assume that sticking to the one size makes the magazine feeding more reliable.
My limited experience with the Saiga is that mixing loads can cause significant issues, but that is supposedly due to the gas port.
My 1100 is 2 3/4″ only, at least on paper.
It still feeds and shoots 3″ just fine, but I decided since it was only rated for 2 3/4, I wouldn’t use 3″.
My case of 00 is 2 3/4″, but that’s fine because it will give me an extra shell in the magazine.
^ This.
Don’t go crazy on a gun safe right out of the gate – safes that actually provide substantial protection are crazy expensive.
I have one of these bolted to the floor under my bed. It holds my ready rifle and pistols, provides reasonably quick access, and is secure enough against curious kids and junkie burglars. A competent mechanic with decent tools could get into it in twenty minutes, but I don’t expect any of those to visit my apartment.
Yeah, something like that would work. We’re starting with just a shotgun for now, we’ll see where it goes from there.
Nothing wrong with a shotgun, other than that they’re a little harder to shoot than an AR. But that’s just a matter of good technique and practice.
Mossberg Shockwave
20 ga is fine, 12 ga is better
At the range you’d use one of those at, I would pick the 20 for ease of handling/shootability.
True, I have my concerns about using the 12 inside.
The pressure wave off the shortened barrel hits me in the left ear when shooting from waist height. With no ear protection, you’re going to be ringing for hours if you shoot outside, inside is going to be an order of magnitude worse.
I know a few cats who can do good shooting with a pistol grip only shotgun.
You (in the editorial sense) are probably not one of them. I sure as fuck am not.
I’m actually much more accurate with the Shockwave than I thought I’d be. I can regularly hit a coffee can at ten yards from the waist.
And for god’s sake buy a canoe or rowboat. You never know when you may need to take your firearms out on the lake.
There isn’t one, if by “decent” you mean “will actually stop someone from breaking in who has 30 minutes and any power tools.” But if you just want something that will keep curious children out while providing a modicum of fire and water resistance, the el-cheapo brands from chain stores will do that.
Yeah that’s what I want. We watch other peoples’ kids during the day so we want to make sure everything is safe from curious hands.
The very cheapest option that will do that is a gun “locker” rather than a safe. It’s just a sheet metal lockable box trhat can be secured to a stud or the floor. It will also be a tenth of the price of a gun safe with any fire protection and <1% of the price of a safe with any prenetration rating.
The other good thing about going with a locker is transport and installation costs. My low-quality safe is 800 lbs, and cost $500 to have delivered. Most name brand gun safe companies charge over $1k for delivery if there are any stairs involved.
My low-quality safe is 800 lbs, and cost $500 to have delivered.
Mine is about 450 lbs. Got dropped curbside and my father-in-law helped me get it inside with a rented appliance dolley. Would have paid the driver to bring it inside, but he refused for liability reasons.
I understand why. We had just moved in and I didn’t realize that the wood subfloor under the linoleum had rotted away just in front of the mudroom door (termite damage). Fortunately the safe didn’t drop right through floor into the basement as we struggled through the doorway but it was a close one.
What? didn’t want a basement safe?
Getting it across that thin spit of rock over the bottomless canyon was the tricky part, damn near dropped the plunger and dynamite.
Depends on what gun(s) you are thinking about. Handgun safe/locker is much cheaper than full size safe. If you’re thinking home defense, 12 ga pump shotgun is first choice. If that’s all you are thinking, then I’d go with a sturdy locking cabinet rather than full on safe.
Costco has a safe occasionally on sale for ~$600, including curbside delivery. It’s a solid safe and has ample room to grow your collection.
“Can anyone recommend a decent gun safe that won’t break the bank?”
That’s a conundrum. I understand not wanting to break the bank, but I would spend the extra money to get a biometric safe (both for quick/easy access, and for security). I would check Home Depot for cheap.
My local Roo-Ral King has a 14 gun locker for $119.
Probably one of the better brands for what I think you’re after.
If you want a heavy duty thing, bolt it down. Look for something in the 90 minute fire rating.
Amsec, fort knox, gardall.
LOL. Everything, literally everything, on that site is out of stock.
It doesn’t surprise me.
World’s on fire
Speaking of autonomous zones does anyone remember Zuccotti park?
Yes. Considering it was across the street from work.
These fucking idiots in Seattle are version 3.x of the old “Occupy Da Fuck” losers that want free shit. It’s basically a bunch of unemployed losers – either welfare recipients or trust fund preppie cuntes – trying to LARP being marxist revolutionaries that will finally bring in the marxist utopia no fucking entity that created a socialist entity in history ever delivered on. And like every other experiment, what they will deliver is massive misery, camps, and pain and loss for those involved. I will not be surprised that eventually they mirror the real life revolutions and deliver death to the enemies of the leadership cadre as well.
OWS normalized public camping here. Ever since, the bums have been out in the open whereas before they tried to keep out of sight. Fuck those idiots.
Not here, thank goodness.
I also read that the Mayor called these armed insurgent “patriots”. It’s clear that the Seattle PD have orders not to get involved. They have insurgents with body armor and rifles staged at checkpoints throughout the six blocks. If your home or business was located in the zone, what is the NAP and legal response (these may be different).
I’m trying to think what I would do if my wife and kids were inside and I was on the outside. Would you be justified in taking down any of these insurgents who try to bar your path? Sounds very dangerous to forewarn these guards like that, do you morally need to even give them the opportunity to bar your path since that’s their intention?
In the absence of law enforcement doing their job, probably the best bet is forming old-fashioned posse of friends and neighbors to hit the insurgents hard and clear them out. What happens then? Does the King’s Men arrest all the citizens trying to get back to their families and businesses?
The more I think on Seattle, the more precarious I find our country’s situation. It’s a hair away from descending to open urban warfare. I have no doubt it would have already reached that point if they tried this somewhere with an armed population. I think they are testing now and the worse is yet to come as the 2020 election approaches.
I think this falls into rules of war category. Enemy combatants are on notice at all times that they may be shot without warning until they surrender or otherwise stand down.
I had a very similar idea: I’m not approaching under a white flag, surrendering the advantage of surprise, to negotiate the use of a public way. The taking of a public way is violence and may be answered with self defense.
Patrick O’Brien taught me the use of surrender as a battle tactic to gain trust-ish in order to get to the whites of their eyes.
no objection
but I’m very much more of a reach out and touch someone guy; I’m at an extreme advantage from 200 yards and out
They are in a six block area, you could probably take them all out, or at least enough of them that the rest decide to go home to mommy, without them every figuring out where the shots were coming from.
And you’d be martyring them.
I’m all for clearing the hell out and letting them eat each other as an example of what happens if they get their way.
They already have plenty of martyrs. The latest one is a guy who performed armed home invasions. At this point I think the fact that they feel entitled to engage in overt violence with no consequences is a bigger issue than martyrdom. In all seriousness I see this crap as Hitler trying it on in the Sudetenland. If we don’t stop letting these scum get away with this we are going to reap a bloody harvest.
A. Correct. George Floyd, a career criminal and waste of skin is now a martyr.
B. Incorrect. They unable to learn. Sweep that shit up and shitcan it. Let someone else be a lesson go unlearned.
If it were me inside the zone and I had property to defend, I’d be sorely tempted to start disappearing them.
Outright confrontation won’t go well because of numbers. The cops are going to bust anyone who defends himself after the fact.
This is how reactionary movements start. They always emerge in times of chaos and they don’t play nice.
Often, usually, aided/abetted/condoned by elements of the security services who have had enough as well. El Salvador, Honduras, Northern Ireland, etc.
If your home or business was located in the zone, what is the NAP and legal response
Weapons free. //jk
Would you be justified in taking down any of these insurgents who try to bar your path?
Yes, assuming they were not letting your wife and kids leave.
Does it matter if they let you leave or not? As Don noted, the taking of a Public Way is considered violence. I’d consider it violence if a criminal has given themselves the authority to decide whether to let you leave or not, regardless of if they enforce it.
What if we build a large rabbit.
Wasn’t there a Bronson “Death Wish” movie that had this kind of scenario where gangs ruled and the cops did nothing? Good people need a leader who will fight back.
I’m trying to think what I would do if my wife and kids were inside and I was on the outside.
Starring Liam Neeson, in theaters this Fall.
Can’t complain about people doing this. I like how easy it is.
says if an officer asks you to put your phone down for a sobriety test or to get out of the car, you have to take heed even if you don’t stop recording
Why do you need to put down the phone to exit a vehicle or during most of a sobriety test?
Oh right.
Kravitz says the recording has to be in public. You can’t secretly record in the police station with a hidden camera.
“That would be an invasion of privacy, you couldn’t film them on private property, that would be an invasion of privacy.
“Civil rights lawyer”
That would be an invasion of privacy
They are government agents, you can film them while on duty, period.
Pretty sure police stations aren’t private property either.
They are not.
Filming the police in the course of their duties is recognized as first amendment protected activity in all 50 states and by federal courts.
It is almost as if we had a whole movement about that very topic, populated by crazy libertarians with cell phones risking arrest and beatings to press the point.
The tip of the spear:
Adios Charlotte…hello Jacksonville! I wonder if they’ll call JAX racist now.
In the very article you posted:
These people are insane.
They could burn down Congress on May Day and say it has nothing to do with communism, but absolutely everything Trump does is a dog whistle to a few Klansmen living somewhere in the Alabama hills.
The same people who believed that the 9/11 attack on Benghazi was due to a video.
Worth noting.
The question throughout all of this is practical — what can we, as individual moral agents of limited reach, do?
It’s a good question. I think we all feel like strangers in own land now – which is the plan. We used to elect people who were on our side – and knew how to deal with rioters and instigators of political violence. I feel like the question if when not if this all gets out of control. One set of laws for normal whitey, a different set for everyone else – that just isn’t going to last.
Been a while, thought I’d share some derp from the trenches.
Effective immediately, we are to substitute “Inclusion List” for “Whitelist” and “Exclusion List” for “Blacklist”.
That should keep us safe for a while, until someone points out that associating “white” with “inclusion” and “black” with “exclusion” might be problematic.
Everything is problematic.
I just handed out our new master key to campus safety.
You’ve just compromised safety on campus, change all those locks again.
You’re not even wrong. This is the new “off master” master.
Because the fucking res life employees apparently don’t like the idea of people having a key to their “home”
But in December wanted me to cut over 30 masters for the new dorm system.
Good for a 18 year old student, but no way a 35 year old should have to live in a space where an employee could enter!
It was my whole reasoning for the new system. We have 3 masters for this “off master” one is mine. One is res life’s. One is campus safety.
That was the original plan for the system the kids have to live in.
/Rant off
/back on
Seriously. That’s the argument. They don’t feel comfortable being in a space where there are 30 employees of the school that have access.
These people don’t care if those same 30 people could go into a students room.
They have it entirely backwards. Security for me but not for thee
Thanks for the clarification, I was uncertain about the initial rant.
Yea I went back and thought it was a giant word salad.
My “good practice” is 5 master keys. Most people who claim they would need one really don’t. It spiraled in the first meeting. Then a few weeks ago I said I was putting the “experience directors” in the res life master, seeing how they live in the dorms.
They’re still reeing about it.
I have a draft of the email to the dean’s involved stating my displeasure. I want to send it but I should probably edit it a few times to get some of my attitude out.
You can extend that to people asking for Administrator rights to systems as well. Don’t get me started on shared user accounts.
Well if you’re not going to do the work, we’re going to need the access to do it.
/griping at DCH.
Does it have a whip for a key-chain?
No but mine should…
Master Masterkey
I’m expecting new terminology for male and female connectors, too.
Front-hole and non-front-hole.
Remember the old Master/Slave/Cable Select jumper on IDE drives?
I ‘member.
Always on the wrong pins.
On Chauvin getting his pension:
This is something I find completely unethical…. not the idea that he’d get a pension, but the idea that government agencies can just decide that they are not going to pay pension benefits to someone … for whatever reason.
Would we tolerate it if General Motors decided to strip an employee of their pension because they killed someone in a DUI accident? Would we say that it was OK for Microsoft to seize the 401k of an employee who got caught with kiddie porn?
This sort of thing is one of the downsides to the defined benefit plan administered and funded by the employer. Still, unless the dude fraudulently earned the pension, you gotta pay the pension. It is your fault that you hired the guy and left him on the force all those years. Besides, he’ll be in prison. His ex-wife is the one who won’t have anything to live on.
Considering the amount of money the city will piss away in legal costs defending that seizure, it’s an especially stupid and vicious virtue signal.
A one million dollar pension for a cop?
This situation is nuttier than a squirrel turd. Those two scum bags had some kind of personal beef. They knew each other, they worked together in very shady businesses. They had fought before. Porn and bar security? C’mon. This was a hit and the 1M is the payoff, right? Things usually are what they appear to be.
Police pensions (and other civil servants) are extremely generous. Usually they get a large percentage of the highest annual pay they received, for life. And they get to retire early, usually around 55 or so. So if you factor it out over a life expectancy of 83 years of age, that’s way more than a million in dollars delivered. Plus, they get healthcare benefits to go with it – and their plans are very generous.
If its written into the plan that anyone who is convicted of a felony is disqualified, no discretion, I’d be fine with that, actually.
Would we tolerate it if General Motors decided to strip an employee of their pension because they killed someone in a DUI accident? Would we say that it was OK for Microsoft to seize the 401k of an employee who got caught with kiddie porn?
These examples seem more along the lines of a kid getting detention for having a BB gun at home, where the Floyd murder is more akin to bringing the BB gun to school and shooting someone with it.
Concerning the whole “Myth: Second Amendment protects individual liberties” article, I would direct that author (if I could) to read the Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States written by Joseph Story, a Supreme Court justice appointed by James Madison, author of the Bill of Rights. Specifically, the part about the Second Amendment, and its purpose:
The entire point of it was to empower individuals to protect their liberties against not only foreign powers but domestic usurpers as well. Unfortunately, even at the writing of the commentaries (the 1830s) the justice could see that this right was already starting to be despised:
Interesting that in this take, the import of the militia was to ensure that the people are sufficiently armed… .not the other way around.
+1 military-grade weapon
gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights.
Oh for crying out loud…..
‘The Dukes of Hazzard’ May Get Yanked from Amazon Streaming
‘The Dukes of Hazzard’ May Get Yanked from Amazon Streaming
Amazon might take action to remove The Dukes of Hazzard from their Prime streaming platform.
As people have pointed out in the replies to this, the entire show is rooted in the idea that the cops are corrupt and incompetent.
And local government, too.
The only thing that could possibly be so supposedly “offensive” about it is the General Lee, which was basically just shorthand for “This is a show about southern rednecks”
And a cool look.
Why do all of the best symbols get corrupted by evil groups? The rebel flag is definitely the coolest flag around, and the swastica was a cool symbol of good luck for at least 5,000 years before there were Nazis. And may have been in use 7,000 years ago. Stupid Nazis.
And the General Lee was the coolest car going. It could jump over a barn using an improvised ramp made from conveniently located farm implements and drive away as if nothing had happened. Have you ever seen a car that didn’t have a rebel flag painted on the roof that could do that? Yeah, didn’t think so….
Stupid Klan types.
The minis that jumped that staircase in the Italian job?
I still want to know if they figured out moving one or two people to the hood of the bus would give enough leverage to stabilize long enough for someone laying on the floor to start moving the box towards the fulcrum.
Euphemism of the month, at a minimum.
I’m just talking about the literal cliffhanger ending of the movie.
Yeah but they have that racist confederate flag car called *gasp* The General Lee!
Well, yeah… but it was the horn that plays Dixie that was the real giveaway….
Side note… they have been working to rename “Dixie Highway” which runs the east coast of Florida. I assume that this is going to push it over the top.
Reason #1 I reject “streaming” of all kinds except for live sports.
Speaking of, did you see the AFL scores from yesterday?
NO – I keep forgetting to see if they’ve started up again.
Collingwood/Richmond draw?! WTF
Looks like I get Brisbane/Fremantle live tonight.
Not just a draw, a 36-all draw. What I didn’t realize until I read the story is that they’ve reduced game time to 16 minute quarters plus time added. But 36 points in a game is still ridiculous. And Collingwood scored 25 of their points in the first quarter.
Yeah, that’s bananas.
I have to keep reminding myself this is only Week 2.
This is why Larry David will always have a special place in my heart.
She’s a child with intellectual maturity of a toddler.
She literally talked over Rubin for the entirety of that, yet simultaneously claimed he was trying to silence her.
Central Florida Glibs: meetup here tomorrow at 1 (PM). All non-Tulpas in the area are encouraged to come by. So far, it’s just me, Florida Man and Florida Cousin. Sorry for the short notice, but giving further notice would mean 1) Antifa could hunt us down, as well as 2) require competence on my part, both of which are non-starters.
The hot chick from Secret Nazi President gonna be there?
They all cancelled at the last minute. However, I’ll remind you that I am a random drunken asshole.
Oh, and if you could email me at my handle (with a 1 after it) at gee, mail.com, it’d be appreciated. So I know the party size and get an appropriate table. Oh, and the email server is the popular one (Google it!) I just wrote it like that to avoid bot scrubbers.
Thanks for the comments on grills last night. I had been dead-set on a Traeger but some of the negative reviews I had seen were somewhat troubling. Particularly the amount of smoke produced and controller issues. Fortunately the positive reviews far outweigh the negative, and I’m getting the sense that pellet choice makes a huge difference.
If you have a large budget check out Yoder Smokers. My Father in Law has one, he refused to go back to Traeger.
Yeah I looked at those. Unfortunately for the size I want it’s about double my budget. I’m going to have really produce some great results before I can convince my wife that we need to spend that much.
I have a Yoder. It’s a good unit.
The two selling points are:
1 – It’s ten gauge steel versus flimsy sheet. It will hold up for much longer.
2 – The pellet feed is above the burn box and is not prone to jamming like the Traeger and others that feed the box directly.
Anyone mention SNS? I am eyeing their kettle.
Or Smokin Brothers? Was looking at this one
Pricey. I am looking at getting a Charcoal grill to go with my gas grill as two primary outdoor cooking options. I have a Weber gas grill and a Weber Smokey Joe. The SNS kettle looks better than the Weber kettle to me.
Sorry I missed the thread – I’ve had a Traeger for years. Couple of issues here and there, nothing that wasn’t easily resolved/replaced. I’m very happy with it, though I can’t attest to how good they are now (as they’ve gotten more popular) – maybe quality has slipped, or just having a larger user base means more problems exposed.
I got a Traeger recently. It holds temp really well, in my opinion. 10 degree variation at most around the setting. And usually much less.
I have a Traegor and it’s my second one. I love it, but have not had a competitor to compare it with.
The newfangled one I got has WiFi and you can control it remotely even. You can also set schedules with it.
It’s pretty gnarly.
That’s all really good to know. Thanks folks. I’ll probably order one this weekend, Ace has them on sale.
Exploited Again – Financial Contributions to Black Lives Matter are Being Funneled to Biden Campaign….
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m….nonplussed? Is that the word I’m looking for?
You mean money gets shifted around between different communist front groups? Wow.
The Democrat party being the end recipient of most of it? That is would be shocking. I refuse to believe that.
*shocked face*
A national party wouldn’t pull a bait and switch like that! No way!
People are idiots.
I’d say I would boycott them, but I haven’t been to one in years.
And all the rich youngish white lefty bitches rejoice!
While Starbucks has a policy against wearing personal, political or religious clothing or accessories
Apparently it does not.
I hope some employee wears something and ends up winning a lawsuit
I said this yesterday: this is their big push to explicitly declare all of progressivism, whatever it is now or will be in the future, as “non-political”.
Where will I get scorched coffee?
Dunks is pretty good at burning the shit out of my order.
Have you ever considered ruining beans yourself?
That’s cute.
Why do I keep forgetting that I have two corned beef rounds in the freezer? Okay, now it’s just one, since I moved the other to the fridge to start defrosting. I guess it’s because they’ve been under the shelf at the back…
Speaking of beef… Remember that big freezer we bought and stocked a couple of months ago?
Yeah, hamburger at WM is now $5/lb.
I am feeling very smart and smug.
The 14 lb pork butt I fixed the other day was 99 cents per lb.
Hamburger is crazy priced, except at Costco.
I have a pork loin I keep meaning to thaw and slice for chops.
The “I was ready for that” feeling is a nice one.
Beats “I hate being right”
I am not feeling any of that. Since the price rose no one is buying the stuff and it eventually gets put in a sale bin when it is a day or two from its expiration date. I end up with a freezer full of GB, roasts and steaks at half price. With just Mrs. Suthenboy and myself here we have a year’s worth of beef. I had to quit buying beef.
My local Harris-Teeter seems to always have once cut on sale. The other day it was NY Strip. The prices of everything else was high, but it was a good price.
I am feeling very smart and smug.
Ok, you bought-low, unless you’re now selling-high, hush up, Mrs. Smugguy.
$5? It’s like $15/lb here
This CHAZ Idea Is Growing on Me
I read Snow Crash.
Its remarkable to me how many people who I would have thought were looking at division of the country as the least bad option when our social/cultural/political divides become unbridgable, are eagerly demanding that Trump bomb CHAZ flat for . . . doing something that they support in principle?
D/R tribalism over principles, maybe? Bush-era anti-war activists love Obama foreign anti-terrorism and Libyian humanitarian kinetic action.
RC Dean, D/R tribalism over principles, maybe? Bush-era anti-war activists love Obama foreign anti-terrorism and Libyan humanitarian kinetic action.
It shouldn’t be remarkable.
I have mixed feelings. I want to punish the shitweasel commies for seizing property that doesn’t belong to them. The property owners are suffering greatly and the thieves are the most unsympathetic creatures on the planet. It is possible to feel contempt and sympathy at the same time. Punish this one or relieve that one?
The flip side is splitting the country and letting the horrible ideas of the collective play out and they can leave us the fuck alone.
The rational me says pull the plug on this nonsense and relieve the people that didnt cause this….if there are any. Are they just getting what they voted for?
*draws blinds and turns off porch light*
It is possible to feel contempt and sympathy at the same time
it’s not “simultaneous conflicting emotions” if they’re in response to different subjects/objects. Your emotional response to the suffering property owners and to the criminals violating them are separate “feelings”, distinct emotional quanta.
I’m drawing a distinction from the sibling you want to hug till they stop breathing, the truck that never starts the first time but you’ll never sell, wives, etc.
“acting great Jim Nabors”
+1 Gol ly