Amidst the insanity surrounding the George Floyd debacle are calls to literally defund the police. We are no longer in the “Fuck the Police” zone apparently. We are just going to make them go away by identifying a small glitch in the system that allowed them to continue getting paid for so long. Let’s fix the glitch.
This is my review of Pinkus Münster Alt
Of course when they say “defund” they don’t really mean that. Defund now just means the same thing as “reform”. Defund is such a crazy way to put it, and they don’t really mean that; that’s crazy talk. They aren’t crazy; this is the radical left, after all. They’re supposed to be the “smart” fringe lunatics with degrees that end with the word “studies”.
But how would it turn out if they really meant it? Let’s ask the Harvard professor that operates in the intellectual dark web space as the credentialed fellow that “sticks his head outside his bubble to state the obvious”, Steven Pinker.
“As a young teenager in proudly peaceable Canada during the romantic 1960s, I was a true believer in Bakunin’s anarchism. I laughed off my parents’ argument that if the government ever laid down its arms all hell would break loose. Our competing predictions were put to the test at 8:00 a.m. on October 7, 1969, when the Montreal police went on strike. By 11:20 am, the first bank was robbed. By noon, most of the downtown stores were closed because of looting. Within a few more hours, taxi drivers burned down the garage of a limousine service that competed with them for airport customers, a rooftop sniper killed a provincial police officer, rioters broke into several hotels and restaurants, and a doctor slew a burglar in his suburban home. By the end of the day, six banks had been robbed, a hundred shops had been looted, twelve fires had been set, forty carloads of storefront glass had been broken, and three million dollars in property damage had been inflicted, before city authorities had to call in the army and, of course, the Mounties to restore order. This decisive empirical test left my politics in tatters (and offered a foretaste of life as a scientist).”
Pinker’s ivory tower account of the “Montreal Night of Terror” appears in line with the archives the CBC conveniently left for us. He overlooks a few underlying factors that may add a little bit of context to the situation.
- The late 60’s in Montreal was the scene of Quebecois Separatist movements. Separatists that planted bombs the police were often called upon to respond. One could argue Montreal wasn’t exactly Pleasantville during that time and asking to be at least be paid the same as police in Toronto (where there was no separatist movement), was not unreasonable.
- Murray Hill, for whom the riots are named, is the name of the limousine company who’s property was burned by the cab drivers.

Search engine image result for “Murray Hill”
The cab unions at the time were upset Murray Hill had an exclusive right to pick up arriving passengers at the airport with the limo and bus services. The cabbies were locked out by a monopoly and obviously held a grudge. Earlier in the year the cab union protested at the airport, resulting in them burning Murray Hill buses. This sort of thing was not new, and the police were aware the union was on their way a garage owned by Murray Hill but only stopped a provincial police car trailing the convoy of taxicabs. The police strike only further enabled a grudge that was already violent, it was not the impetus for the violence.
Keep in mind, this took place over the course of a single day before the Mounties and Army showed up to restore order. If not for the city government empowering a monopoly at the airport most of the violence was petty property crimes. Had they remained on strike, it is entirely possible the local businesses could adapt to the situation through the rooftop Korean method or by hiring private security. In many developing countries, private security is common because many local police and indeed the governments are too corrupt to be trusted by everyone. In practice, it will likely be a patchwork depending on the economic circumstances of the property owner. For most people, it might simply mean a resurgence of the 2nd Amendment. For others, it might look like the town in Mexico I regularly vacation. There the local resorts employ private security on their grounds, and the neighborhood of beach houses that rent out on VRBO all pay another company to provide security for the entire neighborhood. I simply pick up a parking pass from the real estate office that facilitates the rental, show security the pass at the guard shack, and they let me in. They have a couple guys diving around the neighborhood as well. Its the setup many neighborhoods are likely to develop, and one many gated communities in this country employ today. If you are going into town you are on your own, which is fine.
At worst, it probably looks like South Africa, which compared to other parts of Africa doesn’t seem all that bad.
This being a German beer means it is traditionally made, in accordance with the recommendations of Medieval.Top.Men. Altbier is a style popular in Germany during the summer months. It is somewhat Kölsch like but with a little more body and not without a very slight sour taste. Sometimes it is served with a fruit syrup, which given how light and fruity the beer is does not sound terrible. It winds up being very light, and refreshing but otherwise not particularly remarkable. Pinkus Münster Alt: 3.2/5
Thanks for the history lesson. I wasn’t aware about about that bit of Canadian history.
Indeed. The late ’60s – early ’70s was rough time in North America. IIRC, in an 18 month period spanning 1971 – 1973, NYC, Chicago, and D.C. had almost 2000 terrorist bombings occur. Almost all of them perpetrated by Lefitist or Puerto Rican Nationalist groups.
But they’ve switched sides since then. They were actually the right wing people of today. Because Nixon.
/every progressive ever
Slick Willy pardoned the PRs. Wonder how much the Foundation got for that?
Now THAT’S what I’m talking about. MOAR AZZZ!
And 29.
Overall a good showing, but I gotta go with #6. Though #29 is intriguing.
At least it wasn’t drugs in this guy’s ass.
Yes it was.
I thought defund the police meant give the money to community organizers instead.
I thought defund the police meant give the money to
community organizerscommunist agitators insteadWe only do sexual euphemisms here!
Are you some sort of glib enforcer? You’re not the boss of me!
I watched a chunk of CNN 2 nights ago. I counted at least 8 different “no, the real definition of defund the police is” versions in a short couple of segments. Every single one was offered authoritatively, with assurance that only Trump and his supporters are claiming that anyone actually means to defund the police. Everyone nodded in agreement about the notion that anyone was suggesting that the police be disbanded was a right-wing lie.
Oddly, the host did not contradict or question a single person about their version of what defund the police means, even though several conflicting versions were offered up in quick succession.
I can tell you what ‘defund the police’ means. That is easy. They want to replace the current police forces with their own version that would be indistinguishable from the Stasi.
The Progressive activists who complains about bootlickers aren’t mad that boots are being licked. They are mad that they aren’t the ones wearing the boots that are being licked. If the police tomorrow started fucking around only with white drug users, the Progressives wouldn’t say a damn thing.
I noticed the same thing from around the internets. The memo obviously went out.
Defund = More Funds
The one thing know 100% for sure is that “defund the police” will not mean that my taxes will decrease.
The cabbies were locked out by a monopoly and obviously held a grudge.
The government put the wrong monopoly in charge.
It’s funny because it’s true.
I do recall when I lived in Manila in the 90s, virtually everyone employed armed security – including our private school and respective dormitories and other mission buildings.
Every mall you went to, grocery store, movie theater, etc. Granted I got there after Marco’s- so I don’t know if that was a coup legacy or something traditional.
I have private security. It is the best kind.
Me too – a Glock 21 in my desk drawer.
Solid choice.
I have two Glocks, that Model 21 and a Model 36 that I carry daily. They shoot better than I had reason to expect when I bought them, but to my mind my Glocks are like hammers – they’re just tools, to which I have no real attachment.
My love I reserve for fine sixguns, old shotguns and accurate bolt rifles.
My 21 mostly sits idle in my safe. Back when my range had those falling steel plates, the 21 was my first choice to knock them down. Great accuracy and a guaranteed knock down. Range 9mm ammo was never a guaranteed knock down on those plates.
Can a regular guy like me get a gun legally to carry in Philly? Legally to keep in my apt so I can snipe from the terrace?
Of course you can, you live in America!
Philly is a pita to get your carry permit or so I hear. It’s way easier out here in the burbs.
If you wanted a gun, you could go buy one right now and have it home today. Assuming,of course, you’re not a felon. ?
PA allows open carry without a permit outside of Philly…err… um…. “Cities of the First Class” of which there is only one. Philly.
Concealed carry, carry on your person while in a car, or carry of any kind in Philly require a permit.
In theory, the whole state is shall-issue but the reality is the county sheriffs (police chief in Philly) have ways of exercising discretion.
Thanks Sean and DEG. (for some reason I can’t reply to either of your posts).
I’m so used to living in NY and NJ I had no idea I could get a gun RIGHT NOW.
So I’m a First Class city guy huh lol.
Ayn Random Variation: You’re welcome!
If the threads get too deep, the reply button disappears for individual comments. I view it as a WordPress “feature”.
You got there after Marco’s what?
After they moved their shoe collection to the USA.
2000 Shoes
Marcos was deposed – not sure why autocorrect includes an apostrophe.
When I was in Moscow in the 90s most of the restaurants had private security provided by the mafia. Dime had metal detectors at the entrance. If get a little offended when they’d just wave me around the metal detector.
It’s still the same. Every gas station, hotel, and place of business has one. While taking to my co-workers, they indicated that most of it was for show. They are cheap to hire and give your business some appearance of security.
The check point guards with shotguns and mirror checks under the car looking for bombs are still unnerving.
Before my canoe turned over I kept a 12 gauge, a rifle and a pistol by my bed, however the best security I have are dogs. They spend most of their lives being throw pillows on legs living in the house but if anyone comes around, and I mean even close to the house, they bark like mad. They go apeshit. No one is going to try to invade my space hearing that.
I have the best security that there is.
Same here. They will give me plenty of warning and will probably chase off the threat for me.
+2 Dean Beasts
How were the poor areas handled? Did they just handle things themselves? Were most people armed in the poor areas?
As things stand now in the US, the poor are pretty much on their own, but they’re not allowed to protect themselves.
Defund the police does NOT mean abolish the police!
It means to stop focusing on non-violent crime and transfer those funds to social services!
The police are not social workers!
Social workers are neither social, nor workers.
Nonviolent crime = arson, assault, theft, burglary, vandalism, murder, rape
Violent crime = Saying sex is biological, using triggering language
Sitting at a local brewery sipping a beer while waiting for a food order. After that, stopping at another brewery on the way home. I consider this a good day. About 10 miles in the saddle so far.
I’m about to go walking around my neighborhood to see if anything is open. I will support any of my local watering holes out of a sense of civic duty.
At the second brewery now. Temperature wise, it’s perfect upper 60’s. I could do without the 17-20 MPH wind though
For once, things worked out. That brutal wind was a tail wind for most of the ride home, making it one of the easiest rides back ever. I was chatting with a black couple at the second bar who had roots in Memphis and Cleveland. She was very proud of the fact that the Caucasians up in Cleveland knew their heritage, and could cook grandma’s recipes. Not just fried chicken (as she said, everyone knows how to fry chicken), but shit from the old country.
Oh wow all the Philly bars are open for outside seating. Even my favorite dive with no wondows has a couple of tables on the sidewalk.
We’ve got indoor seating, quite a few places don’t have the area (or the permits) to really have a porch/patio. They’ve started easing the legal restrictions in most cities, but it doesn’t help if there’s no good area to expand out into.
When I went to India for nearly two weeks a couple of years ago, every hotel we stayed at had guards at the gates with AK-47’s and other rifles. Me being an ignoramous wanted to take a walk around the block from the hotel in New Dehli and the guard was like…..that’s not a good idea buddy. The moment they see an American walking by themselves on the street, they will mob you.
But it’s America where things are really dangerous.
Wonder if they’v always had that level of security, or if it was stepped up after 2008?
That’s sad.
My sole experience in Asia was a week in China and it was safe as could be. Because reasons, I imagine.
It seems like they don’t fuck around with tourists being harassed in China. In India the police are corrupt as hell. We were on our way to Jaipur and our driver got pulled over. When he got back in the car in broken English he said the police basically forced him to give him a bribe or else he would have taken our van.
Damn those English colonialists for ruining the paradise of honesty and pacifism that was India under the
Mughalssorry, I mean indigenous peoples.Ah yes…the noble savage.
“The moment they see an American walking by themselves on the street, they will mob you.”
Sounds like center city in Philly.
If it takes 10 minutes to explain what Defund means, you should probably find another term.
But “funnel money to progressive causes the police” just doesn’t have the same ring
The outbreaks — and the dilemmas for governors — come about a month and a half after U.S. states began emerging from emergency lockdowns, and as the country surpasses 2 million confirmed infections and 114,000 deaths. The pressure reflects the Trump administration’s approach to the pandemic, providing largely voluntary guidance and leaving states to set strategies. That has produced a patchwork of policies and cleared the way to reopening of high-risk places like casinos and bars.
“I’m worried that people have accepted where we are as a new normal. And it’s not normal,” said Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “We can do better than this.”
“Are we resigned to losing 1,000 Americans a day until we have a vaccine?” Inglesby said. “I hope we aren’t.”
It’s as if they want us to believe the death toll will double every single day until the human species has been eradicated. Poverty and despair are acceptable, though.
And, of course, a couple of mornings ago, the Bloombergousie were interviewing some Professor of Cosmetology from Harvard who was screeching about how President Cartoon Villain is basically a war criminal for not appointing a Plague Czar to impose a top down national lockdown on all economic and social activity in the country.
J“Are we resigned to losing 1,000 Americans a day until we have a vaccine?” Inglesby said. “I hope we aren’t.”
Just the old and sick, just as nature intended. At least before we killed off the lions and wolves.
Keep whistling into the wind assholes. The rest of us want to live, not survive.
I’m not resigned to something that’s not going to happen.
“Are we resigned to losing 1,000 Americans a day until we have a vaccine?” Inglesby said. “I hope we aren’t.”
Nobody ever died until six months ago? Johns Hopkins should start looking for somebody with a better understanding of human health. That guy is seriously unqualified.
We live in a country with over 300 million people. I think we have to accept something over 10,000 deaths a day.
That’s about the average. I use that number all the time to “put things in perspective “
Murray Hill is also the name of an east side Manhattan neighborhood. Never seen any French looking types though.
It’s also the name of Little Italy in Cleveland.
That makes no sense
Well, it’s also the name of the road, and there’s a pretty brutal hill in the area as well.
The weather here is kinda shitty and nearly everything Ive read today is depressing. Im not going to start drinking this early, cause 3 days this week I was into it in the early afternoon. So I decided to give my brain a virtual ‘palate cleanser’ with some old Agile Cyborg.
Agile Cyborg
September.5.2015 at 10:15 pm
America, love, is as naughty as my pinkie toe. America pretends to be naughty but she’s a goddamn bipolar sad condition, man. She’s tripping on the past while trying to embrace the future while dying in the present.
Agile Cyborg
September.5.2015 at 11:00 pm
Sir, I offer you my hand in travel. Mayheart the wists fall upon the particles and I may be ever so lovingly blessed by glutton gleans of star angel pussy farts blowing bubbles outside this fucking thing called earth, lover… I will FUCKING float a pussy fart bubble up to your goddamn fucking craft… but if that doesn’t work, my lover, I think I have a humongous cock under the best national park in the united states called the space cock. I bu8ilt the space cock with grizzly bear anger and wolf meanness and I used wolverine jizz to weld all the shit together, hyp baby, and elk. FIELDS of elk. I entrapped their will to survive and calculated their will to survive and turned it into an engone…. and the blizzards screech I decided to turn into a laser of hell ice…….
yea… bitch,… we can fly out o here…. I plan on FUCKING making the mountains our skin….
“The weather here is kinda shitty and nearly everything Ive read today is depressing.”
Same here. I had every intention of cleaning my house and vehicle, getting in a good workout and finishing up a few projects today but the news and gray blustery weather has me really wanting to down a six pack or more of something tasty while I clean guns, load mags and watch Rifftrax.
“star angel pussy farts”
True poetry.
Name of an all-girl punk band? Or album ?
I miss Agile Cyborg.
Is he ever on TOS anymore?
I have no idea. I haven’t been over there in ages.
Bonus tracks:
Agile Cyborg
March.28.2015 at 5:42 pm
I see no reason not to fuck a sexy robot if it has a vagina or a butthole.
Agile Cyborg
March.28.2015 at 7:16 pm
So who wants to fuck my wife and me with a robot for a fmr and so and so?
Happy Man on a Gloomy Day
Since others have shared some stories of 3rd world scary times, I’ll share some too.
When I was in Tanzania, a few students from the school I taught at got killed when they got caught vandalizing another school after a soccer game. The next day, hundreds of students had bandanas tied around their heads like Ninja Turtles and were brandishing Fred Flintstone type clubs. They were getting ready to attack the rival school en masse and take revenge. FFU was called to the school in the evening. FFU stands for Field Force Unit, but in Swahili, they say it means fanya fujo, uone (make trouble and *you’ll* see). When they showed up, I watched for a bit. A big burly guy in a red beret yelled at everyone through a megaphone. I forget the exact Swahili words, but the gist was “listen up you dumb assholes. I’m allowed to shoot 3 of you, no questions asked. So shut the hell up and go to bed.” When I heard that, I decided it was time to skedaddle and hide in my little house. The next day, some FFU guys were still hanging around. When I went to the local bar to watch the news and drink, a mean as hell looking guy was sitting behind me with his finger on the trigger of an AK-47. I didn’t tell the Peace Corps higher ups about any of this because I didn’t want to get yanked from my site after having been there so long.
You think you’re big and bad? Go hang out at Uwanja wa Fisi for a few months.
Even so, the only really bad thing that happened to me while I was there was malaria. While I was recovering, people came to say hello and bring me food. They were very kind and generous. When I was about to leave, they gave me a very nice farewell party. They slaughtered like 50 chickens for the dinner. Hospitality to guests is very important in that part of the world and people spend big for things like weddings, same as in the US. So that was the time in my life when I tried to be a hippy dippy happy clappy granola crunchy peace and love pinko.
Ah, the Peace Corps- fighting fire with marshmallows since 1961
Did you meet any women during this time?
Met, yes. Slept with, no.
Whatever. I was there for the adventure and I got my wish.
Fun fact: more Peace Corps volunteers have died overseas than CIA agents. One guy in our cohort of 40 died in a rock climbing accident while there. I really wish I had been nicer too him the few times we were together. He was a super guy.
Years ago, a Peace Corps gal got trampled by an elephant and won a Darwin Award:
Darwin Awards says unconfirmed, but I definitely remember reading about it in one of the manuals they gave us.
Another fun fact: I distinctly remember a training video featuring several Peace Corps people who got HIV during their service. They all had sex with locals in Africa.
Hivyo Ilivyo. That’s the way it is.
*to him
typos, I make them
Guess I had this vision of the locals throwing themselves at the friendly American.
Lots of contenders already this year for the Darwin Awards. The fish tank cleaner guy may be leading the pack.
Oh, that does indeed happen, even to someone as repulsive inside and out as me.
I always found it funny that the most common questions I get about being there is “so, didya bang any locals?”
#2 is “so didya have to learn one of those clicky languages?”
Clicking sounds are used like swear words in Swahili, so I guess sort of. It reminded me of that Spongebob episode:
I know at least one guy I was with who married a local. Peace Corps marriages are fairly common. Obama’s mom married a local when she was in Kenya with the Peace Corps.
Hey that’s the first question I got when i got back from Vegas
Well fuck….
oh fuck. There are a few protests going on Philly now. This could be an ugly night.
This is going to be an ugly summer. There’s a lot rage and anger simmering underneath and I thank Bob that I live 45 minutes from Chicago.
All caused by the .gov and stoked by the media. ?
Yep. I get filled with anger when everyone brushes off the rioting even though my parents on the Southside of Chicago lived in fear for a week when the looting started near 103rd and Halsted. My Dad sat with his .38 caliber when he watched the television at night because he thought someone will break in.
I just flipped through the news channels to see if any riots are going on before I go out. I was on CNN for maybe a minute and the talking head stated as fact that Trump attacked peaceful protesters to stage a photo op.
From the video, the guy outwrestled 2 cops and withstood taser shots, ran away, and then you hear but don’t see shots fired, then see the guy laying down with a cop walking up to him.
Looks bad, but you don’t see what precipitated the shots.
It seems like tasers are useless on some people. Is it drugs? Insulation? What? Should they have just let him run away? The way he was fighting, maybe he should have gotten some stick time. I guess that’s banned too.
There are tactics to making them ineffective. Rolling or just pulling the leads out. But in the end, being a large person definitely helps.
Gofundme just sent me:
I propose an alternative:
Shut down all publicly funded education.
Since there’s barely any education happening, I propose you change that to “Shut down all publicly funded schools.”
Yes that’s the problem. Not enough college students.
Man, the world has done lost its mind.
There is some crazy shit going down right now. Some interesting clips at that link.
I have no doubt that if I put on a MAGA hat and walked around where I live, I would end up like that guy in the video.
Alt bier shouldn’t be sour. Depending on brewer, it can gave a significant hop presence. Uerige especially.
One of my lifetime goals is to visit the altstadt in Dusseldorf and test as many as possible on site.
Also, the fruit syrup is for Berliner Weisse. Never heard of it with alt.
Somewhere we can start: Immediately taking action to ensure every single Black student can afford to go to college.
Why do they hate black kids?
Lol. All they want to do is to continue to fund the College/University Diploma Mill and using black kids as a cover to do so.
Münster Alt and Düsseldorfer Alt are different. Düsseldorfer Alt is a little roastier and should not be sour.
I like both but prefer Düsseldorfer Alt.
Do not confuse Kölsch and Alt in either Köln or Düsseldorf. They are very different.
I remember that Vice episode. It was interesting.
I missed the Munster Alt part, ignore my posts above. Although I didnt think they were extremely different.
So the syrup is used in munster alt like in berliner weisse. It has a lactic acid bite, but should also have a moderate hop presence.
I never had one and entirely unfamiliar with the style. It reminded me of a spoiled Kölsch and when I looked it up at the link below, it mentions the sometimes use Kölsch yeast. It checks out as far as I am concerned.
Münster Alt is different beast from Düsseldorfer Alt.
To clarify about Kölsch and Alt, I’m talking about Kölsch and Düsseldorfer Alt. There is a friendly or sometimes not so friendly rivalry between Köln and Düsseldorf.
Yes, for every subject there are always two teams.
Hell, even anarchists have team Rothbard vs. team helicopter.
There was a protest earlier today of Nashua’s mask ordinance. I attended. There’s not much to report.
There’s not much to report.
The protest started at noon. I arrived a few minutes after noon. There was only person standing in front of Nashua City hall with a sign. This guy was the organizer. I joined him.
A few folks wanted to chat with us.
We had a few hecklers, but I think we had far more people expressing support.
We were there for about two hours. At the height, we had four people total joining us at the protest.
The hearing for the mask ordinance is this week. June 18th. We will see what happens.
You could have pulled down a statue or something at least.
He’s protesting all wrong. ?
I was at several bars over the past couple of days with no one wearing masks. Lots of bagging on the lockdown orders in the bars.
There is a bar in Nashua where the staff and most customers act as if the mask ordinance does not exist.
A couple places in Nashua that asked me to wear a mask inside due to the mask ordinance did not say a thing about my bandanna being beneath my nose (ordinance requires your nose be covered) or about my bandanna sliding down below my mouth. I notice more than a few staff, while inside away from the eyes of outdoor customers, not bother with masks.
I’m interested to see what happens as indoor dining starts up and gyms open up. The only allowance for a customer removing his/her mask is for outdoor dining:
Members of the public entering a restaurant for the purpose of picking up food for take-out or any other purpose must wear a face covering over their mouth and nose. Members of the public dining outdoors at a restaurant may remove face covering while seated at their table.
I suspect my gym is going to point to the Clown Prince’s rules in case this comes up. Bars/restaurants will just ignore it.
I might cancel my day off on the 15th when indoor dining is allowed. At least one place I talked to is not certain they will reopen their bar area due to the Clown Prince’s restrictions on indoor dining.
There’s still quite a few places here that haven’t opened up even with indoor dining allowed. Even my local bar/wing place is only doing take out for food orders, but you can sit at the bar and have a couple of drinks at least. The Cleveland Brewery Passport was supposed to have a deadline of the end of June. They haven’t announced a postponement yet, even though several of the breweries aren’t open to the public yet. I’ve got four stamps to go (one of them was only open 8 hours a week in the before time).
What? No looting or pillaging? No raging fires? You dare call yourself a PROTESTER! Wait until CNN finds out about this!
We made some jokes about the rioting, but no, we stayed peaceful.
So my husband and I went to the local bbq brewery place that he wanted to try out. They’re relatively new. Jousting Pigs, is what it’s called. @TriggerHippie, @LJW, @Libertesian, it’s about halfway between Gates and KC Masterpiece, maybe a little more vinegary than Jack Stack. The sauce isn’t sweet, but the rub has a bit of sweetness to it. The brisket itself was beautiful. Mr. Mojeaux really likes it. Me, I’m…on the fence.
Best brisket in town (unfortunately, there is little other competition), although pretty expensive. Overall, both the brew and the que are worthy of our support.
Is that your go-to? Taking Mr. Mojeaux to Jack Stack for Father’s Day. Not sure now that it’s worth the drive.
My metro area go-to is Joe’s, which is a longer drive than Jack Stack, but well worth it.
Jousting Pigs’ brisket porn
Link did not save… trying again:
My God.
@Mojeaux: “in town” = our little corner of the KC metro
I knew what you meant. 😀
Not long after I moved to where I currently live, someone asked me if I missed anything from the KC area. I said there was no good BBQ here. They looked at me and, completely seriously, said, “we have a Famous Dave’s.”
We’ve got a couple of local places up here in CLE at least. Unfortunately my favorite hasn’t reopened yet. There’s a new one that just opened that I haven’t had a chance to try yet (they’re only doing takeout at the present time).
Shiver’s Bar-B-Q has been a Homestead/South Miami favorite since 1950. Prior to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, they didn’t even have indoor seating, just covered picnic tables. It is the standard by which I judge all other BBQ.
When wife was living in Boise, coworkers would rave about the seafood at Joe’s Crab Shack. ?
today’s derp award
Rowling’s comment deeply hurt many of her millions of fans — including me. More importantly, it perpetuated the type of pernicious hate and misinformation that leads to trans women, especially teens and black trans women, becoming victims of sexual assault, violence, and hate crimes at an appallingly frequent rate.
And so, on Sunday night, I removed Rowling from my bookshelf and stored her away: all 11 books in the Harry Potter series (seven novels, plus three supplementary books and one play script); The Casual Vacancy, her scathing satirical foray into “adult” literature; and her four Robert Galbraith mysteries. In boxing up those books, I metaphorically boxed up years of intense participation in the Harry Potter fandom, from writing fanfiction and going to conventions to moderating fan communities online and nurturing the friendships I made within them. I still talk nearly every day to people I’ve known in Harry Potter fandom since my earliest days there. I resolved to compartmentalize my Harry Potter fandom identity as something over and done with, instead of thinking of it as a cornerstone of my identity.
suggested music: Limonaire Entry of the Gladiators
This is why you shouldn’t know what your admirees think/believe/say. To separate the art from the artist, you have to separate yourself from the artist. It’s not about you and the ARTIST. It’s about you and the ART.
*amused chuckle*
Super proggie not in lockstep with the orthodoxy. Whatever. Get in bed with them and it is just a matter of time.
It was very clever of her to conceal the pernicious hate such that no trace of it showed in the 16 books she wrote.
I like the actors from the movies speaking out against her views. Seemingly unaware they owe their millionaire lifestyles to a bigot.
I don’t know if this has been linked to before but it needs to be said.
Thomas Sowell
I sent that quote to someone just a week or so ago. She didn’t get it.
Twitter is the perfect medium for him. It’s sad that he spent so money years writing hefty tomes that were mainly ignored. His duel with Frances Fox Piven (she of the Cloward Piven strategy) is epic:
It’s incredible that the Berlin Wall was still up when that was filmed, and yet here we are more than 30 years later having the same damn arguments.
Mainly ignored? I have them all.
I had a prog tell me once that Sowell was not reliable because he gets quoted on Stormfront. He was not amused when I pointed out his favorite comedian, George Carlin, also gets quoted on Stormfront.
I guess the only trustworthy sources are leftists who get quoted by other leftists. Funny, that.
I knew of Sowell but had not read any of his books. The quote above inspired me to look for whatever of his works was available in e-book form from my local library. They had exactly one, so I’ve just begun reading Black Rednecks & White Liberals.
Vision of the Anointed may be his most scathing work.
In the South, whites pretend to hate blacks. In the North, they pretend to like them.
I saw that this morning.
I will never forget this one…
Interviewer – “Dr. Sowell, what made. you change your mind about socialism?”
Sowell – “Facts”
I am reading some Sowell lately and sharing with some “politi-curious” young people in my sphere.
One asked me who else is there nowadays carrying on the tradition and still writing and speaking?
IOW, who is Sowell’s successor?
Tucker Carlson and Steven Crowder are on the same page as Sowell and have as much if not more notoriety.
My favorite Crowder bit:
I suppose I should give those a try…
For a number of years I think I thought of Walter Williams as being a generation behind Sowell but he’s actually only a few years younger.
New Jersey police officer charged with assault after allegedly deploying pepper spray ‘without provocation’
Best part:
On the re-naming brouhaha
I oppose it mainly for reasons of expense and inconvenience, but also because every successful renaming effort will lead to calls for more renaming.
On related note, I’ve been reading a lot of Lovecraft and he, bless his heart, sometimes refers to non-WASPs in less than flattering terms. In his story The Rats in the Walls, the narrator has a cat with a rather unfortunate name. Should books of this legend of horror be therefore banned?
It’s interesting that the words insult, assault, and resilient all come from the Latin word for jump. The first 2 mean jumping on someone and the 3rd means jumping up off the ground again.
From what I remember, Lovecraft was bigoted for his time let alone for today. You probably ought to wash the feet of every minority you meet for the next year in penance.
Lovecraft’s bigotry wasn’t particularly bad for his day, when you keep in mind where and how he was raised. He had views roughly in line with upper class WASP New Englanders of his day in his youth, but he grew less bigoted over time. He was almost disowned by his family over marrying a Jewish woman, for example, demonstrating that he was less prejudiced than his family. Unfortunately, he also had severe anxiety and agoraphobia, and moving with his wife to New York aggravated both of those and they manifested in a distrust and fear of the largely immigrant population that he lived near. Later in his life he managed to get his mental issues mostly under control and recanted many of his bigoted views, preserved in letters that he sent to friends.
Of course, having a nuanced understanding of his life, how he was raised in an incredibly racist and xenophobic environment that played into his mental health issues that he spent his life struggling against and eventually succeeding, is hard. Denouncing his legacy is easy.
That was all sarcastic, right? “What’s the worst that can happen – we’ll look like Mexico and South Africa?”
No. To put it succinctly: if they figured this out in Mexico, I’m sure supposedly enlightened Americans can figure it out.
“If” is doing a whole lot of work in that sentence.
Meh. On any given day most parts of Mexico are safer than Chicago. Assume the level of risk you are most comfortable with.
another home run for Tucker
In Philadelphia, they vandalized a statue of industrialist Matthias Baldwin. Why? It wasn’t for civil rights. Matthias Baldwin was such a zealous abolitionist that, prior to the Civil War, Southern railroads refused to purchase his engines.
Doesn’t matter. The Baldwin statue was old. So they wrecked it. Dozens of other monuments have suffered the same fate, often with the encouragement of our professional class.
Erin Thompson is a professor of “art crime” at New York City’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her expertise is “the damage done to humanity’s shared heritage through looting, theft, and the deliberate destruction of art.”
Yet Thompson is, in fact, an enthusiastic supporter of destroying our shared heritage. “Use chain instead of rope and it’ll go faster,” she instructed on Twitter Wednesday night, before sharing even more tips for effectively destroying statues.
What’s her take on the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan being defaced by the Taliban Deliberately?
Is that a tragic loss of art and history, or a show of sensitivity and respect for the Muslim people who do not like depictions of humans in art?
I suppose it depends on whether Muslims outrank Buddhists in the progressive stack:
History does not repeat, but it does rhyme.
I can’t take seriously calls for the govt to “defund the police” from the same government that is requiring the HVAC guys at my house right now to tape up all vents and measure leakage and a bunch of other flaming hoops that will add $1000 in permit compliance alone.
Yeah, sure, let’s shrink the govt. like that will ever happen.
We will have turf wars among competing “service” teams meant to replace police. Could end up like Somali: warlords and no roadzzz!!!
You’re not up to date. Defund does not mean not fund anymore
Meanings have no words.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. … “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
Breaking news – Humpty Dumpty hired as chief editor at Merriam-Webster’s.
In Lawrence of Arabia, many of the Arab characters say things like “it is written”.
Turns out that’s a phrase from the Koran (2:216).
كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِتَالُ وَهُوَ كُرْهٌ لَّكُمْ وَعَسَىٰ أَن تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ وَعَسَىٰ أَن تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَّكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
Transliteration Kutiba AAalaykumu alqitalu wahuwa kurhun lakum waAAasa an takrahoo shay-an wahuwa khayrun lakum waAAasa an tuhibboo shay-an wahuwa sharrun lakum waAllahu yaAAlamu waantum la taAAlamoona
Is prescribed upon you [the] fighting while it (is) hateful to you. But perhaps [that] you dislike a thing and it (is) good for you; and perhaps [that] you love a thing and it (is) bad for you. And Allah knows while you (do) not know.
That first word kutiba means “[it] is written”.
The Pickthall translation copies the style of the King James Bible and gives the above verse as:
2:216 Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.
The Dawood translation is better, though even he will translate the same word used in the same sense with various synonyms. The Koran repeats itself a lot and has many rhymes. That’s probably why so many people have been able to memorize it.
The prohibition of idols (the depiction of living animals) in Islam is not unique. Early Celtic culture had the same prohibition because they were primitive, backward thinking animists. That is the root of it. Animism…magical thinking…spirits in the rocks or whatever.
Cultures in that stage of development also believe in magical words….hokus pokus. Words are not arbitrary…people discover words, they don’t invent them. Words have power over nature. You are forbidden to speak certain words or names because merely speaking them has an effect on reality.
‘It is written’. My guess is that in their view once you write something you make it true. Writing something is akin to carving an Idol. You somehow call that thing, idea, command forth from nature and make it immutable. Or something.
Some relatively sophisticated cultures can also want to destroy idols:
“My guess is that in their view once you write something you make it true.”
ding ding ding!
And not just them.
In China, Korea, and Japan it’s bad luck to write a someone’s name with red ink. Traditionally, that color was used to write the names of those sentenced to execution and also the names on graves.
Anicosism, the scholarly name for a prohibition on representing things in art to make it easier to research if you’re interested, was never practiced among the Celtic people. The Hallstatt culture, the earliest recognized Celtic people, had many animals in their art, as did the latter La Tene celts and Roman era celts. Roman sources, always to be taken with a grain of salt, mentioned that the Germanic tribes practiced aniconism in respect to their gods, but I can’t find anything similar for the celts. I can however find numerous examples of celtic art that depict gods, men, and animals.
People tend to make gods out the interesting things around them. The Hawaiians have a shark god, The Hindus have an elephant god, The Aztecs had a snake god, many Indian tribes had a turtle god, the ancient Egyptians had various manimal gods, and the Mayans had howler monkey gods.
Howler Monkey Gods – great band name
Sitting at bar. Because I can. Drinking Rhinegeist Whiffle Witbier 5%. First Rhinegeist I’ve really liked and it’s really good. Great summer session beer. If we could just get rid of these plexiglass dividers, I would be golden.
Do they just have the dividers between the patrons, or do they have them between the staff and the patrons? I’ve seen both configurations recently. As well as locations with no dividers, just marks for chairs. Just remember, the COVID can’t get you if you only drink sitting down, it pounces when you stand and drink.
Lol. Yeah, I’ve seen both as well. Current bar has them between patrons. Little hole in wall im headed to has it the other way which I hate worse because it’s in front of your face. If I can’t find a seat that’s not in front of the plexaglass, I won’t stay.
One place we stopped in yesterday had both the plexiglass between the staff and the patrons, and on the bar between the patrons. This place also has heavy wrought iron bar stools that are already a pain to move. Both breweries I was at today had no plexiglass up, just marks on the bar.
I’m at a bar right now with no dividers or marks and bar is full. Was same was last week. This is in the city, crowded area. Glad they’re getting away with it.
The plastic divider thing is getting out of hand. A couple weeks ago I went to the Pakistani guy I go to fill my propane tank. His entire set up is counter to ceiling glass, all covered with public health notices.
“Can I get some propane?”
So he peers out from just above the hand slot and says. “No.”
That’s absurd.
So… looters have preferences in alcoholic beverages. But I’m sure this is all covered by insurance, right?
I think with an enticing enough trail of loot, you could get those morons to herd themselves into jail.
They left the White Claw behind?
Went to the farmer’s market this morning. I said good morning to at least six people.
Not a single response.
People are obviously pissed off.
I even had clothes on.
I got several positive responses when greeting people on my bike today. People were smiling and out and about. Very few masks to be seen.
Around the neighborhood while walking my dogs people are friendly and say hello. Hardware stores everyone seems to keep to themselves. Grocery is a mixed bag. My gym everyone is really friendly giving each other high fives, and a few people even rolling in the corner.
When I hit Total Wine people are downright depressed.
When I hit Total Wine people are downright depressed.
But Total Wine is the best place on Earth.
It is, especially for people that have only alcohol to cope with their fear.
Maybe they are just depressed about their booze bill.
“and a few people even rolling in the corner.”
They’re fucking?
Is fucking a Jiu Jitsu move I am not familiar with?
Ah. I wasn’t getting the reference.
People here are relaxed and friendly….blacks, whites…we seem untouched by all of the madness.
Interesting point about Kolsch and Altbiers: If you go by the English style of beer classification, they are ales because of their top fermenting yeasts. However, the German classification of beers was based on the METHOD of fermenting. Both Kolsch and AltBier are fermented in the lagering style, and so it is not uncommon at all to people refer to either varietal as a “German Lager”.
I was at a craft brewery one time, and a work colleague got very haughty and chided the bartender for calling a Kolsch a lager. The brewmeister came over and explained politely that this is largely because the major books behind american home brewing in the last 40 years were based on people from the english tradition of brewing. By the time he had finished “politely explaining” how…inapt…it is for the English to declare a monopoly on the terms of brewing, given the German traditions, my colleague was well chastened.
There’s also a strong tradition of hybrid styles. Using ale yeasts and fermenting them like a lager, or the opposite. There’s all sorts of different styles and things that can be done to make good beer.
…and at this point did you agree to disagree with the brewmeister or did you break a stein over his head?
Well we’re headed be out of Karenville into the Atlanta perimeter (AKA the belly of the beast). Hope to enjoy a hipster burger and girly drink.
pretty good summary.
I find all of that tiresome. We have seen all of this nonsense before. We know how it is going to end.
Yes, we know how it will end, but I still can’t look away.
Re-watching “Silence of the Lambs.”
The amount of times someone flirts with, checks out, or calls Jodie Foster beautiful is the most disturbing part of the movie.
I mean what in the Charles Dickens was going on?
Woman hosts pandemic parties in tricked-out plastic pods
She is wearing house slippers.
Just needs a little round hole on the side.
Taiwanese politician snaps chopsticks with his butt in exchange for votes
How specific! Dude gets to openly perform his fetish for thousands!
Spongebob is gay!
And all this time I thought he was just square.
This is what happens when blacks gather together!
When comedy was funny.
Mary Poppins would have more entertaining if she had done that instead of using the magic bag.
The Boston Police Strike that began September 9, 1919