Solid beard
Looks like the baseball players union wants a 114-game season. With pay for the full 162-game slate. But since nobody cares about The Corona anymore, maybe they can go ahead and have full stadiums and the owners can recoup some of their massive losses. And UFC had a slate of fights the other night, but I don’t follow it, so you’re gonna have to tell me if the results were as expected. That’s it for sports.

The lovely Norma Jeane
Religious leader Brigham Young was born on this day. He shares it with turbojet inventor Sir Frank Whittle, actress and “suicide” victim Marilyn Monroe, actor Andy Griffith, singer Pat Boone, actor Morgan Freeman, another actor Jonathan Pryce, brilliant guitarist Jeff Beck, hockey great Paul Coffey, model Heidi Klum, Canadian person Alanis Morissette, and unfunny person Amy Schumer.
That’s it for birthdays. Now on to…the links!

A protester(?)
I guess people are about to start complaining that they can’t buy food and other things. Damn evil kkkorpurashuns, right?
Europeans finally have an excuse to “defy” lockdowns. Damn pussies couldn’t have gone out unless Americans did it first. Bunch of followers.
I wonder if any of their test subjects will steal it like those monkeys did. I also wonder if they think this will work once the virus mutates, as most do.

Alex Jones influencing the marches(?)
Gee, I wonder why. Maybe it’s because those protests a month ago weren’t devolving into violent mobs.
Look at this freaking MAGAT. Right? Sure.
Maybe the people on the left AND right who reflexively support cop unions will start to understand this is the result. You take away the goddamn unions and this kind of shit never reaches this level of ridiculousness. For crying out loud, why is nobody out there in the political world even addressing the real fucking problem? Not one single prominent politician.
Disney to reopen in July. Hell, I may take the kids. I don’t really think they’re old enough, but what the hell.
And now the weather hates us too! Well, maybe. Who knows.
Here you go. I may have played this in the last six months, but I don’t care. It’s always worth hearing.
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
Boys will be boys, I reckon.
It would appear that “boys will be boys” is acceptable so long as the boys donate vast sums of money to the political campaigns of the people tasked with oversight who sit across from them at the negotiating table when the CBA is being hammered out.
Totality of the circs, brah. hth
I don’t miss that fucking asshole one bit. Although I do wonder if the corona kept him stateside instead of on his next world surfing/music/hot-chick-banging tour. Because if it did, you can bet he’s out there splitting skulls right now and going home to his wife, Morgan Fairchild, for hot meals at the end of his shift.
Yup. That excuse coupled with his bs about Morgan Fairchild… blood pressure spike HIM NEED STEVE SMITH FOR SQUATS.
More training, paid for by we tax serfs. And maybe some tanks and other fun stuff.
Planning to take my daughter to Disney for her 5th birthday in January, so glad they are getting open to work the kinks back out.
Also, Babylon Bee worship song generator gave me this:
Your worship song is:
Whirling Yahweh Fire
Your electricity is sparking all around us now Jesus (4x)
I wanna know what love is, and I want you to show me (4x)
Insane, reckless, scandalous, unstoppable, is your crazy affection for meeee (72x)
Your chords are:
G, D, Em, C (throughout)
That’s pretty funny from the Bee….
I’ve been doing a rant about a segment of new worship songs for a while now… there is a whole genre of worship songs that take the form of telling God who God is.
“You are Holy!” “You are life!” “You are the creator!”
Uh… I think God knows who and what God is. Not that it is historically or theologically dubious to use that sort of language… it just seems odd to spend so much time running around telling the supreme being about himself.
The bridge is mocking this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GGJ8cyYNzQ
I actually like that one, but I get the mocking too.
The original tempo is too slow though. When my old church did it, they sped it up about 50%. Works much better.
Rants about worship songs are nothing new. CS Lewis has a quote about the Church of England hymnal, something like : 5th rate poetry set to 6th rate music.
One thing that has changed over the last 20-30 years…. “contemporary Christian” used to be entirely populated by untalented hacks who couldn’t make it as regular pop musicians. Now, there are loads of very talented people making their living in the contemporary Christian genre.
When I was in grad school back in the early 90’s, a group of the girls were really in to contemporary christian music. They dragged me to a big concert. Mylon and Broken Heart was the headliner. They were so, so very excited.
It was so, so horrible. Not just the concert – which was kinda pablum and uninspired – but the crowd. It was like some cult… you had to stand and clap along to songs that are just…. lame. And who claps to the beat at a concert anyway? There’s a few songs like that, but mostly you don’t do that. You dance. You sing. You fist pump…
I tried to get them to join me for Van Halen the next month… so they could see what a real concert actually looks like. There were…. no takers.
My wife wanted to go see Casting Crowns a few years back, it was a good concert. As you said, the talent level has increased enormously. They still (mostly) don’t write music that I like. I don’t listen to regular pop either.
Yeah… .as I told some of my club-going friends….
Even the best Techno in the world is still Techno.
I occasionally flip on the Christian station and I used to do AV at my last church, so I was immersed in the music for that job.
IMO, there are three flaws that make contemporary Christian music a tough sell to me:
1) churches have this awful habit of trying to use the songs for communal worship, which hardly ever works. People sing hymns loud and proud. People retreat into themselves when asked to sing from the latest Christian top 40 charts.
2) The lyrics are awful. I’m too lazy to pull my Christianity 404 article, but to sum up my complaint, the lyrics are targeted to 13 year old girls.
3) The musical talent has improved, but the songwriting is still very formulaic. I guess that can be said of any genre, but it’s particularly apparent in the contemporary Christian genre. It’s all the same rhythm, same guitar voice, same chord progressions. There are notable exceptions, but if I have to sing another damned Chris Tomlin song at church, I’m gonna throw something.
CCM songwriting is, indeed, rather insipid, particularly lyrically because the range of acceptable topics is narrow. But it’s not just the insipid songwriting, IMO, there’s also a problem within CCM that almost all of the production and recording is done by the same very small, incestuous group of producers and studios, so everything sounds very similar even across genres. Or at least that was the case years ago when I still followed CCM. When I was a kid I always liked Newsboys and Steve Taylor specifically because they labored to write quirky, even sometimes, dare I say, humorous lyrics within the confines of their industry.
Re: #3, see the chords in the generated song. No matter how many times you redo it, you get the same chords (at least the half dozen times I did it). That is one of the jokes.
We went to a Jars of Clay concert when they had crossed over into Pop briefly with Lift Me Up. I was trying to dance around a bit, and then realized something was wrong, and looked around me. Everyone except my GF and I had their eyes closed, faces upturned, hands in the air, swaying to the music. I felt like I had accidentally stumbled into the Hive Room of some alien invasion. That was the last time I went to one of those.
I guess this is where I confess I went to a Stryper concert in 1985 or thereabouts. It was normal metal head-banging, screaming, and jumping up and down.
1985 (or thereabouts)
I LOVE that song with all my pop-rock-lovin’ soul.
Way to pop my bubble….
I had built a false idol of Moeaux as this badass wonder of creation, and …. Stryper?
I’m just going to pretend that I never heard that. Kinda like the way there was only ever one Matrix movie made.
Just remember that with me, everything always comes back to Nikki Sixx.
As hair metal goes, Stryper is no worse than any of the other genre heavyweights.
I would have been surprised if MoJo hadn’t been to a Stryper concert.
I saw Stryper in Dallas in 1987, age 14. Loudness opened and that’s who I was really interested in, but I got a kick out of the Stryper show too. They were throwing Bibles out into the audience and that just cracked me up.
Must be an age thing. Hair metal is when I kinda aged out. So none of the hair bands are on my list of favorites, despite metal being my genre.
Well, white boy music, more properly… so southern rock, metal, hard rock… I had diverse interests. 🙂 (actually you can toss fusion jazz and whatever the heck zappa is into that group, so it gets more eclectic the deeper you dig). But I could tell you my age, gender, skin color and location and you could guess all of my favorite bands pretty easily.
I want to say this was the last hair metal show I saw. I was more into prog and classic rock at the time, and was about to fall in with the punk and speed metal kids at school, but when I go back through some of the ’80s Hollywood metal bands I liked as a kid, there are still a couple I can enjoy. Early Ozzy and Ratt come to mind.
We were planning to take the kids for the first time in November. Wife is adamant we are not going if they are still requiring masks (I agree too, just not as strongly).
My wife is the same way, other than Costco (and the hospital for my surgery last week), she isn’t going anywhere that is requiring a mask.
We’ve been discussing that.
My take was that right now is the perfect time to go. They are limiting attendance, so it is like getting one of those $1,500 dollar passes for the price of regular admission.
The wife’s take? Standing in line all day in the Florida heat with a mask on is tantamount to torture.
Uffda. Do you monsters want everyone to die from CV?
“For crying out loud, why is nobody out there in the political world even addressing the real fucking problem? Not one single prominent politician.”
Addressing difficult problems takes courage, a quality that disqualifies you from being a politico.
“Demonstrators protest the death of George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, near the White House in Washington.”
…as a fire burns behind them. “Demonstrators” eh Trib?
They have been so incredibly transparent about this…. I wonder what effect it is having though…
The other day CNN was discussing Trump’s racist tweet that called rioters “thugs” and said people were disrespecting the memory of George Floyd. They cut away to the Mayor of Atlanta who passionately complained about people disrespecting the memory of George Floyd by rioting and called them thugs.
Cut back to the studio…. “Powerful words from the Mayor of Atlanta… Powerful”
Same people… within minutes…. switching from “thugs” is racist to “thugs” is a powerful plea for peace.
Will it work this time? People seem fed up, anecdotally. It’s almost like there’s a “lie tolerance” line that has been crossed. One could hope.
I do think more people are realizing the switch.
I mean, it’s happening within seconds now. Usually they wait a few weeks so the doublethink won’t fry people’s minds.
I dunno.
I think the whole thing is just pent-up frustration at the lockdown and rampant unemployment, particularly among the young. This just happened to be a worthy fuse to light the keg.
From what I’m seeing, people are filled to the brim with confirmation bias, hearing what they want to hear, seeing what they want to see..
I watched them comment on what Trump had to say on the killing …. “Sad…. So sad… Really ugly video…” calling his vocabulary limited and laughable…. then, five minutes later he gave a press conference about China and didn’t mention the situation in Minneapolis.
“I think it is outrageous that our President has not commented on this issue at all!!!”
Same person. Within a 15 minute window.
I would like some clarification on your comment that people seem fed up, Festus. I don’t know about you but I think the problem is with the people that are using the protests to just play out Grand Theft Auto in real life. I doubt these people care much about anything other than the opportunity to fucking steal and destroy.
I think that’s a big chunk of it. There’s definitely a bunch of Antifa types LARPing GTA. And then you have a bunch of nearby young people who see a store full of electronics….
For me Antifa has one job, and that is to make sure that every peaceful protest turns violent. If there is a mass march, and- God forbid- the government makes some change, then Antifa has lost its chance to destroy capitalism. No, Antifa wants every grievance to end with a riot so that the State never has reason to change, and the protesters are convinced peace doesn’t work. Eventually there will be enough unrest that the whole system can be torn down.
The real irony is that these kids don’t understand how unlikely it is that they will be a part of whatever replaces the system when this is over.
Antifa doesn’t care about systemic change. They just want to destroy shit. Government bent over backwards to give the “60’s radicals” (aka Antifa) what they wanted and it made no fucking difference. They are narcissist nihilists – they have no interest in improving anything. They want to complain when something doesn’t work, and when something does work they want to break it.
They’ve been openly talking about “burn it down” in order to ring in the new communist society for many years now. The Bernie Bros are on the edge of this.. but you wade out into Antifa and Anarchist land and you get lots of “destroy society so we can institute communism” talk. Taken seriously and commonly supported as a major objective.
Don’t pretend that the Bernie Bros aren’t Antifa. Some of them probably aren’t, but they were easily co-opted. Bernie is either Antifa himself or too stupid to realize he’s been played. Right now I think it’s the former.
They said it was the right word to use when Obama called Ferguson rioters “thugs”.
But meanings of words change over time, I guess. Yeah, that’s it. That’s got to be it.
Obama has the melanin forcefield. He could say nigger, oops I mean “the N word that shall not be named” and not face blowback.
Trump’s racist tweet that called rioters “thugs”
The one where he also showed support for Floyd? Totes racist.
They see what they want to see.
That said, the odds that police reform is coming under Trump are nil.
Any group that wants police reform gets easily co-opted by Antifa who couldn’t care less about police reform and actively prevents it.
And the White House was put on lockdown, probably due to a relatively severe threat. But these were just “protests”…
I think it’s because the police are effectively the armed will of the state, and no politician wants to lose that power. Bring it to heel, sure, but neuter it? Never. That’s why they’ll go after police brutality as a race issue rather than a police culture issue; they want to reserve the right to send in the goons for themselves.
“For crying out loud, why is nobody out there in the political world even addressing the real fucking problem? ”
Apparently, the po-po is the wrong problem. Watching Squawk this morning – the entire program is dedicated to this “crises” and I’ve learned the ONLY way to address the “real” issue is full reparations of $13 trillion dollars in CASH to descendants of slaves (per Robert Johnson of BET fame) PLUS pass the HEROES Act.
You’d almost think that politicians gain more by stoking race riots than addressing police brutality and militarization or something.
We could ask everyone to lock down again, and if that doesn’t work…
Talking with the wife about this yesterday …. something I usually avoid because she’s drinking deep from the waters of CNN right now…. and I tried to explain why crying “because racism” is the problem, not the solution.
It is very complicated…. and she’s known that criminal justice reform has been one of my top issues for at least 2 decades. I’ve even caught a lot of grief for it over the years as I’ve brought it up with my police friends and at our very conservative baptist church. I explained that we were on the verge of breaking through several years ago…. Radley Balko had published “The Rise of the Warrior Cop” and was getting a lot of play on the talking head shows. People were starting to listen to the ideas that no-knock warrants are inherently dangerous, the drug war is needlessly violating our rights and getting people killed at alarming rates, etc.
Then the #BLM thing happened and all of that got flushed away like toilet paper in a thunderstorm. The new narrative was “the police are racist!” supplemented with “white people are racist”.
Well, that’s the end of the discussion, isn’t it?
If “racism” is the problem, what possible solution can you have in mind? We already have black mayors and black chiefs of police and black police officers in all of these major cities. Are they all secret tools of the white supremacists?
So even with a captive audience, and explaining how we’ve already been there, done that.. how the “racism” angle destroys the chance at police reform… After a detailed explanation of why it is a top-down problem, not a bad cop problem… a detailed explanation of issues like ending qualified and absolute immunity, ending protection of the police by unions and the police bureaucracy, protection by the prosecutors who decline to investigate, let alone prosecute, and judges who tilt the scales of justice in order to protect their own…. about our legislators who set forth the mission of the drug war and other violations of personal sovereignty… how all of that is why these sorts of things happen… not “because he was black”….
The answer came back… “but it has to be mostly because of racism because they are always killing black people…”
After years of seeing me grind my teeth over similar incidents that don’t make the national news narrative because they don’t fit “because racism”…
Yeah… it is way too easy to divert people into the “racism” black hole. “Those people are evil” is much easier to sell and much easier to digest.
Well, the Lefties driving the narrative definitely don’t want to give up the police power; they want to be able to do no-knock raids on Deplorables 24/7 when they seize power. Also: crying “MUH SISTEMICK RAYSISM!!!” fits neatly into their political strategy so it’s win-win.
+1 Bou Bou Phonesavanh
It doesn’t get more telegenic than that.
Nope. Not a peep from the national media. Nobody marching for Daniel Shaver either. I mean, if being on your hands and knees in your boxers begging them not to shoot you, getting taunted “we are going to kill you” for a couple of minutes, then getting shot 5 times in the back … resulting in an acquittal for the officers isn’t enough to get your attention, surely a baby disfigured by police playing with their war-toys should get some notice..
Gotta pick cases where a white police officer kills a black man under circumstances that are actually at least somewhat justifiable. That way you get maximum division along racial lines.
Even outside the mainstream, you can’t even get a story out of the bleeding heart libertarians for the Zachary Hammond case, for example. I guess “executed for a gram of pot” is too local.
Don’t forget about Kelly Thomas.
James Boyd.
Well said cyto, I’ve had the same frustrations. I’ve gotten cynical enough about all this that I think that the goal of the mainstream protests is to make sure that more white people are killed by police.
Last night someone touched on the “boogaloo” concept…
As I’ve reported, the wife is addicted to CNN since the Covid-19 outbreak began. So this rioting thing has her in overdrive. She’s fully addicted, CNN and Facebook 24/7. Yesterday she started seeing Facebook posts about the Boogaloo.
Apparently, they are behind all of the violence and property damage. They are white supremacists who want a race war. This is the narrative being pushed now in a fairly coordinated way. They even added it to the Wikipedia pages about the riots – saying they were there in Minneapolis and other places where property damage broke out.
This is the new Pepe the Frog. Anyone wearing a Hawaiian shirt is a white supremacist now. There was quite a list of other attributes as well … probably a dual effect of there being no actual sizeable movement and a disparate collection of people goofing on the topic in various ways having their individual takes collated and codified as cannon by some left-wing think tank that is pushing this narrative.
Anyway, that’s your counter to “all of the mayors and all of the police chiefs in these cities you are complaining about are Democrats”. This is all due to white supremacists trying to instigate a race war.
Who are you going to believe, the SPLC or your lying real-time cell phone footage?
Yeah, but on the plus side, at least there is no more Kung Flu.
Just ask, which groups and who is funding them…
They certainly asked that ad-nauseum about the anti-lockdown protests.
I don’t see much introspection from CNN on the topic of all of these supposedly “spontaneous” protests that are scheduled around the country. Maybe that’s because they are on the slack channel where all of the planning is taking place?
Who do you think is bankrolling CNN?
That’s… I… I can’t even.
Biden staffers, Hollywood, Black Activists, and Entertainers are funding bail for white supremacists?
Best timeline
Happy Baybay! Soothing photo. Thanks, Doom! When I drove to work yesterday afternoon the young couple up the street were playing with the toddlers in the yard. Dad was spraying the youngins with a garden hose and they were running around squealing. I laughed and waved and they waved back. Everybody waves at everybody in my little neighborhood. Young Mommy is a smoke-show, too!
Glad she brings some joy!
We went on a nice hike yesterday, and she needed to borrow my hat when we got out of the woods.
Those kiddos know how to make the best of summer
As I’ve reported, the wife is addicted to CNN since the Covid-19 outbreak began.
Cancel your cable.
Set fire to the TV – you can’t be too sure.
Better uninformed than misinformed.
The boog attire is great, and seeing people say “I’ll never wear my Hawaiian shirt again” make me laugh.
CNN et al is desperate to make the violence political. I told my wife and she said “are you kidding me? They can’t stand being wrong about one thing”.
The full court press on the propoganda that this is white supremacists is absurd.
There is unquestionably an angle about “outside group using this as an opportunity to spark long-sought violent conflict”… but it really doesn’t fit if you put ‘white supremacist’ in that role. The socialist/communist/anarchist crowd has been pushing for this quite openly for a very long time. And Antifa is one of those groups, they actually exist, they have actually initiated violent conflicts that are well documented in the recent past, and they have unquestionably been filmed at the front of property destruction in several instances this time around.
But sure…. let’s sell the narrative that fringe white supremacist groups that only exist on internet chat rooms are inciting young black people to riot and loot. That makes more sense…
Tricknology in action?
Look, it’s quite simple. The white nationalists get very upset when cops kill a black guy. So much so that all 20 of them instigate riots all over the country.
So they decide to be wrong about every single thing.
At least they’re consistent.
To keep up my German, I listen to news from either Austria or Switzerland every morning. Today, they literally used the “without evidence” shtick to describe Trump’s assertions.
Did they then talk about how these riots are all done by white supremacists, without any evidence? And then did they talk about how unfair people are being to these riots when white people got to complain all last month about but getting a haircut?
They’re playing an extremely dangerous game.
The more they push that false narrative, the more they risk an actual reactionary movement, which would be good for nobody.
The libs are buying the white supremacist angle hook, line, and sinker.
I’m not kidding. It’s getting posted all over Facederp.
Seriously. I’d like to think the only people who are buying this are the people who were already dyed in the wool leftists. But i think that the narrative is one that they are going to stick with. They fucking are standing up for Antifa.
Sorry to hear that. They got my Mom too. My Dad passed away 3 and a half years ago – he would have reeled her in or just changed the channel.
September 1993 is called the “Eternal September” because it was when AOL allowed any schmuck with $19.95/mo to burn to participate in Usenet, whereas before it was mostly limited to colleges and research institutions. Up until that year, September was the month when the most new users would come online, having started their first semester at college. From September 1993 onward, the constant influx of new users outpaced the ability of existing users to teach and enforce etiquette.
Personally, I think September 2006 was more momentous. It was the month that Facebook opened up to anyone, having previously only been open to college students. Whereas MySpace had always been more of a curiosity, and a way for local bands of dubious quality to advertise their upcoming gigs, Facebook became an ingrained part of many people’s lives. Thereafter, the Internet would never be the same, having gone from a place where nerds hang out to SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Since then, all manner of conspiratorial absurdity has gone from being contained to the pages of 4chan to being featured on the nightly news. For lack of a better term, normies and the Internet culture have not mixed well.
Social media is a fucking cancer. End Twitter and Facebook and lot of the current dysfunction goes away.
And Instagram, and Snapchat, and TikTok, and …
I’ve actually got no problem with them as entertainment venues. The problem arises when people start taking them too seriously.
This is absolutely true. I nuked my (minimal) social media presence when the crow flu thing started spinning up. I wouldn’t say that I’m any happier, but I’m less randomly pissed off.
But it’s got me wondering why social media is so incredibly corrosive to society. I haven’t really wrapped my noggin around that one yet.
Because it allows you to broadcast every silly idea that passes through your head to the entire world with zero effort. It also allows you to feel heroic with hashtag activism without doing the actual hard work and enduring the slings and arrow that real activism requires. It allows you to be a savior of the work taking “icebucket challenges” instead of donating hard earned money to cure horrific diseases. There is a degree of anonymity that allows you to say things online you would never say to another person’s face. And when someone tears apart your argument you can unfollow/unfriend them and not have to confront an alternative viewpoint.
This is all due to white supremacists trying to instigate a race war.
White-supremacists that tricked black people into looting and rioting…sounds pretty racist to suggest that people don’t have agency.
Sitting on the porch last night, drinking too much (as is my custom lately) and the wife says, “Have you heard of these Boogaloos?” I hadn’t, so she goes on to explain that her sister was texting her about them. White supremacists who wear Hawaiian Shirts and are causing all kinds of trouble at the riots. I responded, “Well that certainly sounds like a true thing that’s true and has been well researched and is definitely true.” And I started to laugh and she gave me a look that said she didn’t appreciate me laughing. Then I showed her some film of young dudes beating a lady with 2x4s and she shut up about the Boogaloos.
For real though, Hawaiian Shirt manufacturers are going to be in for a rough 3Q.
I am glad I dumped my stock last week…
Insider trading?
I got a DNC mailer telling me that they had a new plan to fix the evil orange man problem, and in it, they had some pasty white dudes that live in their momma’s basement wearing Hawaiian shirts. It sounded like it was a warning…
Can someone explain the Hawaiian shirt references?
It sounds like 4chan convincing dumb normies that the OK gesture is a secret white power symbol…
Pig roast.
Well, the mayor asked for him to be treated with a light touch, so I expect an immediate release with no bond required, and charges quietly dropped in a few weeks when everything calms down.
Serious question: now that this shit has been designated terrorist activity, wouldn’t he be under the jurisdiction of the Feds?
Should be. The two chicks who drove 120 miles into the city for the same reason are now under the care of the Feds.
It definitely frees up funding
You mean all those Hollywood actors and celebrities are raising bail money for nothing?
He must be upset about how the man kept him down for all of his adult life.
It’s telling that they still call these “George Floyd” protests. It stopped being about George Floyd several days ago.
Ummm, no. There’s black protestors marching to protest the civil rights violations of a guy murdered by police, with mainly white rioters sullying that message by causing violence at those protests.
The many black inlaws I have are pretty fucking fired up by the latest police murder.
Claiming that the rioters are mainly white isn’t accurate from all the video I’ve seen.
Gun-grabbing China fellator for Senate!
That kind of resume would be a winner in some states; let’s see if AZ continues its streak of electing shitty senators.
Worked for McConnell.
Isn’t McConnell more a China cunnilinger than a China fellator? NTTAWWT.
I always figured he was into pegging.
I don’t feature Mitch as much of a harmonica guy but stranger things have happened.
MCConnell is married to the daughter of one of Xi’s most powerful agents in the west.
Nailed it! This… is CNN.
There’s a neighborhood populated exclusively by anti-monarchists?
“For crying out loud, why is nobody out there in the political world even addressing the real fucking problem? Not one single prominent politician.”
Nobody wants to risk an outbreak of blue flu.
Well, when “the real problem” is
the mission – drug war, etc.
the tools – no knock raids, rubber-stamped warrants, swat equipment and tactics – including “shoot the dog”….
the oversight – union contracts that allow police weeks to get their story straight before being interviewed, prosecutors who protect police, arbitrators who return fired officers to work with back pay, the courts who protect their own, the supreme court who keep inventing further immunities for agents of the state….
You really can’t chant that as you march down the street scouting the best stores to loot later. “No justice, no peace” is much easier. And “End Racism” fits on the poster better as well.
Say, remember when a Somali-American cop in Minneapolis shot and killed Justine Damond and white people scapegoated immigrants and black people and spent a week burning down and looting the downtown metro area?
Yep. A talking head on CNN just told me so. Game. Set. Match.
When white people riot nothing happens to them. I mean did you see how no one was upset over the anti-lockdown riots? But now that it’s black people these protests are being called unlawful.
“Anti-lockdown riots” is the biggest bunch of bullshit.
1. Guns are allowed in the MI statehouse
2. The only violence there was the cops violently removing a few white women from the gallery
3. The featured image for the “angry shitlords” is a freaking MJ legalization activist who was unarmed and was yelling at a specific cop he saw punch a woman in the face for no reason.
Dude is literally yelling between the two cops. Anyone with eyes can see that.
He’s yelling directly at the cop, I can tell, because it’s a similar picture as the one where the cop is holding a double secret fully automatic super assault rifle to Ellison’s kid’s head. s/
Yep, and my mom was freaking out because they were carrying “machine guns” into the capital. I noted that they should have no problem finding and arrest the perpetrators since there is video of them and machine guns have been illegal for nearly a century.
“Well they look like machine guns.”
My first day of furlough and I wake to the cities burning.
I plan on being on two wheels most of the week and as far away from cities as possible.
Downtown Cleveland is currently under a curfew until 20:00 Tuesday. Lots of businesses were trashed, and lots of windows broken. From what I’m reading, they’ve blocked off the freeway heading into downtown to keep people out.
This shit spread to Montreal. So far violence is negligible. They raided the legendary Steve’s Music store. Because nothing says ‘fight racism’ by stealing a couple of guitars. Like I say below, we’re surrounded by retards. Between the lockdowners (and the ‘too sooners’) and the rioters, we see just how many buffoons walk among us. They both go to the Church of Scientism.
Like Sloopy said, pussies and cowards.
Here I don’t care if the cops start kicking some heads in.
Don’t worry. The mayor and police say it was “outside agitators” who started the violence. Not the peaceful demonstrators.
How do you know so much about our Mayor? Lol.
That’s exactly how she’d respond.
But they did say “merci” after taking the stuff from the storefronts.
Speaking of no one caring – except retards in a mask and still being forced to wash your hands going into a store. Retards. I’m surrounded by retards – about the virus:
Italy: New coronavirus weak.
“In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy,” said Alberto Zangrillo, the head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan in the northern region of Lombardy, which has borne the brunt of Italy’s coronavirus contagion….”
…Zangrillo said some experts were too alarmist about the prospect of a second wave of infections and politicians needed to take into account the new reality.
“We’ve got to get back to being a normal country,” he said. “Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country.”
But of course in come the medical bureaucrats with:
“…The government urged caution, saying it was far too soon to claim victory.
“Pending scientific evidence to support the thesis that the virus has disappeared … I would invite those who say they are sure of it not to confuse Italians,” Sandra Zampa, an undersecretary at the health ministry, said in a statement.
“We should instead invite Italians to maintain the maximum caution, maintain physical distancing, avoid large groups, to frequently wash their hands and to wear masks.”
Maybe Zangrillo can start pointing the finger at Zampa? It’s people like her who led the terrorizing.
It really was one of the all-time great stupid moves the lockdown. The problem is people actually believed they worked as intended. I’m going to want to studies to confirm my suspicion because this can’t ever happen again.
To think we stopped all summer activities and now talk of maybe not sending high schoolers back in September despite this virus not being a killer and not likely to hit us with a second wave just completely blows my mind.
“Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country.”
Nah. It’ll be the same politicians terrorizing the country.
The irony is that it’ll mostly be middle class, middle aged, guilty white Karens with #blacklivesmatter #solidarity #justiceforgeorgefloyd all over their social media.
I remember reading a few years ago about a couple of published papers. The first looked at a lot of violent interactions between police and the public. The other study looked at, in a controlled environment, how fast police officers reacted, in a controlled environment, to potential violent situations.
In the first paper, the researchers found that if you were black, you were less likely to be in a violent confrontation with the police.
In the second paper, the researchers found that police reacted more slowly if you were black.
Anybody else besides me remember reading about these papers? After all this recent noise about following the science about the pandemic, I thought people would like to follow the science (who am I kidding, I never thought they would).
I also know if I bring this up in public I will be labeled a racist. I am not saying there isn’t a problem. I just want to solve the right one.
There is no solution until Orangemanbad is wearing stripes, breaking big rocks into little ones in the Gulag and we live in the new People’s Paradise.
I was watching the Netflix show 100 Humans which is about as unbiased as a sophomore meeting of the Young Democrats. Anyway, at one point they created and played out a scenario where the humans (test subjects) were put in a “high stakes” situation and given a (fake) gun. They were nominally scored based on how many threats they shot, losing points if they shot bystanders. The real purpose of the test was the last round, where after having been hyped up on adrenaline for a few rounds, the subjects were given two “identical” non-threats at the same time, one white and one black. Needless to say, the black man got shot more often than not. Interestingly enough, there was one human who had perfect trigger discipline, calmly evaluating every situation and only shooting threats, and she had a law enforcement-connected background. They mostly ignored that though to focus on the “racism” instead.
Except… the two people at the end who weren’t supposed to be shot were not acting the same. They were both holding cell phones, but the white dude had a blue or green colored t-shirt while the black dude had a red t-shirt. The human eye is more perceptive to red. The white dude walked out calmly, held up his cell phone in a blase way, and then walked away. Whereas, the black dude walked out faster, pulled his cell phone out faster, and it up like it was a gun. I think it makes a better object lesson in how easy it is to get carried away and how important it is to only shoot when absolutely necessary, but hey let’s chalk it up to racism anyway. Bonus points for the obligatory, “oh my God we (barely) knew that guy!” montage.
I gave up when they dragged out the feminism prof to explain how men aren’t good for anything but donating sperm.
The show had potential, but the so-called “experiments” had zero control and less than zero replication ability. But #IFLS!
There was one of their “profs from the local college” that actually seemed to be interested in human beings as flawed but interesting creatures rather than hating them as sexist misogynistic pigs but the interviewer kept trying to railroad the discussion.
After watching 2 episodes, I concluded that MythBusters was far more scientific. Hell, Top Gear is more scientific.
Another Monday, another week of hating everybody. Another case of police brutality hijacked by race hustlers to ensure that nothing will get fixed. Somewhere on the news last weekend they were reading out a list of black people killed by police recently. I guess murdering Duncan Lemp was okay.
And NJ is still completely locked down (which does make me want to toss a bomb). Our Dear Leader is supposed to announce when we might be able to get our hair cut soon – but only if we participate in the safety theater.
Pick an incident, there’s no shortage. Cops kill twice as many white people as black people (yes, yes, that’s not controlled for population size; but make sure you don’t pay attention to that metric when analyzing crime rates by race). Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody burnt down the 7-11 for Kelly Thomas. Nobody stormed the police station for Daniel Shaver. If they had they would have been maimed and killed instead of “given space”. Fuck every single phony fucking dickhead pretending they give a fuck about militarized police brutalizing the population when they only bust out their hash tag campaigns and cheerlead for riots when there’s a racial component that can be exploited for national publicity. Fuck this entire fucking country, actually.
Good rant. I think a wide swath of the country is getting red-pilled right damn now.
“First they came for the ghettos and Karen didn’t mind…”
The cops and pols are terrified. Hiding under their beds until it dies down.
If Kelly Thomas begging for his life, yelling “daddy help me” didn’t get anyone’s attention… you know there are ulterior motives at work.
That case had everything you need…. a meek little 135 pound mentally ill dude sitting on a curb being threatened by a huge whale of a cop who shook his fist in his face saying “You see this? This is gonna fuck you up!”…. then proceeding to literally beat him to death with bare hands and the butt of a taser gun with 6 of his friends, while several people watched in horror.
It barely merited a mention on the national news, even with the horrific picture of his not-quite-human-anymore face in his hospital bed as he lay dying.
But “hands up, don’t shoot” is still the motto of the #BLM crowd, and gets cited regularly on CNN et. al. as proof of racist police, even though that case proved to be quite the opposite of the initial narrative.
There’s also Tamir Rice. Yes, he had a fake but real-looking gun and may have been waving it around, but he was killed by the cops before they could possibly have assessed anything about the situation. They literally rolled up right next to him in the middle of a park, hopped out of their cruiser, and fired away before anything could have been said or done. That one gets talked about a lot less often than the more contentious cases, even though the victim was black.
Tamir Rice is brought up here in Cleveland on a regular basis.
Fair point. I don’t see the case mentioned as much nationally, though.
The point being…. he’s not the poster child.
And he’s literally a child. He would make the perfect poster child for the movement.
But there’s not nearly enough contention about the case. Everyone agrees that shooting a kid playing with a toy gun in a public park is horrific. So no racial divide.
That’s why they always push edge cases. That’s why “hands up, don’t shoot” is the rallying cry. Because it riles up the base, and anyone who has heard the full story knows that the guy tried to reach into the police car and grab the officer’s gun, getting his hand injured when it went off inside the vehicle.
So now you have a racial divide. It happened too many times in a row to be a coincidence.
That one was egregious. If the cop thought it was a real gun, why would he roll right up next to him?
We talked about that here….
I put the blame on the driver. He put his partner 10 feet away from a potentially armed suspect? Everyone used the “just a split second to decide” excuse, but why did he only have a split second? Because his partner drove him right up next to the “suspect”.
That was also how I knew that he didn’t really, really believe there was an active shooter. Because when that happens, they park far away and take cover. They don’t jump the curb and step out of the vehicle right in the line of fire.
BLM has their useful idiots but at the end of the day it’s a Marxist front group. They don’t give two shits about anyone’s life.
The more martyrs the better.
One caveat:
The “rule of law” has largely been dead letter in blighted, urban, blue areas for quite some time. Big blue city mayors have demonstrated several times over the past 3+ years that they won’t do shit about rioters as long as they’re on the right TEAM. Us stupid exurban and rural dwellers with our guns and elbow room; bitter clinging deplorables, each and every one. Too bad we’ve been right all along.
When and if this dies down, the urban exodus predicted by Kung Flu is going to become a problem in earnest. I predict that those who can afford it, will leave in droves leaving most US cities looking a lot less like Richard Florida’s “creative class” havens and a lot more like Detroit or Youngstown.
Shit, we’re in the suburbs and we want to move out of this and into more remote places.
This madness we want no part of.
Florida’s ‘creative class’ probably consists of hipster douches who wear masks and riot while sipping sugary drinks.
Fuck ’em.
We will be shopping for land in West Virginia or South Carolina later this year.
A year from now I plan to have 4-bedroom house on 1.1 acres of land in a very spread-out neighborhood, next to a state forest for sale. Commutable to NYC from a bus service 1 mile away. I hope the urban exit does wonders for my property value. A slightly smaller house down the street just sold after only a month on the market during a lockdown.
The caveat should be that it’s Heather “I suck cop dick” MacDonald.
Incoming transmission… Mammary Monday… tits… cleava… *signal lost*
4 looks like a Japanese horror movie character. 16 is as hot as a July afternoon in Phoenix and is a regular contributor, but somehow always manages to have some kind of unappealing sneer on her face. It’s disappointing. Still, getting a solid glimpse of her areolae is quite nice.
21 raises and interesting question. What is the consensus around here on nipple piercings?
She may be one of the rare women that has the right kind of nipples for piercings. There’s a very narrow range of nipple/areola size suitable for piercings. Large areolae just look weird and small areolae with perky nipples (when coupled with bigguns are my preference) are too great on their own to need any adornment. Also on really big tits, a little sagginess is to be expected and isn’t a bad thing; however nipple piercings will accentuate the sagginess and make it look more unappealing.
I’m with you…. boobs are great, just as they are. Why risk screwing with a good thing?
I have the same opinion on tattoos. Sure, a good tattoo can look good on a hot chick. But in reality, adding a tattoo doesn’t make the hot chick any hotter. And adding a tattoo to a not-hot chick certainly doesn’t improve the situation. And all of us have the same problem… as we get older, it ain’t getting any better. Best to just maintain what you’ve got as best you can. That’s much more effective than poking holes or drawing on it.
Of course, you can’t get that for a few hundred bucks and an hour of your time.
Didn’t even notice 21, scrolled past. 9 and 43 were the best by my tastes.
Never dated a woman with nipple rings – they weren’t interested in me.
I am not even a fan of ear piercings.
For the record, I’m agin it. But ultimately, boobs are like pizza. Even when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good. And 53 wins the booby prize.
But ultimately, boobs are like pizza. You don’t put pineapple on them, because it hurts.
I’ve realized everyone is an idiot.
The cries for reform of police while not understanding it’s the number of laws/interactions with police…
Just own the fact that death is possible, probable, and accepted if something is called a crime.
I’ve tried to push that as well… that whole concept is greeted with hostility by all sides in the debate.
The notion that “if you put a million armed police on the streets, you are going to have a certain number of lethal mistakes” is an inevitability of our system doesn’t work for anyone.
Balko had a really good balance going – reduce the number of potential violent interactions by reducing the situations in which violence is initiated by the police was a guiding philosophy. Ending the war on drugs was a big cornerstone. So was ending tactics that create inherently violent situation – like no-knock or knock-and-announce raids in situations where they are not absolutely required.
On the other side, people need to accept that cops are going to screw up. They are human. If you put them in potentially violent situations enough times, some of them are going to shoot when they should not shoot. It is inevitable.
If we fixed those problems, these George Floyd cases would really stand out in stark relief… because that ain’t a mistake, it ain’t tactics…. it is a callous indifference to your fellow human – and all 4 cops were guilty of that. This is why this case is an outlier in the debate. There is no controversy. Nobody is on the side of the police officers – not even other cops. This one isn’t instructive on any level – other than the “police can’t police their own” angle.
White cop violence on blacks is not even statistically supported.
Too soon?
“Nobody is on the side of the police officers – not even other cops.”
What about the union?
I told a few friends immediately after the video aired that the main cop would likely get manslaughter, but the other 3 would eventually be reinstated with back pay a year or two down the road.
They acted like I just made that up out of whole cloth. Very, very few people seem to follow this stuff.
I notice that the supposedly “alt-right” glibertarians are able to rattle off the names of dozens of victims of police brutality right of the top of their heads. Meanwhile, the woke crowd can list innocent victims of police brutality that include Trayvon Martin and that dude in southern Georgia, as well as hands-up, don’t shoot guy. Two that didn’t involve police and a third that instigated violence against a police officer.
Meanwhile, we pick innocent children shot in no-knock raids, guys executed in their hotel hallway in their underwear for the crime of drinking in a hotel room…. even people like Jose Guerrena, shot 22 times in a “knock and announce” raid and left to bleed out and die while his wife begged for help on the phone. Everyone here knows those stories by heart. Mr. Woke CNN reporter doesn’t. And he doesn’t even know the details of his favorite stories.
Why would you need to know the details when you know the narrative?
Just now? Covid lockdowns removed any doubt from my mind.
I don’t care about this subthread:
Paul Krugman Is Pretty Upbeat About the Economy
My take is that the Covid slump is more like 1979-82 than 2007-09: it wasn’t caused by imbalances that will take years to correct. So that would suggest fast recovery once the virus is contained. But some big caveats.
One is that we don’t know how long the pandemic will last. Right now, we’re probably opening too soon, which will actually extend the period of economic weakness.
Another is that even if we didn’t have big imbalances before, the slump may be creating them now. Think of business closures, which will require time to reverse.
And I also wonder how much long-term change we’ll experience as a result of the virus. If we have a permanent shift to more telecommuting and less in-person retail, then we’ll have to shift workers to new sectors, which will take time. That was an argument lots of people made, wrongly, in 2009, but it could be true now.
All that said, right now I don’t see the case for a multiyear depression. People expecting this slump to look like the last one seem to me to be fighting the last war.
Given his record on economic prognostication, I’d say you couldn’t go too wrong preparing for a 10-15 year long depression.
Start prepping and preparing your bunker.
He says they’re opening too soon but doesn’t think there’s a chance at a long-term depression?
Is this guy on crack? Lefties can’t even logic right anymore.
As for the pandemic, this thing is stale. It only has legs because politicians and pant shitters alike are breathing retard life into it.
I sometimes wonder if that guy started smoking crack and got toxic leukoencephalopathy after he won his Nobel. It’s the only way I can think of for someone to lose that much brain power so quickly.
just like huffing, fart sniffing can kill the first time.
No, he simply learned that there is good money to be made telling Progressives what they want to hear.
I wonder how much of this there is….
AM talk radio definitely evolved because there were radio entertainers who found a wanting audience. They weren’t “political first”.. they were radio personalities first. They discovered the audience and treated it like doing a radio show.
That’s why the left failed so miserably at copying it. They thought it was politics first. So they were terrible at it.
Shit. If I was in the finance sector, I would make a killing by simply betting against Krugman. It makes me real edgy when he says that he’s optimistic.
He thinks Trump will lose in November. Remember, he predicted the economy would tank if Trump was elected.
Not tank. Tank and enter a depression. The economic damage of his policies and the rest of the world refusing to trade with Orangeman’s country.
By the time the ink was dry on the article, the stock market had rebounded.
Krugnuts says it’s no big deal?
Well, we’re surely fucked then.
this is terrifying.
” Right now, we’re probably opening too soon, which will actually extend the period of economic weakness.”
What a piece of progressive shit this little twerp is.
Masterclass my ass. People pay for this asshole to teach them?
There are times I forget how blatant CNN is with pushing flat out lies. Then shit like “the riots are white supremacists” Congress out and I remember that they have more than a bias.
They don’t even need proof for people to believe it. It’s fucking depressing.
As soon as someone tells me the watch CNN and/or MSNBC, and don’t tell me they do so to get a good laugh or to check out the lying of the day, I assume I am talking to an idiot that was just looking for confirmation bias.
Continue a thread of thought I’d rather the violent antifa members be prosecuted than declaring the whole org a terrorist group. But I do wonder if they are going to get the KKK treatment if we will see prosections against mayor’s and DAs that refused to prosecute them.
I mean, how am I going to organize my thoughts if I can’t lump ranges of people into buckets? What do you want: that I should experience individuals by the content of their character? Criminal judgment based on the witnessed actions of the accused is way too inefficient.
Alas I’ll never make a competent government administrator.
Just jacking up the foot soldiers does little. You have to go after the organizers and money men if you want antifa stopped/gone.
If they aren’t being violent, i really don’t have grounds to demand that they cease existing.
“I didn’t personally kill anyone, I was only giving orders.”
I guess i have to be more clear. I’m not talking about Letting leadership off the hook when they are organizing violence. But I don’t see a need to have the government destory antifa if they give up their violent ways.
If they gave up their violent ways they wouldn’t exist.
Their entire thing is based on violence. If you aren’t going to engage in rioting and property destruction, you’re not going to be a member, period.
These are people that want to see shit burn.
No reason to arrest the guy who pays a hit man?
RC, you reminded me of The Wire. 90% of the local government was only interested in jacking up the foot soldiers, because the organizers and money men were bankrolling enough local government to buy such protection.
So you are saying the team blue politicians bailing them out should be charged? I am sure Biden can claim he had no clue what his campaign was doing considering he has no clue what the fuck is happening at any time..
The KKK and Mafia did not have the entire media on their side. That’s the difference. The media have made their choice and they’re all supporting antifa 100%. Let’s see what happens…
Thousands march in Europe in solidarity with U.S. protesters
Nothing else to do I guess.
But they won’t support America where it matters: Fighting the Chicoms those pricks.
It’s the only way to get outside during lockdown. And the Brits might just be using it as a chance to get laid:
A friend’s girlfriend brought that up yesterday about the rioting and demonstrations here. Why on Earth would people be rioting in Atlanta of all places over a police brutality incident in Minneapolis? “People have been stuck inside without a paycheck for three months. They want something social to do outside where they can blow off steam.”
It’s a good theory. Simple, explains things well, makes sense.
That was my thought as well.
Atlanta. Black mayor since the 70’s.
Black police chiefs to go with them.
Black run city that runs on “minority set-aside” contracting.
But they are going to burn down Atlanta because of the racist cops?
And don’t ever mention that these cities with such horrible and pervasive racism have been run exclusively by Democrats for half a century or more.
“Imagine there’s no borders…”
Marxism is an international movement.
“Thousands march in Europe in solidarity with U.S. protesters
They got to go outside.
The Greatest Decade In Cinema History
What say you, Ted?
Cinemascope in the 1950s was also a big change. But yeah, the introduction of sound was huge.
Will anyone love Justin Amash?
I think he’s managed to piss off just about everyone at this point.
Kudos to him for actually introducing it, but it’s a stunt since he knows it’ll go nowhere.
Although the Supremes may be about to take care of the issue for him.
Hopefully but doubtful.
They are considering 10 different qualified immunity cases. It was 13, but they let 3 go last month. They may not throw is out entirely, but they are collecting them up to do some sort of hearing. Redefine the boundaries, if nothing else.
I think they are figuring out exactly which to combine into a single case to hear. So by this time next year, we should have a new definition of when qualified immunity applies.
You are forgetting two things. John and Roberts.
It’s a tax, do I still get that private island? /Penaltax Roberts
Imagine if there was a group of like-minded Senators and Reps – they could call it the “Liberty Caucus” or something similar. Then he could work with the whole group to try to advance this kind of legislation.
Oh, that’s right, he’s an asshole.
Justin Amash quits House Freedom Caucus
He burned so many bridges in a few days.
It’s become clear that he does not value freedom.
I think this is unfair. I think he allowed his dislike of Trump to poison his professional relationships, and that is a personal failing. But I haven’t seen Amash abandon the cause of freedom.
He values freedom, just less than he values his TDS.
Lost all his cred on that score when he supported process crimes charges against Flynn et al and justified the spying on Papadopalous and the Trump campaign. If you support the cause of freedom for everybody except your political enemies then you’re a fucking fraud. Full stop. No excuses.
And for that reason Rand > Amash in my estimation. I agree with Drake’s succinct assessment above. But he’s no Balko.
Eh, he took a TDS shit on due process.
“Will anyone love Justin Amash?”
No. He’s inconsistent as hell for one thing. The right hates him because he occasionally pretends to be a libertarian. And the left hates him because he’s not towing the proggie lion.
“Ending Qualified Immunity Act to eliminate qualified immunity”
No one in the big tents want that. One sides want to make the cops more militarized and the other wants more bigger government and free shit, paid for by you.
Do you think there is even one member of congress who will vote for that? Rand Paul? Massie?
Heh, Thomas Massie is still trying to get the Prime Act passed, another bill that makes too much sense until you think about the political consequences.
With Pelosi and Mich in charge, they won’t even get votes on stuff like this.
A lot of these protests seem really orchestrated and inorganic. Police protests around the globe after an incident in America? Someone is pulling strings. I have my guesses. Also, the pallets of bricks ready to be thrown and outside agitators trying to turn a lawful protest into a violent looting mob stinks of Antifa.
The Minnesota AG say shut up.
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it stinks like a duck it’s probably a duck and in this case delete the probably.
It’s easy for some players of communist kick-ball in Germany to rip off their kit and show a George Floyd T-shirt when they have no skin in the game.
In Huntington Beach, a George Floyd protest was deemed an unlawful assembly. A stay-at-home protest one month ago was not
The latter did not involve rioting and looting.
Good question. Especially since it’s white nationalists rioting
With all the riots and shit, you, like me, may have missed this bit of good news:
Roberts joins court’s liberals to deny California church’s lockdown challenge
Oh. Ok. You have rights, except when the local government is acting on good faith when then trample them.
Unintended consequences, what the hell are those?
Unfortunately, the 25% occupancy limit gives the state an out. Sure, the pastor working 3-4 times as many sermons to ensure everybody can attend is probably a bigger risk than just having everyone together for one sermon, but the state has not technically prohibited the exercise of religion. And thanks to the court’s newly invented mootness doctrine, nobody can sue over the past restrictions that shut churches down entirely.
There’s still the questions of the disparate treatment of churches as compared to, say, big box retail stores. Limiting a church to 100 people and Walmart to 1000 people is nonsensical, arbitrary and capricious even in the absence of the specific protections for religion contained within the first amendment. Doesn’t matter much anyway since the country is secularizing, but in stomping out the last vestiges of religiosity, get ready for an endless series of “emergencies” now that we know freedom of worship is a dead letter.
There is definitely a pervasive current that religion is nonessential, and I think that is quite poisonous. I agree with the general consensus here that Roberts is a shitweasel and this is among the shitweaseliest of all his actions as Chief Justice. But the question of disparate treatment was not raised in the suit as far as I know, so that avenue is still open for litigation, at least until the state forecloses it by equalizing the restrictions.
^^^ the hostility to organized religion, particularly in comments on news stories is amazing. Not indifference of unchurched but hostility. Total ignorance of the importance religion and religious persecution has played throughout history or why religious freedom was seen as such a big deal.
I think someone called it right that we’re in the middle of another periodic religious revival, but that the state & secular institutions/causes have been substituted. That might explain some of the hostility as competition to that replacement religion.
Religion as such got put in a box, then atheist state-worship and scientism doesn’t get constrained by that box because it’s not “religious” even though it has all the trappings of religion.
To watch people who, apart from having no god in the traditional sense, are otherwise indistinguishable from puritanical moral scolds and gossipy church ladies, demean organized religion is quite jarring.
George Bush sucks.
Never tweet.
Tropical Storm Amanda forms in Pacific, may threaten Gulf of Mexico
They can cross from the Pacific?
The narrowest part of mexico is pretty flat, and was a candidate for the canal being easier to build across than panama.
Duh, why do you think we built the Panama Canal?
A man and a plan?
Savage Beating During Dallas Riot Illustrates Why We Defend Second Amendment
Somehow my wife had never heard the term “roof Korean”, so I told her about the LA riots. A woman my age, and she’d never heard about that aspect of the riots. Indoctrination is a real thing. It’s how the Progressives keep getting new voters.
That got a laugh from me.
Malice has been on fire. He’s a must follow.
So now slavery abolitionists are white nationalists?
Well, they were white and did a lot of killing to keep a nation from splitting up.
Schurman and Grant and others were, at least, very racist and cared not for the cause of ending slavery.
General Schurman?
Sure, man.
“For crying out loud, why is nobody out there in the political world even addressing the real fucking problem?”
That’s why they make it all about race, so nothing will be done.
Actually addressing the problem will hit a lot of people square in the wallet.
The riots are the response to people getting close to recognizing the problem.
I think that making it about race gives a lot of people a built in excuse that absolves them of thinking about uncomfortable things. I think that racism is one piece in the puzzle, and police brutality and lack of accountability is another – but there are more pieces than just these.
I have a female friend who insists that women only make 75% of what men make – she has a degree in economics, and so theoretically should understand the studies that show how any gap is virtually entirely explained by other factors, but she refuses to believe it. In her job, anytime she isn’t happy about something, it’s because she’s a woman, and it’s so hard to be in a male dominated field – nothing is ever her fault, or really nobodies fault at all; any time she has a problem, that’s how she internally explains it, she has that handy excuse and doesn’t think any deeper about things.
And, using race effectively shuts down dissenting opinions and conversation.
Which is why the left loves them some identity politics, they don’t have a logical argument.
I have a female friend who insists that women only make 75% of what men make – she has a degree in economics
You are friends with AOC?
Wow I go for a three day camping trip in the rain and come back to civilization only to find it burning itself to the ground
I see no sign of this, then again, I’m looking towards civilization, and not urban cesspits.
I live in Charlotte right now, I guess there were some arrests last night and some minor damage, but nothing seems to have gotten anywhere close to out of hand so far
We can’t do hyperbole anymore ?
Only if he consents.
I am suitably chastised, and will cease reporting on the cradle of civilization that is Charlotte 😉
consider your self Fucked Off!
Hey CLT still has an REI. The looters attacked the Raleigh REI.
I am surprised, but it seems the looters didn’t do much here in Durham
Also Yusef has shown my complete lack of manners. Fuck off, Tulpa!
Good morning, Sloopy!
I woke up in a suspiciously good mood today. Not sure what that’s all about. Or if it will last.
But I’ll take it.
I think people are starting to wake up to the real cop problems. My brother mentioned yesterday that privatizing the security for cities is really starting to sound like a good idea. “Then you could fire the fuckers.”
I’m disappointed that Target has decided to reopen the store that was destroyed, but they know their business, I guess. I haven’t checked to see what happened here last night. I suspect we will see a drop off in bullshit this week.
Even if you have played that song lately, it’s still a beauty!
My song contribution this morning.
Hope it’s a good one, peeps!
Whatever you do, don’t watch any news.
I think you might be able to help me out. I want to get a used truck for towing (a pop-up trailer which is yet to be purchased) It would also be a daily driver, but only 3 days a week city driving less than 10 miles. Should be less than $30k with fewer than 40k miles.
The truck has to be a crew cab for the kids. if the kids could fit in the cheaper midsize trucks like a Ranger I guess that could also be an option.
Are all the American trucks relatively similar in relation to reliability? Ram shows up a lot in my searches. Not sure if that speaks to Ram being a good or poor value. Toyota is out of my price range. I am not interested in the Ridgeline and the nissan trucks.
Actually, the Nissan Frontier is a dated, but decent truck. Toyotas boggle my mind at how expensive they are (Tundra, 4Runner, Tacoma).
I think the Big 3 are very comparable, with the caveat that they all have some specific engine and drivetrain nightmares. Since you are in NC, the body integrity isn’t as big of a problem s it is here. All three, with the exception of the aluminum F150 suck in that regard. I’ve already had a bunch of warranty and recall issues with my F150, but in this age of high tech, I think that’s normal. My buddy runs a fleet of Chevys for his company. Loves them. Another buddy has an old Ram diesel that he loves.
Funny, pretty much everyone I know loves their truck…
Since you will be putting on such few miles, I would consider a higher mileage, well maintained one. In a few years, you will have low mileage again!
Try to buy one with as few gee whiz features as you can (difficult). The one I love, though, is the downward-looking backup camera. Makes the one-man trailer hookup much easier!
I got the 6.5 foot bed and I’m really glad I did. The extra length makes it tougher to garage and park, but the capacity is great. Also, the extended wheel base makes for an amazing ride. It’s limo that can tow a 30′ trailer! I still don’t think I would go up to the 8′, as the times I haul sheet goods and that are few and far between.
There are a bunch of SUVs that will accomplish what you want, but having had both, I’ll take the truck every time.
Have fun!
The Xterra is a Frontier turned into an SUV.
I have had two Xterras. The first was purchased in 2002, and my daughter is still driving it. The second was purchased in 2015. I have used both for pulling trailers.
I am a big fan.
Nissan stopped making the Xterra. If I ever need to replace the one I have, I will probably buy a Frontier.
I travel for work, and my car rental choice is exclusively Nissan Frontiers or Titans. I actually prefer the Frontier (the last Titan I rented had “squishy” steering and “fluffy” acceleration). Also rented a giant Ram with a Hemi back in December. It was pretty nice, too.
I’ve been hearing that the aluminum bodied Fords have extremely high repair costs, because you have to replace the whole panel if it gets dinged. Not sure if that’s true, or if you even care about having clean body panels, but its something to think about.
I don’t know about other makes, but our Toyota (FJ Cruisers, basically reskinned 4Runners) are stupidly durable. Mrs. Dean has nearly 200K miles on hers, and we’ve replaced an alternator. That’s it. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it goes another 100K plus miles with minimal repairs needed.
We just bought another 4Runner as our Sunday-go-to-meeting truck.
It only had 170k when it was totaled. A Honda t-boned her and ripped up every panel down the driver side, so there was no fixing all that mess for a reasonable cost. The entire front of Honda was destroyed, but we drove away.
That’s a tall order. I’d stay away from Ram unless it’s got a Cummins engine in it. Chevy and Ford crew cab’s are decent, but i’d stick to a V8 engine that’s been around long enough to make sure it’s not a lemon (my experience with US company’s V6’s has been pretty terrible). The Ford V6 turbos are great the first 3-5 years. After that… good luck. Stay away from the Ford 5.4.
Honestly, I’d go with a Ridgeline or a Frontier if all you’re going to do is haul a pop up camper. Honda’s and nissan’s V6’s are pretty reliable and don’t guzzle fuel.
There is always the classic truck route. The 7.3 Ford Crew cabs from 1995-2002 are bullet proof and roomy. You’re just going to cringe a bit at the pump. Any 6.7 or 6.6 diesel with less than 100k miles, Ford, Chevy or Ram should have a ton of power and be pretty reliable. But, you’d be looking for one that’s been taken care of.
Honestly, I’d go with a Ridgeline or a Frontier if all you’re going to do is haul a pop up camper. Honda’s and nissan’s V6’s are pretty reliable and don’t guzzle fuel.
I am a little miffed why T&T is dismissing the Ridgeline. I know truck purists poo-poo it as not a real truck, but it suits the needs of most people who want a truck (home depot runs, light towing, comfortable ride for commuting).
At least test drive one.
I don’t know about Nissan’s but the Honda Ridgeline doesn’t get great gas mileage. I’m lucky to get in the low 20’s on the interstate. With city driving I get 15-16 mpg.
You’re seeing Dodge a lot because they’re cheaper.
Unless you’re working a truck commercially a lot of the time, the diesel on a new truck just doesn’t pay for itself.
I don’t know the latest figures, but only the F150 is a class 2 chassis at the low end.
A pop-up (like a small boat) presents a negligible load; you don’t need to worry about transmission options or super-dooper-kuhlers.
My own preference is for wealth creation over cash-flow worries, so I buy the biggest, simplest thing I can, drive it forever, and then sell it off after 200k to some lawn service. The best version of that answer for me has been C1500HD: I gave $25k for it almost 20 years ago and it’s still worth $9,000; I would not take $15k for it.
If I totaled it tomorrow, I’d go find an F250 with the biggest V8 I can find.
They don’t call it “Targhetto” for no reason.
The Confederate reaanactors just go in fields and eat hardtack and play war.
These Nazi reenactors are, as the kids say, fucking lit.
I like how the people there to protest instead of play GTA grabbed & turned the fucking gray haired fascist to the cops. I was hoping they would fucking beat his ass and finally put some police brutality to good use.
That was somewhat satisfying. We need a lot more of that. These antifa thugs need to be denied bail, period.
After several emails and much fanfare that NJ is ready to distribute my federal unemployment money this week… I logged into the system to certify for my benefits… and the system isn’t working.
Damn boogaloos.
We are from the government, and we are here to help you…
You fucking unwashed serf…
Actually the system is working as designed.
This should certainly help calm down the tensions.
I never Thought I’d see a race war, but damn are some people trying to make it happen.
Not quite incitement but it’s close. Definitely irresponsible bullshit…
I want to acknowledge that much of the violence and destruction, both here in Seattle and across the country, has been instigated and perpetuated by white men.
White men of the fascist, terrorist organization known by the style “Antifa”.
Holy shit the comments are retarded.
Must be true.
Well, yes, that is an apt description of Antifa pukes.
So, my screensaver on my work computer is set to loop through a bunch of images with corporate mottos or values on it. New one today said (paraphrasing to avoid this comment coming up in a search) “prioritize us over yourself”. Of course the real phrase was a bit catchier and less heavy-handed, but not my much.
I’m sure there are a bunch of HR girls rubbing themselves and congratulating one another for a job well done on the corporate values and the screensavers, but I find the whole thing creepy.
No, I do not prioritize the company over myself. I do work, you pay me. That’s how it goes.
Everything within the
statecorporation, nothing outside thestatecorporation, nothing against thestatecorporation.Submit that one as a suggested screensaver motto ,without the strike through.
“there are a bunch of HR girls rubbing themselves”
I think I’ve seen that video.
Sorry for all the Tweeter links, but Michael Malice might be making a comeback on one of his predictions that even he had written off.
Am I evil for fucking laughing my ass off when I see things like this idiot’s claim of pain, or the revelation by someone I am sure is a gun confiscator otherwise to this event?
I’m going to pull down my GoFundMe! T-Minus 2 hours.
Thank y’all so much for the amazing contributions and displays of real kindness. I’m still in awe that people are pretty much hard-wired to be this good, and only social programming leads us astray.
We have led ourselves. But our society has brought us together, rather than render it.
Me deepest thanks.
God Bless you, Evan
Glad it was so successful. All the best to you, Evan.
Godspeed, Evan.
(That’s not a goodbye. That’s a genuine wish for you.)
I just saw a great new one from CNN.
They are running an ad campaign…
a white screen…. text appears… Fade in, fade out… one line at a time….
“We will defeat this virus”
“Not with Politics”
“With Facts”
Everything done through the government is “political”. That is why we have representative democracy. I get increasingly annoyed every time I hear another politician or government official say “this is not about politics”. Your fucking job is politics, that is the water in which you swim. Since CNN has nobody on staff with a thought process deeper than “government is the vehicle for solving all problems” they are in the same boat. Votes > “Facts” in our system of government. The only thing that sits above votes are fundamental rights.
Yeah they want the leftist ideologues in the bureaucracy to be able to make decisions for all of us without any political input.
I really hate how the Leftist establishment (which includes their subservient mouthpiece corporations like CNN) is trying to claim “facts and truth” as their own concepts, like they fucking invented it or something. I’m honestly surprised that CNN hasn’t filed a copyright application for those words.
Strange opinon: I don’t like when people call Antifa “The Real Fascits”. They are fucking communists. This is the same shit the commies did in Europe a century ago. Don’t let the brand off the hook by calling them fascists.
Communists posing as anarchists.
When the second wave of riots started up, I was watching the hard-core propaganda on NBC and CNN. I said to my friends “If they had cable TV news in 1930’s Germany, this is what Kristallnacht would have looked like. That was before they even started injecting race into the whole thing with this “white supremacist groups are causing the violence” stuff.
They were just openly cheering for violence and looting. They were happily misrepresenting the facts in order to score political points. Days after Trump sent the DOJ to investigate, CNN commenters were repeating the mantra that “We’ve seen nothing from the President on this”, and repeated calls from their platform for “justice” and “doing something”. … even after they arrested and charged the guy.
People here and at real civil liberties organizations are right to be skeptical of the outcome – but CNN? They aren’t digging that deep. They’re just fanning the flames so they have something to cover and so they have something to blame Trump for.
Fascism and communism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin. Actually they aren’t really even opposites.
same thing.
Yeah, but being a communist has been rehabilitated in current culture. Let’s not keep it that way by deflecting these acts onto fascism.
A Gang of Monkeys Attacks a Lab Assistant and Escapes With Bottles of the Coronavirus
From Reuters:
The attack occurred this week when a laboratory technician was walking in the campus of a state-run medical college in Meerut, 460 km (285 miles) north of Lucknow, capital of Uttar Pradesh state.
Dr S. K. Garg, a top official at the college, confirmed the movie-worthy medical mugging:
“Monkeys grabbed and fled with the blood samples of four (some outlets say three) COVID-19 patients who are undergoing treatment…”
And there the miniature marauders went — out into the great big world.
Fortunately, though, they’re — ya know — monkeys:
One of the monkeys was later spotted in a tree chewing one of the sample collection kits, the Times of India reported — adding that test samples from the patients had to be taken again.
CCP propaganda?
Please don’t let that have been a gang of 12 monkeys.
more like an Army…..
Catch them and put them in a barrel, it’ll be fun!
This is the heart of Center-Right libertarianism on the internet. This is where the pro-Trump libertarians are. This is where the “I’m tired of hearing your left-wing nonsense about Trump” libertarians are.
So this is as alt-libertarian mainstream as it gets.
Dangerous question….
Do we have any Boogaloo members among us?
It certainly doesn’t seem like anyone around here is a hard core racist, or jonesing for the coming race war. In fact, this seems like a very open, inclusive and even loving group of hard-core individualists who don’t ascribe to group politics of any sort.
I’m just wondering if I’ve got my rose colored glasses on, living in my own bubble. They keep saying that there’s this huge swell of white supremacists all across the country, and I’m quite certain that the closest I ever see to “white supremacist” attitudes is people rolling their eyes at race-politics and political correctness. Did I miss something? Is OMWC actually a secret anti-semite who’s just a sock-puppet?
In my world, all of the hard-core white supremacist racists in the US could easily fit in a single football stadium. Am I deluded? Am I surrounded by a bunch of Illinois Nazis?
Since we are all Tulpa, shouldn’t you know?
Shut up, Tulpa?
I think the whole Boogaloo thing is mostly trolling without a racist origin. Then maybe a few white supremacists picked up the term and suddenly it’s racists everywhere!
Yeah, and the circle game isn’t just racist propoganda made in order to gaslight us into thinking that it isn’t a real white power symbol
Oh…. on that front….
Watching “Watchmen” on HBO…
Not only do they have the major plot revolve around a white supremacist group using mind control to get black people to riot, they also use the OK sign as their “I’m down with the white power movement” signal.
Pretty prescient.
It’s about as racist as consuming milk which is actually pretty damn racist according to some.
No. And I’d reckon that they’d be able to social distance pretty well too.
I have a confession to make. I have actually caused all of the riots nationwide in the last week. I just started the boogaloo rumor as a red herring.
Preet sobs in :No longer a US Attorney:
I think most people here hate the white elitist progressives more than anyone and most boogaloo fantasy is cutting loose the heavy regulations of deep blue governments.
What is amazing about that is how the white elitist progressives left behind any notion of being civil libertarians. They just tossed that off like an old pair of shoes and moved right into a communist dystopia with rightthink that would make Stalin blush.
They had a large overlap with us not so very long ago…. and I used to use phrases like “stay off my side” when someone like Jesse Helms accidentally espoused a libertarian viewpoint. Remember when winning over the civil liberty motivated left was a plausible objective?
That doesn’t even exist anymore. Instead, they won over the libertarian left.
In my world, all of the hard-core white supremacist racists in the US could easily fit in a single football stadium. Am I deluded? Am I surrounded by a bunch of Illinois Nazis?
I think whether they would fit in that stadium depends on whether you include prisoners in the calculation. Prison gangs are primarily racial, and so the ranks of the white supremacists would be swelled substantially by their inclusion. On the other hand, they are primarily in prison so they’re probably not on the streets right now, and their devotion to white supremacy is confounded by wanting to survive prison and get raped less often.
I think there are a lot more people who are white supremacy-adjacent: people who would be more at home in the racial policies of 1950s than those of today, who think whites are better on the whole (whether they say it out loud or not), who think decolonization was a grave mistake (assuming they know enough history), but who also aren’t going out marching, burning crosses, starting the next race war, nor making bombs to target federal buildings. If you include them in the group, then you would probably fill all of the NFL and MLB stadiums in the country.
You can also add in all the people who aren’t exposed to blacks and urban culture on a regular basis, and are thus uncomfortable around blacks. That’s a lot of people, with varying degrees of discomfort with varying scopes of blacks.
Sorry, kbolino, reading your comment again shows me how redundant my comment is.
I think black/urban culture has gotten a lot more “normalized” over the past generation. I see a lot of young whites who have adopted a lot of markers for that culture – speech patterns, dress, music, etc.
Pretty sure all the hard-core white supremacists in th US would fit on a baseball field.
Problem is, you could use a giant woodchipper to get them all to fit into a tanker car and nobody would change one syllable of their rhetoric. It is completely disconnected from reality.
If there were a bunch of white supremacists around they would’ve used this opportunity to burn all these cities to the ground. Not just businesses and cop corners.
I must say, the poll the other day bugged me. Far too many of you are planning to vote for Trump. I don’t get it.
I haven’t voted for an R for president since 1988* and I have never voted for a D for president.
I am a rightist libertarian, but voting for Trump isn’t within that range. I find many of you weird. And I wish we had more left-leaning libertarians hanging out here.
*unless you count my LP votes for Barr and Johnson.
And I wish we had more left-leaning libertarians hanging out here.
I agree. But one of the defining characteristics of this site since its inception was a lack of TDS. Unfortunately, there are few left-leaning libertarians who don’t have TDS, and of them, Scott Alexander already has his own blog.
As for Trump, he has done too little lately to warrant my vote. If he does tank the surveillance state superpowers renewal I might rethink that position. But I doubt he will follow through.
I am standing behind my position that until he restores the USFL he can’t have my vote. He lost my vote in the mid-80s, and he can’t have it back.
Robby Soave has become the alt-right of TOS.
No joke.
That’s how far they have swung into TDS. Poor Robby has been forced to pick up our “quit making me defend these people” mantle.
Robby Soave has become the alt-right of TOS.
I’ll believe it when he rocks a high-and-tight.
We are all individuals that have differing opinions. Just because “far too many” are planning to vote for Trump, the logical conclusion would be that all these individuals formed their choice by looking at all the alternatives and facts.
Trump was and remains the protest candidate.
I too am a right libertarian, and so probably why i can stand the rest of y’all. It would be good to have some variety, the problem i have is that most “left libertarians” seem (to me) to be all on board the “Social Justice” train and don’t give much thought to liberty.
But if they were here, we could yell at them.
I think you may have found part of the reason for their absence…
I guess if I want my yelling, I can write part 2 of my land tax series.
Pls. do, robc. Its a legitimately interesting concept*, and would be a nice break from the shitflinging in the news.
*I’m starting to wonder how much of a difference it would really make, as far as the state eventually being the landowner of just about every piece of land. The current fee title system sets the table for that, anyway. I’m surprised the taxing authorities haven’t started keeping the property they seize for unpaid taxes and lesaing it out, rather than selling it.
Because there’s still a pretense of being bound by the same law as other landholders who lease. A sold lot generates instant returns while the politician is in office, and goes back on the tax rolls for future returns without any concession to the landholder-lesee contracts.
Something I don’t miss from TOS. Trolling is boring. It got boring sometime in the 90’s. TOS is all troll, all the time.
What I do miss is the substantive policy and issue discussion. But we haven’t had that since the days of “The Agitator”.
I had most of the trolls blocked. But I enjoyed legitimate differences of opinion.
I have never voted for an R or a D going back to 1980.
In all likelihood, I will vote L again this year.
However, I am so pissed at all my leftist friends on facebook right now, I may just vote for Trump and trumpet that fact on facebook to burn a bunch of bridges.
Even in a contested purple state like Iowa, one vote doesn’t matter.
I didn’t see the poll in question. I’ve never met a left-libertarian who couldn’t be reliably counted on to subordinate the “libertarian” to the “left”, and ever since the Trump presidency the distinction seems to have mostly disappeared anyway. Even though it can get boringly agreeable here, I guess, I’d rather have a fucking root canal than deal with the constant bad faith, mendacious bullshit from that cohort like Reason devolved into.
I’m done voting. It’s pointless, particularly in my state, and I don’t want to get called for jury duty again.
Someone (i can’t remember who) mentioned that for them, voting wasnt about voting your conscience, but about threat management. If I lived in a battleground state, I would vote Trump because he is, in my view, less of a threat than Biden and whoever his VP would be, and that outweighs the benefits of having the LP get/retain ballot access and things like that. As I am in Massachusetts, I will be voting for Jo.
I wish I had someone to vote for. I don’t think I do – as good as the libertarian candidate might be this time, she would be isolated, ineffective, and very likely impeached and removed from office. You think the establishment lost its shit because a former Dem in good standing jumped parties and took out the establishment candidate? Just wait until an actual third party candidate wins.
Since I am reduced to voting against, I think the Dems are absolutely, not even close, the biggest threat that needs managing.
I guess I’ll out myself as self-identifying as “left-libertarian.” I think as a practical matter, a government that does very very little, but cuts a bunch of checks to help pay for things that people can’t afford (like school and food and medical care to an extent) ir our current best bat. I think even if we didn’t even cut overall spending, if we simply stopped pissing it away trying to “run things,” we’d eventually improve results of our spending dramatically. Doctrinaire libertarian on non-economic matters though, and particularly on anti-war stuff.
Sort of the Nordic model, but more what Denmark and Sweden and Norway actually do (imperfect as it is) rather than what Bernie says they do. But that political axis doesn’t seem to exist in contemporary American politics. My IRL friends are all lefties, some are becoming disturbingly lefty. Thankfully some are more grounded. But socialism in general is carrying the day.
In any event, I don’t see how either political party is worth of an ounce of support right now. Are the Democrats “more dangerous” right now? I suppose, but I’m not sure what good that framing does in the current environment. Your vote doesn’t matter unless it’s part of a wider consensus and clearly mine isn’t.
“I think as a practical matter, a government that does very very little, but cuts a bunch of checks to help pay for things that people can’t afford (like school and food and medical care to an extent) ir our current best bat. I think even if we didn’t even cut overall spending, if we simply stopped pissing it away trying to “run things,” we’d eventually improve results of our spending dramatically.”
I agree with that. Micromanaging welfare recipients is counterproductive.
Do we have any Boogaloo members among us?
I don’t think so. When it comes up, what I recall seeing is “Aw, hell no. An actual shooting civil war in the US would be bloodbath of epic proportions, and the odds we’d get something more libertarian out of it is vanishingly small.”
As far as voting for Trump goes, I didn’t last time, but will this time for two reasons, neither of which is based on approval of Trump.
(1) If he loses, the Deep State wins. It might win anyway, but let’s not hand them a victory quite so easily.
(2) The Dems have lost their fucking minds, and if he loses, they win. They will have the Presidency and both houses of Congress some day, and when they do, we all know what will happen – just look at Virginia. I’d like to postpone that as long as possible.
I wish we had more left-leaning libertarians hanging out here
Same here, although in the current environment I’m not quite clear on how you square “left-leaning” and “libertarian”.
The Dems have lost their fucking minds… – just look at Virginia.
^ yes and yes
Left libertarian is definitely a thing. People who approach it from a civil rights perspective can get to the same place as people who approach it from a “don’t tread on me” perspective.
I’m a “I don’t think I am smart enough to tell you how to live your life, and I definitely know that you are not smart enough to tell me how to live my life” libertarian.
I don’t know if that makes me of the left or of the right. I used to say “I’m more conservative than the most conservative republicans, and more liberal than the most liberal democrats” to explain hardcore libertarianism.
ShoeOnHead describes herself as a libertian socialist. I don’t think there is such a thing, but there are a bunch of self-described libertarian socialists who disagree.
“Libertarian socialist” is a true oxymoron. Socialism and libertarianism can’t be reconciled. And when it comes time to pick which way to go, they always choose socialism. Always. As near as I can tell, their libertarianism is opposition to the government because it isn’t socialist, and nothing more.
Technically socialism is basically libertarian in its pristine theoretical conception – the state withers away and all labor is undertaken as a voluntary collaboration with collective ownership of everything. It’s that short little interval of totalitarianism to expropriate all the private property and mass murder all of the wreckers and hoarders that gets tricky.
Technically socialism is basically libertarian in its pristine theoretical conception
I thought that was communism.
After flogging all other forms of then-contemporary socialism in The Communist Manifesto for being insufficiently revolutionary, Marx theorizes a stateless socialism after the proletarian revolution and restructuring of society. In that construction, communism can be seen as sort of an intermediary state between late-stage capitalism and utopian socialism. Of course not all socialists agree on that definition.
In other words, a system that cannot function in the real world.
I think i put Libertarian Socialists in the “Right Means, wrong Ends” category. They typically are cognizant of not being violent, but they still want to achieve socialism.
Do we have any Boogaloo members among us?
I’m probably the closest, given that I have a recurring series here about the upcoming Civil War.
That said, I write those articles mostly from a half-serious point of view. I have no interest in participating in a civil war, no interest in intensively preparing for a civil war, and I’m under no pretense that I can predict when and how a civil war will happen, despite my strongly held belief that such a conflict is inevitable.
I do own some Hawaiian shirts and I recall getting such shirt recommendations from someone else here who wore them to work everyday. That’s the call sign of the bugaloo, right?
If polo shirts and jeans become the new symbol of white supremacy, I’m going to have to buy new work clothes.
Because you don’t have enough polo shirts and jeans?
I have 15 of these (a three-week rotation for work) — Johari West.
I pisses me off to no end that I may have to stop wearing them until it stops making me a target for some dumb fuck 20yo in a black hoody and face mask.
I really don’t want to shoot someone for being a complete idiot.
I have several very nice Tommy Bahama silk Hawaiian shirts that my wife won’t let me wear because apparently I look ridiculous. I can’t tell if it is the shirt, because it is no longer in style, or the fact that I now have a belly holding it out at the bottom.
LOL! I have a couple non-Hawaiian ones and my wife hates them. I think it’s the boxy shape.
Damn, do they make nice stuff though.
Maybe we can hang out in our ugly, comfy shirts and smoke cigars and drink expensive rum sometime.
All things my wife hates. Well, she doesn’t care if I drink the rum. Just when I complain about her putting it in her diet coke. Mix your Captain with the diet coke… leave my expensive stuff alone.
“Do we have any Boogaloo members among us?”
I don’t even know what that is, so I must not be one. I identify as a Russian bot.
I’ve stated my reasons for voting for Trump in 2020. They don’t have much to do with Trump’s politics.
I’m voting specifically as a response to the FBI/DOJ corruption that will be covered up and buried forever if he doesn’t win. I don’t think that as a country, we can afford that.
Sadly, I remain to be convinced that Barr isn’t doing just that.
My bellwether is the DOJ lawyer who altered the email to support the Carter Page surveillance. He resigned, but hasn’t been prosecuted or held in contempt of court. Its a laydown win, he’s an expendable middle-ranker, and he is free as a bird. As far as I know, he hasn’t even lost his law license.
I’m racist as fuck. I hate the blacks, the orientals, the honkies. I hate them all.
With half the country shut down because of covid, the other half shut down because of riots, and the Chinese starting to halt agricultural imports how in the hell is the Dow up?
Oh, I can think of about 8 trillion reasons….
More like 20 Trillion reasons
Gonna have to update that to 30 trillion.
Krugman trillion dollar coin mint goes brrrrrr
The Dow lives in La La Land, writing its own fanfic.
Because the stock market has little connection to real economy. It’s just a place we put our money hoping it will magically increase in quantity.
The stock market is just a meter measuring rich people’s optimism.
Government employees and contractors are still getting paid, their pensions and retirement accounts are still getting funded, and the managers of those funds run the stock market.
WTF is with that Alex Jones pic above Sloop? Is someone eating ass on a police car? Is this some sort of fetish I am unaware of?
I was about to ask the same thing.
Eat ass not pangolin?
I think that’s an undercover cop doing a very thorough cavity check for a shiv.
Oh fuck me, this made me laugh…
They totally weren’t installing pavers on that sidewalk.
You can’t really blame them. They’ve probably never actually worked so they’re unfamiliar with the materials and processes.
It would help if the pavers that are stacked up actually matched what’s on the ground already.
I’m undecided about whether antifa is actually delivering pallets of bricks for the riots. That pic doesn’t look like the others I have seen, which were actual pallets of bricks just sitting on city sidewalks. I don’t know if that’s how its done when somebody is bricking a building, but it seems unlikely – leaving construction materials on a public right of way seems like a good way to not have any construction materials.
But I’m struggling with the idea that antifa really is that well organized and funded. If so, we have a very serious problem on our hands. Very serious.
Soros has $8B and is 89 years old, so its not like he is going to run out of money before he dies.
Yeah, a bunch of the palates I saw were not stacked in a way that bricks coming from the supplier are stacked, which made it suspicious. And they also didn’t match any nearby bricks, nor did they appear to be located near any obvious projects. But that could all be about the angle of the photo. There could be a huge brick walk going in right behind the camera.
We’ll know when the right wing gets that well organized. There will be heated tar and bags of feathers just sitting around outside government building. Just random pots of pitch or tar.
I can’t believe Twitter Clown World is hopping back on the “WWII vets were totally the same as antifa” manure wagon.
I’m not a violent man, but I would pay good money to see any oatmeal-brained leftist bag of shit spewing that inanity get punched in the face, hard.
There are few WW2 vets left, they are all very old (>90), they have a relatively minimal presence on the Internet, they were the “greatest generation” and all that jazz, and the lowest common denominator of modern American moral reasoning is “Nazi = evil”.
That they were overwhelmingly white, male, Christian, heterosexual, cisgender, and segregationist does not seem to have entered the narrative yet.
Though, I suppose, when those facts do enter the narrative, the inevitable conclusion would be that Antifa mooks are better than WW2 vets.
My grandpa died a few months ago. He was a WWII vet, and he hated nothing or no one like he hated communists. It’s a viewpoint he shared with most of his contemporaries.
True. It is notable that the one thing agreed by all mainstream Democrats and Republicans from 1945 on was opposition to communism. Truman, Kennedy, Johnson and even the great waffler Carter were anti-communists. Hell, in retrospect, the wobbliest President in the postwar, pre-fall-of-the-wall era was arguably Richard Nixon for opening up trade with China.
He wasn’t even wobbly. Hence the “only Nixon could go to China”.
Which in itself is an example of how visceral & pervasive the opposition to communism used to be.
Making antifa a terrorist organization just proves that Trump is a fascists. He’s declaring war on people who just don’t like fascists. Anti-fa literally just means “Anit-Fascists” how bad could that be?
We’re going to end up with a Pinochet at this rate.
Dumb bastards think the wealthy libs are going to support real chaos. When the wealthy left turns, they will turn hard and will be calling for a clampdown more severe than anything the right currently desires.
Or private groups like El Salvador or Northern Ireland. There’s a lot of Antifa and Antifa supporters publicly running their mouths on their blue checkmarked Twitter accounts. If 4chan autistics can figure out where a flagpole is in a short amount of time, it would be quite easier to target people constantly over sharing their life.
This. The formation of the reactionary right is a real event that hasn’t occurred in this country yet.
When it does happen, it’s not going to be good for anybody.
My question: Will it make much difference?
FBI/DOJ could have dismembered antifa long ago, without the special powers that go with the terrorist designation. They didn’t. Why not? EIther low priority/just didn’t want to (which are closely related, in any event). Remember, the actual rioters arrested in DC during Trump’s inauguration all walked. Every single one.
I think FBI/DOJ knows that really unravelling antifa is going to lead to some people who are very big deals indeed in the background of the Democrat party, and they don’t want to go there. I doubt the terrorist designation is going to make much difference, other than a handful of expendable fall guys getting serious federal time instead of wandering off after the local Dem Machine DA drops charges.
I think there’s a couple factors at play. Besides what you note, I think they took the wrong lesson away from COINTELPRO and the Church committee (i.e., just don’t target left-wing groups), and their idea of left-wing anti-government groups is way out of date (SDS, SLA).
Andy Ngo has a pretty good article up about how these riots have been organized. I noticed personally by seeing protests go by here and from news pictures from protests across the country a few years back, that there was a particular font utilized on many of the signs and that “refuse fascism” was often on them. It is basically a front group for the RevComs, and Antifa is mixed in with it as well. Their goal seems to be to cause as much discord and destruction as possible to speed up a societal collapse that they think they’ll benefit from.
He nearly lost me when he spelled “pretext” as “pre-text” in the first paragraph.
Everybody knows that Utopia spontaneously emerges from Chaos.
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on what they’re going to be doing with Trump’s social media EO. Regardless of what you may think about it it’s pretty informative:
I’m thinking/hoping(?) that’s the diversionary attack, with the main offensive coming from the FTC.
Some people are not falling for the fascists antics…
We need more of this.
Communists but… yeah.
/ Keeps beating that dead horse
A socialist by a different name still smells like shit.
Would have been better if she put the brick back thru their window.
Meanwhile the market is up
Civil war hasn’t started yet. Still time to pump that bubble up.
Investing in glass, construction supplies, guns, and ammunition.
We’re rapidly approaching the point that nobody is going to spend the money to repair and replace. They’re just going to pack up and leave.
Guns and ammo will be going strong for a while yet.
The Fed is pushing it up.
We’re looking at the bounce before the big fall.
“Bill de Blasio’s daughter Chiara, 25, is ARRESTED during George Floyd protest in Manhattan where ‘demonstrators clashed with cops and torched patrol cars'”
I’m sure she’ll hang for this.
The Left’s new motto: Stop making me burn and loot.
Odd that the children of so many prominent democrats are radicalized. Just an amazing coincidence .
Just what we need right now.
Kinshasa (AFP) – DR Congo on Monday reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in the country’s northwest, just weeks before it hoped to declare the end of another epidemic in the east.
The appearance of the deadly disease on the other side of the vast central African country comes as an added blow as it attempts to also battle the coronavirus pandemic.
Health Minister Eteni Longondo said that “four people have already died” from Ebola in a district of the northwestern city of Mbandaka.
“The National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) has confirmed to me that samples from Mbandaka tested positive for Ebola,” Longondo told a press conference.
“We will send them the vaccine and medicine very quickly,” he said, adding that he planned to visit the site of the outbreak at the end of the week.
Thank goodness CDC resources are still putting efforts behind this and continue to include on their home page!
Africa hasn’t even begun to fall apart again, but it’s coming.
Nigeria is getting killed by low oil prices and that shows no signs of relenting any time soon.
Anyone else receiving emails from their employers/clients regarding their support for George Floyd protesters and commitment to addressing racism.
All the companies are rushing to the social media safe zone. Please don’t burn our buildings!
Sort of.
Our CEO says racism is bad and inclusion is good.
I am struggling to reconcile that I work for a woke defense contractor.
The government recently prosecuted a defense contractor employee for having belonged to a group that had some connection to white supremacy. Their reasoning was, he lied on his SF-86 and to interviewers when he said “I am not now nor have I ever been a member of an organization committed to overthrowing the U.S. government or Constitution” (not an exact quote).
Woke is safe, unwoke is not.
All the wokesters should be prosecuted under the same theory.
“I am not now nor have I ever been a member of an organization committed to overthrowing the U.S. government or Constitution”
That’s a trick question.
Ask the CEO what he thinks about antifa thugs destroying businesses?
It sure looks like the riots are inclusive as hell. Plenty of black people and white people throwing bricks, setting fires, and looting stores.
The notion that inclusion qua inclusion is good is bullshit. The question should always be “Inclusion, to what end?”
The end is the employment of the social justice types who are completely useless wastes of space, and couldn’t otherwise find a job.
That’s what he’s trying to avoid by pandering to the mob.
Thankfully not.
Fuck no. We’ve got enough to worry about here without burning cycles on that particular pointless horseshit.
Yep. It never stops, so nothing new to see here. If the left are spewing any bullshit, there will be a memo. Goes immediately in the trash, unread. Playing politics at work in verboten, but it never stops and it’s always coming from the top, the ones who made the rules about no politics.
Right, I’ll believe it when I see it. Barr is just an old Bush leftover, establishment as establishment can be. Instead of antifa being held accountable, the cops will get shiny new weapons and some tanks, so they can drive through your neighborhood and ‘light you up’ if you dare go outside.
It would be wonderful if it happened, but it won’t.
I’d say the chance is just about zero. The conversation could eventually come back around to holding the cops accountable. No one in Washington wants that, neither side or anyone in between. Maybe Rand Paul can do this all by himself if he turns into a superhero straight out of a superhero film, only less non-binary.
Reminds me of that Meme with Adam Sandler and the bus driver.
Let’s not forget Bill Burr’s involvement in exonerating and protecting the Ruby Ridge snipers. He’s a copsucking swamp dweller as any of them.
I’ll believe we aren’t being played when high-level swampers are indicted, and not before.
I’m glad that was a typo. I couldn’t believe Bill Burr would be that scummy.
Lon Horiuchi who would go on to Waco.
And lookee there, Deval Patrick making a decision not to prosecute.
Bill Burr? The comedian?
Anything to make you laugh.
Best laugh I’ve had in a while: