Passengers will please refrain
from using washrooms while the train
is standing in the station, I love you.
Hobos hanging underneath
will get it in the eyes and teeth
and curse and swear like I love you!

~opera applause~
Here ya go:
I am imagining STEVE SMITH singing “King of the Road.”
Doesn’t quite fit…
How about “King of the Rode?”
Five pine needles or one rape? Hmm….
STEVE SMITH should head over to CHAZ.
Maybe he doesn’t like the smell of patchouli.
They won’t either after he’s done with them.
Possible hobo.
Every Hollywood Political Lecture Ever
Apparently this is a flashback, possibly from before SE C-Cupp started suffering from TDS.
Funny because true
S.E. Cupp has no boobpedia page.
We should have moved to green next week, but nope.
I hope Wolf and his whole family suffer the worst fates imaginable. He is drawing out the suffering as long as possible, after murdering a bunch of old people. Fuck that guy.
It never ceases to amaze me that the general populace is still putting up with this shit. We’ve engaged in armed insurrection for far less than this in the past.
What’s crazy, is these fuckers are damaging their own brand. Respect for government is gonna stay low for quite some time. And I’m pretty certain it hasn’t hit the bottom yet.
There’ve been a lot of folks red-pilled this year, but I don’t think it’ll do enough to stem the woke tide. There are way too many entirely malleable humans who have no real principles and instead swing with the current.
I dunno, conversations with the young chick working at the front desk is encouraging. Not all the younglings have been indoctrinated.
On the one hand, my mother went from voting Clinton in ’16 to total ‘fuck the government’ mode, which I’m proud of. It only took me twenty-five years to convince her. On the other, my two youngest sisters are both busy donating to #BLM and excusing burning down black-owned businesses because insurance. So I’m honestly not sure which way it’s going to go.
because insurance
“We are the 25%.”
Their donations are going to white people.
I always assume the worst, and then am pleasantly surprised when we’re all still here.
You have, of course, told them that the typical insurance policy actually does not cover acts of insurrection and/or riots, right?
If you don’t donate to Joe, you ain’t black and therefore, your life don’t matter!
Ha, no (re: insurance). I stopped talking to those two years ago after they cut me off for voting for Gary Johnson in ’16. My mother tried to explain that, and got some pablum about lives being more important than property, even though destroying the property of black-owned businesses is sure going to affect their lives.
Dood, the stupidity going on here is all over the board. It is different everywhere.
I hope the state Supreme Court does the right thing.
I have no hope of that.
Hell, I’m in Beaver County, the only reason we’re just moving to green tonight is A. nursing home incompetence and B. Our County commissioners had the temerity to call Gov. Wolf out.
Possibly for values of B = A.
I will be watching closely for any STEVE SMITH appearances during my upcoming trip.
ANTIFAtopia – A Rant
I love how RazorFist summons his internal Dennis Miller. Dude is a national treasure.
Wish we had a guy like that here in Canuckistan.
Viva Frei?
Though he is considerably less angry and somehow still focuses on US politics anyway.
Disappointed to say that I did not win the lottery to see the fireworks on the 3rd of July at Mt Rushmore. However, the hubby immediately found a local raceway promising a 4th of July celebration done right, so trip is rescued.
That’s what you meant, right? ::exaggerated wink::
It’s South Dakota. No subterfuge needed, because their Governor isn’t an authoritarian psycho. Plus, I’ve got a sudden girl-crush, since she never locked her state down. We booked the trip in like, January though, well before any of the commie-cooties panic started.
Sorry about losing the lottery but its good that you found that racetrack.
I was going to go up north for a race at a racetrack holding racing in defiance of the Clown Prince, but there is going to be a mask ordinance protest near me, so I’ll miss the race. Another weekend. I will support that racetrack somehow.
I’ve got a sudden girl-crush
Go on….
Hubby agrees she’s hawt. Especially since she seems to have more respect for freedom. The country needs more pro-freedom chicks (well, people in general, but my experience is that a higher proportion of women are just fine with the bootheel.
I’ll settle for fewer males willing to do the bidding of anti-freedom statist C-words.
Damn. If she was blond, she could be on Fox News.
It honestly amazes me that she isn’t the newest rising star in Republican politics. Good looking, a plain-speaker who said straight up she trusted the people of her state to be sensible, and did I mention she’s good looking? (That seems to be really important in politics.) Dan Crenshaw has been laying into some great points, but I’d like to see a little bit more fandom for Kristi Noem. Looking forward to spending a bunch of tourist dollars in her state.
Repubs only make their king/queen that person which the media has dubbed (usually they pick a squishy RINO like Romney or a ‘Maverick’ like McCain)
I only know South Dakota didn’t bend the knee to ‘experts’ because of the people here. Repubs are just controlled opposition so that the rubes don’t stop this shit before they can get it far enough along.
She’s good looking.
The country needs more pro-freedom chicks
We’ll see if hanging out with the reopen folks works for me with dating.
Good luck! I found my husband and he found me; it is possible.
We’ll see.
So far… busts.
Did we cover this yet?
I like cashews.
God bless you.
Did we cover this yet?
Looks like that covers it all.
That’s nuts.
My favorite nuts.
*takes your gay card away*
I’ll never be happy, in a lighthearted way again. No frolicking, gamboling, or sauntering ever.
Wow. That’s just …wow.
Also, cashews are excellent (I have a can of them within arm’s reach), but Rhywun is wrong – macadamias are the best.
If they didn’t cost $18 a pound, I’d eat them daily, with dark chocolate and cherries.
Peoples Republic of Capitol Hill
Styxhexenhammer talks about why we should both condemn the rioters and insist on police reform, all in all a good take:
From your lips to God’s ears you bucktoothed rascal.
That kind of nuance cannot be allowed! *throws brick*
Bad Orange Man?
“It’s a very, very, very tricky situation,” Trump said. “So the chokehold thing is good to talk about, because, off the cuff, it would sound like — absolutely. But if you’re thinking about it, then you realize maybe there is a bad fight, and the officer gets somebody in a position that’s a very tough position.” …
“I don’t like chokeholds,” Trump said but added that sometimes they were necessary when fighting a “real bad person” alone. …
“I think the concept of chokehold sounds so innocent, so perfect,” he said. “And then you realize if it’s a one-on-one. Now if it’s two-on-one, that’s a little bit of a different story, depending on the toughness and strength.”
“Well, if it’s a one-on-one fight for the life. That’s what you’re saying,” Faulkner noted.
“And that does happen. And that does happen. So you have to be careful,” the president responded. “With that being said, it would be, I think, a very good thing that, generally speaking, it should be ended.”
So he’s basically saying it should be an absolute last resort in a ridiculously convoluted way. I agree.
That’s the way I take it. ///Trump-speak
Yeah this is why people don’t trust the media. The pull quote from that rambling response that actually captures the meaning is
“With that being said, it would be, I think, a very good thing that, generally speaking, it should be ended.”
The rest of the words are just him thinking out loud, explaining his reasoning. But the conclusion is right there at the end: “it should be ended”.
Headline should read Trump: police using chokeholds ‘should be ended‘.
That would be an honest headline. Anything other than that, you’re pushing a lie.
“I think the
concept ofchokehold soundsso innocent,so perfect,” he said.This is the quote, alone, chopped and out of context, that will be used by John Oliver, That Daily Show ‘tard, Brian Stelter, etc.
2 train stories
I was on a cross-country Amtrak trip years ago. The guy in the dining car would announce what was on the menu from time to time, often in the form of song. One time, he did a pretty good Louis Armstrong impression: ♫ I see cans of blue…. plates of white…bright shiny forks…things to bite…and I think to myself, what a wonderful meal!
But his best moment was when he announced in grave voice: ladies and gentlemen, due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be arriving on time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Reminds of a time I was waiting for a delayed flight. First announcement, the guy says it’s delayed 30 minutes for maintenance. Which was fine by me. In fact, I *prefer* flying on planes that aren’t going to fall out of the sky while I’m aboard. Next announcement: guy says it’ll be another 30 minute delay. There were groans from the waiting passengers. 30 minutes go by, guy makes another announcement: Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience. I have good news: my shift is over and I’m going home. Oh yeah, and the plane is fine and you’ll be boarding shortly.
His timing and delivery of that was just [chef’s kiss].
Ugh I was stranded on the tarmac for two hours one time. We must have lined up for take off three times. PISSED.
I once put up with that shit for 8 hours. Six hours of delays in the waiting area at the airport, and then an additional two hours on the tarmac before I got fed up and said I’d had enough, ‘take me off the plane’. The lady at the customer service desk was all, “but we expect to take off in just another thirty minutes!” and I shrieked, “No! You’ve fooled me with that nonsense for enough times today, I’m going home and I’ll try again tomorrow.” Now I drive everywhere, if at all possible.
Me, it was on my way home from a business trip and a work night. All for a one hour flight. Seriously cut into my drinking time. ?
Unfortunately, the trip in question was to Calgary from VA, which would have been quite a drive. Thank goodness I never have to do that one again. Nowadays the only business travel I ever have to make is to NYC and I can manage that fairly easily on Amtrak.
I went to Australia as a teenager. Flight path was LAX -> Honolulu -> Auckland -> Sydney.
When we got to the airport, we found out that the firefighters in Sydney were threatening to go on strike, and if that happened the airport would need to be closed. So we waited around LAX for an extra 3 or 4 hours, until finally they told us that the strike hadn’t been worked out yet, but we were going to go ahead and fly to Hawaii.
We get to Hawaii (4 or 5 hour flight) and there’s still a potential strike, so we all get off the plane and hang around the Honolulu airport for 3 or 4 hours. Near the gate, because we could all get called back on board at any time. They finally let us back on, even though everything hadn’t been worked out yet, and we make the 9 hour flight to Auckland.
In Auckland, same thing. Off the plane, hang around the gate in Auckland for 3 or 4 hours. Finally, we find out that the firefighters are officially on strike and Sydney airport is closed, so we get back on the plane, fly to Melbourne instead, and take a 12 hour bus ride up to Sydney.
Did you manage to get leid in Hawaii?
I got my pilot’s license after putting up with too much bullshit. I try only to fly commercial when I need to go intercontinental now.
When I was a kid, we hopped a train to Santa Barbara from Oxnard so we could buy a sheet of acid. Supposedly, it was the best way to keep from getting busted on the way home. We didn’t get busted, but it seemed way sketchier than just driving or hitchhiking. 30% mark up, who hoo!
Pelosi and Biden Push For More Gun Control
Wow. Living in a Tsunami of Stupid.
Patiently waiting for the PSA Dagger…that’s what gun control means, right?
Gun control: Use both hands.
US/CHAZ border. Lol.
I can’t wait for July.
Just bought Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan on Apple movies. Young Kirstie Alley with pointy ears, Sweet Jesus:
This is nice,
Says Reginald Denny!
I think it’s pretty awesome that the left is unilaterally rescinding gun laws. What are conservatives even for if they can’t stand up for gun rights the way the progessive left is?
And just think of the reduction in taxes.
NFA is a tax
A little sharp to the bite.
The soldiers were staying at the Marriott Marquis Hotel during their mission to the nation’s capital when they decided to order a pizza from a nearby establishment using Uber Eats, according to a Department of Defense report shared with The Post and Courier.
When they opened the pizza, they found shards of glass baked into the dough and cheese.
They didn’t eat the pizza and no one was injured, according to the report. No other Guardsmen experienced a similar problem.
Extra crunchy.
It’s a good thing I don’t recycle…Those guys would think I drink too much.
I save mine up so as to appear more of a consumer. They don’t notice a missed week, only a bin full of bottles overflowing
humor practice
Creator of The Purge Sues Reality For Copyright Infringement
LOS ANGELES – “The simple fact is that I came up with the idea of a dystopian US filled with masked rioters, and I did it in 2013, long before any of the lazy ripoffs Reality has been churning out lately,” said the film’s writer and director James DeMonaco. This is not the first time Reality has been taken to court. Reality is still litigating a class action lawsuit from 2016 for its alleged role in the election of Donald Trump. When asked to comment, a spokesman for universe as we know it said: “My client is no stranger to these frivolous charges. Time and again, people who are unhappy with their own actions or those of others will lay the blame elsewhere instead of on themselves.” When asked if Reality had any comments on the possibility of an afterlife or the end of the world, the spokesman said: “Oh it has assured me that the ending will knock your socks off. You’ll never see it coming.”
“Policemen are hiding behind the skirts of little girls/
Their eyes have turned the color of frozen meat”
comment gold: Behold the Glory of Soymalia
David Stockman calls bullshit on the coof’s second wave and it contains statistics and everything:
Y’all know they’re going to try to use this horseshit to lock us down again, right?
Yup. Hopefully this time people tell them to go pound sand.
I’m surprised the media did blame the riot fires on climate change. They could have killed 2 birds with 1 stone.
meanwhile in not so great Britain
Police will not protect statues from protesters if it would put officers or the public at risk of harm, senior officers have said.
The toppling of a slave trader’s statue in Bristol has sparked a wave of activity across Britain, and clashes are feared this weekend after right-wing groups vowed to “defend” selected memorials against Black Lives Matter demonstrators.
Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington, the national lead for public disorder, said local police commanders would decide whether to intervene depending on the circumstances.
It’s incredible how so many people think police brutality comes from statues and flags. It’s like how trench coats became the mark of the beast after Columbine.
I remember as a kid being a Civil War buff for a while. For me, something that long ago is in the same category as Renaissance fairs. Hopefully those would erase history will fail.
Ooh, just got an idea…
Taliban Offers US Advice On How To Safely Destroy Statues
I’m curious…in 1996, did any Democrats fear that Bob Dole might just win?
No fear there, everyone knew Dole was screwed before the conventions even happened.
Nobody likes a guy who talks about himself in the third person.
Heh, an old Stern show with Norm playing Dole:
Ah the good old days before Howard lost his mind.
Don’t blame me. I voted for Kang…or was it Kodos. I can’t remember.
That was my feeling. I was first able to vote in the 1992 election. 1996 seemed pointless.
I don’t remember hearing any Democrats fearing Dole would win. I remember them being pissed about the Republicans taking over Congress during the Clinton years.
That was my first clue that the Reps didn’t have any spine. They won after the AWB and didn’t even attempt to reverse it.
Wow, I’m sore today. It feels like I got drunk last night and tried to see how many pushups I could still do.
It’s okay, you inspired me to try to find my dumbbells. There around here somewhere, maybe in this fridge?
Nope, just beer here.
Well, you don’t want to start too heavy- 12 oz. is about right.
Homebrew, glasses are 16 oz. Should I be concerned?
Just be careful. And don’t try any negatives
Just do fewer reps with each one.
So, chug?
Careful: 16 fl oz of water weighs 16.66 oz.
Better make sure the ABV is 20% to get the wet weight back down to 16 oz !
You’ve inspired me to grab a brew.
My wife has been complaining I’ve lost weight lately.
My wife was complaining that I wasn’t getting enough sleep lately.
My wife has been complaining I’ve lost weight lately.
Hating you just a little bit right now.
Well, we each have our own problems.
FWIW it sounded like you got drunk last night and tried to see how many pushups you could still do.
It was very inspiring to me
So how many did you do?
70ish? In small doses. I did like 40 with my hands at shoulder distance, the easy ones, ten at a time. Then ten x2 with hands outstretched, and two killer reps, one of 6 one of 4, with my hands together forming a diamond. I think. I was drunk.
For comparison, 4 yrs ago I was doing at least 3 sets of 10 of each position, every night.
So shines a good deed in a weary world:
The mother of Trayvon Martin said she’s doesn’t support efforts to reduce law enforcement resources as calls to divert funding from police departments toward social service and youth programs continue to gain traction with elected officials.
“I think we need more police,” Sybrina Fulton said, according to the Daily Caller. “We need police with better standards, and police with better ethics and better work habits.”
Yeah, I doubt she’s a big fan of citizens patrolling their own communities.
Too soon
I could see how that would make her a little skittelish.
Sounds like you’ve got her attitude down to a(n Arizona) T.
10 Fastest World War II Aircraft
Is #1 a French fighter plane going in reverse?
Try the waitress and tip the veal!
Dive or straight and level?
But no they did the analysis on straight and level. Though I think they failed at their own stated parameters by including the Shooting Star.
That movie was made in 2019? The CGI is awful!
I really hate the delivery by so many youtubers. It feels so unnatural, like they’re not even native speakers of the language.
which of course, most aren’t NTTAWWT
‘I Take Responsibility’ Cringe Fest!
Question for @Sean are people in eastern PA actually following the lockdown still? It’s free-for-all in western PA and has been all along pretty much. While officially businesses follow the rules, most residents have been giving a big middle finger to any restrictions.
Restaurants are because they are highly visible to Karenattack.
Free for all for small businesses. Residents have been fairly polite and respectful to each other from what I’ve seen (No overly aggressive Karens). Though mask wearing is pretty common, distancing is low. This area is generally pretty decent to start with.
*Only applies to the burbs I frequent – Upper Bucks and over the line into Montgomery and Lehigh counties.
too perfect
…. none of those people look like normal people.
“How dare y’all!”
::accepts the fact that I’m going to Hell::
She is as much an expert on that as climate/weather science. As in not one.
The Jessica Rabbit cosplay further down the page- Oh. My. God.
*reclicks link*
Not seeing it, linky?
me neither
Me three
Hm, she’s a bit more on the THICC end of things whereas Jessica Rabbit is clearly on the THINN end.
I’ll accept it, but she is slacking, especially if shes not wearing a corset.
I believe a simultaneous comparison is the only appropriate method of resolving this question.
I remain, as ever,
Yours in Empiricism,
Fun (and actually on-topic) fact (that I’m virtually certain I’ve mentioned before): My grandfather spent some time as a hobo right after he got back from the first War to End All Wars®. The war had gotten him out of Hillisburg, IN, and he decided he wanted to see the rest of the country for which he’d almost gotten his butt shot off. Almost ended up on a chain gang in Florida, but instead they told him to get on a train (with a ticket) and get out of the state. He took along a baby alligator in a box…and lost it on the train.
My Grandpa got drummed out of the Calvary in the 1920’s. He rode the rails for awhile but I don’t think he was anyone’s punk. Hard Man, not to be fucked with.
Trying to get some sleep for my last day of work before I get laid off again. The sun is going down.
Huh, looks like there was an incident between Communist China and The Real China today:
Between war with India, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and god knows who else, China might be in for a tough time. We should just send Taiwan about a dozen nukes already.
Japan, India and Australia are currently easing their way into a throuple. If they could get South Korea to join them, that would be quite an alliance. (The problem, of course, is that everyone who belonged to the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere is, um… unenthusiastic about Japan swinging a big dick in the region.)
Oh, my.
“Star Trek” actor and noted LGBT activist George Takei issued a veiled swipe at author J.K. Rowling this week when he said that those who defend “so-called biological sex” are actually scientifically ignorant.
“When you defend so-called ‘biological sex,’ you sound scientifically ignorant and you elevate transphobia,” the actor tweeted.
Hm…When you think men are women and vice versa you sound scientifically ignorant and elevate biophobia.
You’d think he’d be careful about these things.
Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a woman!
i’m an Actor, not a script Writer!
No idea how he squares his well-known far-leftism with that.
Riding the rails is still a thing and nowadays even hobos have cell phones and YouTube channels.
YouTube has a bunch like this. Fascinating.
I recall a couple of libertarian types – maybe even professors – in California who used to hop freights as their hobby. Want to name Rod Manis but can no longer recall their names.
Cell phones? Some of them have gopros or equivalent.
How long before the Greatest Generation(tm) gets unpersoned because the armed forces was segregated at the time?
Their silence was violence
I thought words like violence broke the silence.
Words are very unnecessary / they can only do harm
Words are meaningless and forgettable
Sit in my chair / Posting black square
Old people with guns. Scary.
Freedom Toons is on the job.
That’s awesome! : )
Fun, but no Blacks on D Day, not allowed
whoever upthread called it.
Sorry, that was the rum typing.
I called it.
Has anyone asked MayorJenny (isn’t that just sooo precious?) if the folks with property in CHAZ will get their property taxes refunded? Or maybe Seattle wil collect the money and pass it to the appropriate CHAZ authorities.
I was discussing this very subject with friends today. Consensus: get f**cked, tax assessment.
It will be interesting to see if this spreads to other like minded cities like Portland or San Francisco. Outside of the three commie Mecca’s I don’t see any other city putting up with it. Regardless these kids will tire out after a couple weeks and head back to the comfort of Mom and Dads basement.
I suppose it *could* turn out to just be the latest iteration of Occupy Wall Street but, will it?
That one idiot in Seattle thinks he’s a warlord. You think he’s just gonna say fuck it, I’m gonna go play Nintendo?
Just don’t even think about occupying Malheur. That’s a summary death sentence.
Thomas Sowell Dismantles Egalitarianism (Frances Fox Piven Edition),
Playing risk against bots (I know) and somehow there is not an achievement for killing every other player (5!) in the game in one turn.
wtf mates.
Sounds Risky.
It was a game with fog on a non-standard map (only Europe), so things were a bit weird which led to me taking everyone out in one turn.
Been trying games with humans lately… definitely some collusion going on.
Jugsy and I watched the Dave Chappelle bit on George Floyd. What followed was a robust, impassioned, loud, discussion. I was critiquing Dave’s use of his platform, which was the basis for his whole presentation- he took down Don Lemon for calling on black people (yay! we can say that again!) of fame to take a stand, while saying, “nigga, dont nobody want to hear what a comedian has to say”. And then he goes ahead and says it.
The murder of George Floyd was one of the most horrible things Ive seen in my life. A sociopathic cop, hand in pockets, leg on the neck of a guy he knew (so they say), just letting him him asphyxiate- that pig should be swinging from a lamp post. And his 3 co-conspirators. As much as I complain about everyone walking around with a camera in their pocket- everyone recording him dying under a pig’s leg may get justice. Without that? It woulda been written up as “suspect resisted- medical crisis: see coroner’s report”.
With that in mind- Chappelle’s delivery…his anger at young black men being kill by white cops nearly made me cry. Seriously. Ive met Dave twice- he’s a solid dude. In his act he always contrasts races. Its a good bit, and as someone thats done a couple open-mic nights, you need to know your crowd and how to work them. Dave is a genius. But in his most current rant he’s just mad. And I feel bad for him getting sucked up like that- cause the numbers even from the DOJ dont match the outrage. Twice the number of white people are shot and killed than blacks every year. Sure, you can look at demographics and express that as a percent….but twice the honkeys is just that.
OK…../rant off. And i hope it made some sense, cause Im quite drunk.
But when it comes to institutionalized racism and extermination? See These Broadsand ask then about “how do you feel about maybe getting shot for being the wrong color”?
Sure, you can look at demographics and express that as a percent….but
…it invites the invocation that blacks are disproportionately the victims of violent crime in general, with the killings by cops being a small fraction. The reason to be disproportionately outraged about the tiny proportion of killings by the cops is that we pay them and they get special privileges that Omar Little doesn’t get.
Then again, none of the moral preeners actually gives a shit about black lives. They’re in it for the approbation or the grift.
Sharpton still owes the gov’t millions in tax money, has a show on MSNBC, walks free, and could be complicit in the Crown Heights riots.
I have no idea what you mean…..
The thing that gets me is that, well… if blacks are disproportionately involved in crime, shouldn’t we expect a disproportionate number to be killed by police?
They’re likely to have a disproportionate number of encounters. General crime stats would seem to suggest that whites are killed at a disproportionate rate, by that metric.
That has little to nothing to do with Floyd btw, which by all accounts sounds like a murder (I haven’t worked up the courage to see him killed yet).
I think almost all race based stuff is bullshit. Are there racist cops? No doubt. But the idea that left-liberal cities are just teeming with clansmen hoping to take out any black they get a shot at seems unlikely.
It was a murder. No question.
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll derive any pleasure form seeing it, so I’m avoiding it.
Which is to say, I’ll take your word for it, honestly.
The only thing left to determine is what degree.
Here’s my theory on it:
This whole police killing issue looks very bad to the Left. Many of the cities where these murders occur have been almost exclusively run by Democrats for decades. Also, the Democrat Party has been the biggest proponent of unionizing government employees, and here we have a problem that is undeniably related to that.
Some inner city black people must be wondering why they should keep voting Democrat when it doesn’t seem to make any difference, and they’re also curious about the role of this union – perhaps wondering if similar things occur with other unionized government employees. Very bad news for the Democrat Party.
Now, there’s rarely any evidence brought forth that a murderous cop was racist (past statements, a consistent pattern of using inappropriate force on minorities, etc) but by making the issue all about race, the Democrat Party can shift blame away from themselves (and their pubsec union cash cows) and onto that vague, amorphous enemy, “systemic racism”. It’s the only way that they might be able to spin this to their advantage.
I dunno, doesn’t seem like this was happening.
Your theory also relies on a concerted effort by dems to spin this to their advantage at multiple levels. Not saying they’re not capable, but I don’t subscribe to your newsletter. Too many working parts imo.
Well yea – I posit that it isn’t happening because attention has been diverted to the racial element of police killings rather than the actual cause.
I don’t know that it requires a top-down concerted effort. All it requires is for many individual members of the Democrat Party to think, “Shit, this could be bad for me. What do I do? … What’s that? Someone said something about racism? Ooh, that’ll work! Let’s just talk up the racial aspect of it, then nobody will pay attention to how this has largely happened on our watch!”
Here’s what we should do about CHAZ.
Lol. Build a wall around it. Fill it with water:)
More or less expensive than helicopter rides?
Could probably pay for either by televising it on pay per view. Helicopter ride TV would be repetitive but would have more action. The water version would be more drawn out but have a nice build up to the main event.
The November elections may well be popcorn worthy. Some of the local elections in liberal cities impacted by the riots could be quite telling.
What are they going to choose from left liberals vs. tankies?
Stalin vs Stalin
I hope you are right. But I’m not hearing a lot of reports of suburban women abandoning Team Blue because of the riots.
No one cares about them at all. Good luck to us all.
I cling to the faint hope that the fewer noisy ones are virtue signaling to their NPR tote bag-toting friends while the quiet ones are keeping their heads low and not letting on how they’ll vote.
At least it wasn’t drugs in this guy’s ass.