No sports today, as usual.

Hello, playboy.
As for birthdays, we’ve got: 1st First Lady Martha Washington, French playboy Marquis de Sade, animator Walter Tetley, first black PGA player Charlie Sifford, actress Sally Kellerman, Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts, annoying actor Jerry Mathers, sports commissioner who fucked a lot of things up Gary Bettman, “the walrus” Craig Stadler, wrestler Lex Lugar, race car driver (who lived off his daddy’s reputation) Kyle Petty, tv personality Wayne Brady, and lesbian Abby Wambach.

How most of Petty’s races finished
That list was almost as depressing as…the links!
I assume this surprises exactly nobody. Yeah, it’s not exactly shocking that an independent person will come up with a different result than a state employee who gets paid by the same people as the cops. Still waiting on them to arrest the other three men who participated in the murder.

Fired? They just got fired? You do know there are criminal statutes on the books for aggravated assault and battery, don’t you? Or did those get stricken during the latest CBA?
“Presents a challenge”, lol. Here’s a newsflash: it’s impossible. So we either accept the incredibly small risk and get on with things…or we cower like pussies and give up on our entire way of life. Sadly, I fear the latter will win the day.
More violence as Trump threatens to send in the military. I certainly don’t want to see the Army rolling through cities. But I don’t want to see more deliberate destruction of businesses and residences either while mayors order cops to stand down in order to score cheap political points. What would you choose if you had to decide? (That’s an open question for you guys.)

Expect more of this.
In answering that last question…here’s the alternative. Except in most of the country, the so-called “vigilantes” won’t be carrying bats. Also, nice misleading headline.
Jesus, Chicago. Get your shit together. I like to make fun of how violent the place is, but it’s not much of a joke anymore.
Now that we’ve cleared up the fact that the driver was in the right, how about arresting the violent goons who swarmed his truck like ants and almost beat him to death? Or are you just gonna let this kind of shit stand?
Too bad this won’t make the nightly news. Not that it would anyway, since they’re all too busy blaming Trump.
The song of the day! I wasn’t able to open Apple Music’s channels to get any ideas because they’ve locked it on some social signaling bullshit and you can’t listen to anything else. Fuck you, I pay for that service, Apple. I should be able to pick what I want, not be forced to listen to something I don’t enjoy. Either way, it’s actually a good song.
Whatever. Go have a great day, friends!
I assume this surprises exactly nobody. Yeah, it’s not exactly shocking that an independent person will come up with a different result than a state employee who gets paid by the same people as the cops. Still waiting on them to arrest the other three men who participated in the murder. – at least it was not covid…
Are you sure? Respiratory issues makes it at least COVID related.
In Chicago or NYC it might be recorded as such.
I think the state of Washington wins that sweepstakes – with 5 gunshot deaths recorded as COVID.
It’s also dishonest to refer to the family’s expert as “independent” when he comes up with the most favorable evaluation in their direction as possible…kind of like he was paid to do so.
Doesn’t make the killing right but incentives matter in both directions.
That bastion of journalism TMZ reported that Floyd had fentanyl and traces of meth in his system. If true, I wonder if manslaughter is as high as they will be able to ultimately convict on – not passing any sort of opinion on whether that’s the way it should be.
Although with this high profile a case, who knows.
Where are they going to get a Jury that doesn’t know about this?
Inner Mongolia maybe?
Chevaun’s Lawyer: So some good news, and some bad news.
Chevaun: Whats the good news?
Lawyer: They Jury thinks you were justified and could have done more if you wanted.
Chevaun: That’s great! what’s the bad news?
Lawyer: well it’s related. They are going to have you boiled alive for allowing yourself to be arrested.
Am I missing out on some muppet call to arms code here?
That’s code for “let’s all go eat ass”, right?
No,no. That’s:
What would you choose if you had to decide? (That’s an open question for you guys.) – I am not a business owner and I my residence is not at risk. So no army?
This guy made a clear choice.
Trying to rob a gun shop has to be amongst the dumbest crimes possible.
I bet it always seems like a good idea unless you think about the kind of people who own gun shops.
Speaking of…
Dear America: 5 Better Places to Target the Next Time You Go Rioting
Yeah… that’s not going to come to bite them in the ass.
That is quite a steaming pile of garbage. Impressed.
Wells Fargo is an awful institution. My advice…just don’t bank there.
High risk, high reward. A lot of older gun stores don’t have all that red-hot security, either.
Yep in terms of actual value, with the death of cash, gun stores have to be the best place to rob. A drug dealer with a felony record will give you 200 or 300% of face value for a gun. It’s not really possible to keep them all in safes, like it is with jewelry so once you breach the store, you’ve got lots of loot. Electronics are bulky and really not as valuable as they used to be. You’d need to have like the 60 inch mega TV to get a thousand bucks for it.
But if you can throw 25 modern semiauto handguns in the back of a truck, you can sell those for north of 30 or 40 thousand probably.
“Electronics are bulky and really not as valuable as they used to be.”
TV’s, maybe. Everything else is smaller. Mobile phones are a huge target for theft.
Mobile phones are a huge target for theft.
I dunno how prevalent, but, my phone cost more (~2x) than my TV.
I would have thought phones had some way of tracking them. Like, couldn’t a store designate their stolen inventory as hot, and then whoever tries to activate them gives themselves away as a thief?
You would think, but apparently not. They primarily go after iPhones because they’re easy to sell at nearly full price. It’s not unusual for thefts of iPhones to total in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Pharmacies, bro. Yeah, you’ll have to bust open a safe to get the good stuff, but for value per weight/volume, it’s not even close.
I don’t know for certain, but I suspect that most pharmacy safes are about like the safes in banks and high-end jewelry stores. That would put them out of the reach of most low-time-preference street hoods.
Grab the oxy off the shelf, easy to hide, easy to sell.
The successful gun store burglaries I’m familiar with follow that pattern – lots of inventory not in safes, lousy police response, open storefront. You get a couple buddies, steal a truck, ram it through the front of the store, then grab anything not nailed down and dump it in another car.
Somebody tried that in a rural gunshop not far from where I live. It didn’t go well for them.
Before I even clicked the link, I was wondering if this was gonna be the Harry Beckwith shootout.
I do love a story with a happy ending…
Even if that means violent looters and rioters can burn down other innocent people’s homes or their life’s work?
I don’t live in this guy’s precinct, but I would be voting for him if I was. Best advice to residents about how to deal with looters ever.
So Florida Sheriff is indeed a variant of Florida Man.
I like the fact that unlike the fucking assholes in team blue run cities, he pointedly told those inclined to loot and destroy shit, that he would back the people shooting them, and not accuse them of vigilantism and send the cops out for those protecting themselves.
I am honestly not sure do not like the idea of army on the streets… but may be better than police
Would you feel different if they were a block from your house headed your way than you feel with them 5,000 miles away?
Armed citizens are better choice than army or police.
Call up the militia!!!
if I had weapons no… as I don’t possibly. I am not completely opposed for the army to prevent mass destruction it is part of their job. Depends on the scale I suppose. My mistrusts is about who controls the army really… In Romania we have a sort of militarized branch of police the Gendarmerie to do these things. Although they were useless in the 90s when the miners came en mass in Bucharest to beat up people and destroy property.
I am not completely opposed for the army to prevent mass destruction it is part of their job.
It is the exact opposite of their job. Their job is to carry out controlled destruction.
Well if you look at the military as primary defensive… The purpose is to prevent harm to the country. The controlled destruction is the means so to speak.
Deploying the army to deal with this is like a surgeon deciding to use a broadsword instead of a scalpel to do surgery…
I sure as hell hope they don’t deploy the army. The army is not a policing force, and people will regret how that plays out if they get deployed. But I am actually now going to cheer the use of fatal force when it happens, because the people out past the curfews are just out to loot and create mayhem. Notice that the places where the unrest is at its worst, you have team blue idiots in charge.
They do it there because they can get away with it. If they tried it here there would be a blood bath. They could probably get away with it in New Orleans, maybe Baton Rouge. The rest of the state, not so much.
This works both ways. I watched cops walk up to a peaceful (though profane) protester and spray him in the face with pepper spray. When that guy finished doubling over in pain and stood ready to scream again, the next cop walked up and shot him in the face with a tear gas canister launcher. From 5 feet away. Cops do this because they can get away with it. That cop sitting on Floyd’s neck just looked around happily because he has never seen any consequences for this brutality.
I hate that businesses and residences are being looted right now. I really do. I hope that this teaches people the importance of owning a gun. But if stopping that looting means once again sending cops the message that they can deploy the FYTW Brutality without consequence, I cannot accept it.
Exactly. But that is not what the protesters are calling for. They’re calling for a nebulous, unattainable goal, the end of racism. The problem is accountability. The problem is politicians, judges, DAs, and unions protecting dirty and brutal cops. They’re calling for reparations, thoughtcrime, more training… nothing that will make a damn bit of difference.
The one positive thing I will say about Army deployment – is that they have much better discipline than the average ranks in blue.
Better marksmanship too.
Clearly you’ve never seen a Maintenance Unit try to go through annual qualifications.
After all the deployments and lots of action…yes, I would bet they do better than you might think.
“After all the deployments and lots of action…yes, I would bet they do better than you might think”
I’d absolutely stand in front of a Guard unit with rifles before I stood in front of a line of cops with less lethal weapons.
If my choices are unrestrained riots or the army in the streets, I’ll take the army.
I still say like the blue mayors and governors own it. They have no shortage of cops and the national guard to back them up. They simply lack the spine needed to make it stop.
Trump shouldn’t help them unless and until they publicly ask for federal help.
Of course he shouldn’t – but that isn’t how this morality play has been set up. This is now all part of the great culture war, and his supporters expect him to show up the other side, not just let them suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.
How many Trump supporters are really suffering? Overlay the 2016 election results by county with a map of riot locations. I’ll bet 100% of the riots are in the blue.
Bullshit. The color on the map means nothing. There are plenty of non-lefties in blue cities.
Instead of sending in the army, how about sending in some teams of federal marshals and arresting some of the mayors and councilmen and police chiefs who instigated this shit? I’m sure there’s a friendly federal judge somewhere who could pencil-whip a stack of warrants…
This. Trump blew a huge opportunity. He could have sent FBI and Marshals down immediately to arrest Floyd and his conspirators. He could have announced immediate investigations into the Chief of Police and even called for the federal takeover of that department. And when the mayor bleated about it, he could have pointed out how blue mayors have run that city for decades, and how they have had every opportunity to fix the problem.
Instead we are doing the same old rehash of Public Order vs Brutality that the GOP and Dems have played for forty years.
Some people like the classics.
National Guard, I’m fine with. Armed militias, private or otherwise, of course.
Active military forces? It may seem like a minor difference, compared to the guard, but it’s an important one. Absolutely not, except in the case of an organized and armed rebellion…and then it depends upon the nature of the rebellion.
Posse Comitatus.
No FUCKING Federal Troops in a law enforcement role.
That is why the NG answers to the Govenors under title 32. If Trump called up the NG, it would be under title 10, and that would still be illegal… without an act of Congress.
Aside from the Constitutional quibbling, I like it when he sticks sticks his dick in their eye.
There you have it – this is exactly why the stupidity is escalating.
Yeah. No active duty.
Technically the act only applies to the U.S. Army and Air Force – not the Marine Corps. (Why they got assigned to do stuff like guard U.S. mail in past)
But as I mentioned below, during the LA riots active duty Army and Marine Corps troops were assigned to support the cops and CA national guard – not directly quell the riots. So without a very high level of cooperation with locals, they shouldn’t be used at all.
Insurrection act allows the military to be deployed. It is quite broad.
Trump should get Congress together to vote on a resolution to authorize him to invoke it. Good politics, and if he is authorized, it doesn’t mean he has to deploy.
We are getting to the point where our options are to split up, or winner take all and loser gets the camps.
I would go no army, and here is my reasoning:
1) Starting with the Floyd murder, and continuing on with a bunch of stuff that has been filmed of police being absolutely brutal, it is clear that these police are out of control. These cops know they are doing something wrong, and that it is being filmed. They. just. don’t. care. Somehow they have internalized that society will rationalize and accept any abuse as long as they are kept safe. And why wouldn’t we? Cop after cop has walked after stop and frisk abuses and murders just because they kept drug dealers away.
2) Sending in the army is merely doubling down on that sentiment. It is saying that “peace and order” is so important that you are willing to send kids with guns taught to do nothing but shoot people- in as much as they may get supplemental training for a humane warzone, their main job is not to negotiate, to de-escalate, to use non-lethal force, or respect your constitutional rights. They are taught to shoot people. Sending in the Army is essentially saying “the time for protest is over, anyone here is an enemy combatant.”
3) I feel like this is once again a choice between two evils. Are you going to accept that a federal government with broad surveillance powers will likely abuse some people, or are you going to accept that a more restrained government might miss some terrorist activity? Are you going to risk Hillary in power or are you going to deal with Trump? Are you going to condone clear evidence of police brutality to get some peace and order, or are you going to restrain them and see many businesses burnt to the ground?
As much as the law and order guy inside me hates it, when I was younger, I supported the Patriot Act and see now the State that has created. And despite being a law and order kid, I have aged into someone who thinks the license we have given police to brutalize our populace is not an acceptable price to pay for the protection of those businesses.
Of course but have we not just seen an attempted soft coup attempt? Never mind that the very same people will be in charge of “Being in Charge”. Trump is between a rock and a hard place and he has to act now. Holding up the Bible was silly but he needs to act the fool right now.
I would only point out that the argument isn’t over accountability. Neither side in this fight is interested in individualism and responsibility. They’re only interested in who gets to be in charge.
My point is that Trump could have turned this into a point on accountability. He could have put it on the Cities to do whatever they want about rioting and looting. And then he could have perp-walked the entire police department out of the town.
He could have gotten on the airwaves and said “The next time I see video of a cop violating the rights of a citizen of my united states, I am going to arrest them first and then begin the investigation. Bring in a lawyer if you want, but understand that your phone will be tapped and FBI will be following you around, and the second we see you attempting to coordinate a story, RICO charges will come. And by the way, unless your Union representative is your lawyer, they will not be welcome in proceedings.”
People do not have time for nuance. Trump clearly made his stance “Law and Order”. Mayors are clearly making their stance “We’re with the poor protesters”. It doesn’t matter that the mayors are actually enabling the police with their policies. All that matters is what Trump is tweeting. Had he led with the message above, the Media and Mayors and Governors would have found themselves in the unenviable spot of either agreeing with Trump, or defending the police and police Unions. And guess what that would have done? Forced them to get tough on looters.
Now that’s wishful thinking.
Is it really vigilantism if the City has abandoned y? The only problem is that the people don’t arrest the mayors for 1. Letting cops act with impunity and 2. Letting rioters act with impunity.
What they are teaching people is that being a good peaceful citizen is for chumps
So the mayor and police chief here in Cleveland said that most of the violence was caused by out of state people instigating the issue. Not good locals. Local news has found that of the 99 people arrested during the riots, none were from out of state. The majority were from the city, or the suburbs around it. Really good look to be smashing the windows of places that have just now been allowed to open back up.
Funny how it’s “out-of-staters” causing problems in every state. Where are they all coming from? Should we blame North Dakota?
To be fair, it would only take a very small number of agents provocateur to foment a lot of rioting and you would never get significant numbers of ‘out of state’ arrests.
So what? Every fucking person is responsible for their own actions, no matter who is ‘provoking’ them. This is all just a smoke-screen to evade responsibility (both for the politicians and the locals).
But there are a lot of very tense situations going on where a single thrown rock or shoved person could light off a chain reaction.
Number of arrests is a bad metric to measure whether or not this is happening.
Right now the number of out of state arrests is sitting at 0. The city is still closed through 20:00 tonight, with the exception of cleaning and rebuilding the stores that were vandalized. I’m keeping an eye on the situation, as I was planning on biking up for brunch on Saturday. That may have to change.
Cleaning up and rebuilding seems a bit premature when the area is still under curfew. I wait till I’m done making a mess before I clean it up, typically. Dishes while I cook main exception.
With storms coming in, the businesses that got smashed are at least trying to get plywood up in the windows to prevent further damage.
“The police are terrible, but the rioters are horrible”
“No way! The rioters are horrible, but the police are terrible”
Amusing to watch people talk past each other at times.
When the discussion becomes Order versus Chaos, individualists get ignored.
The city isn’t abandoned. The police are out there doing the hard work of arresting people on neighborhood patrols (arsonists and the like are too slippery, but I’m sure they are on the to-do list somewhere).
Midtown global market her in MSP was the only building standing surrounded by ashes and a couple of dudes with baseball bats. They get arrested. Hours later, the windows are smashed and merch is looted. The next day, a plateless car is pushed up to the door and set on fire. More people come out and extinguish it. Then they get arrested.
Its a fucking disaster.
Link? That’s insane.
Not some internet rando. This is from the evening news. You can’t make this shit up.
Thank you. My rage was dropping dangerously.
All topped up now.
“Here’s a newsflash: it’s impossible. So we either accept the incredibly small risk and get on with things…or we cower like pussies and give up on our entire way of life. Sadly, I fear the latter will win the day”
I fear you’re right.
It doesn’t matter this virus is proving to be a dud. There’s no vaccine and that’s that. We already traumatized people psychologically.
I still think it will be impossible. Eventually common sense is just going to over whelm even if reluctantly. You can’t ‘virus-proof’ shit. There are all kinds of viruses out there and if anyone reads Bryson they’d understand just how much we cheat death every single day. Viruses are the least of our concerns.
I’ve already heard some co-workers say that they’re going to refuse to go back into the office until there’s a vaccine. Out and about, I’m seeing less and less mask wearers now (except for staff and employees, who are mandated to wear them). There are still a lot of people cowering in place though.
These are the weak people. The herd needs to think out more. Like I said, this is part of the problem that will linger and it’s assholes like this who will make kids lives a living hell. It’s these fuckheads who will demand ‘virus-proofing’ schools and sports. When in realty, this virus doesn’t demand such a response.
That’s why I hate every single medical bureaucrat and asshole doctor who pumped this so much with shrill hysteria with a burning passion. I mean, I’m really, really, really pissed by how they behaved and that politicians – being the dips hits they are – cowered and fell for it.
Anyway. If someone says that and I’m a boss? Buh-bye.
The covid stuff is going to be over by july. Except as theater and a reason for the state workers to do even less.
It’s over now except for safety theater and some states still requiring ceremonial acts of obedience.
“I’ve already heard some co-workers say that they’re going to refuse to go back into the office until there’s a vaccine“
“You realize being terminated for cause as a no-show means you aren’t eligible for rehire, right?“
These are managers and hire saying this. Not the grunts.
/wanders off to get more covfefe
Nah. Just a partial re-write of what I was saying while my brain was in the job mindset. And a lack of proofreading.
It’s entirely a PEBCAK error in this case.
Still a long line of highly talented unemployed management personnel looking for work. Like me for instance.
Managers and higher get the pink slip, too.
With 40,000,000 unemployed, replacements won’t be too hard to find.
I’ve already heard some co-workers say that they’re going to refuse to go back into the office until there’s a vaccine.
“Your Resignation Has Been Accepted, Thank You For Working For Us!”
There are all kinds of viruses out there
There are probably half a dozen other coronaviruses being passed around. Or have we forgotten that it is the same class of virus as the common cold, which has no cure because it mutates constantly.
The cops will arrest the ‘vigilantes’.
Come on. Look at how they treated Bat-Man and Spider-Man in the beginning!
In fact, if I were a vigilante group, I’d capture these punks, tie them up and leave a ‘friendly neighbourhood justice’ note.
Me too, but I’d spell ‘neighborhood’ properly.
To ‘U”or not to ‘U’!
Canada: Forever stuck between England and USA. Like middle-management.
Blame Isaac Brock
Or is it Brouck?
” Fuck you, I pay for that service, Apple. I should be able to pick what I want, not be forced to listen to something I don’t enjoy”
We must all be forced to care. Even if you live away from anywhere where the riots are happening.
Yeah… the WHO was like “Darn that China. Gosh darn you!” Give me a fucking break.
In case it was not discussed yet, Xi’s wife is one of the WHO’s biggest/most important “ambassadors”. You take that for what it is worth, but to me it means she tells these fucks what to do unless they want to get on the bad side of some real evil fucking people with an agenda (and the WHO did just what these people wanted).
That and Tedros owes his position nearly entirely to Chinese influence, and coincidentally has been collaborating with China since fucking December in downplaying the ‘rona until it became politically expedient to become a panic monger.
I for one am glad this Wu Tang Flu shit happened, because it has made it blatantly obvious that China is ASSHOE and we were being led by a cabal of fuckwads that sold us out for personal profit going on 3 decades now. We are now gonna pull back from our horrible entanglement with China, and hopefully this will finally collapse the house of corrupt cards over there. And we have finally also begun acknowledging these global entities are wastes of time considering they are just vehicles for evil entities to pretend to do good, and pulling out of the WHO was a good move. But while this is a great start, we have much, much further to go. Drop the fucking WTO and UN next. Let these asshats know we will not just play along with their fucking shit.
I think the secret is we have always been lead by a cabal of fuckwads, they just could hide it better in the past due to more controlled information flows and also there was less money to loot involved so it was less infuriating.
The medical examiner made no mention of asphyxiation.
I’m surprised they didn’t rule it a sinovirus death.
His body just chose that moment to expire from natural causes. Kind of a coincidence really.
If you wanted to pick what you want and not be forced into a walled garden then getting into the Apple ecosystem was your first mistake.
I deliberately chose the walled garden over the mobile OS designed by a company whose core business is surveillance.
I see Sloop went for the HM bait on the site’s picture for the morning posts…
Well played. I feel like eating ass now too…
China is asshole. But I don’t know what the fuck the Europeans are drinking anymore. I’m reading they’re still willing to go on as business as usual with China.
Did Covid-19 lead to autism there?
My God. Ok, we get it. You hate Trump but if your hate of the guy is clouding the reality of how bad China is….you got problems man.
The Europeans have been conditioned to go back to serfdom for the last 5 decades, and their leaders have a promise from China they will be allowed to have free reign of these serfs, to plunder them and to do with them as they see fit, when China calls the shots. Poor fucking idiots.
Do you not remember the Olympics and how the MSM fawned over Kim’s sister?
I think Cheeto Mussolini is just trolling the governors into doing something…. he gets to look tough, they look like weenies, and the Diet Coke button gets hit a few dozen times.
He’s been all about federalism since the Corona hit. I don’t necessarily think it’s been out of respect for the constitution but in order to blame governors for the outcomes that were bound to vary by state. Either way, it was the right call then and it remains the right call now. I hope he doesn’t call the military into action. I also hope the states start getting their shit together and start protecting private property or at least let individuals protect their property from violent looters and rioters.
I agree.
For all the talk about civil rights violations, they sure don’t seem to mind when the looters and rioters do it.
Even in the LA riots the active duty Army and Marine units brought in were on there to back up the police and state national guard. They were generally paired up with police or guardsmen to make sure they never got overwhelmed.
(When I was in the Marine Reserves out there, a guy told me a funny story about a gang that tried to ambush a Marine patrol – without noticing the machine gun team behind the lead element…)
“so, you know when you jump in some cold water and your dick retreats into your body? it was just like that.”
“the gang-bangers were all looking and shooting to the right, when they rolled past the M60-gunner on the left…”
Possibly. People forget that he mouths off on things all the time. Wait for the actual action taken.
As seen else where:
Looting is just like voting, but everyday and cutting out the middleman.
14 Secret Service agents injured. People stockpiling Molotovs in cars around the White House. Cops getting shot across the country.
The rioters are crossing a line that it’s going to be hard to come back from. I don’t want military being deployed any more than anyone else, but a lot of the media is declining to report on the more violent acts being committed as the mayors/governors don’t step up. When someone takes a shot at Trump, all bets are going to be off.
We’re not far from real vigilantism. And when those groups organize, they don’t break up quickly. People will start to be disappeared. That’s not a good place to be in.
Imagine if right wing protesters had pulled this during Obama’s term. The left would be calling for mass executions.
Meanwhile, my dumbass Facederp friends still think it’s right wing instigators.
That’s nuts they think that. What’s wrong with people? The world is upside down.
I wondered why my stuff was on the ceiling.
The drugs fell in my ass?
They want to role play Weimar Germany, I don’t think they will like the result, after all when things like this happened there, people turned to whoever could restore order, and get rid of them.
They’ve been accusing Trump of being a Nazi. But if they continue down the violent path, the real Nazis are going to come to the forefront and they will have popular support.
They are the Nazi’s. They are a coalition of corporate facists with assorted members having a very antisemitic streak. Of course that could be applied to the republicans as well, it’s just the republicans antisemitic members are reported on and shamed.
We are living through a week long “Krystal Nacht” right now….
America is a lot bigger than Germany so it’s taking them longer.
More like the spartacist rising, commies and their followers torching shit in order to get their revolution, and at this point I think most people would happily accept the freikorps coming in.I
Right wing protesters were called this during Obama’s term, do you not remember the tea party rallies?
We didn’t mean *those* black lives.
I want to apologize for blowing up in the afternoon links thread yesterday. Y’all know how I feel about what’s going on right now, but shouldn’t have been so acerbic.
“I feel about what’s going on right now, but shouldn’t have been so acerbic”
And now your using big words to make me feel bad.
:Runs, cries:
My solution is to take the officers violating peoples rights and the asshole protest infiltrators, drop them on an island in the Keys, scatter weapons around, and then blow up the bridges.
Seems as productive a solution as any.
Should we airdrop them in? Perhaps we can sell them special dances and costumes to finance it.
We could save money by skipping the parachutes.
Live action PUBG
Does PUBG allow teamkills? Because I figure one side will be too scared to go near the guns while the other will go all “SUPPRESSING FIRE!” and kill as many allies as they do enemies.
the other will go all “SUPPRESSING FIRE!” and kill as many allies as they do enemies.
So, you’ve been around the “Iraqi Death Blossom” then?
That’s so fucking stupid JB, why would we waste a beautiful tropic island on these assholes. You’re literally the the worst. I thought you were smarter than that, seriously.
Now, where are the beefy women at?
(Did I do John right?)
The Keys aren’t in the tropics, with Key West being the southernmost key located ~70 miles north of the Tropic Of Cancer.
-asshole pedant
It identifies as in the Tropics you shitlord.
We pedants are not assholes, thank you very much.
This is why Trump should have bought Greenland.
don’t worry bluster, we’ve live in one of the most stressful dumbest times I can remember. Just thank god they don’t have a draft.
“Son, uh, there ain’t no draft no more.”
-Sgt Hulka
Never Appollo-Gize! You spoke your truth, you fucking asshole.
Given the current state of things, I thought your rant was reasonable.
Dramatic body-camera video released by police shows a group of officers shouting orders, smashing the driver’s side window, deploying stun guns and pulling Pilgrim and Messiah Young from the sedan. Throughout, the couple can be heard screaming and asking officers what is happening.
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
Cops are scared now. They’re getting randomly shot at. And when they’re scared, nothing good happens.
People are scared now, same difference. I mean down there, not so much up here in Blueberry…
Police have a monopoly on use of force…. so not exactly the same difference.
They have a monopoly on legal initiation of force.
I think the distinction matters.
Fair point.
In fairness aren’t they always scared for their lives?
Training records from the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, which certifies law enforcement officers in Georgia, show that Streeter and Gardner recently completed training in use of force and in deescalation tactics.
Somehow I suspect they knew these people were not exactly a danger – but they didn’t respect their authoritay, so its bust your car up and beat you down time. I wonder if the guy who beat the woman bragged about it.
Most likely
NPR is prattling on about implicit bias training and racism inherent in society. This is about power and accountability. Focusing on race only ensures that the real problems don’t get solved.
Chauvin couldn’t have cared less if Floyd was black. Floyd pissed him off so he put his face in the asphalt. Then the crowd was calling for Chauvin to back off so he decided to show who was in charge. He figured he wouldn’t get held accountable because in his 19 year career, he had never been held accountable before. Why would he now?
Talking about a thought crime is usually counterproductive and unprovable by it’s very design. They don’t want to actually talk about how to fix the issue because they’ve created it through their policies of slavishly sucking public unions dicks, developing a vast unaccountable bureaucratically gov employed state/keeping people on the public dime, and installing vast regulatory burdens ensuring people never leave the plantation. If they “fixed” the issue that would mean actually disbanding their platform entirely.
“NPR is prattling on about implicit bias training and racism inherent in society. This is about power and accountability. Focusing on race only ensures that the real problems don’t get solved.”
I think you answered your own question about why NPR would be peddling this bullshit: they don’t want this solved. In fact, they are hoping this will help them finally overthrow Cheeto man and put a proper globalist identitarian credentialed member of the left’s neo-fascist/marxist hereditary oligarchy back in the WH to give them the ability to keep fucking over the unwashed deplorables. And if it takes burning down the entire country to make ti so, they are OK with it. This is about ruling in hell rather than serving in heaven. Heave no doubt about it.
The Queen’s Cowboys did a “Floyd” on some random drunken asshole casing cars here, recently. The dude tried to run and got tackled, beaten and pepper-sprayed for his trouble. And also dead. Cops are under investigation but no riots yet.
When we were young drunk punks it was nearly a rite of passage to endure getting roughed up by the RCMP. God help you if they actually took you downtown. That elevator ride from the garage to the booking could be brutal. Lot’s of unexplained “soft-tissue injuries”.
Huh. I thought racism didn’t exist in Canada, so how did you get police brutality?
They had to deal with that hoser, eh?
Young Drunk Punks, new album on iTunes this summer!
They were already scared before. The tendency for them to empty magazines into crowds/cars/dark hallways will not be quelled by this escalation. So no, nothing good happens.
“Cops are scared now. They’re getting randomly shot at. ”
Then they are in the wrong fucking line of work. I’m sorry Scruffy, but this is inexcusable. When cops are walking in a line down a side street demanding that people get inside their house, then shooting them (with rubber bullets) for standing on their porch, they are out of line. That isn’t being scared- they are in a line with 20 other cops. That is being angry that people aren’t following unconstitutional orders.
We are seeing cops shoot at press who are clearly displaying credentials. Not in a riot. Literally, they are 200 feet away on a nearly empty street, and the reporter is talking to the camera with the line of police in the background, and one just lifts his rifle and shoots the reporter in the back. That isn’t a cop being scared. That is a hooligan enjoying the fantasy of shooting a person in the back BECAUSE HE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT.
My observation was that nothing good will come of it. The root of the problem is being ignored by both sides and therefore we will only see escalation. This is just one more step in that escalation. Whether or not the cops’ fear is justified or deserved is irrelevant at this point.
Liberty isn’t going to be the winner in this conflict.
If you live in a state without castle doctrine (or equivalent) and a duty to retreat law, remember that your politicians would like to see you dead for political points.
Virus-proofing sports facilities presents a big challenge
Shouldn’t even be a goal. Tell people to wash their hand, mind the personal space of others and don’t cough/sneeze on others. You know, the things everyone should be doing anyway.
I’ve attended one major sport-ball game in the past 5 years. If they are going nag and annoy me, I can live with never attending another.
Good morning, Sloopy.
The truck driver thing pisses me off so much. The fuckheads closed the roads earlier than expected, failed to get the barricades up in time and absolutely failed the poor driver. I’m looking forward to my tax dollars being spent to pay the guy a nice chunk of change.
Walz remains the wort gov of my lifetime. And that includes mumblin’, bumblin’, pill poppin’ Mark Dayton.
No tanks on the streets for me. I would prefer shooting looters first. We need to retake our own damn neighborhoods.
I’m ready to go to hockey games again. I’ll take my chances with the stupid virus. Besides, the numbers, even from the CDC, don’t support any of this.
With all this negativity, a TS video is just the thing. Dee is a cool guy and I’ll never forget the beatdown he gave stupid Tipper.
Another band who likes to rock.
Have a great day, people!
I laughed at my girlfriend last night when she told me she felt the governor and the mayor were trying real hard to be helpful. She was not happy when I told her that she was either very naive or had again fallen for the media propaganda out your way Tundra. She didn’t even try to argue past that point. She has learned that appeals to emotion will fail and I will retort with facts and logic that will just make her liberal political blinders make her look bad. The one thing that is good about this whole disaster is that when I come out your way in another month or so, I will be helping her buy and keep a firearm. Suddenly my “guns are bad” girl wants to have one, because she now realizes that her previous belief that she could count on her alarm system and the police, in cases of trouble or otherwise, are gone with the wind….
Shortly after the panic-buying started due to the ‘Rona panic, there was a discussion at work about the possibility of civil unrest because of disruptions to the food supply. This one guy said, “Well a bunch of my relatives are rednecks who have tons of guns… I mean I would never own one myself, but I’m glad they have them just in case!” So guns are silly and unnecessary until there’s a possibility of a civil disturbance, then everybody wants to be friends with a gun nut. Big surprise there.
So… I have yet to see any stories on NBC about antifa involvement in the violence…
But this morning I wake up to a story pushed into my feed by Google. NBC news reports that white nationalists set up a fake antifa twitter account and spread disinformation calling for violence. Twitter suspended the account.
I am going to go ahead and call all of that coordinated propaganda from the jump. Google, NBC and antifa. Google has The Groundwork designed to push exactly this sort of story. NBC has coordinated propaganda many times.. Specifically on Kavanaugh and Covington…
It would be nice if the DOJ was able to track these connections and prove that MoveOn and associated groups have been coordinating with the DNC and the press and antifa.
Meanwhile, Twitter has left up tweets designating streets and shops for looting.
pRivATe cOMPanIEs!!!!!!
That would make them enemies of the state.
I’m sure the DOJ can connect the dots if it wanted to.
100% sure you’re right. I’ve seen other outlets outside of the big three reporting on Antifa involvement. Whether or not there’s an institutional conspiracy or not is certainly debatable, but at the very least the people in charge of reporting on these stories are sympathetic to Antifa and identify with them on some level.
Local Fox affiliate is claiming the vandalism and looting were organized, based on reports from local law enforcement. So there’s bad reporting going on from both sides.
I have seen at least one video showing someone directing the vandalism who appeared to identify as white. Also appeared to hand out cash. Also could have been a fake.
I believe it could be happening. But reporting it because that’s what the local law enforcement people are saying is garbage. Especially, as they noted that the same people said it was out of state people who were instigating, but there were 0 out of state arrests.
I don’t see how that’s bad reporting.
Did they provide evidence that it was white nationalists?
So no. I didn’t see any evidence.
This made me laugh:
“Twitter says it has removed the trend from its “trending topics” section because of “coordinated attempts to disrupt the public conversation” around the protests.”
From the article:
No evidence of those links to white supremacists, we’ll just take twitter’s word for it. Also, no evidence of anyone actually seeing or acting on those tweets. With a brand new account with no followers… not sure how they could have spread far and wide, but let’s go with it.
Why do I mention that?
Well, further down:
I’ll refer all present to news footage and photographs of every scene of property damage and arson for Antifa related graffiti and Antifa lookalike participants to evaluate that last bit as they will. I’m just noting the contrast in tone.
Well you haven’t proven that all the people who are socialists aren’t actually false flag plants. Duh.
I think it’s all coordinated, putting on a protest requires permits, money and organization. all. of them. Who paying for this and applying for permits? This shit isn’t spontaneous someone has to at least give a time and place.
What I’m hearing is the protesters and looters are two separate groups. Every story starts out with “peaceful protest” followed by “violent looters” who crash the party some hours later.
Why doesn’t this ever happen at right wing/pro 2nd amendment events? Seriously if that’s the case why don’t they instigate violence at those? The only time I can think of that happening is at Charlottesville.
Even Charlottesville didn’t have looting.
It seemed as if most of the violence was initiated by counter-protestors…
Because the right wing people are better trained and terrorists, and know how to hide their evil ways!
It didn’t happen at Charlottesville. The police deliberately corralled the idiot racists together with the idiots who said they’d thump them if they had a chance. The cops set that whole shitshow up through a concerted logistics effort.
“Why doesn’t this ever happen at right wing/pro 2nd amendment events? ”
Honestly though, why does it matter?
I think the protesters are a bit misguided in their fixation on race, but it is their god given right to show up and protest. If other people who want to destroy America crash their party and turn it into a riot, what are those people supposed to do? That isn’t their fault. I’m not going to hold a black man responsible because a bunch of white trust fund babies show up to throw rocks and start fires. Look at what happened in new york- the mayor’s own daughter was picked up vandalizing and rioting. Had a peaceful protester tried to restrain the girl prior to that, do you really think he’d be fine?
If we continue to hold peaceful protesters responsible for the actions of Antifa, then those peaceful protesters will give up and all you will have any more is violence.
This is Benghazi “it was because of a video” all over again. That twitter account has under 100 followers and were expected to believe it set off all this shit?
1. You’ll get 100 camwhore followers on twitter within a week of opening the account. It’s inevitable.
2. Not that many people use twitter.
3. Antifa accounts have been around forever promising violence at various events from the G-8 to Berkeley speeches.
“This is Benghazi “it was because of a video” all over again. That twitter account has under 100 followers and were expected to believe it set off all this shit?”
It may not have “set off all this shit” but it was certainly used by people in yesterday’s links, and on Instapundit and on TOS as clear proof that Antifa was up to no good. Literally every site I went to had a screenshot of that post saying that Antifa was getting worse.
So it may not of stoked the violence, but it was a pretty successful propaganda campaign that many people, including folks on this site, fell for.
In support of this conclusion, see my post above.
They not only are widely promoting this “fake account” as an explanation for every rumor and innuendo that antifa might be involved, they are claiming that any suggestion that Antifa is actually involved is unsupported by the evidence.
So yeah… it seems very much like Bengazi. In fact, I’ve taken that as a part of my narrative, so thanks for that. It just fits so well….. it is their M.O. These are the same people after all.
What would you choose if you had to decide?
Give the local/state authorities ample opportunity to act. When they fail to do so (because they are playing politics with the situation…) make it clear that rioting is unacceptable and put an end to it.
I don’t want the military involved. That said it looks like it will come to that since a lot of this destruction and looting is being allowed and/or lead. I pray for everyone and continue my life as I have. Hopefully everyone chills the fuck out.
I live in a town of less than 30000 people so haven’t seen the protests or riots first hand. Last night changed when some protestors went to a local ice cream place (owner supposedly said some racist shit on facebook, idk the whole story). It was peaceful but it was a wakeup call that this shitshow can spread.
I mean, I don’t think anyone here wants the military involved. If a bunch of Donk governors refuse to maintain order, though, there aren’t really many appealing options.
“there aren’t really many appealing options”
Especially when judges and prosecutors in said Cobalt Blue jurisdictions will arrest and charge only the people defending their lives and livelihoods.
^ yeah that is a problem. I’m in Illinois…I’d probably be arrested if someone was trying to break in or burn my home. Oh well, if they charged me with some bullshit I’d lawyer up. I’d rather be breathing and busted then dead and broken.
I mean, it sucks for the normies in those areas, but this is what federalism looks like. Trump should make the Dem mayors and governors explain to their cities why they let the mobs burn them and loot them.
Every state and city has the logistics and the manpower to enforce the civil peace. They are choosing not to.
The thing is, that doesn’t apply when it comes to the BoR. Those rights are non-negotiable and can’t (or shouldn’t) be legislated away. They apply to all jurisdictions; so it’s not Federalism, it’s states and municipalities usurping people’s rights and wrongfully imprisoning them.
I mean I’d be fine with Trump stating publicly
“The 2nd Amendment is the law of the land. You have the absolute right to defend your self, others, and your property with lethal force. Any state or city that interferes with that is violating your civil rights, and the federal government will punish them for that.”
But that’s very different from sending in the troops.
The thing is, that doesn’t apply when it comes to the BoR. Those rights are non-negotiable and can’t (or shouldn’t) be legislated away. They apply to all jurisdictions; so it’s not Federalism, it’s states and municipalities usurping people’s rights and wrongfully imprisoning them.
This is where neighborhood watches and community involvement comes in. Looters look for easy targets, not ones that look like they want to tango.
I guess you could get some friends and grab one of the ones destroying property and then zip-tie them to a tree. Then for good measure pull their pants down and then point and laugh. Do we tar and feather anymore?
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help Titty Tuesday?
I’d share my stash of ammo and hydroxychloroquine with 25.
I’ll tell #22 that “It’s safe!” without the Dentistry!
Waugh. #3, #4, #10, #11, and I’d marry #41.
I am not even drunk or nothing but on a quick scroll during a meeting 12 face wise seemed to me to look a bit like ENB
She has always harbored a poorly concealed desire to become a prostitute, being an instathot may be a stepping stone.
do sugar babies count as prostitutes?
I’d say yes.
if ENB had those tits would that improve your opinion of her?
You can’t fix stupid
I was thinking Kaitlin Olson, but I can see it.
On a third look I also see a vague Reese Witherspoon vibe
5 25 I guess
#3, Shopped. Milhouse would’ve exploded in that situation.
Gah. Wifey brought me back some sort of craft beer from the Coast and it has seriously kicked my ass. Some sort of barrel-aged thing. It was pretty tasty but I fear the ABV was a little higher than what I’m accustomed to. Festus sleeps late today. Paired with tacos this should make for an interesting afternoon…
Grindr removes ‘ethnicity filter’ after complaints
Racism!?! Why don’t they tackle the problem that as a straight man, I can’t get anyone to give me a second look on the app.
Claiming to be straight while looking for gay hookups was commonplace the last time I checked.
Discrimination is the entire purpose of dating platforms.
Shut your mouth peasant! The Ministry of Orgasms will assign you a sexual partner based on equitable redistribution of attractiveness and you will like it!
This is how they will force guys to date those that have changed their sex and are now complaining no men want to go out with them, isn’t it Q? Genius!
Jesus how stupid is our world becoming. People discriminate. It’s what they do. They can’t help it they are biologically driven to discriminate when mating. This is so antihuman it’s insane.
There’s not really a lot of ‘mating’ going on in Grindr, though?
noun: mating; plural noun: matings
– the action of animals coming together to breed or reproduce.
Which has fuck-all to do with people’s personal preferences.
Since we’ve apparently run out of honest to goodness racists, racism now applies to basic preference or bigotry.
The number-one app for getting gay people killed in the world will now lecture the ones not hanging from meat hooks, beaten to death by mobs, or raped in police custody about where to stick their dicks. Truly we live in such moral and upright times.
so at protests today where i’m at in janesville, wi, some guy brought a trailer with 12 boxes full of bees that he threatened to release if he deemed the protests had gotten out of control.
he called them, “riot control bees.”
Based apiarist.
I like that guy. Thinking out of the (bee) box.
OK, that’s pretty funny.
Ooh, that’s gonna sting.
Seems Twitter is abuzz with the news.
Twitter is a hive of villainy.
“Then the murder hornets were released by Soros-funded antifa.”
“COVID INFECTED murder hornets” to be specific.
Will they be trained to also loot, burn, and rape?
Not as scary as dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you.
Lootings spread into neighborhoods as Chicago sees one of its most violent weekends with more than 80 shot
That’s got to be some kind of record. Not good, but a record all the same.
Note weasel words “one of its most”. This might not make the all time top 10 list for Chicago.
“A rooftop Korean on every house.”
Vote robc 2020
I’d pull my lever for robc.
I liked it better when we were using euphemisms.
That’s a lot of Koreans!
Can my Korean be a 22 year old female? Thanks in advance.
Only 77MM in the two Koreas combined. Even adding in those in the US and other overseas locations, I don’t think there is enough for my plan.
I’m more than willing to pitch in, do my part, and create more Koreans to meet the demand.
Well, they’d be half Koreans, but close enough.
Hybrid Vigor. I’ll wait for one of Chipwooder’s Rooftop DemiKoreans.
You’ll get Kim Jong Un and like it.
Hmmm….well, on the bright side, my neighborhood would be locked down like a motherfucker in that case with the power of the North Korean military behind it.
+1 AA battery.
CNN did have a general on, very concerned that Trump could nuke these city’s to end the riots.
Yeah, the fact that this idiot made it to that rank should make you feel worried about the military’s system to promote people to the upper ranks, and not about cheeto man nuking anything.
Seems like a reasonable take.
Was it the same idiot general that coined the phrase “full semi-automatic” and looked like a bitch while firing an AR-15?
USAF general, amirite?
He was probably a pilot, So you know, not a real officer
:runs hides from ozy:
I would like to subscribe to your. . . . . service?
This is what we get for fucking a stranger in the ass.
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?
This is what we get for
fucking a stranger in the assfinding a stranger in the Alps.FTFY
Censorious bastard.
Smokey and the Bandit on network TV is hilarious (in a bad way).
For many years I thought “scum bum” was some sort of Southern insult.
Better bowdlerization: finding a stranger in the Alps or Repo Man’s “Flip you, melonfarmer!”
“Yippie-kay-yay, Mr Falcon!”
“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
-Mark Twain
If I’ve learned anything over the past few years, and especially the past 4 months, it’s the truth of this statement. The people elected a guy “they” don’t like (ie: the permanent bureaucracy, cultural influencers, academics, press and entertainers). They will literally stop at nothing to either get rid of him or make life so intolerable that the the voters will knuckle under and vote him out. They tried option #1 with the coup attempt and the phony impeachment. They’ve now moved on to option #2 and will hold the country hostage with permanent fear-mongering over a flu bug resulting in lockdowns and everything that makes life enjoyable being prohibited; additionally now with just straight up violence and destruction with the implicit understanding that it will only end when BadOrangeMan goes away.
The corporate press, cutting across all ideologies, lies blatantly and constantly, creating stories out of thin air (white supremacists are the ones rioting? are you fucking kidding me?) transforming themselves into pure propagandists. Politicos eagerly vacuum up whatever power they think they can get away with and the judiciary, ostensibly the check against that kind of thing, either sits lamely doing nothing or actively aids and abets. I don’t know what lies ahead but this has been building since Bush the Lesser. Those who stubbornly denied the existence of a Kulturkampf are now being proven pathetically wrong, as it’s now coming to a head. And that is why I do what I do.
Well said and spot on. Even if it’s a little depressing.
And that is why I do what I do.
And we love you for it. After all, that’s the way we get by.
Tundra, you have excellent taste. Jim Eno is one of my favorite drummers to watch live.
I cant get over the hilarity of all the “Vote!” yammering by lefty celebs and politicians as the solution to police violence, as if Obama wasn’t president for 8 years and Minneapolus hasn’t been run by Democrats for the entirety of my life.
Baltimore is voting today for the mayoral primary. Sheila Fucking Dixon I believe is still the favorite.
the permanent bureaucracy, cultural influencers, academics, press and entertainers- The Cathedral is shorter
He kept guns off the streets.
Good for him. Do we have any thing close to a death toll from all these riots/lootings/attacks?
I’ve got a model that says about 2 million.
+1 R-naught
From the 100% Predictable Department, the local rag is bemoaning the plight of the poor people living where the riots took place because…..
Minneapolis neighborhoods face food desert after looting closes multiple stores
Too bad they can’t watch shows on their newly acquired TV’s while taking the bus to the nearest grocery store. On the other hand, maybe they can use that time to think about the consequences of their actions.
Gee whiz, when you burn down and/or loot every store in a 10 mile radius, turns out you don’t have any stores left in a 10 mile radius!
I’m so glad I went to college so I understand that; these uneducated poors are just too ignorant to get a complex concept like that.
Hah! I’m surprised they didn’t run it the next day.
This is my unsympathetic face.
The press may be happy to finally find the damn food deserts.
Don’t worry, they can use your tax money to rebuild once this is all over.
Just wait till they find out how many poor people are unemployed right now.
Cannabis residue found in ancient Jewish temple links hallucinogens with religion
Archaeologists say find at Israeli excavation offers first proof of mind-altering substances being used in Judaism
I knew (((they)) were behind the devil weed.
More likely one of the undergrads at the dig site decided to spark one up after hours.
WHO Scientists Confirm Coronavirus Only Spreads At Conservative Protests
Powerful: Protesters Spell Out ‘Love’ With Burning Homes And Businesses
“A turning point for real change”! What a load of horseshit – as if Obama wasn’t President for 8 years, and the cities with all of these problems haven’t been run exclusively by Democrats for at least half a century or more.
Replace DeBlasio with the cunte running The People’s Republic of Connecticut hoping to impress CT, and you have my feelings about this shit….
Book publishers sue Internet Archive for allegedly enabling piracy
That was kind of stupid on IA’s part. Serving as a repository and a point of access is one thing but advertising as a free source as an alternative to a paid source is another.
Much as I despise all of the plaintiffs for being moneygrubbing hacks publishing pointless new editions of stale books every year and colluding with colleges to compel students to buy them, it seems the Open Library does not adhere to the DMCA (there’s no automated way to send copyright violation take-down notices, and they ignore any they receive by other means). This likely won’t go in the latter’s favor.
Disingenuous cuntes.
Across our country, Americans are protesting for an end to the pattern of racial injustice and brutality we saw most recently in the murder of George Floyd.
Yet, at a time when our country cries out for unification, this President is ripping it apart. Tear-gassing peaceful protestors without provocation just so that the President could pose for photos outside a church dishonors every value that faith teaches us.
We call upon the President, law enforcement and all entrusted with responsibility to respect the dignity and rights of all Americans. Together, we must insist on the truth that America must do much more to live up to its promise: the promise of liberty and justice for all, which so many have sacrificed for – from Dr. King to John Lewis to peaceful protestors on the streets today.
At this challenging time, our nation needs real leadership. The President’s continued fanning of the flames of discord, bigotry and violence is cowardly, weak and dangerous.
Across our country, Americans are protesting for an end to the pattern of racial injustice and brutality we saw most recently in the murder of George Floyd.
Why are all of these cities, which have been run exclusively by Democrats for at least half a century or more, such cesspits of racism and inequality?
I see an audit in your future
I will reverse my usual opinion on looting in this particular case.
Yep. Just put it on hold for a couple minutes.
What’s to loot they spend more than they have.
Just tear the fucking place up, then.
Go buy it yourself
Twitter should fact check trump. There’s been lots of looty but no shooty
There have been shootings and armed defenses of shops.
El Oh El.
That would be some serious level of leadership on that douche’s part..
jon gabriel
Have you considered sending all the looters to nursing homes?
Quote Tweet
Andrew Cuomo
· 10h
There are justified peaceful protests across the state tonight.
But there are also people criminally exploiting this pain and this moment.
We will not tolerate it.
Pwnd. And I saw some Cuomo tweet yesterday where he was just so upset that the president was going to “use the military on civilians” or some lying, out of context horseshit. I find that fucker more detestable by the day.
I haven’t seen a mention of it in the papers, but during the news presser yesterday, they had a clip of the tanker truck driver and he said that “most” of the protesters actually helped keep him from getting beaten worse.
This was all caused by the govt. They had told the DOT to put up barricades before the 8pm curfew. Then the govt called the DOT back around 4:30 and said to start putting them up immediately because of the rioters on the freeway. Obviously in the rush of changed plans, they didn’t do a good job of getting all the barricades up.
Maybe the cops should have kept the rioters off of the freeway?
Not surprising basically the last three months have taught me we live in an society that provides as minimal actual services as it can to justify it’s collection of vast fees and taxes. Than when shit hits the fan will turtle up and force people to live in anarchy and allow business’s to be looted and set fire for for the duration and explicitly order people not to work or pay their rent and expect full freight on fees and property taxes like nothing happened.
You’d get better leadership, services and accountability from the mob or a random corner gang.
from the mob or a random corner gang
IOW, people with a minimum of economic understanding?
I’m old enough to remember Reginald Denny. No fucking way do I even slow down my semi for a mob. Put me on trial a few months from now if you want, I’m not getting dragged out of the truck.
And now, you will never hear the rest of the story….(go to the 1:45 mark)
The guy they interviewed from the gas station would be mayor in Minneapolis if there was any justice in the world
BTW, 70 is normal traffic speed on the freeways around here. So they are full of bs when they act like he was egregiously speeding.
Maybe the cops should have kept the rioters off of the freeway?
But then they’d have had no way to express themselves.
I love how the gov said that the driver “did a stupid thing and got himself into a dangerous situation” like the guy actually did anything wrong.
Walz, your govt didn’t get the barricades up properly, your govt didn’t get protesters off a freeway, basically you fucked up big time, don’t try to pin this on a guy just trying to feed his family
Lights Swiss Signal.
Maybe the cops should have kept the rioters off of the freeway?
It’s not like highways are made for people driving cars or something. March away.
Surely the FBI is concentrating on investigating Antifa – or not.
Excellent look for an organization that spent about 30 years keeping secret files on every fag in DC to use for political leverage.
They truly have their finger on the pulse of the nation.
At the FBI, we know that diversity makes us stronger. During #PrideMonth, the FBI celebrates the contributions that our #LGBT colleagues have made to our country and our mission.
Why is a government agency involving itself in this? They should not have an opinion, let alone voice it.
That is Obumbles doing. He did the same thing to the Secret Service. That guy smeared shit on everything he touched.
The bureaucracy grows to fill the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.
I’d be amazed if even 50% of DOJ or FBI employees do the actual work of the department/agency any more.
You know, Trump announced he was going to name antifa as a terrorist organization, but I haven’t heard that he actually has.
So, has he?
Got a bottle of the most basic Four Roses bourbon because well it was cheap like 12 US honestly it is not that bad for that price… although it aint no Buffalo Trace
That’s my go to and is excellent for the price.
Am I the only one who finds buffalo trace overrated? Give me Wild Turkey everyday of the week over Trace.
I like it of the under 100 lei bourbon I get in Romania. I also on occasion got the wild turkey 101 but I see that as a different sort of thing due to the abv. I don’t know is I ever got the basic wild turkey
I’m a 101 man myself.
I’m a Maker’s Mark man, myself.
I call MM pivot bourbon. It is the high end of mixers and the low end of sippers.
I’m a cheapskate – it’s the upper end of what I’m willing to pay for hooch.
I sprung for a bottle after years of vacillating, but I found the profile in terms of both taste and aroma so similar to the Evan Williams that I buy for literally half the price that I couldn’t justify the additional cost. It’s only marginally better, but costs twice as much. For the same money, or a few bucks less even, I can get a bottle of Woodford Reserve, which I enjoy a lot more.
After making the mistake of tracking what I spend on booze, I now have a $30/fifth cap on what I will spend on sippin’ likker. Only occasionally exceeded by more than a couple of bucks.
Has pretty much knocked out single-malt scotch, but there are a lot of really good bottles of various kinds of booze at that price. YMMV, depending on what your state taxes and distribution monopolies look like. You would think booze prices would be pretty level across the country, but they are not.
I’ve never had their bottom tier offering, but the 2 more expensive ones are both great. I get them for holidays sometimes.
Hope all you Glibs are staying safe out there. Yesterday I took a day off and avoided all media, which was great. I did talk to my wife’s step mom, who is on paid leave for 2 weeks while they repair the Home Depot where she works. Despite them putting up concrete barriers, a bunch of people in trucks pulled up, smashed the windows, and looted half the store. I doubt they were chanting or holding up signs.
Closer to home, stores are closing and barricading their entrances. I’m not sure we live in the best timeline anymore.
That doesn’t happen here. We’re not as armed up but little shits doing that up here would get beaten badly. I live in the land of the Beefalos.,
Just try to be rude to a bar-maid up here. I double-dare you.
Here is a caption that sums up media coverage: ‘Peaceful George Floyd protests marred by violent outbursts’
Just back in from a trip to the store and that was the tone of the radio news. Peaceful protests upset by violence. What a load of shit.
“As we can see the people are mostly peaceful and simply voicing their discontent.” <- CNN reporter while a building burns in the background.
If you remember that the media is hell bent to tell you a story and not the actual facts and real story, these sorts of stupid make perfect sense. I am liking the callouts pointing out how leftards engaging in destruction and mayhem receive passive headlines trying to burry the criminality, while peaceful protests by those the left deplores receive fake headlines trying to create the illusion of violence. Exposing the double standards is key to depriving these people of credebility.
They won’t call them riots, even when they burn down a church. I weep for what we’ve become.
Um ackkshually they didn’t burn the church down, the fire was put out by Queer BIPOC refugees, and thefire was set by a Klansman wearing a MAGA hat over his hood.
This is CNN.
There’s a saying that you can add wine to a barrel of shit, or shit to a barrel of wine, and you get a barrel of shit both times.
That’s how violence and “protests” work. If there’s violence, its not a non-violent protest any more.
Just to show how stupid our governor is, he put in a statewide curfew. Then, following the pattern used for lockdowns, knocked it full of so many holes its basically useless for preventing riots, just as the lockdown was basically useless for preventing infections.
If that’s not enough, he then gave an exemption for a Floyd “vigil” in Tucson to run until 10:00. So, basically, the staging area for riots was exempted from the curfew. He never fails to disappoint.
Remember when it was the moralists on the right who wanted to peep in your bedroom?
“Nice rack” and “great ass” should really count as a “reasonable excuse”.
Well from the brit point of view the current government is the moralists on the right
How will they ever produce those valuable Corona Virus models if they can’t have their hootchies come over for a bootie call?
So one of my lardass frat brothers who makes a living as a “consultant” in DC posted this article.
I responded that I would be reposting it if and when the rioters made it to his neighborhood.
Well played. There have been plenty of leftists that suddenly lost their desire to support the left’s agenda when reality kicked them in their own personal ass hard, and that’s what I call social justice.
It’s called a Cruel Irony
As a honky who has been fucked by the cops, and who grew up amongst honkies who also got fucked by the cops routinely, I simply adore hearing these effete cunts lecture me about how I could never understand the experience of black 20 somethings robbing fucking high end shops in Beverly Hills. When do I get my Gucci swag because a half dozen people got murdered within a mile of my house between the ages of 5 and 10?
A conservative is just a liberal who has been mugged
A liberal is just a conservative who has been arrested by the cops
Everyone is a fucking hypocrite when it comes to the Universe fucking them over. “It wasn’t supposed to apply to meeeeeeeee!”
millions of white families were procuring government-guaranteed loans (through the FHA and VA loan programs) that were almost entirely off-limits to people of color
VA mortgages are off-limits to minorities? Wow, that will be a shocker to several of my old friends from the Marines who somehow managed to obtain, against all odds, VA loans.
I’m an antiracism educator/author.
Oh, a scam artist. Gotcha.
That is because they were smart enough to write “dark green” on their load applications. So the racists didn’t realize they were really black.
heh….that’s what I call improvising, adapting, and overcoming!
Because apparently, when white folks say, “protest peacefully,” we mean “stop protesting.”
We? You got a turd in your pocket, buddy?
My favorite was always – “We? You mean you and your tapeworm?”
*echoing voice*
“My name is Leeeeeegion.”
*/echoing voice*
Predates by decades but, yes.
“I’m an antiracism educator/author”
Worst frat ever.
He’s also white. One thing I hate getting lectured on is race by an historical illiterate, but I really really hate being lectured about race from someone who is also white and definitely less historically informed than I am.
Yeah I’m actually fully willing to listen to black people about racial bias and bigotry. But woke white people can fuck right off. I am completely uninterested in hearing fucking middle class white people repeat the catechism of their liberal arts BA that they absorbed hungover in between texting their friends in the back of a lecture hall.
But the people with the BA’s are smaht. they’ve studied it and can tell you all about it.
Damn. I have a BS degree…
He didn’t write it, thank God.
Oh gawd, Escorted by parents, 20-year-old wanted by Pittsburgh police for inciting riot turns himself in. This is priceless! These are the left’s troops….
Fuck. You know what my Dad would have done? Kicked the shit out of me and banned me from the house. Then he would have called the cops on my fleeing ass.
Must have been tough on the parents but that’s how you do it.
Too bad I can’t view the comments. I have to subscribe to read them? Da heck and hell?
Parenting has to start at some point.
My kids aren’t old enough yet nor inclined to this type of shit, but I will be making it clear that any such action will be met with being written out of the will.
I would never turn my kid over to the cops, but I would “confiscate” all his shit, and put him out with whatever garbage bag full of clothes he could find in 2 minutes.
Lying liars lie.
Rep. Eric Swalwell
I don’t know anyone in “Antifa.” But I’m against facism. And @realDonaldTrump is a fascist.
Interesting accusation from someone that wants to police speech and unilaterally disarm the citizenry.
Oh, those scare quotes around antifa are just too precious.
I don’t know if things are coming to a head like a pimple or a carbuncle…
1. These comments are going to come back to really look bad for the left that are going aorund saying “#WeAreAllAntifa”.
2. So the stance of anti-fascists is to nuke law abiding citizens?
So, about blowing up those ATMs…Here’s a Darwin Award nominee.
You see the clip about the idiot trying to lite some building on fire then lighting himself on fire in the process? Apparently he didn’t realize his dreads covered in chemicals was flammable, and he ended up burned to a crisp… Let me go look for that clip..
Here is the clip in question. James seems to have a slew of other clips in this genre, like the one with this real genius…
Wile E. Coyote – Super Genius
There is an upside to doing mandatory “training” while working from home – I got some painting done while snarking the propagandist. I almost finished the miniature in front of me.
Where was it when you started and how long was the training? Trying to judge if I’m just way too slow or you’re inhumanly fast. You got a gallery put up anywhere? Only recall a couple pics you’ve posted in-thread.
Oh I’d done the priming weeks ago and got the major colors done last night. I was filling in detail work.
Hrmm.. I have to touch up the leather, the paper, the shoulderpad trim, and I haven’t even started painting the sword.
The only gallery I have of my minis is on DeviantArt, and they’ve gone and broken the site to the point of being unusable.
Reading through the comments and noting the grammar mistakes and typos. Apparently I am not the only one starting early.
*raises glass to computer screen, takes a sip*
Hah! I’m one of the few night-shifters on here so I’ll cop to that! My work starts in the evening. Enjoy, scary white boy!
1/3 of my posts are full of typos and grammar mistakes. I really need to stop posting from my phone.
I try to make 1/3rd of each post typos and grammar mistakes.
Sometimes I succeed.
When you’re trying to make typos, getting the words correct counts as a mistake, YOU CANT LOSE!
Me too. Yeah. That’s right.
Quick question.
I’ve written an article for submission, and yesterday I submitted the first few paragraphs and an outline through the submission form.
How long should I expect to wait before I hear a yea or a nay?
First submission? You should hear back within the week. If you haven’t heard anything by Friday, i’d ask one of TPTB about it.
No worries. I just wanted to make sure it hadn’t disappeared into the ether.
Depends upon how you feel about rusty tin-can lids and the like. They’ll get around to it.
Why didnt you submit the whole thing?
It needs revision.
I wrote it in one push, and based on past experience I need to let some time pass before I reread it so that I see the errors and klunky bits with fresh eyes.
And finally – on a whiny note – I got the sense from the form that they wanted an article idea, not the whole article.
Fix it, send it in. We’ll get it posted.
Done. 🙂
If you don’t get an answer in the first 6 hours it means you are not a true libertarian.
When SP gets to it is the honest answer. We have a couple of other editors, but SP usually ends up taking care of that, because the rest of TPTB are all useless sacks of crap who can’t pick our nose without asking her for something.
Cool. Can’t wait to read it.
This place has the best contributors.
No, Trump Should Not Rescue Cities Again
Yeah. I’m sick of bailing people out of their bad decisions. I know its callous and heartless, but if you fucking want to live in society ruled by people willing to use your suffering as political points then fucking deal with the city burning around you. If not, then do something about it.
Ok. Apologies to MSP glibs. Mostly just venting some frustration at the whole situation. It’s not your fault that your government is shit, and wasn’t very charitable of me.
I’m sick of bailing people out of their bad decisions. I know its callous and heartless
Is it, or have you been guilt tripped?
The heartless part is that there are a lot of people there who just want to live their lives and havn’t been political, or disagree with the elected officals who are getting hit by this.
Pretty cool to have Tim McCarthy as your police chief. Never saw a braver act caught on film.
Yeah, I remember that when it happened, he turned and shielded the president with his body in the face of gunfire.
Probably the right take.
It’s starts out good then it goes into a rant about lawlessness. Have to disagree with that. It’s the exact opposite of lawlessness that’s causing these issues.
What needs to be done is to have the cops hand over any antifa members to the feds and bring federal charges against them. It’s easy enough to say ‘just let the lefty loons watch their cities burn’, but just remember that a lot of innocent people are going to be victimized by that. So the ones that want out right now, while the left loons burn the cities, are we going to pay for them to relocate, since they can no longer be safe there?
Remove antifa from the situation and things immediately start to get better. We don’t need an army to do that.
You keep claiming that this is antifa, despite the abundant evidence that this is white supremacists
I think that was sarcasm.
abundant sarcasm.
Agreed – either have Federal Marshall snatch the organizers and brick delivery folks directly or get the local cops to hand them over. Then start a giant RICO investigation and prosecution.
Here’s an Antifa punk being escorted to the cop shop by mommy and daddy. How hard would it be to flip losers like this?
They’ll squeal like pigs, baby pigs.
If Trump sends in the troops, then every Dem governor and mayor gets their cities cleared for them, without taking the political hit of being the ones who did it. Then they get to grandstand and pontificate about abuses during the crackdown.
Every big city PD has plenty of force to deal with these. They just lack the will.
Their mayors are ordering them to stand down. That’s why we should just quietly send in the feds, ID and snatch the atifa instigators off the streets and have them appear in federal court. And when I say appear I mean straight from their jail cells, because they should in no way be granted bail. Trump should stop tweeting about armies and quietly do that, then this will start winding down.
Meh, that sounds eerily gestapo-like.
I think the cities and states should deal with their own problems. If those cops want to follow the orders to stand down without protest, then they can expect it to bite them in the ass in 10-40 years when their pension fund is empty because the city has no property owners to tax and no assets to leverage.
My point is that, politically, we need to restore some responsibility to the system. Bill DeBlasio desperately wants Trump to send in the Guard, crack down on the rioters, so that he can play both sides of the street. He gets the benefits of law and order without having to alienate his lefty loon allies.
Trump should make the good Democratic normies of America’s big cities confront the reality of what voting for these people means. Every white progressive in Minneapolis should have to confront the reality of what Keith Ellison as AG means in real terms.
I see it as quite similar to pension fund bailouts and the SALT tax exemption. They want hands off rehabilitative justice type of criminal policies, then they want the deplorable rednecks of the Guard to come in an put down their riots, and you know the second a Guardsman has to actually go to real force, it will be more RACIST AMERIKKKA bullshit.
Containment. Much safer and easier than going block by block. Leave that to the locals, but if they (including the Guard) can’t contain the riots, I think (with Congressional approval) using the military to block roads would be legit.
“officials say George Floyd’s death was homicide”
Nooo! Muh narrative! The officer’s knee became rested upon the resisters neck and the victim then decided to stop breathing as a form of further resistance. Procedures were followed, officers made it home safely. Nothing to see here, move on citizen and put down that cell phone.
The latest trend I’m seeing is “Property is replaceable, lives are not”. An asinine justification for looting. The left is beyond rehabilitation.
Then you won’t mind if I come and take your stuff.
I think that is the same line the guy who robbed me as a teller used.
Not the “It’s not your money” one?
The next step is them denying your right to defend yourself when you’re jacked at gunpoint for your wallet. It’s just money after all.
the problem with this is one thing has nothing to do with the other. Unless property destruction saves lives or makes up- for death, which it fucking doesn’t.
I am off course speaking in the current context of post death looting, not in the shoot a robber context, in which property is more important
shoot a robber context – ok this needs more context. I am not advocating always shooting thieves, just in some circumstances.
If a thief has anything in his hand that can be used as a weapon, then I’m cool with shooting him.
And they often do. Bricks, hammers, etc. are all potential weapons. The looters who are breaking windows and doors are all armed, in my book, and eligible to be shot. The ones behind, who are just stealing shit once the store is busted open, not so much.
lives are not
Really? It seems to me that we’ve been replacing human lives for a half a million years.
Joking aside, I’m not sure I buy the underlying premise. Is the life of a rotten bastard who’d destroy your stuff and rob you really all that worth preserving? I mean, sure, innocent lives are priceless (at least figuratively). But, why should I mourn the life someone whose aim is to violate my rights? In a real sense, my life is better with him or her gone. Maybe that’s callous. But, equating bastards with the innocent doesn’t seem all that less callous to me.
One antifa goon we don’t have to worry about anymore
I’d like to see the media report this and the left gun grabber’s reaction. I’m sure they’ll blame this on cops and say the poor antifa idiot wasn’t doing anything. Inside a school, with a loaded weapon, looking for trouble.
He was there to protect the school by burning it down you evil goons!
“Police released the body cam footage to calm unrest in the Antifa community.“
Yeah, good luck with that.
Play stupid games…
The secondary goal of his “Red Army” group was the overthrow of what it sees as a fascist government and the installation of a far-left communist regime in the United States. Landeros has been involved in several violent protests around Oregon protesting things such as perceived police brutality against people of color and people who identify as LGBTQ+.
I guess the Richmond Kickers fan club needs to change its name now.
Old story, though.
Obviously fake news. The school was a No Gun Zone so there is no way this gentleman had a pistol.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer otherkin.
~”He was wearing a “smash the patriarchy” shirt at the time of the shooting.”~
Consider it smashed.
I’m pretty sure that’s ironic.
Trump: “I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson. And to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights.”
Fascists want citizens to be free to defend themselves and have sufficient means to do so. It is known.
Sorry for the OT rant but I’m hoppin’ ass mad and need to vent. Our State ordered curfew is from 11p – 5a, with essential workers (like little old grocer me) exempt. Mayor Deblasio doesn’t want to be out shined by Rat-Faced Andy: The Mobbed Up Lawyer, so he implemented a curfew tonight from 8p – 5a, with NO exemptions. So, despite NO PROTESTING/RIOTING/VIOLENCE/CONFLICT of any kind occurring here on the Peninsula all weekend, my bosses have decided that I need to be in the store by 8pm, to wait until 11 to clock in for my 11-4 shift, then clock out at 4 and wait until 5 when they can let me out of the store. FUCK THAT!!!!!! If I am on store property I need to be getting paid. I’m not sitting for 4 hours, off the clock, in a closed supermarket.
Wow, that just blows L0b0t… Sorry to hear that man…
Mayor Deblasio is doing this for your own good. he loves you.
You should riot or something.
/sorry i couldn’t help myself.
If you are engaged to wait like that, I believe by law they must pay you
They want you there, they pay for the privilege. No ifs, ands or buts.
That’s complete bullshit.
Nope, they can’t do that. If they require you to be at the premises waiting, then that’s considered “on-duty,” and by law they must compensate you. You would actually be doing them a favor by pointing this out, though they might not appreciate it.
Yeah, they have to pay him. They can sort of do that if you’re a sucker who has a client who pays you by salary, so no overtime. So hours of weekly overtime for me are nothing unusual, but I knew that upfront.
If you’re hourly and on the clock, they absolutely must pay you, and there are overtime requirements as well when you go over 40.
If you’re hourly and
on the clockthere as a work requirement, they absolutely must pay youIndustrial construction firms tried putting timeclocks at the site, when workers had to ride a bus for 30 minutes to get to the site. They got a fuckton of money back. If they start loading the bus at 6:05a and you are the first guy in, you’re on the clock. Same thing here.
Sounds like they’re bending you over the blueberries.
FLSA action is a comin’!
Thanks, everyone. Just talked to store manager, he said night manager was wrong. Punch in at 8, punch out at 5, once we are finished with our normal tasks, we have been asked to find something to do to keep ourselves occupied until 5. This really throws off my sleep schedule, but it might push me into overtime land this week.
my bosses have decided that I need to be in the store by 8pm, to wait until 11 to clock in for my 11-4 shift, then clock out at 4 and wait until 5 when they can let me out of the store. FUCK THAT!!!!!! If I am on store property I need to be getting paid.
Insert SLD, but that’s the way wage and hour laws work.
Biden is giving a speech in Phila – pretty clear and coherent, attacking Trump, citing the 1st Amendment, etc. And then – “time to address systemic racism” – “inequality” – “economic justice” – “police reform” – “outlaw choke holds” – “no military equipment transfers”
And “this country was built by unions and essential workers”
If only he had been a member of an administration for 8 years that could have addressed those issues, or if he had been a U.S. Senator for decades – then he could have written some legislation to address that stuff.
I mean, it’s crazy people aren’t holding politicians accountable for this kind of thing – of any party. Cuomo had a press conference where he listed off cases, said he was with the protestors, and then left – but you’re the governor of NY, who else in that state could have more power to affect policing changes?
Minneapolis has had a democrat mayor for decades, and now suddenly they realize it’s an issue? Where were they last year when the Australian woman was murdered by police?
Bill Burr had a funny bit about Michelle Obama holding a sign on twitter when those girls were kidnapped in Nigeria years ago – he said, you’re eating dinner every day across from the most powerful man on the planet, what do you expect me to do
It’s insane noone is responsible for anything. This political class deserves to go on unemployment in mass.
They get a bigger unemployment check than the hoipolloi, right?
1A does not protect rioting.
You’ve got that backwards. The First Amendment protects rioting but doesn’t protect hate speech.
What he finally noticed some problems in America’s justice system after a lifetime in public office? Trump’s only been in office for 3 1/2 years. Yet he’s the guy who’s responsible?
Biden wrote the 94 crime bill. You could easily argue there’s only four or five people in the country more responsible for the state of policing.
The world is burning. Meanwhile, off to the dentist I go.
Wear your mask!
count your teeth and make sure you leave with the same number. those dentists cannot be trusted.
nah, the clever dentists steal a kidney, not teeth.
LOL That’s the second time you’ve made me LOL today. Thanks!
OK, maybe I am warped, but this made me luagh…
China is still asshole – and provoking border skirmishes with India.
Top story of the day.
Who am I kidding, Paige Spiranac’s tits are always the top story.
Looks like Tiger’s type. When is the engagement being announced?
Here’s a whole bunch of brands showing you how righteous they are…
“Brand experts say corporate America needs to go beyond statements and outline what they plan to do to combat racism.”
Just so everyone knows, I’m firmly opposed to cancer and kicking puppies. And, just so I’m clear, I have absolutely no toleration for anyone who is supportive of cancer and kicking puppies.
Now, you can all express your amazement at what a pillar of humanity I am.
Not enough. However I’m the founder of the anti kicking leauge and if we were to see some concrete work from you, say in the form of a donation, we will support you by saying you are a puppy Ally.
Oh, leon, I see you didn’t express your disapproval of cancer! Obviously, you’re one of those disgusting pro-cancer people! Gah! People like you have no place in decent society!
Fortunately, I happen to run seminars on raising consciousness about how cancer is bad. For just $1,500 plus expenses, I’ll be happy to explain to you all the ways that you’re unconsciously pro-cancer so that you can truly be woke to what a disgusting excuse for humanity you are.
Yay congrats!
You heard it from his own mouth, people! Wdalasio does not condemn AIDS or COVID. Please join us in telling wdalasio that we reject supporters of AIDS and COVID.
Yep, our CEO sent an all employees email. It had the word ‘allyship’ on two paragraphs. Barf.
Although if you carefully parse it, it isn’t really objectionable. Once you translate the progspeak into Newspeak the basic message was, “we are a goodthinkful organization that hates Emanual Goldstein and his douple-pluss ungoodthinkful menacing ways. If you are upset with the chaos, talk to other people in the organization until you feel better.
Yes, talk to them but don’t say the wrong thing or you’ll be out on your ass.
That’s why I don’t talk to people about this stuff.
I’m a bit of a cipher to my coworkers, and that’s on purpose.
They all seem to be using the same consulting groups, like Kaleel Jamison, to guide these messages/efforts.
Indulgences need to be paid, and somebody is going to find a way to collect them.
“Chipwooder says brand experts can take a long walk off a short pier”
combat racism. – support wide spread deregulation of small business to help minorities get a start
Just Loot It
He owns so hard.
That makes no sense.
He was so proud of it that he retweeted himself.
A tweet so nice it must be posted twice.
Oh I see he makes the baseless assumption that Trump mobilized the national guard to shut down protests, not to protect citizens from looting.
Well the rioting is by white supremacists so of course Trump is ok with it.
If someone had blown away that cop 5 minutes into that video, I’d cheer and donate to his defense fund. Or more likely to his funeral expenses and his children’s education.
But looting a Target is not resisting tyranny. Burning a church is not resisting tyranny.
18th century Antifa
2-3minutes. 5minutes just gets a cheer, no money.
So is he admitting he was wrong? Cause… Or does he think that the tyranny is ok?
It must be nice to not ever have to make any sense.
Apparently everything that happened before George Floyd’s death has been wiped away, including the many protests by armed and unarmed individuals across the country against the coronavirus lockdowns.
Then again, what this tweet probably means is “all of those people who we constantly demonize and equate to mass murders and fascists won’t white knight for us when we arbitrarily expect them to”.
I’m impressed by the correction.
In all seriousness do these people think that advocating for looser gun laws means rednecks don’t want blacks to have guns? Because I’m seeing this type of shit and the 2nd amendment was written to keep blacks enslaved and pictures of armed blacks protecting stores with captions like this is what the right wingers are afraid of all the time now. I don’t understand this worldview. Dave Chapelle had a skit on his last special about blacks arming up and that being good because it would make white’s rethink their positions on guns and talked about how he went to a store and the guy working the counter calmly told him what ammo to buy to defend yourself against people in ohio. Literally every guns right person I’ve ever talked to thinks more people should arm themselves of all stripes. This is just disingenuous gaslighting these people aren’t even trying anymore.
White People like guns; White People are racist. therefore anyone who likes guns is a racist
White People like guns; White People are racist. therefore guns are racist
But, but, guns are black, they CANT BE racist.
You racist.
Yep. It’s funny…..I went to Greentop, a local outdoors store, with my dad yesterday because all the craziness has finally spurred him into buying a shotgun for home defense. He’s 69 years old and has never held a firearm before. Anyway, the place was packed (naturally) with customers white, black, and many shades in between, walking around the racks of long guns and cases of pistols. Everyone was polite, and there was much friendly banter.
Everyone gets along at the gun shop, it seems.
Yeah, one of my wife’s clients (apparently a standard issue suburban middle-aged lefty woman) bought her first gun recently. The first thing out of her mouth was “Everybody else in the gun store was a man.” The second thing was “And everybody was so friendly and helpful!”
And then she said she wasn’t comfortable having a man train her to use the damn thing. She didn’t even know what caliber it was, much less make and model. I’m hoping they sold her a .50 Desert Eagle (not really, I’m sure it was a 9mm). When asked what it was, she said “I don’t know, but it works like this” and made the racking slide motion.
Mrs. Dean knows of a woman who runs chick-only gun training, and passed it along and very strongly urged her to get some training.
The first thing out of her mouth was “Everybody else in the gun store was a man.” The second thing was “And everybody was so friendly and helpful!”
*nudges RC* “Psst, MILF in the pistol section, let’s mosey over to assist…”
Honestly, gun people are always nice and welcoming to newbies. I’ve never seen any exceptions to this.
Yeah, we love our internecine squabbles over platforms and calibers, but a newby rolls up, and they get a good reception.
My local gun range has tons of minorities and even wahmin who are there all the time. Not only that, but everybody is friendly and happy to lend you a target or chat about what gun you’re shooting (including the people with Confederate flags on their trucks).
The corporate media works very hard to further the perception that only fat stupid rednecks own guns.
There are probably tons of black people lawfully involved in the shooting sports who would never answer some mysterious questionnaire asking them if they have a gun in the house (due to perfectly realistic concerns about the US government trying to disarm them).
I don’t get it.
I’m amused by all the people who regularly claim that Trump doesn’t read anything is using Hitler’s playbook.
Well, we can hope.
U.S has began raiding homes of domestic ANTIFA terrorists. — Wesley Somers was arrested & charged for setting fire to Nashvilles historic courthouse.
Are those locals or feds?
people in that threat showing him with what looks like a 3%er tattoo on his wrist?
people in that thread showing him with what looks like a 3%er tattoo on his wrist?
Guy looks like a legit white supremacist
Full story link
Someone told me, ‘Most of the previous panic-buying surges have been driven by the fear of not being able to get the particular gun you might want. This surge is being driven by people who are legitimately afraid of not having *any* means to defend themselves.’
There’s some good activism to be done here. If you have left-leaning friends who come to you for gun advice, please resist the temptation to be an asshole about it…
HOWEVER, if they ask to borrow your gun, i’d kindly point out that the universal background checks that they push for would make that a Felony.
Wife just scrolled through her Instagram feed. Literally post after post of black rectangles, punctuated by ads. The Karen brigade has been mobilized, and they’re ready to support the rioter regiment.
For some reason I’m reminded of Bujold’s Shards of Honor
“Put all your enemy eggs in one basket, then drop the basket.”
Is that what Karens do? Or is she in front of the Target right now demanding to speak to someone because no one told her the store is closed?
Let them go out to the suburbs. We’ll see how supportive they are.
That’s what I told my wife. It’s all fun and signaling until a gaggle of ANTIFA brownshirts invite themselves into your living room.
So what is the exact significance of the black rectangle?
‘I’m not posting today because I need to check my privilege and sit and listen’
Ahh. I thought it was “Take No Prisoners/Expect No Quarter”
Of course, all the black rectangles have crowded out all of the black people, so now black activists are pissed at the Karens.
Ahhh, progressive stack bullshit
I thought it stemmed from watching Parasite?
“Lawless America: Police officer is shot in the head in Vegas, four officers are shot in St Louis, cops are rammed by an SUV in Buffalo and looters ransack Manhattan on another night of riots across US after Trump vowed to crack down”
“‘The President is not a dictator’: New York Attorney General says she will go to court to stop Donald Trump deploying military to the state but does he have the legal right?”
So this is what I’ve been seeing for the last few days. Trump is simultaneously being irresponsible for not using his authority and being too authoritarian.
Title 10 (specifically 10 U.S.C. § 12304) says the President can mobilize the reserves to assist during an actual or threatened terrorist attack that may result in loss of life or property. This is the very same “militia” (specifically, the organized militia) that we were just being told are the only people who should be allowed to have guns.
The reserves are not the militia.
I omitted the asterisk and explanation to that effect because I thought it was unnecessary to the point. Clearly, I was wrong.
You leave an unaddressed factual quibble in your comment and expect to not have it brought up?
It’s like you don’t even know us, man.
Also, if Twitter couldn’t get any worse, yesterday they dropped support for desktop browsers.
They want to make it difficult to scriptscrape their website of the dumbassery that gets posted (like twitchy) and disable people from copying the text of tweets is my guess.
Uh, what?
That moment when you realize you’ve already solved this exact same problem, and the solution is still where you left it…
Meh. I’d only pay 10 bucks.
All my immediate work stress just melted away and I’m basking in my foresight to make the solution generic and forward compatable with additional use cases as well as backward compatable with the configuration from the system that’s failing, so I just have to move the config line from one file to another and make sure SSH Key authentication is working with that business partner. It freed up the rest of my workday.
Reposting from last night because that racist shit narrative should be disputed
And Sir Digs, the Not a Naked Rioter’s work
Just proof that there is a grand conspiracy to be racists only towards one race.
So by kneeling are they showing support for….
It’s ambiguous, which makes it useful for all sides.
“that racist shit narrative should be disputed”
It won’t be, because that is the narrative they want.
It means.
1. They get protests as cover to sneak in their antifa goons.
2. They make sure nothing is done about it.
Yeah, whole “take a knee” thing has definitely been . . . compromised.
I larfed. Showing submission as a political statement has no place in a free society.
Bending your knee, to support the peaceful protesters will be drowned out and used as propaganda by those seeking to riot/destroy/etc as submission or even a go-ahead.
From meeting invite received from department head:
“come join us for a discussion of the ways we can fight injustice.”
Hard Nope. I doubt they’ll enjoy my suggestion to fight injustice by issuing AR-15s to every employee.
I’m assuming you have nothing else to do, like tasks that generate income.
Eh, we’re a cost center anyway.
Well then, I say fulfill your duties and start creating some extra overhead!
“Step 1 – sack the diversity office. Step 2 – company range days.”
On the one hand, by refusing to participate we set ourselves up for the leftist takeover.
On the other hand, judging by the plain evidence, they’re already in charge and they’re just looking for people to fire and make an example of.
Gov. Chris Sununu thinks it is OK for us to stand and watch our children play in the water, but it is not OK to lie or sit down on a beach towel. We’d like to understand the science that His Excellency is using to make this determination. Is COVID-19 carried by sand crabs or does it remain on sun-baked sand particles? Does it travel through fresh air? One thing we confirmed during the 1918 Spanish Flu is that fresh air is antiseptic, and patients who experienced fresh air and sunshine during recovery had the lowest fatality rates at the time. This Saturday at noon, we’re going to sit down on the beach and enjoy the gifts that God has given to us with this natural wonder. We may even build a sand castle. We will definitely draw a line in the sand. Bring footballs or frisbees to play catch. Definitely bring a shovel and bucket as well as your beach towel. Sitting down is not allowed, so we’re all going to sit down at the same time.
We’re not just going to the beach, though. With our Storm the Beaches rally, we plan to draw a line in the sand and declare that New Hampshire is OPEN statewide. It is time to say NO MORE. No more Stay-at-Home orders, no more lock downs, no more arbitrary rules, no more junk science used to justify poor public policy, and NO MORE STATE OF EMERGENCY.
Glibs meet-up?
You know who else didn’t want beaches stormed?
Bette Midler?
Sununu will probably send the Guard to clear the beaches.
We have had “no sitting or sunbathing” on our beaches here in South Florida as well.
No clue what that is all about – other than “don’t have fun… this is about exercise!”
Maybe they are trying to stop large meetups…. but you could just say “no large meetups” to handle that.
Anyway, I’m sporting a sunburn from taking the kids to the beach yesterday.
I think today we are open for sitting and bringing coolers to the beach… so we are more free than the freedom state. Take that!
Hey, at least they let you keep the beaches. Here they just moved the whole state inland to keep people from going to the beach.
Lord me.
De Blasio is probably cumming his pants.