Oh, FFS!
Well, looks like baseball players and owners are dumb as bricks. Welcome to 1994: redux. Also, college football coaches should only wear shirts of approved news outlets. And Goodell gives his blessing for a team to hire someone. Meanwhile, they’re playing actual sports across the pond.

Nope, no juice at all.
Economist Adam Smith was born on this day. He shares it with such luminaries as Apache leader Geronimo, coup victim Mohammad Mosaddegh, comedic actor Stan Laurel, Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, wrestler “The Ultimate Warrior”, second-fiddle golfer Phil Mickelson, and rapper Tupac Shakur.
OK then, let’s get to…the links!

Is this crazy bitch calling the shots now?
North Korea bangs the war drums. I hope the South Koreans don’t take the bait.
So does Communist China. I hope the Indians don’t take the bait.
The murder of George Floyd gets weirder and weirder. Not that anybody cares about the details of what happened in real-time anymore, but why didn’t that supervisor get on the radio or send another unit out to find out WTF was going on? There’s something more to that story. Something I fear we will never find out.

This is a good thing.
Oh the horror!!! Sorry, mass transit acolytes. You lost.
This is certainly an interesting headline. By “vigilante”, you mean a person who was at a protest trying to stop destruction of property. And by “protesters”, you mean the people hitting someone in the head with a skateboard as others scream “kill him”. Nice narrative, you fucking assholes.
Do you expect us to believe this retarded shit? Why yes, yes they do. It is Chicago, after all.

A man of many talents.
These unintended consequences are completely avoidable. Unless, of course, they’re not unintended.
Ted Cruz is nothing if not entertaining. Best. Timeline. Ever.
More from the greatest (musical) generation. Enjoy it!
Now have a wonderful day, friends.
Have you seen a doctor about your optical asymmetry?
Too many bar fights.
*checks scarring around left eye* Confirmed.
According to his tombstone, Adam Smith’s birthday was earlier this month (haptip: cafehayek), the same day as Keynes.
He’s the one that wrote “Moneyball”, right?
I am missing the Michael Lewis joke here.
Smith and Geronimo: easily enough to declare an international holiday; I’m unaware of a better combo
Well, I share a birthday with Neil Armstrong and Adam Yauch. I’d put that combo up against anybody.
Bruce Dickinson, Kristin Hersch and Sidney Crosby.
Elizabeth Montgomery, Roy Clark, Samantha Fox, and Leonardo da Vinci.
Ice T, Kim Jong Il, Sonny Bono, and John McEnroe.
And the Greatest American Hero
I’ve got Raven Symone, Michael Clark Duncan and Emily Dickinson.
Me and Napoleon.
That’s a short list.
*narrows gaze*
Tricky Dick, Jimmy Page, and Crystal Gayle
Suck it
Crystal Gayle circa 1975? You betcha!
Donald Trump and Boy George.
The Olson twins and Tim Allen
That’s a sex tape that would sell millions.
It also sounds like a major coke bust.
Is Tim Allen dressed as Santa Clause or Buzz Lightyear?
Marlon Brando and same exact day Jennie Fucking Garth!
Pablo Escobar, Bette Midler, Richard Pryor, Georgy Zhukov
Neal Stephenson, Ad-Rock, Vanilla Ice, and the chick from Bow Wow Wow
Alex, what are “things white people like?”
Pompey the Great, Les Claypool, and Ludwig von Mises.
Smith was born Pre-Calendar change, so that would account for the discrepancy most likely.
North Korea destroys liaison office on border with South in ‘terrific explosion’
It was a tremendous explosion, the best, really, maybe ever. That’s what people tell me. Big league.
Meh. If it wasn’t just for show they would have used a nuke.
“Black-and-white surveillance video released by South Korea’s Ministry of Defence showed a large explosion that appeared to bring down the four-storey structure. The blast also appeared to cause a partial collapse of a neighbouring 15-storey high-rise that had served as a residential facility for South Korean officials who staffed the liaison office.”
Article doesn’t say if anyone was injured or killed.
Wait, this surprises you?
That they are blowing up their own buildings?
They murder their own people on the regular for trivial shit. This is nothing unexpected.
Not sure how that’s comparable, but the whole place is nuts.
Hence my surprise at your “WTF”.
The hermit kingdom has only one rule: expect crazy ass shit to happen for reasons nobody will ever understand.
It’s just property.
According to the data, we’re now getting more C19 deaths per day than we are getting C19 hospitalizations per day.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Doesn’t the illness have a long course for some? If people that have been sick for a month or so are checking out this isn’t implausible.
In these uncertain times, I’m certain I’m being lied to.
In these uncertain times I am keeping my head down and my damn fool mouth shut. Mostly.
When COVID causes you to commit suicide, you don’t get hospitalized, first.
““We are receiving reports about vigilante groups possibly instigating this violence,” Geier said on Twitter late Monday. “If this is true [we] will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution.””
God forbid someone stop people from breaking the law. Destroying public property. We’re in bizzarro world now.
We’re rapidly approaching a flashpoint.
The government is simultaneously refusing to perform their most basic functions and threatening to come after people who assume those functions for themselves.
Playing with fire is an understatement. This will get crazier before it doesn’t.
The Troubles as a guidebook. That sort of thing is sure fire way to create paramilitaries.
I suspect this is precisely what the leftist agitators being funded by Soros and DNC entities are hoping happens, because then they will finally get their talking points about evil white nationalist terrorists. Unfortunately for them, most of these incidents so far have not involved honkeys and have not given them anything to peddle other than fluff piece like this joyful read about the success of the revolution in CHAZ..
You can’t parody this level of idiocy nor the absolute stupidity and desperate need to pretend all is well from those trying to make this stuff seem anything but insane.
It’s fucking incredible that the person who was violently assaulted as a mob descended on him while people shout “kill him” is being portrayed as the bad guy here.
Also incredible is the fact that cops are just casually standing by as property is being destroyed and history being erased by the same mob.
And they’re going to systematically go after people that don’t toe the line. Governments are turning on the law abiding and defending the law breakers.
The repercussions from that are not what the mob and it’s enablers think they will be.
My favorite so far is all of those Chicago(?) cops taking a “nooner” in the Rep’s office while the city burned around them. That’s some fine Police Work, Boys.
You might want to look up the definition of “nooner”.
You can’t know what happened in the washrooms 🙂
You can know, but you don’t want to.
I guaran-fucking-tee that they were ordered there and told to make sure nothing happens to Rush’s office. Hell, the request could have come straight from him (via a staffer of course, never do your own dirty work) along with an invitation to help themselves to food and drink while they were there.
I have no doubt they were assigned to make sure nothing happened to his office.
If by “fucking incredible” you mean “entirely predictable”.
Two better songs along same theme:
I love me some Kim Wilde but I will reluctantly agree on your first point.
I assume the second link is a cruel joke.
Yes, I tried to watch it as I found the link and it was worse than I remember.
I use it as an alternative to a Rick-Roll, but sparingly. Yeah, it’s really bad.
That was my intent.
What is wrong with you?
High narcissistic and moderate 5 other things from that list.
Strange. I was only moderate on Narcissistic.
I think that settles which one of us is the evil one.
According to my most trusted news source, Dude in the Wendy’s drive-through was shot down in cold blood. Never mind the fact that he was able to overpower two of the King’s Men, steal a Tazer, and activate it on the cops. Nope. “Unarmed Black Man Murdered By Police”. They even had a tearful plea from his Cousin. Shit dude, you passed out in the drive-through. Take your lumps you fucking lush…
as soon as he grabbed the Tazer he was fair game, he even turned and fired on the cops, I would have shot the idiot
Incapacitate the cop and he has the sidearm. Cop had little discretion.
You assume these fuckers are not on a crusade to basically make any action to prevent people that have decided to engage in clear criminal behavior from being held unaccountable. I have very little empathy for cops – and nothing but scorn for the abusive kind that love to lord their power over others – but, when you decide it is wise to fight with the cops and take their weapons from them, you are choosing to play Russian roulette, and should accept the fact that there is a chance you end up being shot.
The problem right now is all the people pretending this douchebag was shot in cold blood or killed in a criminal way like Floyd was for political gain. They all seem to be people living in gated communities or far away from any chance of violence, many with protective details (armed guards, whom are often policemen) that are now grandstanding about completely allowing people to become lawless.
Any white dude that pulled what that guy pulled would have been shot just the same.
And sleeping, not passed out. Gotta have that innocent phrasing.
He wasn’t driving. They had his ID and vehicle. The taser was discharged and useless as he turned to run.
The cops could have picked him up the next day. He was no threat anymore to their life.
Also, if we are to believe a drunk person has no agency for their actions (see: drunken sex a woman regrets the next day), then why not just let him get away and then deal with him later?
Dude drunkenly fucked up bad. But it shouldn’t be a death sentence. Not at the point his death occurred anyway. If they’d have shot him during the struggle, they could justify it. Hard to justify shooting someone who is fleeing though.
I think it’s pretty shitty, but I agree.
If one of us shot a burglar in the back we’d have a hell of a time trying to claim self defense in court.
He turned and threatened after already shaming the cops. What do you think was going to happen next? Not defending the cop but I would probably put a bullet into him too.
Yes, someone else drove his car to the drive-through, parked it there for him, and then Brooks got in the driver’s seat to take a nap and the other guy walked away.
Did the cops see him driving? He was passed out drunk in a parked car. They easily could have gotten evidence, which the court would require to prove DUI beyond a reasonable doubt, from nearby security cameras.
Is their job not to protect the public? I fail to see how they would not have been protecting the public by issuing him a summons, having him call a cab, and then impounding the vehicle. Especially with nobody being held in jail with the Corona going around.
But that’s beside the point. What I’m driving at is that if they’d have shot him during the actual struggle, they’d be justified. The shot him in the back after the struggle as he turned to run. And the law is very clear that it’s not justified unless he poses a danger to their life or a danger of committing a forcible felony. That danger occurred earlier but had passed.
Generally speaking, cops are trained to ventilate people who point things at them.
It doesn’t make it right, but I would be surprised if that was not in the departmental guidelines there.
It’s not cut and dried but I know that if I pulled that shit with the Queen’s Cowboys I’d be chilling on a slab and nobody would give two shits about poor old Festus’ fate. I don’t agree with the Law as written but if you are in care and control of the vehicle, sleeping behind the wheel is the same as driving it. It’s bullshit but it’s not like Joe Citizen was sleeping one off at a rest-stop. Up here they can nab you for being drunk in your yard if the keys are in your possession. I think we are largely agreeing about the total circs, Sloop. The Law is broken and bad shit happens to silly people.
It’s eye opening seeing all of this debate about this incident. If it were me getting shot, under these circumstances, I’d be 2 sentences on the local evening news. But yeah… racism!
It’s one thing to say that the deceased made some horrifically bad decisions that led to his own demise. It’s something else to say that the cop was justified to shoot a fleeing man in the back because of it. Brooks clearly fucked up. I don’t think anyone here would argue against that. The question is, was he a threat to anyone while running away? I don’t see it that way. The taser was already discharged – all he could have done with it is throw it at someone. He wasn’t driving his car. He was drunk and on foot – it wouldn’t have been terribly difficult to pick him up after the fact. We don’t sentence people to death for being dumbasses.
Yeah, I’d have no issue with them going to guns in a fight. This isn’t a movie, fistfights are lethal encounters, especially on asphalt.
But when he separates and runs off, you can chase him yourself, not send bullets after him.
Another one of my cop hobby horses: these cops are simultaneously incapable of grappling a drunken asshole 2 v 1, and apparently neither of them can fucking run down a suspect in a foot chase. That’s fucking pathetic.
The Law is broken and bad shit happens to silly people.
That’s not the way OVI laws work here in Ohio at least. If you’re drunk in your vehicle and there’s a “reasonable chance” that you’ll start the car, you can get nailed for an OVI. When I did my weekend retreat, one of the people in the class with me had gone downtown, parked in a lot. Realized he had too much to drink, and went to sleep in the back seat of his car. He got popped because he had his keys in his pocket, and he was (rightfully) pissed about it. He was told that in the future, he would have to make sure the keys were either in the trunk, or under the car to do what he did.
Same thing happened to a guy I knew in the Marines – had a few too many, no phone (not everyone had cell phones yet in 2002), bar was now closed, no way to call anyone to pick him up. So he climbed into the back seat and drifted off, but because his keys were on him, he was charged with DUI. It was bullshit back then and it’s just as bullshit today. He was trying to do the right thing and he got fucked over anyway.
I got a ride home from the MPs under almost exact same circumstances…
But I put the keys on the dashboard where they could see them.
:. No DUI.
That’s how I got a DUI…I was passed out in the passenger seat and was the only occupant at that time.
Driving under the influence should require driving.
I thought the keys had to be in the ignition? (Still dumb. I don’t see how you can have a DUI without the ‘D’…)
Probably different in many states, but everywhere I’m aware of, if you have the keys in the ignition or on your person, they can infer your intent to drive…
The car was in the drive-thru lane in a Wendy’s with the guy sleeping. It was only moved after the police got there. And while in the drive-thru lane with the guy asleep, the transmission was in drive.
Yep. Not seeing how these circumstances could justify shooting this guy in the back.
One important point is that there are two charges in the tazer. It is not clear that he used both of them.
Do you think that drunken fool knew that? And as I said before, he’d turned his back on them to flee.
Yeah and honestly…..you fucking muppets lost a 2 v 1 against a drunk. Taking a taser shot is punishment for your incompetence.
hahahaha….it’s not a funny subject but I had to laugh at this
“Hard to justify shooting someone who is fleeing though.”
Violent felon with a weapon? Traditionally a good shoot.
Except for the niggling detail that the weapon was “non lethal” and empty, and even then, if someone shot at me with a taser, I dunno. This one is just a real close call.
In my (completely worthless) opinion, entrance wounds in the back = rebuttable presumption of a bad shoot.
Up here Tazers are lethal, according to the media so which is it? Giant protests against the Government are fine but Trump Rallies are Covid incubators? The stupid. It hurts.
To me, when theres two cops there, you can’t return the threat of a taser with actual gun fire. The worst case scenario is that a drunken asshole hits one cop square on with a taser, while running, firing over his shoulder, and that single taser knocks Cop 1 out of the fight. Cop 2 is still there, he can give chase, or he can let him go or go to gun if the suspect decides to reengage.
Cops can’t have it both ways. It’s not a nonlethal weapon in their hands and instantly becomes a lethal weapon when a suspect gets a hold of it.
I am in total agreement. Back in my day the cops were to be feared and two of them could easily subdue the most rambunctious of us. They let the standards slide and now its just lethal force. I got pulled over a few years ago and the the officer was a tiny girl. If I had evil intentions, I could have bundled her up and taken her home for dinner.
The officer tried first to tazer him. It did not work, and both his charges were expended.
Look, I am actually against this shooting, but it is much less cut and dry than a lot of people are making it.
Yeah but that leads me back to a personal hobbyhorse of mine: cops of today are weak skinnyfat, or otherwise unsuited for their duties.
Cops are force providers, at last extreme, and force providers need to be able to provide force. Cops need to be large, muscled, tough, trained in the application of force with their hands and feet. If these two cops were built the way a cop should be, and knew how to fight, Brooks would have been pinned down on the ground, and he’d still be alive.
Tasers and other less lethal options are treated as a substitute for unarmed combat skills. They are treated as a Star Wars stun gun that instantly drops the guy, and that’s just not how they work at all.
There should be mandatory weight training and mandatory unarmed combat training at every PD in the country. I see in so many of these police shootings a weak, untrained, incapable unarmed combatant who then has to go to his gun because he can’t subdue a suspect with his hands.
I was not aware that the Taser was discharged… If the Cops knew that, it changes everything.
Cops have Tasers and nightsticks to avoid having to shoot people; when you forcefully take one of those away, you are increasing your personal risk.
Everything about this incident is a shit-show.
The shooting itself is right on the teetering edge of justifiable. Would a reasonable person think that the victim presented an immediate and unavoidable deadly threat to self or others? Ehh, maybe. The victim brawled (successfully) with two cops, disarmed one of them and used their weapon against them. On the other hand, the victim was probably trying to quit the fight, and the weapon he had was less lethal.
That said, the cops both displayed a level of poor judgement and professional incompetence that should get them fired, even if the shoot itself was as clean as a new wet-wipe. How can two supposedly trained cops fuck up subduing and arresting one combative half-passed-out alkie? But we still see the same stupid shit, over and over.
If anything, this incident to me is more evidence of the problems of the institution of policing. I can sort of give the benefit of the doubt to the cops in this case. But the whole incident occurred because of an over-criminalization of everything- a system that punishes you for being risky, rather than trying to decrease risk and punishing you for consequences. Other people have pointed out that had the cops cut him loose, they could have gotten in trouble if he later did something stupid while drunk- like walking into traffic or coming back to get his car. A system that punishes cops for de-escalation is a system that wants cops in violent confrontations with citizens.
The. World has gone completely nuts, also what is up with the left trying to purge OANN, are they that desperate to silence any critics?
No alternative viewpoints allowed.
We are at a point where these people have taken books like “Brave New World”, “1984”, and any other dystopian works as “How To” manuals, and the most important lesson from these books is that you MUST control the flow of information to keep the unwashed deplorables from getting uppity. Conformity of thought (right-think, or really left-think in this case) and controlled/approved speech is the end goal. “Fuck the first amendment!” is their rallying cry.
I’m not saying it should be purged, but it should be ignored. OANN is fucking insane.
How so, I have only watched a little, but they do seem better than most of the other news channels, but maybe I am mistaken.
They’re big on the “everything is an anti-Trump conspiracy theory” beat. They had a chyron at one point saying that COVID-19 is a Clinton/Obama/Gates conspiracy.
So basically CNN for the right?
I’ve only seen clip here and there from them. They do have a good-looking blonde host.
“everything is an anti-Trump conspiracy theory”
Tbf a lot of stuff has been.
I haven’t dealt with too much of theirs, but the videos have a weird dystopian feel.
Is it the lighting? Idk. It just looks like a bizzaro npr from a caricature Reagan administration?
Seriously, though can you tell me why, because from what I have seen they aren’t any worse than any of the other news networkS?
I’ve never watched it, but I’d wager a smaller percentage of their content is propaganda and lies than CNN or MSNBC.
Their bias is from the wrong side of the fence. Plus their reporters are hotter.
Is that not spelled ONAN?
No, because they generate news, not electrical power.
Usually ONAN doesn’t either.
Well, if you wrap your fleshlight with copper wire…
Show us on the doll where the armature touched you.
Usually ONAN doesn’t either.
Fact check: mostly true
^ Ha!
Dorothy Parker had a bird (canary?) called Onan, because it spilled its seed upon the ground.
Cool fact!
For funzies, the most commonly cited “news sources” on wikipedia are:
1. NYT
2. BBC
3. Grauniad
4. LAT
5. Daily Telegraph.
WSJ is cited less than the Huffington Post.
Fox News is cited less than NPR and Rolling Stone.
Cracked is cited more often than The Federalist.
Breitbart, Daily Caller, Epoch Times and Gateway Pundit are straight-up banned.
I did not realize until recently that the Epoch Times is run by Falun Gong.
Good or bad thing?
Cults often start their own media groups. Usually they are extremely careful to be objective outside of their area of interest to try and built up a reputation of being trustworthy. I was really sad when The Knife media got shut down — I think they were connected to Xvim or something. But before their presence was scrubbed, they’d go through stories highlighting all the emotive wording or words used where their denotative meaning contradicted with their connotative meaning, or other violations of Grice.
And the Washington Times…
The NYT grip on people is something else. They can’t shake it.
They had the best crossword puzzles, though. I stopped reading when they went paywall which was coincidentally about the same time that certain other things started to happen in the political sphere in America. Feature that…
I used to be able to get my “centrist” comments allowed but after about July, 2016? Nothing.
Speaking of crossword puzzles, what happened to the cyclops who loves bay leaves?
Is epoch super right? I haven’t seen anything from them but ads.
They’re definitely conservative but they are willing to touch various third rails and have good reporting and commentary if you realize where they’re coming from and critique the message accordingly.
Sounds fair.
“Dispatch calls from that day seemed to share the same level of distress. A concerned dispatcher watching the fatal incident on surveillance cameras felt it was necessary to alert a supervisor about the use of force applied by the officers.
“You can call me a snitch if you want to, but we have the cameras up for 320’s call … I don’t know if they had to use force or not, but they got something out of the back of the squad, and all of them sat on this man, so I don’t know if they needed you or not, but they haven’t said anything to me yet,” the dispatcher was heard saying on the audio call.
Minneapolis police also released two 911 transcripts from May 25. One was from an unidentified off-duty firefighter who witnessed Floyd’s death.
“I literally watched police officers not take a pulse and not do anything to save a man, and I am a first responder myself, and I literally have it on video camera. … I just happened to be on a walk so, this dude, this, they f*****g killed him,” the firefighter told dispatchers.
The other caller was also unidentified and mentioned how an officer “pretty much just killed this guy that wasn’t resisting arrest.” That caller then requested to speak to a supervisor at the Minneapolis 3rd Precinct.”
So considering how the Trayvon Martin 911 call was deceptively edited, how do we know whether or not this is bullshit?
Why didnt the firefighter put down the camera and give help?
They’ve already demonstrated they’ll kill one person in full view of witnesses?
It was his chance to get laid?
Firemen gettin’ pussy for the first time in the history of fire or pussy.
I had an argument yesterday with a friend over that. He contended that he would have ran over and stopped the killing. I said: “Bullshit. What do you think would happen if you did? You’re saying you would risk your life against armed psychopaths, your wife widowed and children fatherless, to save a stranger? Bullshit.”
He then contended that the cops would have just tackled and arrested him but it would have saved George’s life. I retorted: “Oh really? You don’t think a small group of men dispassionately murding a man in the middle of the street in broad daylight wouldn’t do the same to you if you interfered?”
I get the impulse to say that shit. I really do. But how many people are willing to lead the charge amongst the people out in public witnessing that shit with only the hope that they’ll follow you quickly enough to overwhelm the cops before they open fire? Or follow you at all for that matter?
Think of me what you will but I probably, most likely, do not have the balls to do that.
Everyone thinks themselves a hero when righteousness clouds their thoughts.
Truth is, you don’t know how you’d react.
Yep. In a wilderness survival situation I’d like to think hunger wouldn’t drive me to cannibalizing my companion after their death. That I’m civilized enough to rather die than debase myself to barbarism…but I honestly don’t know.
Well, how disease riddled does their carcass look?
*sharpens knife*
Were they … thicc?
Is this an indirect way to ask if he should start by eating ass?
Dammit, I can’t find a youtube clip of either the “you’re the butcher, so butch!” or “not butt” scenes from Cannibal! the musical.
I’d like to think hunger wouldn’t drive me to cannibalizing my companion
afterbefore their death.Survival Training taught me one thing; it only takes about 2 missed meals to broadly expand what you’d consider eating.
Yeah, true. While I’ve never been in survival training, I was homeless for awhile in my early twenties and after months of little sustenance in an area largely without any dumpster diving options my already skinny ass was getting legitimately malnourished. I was getting very, very worried that I was slowly starving to death and let’s just say my thought patterns, my very sense of morality, was beginning to shift. There’s a desperation to hunger with no foreseeable end that most people in wealthy societies don’t understand.
The honest answer is I don’t know what I’m capable of.
Probably means I would eat you. Sorry.
Bystander effect?
I agree, however:
I am a first responder myself…then freaking respond.
George wasn’t on fire, not my department.
/pubsec worker
A fire hose might’ve done the trick though. If he could get it setup fast enough, without the cops noticing, and with another bystander to wrench the valve while he points the hose…..a quick sweep back and forth and retreat? Just be gone before they can get to their feet.
Hey, whoa relax fella. This isn’t ‘Station 19’.
/makes ‘get a load of this guy’ gesture.
They can watch live?
Yeah, that slipped by me until now. The cops have live feeds of security cameras they can watch. That’s tucking terrifying in and of itself.
They’ve had that in every major metro area for over a decade.
“There’s really no reason for the police to not have unfettered access to any camera, including those on private cellphones, when answering a call.”
-some neocon douchebag
“You can call me a snitch if you want to”
A gang by any other name is called police.
I looked this up yesterday with the discussion of the great baseball birthdays. There is a good reason none are listed today. Wally Joyner and Kerry Wood lead the pack today.
To be sure, many Californians have already turned to back-up power generators. Generac Holdings Inc. saw its sales in the state surge 300%, its chief executive officer told Bloomberg a month after the blackouts.
Ban generators! If everyone can’t have power, no one can have power.
Incoming articles about generators and pollution/global warming detected….
Fuck Tier 4 and fuck the 50 hour rule.
It’s all gonna be fine. Those Tier 4 filters clog way before you get to 50 hours on the meter anyway.
It’s funny because it’s true.
I meant the 50 hour rule on non-emergency standby generator operation. Goodbye weekly autostart runs. Even monthly test runs are fucked if you start running up hours fixing problems.
Most/all of our generators are grandfathered pre-T4 so fall under the T4 maximum hours rule.
You don’t happen to have any older gensets laying around? Do you?
Hah hah. No and most are permanently installed ones too.
I think there might have been an old turbine or two permanently decommissioned where it was too expensive to wreck out and haul away with a crane off the roof.
A part of my work has been as regulation whore.
As each EPA or Tier reg came through, I get paid to reconfigure things that were working just fine on the engine before but no longer fit because “my” space is now full of some new toy (EGR, etc). No one has ever reached out to me during development to design around the situation, to consider other solutions, to minimize development and tooling costs. Nope: just throw the mess over the wall and tool up all the new mounting and send us the bill for the new left-handed version.
okay: that will be $ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Only the privileged truly have power.
Plus, if you live in an apartment or even many townhomes, you’re not gonna have a generator or solar.
So if China and India get into a serious conflict which one wins? India whoops up on Pakistan every fifteen years or so but China ain’t Pakistan.
Taiwan takes advantage of the distraction and takes over China.
There was always only one China.
There are many Chinas.
I could see whoever is losing to decide to use their nukes.
So you are saying that the people claiming too many people are hurting Gaia might have a short happy when a billion or so die off (followed by a sad because it was not oppressive honkeys that were killed), your holiness?
So if China and India get into a serious conflict which one wins?
Pro tip: we all lose.
Which one wants it worse?
I think India’s biggest issue might be whether Pakistan decides to join the party. Two front wars and all that.
It could be another world war if all the friends start joining in.
North Korea is one of the things that tell me I do not, on a deep level, understand humans. I understand superficially, but deep down I don;t see the point of being a shithole just for some power.
Propaganda, family threats and survival instincts are extremely powerful tools when subjugating and ruling a populace.
Herd think is no joke. I’ve got an uncle in CA who, if you talk to him, is pretty conservative and level headed, but he thinks Trump is the anti-christ and Nancy Pelosi is just doing what her heart tells her to do.
Nancy Pelosi
If anyone is the anti-christ…
Something I fear we will never find out.
We can only be sure of one thing, it’s time to burn a Wendy’s.
Why can’t we burn down shitty McDonald’s or Burger Kings instead? If I must eat fast food, I prefer a Wendy’s over either of those others fucking shit sammich places.
“We are receiving reports about vigilante groups possibly instigating this violence,” Geier said on Twitter late Monday. “If this is true [we] will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution.”
Missing is mention of who initiated the physical conflict.
So gyms opened back up this week. My first trip was okay as far as strength retention goes, but my shoulder seems to hurt worse which I suspected, apparently I strained it more doing lots of pushups than I did benching at the gym.
10:45 PM, Monday, June 15, 2020
Tuesday, 4:02 AM
Has a single one of these stories ever been true?
My favorite is the one where the cop said that McDonald’s employees took a bite of his burger and then he realized he’d taken the bite himself and forgotten.
Was it fake or was it a case of some sanitizing process didn’t wash all the bleach out of some container?
1% chance: That.
19% chance: They made it up out of whole cloth
80% chance: They were drunk off their asses from the bar across the street and decided to accuse the Shake Shack employees of poisoning them so they wouldn’t get in trouble.
Farva: Give me a double bacon cheeseburger.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Double baco cheeseburger. It’s for a cop.
Farva: What the hell’s that all about? You gonna spit in it now?
Dimpus Burger Guy: No, I just told him that so he makes it good.
[into mic]
Dimpus Burger Guy: Don’t spit in that cop’s burger.
Farva: Yeah, thanks.
Second Dimpus Guy: Roger, holding the spit.
Farva: Gimme a pie… apple.
Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to hold the spit? Hah, just kidding officer Farva.
Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?
Farva: Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?
Dimpus Burger Guy: It’s only 25 cents, and look how much more you get.
Thorny: Look, kid, he doesn’t want it.
Farva: I can handle this, Thorn. I don’t want it!
Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva: Gimme a litre o’ cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: What?
Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o’ cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva: I don’t want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o’ cola!
Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don’t know what that is!
Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for…
[grabs burger kid by shirt]
Farva: … give me my fuckin’ cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN’ LIP!
“This look like spit to you?……aaaaah, fuck it”
The latter.
The union, in their non-apology, is claiming the latter.
(they’re not relived. They’re pissed off about it I’m sure.)
“Detectives’ Endowment Association”
So they stand around and try to solve who has the biggest dick?
Well, these are public dicks, not private ones.
Do they have to get scientific equipment for that? Like microscopes and such?
It’s the right version of hate crime hoaxes
Oh the mean people are out there and making cops feel real bad.
“I get it. I am a black woman before I am anything else,” she said.
And there’s the problem……
Or… there are exactly ZERO reasons to want to interact with a police officer for a positive result. It’s like trying to be friends with a hall monitor who can kill you.
Its really hard walking around with QI, being part of an organized crime group, and then people having the temerity to not want to kiss your ass all the time.
James Wood: The Left in a Nutshell
It’s now been 6 years since Woods blocked me on Twitter. I’m not sad about it.
He’s probably over it too.
Why did he block you?
Can’t remember. Probably called him out on some BS he posted.
The UK judging by the accents and quaint phone booth.
This is about their move to get rid of Gandhi…
If utilities cut power again, home offices set up during the pandemic could go dark and stay dark for days, and they’ll have no corporate offices to flee to for power. In October 2019, more than 3 million people were affected by a series of rolling blackouts over more than a week as PG&E Corp. and Edison International tried to prevent live wires from sparking wildfires.
They can read by the light of the brush fires that result from lack of adequate forest management.
How the fuck is PG&E so terrible? Their poles go down in 30 MPH winds? We get those multiple times a week!
The forest management doesn’t help, but PG&E is beyond incompetent.
They’ve been stuck in a chokehold by Commiefornia for so long that it’s pretty much damned if you do damned if you don’t, so they don’t care.
It can’t be just that. Yes, California is awful, but at least their utilities can be competent. Especially PG&E, which is a private entity (albeit given a government monopoly).
They are actively prevented from being competent. They are forbidden from replacing existing lines unless there’s a demonstrated problem or meet an absurd list of criteria. They are forbidden from cutting back brush but 100% liable for wildfires, they are forbidden from raising rates without permission to cover the liability. They are essentially run by the state without being officially owned by the state.
They are kind of private. The government tells them how much profit they can make and where they have to spend their capital – green energy, but no nukes. So they end up with no budget for basic maintenance.
Ah. Was not aware. Used to Florida Power & Light, which isn’t perfect, but is pretty damn good as power company monopolies go. We only lost power for 36 hours after Hurricane Wilma (108 MPH sustained wind in our area with gusts apparently at 125+)
Worked for a Nevada Power for a couple years. Probably halfway between a for-real competitive company and a government bureaucracy in terms of competency. Managing insane politicians on the utility board is challenging. Probably a lot more challenging in Northern CA than FL.
The big lie is that PG&E is a private company. They’re probably the perfect example of US economic fascism in action.
The CPUC decides what PG&E gets to spend their money on and how much they can charge. So they don’t charge enough, and have to spend any profits they do make on green initiatives to satisfy the enviroloons.
PG&E is specifically prohibited from conducting cut-back maintenance in a lot of areas. It isn’t the wind destroying these power lines. It is the trees.
In local scandals, a man was convicted of 6 murders when he was 20 and got life in prison. Recently at 45 he was released for good behavior and was considered rehabilitated. After a few weeks a 17 year old girl pressed charges for rape and violence against him. The police decided to investigate but he was not arrested. Subsequently, he got some petrol and set the girl on fire causing burns on 90% of her body.
Now this caused great scandal how was he released on parole and why was not he arrested when charges were brought.
What is the Official Libertarian Position on this. Should murderers not be released on parole? Should they be arrested when someone presses charges while the investigation is ongoing? Should 17 year olds carry guns for self defense? More than one of the above?
A citizen militia gives him a quick trial and convenes a firing squad upon conviction.
They are going to get it wrong half the time though.
6 murders is probably life no parole.
25 years feels super light, unless the original victims were in their 90’s. I guess in my weighing, victims lifespan plays some role?
I’d wager a man who sets people on fire and killed 6 others probably wasn’t angel of deathing it at the old folks home.
Not sure on when the arrest should happen.
He should be dead from a gunshot from the girl or a person nearby.
Yikes. Not for me.
Life without parole. I am against capital punishment but would not shed a tear.
To me it just would change if parole is ever an option.
6 is probably far too many.
Good behavior and a chance at parole fits some situations.
Not this one.
Or perhaps the death penalty, if he isn’t killed during an actual violent crime.
Sicilian justice.
Six murders? That is someone with a taste for killing. A sane society would never allow that person to roam freely again.
A sane society would fair trial them and if found guilty put them down. I don’t understand the whole ‘anti death penalty’ thing. These prisoners cost people millions of dollars. After you’ve killed innocent people in society, the only thing society owes you is a bullet.
because you cannot 100% grantee guilt. If you could the discussion would be different
So how do you handle someone like that? Lock him up for 60 years on…. Whos dime? Making someone a slave for 60 years does not seem that much more humane than killing him on a conviction of several murders. You can never 100% prove something.
Unless it’s math.
. Whos dime? – in the current system, the taxpayers
There are a lot of cases where they can guarantee guilt. I don’t know they case involving the murder of 6 people, but I’m pretty sure that the evidence against the guy was pretty overwhelming. if society had put him down, like they should’ve, large sums of time and money wouldn’t have been wasted on him and he wouldn’t have gone on to kill more people. So, was his life or shred of possible innocence worth that young woman’s life?
It is an interesting though experiment. How would you define evidence not beyond reasonable doubt but beyond all doubt?
Clear DNA plus video? Witnesses can be fickle, how many witnesses and how clearly witnessed would it be?
No such thing as beyond all doubt. Evidence can be faked, witnesses can be bought/intimidated, etc.
Eh….is there any doubt about, say, Nicholas Cruz or James Holmes?
A death sentence should have some higher standard with mandatory independent review.
If you’ve never watched The Thin Blue Line, then I can understand why you would still support the death penalty.
I’d even consider supporting it if we held police and prosecutors to forfeit their own lives upon proven malfeasance.
I’m not opposed to certain criminals being put to death as a penalty.
I’m just generally allergic to states having the power to kill their own citizens under any circumstances. Their track records on it isn’t so hot.
Pretty much this.
Cruz wants to settle Twitter feud with wrestling match between actor Ron Perlman and Rep. Jim Jordan
I haven’t seen Jordan chime in on this.
Ron Perlman’s twitter feed seems to indicate that he thinks he really is Clay Morrow.
That guy is a stone cold fucking idiot. I’ll never watch anything with him in it again.
Save room for the movie where he plays himself
I can’t look at the yuuutoob at work, but I’m guessing ‘QfF’
For most actors (etc) I can separate their dumbness on twitter from whatever they produce that I enjoy. But that guy … Maybe in real life he’s more professional, since I’d hope Del Toro wouldn’t keep working with him otherwise. But his twitter is noxious.
Ol pisshands.
I got blocked by him. I told him “You’re not actually a tough guy Ron, you just play one on TV.”
In others words, now is the time to use public transit and trains. Since the sheep are to fricken scared that frees up all kinds of leg room.
Cost of Stormont IT project doubles, report finds
The report found BT delivered a fully functional IT service, but criticised Department of Finance civil servants for “poor strategic planning”.
In a statement, the department said they fully accept the report.
I need to get on a good government contract like that. I need about 10 good years of earnings before retirement.
I can’t believe they found an IT company willing to work for Stormfront. Surely they’d get removed from the internet for that.
You can’t reason someone out of a position that was arrived at via emotion.
The problem, however, is that emotions don’t create good laws. They never have and they never will. The father in Little Rock lost his child and thousands of other people saw what happened and made the decision to secure their firearms better. There wasn’t a need for a new crusader to decide to go after so-called assault weapons.
Sandy Hook, for all its horrors, wasn’t a failure of gun control in any way. The killer murdered his own mother to obtain a firearm. He’d have killed her to obtain any firearm and yes, he could have still killed just as many of those poor children if he’d had a handgun in the first place.
Yet understanding these points requires reason. It requires people to pause for a moment and use their brains and not their emotions. That’s something you rarely find among the anti-gunners out there. They run on emotion and use emotional arguments.
That’s the problem with all these discussions at their core they rely on what people feel as opposed to what is even remotely feasible policy.
Feasible or constitutional. Just because you want the government to do something does not mean it is allowed to, not that it matters to anyone these days.
Ainu woman with bear cub and mouth tattoos- Ainu women breastfeed bear cubs. When the bear is two years old he is slaughtered in a ritual called Iyomante – during the ritual women who have nursed cubs demonstrate their ambivalence by alternately crying and laughing
“I took care of this thing for 2yrs, now I don’t care about it at all.”
I don’t get it.
Titty Tuesday brings the Hooter Fairy so you can wave your magic wand.
35. Maybe 43 too.
Good morning, Sloop, and thanks for all the lynx!
The low-T freaks trying to pull down the statue was sort of amusing. In an aggravating sort of way. Nice work there, parents. Nice work.
Another appropriate song from the greatest generation
Make it a great day, people. Don’t give them an inch.
They venerate low level career criminals.
That’s what I see.
Well then, there are a couple dozen funerals in Chicago every week they should be attending, huh?
Excellent song choice, Tundra.
Hit it harder
Under the latest guidelines, the Fed said it will buy, on the secondary market, individual bonds that have remaining maturities of five years or less. Those purchases will go along with the ETFs the Fed already has been buying, which are balanced toward investment-grade indexes but also include some junk bond funds that track debt which had been investment grade before the crisis but had been downgraded after.
The intent of the individual debt purchases will be “to create a corporate bond portfolio that is based on a broad, diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds,” the Fed said in a news release.
“This index is made up of all the bonds in the secondary market that have been issued by U.S. companies that satisfy the facility’s minimum rating, maximum maturity, and other criteria. This indexing approach will complement the facility’s current purchases of exchange-traded funds,” the statement said.
Not content with keeping government debt grossly mis-priced, they expand their efforts into
corporate debtjunk bonds. What could possibly go wrong?Pretty much everything
Market: I’ll jump, doG help me!
Fed: you’d just hurt yourself a little from the second floor. Ever spent a year on crutches? It’s not pretty.
Market (now on fourth floor): I’ll jump, doG help me!
Fed: you’re getting there, but that’s really a half measure; the elevator’s right over here
Market (now on tenth floor): I feel so much better; I can breathe, I can see now; in fact, things can only get better from here
Public: wild applause . . . considers investing on margin
Fed: *Pushes market off ledge*
Slowly we inch towards the Fed getting printing power.
Added to the antisemitic celebrities list: Chelsea Handler
To be fair, cognitive dissonance is easier when you’re as dumb as a slutty rock.
Handler is a manic depressive slut who somehow manages to get TV shows despite obvious lack of talent.
Are you surprised?
Why does it always come back to the Jews?
Back when she was still upright and above room temperature, Joan Rivers said that Handler fucked her way into a career. I can believe that.
She’s is/was with some TV executive IIRC.
Was that supposed to make sense?
She is only saying that because a jew pissed on her face.
Possibly NSFW
She really seems to enjoy that.
Ok genius. What about blacks, Jews, Asians and Hispanics who support him?
I think we need a ‘TDS counter’ like they do for this CCP virus.
“Rob Reiner @robreinerDonald Trump is a White Supremacist. And anyone who supports him, by definition, is a White Supremacist.”
What a meathead.
Biden has dementia, therefore anyone who supports him is demented.
Donald Trump is a White Supremacist. And anyone who supports him, by definition, is a White Supremacist.
If you say so. I thought leftists would have learned that attacking voters doesn’t work and will likely work against you. Fat, stupid, and blindly partisan is no way to go through life.
How are you voting this year?
Shouldn’t those be in the same checkbox?
Two parties is too many. Who needs those other fascist parties when you have the benevolent Democratic party.
Looks fun. Might buy a convertible after they’re about 3 years old.
$50-$60K when a Corvette is opening at $60???
Spoiler, the Corvette performs like the Shelby.
What about without the spoiler?
I’m still betting on a good old fashion crash; but I’m starting to really lean towards hyperinflation. Choices… Choices…
I was in Houston over the weekend to handle some more of my dad’s affairs. Thanks for the fantastic weather Sloop! I missed the posting my my letter to my representatives, but haven’t heard back. No surprise there. I did find more porn and his baseball cards from the late 1950s and early 1960s so there might be an article on that.
Reading the headlines it appears I didn’t miss much.
Porn articles are always welcome.
Just make sure they’re family friendly.
We wouldn’t want to lose our certification.
Sometimes I think I’m too left wing for this place and too right wing for anywhere else on the internet.
Get a grip man.
We’re not in agreement on everything, nor should we be. But respectful and informed disagreement helps to develop everyone’s point of view, if they’re willing.
If you walk, we’re the lesser for it.
So take a toke or whatever you need to do and realize that we value your presence.
*flips keyboard*
No justice, no peace! Attica!
You seem to be left of most here but it needs not be an echo chamber.
Well, unless JB is looking for an echo chamber. I imagine it must be relaxing to be able to kick back and be constantly affirmed. That’s strip club’s business model after all.
‘/shoves $5 (CDN) bill in Not Adahn’s g-string.
That’s a coin, right?
I think it might be plastic.
Are you saying that the strippers don’t really like me?
*reconsiders entire life*
Nah man. They love you. $20 at a time.
Thinking Trump is a doofus doesn’t make you left-wing.
this place
Without getting into left and right, I’d just say focus on liberty. I recently got down to zero mutes, but then felt like I was enduring too many apologists to have a good time, so there are a couple of guys I’m opting out of for a few months; I presume a few return the favor. I wouldn’t view the site as a monolith or a collective: it’s a salad of ideas, and I decided: hold the radishes.
“I’d just say focus on liberty”
It just might be crazy enough to work!
I’m afraid I must mute you due to your anti-radish bigotry
That’s disgusting!
*mutes NA*
Sauteed radishes with turnip greens and chicken. Mmm
And hold the ranch dressing.
Bleu Cheese is the only correct answer.
Only if your goal is to induce vomitting.
One more flavor that goes against your blandness.
I’m afraid i’m mandatory, you can’t opt out / FedGov
I’m sitting in a Zoom class on reverse osmosis (while thinking back to the first system I installed 25 years ago) and thinking about the process of purification. They’re touching on filtration, chlorine removal, UV and some other water treatment and I’m reminded: pure water has no taste. There is a best taste, even for water. Glibs is like the iron-free springs one finds from time to time, but there are a few twigs floating around in it. Oddly, I generally like the idea that there are twigs floating in my water.
and, of course, TDS will always mean total dissolved solids to me
pure water
has no tastedoesn’t exist.Anyone who pretends otherwise just has shitty DLs
18Mohm DI water is pretty pure, but it won’t stay like that for any amount of time. It’s like a new born innocent baby that slowly gets changed, contaminated, and corrupted by the world around it as it grows…..
That analogy got dark.
We start with 18.2Mohm, then have to polish it. And we still have to be ultra paranoid to get down to ppq levels. Some elements it’s just impossible — there’s just too much environmental background (Al, Sn, Ba — I’m looking at you).
And that’s just metallics. Conversion to carbonic acid is instantaneous afawcm.
My first job out of school used the DI as cooling water in their etchers. It took 1 year to eat through the Al chamber. They also had sputtering tools without any backing plates, so when they wore out they could fill the vacuum chamber with cooling water.
I had a great time picking the low hanging fruit at that place.
There’s a mute button here? Is this thing on? *taps mic
I’m a political nihilist; the State will grow no matter how many limitations you try to put on it, but I believe anarchy fails too. Basically we’re fucked no matter what. I don’t know if that makes me left or right, but I find it’s fairly liberating. It makes it easier to laugh at the world’s stupidity.
I’m on the “leave me the fuck alone” part of the spectrum, but no one in politics wants to respect that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
I’m in that quadrant too.
Fuck it all. Especially trans gender Norwegian Jewish midgets. They control everything.
I knew it!
I’ve felt the same way from time to time, but I don’t think its correct. Just that some of the louder voices here are the most right wing. Most people here are a mix of liberal and conservative, and you’ve got a little of the liberal while [Insert Name Here] has a little more of the conservative.
So it’s killing malaria patients now?
Additionally, in light of ongoing serious cardiac adverse events and other potential serious side effects, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine no longer outweigh the known and potential risks for the authorized use.
Don’t forget how it kills everyone with lupus.
Seems like “I hope the crocodile eats me last!” is a poor business strategy.
It doesn’t take a genius to see that these people are never satisfied and once you give them an inch, they’ll take a light-year.
They don’t see an apology as any other than being given the ok to hold power over you. It’s power bullying in its most naked form.
Does anyone notice it’s not just about racism in any particular but about WHITES as a whole.
It’s one of the all-time great ‘generalizations’. They won’t like the backlash when it comes I reckon because eventually too many innocent and good people will be throttled and people will eventually have had enough of the charade.
It’s borderline narcissistic at this point.
“…Plus, Aurora James of Brother Vellies, which specializes in African-designed accessories, has ideas too. She wants big retailers to commit to 15% of their shelf space to black businesses. These would include corporations like Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, and Sephora. That’s a lot of shelf space, but never mind the possible consequences if those products fail.
Look, if corporations want to make this “15% pledge,” or increase their number of minorities in executive positions, good on them. But that should be their call, considering what is best for the corporation, its shareholders, and customers. However, since they’ve bent the knee to Black Lives Matter, they’re now going to be steamrolled, not only by BLM, but the social media mob and its “cancel culture” will turn on them, too.
Well done, corporations. You wanted everyone to know how virtuous you are. Instead, you’re just being played.”
She’s 100% right.
They deserve each other. Both will fail.
Fuck ’em both.
Whole Foods dedicating 15% of their shelf space to fried chicken and watermelon is a development I can live with.
I don’t care for watermelon. But I do like fried chicken.
So you’re a racist?
-the modern left
“But Adidas wasn’t about to let Nike out-virtue them, so they retweeted the sanctimonious Nike tweet while adding these words:
“Together is how we move forward. Together is how we make change.”
I swear if we lose New Balance….
The mistake of this kind of criticism (like the “don’t apologize” criticism) is that I have no particular reason to be skeptical of most corporations’ bona fides – they aren’t cynically posting this stuff to pay the Danegeld. I think that, largely, those in charge of the corps are true believers in this nonsense. They’re not “giving an inch” at all. They are expressing views they agree with. Never mind that, ten years ago, these would not have been their views. It’s now rightthinkful to be a BLM supporter, so they truly ARE. If, tomorrow, some black man kills a bunch of gays, it may be homophobic to be a BLM supporter, and these people’s belief will turn on a dime.
We saw this already – Prop 8 in Cali. Lots of lefty racism against blacks because they didn’t tow the lion on gay marriage. The chocolate ration can change overnight. And it’s not a matter of pretending to believe. These people will instantly change beliefs because it’s now what is determined to be good.
Very much this. We thought lunatic left wokism couldn’t survive outside the campus hothouse, and that once the lunatic left wokists got out into the real world they would be marginalized/change their minds.
We were wrong.
It doesn’t matter anymore. An online board game convention (moved to online as the physical convention couldn’t be planned) got cancelled because they didn’t make a public BLM proclamation, and vendors and exhibitors started pulling out.
GAMA will match, dollar for dollar, any exhibitor, sponsor, advertiser, or vendor who donates the amounts they are owed for Origins Online to one of the organizations listed below. It is difficult to predict how many will take this opportunity, but the potential exists for the matched amounts to exceed $100,000, which we wholeheartedly hope will happen. The Board sees this as the next step, but not the final step, in the Association’s journey.
* Black Lives Matter Global Network
* Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
* Columbus Freedom Fund
* The Community Justice Exchange
* The Innocence Project
Wow. A masterful shakedown. This is scary beyond belief.
Why don’t they just cut out the middleman and pour your money directly into Biden’s pockets.
Yeah. This isn’t really giving me a lot of hope for the future. If there was a group that I would hope would ignore the outrage machine, it would be people who will fiddle for minutes trying to figure out the best optimization for a couple of actions. There were a couple of kerfuffles in the past about “racism” in games (Puerto Rico’s “colonists”, Five Tribes slave cards, Endeavor’s slavery deck, etc.)
It’s a racket and a scam only The Sopranos could love.
Scam artist criminals.
All of them.
Vote Democrat… they aren’t crazy at all
I like the kneeling on Trump even though Trump denounced the cop that killed Floyd. He is on your side here, you fucking ‘tard.
Someone has to be the Goldstein for the Two Minutes Hate.
They’ve been calling Trump anti LGBTWTFBBQ since 2016, without much of anything to base it on.
All Republicans have to be racist and homophobic.
And racial supremacist, collectivist, big-government fascists despite that being nearly opposite of what the average R voter and pol claim to believe*.
*standard disclaimer about R’s being mercantilists.
I mean Trump has been loading the gays up and putting them in reeducation camps for the last three years.
And also, Minneapolis has been run exclusively by Democrats for over half a century. But somehow Trump is the problem there.
They genuinely have no capacity for rational thought.
This has to be one of the better paper abstracts I’ve seen.
“We conclude that a neutrino sail is not a practical method of propulsion”
Why can I never be on the receiving end of grants of this nature?
I also love how there are FOUR authors.
How were they expecting to get a transfer of energy from a particle that passed through normal matter without interacting?
34000 light year thick sail. It is in the abstract.
You only provided a twitter link, twitter links don’t work.
Of course they do.
No they don’t.
They’re blocked at work, and at home twitter’s scripts go into an infinite loop that prevents content from loading.
Only 180 km thick using neutronium.
Niven did it. Well sort of.
The sort of being that Niven (and Pournelle) never thought Neutrinos would be practical and skipped straight to a light sail.
There’s a lot of places where the light pressure will not provide enough force to overcome the gravity from the light source.
That is why you build a big ass laser.
Wouldn’t the twerking throw off the aim though?
Motie Mediators are super accurate twerkers.
And if you haven’t read it, you really should read The Mote in God’s Eye. When Heinlein calls it “possibly the best science fiction novel ever” you can’t skip it.
I wouldn’t go with #1. But it is probably in the top 5.
That’s a negative endorsement if I’ve ever heard one.
What Heinlein have you read that makes you think that? It must have been his late, weird stuff.
But seriously, read Mote. One of the great things about Niven is that he continued to write space opera when the rest of the industry went New Wave.
I recommend it just for the world building alone.
Niven is a master world builder. His writing style has weaknesses (character dev) but not his world building.
Except for the Ringworld being unstable. But he fixed that.
Wolrdbuilding alone is not a reason to read something.
I’ve tried to read his work. I end up abandoning it because I don’t care what happens to anyone in it.
To spare your feelings I had previously declined to mention that I don’t like his voice. His books are easy to put down and promptly forget about picking up.
Was that Niven or Heinlein? Pronoun and threading problem.
I can see that wit Niven. But not Niven/Pournelle combos. That is why they work so well together, they each hit the others’ weaknesses.
Some of the Niven/Pournelle works tend to get a bit “weighty” (Footfall, Hammer) but Mote and Heorot* flow really well.
*Legacy of Heorot is Niven/Pournelle/Barnes.
Some books ARE readable just for the worldbuilding, because you can see how this alternative world plays out. Like watching a marble machine.
I’m thinking of the Darksword trilogy by Weiss and Hickman. Actually, most of W&H are that way.
I’m hurt beyond belief. I don’t know how I will go on!
Seriously, I can see how the character development could benefit from the same level of effort as the world building.
They actually did the math on the shields used in the book to radiate energy and used it as a plot element.
robc Niven gets gently laid aside. Heinlein gets hurled at the far wall with great force.
Also apparently multiple pages of differential equations for their FTL travel.
The only time I ever threw a book that I was reading across the room was at the end of the Red Wedding.
It’s a shame we’ll never find out the answer to the question “where doe whores go?”
Niven gets gently laid aside.
Many Niven solo novels I describe as tourist guides. Especially things like Destiny Road and Integral Trees, and maybe even Ringworld.
Heinlein gets hurled at the far wall with great force.
That is why I asked which ones. I can’t see that reaction to Mistress or Starship Troopers, but some of his later stuff, sure.
I chucked “The Cat Who Walked Through Walls”. It was the only book I’ve ever thrown.
Did it go through the wall?
No, it bounced off the door.
“–All You Zombies–” was pretty clever though.
Isn’t that how the Bajorans traveled to Cardassia hundreds of years before DS9 took place?
Portland Police take the Chamberlain approach to appeasement. As far as I know, no one has been arrested in the break in and attempted arson of a building that also houses hundreds of people in jail.
And WTF is the url link? Kids these days.
This shit show will be allowed to go on until they have bodies to bury, and then they will act as if they never saw it coming…
I hear there are some Middle Eastern nations that know how to handle this.
“It has cut me to the bone to learn that she had sex with three guys before me. ”
She only had sex with 3 guys, but sucked 37 dicks.
In a row???
The Sun’s only redeeming feature is the Jeremy Clarkson column.
Someone watched ‘Clerks’.
Dante: Wait, but you said you only had sex with three different guys! You never mentioned him.
Veronica: Because I never had sex with him.
Dante: You sucked his dick!
Veronica: We went out a few times. We never had sex, but we fooled around.
Dante: Oh, my God! Why did you tell me you only had sex with three different guys?
Veronica: Because I did only have sex with three different guys! That doesn’t mean I didn’t just go with people.
Dante: Oh, my God, I feel so nauseous.
Veronica: Sorry, Dante, I thought you understood.
Dante: I did understand! I understood that you had sex with three different guys and that’s all you said!
Veronica: Please calm down.
Dante: How many?
Veronica: Dante!
Dante: How many dicks have you sucked?
Veronica: Let it go!
Dante: How many?
Veronica: All right! Shut up a second and I’ll tell you! Jesus! I didn’t freak out like this when you told me how many girls you fucked!
Dante: This is different! This is important! How many? [A customer comes up to the counter and Dante helps her while Veronica does some math] Well?
Veronica: Um… something like 36.
Veronica: Lower your voice.
Dante: Wait, what is that anyway, “something like 36?” Does that include me?
Veronica: Um… 37.
Dante: I’M 37!?
Veronica: I’m going to class.
Dante: Oh, my God. [customer walks up to pay] 37! My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!
Customer: In a row?
Debbie did Dallas.
This movie couldn’t be made in today’s #MeToo world…
+1 ❄️-⚾️
So she likes sucking dick, and has had plenty of practice? What exactly is wrong here?
All the dicks she’s had, and she’s choosing to go with yours. How is that not a good thing?
They met 15 years ago and he’s still going on now about her previous lovers? Good grief Charlie Brown.
That guy has serious issues.
On the topic of the Guardian’s attack on Munira Mirza, do read @AndrewGimson
’s profile of her for @ConHome
from a couple of weeks ago. #skypapers
Sadly part of the reason for attacks on Munira Mirza is that – like @PritiPatel
– she doesn’t hold the views that some people think she ought to because of her background. Being an independent thinker is an asset, not a weakness.
See what I mean? She doesn’t count as a real person with a legitimate right to an opinion, and she can’t possibly hold her position in good faith, because *wave hands* she’s not a lefty.
It seems that a lot of Indians in the UK are no true POCs just like many gay people are no true Gay because they seem top be Conservative, the most milquetoast of barely right wing if at all parties.
Tard Tuesday: Look At Me, I’m Witty
Are they going after Michael J. Fox?
Planned Parenthood would like a word…
Sometimes I think I’m too left wing for this place and too right wing for anywhere else on the internet.
Living in what is now northeastern North America and Scotland around 315 to 299 million years ago, Arthropleura reached 2.4 meters in length and was the largest known land invertebrates of all time
That’s wonderfully terrifying. I wonder what it tasted like.
They call themselves “Scientists” but don’t even know that those two places are literally an ocean apart.
But were they 300 million years ago?
This is how haggis is made.
That would be awkward to step on. And when I say awkward, I mean horrifying.
You could probably stand on it and ride the thing like a living skateboard.
Nightmare fuel. 300 million years ago those two places weren’t necessarily an ocean apart.
Even now, those latitude lines get closer as you go north.
Lockdown 2, protester boogaloo.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warned on Friday that another lockdown might be necessary if the country suffers a “dramatic” rise in coronavirus infections.
“If cases begin to go up again, particularly if they go up dramatically, it’s important to recognize that more mitigation efforts such as what were implemented back in March may be needed again,” CDC Deputy Director Jay Butler claimed at a press briefing.
The warning came just in time for another big round of shoulder-to-shoulder protests in New York City, home to about a third of all U.S. coronavirus infections and deaths.
This time we destroy the economy harder.
Fukin Public Health officials need to make up their mind on what is important. The Coronavirus or Racisim.
@Sloop, where are you getting the info about the “vigilante” being attacked before his assailant being shot.
There’s a video that shows him trying to leave the area and the mob chasing after him.
Every time I see those antifa assholes who go around hitting people with fucking skateboards, I have an intense desire to watch someone shove that thing up their asses sideways.
From watching the video where they’re hitting him in the head with a skateboard and people are screaming “kill him!”
Huh. I must have missed that part. I read the article, and then when i watched the video it looked like it was only the aftermath. I had the sound off.
Picking the starting point determines the trend.
Not really. Unless there’s video of him physically attacking someone that’s not being shown. He has every right in the world to be there saying whatever he wants (short of threatening someone directly with violence). He has the right to confront these people with words the same way they have a right to confront police with words. Nobody has a right to initiate violence against another. And everybody has the right to retaliate against a physical assault by a mob with the level of force required to stop the mob that’s physically assaulting him.
I was referring to the version of the clip with the attack be antifa being edited out to make it look like blue-shirt guy was spoiling for a fight. Like that parking lot asshole from FL(?)
The girls screaming reminded me of this
Was the shooter the same guy being attacked?
Yes. Guy in the blue shirt who is being assaulted by the skateboard-swinging mob is also the shooter.
OK, thanks.
I hope the kid doesn’t die, but he had it coming if he does. The media is so mendacious.
Some of the folks on that twitter thread are trying to say that the people tearing down the statue were not ANTIFA, but the New Mexico Civil Milita or something.
That is some garbage video.
I think there’s enough there for a jury to let him off. The question is whether he will be indicted.
He will certainly be “cancelled”.
The spin in the coverage doesn’t even mention the initial violence by the mob of demonstrators. I was looking for it and was confused at first. There is no way that the news coverage approach was unintentional, they intended to confuse the cause of the shooting while being able to claim they are presenting all of the facts.
Did you expect anything different after the Sandmann incident?
I don’t, but someone like my sister would see only the headline and the first video.
Well, he throws a girl to the ground and pepper sprays some in the crowd before they descend on him. He actually initiated the contact. Keep scrolling to find the relevant video.
He got hit by a skateboard from someone in the Mob. At that point it’s flee or die.
And before that?
The video seems to show him grabbing someone from behind and throwing them to the ground before unloading on them with the pepper spray.
I did see him pushing and throwing people away from the monument, I don’t know how long it was before the mob attacking him. He is certainly guilty of assault.
Yeah, he appears to have started the incident, he’s fucked.
Did he instigate the encounter that ended with a shooting?
From what I can tell from the garbage video, he turned and fled. I think that ended the encounter he instigated, didn’t it?
I’m not even sure stand your ground applies here, since he attempted to flee. He didn’t try to stand his ground, but was run down by a mob screaming for his death.
Charge him for the inital assault, maybe. Although even that smells of selective justice, given the innumerable crimes committed during these protests/riots that aren’t charged. How do you charge him, and not charge anyone who assaulted him after he tried to flee?
I think that ended the encounter he instigated
Looked that way to me.
Fukin Public Health officials need to make up their mind on what is important. The Coronavirus or Racisim.
We already know the plague hates black people.
Fukin Public Health officials need to make up their mind on what is important.
Getting OrangeManBad out of the White House is clearly the greatest public health challenge of Current
YearDay.SO the Romanian senate passed a law to cancel all social distancing fines in the past 3 months… Interesting.
And they will soon open up churches.
So you’ll be forcing people to congregate at church?!?! / Karen
No, reducing the # of crucifixes that are found out in the public on the street by letting them all congregate away from the prey.
Corporate America’s response to BLM protests:
My wife just got done venting to me about a team call she was on where the upper management of the company was going on about how they “need to do better” and “listen” to their black employees, and how the CEO had “contacted all of their black employees.”
Said “all” not including my wife. Said “doing better” consisting of promoting multiple people she had trained and made one of them her boss while freezing her pay for the last several years.
Mrs. Prole: “I guess I’m not really black.”
Me: “You work for a marketing firm. They’re feeding you their usual marketing bullshit. Oh, and you’re literally foaming at the mouth.” (Context: She was multitasking during the rant: taking a shower, venting at me, and brushing her teeth with toothpaste foam around her mouth).
So the whole taser/cop shooting discussion makes me think: What if you are a non-kings man and someone points a taser at you? Is Lethal Force justified? I lean to yes. there’s no reason someone should be pointing a taser at you unless they want to Incapacitate you. And then what? Kidnap you? Kidnapping warrants lethal force. Rape you? That warrants lethal force. What are the glib thoughts?
“there’s no reason someone should be pointing a taser at you unless they want to Incapacitate you.”
That’s pretty much all there is to it. Granted, he was trying to incapacitate the police officer to flee. He was very much in fight or flight. his motives for attempting to incapacitate the police officer don’t forgive the fact that he was trying to incapacitate the police officer.
I look at it like this, if this cop were just a normal person trying to uphold the law and make a citizens arrest, would I still think this is excessive force. The answer is a long sigh with a ‘yes’ after it.
Which does bring up the ‘Jogger’ case. Where I side with the 2 guys attempting to make a citizens arrest and the person being arrested attacks one of them who is wielding a shotgun. The results wind up predictable.
“Where I side with the 2 guys attempting to make a citizens arrest ”
he was trying to incapacitate the police officer to flee.
And theoretically he could have then gotten the cops gun. This guy had a pretty long rap sheet and added to it by resisting arrest and assaulting the cops.
But he didn’t get the cops gun and was no longer assaulting anybody. He was fleeing.
Add assault to his arrest report. But you can’t shoot someone in self-defense when they’re no longer assaulting you and aren’t an imminent threat. I couldn’t shoot a home intruder who had attacked me but was now outside my house running down the street. Why do cops get extra-special abilities to do so?
The second cop being there makes this a bad shoot to me. Dude would have had to be the best Taser shot in the world to hit him while running away, over the shoulder. Then he would have had to double back, incapacitate the second cop with his bare hands, then take a gun.
It’s like when that cop shot the kid because he turned his car on and argued he was about to drag him.
I was trying to separate it from the Cop part. My understanding is that the cop shot a fleeing man, and in no situation do i think shooting someone who is fleeing (and doesn’t pose an immenent risk of life or limb to others, yada yada) is justified.
I agree with your assesment, if this were a “Vigilante”, you’d see the police commissioner talking about how we need to ensure immediate justice against the man.
By itself, yes, for the reasons you list. Once they incapacitate you, who knows what’s next on the menu.
Check this out: https://www.activeresponsetraining.net/tactical-training-scenario-fighting-against-a-taser-or-stun-gun
I put a taser on par with a club. Both can kill you, sure, but both present a sufficient risk of great bodily harm to justify a lethal response.
But I also happen to believe that there are worse things that somebody losing their life, because I am not a pacifist, and there are things I am willing to kill (and die) for.
**Scribbles a new entry in the “What people will do for a Klondike Bar” notepad**
I’m in the defund and replace with private contractors camp, so doesn’t really matter what I’d say. Private actors? Yeah, you can shoot the guy.
Running from you versus away from you probably makes all the difference. If I have a gun and somebody comes at me with a taser, I have to defend myself – or else I’ll be helpless and he’ll have a gun very shortly – partially if I don’t have back up.
The cop chasing somebody probably more of a grey area, although it is wildly stupid to shoot anything at a cop who is chasing you.
When I had guard duty on military bases, we were trained to never shoot unless… somebody is attacking me or another member of the team, OR we witness somebody taking a weapon. So we we see an unauthorized person running out of the armory with an M60 or M16, we shoot. But I don’t think a taser = M16 in that scenario.
Same. In my short time as a gate guard, we were drilled frequently on the escalation of force requirements.
The sticky wicket for the cops is the “Tasers are non-lethal weapons” mantra.
Yeah. I wanted to abstract away from this particular situation, because there are a lot of other bits of evidence, just to think about if it would ever be justified to use lethal force against someone coming at you with a taser.
If you’re just minding your business and a guy pulls a taser on you, then I’d say yes.
if it would ever be justified to use lethal force against someone coming at you
with a taserFIFY. If someone is coming at you with the intent to initiate violence, then lethal force is always justified. It doesn’t matter if they have a gun, knife, taser, or or presumably unarmed. I’m not Frank Duix and am under no illusions that I can’t be killed just as dead by having my head smashed in with a rock versus a bullet.
If a 18 year old beanpole punk comes swinging his fists at me, Lethal force is probably not justified. Maybe a scoff.
Look at Mr Tough Guy over here.
And then his unnoticed buddy comes over and sticks a knife in your kidney while you’re busy with beanpole.
Does a taser constitute death or great bodily harm? Do you reasonably think it does? That’s the standard for us low folk.
I think it probably does, especially if you know you have a heart condition and have seen videos of people getting tazed and falling to hit their head/face on sidewalks and curbs.
Poor gal. Losing her father and father-in-law at the same time:
Lol, how does Twitter rank the replies? Yours is first when I look at it.
No idea. I’m usually designated to the “Show More Replies” section unless you follow me.
Shes in top 5 “LOOK AT ME!!!” members of the HoR.
Was the cause of death shame?
Probably lost an uncle and couple of cousins in that exchange as well.
It was a fuckin’ massacre!
Oh, Kayleigh.
McEnany said, [relevant exchange begins around 1:15] “[F]or eight years, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden couldn’t get it done, but it takes a businessman like President Trump to come in and say, how can I do this creatively, in a way that protects police officers but also is real, substantive change? This will be an incentive structure for police departments across the country to implement correct training, so that things like what we saw with George Floyd never happen again, that tragic killing. But at the same time, funding our police officers, bolstering them, not defunding them, as the despicable congresswomen like AOC and Ilhan Omar have suggested we should do.”
It’ll be the best executive order, maybe ever.
Uh oh here come the teachers to complain about their funding.
Well I wouldn’t say that, but some people might. Really smart people say it might. The smartest.
Why would you block anyone on here? Seems rather chicken shit, did the big bad idea scare you?
JB, You’re Fine, I never noticed what “Side” you were on FWIW
You can’t block people here with the vanilla site.
I just wondered why anyone would bother, it’s not like you’re forced to click an HM link…..
Someone got banned?
No. Some people ignore others on the board, to maintain their own insanity.
I’ve done it. Someone says something and i decide to just scroll on by rather than engage.
It’s me isn’t it…
I spend a lot of my day not saying anything to anyone about my views. So this place is a bit of a relief valve for me. I know I can come off a bit rough too, so I appreciate the patience of people who have views counter to mine, i also appreciate what they have to say about subjects, especially when their views are counter to mine.
So in the spirit of good conversation, I hope you offend me as much as I offend you and I hope we can do it again tomorrow.
This right here^, we aren’t an echo chamber….
I don’t LIKE to offend anybody and I try very hard not to. I’m short-tempered and generally will clap back if I think I’m being clapped on. I try to get over it and move along as those people often say things that are interesting, whether I engage or not. If I’ve offended anyone, I apologize.
That said, I have been attacked out of the blue and those people I do not engage with, but I do not mute them. I tend not to engage with people who slag on this site and its commenters. I’m not a den mother and it’s not my job to find fault with a) a free service that is valuable to me and b) people who disagree with me or who are noticeably angry or upset and are clearly spouting off. Heaven knows I do enough of that myself. Sometimes I can’t tell who’s in what mood.
The most likely reason I ignore someone is that I didn’t see the comment and I can’t keep up with the new comments, much less the old.
I like the shit-stirrers. The Hyperbole isn’t one and I agree with him more often than not. He serves as the philosophical consistency check and balance. Brochettaward makes me laugh. I hide from Jarflax when he’s on a diet.
I don’t LIKE to offend anybody and I try very hard not to.
Same here. I try very hard to be civil, keep away from personal attacks, etc.
Like most places, virtual and otherwise, there is a certain centripetal self-selection; we all fall within a certain pretty narrow range. But we disagree on some pretty important things. HM and I will likely never agree on immigration (but he has made me more self-aware of where I am coming from). I will likely never agree on a Single Land Tax (but the discussion here has made me more aware of how flawed our fee title system is). Etc.
What we don’t do, with occassional exceptions that are glaring because of their rarity, is excommunicate or go personal on each other.
There are people here who can be annoying sometimes *coughHYPERBOLEcoughcough*, and some whose takes I rarely agree with, but I haven’t really had anyone here who I simple refuse to engage with.
We’re engaged! *throws rice to kill some birds
Yes! Come on over here you sexy man you!
I just realized i made this mistake…. but i think it works better.
@LJW. No i don’t think i’ve every consciously decided to not engage with you. I don’t really remember people, its more that there are some comments that i read, get irritated by, and then decide to walk on by and not engage on that comment.
Wait, what? What’d I miss?!
nothing worth reading about, just ignore it……
I would see what you did there, but i choose to not notice it.
Something happened?
I found it. You guys are so silly. ?
It’s our redeeming quality.
I don’t think you missed anything.
A good start.
We’re putting the number down to 25,000 soldiers,” Trump said at the White House.
“We’re protecting Germany and they’re delinquent. That doesn’t make sense,” the president continued, referring to Germany’s failure to attain a goal set by all NATO members in 2014 to spend at least two percent of gross national product on defense by 2024. Germany says it hopes to reach two percent by 2031.
“Until they pay, we’re removing our soldiers, a number of our soldiers,” Trump said, noting America bears the burden of militarily defending Europe and gets precious little in return.
There’s not a single solider left in the Army who faced the Reds across the Inner German Border, yet for the warmongers both uniformed and suited, the Russians are a perpetual threat.
Russia is a country with the GDP the size of Italy.
A huge portion of the USSR’s combat power came from their conquered states. Poland, the East Germans, the Czechs, the Bulgarians, the Baltic States, the Central Asian countries, Ukraine. That’s an absolute shitload of manpower, and no small amount of industry, that is now on the opposite side.
Russia has absolutely zero chance of winning a conventional war in Europe. Yeah they have a shitload of tanks, but they can’t strip Far East Military District or Siberia will become Chinese. They can’t strip their border with the ‘stans either. So they have to fight with what they have in the Western Military District, more or less. Societally, they aren’t healthy at all, and fiscally they’re even worse. How are they gonna sell oil and gas to the countries they’re making war on? How will they pay for the war?
The big question I’ve always had was how much of their capability was us/soviet propaganda. Talked to a guy who worked on the missile defense program his team worked on one of the salts and he said they estimated like 25% of their nuclear arsenal was even capable of launching whether they would hit remotely close to their intended targets was a huge question they had. they had silos filled with water and in terrible shape by the 80’s. They didn’t maintain shit.
Germany is committed to the NATO Wales Summit declaration and are announcing her that they plan to violate it. Trump should just pull all our soldiers out and tell them to fuck off.
He should tell them that anyway, tbh.
NATO is like the US. It must be a perpetual union!
NATO was a gun with one bullet in it.
Bill Clinton shot it at Serbia over Kosovo and a blow-job.
NATO’s a waste of money anyway. Maybe they served a purpose when they faced the Soviet juggernaut but what purpose do they serve now? Let the Europeans handle the Russians and the reconstituted Ottoman Empire.
I think one of the big reasons people still pretend there is a good reason for NATO is the French/British fear of another confrontation with Germany for some reason. Me, I tell them Germany already won that battle when they created the EU and the European bank. The Brits are trying hard to get out of Dunkirk right now, but I am not seeing it work out well for them because their political class is more interested in maintaining its gains & perks than they are in serving their people.
So will all the mainstream media outlets play this video and start the White riots?
Looking at the comments, it appears that instant karma had plans for the guy.
that was worth the wait, Fucking pussy got his justice,
I get it, but it’s not “authority” (i.e. cops) being violent, so it’s less newsworthy.
Huh…outside the New Mexico incident, it seems a huge disinterest in protests/riots by the media this AM. Guess Trumps reform and SCOTUS rulings directed their attention elsewhere?
From what I have been hearing, the general public isn’t giving the results they want, so they are trying to find something that will work, before we go back to the cavalcade of stories as the media tries to find the new thing.
Does she think he is still alive?
Could have been a slip up, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. But at the end of the day nothing would surprise me with these illiterate imbeciles.
Doubtful because she starts off as “Some say he IS a racist, others say he IS a hero.”
James Woods calling her out is like in his prime Mike Tyson calling out a toddler. Why bother?
I’ll bet anything the author of this has a complexion somewhere between milk and chalk.
I got nuthin’.
You would be correct
Links to a lot of interesting articles on CHAZ/CHOP there, with things you wouldn’t hear about on CNN.
Won’t here about them either with that link
This video is especially troubling.
Third time’s the charm?
Good grief, I usually don’t have trouble with links. Is it Monday morning?
Try here
and here
“Dear non-black photographers: Have you educated yourself on systemic racism?”
Looks like it’s been established that dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, has been found to prevent COVID deaths for people who are in bad shape:
Not a miracle drug but definitely a useful arrow in the quiver.
Unlike that boxing glove one.
Look, Oliver was probably stoned when he bought that.
Hey, wasn’t there a shooting in Las Vegas a while back? What ever happened with that, hmmmmmm?????
It has a “Royals” feel.
I actually finished reading a book! I had this on my TBR priority pile. It had libertarian themes and a secret society. It’s not my genre so if it held up against others in its genre, I don’t know. I liked it.
RE: Las Vegas Shooting, i think i saw some more info on it here
Well, yeah, but that place always tells the truth.
Put THAT on a tee shirt and see who says boo.
The truth is out there
ScullyMojo!Makes you proud to call yourself a libertarian. Who knew we were so powerful?
I get more surprised everyday how dumb some people are
“taking back America from the libertarians”……this guy must huff paint thinner.
They can’t make up boogeystrawman fast enough. ANTIFA and BLM literally rioting, looting, committing mass violence, destroying public property, defacing deeply patriotic monuments and just all around being complete assholes, while governments do nothing… but yeah… it’s those White supremacists that aren’t on a single video… ANYWHERE (unless you count the liberal elites, AKA ANTIFA) and those pesky Libertarians! You see that guy over there wearing a Hawaiian shirt? He’s the Terrorist!
Conservatives Bitching about “LIBERTARIANS RUINING OUR COUNTRY” has to be the most cuck of bitch ass things a political movement has done in recent history.
I think Bob Murphy had one of their founders (americancompass) on his show, and i was floored how ignorant he was of the libertarian position, yet was adamantly against it. He asked Bob a lot of what he thought were going to be “Gotcha” questions. “So you don’t like taxes, but do you think public schools are worth it?”, Bob: “No, evidence seems to show they are bad, and even if they were just as good, i’d oppose it”.
Here is the interview: https://www.bobmurphyshow.com/episodes/ep-113-oren-cass-and-the-conservative-critique-of-pure-laissez-faire/
Pfffft, that’s not America being described, that’s the fantasyland that exists in the authors head.
Can someone tell me what world his delusion is from, I would like to book a trip there.
Lemme see if I can piss off everybody with my take on the taser guy shooting: It would certainly be a bad shoot in Japan, but in the US? Not so much.
Bad Shoot sounds more like a location in Germany than Japan.
Here’s a take we can all enjoy.
:tugs at collar: erm…
Reminds me of this video
Somewhat NSFW, based on the language of the discussion.
Reminds me of watching Lena Miculek videos. She’s just a little too close in appearance and mannerisms to her dad. And she also resembles my brother’s ex/baby momma.
Jesus Capt kirk with long hair is 1000x hotter than kirstie alley at her peak.
The Shat is the GOAT
spooky, and comes in Green!
“Set phasers to stunning”, indeed.
Agent Cooper on June 16, 2020 at 9:20 am
“Where I side with the 2 guys attempting to make a citizens arrest ”
Yes. They stopped someone they believed in the process of a committing a crime and were holding him until the police got there. The person they were attempting to hold then attacked them. They had a shotgun. The attacker did not.
If i’m trying to hold someone until the police arrive and they attack me and I have a shotgun, I’m not going to use it as a club… unless I run out of shells.
I know the VCDL in VA has strongly warned against holding anyone at gunpoint. Guns are to protect your life in the event of a threat and not to play cop with.
Relatedly, in VA, if you contribute to escalating a situation then you lose stand-your-ground protections and have a duty to retreat. I can easily see a “citizen’s arrest” being interpreted as contributing to escalating a situation.
Even in the best case scenario, it’s in an extremely gray area of the law.
Nevermind the ethics of trying to run someone down with a truck on a public street and then killing them.
That’s where it gets gray and it doesn’t seem to be discussed much. Some people get extremely pissed off when people steal from them. Racism could’ve played a part, but I’m no mind reader. It’s possible the father and son just over reacted and that Arbury rushed the guys because he knew he was gonna go down for theft. From the video alone, there’s no way I can parse out all the variables.
Maybe he rushed the guy because he thought he was going to be attacked by a bunch of rednecks who chased him down in their trucks with guns.
For your own liabiity purposes it is stupid. Citizens arrests quickly turn to Kidnappings, if you aren’t absolutely right that the guy is committing a crime. Best only to do so if you caught the guy “red handed”, in your own house. Otherwise, you need to be aware of your own lack of context.
And the VCDL can hardly be accused of being a soft organization. They run circles around the NRA when it comes to protecting the 2A.
So this is an interesting and completely different subject. If citizens can’t police their own neighborhoods, who is supposed to? Ok, now we’ve got a different group we’re going to give special privileges to police for them.
As a HUGE MASSIVE Glaring side note, the bill of rights specifically say you have a Right to Bear Arms. That’s Bear them, not hide them in a closet while daddy government polices for you. Not hide them on your person because you might scare the children. You have a right to bear arms.
People cowering and depending on their government is how we got where we are today. Now people are figuring out the government is in league with or, at best, indifferent to the thugs and they’re trying to fight it, we wind up right back to pointing at someone exercising their right to bear arms as ‘escalating a situation.’
The Founders never intended for a local PD. They’re not supposed to exist let alone have special privileges. The original way thing were done was by the people. So, how is a normal person supposed to apprehend and process a possible criminal?
I don’t know Cy. This sounds like a discussion worthy of its own article.
I’ll point out that bearing arms is different then aiming your arms at another’s citizen’s head. I’m also not clear on the authority of non-Leo’s to apprehend other citizen’s and determine their crimes. Seems to me like that’s giving the greenlight to Antifa to hold me at gunpoint for the crime of white privilege. Or to be held at gunpoint for breaking some made up law in CHAZ.
Plus, once you hold at a gun to someone’s head, you’re opening yourself up to a justified self-defense shoot from another citizen, including the friends of that guy your’re trying to apprehend/kidnap.
All that said, maybe a PDless system would work a lot better than what we have now with citizens making their own arrests. But that’s not the system we have now.
From what I understand, no one was pointing a gun at him until he attacked one of them and attempted to take the gun away.
How did they conclude that he was in the commission of a crime? What crime? What location? Against whom? When exactly?
IIRC, in their initial statement to the cops, they said he looked like somebody that had been breaking into construction sites. They never said “we witnessed him break into X and attempted to make a citizens arrest while notifying the police of the crime that had taken place.”
There is evidence that someone had stolen from that property before. There’s video evidence it may have been the ‘jogger’ who was shot. As a neighbor, if my neighbor is building a house and I see someone trespass onto and into their property, after knowing someone matching that description had already stolen from it, it’s perfectly reasonable to stop that person and hold them until police arrive.
What’s not reasonable? Trespassing on someones property and attacking someone who is trying to hold you there until the police can question you.
What’s REALLY not reasonable? Attacking someone wielding a shotgun while you’re unarmed.
“May have been”
Those are pretty thin reeds to lean on when threatening to hold somebody against their will while wielding firearms.
Especially when coupled with “before”.
Also, unless they had access to that video, it’s meaningless in this situation.
The man wasn’t shot for any of those things. The man was shot for attacking another man wielding a shotgun. You can nitpick all of the other shit, but the guy who died did a few very stupid things in succession.
He ATTACKED a guy holding a shotgun after he just committed a crime. He didn’t flee.
He ATTACKED a guy exercising his 2nd amendment.
Seems a bit damned if you do, damned if you don’t there. He was chased down.
What crime had he just committed?
He attacked an armed man who was attempting to hold him against his will. That man was violating his rights by any logical reading of the law. The fact that he was in legal possession of a firearm makes him an armed kidnapper at that point.
He attacked? How do you know that from that crappy video alone? The guys both disappear in front of the truck. That is exactly where this case should be decided; did he attack or did the son move in on him?
‘…after knowing someone matching that description had already stolen from it, it’s perfectly reasonable to stop that person and hold them until police arrive.
What’s not reasonable?’
No, it wasn’t. If I’m using a public street and just happen to look similar to a robbery suspect but have no idea what the hell the armed person trying to detain me is going on about I will probably assume this is some sort of ruse or robbery attempt. Then it’s fight or flight, and then things get ugly. If they were that worried about him they should have followed in the truck at a far distance until the police arrived.
He literally just left the house, running after being spotted, he was trespassing in that had been stolen from.
Come on…
You are reading an awful lot of justification into their action that isn’t actually supported by any evidence or law.
There’s video evidence of all of those things.
‘There’s video evidence of all of those things.’
That’s news to me.
You seem to be asserting a lot crimes committed without any solid evidence that I’ve seen. And maybe I’m being hyperbolic or simplistic here but, you also seem to have not only tried and convicted the man before he was even given the courtesy of an arrest but also given random armed men free license to kill you for trying to resist or flee.
I’m probably emoting a bit right now but I just can’t personally fathom ever allowing any random asshole to detain me because “I fit the description” without either fighting them off or running for my life. Using a person’s “wrong”/irrational lizard brain reaction to a potentially life threatening situation as legal cover to harass then kill a man seems pretty twisted to me.
There’s the shooting.
There’s video of the theft at the property from a prior evening.
There’s video of him being discovered while trespassing on the construction site.
I tried to hunt it all down, but i’m behind some pretty heavy filters right now. The video from just the shooting is pretty telling.
“From a prior evening”
Ok. So they violated Georgia laws. They had no legal right to stop him.
“it’s fight or flight,”
These are the only alternatives. History is replete with examples of people who simply “bent the knee.”
Live to fight another day may be either responsible or cowardly or wise, but it is an option.
Because we all have had interactions with cops who aren’t mad dogs, it may just be best to placate them and respect their authority even if one had to bite one’s tongue. Better to come here to comment about an asshole cop who unfairly did such and such to innocent you, than to have one of your friends post an r.i.p.
NOT the only alternatives.
Like I said above, assuming a person is going to be reasonable when they’re unexpectedly accosted and afraid for their lfe is a helluva gamble to take.
You should check out Colion Noir’s analysis of the situation (I can’t be assed to find it and link it).
1) No “No Trespassing” sign and no verbal warning by the owner or agent of the owner of the property means he was not trespassing.
2) No evidence Arbury stole anything meaning no reasonable conclusion that he was committing theft.
His conclusion was there was no legal basis for them to stop him.
I understand that TN allows citizens arrest if the arresting person reasonably believes the perp committed a felony.
That’s outrageous; my neighbors are morons and a strong fraction of them believe in ghosts, put pineapple on their pizza, and watch Tom Hanks movies. The only reasonable test for such authority in the general public should be “sees the person commit the crime.”
Check your premise their chief – you can’t just generally “hold someone” at gunpoint.
dammit – there not their
That’s a fight i gave up a long time ago. I know the difference. My fingers just type the wrong ones occasionally.
I find yore lack of concern disturbing.
So… what are we supposed to do with someone committing a crime or someone we think just committed a crime?
Someone committing a crime?
Stop them.
Someone we think just committed a crime?
Don’t stop them.
He did commit a crime. Trespassing. They were holding him for suspicion of theft or prowling until a police officer arrived. They were trying to protect their neighborhood.
They did not witness a crime being committed. After that it is all speculation.
He literally just left the house, running after being spotted, he was trespassing in that had been stolen from.
Come on…
Was he in possession of stolen property? Because first you said he had only trespassed.
“Was he in possession of stolen property? Because first you said he had only trespassed.”
I didn’t say he had stolen property. The house had been previously stolen from by someone matching his description. Again, video evidence.
Then at most he trespassed, which isn’t a felony and wasn’t even actually witnessed by his assailants.
So they can articulate the address he was trespassing upon and the felony he committed while there?* Because they didn’t do that in their statement.
Here’s the applicable law: https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-17/chapter-4/article-4/17-4-60/
Again, they did not witness a felony or have immediate knowledge of a specific felony at a specific location. They can’t hold him unless that was the case. They were kidnapping him.
“Again, they did not witness a felony or have immediate knowledge of a specific felony at a specific location. They can’t hold him unless that was the case. They were kidnapping him.”
I didn’t say it was felony I said it was crime.
They tried to stop someone who had just committed a crime. They were exercising their 2nd amendment when they did so.
They were attacked.
Stop right there. This is not a 2nd Amdt case.
You have no 2nd Amdt right to point a gun at a person under such circumstances. You can protect yourself, but you can’t play cop. Get the fuck off of that bullshit.
Trespassing is not a reason to shoot someone. It wouldn’t be a reason if you caught him in the act, it sure as hell isn’t a reason to do it after chasing him down the public streets.
You can nitpick all of the other shit, but the guy who died did a few very stupid things in succession.
He ATTACKED a guy holding a shotgun after he just committed a crime. He didn’t flee.
He ATTACKED a guy exercising his 2nd amendment.
He ATTACKED a guy holding a shotgun after he just committed a crime. He didn’t flee.
He attacked someone who was blocking his way on a public street and was pointing a gun at him. If I was running down the street, and someone pointed a shotgun at me, I’d respond with lethal force
He ATTACKED a guy exercising his 2nd amendment.
The 2nd Amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms. You do not have a right to stop another citizen on a public street on suspicion of minor trespass.
Holding someone at gunpoint is both extremely dangerous and extremely stupid.
You can defend yourself, and your property; you can even defend someone being attacked (but unless you know what’s really going on, you may get in on the wrong side).
Beyond that, you have no right to impose your will.
If there’s an immediate and otherwise unavoidable threat to your life, then you can use force in self defense.
Otherwise, let it go. Call the police and your insurance agent.
“Otherwise, let it go. Call the police and your insurance agent.’
That is how you wind up with a society where people commit crimes and when someone stops them or attempts to stop them is demonized.
You assert that he committed a crime – that hasn’t been established. You don’t get to play cop.
So, no room for citizen’s arrest at all, then?
I mean, its not established that somebody has committed a crime unti they are convicted, after all.
If you witness a crime, or stop it while in progress, sure.
That isn’t close to what happened here, or what Cy seems to think is permissible.
No, in a practical sense, there’s no real room for a citizen’s arrest. You can, sometimes, legally hold someone for the police, but that’s fraught with so many legal and practical issues that you’re better off not even trying. Again, let them run, call the cops and your insurance agent.
I’m concerned about the moral direction that human society is taking.
But I’m more concerned about not getting killed, or worse, killing somebody in a questionable self defense incident and then getting fucked by the long dick of the legal system.
You can defend yourself from a deadly threat. You cannot go out and exact justice on your own. Right or wrong, the state claims that power, and they get really bitchy about outsiders moving in on their turf.
Stephan Molyneux has covered this case in detail. I tend to agree with his arguments and position. There is a lot of detail and context that has to be traversed that I don’t have time to go into.
Pulling this down from above as a separate topic because threading got to deep.
Proposed: Footfall and Lucifer’s Hammer are the exact same novel, only with different alien invaders (Elephants and Rocks).
Asteroids vs rocks, good call…..
From Wikipedia: Niven and Pournelle originally pitched [Lucifer’s Hammer] to publishers as an alien invasion story in which the aliens drop a comet onto Earth after humanity fights them. Jim Baen told them to write only the comet story. The original story idea was later written as their novel Footfall.
Didn’t the Elephants drop the foot (a big asteroid) on the Earth to soften them up, or did they threaten to do drop it? It’s been a spell.
Cool. so I was right.
Completely agree on that.
They have the same “characters” with slightly different names in both. I think Niven used his friends as characters too much because it was easy.
There is a specific story arch that is in many books: Cataclysm -> Escape -> Regroup / recover -> Final Fight for survival against a superior force for the future of Mankind.
They have the same “characters” with slightly different names in both. I think Niven used his friends as characters too much because it was easy.
This is the big issue. Both are good, but the plotlines get confused in my head because of that.
Someone should make both of them as a Netflix series but hire the same actors for both series. Film them at the same time, put them both on Netflix at the same times. Maximize confusion.
Netflix? No, don’t give that commie company any money.
Good news everyone! My company is now allowing preferred pronouns to be included in email sigs. And celebrating the Scotus’ ruling from yesterday.
I’m so happy for Xu.
How long until “allowing” becomes “requiring”?
So, the more pronouns the better – showing your spirit!
Be sure to incorporate kanji, kana, Dravidian, cuneiform, hangul, and futhark (both elder and younger) variants of your pronouns.
I think corps opened that door once they allowed scripture signatures….just keep it fucking professional assholes.
Ours all use the exact same template designed by the communications department – no personalization.
That’s what we have. There’s now a pronouns line.
I’m sure this won’t be abused at all. No one would ever put he/her/theirs in that line. Or worse.
“I. Me. Mine. All mine.”
One of the people I work with told me that, if we’re forced to identify pronouns, she’s going to use “it” and its variations.
Mine is the royal ‘we’, e.g.: We are not amused.
Heh…Fraiser returning to Seattle to listen to CHAZ problems….
That wins the internet.
Fuck baseball.
1904, 1994, 2020.
I’m upset.
1994 – 1904 = 90 and 2020 – 1994 = 26, 90 – 26 = 64. It is 2020, so 64 + 20 + (2+0) x (2+0) = 88
Hitler confirmed! Its right there in the numbers! Or the Simpsons did it.
I’ll say that baseball is still more entertaining than basketball
Definately less squeaky.
That alone gives it a good lead.
Easier to fall asleep to after a nice meal and a couple of beers and still wake up in time to see the end of the game.
Baseball – a contest you can sleep through without missing any of the action.
See, also, NASCAR, which may be the perfect sport to nap to. The drone of the engines just knocks me out. Well, that and the beer.
Those greedy owners don’t want to share their profits with the players!
Fight for $15 Million!
Welp, it’s Tuesday all right. Why do bad things always happen on Tuesdays?
Anything in particular?
I don’t generally have issues with tuesdays
Moving into the new computer with the new OS has been…interesting.
I blame Aimee Mann.
Oh, so THAT’S the problem!
No more crying for you!
Hush hush, keep it down now, your voice is scary?
She’s fantastic in every way.
25 years ago dude.
It’s supposed to happen on Thursdays. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Thursdays can be a little strange sometimes, tricking me into thinking it’s Friday.
A counter example of Minnesoda policing.
Of course, rumors started that the cops had shot a black man and a mob descended on the police station.
All ya’ll calling the Covid the Commie Cough are sorely mistaken. It’s the capitalist Cough. How else do you explain the CDC telling you to not share your personal items when you have the disease?!?
The face mask insanity is here to stay forever. For months the US airlines had a policy that passengers had to wear face coverings but they didn’t actually enforce it. Now the airlines are announcing that the passengers not wearing masks will be put on the black list and won’t be able to fly.
United Airlines Strengthens Onboard Mask Policy to Further Protect Passengers and Employees Against COVID-19 Spread
Airlines for America includes Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines. In other words, pretty much every airline.
Oh so now you will put us on the No fly List for not wearing a mask – Al Queda
How am I going to consume my pretzels and half a can of soda?
I’d look into jet-sharing but I’m sure it’s still too pricey.
A fucking blacklist?
The mask thing is going to be over for the vast vast vast public and private corporations by July. It’s just not going to continue deaths and hospitalizations keep falling.
Except now its politicized virtue signalling.
You’ve already got companies announcing that they will require masks and social distancing after Labor Day.
I predict even the karens will take off the masks this summer while hailing the lockdown till summer a huge success.
I live in the neighborhood where Trump received 8% or 9% of the vote in 2016. Half that number walks on the street without a face mask. It hasn’t been changing in the last 1.5 months.
think the heat of the summer is going to change that. But I definitely could be wrong.
If we can start a rumor that COVID-20 can be spread by bare feet, can we get the airports to let us keep out shoes on?
The normies are noticing
It wasn’t lifted prematurely, it was extended illegally. Hence the court ruling.
I got in a blistering argument with Office Prog over that.
Bureaucrats cannot give legal orders in a free republic. Period. Legal orders have to come from actual elected officials, and this fucking bullshit where governors are “executive ordering” for months is 100% unconstitutional.
The legislature should assemble, call for testimony from the scientists, and pass legislation to attack the virus. That’s how it’s done legally. Anything else is tyrannical nonsense.
Well, in Wisconsin’s case it is literally unconstitutional, state constitution says the Gov can only declare emergency powers for 30 days. So he had an underling extend it past those 30 days with no authority to begin with.
It absolutely annoys and sickens me how many smart people bought into the utter panic and are still against the reopening. The amount of disdain the white collar class of people who this literally impacted zero besides not going to their favorite restaurant have for the people that have to go to work to earn a living has been eye opening and completely beyond the pale disgusting.
how many smart people bought into the utter panic and are still against the reopening
Well, if you bought into the panic, you can’t be in favor of reopening without admitting you were wrong.
Far too many of my coworkers.
One of them was just talking about what a great job Cuomo was doing, Unfortunately, he’s a manager that’s BFFs with mine, so I can’t treat him as he deserves without incurring career damage.
That’s the part that infurates me. There are too few layers between me and the political appointees, so I hear a lot of people parrot the official line with no clue how many of them are only doing so to avoid damaging their careers.
JFC It’s hard for me to imagine having access to the 3 months of data and still being a fucking Branch Covidian but some of these people are never ever ever going to admit they are wrong the comments are littered with believers still it’s amazing. They wanted this to be the apocalypse so fucking bad.
My favorite is how they keep breathlessly Tweeting (they’re all on fucking Twitter) that cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to climb.
No shit. No one ever promised you the dead would be restored to life. The whole point of the lockdown was to clear the medical capacity to deal with the virus as it spread.
Well daily deaths and hospitalizations have been trending down for a month country wide. It annoys me how many people basically assume cases increasing means certain death even still.
@Agent Cooper: Can you recommend me a young, hungry artist to put together some art for me for my book universe?
“Can you recommend me a young, hungry artist”
How Mojeaux Got Her Groove Back.
I think we’ve seen where this goes
bow chika wow wow
Oh pool boy!
I’m not doing phrasing anymore.
‘sokay. We’ll enact your labor for you.
In the print edition of the Wall Street Journal, there is an article about the lockdown which refers to a “rigorous” University of Chicago economic model early on claiming 1.76 MILLION lives would be saved, and result in a $7.9 trillion economic benefit, if we shut down the economy and quarantined the population indiscriminately.
I want some of what those guys were
smokingmainlining.Who could possibly look at those numbers and not burst out laughing?
opportunity costs? what are those?
Bureaucrats cannot give legal orders in a free republic. Period. Legal orders have to come from actual elected officials, and this fucking bullshit where governors are “executive ordering” for months is 100% unconstitutional.
Welcome to our crypto-Stalinist “new normal”, comrade.
Laughs in atf pistol brace shenanigans
I keep seeing Judge Nap saying this – and everyone, including most courts, simply ignore it.
The line I keep hearing from Lefties is that “we have to let our officials take action if there’s an emergency”. I skip over my usual attempt to point out how that would justify cracking down on Muslims after 9/11 (that is usually met with breathless declarations that “that’s different!!”)
Instead, I ask if they’re not even a little bit worried that governors are either going way beyond what the emergency powers in their state laws allow, or they’re just giving themselves emergency powers on the spot. Never gets me anywhere.
The Leftists’ near-zero questioning of the total suspension of the Bill of Rights (unless you’re rioting, assaulting dissenters, and burning businesses for a Marxist cause) is why I can’t be on this “both sides are equally bad” team.
Exit question for the Glibs:
How much of Brooks death falls on the drunk driving crusade?
At least a little. In a sane world, the cops might take his keys away and tell him to get his ass home
I’ve never had a problem getting blackout drunk and getting home.
Meh. If he had been sleeping it off somewhere legally parked, he’d be alive.
Youd still be charged if you’re in the driver seat afaik. Which could end up in the same place.
Not necessarily. Ask Art Acevedo about that.
There’s a point where he is suggesting he walk over to his sister’s house and crash. The cop had the choice to act as a law enforcement officer or act as a public safety/peacekeeper. Or rather, he would have had that choice before the DUI crusade.
That’s true.
The war on DUIs has basically killed the “I’ll give you a ride home”
I think we’ve seen where this goes
fixes the cablestraightens her pictures?Don’t be fatuous, Brooksie
If we ended up in a goddam shooting war with the Chinese I don’t think we’d have 1.76 million casualties, for fuck’s sake.
Oh man, who could have ever guessed that the “protestor bail fund” would turn out to be a scam?
Wait. They want to bail out the White supremacists? Am i getting turned around?
Could be because practically none of them have actually needed bail, between not being arrested or being released on recognizance.
Of that, I have no doubt.
Jesus…35 million. Yep they are posturing to become a political party with that warchest.
The BLM donations went straight through to the Act Blue Super PAC last I saw.
Here is the other video before the New Mexico statue shooting
I would say that was an overreaction and assault.
Let’s close the loop with our discussion above on citizen’s arrest.
Could/should the “bystanders”/protesters have attempted to stop and detain him for the police?
When he ran, could/should the bystanders/protesters have run him down?
Would they (or perhaps, were they) justified in using potentially lethal force to stop him? I count anyone swinging a heavy object, such as a skateboard or bike lock, at my head as potentially lethal force.
Was he justified in responding to a potentially lethal citizens arrest with lethal force of his own?
It’s the wild west all over again?
I’d say it’s an apples and oranges comparison. The Arbery shooting, the shooters were trying to apprehend him and weren’t violent until attacked.
The new Mexico shooting, the mob had turned violent against him and he retaliated. Not only that, the mob had already begun to try to tear the statue down, which is an illegal act.
I don’t really believe in citizens arrest the way it seems to be bandied about.
You already have the intrinsic right to protect yourself or others with lethal force. If hes attacking you, attacking another innocent, or has made a violent and imminent threat, then shoot him until he stops being a threat.
If you’re conducting a citizens arrest, you are by definition no longer under threat, because you have produced a compliant criminal by applying force. So to me, you can ask him to wait for the police, but you can’t shoot him or use lesser levels of force if he refuses.
Like, if you catch a guy coming out of your shed with your lawnmower, I think you can detain him at gunpoint, but if he drops your lawnmower, turns his back on you and walks out your back gate…..you have to let him go. You don’t have the right to use force because by dropping your property, hes now just a trespasser. Yeah, if he wants to sit there and wait for the cops, sure you can do that. But if hes walking away from you, posing no threat, you are not authorized to use force to compel him to remain there.
Someone shoving a person to the ground, and walking away, is not a lethal threat, and a mob of people attempting to detain him for what is at worst a simple assault is just a mob of kidnappers, to me. Once they start hitting you, you are in extreme danger, and you can open up at will, IMO. It makes zero difference to me that he pushed somebody who was bodying up against him.
IANAL, but i want to note, that i don’t know very many jurisdictions where this would actually be legal. You can’t use lethal force (pointint the gun is legally considered lethal force) without fear of impending threat to a person.