Behold your doom, mortals!
So…you thought I was merely getting a couple of cervical vertebrae fused, eh? Well, the jokes on you! When the doc asked if I had any questions before I was put under and operated on…I requested cybernetic enhancements. An x-ray laser, and GPS spotter for guided projectiles. MUHUHUHUWAHA! At last, power is mine!
What do you mean?
Just a plate, two screws and a couple of bone grafts?!
No lasers or guided missiles or bombs?
Fine – here are some Links. I need to go discuss this with my surgeon.
- I expect AARP riots soon. And I mean global ones.
- But…but news talking heads and celebrities have been telling me that China already triumphed over the USARMYPLACED CAPITALIST virus!
- Knock it off, knuckleheads!
Music Link: Some time back, I found out my favorite naval command was a pop song.
P.S. The Featured image is the WWE wrestler Cesaro “aka the Swiss Cyborg” – I can’t even get the name, much less the features.
“I expect AARP riots soon.”
Then what’s necks?
Um…League of Women Voters?
They’re too spineless.
From the sidebar we get the real important news: “Why Paige Spiranac doesn’t wear underwear on the golf course”
Now that you can’t fight crime with the powers of cervicalgia, how will we survive?
I had that Exact! procedure done 15 years ago, you’ll be better than ever Swissy!
You guys are now both pod people.
But I got the Xray Lazer Eyes addon,
Better, Stronger, Faster! Butt not fast enough!
Steve Austin vs. Rapesquatch!
I Remember! HAHA!
Fun fact- depending on if that was Part 1 or Part 2, Steve Smith was played by either Andre the Giant, or Lurch (Ted Cassidy).
But Lurch was played by John Kerry.
Home movies Chez Heinz
Heartless cur… now there’s a description I haven’t heard in a long time.
I thought I had accidentally opened
a British tabloid.
Circa 1910.
If they’d said thug it would be rAcIsT.
“…mark ass marks, trick ass mark, punk bitches and skip scap skanks and skallywags, hoes, heffers, hee haws and hoolie hoos.”
-D. Chappelle
Personally, I’ve been hoping to be described as a scurvy scalawag sometime before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
“Tie that scurvy dog to the yardarm!”
“Oh, rip the shirt, how cliché!”
Back when I was growing up, something like that would have gotten you the shit beat out of you by someone in her family. Society is in an endless spiral of decline, until it’s all over.
I mean, i cant think of a better reason to start a nuclear war.
I wonder what happens if you nuke a Glacier?
We’ve tried nuking icebergs. The results were rather disappointing; turns out ice is very good at absorbing shocks. They didn’t really do much at all, besides kill a shit ton of fish.
Glow Fishing, interesting concept,
Also relevant-
Study Shows Most Christian Theology About Hell Is Based On Far Side Cartoons
Badass 77-year-old fights off ATM mugger
In his 70s and Biden can still kick Cornpop’s ass.
I didn’t know India outsourced their military to Antifa.
Two nuclear armed , 1+ billion populace nations fighting like a bunch of yobbos on a Saturday night…
I’m looking forward to real life Fallout: New Vegas
Considering the alternatives, if they’re going to fight I’m happy it looked like a Benny Hill sketch gone wrong.
They are practicing for the war after the nuclear war
I don’t get this. You’re the army. Shoot them.
It would seem that they are trying to avoid escalating to a shooting war. Which is a good thing.
You try outfitting a billion chinese and a hundred million Indians with working guns AND ammo.
“Beijing has today reported 27 new infections from the Xinfadi cluster and cases have spiked in recent days after mass testing and draconian lockdowns appeared to have brought China’s outbreak to a virtual standstill.
Today’s new cases took the number of confirmed infections in Beijing over the past five days to 106, as authorities locked down almost 30 communities in the city and tested tens of thousands of people. ”
Isn’t 106 people out of the population of Beijing pretty much nothing?
erm, I mean. Zero Fatalities!
When they admit 106, quietly multiply that by 100.
106 people who mattered… and a few additional peasants.
The metal teeth are a bit much…
Gold smuggling
So … internal decapitation?
Beijing residents are rounded up and put in quarantine as the city goes back into lockdown and new travel bans are introduced to stop new ‘extremely severe’ coronavirus outbreak
Just in time for war with India.
The Mandate of Heaven.
“Trump orders chokehold ban except when officers’ lives are at risk and sets up bad cops register – but insists there are only ‘tiny’ numbers of bad police”
So are going to hear how this is racist or how chokeholds are good?
I vote the racist one.
Winner! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/16/donald-trump-police-reform-executive-order
How’s the Voice? I couldn’t speak for 6 weeks, Wife loved it………
How many times will it be this way?
Fine – a bit of a sore throat, a they did move the ol’ trachea aside.
Swiss will not be silenced!
All will gaze on Swiss, and despair!
By Banning Chokeholds, Trump has dog whistled to his White Supremacist supporters, who hope that it will result in more shooting deaths of minorities – CNN
I still say it’s a mistake to ban chokeholds outright. Granted it would take proper training and I don’t mean a 4 hour seminar once a year.
So maybe to use it in a life or death situation is the best way to regulate it. But then you get a “I feared for my life” response. Don’t mind me I’m thinking aloud here.
France agrees… https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/france-reverses-ban-on-use-of-chokehold-after-police-protests/ar-BB15zgDz
Yeah, the “fear” is the current justification for any use of force
How precisely does the President have the authority to institute rules for local cops? And does this mean we are hiring cadres of federal emergency response social workers?
The question of Federal authority occurred to me, too. Something about powers to the states, or to the people, or something…
Jim Carrey✔
Be wary of diplomatic missions to Moscow prior to the Nov elections. Given the list of possible indictments he faces, Traitor Trump may be the first American President to defect.
Also look out for any subs that go missing. We might have to hire Alec Baldwin to track him down.
It must be interesting to be so delusional.
holy fuck that is amazing.
Don’t you have to be at war to defect?
If Vaccines cause Autisim, what’s Jim Carrey’s excuse?
Masturbation. Not many celebrities admit it publicly.
So he really is dumb and dumber, or is this a different Jim Carrey?
Blue Check Mark
He’s Canadian, question answered
spontaneous order?
am I doing it right?!?
I mean, I knew he wasn’t very bright, but this? This is the kind of thing that you normally get from guys in padded cells.
I picture everyone posting to DU as typing with boxing gloves.
What do you mean?
Just a plate, two screws and a couple of bone grafts?!
No lasers or guided missiles or bombs?
I would have requested a glow-in-the-dark dick and balls.
Tell me about your mother.
To let you in on a family secret, Swissy’s grandmother was Dutch.
Vincent Ludwig: *offering Drebin a cigar* Cuban?
Frank Drebin: Uh, no, Dutch-Irish. My father was from Wales.
A Blazing Saddles followed by a Naked Gun reference? Y’all are alright in my book.
She was…. one of the Van der Laan’s – should have never trucked with them.
Not everyone wants to be Irish.
I would have requested a glow-in-the-dark dick and balls.
I’m sure there’s an escort service that you can call that will let you rent…
That’s pretty nuts.
No need to be so teste.
It takes a lot of balls to be punning on Swissy’s links.
They wouldn’t be so cavalier if Switzy wasn’t a broke dick at the moment.
Careful guys, don’t make him get his club out.
*narrows gaze* at the lot of ye.
*narrows the shaft of his gaze*
How does the back feel? Or do they still have you on industrial grade pain killers?
Just got off the NORCO today. That stuff is awful.
Really? It’s the same thing as vicodin.
“Melania Trump defended the size of Donald Trump’s manhood to teasing friends, insisting that he is a ‘real man’, according to a new book obtained by DailyMail.com.
The future First Lady admonished close friends when they joked Trump must have a small penis because he has small hands, and cut in to retort: ‘Don’t say this – he’s a real man.’
The claim is made in a new book about Melania out today called The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump by Washington Post journalist Mary Jordan.”
When did it become normal to talk so much about the presidential pecker?
During the Monica Lewinsky affair. With numbers.
c. 1965
“I never trust a man unless I’ve got his pecker in my pocket.”
Look for her new novel ‘Fifty Shades of Orange’.
ack phblt
I was really hoping she’d make a movie and call it A Cockwork Orange
Orange is the new Black.
Transphobic and hateful.
Of course they said that.
Funny how this tripe gets more credence than any of the eleventy books about Clinton corruption do.
Body shaming is good if done against un-persons.
Penis shaming is central to fighting The Patriarchy, you. fucking. shitlord.
The book I’ve been waiting all my life for.
Rhinegeist Van Hunks Belgian Golden Sale 8% ABV. Really delish. Great summer beer. Crisp and light.
You had surgery Swiss?
New Super Soldier
Captain Helvetica
I heard he did the fusing himself by narrowing his gaze into series of mirrors aimed at his back.
well, “series of mirrors” is a bit of an oversimplification.
a bank of Nd:Glass slabs are pumped by xenon flashlamps. An optical modulator directs the narrowed gaze through a beam splitter to each slab, where it’s amplified from 10mGz to over 550MGz and upconverted to ultranarrow gazelengths before the beams are recombined at a diffraction grating aimed at the patient.
As seen above. I am sure nobody missed me the past 3 days.
Srsly, it was that long?
So will North America shut down air travel from China full stop?
Will it be ‘racist’ to do so? If they don’t and it arrives, something is rotten or just reveals it’s bull shit?
As long as the person is flying in to protest it’s fine.
So what’s the prognosis, Swissy? Will you be back to doing all sorts of derring-do?
I found out my favorite naval command was a pop song.
And a fine one at that. Nice selection.
5-7 weeks – I will be off of light duty. I will be using UNCLE WARTY’S GET BACK IN SHAPE YOU MISERABLE WORM program after that.
If any part of the world knows about oppressing black people…
Geneva (AFP) – African countries are pushing for the UN’s top rights body to launch a high-level investigation into “systemic racism” and police violence in the United States and beyond, according to a draft resolution introduced Tuesday. …
The draft resolution, tabled by the African group, strongly condemns “continuing racial discriminatory and violent practices perpetrated by law enforcement agencies against Africans and people of African descent and structural racism endemic to the criminal justice system, in the United States of America and other parts of the world recently affected.”
The text calls for the establishment of an independent international commission of inquiry (COI) — one of the UN’s highest-level probes, generally reserved for major crises like the Syrian conflict.
The commission, the text said, should probe “systemic racism, alleged violations of international human rights law and abuses against Africans and of people of African descent in the United States” and elsewhere by law enforcement agencies, and especially deadly incidents.
The aim, it said, should be “bringing perpetrators to justice”.
I did not think China had its hand that far up Africa’s ass…
African governments are well known for their concern for civil rights, it is known. More likely they’re going to try to get onto the greviance money train somehow.
I worked with an African(I’m ashamed to say I forgot which country), she did not have nice things to say about black Americans.
They all look alike to you, don’t they?
Literal LOL.
How is america’s chattel slavery farming caste fundamentally different than the European feudal caste system or Indian Hindu caste system? Weren’t those forms of genealogical servitude as well based physical/mental/religious characteristics? Leaving aside the slavery practiced in S. Korea, Mideast or Africa.
I mean my West African History proffessor would’ve agreed with Tim Kaine about african chattel slavery being a western invention and this is a question I seriously had at the time but didn’t feel like bringing up in class. It seems to me especially the Hindu caste system had relegated a permanent underclass of genealogical servitude for just as long as american chattel slavery but it’s never framed as such.
The British ruled India because they shared a similar taste in hierarchy.
I mean there is an argument that it’s especially pernicious because of the nature of the shade of the underclass being permanent but there are for sure physical characteristics that were used as descriptors especially among darker Indians and lets face it really everyone throughout history to denote and signal class.
Chattel slavery as practiced by the American South in the 1800s was an invention, in the sense that it was more formalized and legalistic than any form of slavery known to the West since Roman times. While there were Freedmen in the South they were few and far between and it was not all that uncommon for they themselves or their children to get (re-)enslaved. Even Northern Freedmen were not safe, as Twelve Years a Slave can attest. Moreover, the perpetual enslavement of a group of people along inheritable and racial lines was somewhat unique. Whereas Roman slavery had softened over time, American slavery had calcified. Whereas Romans enslaved their captives in war, Americans enslaved those specifically of African descent, initially by purchase from African traders and later from among the descendants.
Perhaps the unique defining characteristic of American slavery was the combination of enslavement with a rigid caste-type system. Slaves have always had a low-ish status, but for example a Roman patrician might buy a Greek slave to teach his children, while American slaves were not even allowed to read. The flip side though is that caste systems are not synonymous with slavery. The dalit were not held on plantations to do the work of the higher castes, they were made outcasts and driven from society.
While serfs and pariahs may have been just as bad off as chattel slaves, there are differences between the systems. The main distinguishing feature of chattel slavery is treating slaves as property; serfs were tied to the land and lord but weren’t technically owned by the local ruler, pariahs were used and abused by the higher castes but they couldn’t be bought and sold. The unique mixture of slavery and western property rights certainly is a western invention, but slavery itself and the generational disempowerment of select peoples is certainly not.
Seems right. So basically the buying and selling as property being the defining difference in detail.
Basically. If you aren’t treated as property, you aren’t a slave. Not being treated like property doesn’t necessarily make you free, however.
Medieval serfdom is what Roman slavery evolved into after they were Christianized.
Africans were happy to raid the next village over to sell slaves to Arab or Portuguese traders.
Maybe you’re making some subtle point that I’m not seeing,
but, not really.
Serfdom developed out of the Roman government passing
increasingly draconian laws to stop middle class tax evasion
and general economic collapse. Serfs were generally
created either by the government forbidding people from
leaving their agricultural jobs, or people voluntarily becoming
serfs to avoid debt or taxes.
Yes – exactly. But once the Empire was gone, Christian Western Europe never really reverted back to full-blown slavery of other Europeans. So something changed beyond the law.
That was my impression as well. A brief search indicates that
slavery as such wasn’t ended in England until 1102. The
middle ages aren’t really my forte, so I’ll need to do some
more reading. That will have to wait until August though.
Could one argue that present day African Americans, whose DNA shows kinship to African tribes who captured and provided slaves to the Atlantic trade, are thereby ineligible for the Reparations allegedly due?
House Democrat introduces bill to prevent Trump campaign from requiring COVID-19 liability waivers at rallies
A new bill introduced on Tuesday by Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) would prevent President Trump’s reelection campaign from issuing liability waivers protecting it from lawsuits should supporters attend a rally and contract the coronavirus.
Pocan, a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, named the legislation the Refusal to Accept Losses or Liability In Every Situation Act (Rallies) Act.
The bill would ban enforcement of liability waivers for indoor gatherings of 1,000 people or more in localities where the number of COVID-19 cases has been increasing in the preceding 14 days.
Dems really can’t stand that Trump draws yuge crowds and people have fun at his rallies.
That’s honestly a hilarious and shameless stunt. Politics ain’t bean ball.
But it’s the Republicans that are interfering and trying to steal an election.
Just call them protests?
keeping your head down is a good strategy
There is plenty of time for this to not come true, but the idea that recent dynamics are good for Trump are not delivered in this model.
As The New York Post reports, Biden made his remarks during the Senate confirmation hearing for then-Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Biden referred to a speech by Sen. Howell Heflin (D-AL), who supported Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-IL.) in her efforts to deny renewal of a Confederate flag design patent to the UDC.
“I, too, heard that speech and, for the public listening to this, the senator made a very moving and eloquent speech,” said Biden. “As a son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position that Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun raised on the Senate floor, not granting a federal charter to an organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag as a symbol.”
Biden continued, “The charter would have given them the right, the imprimatur of the federal government to do that. It had nothing to do with the First Amendment, Judge, so don’t worry. But the senator made a very significant speech rivaled only, in my view, by a private speech given to me personally by a man whose office I now occupy, Sen. John Stennis from Mississippi.”
Biden is basically the real recorded embodiment of everything they’ve accused Trump of. families in bed with communists(Chinese), definitely handsy with the women, has a clear mental disorder(senility), and has been legit friends and political allies of out and out Klansman and noted confederate sympathizers.
“(CNN) — Alcohol sales may have boomed during lockdown, but our return to air travel will be an altogether more sobering experience.
Airlines including Easyjet and KLM in Europe, Delta Air Lines and American Airlines in the United States, and Asia’s Virgin Australia, are suspending all or part of their alcoholic drinks service in response to Covid-19.
It’s part of a widespread revision of the industry’s food and drink service to minimize interaction between crew and passengers and to ensure a safer journey for all.
With face masks already mandatory on pretty much all flights around the world, and new legislation introduced in January 2020 to curb anti-social behavior on flights, it’s another in a line of barriers — literal and legal — to getting high in the sky.
Many airlines are limiting drink options to water only. As face masks must be kept on other than when passengers are eating and drinking, it’s a way of ensuring passengers are lingering over their refreshments for no longer than necessary.”
Countdown to airline bailout redux…
Maybe if us tax cattle weren’t being forced to bail the airlines out, a few of them might be willing to treat you like actual customers.
The fucking communists have won.
The commies kept the alcohol flowing. Maybe puritans.
I’m sorry the protests and modern politics has me seeing Maoists everywhere.
I don’t see how these airlines expect me to endure patronizing their service while completely sober.
Many airlines are limiting drink options to water only. As face masks must be kept on other than when passengers are eating and drinking, it’s a way of ensuring passengers are lingering over their refreshments for no longer than necessary.
This was my experience on a Southwest flight last week. On the plus side, their social distancing measures meant that they were capping the planes at 60% capacity, meaning everyone got an empty seat next to them, which was quite nice.
They’ve really got me in a pickle: I can’t buy booze from them, and federal law prevents me from drinking my own booze on the plane. Perhaps social distancing means there aren’t as many booze cops wandering the aisles.
That’s not correct. Federal regulations prohibit you from drinking alcohol that isn’t served by an airline employee. It’s up to each individual airline’s policy if they’ll serve your alcohol to you. Some don’t for liability (or in the current situation, for safety reasons) while others such as JetBlue do or have in the past.
You can bring any amount of up to 3.4oz/100ml containers that fit in a quart size bag, including alcohol. Make it easier, grab a soda post security and dump your vodka/whiskey/rum into it before boarding.
Cop news that’s kind of old news that I was unaware of:
The cop that shot the crying guy in that hotel hallway was rehired long enough to allow him to collect a lifelong pension. Unfuckingbelievable…
That’s old news and thanks for the reminder of that particularly heinous and fucked up video.
I knew he had been acquitted but allowing the pension is particularly offputting to me for some reason.
Well not for some reason, I would wager it’s because he’s a sadistic sociopath who played with his prey before shooting him and should have been jailed.
He should have been drawn and quartered.
“Google bans two websites from its ad platform over protest articles
The two sites, ZeroHedge and The Federalist, will no longer be able to generate revenue from any advertisements served by Google Ads.”
“A Google spokesperson tells me that @NBCNews
gets it wrong. Google says The Federalist was notified they *could* be demonetized but hasn’t yet been. They can still remedy.
Google also says the sites’ comments section not any articles were in violation.”
NBC News filed the Complaint with Google, so,
Google: Be evil.
A (partial) list that the group that pitched the defunding stuff to NBC published:
Hm. They call it a blacklist. That seems problematic.
The pipeline from activist fringe -> whatever the modern equivalent of Journolist is -> “mainstream” media -> cancellation is worth more study than it ever gets.
The hilarious thing about it is the cuckservative right going “Wait wait The Federalist? Why?”
Yes, you fucking idiots. They get Alex Jones deplatformed, then they go after the next target. You pick off the right wing of the polite discourse, and you keep doing that over and over again, until you go after Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg for being DANGEROUS RIGHT WINGERS even though they are about to vote Democrat for the 3rd straight election cycle.”
those fucktards are going to get executed first because they are actually going to show up when invited when these godless bookburners throw a cocktail party.
So, when the Federalist and ZeroHedge cut their commenters loose, they’re publishers in the eyes of Google, but when big tech companies do so, they’re platforms?
It really do be like that
The Federalist just dumped their comments. Zerohedge hasn’t yet.
I hope Google loses their imunity.
Virtue. Signaled.
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Gov. Ralph Northam (D) said Tuesday that he will propose legislation to make Juneteenth, a celebration observed on June 19 commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, be recognized as a paid state holiday during a press conference alongside Virginia native Pharrell Williams.
A release on Tuesday from the governor’s office teased an announcement with the singer, producer and entrepreneur. A person briefed on the decision told 8News about Northam’s plans ahead of the press conference.
8News was informed that Northam planned to make the announcement with Pharrell and black leaders in Virginia, but did not provide details on whether the governor would sign an executive order or if the General Assembly would need to pass a resolution making Juneteenth a state holiday.
The governor made it clear Tuesday that he will propose legislation for state lawmakers to consider, noting that Virginia would become the second state to recognize Juneteenth as a holiday.
Too bad we were all subsequently enslaved to the federal government.
how are they sure it was pharrell and not his buddy from college?
I thought slavery was still happening? Is Northam saying this is denoting the end of systematic white supremacy in the state of VA? oh happy day.
Imagine how little damage their bureaucracy could do if another two hundred or so days were made holidays?
Yeah, I just got the email that we get Friday off.
Coonman added that, to commemorate this auspicious occasion, he’s going to break out the blackface and re-enact the famous abolitionist picture Am I Not a Man and a Brother?.
The fact that he gets a pass by media, rather than have that mentioned every time he comes up is a shame.
Word from my VMI connections is that hes not the guy in blackface, but the guy in the Klan hood.
a celebration observed on June 19 commemorating the end of slavery in the United States
How Cute………….
And white will remain non-capitalized.
Wouldn’t want those whites to start getting the idea of a racial identity.
It’s almost like they want a reactionary movement.
On Friday night, like nearly every other weekend for the past month, the bars and nightclubs in downtown Scottsdale were packed.
Dance floors were jammed. Lines to get in stretched for blocks. And almost nobody wore masks or gloves.
When Gov. Doug Ducey lifted Arizona’s stay-at-home order May 15, giving the green light for much of the state’s economy to restart, he said residents had the right and responsibility to gauge the risks posed by the novel coronavirus and to act accordingly.
Covid has really really really brought out the worst in generational bar fly shaming. Fuck these boomer prudes. Goddamn puritans. I have only a few fucking years left let me live you busybody assholes stay locked at home nobody’s stopping you you selfish karen tattletale bitches. Also what about the protests being a fucking spreading event fuck you with a stick yahoo and your anti business hysterical dreck.
Tell us how you really feel……….
/I agree 100%
I fully think that the chattering classes whole sale buying into the stay at home orders and in an almost gleeful way is a sign of their utter perversion to human contact and a clear indicator of mental illness that pervades those myopic and socially retarded institutions of losers and social pariahs. Sexless loner losers.
C’mon Man! Can’t let those rednecks have fun! next they’ll be working and buying new jets skis and Trucks!
Here, here. Spot on.
If they’d just riot at closing time and burn the place down the complainers would be applauding.
If you are so righteous you’d stay closed.
The correct response from any bar owner worth his salt when a reporter either call or comes to his bar for comment about his clientele or customers is to tell said reporter to either fuck off and hang up or to brandish a shotgun and tell him to exit his establishment with haste.
Thats the correct course of action in nearly any circumstance: do not talk to the press.
Correct response: “three drink minimum for reporters”
The correct answer if you own a bar is:
I’m a bit worried. The problem is that there are so many hot young beautiful women coming into my bar that a lot of guys also come in which leads to a crowd. Sure the crowd thins out a lot because those hot young women are always taking random guys home with them, but I’m still not sure about safety. But I guess those hot young women are probably not at too much risk of dying from Corona.
What a fecking wanker. Stand up for what you believe in and keep your damn bar shut another three months.
But then his employees couldn’t qualify for continued unemployment checks and that’s what this is all really about.
This is a bar that I would not patronize if I lived in Phoenix.
“He should have kept us all safe, but instead we move forward.”
I simply cannot put myself in the head space of a grown man who publicly declares to the world in writing that he needs another man to keep him safe.
“If you are so righteous you’d stay closed.”
He’s the same guy who wants to pay more taxes, but can only do so when he is commanded by government to do so, instead of just writing them a check anytime he wants.
He apparently has plenty of money and can afford to stay closed, but is also afraid that his competitors are going to crush him and make him look bad if he doesn’t open, so there’s some envy here as well. Maybe he thought he could wait them all out and have no competition when he finally reopened.
At any rate it is looking more like the increase in cases came from some other event. A certain group of events that occurred exactly a week prior to those big red figures going to over 1000/day on the COVID Cases by Day chart. Some dude we can point out died on May 25 resulting in a statewide curfew a week later.
…I dunno ?♂️ Well call it a combination of factors.
Minnesoda has been trending lower and lower since the riots. Maybe George Floyd died for our Corona Virus sins?
“Minnesoda has been trending lower and lower since the riots.”
You see, the Coronavirus is a woke virus. It knows all about social justice and the right side of history. It won’t get you for rioting. Going to church or a wedding or funeral? It goan getcha! Take that, deplorables!
I was just going to make the joke the virus can’t survive when its entire environment is on fire. This works too.
Makes sense. The righteous fire of the resistance has done dealt the deathblow to the virus. I mean unless some deplorables go outside, then we’re all goan die.
“On Friday night, like nearly every other weekend for the past month, the bars and nightclubs in downtown Scottsdale were packed.
Dance floors were jammed. Lines to get in stretched for blocks. And almost nobody wore masks or gloves.”
All of that is totally unpossible, because the experts already warned us that if we don’t stay totally locked down for at least 18 month, everyone would die. So, obviously, that’s a lie, probably made up by Trump.
Dude, riots are essential. Everything else is not. You ain’t done lurnt nuthin.
risks posed by the novel coronavirus
The TN death histogram is so linear, so indifferent to news, strategies, postures, and temperature as to appear the complete sham. I don’t doubt the curve whatsoever; I doubt those who have asserted that they were managing it.
People want to believe that everything is under control, even a virus. People are stupid. Politicians know that if they pander to this, they will be rewarded; politicians aren’t smart, they just aren’t stupid.
absolutely: you couldn’t be more right
“People exercise inside plastic workout pods to ensure social distancing at Inspire South Bay Fitness in Redondo Beach, California. The gym reopened Monday under California’s coronavirus Phase 3 guidelines”
It’s like that John Travolta movie, but stupider.
How about a plastic bag over your head? with a rubber band for added protection…………..
Hey don’t mock my home version of plan b. Plan c is a band-aid.
Soon we can all be Bubble Boys, does that give us all special snowflake status?
Leave us alone……..
/Paul Williams……..
Johnny Half-Rep should look left and see what a full squat looks like.
Dear customers: At the prompting of our bullshit Governor, we did some showy, totally-science-based stuff to create the illusion of safety. Thank you for your continued patronage.
Anyone have any experience with The “Honey Badger” rounds? For some reason it strikes me as gimmicky but then again most .38 spl loads barely move with enough velocity to open up that you may as well roll with wadcutters.
Those aren’t wadcutters, they’re weaponized screwdriver bits.
So just get a couple boxes of Buffalo Bore? Gotcha.
Snarking about their looks aside, I haven’t used them, but is there a specific reason you’re looking at .38 spl? If you already have a gun for it, can it handle +P rounds?
Yes, wife shoots a 686 and is not find of magnum loads. As I mentioned, .38 tends to be too slow a mover for HP. Just looking to stack the deck.
Makes sense then, if +P or .357 are off the table. I couldn’t find any tests with .38 spl, but it looks to work well with .380 auto, and if it can get the .380 to work well I don’t see why it wouldn’t be effective with a .38 spl.
Lehigh Defense is local to me, so I should be advocating for them…
That being said, I don’t go for gimmicky ammo.
I’d go with this any day of the week – https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1020447150?pid=932150
I keep some of these in stock – https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1022552257?pid=357001
Thank you. I got lead hollow points.
looks pretty good for 38Spl
In .38spl, I’m a semi-wadcutter guy. The cartridge just doesn’t have enough speed for JHPs to be worth it. The standard-pressure Buffalo Bore cartridges are pretty good. I would stay away from the +P loads.
Im gonna drag this down and corpse-fuck it:
Stinky Wizzleteats on June 16, 2020 at 4:12 pm
A Blazing Saddles followed by a Naked Gun reference? Y’all are alright in my book.
Since Sloopy announced this morning it was Geronimo’s birthday….
That was a good one too. I miss those farce comedies with the inappropriate and silly jokes like that.
Criminal mastermind posts videos of himself firebombing Minneapolis police department on snapchat and facebook…
Spoiler: Twenty-something white dude.
Your surgery is done? Despite the lack of cybernetic enhancements, it went well?
Video footage was released of the attack Monday night, and by Tuesday morning, police had 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage in custody on a charge of assault, cops said.
That seems quick.
On the bright side, we have this story in the sidebar
Security footage from the Cardiff, UK, incident shows the elderly man impressively using fisticuffs to scare off the would-be robber.
Wait… I thought self defense was illegal in the UK?
Not completely illegal, just severely neutered. Not sure what a crotchety old welshman boxing an intruder has to do with golfer’s knickers or lack thereof, however.
My eyes glazed over trying to read that.
Brevity and concision are not qualities oft found in her majesty’s civil service.
“Police sources said cops recognized the attacker, who has had dozens of run-ins with law enforcement — including 101 arrests.”
I’m sure he was back out on the street for lunch and more fun.
You know, if you’ve been picked up 101 times for crimes, maybe it’s time somebody disappeared you.
An interesting and very long interview with Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug, the fellow that Michael Malice borrowed the concept of the cathedral from:
He says “um” a lot but he has some fascinating political ideas and is a non libertarian fan of Rothbard.
Curtis is still around? Hadn’t heard from him in a while.
I went to school with him. Met him a couple of times but had no idea who Mencius Moldbug was until years later.
A smart guy with very interesting views on democracy. He’s pimping a new blog that’s motivating his more numerous recent appearances.
Thanks for the link. It will take a couple of days to get thru it, but Curtis always makes you think.
made the mistake reading the current wiki article on him. Good lord.
Yeah. Don’t do that.
Wikipedia is terrible for anything involving politics.
GOA & VCDL Fight Back In Virginia
Thomas Sowell – How to Cure Marxism
Does it involve 9mm?
Surprisingly, commie calibers are equally effective.
The German Empire weren’t commies or fascists, just Germans.
Rimmed 8mm Labelle
Tucker Carlson on the lockdowns
Walk it off dude, the pub is waiting.
I’d need a drink after that too.
The voice of tolerance
Tweet is unavailable…
Try refreshing the page if you’re on a tablet/smartphone. Twitter like many websites is aids these days.
Or the parent tweet she’s responding to.
Can someone explain the underlying principle of supporting protected class status by judicial ruling, supporting bake the cake, but freaking out about any legislative attempt to regulate tech companies?
It seems like it’s just “freedom of association”, but with a hefty helping of pretty obvious religious animus. Also, unsurprisingly, pretty much exactly the Democratic Party position. Am I missing some hidden “small government” purpose achieved by expanding government?
““small government” purpose achieved by expanding government?”
Nope, it’s all about more bigger government. That’s the entire point.
I’m disappointed in Gorsuch.
That was absolutely legislating from the bench.
Maybe Penaltax Roberts told him about that sweet private island he’s getting and Gorsuch couldn’t resist joining the Borg.
I was never impressed with either the Gorsuch or Kavanaugh picks. Sure they’re preferable to the next fugly butch dyke far left wacko the democrats will pick, but they both still suck.
Yep. And the “logic” they used to justify it was ridiculous.
Hey Rhywun, if you care, you can watch the 1990 VFL Grand Final on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HiiChw2w_A
You can even watch highlights of the 1958 GF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwWPZa3LBjA
Heh other than the snappy outfits the umpires used to wear, not really interested in watching old sports.
That was absolutely legislating from the bench.
Something I mentioned to my Bernie-bot work acquaintances when I overheard them talking about it in the print-room. You are not supposed to just change the meaning of words in legislation. Write new legislation and go through the process. I also mentioned how, generally, freedom of association should apply. I got some retarded response about how “then our constitution doesn’t mean anything then” and you can’t just “mess with someone’s livelihood”. Oh, yeah, sure, because freedom means having the gov’ts boot on your neck for every transaction.
you can’t just “mess with someone’s livelihood”
Is anyone really trying to claim that genie’s not already out of the bottle? How many people have been fired for wrongthink already?
You know, this question may have sounded silly only a few months ago, but how silly is it now?
If things keep going at the current pace, how far off are we from ‘agree with us’ or do not buy or sell anything, including food?
I’m dead serious.
Agree with us about everything, including in the past, or be cancelled
It goes until the normal people in their lives tell them to shut the fuck up.
There apparently are not any normal people in their lives. But they have somehow amassed tremendous power over a lot of things, including public education, ALL higher education, and media, including social media, and no one seems to be able to do anything about it.
The left is working overtime to normalize political violence. They may not like the results of that when the normals get fed up with being called devils.
I thought Dominoes was already outed as Far-Right Nazis years ago.
But yes, it’s not a silly concern at all.
I think you mean Papa John’s.
I’d swear Dominos donates to Republicans or something. It was like a decade ago so my memory is hazy.
Way to align yourself with a political party, Domino’s. Probably should have just been silent.
That is literally NOT what they did. Jeebus Christ…
Anyway, now I am inclined to buy Domino’s pizza and send it to my girl Kayleigh, seeing as it is apparently the way to her heart.
It’s freedom of association for me, but not for thee.
The main question in my mind is whether we’re reliving late 1920s Germany or late 1920s USA.
Why not both?
It’s more like 1984 + Animal Farm + the biblical book of Revelations, with a huge side order of stupid.
Waiting for the Mark to show itself
Why not both?
I propose we merely post “#3” from now on
Tonight on the Five, Gutfeld asked people to help out the paralyzed Vegas cop shot recently. The fund was under $170k when he did that,and it’s now over $400k just two hours later.
I put a couple bucks in.
Join the Cyborg Glibs, Swiss!
Hope that didn’t hurt as much as it looks and I wish you the best on your steadfast recovery!
“P.S. The Featured image is the WWE wrestler Cesaro “aka the Swiss Cyborg” – I can’t even get the name, much less the features”
And I commented before I saw that.
*Twists mustache*
Now I’m not sure how to move forwards with my post. *Stares inquisitively*