Almost back!
More athletes feeling what having a little influence feels like. And boy, are they ever taking advantage of it. Also, real sports are happening at an ever-faster pace across the seas. I will definitely be tuning in to those sports and ditching ESPN for good.

A man we could use right about now.
English King Edward I was born on this day. The historically awful antisemite shares it with civil rights pioneer James Weldon Johnson, Wheaties inventor George Cormack, composer Igor Stravinsky, Nazi sociopath Martin Bormann, acting great Ralph Bellamy, libertarian icon Harry Browne, loathsome person Newt Gingrich, panty-dropping musician Barry Manilow, cycling great Eddie Merckx, musical genius George Clinton, oddball musician Jello Biafra, and tennis great Venus Williams.
And now…the links!

Two turds in the media punchbowl.
Interesting headline. Here’s an alternative one: Judge Upholds First Amendment Right To Assembly.
NBC News are a bunch of scumbag anti-free speech douchebags. Hey, Google should probably demonetize them for spreading lies. That’s how this works, isn’t it?

What the Richmond mayor apparently wants more of.
Richmond’s mayor asks the police chief to resign. Not sure why. The dude let the rioters and looters pretty much do whatever they wanted. Which, according to the Mayor’s statement, seems like that’s exactly what he wanted to happen.
This would certainly be a positive development. I hope it lasts more than a day. But I’m not optimistic.
Of course China has other problems to deal with. And based on the history of reporting in China, it’s probably safe to assume the problem is a lot worse than we’re being led to believe.

That sure has changed.
The Boy Scouts get in on the action. OK, then.
Well here’s another interesting headline. I guess “man tries to stop someone from defacing property” just wasn’t gonna generate clicks, was it?
This is certainly a shitty story. I don’t even know what to do in public anymore.
Oh look, people are making change happen the right way! Well done, Houston!
A great song! Don’t try to convince me otherwise.
Now get out there and have a great day, dear friends!
English King Edward I was boron this day
Lithium would be more appropriate.
Wasn’t he found face-down in a car park?
“Diversity Merit Badge”? So, they give one out to the non-white nonbinary xirs, and block any remaining boys from attaining the post?
I think white boys and girls can still get it. It’s simple to earn. You just have to lay prostrate and humiliate yourself for the sins of people you never even knew.
I was born a poor black child…
I don’t think culturally appropriating the lived experiences of blacks is gonna help. It’s time for that movie to be cancelled.
Or just, y’know, sleep in the Scoutmaster’s tent for a night… Same difference.
The daily struggle sessions are going to be a blast.
I wonder what’s in store for us from the grievance industry.
People bending to this nonsense better be aware this ain’t gonna end at this. They smell blood.
Seriously that whole self-esteem and participation trophy for all generation has fucking lost its mind…
I will remind you – they didn’t present the participation trophies to themselves, it was the fucking Boomer parents that invented that shit. You want to know why the kids aren’t alright – take a look at their parents.
HOW DARE YOU! /Boomer Greta
I was not solely blaming the kids, man. Yes the fucking idiots that enabled this level of stupidity are the real culprits. I do want to mention thought that, to me at least, it was not a coincidence that the parents who pushed hard for this idiocy to become the norm seemed to always be the ones as kids that were mediocre at best, or the usual losers that couldn’t do whatever they were part of because they didn’t even try, but then resented the fact they sucked and never learned that they needed to work harder, not just show up.
On important thing to add to this is the fact that they’re simultaneously selling kids this bullshit dream of “you and do or be anything. You can save the world.” along with a complete lack of discipline, patience, humility, and perspective.
Want to build a Karen? Tell them that they are the messiah, and then do everything possible to leave them unequipped to handle the real world.
I’ve been telling my son for years that even though he has talent, if he doesn’t bust his ass he’s going to lose to the kid that really wants it.
Maybe the could wear red sashes instead of neckerchiefs.
You know, they used to reach you how to take a dump in the woods without getting it on yourself. You know, stuff that matters.
Damn phone
My daughter was in girl guides. All about life skills.
The progressive left ruin EVERYTHING.
Yes – their long march through the institutions is about done. They’ve ruined my church too.
Only from ash and dust can the glorious new future arise!
I assume similar motions have been filed WRT the various “protests” taking place in our cities. Haven’t heard about them, though.
Listen, racist. The Corona knows to pass over those “protesters” as if they spread blood on the doorway of their (parents) homes.
There’s no longer even any pretense.
I wonder how many are aware, though? Could the body public start becoming “woke”?
Why do you think Trump is president right this very moment?
No there is pretense. They have the gall to try and split hairs to explain why organically, totally not organized protests are different than a political rally.
No arguments on The Go-Go’s. Baby-fat Belinda and elfin Jane. I’ll be in my 1982 bunk.
Which lips?
Based on what I’ve read about those chicks…none of them were sealed very often.
I was about 18 when they hit big. I wouldn’t have cared.
And they were so coked up they wouldn’t have even known!
Well… Yeah.
Not Jane. She was up on the high horse.
Not like the Bangles, but yeah.
A gal in our neighborhood looked just like her. When she’d wash her MG in her bikini top and daisy dukes, we always seemed to organize a ball game a couple houses down. She sat next to me on the bus (MG owners and buses, amirite?) once on my way to work and told me she thought I was cute, but a little young and to look her up when I turned 21. What that did for my confidence, I couldn’t even begin to tell you.
Question. Did she trade in her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron?
Close, a blue Plymouth Horizon. Thank doG she didn’t change her name from Kitty to Karen.
Did you ever see The Go-Gos Behind The Music? Jane once found Belinda in a closet with a shoebox literally full of cocaine, intent on trying to snort it all. Ah, the 80s…
Explains the emergence of “Skinalinda” and her subsequent solo success. Pretty girl, tbh.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Was just checked Carlisle’s wikipedia page. She was still abusing (and I chose that word carefully) until 2005. I honestly thought she had gotten clean a few decades earlier.
insert the word cocaine somewhere in there.
That’s just slags besmirching her character! *White Knight Awaaaaay!*
After a three-day-long cocaine binge in 2005, Carlisle says she looked at herself in the mirror and “didn’t see a light or a soul” in her eyes.[61] “I just thought, ‘I know I don’t look like myself anymore.'” The same morning, she had an auditory hallucination telling her she would be found dead in a hotel room if she did not stop using drugs.[62] The incident jarred Carlisle into seeking sobriety, and she says she has been sober since 2005.
So your saying that I still have a shot? Hot diggity!
Leave a light on for her.
Now I’m gonna write a book about my battle and eventual comeback. I got the beat back baby!
Three cocaine comments all at 7:19
I hear it’s a helluva drug.
I hereby declare July 19 as Coketeenth and if elected president, I will push to make it a federal holiday. Also, a statue of Rick James and Tony Montana spit-roasting Belinda Carlisle will be commissioned on the National Mall to commemorate the occasion.
^ Ha!
You should also make July 20th a holiday, since no one is showing up for work the next day anyway.
Or declare June 20, June 19 II, since no one will have went to bed and it will still seem like June 19.
Is “spit-roasting” code for tag team banging her, one from behind one from the front, and high fiving over her back?
I thought that was the London Bridge.
Eiffel tower?
Same position, different term.
I guess if you want to get technical, spit-roasting is done on all fours, and the London Bridge is done with her on her (or his, or whatevers) back.
“I will definitely be tuning in to those sports and ditching ESPN for good.”
There is sports on ESPN?
Does cornhole count as a sport?
Of course!
There is sports on ESPN?
Man, we went from airing “World’s Strongest Man 2020” to airing “Struggle Session 2020” without skipping a beat.
No baseball sucks. I just don’t mean MLB. There are a couple of small ball fields near me I use to be able to walk or ride my bike over, now they are closed.
The kids here are playing.
Yup, we just went over to the local park on Monday to watch some rec league softball.
The youngins are playing up in the red-neck part of town. We are “hill-folk”, mind you.
You’re missing a comma: “No, baseball sucks.”
ESPN+ has an enormous selection of sports including hockey, tennis, and soccer in addition to the usual suspects.
Not giving them money.
I’m surprised he even listened. I stopped several years ago. It was unbearable. And Mad Dog ain’t much better. A lot of woke shit there too.
Clay Travis brings serenity now.
“The lawsuit is still intact and moving forward,” DeMuro told CNN. “We will continue to fight in the Oklahoma Supreme Court.”
Just argue that it is, in fact, a peaceful protest.
And then burn down half of Tulsa.
Nah. Right-wing protests usually leave the place cleaner than they found it.
I just like symmetry.
Well, would Tulsa be made cleaner by purgation of half the city?
HOW DARE YOU! Don’t you know that there was a race riot in Tulsa only a hundred years ago!
Awww Mom! Again?
No baseball birthdays mentioned, but there are two good ones today, mostly for personal reasons.
#2 in WAR is my all-time favorite shortstop, Davey Concepcion.
#1 in WAR is a great of 19th century baseball who should be in the HOF, although his numbers alone don’t justify it. Today is Pete Browning’s birthrday, who was the first player to use a Hillerich & Bradsby bat, aka, the Louisville Slugger. He was mostly deaf, alcoholic, and lived most of his life with his mother in Louisville, KY. He was nicknamed The Gladiator because of his battles with fly balls, which is not a good thing for an outfielder. But he could hit. .341 career average, hit .402 once. Led the league in batting average 3 times (but not the .402 year), including the 1 year existence of the Players League (.373 that year). Also, when the new stadium in Louisville got built, the brewpub attached to the stadium was originally called Browning’s. It is now Against the Grain.
“The announcement comes on the heels of tense demonstrations and repeated clashes between protesters and police officers. Richmond police have been criticized for deploying chemical irritants and rubber bullets, including one incident on June 1, when officers reportedly fired tear gas at a peaceful group of demonstrators about half an hour before the mayor’s mandated curfew went into effect. ”
I have no idea if that’s true because “peaceful” no longer has meaning.
Burning down buildings is peaceful dude.
The June 1 incident was not good. From the videos I saw, no one was doing anything wrong other than not leaving when the cops said to leave, and it was indeed well before the announced curfew.
You know… mostly…
Not sure why.
Listening to right-wing hate-radio on my commute, the Richmond superintendent was supposed to be interviewed but failed to show (called, call dropped, called again, hung up) right after the host gave mild criticism to the mayor. I wonder what changed…Also, the governor, traditionally, has given monthly (?) interviews on the show. Northam has not held to this tradition.
Hard to get ready for a monthly show. Wearing all that shoe polish gave Northam a rash.
That and/or his ghost costume gets hung up at the dry-cleaners.
Another take
Google’s ban comes after the company was notified of research from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a British nonprofit that combats online hate and misinformation. They found that 10 U.S-based websites have published what they say are racist articles about the protests, and projected that the websites would make millions of dollars through Google Ads.
ZeroHedge had already been demonetized prior to NBC News’ inquiry, Google said. ZeroHedge and The Federalist did not respond to requests for comment.
Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, said it found advertisements for many companies that had otherwise made public statements supporting Black Lives Matter and the recent protests running on the websites.
“We found that lots of those companies are inadvertently funding through their advertising content that is outright racist in defense of white supremacism and contains conspiracy theories about George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement,” he said.
Is it just me, or does that make no sense?
Also, those guys had better be careful, encroaching on the SPLC’s turf.
It makes perfect sense: the only reporting that’s allowed is that which meets the strict requirements of the woke crowd.
We’re entering dangerous territory here. And Google is going to inadvertently cut its own throat if these new standards end up being applied to them.
“We’re entering dangerous territory here”
I think we have been there now for almost 3 years, maybe 4, but we simply didn’t see it because these people still put some effort into pretending not to be this vile. Now they just don’t care anymore.
We’re entering dangerous territory here. And Google is going to inadvertently cut its own throat
That would be delightful territory if that’s what markets decided
I remember all the hue and cry about AOL-Time Warner ruling the internet.
Conspiracy theories about “Russian Collusion” are a-ok.
Thought Policeman Imran Ahmed can go fuck himself.
You don’t imagine that scrubbing his colon with a toothbrush would dislodge some questionable affiliations do you? That would be terrible!
When you’ve lost Gizmodo…
Dr. Fauci Made the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse by Lying About Masks
The comments are not having it though. This one sums it all up:
Everything Trump touches dies.
Unfortunately not Fauci
Yeh, very weak article.
Every hard SCIENCE backed article I’ve read say masks are inconclusive. But this dip shit says they work for sure like magic! It does to some degree but in the way he wants it. He was one line away from asking them to be mandatory. A couple of months back the head doctor in South Korea basically said any mask below N95/KF94 is a crap shoot.
His timeline, while factually correct, kinda skews out of context too.
This guy also says Fauci has blood on his hand. Ok. Now do Cuomo, Murphy and Whitmore about what they did to the nursing homes. I don’t see how you can babble on about this pandemic without this fact which DISTORTED the numbers. Do they have ‘blood on their hands’?
“…Roughly 70% of Democrats say they wear a mask “every time” they leave the house, according to a poll late last month by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Compare that with just 37% of Republicans.”
And that’s a safe bet to do the opposite. Democrats are more likely to believe straws kill turtles. They’re the party of ANTI-SCIENCE.
Now all I see are masks on the ground. I’m waiting for a turtle to die from that.
but not in the way
So if he was lying then what makes them think he’s not lying now? What if he’s lying to just get people comfortable to go outside about their day and he’s practically sacrificing them on the alter of the economy.
“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing,” a Google spokesperson initially told NBC News. NBC, however, did not link to the “derogatory content” from The Federalist or ZeroHedge.
Because it was in the comments section (if at all). Fuck Google.
ZeroHedge and The Federalist have become well known in recent years for publishing far-right articles on a variety of subjects. On the recent protests, ZeroHedge published an article claiming that protests were fake, while The Federalist published an article claiming the media had been lying about looting and violence during the protests, which were both included in the research sent to Google.
The Federalist, “far right”? Seriously?
Anything “right” is “far right”.
I’m sure in the brave new world, there will be room for people as far right as Mitt Romeny.
JFK would be too far right for these idiots.
Anything not left is “far-right”.
You deplatform the actual far right (as far as that term means anything) then the remaining people at the right end are the new far right. Rinse and repeat until the spectrum of online political opinion has National fucking Review as the “far right hate mouthpiece” under attack by all Good Thinking People.
The Federalist’s sin is being correct about the coup from the beginning, and never shutting up about it.
I am very very torn here. I know what my principles say, but at some point you have to choose between principles and seeing every single voice that’s not part of the Establishment Consensus be driven to the modern equivalent of basement mimeograph machines.
I’m also torn here. I don’t know whether the moderate reaction of shrugging and keep going and hope these fucktards flame out(something conservative inc has been doing since the dawn of time) or to give it back to these assholes good and hard as it appears people are starting to do is actually fanning the flames and making these people cry harder and punish the counterculture even more potentially showing their hand too early. I guess the question I have is this the long game on their end coming into fruition or is this last dying breathe of a cultural death cult flailing about hoping to temper tantrum their way into a presidential win before they totally consume themselves from internal turmoil of incoherent and internal purging of heretics. Right now I view the presidency as a big deal given the supreme court makeup could be a permanent swing and I really really think there is a nonzero chance if trump wins we could see civil service reform but the death cult would still be given time to coalesce with a common enemy or simply burn out. With Biden I also don’t have a good idea of what happens to the death cult could see the liberals use this time to purge these assholes or just say fuck it and give them what they want because they are out the door given the age of leadership anyway. What’s reassuring right now is their doesn’t appear to be any real competent or charismatic leadership of these fucking Maoist cultural book burners yet they are still portrayed as under the thumb of the establishment, but someone could really get into a position to wield these dangerous retards before it’s over with polite society just figuring on going with it because it’s not worth the fight. It’s going to be interesting, I honestly can’t believe they’ve kept it at 11 for so long.
The issue with the tech companies is that they have the ability to create false consensus, to curate and shape the flow of information without ever showing that they are doing it.
Censors of past eras had to destroy or alter physical media in physical space. You had to burn books, smash printing presses, airbrush photos.
The censors of the new era have the ability to not only destroy or alter media from afar, but do so seamlessly, tracelessly, and constantly.
Hell, if anyone is on YouTube, do you ever notice how they’re always popping up leftist news and politics videos? I have to constantly click “Don’t show this” to John Oliver and Trevor Noah videos, but if you want Tucker Carlson or Cam Edwards you have to search for them. Normies don’t get the right wing propaganda easily slipstreamed into their cat videos and cooking shows.
Gorgeous glutei are in your future with Ass Wednesday.
I challenge you to give us a Waif Wednesday just to show that you can.
I second that emotion.
That would be a miracle.
Some of those girls are waifish.
This is the best I could come up with on short notice.
I could probably find better given enough time.
That site looks like a FBI sting site for child molesters Q….
The median age is about 9.
And based on the history of reporting in China, it’s probably safe to assume the problem is a lot worse than we’re being led to believe.
I might be inclined to believe the opposite. It is in China’s best interest to keep the panic level dialed up to 11, and this seems too perfect.
“The outbreak has been traced to the massive Xinfadi food market, which supplies 80 per cent of the city’s meat and vegetables, and one neighbourhood near the market is now at the highest alert level.
China has halted imports from European salmon suppliers after state media linked the outbreak to chopping boards used to cut up salmon at the Xinfadi market.
Official media has already opened fire on the ‘sinful’ salmon industry in Norway, and Beijing supermarkets have removed salmon from their shelves after officials claimed the outbreak could have come from Europe.
However, Norway has denied any link to its salmon industry and experts say it is unlikely that the fish itself would carry the disease.”
Everything is someone else’s fault.
Geez, Count! It’s like you don’t even “human” anymore.
That’s been the modus operandi of the CCP for its entire existence.
Norway has one of the lowest counts of cases around. The idea that the virus would be so prevalent as to spread on their fish is absurd.
No doubt, the virus has been running rampant through rural areas of china for the past 3 months, and is now reaching the cities from various places. And since they cannot control that, the Chinese need to blame everyone else.
A group of 16 friends all tested positive for coronavirus after a night out at a recently reopened Florida bar.
Three members of the group, who spoke to CNN’s Chris Cuomo Tuesday, said they want to remind the public that the pandemic is not over yet.
“We want to raise awareness and get ahead of it,” Kat Layton told Cuomo. “We want to tell people it’s really not ready for what we thought it was ready for, it’s too soon.”
The group had gathered for a friend’s birthday, they said. The bar was crowded, and no one was wearing masks.
Everyone in the group tested positive; and though some had flu like symptoms, none got seriously ill.
But they’re, like, victims, or something!
In other words, no big deal (unless you have comorbidities).
Very big deal they killed someone Grandma… Probably.
“No one told us this could happen! Even assuming this is where we caught it and I assume it is because that’s what CNN told us!”
Student: I got Covid!
Dr. Rufus: And?
‘We were in a bar. We didn’t wear masks. We went back to my apartment. We had fun. We got Covid-19. Hear our story. We want to enhance awareness!’
Unlike his Cuomo’s brother, they’re killing grandma!
“It’s heartbreaking that journalists, of all people, would be leading the charge to deplatform outlets they don’t like. Besides undermining the basic principals (sic) of our profession, this will come back to bite us. Cancel Snitch Journalism”
Dood, your profession has no principles as has been repeatedly demonstrated for the past decade. I don’t think public trust of you pathetic propagandists can get any lower at this point.
I read that in Stelter’s voice. I am not ashamed.
Beijing’s new outbreak raises fears for rest of the world
The only thing I fear is the gov’ts inept, destructive response.
If there is not a Garfield statue erected by the end of June…
“Here is something completely irrelevant to anything at all”
We can’t erect a statue that brings up one of Bill Murray’s biggest regrets.
“Simon’s Cat” is superior https://youtu.be/4rb8aOzy9t4 There are a shit-load of them and they are great.
Wonder how long Garfield would last if the United States government decided to wage war on it.
Took the US government four years to go 100 miles from DC to Richmond. Went from DC to Berlin in a shorter period of time. Of course, that time they had us Southrons with them, not against them.
Good morning, Sloopy!
I think I’m ok with the diversity badge. 5 ways to make a fire, 5 ways to make a shelter, proficiency in 5 calibers, etc. It’s a good idea.
The Houston story is a great one. There is nothing more important to a real economy than entrepreneurs. Would invest.
Don’t try to convince me otherwise.
Are you serious? Belinda? Jane? Would.
Thanks for getting the day going for us. I hope everyone succeeds bigly today!
What makes the Houston story even better is that there’s no zoning. So those new property owners will be able to make commercial or residential developments and actually benefit, unlike what would happen in a shithole like LA or Chicago where the city would tell them what must be built and how it must be built and what union contractors will be acceptable to do the building…before the lot sits empty for a decade while the new owners navigate all the red tape.
“oddball musician Jello Biafra”
Back when I was a pizza cook I once made him a calzone with pepperoni but no cheese. So, basically, pepperoni baked inside dough. Talked to him for a minute after his spoken word set and the dude really is a weirdo. “Pol Pot!”
So… a pepperoni roll?
Huh, I don’t think I knew about those. Pretty much, but with a harder outer crust.
They’re an awesome little snack. If ungodly unhealthy. They’re also usually rolled up (at least here) instead of simply folded over. If they have cheese in them, it’s usually provolone as well.
What if you don’t turn on closed captions?
“Then we’ll burn them into the feed, ablist bigot!”
News-speakers will read the teleprompter as “BUH-lack”.
I’m sure that will really help the black business owners whose stores were looted and then incenerated by ABC’s peaceful protestors.
But remember, it’s Trump and His Deplorables who are stoking racial division.
A physical descriptor is now a proper noun for some reason.
Boy Scouts of America will require diversity merit badge to become Eagle Scout
Ship has sailed. “Boys Scouts” doesn’t exist anymore anyway.
“You earn it by wearing it”
Did you notice the knot?
My son made Eagle; I also have the Silver Palm. But I can’t imagine my grandkids’ participating in the enlightened program whatsoever. Junior is a nice guy, and everyone loves him, but he still believes in skills, leadership, and accomplishment. He wouldn’t mind his kids playing herdball or whatever playdate stuff comes around on his watch, but he’s never going to fraternize with people who believe that power, station, or wealth accrue to everyone just for showing up.
My fear is that it is going to be worse. The Scouts have a long tradition of requiring actions to earn a merit badge. I am concerned that in order for my son and daughter to earn their Eagle over the next 5-8 years, they are going to be forced to do some sort of liberal nonsense.
In the past, a tension of conservative leaders has kept these badges relatively protected. There is an environment badge, but it had a wide list of potential projects. You could do a greenhouse gas project, but you could also focus on conservation or invasive species.
If conservatives opt out at this point, and I have seen many now that girls are allowed in, then there is nothing to counter-balance the liberals pushing these badges, and you will get requirements like “Go on a protest to get a racist statue removed from a public space…”
“Did you notice the knot?”
You know that isn’t a Scouts BSA site, right?
keenly: kinda the point
It was in the Post picture, so I hunted it up. I find it interesting who the partners and influencers are now.
I earned my knots, so I watch this with some interest (not concern: I’ve given up). I have friends at National. The attorney who won the earliest freedom-of-association case (NJ?) lived a block over. I took all the training in my day and tried to run a program by the book.
FWIW, I was reviled in my son’s troop because I told them that the gay line wouldn’t hold and unisex was coming. I’m totally okay with both (maybe my arrogance on those points was more damning that the position per se). What I don’t agree with any retreat from moral accountability or from achievement. BSA can even tip their hat to any number of pulpy movements, but the requirements really don’t need changing: the curriculum, the badges were fine, and a scout either checks the boxes or not.
What will be a shame is how many kids need to change programs because drinking some particular Flavor Aid. Imagine not passing a Board of Review because you refuse to wear the XXXArePeopleToo flare or whatever.
I have an issue with the Boy Scouts going coed. If they’re coed, they’re not the Boy Scouts. The Israeli Scouts are coed, always have been coed. It’s ok to have boys only and girls only spaces. It’s ok to have coed spaces. But label them as such, and operate them as such.
Ever notice how any male space has to be squeezed out, eliminated and invaded, but women can keep their spaces?
If Girl Scouts did what it’s supposed to do, girls wouldn’t clamor to be in the Boy Scouts. Girls just want to do fun stuff too and I know my daughter was terribly resentful that my son got to do all that stuff but she didn’t.
Now we just plain can’t afford it for him either (it was wondrous for him!) because the church pulled out and it was subsidizing the whole thing for the church troops. The problem is, the church promised to replace it with something New! and Improved! and…it hasn’t done that.
So make the Girl Scouts fun. Don’t invade a male space, one of the four or five that remain in the whole fucking country, and make it coed. Why is it that men always have to give up their spaces and let women in?
Or the national leadership should be straightforward, aboveboard, and honest and say “we are eliminating the Boy Scouts and making them the Scouts. Other nations have a coed scouting and it works wonderfully there. We look forward to building new traditions together.”
No, its always skinsuiting old institutions and demanding that they change to suit other people.
I’m not disagreeing. I do think men need their own spaces.
Girl Scouts has been woke for about 15 years now. 4H is where the serious girls go, but my kid doesn’t exactly raise prize cattle or barrel race, yanno?
There are some other ‘traditional’ scouting groups taking up BSA’s slack. I would hope that they’d get more popular.
The main one seems to be Trail Life USA, and they seem to be pretty nutty on the religion aspect. Seems like more of a Baptist Scouting Association than anything else.
Another reason I fucking hate progs. There was absolutely no reason the progs couldn’t charter their own BSA troop and run it the way they wanted. But that wasn’t good enough. They had to enforce their will on the rest of the organization, and skinsuit it.
I was in a troop run by the Catholic church. We had grace before every meal, and we had a little service on Sunday on camping trips. A total of about an hour per weekend of prayer. Didn’t bother me at all.
But now apparently the choice will be Jesus Scouts or the fucking Young Pioneers.
My niece and nephew were in a about group that was pretty secular and co-ed. I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the organization, though.
“There was absolutely no reason the progs couldn’t charter their own BSA troop and run it the way they wanted. But that wasn’t good enough. They had to enforce their will on the rest of the organization, and skinsuit it.”
They have no interest in having their own organizations. Their goal is to destroy any institution that builds character. See: Youth sports.
So far, it depends on the troop. I’m going to watch my son’s troop closely. The current scoutmaster is a firearm instructor, so I think we’re OK for now.
Entrepreneurs buy entire blocks in Fifth Ward to revitalize and bring in black-owned businesses
*BLM/Antifa target for destruction*
They’re just taking care of demolition for them.
Listening to newsbabble, this morning, I heard, “Governors seem to have little appetite for another lockdown” several times.
I think they may have become aware of just how personally hazardous that would be, for them. They might have to get a real job.
Bah. Our giant cunt of a gov still thinks it we need to be shut down. Happily, very few people seem to be paying attention.
“Bend the knee to our ideology or we will cancel you. You won’t be able to buy anything, sell anything, which means you’ll starve. No, silence does not count.”
Mark of the Beast, y’all. It doesn’t HAVE to say 666 or be a UPC/QR code, now does it? Oh, wait. How will everyone know you’ve been cancelled? We MUST have a way to mark these people!
It will be 666.
Give them a gold star.
Get yer Aunt Jemima while you can…
Now what will white supremacists put on their pancakes?
Mayonnaise, obviously
Mayonnaise is French, French People are white. France is the seat of White Supreamcy!
Muh sweet black lady juice!
*vomits a little*
It must be Wednesday.
Well, since Land O’ Lakes erased the Indian girl for no apparent reason, this seems like it was inevitable even before recent events. Uncle Ben’s days are undoubtedly numbered as well.
What are the odds on Mr Clean getting the Kibosh? The guy entered public life in 1958, and is an obvious skinhead.
Aunt Jemima is terrible anyways. Real maple syrup or nothing.
Canadians are white. You hat the Black syrup. Clearly racist.
First they Came for Aunt Jemima, and i didn’t say anything. Then they came for Grimace, and i didn’t say anything, because i don’t eat at McDonald’s…
Then they came for my [INSERT FAVORITE FOOD HERE] and no one could stop them, because there was no one left.
I’ll complain when they come for pastrami on rye. Try getting past the Jewish deli industrial complex.
Reminds me of one of the best SNL commercials ever.
“Black folks ain’t exactly swelling up with pride on account of you flippin’ flapjacks, neither.”
Lol! A good spoof of Uncle Remus – Song of the South – first movie I ever saw in a theater when it was re-released in the 70’s. First black actor to win an Oscar but I doubt anyone under 45 has ever seen it because it’s somehow racist. Then Tracy Morgan as Aunt Jemima – that’s funny.
You’re off by a couple of years for it. I’m 43, and saw it in the theater during the 80’s re-release. My younger sister was with me, but I doubt anyone under 40 has any real memory of it in the theater. I seem to recall it being on TV a couple of times back then though.
When I was a real little kid, we had the book which is very phonetic in wacky southern accents. Nothing more entertaining than Mom trying to pronounce the crazy accents.
Uncle Ben’s is probably next. Although “Erich Huzenlaub’s” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.
I was thinking the same thing. What is wrong with Uncle Ben? He’s black? I am not sure what that has to do with anything. Maybe he is just a good cook, but I am sure they will come for him too. Fuckin’ bigots.
Cuz she transitioned to Uncle Tom.
“Facebook has removed nearly 900 accounts linked to two far-right groups whose members may have been plotting to send armed agitators to George Floyd protests.
The social media giant removed accounts connected to Proud Boys and American Guard, both of which it considers to be hate groups.
Officials said they had started to initiate a ban against the two groups on May 30 after seeing web traffic which indicated they were planning to disrupt protests sparked by the death of George Floyd.
The social media company, which also owns Instagram, said they removed 358 Facebook accounts and 172 Instagram accounts connected to Proud Boys.
They also removed 406 Facebook accounts and 164 Instagram accounts connected to American Guard.
‘In both cases, we saw accounts from both organizations discussing attending protests in various US states with plans to carry weapons but we did not find indications in their on-platform content they planned to actively commit violence,’ the company said.
Proud Boys were formed in 2016 by Gavin McInnes, who helped to found Vice Media.
The group denies any link to the far right but claims to be against political correctness and are ‘anti-white guilt’, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC does brand them as a hate group.”
“Officials said they had started to initiate a ban against the two groups on May 30 after seeing web traffic which indicated they were planning to disrupt protests sparked by the death of George Floyd”
At this point I Believe this could mean that they were planning to send armed guards to prevent looting.
So FB have officially declared themselves publishers and will now be responsible for any content they host?
Sounds good to me. Let the lawsuits begin.
You know that’s not gonna happen. “It’s a private business” mantra is the loophole that will kill free speech.
Scientists have found that in addition to clearing out whatever business you’ve left behind, flushing a toilet can generate a cloud of aerosol droplets that rises nearly 3 feet. Those droplets may linger in the air long enough to be inhaled by a shared toilet’s next user, or land on surfaces in the bathroom.
Fearmonger harder.
flushing a toilet can generate a cloud of aerosol droplets that rises nearly 3 feet.
So the key is to either:
A. Not be a midget
B. Not let a midget be in a bathroom with you
I don’t get it. Both of those were already good ideas.
C. Don’t place your head near the toilet bowl.
I’ve always horked into the sink, anyway.
I submitted an article with some pics and I used your avatar for what is not intended by any means as a mean spirited joke. I should’ve asked for your permission first, but I think I can still change it if you want me to. Seriously, either way is fine.
I… guess I don’t care.
Weird explanation, I know. If you’re in zoom this weekend, I’ll explain.
I found that having a midget to wipe my ass was the best way to go Sloop. Not too worried he is getting a cloud of aerosol droplets in the face, as it is my shit, and I am always telling em to eat the shit anyway!
So blumpkins are out?
Making wypipo wear big yellow stars is unnecessary because their skin *is* the big yellow star.
America’s press is rushing to show its support and sensitivity for the movement led by Black Lives Matter by capitalizing “Black” while keeping “white” lowercase.
Caucasians are inferior. it is known. And this type of, well, “othering”, to use their vernacular, has never resulted in anything bad, which is also known.
Did this one happen at light speed or what? Every news outlet uses the capitalized black now and I don’t think any of them did three weeks ago. “POC” has suddenly vanished.
POC was only necessary as long as unity was required to de-normalize whites. Now that everyone knows that wypipo are evil, it’s back to salami-slicing.
It will change again to catch the un-woke of tomorrow. That’s the whole point of the game.
Now that the age of White Man’s burden is officially over, let’s see how well POC’s burden turns out.
MOAR in Tales of the Beast. I’m not going to link the tweets because the silly/awful/scary/Wokerati one is a colleague and internet pal:
No, I’m not going to say a thing because I’m a coward. At least they’ll come for me last. Maybe. Penultimately, probably.
SJWednesday: I Was A Victim Before It Was Cool
“Trump’s violent rhetoric”
Example please?
I find his retardation to be an assault on my intellect.
If I don’t wear this garlic around my neck, the vampires will get me
Across the country, there is a deepening divide between Americans who are firmly adhering to guidelines issued by public health officials to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and those who believe the recommendations are overkill, contradictory or just plain annoying.
Masks, in particular, have become a flashpoint from coast to coast: In California, Orange County’s chief health officer recently resigned after she received death threats for her countywide mask order.
In interviews with 17 people in cities throughout the United States, some said their faith is eroding in those tasked with keeping them safe, while others said they felt it was more crucial than ever to abide by advice from officials to flatten the curve.
Some people are more
gullibleobedient than others.I don’t remember asking them to do that, and I don’t remember becoming anyone’s ward to have them arrange my protection.
in loco parentis – all the way to the grave.
In interviews with 17 people
I was scolded by HR today for not following the approved procedure when getting coffee. Our office has the type of coffee pots with a plunger you have to press to fill your cup. They put plastic sleeves over the plunger. Not sure what these are supposed to accomplish since they are not changed after each use. Anyway my mistake was bringing my coffee cup into the break area. The HR lady told me I cannot bring my cup into the break area directly fill my coffee cup, I have to fill one of those little styrofoam cups and walk back to my desk and then pour the coffee into my cup. I have a big cup, it will take me 3 trips to fill it. I feel like I am living in alternative universe……
The proper response is “At least now I know what it is you do around here.”
Hahaha, I shall remember that for the next rule I break.
HR is the bane of business, and fosterer of forced diversity.
Fire the lot.
Also, cut the budget of any division whose employees have the time to scold people over stupid shit. They’re clearly overstaffed.
Just grab a whole air pot.
That is what I would do. Just go get the pot and a dish cloth, set the pot on your desk.
Not sure what these are supposed to accomplish since they are not changed after each use.
Likewise for the plastic I have seen on the card readers at checkouts. It serves no purpose.
HR is a bane on our society and huge net cost. But HR would probably raise the issue with legal if anyone ever discussed their wholesale termination.
“We’ve outsourced your function and eliminated the in-house positions.”
The HR lady told me I cannot bring my cup into the break area directly fill my coffee cup
“OK, Karen.”
Because the HR lady is there to protect the company from some asshole suing it, so she will end your fucking career/job in a flash if you stand in the way of that effort… Of course, in the name of some woke cause to provide the whole thing the veneer of legitimacy…
flex her authority as a way of easing thei inferiority complex that they have a worthless degree and can contribute absolutely zero to the form or function of the product or service that is the reason the company exists?
That’s why the job attracts that kind of people…
Nice tags.
“Nice tags”
[absence of words]
So who has a good recipe for ranch dressing?
Hidden Valley does
One (1) pouch Hidden Valley Ranch powder
Follow instructions on pouch.
Newman’s Own.
You people are so helpful.
Can’t go wrong with pioneer woman.
I love her so much. First place I look too.
Bingo. Look up a dozen recipes for anything and hers will be the best one.
Every. Time.
LeVoi Finnecum’s mom?
Leather chaps, denim jeans, Justin boots, choice of button down rugged shirt.
Roughly 1/3 mayo, 1/3 sour cream, heavy 1/3 buttermilk. Add twice the amount of finely chopped fresh dill and chives you think is needed. Pepper, salt, garlic powder, paprika. It’ll be better the next day and keep 7 days.
OK, thanks.
Richard Epstein’s 2013 take on the Trayvon Martin case. Just dropping this in here because I heard him reference the incident on a recent podcast and I was curious. I still think it was absolutely disgusting how Obama and Holder handled that, when they shouldn’t have touched it at all.
Well that’s embarrassing; I done forgot to even include the link. Monocle done stopped working for me anyway.
Here it is.
Well I ain’t surprised not even glibs wanna touch that with a ten foot pole these days.
I have three meetings scheduled for noon today. One is a conference call, one is on WebEx and one is on Zoom. I have my desktop, my laptop, an iPad and my phone. I’ll find a way, dammit.
Hehe. Did one on the side while I was in a zoom with you all idiots.
So, since I was not there, I am not one of the idjits?
How uninclusive of me. I’ll allow you in for diversity’s sake.
&^$^^(_*#$^*($#(&$)_$ diversity.
I’m pretty interested to join in the zooms as a lurker if possible. Like the comments, my input isn’t really good enough to warrant barging in. I’m still not entirely sure how it all works. I couldn’t sleep one Friday night a few weeks ago and downloaded zoom on my phone. I logged into the chat for a minute or two but there was no audio and it was alternating between a bunch of different faces popping up. I got worried people might see my disheveled face half smushed into the pillow, illuminated only by the light of my phone screen, and logged out. Maybe I should find a British “libertarian” forum/comments/whatever to join. I’m just worried that it will be what I fear it is, and it will be a load of hyper-arrogant, high-functioning autistic people with too many blind spots when it comes to using legislative powers to “oWn tHe LiBs!!!111”. I come here because you guys “get it”. Sure there are arguments to be had, but being such a defeated and cynical society when it comes to politics, the UK, even most self-described “libertarians” seem to have real difficulty understanding liberty and enlightment values and not just sliding, lazy, bellicose, and without a hint of self-awareness, into cynically cheering for the collective govt boot when it suits them.
That leads me onto something else that I was thinking about, but I’m bored of jazz-handsing on the old click clack QWERTY board now and am going to do something quasi-useful instead.
It’s weird at first, but everybody is pretty chill. Jump in next time you get a chance. Or just listen in and leave the camera off.
It’s totally a chaturbate session. Come on in.
The Zoom is good for me: it re-asserts the nonverbal queues and reveals a more jovial and patient tone than script can demonstrate. For example, sarcasm is seldom missed there. Some of this might say more about me than Glibbing in general.
Unless you have the greatest camera in the world, if you move to a dark room you’re just going to disappear. I went to bed and fell asleep listening this past Saturday.
I tried to give you a virtual facial while you were asleep. Joke was on me and my sticky screen.
I don’t want to join because I don’t want to find out I was tulpa the whole time.
Make sure at least one of them features a naked woman in the background and you do the other two with nothing but a shirt and socks on.
Good luck with your nooner threesome. It always sounds better than how it turns out.
I’m out. Have fun today Glibs! I care about you guys. I am sincere. Have fun! Kick a dog, coddle a wharf-rat… Y’know, fun stuff.
Goodnight, sweet janitor.
Thanks, Edit Faerie!
Re: the Go-Gos
Can you see them
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal
When you look at them
Look right through them
That’s when they’ll disappear
That’s when we’ll be feared
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
You crossed the streams!
It’s a sacred duty
Georgia voters will receive additional time to correct their rejected absentee ballots following last week’s calamitous primary.
Following a legal challenge by state Democrats on Friday, voters will now get three business days after the date they are notified that their ballot is rejected to fix issues, Georgia election director Chris Harvey said in a statement.
“Any absentee ballots that have been rejected should have a cure notice mailed (and emailed, if applicable) to the voter as soon as possible,” Harvey said.
WTF? They should just let people sign their ballots and send them in blank, so they can be filled out properly by the Board of Elections. That’s how democracy is supposed to work.
You’re ballot is wrong. You voted for the wrong guy. Would you like to fix it?
Whatever happened to secret ballots, anyway?
My company has been running numerous “Diversity Discussion Sessions” since this shitshow started with the tragedy of Floyd being murdered and any chance to get actual meaningful reform being destroyed by the revolutionaries taking this disaster as an opportunity to undermine order and stability for political gain of team blue assholes and agendas, all supposedly voluntary to give people a chance to meet and discus this YUGE problem. So I have been deleting these notifications as soon as they came in, except this AM my boss contacted me via Skype to tell me that maybe I should attend because they are tracking who does and who doesn’t. I told him I would be working on my resignation letter and contacting my lawyers if anyone tells me anything again about having to attend, that I copied and mailed the Skype conversation to my personal email, and that I considered this matter closed unless the company was looking for a major lawsuit against them. I bet they will make me pay for this.
Good for you!
It’s very apparent they don’t actually care about meaningful police reform given how quickly this spun into every single one of their goddamn pet issues in less than two weeks.
Although I’m still hopeful something maybe comes from this. maybe. Like 15%.
You are far more brave than me. I have not received any official word from my management about this stuff. But there are enough managers running around like little Commissars to really set a cultural mood. My boss gave an address in his managers’ meeting and basically said, “I know this is a tough time. Here is what our company is doing. If you feel like you need to work with your teams, please reach out.” Another manager basically said, “Hey I am actually happy to have a little time to focus on work. It gives me something I can control.” At that point two or three of the younger managers acted with complete revulsion, essentially saying “How dare we focus on work when black people are dying in the streets.”
I could tell my boss doesn’t agree with that latter statement, but he is afraid to disagree. These same managers are literally sending out messages asking for volunteers to help “dismantle mechanisms of white supremacy within the company”.
It is amazing that in a few months we have moved from “Unconscious Bias” being a problem to our company having “mechanisms of white supremacy”. Ugh. Just ugh.
Everyone must be as passionate as me, or else you’re a nazi!
I’m becoming more and more grateful I left tech when I did.
I have always pointed out that way too many of the people promoted to managerial levels (and I tell them they get promoted up so they can stop causing damage and destruction because of their ineptitude) seem to have no skill other than being able to avoid work while taking credit for the work of others. I wouldn’t be surprised these are the types most adamant about this meaningless shit we are now doing.
So much for the dog-eat-dog business world – where is that ruthless competitive efficiency when we need it?
In most companies that I know of it was replaced by a mediocre system of people that take credit for the work of others and have sold out for short term gains (usually to China). If stockholders could see how mismanaged companies are these days and how much money they waste on frivolous shit, we would go back to the days of letting people charge corporate cards for booze fests and visits with the clients to nudie bars, because that was cheaper, better for morale, and more far more productive than what we have today.
There is a reason I have avoided management despite every company I worked for telling me I should be in a leadership position and not just stay technical. Of course, they never appreciated me pointing out that I actually wanted to do work of value and not just take credit for that done by others, when I declined the “offers’. Being a manager means dealing with HR, which contrary to whatever lies people are told, exists so these companies have a front-line force protecting it from lawsuits (never believe the idiotic notion HR is there to help any employee). I have no desire to become a PC squish.
I should be in a leadership position and not just stay technical.
One thing I really appreciated when I worked at Cisco was that there were two tracks for engineers. Track 1 was the traditional management track. Track 2 was a technical track. As far as I could tell, they were co-equal tracks and self-selecting
Didn’t Cisco go woke on something earlier this week?
Yeah, I have stayed technical, on purpose, and that has worked well for me. I have never and suspect that I will never lack for work opportunities based on my skillset and the knowledge I have (it is in high demand and I keep learning new stuff that is in high demand on purpose to always be in that group), but many of my friends that went to pure management jobs have faced trouble every time there was some kind of turmoil (layoffs or downsizing).
I have some good horror stories of moving manufacturing to China. Maybe I’ll do a post.
I was discussing this China issue with my girlfriend last night. We were talking about investment opportunities, and I told her that I avoid any investments in China or companies that have moved most of their work there. It seems most people are unaware how many US institutions that moved operations or invested in China, confronted by China’s laws (whatever they may be) to prevent ANY money from being repatriated out of China or about how China can simply appropriate intellectual property at a whim, find themselves in a one heck of a bind.
We have a slew of banks that have most of their investments in China that can NEVER get that money out of China for their investors. We are talking trillions of dollars that can’t leave China (the CCP occasionally allows a company to get some money out, but then at a cost, in order to keep the illusion of being fair alive so they can keep fleecing idiots). Moving out of China means writing off not just the value of your physical assets, but any investment and profits that are now in hock to the CCP controlled bank of China. And idiots still go along with Chinese lies that they have had double digit GDP growth, while nobody is allowed to audit the Chinese books and the CCP controlled bank of China basically breaks all the rules of commerce and international investment at will, because admitting they were had will kill their companies. China has been running the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme (Social Security is the second greatest) for decades, and we have sold them the rope they will use to hang us with.
Worse yet, much of the investments US and other foreign entities have made in China are in things that are insane and manipulated by the CCP as well. China manipulates its currency to prevent it from devaluing or actually going up against the dollar. China also used several trillion of US investment dollars to build whole cities that stand empty today, but manipulates real estate values (with that much unused product real estate values should collapse). Their plan is to eventually have the US entities that invested in this declare the whole enterprise a failure, and then the CCP will have tons of property it can give out to its people cheap while those that thought they had invested and earned will be left holding a bag of dicks.
China is at war with us, and we have been selling it the rope to hang us with.
This panic has legs and is brought to you by Leggs ™.
If I was the boss, I’d be adding some names to my “Not gonna work here much longer” list.
It’s voluntary whether you stand or sit against the wall, comrade.
The company I’m working with has those. As a contractor, thankfully, I’m not required to attend. I am “encouraged” to attend, but I delete those emails without reply.
But the person I report to on the project, who I actually like and who is a pretty good boss, is pushing me to take a permanent position. I suppose that means I’d be on the hook for all the HR horseshit too, eh? That’s a serious downside.
There are a number of reasons I’ve been an independent consultant for half my career. This is one of them.
Good for you.
Tracking? WHAT THE FUCK??
Push back is needed.
My company has been running numerous “Diversity Discussion Sessions”
I live in fear of that at my hospital. I think we have way too much other shit to worry about. If we go down that road, I don’t know what I will do. Resignation would come at a serious financial/career cost. Honest opposition could well lead to my termination. Bending the knee doesn’t seem like it would be in the cards, either. I hate to think I would end my career with a lawsuit that would have long odds of success (what judge is going to rule that a diversity struggle session targeting white people for public humiliation creates a hostile work environment?).
I will keep my head down and suck it up to keep the paychecks coming, to a point. I don’t want to find out what that point actually is.
Nolan chart gets square pants.
That was awesome.
I didn’t know there were so many of these around the country.
A statue of 15th-century explorer Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella will be removed from California’s Capitol Rotunda at the direction of top lawmakers, The Sacramento Bee first reported.
The marble statue, which has been in the Capitol for over 100 years, will be taken down after a monument of settler John Sutter was removed near the Sacramento hospital named after him.
A statement that was signed by Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins (D), Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D), and Assembly Rules Committee Chairman Ken Cooley (D) read:
“Christopher Columbus is a deeply polarizing historical figure given the deadly impact his arrival in this hemisphere had on indigenous populations. The continued presence of this statue in California’s Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today,” It is unclear when the statue will be removed from the state building.”
If we erase history there will be no need to learn from it!
Democrats are pure evil.
Albany has decided to remove the statue of Gen Schuyler. No word on when they’ll rename the eleventy billion places in NY named after him.
These imbeciles need to be horsewhipped out of the public square.
So NBC can cancel the comments section on any website by writing a story about how the commenters are not 100% woke. **If the website needs ad revenue.
NBC isn’t quite an independent entity. It’s wholly owned by Comcast. How long until they start going after their internet users as well?
Re Trump and the rallies. Not surprising they pivoted back to the corona virus posing a threat.
It’s mind boggling. Protest the lockdowns = irresponsible. Riot in the streets = fighting racism and necessary. Trump rallies = bad again. And then racist scum bag low life morons like De Blasio take it a step further to attack Jews while Cuomo threatens business.
Like I said, crazy to the point of immorality.
The virus itself isn’t a ‘scam’ but it’s clearly being used as a political ploy and that’s the scam.
You must hate science.
They don’t want him to have rallies because that gains him support. Having watched one, it seems that he has fun and the crowd has fun. And agree/disagree with any particular part of his presentation it is still an entertaining affair. Plus we can’t have any positive images of Bad Orange Man.
The rallies also let him connect with his base. He riffs on something, takes the tenor, riffs about something else, continues from there. They’re also huge for his ground game. That’s how he gets volunteers, door knockers, small donations etc. They’re a vital part of his campaign strategy.
It’s nothing more than an attempt to suppress the Trump voters. I guarantee you that all the swamp critters are whispering into his ear that he should cancel the rallies, look Presidential, be dignified, IN THESE TRYING TIMES. They’ll keep digging up esoteric acts of racial bigotry and violence and pretend like every single Trump rally is scheduled to signal that.
“Nathan Bedford Forest took a particularly large dump in 1862 in this city on the same date that Donald Trump is scheduling a rally.”
There is a definite wave of anti-semitism. Rep. Clyburn was on CNBC yesterday going-on about Larry Kudlow and Mnuchin and “where they came from” – “they’re from New York” – “they need to leave and go back to New York” – “banker friends”
That’s… bizarre. Run a list of the biggest Dem doners and there are far more of (((them))) than you’ll find on the Republican side.
I have a few friends among the Orthodox (((set))) in NYC. One of (((them))) recently sent me a message that was obviously forwarded from a rabbi who was essentially telling the Joos that (1) America has become openly hostile to (((them))); (2) it was high time to reconsider their options, including having to flee; and/or (3) start taking a serious look at the people you’re electing to represent you.
I don’t know what it means writ large, but I wonder how long before some noticeable bloc of religious Jews starts voting Red, or walking, or withdrawing support from Team Blue.
Trump running his yap off script solidifies his bases (makes zero difference in the Electoral College) while randomly horrifying any number of temperate moderates. Any rational leftist plan would include broadcasting his rallies, not stifling them.
#Resist is not a great philosophy or management stratagem.
“Any rational leftist plan would include broadcasting his rallies, not stifling them.”
They did that in 2016. It was fucking constant. Every fucking day was TRUMP SAID THIS HORRIBLE THING.
Reminder these are the same people who stopped running his press conferences about Covid because of his polling numbers.
They just don’t want him to have a platform any platform. It’s not enough to have the carnival barker bark they can’t even let him do that it’s frankly scary and pernicious.
solidifies his bases (makes zero difference in the Electoral College) while randomly horrifying any number of temperate moderates.
I’m still of the opinion that moderates don’t win swing states. Base turnout wins swing states. Trump doesn’t need Joe in Oklahoma to show up at the polls , but he does need Joe in Ohio to show up at the polls.
Generally, 25% of potential voters are conservative, 30% are progressive, 15% are progressive independents, and 20% are conservative independents. The last 10% are malleable middle, unintelligible, third party or otherwise unattached.
If everybody who would ever bother to vote comes out to vote, Democrats win by a narrow margin. The bases will vote reliably for the respective parties. The aligned independents will vote 60/40 or 70/30 for the respective parties. The others will vote mostly 3rd party, with the major party voters being 60/40 or 70/30 Democrat. *
By the way, the changes from deep red to deep blue states aren’t as stark as our winner takes all system makes them seem. A shift of 5% from conservative independent to progressive base is all one needs to take a reddish purple state (VA five years ago) to a solidly blue state (VA now). (I’m not saying this is exactly what happened in VA)
The easiest way to cut into your opponent’s share of the votes for any given jurisdiction is to attack the base. You get near 100% gains for every person in your oppositional base that you make stay home. Why all this revolutionary bullshit right now (and it’ll certainly continue into November) ? Because they think they can intimidate conservatives into staying home on voting day.
* the numbers are rough and based on studies I read 10 years ago. Don’t hate me if theyre off by a bit.
Nope. When Trump pulls huge numbers of enthusiastic supporters for his rallies, it reminds his supporters (and leaners) everywhere, including in swing states, that they are not alone. That Trump is actually far more popular than the press makes out. It gives an enthusiasm bump to his entire support base across the country. It’s a very important part of his campaign, which is why his opponents would love to stop them.
BINGO!!! ^^^^^
For some supportive evidence, consider the cable news ratings as a proxy for political interest. FOX is crushing everyone else, but the legacy media (NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN) combined have more viewers… but not by that much.
Progs are frontrunners, IMO. They love pretending to be oppressed as an excuse to (and while they) stomp on the rights of others. But they’re fundamentally the mob. They need the sense to be that they are the vanguard of this large movement of history and that requires creating a sense of inevitability about their victory. That’s how they get the bandwagon fuckheads – the useful idiots.
Trump having YUUUGE!!! rallies puts the lie to all of it. It pops their bubble and it’s why they are pulling out all of the stops. It’s also why they’re hiding Biden. Biden’s only sense of inevitability is over the next gaffe, grope, and bleeding eyeball. You’re watching a giant con by the Media to try to deplatform Trump and keep Biden hidden, all while trying to create a sense of momentum. Remember the “Blue Wave” of 2018?? I ‘member.
I had no idea that the review was going to be published so soon, or I would have made an effort to be online to answer questions.
“open-mined” was a typo. I prefer open-minded women because I am ugly and mean. Lee prefers them because he used to be Leah. Tangentially, girl-watching with lesbians is more fun than doing the same with guys.
The cheese in the photo was neither sheepy nor goaty. That was a cow’s milk cheese sold under the name “cartwheel.” Lee produces his own goat’s milk for those cheeses, but buys the cow’s milk for that one. In addition to the goats, he also raises delicious pigs, a piece of which I was actually eating last night with some brussels sprouts when the article dropped. I don’t know who his milk supplier is, but there is another good cheesemaker in Argyle (cheesefarmer.com) that does mostly/all cow’s milk.
I didn’t review any Canadianian ryes because they weren’t on the rye shelves of my local liquor store. Now that I’m aware of the issue, I’ll check the Canadian section to see if there are enough to run another preliminary heat before the finals.
I’m bummed. I’d hoped “open-mined women” was a new euphemism.
Don’t let that stop you.
SJWednesday: DSA Is Old And Busted, BLM Is The New Hotness
Sounds a lot like : NO YOU have the inclusion problem.
And we will fight oppression, as soon as we kill off those inside this organization that are oppressing us!
I had my Twitter account suspended for saying that a Senator who claimed the US invented slavery was retarded.
Don’t you know that before the honkeys that created AmeriKKKa there was no slavery? Shit, not only that, but anyone that tells you slavery still exists in many of the
shitholessocieties we are told can’t be judged worse than our own because that is racist is a myth. I think I need to start a movement to help people DEMAND reparations for the massive destruction and damage to intelligence caused by our public school system pissing away so much money to create a bunch of absolutely stupid and ill informed morons.Tim Kaine is an obvious case of fetal alcohol syndrome. He shouldn’t be lumped in with the legitimately retarded.
How on the nose was i with my Fact check? Do his defenders claim “well he’s right because America invented Chattel Slavery in the american south. It wasn’t there before.”
What’s amazing is the constant flipping from these assholes from intent matters more than words for some people to words matter more than intent for others. It’s almost like they are using their power very selectively instead of with an even hand and they actually don’t care about any of this beyond a quest to vanquish their opponents. Almost.
One set of rules for me (Clinton & Obama get away with crimes you & I would spend decades in “Pound Me In The Ass Prison” for), and another for thee…
Their system is by design so they can always win any argument by shutting down the other side’s ability to actually debate with facts & logic…
Moved to an area != invented.
That’s retarded.
They made you stop hitting yourself. Wonder why I keep doing it.
I had my Twitter account suspended
A fine opportunity for just closing it, then.
Come on. This is a golden opportunity to for the outright ban.
I had my Twitter account suspended for saying that a Senator who claimed the US invented slavery was retarded.
Calling Cory Booker a retard is a scurrilous affront to honest, hardworking retards everywhere.
It was Kaine but I suppose you have point:) lol.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Rick Wilson of NYT who tried to cancel dominoes.
My senator who beat McCaskill (shockingly turning a solid blue seat to red).
What was it that McCaskill did that killed her. I remember she made some mistake and lost support from a lot of Dems.
Project Veritas had a camera in her campaign. She and staffers made claims about supporting gun bans and moving the needle toward socialism.
IIRC, she said something akin to “basket of deplorables”, but I don’t recall exactly what.
The left are just so emboldened right now with all their ‘cancelling’, that they think they are above the law, pretty much above everything to the point of being blatantly hypocritical. The mask fell off a long time ago, now they’ve taken their self-righteousness to absurd levels.
Hopefully, like with everything else so far, they will overplay their hand, end up with the torpedoes they fired circling right back at them, sooner than later, and the canceling then being all about canceling them and their agenda.
I try to see the free speech case against Section 230 reform, but I can’t find I can get their by twisting myself into so many contortions that I just can’t get there.
That’s funny.
Rick Wilson also did a GoFundMe a few years ago to raise money for an anti-Trump movie he claimed he was making. Collected $65K yet, curiously enough, no movie was ever made.
It’s almost like the McMuffin campaign was a money grab. Hmmmm….
Section 230 isn’t going to get changed.
The courts are not going to rule that any of the platforms have crossed the line into being publishers with content-based controls on who and what gets posted on their platform.
The socials will become an ever-tighter piece of the DemOp machine.
The internet as a whole will become increasingly restricted to wrong-thinkers across the board.
Look at any of these companies or institutions, and tell me who is going to oppose this trend.
“Interesting headline. Here’s an alternative one: Judge Upholds First Amendment Right To Assembly.”
CNN says that the move to stop the rally isn’t political. Hahhahahaha!!!
Saving the country from Trump isn’t politics – it is patriotism!!!
The city of Seattle and protesters occupying the “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” have reached an agreement that will remove temporary roadblocks and replace them with concrete barriers, Fox News has been told.
The Seattle Department of Transportation is installing concrete barriers in the middle of Pine Street, running East and West, which will split the road for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. This will allow for emergency service vehicles to pass through the area.
The agreement will reduce the area protesters previously called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, from about six or seven city blocks to just three. This is the first time in weeks traffic will be able to pass by the shuttered East Police Precinct.
Yeah, sure… I am waiting for the body count to happen. It’s a given with these types..
meh they are pussy larpers for the most part. This is a communist day camp, they all go back home to their gentrified apartments to sleep at night.
They are definitely pussies that act though in groups (like hyenas), but the great majority of these basement dwellers have to role play getting pussy…
Dominoes with extra-cancelled.
Domino’s pizza
Is the pizza
For Drumpf Nazi’s. – Spongebob
Papa John’s is sad.
Things have gone too far in our push back against cops. How do we expect cops to do their jobs if we are going to take away all the small perks that make the job worthwhile?
Well, was he ever TRAINED that that is something you don’t do? You can’t expect a trooper to just know that can you?
Reminds of the recent case where cops actually stealing shit was ruled protected by qualified immunity because there wasn’t a court case that specifically said it wasn’t.
The world is burning, meanwhile I have a first-world problem.
People are reading my book (per Kindle Unlimited page-read count) but they are NOT leaving reviews. I can’t get the Holy Grail of advertising (BookBub deal) if I don’t have reviews. Well, I may not anyway because it’s not available anywhere but Amazon, but the thought was this:
1) Kindle Unlimited for its 90-day commitment and gather reviews
2) Cancel Kindle Unlimited and put it up everywhere (iBooks, Barnes & Noble, etc)
3) Submit book for a Bookbub deal
4a) Get accepted? Plunk down a chunk of change that should pay for itself
4b) Don’t get accepted? Go back to Kindle Unlimited
Facebook advertising is paying for itself, but I just want a BookBub deal. It’s harder to get one of those than a publishing contract because they “carefully curate”. Mine should be a shoo-in: “medieval Scottish romance.”
Leaving it on Kindle Unlimited also means it’s not available to libraries for purchase.
In other news, I am resigned to never making it big. I’ve got bigger, more immediate problems, but it would sure be nice if I hit the lottery.
Nobody leaves reviews.
I leave them on Goodreads. Maybe I should really start cross-posting.
I just read a book because a fan asked me to and it was surprisingly good, and I left a review for him.
If Amazon can spot any link between a reviewer and the author, they’ll jettison the review.
So I can’t review any of your works on Amazon.
I know and likewise you.
That’s why I’m kvetching here because I know that if anybody HERE who read it reviewed it, it would never show up if Amazon finds out the connection. So I not only don’t expect it, I don’t WANT it because that will come back to bite me in the ass.
Dang! You really think ANYBODY here could possibly get traced back to you? I was hoping I was enough of a nobody to try to help. : (
Yes and no. I name-checked you, @cannoli, and @nw specifically in the acknowledgments, so…maybe…?
Not sure, honestly.
They had a spate of authors gaming the system somehow (I’m not that creative), and I do do a thing that could get me in trouble but I don’t do it TO game the system and I was doing it long before Kindle Unlimited came along. (I put the table of contents in the back–if you click on the table of contents and it takes you all the way back to the book–boom, you get paid on the whole book, not the actual number of pages read).
I still don’t think a table of contents without named/gimmick chapter heads belongs in the front of an ebook.
So there is a publishing company on Facebook that runs heavy advertising for one of its authors’ entire universe. Each bit of art is different and the tag lines are different. They’re advertising the whole universe, but the link goes to the first book.
I click on those ads EVERY FUCKING TIME if it doesn’t say the universe’s name. The art is eye-catching and the tag lines are a hoot. So I decided to do that with Cods & Cuntes and it’s working, but I want to do what they’re doing.
That’s why I asked Agent Cooper yesterday about an artist who could do something for me on the cheap because I can’t afford the quality of art they’re putting out. Maybe I just should learn how to do that myself. I always wanted to illustrate my books and maybe have a graphic novel.
BUT the point of that is to say the FB ads are working, but every new ad, FB ups the ante on price.
I have left exactly one book review on Amazon.
You’re welcome.
But yeah… most people aren’t motivated to do that and I can understand the frustration. I dunno how to solve that. Maybe allow ratings without having to compose a review? (If that’s possible already, I can’t figure out how.)
Me? You did? Thank you!!!! (Natch I would have missed it because I don’t read them.)
I was replying to Unciv. Sorry 🙂
I haven’t read any of yours (I’m not reading anything lately) but I mean to.
Thank you, but don’t feel obliged! 😀 As Dita von Teese said, “You may be the juiciest, most delicious peach in the world and somebody still doesn’t like peaches.”
I don’t like peaches. LOL
Do they measure “engagement” or is it positive reviews?
One thing I’ve found interesting from YouTube channels is that the creators have specifically said – say what you want, but say something including negative comments.
So the thinking is can you simply ask readers for feedback and deal with the consequences of negative reviews?
Negative reviews get read by potential readers. So it’s not just trying to convince BookBub.
Correct and negative reviews will cause people to buy because what one reader hates is another reader’s jam.
“Heroine cuts the head off somebody on the first page–1 star”
I don’t actually read the reviews because I don’t like reading mean things about myself (so I miss the good stuff too but the bad stuff sticks in my head). I just look at how many there are. (I do have one negative review that I really like because I find it ridiculous and it helps sell the book.)
Kindle doesn’t count engagements, i.e., how many pages someone reads in the Kindle Unlimited program, in its book rankings and that’s where I’m getting my readers. I can make money that way; that’s not the problem. I can see that people are reading it at a fast clip. They’re just not reviewing it.
Some authors put a thing in the back “please review me, even bad reviews help!” but I find that tacky. I may have to bear the shame and do that.
“Quaker Oats Replaces Historically Racist Aunt Jemima Mascot With Black Female Lawyer Who Enjoys Pancakes Sometimes ”
Also article is from five days ago
Cool. So see you again in 50 years?
I heard ‘Gone With the Wind’ is going to do the same thing with Mammy.
Historically Racist Aunt Jemima Mascot
Racist how?
Prediction: in 75 years, assuming we’re not back to commie shithole chicken scratching existence, renaming school mascots away from Indians or Indian related and removing black characters from advertising will be seen as example of this period’s incredibly racist culture.
Also, everyone will know how incredibly corrupt the politicians of today were, but rest assured, that couldn’t happen anymore.
This is a victory for the white race as Mrs. Butterworth now reigns supreme over the fake maple syrup world.
That so needs to be a twitter storm.
Just waiting to see how long it takes for Google, Comcast, Verizon, Sprint/T-Mobile, etc., to realize they can remove DNS A records for offending domains from their widely-used services. Most people would have no idea what happened. Are there any international treaties or laws that govern accuracy/completeness in DNS services?
Hey we are paying the Obamas a shit ton of money too, please don’t cancel us!
*Rolls eyes*
Fiona Onasanya
@KelloggsUK, as you are yet to reply to my email – Coco Pops and Rice Krispies have the same compòsition (except for the fact CP’s are brown and chocolate flavoured)… so I was wondering why Rice Krispies have three white boys representing the brand and Coco Pops have a monkey?
Fiona Onasanya
Well, given John Harvey Kellogg co-founded the Race Betterment Foundation (the Foundation’s main purpose was to study the cause of and cure for “race degeneracy”), it would be remiss of me not to ask….
Not even the cereal is safe.
Lucky Charms and the Notre Dame are on notice from me!
Don’t let Pie know about Count Chocula.
Funny (to me, at least) analogy I just thought of, in story form:
The Tortoise and the Hare, a modern retelling
The tortoise and the hare were having a race. The hare got out to a huge lead early, took a break to celebrate his big lead with a few lines of coke with friends. The tortoise wins. The end.
It is really bad for young people like, say, Belinda Carlisle, or athletes, to go from zero to millionaire overnight. Of course, age may not have anything to do with it, considering lottery winners have the same issues. Slow and steady wins in real life too.
Iowa Hawk – a national treasure.
Related: I saw yesterday someone referring to cancel culture as “twitter robespierre”. That is dead on accurate.
Not to mention the fact that Google owns YouTube, which has a whole lot of repugnant comment sections.
I have altered my Youtube stylesheets to eliminate the comments. It’s bearable again.
Just like real sewers get jewelry dropped into them, Twitter has his gems.
Yes. That is the worst of his crimes. Certainly not the whole “Yemen” thing. Can’t talk about that because it would implicate… Everyone in the last 10 years
Thousands will die.
Cuomo is back to forcing nursing homes to take Covid patients?
A healthy young (<65yo) person wearing a mask on the street is a brainwashed sheep. What's there to politicize? It is a sign of submission. The totalitarian majority demands a public show of compliance with their irrational fears. For me this is the hill to die on.
I dont know. if it is a scary white boy thing or not but I haven’t worn a mask yet. I might be able to find a few in the garage I use for woodworking, but I dont wear in public.
So far the sheep haven’t dared to bleat at me about it. I do see them avoiding eye contact but so far no comments.
Assuming the mask does anything at all, it protects others not the wearer. It reduces the chance of spreading the disease, it does not do much to stop you from contracting it. So, if anything, the young wearing masks makes the most sense.
it protects others not the wearer
Just because people repeat this BS line many times, it doesn’t make it true. COVID-19 is about twice as deadly as the regular flu. It is a bad flu. None of the “social distancing” measures are necessary to deal with it. Social distancing is junk science that was concocted by non-epidemiologists in 2006 and based on a high-school science project. Even WHO could barely find through contact tracing instances of virus transmission from asymptomatic individuals. Why would a healthy person without any symptoms wear a mask? It’s astonishing how easy it is to guilt-trip people.
I’m not necessarily disagreeing, and I rather hate wearing one (though my employer requires it), but the basic logic of the mechanism is sound: the primary spread is through water droplets in the air, the mask catches most droplets, thus wearing a mask should in theory reduce the chance of spreading the disease.
The “experts” still haven’t figured out if there’s such a thing as asymptomatic spread so I’m not sure that relying on symptomatic displays alone is enough. There’s also the problem that mechanistic studies are not the same as observational studies; or to put it another, just because you have an engineering-type theory about a way something works doesn’t mean that in the real world with a thousand confounding variables it actually does work that way.
Treating other people as a constant source of danger, as a vessel full of viruses–and if the viruses spread on you they will definitely kill you–is not a way to have a healthy society. Staying afraid all the time is much more deadly than a bad flu.
the basic logic of the mechanism is sound
Indeed. Which means the hypothesis is plausible. All that’s lacking is a scientific study showing that it actually works in the real world.
Trump politicizing mask wearing… like selling MAGA masks? Because he hasn’t really done shit otherwise.
It’s his not wearing one, maybe? Like every other politician in front of a camera…?
It never fails to grind my gears that Our Masters don’t wear masks while on camera, despite telling us (hell, sometimes while telling us) we have to wear masks.
It would be less galling if they didn’t surround themselves with pointless sycophant props while giving press conferences.
Here in AZ, we of course have to have to performative virtue signalling of the sign language “interpreter” at every single fucking press conference. Hilariously, the sign language interpreters are now wearing special masks with clear windows over their mouths. As if you can’t see the lips moving on the bureaucrat who is giving the press conference without a mask.
What a racket, especially since more of them now have subtitles as well.
Yemen is a Sunday school picnic. Look at Libya.
I don’t blame Trump for Libya’s crisis. That is all on Obama and Hillary
That was my point. Trump inherited Yemen as well.
He didnt have to continue it.
There is a huge difference between them. Libya was destroyed, and we weren’t doing anything there when Trump took office. Trump has knowingly continued the genocide in Yemen, so that Boeing can keep selling shit to the Saudis. He should certainly Hang for what he has done.
I can think of about 535 other people, at least, who also share the blame.
So the local paper did a bike ride video on a trail I’ve done quite a few times. The Towpath trail. There’s several good restaurants along the way, and most of them appear to have opened back up.
Glad I’m not the only one who is having a hard time differentiating between parody and reality these days. Even the best satirists are getting fooled.
meh. It is just a matter of time before they do yank it down.
You really just can’t tell anymore.
I’m glad they had at least one expert on the panel.
Can’t tell
Update: FB can.
Next you’ll tell me that Fry from Futurama isn’t a real person.
Howdy, Glibs. What an insane month this has been, huh? Hope all of you have been safe, healthy and in good spirits. I feel like I need to do a deep dive into the previous weeks’ threads to get caught up, so please bear with me.
Sane -No
Healthy – Maybe
Into their spirits – Yes
From Monday through Friday is was partly absurd with a high chance of mass insanity moving in from the East over the weekend.
My Amazon.jp order is shipping? Finally!
Not from the Bee
I laughed at the choice of words.
And those patients are going where? The street?
And those patients are going where?
Wow – just saw KellyAnne Conway on Fox criticizing police unions for protecting bad cops like Chauvin,
Some people get that the issue is the unions. Team blue now doesn’t care about these police unions anymore, because the police unions, under pressure from their people, stopped being reliable money bags for team blue politicians.
But they know that if the police unions can be broken, than the teachers unions can be broken.
That’s why they are making this all about racial bias. If its about accountability and policy, then breaking the unions is the logical way to fight police brutality. But if its about racism, then what we really need is a new public sector union of diversity counselors to make the police union great again.
There was a fantastic tweet about two or three weeks ago from some rightwing pundit that was something along the lines of
“It’s fun to see all the leftists just now learning that unions protect bad employees from discipline”
The American Left is an odd coalition. You have the Karen Left, which loves to rant and rave and #activisim. These ones just want everything to work for them. They want punishments doled out to those that are evil, and rewards to those that are good. But they have no guiding moral philosophy to deliniate good from evil, and mostly go off their gut and what they read on facebook. Those are the ones who are shocked.
You then have the Radical socialist left. These are the socialists. They know exactly what a union is. They know that unions protect bad workers. That’s why they want them.
Eh, the American right is an odd coalition too. Socons, Chamber of Commerce, neocons, nationalists, and (some) libertarians make for odd bedfellows.
Totally agree. Whenever you get everyone in society into two groups, you are going to have interesting coalitions.
You actually captured their guiding moral philosophy there.
1. Things I like are good.
2. Things I don’t like are evil.
“I’ve been on libertarian side of the tech debate. But just as behavior by insurers/drug companies, etc. make it harder to advance free market health care arguments, bias by tech companies is going to make it harder to stop the Hawleys of the world
With most people more interested in outcomes than principles, if tech companies display bias, it’s going to be increasingly difficult for those on the libertarian side of the spectrum to win any argument over the freedom of these companies to self police.”
“Google’s warning against the Federalist is why libertarians will lose fight over Big Tech ”
Yay! Let your site become an infested hive for white nationalists holocaust deniers, or pay up to keep yourself safe from defamation! The Best Possible Outcome!
Defamation Lawsuits*
It makes it a simple task for leftists to get a platform defunded by posting distasteful comments to a website.
I am not asserting that zerohedge has ever not been a commenting shithole, by the way.
In the ancient past, like in 2012, most comments there were on topic. I wasn’t following the site that closely afterwards to know when the comment section turned into a sewer.
So you are asserting it was the jews?
Which is what they do. It’s what they have done on Reddit to right wing subreddits. Flood it with nasty content and when you finally get a situation where the mods allow it to stay up for more than a couple minutes, screenshot and report to site admins.
The “Against Hate Subreddits” subreddit has been doing it for years. They posted fucking child porn to get some right wing reddit banned.
TechDirt is performing a contortionist act over this one. They just can’t help their leftist tendencies even though they’re purportedly for free speech on the internet.
You could easily find a dozen sites with comment sections full of “all men are rapists” or “all white people are racists” yet they don’t get demonetized or deplatformed.
Libertarians haven’t been winning any fights over the Internet since social media hit it big.
utility employee fired for flicking boogers
According to the Anti-Defamation League, the gesture — made by forming a circle with the thumb and index finger, and extending and separating the other three fingers — has been used in recent years by white supremacists to form the letters W and P, but has also long been used as a sign signifying “OK” or approval. Therefore it shouldn’t be assumed to be a white supremacy symbol unless there is other evidence to support those claims, according to the ADL. Cafferty claims he was just cracking his knuckles.
Whatever, nose-driller: we know what you did, and you’re cancelled.
So Climate Change is old and busted? Greenies are now being canceled?
Might be a bit difficult to pin on white supremacists with that name, but I’m sure it will be tried.
Police said other drivers associated with the protesters appeared to follow him.
There again, another news story of coordination of “protesters” with cars. This isn’t just people marching or holding a rally. This is orchestration for criminal behavior. Yet it’s being totally ignored.
Reminds me of this one from a couple years ago where rioters inconvenienced some gangbangers.
US House to vote on DC Statehood bill
The House will vote next week on legislation to grant statehood to Washington, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer announced Tuesday.
If the House passes the bill on June 26, it will be the first time a statehood bill passes either chamber of Congress. It is not expected to advance in the GOP-led Senate, but advocates are still looking to a likely historic step forward in the long-running campaign to make Washington the 51st state.
“For the first time, statehood will put an end to our oldest slogan: ‘taxation without representation,’” D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said during a news conference.
Scumbag leech that can almost taste being the first senator/rep from DC after years of gritting. Not going to happen.
I bet all the people who are so upset about the electoral college giving Wyoming so much power think this is a great idea.
Biden wins I predict within the first two years they try to pack the supreme court and abolish the electoral college. I used to think that was some kind conspiracy theory I’m more and more putting it at 25-30% of them actually trying to do it.
It’s not a conspiracy when they’re openly calling for it.
Although, I do wonder how much abolishing the EC would really change things. How many conservative voters in New York, California, New England, etc etc don’t bother voting for President? The only big red state is Texas. Florida is a swing state.
Like, if theres ~5 million California Republicans who have stopped bothering to vote since they went to the jungle primary, would they come out and vote in a non EC election?
The real issue with national popular vote is the huge amounts of fraud the big blue machine could create.
But, it’s also possible that liberal votes in NY, CA, NE don’t bother to vote either.
I pointed out to someone back in 2000 the problems with doing a national popular vote. Imagine a close election: instead of re-counting one state, you could be re-counting every ballot in the country multiple times.
Assuming they got the national popular vote compact into effect, the first clusterfuck election (which could very well be the first NPV election) would lead inevitably to the need to “federalize” the election. I don’t know if there’d be enough support for an amendment to abolish the electoral college, but the FEC or some fancy new org would be put in direct charge of administering the election, making the states even more vestigial.
Draw a careful line around the white house, capitol, office buildings, mall, etc, taking in no residences (other than WH) and few if any businesses. Make that DC. Give rest of DC back to MD.
Include Fairfax and you’ve got a deal.
It is going to be hard enough getting MD to accept DC.
I’d rather take Montgomery (MD), Prince George’s (MD), Fairfax (VA), and Loudon (VA) counties along with DC to form a new state. We could call it Rome-on-the-Potomac.
Something wrong with Panem?
Well, that was the first thing that came to mind. At least it’s not Harry Potter!
So, which celebrity or dnc operative will hire lawyers to demand this asshat be given bail, then pay for it?
Glib theory on happiness in escaping the masses confirmed
Intelligence is believed to have evolved as a psychological mechanism to solve novel problems — the sort of challenges that weren’t a regular part of life. For our ancestors, frequent contact with friends and allies was a necessity that allowed them to survive. Being highly intelligent, however, meant an individual was more likely to be able to solve problems without another person’s help, which in turn diminished the importance of their friendships.
I gotta say, troubleshooting by committee is garbage. The simplistic retort to that is usually “well you’re not a good team player”, etc, but seriously f&*^ troubleshooting via committee. It always ends in a clusterfart and the smartest people getting elbowed out by the most arrogant.
I hate “teamwork” as it is conceptualized by every place I’ve ever worked. It usually just means “you get blamed for other people’s mistakes even if you repeatedly told them not to do it that way but they overrode you because the team wanted to do it like that, plus you never get full recognition for anything you achieve by yourself because it gets redistributed to the team.”
It’s like socialism for work accomplishments.
So individualism is a result of intelligence.
Huh. That is interesting.
What’s individualism got to do with it?
Solving your own problems leads to less reliance on the collective?
I have posited before that a major factor in what makes us a more individualistic society is that we teach our children to solve their own problems whereas other much more collectivist societies teach their children to look to others to solve their problems.
I think it is a difference that cannot be overstated but I am open to any input on the subject.
*Related: (paraphrased) “We are holding people responsible for things they did not do, at the same time not holding people responsible for things they themselves are doing today” – Thomas Sowell
Liberty, individualism and responsibility are inseparable. Sowell’s bullseye critique is aimed squarely at the collectivists who are doing exactly that.
Sounds like a collectivist way to think about working together. I guess trade and the free market is just a collectivist scheme to keep the rational individuals who should be in charge from getting things done right.
I dont follow and I dont even know what question to ask for clarification.
I said more intelligence leads to more individualism, or I tried to.
I have been noting for years that leftists appear to have very limited to no grasp of many concepts with special limitations on discerning between different concepts that have subtle differences between them.
I thought what I said was “They’re stoopid”
I dont know how that means a collectivist way to think about working together.
To be clear. Being a smug superior jackass who thinks he’s smart enough to not have to deal with others has little to do with “individualism”. There is nothing wrong with living within society and plying your trade to aid others and likwise use the fruits of your labors to buy services from others. I’d say that is individualism and smug sense of superiority not required.
Intelligence allows the formation of the conclusion “These people are fucking crazy.”
Circling the drain
Alcohol sales may have boomed during lockdown, but our return to air travel will be an altogether more sobering experience.
Airlines including Easyjet and KLM in Europe, Delta Air Lines and American Airlines in the United States, and Asia’s Virgin Australia, are suspending all or part of their alcoholic drinks service in response to Covid-19.
It’s part of a widespread revision of the industry’s food and drink service to minimize interaction between crew and passengers and to ensure a safer journey for all.
With face masks already mandatory on pretty much all flights around the world, and new legislation introduced in January 2020 to curb anti-social behavior on flights, it’s another in a line of barriers — literal and legal — to getting high in the sky.
Many airlines are limiting drink options to water only. As face masks must be kept on other than when passengers are eating and drinking, it’s a way of ensuring passengers are lingering over their refreshments for no longer than necessary.
It’s like they are sitting around, asking, “What can we do to make flying even more unbearable?”
And everyone said that AOC was crazy for saying we could end Air Travel in the next 10 years.
Reading and before I got to your take I was already thinking ‘Why dont they just have the stewardess’s walk up and down the rows and repeatedly stab everyone with a fork?
I did not know (or forgot) face masks were required. Can you imagine being on a long-haul flight (e.g. LA to Sydney) and having to wear a face mask for the entire flight?
You will pass out from hypoxia.
Yes, and I’ve done it a number of times on flights to/from Japan. NBD. And no one passed out from hypoxia.
Drop the cabin air masks for the flight, but sweeten the deal with a little nitrous oxide.
Or something like Click this.
I remember the good old days of flying when you could bring your own jug of hooch on the plane and have your own party for the entire flight.
Good times.
What is extra stupid is that there is no TSA rule to keep you from bringing your multiple 3oz bottles of hooch in your carryon. The stews are supposed to stop you from pouring your own drink, but as long as you are reasonably discreet, you can still drink your 3oz bottles.
Or have a flight attendant pour it for you, which is ok. It’s just up to each airline’s company policy whether they’ll do it or not.
Translation: Either airlines should be forcing passengers to not ever open their mouths, or face masks are useless.
Too hot for twitter? Too mild for glibs? I don’t know where to post this.
I look mostly at the normalized state data, particularly deaths. The question of a recent spike is interesting.
We can’t say much about manipulation and reporting irregularities, but we might guess that similar states are similar and then see what the trends say. I think I notice:
a/ death rates aren’t going anywhere: they are extremely flat over the past 30 days in most states
b/ cases were extremely flat until two weeks ago
c/ states with early onset are now concave down; states with later onset are now concave up (see b)
One explanation for b and c might be that there is some normal infection and death rates, and we’ll see most of the states converge towards that curve eventually.
The other question will be, of course, whether the infection rates translate into death rates; the stability of that lead/lag tells us some things about the accuracy of infection reporting and the efficacy of treatment.
I don’t look at anything but deaths. I dont trust the death data, but the cases data has so many issues, I can’t even begin to parse it.
“reporting irregularities”
Would that also include changes in testing numbers?
All of those numbers/trends are useless. We dont know how many infections there are and we dont know how many deaths there have been. On top of that nearly all of the ‘experts’ weighing in have been caught lying multiple times.
Oh No! The Supreme Court Building Just Started Sliding Down A Slippery Slope At An Incredible Rate!
SCOTUS Hopes No One Realizes They Lost Their Only Copy Of The Constitution
I literally LOLed at the last line of the second one.
Fun fact: Hungary’s Orban (who is regularly called an “authoritarian” by our mentally deficient press) gave emergency powers back to the legislature almost a month before most American governors did.
To be fair, though, those American governors probably support the EU so they couldn’t possibly be authoritarian.
Emergency powers aren’t authoritarian. They are important parts of our democracy that keep us safe from the Stupids.
Just remember, the person who is granted emergency powers is the person voted into office by those very same stupids.
Even the ancient Romans who ran the Republic were smart enough to put a time limit on a Dictator’s powers during national emergencies.
Something, something, a republic if you can keep it
We definitely can’t.
Even most states have a time limit, but the courts keep ignoring that when it’s pointed out. This virus is being willed into a problem.
If you can’t trust the Courts to do the right thing, who can you trust?
PA has a genuine constitutional crisis. The governor is right that the state constitution requires all acts and resolutions of its legislature to be sent to the governor for approval, and the legislature is right that the law enabling the governor’s state of emergency can be terminated by a concurrent resolution of the legislature which by the legislature’s own rules does not require gubernatorial assent. A functioning (state) supreme court should strike down the entire emergency law as unconstitutional and 1) kick it back to the legislature to pass a working bill and/or amend the state constitution and 2) declare null and void all emergency orders by the governor until a new law is passed.
The problem in Minnesoda is that the legislature has to revoke the gov’s emergency powers. Since one half of the legislature is held by the gov’s party, there is no chance of that.
A better solution would be to make the powers sunset and the legislature would have to authorize a new term. Then a minority party could block the gov’s powers.
Missing the link.
Joe’s missing a few links, himself.
The most important state for Joe to win will be Florida. If he does that, he’s pretty much sealed the election. I’d say PA would be the easiest for him to flip from 2016, Though Wolf is doing a good job at screwing him over it seems.
The most important state for Joe to win will be Florida.
With all the olds there, he probably has a decent chance.
We know who’s going to get The Chaz electoral votes.
It’s Chop now.
270towin has FL as a “must-win” for Trump as of two days ago, this on their moving MI into the Joe column. I’m constantly surprised by everything any more and find my curiosity generates more questions than answers, but I’m very open to the idea that it looks like MI is the easiest state for Joe to flip.
True, i had already counted him as wining MI, so wasn’t really thinking about it being a “flip”, but yes that would be the easiest.
Backdoor social credit score?
So here is my prediction, if it hasn’t happened already. The DNC talking points are going to be that Joe is just practicing a tried and true form of campaigning that worked for the Founding Fathers up until the mid 1900’s. It wasn’t until recently that presidents would campaign across the country and go on television.
That’s been my point for the past several weeks: Joe going to earth minimizes his negatives; Trump continues random yapping; meanwhile, no datum has moved Trump’s way. It’s often asserted here that Trump is getting stronger and pushing the right buttons, but there’s no fingerprint of such a trend; there are suggestions of the reverse. November is a long way off; Trump has time to turn some things around.
Much like Hillary, Joe polls better the less visible he is.
But at some point, I’d like to believe you actually have to campaign to win the Presidency. We may find out that the partisan divide and the DemOp Media have gotten to the point where that isn’t true, though.
Assuming Joe is the nominee, this may be the election where we reach that point. If so, I have a hard time seeing the Repubs holding the Senate or taking the House, and it will be game over as far as opposing the hard left takeover of the federal government goes.
He could try and pull a McKinley, though calling it that might not be a good idea.
So. If Joe Biden Wins, but the GOP (somehow) keeps the senate, how urgent are we going to be seeing the calls for the President to have the authority to remove Senators. Or will we just see SCOTUS say that the senates composition and organization is unconstitutional and order a redrawing of the states?
RACIST!!! they’ll scream. It works like a magic incantation… every time. Guaranteed to make middle class whites everywhere cave.
Fuck the batfe.
So 270 to Win now has Ohio as a Likely GOP. What will Ohioans do now that they are no longer a swing state?
FML. Never mind. 270 seemed to have some retard setting from a few weeks ago.