Hualapai Mt., 7 miles south
As a Disc club, we are a close knit group. I knew Marty was marrying his gal Dejah, but no one told me when, so it was a surprise when I heard it was in a week. Roadtrip! They decided to do the deed on Hualapai Mt., which I featured in a previous post, a fantastic idea considering where we live, cool and beautiful. All of Marty’s flaky friends were invited (us) so I come up with, “let’s go camping at Ken’s place and play his course.” Applause all around.

Let’s Play!

Casey, #2 tag

Kelly, #4 tag

Big arm Ken, in his element, #6 tag

Wesley, #1 tag
What was going to be a 10 o’clock start time turned into 2:30. Showing up, we circled the wagons to play 18 and we had a blast, losing some discs and finding others that people had lost, Wesley won by 2 strokes at -1 under par.

Lost Disc?

Found Disc
Next round Ken and I sat on the plateau and catcalled. “What disc was that?” “Hey!, the hole’s over there!” Much fun ensued.
Ken’s Place. One of the finest men I have ever known, Ken and his wife own some property on the side of Hualapai Mt. south of Kingman, Arizona, and in addition to outbuildings and trees, built an 18 hole disc golf course, very hard and very fun, and private, with 70 mile views.

A 40 mile view

A 70 mile view
We ended with a wonderful sunset and a view of Kingman down below, pizza and too much beer, but 65 degrees, so nice to sleep in.

Kingman, AZ

Wesley and Megan
Dawn came and after coffee we did 18 more holes before breakfast, and the rivalry begins. Ken has the number 6 tag, Casey has the number 2 tag, it’s on! Shit talking, making noise and messing with each others’ heads, so much that I took the lead for a while, but they tied FTW. Fun Fact: I lost a disc, Ken found it and I lost it again, in 1 day, tough course.
After all that, we headed up the Mountain for a wedding.
That looks very dry. How hot was it?
We ended with a wonderful sunset and a view of Kingman down below, pizza and too much beer, but 65 degrees, so nice to sleep in.
If it’s desert, doesn’t the temperature drop quickly in the evening?
Elevation. When you ride a motorcycle you really notice the difference a mountain makes in temps.
“A statement signed by 150 people incl. Bill T. Jones, Wynton Marsalis, Jennifer Finney Boylan, Noam Chomsky, J.K. Rowling, Margaret Atwood, and Salman Rushdie expresses concern over the illiberal trend intensified by our national reckoning.”
“A Letter on Justice and Open Debate”
“Matt Yglesias has been reported to his employer by a colleague for signing an open letter which argues that a climate of conformity, fear, and mutual surveillance has descended upon public intellectual life.”
*makes popcorn*
Didn’t MattY cofound Vox?
Not the company, but “the website was founded in April 2014 by Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias, and Melissa Bell”.
Holy shit, I don’t even think Derptologist could survive reading the comments.
If we only harness the power of retarded, it would be like living on Star Trek.
It’s like nuclear power, even if we could harness the power, no one would be willing to store the resulting waste.
I dunno – maybe you could fertilize a 640-acre truck garden…
We don’t need to store it, just unban the reactors which can run on the waste from the current ones.
I accept the challenge. I’ve seen derp you’ve only seen in your nightmares.
I read the comments. Yawn. I feel as though I have been lightly struck with a withered stalk. Now who can give me a real beating?
Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmO-ziHU_D8
In three minutes? I don’t think you went far enough.
I read fast. Which ones were the most egregious to you?
Have you ever run through a rain forest during a new moon? You’re not apprehensive of any individual tree. Anyway, now imagine a forest out of Tolkien or some shit, fallen under a spell of eldritch tardation, lurking with wraiths and half-goblin men. Who have day jobs being in charge of things. That’s what is egregious to me.
Eldritch tardation you say? Hm. How about this:
Chelsea Handler On White Privilege
I listened to an interview with her on the radio a while ago. She was very close to her older brother who died in an accident when he was young. I don’t care for her comedy or politics, but it made feel some sympathy for her, because she is human and has loved ones.
“I know now why you cry, but it’s something I can never do.”
I could say something similar for Sarah Silverman and some other entertainers, male and female. Elton John struggled to earn the approval of his father and never got it, even after he became world famous.
I never liked her.
Sarah Silverman used to be very funny (and un-woke).
Elton John is just great.
That is a fantastic album name.
Wasn’t that a villain in an Ayn Rand novel?
I…..I never read her stuff.
I did try to watch the recent AS movies, though.
Tried to.
*brain leaks out all over couch*
Rushie is an underappreciated cocksman.
Indeed – a young Padma Lakshmi.
I went to Balthazar in NYC once and he was at the next table with hottie du jour. He lays pipe.
Huh…..interesting. I wonder if he and Larry David do the ol’ Fingercuffs routine on young starletts.
Nice to see it’s all about orange bad man, again. Fuckwits.
Well, yeah, the letter itself had to do that.
It’s the arguments that are against free speech “principle” that are insane.
“Can you imagine a better first day for a big letter about how crazy left-of-center public intellectual life is getting than one in which one signatory is literally reported to his bosses by a colleague — she feels less ‘safe’ now — and another has to tweet “I am so sorry”?
Two signature “retractions” so far.
Sounds like a great day Yufus!
What do the “tags” mean?
Sounds like a nice trip.
Nice. Your last article convinced me to give the game a try. I’m now hooked. I’m terrible at it, but loving every minute of it.
Yep. Used to play a simplified version back in the day. Trying it out again this summer.
I tried to get into it back in the day when my kid was 10 or so just to get us outside. I even tried to recruit the niece and nephew when I visited Americas hat but it never stuck. The niece now is an outdoors nut and I love her for that. The last time I went into an outdoor store with her she wanted to see what bear spray they had. Being Canadian my answer to bears was not able to enter her brain. (large caliber pistol or short 12 gauge with slugs alternating with shot) The last time she visited she saw a dude open carrying in the auto parts store and was kinda freaked out. But back to disc golf ya, I might need to give it a go again it is frustrating good fun.
Golf golf is too expensive here. Try this again.
I don’t know what golf golf costs here since I am not a golfer but I am pretty sure those folk are not my peeps. People like Yusuf is my peeps.
Round here it (golf golf) is an everyman kinda game. Yeah you can spend a shit load on clubs and play the country clubs, but the are also plenty of public courses where sleeveless tees and cargo shorts are the required attire, nd you can play 18 for under 20 bucks. A cooler full of Bud Light or PBR isn’t mandatory but you’ll catch some eyeballing if you don’t have one. Fuckon’ redneck Karens.
It was like that back in the day here. Things have changed since the last time I axsualy played golf golf. The residents have changed. It is not my fault people do not want to move to your local and change the demographics. Some places are not desirable places to live so the assholes don’t move there. Good thing you are there to make up for it.
Golf is dying off. Every year the course is less crowded. It is predominately old men.
The good news is that we routinely finish 18 holes in under 4 hours even walking (on a weekend).
“Golf is dying off.”
Just make sure Krugman doesn’t see you in a golf cart, he goin stab ya!
Kinnath, fuck off! We are going big here
I want to play golf.
This,w e are normies that play golf, Enjoy!
I tried throwing frisbee with a buddy a couple weeks ago, and… crimony. I didn’t realize you could unlearn basic hand-eye coordination so badly. I wasn’t ever a frisbee throwing pro, in fact I can’t remember the last time I played, but I’m pretty sure I was able to judge when and how to let go of the disc.
Do It!
“Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!
7:08 AM · Feb 29, 2020”
This aged well.
People with truly agile minds are able to hold two contradictory viewpoints at the same time.
I ‘member.
Nice pics. Great views. ?
Dudes rock.
That looks like freedom to me.
After 15 weeks on the dining room table, my work computer is now on a table in my office.
I expect it will stay there for at least another 6 months.
Wife hucked ya out of the dining room did she?
She moved out of the dining room yesterday.
We may be able to eat at the table again.
Toss on a cloth for that extra class.
I mean, I guess that could ramp up any so-called ‘classiness’…
I played disc golf once, on a course in W. Orlando (which I usually avoid). Fun game, and we didn’t let it interrupt our drinking / smoking.
Barnett Park.
Brie Larson Is Here To Save YouTube
I think she was just bored.
Something just occurred to me about one of her statements–she said she auditioned for the latest Terminator crap-fest.
So, Cameron & Co. didn’t want an Academy Award-winning actress on this film?? Of course, there are many reasons for that, that I can come up with. Still, you’d think she’s fit in, based on her skills, and, based on what they went with.
I’m thinking she rejected an offer she thought was “too small” for someone of her talent level (ahem).
Looks like a cool Crew Yusef, and a hot playing field.
In which warty pulls a pretty good long troll:
I must be missing something
Yes, a sense of humor!
More like faith in Warty not having made an error
Man I’m torn here.
Check out Natalie Imbruglia over here, am I right or am I right?
I would definitely hit that.
I think I’ve always been attracted to short-haired brunette women because of her.
Or maybe I’m a gay. Either/or.
The word irony comes from a stock character in ancient Greek plays named Eiron. Eiron’s shtick was pretending to be stupid so as to trick people.
I passed through Kingman years ago before and after visiting the reconstructed London Bridge. Fun fact: that was the retirement destination of Detective Pendergast of the movie Falling Down. I liked the bridge, but it was nothing to write home about.
In other news, massive New Zealand trout eat mice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMvjbz8hG9s
Trout were introduced to New Zealand in typical British style, and without natural predators, they grew to massive sizes. I always thought the correct response would be to release Tasmanian devils in Britain.
I thought nuking Britain was alwasy the correct response.
Too bad the Haast eagles are extinct.
I got curious about this disc golf thing and watched a youtube vid on it. One of the ‘holes’ was 667′. The disc things looks somewhat smaller than a frisbe, but maybe heavier?
Anyway, 667′? Can anyone throw one of those things that far? I mean that’s more than 2 football field lengths. How could you get a hole in one?
Just curious, I need a new sport to follow, never liked any of them except NFL and I’ve sworn that off now. How soon does disc golf get woke? Maybe there’s still time to like it before then…
I’ve never played it, but I imagine it has par 5s like actual golf.
Yeah, I see that now that I’ve watched more. Now they’re on a 237. Just threw me off that they first hole I saw was a 667, I get it now.
In addition to this being “I want to run around in a mild desert climate with cool dudes who rock” appreciation night, this is also:
Character actor appreciation night! Share your faves!
Robert Prosky. I’m re-watching “Thief” for the 400th time and he is so good in it.
John Qualen. He’s excellent in The Grapes of Wrath.
Grant Mitchell is another good one. He was in a *lot* of movies in the 30s and 40s, such as the cousin left holding Marie Dressler’s dog at the end of “Dinner at Eight”.
Ron Howard’s brother, Jack Elam, q
Thief is just an awesome movie.
Personal favorites among character actors…..Harry Dean Stanton, Frank Vincent, Richard Edson, Tracy Walter, Keith David
Tangerine Dream, man.
Harry Dean Stanton is another great choice, and this is a Crusty re-post but he is the best of best friends
John McGiver
‘Cuddles’ Sakall
Great choice!
Plus Amex outdid themselves.
Love Cuddles!
Slim Pickens and Walter Brennan.
John Schuck
Richard Libertini
Austin Pendleton
Somebody was a “McMillan and Wife” fan!
Excellent picks.
Michael J. Pollard
Chuck McCann
Vincent Schiavelli
Kenneth Tigar
Brion James
Bo Hopkins
Alex Rocco
Warren Oates
Sorrell Booke
Elisha Cook, Jr.
I almost put Brion James on the list but I thought I had too many already
Related to an above topic:
ending the charade
Slays Reason puss and is right sometimes!
They totally believe in free speech, but HATE SPEECH IS NOT FREE SPEECH!
They believe in their own free speech, but are against anyone who disagrees with them on anything, that is called hate speech. The vast majority of them are just useful idiots since they don’t realize that soon after they’ve gotten rid of that pesky free speech, they will keep their fucking mouths shut, like everyone else, or else. They don’t know this because public school long ago stopped teaching history. And forget about learning it in university, I mean the real history where comme regimes all executed everyone who didn’t shut up when told.
They (leftists) are the fascists they claim to hate.
Most of them are adult children who have never had a good spanking and were never told that they aren’t the center of the world. So they’ll blindly follow anyone who will help them continue to behave like undisciplined toddlers, with no consequences. The consequences are coming regardless, in one form or another, they just don’t know it yet.
a spank a day keeps the commies away
We told them, and now looked what happened.
Another issue is the worship of ‘the underdog’ they have. Because, it’s not enough that legal issues surrounding specific groups be addressed, nosiree! No, the underdog has now got to be made the top dog, calling the shots on everyone else.
And, revenge is the bestest dish evar.
/I got a story ain’t got no moral, let the bad guy win every once in awhile
First YouTube, now this.
Not coordinated at all, total coincidence, just like the last hundred times.
I thought all Canadians was woke.
A coordinated attack prevents them from defending themselves and it cuts them off from the support of their audience. Most of them, him included, can still be seen on the alt media sites though (at least until their web registration is pulled once they get big enough to actually be influential).
Redhedz 4 Yusef.
#1, wowza!
not fair, wow
“Server not found”
Hi. I was watching some Kayak/ floats so
I m late, but much fum was had
Stop bragging – you’ve showed off enough.
In 1983 a syndicated talk show was created to run against The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
It starred Alan Thicke.
The theme song written and performed by Alan Thicke himself.
The 80s man.
Shoulda had a band–Thicke and the Lap Hogs.
pulling forward the discussion from the last thread:
complying with companies’ illiberal mask/gun/etc policies – consistent with libertarianism or cucking out and setting ourselves up to be steamrolled by the totalitarians?
I see both sides, but I can’t get over the trespass aspect. The most I can accede to is vigorously boycotting those companies who have ridiculous rules. what say ye?
Owner sets the rules. Comply or go somewhere else.
It’s pretty simple. If you want to comply with a policy you do, if you don’t want to you don’t.
There is no cucking or libertarian debate when it comes to a place of business. I think there is a very big debate when it comes to public spaces.
Reposting my reply from the last thread:
If Twitter bans your account, well, you have no right to post there. Twitter is a private company.
If Youtube/Google demonetizes your channel, well, create your own infrastructure. Youtube is a private company.
If Costco forces you to wear a muzzle if you want to shop there, well, SCIENCE! and you can shop elsewhere.
Libertarians are just pussies who come up with excuses to comply with irrational totalitarian restrictions.
Get ready to wear your muzzle for the rest of your life. You’re just following rules and orders.
Libertarians talk about guns, booze, and women – be heap-big strong – but not hill to die on.
“If Twitter bans your account, well, you have no right to post there. Twitter is a private company.
If Youtube/Google demonetizes your channel, well, create your own infrastructure. Youtube is a private company.
If Costco forces you to wear a muzzle if you want to shop there, well, SCIENCE! and you can shop elsewhere.”
One of those things is not like the others.
Are you going to make us guess?
I used to be really good at this game back when it was on Sesame Street.
Two principles get confused here. The 1st amendment has no bearing on a private business. BUT free speech is a basic value of any decent society and when a cabal of businesses conspire to achieve the destruction of that decent society by promoting an evil dogma and silencing dissenting voices anger and hostility are warranted. At some point we have to stop sitting around proudly proclaiming our virtuous adherence to libertarian ideals and recognize that the left, including a vast swath of the media, tech, government, and academia are actively seeking to implement a regime in which we cannot survive. As I have mentioned previously I am really struggling with the essential impotence of libertarianism in the face of socialist zealotry. We can craft all the nifty syllogisms and slogans we want. They do not reason, they do not follow the golden rule, they don’t even rationally seek power. They are driven by envy and hatred. They are blind followers of a nihilistic belief system that will destroy us if we let it. I do not know what the answer is. I fear civil war almost as much as I fear socialism but only almost as much.
My issue is similar. If a society ceases to value free expression in the slightest, and instead prefers and valorizes attempts to shut dissenting voices up, well the 1st Amendment is on borrowed time anyway and will inevitably wind up as little more than a speed bump to massive governmental restrictions on speech.
It’s not like we have to look very far to find instances where our government does completely unconstitutional things and gets judges to sign off on it. The critical theory folks are right about one thing: it is just an old piece of paper written by old dead white guys. If we no longer believe in the principles that guide it, well then it’s fundamentally useless.
this is something that has bothered me for years. it’s why I find “live and let live” forms of libertarianism so ineffective.
quoting 2018 me:
The problem is that I’m not sure the other libertarian alternative (stoicly sitting around with my principles, minding my own business) is any more effective.
But what other options are there? siccing government on them? seems counterproductive and a bit unlikely. boycott everybody who espouses their views? that’s only going to have limited effectiveness and basically shuts me out of society. physical violence? we may get there, but I’ll not be the one to start it.
I don’t see any good answer besides making sure that me and mine are as disconnected from this ideological cesspool as we can be.
I don’t know the answer either. A civil war is opening pandora’s box maybe the left loses, but who wins? Almost certainly not the 1 or 2 percent of us that are libertarians. The principled conservatives who value liberty aren’t much more numerous. Some religious zealot? Some racist ideologue? Some fascist group? Elections seem to just ratchet us further and further leftward every time a Democrat wins with voccassional movements rightward when a Republican wins, but very seldom movement rightward on the issues where the right is pro liberty, instead we get a new war against sex trafficking with more erosion of free speech, or the Patriot Act to protect us from Islamic terror, and incidentally destroy the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments.
the pessimist in me says that the war already started, and we’re in the process of being caught with our pants down. I hope thats just my pessimistic side being dramatic.
The pessimist in me has completely overwhelmed the optimist in me and locked him in the basement of my mind. I am trying to negotiate occassional visiting privileges, but I think it will take a litter of kittens riding unicorns to empower the optimist enough to climb out of the basement.
Honestly i find the whole mask thing to be incredibly stupid on both sides. Its like watching 5 year olds picking the stupidest thing to fight over and then firmly, stubbornly refusing to budge an inch on either side.
I hate the ‘not a hill to die on’ phrase, so i won’t say it is that, but the sheer obstinance towards wearing a mask when asked to on private property and the sheer insistance that anyone not wearing a mask is the cause for all the corona virus spread is probably one of the stranger things to come from this episode.
I guess it’s not a big deal for ugly people.
I don’t give a damn whether it’s public or private property. As long as I can avoid a huge confrontation, I am going to ignore face-mask requirements as much as I can. For people in flyover states, I live in your future. Pedestrians here have been universally wearing masks outdoors for the last 2.5 months.
Leon, I hear you. Stubbornness on both sides. Some taking delight out of their lives because they won’t endure a slight inconvenience.
Others thinking a mask is a magic talisman for which violence should be visited on anyone not wearing one. How does this damn disease spread if not by aerosol droplets coming out of your mouth or nose? How many folks are contagious but have no symptoms, 40%?
Do libertarians have the obligation to not take freedom from others? So, I sneeze a few times every day – dust, entering or exiting air conditioning, dreaming about sex with the hawt woman who just walked by. I don’t know for sure if I’m virus free or not. If not, I don’t want to take your livelihood away by infecting you if I can help it. Let’s all get on with our lives, enjoy the things we enjoy, and wear a mask when not social distancing.
You missed those of us who see the need for violence against people who insist on wearing one.
Wearing it themselves or insisting others wear one?
Violence for everyone!
A little of the old ultra-violence?
I never sneeze when I’m around other people. It has nothing to do with CV19, I’m just scared that I let a fart. It’s actually not that difficult to smother sneezes. If I don’t have any symptoms, how will I transmit the virus without a mask but not while wearing one?
And that doesn’t even address the issue that CV19 is not deadly enough to justify drastically changing our way of life.
But….that’s the best part of the endeavor!
I dislike wearing a mask. There is minor physical discomfort because it makes it more difficult to breathe, but mostly I dislike that it feels like I’m giving into the extreme panic that has permeated everything for the last four months.
I’ve had very little contact with people outside my family, so my odds of having covid are very small, as are my odds of transmitting it to someone. To me, the benefit of wearing a mask in most situations is vanishingly small, and does not outweigh the unpleasantness of the experience. In other situations, like visits with my grandparents, the risks are higher and I’ll wear a mask without complaint.
Private businesses are perfectly free to require masks, and if I need to do business with them, I’ll comply. But I’ll also make an effort to avoid such businesses because they make the experience unpleasant, and why should I do business with them if it’s unpleasant anyway?
but mostly I dislike that it feels like I’m giving into the extreme panic that has permeated everything for the last four months.
This is the feature of the bug.
When I worked for bars, nightclubs, etc. I could not let people in or throw people out for very arbitrary reasons. The government knows that when they sell you the license, permit, etc., and the customers know that before they show up.
Now, something like a Costco or Home Depot being private property could — consistent with libertarianism — be just as arbitrary, but shouldn’t. Something like requiring shirt and shoes is something which anyone can comply. It’s neither like the lesbian bar not letting in men (because no needs to go there, and its as much free association as commerce), nor it like the only gas station for a hundred miles serving only white people (because no one can change color, and everyone is just buying stuff and leaving).
To my mind the mask thing is a trivial annoyance and squarely in the area where a private business has an absolute right to impose their rules, and even if the masks are useless and offensive to me there is no great principle involved or reason for permanent boycotts. They are simply making a decision with limited and contradictory information. The youtube/twitter/google push in favor of socialism and against western civilization is a push that I believe must be opposed, and if it continues, eventually may need to be opposed by force. That elevates the question to a level where we may at some point have no choice but to violate one principle to preserve the rest.
The problem is that here in Arizona, when the private businesses refused to impose such rules, the “you’re killing grandma” crowd through such a fit that they eventually forced the government to impose mandate forcing such businesses to impose rules. No one who runs a Walmart wants to force anybody to wear a mask, there’s no reason why they’d want to. But when the public gets all up in hysterics over it (being goaded on by the media), they’re eventually going to have to do so, whether voluntarily or not.
If there was no chance or authority for the government to impose such mandates, it would be a different discussion. But since they clearly have that ability and authority, I think it needed to be resisted from jump street. The constitution and our laws are not safeguards anymore: the laws are whatever the people in charge say they are. There’s no limits to their powers as long as a critical mass of people agree with them on it. “Enumerated powers” are extinct.
Oh, I largely agree with you. I’m under a mask mandate as of tomorrow because of this, but much as I hate the mask thing it pales in comparison to the other issue. The mask mandate is a symptom. The disease is the wide swath of the society that is working to destroy liberty utterly. I can survive in a world that wears masks. I cannot survive in a world where sjw/socialist dogma is mandated. I mean I literally cannot do it not that I am unwiling to do it. My rage at the nonsense allows me to wear a mask as long as I can grumble about it. It does not allow me to kneel and apologize for my ‘sins’.
I guess my argument is I’m not sure it’s a different issue. The discussion was framed as “mask vs anti-mask” but in reality it was “mask vs do whichever you want.” And, depressingly, “do whichever you want” lost. When that happens, it ceases to be about masks pretty quickly.
There’s a current, and it’s not just masks, that everything not forbidden must be mandatory. And vice versa. There’s no room left in a large swath of the public for “it’s a good/bad idea, but it’s a free country and up to you”. I think part of that is a break down and destruction of non-government based social institutions and elimination of shame. There’s no route to social harmony without going to the law because the rest of it is diminished or gone.
Something I have been thinking about related to “masking” is the effect on communication and trust. Wearing a mask makes communication more difficult. Not being able to see most of a person’s face makes reading nonverbal cues difficult. Having everyone wear masks seems like a good way to turn a high trust society into a low trust society.
Well, I might argue that viewing you fellow humans as nothing more than potential disease vectors (as opposed to your friends neighbors and colleagues) might also not be the wisest idea for a functioning high trust society.
US being a high trust society? That ship sailed a long time ago.
By comparison with Japan? Sure. By comparison to all of Africa, most of Latin America, the middle east, eastern Europe? We are still high trust although it is slipping away.
My perception certainly is tainted. It’s so completely different, though, I can’t ignore it.
And shouldn’t. You are not wrong about the trendline.
Coming Decade of Crises and Turmoil
Such a rosy picture.
Wormwood incoming!
Making Fun of The Handicapped
I hope the cancel culture doesn’t get ahold of this guy.
Haven’t seen that guy since he was on some stand-up comedy competition show.
hope the cancel culture doesn’t get ahold
Strikes me as someone who’d tell them to fuck off.
I remember seeing him on that too. Was it Last Comic Standing?
Sounds right.
Starting to wish I had kept my 24 acres, I could have set up a small one of those disc golf courses. Irrigation ditch hazard to the left, gopher hole hazards to the left, Honey Locust hazard in the back on hole 4.
I have some leftover Bluecrab meat from making a seafood pizza earlier. Would that be ok in eggs in the morning?
Sure, why not?
How about some crab stuffed deviled eggs?
Oh shit! I’m gonna make those this weekend.
Shredded crab in the filling?
… but I din’t have any crab. (I do have everything else except pakrika)
Yes. Shredded crab ? n the filling. Amazon has paprika. Pro tip: get smoked paprika.
I have ample opportunites to restock my paprika, I just keep forgetting to pick some up.
Yes. You could mix the crab meat with some cream cheese, and chopped green onions, or sliced red onions, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Use that as an omelette stuffing, or just put a scoop on top of eggs.
Word. I’ll try that.
Also, salt and pepper. And carmelize the onion if you don’t want onion breath all day. Also, capers could be nice sprinkled on top.
I’m really just focused on the pork belly.
This is why we shouldn’t allow people to vote.
My hunting buddy was a disk golfer and got a basket named for him after he died.
Miss ya, Bill.
Found the image that I wanted after I sent off the last link.
The first one loads but the second one doesn’t 🙁
Try this
Dad blast-it!
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Cheers to Bill. *clink*
Sipping a double Jim Beam, neat, in The Tav in Ellensburg, WA.
We need to find the right balance between:
Tearing down all statues vs All statues
Guns completely restricted vs Almost completely
Taxed at every turn vs At every other turn
Full on censorship vs Three quarter on censorship
Demonizing a certain race vs Sermonizing it
Look at me! I’m a moderate!
I thought it was three-fifths on citizenship
Better’n half.
Where are their masks?
I’ll be in my bunk.
I feel the urge to gambol.
Renaissance beauty.
Gun law question – there is/was a revolving shotgun with a 12 round capacity which was known as the Streetsweeper. These had been for sale as a common shotgun however in 1994 the BATF ruled that they no longer would be classified as such and from that point forward they were classified as a Destructive Device, falling under the rules of the NFA to be registered and transferred under that law.
So here we are 25+ years later and there are a number of shotguns with more than a 12 round capacity available. Does anybody have any idea why the BATFE does not declare any of these new shotguns to be Destructive Devices? I sometimes wonder if the BATFE is simply waiting for more favorable political winds or if there is something else about this situation which I am not reading correctly.
The ‘justification’ was that the streetsweeper had no sporting use, and under the NFA no sporting use + greater than .50 caliber bore = destructive device. All it would take is a determination that the other hi cap shotguns lacked a sporting use, so yeah I think it is just a political climate issue, and likely to change with the winds.
Yeah, I read through the written statement from the BATF and remember the political situation which lead to that statement. I don’t remember if there was some specific incident which lead to this declaration. And I also don’t remember some other tangential issue other than possibly being a test case for pushing the Assault Weapon Ban which came through a few months later.
In the statement issued by the BATF they mentioned the Streetsweeper having a pistol grip, large magazine capacity, dimensions larger than traditional shotguns – and they specifically poo-pooed the idea that use in “combat style matches” is a sporting use.
The skeet and trap guys sneer at the steel, IPSC, pin, 3 gun and other plebian shooters. It’s a big piece of why I do not trust the NRA to defend our rights, lot of skeet shooters high up in the NRA.
The NRA has always been a Fudd-centric group and will throw anybody under the bus if they believe it won’t lose them too many members. I wonder how much of this was in the mix of reasons why they passively disassociated themselves from Colion Noir.
Related, Gun Jesus
And another Cobray product
I’ve been binging Ian’s YouTube videos recently – and even became a patron in support.
I really enjoy hearing from somebody who knows a bit more than I do about firearms history, speaks clearly and objectively, presents it from historical and technical aspects, and doesn’t give the vibe that there’s somebody just off-camera holding his beer.
Always good to hear from you,Yusuf.
Your crew looks like good people, and lots of fun. Sounds like an awesome time.
Damn….what a thing to be remembered for.
I hope both sets of kids get along well enough, all things considered
Wiki entry in 2020 deaths
Good, morning Glibs.
Yo! Good afternoon.
Good day to you, sir. Dug wakes up – it was all a dream. Svetlana isn’t real, and he was married to Lothar all along.
You’re not taking this seriously, are you?
I actually think the “it was all a dream” trope has gotten a bad rap over the years. It can be pretty effective.
That is completely unrelated to your flippancy.
But then, consider that there is a nagging doubt Dug feels about his dream. It feels more like another life, half remembered. More and more things remind him of this woman, until one day, he bumps into a man on the street who he recognizes, but doesn’t know from where. The man appears to recognize, him, too, and looks frightened, scurrying off, pulling his hat down over his face as he crosses the street to disappear into a dark alley. Could it be? “No, it couldn’t”, Dug thought to himself. The man was the absolute image of the man he knew in his dreams as Svetlana’s father.
It is not a dream.
Fair enough. Thank you for entertaining my suggestions.
When I took an online course in fiction writing through our local community college last summer, the instructor expressly forbade us from using the “it was all a dream” gimmick. One gal, who fancied herself quite brilliant, came at least perilously close to breaking that rule in one of her exercises. If the instructor called her on it, he didn’t do so publicly. (And no, it wasn’t me.)
Good morning, gentlemen. And good day to you, JD.
You have to build the narrative around the gimmick, and not use it as a last minute rug-pull.
A bunch of cucks.
I’m all for the cops showing restraint but these fuckers need to at least be arrested and charged or this shit won’t ever stop. Who’d want to be a cop in a place where the local pols order you to take a metaphorical knee on a regular basis?
When one chose to become a cop, one chose to follow the orders of whatever asshole wins elective office in the future.
To paraphrase Super Chicken, you knew the job was bullshit when you took it.
I say we lynch 2020. Then we defund it. Then we get it fired.
And then?
Nuke it from space!
Kick it in the chest, knocking it down into the well in the middle of the village while screaming “This is ‘Murica!”
Then we get 2021, A Derp Odyssey.
Ugh. Time to get ready for work. ?
work. work. work.
A thought: having someone else organise when, where, and for how long you should be working, as well as specifying exactly what you should be doing for that period of time, at that location, really takes a load off for some people. When you’re your own boss, it can get pretty hectic without serious self-discipline and ability to plan effectively. To enter voluntarily into a contract in which you will be guaranteed a fixed level of compensation for doing a specified, pre-defined role, is likely the best option. Me being an idiot, I have not.
My “plan A” when I finished high school was to enlist in the Marines with the goal of doing 20 years then retiring, with “plan B” being to use the education benefits and get a degree.
I’m now on somewhere around “plan W,” while working on “plan X” in my slack time.
Envious. I have never had a “plan”.
Sure, not everyone is cut out to run his own business (not a condemnation). There’s a lot to be said for earning a wage and leaving that shit at the office when the day’s over.
That’s where I’m at. I had dreams but life finds a way. I was so unhappy yesterday that Wifey suggested that I quit once we have the other vehicle paid off. Nope, I need to just keep swimming.
My work does keep me usefully employed and spares the glib-fit. That’s something I suppose.
“Two people are charged with a hate crime for vandalizing a Black Lives Matter mural” (they painted over it)
Vandalism, sure, but a hate crime…get the fuck out of here. They can prosecute the hell out of people when they mess with the wrong monument/mural/public property it seems. Welcome to the future, where criminality from one side of the political spectrum is ignored while criminality from the other is crushed.
Fer fuck’s sake. Just call it a Thought-Crime and be done with this charade. I’m going on strike against “current year”. Who’ll join me?
Marxists must be a protected class now. They can riot, vandalize, and commit arson and if you try to stop them, while the local govts refuse to do anything no less, the State comes down on you severely.
As much of a socialist little asshole as I was when I was a teenager I would have never gone to the lengths of what they are doing now. It’s one thing to pelt the cops with empty beer bottles when they are literally beating your friends up for attending a party but this shit is way off base. We all got roughed up by the RCMP. It was a rite of passage.
Chaos in NYC.
“Welcome Back! Your dream was your ticket out…”
Hey! We’re still here!
Bitter Clingers.