Go Sloopy!
Sloopy is out doing what he does best, which is either picking up hundos off a basketball court with his butt cheeks or running from the cops. I’ll let you decide.
Here’s yesterday’s news from shithole countries!
We should anticipate Latin America in a post-coronavirus will be even poorer. Which seems obvious given the rest of the world is also somehow poorer.
Finally, something that matters! Formula 1 cancels races in Brazil and Mexico.
Scientists in Peru and Bolivia work tirelessly to save the scrotum frog…

I have no idea why they call it the scrotum frog.
I completely forgot AMLO wanted to sell Mexican Air Force 1.
Finally…Bolsonaro lives! Here’s the kicker:
Bolsonaro also posted a photo of himself with a box of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, although it has not been proven effective against the virus.
…Which is true if you intentionally paid no attention to anything HCQ related for the past month.
Here’s some tunes. Haven’t heard these guys in a while, why not?
No hablas Ingles?
With infection rates rising in the three countries, F1 bosses believe it would be irresponsible to hold races there.
Instead, three further races in Europe are to be added to the calendar.
These will see a return for Germany’s Nurburgring and Imola in Italy, and an F1 debut for Portugal’s Portimao track.
The US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, had been due to be held on 23 October, with the Mexican race in Mexico City a week later and Brazil on 13 November.
But F1 officials have accepted that it will be impossible to hold the races.
Does anybody even watch F1 anymore?
F1? Isn’t that just a key on the keyboard? It calls up a help menu if you press it, I think.
Isn’t that the racing that happens on non ovals? It’s a shame it isn’t more popular because it’s actually interesting.
It used to be a lot more interesting.
Put Jackie Stewart in charge of it, he’d know what to do.
Fuck that. Admiral Jackie Fisher would put that shit to rights.
F1 should have one oval race a year. The US Grand Prix should move to Talladega. I would like to see what kind of speeds they would put up on the high banks (33 degrees).
Or even better, under the lights at Bristol. See how those F1 cars survive a rubbin’ is racin’ environment.
New cases have rolled over and are trending down for both Texas and the U.S. Mexico and Brazil are still climbing the curve, it looks like.
With the recent surge of ‘protests’ I expect that’ll be changing within about 7-11 days. Also, it’ll be Trump’s fault and there is no proof that the virus spreads through protests. It’s like a shitty pop song where they keep saying the chorus over and over…. and over…. and over…
The number of daily new cases in Florida is statistically flat for July. The regression line has a slightly positive slope but it’s not significant. I haven’t tried running a regression for the past two weeks. My university is getting increasing pressure to move to online-only. I’m worried that our upper administration will cave just as the state is turning the corner.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
When you’ve lost the plumbing suppliers…
Growing up there was one family that really grooved on racing sports. Aside from them (that have all since passed on from this Mortal Sphere) I know of nobody. The youngest son bought a car when he was sixteen and was cool for about a month until he ditched it and never left his parents house until his Mom died and his siblings sold it out from under him. Thirty years.
So even the authors don’t really read their links?
Immediately below the photo we find
“It has loose, baggy skin which ripples around its body in folds, which earned it the nickname “scrotum frog”.”
However, the Nahualt (Aztec language) word for avocado was “ahuácatl” which does mean “testicle”.
Nahuatl, not Nahualt…
If your gonads look like avocados, seek medical attention.
You, I see, have never been married and on the dry dock program….
Legit giggle
nah, I splurged for the oral supplement
OK, I’ll explain…. it so obviously looks like ____, to say “I don’t know why they call it ___” is a form of humor.
*blank look*
I just figured it got its name because of how easy it was to bag one.
I did read the article, the frog clearly looks like a swimming turd.
It likes being scratched?
“although it has not been proven effective against the virus“
At this point I think that can be rightly be called fake news as clinical experience with the right protocol shows effectiveness (they’re maybe technically correct though, blah blah double blind study etc).
They will stick to their lies even when it only serves to destroy the profession and their own reputation, because team agenda/narrative are more important that fucking facts.
Unfortunately this partisanship is costing people their lives. Normally a I’d just roll my eyes but this is a serious matter.
The problem is with you for thinking these people care about anything but their ability to take and keep power…. They have not only openly admitted they wanted a disaster to happen to the country because that might improve their chances at the polls, but actively have worked to make sure the impact is as horrible as possible on the serfs that vote to properly motivate them, when they finally managed to manufacture one.
Power = aphrodisiac = Kissinger
Not much argument here but I’d venture that most of these “experts” are true believers that think that they are smarter than the average bear. Their advice is basically “Sit down and shut up! Here’s a filmstrip.”
They are dumber than shit but think because they went to the right places to collect the right credentials and they parrot the right bullshit narrative, that they are smart. These people tend to be the dumbest fucking idiots you have ever encountered and severely allergic to common sense and/or facts/logic. The left chose to infiltrate entities where pretending to have knowledge grants power. Look at the credentialed dnc operatives with bylines class for example. There isn’t a group of dumber fucking cuntes than that one, and they are all full of themselves and hate the fact orange man uses them like the cheap $2 whores that they are. The public education system is riddled with an administrative class of morons that have lists of credentials but are about as bright as a fucking virgin’s asshole.
Brown dwarf?
Brown dwarf?! Damn near killed her!
wait, no…
Tom Woods introduced me to the term ‘midwit’ last week. I realize now it’s been around a while but it was the first time I encountered it and I love the description. I think it perfectly encapsulates the people who blindly follow the ‘experts.’
My father always called that the shatterbelt, people between 100-120 IQ, just smart enough to think they understand things not smart enough to critically examine that assumption.
I have ALWAYS known and reminded myself that the most important thing I need to remember is how much I really don’t know despite the fact I have a ton of knowledge. One tends to remain humble when one comes at the problem from the assumption that the volume of what one knows is dwarfed by all one doesn’t. The problem with these idiots tends to be that they are impressed with how much they think they do, and never realize how much they actually don’t. It is then easy to think you know better than others.
Who woulda thunk it?
Yeah, the fun conversations I have had around this sort of reality in the last few weeks have been epic. Your usual douchebag libtards just go fucking nuts when you point out the places where lawlessness in general, high crimes, and insane murder rates exist all have been run for decades by liberals whom have told everyone voting unless they were elected racialist fucks would come in and make them all slaves again. But the racialism, and of course the crime, are both worse than ever. It’s as if the people peddling the racism tropes don’t care or believe in their own shit and are just inept fucks that need a gimmick to keep the idiots showing up to elect them.
“But the racialism, and of course the crime, are both worse than ever.”
I’m kind of surprised that this argument works against liberals. After all, even with these spikes in crime levels, even the worst cities like Chicago are near 40 year lows for crime.
Though if a liberal were to bring that up, they’d have to admit that their outrage at police brutality/racism/etc is a bit misplaced for exactly the same reason.
Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. But the fact is the trend, because they have abdicated their jobs, is upwards, and steeply so.
Government crime stats are as honest as their WuFlu stats.
Cops need to stop being little bitches and do their job that they love to brag about. “I Serve the People, and Protect you”, Ok. Shut the fuck up and do it then.
A bunch of protests by commie prissy’s shouldn’t demoralize you to the point of not doing your job.
I can’t blame them for saying well, if my own leadership will throw me under the bus at the drop of a fucking hat, so I am gonna do nothing. I mean, I have no respect for most of these asshats, but I can’t blame them for deciding they will simply play the game as well. I own firearms precisely because I never bought into the idiotic agenda/narrative that cops will show up to save me and those I care about. They are now helping make that case for those of us that know the 2A is important. I celebrate them for doing that. And I also celebrate the inept credentialed elite libtard class of masters for allowing us to see how inept and fucking terrible they are as well. There is good lessons to go around here. Lets not miss out on that.
Those dudes have to do the “Four D’s” until the rioters actually try to breach the wall. It is is ridiculous and non tenable. Somebody’s a gonna get hurt!
Yes but haven’t they been given stand down orders?
See the “Four D’s” just above.
Yes, they are literally being told to not do their job.
I deal with shit every day. I wouldn’t go back if it were being literally thrown in my face. I have had a job like that but it wasn’t political, just an asshole retard that wanted cake.
It’s worse than that: they have been told they are not allowed to use non-lethal means to stop these terrorists. That leaves lethal means as their only recourse. Heck, if I was cynical in nature I would point out the people that ordered them not to use non-lethal means want a body count because that will help escalate the chaos and violence. But hey, calling these bastions of liberal beliefs and power out for being corpse fucking ghouls (literally in every sense of the words) makes people like me the bad guys….
You are evil thugs in jackboots! You should go to prison for life for killing people even when the killing was justified, because you could have avoided the situation by letting the violent criminal escape.
Cops need to stop being little bitches and do their job that they love to brag about. “I Serve the People, and Protect you”, Ok. Shut the fuck up and do it then.
You know what, I need to stop letting this nonsense bother me. I already know that all human beings, including me, are prone to confirmation bias, pattern creation, inability to distinguish between a handful of loudly pushed examples and an ‘epidemic of violence’. We are a rationalizing species not a reasoning one, and libertarians are no less prone to this than others.
I’m going to try to take that kindly.
I see no “confirmation bias” in what i said. I can hold that many police are thugs, and still demand that, as long as i’m forced to pay for them, they don’t cry when people criticize them and refuse to render the services (like stopping murder) coercively paid for. In short, I don’t think i have to accept that cops are going to beat innocent people, if i wan them to also solve real crimes like murder. And i will not stop mocking someone who forcefully steals money from me for their salary, who then whine and threaten to stop rendering services because they have come under criticism.
“come under criticism”, or see fellow cops charged with murder for shooting a guy who had just assaulted them, seized a weapon, and fired the weapon at them. “come under criticism”, or be order to stand down, and not use even the ‘less lethal’ weapons while rioters burn buildings and assault them. There are a handful of egregious examples of police misbehavior mixed in with a larger, but still small handful of badly miss-characterized police shootings from which people have created a myth of rampant police brutality and systemic racism.
There is a larger issue, that absolutely needs to be addressed, with the tactics that are driven by the existence of the ‘war on drugs’ including no knock warrant service, sting operations, and much of the plea bargaining that goes on. Perhaps I am blinded by my own biases, but I fail to see how the corruption of our entire justice system in service of an idiotic crusade 1. falls primarily on the police rather than the politicians and prosecutors that drive it and 2. has anything to do with whether or not it is reasonable to expect people to go into dangerous situations disarmed.
I agree that the justice system needs repairs, particularly we need to end the war on drugs and get rid of the tactics at all levels that it spawned. I agree that we need police held accountable for their misdeeds. I don’t agree that those misdeeds are all that prevalent, partly because I don’t agree that many of the cases cited to show that prevalence were misdeeds. I also think that the middle of an attempt by marxist scum to use the problems with police as an excuse to overthrow the country is a really stupid time to try and fix the problems with police, especially when the fix seems to be to cripple the ability of the police to deal with the rebellion.
Prosecutors are snakes and politicians are cowards. Is that better? The problem is that anytime there is a contested shooting the union lines up to say how they might have to be forced to use their discretion to not enforce laws if they aren’t free to carry on like bandits plundering an enslaved populace. So i mock cops who bitch and whine about “muh respect”. Fuck them. I owe them no respect, just by virtue of being a cop. I don’t know if they bear the most guilt over the WOD, but seeing as they have incredible leeway in enforcing laws, i don’t know why they should be so innocent because “muh prosecutor ordered me to do it”.
If anything this whole episode has shown that they are utterly weak and co-opted by commies already. The DA’s are commies who won’t prosecute, but they will snap to when the DA tells them to arrest the guy defending his property from the mob that the DA just released.
Once again, i don’t see myself being double-faced.
Last week, Walmart officially instituted its much-publicized policy of requiring all shoppers to wear face masks at all 5,000-plus U.S. locations. However, a newly surfaced Walmart training video reveals that the retail giant isn’t instructing employees to actually enforce this new rule when customers refuse to follow it.
The reason? Walmart ultimately doesn’t want to put its employees in any scenario that could potentially lead to violence.
“With every requirement, there are exceptions that have been established to avoid escalating the situation and putting our associates in harm’s way,” a Walmart representative told CNN, which had obtained a copy of the video. “Our goal is to keep associates from a physical confrontation in the stores.”
The decision has, of course, prompted safety concerns.
“Either security or management needs to tell people that they must wear a face mask in order to be served. It’s no different than wearing shoes or a shirt,” Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, told CNN. He went on: “[If retailers] are not requiring customers to wear a mask within their store, then they never had a requirement. All they had was a public relations stunt.”
Typical union rep. Too dumb to figure out the “No customers, no paychecks” part.
The jury’s still out on the whole mask thing being a public relations stunt so there’s an unintentional kernel of truth there. Properly worn masks might help, sure, but masks improperly worn and handled are a definite liability.
Odd for a union rep to advocate more work.
Well unless things have changed, I don’t think they represent any actual Walmart employees.
As in, Walmart isn’t unionized? Then it makes more sense.
They are very famously
anti-unionpro-worker. They’ve eliminated positions and even shut down stores where their workers unionized.https://www.cbsnews.com/news/union-walmart-shut-5-stores-over-labor-activism/
Hands up
Remington, which supplies weapons for hunting, shooting sports, law enforcement and the military, sought chapter 11 protection and will try to sell its business at a time when civil unrest and worries about personal safety have driven firearm sales to record highs.
The chapter 11 petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Decatur, Ala., marks Remington’s second restructuring since 2018, when it filed for chapter 11 and transferred ownership to investors including Franklin Resources Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Despite shedding roughly $775 million in debt in 2018, the company has struggled with high interest costs and has faced litigation related to the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, in which the killer used a Bushmaster rifle manufactured by Remington.
Meanwhile, gun-control activists have put pressure on investors and retailers to reconsider their ties to the firearms industry, particularly following the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla.
Remington has been searching for potential buyers and was in talks to sell itself out of bankruptcy to the Navajo Nation before negotiations collapsed in recent weeks, leaving the company without a lead bidder, or stalking horse, in place.
The manufacturer’s firearms and ammunition businesses could be sold off separately, according to a person familiar with the matter.
What do you mean, we can’t borrow our way to prosperity?
It’s different for Government, because they issue the Money/ Modern Monetary Theory.
Sucks to be a capital intensive, low margin business.
/looks at all the bars and restaurants
Yep. Especially when you can get shut down on a whim.
They’ve been turning out some crap lately which certainly hasn’t helped either. The brand doesn’t have much cache anymore.
Unbelievably bad management. Any kind of semi-auto rifle and pistol will sell faster than you can make them right now.
Their latest concealed carry pistol was FUBAR:
When a gun mag/website damns with faint praise that’s a red flag. That they actually criticize the thing is telling.
Forgot about that mess. I really liked the look of that pistol but you just can’t compete with unreliable product these days.
It’s a really awkward spot to be in. Yeah, right now you could sell anything with a trigger and a shoulder thing that goes up. But in between panics, ARs sit on the shelves. The market is completely saturated.
Yeah Remington was built Gun Culture 1.0, and it’s Gun Culture 2.0.
There are still a lot more hunters than there are practical shooters, but the rate of money spent by hunters is a lot lower than practical shooters. Or at least, the money spent on guns.
Sadly, hunting is a slowly fading culture. It won’t be much different from the Brits in another couple of generations.
It’s very much a father son thing, so every time a son moves to the city and stops hunting, it just kind of dies there.
Since hunters tend to be very traditionalist old school guys, they aren’t thinking about forming associations of hunting evangelists, getting on social media, reaching out to young people who aren’t already hunters and getting them interested. Your boy comes home for the holidays, you ask him if he got out in the blind at all, and he says “Oh nah dad, it’s just so much hassle doing it in Big City, maybe next year.”
Where Gun Culture 2.0 is very outreach oriented, active on social media, brings in people who’ve never shot a gun, or who only have a MP Shield or similar kind of gun, and turn them into shooting sports people.
I loved the days in the woods with my dad. Because of my employment we lived in the city and my kids got in the woods/lakes infrequently. Now I only hunt deer, my kids are non-hunters, though they have guns. Too bad. I did have a chance to get 1 grand daughter to enjoy the outdoors, she will find opportunities and married an outdoors guy. Some hope.
The rural areas have the same video games/cell phones as the metros, part of the problem
You’re all a bunch of assholes, who I agreed with until that one guy made a joke that offended me, now I know you’re all assholes, and I’m leaving!
You should have known we were all assholes beforehand, we repeatedly admitted to it.
I blame the sidebar.
Did I miss something last night? Did someone else storm out?
I can’t be bothered to follow the drama around here any more.
I don’t know. I wasn’t here last night, either because I was too drunk or because you’re all..sexist?…racist?…Atl-Right…Something like that.
So… you’re white?
That’s his face behind the sunglasses.
You’re all a bunch of assholes
I thought this is what united us.
Ah, Trump and Bolsonaro. Can you imagine the old man reek from that meeting? McDonalds, sugar-free beverages and whatever it is that weird looking foreigner likes to stuff in his pie-hole. Kudos for bringing back green-boobs!
Throw Biden in and you get the old man trifecta
Ah, Trump and Bolsonaro. Can you imagine the old man reek from that meeting? McDonalds, sugar-free beverages and whatever it is that weird looking foreigner likes to stuff in his pie-hole. Kudos for bringing back green-boobs!
Fuck me. I hate this lap-top….
No, I will not fuck you. Weirdo.
Don’t forget the yeasty stench of prostitutes’ vaginas.
I was drunk, how can I remember?
Why, I just imagined it a minute ago!
If Mike M. were still around, he’d call him “Balls-in-air-O”.
One chapter of the Dieselgate saga has come to a close: Volkswagen and Porsche have finished paying out $9.5 billion in compensation to defrauded U.S. car owners.
The Federal Trade Commission filed its final report on the settlement Monday, declaring the process “materially complete.”
For years, Volkswagen marketed “clean diesel” vehicles that actually spewed out illegal levels of pollutants — and were specifically programmed to cheat on emissions tests to hide the problem. The deceptive engines were used in Volkswagens, Audis and Porsches.
The truth came out in 2015, with a high-profile settlement reached the following year. As the FTC noted, “[F]or many people, that was the end of the road. But … the parties involved in the litigation had many more miles to travel.”
Compensating the owners or lessees of more than 550,000 vehicles in the U.S. took some time. The vast majority of owners — 86% — opted to sell their vehicles back to the manufacturer, rather than choose a modification to the vehicle.
They took the buyout because the “fix” severely impaired the performance of the cars, as I recall.
But environmental justice was served. And a lot of lawyers made a lot of money, and that’s what really matters.
That’s a lot of blue words.
Blue words matter
How exactly were car owners defrauded? Fraud requires damages, harm, to the victim. I’m not seeing it here.
But we are the government!
The consumers thought they were being “green”. Oopsie.
How many of the consumers actually cared? That is the data point I want to know.
…something something…government is the only the things
we care aboutwant others to do.And the harm to the car owners that is substantial and concrete enough to support a monetary damage claim?
The fact that they were volkswagens.
Nah. Just being flippant.
Later they were told they weren’t being green. They bought cars specifically so they could signal their virtue and when the story broke their virtue signalling no longer worked. Technically they were not harmed by VW/Audi they were harmed by the FTC.
I believe the actual harm would occur after the initial dealership inspection sticker expired. Proud VW owner who paid $25k for his diesel Jetta would go down to get an inspection with exhaust test on his 2 or 3 year-old car, and fail. And require a rebuilt motor to ever pass, or end up with a worthless car.
They bought back my brother’s Jetta for that reason.
I’m greedy but would like to think that I’d keep driving the stinky VW just as a middle finger. Naw, who am I kidding here? I’d take the payout.
The fix didn’t severely impair the cars, it merely caused a minor drop in fuel economy. VW then added that fix to all the recalled vehicles and re-sold them with a massive warranty the feds required as part of the settlement. As a result, they were selling they things as fast as they could fix them for nearly what they cost new.
The pandemic “will impoverish not only Latin Americans, (but also) the world in general
“The pandemic” . . .
The best part was when they climbed the Wailing Wall. That was cool!
The best part was when they climbed the Wailing Wall. That was cool!
No excuses, this time. It’s me and Laptop against the world.
That is one nice laptop you got there.
That is one nice laptop you got there.
The moment I realized that there is no plan is the moment I realized the mask nonsense is a scam. First it was “flatten the curve”. That at least made some sense and had a rational argument. The curve has now been flattened. Then it was “slow the spread”. Wut? Why would we do that? If the health system isn’t going to get overwhelmed, wouldn’t we want to actually increase the spread to burn it out and get herd immunity faster? Now it’s “stay healthy”. To what end? Until no one ever gets sick again from anything? It’s absolutely absurd, especially as death rates have consistently fallen and it increasingly appears that in people with no comorbidities, the virus is no more dangerous than the flu. The real reasons? ORANGEMANBAD and a boot on humanity’s neck
I miss the days when we could just chalk it up to stupidity.
I still am. It’s just that now, evil has has full control of the stupidity. It’s been a long time coming, and evil has been threatened. Evil must mobilize it’s forces of democracy. OMB and all the racists who support him must be cancelled.
The Plan is clearly to use this for whatever political effect you want, and for governors to become de facto dictators for life.
For people under 45, the virus is less lethal than the flu.
Ahh, but a bonanza for mask makers. Look on the bright side.
OMG the flood of mask commercials is hilarious – “copper infused!”. “Not three, FOUR layers!”. Etc. Every late-night huckster is getting in on the action.
I think you were in the hospital when I linked THIS.
It outrages me to no end. And people have easily bought into the ‘well, I don’t want to get sick! What if I’m the outlier!’
Truly depressing because now….good luck getting that stupid diaper off your mouth. The government already ruined and cost lives through the long-term facility disaster, the lockdown and now they went with the trifecta with the masks which WILL come with another set of unintended consequences if it persists.
There’s a bunch of potential ones, but I can think of none more damaging than convincing people that others are little more than potential disease vectors to be avoided and, if necessary, protected from.
That’s hellscape shit.
Allow me to simplify it for you: OBEY!
Well New Zealand has zero cases because it is led by a woman. If US was lead by a woman it would have 0 cases.
There’s a fine line between sheep and human in NZ.
The condom?
Sheep-skin condom.
I Sugarfreed that link up good.
Stupid fingers.
Sticky Fingers?
China is ASSHOE!….
I am glad to see more and more people deciding that turning a blind eye to China’s low grade warfare is no longer optional. And I am loving how it forces the China apologists to come clean on the fact they are bought & paid for by the corrupt and evil CCP.
I am sure big corps will do their best to keep the china money flowing
Too many of them are fucked because they know they are tied to China permanently. See, in order to open a business in China there is a series of real seriously negative things you need to agree to, that all these corps originally just ignored, because they felt having access to Chinese markets would make up for the bad setup. They all agreed to turn over their IP (which then resulted in a knockoff company making cheap copies of their shit within months), to put a member of the CCP on their boards (allowing the CCP to control everything they did in China in favor of the CCP), and to abide by Chinese law that all money made & investments would stay in China. This last one has been a fucking killer for them. Many of these companies realized quickly they had been handed a real shitty deal, but because walking away meant taking a heavy loss, they have stayed there.
That is why I tell people to NOT buy any stocks in companies with heavy investments in China. Unless you plan to move to China to get your money, you run the risk that when the shit hits the fan all your money is taken by the CCP. China truly was a horrible deal for all, but some assholes became stinking rich peddling the whole trade agreements with China would make them more democratic bullshit. Instead China has become even more totalitarian, and now we have people here that want to emulate that model of government because they hate a system that rewards based on merits, even if it is not a perfect one.
This is a trade-war worth fighting.
Corporations are really idiotic run by fools. First China, and now they bend for a movement that while they think they’re improving their bottom line (and deluding themselves of believing they’re outwitting them by ‘getting ahead of the curve’. Ie ‘We support BLM!’ and then hand over a check) don’t realize these groups eventually will come for them. They don’t seem to grasp that these groups want to put an end to capitalism and are only using corps. for the money while it’s convenient.
That is, classic useful idiocy.
““The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
Lenin said that.
Mao, not Lenin
“This is a trade-war worth fighting.”
As long as the end result is that we make China play by the international rules all others have to, I am fine with it. But I will not support a bunch of idiots that knowingly stuck their fucking dick in a meat grinder but now act all butthurt that China is fucking them in the ass for being stupid. They chose to accept that terrible deal. They doubled down. Even after it was obvious they had been had, and had real bad, because admitting they fucked up would cost them big money (especially the fucking assholes making huge bonuses peddling the “savings” to their shareholders by moving manufacturing to China, only to have the Chinese steal all their IP and then run companies to compete with them selling cheap knockoffs).
As Viking says above: the fucking greedy assholes sold out and are the ones to give China the rope hanging them up now. I have no sympathy for this bunch of assholes. They made tons of money fucking this country and its people over. Own your stupidity. Declare the fucking loss, leave China, and tell them to fuck off. Then I might have some support for ya.
^^ this ^^
They all agreed to turn over their IP
They begged China to fuck them over; China complied.
Of course, screaming your head off about this isn’t great for your career; apparently I’m asshoe
Is the NBA fucked? I hope they’re fucked.
I truly all those assholes lose a shit ton of money.
We already were aware, Don. j/k you’re a good egg.
a few things were obvious in my life and easy calls
a/ stock bubble in 2000: then as now I cashed out and sat on my hands for two years
b/ Anderson and Moody were confidence men with excellent rackets
c/ Enron’s annual reports were garbage, so the company probably was as well
d/ Elizabeth Holmes is intellectually bankrupt and her followers are a cult
e/ China is asshoe (corollary: source low-cost content in Mexico)
lots of other things I was wrong about . . . . lots
China’s had this attidude for centuries.
Last time around it led to the Opium Wars.
There isn’t a bunch of more racist and narcissistic assholes than the people that keep gaining power and running China, preying always on it’s people’s desire to be great and horrible sense of insecurity/inadequacy. They are truly one heck of a conflicted bunch, and that makes it easy for power brokers to play them.
because they felt having access to Chinese markets would make up for the bad setup
Greed is its own reward.
Bolsonaro also posted a photo of himself with a box of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, although it has not been proven effective against the virus.
I see we are still going with this false narrative.
Trump has been eating them like candy, and hasn’t gotten sick. QED.
People have been taking the older version of chloroquine since the 1930’s. In malaria infested countries and Lupus patients, people take it regularly for years.
Political hack researchers have been going after the huge Henry Ford Hospital study demonstrating hydrochloroquine’s effectiveness, insisting other factors led to the results. In my now long career, which includes having testified to the FDA several times, I’ve never seen so much effort put into discrediting a drug. If Trump had never mentioned it there would no doubt be far more support for its use. And don’t believe any studies which claim it is ineffective which didn’t use it along with zinc supplements, that is a key to its success.
“The drug’s main function is to improve the uptake of zinc. We should test it in isolation without any additional zinc.”
Efforts to sell Mexico’s presidential jet appear to be going well, but a simultaneous effort to sell lottery tickets depicting the plane is struggling.
Sell it to the cartel. I’m sure they can make use of it.
For erections lasting longer than 4 hours, call Titty Tuesday.
Can’t tell if that is Racist or Inclusive.
Hitting too close to home?
Neither are Romanians. What’s your point?
I am waiting for my reparations
Something ridiculous is going on with the comments. There was more here which disappeared when posting
First I heard of Armenians not being white.
Because I’m tired of being grouped into the category of “white”. It erases our armenianness. I identify as western Asian, like many other Armenians because we are from western Asia
Ah so some of the sweet race graft… Also there is nothing incompatible between western asian and white. White does not mean European, especially since the border between Europe and Asia is arbitrary and it should be a single continent anyway
Are you trying to get Romania reclassified as Asian?
Like White People.
I mean the Kurgans/Yamnaya who destroyed the peaceful Matriarchy of Old Europe were Western Asian. They are, in the end, to blame for every evil since 3000 C*
* unless you believe the less accepted theory that indo-european expansion came via anatolia
Ummm. Sure. I just meant it in the way that Europe is just West Asia.
No, Asia is East Europe. That way Romania becomes West Europe.
How much of Russia is in Asia? And what race are Russians?
Though the moron unintentionally makes a good point; the lines in the sand for the “races” are arbitrary and stupid. Collecting information on it and using it to make policy decisions is racialist pseudoscience. If you want to identify with the political entity your ancestors happened to come from, knock yourself out; but don’t think it makes you special.
Well, the Rus were scandies, but then again ‘Caucasian’ comes from the Caucasus Mountains.
Scandinavians mixed with Slavs.
It’s nothing more than a power-grab at this point.
Armenia is pretty damn close to the Caucasus Mountains.
Sorry lady, you’re a white person. A hairy, hairy white person.
I grew up around a fair number of Armenians. Kind of the same category as Greeks and Italians – mostly white. They were well accepted because many of them we knew were professional types – lawyers and accountants. And they attend the same Congregational Churches as the old stock WASPs.
So the most literally caucasian people around aren’t white?
We’ve seen your cooking, you are white. *adds a pinch of salt
The men are “white-ish” but the women folk are just as hairy and stubby as the men so it can be hard to tell one from the other. Like Tolkien’s Dwarves.
I have been assured this never happens.
Three people were shot and a fourth was injured by flying glass when a man who was angry at being turned away from a crowded sports bar went to his car and returned with a gun, firing multiple shots into the windows of the establishment near downtown Dallas late Saturday night.
Police say the man was part of a larger group who tried to gain access to the bar but were turned away due to COVID-19 restrictions.
I have to tell you that when I read this bit of news, it made me feel it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of cuntes. I hope this kid and his lawyers become billionaires at the expense of these fucking evil entities.
Interesting. I’m not sure you breach a confidentiality agreement if you don’t actually know what the settlement amount was or accurately describe it. Unless he actually settled for chump change, I don’t think saying he did violates confidentiality.
But the process is the punishment . . . .
Elsewhere, CNN’s Brian Stelter shared a tweet Monday by attorney Mark Zaid, which reads, “Those with zero legal experience (as far as I can tell) should not be conjecturing on lawsuits they know nothing about. What kind of journalism is that? I’ve litigated defamation cases. Sandman was undoubtedly paid nuisance value settlement & nothing more.”
Brian Stelter is asshole.
“This retweet by [Stelter] may have cost him his job at [CNN],” Wood said. “It is called breach of confidentiality agreement. Brian Stelter is a liar. I know how to deal with liars.”
really stinging the reporters that coprorate just “gave in” to sandman.
I just got a giant woody.
They wouldn’t fire him. His ratings are on par with a few min of Tucker Carlson.
I don’t come here to read your gay porno shit! Now, some lipstick lesbian writings…
Yeah, I’m not sure how far the Stelter thing would go in reality. But I’m just glad to see somebody playing offense for a change.
“There is absolutely nothing we can do for Venezuela,” Moreno said. “There’s no country in the history of humanity that has seen a contraction as deep as that of Venezuela without having had a war or a natural disaster or both.”
Ouch. Is this a fact?
They had so much bad luck
Socialism is an unnatural disaster.
I dunno. All the impulses seem to be part of Human Nature.
Yep, Envy is pretty damn human.
I meant the fist time in history part.
Extra points for the no contact delivery.
“After a police investigation in which Smith was found in possession of child pornography, he was arrested on two counts related to child pornography and one count of child molestation.
After being charged, Smith walked free from the court after the judge controversially ruled that he did not pose a threat to the local community,”
This person has no business being a judge.
I think this is next. Silent vigilantism. We’re going back to the days of maybe even hiring the mob to take care of business or even protect.
The perception is increasingly one where the system is failing citizens.
For me, that was becoming apparent way back when Karla Homolka was set free. A monster like that didn’t get life because of how the system works. The prosecution had make a deal with her in order to put Bernardo away for good. Both should have been put away – if not worse. Now she walks the streets of Montreal.
Who’d he go after, Tony Soprano’s niece?
I don’t think so. If it was her uncle the biker, or her granddad the OG, I think he would have been disappeared.
Dumping him on the judges porch is a political act. Which makes me wonder if it really was some previously disinterested vigilante.
“A local resident said of the horrific discovery that finding a headless body was an “unusual” occurrence: “This is a nice area.This is the kind of thing that usually happens in mob films, but not around here.””
This place is pretty much Mayberry. So few headless corpses lying around.
Head was found floating down the river, singing, “I aint got no body”
Ok. I know you guys have your issues with the LP, but when i see shit like this, i get a little triggered:
The dude was a Republican Governor, in what way could you call him an “Establishment Democrat”.
I voted for Gary twice, I am voting for Jo. Gary was in no way an establishment Democrat. He wasn’t even an establishment Republican (although much closer to that).
Jo is the first real libertarian to get the nomination since Badnarik. With probably the same results.
I can’t forgive her support for Black Lives Matter. Sorry, Jo.
“You must be actively anti-racist”.
If there is one bedrock principle of libertarianism, it is that “you must” is not in our vocabulary. I have two people to vote for who will “You must do _________” to me on various things, I don’t need a third.
Shamelessly stole that from Kmele on the 5th Column.
JoJo lost me when she genuflected to BLM, a committed Marxist organization. Completely incompatible with libertarian values and an instant DQ.
You could chalk up the alignment of cosmos with the left on some issues out of naïveté. I’m not willing to do the same for anyone who supports BLM.
Whenever someone counters with “it’s the sentiment, not the organization,” I ask them if they feel the same way about making America great again?
Yep, I can forgive an awful lot (Hell I’ll probably vote for Trump) but pandering to marxists who are actively attacking the country is beyond the pale.
Man, I hadn’t seen that. How disappointing.
This reminds of the current ongoing spat I’m having with Mrs.T.
Her: Want something from Chic-Fil-A?
Me: Nope.
She goes and returns.
Me: Did you shine any shoes, racist?
Her: Whatever. So you’re not going to eat it anymore?
Me: It’s just a damn chicken sandwich.
It’s not 1980’s Kathy Ireland!I don’t understand that at all.
Dan developed a case of teh stoopids a few weeks ago.
Tard is right there in the name. ; )
Good morning, Señor Sharpshooter!
And thanks for all the lynx!
I get an email from Woot every morning. Sometimes I actually buy stuff.
This, however, is one of the weirder offerings I’ve seen.
The product pics are hilarious.
Make it a great day, peeps!
That’s definitely an “only in East Asia” kind of thing.
Huh. There’s got to be a market for that.
Eye contact is sexist.
Avoiding eye contact is racist.
Take your pick.
It is gonna be Trump or Biden.
The democrat’s platform consists entirely of a list of the things they are going to take away from you…money, guns, options, rights.
Vote for whomever you see fit. In the end we are going to get what we vote for, good and hard.
I’m staying home again. You don’t fight insurrection at the ballot box, Trump hasn’t earned my vote, and Jo is the exact kind of capitulating libertarian that I wouldn’t waste my time voting for.
Not the bee.
Colin Kaepernick and Anthony Fauci are officially “modern-day human rights defenders,” according to the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization. The group announced Monday that the two men would be among the five figures chosen to receive its Ripple of Hope Award, which “celebrates outstanding leaders” who have “utilized their platform for the public good.”
“Our country is yearning for leadership, for moral fortitude, for common decency and kindness, and this year’s Ripple of Hope laureates give us great hope for the future,” said Kerry Kennedy, president of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights. “Their work for equal justice touches every corner of society, sometimes at great personal cost. We are deeply honored to celebrate these changemakers, who have set forth countless ripples of hope at a time when our world is in such need of inspiration.”
Giving bad advice leading to economic destruction in the trillions of dollars and promoting a false premise culminating in riots causing destruction of property and death are wins for human rights…
I blame Trump myself
And here i thought the right to work was a human right. This is something i hate about the politics of the last few years, in how superficial it has become. Saying Fauci is a human rights defender, means nothing other than “Fauci is endorsed by team good”.
Economists, from Yale
A new report by Yale economists finds no evidence that the enhanced jobless benefits Congress authorized in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic reduced employment.
The report (PDF) addresses concerns that the more generous unemployment benefits, which provide $600 per week above state unemployment insurance payments, would disincentivize work.
The researchers assessed this claim using weekly data from Homebase, a company that provides scheduling and timesheet software to small businesses throughout the United States. The findings suggest that, in the aggregate, the expanded benefits neither encouraged layoffs during the pandemic’s onset nor deterred people from returning to work once businesses began reopening.
The report found that workers receiving larger increases in unemployment benefits experienced very similar gains in employment by early May relative to workers with less-generous benefit increases. People with more generously expanded benefits also resumed working at a similar or slightly quicker rate than others did, according to the report.
“The data do not show a relationship between benefit generosity and employment paths after the CARES Act, which could be due to the collapse of labor demand during the COVID-19 crisis,” said Joseph Altonji, the Thomas DeWitt Cuyler Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and a co-author of the report.
Critics argued that the expanded benefits, which exceeded many people’s normal weekly wages, would incentivize businesses to lay off workers to cut costs and disincentivize recipients from returning to work. If the enhanced benefits had these effects, the researchers said, the data should show a significant drop in employment in the week after the CARES Act took effect; it should also show subsequent decreases in relative employment as workers with more generous unemployment benefits put off returning to work. The data did not yield results that support these predictions.
The researchers found no evidence that recipients of more generous benefits were less likely to return to work. They also found that workers who received larger increases in their unemployment benefits relative to their wages did not experience greater declines in employment after the CARES Act was enacted.
I have complete faith in their methodology and analysis. If you can’t trust Yale, who can you trust?
I know three people that had recall to work, or offers from other employers, that sat on their asses until the sweet federal loot ran out.
That’s why we need to extend that money for the duration of the pandemic!
At least I bought guns and booze with my loot. Looks at tax bill. I wuz robbed!
Their employers should have filed with the unemployment office that they were recalled. Theoretically, that cuts off the loot.
When I was asked to join the lucre train, my company filed for me. “Get out, we’re gonna go broke!”
As I recall in PA, it doesn’t take long for an employer to be notified that ex-employee has filed for unemployment and employer can challenge reason. However, once ex-employee is certified eligible, it takes many more weeks before employer gets a report to see who is still collecting against the employer’s account. At that point, employer can challenge (e.g. “he refused to come back to work”), ex-employee can appeal, etc. etc. Meanwhile the UC loot keeps rolling in. We had several employees that did get cut off and employer account got credit, but don’t know if state actually tried to recover money from the employee.
“People with more generously expanded benefits also resumed working at a similar or slightly quicker rate than others did, ”
Sure they did. So let’s up the weekly amount to $2,000 and they’ll all be itching to come back to work even faster.
Why in the world would anyone hire a Yale graduate?
So Louisiana is blowing out one of my theories. I had said that states that peaked at 12 or 14 deaths per million per day in the first wave were mostly immune to the 2nd wave. Not that they had reached herd immunity, but close enough to not get another exponential peak. LA peaked at 14 the first time and is now back up over 10.
I blame Suthen.
I try not to pay attention as I don’t want to end up in prison.
How many of the second wave are re-infections?
In spite of all of the hand-wringing and pearl clutching the first time around I didnt know anyone infected that I did not hear about from a friend’s mom’s sister’s co-worker.
I dont think the numbers we are getting are…reliable.
There is definitely a garbage-in garbage-out problem.
/off the hook
I can’t blame you for every state having a problem. Well, I could, but its more fun to spread the blame around.
If you suspect that every state will sooner or later have similar long-run death fractions, then you don’t really need to add thresholds for your theory to be right. My guess is that, to the extent that the virus is unimpressed by who your governor is and to the extent that local populations will have similar resistance to the virus, very one has a gallon of shit to drink; some just got a head start on it. Maybe fatter and older states get hit slightly harder in the medium run, but, in the long run (as Keynes reminds us), we’re all dead.
There’s quite a lot to go on understanding what’s happening with sars-cov-2 (which is quite a bit different than the “they really don’t know everything, so they don’t know nothing” bullshit that gets expressed from time to time). If exposure levels and rates affect severity as has been posited, along with many other identified factors, it isn’t necessarily that every state will eventually experience the same death rates.
As a data-driven guy, I certainly am glad to defer to better modeling by others.
If exposure levels and rates affect severity What does this really mean?
My comments are generic because I don’t think discrete state modelling is all that useful: I think I’m 80% right about 80% of this because, due to travel and other factors, the American experience will be generic with fat and feeble folks more or less evenly distributed. As an example of my way of thinking, I posit that moving to a small town in the panhandle of OK for 20 years won’t change the final totality of one’s experience; it might help you avoid exposure for a couple of years, but this thing that found its way from China to Italy to NYC will get to Guymon pretty soon.
A big difference would be a vaccine, of course: if that were distributed well to places that had yet to experience a ripening of the curves, all bets would be off. Of course, I hope that happens.
A metaphor from my chemical life comes to mind: when you first dump a ton of salt into a vat of surfactant, it’s just a mixture, a salad of ingredients. But, after 50HP for two hours, you get one tank of fairly uniform dish soap, all the salt dissolved into a homogeneous batch . . . and then you can take your sample from any stratum you wish and get a very narrow range of results in the lab.
Another picture that might fit: you don’t need much of a map to get to the top of the mountain. Getting back down on the right side is sketchier work, of course. But I think the virus is conquering, hiking towards the generic “up” instead of discretely trying to hike down back to a specific base camp.
Of course, this all might be just another of my many left-brain/right-brain struggle fests. *loses grocery list* *spills coffee* *lets NewWife’s cat get out while taking out the garbage* *gives up and starts drinking early*
What does this really mean?
We should have done widespread variolation?
This, which is why I find the new panic over Florida et al. so tiresome. It was always going to rise there you idiots! Everyone pretended to believe it would ravage NYC and then just die out. Stoopid.
Lucky for the rioters Janet Reno isn’t AG. She would have already deployed Seal Team 6 to slaughter them all in their sleep.
You better believe that any right-wing protest or counter-violence will get the Weaver family treatment.
Rasmussen poll. White think blacks are more racist.
I’ve been thinking about the best way to respond to being called a racist. I think I’d just say, “I think the ones charing others with racism are in engaging in projection and are the true racists. Let’s fuck.”
Most race-baiters are not fuckable.
I assume Rasmussen itself is racist, or?
Incorrect, nonwhites cannot be racist even it they hate other races explicitly for their skin color.
*grabs Merriam-Webster and looks up definition of ‘racism’*
By God, you are right!
Which type of runner are you?
I would have added ‘The Shuffler’. Some who shuffles their feet as they stammer on.
A very slow one
Running is for criminals.
The retired type.
The kind that doesn’t run?
I admit to being floppy hands.
Wait until they start removing “false” information related to political campaigns.
Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News earlier today, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well.
The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers.
Was it more false than the “Woman Drinks Boyfriends Semen to counter Covid?” Article?
So…did these doctors give cures and treatments? Or was that just made up by FB et al to justify
I posted a Youtuber talking about and there were some clips of the docs talking (it’s gone now). There were doctors talking about their positive clinical experiences with chloroquine.
When a petition went up here challenging the mask mandate, it got nearly 60 000 signatures in a matter of hours but was mysteriously removed (under the usual ‘it didn’t fit our bull shit policies’ gibberish) by Change.org. I even read it was the fastest growing petition in the history of Change.org.
Social and legacy media are in bed with the state to conspire against the people. Simple as that.
I’d like to think that we’re approaching a tipping point, where trust in these increasingly inept and avaricious institutions just takes a nose dive. But I’m probably fooling myself.
The capacity for the
stock marketvoting public to behave irrationally outlasts your ability to staysolventsane.Whenever I see a doctor – like that lady doctor from Nigeria – who talks about the 100% recovery rates she got with hundreds of patients using a cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax- I get a sinking feeling that our medical bureaucrats and politicians have killed tens of thousands of people.
Elon Musk
Das Kapital in a nutshell
“Hungry Santa” – heh.
He’s been on a roll for a while, did somebody skin suit Elon Musk?
Probably calculated that yes he would remain rich under the new socialist regime but would lose creative control of his company.
So has thrown his hat in with opposing it because he will still be rich and able to launch cars to Mars.
Coordinated attack talking point is obviously coordinated.
On Monday, The New York Times reported that the first lady, Melania Trump, would revamp the White House Rose Garden. Leftists compared the first lady to Marie Antoinette, the French queen who got beheaded during the French Revolution after allegedly saying, “Let them eat cake” when the citizens of Paris ran out of bread. With angry mobs wreaking havoc in American cities and leftists largely covering for them by calling them “peaceful protesters,” any comparison to the French Revolution seems particularly ominous.
Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.), who resigned amid a sex scandal involving a former staffer, tweeted of Melania Trump’s rearranging of the Rose Garden, “That’s some Marie Antoinette s**t right there.”
Eugene Gu, a former resident physician who sued Trump to prevent the president from blocking him on Twitter, stoked hatred against the first lady. “In the middle of the worst pandemic in modern history, with soaring unemployment, Marie Antoinette bravely tells the suffering peasants, ‘I’ll remodel the Rose Garden, which only my family and friends can enjoy, so that you stupid f*cks can be inspired behind walls of tear gas!’” he tweeted.
“Getting a real ‘let them eat cake’ vibe going on here,” Dan Rather wrote about the Melania story.
You leave Melania alone.
Apocryphally is the word the author is looking for.
Eugene Gu – I still have no idea why this mentally ill person is getting attention instead of professional help
“Let them eat cake” – is there anyone left who does not know this is a myth?
Cake? Where?
Malcolm Tucker : You, hey, put the snifter out there that if the BBC ambushes a minister with another surprise question about the war, I’ll drop a bomb on them.
Judy : I can’t do that, can I? That’s political.
Malcolm Tucker : Does that not fit within your purview, Marie Antoinette? Why don’t you just scuttle off back to fucking Cranford and play around with your tea and your cakes and your fucking horse cocks. Let them eat cock!
I’m still hoping that distant relative, William Vanderbilt, actually said “The public be damned!”
Rather repeating this urban myth is of no surprise and lends insights at the ignorant laziness of contemporary journalists. This is one of the most famous quotes that likely never happened. So it’s not surprise they’re using a lie to perpetuate a lie for their propaganda. Marie-Antoinette was in fact a decent woman that history has maligned. She was killed by a reactionary mob. There’s no proof she ever uttered those words. I remember coming across a periodical back in the 90s that mentioned this but the myth persists like ‘firing in a crowded theatre’ has been misapplied.
The most recent example of basing a perception and policy on weak evidence are the masks. The government has the people right where they want them and can take the propaganda wherever it chooses.
Never forget yelling fire was that shitstain OWH using it to tear up 1A because draft dodgers are bad. Schenck is an abomination, right up there with Korematsu and Wickard. All products of the Progressives.
Trump has personally gone out and infected every single person who has died of COVID.
Acting could soon be a hate crime
The bill is intended to prevent harm to potential victims of hate crime. But it would criminalise anything deemed likely to ‘stir up hatred’ against people on the basis of their age, religion, gender identity or other protected characteristics – even if it is an actor pretending to be racist, transphobic or bigoted for the purposes of a play.
Well, racists shouldn’t be shuttered out of work becaues some non-racists want to pretend to be racist.
Damn, no more WWII movies then, at least no nonItalian campaign ones.
I don’t think this woke-scold language police lady has thought this through all the way.
Catherine Roome, president and chief — drat, sorry — lead executive officer of Technical Safety BC, signaled her virtue to the world in a column in The Globe and Mail. She lamented “systemic racism,” praised the Black Lives Matter movement, and announced her reasons for dropping the oh-so-offensive word “chief” from her title.
“As folks who know me well will tell you, I am a stickler for inclusive language. I often interrupt people – board directors, heads of organizations, politicians and others – if I feel they are using titles for our employees that are outdated,” Roome boasted. “So to receive constructive feedback on my own use of language made me sit up and take notice.”
“One particularly courageous colleague pointed out that I was using a word in my title, president and chief executive officer, that represents something deeply meaningful to many Indigenous peoples. It is a word that is honoured and respected in First Nations culture and conveys a meaning very different to organizational leadership,” the CEO — so sorry! — LEO added.
LEO=Law Enforcement Officer. You are still and evil oppressor, going by your woke standards.
I think “Lead Enforcement Officer” is offensive to the kids who ate paint chips as a kid.
I suggest she use the title Overseer
Chief is an appropriated word of French origin, from a Latin root.
Uffda. Why are the Trumps so racist? Ivanka the daughter was in Minnesoda to brag about a task force that will arrest a lot of Indian men
Of course the same people who are howling about the missing/murdered Indian women will be the first to complain about the disparate impact of this new task force. For some reason the proggies behind this “epidemic of violence” against native women seem to think they are being killed off by white dentists, lawyers and other non-natives.
Yeah, it’s no mystery what happens to the chicks on the rez. Bad, bad places.
Poor proggies. Ivanka defaced one of their churches with her evil essence.
LOL! Fuck off, Angel.
Duluth Pack makes good shit, though. I’ll give them that.
I am confused is Indian still in use by press?
Please, dont give ’em something else to chew on.
And how.
Rise of the Trumpalos!
Twitter wants you to know that the FDA has said Hydroxyclean is not a treatment for Covid.
And the FDA was not wrong about anything covid related.
But what about hydroxycut?
Speaking of (insert link topic above), who wants to talk watches with a mostly lurker? I just cliff jumped and lost my beloved Seiko SNK809 due to an old strap breaking 🙁
Loved the style of it with the dark face, but debating upgrading. Looking for something water resistant (as in surfing level), tough, dressy enough, visible at night, and pref automatic. No metal bands, rubber/canvas/leather is good. Sub $350.
Anyone know of any unicorns out there I should be looking at? Or will I not find better than what I had?
I just cliff jumped – were you wearing a mask?
Sub $350 – well I stated my opinion in the past that a watch under 2k is rather pointless so I have nothing to contribute, as I cannot afford 2k plus and as such do not own a watch.
Grey market Seikos are probably your best bet.
Fuck off, Tulpa!
And then go to this place.
Rufus turned me on to them. I ended up getting an Orient Ray II with upgrades (better band and sapphire crystal). I love it.
Oh, and I use a NATO strap in the summer.
I’m very fond of my Orient watches. They have some nice ones under the $350 mark.
Thanks y’all, that’s a good site. Tulpa approved ??
Wearing a mask while cliff jumping? Of course I was, I’m not suicidal
I’ve actually had pretty good luck from Japanese merchants on Ebay, FWIW.
As also suggested, NATO straps keep two points of contact should a springbar fail.
I got my sweet-ass Seiko Presage Tonneau from these guys: gnomonwatches.com
I was very pleased and they gave a nice middle finger to the gov’t by some, uh, creative value declaration for VAT purposes.
General retailer aside, my everyday wearer is from unimaticwatches.com – limited runs, so my exact one isn’t available and more than $350, but I love it.
Look, i don’t like Campaign Finance Laws.
If i was a Trump Campaign Strategist, however, i would be seeing what kind of violations FB and Google would be in.
All of ’em?
Proposition 65 Warning: blah blah blah
I had a can of turpentine in my hand this weekend, naturally it had a Prop 65 sticker applied, then down at the bottom of the fine print on the back:
“Not for sale or use in California”. But they still got to force someone to apply that sticker. Stay Classy, Sacramento!
The label should have said “Too Good for California – not for sale or use in that state”
Suck it, Oil Painters, nobody needs more than 1 kind of odorless mineral spirits.
Wait, I should check the fine print on that bottle…after breakfast.
Only Official State Painters get access to art supplies, comrade.
/Paraphrasing actual soviet policy.
*get access to the art supplies line
Ah, but there’s always pencil and paper.
You have exceeded your rations of paper and pencils, comrade.
That’s what cross-hatching is for.
Mojeaux just conjures art from thin air, no supplies needed apparently.
Don’t throw you vote away!
In November, until the country changes the system, it’s R or D at the presidential level.
A bad year for a protest vote. Presidential candidates try to sell every presidential election as the most important one ever, but this certainly carries some real-time importance.
Set aside the more political divisions of Trump’s presidency:
He was impeached but kept the office thanks to his political majority in the Senate
He intentionally withdrew the US from a position of world leadership
He busted numerous treaties and trade agreements
He tried to divide the country based on racial prejudice
Focusing only on his stewardship of the country in the midst of pandemic:
He pushed false remedies for Covid-19
He encouraged a premature reopening that allowed the outbreak to get worse
He refused to encourage Americans to wear face masks, and so bears some responsibility for the loss of American life
Americans have seen, under Trump and during the pandemic, that who sits in the Oval Office actually does have a bearing on daily life. And for that reason, in 2020, there are no other choices.
If you don’t vote for Biden, you’ll die!
DIE, I tell you!
In November, until the country changes the system, it’s R or D at the presidential level.
A bad year for a protest vote. Presidential candidates try to sell every presidential election as the most important one ever, but this certainly carries some real-time importance.
This sounds almost exactly like what I heard in 2016.
And 2012
And 2008
And 2004
Yep. My vote isn’t a protest vote. It is just a vote for 5th place (sometimes even 3rd).
He tried to divide the country based on racial prejudice
When did this happen?
When they TOLD you so, you ingrate!
Right? Somebody slug this Rebel guy with a bikelock, please. Fucking racists…
“Mom can we have MP5?”
“No we have MP5 at home.”
MP5 at home:
I don’t get gun memes.
I don’t get that one either.
I don’t recognize the rattlegun, but that’s a Surefire MP-5 foreend that’s been shoehorned on to it.
The meme is that the kid wants the real deal good version, and Mom has the cheapo shit brand at home.
“Mom can we have Dr. Pepper”
“No we have Dr Pepper at home.”
but it’s Dr. K.
My favorite of the genre was the Eddie Murphy bit where the kid wants McDonald’s and the mom insists on making burgers at home.
But our homemade burgers were always better.
Eddie’s mom’s weren’t.
That is like your coffin being switched out for a cardboard box.
“Today we switch out Pie’s usual morning pint of AB- with strawberry syrup, let’s see if he notices…”
Teachers union is asshole.
Brenda Lebsack has been a teacher in Orange County, California for over twenty-five years, and most recently a board member in the Orange Unified School District (OUSD). Lebsack has been increasingly concerned about the progressive political creep into California education and as a member of the union has been very forward in voicing her opinion that the current political agenda in California schools is robbing students of a quality education. Recently Lebsack sounded the alarm in her school district after discovering and reviewing the proposed new Black Lives Matter (BLM) curriculum that is being floated as a part of the new school year. Says Lebsack in an exclusive statement to Redstate:
Parents have to yank their kids from the public school system immediately if they truly care.
That shit is POISON.
A cursory perusal of the CTA’s classroom resources yields so much heavy-handed BLM jargon that it is nearly impossible to isolate just one thing that could set parents on edge for the new school year. You can view their resources, talking points, and recommendations here.
Here is one “educational” graphic that defines white supremacy in its overt and covert forms. Some of the more eye-raising offenses on the white supremacy list include:
Make America Great Again
Paternalism (that would be FATHERS for all you out there who don’t speak Communist)
Claiming there’s only one “human race”
The “myth” of meritocracy
All Lives Matter
Good intentions
That’s some might fine white-supremacy, Lou.
These are the same people who want to outlaw all private education.
Rackets don’t tolerate systems that expose their failures and inadequacies well. I mean, would you want some no shit entity showing better results on a quarter of your budget to show you up? It is much easier if people have nothing else to point out when they call you out on being an abject failure.
Brenda Lebsack has been a teacher in Orange County, California for over twenty-five years, and most recently a board member in the Orange Unified School District (OUSD)
What is “shit that shouldn’t be allowed as a conflict of interest”?, Alex.
Next you’re gonna try and tell us she can’t concurrently serve as the union head as well.
Sexist much, you racinazi?
Just got word that my work pushed out going back to the office until January. Also in that same email, its stated that less than 20% “feel safe going back into the office”. Keep pushing jackasses, and none of us will have a job soon.
Less than 20%? That’s not a lot.
Always the stupid minority win.
I think the stupid 80% majority is winning.
Until they learn that a job that can be done remotely can be outsourced or offshored.
Having lost a job to offshoring to less capable people (we trained our replacements, so knew full well they were not fit for the task), I’m hesitant to leave a job where I can’t be fired.
Yep, that’s my worry. Upper management is going to figure it out sooner or later that outsourcing all our jobs will save them big time. And right now, all my coworkers are making sure the uppers know that can be done. This lunacy is going to cost me my job.
Ok, we’ll put you down as feeling unsafe with your coworkers.
Well, considering I’ve never met any of my coworkers in person (I got this job in May, been wfh ever since) I’m not sure how that could be true.
I didn’t think of that …..
I got nothing. So far this year, one casino, two schools, and a retirement home. I’ll spend the business hours today carding out a baseball game.
We got the schools: six boilers for buildings that will not be used this fall.
There’s still no word on when my work is going back into the office. Or when the company I support is looking at going back into the office. Google just announced they were pushing WFH until summer 2021 already.
We are on 1-2 days a week in the office, but they are trying for more while distancing by implementing a hot desk policy
I’ve already seen people start the drumbeat about how even after vaccine it still won’t be safe to go outside. Personally I think if Trump wins and a vaccine comes out in December we’ll see most of the media and dem establishment turn into antivaxxers which will be quite a cognitive switch.
Hopefully they end up being a tiny minority who eventually recede into the night.
That would be hysterical (in a very depressing sort of way).
*Hilarious, in a very depressing way.
It would also be hysterical, in a very literal way.
Yeah, my manager told me he’d be shocked if we went back before the end of the year. The work in our group hasn’t been impacted at all really, most of what we do is independent and not really team based. I wonder what they’ll do longer term in terms of moving employees to work from home – some jobs really need to collab, but some seem like a no brainer.
Some bank tellers on the intranet pages are pushing for the don’t feel safe, mental health, need more hazard pay angle, we’ll see how that works for them – the long term trend has/is going to be closing redundant branches and pushing most functions online
Keep pushing jackasses, and none of us will have a job soon.
We’ll still have work though. It just won’t pay. Well, the ones who don’t get executed that is.
All but one of our employees came back to work in person.
If your job can be done at home, surely it can be done in India for far less money after you become decoupled from being a person and become just a screenname to fire.
Nevada boldly moves from trying to reopen to maximum punishment for not adhereing to their King and his edicts.
Columbus has set curfews for bars/restaurants/clubs starting today. They’re allowed to deliver and offer takeout after that, but can’t allow people to sit inside.
“”I’m tired of educating. I’m tired of ambassadors that deal with this stuff,” Sisolak said. “I need enforcement officers that are going to go out and punish the bad guys and not punish the good guys.”
Go fuck yourself, governor. God, what an asshole…
Yep, talk about chilling speech. If you even question his approach you are a bad guy and need to be punished.
Only if you follow all my rules will you be good and allowed to operate as a citizen.
What in the actual fuck.
He’s an authoritarian sack of shit.
Wow. Depressing.
They’ve all taken to this kind of threats.
Arruda and Legault up here are acting like a couple ‘bad boy’ dicks threatening people.
They’e ALL clueless, incompetent sons of bitches.
If there isn’t someone making “bunch of yahoos” themed t-shirts in Ontario there probably should be.
Hey Rufus (or any other Canadians), do you remember what happened on July 17th? I just noticed that day has a huge dump of “COVID-19 recoveries” in Canada (almost 24k recovered on that day, over 40 times the combined total of the two surrounding days) and I can’t remember if there was a reason given because I really don’t listen to anything that those assholes have to say about it.
I don’t listen either. They just recalculated it as far as I know.
All these numbers are suspect.
The “myth” of meritocracy
Talk about the “best” and “brightest” is deeply hurtful to degreed educators.
Honestly as a libertarian I don;t give a shit about meritocracy. I care about liberty. Meritocracy introduces another pointless term and it can be seen by some by “rule by your betters”
The irony that “meritocracy” was coined as a derogatory term.
Most people will never invest the effort or have the ability to be best, and to them meritocracies are always going to be anathema. When you really don’t feel like playing the game, you want to cancel it so others that do don’t make you look bad.
right . . . or change the game
I’m not necessarily anti-union, but, to make your point, why would smarter or harder-working folk want to collect an average wage? Obviously they don’t, so the urge against merit must come more from those without much.
What movie is this from? Wrong answers only.
I’d recognize Cunte Cinte anywhere
Braveheart, otherwise recognized as the prequel to The Passion of Christ.
Anal Commandos 3 – The Leather Campaign
A Man Called Horse 2, Buggy Boogaloo
Mutiny on the Starship Bounty
This was the correct answer: Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers
Well played. *golf clap*
Finally! Tear Gas the Commies – Only $5
Mornin’ MS.
I’m going to pimp Ozy’s anthrax book again in case anybody needs the link to point to to argue against the gummint being trusted to give us chemicals.
Ozy’s anthrax book. Print version coming shortly.
My problem is since I saw Tucker and ale vs Evil when I hear the name Dale I think of that
Bought it. Thanks Ozy and Mo.
Bought it.
All you need to know
A witness to the deadly shooting at an Austin Black Lives Matter protest said the shooter was not defending against violence — but was initiating it.
The driver accused of shooting Garrett Foster “intentionally and aggressively accelerated their vehicle into a crowd of people” before shots rang out, James Sasinowski said.
“I want to be very clear that the driver incited the violence — he accelerated into the crowd of people and he shot first,” Sasinowski said.
Foster, 28, was marching with other demonstrators during a protest in downtown Austin in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement on Saturday evening when he was shot.
Witnesses gave many accounts including that the disturbance began when the vehicle started honking its horn, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said. Witnesses also told police that Foster approached the car with an AK-47 assault-style rifle while others in the crowd began striking the vehicle.
Sasinowski said he does not know if Foster pointed his gun at the driver and he hasn’t heard any of the other witnesses say that happened.
But, he said, the driver initiated the encounter.
“This was intentional. It was aggressive and he accelerated into a crowd of protesters,” Sasinowski said. “He could have waited for us to pass or he could have gone slowly. We would have allowed him to go through.”
Definitive proof, from the man who knows.
Get the rope.
We would have allowed him to go through.”
Fuck everyone who defends this.
Oh I’m sure the crowd would have just gotten off the hood, stopped banging on the glass and let them pass.
And ToS’s article was just bad.
If there was a God with a hand in day to day affairs, a lightning bolt would’ve struck him dead.
I consider the question of God settled.
Afternoon Links:
“That dude got struck dead by lightning earlier today….”
Well, fuck, off to Church.
“We would have allowed him to go through.”
You literally didn’t let him go through.
Oh and fuck witnesses, we have video.
And I won’t cum in your mouth.
Reginald Denny was free to go once the mob was done with him.
If he wanted to be aggressive and was trying to hit people he did a piss poor job. Don’t approach a vehicle with a weapon visible during a riot is the lesson here.
Get out of the fucking road and this won’t be an issue.
Someone mentioned yesterday, it is somewhat hard to tell But the first five shots sound like rifle fire and the second couple sound like a handgun. Has there been any info on the number of shots fired from the weapons present?
I thought that, but I was wrong. The guy who shot the video obviously turned and sprinted off when the first 5 shots rang out, and was dozens of feet away for the second string of 3 shots. I forgot to account for the distance and the videographer taking cover after the first shots.
Fatboy FAFO approached the car, with the rifle in his hands, somewhere between the low ready and aiming the rifle. Driver fired five rounds rapid, crowd scatters, he drives off, someone in the crowd fired three shots at the retreating vehicle.
Fair enough.
Yeah I shouldn’t have said that yesterday, because the long space between strings should have told me that it didn’t happen that way. But I assumed the five louder shots were rifle shots, didn’t even think about the fact that the camera guy would have been sprinting away from the site, making the second string appear to the ear to be a smaller gun.
apparently shot dude was a libertarian activist or something
He thought he was.
Since he failed the non-aggression test, he wasn’t an actual libertarian.
allegedly. Some say he was not aggressive and pointed the weapon to the ground. then again if traffic as not blocked this would not have happened.
There is one picture that makes it reasonably clear that he had shouldered the rifle, but it is hard to say the angle at which it was pointed. It was definitely trained in the direction of the car, though.
That doesn’t matter, in my book. A slung rifle isn’t a threat. A shouldered rifle at the ready is a threat. It doesn’t have to be aimed at you, any more than you have to let him have the first shot.
intentionally and aggressively accelerated their vehicle into a crowd of people
Well, except for the part where nobody was injured by the car, and he immediately stopped when he didn’t have a clear path.
He was supposed to wait for them to let him through. They were just about to.
Since the federal unemployment money train has been brought up, I want to call something out right now. This assumes that we have not descended into civil war, or been shipped off to the gulags.
How many of these people with the fat federal pay raises had the discipline to have income tax withdrawn from their checks? I’m betting the majority didn’t. Next year, I predict a wailing and gnashing of teeth when the tax bill comes due. “It should be forgiven, like our student loans!”
I’ve been thinking about this ever since the first checks dropped. Both Mrs. Nikkodemus and I saved that money because we are assuming thats exactly what’s going to happen. And I don’t think you’re wrong about the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then the problem becomes where (or what) to save it in that’s not going to get eaten up by inflation.
Since you are sending it to the government eventually, who cares? Just stick it in a saving account and earn your 0.25%.
I thought unemployment automatically deducted taxes? My one week of unemployment last year had state and federal withholding.
When I tried to sign up, I was asked if I wanted withholding. If it’s done automatically, that’s probably a good thing. I’m guessing that was my employer’s choice.The last time I was on unemployment, a long time ago, there was additional form I think.
Same here. Being young stupid and no having a job, I of course opted not to withhold so I had more money for beer. Was only a couple of weeks and peanuts so wasn’t the end of the world tax wise.
Me FedGov, me tuck money away. Me know they want back next Sun cycle.
Seriously though, I ain’t touching any of that money getting sent to me and it is sitting in a bank.
Oh…I thought you meant the TrumpBux…unemployment should already have taxes taken out
It’s genocide, I tell ya
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) criticized President Trump’s push for schools to reopen in the fall amid surging coronavirus cases — as both a lawmaker and a mother.
“As a mother of four children I do not trust this president with their lives,” Bottoms said Monday on a call with reporters.
Bottoms said her family is a “prime example” of what can happen when children are sent back into “unsafe classrooms.” One of her four children was infected with COVID-19 but was asymptomatic.
“As we contemplate sending our children back into school this is what our teachers, our custodians, our bus drivers and so many others in schools will face — children who are asymptomatic who may unintentionally infect those who don’t have the ability ward off this virus,” Bottoms said.
Bottoms and her husband also tested positive for COVID-19. Bottoms has said she didn’t experience any symptoms, but she said Monday that it was “nothing short of astonishing” to see her husband brought to his knees from the virus.
“This is what our workers in our schools will face when we send our children back into schools this fall,” Bottoms added.
Bottoms was one of two Democrats who spoke to reporters on the Monday call with Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez. Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) also criticized Trump’s push, as both a lawmaker and a mother of school-aged children. She said her three children, ages 8, 12 and 14, are enrolled year-round in public school in Irvine.
“I want to be clear about what’s at stake here: Children and teachers will get the virus. They will bring it home to their families, they will spread it to other community … some will get sick and some are going to die,” Porter said. “It’s an absolute failure of leadership to send kids and teachers back into a classroom without so much as a sticky note checklist on how to keep them safe, much less detailed plan.”
She added that the administration’s push is “not a plan” but rather a “death sentence.”
Oh, no. Some people get sick, and others don’t. Our children might develop a resistance to this disease. We can’t allow that.
Covid is now an endemic illness that people are just going to get. You may as well get histrionic about the sun rising tomorrow because it’s just an inevitable fact of life now.
Her prime example sounds like nothing to be worried about. So why is she having a shit fit?
Because she’s a neurotic, hysterical coward. Pretty typical of the progressive rank and file.
The only way we all get through this is if we all stay indoors until a Democrat is elected president.
And then reporting to our assigned camps, leaving our guns behind.
in the fall amid surging coronavirus cases
New positive cases rolled over nationwide a week ago.
There is nothing being said about the ‘Vid that can’t be said about a typical flu season. Expect all this to continue straight through the winter, although if Biden wins I expect much of the edge to be off of it because he won’t push back on it like Trump does.
Child Protective Services should be notified.
Remember, they are all about science and data. And science and data say that there is virtually zero risk for kids.
Hmmm, I’ve just been informed by my wife that Yahoo Newz has suspended commenting since last week or so. She wants to change her email to something else. Like what, Google? Hotmail? LOL.
I left protonmail to late and did not get to have myfullname@protonmail
I blame having a very common name.
Use GoDaddy, pick a domain name, and buy the basic web hosting package with email. You don’t have to build a web site, just use the email. That’s what I do, and it’s worth the money to have that kind of control over my email.
Semi-related: I learned (from Mark Steyn of all places) recently that although web hosting and domain registration used to be done by hundreds of indie mom&pop hosting services, and while many of us keep paying to same annual fee for the past 20 years ago (plus inflation), the hundreds of independents have been slowly gobbled up. He says now there are only a few now.
The easier to cancel us, my dear.
I’m using Protonmail for just this, and gmail I’ve had for ages. Might be time for a switch.
I got a private domain more than 15 years ago.
If you don’t pay for the service, you are the product.
.22 LR machine pistol. I mean, why not?
Neat, here’s something along similar lines I’d love to pick up one day:
My AMEX card just went into hiding.
A swarm of angry bees
Oooooh. That’s actually a pretty good price for a transferable -180 in good shape.
Can you imagine showing up at a PCC match with one of those?
Because I like reloading after a one second burst….
That’s the definition of pew-pew-pew.
I swear to god mainstream dem talking points are starting to get more conspiratorial than Qanon at this point.
The idea that people are so angry at Trump that they will resort to violence is just too far-fetched.
The truth will eventually come out, but people will only remember the
headlinespropaganda.Team players will ONLY remember whatever talking points their team told them to live bye.
Occam is the next to be cancelled. He missed the cut by a razor’s edge.
Not surprising, people are still pushing the Russia hoax and piss hookers for fuck’s sake. There’s a sucker born every minute and we’re up to our eyeballs in them.
We’re headed into dangerous waters here.
Eventually most people are going to assume the government is lying at all times and they will assume that the rule of law is dead. That’s how you get real political violence, and not just one side rioting. The kind where they start actively looking to kill each other.
If they make that assumption they’re correct.
Or, they will refuse to believe that our institutions are lying to them, and will end up completely psychologically broken as a result.
Either way is gonna suck.
Jesus, this is embarrassing. Fuck Richmond. I need to move.
“Six people were arrested”
Who? Show their faces and names.
Scroll down for a photo of the ultra rare black white supremacist, along with the “white supremacist who shows his hatred of blacks by growing dreadlocks.”
Narrative smashed like a window in Seattle.
The devotion these white supremacists are showing to hide who they are only illustrates how much of a threat they are
“white-supremacists develop irreversible mind-transfer technology to POSSESS Black Bodies for the purposes of riot instigation and voter disenfranchisement.”
I saw someone screenshotted the guy on the right’s facebook, and it was all BLM messages. So, yeah, not a “Boogaloo Boy”, not a white supremacist. Just another woke white lefty piece of shit.
So you are saying Mayor Phony is a liar.
Indeed I am.
Imagine being stupid enough to believe this.
I roasted what we call a coquelet chicken (I blame the french) which you may call differently. I expected the breast to come out dry but it did not. There were a bunch of complicated recipes on the net so fuck that salt pepper garlic olive oil oven.
Coquelet was a Multi Frequency-Shift Keying (MFSK) telegraphy standard, used for transmitting textual messages over narrow-band short wave radio channels. It uses more than two different frequencies (tones), as opposed to the more standard Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) that uses only two frequencies
WTH have you been eating?
Spread spectrum chicken
You owe me a new keyboard.
In Commonwealth countries, poussin (pronounced /ˈpuːsæn/ and less commonly called coquelet) is a butcher’s term for a young chicken, less than 28 days old at slaughter and usually weighing 400–450 grams
theyre called Broilers or Fryers here, depending on the size
Slightly less than a pound on average? I’d think Rock Cornish Game Hen would be more accurate, but whatevs.
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s baseball card just became one of the best selling in Topps’ history
I honestly don’t get the cult of personality here at all. I don’t honestly have anything in common with the fucking mouth breathing retards putting this guy up as a pedestal. The motherfucker never has any fucking good news, It’s the equivalent of Debbie Downer being your hero.
They can display it on the living room coffee table next to their Ruth Bader Ginsberg workout DVD.
You act like this wasn’t a thing.
Heh, I thought there was a Bolsonaro one but I think it’s Carl Sagan. They look very similar.
Does this type of iconography happen on the right? I get that we have the trumpsters who love cheetoh jesus. I feel like most of the rights iconography is actual presidents. But is this just a result of the left not having a single voice to rally around or are they just generally more religious? I have no idea. Basically I’m asking to see some overt religious right political iconography because this shit has to be on both sides.
All of this is so wierd but deifying fucking nerd ass bureaucrats is just fucking bizarre to me and slightly different imho.
I’m sure there’s some but it’s magnitudes of order worse on the left.
I find it interesting that it’s women who are more likely to deify their “betters” on both the right and the left. The Church Lady was the progenitor to the Karen. Is it a cultural thing or is it built-in to our genetics? I don’t know.
Probably a little bit of both. I’d imagine the evolutionary psychologists have quite a bit to say on the matter.
Libertarian-oriented people have a hard time identifying or understanding the tribal nature of most of the populace.
Most people want to be led, they want someone else to think for them and tell them what to do. And when they choose their leader, they don’t want anyone else to tell them that they might have chosen poorly, so they wear it like a religion.
“Most people want to be led, they want someone else to think for them and tell them what to do.”
I have this theory that one thing that contributes to this is a part of the American historical culture that believes all problems can be fixed/solved permanently.
Growing up, there was definitely the idea in my culture that shit happens and not all things are perfectible. Americans have always seemed to me to be much more optimistic. Overall, that’s not bad, but it does lead to crusades. Every American president for the last 50 years has sought peace in the Middle East.
Same with the War on Terror, Covid, etc. The correct response to a lot of this was “risk can’t be removed from life.” But it’s really hard to imagine an American leader saying that.
Trumpy Bear? But I think that’s more of a joke.
TrumpyBear is ridiculous and knows it’s ridiculous, definitely done in jest.
Does this type of iconography happen on the right?
Absolutely. It’s just marginalized on the Internet right now. Before the Great Awokening, when the Internet meant something other than social media, you could stumble onto this stuff from time to time. Even now, it’s out there, it’s just harder to find.
Humans are humans whether they belong to the red tribe or the blue tribe or even the whatever the hell we are tribe.
Trump is really the first manifestation of this I can think of on the right. There were plenty of cultist types on the right but I can’t think of a particular individual they treated this way. They’d just have a bunch of bumper stickers with typical righty slogans plastered all over their vehicle.
Bork? Clarence Thomas? C. Everett Koop? Bill Bennett?
Not saying for sure, just throwing ideas out there.
Saint Mattis of Quantico ring any bells? https://shop.oafnation.com/products/st-mattis-the-patron-saint-of-chaos-poster
There were also things like Ronald Reagan riding a velociraptor that predate Trump. (Mike Lee’s usage on the House floor after Trump made it more well known.) GOP leadership was fond of invoking Reagan to keep the base in line since he appealed to most wings of the party and he had a quote about not speaking ill of other party members (the 11th commandment).
There’s also this from back in Feb:
I’m surprised it hasn’t been scrubbed yet.
And Saint Robert Muller candle.
He’s a human virtue signal.
My beef with Fauci goes way back to his AIDS days. Some of us who came of age in the 80s and 90s lived in fear of casual sex because “anyone can get it!’ Like lying about masks and the current “anyone can get it!” hysteria, it comes from such a place of superiority. “We have to lie to the rubes to for their own good.” No thought to what the negative impacts of destroying the economy might be, or the psychological impacts of instilling useless fear in the population.
You know, it’s not as bad as the total destruction of lives going on now, but I really would have liked to have been in on some of that free love crap growing up, instead of panicking about a hookup two months ago where the condom broke. Would have been nice for someone to come out and be honest like, “Hey straight dudes, don’t share your heroin needles and you’re probably fine.” “Oh. That’s a relief. I don’t even use heroin.”
I now like to refer to AIDS as “the world’s most easily avoidable disease.” Typically doesn’t go over well.
All of this is so wierd but deifying fucking nerd ass bureaucrats is just fucking bizarre to me and slightly different imho.
The state-as-religion lefties need a Messiah to lead them to the Promised Land.
yawn: enough of that to go around
The Obama DOJ had a similar scam running.
How this can be legal i don’t know, but Kelo is a SCOTUS decision so ….
I shouldn’t have read that.
I consider that type of agreement obscene. Even if they’re not skimming or flushing campaign/activist dollars thru the criminal justice system, they’re creating a framework whereby the state’s attorney can disburse massive amounts of funds with little to no oversight. It’s a pay to play system and ripe for corruption.
this IS Corruption
I see why this is coming out then.
Corruption doesn’t exist nowadays, and even when it does it’s only the other party’s fault.
“We should anticipate Latin America in a post-coronavirus will be even poorer.”
Have You Been ‘Wokefished’ While Dating? Here’s How to Tell
“Wokefishing”, put simply, is when people masquerade as holding progressive political views to ensnare potential partners. A wokefish may at first present themselves as a protest-attending, sex-positive, anti-racist, intersectional feminist who drinks ethically sourced oat milk and has read the back catalogue of Audre Lorde, twice. But in reality, they don’t give a shit. Or, as is often the case, they are actively the opposite in their personal lives. It’s sort of like catfishing, but specifically with political beliefs.
A lot of us have been wokefished. Maybe more so now than ever. Crises such as the tragic murder of George Floyd and the coronavirus pandemic have thrown societal injustices into even sharper relief over the past few months, and as a result, there’s been much greater emphasis on individual agency when it comes to the urgent dismantling oppressive systems. It’s no surprise that singles are now consciously choosing partners who are on the same wavelength as them – just as it’s no surprise that others are adapting to circumvent this.
“Wokefishing”, put simply, is when people masquerade as holding progressive political views to ensnare potential partners.”
Why in the hell would anyone do that to themselves? IOW, it’s like real fishing dudes. It’s like, you hook a wokefish by ‘accident’, because no one in their right fucking mind would do that on purpose, you throw that shit back and move, no, RUN to another spot.
meh some dude wanna stick it into crazy pussy is pussy and all that (or not pussy whatever floats one’s boat )
The truth is that no one actually ever cared, including you.
I think I’d rather just stick it in the crazy.
Stabby crazy or Woke crazy?
Tough choice. One has immediate pitfalls, the other sucks away your life in the long term.
There is a big overlap there too.
Poe’s Law strikes hard here. I would have assumed parody.
“wokefishing” = “I fucked MAGA Chad I met on Tinder and he never called me again.”
“I want to have sex with ideologically compatible men, but they’re all soyboy pussies. It’s so unfair!”
There was one great Tinder screenshot where she was looking for a vegetarian or vegan country boy who loved offroading and guns but hated Trump.
You know, a dude who grew up throwing haybales around in his synthetic cowboy boots and who’d rebuilt an old Bronco to run off biodiesel and loved to shoot guns before he headed to the Obama rally.
Hah….yeah, that’s pretty much it.
Yes thicc like 170 lbs of cottage cheese poured into a giant sausage casing would be thicc.
At least donation seems to have died of the ‘Vid, so we got that goin for us.
Nope. Pensive.
the replies to this are gold
Trying to talk to them using reason is the first mistake.
I once knew an old German who grew up in East Germany. If you broached the subject of communism even slightly he would get livid, start slamming his fist and then point his finger at you pistol-style and through clenched teeth say “There is only one way you can deal with them”
I have come to agree with him.
A friend from high school whose family fled Vietnam as boat people in the late ’70s when he was a small child is the most intensely anticommunist individual I’ve ever met. The John Birchers were mild compared to him.
It is sad that those that have never seen the evil of collectivism when it plays out always outnumber the ones that have and take us right back there. They say you have to be a liberal when you are young, but to me all that shows is that young people lack enough experience or life to actually understand shit. And no, believing fantasy-land can be made real is not a sign of anything but stupidity and naivete.
Socialism only failed because the mean old US forced it to fail!
Apparently the GDR was a paradise. Which is why they built a wall, why people kept fleeing over the wall, why they had to shoot anybody who tried to flee, why the wall was torn down from the inside as soon as people thought they wouldn’t get shot, why the country was poor as shit compared to the West when people finally got to see what it really looked like, why it needed ten times the number of police officers as its Western counterparts, why it collapsed as soon as the wall came down, why all the u-bahn stations in the east were closed but not in the west, ….
But don’t worry, everybody who wasn’t killed or imprisoned by the regime for dissent had free education and healthcare, and really what’s more important than being a well kept slave?
Collectivists ALWAYS have an excuse or someone else to blame for their ideology being murderous and evil in the end. After all, they want to do the right thing (whatever the fuck that is). The whole “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” thing seems to escape these cuntes.
Went to go check my state (Texas)’s Covid numbers today and a popup said that they changed the reporting standards to log WHEN the death occurred and not when it was reported.
The whole damn curve has changed and deaths are now at record lows (but this might be reporting lag and I suspect it is).
What’s interesting, though, is how the lag vanishes. Covid deaths march mostly in line with cases and hospitalizations now.
This has caused some sets to mess up w/ the new data coming through. Some have reported like a 700 spike in deaths yesterday because they didn’t parse all the resubmitted numbers correctly.
“deaths are now at record lows”
Shut up you stupid hick, the experts are talking, IT’S RAGING ALL AROUND US!
Seriously, I saw another memo this morning, it’s overwhelming every healthcare system in the country, what now?
No one actually sees that, but we have models.
Texas’s spike was real but at the same time… overblown. The hospital bed availability metric dropped by 1% at peak. 1%. And that was the worst it ever got.
I’ve already died of the ‘Vid four times.
“Bolsonaro also posted a photo of himself with a box of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, although it has not been proven effective against the virus.”
I hear that last time Trump was in Brazil, him and the Bolsonaro hung out and drank the fish cleaner together, all the fish cleaner, ice cold fish cleaner.
I’d like an impartial source to really review all the data on this. Everything I read has an agenda.
hmmm…best I can do is a limited-mileage unicorn, that work for you?
“‘It looks like downtown Baghdad’: Feds protecting Portland’s courthouse ‘fear for their lives’ after 61 nights of unrest – but protesters say they’re just fighting back to protect themselves as DOJ shares photos of confiscated Molotov cocktails”
Peaceful protesters, geez, get with the narrative already.
Peacefulness intensifying. Pretty soon it will be so intensely peaceful that there will be shooting in the streets across the country.
“Federal property has been increasingly targeted as the city’s protests against racial injustice march on. But Trump’s decision has added fuel to the fire and re-energized Portland protesters who arrived by the thousands outside the courthouse Monday night.
Within the past few days, federal agents have seen as many as 4,000 people on a single night, the largest total so far.”
This really is playing out exactly like IDF vs Hamas.
There’s going to be a lot of dead grandmas.
“Portland protesters who arrived by the thousands outside the courthouse”
I don’t get it. They have them all gathered in one place, what is holding them back?
Lack of manpower. Not nearly enough feds to kettle and arrest that many. Honestly, it would take the National Guard and state and local LEOs. And that ain’t happening.
Or invocation of the Insurrection Act and deployment of active duty military. Since this could be handled without them, I don’t support taking that step.
They want a Kent State sooo bad they can taste it. If they really breached the building and got inside, the federal police would probably have to shoot some of them just to protect themselves.
They cease being protestors once they start getting violent and arsoney.
There’s three feds who were lasered in the eyes. Have not regained sight.
Supposedly that kind of eye injury is highly painful and it doesn’t go away. I’m no big police supporter but it wouldn’t bother me if the laser users were gunned down in justifiable self-defense.
I’m a little surprised the Feds didn’t return fire after those guys were hit. I see little practical difference between shooting someone with a laser with the intent to cause permanent blindness and shooting at them with a firearm.
Of course the median spins it as just laser pointers like a presenter would use. Or firecrackers instead of commercial-grade mortar fireworks. Or throwing water instead of frozen water bottles.
I don’t know how true this is, but I did read an account that they are tying aerosol cans to those mortar fireworks to create a fairly powerful explosive.
The mortar-based pyrotechnics I’ve played with (admittedly few) were kraft paper spheres around 3-4in across. They fit the launch tube snugly. I’m not seeing how you would tube launch the can/sphere combo if you managed to get them securely combined.
Lobbing the bundle seems less effective, as the launching charge is going to go off sometime after the toss, and who knows which way that’s going to send it before the main charge blows.
Long story short, I can’t wait for the video of the moron whos IED flies right back in their face.
The courthouse building started the fight?
I gotta say, this ammo drought is getting aggravating. There’s virtually no 9mm to be found anywhere other than high-end brands at high prices or the the cheapest of the cheap FMJ target rounds, and not a whole lot of either of those either. I’m supposed to be going to the range next week and I got nothin’, and I’m not buying a box of Speer Gold Dot for $50 to shoot it at paper.
It felt like shit paying 400 bucks for a thousand rounds a month ago, but now I’m certainly glad that I did it.
Is it hard to make ammo? We should start a company.
I’m guessing the regulations must be daunting, otherwise these ammo droughts wouldn’t keep happening.
Imagine if the feds heavily regulated the creation of video, audio, or print journalism. Why, that would be an infringement on the 1st Amendment.
The orphan supply is limited at the moment as well.
On the serious, though, raw materials are getting scarce at the moment too. I was reading an article last night about how shocks to both the supply side and the demand side are the reason the shortage is so acute right now. Riots push demand, while WuFlu has impeded manufacturing. The availability of lead and copper has plummeted as many mines were shut down for at least a while.
Material supply is going to be the real bottleneck. Primers are impossible to get right now, and smokeless powder is extremely variable in supply. Bullets and brass seem to be pretty okay.
I wonder if we could set up a trust or other membership org where we just pay a membership fee and receive ammo made by other members.
Something like those Christian Healthcare co-ops, but with bullets.
Hmm. Like a monthly bullet subscription?
Maybe Boog Club Bullets
The Fuck Off Slaver Ammo Company would need lots and lots of legal groundwork.
I heard Swiss will work for raclette.
Black Rifle should have branched out.
“Is it hard to make ammo?”
Someone around here might have written some articles on the subject.
Do you have the suaging gear to turn brass sheets into cartridge cases?
I wish I had been friends and shooting buddy with a US Marshall years ago. He could have given me a dozen five gallon buckets full of empty brass in 9mm, 38spl, 357 mag, and 45apc.
I also wish I had been an ammo hoarder for the last 3 decades. And lead, I sure wish I had snagged every scrap tire weight in the parish for the last 30 years.
If only.
The best time to make ammo was last year . . . . .
And they were great, but I don’t have the equipment or a place to put it.
I have a fully automated Dillon Super 1050 running out of the spare bedroom of my apartment.
Anything is a reloading bench, if you’re brave enough.
It’s worst than just manufacturing capacity. Some of the lead and copper mines were shut down due to the covid.
It’s not hard, but the capital investment can be substantial and the margins ain’t great.
I guess get the the cheapest of the cheap FMJ target rounds?
I’m cool with shooting FMJ through soyboy helmets, if necessary. I would like some practice rounds though.
Lots of FMJ better than a few fancy rounds in these weird days.
If you have a drill bit they can easily become not-FMJ.
I’m not buying a box of Speer Gold Dot for $50 to shoot it at paper
homemade ballistic gel !
Democrats have (again) driven Americans to arm themselves to new heights.
*Chuck Norris thumbs up.gif*
^^^ And this is why i think you are seeing a push on Gun Control. They are trying to retake the lost ground they had on that.
Sorry, but abandoning your populace and saying they have to be disarmed is not a tenable position to be as a “government” that deems itself the sole protector of civilization.
This particular ammo shortage is shaping up to be rougher than most.
You’re not gonna last long in the zombie apocalypse without a stockpile, son.
To be fair, you’re not going to last long in the zombie apocalypse with a stockpile, either.
*reads ammo thread, looks at gains on VSTO, smiles*