I was an Andriod user since early 2012. Not so much because I thought they were better or out of any brand loyalty. It was mostly because I was cheap and iPhones had a much higher cost of entry. After my first smart phone, my brother continued my supply of Android phones. He’s much more of a tech nerd and almost every time he would upgrade, I would take his old phone. My favorite phone that I’ve had to date was the Google Nexus 5. It worked nearly flawlessly, had many features that I liked and was just about the right size. I liked it so much, that when my first one broke, I bought another and used it for two more years.

I think this was my first phone back in 2011 or 2012. An LG Optimus T.
As the years progressed, I’ve grown more and more concerned about the way Google was storing and using my data. I also have become increasingly concerned with the company in general and have made many efforts to minimize use of Google products in my life (I haven’t cut them out completely, but probably will soon). Because of this, when my latest phone started showing signs of disarray, I decided I would move to Apple products and see what all the fuss was about. I’m not sure Apple is much better than google with my information and their intrusion, but I don’t think they are actively evil either (maybe just passively evil . . . hmm, you could think of this like voting for Trump over Biden as the lessor of two evils, that’s never been a cause of debate here).
I’m cheap, so I got the new iPhone SE (2020 version). It runs the latest software and processor, but is smaller than the iPhone 11 and doesn’t use Face ID. Now, there are some strong brand loyalists on around here that probably want me to tell you that Apple or Google is better. So, here’s my verdict . . . .
It really doesn’t matter. They are about the same. The transition has been incredibly smooth. Why> Because they are nearly the same. I’ve had to learn a few things about where some settings are and how to do a few different things. But, that’s probably taken less than 10 minutes total of my life. Almost any user could become accustomed to the other very quickly.

iPhone SE2020. Wireless charging might be my favorite feature.
Honestly, if I didn’t think Google was evil, I’d probably switch back for next phone. Android has some customizable options that I miss and can’t do on an iPhone. But, these are all relatively minor. These are things such as a separate volume control for alarms, a clock widget on the home screen, and I don’t like the physical switch for silent mode (my case makes it a pain to use). But, as for functionality, neither really has much of a leg up anymore. When one comes out with a new feature, other manufacturers find a way to incorporate or even improve quickly.
As for now, I’ll continue with the iPhone until a better option comes out that does not involve Google. But I’m certainly still no loyalist to either.
Note: I’m not a tech type guy. I’m certainly not a power user. I’m probably slightly above average in tech proficiency, but not by much.
And don’t forget . . .vote BangingLC1 for president: “I’ll leave everyone alone for the most part, because I’m really only running for the perks, I mean who doesn’t want a 747 as their private jet!”
Wireless charging is great.
Inefficient as all get out, but hey, have fun,
Like snuggling with a fat wife. I can live with it.
mine is a bit sensitive. even after I took the case off, I’ve woken up to 15% charge because it was sitting wrong on the charger.
Mine lights up and gives a bleep when it connects. My kid has bumped it and killed the connection a few times. Other than that, it’s nice to not mess with the cord/plug.
Do NOT let your neighbor know about this! She/they apparently have it in for him, and you for…being his parent, I guess.
/they sound like loads of fun
I haven’t had a problem with it yet. I am curious about the 18 watt fast charger, but no enough to spend $30 on a charger
fast chargers are worth the money.
Kyocera DuraForce Pro
I sold my Soul to Google a long time ago……………
/Android Slave
St. Peter don’t you call me
Cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
Agreed on them being about the same in functionality. You just gotta be a good mouse and learn the maze.
Apple is just Evil Lite but at least they’re less fattening than regular Evil.
How the hell am I, the end user pissant, to know which one is more evil? Even SF would have a hard time imagining what is happening behind closed doors between the govt and the execs at those two companies.
For me, it’s almost not about finding a lessor evil as it is punishing google. It’s kind of like department stores. I stopped shopping at Walmart when the took away ammo. Meijer did the same thing at the same time, but I shop there instead. It’s not 100% logical, but . . .well . . .whatever.
I switched a little over a year ago (I think?) for similar reasons. I went with the old iPhone 6 because it was cheap. It doesn’t get the latest iOS, anymore, but I don’t care (yet). I agree with your assessment and will go further in that I prefer the lack of customization. I used to be a bit geeky for technology, but in the last 20 years it’s passed me up. I just want something that works without a bunch of upkeep.
I’ve found that my wife’s iPhones last about 2 years before the hardware starts getting glitchy. GPS issues, flaky cell connection, weird wifi issues…. it’s always something.
on the other hand, my Samsungs slow down and lose their battery life around 2 years in. the exception has been this phone, the note 8. it’s around 3 years old, and besides some minor battery degradation, it’s still in good shape. Wife’s iPhone that was bought at the same time is acting up.
This lack of reliability after a few short years is still my biggest gripe with miniature computation devices. What other piece of equipment that costs between $300-$1200 dollars goes the shit that fast and people just shrug and say, well time for an upgrade?
MMMMM, Discrete components……….
but my wave solderer is in the shop
I still get four days of battery from my phone, which I think is 4-5 years old at this point.
Top 3 uses for my iPhone:
Playing Minions.
Using Waze.
Top 3 uses for my Samsung Galaxy
Flying disc
Gravity attractor,
Underwater flashlight,
“Underwater flashlight,”
Tell me more pls.
Retrieving a disc from the River, forgetting what was in my pocket, Splash! easy to find, it lit up in a foot of water, 100$ poof!
I think he means underwater fleshlight.
I have an “Active” and it functions as an underwater camera. Actually has physical buttons so you can snap it underwater. It’s pretty beefy, but I still managed to wreck mine. Warped the housing.. It still works fine but it wobbles a lot now.
hard core porn
soft core porn
chive pictures from Q
Finally an honest answer.
I. All in on Google, YouTube TV, Android Phone, Google Fiber. Yes I know they’re an evil empire but they provide good evil services for reasonable pricing.
* I am all in* Stupid android phone! God I hate Google!
And don’t forget . . .vote BangingLC1 for president: “I’ll leave everyone alone for the most part, because I’m really only running for the perks, I mean who doesn’t want a 747 as their private jet!”
Do you have a newsletter?
I have had a couple of iPhones for various jobs I have had, and while the size is perfect (back then) and the camera is very nice… At the end of the day it is still an aPple product. With all the paternalistic BS that comes hand in hand with that.
I currently have a $100 Samsung, as they are throwaway tech and I won’t spend more than that.
Mammary Monday knows how to handle your data IYKWIMAITYD.
2, 12, 16
Poor #11…
#34. Dirndls. Done.
Nah… keep going.
Ah… good idea to do so. #50.
Question: Is #3 Demi when she was her best?
I don’t have a smartphone.
Even my dumb flip phone has some form of android.
What exactly is “cringe” as it’s used online these days?
Here is a leftist MTF who wants to explain it to you for an hour and a half:
Watched a little. Saying that it reminds you of how awkward you are doesn’t seem to be the way it’s used today, though.
Here are some examples:
straff, I think this is cringe personified: https://twitter.com/Struggle_Tweet/status/1284649819743547392/photo/1
Absolutely perfect.
Drugs, Ass, Fell out of…..
The comments are mostly awful.
McCloskeys charged with felonies for waving guns during protests
Soros’ AG did it.
Governor already said he would pardon them.
Now let’s see if he follows through.
The AG sounds like he’s ready for war over this.
Good because what’s being done to them is bullshit, particularly in light of the justified prosecutions that are being passed over right now.
Isn’t this literally what the BoR is for? Protecting individuals from braying mobs?
Is ‘malicious prosecution’ still a thing in the US? And, by that, I mean “a lawsuit that can be heard in a US court, with the possibility of a judgment against said prosecutor”.
This is the woman charging them. She’s pure evil.
She needs to be impeached and disbarred for starters. Her brand of selective justice will get you a civil war.
I figured they would be charged with something like endangerment or assault.
Harris was pretty much the same. Political based prosecutions and always draconian.
If you are concerned about privacy, there are Linux phones such as the Pine Phone.
Can you actually talk to anyone?
Yes, it’s a phone.
Got it. I thought you said pine cone.
Only for talking to squirrels.
Don’t kink shame me.
No shame–just recognizing the use of a pine cone in lieu of a phone.
Joe Biden commercials show him constantly touching people. Just saying (he’s a creepy fucker).
Couldn’t find any footage where he wasn’t?
I don’t even know if they have drugs in Japan, but this fell out of straffinrun’s ass and is worth reading:
I had androids until work changed over all our phones to IPhone. Next time I upgraded my personal phone, I got Apple so I only had one system and set of chargers.
I do hate Micro SD as a daily charger. Having a universal plug is cool, but what a shit implementation. The charger alone is a big pro for Apple.
Most late models will accept wireless charging. Mine’s pretty old and it does it. It’s great to just set it on the pad and make sure it beeps.
I was under the impression, based on what I have, and have read, that both Android and Apple were moving to USB-C.
Also, hayeks, I think you meant micro USB for the charger. Micro SD cards are storage media. Unless I missed something.
Yeah my new Samsung has a USB-C port now, not the micro. The micro was a piece of shit since the port got damaged all the time on the previous models. Wireless charging helps now, but the old model I had I had to dump because it couldn’t charge anymore. The C (and Lightning, for that matter) seem less fragile.
I can’t stand the lightning cables I’ve used….for one ipad a year ago. They were meh, at best.
I never had issues with micro USBs…I still use one to keep a ps4 controller juiced, and no real concerns. My chromebook and Galaxy 10 both use C, and they are fine, but just seem like any other charging cable, which means new shit to buy vs using what I already had plenty of. The Galaxy 7 was just fine with the micros, although the 7 edge was a YUUUUUGE piece of shit, and I went through 4 before I down-graded to the 7, which was fine.
My replacement mask arrived today. I’m quite happy with it. Unlike the plague doctor one, I won’t be sending a pic of me wearing it. There are too many pictures of my face on here anyway.
Hope it works better than the link.
Voices of Reason: A Nightmare Called Socialism
good video
Not gonna get into an argument about why they were there to begin with, but “The Outpost” is a solid flick that I wish I could have seen in the theater – instead of paying to stream it.
I thought from the description that it was about COP Kahler, but it’s actually the Battle of Kamdesh/COP Keating (and the lead-up to it).
The tagline from “Hamburger Hill” – “War at it’s worst, men at their best.”
My son reconfigured my computer, can’t find anything. My smartass phone is only a tether to the outside world, my flip phone is the one no one calls me on.
How’s the Honey Harvest looking?
Honey production was slow (drought) but this past week end we almost caught up to where we should be. If everything stays on track we’ll have a good if not great year. The Honey Harvest is going to be the bigliest ever. We’ve had a couple drops, fear of the CV but for the rest of the troops we’re going to have a good time. Sep 20th, third Sunday.
We had to move my partner’s hives, he sold his property. A friend offered a secure (from the bear problems) place but unfortunately its in the middle of tall pines and no farming or fields near by. His hives haven’t done too well, maybe later. We’re partners so we’ll divide whatever we get. Most important is the party, last year we had 8 or 9 visiting Glibs, plus my partner and I and 40 or more locals. Mrs Fourscore is planning her menu. The food and friends is the fun part. Hope you and many more can make it.
For more info : At the yahoo place, latvia2112, use “Cabin” as the subject. Tundra has a list of all the interested, but I’ll answer at latvia.
Alaska is NOGO this year thanks to the corona panic. We are hoping to do a repeat visit to the HH this year. Will just need a place to park our RV this time.
pistoffnick is bringing moar smoked fish. And maybe a pate. That’s French, you ignorant fucks.
Thanks for the update. At this point, I think the HH is going to be our “big vacation “ this year. Plus, I’ve got a lot of Alaska Airlines credit I have to use, soon.
Aaaawwwwwwweeee fuck yeah! My wife is out of town on work, so I get to make dinner for just myself. No “carb friendly “ or keto bullshit. I’m making spaghetti and meat sauce.
Braising a pork shoulder in blanched peeled roma tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, bay leaf, and red wine. Then i take out all the vegetables. Add a little tomato sauce if necessary. I’m frying up some sweet Italian sausages to throw in there. Oregano. Basil. Squeeze of lemon to brighten it up.
Freshly made spaghetti noodles and a parm, asiago, romano blend.
Carb load!!!
Plus, I’m gonna watch Columbo till I drink myself asleep.
I always dig your dinner descriptions.
I’m pretty sure you are a big Beach Boys fan. I am. I just found this album and I love it, think I’m gonna find it on vinyl. Dennis may have been my favorite.
Hahaha. Yeah I love the squeaky clean “Be True To Your School” Beach Boys from Hawthorne, CA. But yeah, the weirdo hippie/Manson/Laurel Canyon Stuff they did…. it’s growing on me. Thanks for the reminder. You just gave me a rabbit hole to crawl around in. ???
They stole a Manson song. Lotta people think that’s why they went to the Tate house.
That Manson song has never been heard. Dennis recorded it I believe as he was hanging out with CM after meeting some of the girls hitchhiking that he picked up and brought back to his place.
Well, pretty sure this is it, here.
This was probably what I was thinking of:
“ That summer, Manson booked a session at Brian Wilson’s home studio for several tracks that were co-produced by Brian and Carl Wilson.[10] Much of the recordings were not demos, but rather polished studio productions of songs that possibly included “Cease to Exist”. These recordings remain unheard to the public; music historian Andrew Doe stated that the tapes exist, but that they have “not a hope in hell” of being released”
Nice! Here, just making red beans. Wife has the rice made. Leftover green beans and slow cooked chicken from yesterday.
Oh yeah, Goya red beans. Fuck the cancel culture (and Safeway had them on sale at a discount to Bush’s).
Sounds good. Eat well!
Had a phone interview today. Is it safe to assume you’re not getting a call back, when they say “I want to let you know we’ve had a lot of applicants for this position”.
Keep your chin up, boy-o. What field of work are you in?
…and we won’t be making a decision until we’ve interviewed all the applicants…
Hope it goes well, LJ.
I have no idea what to think any more. A while back I had a phone interview with an Indian woman driving her car. Between the noise and her accent, I had no idea if I was answering her questions. I was shocked when they brought me in for another round.
What happened to Kampala Harris’ face?
It’s petty and mean spirited, I know, but she definitely does look different.
Kamala’s face too. One thing that totally does suck about iPhones is their spell check and auto correct which Google products do way better.
It was like she was wearing ….a Kamala suit.
Xanax, lots of it,
You mean botox?
She looked wasted, Happy wasted
That was my thought too. She looked high af. Like mushrooms at a kegger high.
The lizard people skin suited and replaced her knowing that Biden would choose her for VP. Since Biden is not long for this world they would still retain power.
Oh man, that’s what happens when you opt for the DIY kit. Hire someone and get the better or best kit, only costs a few bucks more. I hope it came with a money back guarantee.
She got it ready to lead clown world.
She got Nancy’s botox doc on corona special, apparently.
I’ve only ever been an iPhone user, but my experience has been good. I bought a 6 about a year after it came out, and only upgraded to the 11 pro this year, because I wanted the fancier camera. My primary uses for the phone are messaging, the camera, Kindle, the flashlight, and a terminal app. But the camera is awesome. I took a bunch of pics of Yellowstone on my trip and sent them to my company’s photo guy for stock use, and he asked what I’d used and said it looked like it came from a DSLR.
I also don’t back anything up to their cloud, which has burned me at least once, but a few lost vacation pics > someone getting ahold of random nude selfies.
How was Yellowstone? The wife and I decided to take the kids on an impromptu trip and are heading to that area next week to spend about ten days. We have a cabin rented in Big Sky for a few days and figure to play the rest by ear. We will have all our camping gear with us because we are doing our annual friends camping trip on the way out in the Sierra Nevada with friends. Any recommendations?
When the kids were small and we were much poorer we would do our vacation trips alternating between camping and hotel rooms. We were in the vicinity of Yellowstone on a scheduled-camping night and found a road that might lead to a nice camping spot. At the top of the hill was a billboard-sized sign saying, “WARNING: GRIZZLY BEAR AREA.”
We spent that night in a hotel in Livingston.
Heh, heh. That’s our plan, except we vary between camping and renting a cabin or little house. Grizz is not to be messed with.
The forest rangers kept patrolling Rainbow Point campground and even cited some people who wouldn’t listen about using the bear-proof lockers/not leaving out any
sort of food. Apparently they had to close the campground over 4th of July weekend while they relocated a grizzly that had gotten too cozy, so everyone was extra vigilant when we visited. We have a travel trailer now, but used to alternate between the cabin and tenting routes. A week at Fort Wilderness in Disneyworld in late July convinced me I was ready to take the plunge and move to a TT. We spend around three months a year camping in it.
Yellowstone is awesome right now! No international travel means much lower competition for parking/attractions. With the exception of Old Faithful, I was largely able to pretend we had the park to ourselves when taking pictures. We never waited more than a few minutes to find parking near any of the geysers, etc. Old Faithful Inn was shut down and boarded up, but as long as you aren’t trying to souvenir shop on the Wyoming side you can also pretend coronapanic isn’t a thing. And some of the state campgrounds even have available reservations through August.
Then we headed to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, which was a great time, but I played hooky from work for a few hours to try tubing for my first time and promptly lost both my eyeglasses and my wedding band and have some impressive bruises to show for it. I don’t hold it against the Portneuf river; I was an idiot, but an expensive sacrifice to the vacation gods.
We’re heading to Buena Vista, CO for a week tomorrow. The kids have been begging to go back and feed the chipmunks at St Elmo for the two years since we last visited. Hopefully, the hubby won’t break the truck doing anything dumb on the back (I wouldn’t even call them roads) on the way to the ghost towns up there. Animal’s article today reminded me of strongly of our last trip.
I’m so sorry you got banged up, and REALLY sorry about the loss of your wedding band. : (
If Buena Vista is the town I’m thinking of, we passed through it on the way from Denver to Farmington, NM, a couple of years ago. Coming at it from the east, when we first rounded a bend and saw it, it was truly breathtaking.
“… and promptly lost both my eyeglasses and my wedding band…”
Replace glasses with Buddy Holly Ray-bans and tell your hubby to buy you a new wedding band; with skulls and shit. Sexy as fuck.
I called my optometrist today and was able to re-order the exact frames I lost with my most recent prescription, and bonus, it was covered for both the lenses and frames, so I’ll spend very little there. The harder loss is definitely the wedding band, since I never did an engagement ring and it served as both (for fifteen years without incident!), but the jeweler I ordered from is still in business, so it’s replaceable too. I’ll do that when I finally return home and suffer through looking like an elderly baby-momma until then. Otherwise, over a month on the road now, and it’s been a blast.
Now that you have nothing else to lose, go float Browns Canyon. I have rafted that river too many times to count when I was a Ute. Great fun. You will almost be in the good part of Colorado. Head towards Salida and hang a right, up over Monarch pass, through Gunnison keep going and you are almost to the good part of CO.
We may be heading through there since we have to head to Oklahoma next. And yes, now that I have nothing further to lose I should get back in the proverbial horse and try tubing again.
LG, last week, give or take, the idea of going to/through the Redneck Riviera came up, and a few of us highly recommended Gulf Shores.
One of the things that makes it worth while, presuming you like shrimp: https://www.southernliving.com/seafood/what-are-royal-red-shrimp
Tas-TY!! Git’cha some!
Naaa, you don’t want to tube that section of the Arkansas river. One needs to be in a boat. It is a great stretch of class 3 maybe a few 4’s whitewater. There may be a few short stretches that are tubable but not Browns canyon. Come over here and the lower Gunnison is some lazy tubing where you won’t spill your beer.
@Digby, thanks fot the shrimp link.
Of course! I take it you have access to some. Am I remembering your location correctly? I’ve slept since whenever you may have mentioned it.
After Oklahoma is still up in the air, but the hubby is determined for me to see the Oklahoma panhandle, since I’ve made so many jokes about them keeping it so they wouldn’t look so boring on a map. I suspect he’s trying to prove me right.
And we’ve covered 22 of the continental US states in our trailer so far but have not yet hit Alabama, so I still have hope of returning via a southerly route if only because I love shrimp and for the bragging rights.
Glad you are having a great trip and sorry about the wedding band!
They’ve got Wolf now!
Thought you meant Peter Wolf The court must be a sanctuary.
Standing outside the courthouse…
“Open up the door bitch! This is Woofa Goofa with the green teeth, let me in!”
Here’s the only song for this.
“NYT: Tom Cotton’s words in a policy op/ed make our journalists physically unsafe
Also NYT:”
This is outrageous but the Left will not let up. Tucker deserves it because of wrongthink.
Is Bari Weiss’ resignation kind of like Luke Skywalker hitting the ventilation shaft like a womp rat?
Unfortunately, I don’t think so.
“maybe just passively evil . . . hmm, you could think of this like voting for Trump over Biden as the lessor of two evils, that’s never been a cause of debate here”
Utterly ridiculous. But read down towards the end for the real outrage
Expecting an employee to adhere to the terms of employment is raysiss, yo.
This is what frosted my britches
Office of Special Council? What is the recourse?
WTactualF!?! That statement is not political? It is a straight up political statement.
The statement also passes the opposite test for whether it is a racist statement. Posting or saying “White Live Matter” in a Federal workspace would get your ass into immediate administrative leave followed by eventual firing.
How is the fired whistleblower less interesting than pins?
I have an iPad (my second and very old). I have a MacBook (a very old one that was given to me). The school district handed out MacBooks.
I wouldn’t have Apple products if I didn’t need them for my work. Google’s walled garden is ginormous.
Otherwise I don’t use Google products unless I have to. Calendar and, infrequently, gmail.
Oh I meant to say, I love my Galaxies. I have an S7 that is 3 years old with no signs of battery degradation and no burn-in.
I’ve always had Samsung products and they keep getting better. My happy place would be Samsung hardware with Android OS and no Google apps.
I love my Samsung, but that Bixby bullshit sucks.
Fuck yeah!
Bixby has got to be a plot by some Goog operative to melt the brains of Android users. It is utter shite, and I want it removed from my current and future Galaxy phones pronto.
I found a way to disable it, but a forced Android update brought it back. So I found a way from a Russian hackster to kill the forced updates by enabling debug mode, and disabling updates. Since i had an update pending, it forced me to “update”. It’s been a couple of months now and no new updates. Keeping my fingers crossed.
“Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday”
Still the most sane of declared Presidential candidates.
Looks like he’s broken:
“NBC locked up Bill Cosby”
+1 Picture Pages
2020 is proof we are living in a simulation and someone accidentally spilled their coffee on the computer.
“Movies that would’ve already been released:”
Stupid lockdown.
I am probably the last person on Earth clinging to this discontinued horizontal slider smart(ish) phone because I have clubbed thumbs and really, really prefer a physical keypad. The main trouble with this phone is that it’s starting to forget how to be a PHONE – as in, I can text and surf the web and set alarms and take (crappy) pictures all day and night, but sometimes when I go to make an actual PHONE CALL (and yes, I’ve taken it off “Silent” mode) I can’t hear the person at the other end, and they can’t hear me. It usually takes a restart to fix.
I’m probably going to have to replace the thing, and I’m really not sure what I’m going to do. Suggestions welcome.
P.S. On Verizon, and prefer Android…or at least not iPhone.
She’s my ticket to a double date with Straffinrun.
Anything to be close to me, eh?
You are the reason my husband doesn’t mind me spending time on Glibs.
How does that conversation go?
Mostly, like this:
“Why are you still on the computer after work?”
*clicks link from Q* “Never mind that, look, boobies!”
*chokes* OMG I can’t stop laughing.
Not putting this out there for anything other than a need to vent, and….why not here?
Have a massive headache because–I went to bed pissed off over the Counterpunch article I posted in AM links, from Thom Hartmann. Primarily because of people supporting hisbullshit authoritarianism and denouncing “individual rights”. DIAF you assholes.
Then, woke up to 2 voicemails from employees of a local hospice, wanting to talk to my mother. How they got my # is a fucking mystery that still pisses me off, as well as what they wanted, exactly. Then, saw 3 emails from my aunt (who is dealing with mom’s ‘help’ coordination), wanting to know about whether or not I knew the origin of some medical supplies for my mother (I do not). Spent almost an hour on the phone with said aunt, listening to her unload a mess of who’s and what’s that had nothing to do with the calls or her emails, only to find out that the hospice is doing some home health care stuff for my mother (no clue as to how they got my #, considering they’ve already talked with my mother), and no resolution over the mystery medical supplies.
When she finally finished rambling about it all, and thanking me for letting her do so, she said something to the effect of not know what part of it I wanted/needed to know. I told her that I needed to go to get ready for work (the call took that long), and that I didn’t need any of it, really, as I wasn’t getting involved in the situation. She tells me something-not sure what-about sending her an email with what I want/need, and then hangs up on me. She’s done this before, when I say say something she doesn’t like, and I’m tired of it.
This aunt has apparently not learned the idea of, “You want something from me, and are treating me how? How is it working for you?”.
That is all. Now to let the aspirin kick in.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow. That sounds no good at all.
Family can be one of the most relentlessly frustrating relationships to ever deal with because the blood ties make it so much harder to just cut off people treating you badly. Hope the aspirin kicks in soon and best of luck wading through it all.
Thanks to both of you. Just needed the task of writing it out, and I’m here, so….yeah.
Yikes. Sorry you have to deal with this. Sounds like your aunt is mistaken about who sent an email or that there was one at all.
Some people deal with failing memory by lashing out. You were the unfortunate one who took the lashing.
Vent away. Better than exploding.
My aunt is the one who sent the emails. She was wondering if I knew the source of the items my mom got and really likes, as they don’t seem to be anything my aunt ordered. I don’t, so the mystery for my aunt isn’t resolved, but, that took almost an hour to get to, as opposed to a quick, “Do you know about this? OK, well, I can answer your questions about who these hospice people are, but not how they got your #”. That would have saved my loads of time this evening, and maybe could have avoided my terrible, no-good, wrongthink answer.
The hospice shit is what was most frustrating, because I have no idea where these companies keep getting my contact info, thinking it’s my mother. Every place that might pass along her info has the correct address and phone #, yet mine keeps being given out, and/or the lackeys doing these things aren’t paying attention. Someone, somewhere isn’t paying attention, and I want to sue the shit out of them.
Sorry SD. That’s rough. I don’t have a good suggestion for you. I have family that does something similar in a different context. I just do my best to ride it out.
? To repeat others here. TY.
Hope both headaches easy up, Digs.
I am part of the late night crowd this week. Time shift at work for stuff. Usually I am driving home in 95+ heat windows up ac cranked at 4pm. Tonight I drove home at 8:30 and watched the sunset over the canyon country blaze orange over dark fingers, saw baby thunder heads dropping rain that never hit the ground in front of purple mountains that have not a care. Windows down enjoying the evening cool air and smelled fresh cut hay and growing corn. Then dropped into the river valley and smelled cool evening river smells from a dark river moving slowly along as it does. Then up into the sage brush where the bugs were screaming there evening songs. No cars on the road. It was my best drive home in years.
Beautiful, man. Cheers!
How was dinner? That sounded good.
It was pretty good. Blissing out on pork fat, pasta, vodka, and Columbo.
Sounds beautiful. Where is this?
The westernslope.
So helpful.
About an hour south of Grand Junction.
address? 😉
I have doxed myself numerous times on the zoom things. I try to not do it here where what we type lives forever. All the zoom participants are too drunk to remember what anyone says so it doesn’t matter.
That zoom thingy sounds dangerous.
It is not dangerous and it is easy to leave. Sometimes some of us slurr our words but who doesn’t on occasion.
I’m pretty awkward IRL and here, I don’t imagine zoom would be any better.
Well, you can always leave camera off, and just sit back and listen. It’s what I tried to do for most zooms I sat in on.
Lovely word picture.
SD I saw the Active Self Defense video you posted last night. Ho-lee shit. That guy deserved to reach room temperature.
Just between us…..did you think Mike said “the asshole temperature challenge” when you heard it?
Because I
had to go back and listen totally didn’t think that, either. At all. No sir.Also, I’m torn on Mike’s snobbery of gear. I get it, to a certain point. But, he really seems to think you don’t ever buy certain brands/levels of gear. A warning about saving $ on potentailly life-saving gear is one thing, but, I think he kinda gets into the snobby category. It’s a bit off-putting, but, I deal with it.
I don’t remember him having an issue with the gear in that video. He definitely had an issue with technique right up until her gun jammed. Makes me wonder if that’s why her first three shots missed.
It took me a moment to realize he said asphalt. I didn’t think he said asshole but that’s because my heart is pure.
LOL! I mean….yes, it is.
There’s another video from the last few days, where he mentions an as-…asphalt-worthy guy is wearing “Uncle Mike” gear. I have no idea if Uncle Mike’s is crap, but, his tone was dismissive, and I realized that he can be slightly snobby about gear. It’s not much, but, it does get a bit old.
I started wheezing today and had to hit my inhaler. Then again and again. My SpO2 was 93. Not terrible, but not great.
I sent a medical message to my doctor, naturally she ordered a covid test.
It was funny—they had three drive thru tents where you just roll down the window, show ID and med card, and they do the swab right there. Drive back home and wait for results.
Not bad.
Odds are you don’t have it. Take care in any case.
What Straff said.
Your odds are good. In the meantime, mind if I ask how you determined your own blood oxygen level? Do you have one of those fingertip oximeters you can buy on Amazon for $20-40? I’ve been thinking about getting one of those. Any recommendations?
I have one of these, bought with with HRA money
No way for me to check calibration of the oxygen saturation, but appears to move in step with intentional variation of breathing. Pulse rate checks out.
Not as regular of a user to really track what my normal is but still quite interesting.
Cool, thanks!
If Kevin Bacon gets Covid, we’re fucked.
I was just about to reply to Hayeks with a ::thumbs up:: remark. Then, I read this, and thought maybe I should include you in that.
Who’da thunk 6° would make that much of a difference? Well, other than medical professionals, or, anyone with a passing knowledge of human medical care…
I was thinking of the Degrees of Bacon today too. My niece has a confirmed case when the family was together for Dads funeral (of course we didn’t know she had it then).
So odds are that I don’t have it, but if I do, it will be because I left alleged hotspot California to visit Safe Zone Oklahoma.
Odds are funny things.
Indeed. On all points.
Digby……..RE Gulf Shores, can normal people still afford a home there? CO is a lost cause. Just ask Animal. I am of the mind it might be time to pack up and leave soon. I have an elderly parents issue to deal with but one can’t start thinking about such things too early.
Man, you got me. I’ve kinda given up on the idea of moving there, due what I figure the CoL will be in 15+ years. Figure I’d get closer to the Texas coast, since I’m already familiar with the area a bit, and living in TX, in general.
Now, If I hit on a legal way to fill the coffers beyond what I’m currently doing, I would consider the move. I think houses not on the water are still relatively inexpensive. Heck, outer Mobile may be a good compromise–can’t be too sure about it, but, may be an option. Or, somewhere between Biloxi and Mobile. Pascagoula-ish?
The dream is still a boat. Then I can move the thing to anywhere. ish. I almost moved to Corpus back in the day but the way the locals left the beach after a weekend made me say fuck them. Fucking animals. Show up to the beach with a car full of supplys. Two cases of beer, a $10 walmart charcoal BBQ a bag of charcoal and a bunch of food. Eat the food drink the beer and leave the BBQ and empty beer cans on the beach.
Yeeesh….I’ve not spent much time on CC beaches–Port Aransas is my jam, and it’s close enough. That said, it is one tail-end of the RR. And we got plenty of rednecks to go around.
Lots of smaller communities in the coast that might suffice, and would be close to CC and/or Galveston. Port Lavaca, Rockport, etc. I kinda like the Rockport area, myself.
Ya, I really liked Rockport. Back when I had a good job I kept my camper down in Corpus and did about a year of just hanging on the beach on my time off. I was mostly working a 6 week on 3 week off rotation back then. I did do a week of camping on S Padre with ex girlfriend and then a week of a house rental in town. But the town is weird. Too touristy. Camping was cool though. Strong west wind and high tide when we had to get off the beach. I had a stupid giant F350 then and the Powerstroke was slow to wake up. Ruined all four rotors coming off the beach. Sand is a bit abrasive.
Yeah, that sand…
Is it Rockport, or, S. Padre that you find touristy? I have no experience with Padre, but I can imagine it is.
S Padre was weird touristy. College kid drunk town but it was off season so people just seemed pissy. Rockport seemed ok. The national seashore from Corpus to S padre is awesome. I could always find a spot in the dunes away from people. I have been social distancing my whole life.
This! Mustang Island, away from Port A, this is quite easy.
And now the portion of the evening where I entertain my neighbors with drunken renditions of Johnny Thunders, Ramones, and Clash songs. On this slightly out of tune and poorly strung guitar….
Wherein a leftist actually defends typical police work, as the current alternative was somehow unexpected.
I am not a fan of the DEA, or, their involvement in ‘supplementing’ local PDs. That said, you’ll notice how quickly this particular author falls back on the idea of normal police work being backed by “strict rules”….yeah, like with George Floyd? How about Eric Garner–a much better hill for me to die on.
Who wears/wore the honker better–Rashida Tlaib, or, DeGaul?
Why does it feel like speaking Newcomer speak to say “Rashida Tlaib”?
Ha! I convinced my neighbor Mick Jagger was playing the human cop. He was skeptical at first. I kept a straight face and he bought it.
You are definitely pure, my friend. I would love to have seen that.
This has it all. Do not click if you are a) at work b) plan on have sex ever again x) don’t want to throw you pc/phone out the window.
That guy’s look is super disturbing. His attitude is even more disturbing.
That is still making the rounds?
The sewer that is the internet is forever.
On a lighter note, you should take a look at Q’s photos tonight. One of them could be Mrs. Straffinrun 2.
So…..Richard Speck acolyte, is he?
not watching that.
Well…..I see you’ve played “Internet” before.
Maybe this is more your speed….
nope. I have chicken ceaser salad to eat. good night!
No seafood, then?
I’m dreaming of a kayak run down the River, we only get Monday through Thursday, so get it while you can,
You mean with the family (the mon-thurs thing)?
Another black person that doesn’t agree with this stuff it seems. A monolith they aren’t.
Mornin’ Glibs.
Mornin’, UCS.
I really should move the little medieval times flag. The fan causes it to move, and the sound it makes scraping along the wall makes me think of mice.
Any more evidence of the mousies’ presence?
None. But naturally my mind misconstrues any sound that might be even when I know that flutter-flutter against the wall is not the pitter-patter of rodent feet.
When I had the mouse in my apartment lo these many years ago, I was sleeping on a single mattress on the floor.
I slept (not well) with the light on.
We used to live in a basement suite with a mouse infestation. You could here the genocide through the drywall. We got two kittens that sorted that nonsense out in no time. Get a cat, UCS, preferably two.
Mornin’. Waiting to see if my interior job is set up for today. If not, it’s a rain day then work on Saturday. What to do….guess my car is due for an oil change…
Dammit! Since my governor is rattling his
sabrepen and threatening to mask-mandate more counties or the entire state, I thought I had my back-up plan all set to go on a grocery pilgrimage to Richmond, IN. Then I found out they’re on the verge of cracking down, too. Maybe I can see if there’s a decent grocery in Liberty, IN. After all, with a name like “Liberty,” they HAVE to be freedom-loving, right? Right??Enjoy some Mary Spender.
Nice cover! Thanks! I’ll check out more of her vids.
Her Fast Car cover with Leo is excellent.
I have a small hamlet/village inside the city within walking distance that refuses to play Covid Theatre. I love them for that but my shopping options are limited there, to say the least. Still, I’ll take what I can get. Good luck in your quest.
This would appear to be THE place in town. No mention of their mask policy. I’ll try to research their county and hope for the best, should it come to that.
I’ve been drive to getting my groceries delivered. It’s suboptimal, because the choice when there is something missing is either nothing or let the store pick the substitute.
I am not happy about that.
Back to the smart-phone debate, I have a love/hate relationship with mine once I finally pulled the trigger last year. It’s handy but intrusive. I like having the ease but really loathe having people I’d rather not talk to having 24 hour access to me. There is precisely one person on the planet that I need to hear from at any random time. Bring back land-lines, teletypes and belt onions!
Oh and “Mornin’ Glibs!”
Mornin’ Festus
Mornin’, Fes.
Let’s bring back pagers. And pay phones. And calling cards.
Real calling cards, the kind you’d leave with the butler to tell someone you’d stopped by.
*audibly sniffs* “Indubitably!”
To be fair, I didn’t even carry any phone at all for years and years. We had a severe storm that fucked with our electronics. Other than that i’d be more than happy going the Luddite way.
Let’s ban those icky peeps from NJ & NY.
Whole lotta Karen in the comment section. Why am I no longer surprised? People (some people) have lost their collective mind.