At work, they turned off all of the water fountains. They said this will help stop the spread of germs. We have those touchless ones that you can fill up a water bottle with, like the ones at airports. So filling your own bottle was hands free. They replaced the water fountain with cases of water bottles. Now, if I want a drink, I have to reach into a case that up to 23 other people have already dug through. Exactly how is this slowing the spread of germs?

This might be our exact model.
We’ve got the mask mandate in our country now. It was issued July 2nd and took effect today, July 9th. If it’s so important, why did we wait a full week for it to go into effect? Also, walking around the office, about 60% of people have their masks completely dangling or below their mouths (not just nose, but mouth). No one here seems happy.
We worked from home during the “state of emergency.” As soon as it was lifted, the company wanted us back in the office. Only one person is allowed in a meeting room at a time. We’re told to not interact and keep our “social distance” from each other. If we can’t collaborate except electronically, why are we back in the office? Is it because productivity was down when we worked from home? No, I’ve been told our productivity was much higher while we were working from home. To be fair to my boss and his boss, and the boss’s boss, they are pushing WFH indefinitely and permanently, it’s higher up than them that is pushing back. We need a major change in company culture at the top.
I logged onto Facebook the other day (I know, I know, but I’m not very active and it’s the only way to keep in touch with some of my college friends). I read through the feed. My best friends’ mother is the biggest progressive I know (she’d disown her son if she knew anything about his massive gun collection). She seems to be the one pushing hardest of those I saw for mask wearing. It must be nice, since she doesn’t have to go anywhere or work all day with one. She was a lawyer many years ago, her husband is a doctor. He still works (he’s pushing 70). She stays home and spends his money. She might have to wear a mask for a half hour every few days *if* she decides to go out. I have to wear one 8 hours a day while very distant from co workers in a cubicle with tall walls. She can go to hell.
I wrote the governor about his flaunting the state and US constitutions he swore to uphold. I’ve received no response. He is a coward, truly. Like the mayor of Indianapolis, the governor has no true leadership skills. Even if what he did wasn’t in flagrant disregard of the law, he wasn’t a leader in any way.
I probably could keep going indefinitely. But, I have a life to get back to, unlike most of the people I’ve mentioned above.
Don’t forget I’m running for President as the veto party candidate.
Vote BangingLC1 – I’ll do my best to golf more than Trump and Obama combined! God knows I don’t actually want to govern!
Some of you think being first loser is your ally. I was born first. Molded by it. I didn’t see second until I was already a man. By then it was nothing to me but blinding!
You have my vote!
And first. Quoting the article is required. And it was a good article.
Don’t tell me how to First. Old man.
People in positions of authority feel the need to be seen doing something. It doesn’t matter what it is or even if its counterproductive. Covid theater is the perfect exercise of their power.
Covid theater is right.I’m helping to lead summer workouts for the football team I’m coaching.
We make a big show of taking temperatures every day and making the kids wear gloves and not share water.
We take a lot of precautions because we want to have a season but God knows if it’s actually doing anything other than making our team moms feel better.
Are you training them in proper kneeling form?
Hell no. It’s a school in the country, which helps. I honestly DGAF if pro athletes keep doing it but I don’t need that nonsense in my life.
Is that where you bend over and grab your ankles? Because that seems like the consummate position for 2020.
Riddle me this Batman: if masks are effective at stopping viruses, why are vaccines pushed during flu season but not masks? I’m pretty sure a bandana is cheaper than a flu vaccine dose.
“We must do something. This is something, therefore we must do it. All cats have 4 legs. My dog has 4 legs, therefore my dog is a cat.”
[face palm]
Some of our employees came back to work pretty chilled out. Some came back hyper-nervous.
Even the most nervous are now over it and advocating to return everything to normal.
Disinfecting supplies are sold out in retail locations in a 20 square mile radius.
Unfortunately, where I am, it’s the head boss and the HR drone who are the most nervous
I stopped taking the workplace restrictions seriously when I walked into the break room, wearing a mask, and observed our CEO hustle through without one. And since I’ve gone back, I notice almost nobody wears one. Including the HR lady who sent out the tedious email mandating it. I think it’s all been CYA to avoid lawsuits or the wrath of our idiot politicians. We’re afflicted with bureaucracy, much worse than virus.
That’s a terrifying thought.
Like the TSA security theater, it’s all about normalizing the idea of government putting these restrictions on you, regardless of whether they work. Consider that this year’s HS graduates were almost all born after 9/11 and this shit is all they know.
By the same token, putting the effective cold medicines behind the counter hasn’t done anything to stop meth production, yet that rule/law hasn’t been repealed. Because the only way you can show you care about the children is to continue to do something experience has shown doesn’t work.
Pretty much sums it all up.
I never realized the number of hysterical germaphobes out there, even among my level-headed and politically conservative friends.
I’ve been crossing names off my boogaloo phone tree list, left and right…
For any members of the FBI reading these comments, the above was merely a clever joke.
Wonder if Preet still lurks from time to time lol.
I got my crazy sister-in-law to admit that more people died of the flu this year than the commie cough, but she’s still sheltering in place.
OT: how many Disc golf courses have Elk Hazards? A couple of females decided to take rest next to our basket,
“you go first” No You go first, “not me. you go”
Do they also snag disks and run off with them?
No, that’s a Monkey thing, they are so big, they control the area, they will seriously hurt you, but still Neato to see
Elk jumped out in front of me last night on my bike ride. Scared the daylights out of me – damn it was big.
Then we went to a Record Store in Kangman, and I bought this, quite rare, 120$
because 8 Telecasters isn’t enough
The areodynamics don’t look that great. Get much distance?
Ask Pete Townsend………….
/I did laugh
More streamlined.
Unrelated – Check your email.
I got two e-mails ten minutes apart from the same outfit from whom I bought a tube of hideously expensive (but pretty effective) hair goop once. I hear from them several times a day.
Oh – and I got yours, too.
Well, I can’t be blamed for the hair gel emails.
I can be blamed for a new one.
And an attachment in my favorite format! Thanks! I LIKE getting that kind of e-mail!
Let me know what you think when you’re done.
Will do.
Is it just me or is the scary virus news kind of winding down? I don’t watch much TV and pick and chose the info from the ‘net but just seems less hysteria. Fewer people paying less attention to the edicts. Maybe ’cause I don’t really have any interactions with anyone but it ‘feels’ like the noise level is dissipating.
Replace fewer with more
No, it seems to me the major networks are all pushing “horrendous spikes” in Cal., Fla., AZ, and Texas. Tonite’s NBC was horror stories about not enough PPE in Texas hospitals, contradicting happy talk from Pence and Trump. {They did admit in a 5 second insert that “Some hospitals tell us they have plenty of protective equipment.”}
Although they’re about to stop calling it a global pandemic.
Well it no longer meets the regulatory criteria for ‘pandemic’ in the US, either.
Its okay cause the bastion is science, the CDC has made their school guidelines set in stone, regardless of any new information. They are what they are.
All the states are operating on guidance from March…maybe May and not even bothering to take in new information.
PA is still all about germs sitting on paper for 3-4 days.
Getting a customer to sign forms is Monty Pythonesque, if you follow state guidelines.
Emily Compagno is hot. Just saying.
Reposting from the dead thread because it is worth it.
My music contribution for tonight.
I like this version better than any other.
No, no, NO! You poor benighted fools! I have it on good authority that the govt is actively trying to kill its citizens. ?
Seriously, that is a verbatim quote from a site I won’t name, in order to protect the gullible.
If you change “its” to “other country’s”, I can’t disagree.
Amy Schumer’s husband, Chris Fischer, is uncircumcised, says pal Jake Gyllenhaal
I….. is there a word for where I actively, with all of my soul couldn’t give a shit about a topic, to the point where it hurts my head, I so very much don’t care? Whatever that word is, it’s my reaction to this article.
“You fill me with inertia”?
I dunno but Page Six is its home.
Its funny because Schumer has a body resembling an uncircumcised penis.
So does your Brain, but it’s all good, Man
You always take awkward to the next level. ?
Somebody married Amy Schumer? What for, access to Moobs?
My guess is beard.
Put her on a diet, a she’s very Fuckable,
/john Pron
He autistic.
Yes, the worst stereotype about autistic people is that they would marry Amy Schumer.
Meh, a man has to know his limitations, some of us aren’t geting Sarah Silvetman or Wanda Sykes. We gotta loosen those lugs and drop our standards down a few pegs. Also money, she has lotsa money.
I am happy to sleep with women less attractive than her. I am unwilling to have extended conversations with anyone that annoying.
I said Fuckable, not speak to-able, yikes!
Not nearly enough.
There was one special in which she was funny. Forget title but she’s considerably slimmer in it.
It must be from when she made an effort then. I haven’t seen it.
Before she became woke.
Yeah…..I don’t really want to know what kind of friends, tho.
Jake seemed to know his stuff in Brokeback Mountain, must have got it from somewhere.
That just conjures up visions of Ang Lee saying something like, “OK, now, we’re gonna do the tent scene. I want you, Heath, over here. And, you, Jake…well, you just do what you think is best.”
an amusing bit of history
Much of Eoghan Rua’s life is unknown. He returned after the wars to Kerry and opened a school again. Soon afterwards, aged 35, he died from fever that set in after he was struck by a pair of tongs in an alehouse quarrel by the servant of a local Anglo-Irish family. “The story of how, after the fracas in Knocknagree in which he was killed, a young woman lay down with him and tempted him to make sure he was really dead, was passed on with relish.”
So ended the life of Ireland’s greatest poet.
Eoghan Rua Ó Súilleabháin
gee, Willie: thought that was right up your aisle
When I went to Ireland, we went to Slattery’s. The last song was the Irish national anthem. One patron was too drunk to stand during it. After the anthem, he got bum rushed by about 5 other patrons, ready to beat him down. The whole night’s music was very IRA slanted, and I’m sure that Irish patriotism was running strong through the room by the end of the night, nevermind the booze.
Imagine being more afraid of Covid 19 than heart disease. By doing so, you are now able to understand what being an utter idiot feels like.
You just don’t understand! It is different! Heart disease is NATURAL CAUSES! Covid is NEW and SCARY!
Besides, heart disease existed even before Trump was born so it is really hard to blame him for it.
I blame Trump for my acid refux.
Well, since no one else did…
One good fux deserves another.
I ride a motorcycle to commute and for fun. Riding it around for 10 miles is more dangerous for me than living in one of the hardest hit by Covid-19 places on Earth. I happen to live in one.
I hope you wear a mask when you ride.
The helmetless motorcyclists with masks are a personal favourite.
Although the chick browsing on her phone while wearing mask, face shield and gloves was pretty good too.
I fired the only black electrician in my plant today. Hope that turns out okay.
Other wise.
Anyway, was it justified?
I’m a boss in a union shop. Its hard to fire people. This guy has been a cancer on his crew for 2 years. I got called into work to solve a problem at 2 30 this morning. When I arrived, he was asleep in the break room. The problem I came in to solve was his responsibility. Whether or not he would have been able to solve it is immaterial to the fact that he ignored a trouble call that had the entire rolling mill shut down.
I have wanted him gone for a while, but you can’t be more neglectful than taking a nap while the plant is shutdown.
JFC, he’s a maintenance electrician. His entire purpose for being at work is to keep the plant running.
Sleeping on the job is something I can’t countenance either.
Will he make a stink about it or does the guy know he sucks at his job?
You assume these are mutually exclusive.
It is often those who know they suck at their job who will make the biggest stink and try to hold onto whatever post they’ve managed to wrangle.
Union will grieve it, but its cut and dry. They don’t have an argument.
Not having an argument is the greatest argument. You know what era we’re living in.
I’ve been telling people for months that we are living through full retard times.
Times should never go full retard.
I’m out. Whoever is staying, turn out the enlightenment when you leave.
If it wan’t for my family here I think I’d be scraping along in a eikaiwa somewhere in Japan explaing “this is a pen”.
Doesn’t rolling the hay make a roll in the hay hard?
“Roll, roll, roll in the hay!”
/young and very rollable Teri Garr
Just think how soon afterward was her turn in CE3K….yeeesh. I mean, not bad, but….nah.
Hay field is still green. Another cutting later, Lach?
We finally got some rain last night, 2 inches, but fields are still dry looking.
Good luck on your personnel brouhaha
We have had a very wet summer so far. We have had afternoon storms multiple times a week all summer. Hay prices will be shit, but feeding the cows I can’t sell right now because of the covid nonsense will be cheap this winter.
Hope he kept his resume current.
local neighborhood watch man of the year
Seems appropriate.
Don’t speak Chinese. Anyone?
Any transaltion will cheapen the experience
That’s Un’s kid, isn’t it? Apple/tree
What the hell lol. That kid needs to lay off the sweets.
If I had a son…
I’d hammer in the morning
I’d hammer in the evening
All over this land
If I had a hammer, I’d use it on Peter, Paul, and Mary
/ I forget who
Sounds like a Gallagher quote, sorta
“I’m hungry, back off.”
That is the awesomest thing I’ve ever seen.
If I had a son….
One of my favorite SP lines
I’m sorry. I-I don’t speak Asian, but, um…
Since you do speak Asian, enjoy this reporter telling the Karen to go fuck himself.
Bonus points for “hate speech” and discrimination (sabetsu).
I’m sure that all the Gibs will be happy to know that “hate speech” is, naturally, an English loanword. I asked my Japanese friends if there was a Japanese word for the latest social justice trend and they replied, nope – use the loanword.
I got laid off last week. 2 days later I received a mask in the mail from my company, complete with logo. You know for when we are back in the off…. Well nevermind.
Sorry dude.
No worries it’s all working out likely have something lined up in the coming weeks.
Put picture of boss’ wife in box. Put mask in same box. Squirt full bottle of mayo over everything. Tape up and return to sender.
I did something like that when I got laid off. My boss had to talk to me when I got rehired.
Sorry man, that’s crappy.
That sucks, man.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry, dude.
This man is a visionary and his bitch will rue the day she passed on the investment of the century
Somebody was waaaay too inspired by scenes from The Shadow.
Don’t forget I’m running for President as the veto party candidate.
Vote BangingLC1 – I’ll do my best to golf more than Trump and Obama combined! God knows I don’t actually want to govern!
Maybe I’ll vote for you instead.
He’s not on the ballot, he vetoed the required paperwork.
I’m writing in Kanye. You think trump was middle finger to the establishment, Kanye is a double middle finger and pelvic thrust.
Manditory masks are here throughout the county. I haven’t worn one, don’t plan to. Cases were going down without the manditory mask, before the increased testing started by the Governer who just instituted a County ban, and before the protests that the mayor participated in who instituted the city ban a few days before. So if they weren’t necessary before, why are the necessary now. I just hope all these bullshit restrictions end up going through the courts and getting thrown out. If I’m cited, I’ll fight it.
Medical exemption, mine is COPD, and BTW Fuck Off Slavers!
Covid nonsense is making it very difficult for me to get seals for hydraulic cylinders and pumps. There is no stock due to the lock downs. Let it be known, that a modern industrial society can’t operate if they can’t keep hydraulic fluid in their machines that produce the goods that we all need to survive.
Turns out you can’t actually shut down an economy and then just flip a switch and have it come back. Who knew?
Lots of us, but not the soccer moms and the bureaucrats.
Good article: has a authentic, personal vibe that draws you in.
But we only shutdown non-essential businesses says the statist that.
Guess what idiot, essential businesses need non essential business to operate in order to do essential business.
The dickwads that run this country have no idea how to get food to table or steel to vehicle.
That should say, “statist twat” my fucking phone is more politically correct than me.
And non essential business and employees of non essential businesses as customers to keep the lights on.
Some idiot replied to my comment of that same that no it wasn’t a light switch, it was a dimmer.
The number of people who have faith that winners of popularity contests and people hired the same way we hire the clerks at the DMV can micromanage the totality of human interaction will never stop astonishing me. The economy is literally every human action and interaction; the idea that a politican can decide which of those actions and interactions are essential demands helicopter rides.
we are living in peak idiot America.
I always believed peak idiot was not obtainable, but I have been proven wrong.
That’s a bold claim. I fully expect that by next year we’ll be digging up the bones of dead racists, holding mock trials and then posthumously executing the remains. It’s tough to get dumber than we are now but I feel fully confident the cathedral will find a way.
For those annoyed by mask theater, just remember it could be worse:
Ja’far Abbas, a Sudanese columnist living abroad, expounded further on the matter in two articles, one in the Saudi daily Al-Watan and the other in Al-Rai Al-A’am. In his Al-Watan article, Abbas wrote: “Even though what I write today will harm ‘tourism’ in Sudan, I consider it my duty to warn anyone who wants to come to Sudan to refrain from shaking hands with a dark-skinned man. Since most Sudanese are dark-skinned, he had better avoid shaking hands with anyone he doesn’t know…”
Focusing on the report of the Sudanese man who lost his penis after contact with a comb, Abbas wrote: “No doubt, this comb was a laser-controlled surgical robot that penetrates the skull [and passes] to the lower body and emasculates a man!!
“I wanted to tell that man who fell victim to the electronic comb: ‘You jackass, how can you put a comb from a man you don’t know to your head, while even relatives avoid using the same comb?!'”
It Is a Zionist Plot
In conclusion Abbas wrote: “That man, who, as it is claimed, is from West Africa, is an imperialist Zionist agent that was sent to prevent our people from procreating and multiplying…” 12
In his Al-Rai Al-A’am article, Abbas wrote: “I had planned to visit Sudan over the Id Al-Fitr holiday, and I saved as many dollars as I could for this purpose… But I heard and read about ‘Satan’s Friend’ who shakes your hand and then you discover suddenly that you’re ‘not a man.’ Is it conceivable that a reasonable man would choose to visit a city gripped by the horror of castration?!…
“I pay [taxes] to the government, I bring money to my family [from abroad], and then I also need to pay a man who robs me of the thing I hold most dear and demands that I buy my stolen goods [back from] him?…
The least believable part of this was the idea of Sudanese tourism
Knock, Knock…
And the Glock v 1911 question is answered definitively. The Son of God carries the classic!
LOL. Please God, I’m not with them.
I chuckled.
New Zealand says hold my beer on COVID:
The guy will appear in court and the government is now posting cops at all isolation facilities.
I find it interesting that these countries think they can stop the Kung Flu indefinitely.
That’s going to be next to impossible.
That’s what I’ve been wondering about lately. I’m not well versed in the way viruses work, but it would seem like they must not just “die out” or else they would stop being a problem, in general. So if they stick around, it would follow that every place is bound to get the latest virus eventually, given the inter-connectivity of the world, so it would seem that the places that have avoided the virus must stay in perpetual lock-down if they want to avoid it while the places that have suffered through it get to return to normal.
Anyone with actual knowledge of how this works feel free to correct my misconceptions.
Hence why China has been trying to sabotage the rest of the world or try to get them to participate in the lockdown4eva!
The next to impossible is if they want to interact with parts of the world where its largely uncontrolled. And answer appears to be they’ll increasingly just keep the borders sealed until other countries bring it under control or there’s a vaccine. I’ve pretty much written off Aus/NZ/TW off for the foreseeable future. Japan maybe next year. Maybe.
I can’t remember who posted it, but like someone said, it’s a disease so deadly, you need to be tested to see if you’re sick.
Even if there is zero new cases for the next year, they will say things like ‘It’s going to come back, even more deadly than ever if we let anyone go outside!’. It hasn’t been about the virus for a long time.
Got my 3rd ‘vid test today. Still human!
*sigh of exasperation *
Fucking police state, that has become. Sad.
As we have said repeatedly – actions such as these are completely unacceptable. Returnees are given clear instructions and information about what their responsibilities are. Managed isolation is a critical part in our defence against Covid-19, and it is up to each and every person entering this country to play their part and abide by the law
Tree of liberty… water… Those are the only real responsiblities.
I like* how Melbourne has just locked residents into their tower block for weeks. They’re just disobedient and/or ignorant immigrants, after all.
*don’t like
*Checks New Zealand’s Commi Cough stats*
LOL…… 22 deaths? Ya, they were decimated. When did they start locking up people coming into the country? It seems to have worked if it was in January. Their numbers may be bigger bullshit than ours but on the other end of the spectrum. Or maybe this virus just doesn’t infect people south of the equator just like it doesn’t infect you at a protest
marchriot.I saw a meme just this morning on New Zealand’s response (from one of the few lefties I have on social media). To quote:
“today i learned that new zealand let health experts make the decisions on how to deal w the pandemic rather than politicians and as of today they have 0 covid cases. wow almost as if science and common sense works.”
I can only imagine the uproar if Trump ordered everyone entering the country to be locked in an isolate facility upon entry into the country.
“I can only imagine the uproar if Trump ordered everyone entering the country to be locked in an isolate facility upon entry into the country.“
Kids in cages! He’s putting kids in cages!
According to this they have 23. They claim 0 in the hospital.
Ah, New Zealand–last bastion of liberty in the world! ?
My gaming consists of Backgammon and online Snooker. This is tempting me mightily, though.
PS4 only. Problem solved.
Yeah–if only I cared about the game.
Ah, shit.
Nobody has a ps4 around here, other than me? Winning that console war without most glibs, it would seem.
Dan Carlin interviewing Tom Hanks about his new War movie,
My mind is blown,
“Tom Hanks about his new War movie”
Let me guess. In it, some redneck white supremacists take over a country and make the rebel flag their national flag, and in general, they hang out and say mean stuff, on purpose.
So then a newly woke USA decides those dudes gotta be cancelled. So they put together a new fighting force of rainbow superheroes. Tom Hanks plays Woke Wokerson, the toughest LBQTXRTYWZ warrior ever seen in Wokedom!
Gotta stop now, don’t wanna spoil it for all you wokesters anxious for more juicy details.
It’s Dan Carlin, Hanks is sticking to history, and thats fine, give it a chance
Hanks will do my version or he gets cancelled!
Half panic-demic resistance news, half Glibfit update: I was able to get in my after-work swim at the Y without having to don the mask to get in the door. The secret – go to the location in the next county to the east of mine, which is only at Level 1 (according to Gauleiter DeRINO’s secret formula,) as opposed to my county’s Level 3. It was glorious! Bonus: a smaller pool, but no swim team taking up most of the lanes and frantically trying to move as much water as fast as they can while their coach yells at them through his mask. So peaceful!
Good for you, GT. Put in the laps. I put in a lot of laps at the Y. *Shameful joke, but necessary*
You know, YMCA’s are homosexual hangouts. They’re the bathhouses of the 2000’s for many many many many gay men.
My Y is (was) Karen Central.
That’s the lady’s swim, not the homosexual swim.
Watch it while you can, Little Britain has been cancelled.
Of course. I haven’t seen it before, but it looks like my kind of humor.
Torrents are gonna be the easiest samizdat unless the actual IP owners press their claims. And Little Britain could be the landmark case because literally all of their content infringes on PC leftist sensibilities.
You where else…
HA! I know that road Nevada?
Dunno. Just grabbed it from a pic search.
Looks like it
A Corona virus musing-
Hydraulic parts from Parker that are made in France can not be sent by air during this idiot time. Because of this, it is taking me three weeks to get cartridges for pumps that used to take three days. I have pumps that I am responsible for that I’m weeks away from getting replacements for.
Drops A lube systems parts that are made in Michigan are not available at this time because the manufacturers of these parts are not operating. I have a dozen 20,000 dollar bearings in my plant that rely on my drops a lube system functioning properly for them to survive their life cycle.
Asco has ceased their solenoid making operations because of the covid nonsense. I have a 40 million dollar reheat furnace at my plant that can’t operate without solenoids for its zone gas valves.
I could go on…
More broadly it demonstrates just how delicate supply chains are.
Nobody has inventory anymore. And you can only play that game once. After you’ve “captured” the value of that inventory and move to JIT that expense reduction is done. After you realize what a disaster it is you just spend it again.
And after that a fresh crop of McKinsey MBAs come in and tell you how much money you can make reducing inventory…
The economy is a multifaceted faceless nameless thing that can’t be controlled or directed by any force. It is its own being and if it it shot in multiple places, then it will have to heal over a period of time over multiple places.
The more it is shot, the longer it will take to heal.
In the mean time, we all get to suffer its wounds.
When this started I did a mental exercise applying I Pencil to a can of green beans. It lead me straight to you. Beans come in cans, Cans need steele. Steele is made somewhere. That somewhere has machinery. That machinery needs to be fixed/maintained. The parts and tools come from somewhere. And on. And on.
Ripple effects are deep and wide. At my job it is just stuff like cleaning supplies and shit like that that is hard to find. I imagine some are paying attention to how this effects the overall structure of how an economy works but my fear it is the wrong people paying attention and they are taking notes.
Manufacturing is complicated. The ability for a plant to operate relies on a plant being able to procure the things that it needs to operate. There are dozens of different products that if they didn’t exist would cause my plant to cease manufacturing operations until such time that that we could figure out how to re-engineer the process to make it work without said products.
The fucksticks who destroyed the American economy over covid nonsense are politicians who have never produced a valuable good in their lives and have no understanding of how to in the first place.
And I would bet my right testicle that those politicians would retort that you or I are simply not talented enough widget drones to continue producing 21st century products without the 21st century technology required.
The supermarket hasn’t had disinfectant since March.
I saw a can of Lysol on the shelf last week!
I remember rolling my eyes as a kid at stories of stores behind the iron curtain. Jokes on me now.
I was standing in a long slow line at Wegmans back in April–that was also the time of the very visible shortages of meat products–and thinking how it reminded me of wasting so much time standing in lines when I was a kid in the Soviet Union. At least now people have smartphones to entertain themselves.
smartphones to entertain themselves.
Soon your smartphone will only be used to enlighten you.
Ah, but you will be required to feel that you are being entertained!
They’re making noises about a mask mandate here. So we bought these.
Dammit. These:
Those look really uncomfortable.
LOL, it’s not like words mean anything anymore.
Tuff guys. We sure scared them little girls!
“We’re political Tik Tokkers.”
I think it was staged. I mean surely, if those guys were being serious, they would have deleted that in embarrassment by now. It was staged, but funny.
“Alex, I’ll take unimpressive hobbies for 100.”
地獄ケーキShortcakeFlag of United StatesMountain railway
Replying to
I feel like if someone approaches you and says “I’m a political TikToker,” you should be able to defend yourself with lethal force.
He’s not wrong…
We worked from home during the “state of emergency.” As soon as it was lifted, the company wanted us back in the office. Only one person is allowed in a meeting room at a time. We’re told to not interact and keep our “social distance” from each other. If we can’t collaborate except electronically, why are we back in the office?
OOOooh but can I comment on this but not here. That one is saved for a zoom happy hour drunken rant where there is no text left forever. Fuck me things happened this week that reach next level stupidly dishonest.
Thanks for the post bang.
I’m pretty sure some of these are made up.
I need someone to identify this song for me. It’s so familiar but I can’t place it.
I’m not going to enact that labor for you. It’s a sign of your privilege that you would even place that burden on me.
You are human and you need to be loved.
Oh, sure. Now it’s funny.
Morrissey is something. Not sure what, but he is interesting.
All I was left with was “train noise song” and that was unavailing.
No, no–go this this:
How Soon Is Now
So very high school for me (and you, as I recall).
More college but yeah I guess I heard it a few times in HS when I was the only person I knew who listened to that stuff.
I remember embarrassing myself trying to describe the song to the cute girl at the record store, after hearing it on WLIR.
Fun fact: she knew who I was, greeted me by name and to this day still have no idea who she was. Since I was an idiot, I did not pick up the obvious signals and pursue in any way. Did I mention she was super cute? This was a repeating motif in much of my life.
I’m finally confident in knowing when women are interested at this point in my life but, TBF, I may still be that clueless. My wife would likely frown on me putting that to the test.
Welp, Vegas decending back to pre-May days. Bars back to no one allowed at the bar top…apparently that is what is spreading this according to the rainbow farts and magic pot of fairy shit the governor is using.
Fucking stupid. Im done with all this shit. Its just a game now.
At least your Bars are open…………..
“The term “cancel culture” comes from entitlement – as though the person complaining has the right to a large, captive audience,& one is a victim if people choose to tune them out.
Odds are you’re not actually cancelled, you’re just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked.”
Good gawd, just when I think someone cannot say something that dumb, look who shows up.
She is such a parody of stupid evil that it’s hard to believe she’s real.
Best comment:
You really thought you did something there
Pretty sure being cancelled means you are hindered at your ability to reach people who want to hear what you’re saying. GFAOC yourself.
Which anime outro is this
Not sure if it’s been used in anime. It’s sweeter than umeshu, though.
This doesn’t seem recent. Do Japanese performers still go in for the Geisha look?
They still exist. Mostly in the Enka vein.
I don’t get the appeal of the whole “city pop” thing.
City pop is what music should have sounded like here if it hadn’t taken a wrong turn in the 70’s and 80’s.
(The link above isn’t city pop)
“Basically what I’m saying is buy @GoyaFoods”
All we are saying, is give peas a chance.
Huh. Goya is that super bitter squash I despise.
This national travesty I just found out about a minute and a half ago has already been Wikipedia’ed.
I want off this ride.
“In response, Twitter users including Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Julian Castro called for a boycott of the brand.”
*rolls eyes in Spanish*
Aye Caramba
They are headquartered and do lots of manufacturing in Jersey City. The fucking bitch wants to destroy local business – again.
Let’s start a call to boycott AOC and JuCas.
Another observation-
The country is in semi lock down and the economy has been deliberately crashed by the power elite. There are riots in the cities. The fed has printed trillions of dollars.
And Jeffrey epsrein didn’t kill himself, and neither did maxwell- yet
For the gutter minded, directly from my carport.
That looks like grass outside. I thought you lived in the desert.
I think Lach is in Arkansas. So tornados but no scorpions.
This is really good,
The amount of $ it would cost to give EVERY US citizen $2,000 for 3 months
Not $1,200 for adults and $500 per kid
A family of 5 would get $10,000 a month for 3 months
That’s $30,000 in 3 months not $3,900 for a family of 5 and then millions for companies”
Apparently, he thinks that’s a good idea.
“My grandfather was part of an Antifa organization.
It was called the United States Army when he was in World War 2 and fought the fascists and Nazi in Europe for the freedom of the world.
When did being anti fascist become a bad thing in the US?”
Never mind, apparently his twitter account was hacked by a busload of retarded monkeys.
to be fair, the monkeys had a couple better tweets, but this moron threatened to unionize the bananas, so they caved and went with this idiocy.
I don’t know who that is but I got a good laugh out of that.
They like the term “antifa” but find free speech offensive. Special kind of stupid.
When people, who adopted the term, became fascistic, and cloaked themselves in sanctimonious self-righteousness. You must have been cranially disabled, huh, Eric…
I have a one hundred trillion dollar banknote from Zimbabwe sitting on my shelf right next to my stereo. I paid 3 bucks for it and I think it is now worth about 10 or so to a collector.
My nuts are getting all sweaty. Might not be wearing this mask correctly.
Is the mask part of a gimp suit? That may be your problem.
Yep. I borrowed it from Brochettaward when he wasn’t looking. I’ll slip it back into his stash unnoticed.
Maybe try Sheath underwear (sponsors Malice and Dave Smith’s podcasts).
But, otherwise, it’s all cool breezes?
Pull the other one; it’s got bells on.
Mendacious Fucker #7386:
Michael Fumento, the guy who wrote about the HIV panic in the 80’s (Oprah claiming that 1 in 5 heteros would be dead from it in a few years, etc.), has been getting it correct about disease panics for almost four decades now. He has been on the Rona Panic since the start of it.
“1 in 5 heteros would be dead from it in a few years”
This “well-meaning lie” came up this past weekend, as I described the awful effect the AIDS panic had on me as a teenager during those peak panic years. I explained to my (younger) guests what a huge impact learning the truth of that had in my persistent, deep-seated distrust of government and authority (the topic had started with the “you don’t need masks” position from just a couple months back vs. today’s mask veneration).
Yup, we are the same age and I had a similar experience of learning to distrust the government official disease line because of HIV. It is still very rarely mentioned by many people and even less so in media. I have already been cynical about this shit for a long time, but back in early March I could very much see how this was similar in many ways.
No kidding.
*closes tab*
Really? The link works for me, it goes to his main article page. Maybe browser issue?
What is the point of working fridays when you don’t feel like it?
Good morning glibs.
Good Morning Pie.
Take Fridays off. Problem solved.
Presumption about this guy being an actual, licensed security guard (and how he could possibly be a commissioned/armed guard, to boot) aside–
Maybe don’t hire one-eyed security guards?
In the land of the blind a one eyed guard is a marksman
“blind” doesn’t sound quite like the descriptor for that scene. But, I’ll go along with it.
He saw well enough to shoot him in the back.
Maybe the missus acted as his other eye….something like that.
Dammit. Amazon Prime had every episode of Magnum PI on Prime and now they want 3.99 an episode. I was up to halfway through Season 4 through the panic, watching a few episodes per week. Truly one of the best shows ever out on television. Apparently this is the new normal. Not happy.
Well, the ‘Zon is busy dropping problematic products from stores, so, they gots to make up that lost revenue.
/probably more likely a CBS contract thing, but they suck at least as much.
I’m uploading the complete series to my Mega account. I’ll have it ready for you in a few hours.
What are you all talking about? I’m confused……………
I flew from California to Oklahoma on Wednesday. Masks mandatory EXCEPT when eating or drinking. Children wearing the mask under their nose,still wiping runny noses and touching handles. No way to avoid sharing air when you’re stuck in an aluminum tube with dozens of strangers for a few hours.
They used covid as a reason for no snack service or even soft drinks. You get a bottled water and nuts. Except first class; they get red and white wine. Somehow that’s ok, but not for Comfort plus, which used to include free alcohol.
The air hand dryers in the airports were shut down. So for years all the propaganda about air dryers being more sanitary than paper towels is out the window.
Very few of these gestures correspond to logic and disease spread.
Next week I’m flying a transcon to LAX for the first time since March. I’ll be in a JetBlue Mint suite. I wonder how I’ll be able to succeed in having a face mask on as little as possible.
Maybe since it’s a mint suite they will cut you some slack. There were so many people moderating their masks that the flight attendants have gotten tired of being Mask Karens.
Send us pics of the suite.
There are pics here. The suite has a door.
Damn right they don’t. I want to say something about the seriousness of those who are playing the “Must do SOMETHING” card not doing anything serious about air travel.
But, I don’t want to give them any more cover for their bs thinking.
They would gain credibility if they admitted “We don’t know much about this disease so we recommend these precautions while we study the disease and its mechanism of action.”
But when they come out swinging, claiming they can model all this accurately, they are so obviously guessing, the fact that they get airtime at all boggles the mind.
It’s all good if it supports the narrative.
Plus, an “I was wrong” sound bite doesn’t lead to re-elections. Usually.
Getting rid of the air dryers is puzzling.
Some self-appointed expert scientist/doctor/hack said that the air dryers circulate droplet contaminated air through the whole restroom, spreading the disease.
We are down to “science is settled” territory again.
I put “scientists say” and “medical experts agree” right up there with anonymous sources for trustworthiness.
We are now back from a few months of free plastic bags to having to pay for them again.
San Diego county was largely free of the closure idiocy, but then Newsom rolled in then July 7 new lockdown edicts.
I hate California politicians.
I printed out a few of these and my mission over the next month or two is to get a couple dozen signatures from people. I doubt it will get anywhere, but this is a better attempt than the last one.
Mr Splosives went to Walmart recently and saw there was a bug line sneaking around.
Turns out the line was to sign a Recall Newsom petition! People went in and shopped, then voluntarily stood in another line just to express their Newsom hate.
Right on. We need some more of that
We need lots more of it.
Walmart was where I signed. I mentioned before that the guy running it was tatted, not masked, and wearing a “Come and Get Them” shirt.
Couldn’t a mfg just make a dryer with a UV light built in with the blower? Give ’em a light blast with the air?
I say we proceed as usual and let natural selection work.
I’ve read that people with thyme O blood have some natural resistance to the virus because type O contains Anti-A and Anti-B already, so when O blood spots a covid virus attached to a red blood cell (this is how a Covid effa up breathing and tissue oxygenation), the type O person is ready for battle. Kinda cool. I’m O+
Yeah, but not so good for us A types, ya know? But, I can tell where I’m not wanted….
::somber Charlie Brown music::
LOL one of my favorite Arrested Development episodes.
Good Grief!
Hey…you aren’t supposed to laugh at my pain!!
Except first class; they get red and white wine. Somehow that’s ok, but not for Comfort plus- to quote Seinfeld, if only you worked a little harder
Normally I would say 1 but I don’t like the look of that bush
Then I would say 2 but that nose stud ruins it
3 is not my type.
#1 precisely for that reason. I haven’t been to a garden party like that since the 80’s.
I was on today looking for a CA compliant sig sauer. JFC the prices are insane. When is Sig going to ship enough guns to bring prices back to earth?
You oughta see the mark ups on inflatable pools and hot tubs. Shit that was 250-350 a few months ago are now 1k-3k. Same shit, too; not brand new, futuristic bubbly fun.
My 70$ Kayak is worth 200$ now, the inflatable type,
Watch out–they’ll tax you on that as soon as they find out.
Do you know if the bullshit ammo law is still in effect here? I haven’t bought any for a while. I know a judge had an injunction against it a couple months back but don’t know if the slavers managed to rescind that.
A district court judge in San Diego wrote a brilliant opinion finding the law unconstitutional. It is on appeal to the 9th Circuit. The 9th stayed the decision. So, the law is currently in effect.
Yeah, the federal judicial appointments are going to decide the fate of this nation more lastingly than any one presidential election.
We need pro-constitution judges.
I think the law was mooted for an entire day.
It was a wonderful day.
If you were on the ball that day, sure.
(Just plain “moot”? I dunno, am tired.)
(PS/Esprit d’escalier: All Summer in a Day. )
I bought some a few days after the law went into effect and it was a pain in the ass. 15minutes to complete it and I was the only one doing it. Everyone else had stocked up the weeks before. Made almost like buying a gun here without the waiting period (I’m sure they have that on their fucked up list of soon to be laws).
If I had any guns, they wouldn’t necessarily show up in California (or any) records.
But if I were to have a gun and then buy ammo for it, that gives away the game.
In 1987 PJ O’Rourke got to deliver a Ferrari 308 from the headquarters in NJ to LA. His article about it is pretty damn good as you would expect.
“And the car did one more thing for me. It reaffirmed my belief in America. It may sound strange to say that a $45,000 Italian sports car reaffirmed my belief in America, but, as I said, it’s all part of western civilization and here we were in America, the apogee of that fine trend in human affairs. And, after all, what have we been getting civilized for, all these cen- turies? Why did we fight all those wars, conquer all those nations, kidnap all those Africans, and kill all the Indians in the Western hemisphere? Why, for this! For this perfection of knowledge and craft. For this conquest of the physical ele- ments. For this sense of mastery of man over nature. To be in control of our destinies — and there is no more profound feel- ing of control of one’s destiny that I have ever experienced than to drive a Ferrari down a public road at 130 miles an hour. Only God can make a tree, but only man can drive by one that fast. And if the lowly Italians, the lamest, silliest, least stable of our NATO allies, can build a machine like this, just think what it is that we can do.”
I like PJ, but like most National Lampoon writers (Conan O’Brien), he’s derivative, and applies nearly all his stories to the line “Im a snotty white guy that went to this school, and even tho Im from Toledo- its like _________”
How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink
He is an underappreciated national treasure.
No, he’s not. He’s a snot RINO that made his money in the 80s when it was fashionable to bash democrats. O’Rourke is a Hunter S. Thompson poseur, but he never got his hand dirty.
Poser? He’s pretty open about who he is.
I get a little of that feeling when I watch Jay Leno’s Garage. The cars are so much more to him than cars.
And now we have the Tesla, thanks to an African immigrant to the USA and the free market.
The first African American to launch a private manned rocket as well.
Vehicles do often become a life of their own, with their own personality. Really I’ve felt that about almost every vehicle I have owned, save one or two. If I had the garage space I would have several more. Leno has the garage space.
a $45,000 Italian sports car – Ferrari were cheap back then
That’s what I thought. He could’ve got a Maserati that does 185.
You could buy that now for about 50k in very good shape. The Ferrari 308 doesn’t tend to command the prices of old Porsches these days.
very good shape for how long?
Depends on you. Are you rough on your sports cars?
Ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
Yo- Im faded af. Fr fr.
Jugsy gets home tomorrow from her work trip, and since she’s passed through CVG, O’hare, LaGuardia, Washington National, and spent a week in a CT Hotel…AND Im gonna get me some severe ‘sweaty snuggle bunnies”, Im gonna self-quarantine for 14 days and skip church Sunday
Well…..for some of that, sure.
Just dip it in pickle juice and everything will be fine.
Legit LOL!
I’m kind of curious what will come of this.
I reckon Robert Kcraft and Belichik will stick up for Edelman. Kraft and Belichik are known long time Republicans, so I don’t see them unfairly singling a race out for praise or for punishment.
Also, when are we going to admit that “anti Semitic” is nearly useless as a term because Semitic peoples include Jewish (Ashkenazi and Sephardic) and Arab?
What is the term for when an Arab has racial hate for a Jew? Semite-on-Semite racism?
And how much is about race vs religion?
Race is never about “race”. It’s a code word and substitute for culture. No one cares that that guy over there has a certain type of hair, or, skin coloration, or, facial features. Even the idea of some races being better at athletics would only brush up against biology.
Behaviors? Now, that’s more about culture. But, “culturalist” doesn’t have the same punch to it. And, in the US, it can bedifficult to nail down what our entire culture is, and, just who embodies it all, in sufficient quantities.
Then again, we all know this.
How are divorced couples with kids working this lockdown stuff? Is the kid still visiting the other parent every other weekend and every Wednesday? Or are screeching harridan moms using covid to thwart dads?
(I know not all moms get primary >50% physical custody, but all the divorced parents I’ve known who got screwed by the primary were dads, so That’s my generalization.)
I bet a lot of people are just leaving the kid home alone all day.
I would imagine it has simply laid bare whatever was there to begin with. In COVID Veritas.
I am the Wed. and every other weekend dad. I was working at the shipping department (kinda hard to do that from home) she is a public school teacher. Since i was in contact with other people and didn’t initially know how long this would be for I didn’t see my kids for over two months.
ugh…sorry, that sucks.
Oh, I’m sorry, Dr. F.
Man, sorry to hear that.
Digby is spot on with “in COVID veritas” above.
I wish I wasn’t. I was much happier when people kept this shit bottled up, and at least pretended to get along.
Then again, if it wasn’t COVID and the Neckenstein monsters, it would have been something else.
Damn man…that does suck
Its been fun to say the least. We held off a long time from the every other weekend visits until June and then sent one off. He has to be back 14 days before school starts but we dont know when that is.
Our lawyer said courts don’t recognize Covid as an excuse to not follow court ordered visitation. So much for keeping it contained
What an interesting point about court recognition. I wonder if this will change future decrees and boilerplate legal docs going forward…
Sorry that you co-parents are having to deal with all this crap. Hopefully, the idea that no one else had any sort of experience with “pandemics” will help kids more correctly process things regarding why parents did what they did.
Yeah it was mostly mutual and then rioting started. We had none, the dad had some in their general area so we held off an additional week.
Overall, its obvious that future visitation will have to be done sans court barring a new order. Totally allowed but can always lead to contention.
Just walked past the “daycare” for elderly people that need help be it physical or mental care during the day. Ladies with small kids in tow pushing gramma up the ramp and then getting in the minivan to go back home. They’ll pick grandpa up at 5:00, go home and eat dinner with dad when he gets home (unless he’s working overtime).
These “3 generation households” are still quite prevalent and one of the benefits is that the little kids get to see how mom and dad deal with grandpa’s supposedly out of date ideas. There are disagreements, of course, but because there is dialogue, grandpa’s ideas come with context and understanding of why he believes what he believes. Respect your elders is big here.
The motherfucking woke mob sees no historical context that would justify anyone not holding 2020 woke mob mentality. Looks to me like one reason for this is that they aren’t exposed to elderly people that experienced a different time, or, if they have been exposed, they have been brainwashed into dismissing any context out of hand. It’s evil and these mfers deserve nothing other than being treated as the bigots they are.
Interesting, too, that Japan was an actual empire, and was on the losing side of the last WW, nuclear-style. I wonder what effect that has, and if something like that would make a difference here.
Not that I want us on the losing side of a global conflict involving nukes…
It’s an aging society on top of that. Older people tend to see their own end coming and so it’s easier to put themselves in very old people’s shoes.
Sorry the rant was oddly phrased. Walking and texting.
I think part of Bernie Sanders’ appeal to younger people was that he was the grandpa they never had.
With pockets that connect directly to other peoples’ money.
“Here, kids–have some money. From Grampa…”
“Grandpa, that’s not money.”
“ Looks to me like one reason for this is that they aren’t exposed to elderly people that experienced a different time…”
These are people that have never had a Dad. Or a real family. These are broken people. They’ve congregated on the Island of Misfit Toys and are trying to cobble some sort of familial bond/love. But it keeps getting weird and sometimes violent, because they don’t have a model to pattern from.
Also, some of the really sick ones hurt so much from lack of parental love that they want to destroy themselves and everything around them.
I’ve been drinking Jim Beam, so I don’t know if I’m making sense. But these dickholes in CHOP, and the assholes in Portland; I don’t think these people are coming from loving, productive, positive family backgrounds.
I’m really just focused on the pork belly.
I was in Portland back in May of ’97. It was certainly a different region and experience from N. Texas, but, the biggest shock was the lack of sales tax. Maybe it was because I was dealing with church people exclusively…? Still, I didn’t see crazy like this. And it’s obviously been around for some time.
Anyway, yes–lots of these people have been social underdogs, and they are gonna burn shit down to get their revenge.
I’ve been to Portland three times in the last month. All business trips. And despite whatever bullshit is making headlines in the MSM, Portland is still mostly a city of hardwood flooring warehouses, industrial footwear companies, engineered lumber manufacturers, etc.
The rioters and statue burners are fleas that will get shaken off, eventually.
Partially raised by my Grandparents. You are totally correct. Between them and my best friend’s Mom and Dad I turned out not too psychopathic. We spent nearly every weekend at Grandma’s from 5 to 13. The other ones I went to Steve’s house. God knows what mother and father were up to at the time but we generally had cats, so that’s ok.
The value of an elder slapping you off the side of the head is priceless and immeasurable.
I’m not able to see every post every day, so perhaps drugs will fail out of my ass, but did this ever come up on Glibs?
It was posted to my wife’s FB feed tonight by her coworker, who was saying “Libertarians are the dangerous useful idiots of the far right”. Apparently Jo was interviewed on a podcast by some dudes into the boog. She brought up the NAP when asked about it, but that didn’t save her from the Guardian.
I have no idea if it made it here already. That said, I could only read a bit of it. It’s not quite so badly written, per se. But, just the idea that one of the major publications of a nation inhabited by ‘subjects’ talking about reducing government, and, even fighting it, is a losing proposition for me,
They all tend to treat it as, “Liberty??? You mean, like doing what you’re told….right?” Piss on ’em.
Don’t talk to anybody that isn’t lockstep with woke culture. It’s that simple.
OT: Anyone have problems with their comments not showing up lately?
Not me. My probs have been mouse-related (dbl posting, etc).
Ok, they must be showing up normally now.
Earlier today, I kept trying to post on the “Of Trumptards and Crypto-Progs” article, and none of them would show up. It’s a damn shame because it was
some really funny memes and shitpostingvery well written material wherein I justified my ideological position using well-reasoned arguments and cited reputable sources for all empirical claims.Bastards! Always one step ahead….
I blame
COVID Antifa BLMNN….yeah, that’s it–Net Neutrality. I knew I’d get it at some point.Dunno man… Some sources familiar with the matter told me that the Russians orchestrated the whole thing.
I had one get lost on the afternoon post. /shrug
That’s not a fucking stockpile.
It’s manipulation of language so that when they arrest the average gun owner he’ll look like a psycho, either that or they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.
Fun tweets:
Average price of 1GB of mobile data worldwide:
You social media addicts make sure to choose your destination wisely when you plan your exodus. Sadly, Malawi and Benin are out.
Could this be our long-awaited SMOD? (Or in this case, SCOD?) Sweet, sweet relief!
Hopefully not.
Well, OK. I guess I can stand for it to hold off for a while yet. I have some reading to do…
I may even get some “sneak reading” in at work today. I’m almost completely done with my month-end reports, and it’s a virtual vacation day: my boss is taking a day off to keep from maxing out his accrued Vacation hours.
It’s only about 16K words. I’m trying to figure out where the story should go from the part written.
I started this morning in a dark mood.
I got to work and got some great news. Things turned around fast.
Is the news anything you can share?
Contract work came through. I’m able to keep employees working and revenue flowing.
*tries to give two thumbs up*
*realizes I’m posting from a PC*
*Points to Sean’s avatar in atwisted game of charades.*
Good for you! Shit has been happening at my work but I’ll be happy for another Glib just because i can.
I dunno but looking South and seeing Jupiter and Saturn so close together as to resemble bookends is cool. I have a telescope but haven’t been arsed to drag it out for years. It’s not great but I could make out the bands and great red spot of Jupiter and Saturn’s rings pretty clearly last time I checked. Even saw the Trapezium in the Orion nebula. Shame that the best looking is when its about 30 below. Small scope, 4″ Newtonian reflector.
We’ll be talking about this health panic for years to come. What has happened in the last five months or so is one for the books to be tirelessly assessed.
I can write a book myself it has left me in intellectual shock and astonishment at how people are so quick to cower in fear and accept any type of false sense of security.
It’s one thing to believe in the mask and quite another to, like they do with climate change, claim it’s ‘settled science’ and then fine people for not wearing one. This last part has galvanized me and I’m calling local politicians demanding the literature they’re citing for such a measure. So far I’m getting blank Homer stares.
It is NOT settled. It’s INCONCLUSIVE.
Fine make your little blanket mandatory mask edict. Crush personal liberty. Mess up the psyche of people some more. I will push back in my own way.
Canada posted a $343 billion loss for the quarter. If we were to prorate that over four quarters it would be 1.2 trillion. Canada’s GDP is $1 trillion. Then the people who supported the lockdown are gonna wonder why inflation in the future is so high and running their pension and that their kids can’t buy homes. People are INCAPABLE of keeping their damn emotions in check these days and think in one-dimensional blocks. They should be DEMANDING a return to normalcy ASAP for the sake of our collective financial and psychological well-being.
Italy posted a drop in GDP of 11% and Germany 10.6%. Europe has historic anemic growth. This will take years to recover from. The lockdown has damaged them over the long term more than the Covid ever could.