Aw shit yeah!
ManUre drew and that sure didn’t help their UCL chances. Good. The NFL has unveiled a plastic screen with a bunch of holes in it to protect against a virus, lol. And not much else is happening in the world of sports.

I’m rich, bitch!
Maytag founder Frederick Louis Maytag was born on this day. He shares it with ice cream mogul Tom Carvel, animating genius William Hanna, former President Gerald Ford, folk singer (irony alert!) Woodrow Wilson “Woody” Guthrie, director Ingmar Bergman, infielder Robin Ventura, and UFC fighter and self-promoter Conor McGregor.
Not a very big list. Oh well, on to…the links!

If you go to the top of the mountain, you can take a Great Leap Forward!
You gotta be fucking kidding me! This is just…no. No fucking way they’re patting themselves on the back when they should be getting out their hari kari swords. Shameless, disgusting assholes.
Good! I hope this includes the two stupid assholes in OKC who all but refused to do their job for me last week. I might even point this out to them tomorrow when I stroll back through their airport.
Well this is incredibly sad. That’s all I’ve got.
Blind squirrel finds an acorn. But what happens when insurance companies decline to cover them? Let me guess: taxpayers will take it in the shorts.
Every cloud has a silver lining. I hope this catches on everywhere.

Bow! Kneel before Zod Trump!
Does this asshole not own a mirror? Well I guess since she never won, she wasn’t trying to hold on to the office, so it’s not exactly the same. You know, because she never won.
Damn, that’s a to of hungry people trying to feed their families. Oh wait, no it isn’t. It’s just wanton disregard for life.
Statistically, he might be right. At least for part of the city.
We better cancel them just to be sure. Unfortunately, this might make them go even more woke than they’ve already gone. Which I’m not sure is even possible. So let’s just go ahead and cancel them. THIS LINK HAS BEEN FIXED!
When is a human heart not a human heart? When a judge says so, apparently. Fucking ghouls.
Enjoy a classic! I think I may have played this recently, but don’t quite remember. If I did, you’re welcome. If I didn’t, you’re welcome.
Now go have a fantastic day, friends. I’ll be in Elk City, Oklahoma so I’m unlikely to.
You gotta be fucking kidding me! This is just…no. No fucking way they’re patting themselves on the back when they should be getting out their hari kari swords. Shameless, disgusting assholes. – you just don’t get art…
Down with Pie! He is the new Bruschettawarts! His throne must be toppled!
are you drunk again?
Again, no, and again, perhaps that would be a good idea.
Again? When did he stop?
Hey, Teddio.
you just don’t get art…
First Jackson Pollock and now this shit? Does New York know no shame when it comes to foisting garbage on America and passing it off as “art”?
No and nope. It would have been great if the title had spelled out S.M.O.D though. Unbelievable.
I like Jackson Pollock.
Good! I hope this includes the two stupid assholes in OKC who all but refused to do their job for me last week. I might even point this out to them tomorrow when I stroll back through their airport. – meh I doubt it is good probably just fishing for a bailout.
Most of them are doing just that: looking for a handout.
Cuomo unveils coronavirus-themed poster celebrating New York’s response to the pandemic
A political cartoon of him tossing granny into a commie-flu infected nursing home?
Smart – United – Disciplined – Loving
If you have to say it, it ain’t true.
Smart – Loving – United – Tyrannical
Disciplined United Loving Smart
DULS gonna dull.
I heard that the nursing home unions have filed a suit against the assholes demanding they share the data they used to blame them for Cuomo sending sick people to unrsing homes to infect and kill off old people…
There’s got to be a parody of that garbage poster already in the works.
It’s always the right time to play the Specials.
Related to United, Southwest has also announced potential layoffs.
WestJet up here has done the same. They are the “good guys”.
Cuomo designed the artwork, inspired by 19th and early 20th Century campaign posters often employed by the likes of William Jennings Bryan, which depicts a mountain symbolizing the state’s “111 days of Hell” and a crew of New Yorkers, as well as the governor’s three daughters, using a rope to flatten the curve.
Dozens of symbols scattered throughout the image represent major milestones the state reached as New York became the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S. There are also nods to Cuomo’s family, close advisers, his dog Captain, his muscle cars and even President Trump.
Trump is depicted as “the man in the moon.” He sits, hands in his lap, on a crescent moon with the words “It’s just the flu” nearby.
Which one is Fredo, again?
They are all Fredo!
Blind squirrel finds an acorn. But what happens when insurance companies decline to cover them? Let me guess: taxpayers will take it in the shorts.- make it illegal to refuse coverage
“We are ceasing all sales of GL coverage in the State of NY”
Not when they compel you to continue writing them or be cut off from homeowners and auto policies.
A couple of bad cop shoots would wipe out 10,000 homeowners policy premiums… I’d bail.
Same thought. Keep in mind the number of insurers domiciled in NY state however and it gets more interesting.
Also I wonder if the limits will be ridiculous and the state will wind up back on the hook.
There is no way the inept political class foists this on the insurance companies without some backroom deal to make tax payers help bail them out when the shit hits the fan if they force them to accept risk and not get paid for it. Like they did in the housing market. the house of cards will eventually crash.
Police liability coverage policy, annual premium $1,000,000 per officer Annual coverage limit $10,000,000: $1,000, 000 per incident. There you go, we offer it.
That’s probably coming. “Oh you want to write auto and homeowner policies? Well you have to write police policies as well if you want that privilege.”
So regular people will underwrite this with increased premiums of their own.
regular people should be used to getting it good and hard by now…
Most of them bitch, then they vote for the fucking cuntes that fuck them in the ass to show how woke they are…
clearest signal yet of how deeply the virus pandemic is hurting the airline industry.
The virus is not hurting it. The panic is.
Day-Air has had no problems serving customers so far, Koons said. But he noted that some restaurants are cautioning customers that if they don’t pay with debit cards, they may not get exact change back when paying with cash.
Go fuck yourself.
Don’t want my cash? I guess I won’t be coming back here….
Robin Ventura highlight…getting beaten by an old man.
The power noogie!
Limp wristed touches are “beating”?
For baseball, its a beating.
Not quite as lame as basketball brawls…
Rudy Tomjanovich begs to differ.
I doubt that punches thrown by a guy who threw 90 +mph fast balls was all that limp wristed
Cuomo is shown sitting alongside some of his top advisers as he appeared during his daily press briefings during the height of the pandemic. The words “New York State Leads Again” are emblazoned across the table.
Leads again – they’re talking about the total fatalities, right?
A sane state would run this motherfucker out of office, but NY is NY so his approval rating has never been higher. Unbelievable.
Where are these sane states? DeWine’s popularity is still supposedly high here in Ohio. Has a single state legislature stripped back powers from their governor yet?
DeWine, for his many flaws, didn’t shovel infected people into nursing homes, directly leading to thousands and thousands of deaths. That’s what I’m talking about, the fact that Cuomo is taking victory laps when his decisions were abysmal.
I wish. Nevada legislature is still kneeling at the newly minted throne of Sisolak
Here in KY our State AG has been immediately going after our swine Governor’s overreaches.
They’re New Yorkers. Pride in being assholes is part of their culture.
You can’t argue with the Cuomo truthers it’s actually incredible. Talk about the deaths, they say he was dealing with it first. Talk about the deaths compared to other countries who dealt with it before him, he’s a good speaker. People truly just want to be lead by an aesthetically good speaker actual policy or leadership really doesn’t matter to most people.
A heady combination of cultural cowardice, and the inability to understand statistics.
Thanks for the really upbeat info. At least some of the birthday people got lucky and got out out early.
Well, that was a depressing start to the day.
To be fair to make up for inflation (that they caused) they need to borrow tons more money to actually do something. ugh.
Hillary Clinton: “I know you are, but what am I?”
If he’d been any kind of interviewer, he would have responded to her that her party has spent 3.5 years trying to overturn the last election, and if Trump does win, are they willing to accept it this time? Meanwhile, Trump has always deferred to absurd judges and never shows any indication he won’t follow the law, even if he might tweet he’s not happy with a decision (OMG!), so what makes them think he wouldn’t leave?
Well I set up a new twitter account and it was promptly kicked out for “evading permanent suspension”.
I guess they got me for good this time. Fuck.
Did you set it up from same computer? Set it up elsewhere so they can’t ip match.
And clear all the cookies from any device you ever used to use to access twitter.
You need more Nolan Ryan
I missed this. What happened?
Twitter perma-banned me for using the word “retard” in a reply to a tweet where that person used the word as well. That person wasn’t banned.
And now I am completely locked out and can’t set up a new account. Although I may just go ahead and convert my business account to personal use since it is pretty useless professionally.
That’s retarded.
Well that serves you right for being a right wing bigot! Racist retard!11111
I don’t use the twitbooks or the facetwat. However, I do message exclusively via whatsapp, which I believe is now being totally integrated with facebork messager, or what was facebonk messager. I think if I insisted on using SMS, that noone would bother replying. It’s like whatsapp is the minimum requirement for still having any sort of social life now.
Seriously, the sheer level of unbridled derp that has established it’s digital ideological empire on, and with the complicity of, the monopolies of online communication is awful.
Really??? WhatsApp has been pressuring me to update itself for a few months now and I’ve been putting it off because I never use it. I’ll just delete it if it allows my FB contacts to send their horseshit directly to my phone.
I s’pose I oughta, but I’d lose touch with some folks.
It’s different here. People just use SMS unless going across borders.
Twitter perma-banned me for using the word “retard”
That’s retarded.
Fuck them. They can take their stadium and go home. Assholes.
Oh noes. However will thoust live?
I see a Kroger scam coming up…actually it already exists for fuel points: just type in someone else’s phone number and hope they have credits.
Kroger really needs to have a 2nd form of auth on their loyalty cards.
Also, this is not a good thing. I am anti-anti coin. The world needs to be going more cash, less card.
Same here. I’ve read enough scare pieces about a cashless future where your Chinese-style “social credit” is tied to your money card to be, well, afraid of something like that happening.
Plus, you can’t get a gray-market discount unless you use cash.
I like to use cash for tips, too. I tell the recipient to be sure to report it on their income tax, though, as a reminder.
I’m all for cash but coins are outdated thanks to inflation.
I make all my arguments based on the assumption or a return to the gold standard.
of not or, and no I am not commenting too fast, GIVE ME AN EDIT BUTTON.
I wish you luck in your yelling-at-cloud venture. ?
Ummm…except for UCS, we are all libertarians here.
-99¢ store
“A penny saved is a penny Earned”
Unless you’re the government, then it’s, “A penny stolen is … not enough”.
What do you people do with your spare change, besides give it to the homeless guy at the freeway entrance? It accumulates and a jar of change ain’t gonna spend itself.
I’m the old guy that you are standing behind at the quick stop and use my coin purse to dig out the exact change and four quarters more so I get more paper back. I know its annoying but I don’t want to drag that stuff around and try to avoid accumulating the jar of change
Every so often I roll up the contents of that jar and deposit them.
Yep, I’ve got a growler that the change gets dropped into. When it’s full, coins get rolled up and converted to bills.
Bills used to make it rain at the local gentlemen’s club.
Well, the staff doesn’t appreciate rolls of coinage.
Me too. I’m entertained by the perplexed look on the cashier’s face before they punch in the numbers and see what the resulting cash back comes out to. Not that I’ve ever made a mistake…
“How’d you do that without the computer?!”
Are you like, a robot?
Not quite, but close. I suppose I could write up the proposal
for currency reform I’ve been working on.
^This. If Sloopy doesn’t like coins he can give them to a pan handler not deny them to the rest of us.
The End of Democracy in Poland
After a narrow victory in presidential elections on Sunday, the populist government has three more years to destroy Polish democracy. It will probably succeed.
While I am no fan of PiS, these articles are somewhat deranged. The end of democracy my ass. But besides that, they are awfully simplistic and either do no understand anything on the topic or just refuse to acknowledge anything they dislike.
For example
“While many other fledgling democracies were captured by dictators, got mired in corruption, or suffered prolonged economic stagnation, the biggest country in Central Europe remained best in class. ” – while it did grow well, it was also quite mired in corruption, they just kept the corruption to a point growth could happen. There are other countries that did so in the region.
Sadly, the outcome of yesterday’s elections raises the threat to Polish democracy to an even higher level – the wrong guy won.
The second order of business was an equally effective attack on the country’s public broadcaster, Telewizja Polska (TVP). Like the BBC in the United Kingdom, the network is meant to strive for political neutrality – how big of a moron you have to be to believe in neutrality of BBC?
The first order of business was a large-scale attack on the independence of the judiciary. – I doubt any judiciary on this planet is independent…
And so on and so forth. Like all this arguments, makes claims without justification or presenting other parts of the whole issue.
The main issue on the judiciary does not even mention, to debate, something that can be found reaserching. Even on wikipedia
“On 25 June 2015, the government adopted a new law regarding the constitutional court.[4] Later, the Constitutional Tribunal found this law to be partly unconstitutional.[5] It was signed by president Bronisław Komorowski on July 21, 2015 (about one month before end of his presidency).[6] On 8 October 2015 the outgoing Polish Parliament (Sejm), on last meeting day, led by Civic Platform (PO) as the main party of the governing coalition, elected five new Constitutional Tribunal judges. Three of them replaced judges whose nine-year terms were to expire on 6 November (almost two weeks after elections), while two were to replace judges whose terms were due to expire in December.[7] The judges were chosen on the basis of a law passed earlier in the summer, by the PO-controlled Sejm. At the time of the judges’ election, opinion polls had shown that the Civic Platform was likely to lose the upcoming Polish parliamentary election on 25 October.[8][9] If the judges appointed by PO had taken their seats on the Tribunal, the result would have been that 14 out of 15 Constitutional Tribunal judges would have been selected by the Civic Platform.[10] However, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, refused to swear in these judges[11] stating that they had been chosen “in contravention of democratic principles”.[12] On 25 October, the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) party won an unprecedented absolute majority of seats in the Polish parliamentary election.[13] On 16 November, new Prime Minister Beata Szydło and her Cabinet took power.[14]”
So when the rpevious party figured out it was going to lose the elections, they changed the law and appointed a lot of supreme court judges. When the new party did not accept this, suddently that is the only party at fault for trying to control the judiciary and from the article “changed the composition of the Supreme Court, filling it with partisan loyalists;”. Well what the fuck did the other side do? Seriously…
This is standard fare for the left. They poison the institutions, particularly the judiciary. Then when others try to correct it, they cry foul.
Ultimately, it descends into political violence. Respect for institutions is a fragile thing.
I eagerly await the editorials saying that democracy has been restored when the Dems pack the Supreme Court in the US.
We need a constitutional amendment fixing the number of justices.
They’ve been saying that about Orban and Hungary for years now.
Democracy = submitting to the EU, Soros NGOs, and importing third worlders until the Poles are a minority in their own country.
Hmm…sounds vaguely familiar.
TL;DR: people voted for the wrong guy so democracy is dead.
Yeah, the report I heard on the radio yesterday bitched that the election wasn’t fair because it was hard for Poles abroad to vote.
As if it were any different from previous elections.
Here’s a measured and well thought out response on Twitter:
“we” like that fat cocksucker is gonna join up.
Aren’t these the same people that support packing the US Supreme Court?
It’s amazing how much you get accustomed to something.
I had these cheap-assed LED bulbs that are actually so heavy that they can’t hold their own weight and begin to separate near the base (just above the part that screws into the socket) I’ve been replacing them with Sylvania LEDs bulbs (Made in the USA [albeit using an unspecified quantity of ‘global’ components]). The new bulbs are physically much lighter, of comperable brightness, but have this marginally different color profile.
So I keep looking around my living room going “Why does this all look wrong?”, just because I’d grown accustomed to the color profile of the cheap-assed LEDs.
You can get used to anything with enough time, even hanging – Scott Adams
Cheap LEDs look terrible because of the low color rendering index (CRI). This is an index from 1-100 (I think) that compares the emitted light to that of the sun (100 on the scale) with regard to rendering accurate color. Hate cool/blue lights because it turns everything blue? That’s because those lights have a poor color rendering index of say 50. The newer HD led lights (stupid marketing description) have a high color rendering index. Most HD led bulbs have a CRI above 90. Which is where you want to be as It’s easier on the eyes and you can accommodate varying color temperatures without sacrificing comfort. If you like cool temperature lights, a high CRI will alleviate the blue tinge you see. If you like warm color lights, the same will be true about the orange/yellowing effect.
Hillary Clinton says the United States must ‘be ready’ for the possibility that Donald Trump will not ‘go quietly’ from the White House if he loses in November and may blame mail-in votes
Red herring. It doesn’t matter if he “goes quietly”. If he loses he stops being president on the day and time of inauguration of the next president.
I’ve been hearing this stupid line of BS for a while now. What do these freaks think is magical about being in the White House? What if Trump threw a tantrum and refused to vacate the White House after the next guy/gal had been sworn in? It would be bad form and peevish – but he would no longer be President and nobody would have to do anything he said to do.
WTF is wrong with these imbeciles?
What they are prepping us for is the idea that
ifwhen they take the WH back, they will never leave without military force.This is intentional; these are planted stories. This is Team Blue “prepping the battlefield” for the time between the election outcome and the inauguration.
I will make the prediction here again so everyone sees it:
Team Blue will engage in massive voter fraud on a scale never seen before. (Check the links over the last few weeks about what happened in Patterson, NJ, I believe – and that was Blue on Blue.) The Media will rush in to declare a Biden victory and sow massive confusion. There will be lawsuits over it; even though Team Blue suspects Trump will likely win, Team Blue will claim that he is illegitimate and – most importantly – they will point to their own stories (like this one) and say: “See?! See!! We TOLD you He wouldn’t leave office!!1!” There will be rioting that makes the current sturm und drang seem like the JV. Watch. It wouldn’t surprise me if large Team Blue cities declare themselves immune to any Trump order or federal law entirely. They’ll declare themselves “sanctuary cities” from Trump and federal law.
There will be rioting that makes the current sturm und drang seem like the JV.
If so, kicking off the rioting early may have been a tactical error. People are now getting acclimated to violence in the streets, plans and preparations are being made.
I live in a very safe part of town, way far away from the downtown “protest” zone, but I have changed my behavior – I never leave the house unarmed, even though the gun stays locked in my car (in a locking security box), keeping the machete (“What? Its just a tool.”) company. I suspect my reaction to coming on a blocked road will be different, too – much quicker to recognize and turn off or, if trapped, mentally prepared to drive through it, “speed bumps” be damned. I’ve also acquired a new defense gun and am doing some upgrades on the others, and there is definitely some range time in the near future.
Is he currently having the CIA plant operatives in the Biden campaign? Is he hiring foreign agents to cook up silly tales about Biden’s exploits in other countries?
Would Biden quash such an investigation and demand to know how it started if he gets elected?
It’s projection, anyway.
The world needs to be going more cash, less card.
I don’t even have a debit card.
At least 17 people shot in NYC on Monday as gun violence continues to soar
Doesn’t NYC have commonsense
peoplegun-control? How can this happen?Have you ever heard of a place called Indiana?
And so on and so forth. Like all this arguments, makes claims without justification or presenting other parts of the whole issue.
Welcome to the wold of modern journalism.
When a judge says so, apparently.
They also say a hunk of steel is a “firearm”.
Some potential cultural reasons that Americans’ general competence is low:
1. We value IQ tests over hard work
2. We view money as the measure of productivity
I am curious by what metric Americans general competence is low. And compared to whom. He mentions Germany lower. At least in the semiconductor biz I do not find American competence low at all compared to Germans.
What’s this ‘pinion’s Twit’s profession?
“Bloomberg opinion writer”
Of course he’ll see competence as low, look at who his peers are.
General competence is low is low in general. Find me a country where 50% of the population knows how the sewer system works or how electricity is generated and delivered.
Most first worlders think all the electricity you’ll ever need comes from the socket in the wall. Hence the global obsession with green energy as some kind of a potential game changer.
I’d vote for any politician that answered every single question with nuclear energy.
Care to elaborate on your position regarding states ability to legislate varying degrees of abortion access and methodologies?
– I find this question to be tiresome. You know what doesn’t get tired? Fission. NUKE, BABY, NUKE!
Are you saying your tired of answering this question and that you want to quote, nuke babies?
– You’re words not mine. Next question.
dag nabit… you’re*
sh** and your*
I’m pretty sure everyone in Calcutta knows how their sewer system works.
I am curious by what metric Americans general competence is low
Are you meaning competence in general or the competence of our military’s senior leaders? Because the latter is on full display.
I really really hate when people shit on americans general competence when compared to the backward warm beer drinking sheep fuckers in europe.
That’s not really fair. Some Euros fuck goats or fruit.
I just appreciate how arbitrary his definition of competence is. No industry nothing, just a statement based on anecdote. Try repairing a car made in Italy or England commie and come back and tell me about European superiority.
America is possibly about to elect a man to the presidency, who walked out onto a well lit stage, turned his back to the audience and began to give an incoherent speech. A little humility might be in order for us these days.
That’s why Swiss Cheese has holes?
Bad news for any MythBusters/White Rabbit Project reboot. Grant Imahara died of a brain aneurysm at 49.
*looks up at links *
*looks for any ass drugs*
/wanders off for more coffee
/kicks a rock
First it was Adam being accused of child molestation, now this.
Hope nothing happens to Kari.
wait, wut?
If a 9 year old is committing violent rape, he was probably a rape victim himself.
I don’t know that any 9 year old is capable of P/V rape. Agreed on your comment, though…
Where did the myth that pre-pubescent males can’t have erections come from?
Was wondering about cause. He was so cute, and gave Geoff Peterson the robot skeleton to Craig Ferguson. 🙁
Yeah that sucks. I personally thought he had the most imaginative brain.
3 year old was on her first sleepover at grandma’s house last night, and promptly puked up 2 glasses of chocolate milk after grandma stuffed her full of sweets.
Now grandma remembers that three year olds don’t have the discipline to stop when they’re full. ?
My mother gave my firstborn a full can of peach slices in syrup for a snack one time. Apparently, we forget how to take proper care of children after a while.
This is why Grandma and Grandpa are the best!
I’m on board with you, Young Man !
Yeah but that is what grandparents do. Sugar em up and send em back
Revenge is best served cold….
If your child’s vomit is cold, seek medical attention retroactively.
What? You’ve never thrown up cold beer?
It’s a lot more soothing that way.
careful what you wish for
You people are such a disappointment to him
Here we go again. California is back on coronavirus lockdown.
And we have no one to blame but ourselves.
With the harshest of initial pandemic closures lifted around Memorial Day, many Californians seemed to think the danger from the novel coronavirus was over and rushed out to make up for three terrible months of quarantine.
We partied, we protested, we patronized salons and stores. And too often, we did so without maintaining a safe distance from others or wearing a face mask. Businesses ignored infection-control rules in large numbers, and some county sheriffs refused to enforce the rules.
And — surprise, surprise — the virus took full advantage of our lowered defenses. COVID-19 cases have risen steadily over the past month, with Los Angeles as the hottest hot spot in the state. More troubling: Hospital admissions rose, too, as did the percentage of coronavirus tests that come back positive. Health officials said they expect to see the COVID-19 mortality rate, which has been decreasing, start rising again in the next few weeks.
It was just a matter of time before Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the state back on lockdown.
Your Lord and Master, in his august benevolence, condescended to loosen the leash, slightly. And what did you do? You ran off and dug up the neighbor’s flower bed, and tipped over trash cans, and chased the squirrels in the park. Bad dogs. Back in the kennel. You’re lucky he doesn’t give you the thrashing you so richly deserve.
Gavin Newsome should be imprisoned for his malfeasance.
‘Oh rage, oh despair! I’m such a filthy little degenerate! I need my Daddy to punish me like I deserve!’
Really, people. I have no problem with masochism, but putting your kinks out in public is just unseemly…
I bet he still won’t shut down a BLM event.
At least he mentioned the protests. Every other media outlet has been acting like the protests have zero to do with the spike.
The new ruling permanently enjoins the state from ever enforcing House Bill 481.
The most important “right” is to be able to kill a baby in the womb.
Funny how this standard does not seem to apply to anything actually int the constitution.
Is there no appeal process in Georgia?
Just heard that Sports Illustrated is still published – And they’ll have a tranny featured in their swimsuit edition. A picture of zi jumping a shark would be perfect.
I’m surprised it’s around, too. the only reason the swimsuit edition was popular was because it was the closest thing 14 year old boys could legally get to porn. this hasn’t been true for 20 years, now.
Sports Illustrated exploded in popularity when the so-cons gained power. Then the internet happened.
Not even a particularly convincing one, either.
It’s no Miss Tiffany’s?
It’s obviously a dude. Look, I’ve been to Thailand, I know there are far more feminine-looking men out there.
Hah….and Pattaya is where we were!
Thanks to your link, I now know that kathoey is how that word is spelled – the girls (yes, they were actual females) we, um, employed sounded like they were saying “got toy”
We were there because the C-17 we left Uzbekistan in stopped in U Tapao for refueling and supposedly needed some kind of repair necessitating a Boeing expert to fly over. I’ve always suspected the ANG crew just wanted some RnR. Anyway, I still remember what the US liason guy told us before we took a van over to Pattaya – “If you come across a hot woman there who is as tall as you, it ain’t a woman because Thai women are really short” …..and he was absolutely right.
Man sure is fortunate that part didn’t crap out in Uzbekistan. Did it then crap out again when you laid over in Hawaii?
When I was flying, those kinds of “maintenance calls” were on the chopping block. San Antonio was a common “maintenance divert” and our new CO was done with the boondoggles. I was flying a bird from Yuma to MCAS New River and base told me if I had maintenance problems in Texas, I’d damn well better augur that thing in because the CO would kill me himself if I diverted to San Antonio for libo.
ery cloud has a silver lining. I hope this catches on everywhere.
How is this a silver lining? Kroger is rounding up and giving Monopoly money on a card back. Fuck them. They aren’t rounding down. Actually, fuck Kroger on general principal.
And fuck their senior hours. Instead of being able to get my groceries in 14 minutes, I have to wait another two hours like a second class citizen.
They got rid of senior day here. The old folks were seething.
I remember the AAFES cardboard discs they gave out as change in Iraq. Now coming to a Krogers near you!
Tard Tuesday: Pretty Much What I Expected
An actual video interview with an honest to God DUer. Enjoy!
Direct Link
Puffy face?
“Protestor” greatest hits reel.
A couple of them I hadn’t seen before.
The music really ties it all in.
Several years ago I struck a cow. Despite leaking coolant and pretty big dent on the passenger side, that 1/2 ton was still able to push the cow so I could unblock the opposing lane of the highway. I have little doubt it would be even more effective on protestors. Sure as shit wouldn’t wait to find out how many it took to flip my vehicle or go Reginald Denny on my ass.
I hit a horse once in a VW Beetle. I still managed to get the car home. A few of these soy-pussies wouldn’t stand a chance against my truck.
“I hit a horse once in a VW Beetle.”
The horse didn’t notice.
Rear-engine, ftw.
I loved my Beetle. It was always in the shop, but my dad started to think I was being sabotaged so they could “take it off my hands”. It had an intact floor-pan without rust and that is the most valuable thing about an old Beetle.
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I have no sympathy for any asshole who blocks the road to prevent freedom of movement in other people.
I enjoyed that far more than I should have.
I’ve changed, Man. I liked most of that.
I’m to the point where I want them to go full airborne like stupid girls did. I not sure I’d even be upset if someone did a Machine Gun Joe wet burnout on someone’s noggin. These people are feral and to hell with their enablers.
The guy getting run over by his own 4-wheeler.
*Chef’s kiss*
Good morning, Sloopy!
Sorry about OK, but I hope at least you make a pile of money.
The Specials are the only positive thing in today’s lynx.
RIP Grant. He seemed like a cool guy.
Holy shit is 2020 a fucked up mess. One of You People must have really pissed off the Gods.
Appropriate, perhaps?
Make it a great day, y’all. You can do it.
Sounds like the commie St. Louis AG is going to try to prosecute the people who didn’t let a mob loot their house.
Gardener has been reprimanded for her case against former governor Greitens. She’s purely political and a hack.
One of the many DAs created by Soros money. Goddamn that malignant old fart needs to die already.
Sadly, unless you have a time machine handy, I don’t think it would help.
Well, there’s more than one way to undo such a miscarriage.
She won’t get a conviction…all she’s looking to do is punish them through the process. Shit like this is what makes me think more and more society is ready for a rumble.
Gardner is a train wreck, incompetent, and unsurprisingly still has a large number of supporters.
Going To Be Indicted Shortly
I’m going to guess some bullshit combination of brandishing and assault.
Speaking of abortion.
Republican Idaho Rep. Russ Fulcher has written a letter to the secretary of the Smithsonian urging the removal of a bust honoring Margaret Sanger.
Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has long been criticized for her eugenicist and racist beliefs. She pushed for the abortion of unborn children “when either mother or father suffers from such diseases as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, cancer, epilepsy, insanity, drunkenness, and mental disorders,” as well as the abortion of unborn children who are physically or mentally disabled.
In his letter, Fulcer said it was “troubling” that the National Portrait Gallery still featured a bust of Sanger.
You jest, sir. Dems will never be held to their own standards.
Hey, Rep. Russ, they’re not going to respond to you asking nicely. How about you try burning some Smithsonian property and see if they’ll start listening? It appears to be the only way to get them to open an ear.
Just go to the Smithsonian and knock the bust off its pedestal.
Bust the bust?
Darwin Award?
Three armed men broke into a gun enthusiast’s home. The sheriff says he shot them one-by-one.
Sometimes things work out the way they should.
How else would you do it?
“Could you please form a single file line whilst I fetch my Mosin?”
If it was Jerry Miculek, it would be hard to tell if it was one at a time. The buzzer going off before he began to engage would be the tell.
I love a happy ending.
– His work gun malfunctioned after three shots? Not much of an enthusiast…
– Darwin Award perhaps, but dudes rip off gun stores all the time. Guns are valuable enough to take some risks for. Be careful.
Still, can’t complain about the end result. Three violent armed robbers vs. one homeowner, those odds are nothing to sneeze at. Nice work overall. Fix your work gun!
Probably had it loaded with super special self-defense ammo that he didn’t cycle thru at the range to make sure it worked reliably.
I swear that this place has a “Well, Actually” for everything. It’s like the Sears-Roebuck catalogue for autists.
Well, actually I’m just an asshole.
My son’s “well, ackshually”s drive me up a wucking fall. We cannot have a discussion, disagreement, or donnybrook without at least two “well, ackshually”s per agenda bullet point.
I know. I love to Monday-morning QB this stuff, because I’m very interested in self-defense and I think that there are useful lessons to be learned.
If it’s really annoying, just say something, and I’ll try to do better for a day or two until I forget…
Or in the stress of the moment he was limp wristing it one handed, which can also cause feed problems.
That was my guess – or short stroked a pump gun.
Nah, I have it on good authority that the sound of a pump gun being placed in battery will clear out every miscreant in a 200 yard radius.
One reason I favor an automatic with one up the pipe. Why give them a warning? The sound of the safety clicking off is all someone who I think needs shooting deserves. If I think more is called for, I’ll tell them what’s about to happen.
You don’t initiate an ambush by yelling “Open Fire” you initiate it with your largest casualty producing weapon.
Viking knows what’s up!
We don’t place signs at an L-ambush saying “beware of claymores.”
Yes you do – some places where there are no claymores, and some places you put claymores without signs.
A small caution if you keep one in the hole – most shoulder weapons are not drop safe, even with the safety on.
“As for what led up to the shooting, the homeowner told law enforcement he was a gun enthusiast who posts pictures of his firearms to social media. So, he believes his house was targeted.”
One of my pet peeves. That and covering your truck or SUV with GUNS FUCK YEAH STICKERS. You’re just asking to get ripped off.
“Oh hey GUNS FUCK YEAH guy is posting pictures from the beach. Time to slip into his house and liberate his whole collection.”
Advertising your gun collection to the masses is truly stupid unless nobody knows where you live.
I’m really not one to talk, as I do post a fair number of shooting practice vids on the Tubes. But yeah. I’m not saying that gun owners should go full blackout, because that’s no fun. But it’s never a bad idea to be aware of what intel you’re putting out there…
Also, most gun stickers and moto patches are tacky as fuck.
I like the Browning Buck, don’t be dissing it!
Yeah, the Buckmark is probably the best one. The Ruger eagle isn’t bad.
“When the homeowner’s gun jammed, he went to grab another one. ”
Rock on Florida man!
Link is wrong. *ocd engaged
I just fixed it. No wonder nobody had commented on it. Shame, because it’s hilarious!
ESPN is as irrelevant as football now. Hope the XFL shows them up in ratings. Go Battlehawks!
I thought the XFL went bankrupt again.
just a griping session for Black employees
Self-evidently true and needed to be said.
When asked about the call, ESPN said it had “addressed it appropriately,” without elaborating.
I thought ESPN was woke now. Kind of surprised they didn’t come down hard on the guy.
Tard Tuesday: Jacobins Are The Bestest
They all want cake.
SCIENCE denier!
Of those who get sick and are tested, the case fatality rate (CFR) is 5 to 6 percent. Still, most infections are asymptomatic and unrecognized. As such, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) as judged by serology testing among all ages — which actually counts those asymptomatic people — may be closer to 0.25 percent or at worst 0.5 percent—or about one in 200-400. For those under 70 years old, it’s 0.05 percent, or one in 2,000. It is far less — statistically zero — for those under 20 years old.
Early on we pulled kids out of school and brought them home to prevent what many feared would cause child-to-child school transmission. It turns out children get it from adults at home much more often, they have fewer symptoms and get less infected than others. In retrospect, we should have left them in school. It’s the grandparents that need protection. The American Academy of Pediatrics has just strongly recommended that all children go back to school full time, with or without social distancing and masks, because failure to do this would be worse for all.
The lockdowns resulted in 45 million jobs lost, some forever. Education stopped or was badly compromised. This happened to young and healthy people who are very unlikely to get sick. It makes sense to send them back to work.
Social distancing, hand washing, better hygiene, limited contact with strangers and mask use certainly saves lives. Quarantining the vulnerable elderly saves the most lives. Let’s do all that better.
However, it is not clear that lockdown added much. Clearly some of the things we did made things worse. The number of deaths with and without lockdown might have been similar, but far less collateral damage would have been done.
At some point we probably have to step back and admit this is an ongoing natural disaster that will become part of the background risks we all live with day in and day out. Life will go on. The economy will recover. Jobs, education and businesses will be saved by getting back to life as usual. Lives will be saved too. Perhaps as many or more than will be lost to COVID-19.
Let’s hope everyone gets that message and recognizes perhaps lockdowns have been pushed too far. Encourage our leaders. We know they are doing their very best for us in the fog of war.
Dr. Thomas W. LaGrelius, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., is a board certified specialist in family medicine and geriatric medicine. He is the founder and president of Skypark Preferred Family Care, a concierge primary care/geriatrics practice based in Torrance, Calif.
I bet you won’t see that guy on Meet the Press.
No no, i heard any attempt at reaching Heard Immunity without a vaccine would be unethical.
I wonder if Johnny Depp has Heard immunity yet.
If I were him, I would try social distancing first.
He needs turd immunity for his bedsheets, am I right people?
^^ Which, in my thinking about it isn’t just a wrong thing to say, but a completely absurd thing to say.
I predict this all ending on November 4th one way or another. I really really thought people would get over this hysteria but I severely underestimated how many people derive pleasure from being sanctimonious assholes and hall monitors in our society. It really drives home that a north korean type reporting system would indeed work here and cultures are not all that different. people are people.
Speaking of that 500 complaints over the weekend for Cuyahoga county mask violations. Keep in mind that the phone line and web page aren’t branded as for violations only, but for any complaints/comments.
Go fuck yourself you murderous harlot.
Now do mandatory masking.
Now do controlled substances/prescriptions.
No. I’m not injesting that at your say so.
Smart – United – Disciplined – Loving
Smart-uh, they’ll pay $15 for a pack of smokes and $2500 a month for a squalid 400 SF apartment
United-yeah, they’re notorious for getting along with each other
Disciplined-right, they’re known for level-headedness while on a crowded subway
Loving-oh, fuck off
Soros Foundation Announces It Is ‘Doubling Down’ On Funding “Black-led Justice Organizations”
$220 million in grants from Open Society as it declares this is “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years”. Really? Trump should drop a JDAM on this guy’s house.
In case you don’t think every Dem in the country is a Soros sock puppet – check out how many repeat his talking points exactly.
efforts to advance racial justice
Why do I get the feeling that “justice” does not mean justice when they use it?
Huh, a friend who works in government and is in charge of budgeting for his group, said he is cutting 24% next year. When I pressed him on it, he admitted it was a 24% cut on the projected increase.
The honesty took me back.
So 3% increase instead of 4%
Typical government accounting
Only 4% I wish the growth rate was that low around here.
Once you’ve projected it, it’s practically yours. Doesn’t everyone count the eggs before they’ve put them in the basket? Just like a few bad apples shouldn’t make you throw out the bunch.
I really really really don’t get the private sector employees who think we can go on like this. 80% of the economy is treading water to break even ontop of the 30-60% of the economy that just hung a straight zero last quarter. Covid aside we go like this to november we’ll be in the economic stone age.
A significant percentage of private sector employees hate their company and would like nothing better than to see the people who own them fail. And they probably think the government will take care of them once a progressive gets the reins of power.
There’s an awful lot of wealth envy in this country. It may very well be our undoing and it may very well happen in the next couple of years.
^^ this. Besides, the media isn’t covering the economy, so it’s easy to blame the layoffs and the bad performance on the company rather than on the depression we find ourselves in.
When i was young, i always thought the 10th commandment was a weird add on. All the others seemed pretty obvious. 1-4 was about delineating who to worship. 5-9 where about things that are easy to see as bad (Don’t kill, Don’t steal, Don’t sleep with your neighbors wife). And then there was “Don’t Covet”. Always felt out of place as a kid. Now that I get older, i have seen how destructive envy is, and it makes a lot of sense.
Envy should top the list.
Envy is sort of worship of a false God.
It provides a rationalization for so many transgressions.
Same. It may be the most important Commandment. And just like the Tenth Amendment, it is the most ignored.
So property taxes will be cut dramatically, right? Right??
Monday morning LAUSD, in conjunction with the San Diego Unified School District, partially took a knee, announcing that students wouldn’t be returning to campus in the fall and that all instruction would be delivered remotely for the foreseeable future.
This is a massive blow to parents and students who were hoping for at least a hybrid model, for multiple reasons. Obviously parents who need to work and put food on the table find it difficult to also monitor their child’s distance learning, but that’s only one reason this decision is incredibly destructive.
The St Louis City teachers union are protesting about having to return to work. Among their many demands – they want hazard pay. Seems like the easy fix would be to inform them that if they don’t return to work then don’t get paid. Unsurprisingly no mention of hazard pay in the list of demand in the Post-DIspatch article below.
Government workers fight mightily to be excluded from the laws of economics.
My eldest daughter is still drawing an extra 4 bucks an hour working from home. My hero pay ended in June sometime and it was $1.25. She works in accounting for the Government. I’m a Custodian in a huge Postal plant. Make of that what you will. It’s okay though, she’s been able to add fences for the horses and start raising fowl.
Wasn’t some Left Coast teachers union asking for the complete abolition of charter schools before they would go back?
And some federal legislation the local authorities have no control over like Medicare for All.
Every teachers union is saying the same thing.
We have enough unemployed people that we could certainly ATC their asses and ramp up new teachers in less than two weeks, but state legislatures would never let it happen.
Judging from what I see being ‘taught’ we’d be better off locking the kids in an old library for 7 hours a day unsupervised.
Pampered whiny pieces of garbage want hazard pay for teaching children? Ok, I say we pay them exactly what we pay an enlisted marine in combat.
You guys are doing nothing for my BP. Huzzah for the Sloopster for wading through that utter Paschendale of inanity. What becomes of this in the long and short of it? Are we just going to roll over and stop being “free people”?
I’m imaging the riots in November if Trump wins. There will be some serious bloodshed.
I kinda, sorta want that to happen.
I catch myself feeling that way sometimes because I want to see Commies getting slaughtered, but remember that there is always one sure loser in civil insurrection – liberty and freedom.
there is always one sure loser in civil insurrection – liberty and freedom.
The American Revolution begs to differ. Sadly, we’re an outlier.
A singular outlier, it seems.
Costa Rica? Chile, maybe? Not quite singular, but pretty close.
Chile got there eventually, but it was a long road.
If this stuff affects your blood pressure that much you should take a break or figure out a way to laugh about it. Not worth the stress.
I do love it when friends get red-pilled, but the barrage of emails gets to be a little much.
Still, though, it’s fun to watch it happen in real time.
So, what happened?
Liberals got mugged.
Conservatives got their assess kicked by the cops.
One of my best friends has always tended toward the law n’ order, most people are reasonable, experts are smart kind of thinking. The events of 2020 have finally brought him around to seeing the world as it is. Which is good. The downside is a shit ton of articles that were posted here days or weeks ago.
It’s just challenging to share the outrage after all this time. 😉
Tell him to stay away from Wayfair and Adrenochrome memes.
It’s summer. Explain to him that he should be outside just tryin’ to grill.
7 days ago, covid deaths did start ticking back up, a little bit over 3 weeks after cases increased. It looks like it is already leveling back off. at the level we were at 4 weeks ago. And the leveling isn’t caused by the increased lockdowns, as there is a 3 week lag (see sentence #1). Basically, we are going to run at 1.5-2.5 deaths per million per day until this thing burns out.
doesn’t matter, you can’t reach people of the covidian faith they are locked into their death cult. Trivial facts like deaths per million or IFR for under the age of 55 are irrelevant because of muy caseload and scary mystery long term second order effects this causes.
No. See thats not how the program works:
if (NoNewDeathAccel){
echo “Wait two more weeks when the lag happens
if (NewDeathDecel){
It’s just unbelievable that at this point people support lockdowns – the only way forward is that it runs its course. Although, I guess it’s easy to lock down when you aren’t going to be affected by it.
It’s a testament to how resilient the economy is/was, they’ve spent months trying to kill it, and it’s still somewhat breathing
If you’re able to work from home, unsympathetic to those who can’t, still getting paid, and lacking a fundamental understanding of economics why wouldn’t you support lockdowns?
It’s a testament to how resilient the economy is/was, they’ve spent months trying to kill it, and it’s still somewhat breathing
Galvanic response is not breathing.
Remember when Prince was unhappy with his record deal?
That would make a great goddamn covid kabuki mask.
In the Prince biography I read, the record execs were caught off guard by that. He’d just signed a very long and expensive record deal with them and he seemed happy about it.
Maybe it was a response to his tax bill.
Adopted a Kitteh from the shelter yesterday. If i had known how much my wife was going to love the cat, i would have done it years ago.
Sadly no, i don’t have any, And i don’t have the ganas to figure out how to put them online.
We’re contemplating adding a puppy here, too. My wife will be thrilled, but our old dog will either be thrilled or pissed. Hard to gauge.
After our older dog shuffled off her mortal coil a couple of years ago, we tried to get another dog several times, but our surviving dog wasn’t having it. She is no spring chicken herself so she just wants to be left alone by other dogs.
It hasn’t had time to puke on her nice rug or piss on something because it’s angry at her.
Well, that gets to the purpose of adopting the cat so suddenly. The cat is strictly an outdoor cat, with the job of keeping the mice from the field behind our house from getting into our house.
Kittehs are the best.
Agreed. Just got two more, both of them orphans.
Congrats. Pets are little islands of comfort and sanity right now. *my dog snores and farts in background
Yay! I love kittehs! We’re getting our boy in next month. Localish place is not taking new ones because of the insanity so we have to take him into town. Great work, Vets! Let’s freak them out for ten minutes longer before you get to treat them.
Go you!
Tom T has made a regular routine of putting cat food out on the front porch in the early evening for a neighborhood kitteh and, if it’s not too hot, leaving the front door open so that cat and our cat can interact through the screen. Our cat is growing less agitated about porch cat, and porch cat would clearly like to be friends.
I predict we will have a second “official” cat by winter.
We’ll finally have fewer Jeeps on the road: 2021 Ford Bronco: An Off-Road Legend Returns at $29,995
I love it.
I like it, looks roomier too.
I can’t decide if that things nice looking or ridiculous looking. It ought to be more reliable than a Jeep though.
I think it’s pretty cool, even the “Baby Bronco” looks good after initially sounding like a really dumb idea.
It was also hilarious (to me) that Jeep tried to upstage Ford by announcing a V8 Wrangler yesterday.
Ooh, it can be bought with a manual. That’s a definite plus for me even though I’m still leaning towards getting a 4Runner in a couple of years.
What a POS. Aped the original design, rather than what it was, a cut down F series with a fiberglass top. Or what the Expedition used to be before it they turned it into a soccer mom’s team car.
As a former JK owner I think they hit the mark. It has IFS so the hard core will still Jeep. For those of us that trail ride and road ride in equal parts this would give much better ride.
If they went totally at Jeep I think Jeep would win.
I’ll go take a look at them, but after owning a ’74 and a ’92 Bronco, I’m prepared to be disappointed. I’m afraid it will have too many electronic gewgaws to suit me in an off-road vehicle.
Suspect I’ll continue to rely on the inestimable Rojito for hunting season chores.
Yeah, if my F150 is any indicator, the complexity will not make for a great Alaskan survival beast.
It looks like the offspring of a Wrangler fucking an FJ Cruiser that had a crack addiction.
Harsh, but accurate.
I see it, except the crack addiction part was just a cheap shot.
Cool but I need the bed.
Eh. Its a little cutesy, like they are targetting a chick demographic. Nothing wrong with it, chicks need wheels, too, but not my thing.
At least they gave it some decent horsepower.
Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge
The TARDIS family is done with Ford. Threeeeeee strikes and you’re out! I was planning on getting rid of my Explorer this summer, but the DNC messed that up too.
Huh, the only problem I’ve ever had with my Fords was the Buick someone parked in the wheel well of the Focus.
And the sound system.
But the driving part hasn’t been a problem.
I “gave” my daughter my 2013 Focus. It’s fun to drive when the transmission isn’t grinding.
I reserved one. I don’t give fuck what anyone says. Ford got it right. This ain’t no soccer mom vehicle. We’ll see about the mechanics of it all once they hit the road. I’m also breaking my rule of not buying the first year. Don’t care. I’ve wanted a first gen Bronco since I was a kid. Life just hasn’t allowed it. And now all the fucking rich hipsters and whatnot are skyrocketing prices to insanity.
I’m going to get the Sasquatch package (35s and 4.7 gear ratios with electronic lockers front and rear) on the black diamond version (that has outdoor fabric, no carpet and a drain in the floor).
Fuck yeah.
Cheers, Stillhunter. Well done!
Joe Biden returns to plagiarism. This time he’s stealing quotes from Chairman Mao.
Joe Biden Quotes Mao Zedong; Senior Adviser Called Mao ‘Favorite Political Philosopher’
He hired Anita Dunn, that Maoist piece of shit?
Next he’ll bring Mike Klonsky onboard.
Power comes from the barrel of a……..you know, the thing.
CNN doesn’t do enough of that already?
Jeremy Barr
CNN’s Jeff Zucker in memo this A.M: “Today, I am pleased to announce that we are making an even more significant, sustained commitment to ensure race coverage is a permanent part of our journalism.”
There will be a “a new and expanded race team” as well as more policing coverage
The Balkanization of the US via corporate malpractice continues I see.
That race team will be quietly shuffled away, only to come out when GOP controls the white house.
Who watches CNN?
Idiots and people waiting for flights.
The Soros check cleared I see.
I applaud their desire to bring Formula One to the hoi polloi!
Closed on a house yesterday… let the remodeling shenanigans begin!
Seller were pretty good to us. Left us a nice fridge and a zero turn John Deere. Sadly, they haven’t mowed the lawn since before we signed the contract. I’m hoping the city doesn’t fine us. Guess what I’m doing after work today?
Burning the lawn?
I came home last night with all of those stupid super sticky seeds all over my socks and pants. A smile crossed my face thinking of all of the fire in my future!
Euphemism CONFIRMED.
Determining what needs fixed on the zero turn?
It looks maybe a year old… but if I’m being honest, this is probably the correct answer. Granted, it’s a big 1.6 acres and I wouldn’t shed a tear to have an excuse to go buy another brand new one so I don’t have to mow the whole thing all by my lonesome.
Darn honey, it didn’t start.
*buys another zero turn*
Gee honey, I guess it was only the battery. What ever are we going to do with 2 zero turns?
I ran a landscaping business for a while. I’ll give you a secret, get a decent edger and a backpack blower, the rest is pretty self explanatory.
I actually had this when I was eight – https://youtu.be/jE6J3wWE2Pg lasted about a week.
Wouldn’t two zero turns for 1.6 acres take all of 10 minutes?
One strikes me as the right tool for the job. Back when I had an acre-ish lawn, I used an ancient Cub Cadet (with a Kohler engine, even). Took me about one cigar to do the whole yard. I had to tweak the various beds around the yard so they had curves the Cub Cadet could manage, so I didn’t even have to trim around the edges.
The current one is only a 42in deck. It’s a pretty big 1.6 acres and a LOT of grass. Also, I don’t have a lot of spare time and it’s Texas heat.
I close on my refi this afternoon.
Ignoring the rate drop, they are paying us about $800 to do the deal (Credits – closing costs). That isn’t why I am doing it, but it made it an easy decision.
Will save well over $100 per month in interest too…well, for now, that obviously drops over time as interest drops and principal payment increases.
Mine should be coming through in a week. $160/month off the amortized payment, and probably get about the same back. Mostly because they quoted me 2 payments ago.
This is why politicians like the Democrats here trying to push TX governor Abbott to do another round of shutdowns and lockdowns switched from talking about “deaths” to “cases” – a 99% drop in weekly deaths from the peak:
The phrase coming to mind regarding what they’re trying to do to businesses is “bayoneting the survivors”
So you will be recusing yourself from consideration for VP and requesting that Biden drop out?
The Hill
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: “We need new leaders. We need new voices.”
“That’s different.”
-Elizabeth Warren (probably)
The other day i was fantasizing if i had a popular podcast and could interview each candidate, what i would ask them. One of the questions for Joe was going to be “The other people running have had experience outside of public office. In a time when politicians are incredibly unpopular, why should the American voter vote for a man who has been in public office for the last half century?”
Of course no one would agree to appear on such a hostile podcast.
Whatsisname had a show called Hardball, surely that is the kind of questions he asked.
New voices = guy who’s been in DC for 48 years.
My fucking county comes through! Orange County school board votes to recommend back to school with NO social distancing, and NO masks. They also vote to recommend a choice for parents. Distance learn if you want, or send your kid to school. No in-between “hybrid” theater that pretends a 1st grader at school with a mask all day is somehow at less risk of contracting Covid.
According to the article, there is a petition going on demanding that they follow CA State guidelines (which include masks, social distancing, yada yada. I am trying to find a counter survey).
It is noteworthy that none of the actual districts have to follow these recommendations. But it gives me SOME hope that Orange County hasn’t been completely lost to the Rheeeee Coalition.
Good for them
I hate to piss in your Wheaties this morning but you know they’re going to backtrack, right?
In case anyone is still reading this thread, please consider the following petition:
We have set it up to try and counter the petition that is arguing for supporting the CA guidelines. Don’t know if it will work, but we are hoping it goes somewhere.
Malpractice insurance for the po-leece. I like it. Fewer cops, cuz they can’t afford it, the union can’t afford it, and the municipalities can’t afford it.
Again, I get that there are lots of bad cops, and the “good ones” don’t report the bad ones because they’ll lose their jobs and get hassled. So if my job’s on the line and I gotta feed my kids and protect them from aforementioned bad cops, I don’t think I’d report either, so I’m not gonna judge. That said, my experience with the police has never been anything bad or, in other words, anything I didn’t deserve.
What happens when good cops do the right thing.
Did you find your loot?
Did not, but because of COVID, Mr. Mojeaux’s 401k is in play without penalty so we are now not without hope. It has to be in the house somewhere.
I hope you do. Might want to check to see who you know has new shiny objects suddenly too.
XX works almost full time, and claims she didn’t even know it was there. I have zero reason to believe she did it.
XY, see below. We have reason to suspect him, but there are too many signs pointing to “he didn’t do it”.
Cop insurance is the term limits of police reform.
I like the idea of cops being forced to carry insurance, as a way to help keep bad cops from getting rehired. But the issue is more than that. An insurance company isn’t going to pay out for a cop who murdered someone. What we need is for bad cops to be prosecuted and not klobuchared under a rug.
Make personal liability insurance a requirement for the job and it will be priced into the salary as well. Maybe not initially, but eventually it will be.
Add reducing (eliminating, but that’s a pipe dream) victimless crimes right down to seatbelt and helmet laws to prosecuting and convicting the bad apples.
I agree, it will be priced into the salary. Making personal liability insurance would only serve to keep the most egregious offenders off the force. Not earthshaking, but possibly a step in the right direction form where we are now? I agree, removing victimless crimes and prosecuting the bad apples is a more effective way forward.
Good morning, Sloop. Sorry about Twitter. /nosarc
Re coin shortage: XY came home and said QuikTrip was buying coins. Usually I just fill a piggy bank, take it to the bank, and dump it in their money counter, but QT is awesome and I may go up there and sell them.
LEDs: HAAAAAAAAAATE. Years ago, there was a place selling “newcandescents”. They’re out of business now. For whatever reason, Mr. Mojeaux ran into a guy replacing all his incandescents and gave him a crap ton of incandescent bulbs so we’re set for a while.
Adam Savage: @Atanarjuat said: “If a 9 year old is committing violent rape, he was probably a rape victim himself.”
That’s what I said the other day.
Envy: @Sloopy said: “There’s an awful lot of wealth envy in this country. It may very well be our undoing and it may very well happen in the next couple of years.”
That and their personal prosperity (having a roof, enough to eat) gives them time to cogitate on their envy and think about “injustice” and “inequality” and work themselves up into a lather, fueled by their envy.
Furthermore, envy and pride are intertwined and codependent.
Now, for OT:
I have been doing the hobby love of my life, cross stitching, a lot lately after a very long hiatus because in the 00s I thought starting a business doing it would be a good thing. NOT. Now, doing so benefited me in incalculable ways so I don’t regret it. I learned things I would never have learned otherwise and it led me to self-publishing my writing.
Yesterday I went looking for new designers and new patterns to stitch. Etsy came up with very elementary designs with either (very worn-out) subversive cross stitch (the word “FUCK” done very elegantly) or short platitudes (“You are loved.”) Blech.
So I YET AGAIN thought it would be a good idea to retool my business and have another go. I woke up this morning wondering where my mind went and sternly telling myself to stick to stitching other people’s patterns and just enjoy my hobby.
[insert definition of insanity here]
Lost thing is still lost but because of COVID, Mr. Mojeaux’s 401k is in play without penalty so we are now not without hope.
What do you hate about LEDs?
I find Incandescents run too hot, and have a yellow- or brown-hued light that hurts my eyes.
Too bright and the cool blue light.
I like warm yellow light, especially at night. I feel more emotionally secure. Cozy, you might say.
You can buy LEDs with a variety of temps. I love them, personally. I have vaulted ceilings with recessed lights that are a pain in the ass to change. LEDs last for a long, long time.
Not over here they don’t. Won’t buy whichever brand that is again.
I didn’t know you were my wife.
We’ve got some talking to do.
So our lighting preferences are mutually exclusive.
Yes, but I think we are safe. You live 2,000 miles away from me and we there is a zero chance we will be living together.
You never know. By the time you two get at the compound post-Boogaloo, there may be limited space.
Yeah, LEDs nowadays are pretty great and don’t cost a ton of money. There is no reason to cling on to your incandescents anymore.
We’re set. I’m not getting rid of free light bulbs.
Yes, that would be wasteful. I’m still transitioning from compact fluorescent to LED. They really make a difference in my electric bill.
Doubt that other general lost-article principles of behind / beneath / between apply here.
Maybe? I was super careful with that money, keeping it in a fireproof safe. Obviously, I was not careful enough.
Did anyone else know that it was there?
XY had reason to unless he wasn’t paying attention, and he says he didn’t know it was there. He doesn’t act like a kid who suddenly has that much money, and he spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave. He’s a bad liar, never covers his tracks, and isn’t careful about not getting caught. Mr. Mojeaux still isn’t quite convinced but I think that’s because he REALLY doesn’t want to be mad at me.
XX didn’t know it was there.
It was him. You took his business away and are ready to cut him loose when he fledges. Troubles have been brewing for some time (according to you) so expect the expected, Mojo. He’s hanging on to it as an insurance policy or so terrified of the consequences that he won’t own up to it. I hope that I’m wrong but pretty sure that I’m right. No judgement here, whatsoever. My Bro used to pawn my parents’ belongings and I was wont to borrow a hand tool or two that never made it home.
We purged his room and stripped it of all his precious things and he didn’t budge (he caves pretty easily).
I’m sorry you are in this situation. Either way, your relationship gets damaged.
I keep thinking of the Wilders’ $100 bill in Laura’s portable desk. (See On the Way Home.) I have faith your stash will turn up.
Also when Laura burnt down their mortgaged-to-the-hilt house.
Don’t do that until you’ve found the money.
Ha! I wish.
Laura didn’t do it on purpose. She started a cookfire and left it untended for about 10 minutes. By then it was too late.
Good call, my wife does a number of crafty things that would sell really well on Etsy. She takes a hard pass on that and just enjoys her hobbies and gives really nice gifts to people.
I’m done giving gifts. I find I like to keep my work and look at it. I’m not going to frame any of it anymore (too expensive and not enough wall space), but I keep it rolled in acid-free tissue so I can take it out once in a while and look at my pretty things.
I blame Indiana.
Sixty-four people were shot, 13 of them fatally, across Chicago over the weekend.
Fifteen-year-old Terrance Malden, who was gunned down about 4:50 p.m. Friday in Jeffery Manor on the South Side, was the weekend’s first victim. Five other teenagers were wounded in separate shootings between then and Monday morning.
The alarming numbers marked a dip from the gun violence that befell the city over the Fourth of July weekend, when 79 people were shot, 15 fatally. Eleven of those victims were minors, and two of the children died from their injuries.
In the same weekend last year, nine people were killed and 32 more were wounded.
The largest city/metro county I’ve lived in was ~1 million people. The number of deaths in Chicago always seems high, but i don’t know if that is because i’m used to living in small towns.
The Chicago numbers are crazy. Those are like troop casualty reports at the tail end of Vietnam or the Iraq Wars.
We’re closing in on the point where the number of people shot in Chicago exceeds the number of COVID related deaths nationwide.
Not to be cynical or anything but between decades of aborting black babies and years of black men murdering young black men, isn’t Chicago running pretty low on teenagers? Are they importing them from Indiana or somewhere?
Every teacher on my FB feed is posting the same list of questions about returning to school. I guess it’s directed at Betsy DeVos for some reason (as if she is dictating local school policies). Anyone know where that came from originally?
The DNC to the NEA to the local union.
They really really hate DeVos, which means she’s doing something right.
I don’t know. I don’t do FB, but the one teacher i was friends with would always gripe about how low the pay of being a teacher was. It took a lot for me to not say “Dude, you knew how little a high school teacher gets paid, we are the same age, and i knew that you got paid very little when i was a kid. Stop complaining and get into a new career if it doesn’t work for you.
I taught at a college for about 5 years – great job, not great pay, but not terrible either, but so, so easy. The time off was measured in months, the normal teaching load was 4 classes per semester, you could get them on the same day if you wanted. So, work two 8 hour days a week. It’s slightly different for elementary/high school, but teachers whining is beyond absurd; they have it so good for the work they do
Its been kind of hard for them to keep saying “low pay” when they now have a window into their homes via Zoom classrooms. I have seen some opulence from some of our teachers. They are not living in squalor.
“But I can’t afford to spend the entire summer break overseas!”
Virtually every school teacher makes more than the median income. They are not underpaid. This is a lie that has been repeated so many times people believe it, but it has no basis. The over all average teacher salary is $60,477. The average individual income in the country is $28,555. Teaching is a middle of the road skill, middle of the road difficulty, middle of the road (or lower) barrier to entry, low risk/high benefit job. If anything it is overpaid.
Based on the “education” most kids are receiving, I’d say teachers are grossly overpaid.
They tell their students that. Like, straight up tell their kids that they don’t make enough money. Along with other insane shit. A former friend of my wife is a kindergarten teacher in an inner city school, and is constantly telling them about the dangers of Trump. Telling 5 and 6 year old black kids that Republicans hate them.
Teachers are, as a group, scum. They’re worse than cops.
I’d bet $100 her first name is Karen.
They want to continue to get paid without doing the actual job. Nice racket they have going.
Exactly what I said to my wife this morning when the NJ version of that story was on the news this morning.
“This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking children.”
When school children start paying union dues, that ‘s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.
– Albert Shanker
*OMWC’s ears perk up*
mine is as well.
most of these people, in lieu of returning to school, want the “government” to “subsidize” childcare for working parents. So pay people directly to send their kids to private daycare? isn’t that the same thing they want to avoid?!
it takes all of my willpower not to say “what the fuck do you think public school IS for most parents?”
The same place that “Re-imagining” the Police Force came from. The DNC. All the flappy-heads said it at the same time so it must be true!
Keep attacking the deplorable voters.
Vince Coglianese
Sen. Mazie Hirono says “a lot of [Trump’s] base” is “white supremacists.”
Hirono was elected in a state with about 1/4 whites, and with 92% of the legislature being Democrats. This ain’t gonna hurt her.
It will hurt Dems when Trump uses it in a campaign add.
They start out saying it because it’s politically useful. But eventually they say it so much that they begin believing it.
While you’re in Elk City, stop by a Del Rancho and get the chicken fried steak sandwich and a limeade.
I feel ill just thinking about that.
It’s an excellent sandwich. I do miss that. About the only thing I miss from OKC.
Braums has a much wider availability than Del Rancho. You can even find them South or Waxahachie. And they don’t have a CFS sandwich. Braums’ burgers and limeades are better than D.R. definitely.
I love chicken fried steak. I tried making it at home once, though, and the results were less than optimal.
I haven’t made it in a while but it always turned out pretty well for me.
Just like an unprincipled politician I let Reeeeeeee!!!!!!
guide me 😉
Yeah, her stuff is usually solid.
The batter for mine came out wrong. It was way too heavy and bland.
Never give up on a dish, you will eventually get it right and probably never forget how 😉
This address by G. Edward Griffin, given in 1968, is as current as today’s headlines. Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution: One is violent; the other is non-violent.
He guessed at organized “anti-monopoly” protestors – so close.
Spot on with how the commies would hijack the civil rights movement and use blacks as shock troops.
Somebody help me please.
A relative (young mother) posted the old bullshit copypasta on 800,000 kids being abducted every year in the US. I responded with:
She then responded with:
WTF am I reading?
Incipient schizophrenia?
So if I buy the wrong cabinet, I’ll end up with a kid instead?
Harry Potter lived in cupboard, if I’m not mistaken.
you haven’t seen the insane “wayfair cabinets trafficking” meme?
hoo boy.
someone noticed that some cabinets were insanely priced on wayfair and had a girl’s name as part of the description
they, ex nihilo, connected this to some missing kid from 8 years ago (who they found had drowned in a lake or something, 7 years 11 months ago) and became convinced the cabinets were a front to sell children. Seriously.
what more likely happened, as you see it on ebay/amazon all the time: that seller was out of inventory and juiced the price to something insane (added 9999, basically) so they wouldn’t sell any while they were out of stock BUT kept it open so they wouldn’t lose the listing/reviews for when they did get stock back in.
Do the cabinets come with free pizza?
I don’t know if I should feel better about that explanation or not. I think schizophrenia was more comforting.
Ah, Reddit sleuth types. Those people are absolutely nuts. “The cops with all the evidence available to them couldn’t solve this mystery, but I totally will while sitting in my home after reading a two paragraph synopsis!”
Sounds like a Q follower.
She’s on to our orphan mine operations.
I used to experience that on fb before I swore off of it. This is an example of someone not actually responding to what you said. It is very frustrating.
I call attention to the VN War dead. 60K, over 15 years. Almost everyone knew either someone who had died or the family of someone who had died. Kids from small towns, 2-3K, every one always knew of the family.
Yet no one can give you the name or circumstance of these missing kids.
I sleep all day and work all night, so when I heard news last night Dan Snyder pussed out of course my joke was stolen before I could make it.
UnCiv: I will be happy to take the coffee off your hands. You can use the return address off of the masks, or I could meet you at the club to exchange it.
It’s probably cheaper to drop it off.
What day(s) work best for you?
I’m back to working full time days again, so weekends.
On the 26th, I’ll be doing a pistol shoot at Kayaderosseras if you want to stop by and see what that’s all about. Bring eye- and earpro if you do.
Are they right next to an airport?
There is a guy who flies his glider out of there on weekends, directly over the club. To the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever taken a shot at him. This (to me) proves we have a higher class of redneck there.
At the very least I’ll show up to drop off the coffee. Mood and weather will determine anything else.
Oh, what time frame?
I’ll be there at about 8:30 to set up. Safety meeting and creepy patriotism ritual is at 9:45, shooting commences at 10:00. If it’s like last year, we’ll be done around 1:00.
I’ll be there at about 8:30 to set up. Safety meeting and creepy patriotism ritual is at 9:45, shooting commences at 10:00. If it’s like last year, we’ll be done around 1:00.
There is a squirrel that lives in the Old Town stage area too. It knows we won’t hurt it, so it gets really bitchy when we start shooting.
“White supremacist Daniel Lewis Lee – who murdered family of three – is put to death by lethal injection in first federal execution in 17 years as he screams ‘I didn’t do it’ just hours after Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote
The US government has executed the first federal inmate in almost two decades just hours after the Supreme Court cleared the way overnight with a 5-4 vote.”
White supremacist who murdered an American with a German surname, his wife, and their 8 year old daughter in the course of stealing cash and guns.
I’m guessing the white supremacist label is based, at least in part, on the neo Nazi tattoo visible on his neck. Granted, that might have been self-defense in prison, a gang initiation thing, but calling him a white supremacist doesn’t seem like media overreach.
Yeah I’m just pointing out that the supposed Warrior For The White Race killed a white Southerner of good Aryan stock, his white wife, and their white child. You know FOR THE RACE and all that bullshit.
dumbest timeline.
“We’re going to inject you with poison, but we don’t want you to catch a minor cough.”
I forgot which comedian it was that had the bit about swabbing the arm of the condemned with alcohol before administering the lethal injection. Mitch Hedberg maybe?
Look. The doctors administering it are supposed to do no harm.
Bring back beheading and the firing squad. If I was being executed, and had my choice, I’d pick the guillotine or a bullet to the back of the head.
With the guillotine you could blink angrily at people.
Just give me a really big dose of pharmaceutical grade heroin.
a local anesthetic, followed by a catheter to the femoral artery would be painless, and you could hide all the nasty parts to make it a media-friendly experience.
Probably that’s how they’ll deal with non-disappearable wrongthinkers until universal heartplug installation occurs.
I think when they euthanize a dog, they use sodium pentothal. I’ll take that. I’ve seen it in action; you’d be gone before the syringe was empty. i’ve never understood why they need some exotic cocktail to execute someone.
Lawsuits designed to avoid execution in past cases.
^^ This…but we can look to Big Pharma and deep pockets to feed greedy politicians with.
Arnie made that joke in True Lies when being given the amytol injection.
I’ve got a vague memory of that being part of his bit about germs where he goes on about only washing his hands in the bathroom if he manages to get shit on them.
Correct! It was Carlin after all, just looked the bit up.
“You know when I wash my hands in the bathroom? WHEN I SHIT AND PISS ON THEM!!!”
“No one in my neighborhood ever got polio, you know why? Because we swam in raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems, the polio never had a prayer. We were tempered in raw shit!”
I note the article doesn’t include any of the evidence for or against his guilt.
So you count his word for nothing? He said he didn’t do it.
I need corroborating evidence given the circumstances.
Too circumstantial.
He and his accomplish broke into a gun dealers home, stole a bunch of his guns and murdered him and his family. They sold the guns to various people, and the guns with serial numbers were registered in an antitheft database.
Yeah this guy sounds like an absolute piece of shit, but I’m also self-trained not to trust the government or media.
Who was the last one, McVeigh?
LaVoy Finicum
No, no, no. I’ve been assured he was holding a gun to the head of a 7 year old girl at the time while simultaneously holding a detonator to blow up the state house.
Seen at Instapundit:
THE HEADLINE: Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died.
Six paragraphs down: “She was prone to sinus infections, and also had asthma, diabetes and lupus.”
The JournoList is alive and well.
Fake news. It’s never Lupus.
That cocktail of comorbities is pretty much custom designed to make the ‘Vid a fatal disease. About the only one missing is COPD.
Colossal ostentatious penis display
Similar to the one I posted yesterday about an ex US Marshall “cut down” by the lil’rona. You find out only in the byline that he was 91 years old, no where else does it mention his age and you have to have actual reading comprehension to figure it out in the story. Sad loss of course, but come on.
She sounds like a teacher I had who was basically immobile. Sat there at a desk in the front of the room. Always had students pass out papers, pick up papers, etc. Ran the whole lesson from there. Math teacher, so she ran an overhead projector not the blackboard. If you had a question you had to bring your notebook over to her and breathe in her awful stench.
If I had to see this
That was basically a replay of my first track meet ever…I was young, whatever age 400M is a distance event. Only the guy I passed just before the finish was spent at 390M and just collapsed in the grass as I passed him. No tackle attempt or early celebration. Although he was pretty cocky before the race.
Thinking back, I was probably 8.
I’m a long way from young. 400M is definitely a distance event.
I’ve been trying to help my daughter with her swimming – she’s in her second year of swim team and frankly I’m not thrilled with the coaching she’s getting. She’s been struggling and getting very frustrated with it. So I’ve been giving her pointers – you wouldn’t know it to look at my fat ass today, but I was a decent swimmer back in my swim team days. She was skeptical of my bonafides, so she challenged me to swim a 50 fly. I did it, but if I had to go another two meters or so I would have simply given up and drowned.
25M is a long run these days. I bugs me because I ran X-country, I should be able to go out a run a few miles no problem.
Stupid knees. And too much weight.
I am assuming that is her son. I hope.
Scrolling down, there’s a ton of entertaining videos.
She would have won if it weren’t for that pesky kid!
Thats a trove of good ones. This got a large guffaw from me:
HAHAHA! Good on that kid though. He went sailing ever so gently over that hump though
Did anyone see about the guy last Friday who set the world record in the 200M? Nuked Bolt’s record by .2 seconds. It was in a virtual meet, running simultaneous in multiple locations. He set up in wrong lane and only ran 185M. Got disqualified and didn’t get the $10k prize.
I have disliked Greasy Gav since he was mayor of my fucked up hometown. That has turned into red hot hate. What an utter and complete scumbag. I’ve linked this before and I might again, and yes, I know it is a long shot, but I have to do something besides bitch about him. This actually looks like a better organized attempt. I like how they have the recall petition easily downloadable so you can print out a few and get friends, family and neighbors to sign. I have three other people signed up and my goal is to get a couple dozen in the next weeks if I can.
I’d sign again if I could, early and often.
“Squirrel tests positive for the bubonic plague in Colorado
It is possible for humans to be infected with the bubonic plague through bites from infected fleas and by direct contact with blood or tissues of infected animals such as a cough or a bite.”
Trump’s fault
Bubonic plague is native to the Southwest. I remember being told about it at Philmont in northern NM forty years ago.
Prairie dogs are notorious for it.
Suicide mission
“Many of our teachers, staff, or their family members have underlying health conditions that would place them at severe risk of the contract COVID-19,” wrote Poole on Monday. “While parents are given options to send their children to school or stay home for virtual instruction, teachers and staff do not have that option.”
“It’s pretty atrocious that in preparation for returning to school this fall, teachers are writing wills, getting medical power of attorney established, and taking out extra life insurance,” tweeted teacher Jessica Schwinn on Saturday. “This country has chosen it’s priorities. It’s money over people.”
Would you want this
womansocialist teaching your child?The teachers, of course, will not forgo their salaries in order to keep everyone safe.
Those are all things they should do anyway.
If they’re that skeert, nobody is stopping them from quitting.
Remember, these are the “Red for Ed” education heroes demanding more money for exactly no more work and no better results.