I won’t even have coffee for another half an hour! What a truly uncivilized hour.

The Mint
Quit hoarding your wealth, you dragons barons! Get out there and spend your cold, hard cash. Sure, it’s filthy and there’s some kind of pandemic on, but do your part for your country. Bonus social points if you rely entirely on contactless/digital payment methods.
Let’s get to some more relevant news, shall we? Who even carries cash, amiright?
Aw… this is some sad, stupid news.
But wait! There’s good drug news, too!
And yet… more unfortunate news… (for people who like drugs).
Y’know, I’m going to go back to bed, but here’s a little something to maybe get your day started off on the right funky footing. (h/t Mr. Riven)
And to an integral member of the Glib Community who is facing a challenge today, TPTB wish you the best.
Wait, who is this Riven person?
Banjos’ old screenname, or Sloopys alter-ego.
*rubs chin*
It’s Tulpa?
*to Swissy
TPTB that hand held me through my first few submissions. *Narrows gaze at tater boy*
Aw 🙂 Back when I had time!
So what are you up to these days?
Just taking a little time off between jobs. Lots of housework and catching up on projects at home that had been languishing. it’s been so nice.
Long time no see.
Wait, “Riven” has three syllables?
Is it pronounced more like “Rive Inn” or “Ribbon”?
it appears to be ri
bbonvaginaentrailsaccording to the phonetic thingy.That doesn’t flow. It’s clearly a one or two syllable word, not three.
Maybe it’s Japanese? “N” is pronounced like a syllable at the end of a word.
The “v” kinda puts that theory out of the running.
You mean “Liben”?
+1 バニラ
Look, Riven is the closest you guys can get to my true name, which takes several days just to say, Ent-style.
“I won’t even have coffee for another half an hour! ”
So wake and bake?
Ayyyy… Only on Wednesdays. 😉
Otherwise, I try to wait until after I’ve lifted
I smoke before and during lifting.
I used to smoke before because I did think it helped me stay more focused on my form, but now that I lift at home and have a buddy (Mr. Riven) to lift with, I get too distracted.
““We ask that the American public start spending their coins, depositing them, or exchanging them for currency at financial institutions or taking them to a coin redemption kiosk.”
Except the bank lobbies are closed.
Sounds like they ought to start offering a premium. 6 cents on the nickel should do it.
Heh. Some negative seignorage
Been slogging my way through Bob Murphy’s interview with a MMT guy.
Mmmm, mixed martial tarts.
Massive Monetary Tardation
A couple of banks (a quick search brought that one up) have been offering up to $5 for every $100 brought in. None in my area yet. There’s also some places that are offering free sandwiches and the like for bringing them rolled coins.
So, pandemic, depression, a return to hard currency? One out of three ain’t bad?
There’s no way in hell I’m rolling my own coins. I don’t see any deals at CoinStar, either.
Dude, our coins haven’t been hard currency since before I was born.
/Looks at my list
I stand by my weak joke.
I dislike wrapping coins and miss the free coin counting machines at TD bank.
Coinstar has been waiving fees at some locations. Never used them, and some quick searching shows that with an 11.9% standard fee, I wouldn’t think it worth it anyways.
I’d rather roll my own and sift through for interesting coins.
One of these years I might find a silver quarter.
Yep. Throw on some background TV show/movie and sort through the coins. It doesn’t take that long (about an hour for a full 64 ounce growler of change), and in my budgeting, it’s all “found” money anyways.
I loved doing that when I was a kid. Now I’m like “meh”.
Drop them on the ground. The silver quarters sound distinctly different.
It’s easier to just check the date while I’m prepping rolls. I’m also looking for the montana state quarters.
Coinstar usually has a fee-free option if you take the money as an Amazon gift card.
I guess I should refresh before replying.
Ooo I didn’t know that. Good to keep in mind.
And… of course that option is not available anywhere near me.
That’s what happens when you live out in flyover country.
My zip code is the empty area in the center of the map.
You know Amazon isn’t welcome in NYC.
Thank Cortez.
New York? Where’s that close to?
East Soviet Canukistan
empty area
You live in the Upper Bay? That explains it.
At one time, coinstar charged the outrageous percentage for cash back, but 0% fee for Amazon gift card. Which is cash in my world.
“Cassaundra Fryman is a Libertarian and started her term 01/01/2020. She hopes to continue working with the city council to bring more liberty to her constituents.”
Way to fall into the stereotype, Cassaundra.
These handfuls of delegates who were in favor of legalization argued that the legalization will end the war on drugs and will resolve racial inequities.
You can’t legalize weed. There’s just too much money in it. – H. Clinton.
The whole war on drugs program sure as hell seems like a make-work program, doesn’t it?
The main problem I have with drug decriminalization is that we have seen what the police do instead: “Interdiction of Human Trafficking” – which is an odd way of saying “arresting prostitutes”.
Look they shouldn’t be trafficking themselves, it’s the gateway to trafficking others.
Human Trafficking might be the platonic ideal of an imaginary problem.
You arrest an immigrant sex worker. She has two choices here when she talks to the authorities:
1. “I came here on a student visa four years ago, couldn’t hack school, started stripping, and now I have a decent rotation of clients who pay me for sex once or twice a week. I make 2000 bucks a week sleeping with a handful of middle aged men who’s wives sex drives died 20 years ago.”
2. “Oh woe is me, I am a poor immigrant woman of color who was TRAFFICKED AGAINST MY WILL AND FORCED INTO SEXUAL SLAVERY. I was horribly abused and mistreated by dastardly fiends.”
Choice 1 gets you processed into the system as a criminal, Choice 2 gets you into the system as a victim.
The idea that there are women who make the completely rational choice to sell their bodies over another job is simply not even on the radar. Women are pure and innocent angels, only the corrupting influence of wicked men could turn them into sex workers.
I see a pattern in today’s links….
I want to point out that Messican buttseks is missing….
Curses! Next time.
“He said ‘’We cannot ignore the fact that the current marijuana criminalization policy has in too many cases been used to target people of color. They are unfairly and disproportionately six times more likely to be arrested than other citizens.”
Similarly, Iowa County Supervisor Stacey Walker also expressed his support and said that ‘’black people are “overpoliced and brutalized over the same trace amounts of marijuana than white kids in this country are using without fear of repercussion or consequence.”
He also said that “I’m imploring all of you to approach this with an open mind and heart. Do something big here. Take one small but meaningful step toward changing the course of history. If my black life matters to you, you will consider this amendment. We want to get in good trouble today, and I urge you to do the right thing and support it.”
Many delegates who were in favor of the legalization testified that marijuana should be federally legalized in the county. Most of the delegates who voted in favor of legalization mentioned that it would reduce the racial injustice in the country.”
So everything has to be about race?
Of course, like this white Samoan who was sentenced to prison for slavery and human trafficking.
“Man, those Samoans are a surly bunch.”
Ask law-abiding people in “black neighborhoods” what they think of drug-dealers hanging out on street corners.
Nobody cares about marijuana, though. Last year I was working at a construction project in Brooklyn across the street from housing projects. Every day around 10:00 AM or so a group of guys would come out and hang around the front entrance playing music and smoking weed. The cops would pass by and not even give them a second look.
The cops don’t care but the residents do.
Riven! Yay! Good Morning!
And I knew it would be Vulfpeck. Everything’s coming up Festus!
Haha! We recently discovered them thanks to a podcast Mr. Riven listens to.
Instead of listening to rock and rap when we lift weights, now we listen to funk. It’s been wild.
If you hung around here more, you’d have been introduced earlier like I was… 😉
Only teasing, good to see you Riven!
I am hoping to be around more, for sure!
SJWednesday: You Won’t Believe This One Weird Trick To Getting Rich
I’m sorry, we don’t pay danegeld.
Herpity derpity gobbledy gook.
Best translation possible…
“Inclusion and acceptance do not equal redistribution and reparations.” I commend her honesty in admitting she doesn’t give a crap about equality or inclusion, she just wants to get paid.
Well, she acknowledges that white people are pandering and admits what they really want.
^^ I tend to agree in tech companies.
Look at google. They make all these statements about trans rights, gender diversity, racial inclusion, etc. Internally, any voice of dissent to this language is persecuted hard (c.f. James Damour). They have done all these things to improve their diversity metrics that have moved NOWHERE in the past 10 years. They are still heavily male dominated, majority white and Asian. Look at their leadership and, other than those that got golden parachutes when they left under a cloud of sexual harassment allegations, the same men are in charge. Sundar talks a big game, but he isn’t about to actually fire or demote one of his buddies in lieu of a woman or historically oppressed minority.
This isn’t to endorse any level of diversity. But the fact is that Google’s leaders have been spectacularly ineffective in getting results close to what they talk about, and the people they are placating heap tons of praise on them. The only people suffering are the cis-white males who dare to push back, the minorities who continue to be under-represented, and the women who work in one of the most hostile, male-nerd dominated workforces I have ever experienced.
Any tech company who works with the ChiComs automatically proves that any of their “diversity oppression inclusion happy rainbows and sunshine” nonsense is complete bullshit pandering.
You can’t create a diverse workforce in tech by simply willing it into existence. It’s not academia, in that it requires actual skills in order to produce.
The question is what do the minority communities want and what do they push for their children? And I don’t even care for that since it relegates individuals to a member of a group, but the reality is blacks in general don’t push engineering and math to their kids while Asians do.
“Reality”. Rhee!
For the first couple of years, we had more African expats than African-Americans. They made a serious effort to grab NCGs.
If everyone got a degree in STEM, it would rapidly become a profession that didn’t earn a lot of money in return for the people going into it.
However those sorts of professions have a floor to it, in that it is “hard”, and so not everyone will do it.
The same is true with BigLaw. Endless blathering, meetings, diversity and inclusion initiatives, etc. and still relentlessly white, although less male, I suppose.
Were heading towards diversity quotas for our outside counsel. Our legal department is now majority female, and quite racially diverse, but almost no intellectual diversity. The exception is the patents department, where we match much closer to the demographics of the rest of the company. Very white/asian, very male. Why? Because you need an engineering or physics degree to qualify.
I don’t know about the minority diversity, but the Gender diversity problems at Google are spectacularly bad. Despite all this talk about how they have these goals or diversity, I have never experienced a place so full of man-child chauvanistic bullshit. I have seen meetings that were “The Office”-levels of bad, where a male would listen to a woman explain something and then turn to another man and be like, “Is that correct?”
I think back to circa 2000 when the dot-com industry was running strong, and I hang my head in shame. It was like an endless frat party- tons of guys in their 20s with millions of dollars working hard while non-stop harassing women in the office. I have been at my dot-com hold over for 15 years and while the place has calmed down a LOT since then, almost every leader I know from that timeframe has so many skeletons in their closet that they are a walking liability to the company. The fact that they still have jobs at the company confuses me to this day.
Women are going into business, finance, medicine, and law in much greater numbers than they are going into science, engineering, technology, or math.
I don’t see men being the norm in management in 10 years’ time. They will still be doing the grunt work, but women will be taking the leadership and executive roles.
yes, but women tend to follow a different path than men. Taking law as an example, anecdotally, a lot of women end up hopping off of the traditional career ladder at some point or another. More than a few made the jump to HR. Some have just settled into a position that they like and have stopped trying to get promoted. Some have shifted to a part-time role. Even my manager took a circuitous path to her current position, and landed the job partially because 4 or 5 of the most obvious candidates didn’t want it.
Some men do the same things, but IME, not nearly as often.
I work with a company that is very female heavy at upper management levels. The one thing I notice working in IT is that none of them can make decisions in a timely fashion and they all want to talk endlessly as if that will solve things. That might work in areas where talk is more important than action, but in IT it is a recipe for disaster. And before you accuse me of being a male chauvinist pig, the male managers are also worthless spineless chatterboxes, so people like me are left with having to be rude in meetings and tell them all that if they can’t make a decision, I will. They get even angrier when I tell them it doesn’t worry me to call the shots, because I at least then know it will be done right. Management is where people that cant do real work go to get out of the way of those that do work.
Consensus builders
I had a boss like that one time. He wouldn’t make a decision until everybody agreed. It was infuriating.
Agreed Scruff.
I come from a background where leaders are expected to lead. It is fine to ask for input and to listen, but a decision needs to be made. When you have a group that is too large or just wanders all over the place instead of actually working a problem, nothing is worse than someone that thinks the best thing to do is to let everyone talk it out. Too many asshats like the sound of their own voice more than they like actually adding value and helping things move along. And when you can waste 90% of the time bullshitting then tell the people doing the work the deadline still is the same so fuck you, you lose not just my respect but my desire to not plant my foot in your ass.
Consensus builders
It all comes out of this flattened hierarchy, everybody’s voice matters, we’re a family movement.
no, Im a paid mercenary. you tell me my target, and I execute. you don’t pay me to put together a 3 year strategy, and frankly, I don’t have all the information required to make that strategy.
Back when academia called the major “Data Processing” it attracted lots of women and black guys. Then they changed the name to “Computer Science” and they got more Asians but women and black guys taking that major dropped in half. Then they changed it to “Software Engineering” and it attracted more Asians but it attracted zero women and black dudes, and only half the white guys.
Those really should be 3 different majors, even to this day.
And the first software engineer, both in the sense that she coined the term and applied it to herself, was a woman named Margaret Hamilton.
Ooh, witchy woman.
I still only see “Computer Science” programs. Never heard of a “Software Engineering” program, unless it’s some sort of certification thing.
There was a Software Engineering program at RIT when I was there.
/former Software Engineering major.
I guess that shows how out-of-touch I am.
But I agree with kbo; those are two different disciplines.
Fun Fact To qualify as an accredited “Engineering” degree, physics was a requirement.
some schools today have data science, computer science, software/computer engineering, and IT majors.
Well, it’s 2018, and frankly, we want money, resources, and power.
Fine, earn it, like everybody else.
Well, except for the power. You can fuck right off if that is what you’re after.
Molon labe
Well, it’s 2018
What does being two thousand and eighteen years after the poorly estimated birth of a religious figure you probably don’t even believe in have to do with anything?
Because being ${CURRENT_YEAR} justifies embracing whatever madness flits through their shit-addled skulls.
Good morning, Riven!
What a nice surprise. I hope you and the Mr. are both well!
I am tired of the fucking drug war. As a matter of fact, I’m tired of all the warz.
I sure wish there was a political party who hates wars as much as I (we) do.
Anyone know of one?
Peace and freedom party?
Back in the day there was a “Party-Party” and “The Monster Raving Loony Party” in Britain. Up here we had the “Rhino Party” for a bit. Nope. Get used to it. The left/right paradigm ain’t going nowhere for a good long time. “If you row, you live!”
“Listen up! You’re all condemned men here, you exist to serve this ship. Therefore, row well…and live.”
Yep. From yesterday. I wish that I had the lower teeth energy of Charlton Heston! I’d rule the fucking World!
[4] equal rights for ostriches.
Australian sex: they do it upside down?
Bukkake Party. The nomination process has a lot of ups and downs.
And a good morning to you! We are doing pretty well today. No complaints, anyway 🙂
I mean, I guess I could complain about the drug war… **suspicious bubbling noises**
I love Vulfpeck. They sound like every edgy TV show from the 70’s.
The edgiest shows of the 70s were the cartoons…
Pretty much.
” (If you have a pregnant daughter stupid enough to gambol with ProAntifa, warn her”
Glibs everywhere are triggered.
Rousseau was an asshole who felt that man was incapable of great things without subservience to a higher authority.
He’s the guy who waved the social contract in our faces.
He was someone that liked the concept of serfdom, but understood telling the serfs to shut up and do work was not gonna fly, so he made up this shit about social equality and the need to have a system that pretends to not have top men that tell you wtf to do.
I’m not so optimistic.
this. if the author can point me to one country that is more free after a commie uprising, I’ll consider his argument.
Her, and she discusses Portugal which is more free today than it was at the timer of their socialist rising, (as is Chile). She is not saying socialism is benign she is saying it is dying not strengthening. I don’t know that I buy her argument, but I would like to.
fair, but I think her experience is the exception, not the rule. as she stated, it was commies revolting against Nazis. The French and Russian revolution didn’t have that dynamic. The German “revolution” (to the extent that the nazi takeover can be seen that way) did have that dynamic, and ended up in a pretty dark place.
We don’t really have that dynamic. we have a culture polluted by the various socialist factions, but we’re not really a socialist run country. The soviets were in power for 80 years, and I’m not sure how that outcome is anything but likely here in the US.
Does freedom from food count?
*The NSFW naked Athena video is farther down on the page.
If you’re going to do that stuff try to not stand out from the crowd. He must have been out sick for Antifa 101 that day.
She’s pretty fine. I dig the 70’s era bush but am really disappointed about the lack of “wolf-whistles” from the King’s Men.
They’re not sending their best.
Is that the one true naked Athena?
Good Morning!
Public service message. Sensei need a new Digital Multimeter. I got tired that my 25 year old Fluke 73 doesn’t do AC RMS voltage. I love Fluke’s stuff but didn’t want to spend $360 for a new 177. I just don’t use it enough.
Well I’ll be, but Amazon has decided to get into this game. Sadly this is now $80 instead of the screaming $43 bargain mentioned in this video.
Amazon 90DM600 vs Fluke 179 III Multimeter
The thing rocks for $80! As noted in the disassembly it’s got real input protection unlike lots of the cheap Chinese meters all over the market.
Where was it made?
Where else? Even Fluke outsources to the communists.
Brymen is made in Taiwan, but not generally available in the US. They OEM for Green Lee here. Good availability in Europe. There is another meter company in South Korea, but the name is escaping me at the moment.
Amprobe AM-530 TRMS Electrical Contractor Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage Detector and Temperature.
I picked a cheaper one of these up for 35$ last year. mine was not true RMS, but is is rugged well made and cheap.
In college we used to say, “If it’s a great multimeter… it’s a fluke!”
It’s pretty nuts, I’ve seen brand new scopes for less than $100.
Huh, I didn’t expect Amazon to get into that market.
Here is OEM
Sensei, I have a Fluke 179 and I would literally trust my life with it. But, I have been up on 460vac, and occasionally higher, often enough that it makes a difference.
Totally get that!
I’m using this on residential 240V split phase. If I were using this day to day my life is worth the extra $300.
I’ve had my Fluke 73 apart and while it is only 600V Cat II rated the thing is built like a tank. It’s never failed me.
I hate it when I try to cool some water in the freezer, forget about it and have to wait for it to thaw.
Just don’t do that with anything canned…
It was just filtered water poured into an empty soda bottle. Even frozen solid there wasn’t enough pressure to brust the thing.
I guess rhe links are a positive omen since I’m meeting a new drug dealer this afternoon. It still passes me off that I have to do all the stupid steps of clandestine meetings just to buy a product that I could just walk into a store for in other states.
Wish I could flee NY.
Tommy Boy Voice – “Sinner…”
Riven! Wow, what a way to reappear, with a.m. lynx!
Today I will be teaching XY how to make my much-beloved not-marinara spaghetti sauce.
Me: You have to understand, I just throw stuff in.
XY: I can’t cook like that. I have to have exact amounts.
Me: If you think I’m writing out exact amounts, you got another think coming.
Techniques are more useful than recipes.
^ this. Recipes are merely suggestions.
Time to explain the difference between baking and cooking.
He doesn’t bake.
I had to write out a recipe for how I make box macaroni and cheese (“some evaporated milk, some butter, I don’t know how much” didn’t work). “Keep adding stuff till you like it” also did not work.
He has access to my recipe book/site but I often don’t have measurements on his favorites.
“How much salt do you use when you cook ground beef?”
Dude, dafuq?
I probably should have answered that one, but OTOH, he’ll never oversalt it again.
His brain don’t calibrate like yours. Allowances must be made. I couldn’t do what you guys do.
Interesting. Perhaps baking would appeal more with the requirements for strict measurements and structure? Or something like a souffle which has certain things that need to be done in a certain order, but have some looseness allowed in the sauce portion?
The girlfriend is the same way when it comes to cooking. She’s finally gotten comfortable doing things like pasta bakes (~1/2 pound pasta, jar sauce, ~2 cups of shredded cheese, ~1/2 pound of meat) without a strict recipe. Of course, even with a recipe, she’ll skim it, and then miss something important (one of the first times she tried to do a casserole, she added the noodles, and skipped the cooked</em portion of the ingredients).
I mentioned the other night that your “Girlfriend” is adorable but must be eye-rollingly difficult to live with. Think Judy Holliday. I love her a little…
Hey look at Mojeaux, she’s using crazy made-up words 😉
:cries for Gdragon’s kidneys:
I have similar conversations with Mrs. Spartacus. She asks me how much of an ingredient I put in, and I usually shrug and say “Enough.”
I have found measuring things when not baking isn’t as important as the order in which they are added. I am not a good baker. It is probably because other than bread, I am not a big fan of most baked products. Don’t get me wrong, I can enjoy me some oatmeal-raisin cookies, but I won’t die without it. Becoming hyper from chocolate laced crap also makes my baked food options limited which is fine by me.
1.2 pinches of salt per serving.
Brewing is baking.
Brewing is also cooking. You can adjust time in contact with wood, fruit, dry hops, etc. with changing the flavor profile without changing the attenuation or gravity.
Sure, but that is like saying that icing a cake is cooking instead of baking.
Buttercream: 1 lb softened butter, 4 lbs powdered sugar, a little evaporated milk, flavoring of your choice … to taste.
1:4 is a ratio. XX got that immediately.
How much is “a little”? What’s it supposed to taste like?
/just trolling
If I use vanilla, I often add an equal amount of almond. Love that wedding cake taste combo.
Beer is liquid bread.
Yes. And was probably literally discovered that way. Some rainwater gets in the bread mix and gets ignored for a few days. For some idiotic reason, the person drinks it instead of throwing it out.
For some idiotic reason, the person drinks it instead of throwing it out.
🙂 I suspect the idiotic reason was that when you are a bottom caste Egyptian or Chinese worker you don’t get a replacement scoop of grain when your ration gets wet and starts to bubble.
God Bless You, Mojo for putting up with that crap. He’ll find his niche, eventually but in the meantime I don’t have the words. I saw two of them traipsing up the street again on Sunday and thought that they were twins. Nope. Just like meeting like and pure love abounding. He’ll be fine and best of luck finding “lost thing”.
Naw, I don’t mind teaching him. It means I don’t have to do it. The thing I hate most is chopping the onions. I get spaghetti without working for it.
Thank you for the well wishes. I’m 99.9% sure I “hid” it. But damn.
Tell him that the current state-of-the art training methodology is for the person demonstrating the technique to be different from the person documenting it. You’re supposed to cook, and he’s supposed to write the recipe based on his observations. Then he attempts to replicate the process by following his written procedure only, and you observe and note discrepancies.
*nervous tic begins in eyelid, swiftly spreads to limbs akimbo*
XY is correct, you are wrong.
I’m sorry, robc, but you are once again wrong.
Do you even cook?
No, I bake. Actually, I cook too, but I prefer baking. But I try to cook from recipes, especially if it something I don’t know. Once I have mastered it, sure, then you go freehand. But until then, you measure your damn ingredients.
Spicing, on the other hand, I usually dont measure. I can freehand them. But 20 years ago, I would have measured.
And when I make my spice rub for certain meats, I measure it out.
And when I make my spice rub for certain meats, I measure it out.
I do as well.
I cook a lot, but I still like recipes. Other people have figured out the best ways to make stuff, why not benefit from their labor?
Regular conversation in my household.
Wife: Will you help me make X?
Me: Sure, send me the recipe.
^^^ This. I totally understand XY here. If i’m out of my depth and don’t know where to start, i don’t want to waste food trying to cook without some directions as to what the right amounts should be.
Cooking is all the senses, baking is science.
Science involves all the senses, plus a few humans dont have.
common sense?
Give a recipe that says words like “bunch”, “pinch”, “handfuls”
Spinners in the corner.
Sorry Festus!
Now I am off to go throw together a breakfast bake with random ingredients
Never mind…I see you have already tried this Jedi mind trick.
NA’s idea isn’t bad at all.
I’ve seen the flip side of that in some recipes. Asking for items such as 1/2 cup of diced [vegetable]. Look, if that’s going to end me with a quarter of a carrot/onion/pepper/etc. the whole damn thing is getting diced up and added.
Depends on the veggie. Adding an extra few ounces of carrot or potato is unlikely to ruin a dish, onion or garlic maybe maybe not, ginger, or any hot pepper and you may have an exciting experience.
Wow, I JUST had this same conversation about the same subject with my momma.
I had a funny image of a role reversal, but I don’t want to insult anyone’s mother, so I’ll assume you were the one who didn’t grasp that there are too many variables to boil it down to a fixed recipe rather than a technique.
No, I just wanted to make it, and was surpirsed it has tasted the same for at least 35 years. I wanted to know the base recipe so I could start dialing it in.
Yes. I dial it in.
I feel this. Last month I started working on a recipe book for my boy.
Pizza Dough- So much depends on ambient temperature, humidity in the air, water on hand, etc….there’s no way to describe how to get it just right. You touch it. You feel it. You watch how the bread hook is moving and adjust accordingly. How the hell do you write that up?
Sauces- I can get you close, but once again you need to taste and adjust at all time.
Meat- Even a perfect steak. How long is it in the cast iron before placing it in the oven? It depends. Chicken. How long to grill? So many things are based on “you can smell it” or “touch and feel” that you can’t write about it.
I can solve the steak one with two words: reverse sear. Put steak on top rack of grill until it reaches internally temp of 110F, maybe slightly higher for super thick steaks, like 3 inch. Then move to main grill and sear both sides.
How the hell do you write that up?
I have baseline measurements I work off of. I have them memorized.
21oz bread flour
2 tbsp olive oil
380g warm water
2 heaping tsp kosher salt
1 tsp sugar
2.25 tsp yeast
then I adjust until the texture is correct. a pinch of flour, a quarter tsp of water. whatever it takes to get it to come together correctly.
I can’t imagine doing pizza dough (or any bread) without my scale and my measuring spoons.
You have to understand, I just throw stuff in.
*curls up in fetal position and rocks back and forth*
(I’m kidding, BTW, but I’m more on XY’s side of the spectrum than yours. It takes lots of practice for me to build up a natural intuition as to how to balance proportions in a recipe)
It’s okay. A roommate told me what to do and I knew enough about spaghetti sauce to grasp it. Then when I made it she said I used too much garlic.
“No, I didn’t, trust me.”
If you’re interested in bolstering your feel, read Salt Fat Acid Heat. Really helped me out with learning how to throw stuff together.
Bought it. Thanks for the recommendation!
Hope this is taken with the charity with which I write it!
Of course; that’s fine; you do you: write one.
Life is like this always every day: different people process things their own way. When you encounter systems that don’t make sense, you take your own notes, even create a nomenclature if necessary. Every thing on the planet that doesn’t distill to features you can easily process can’t be abandoned as impenetrable, imponderable, unachievable; that way lies destruction.
This is a life skill. I’ve taught technical details to engineers who couldn’t process them until the third pass; we share the same language, I’ve been in teaching/sales/training/writing roles for most of my career, and I’m still learning how different everyone processes things. . . which I maintain is a strength, not a weakness in our species.
These different systems are also a central virtue to education, even learning things that you won’t use much in life. Chemistry, Latin, music, chess, business law, FORTRAN, circuits, algebra, accounting, syntax, economics . . . . to learn any of these is to broaden the mind to new (to you, to me) architectures, names, conventions, transactions, and history, making you quicker, wiser, more insightful, a better listener, a better manager in the life of (I pray for you) encountering, inventing, and triumphing with/over more new things.
Word. ✊
Okay. Consensus is I make it and he takes notes.
Will do.
^This, so much this. Many people recognize this phenomenon when they are being taught by someone with a radically different communication/processing method than their own, only good teachers can recognize it when they are the one teaching, for most people ego gets in the way which I suspect is a big part of the reason so few people are good teachers.
I am a crap teacher because I don’t know what I know or how I know it.
I also have tried to teach via email so I’m not sure how much is me and how much is the medium.
I give explanations they don’t understand. They ask questions I don’t understand.
Years ago someone gave me some advice that took me years to really process and use (and I still struggle with it). If you want to understand something better find a bright person, who is interested in that thing, but completely ignorant about it, preferably a child, and teach it to them. It is hard, humbling, and very very frustrating but it works. You end up having to come at the subject from perspectives you don’t typically use and you get these moments of epiphany doing it. I was a terrible student when I was a kid because I was arrogant about my mind, and could coast and get by easily. That meant I never really learned algebra, because I could brute force most things. A few years back I brushed up on it to be able to tutor my niece and a friend’s kid and it was eye opening how much better I understood concepts after teaching them.
Ah, maybe you can give him some very rough guidelines? I learned to cook from my dad, who was very much like you, and I continue to the tradition of Not Measuring to this day when cooking.
But when you just start out, it’s nice to have a ballpark figure to start with, despite cooking being an art (and not a science, like baking). I’m guessing the biggest hangup is on spices, so just give him some easy approximate instructions.
“Probably start with a teaspoon of cumin, but then taste it. … Does it need more? Did we put too much in? We can fix it; let me show you.”
Yeah, I’ll make it and he will take notes.
Stress the taste part. That is what recipes omit most of the time. Taste, taste, taste throughout the whole process if you can, especially if one is not using exact measurements.
And not using the stirring spoon to do the tasting!
/checks to see when the next season of Worst Cooks in America (non-celebrity) is going to be on Hulu
and not using a metal stirring spoon in a non-stick pot
/glares in wife’s direction
Just make sure to clean the spoon after every taste before putting it back in the food…
While it wouldn’t bother me much considering I know what heat does to bacteria, some people are just not able to get past that point.
He shot a video for his whole 90 YouTube subscribers.
Mammalian lordosis on Ass Wednesday.
“pull ups + deadlifts = sexy backs”
Hmm…. I think many of these women aren’t following that formula.
I say #2 and #32 are. Possibly also #17.
I’m very okay with these links.
SJWednesday: Stop Being Polite To Me, It’s Oppressive
Congratulations. You’re just like everybody else having a bad day but don’t want to burden somebody who’s just being polite.
She sounds like a sociopath to me. Completely incapable of interaction with normal people.
I think that kind of sociopathy can be learned. Tell smebody strongly enough, enough times, and they’ll believe they’re oppressed and act accordingly.
The genius of the oppression narrative is that it is very compatible with confirmation bias. Every single suboptimal thing that happens to a person gets attributed to oppression. It must be nearly impossible to deprogram.
Marx was a genius marketer.
The BLM founders agree.
Tough call. She is a med student, but she’s interacting with other med students and academics. Probably safest to assume they are all sociopaths.
Local news interviewed a couple of med students about the semester starting up with most classes online. Christ, what a couple of gamma soyboys.
When dealing with lawyers and doctors it is always best to start out with at least an awareness of the increased likelihood of sociopathy. Hmm, what does that say about lawyers that work for hospitals… 😉
She must be a true pleasure to be around but then again if you ignored her she’d get pissy about that too.
Oh, fuck off, you hypersensitive twat.
Hope for her future patients she doesn’t want to be a GP or anything patient facing.
Future public health consultant. betcha dollar.
“I’ve learned to respond to these questions with a smile painted on my face and a ‘Fine, how about you?'”
Ummm…. what the fuck does any of this have to do with your race? My lord these people will gin up anything to support their oppression narrative.
Gotta just brush this stuff off – the left media loves to present people with obvious mental problems as having something “important” to say.
See above re confirmation bias.
You’re not having a bad day: Mo Gaba, young Orioles and Ravens superfan who battled cancer, dies at 14
I remember when he first started calling in to local radio shows and thinking how cool this kid was. It was months before everyone knew he battled cancer his entire life while blind. Bad circumstances, but he was always happy and optimistic. RIP.
Match report – KF&G Action Pistol 26 July 2020
The People: Because this was the first shoot in the area, shooters that would not have otherwise bothered* to attend our little event came and put on a clinic. Typical attendance is the low twenties to low thirties. This time we had forty-six, with pre-registration required and a predicted temperature high in the 90s.
The Masks: You were required to bring a mask. You were explicitly NOT required to wear one while shooing. Most people were unmasked, but there was zero flak in either direction. I assume people knew that making comments would just spoil what we were all there for.
The politics: None. As above. There isn’t usually much politics at one of these things, just a little bit of bitching about Cuomo specifically in re: 2A. But this time even that was shelved.
The Gunz: I’m going to unjustifiably take credit for this one. There are three clubs that feed almost all of the shooters into this event. KF&G which is the host club and predominantly hunters and Cowboy Shooters, SCoCP which I don’t know much about but seems to be wealthy go-to-the-range-a-few-times-in-the-summer, and SS which is the shooting sports guys/women. I shoot with SS IDPA, and use a Beretta M9. I have seen zero other Berettas at that club (it’s overwhelmingly SIGs, with some CZs and S&W). However, at this shoot, there were two other guys packing brand new Berettas (a LTT and a 92X). I thought that the 92X was a decocker only by default, but apparently not.
Also, one of the guys in my squad was shooting his HK P7. He said it lived up to the accuracy hype, and overheating wasn’t a problem.
The shooting:
I had a few severe mental errors early on (I was down 2 over fifteen targets on one stage. Unfortunately, there were sixteen targets I was supposed to shoot at. Whoopsie.) but by the back half of the match I’d settled down and was shooting well (and not just for me). I was not expecting this, since long-term exposure to heat makes me stupid and shaky. I don’t know if it was the force-hydration I was doing or what. However, a lot of other people must have been likewise rusty, as my place in the rankings wasn’t atypical, and I placed ahead of several shooters that I know are better than me. 12/46 overall, 7/22 in SSP. I did have a brief flash of competence and wound up placing 3rd on one of the stages. I seem to do well on stages with short bursts of movement so the fast people can’t build a lead on me, medium to close range, and where I can reload on the move.
*I don’t blame people who are serious about their shooting hobby skipping our event since we don’t contribute to any kind of ranking. One of the real shooters literally had enough time after activating the bear trap/clamshell to knock down a plate before returning to put three in the down-zero ring on the shoot target.
I missed all the targets.
Steel Challenge is back. Pre-registration on Practiscore required. Because of the ammo situation, I’ll be RFRI, RFPI as soon as it gets out of gun jail.
Well, I have not yet lost the Ruger over the side of a boat.
Are they going to be as mask agnostic as the big shoot?
Completely different group of people, so I don’t know what it’s going to be like IRL. The official description says “social distancing will be followed, Bring your own mask.”
Honestly, with electronic earpro, staying 6′ apart and having a conversation is no big deal. Also, apparently they took advantage of the shutdown to build more bays at the club. I don’t know if they’re being used yet or not.
At the Western PA Sectional match, out of about 250 shooters, there were maybe five or six masked up, and even they lost the masks when actually shooting. Running around full-speed in 95-degree heat with your face covered doesn’t seem like a great idea.
Activating moving targets and then shooting some extra static targets during the activation is one of the great joys of practical shooting. I think that there were four opportunities to do it at W-PA, and I went for all of them. So much fun.
I’m still at the “remember to have enough ammo when approaching the activator so you don’t need to reload” stage of competency.
I broke the link:
For those of you who don’t know what a clamshell is:
The time between having the target shootable and it being covered by a no-shoot target is not much. Especially when there is a breeze coming toward you.
Bernie…. What a joke. Lost to a senile man.
Ummmm… ok?
Well, obviously, she needs to shell out for appointments with someone who will (or alt least pretend to) love it.
Richmond burns with Portland.
On Saturday night, antifa rioters launched a “Richmond Stands with Portland” rally, reportedly circulating an online flyer that called for violence. A large mob converged on the Richmond Police Department (RPD) headquarters, setting fires and throwing rocks and other objects at police after having broken windows and wreaked havoc on the streets of Virginia’s capital city. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) claimed the riots caused more than $100,000 in damage.
Antifa is a myth, these were white supremacists
“Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) claimed the riots caused more than $100,000 in damage.”
Can’t wait till next General Assembly, where a special appropriations bill is passed to make this vital institution whole again from the general fund.
Surely they have insurance?
I mean, they’re a public university so one way or another, it’s my money in the end.
They do, BTW, have a decent sized police force with full arrest powers that could have actually enforced the law.
“In the hedonistic 90s, Supernova Heights played host to an almost endless orgy of drink, drugs and sex”
“The hedonistic 90s”? Millennials who weren’t there are so quaint. Oasis and Noel Gallagher suck anyway.
The 90s were more prudish than the two decades preceding them
Yeah AIDS really made people into hedonistic sex fiends in the 90s donchaknow.
I remember those days of getting tested before hooking up.
The 70’s were probably peak sex hedonism.
And who was the little midget ‘doctor’ freaking everyone out about how easy it was to contract the AIDS?
Owchie or Fucky, or something like that.
The era between the pill and AIDS.
Or, as the NYT will tell you, Kennedy invented sex, Reagan ruined it.
Yeah, AIDS and crack really took the bloom off of sex and drugs.
AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz?
Knew it.
Ugh. I like some of their stuff but the “scene” they are describing is gross.
Where were you when we were getting high?
Ya’ll laugh at the Millennials for calling the 90’s hedonistic. But think about this. In the 90’s you could hook up in college and not be called a rapist the next day by the jealous room mate and then expelled.
I don’t get groupies. Or fandom in general. Or orgies for that matter.
Stock up on popcorn.
I don’t know if Jarflax is on today, but we got into a “disagreement” that i think was us just talking about different things. One of the things he mentioned was the politicians hamstringing cops, which is a fair point. When cities pass these asinine ordinances that cops can’t used non-lethal means, it just means laws will always be enforced by the most brutal means.
It’s kind of like saying “Sanctions are bad, so we have to eliminate them as an option in foreign policy”, the problem isn’t that the tool is available, as i think that is preferable than outright war.
Anyway, i think this is my way of saying sorry to jarflax for being obstinate stubborn ass yesterday.
…i think this is my way of saying sorry…
Libertarian credentials REVOKED!
Speaking of that…
Cleveland City Hall not involved in pitch or initial planning for presidential debate
So the real debate, do I try to go, or try to get the fuck out of town for that clusterfuck?
No apology owed or needed. I realized after the fact that we were basing our views on different situations that seem related but may not be. I was talking about Atlanta where the pols charged a cop with murder for a shooting I believe was justified leading to the cops all quitting. and Portland where the cops were denied the use of ‘less lethal’ weaponry during an open insurrection.
You ( I think, correct me if I am wrong) were talking about the Police Union types announcing that cops would not go into dangerous situations anymore if anyone dared to mess with their pensions/immunity/special rights when they do something awful. And took umbrage (quite reasonably because I have replied to you a couple of times with my current bete noire which is the rise of dogmatism in every community. Purity tests/dogma/knee jerk reactions are very human, but they make debate impossible) To be really clear I am NOT accusing you of any special dogmatism, I view it as a universal trait in humanity that must be fought individually, and I do not believe you are one of the people here who is especially prone to it. So long winded lead up over. I also apologize.
No need to apologize. Yeah i totally get the Georgia incident seems pretty bad. I know a cop who had a lady charge at him with a gun during the begining of all this nonsense and was worried because the local DA was running for State AG.
Mutley giggle.
The Dems have finally lost the police unions. Once again, they just assume a group of people will support them forever, no matter how much they shit on them. But everyone has their limits. And Trump is happy to take them in.
Eh, I think cops have been voting Republican for years, no matter what the union says.
Only for POTUS. At the state and local level they do as the machine tells them.
In the 90’s I used to live in the only ward in Chicago that had a Republican alderman (in part because the retired Dem alderman endorsed him), and lots o’ cops live there. The Democrats made certain that they got a party-obedient cop to run for alderman to get that ward back and they succeeded.
Are their more self righteous jobs than being a cop or a teacher? Like even as diefied as the armed forces are most of the rank and file will take the time to showcase some humility. These fuckers have none.
The difference between cops/teachers and veterans is that veterans don’t tend to glorify themselves. The whole “thank you for your service” thing is something that is received more so than it is solicited.
Cops and teachers are always talking about how super special and vital they are. They are high on their own supply.
Have a laugh
The John Lewis logistics are afoot, and I must say that I never get this one: why is the military the supplier of pall-bearing talent? If he were a veteran, it would make sense. In the current case, the question returns.
I don’t object, mind you: I’m just long-since tired of defaulting to the military as the owners and embodiment of patriotism. They’re patriots; lots of us are. To me this is as weird as prayers and fly-overs at football games.
As far as labor pool goes, why wouldn’t he be borne by six DoJ lawyers? or EEOC admins? or OSHA inspectors? or Commerce robots? Is the Pentagon the only place where guys who can lift 50 pounds and walk in time are found?
Have you seen Jerry Nadler?
I think you raise valid questions. As for why the military? I imagine it is because they are the government org that has people who Funeral Honors is their job, and practice it.
Lewis is an interesting case. He was a true civil rights hero back in the day. But then he chose to beclown himself by joining the party of slavery and Jim Crow and falsely calling opponents racists to advance his own power and wealth through race-baiting hucksterism.
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Eric Hoffer
“I’m just long-since tired of defaulting to the military as the owners and embodiment of patriotism.”
Yes. When someone says they’ll go ahead and stand for the flag at a sporting event so as not to offend veterans and service members, my reaction is, “The flag, American ideals, patriotism, etc., are for all Americans, not just military members.”
Daily Caller
On the night St. John’s Church was set on fire:
RASKIN: Are you aware that church leaders “all denounced this police assault on the civil rights and civil liberties of the people?”
BARR: “Did they do that before or after the fire was put out?”
I like his dead-pan responses to their histrionic wailing. Ralphy grew up.
I like it when the Congresscritters get zinged.
Like with a lemon?
True Believer or Troll?
True Believer
There’s plenty of them to go around.
Yeah, that was excellent, especially Raskin’s response of “Uh, oh, urp!…”.
“I’m a single mom that works full time and I’m sleep deprived because I have to “protest” every night.”
NBC News
“Black Lives Matter. That’s why we’re here … I’m a mom, and I heard George when he called out ‘mama.’ That’s why I’m here.”
A Portland mother explains why she continues to protest.
Clearly, a stable and well-adjusted individual.
Jesus, the replies…
“Alfonso Nation
This is the passion that rocked the nation when that video surfaced. This is the heart of the movement. This is the empathy our “president” should feel and respond to. This is the change we deserve. As a young black American, I applaud this woman. The revolution is here. ✊? #BLM’
I said no pickles Alfonso.
Smoke some meth along with your cup of coffee whenever you awake, that’ll get you going all revved up for a night of mayhem and you won’t even be thinking about sleep.
Well I can see why she’s single.
Is that real full-time or Obama full-time?
China seems unapologetic about mass jailing Uighurs in terrible conditions through a system that brutally deprives them of rights, and the people of their country seem largely indifferent or even supportive. Gosh imagine living in a place like that
Gee, PH, do you normally see a bank vault full of hostages and think, “you know, they look indifferent or supportive.”? Fuck that govt, not the victims of that government. It’s a gulag state and he knows it.
It’s not that he’s unprincipled. It’s just that his principals begin with “people I like are good and deserve rights” and end with “people I don’t like are bad and don’t deserve rights.”
A lot of people say that TDS got to him, but I’m not so sure. If you look at what he wrote for Popehat, most of it is either 101 explainers or him being bitchy towards people who he thinks deserve it. At the time, I didn’t really notice it because I agreed that his targets (Funnyjunk, Prenda Law, etc) are bad. But he does seem to be a true believer in “Hating bad people makes you a good person, and the more you hate them and the worse they are, the more morally righteous you are.”
101 explainers or him being bitchy towards people who he thinks deserve it . . . he does seem to be a true believer in “Hating bad people makes you a good person, and the more you hate them and the worse they are, the more morally righteous you are.”
I don’t have an opinion on this one guy/poster/issue, but this comment really rings true . . . . generally, widely. For that matter, it could stand is as a Glib AboutUs (not gunning for anyone, but this is what half of online content boils down to).
True words hurt the ears, Don.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I just became a better person by adding Don to my hate list!
no doubt: your list is now on the list of the best lists
I just think he really captured the essence of something. I merely normalize (humanize) Glibs by dumping us in.
I might well be guilty of much of the same thing.
Not to be a jack ass, but you didn’t warn him. You told him after he said it. That’s not really a warning.
This must be why it feels so nice when someone says “I love you.”
Surely there is a name for that attitude/philosophy. It’s way too ubiquitous for me to be the first person to notice it.
*Waits impatiently for HM or one of the other academic Glibs to enact my labor*
That’s more than half of Twitter.
Piling on is a national pastime.
Imagine living in a place where you would be to afraid to say that, because Popehat is definately not the kind of person who would speak out against real power to harm him.
“I support Free Speech” — his claim.
“Free speech really means 1A.” — he actually argued this on twitter
“1A means what the government says it means” – he has argued this multiple times.
A stupid false equivalence but it seems to play well with the Twittertards.
it is sadf really because he does make the occasional good point. But intellectual consistency is hard.
Do you really think the average Han gives a shit about the Uighurs?
No, but they see what the govt will do to the Uighurs and think twice about running afoul of the goon squads.
If only they were Wookies…
If they all looked like Dilireba, Han would shoot first.
They don’t give a shit even about the other average Hans. Everyone else is below that bar, so you can take it from there.
They’re outside their Confucian Circle and therefore outsiders. They couldn’t care less.
Example #786 of how gun-grabbers don’t know anything.
Gun control has a problem with the truth. They can’t shoot straight.
Brady: United Against Gun Violence is the latest example of just making it up as they go and thinking no one will notice. Officials there sent out a plea for money claiming the Trump administration’s rollback of a 2002 State Department ban on suppressor exports is putting U.S. service members’ lives at risk. The fundraiser email read as follows:
“The harm is clear: This repeal will increase the risk that U.S. service members will be shot or killed with American-made guns and accessories.
“This repeal is immoral. It’s unpatriotic. It’s lethal.”
It’s also complete BS. Brady should learn to conduct a basic fact check. Even checking Wikipedia would suffice.
Suppressors are just a muffler for a gun. They’re not the Hollywood depiction of the “pffft” puff sound glamorized by the silver screen. Suppressors reduce the noise of gunfire to around 140 decibels, the threshold where instant and permanent hearing loss occurs. It’s still about as loud as a jackhammer.
They’re not the Hollywood depiction of the “pffft” puff sound glamorized by the silver screen. – i have never heard a suppressed gun in real life, but I refuse to believe this. It is to cool to have a silent gun
Suppressors only reduce decibels enough to not cause hearing damage if firing without ear protection. There are factors such as caliber that affect the effectiveness of the suppressor. The only thing that can be “silent” is a .22. 9mm pistols are still fairly loud and rifles .556 and larger are still plenty loud when suppressed.
I want a 44 Magnum and an AK suppressed. I remember in counterstrike you could suppress the m4a1 pretty well.
I just remembered there was a tv show on Romanian TV in the early 90s called Sledge Hammer where the guy had a 44 Magnum with a loudener
I even found a clip
This show?
Properly named Sledge Hammer! (yes the exclamation mark is part of the title).
Sledge Hammer! was an awesome show! Hilarious.
You could do a suppressed AK. Get one in 9×39 and it’ll be easy to go subsonic too. The 44 would be tougher. Revolvers, generally – with the exception of weird things like Nagant revolvers, are unsuppressable, as too much gas/noise escapes through the cylinder gap. I think Desert Eagle makes a 44 mag semi-auto though, and there are plenty of 44 mag rifles.
are you mocking me sir?
No. I am not. My last name is literally Mock. From the German stem “mokk-” meaning “to heap up” and used to denote a short heavyset person……which is apt.
If you put a large silencer on and load it with subsonic ammunition, you can get it it pretty damn quiet. But it’s absolutely audible at a good distance.
The movie bullshit where you can shoot a guard with a silenced pistol and his buddy 15 feet away will hear nothing is just bullshit.
That’s why I firmly believe the Brady Act should have contained funding into research to make that level of silencer a reality. That’s some cool stuff. I played Goldeneye as a boy, and I want that to be the reality.
Not unless the bullet leaves the barrel below the speed of sound. Otherwise you’ll still get a super-sonic boom (more of a “crack” really). And if your gun is semi-automatic, the bolt cycling will still make noise.
Does the pillow over the face and the gun barrel in the pillow work better?
That’s to keep blood splatter off of you, it has no silencing effect.
in some movies it does have a silencing effect
It can quiet things down a bit – but not silent.
I’ve always wondered if a suppressed gunshot is harder to localize.
Half of Mumbai’s slum residents have had coronavirus – study
Herd immunity here we come! I believe India’s head doctor claims it has reached HI.
/Adjusts mask.
Mumbai is at about 300 deaths per million. And with those numbers, they are damn near herd immunity. Putting NYC to shame.
.57*.4 + .16*.6 = 32% of the residents of Mumbai have had covid. Probably not herd immunity yet, but not far off.
Also covid
Dogs can be trained to sniff out #COVID19. 8 dogs trained for 1 week in this well-designed study. “the dogs achieved an overall average detection rate of 94%” Swabs vs dogs? Get these dogs in public transit, airports & schools!
How about no?
Was the handler blind to the status of the case or no?
Hey Riven! Good to see you.
I know I’ll be labeled as an incorrigible shitlord, but isn’t the husband the one who should be giving out the tips?
just the tip?
If this story turns out to be true we are about to be deluged in a tsunami of MSM stories doing a victory lap about their white supremacist stories.
So right now, it is all based on an anonymous email tip
They’ve been hunting for someone to blame the violence on. It doesn’t have to make sense, it doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be acceptable enough for the left to rationalize their beliefs.
Yeah they’re now calling white antifa members that get arrested “white supremacists.” Filthy young hippies wearing Che tshirts with social media blaring out their leftism are now white supremacists.
So all this time the Charlottesville incident was white-supremacist-on-white-supremacist violence and the media was wrong at the time but they are correct now?
A month or so ago there were stories about a “whistleblower” who worked in a lab in Florida, claiming she was forced to fake data to make the governor look good, and was fired when she refused. After 5 minutes of investigation it turned out she didn’t do the job she claimed to do, and was fired for an entirely different reason. I’m getting the same vibe out of this story. It just fits their narrative a little too perfectly.
It’s bullshit. 100% bullshit.
“ties” – Maybe the commie spent time in the same prison as actual white supremacists.
Who knows, maybe he liked a post by a white supremacist on Twitter or Facebook or something. That kind of thing doesn’t count as “ties” in my book but they’re looking for a relationship no matter how tenuous.
Caught in a trap of their own making
The Harper’s letter also denounces the tendency to dissolve complex debates in “a blinding moral certainty.” It is a laudable trait of the classically liberal mind to try to reckon with the potential merits of the opposing side’s view, rather than to simply assume or assert the other side’s iniquity.
But the open letter did not do that. While classical liberalism has a winning record within the broad history of American intellectual life, within the history most relevant to younger writers and activists—say the past quarter-century—it is not hard to see why this philosophy would look weak and timorous. The instinct of liberal intellectuals to see all sides, to critique the power establishment from within rather than attack it frontally from outside, arguably contributed to the debacles of the Iraq War and the 2008 financial crash. The tendency of liberal centrists to believe that political debate is basically on the level, while the right cynically exploits the reality that modern politics is often not on the level and is more about power than ideas, arguably helped vault Donald Trump to the presidency.
Yes, that’s right. Classical liberals (as defined by whoever wrote his) are just too darn nice for their own good. To be sure, freedom of speech is important, but if you don’t shout down the people who disagree with you now, you get Hitler later.
and this:
“The instinct of liberal intellectuals to see all sides, to critique the power establishment from within rather than attack it frontally from outside, arguably contributed to the debacles of the Iraq War and the 2008 financial crash.”
Pretty much everyone believes this about their political foes, and most often the people pushing it the hardest are the ones pushing for something dangerous. “Team X is exploiting out sense of [Morality|Justice|Equality|Liberty] and using it against us!!! And since they have no compunctions, we can’t defeat them, unless we [Abandon before mentioned principle]. It’s the only way to save [principle we are going to abandon].
Yeah, yesterday’s disgraceful Barr hearing showed just how on the level the left actually conducts “debate”.
Slightly OT: Does anyone know whether Harper’s has gotten as bad as The Atlantic in terms of off-the-deep-end wokeness? If so, it’s a shame. Harper’s had great acrostics back in the day.
If I’m not mistaken, Harper’s is actually worse.
while the right cynically exploits the reality that modern politics is often not on the level and is more about power than ideas, arguably helped vault Donald Trump to the presidency.
Weapons. Grade. Progjection.
Tianluokeng Tulou cluster. Zhangzhou, China
How Romanesque.
So… we now have baseball players (and staff) who are testing positive for COVID. They’re postponing games, and moving around schedules. Can we use these as test cases to see if people can catch it multiple times?
They’re postponing games, – why? I thought baseball was a no contact sport unless the guy with the bat wants to kick the ass of the guy who throws the ball for throwing to close to his head.
But the players are touching the ball and throwing it at each other, and touching each other with it…
I got nothing.
“Police say the violent Richmond riots were instigated by white supremacists.
Madeleine Conger, aka “Molly Conger” or @socialistdogmom
, a 30-year-old from Charlottesville, was arrested & charged. Conger is a communist activist & writer.”
Communism needs to confront their white supremacist problem.
it just needs to go away entirely. white supremacy does not make it any worse.
Richmond police say what the mayor told them to say.
Turns out the third police chief of the year is toeing the mayors lion. Who’d a thunk it?
Four police chiefs within a month would be fun!
Worth reposting:
“Google Censorship Is a Danger to Public Health
The monopoly platform’s new policy of disappearing documents at odds with the expert opinion of the moment is both sinister and stupid”
We will prevent anyone from posting dangerous information that calls into question the approved technique of blood letting with leeches!
They’ve been hunting for someone to blame the violence on. It doesn’t have to make sense, it doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be acceptable enough for the left to rationalize their beliefs.
There was this one youtube video…
Dilbert was pretty good yesterday. I’d love to say that in an interview.
Scientists create a blood test for Alzheimer’s that’s almost 100% accurate and can spot the disease two decades before symptoms begin
or non fail link
Add that one to the list of tests you’ll have to get before re-upping your term life insurance.
Huh. If that is true, the consequences are going to be huge. Financial planning is going to lead to the creation of vast numbers of trusts. I’d also expect an increase in sex tourism, extreme sports and suicides.
There’s schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s in my family, but so far I forgot to go crazy.
If I put the Alzheimer’s test on a list, I would lose the list but then find the list in the refrigerator ten years too late, right next to my car keys and the tv remote.
Add that to the list of tests I refuse to take. Who wants that hanging over their head?
There has also been improvements in treatments that stall the progress, so catching it early might just allow you to avoid the horribleness phase.
Me, Alzheimers =suicide in my worldview and the one difficulty with that option is that if you don’t know you are developing it it is hard to set up your “When X happens I check out” tests.
Unless they’ve been testing people for 20 years, how do they know it detects it 20 years before symptoms begin?
The articles don’t say when the study started.
Though I suspect the 20 year figure was derived by figuring out the maximum sensitivity of the test and plotting it on some sort of graph with regards to accumulation of the target with regards to the progression of the disease.
So it’s still in the realm of statistics rather than science.
some things are better not knowing. Wait where am I?
You’re in your basement, running for the presidency against Donald Trump.
Nah, if you knew when you’d go veggie, you’d have a handle when you had sufficient funds built up to retire and engage in hookers and blow for your remaining sentient years.
or hope the carnivore diet people are right and it helps to only consume stake and whiskey
OK, now you’re just begging for the vampire jokes.
it was a typo damnit
helps to only consume stake
Pie if you want us to stop with the vampire jokes this is not the way to go about it.
Elon Musk
The left is losing the middle
And after catching shit from the left…
Elon Musk
Replying to @anthm17
What I like most is their great sense of humor
Step 1: Determine the desired conclusion
The project began, in one telling, five years ago, in a castle that overlooks the Bavarian Alps, where three dozen of the world’s most successful and rivalrous earth scientists came together for a week of cloistered meetings.
They gathered, in part, out of embarrassment. For the past four decades, their field—the study of Earth’s natural phenomena, including its land, ocean, and climate—had boomed. Generations of young researchers who once would have become nuclear physicists or oil geologists instead pursued careers in glaciology and paleoclimatology. Governments, hoping to understand the dangers of global warming, had poured hundreds of millions of dollars into climate science. And the work was good. It gave humans a new way of seeing Earth: We learned to map the flow of the oceans, to chart the growth of continent-spanning glaciers, and to read the evidence left behind in lake mud and caves by ancient rainstorms, droughts, and hurricanes.
Which is, you know, nice. It’s fun to play weatherman for people who lived 1,000 years ago. Yet for all the immeasurable wonder and glory, and for all those millions of National Science Foundation dollars spent, there was one fundamental question on which climate scientists had not really made progress. It is among the field’s oldest and most purely scientific questions—it was first investigated in 1896 by Svante Arrhenius, a Nobel laureate—yet central to understanding modern, human-caused climate change. But for all that importance, climate scientists would have answered the question the same way five years ago as they would have in 1979. It is this trouble that brought the empiricists to Bavaria. They wanted a better answer to the question, which is: If you greatly increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, how hot will the planet get?
This week, a team of 25 researchers—drawn from across the earth sciences and descended from the Bavaria effort—published the first new answer in 41 years. Their estimate of this value, called “climate sensitivity,” significantly reduces the amount of uncertainty involved in forecasting climate change. “It helps us answer this fundamental question, which is: How warm is it gonna get?” Kate Marvel, a climate scientist at NASA and an author of the paper, told me.
Not “Will there be an effect?” We know the planet will get hotter, we just don’t know how hard to twist the knob on the model.
And this model will be be about as accurate as the previous models, which failed spectacularly.
A castle in the Bavarian Alps. Not some mundane lecture hall at the Univ. in Munich, not some conference room at Holiday Inn. I’ll bet they didn’t eat peasant food either.
Blah blah fuckin’ blah.
Yesterday at 4 am I looked at the weather forecast. It predicted hard rain at 10 am. I looked again at 8 am. Hard rain at 6 pm. Around 2 pm a completely unpredicted rain came down like hell for an hour or so. Nothing since.
Climate science my ass.
Hey, I only had 30 hours in earth sciences plus labs, what do I know.
I’m glad that’s been resolved. Next up, figuring out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The Supreme Court declined all 2A cases last year – because they knew Roberts is now a full-blown liberal.
I made a “duh” connection a second ago.
Who’s killing in the lockdowns? Jeff Bezos. It’s 100% in his best interest to continue these as long as possible, and he owns one of the two agenda setting newspapers in the country.
Is he really a liberal, or does the deep state have something on him?
A distinction without a difference.
People over six feet tall are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with the coronavirus, the results of a new survey reveal.
My guess is that tall folk tend to leadership roles (an ancient thing; not a good thing, just the way folk are/remain). Leaders tend more to associate outside their own clan: they travel, negotiate, they can afford to try new things.
I suspect the study is correct, but the finding is merely some trend covariant to a better correlating factor.
I think you’re confusing “leaders” with “salespeople.” Leaders have gatekeepers. The pool of people they’re willing to assosciated with is limited compared to the general population.
could be
I was just thinking about my world and how often a GM/CEO is expected to travel: even if they only meet other CEO, all flights lead to ORD
Because there’s more virus floating around up higher!!!11!!!!
The government will now mandate everyone must crawl in public to limit the chance of infection.
Are people really people if they are shorter than 6′?
I hope so…
/5′ 10″
LOL I just had a male Karen jump off the elevator after I entered because I wasn’t wearing my masktotem. That’s on you dude – there is no rule to wear one indoors & it was funny watching the comprehension dawn. Young, healthy looking dude. SMDH.
*indoors in my own apartment building
Was this him?
No, I don’t live in that part of Brooklyn. This guy could have been a plumber or something.
I was out at dinner. This place used to have outdoor seating in their parking lot, now that restaurants can have people inside, they got rid of it. Because it sucked. Group of college kids came in, all masked up. Asked about the outdoor seating. Told it had gone away.
Now, this restaurant is a large space. It’s not tight, it’s not cramped, there’s well over a six foot bubble when every other table is shut down. But still, they were scared.
I was at a bar the other night place was packed it’s an older crustier crowd usually some younger chicks in their twenties walked in all masked up and started drinking. whatever gets you out of the house.
social signaling is the currency of the day.
Women love wearing veils. Cosmetics are just one style of veil.
My son gets a new video in his email every day from his school about how they’ll be reopening “safely” next month. He hasn’t watched one yet. We may end of springing for a private gym membership down there this fall if the school gym requires masks.
Union for UMass Amherst resident assistants calls the school’s reopening plan ‘suicidal’.
Resident assistants are college students themselves. Sure, they are negotiating for “hazard” pay. But still…
Suicidal – when the infection fatality rate for COVID-19 for their age group is less than the seasonal flu.
A basic class in Statistics really should be mandatory. It really helps in understanding the world.
I find it most noteworthy that the terror is rising – months after we peaked.
It is just my perception, or are we making great progress in the gender parity of those engaging in assault?
We need USADA to start testing for elevated levels of estrogen.
The British SAS had an unofficial motto back in the day – “Shoot the women first.”
Passion for purple revives ancient dye in Tunisia
I just had a male Karen jump off the elevator after I entered because I wasn’t wearing my masktotem.
*points, shrieks*
Another cancellation
A Minnesota Republican Party county official has resigned after posting an image on Facebook comparing mask mandates to Jews being forced to wear Stars of David in Nazi Germany, the state party said on Tuesday.
Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan confirmed the official’s resignation in a statement on Tuesday. Earlier, she had repeated a lower ranking official’s assertion that the Wabasha County Republican Party’s Facebook page had been hacked — an assertion that she retracted on Tuesday evening.
“The Republican Party of Minnesota has learned the Wabasha County Facebook page was not hacked last night, as believed by the Wabasha County Chair,” Carnahan said in a statement Tuesday. “The offensive picture was unfortunately posted by a board member who has resigned effective immediately at the party’s request.”
She added that the state party as well as the county board “apologizes for this disappointing post,” which she also called “vitriolic.”
The post is now gone, and Carnahan asked the local chair to ask the person responsible for the post to resign, state party communications director Jack Tomczak told CNN. The individual who posted the image has not been publicly named.
Jewish Community Action, a Minnesota activist group, posted a screenshot of the image on Monday in a tweet slamming the post.
It featured a black and white image of a Nazi officer and a man wearing a six-pointed Star of David — which those of the Jewish faith were required to wear as identification in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. The image was captioned, “Just put on the star and quit complaining, it’s not that hard” at the top of the image, and, “Just put on the mask and stop complaining” at the bottom.
Freedom of expression might sound good, in theory, but…
Cucked GOP is cucked.
Thereby proving the accuracy of the comparison.
I posted that on derpbook, which derpbook deleted because it “violated community standards”.
You will NOT buck the proggie narrative serf!
Look, only the Dems are allowed to use Nazi analogies. When the GOP does it, it is totes hate speech!
Actually, I see putting the swastika on as a better analogy. You’re being “asked” to signal your membership in the in-group, not being labelled for exclusion as a member of the out-group.
But what do I know?
Beware the Fat Fuck Politician
Fatties be teh debbil
Jerry Nadler has a sad.
J. B. Pritzker would like a word.
You didn’t see what you thought you saw.
If I was Barr, next time I had to testify I’d show up with a black guy in chains and shackle him to the witness table. If anyone asked, I’d say “well last time you guys wanted to see me show up with some non-white staff members, so I went out and got one”
I guess this is their first attempt to try to spin the damage they did to themselves yesterday. When this doesn’t stick, I wonder what they’ll try next?
hmm. I didn’t really pay attention to it, but seeing as yesterday twitter was focused on deamon blood and such, i guess it didn’t produce any zingers or gotchas for the dems.
He was disrespectful, spoke over top of every one of us.
He was flanked by at least ten staffers, not a person of color among them.
How the fuck is that relevant? ///rhetorical
He was disrespectful, spoke over top of every one of us.
I know projection is their thing, but holy shit. Every single Dem spoke over and cut off Barr. Every. Single. One.
Yeah I figured they would go more for “Barr was obstructionist, he only said X number of words on average.” Which is true, because they only let him get four or five words before RECLAIM MY TIME.
Shouldn’t she be hitting herself with a two-by-four or something?
As Barr had to point out at one point, the purpose of a “hearing” is to hear what a person has to say. Politicians just want somebody there they can yell at, read the talking points their overlords give them, and make a sound bite for the news. They could have just propped up a picture of Barr or Trump to yell at.
From my experience, this is what they call “having a conversation”
I posted that on derpbook, which derpbook deleted because it “violated community standards”.
Just an unbiased platform for the exchange of ideas.
The first recorded fatal shark attack in Maine.
They sense our cultural weakness and are making their move.
Don’t go swimming looking like shark food in an area where there is a lot of shark food.
a great white shark had bitten the woman
Probably a male, amirite?
Were they wearing masks?
My son who is in North Dakota State U’s pharmacy program got an email saying that any pharm student spotted in public without a mask will be expelled. The email said that as future pharms they need to set an example for the public.
“Set an example or we’ll make an example out of you.”
What do you want to bet that the person who instituted that policy won’t personally comply with it?
And now we know why people wear their masks while alone in their cars.
If you believe masks protect you (or are wearing an N95 mask that actually does) then you shouldn’t remove it until you are home because the outside should theoretically be coated with virus particles.
It’s the same reason requiring people to mask while entering a restaurant or gym and then taking it off is ridiculous* and makes no sense unless you are trying to increase Covid cases.
*referring to the requirement to wear while entering.
It’s like wearing a condom alone in your bed.
So they are required to set an example of quackery?
I’d be curious to know if the contract with the school actually allows that.
What a reprehensible way to treat the students and a seriously bad precedent that could be applied to damn near any unapproved activity.
“…and no drinking, no close dancing, and must be home by 9pm…”
these people are such clowns.
ARRESTED: Edward Schinzing faces 20 years in prison & a mandatory minimum of 5 years for federal arson inside Portland Justice Center. Schinzing was identified because he has his last name tattooed across his upper back.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Have fun preaching diversity and the BLM message in federal prison.
Tattoo on his back? sounds like a White Supremacist, as getting tattoed, especially of names, is a common practice among white supremacists.
Especially Germanic names! Racism confirmed!
Riven? Welcome back!
RE: the Haverhill, MA video Chafed and Slumbrew were discussing yesterday: I’m not in that video. I don’t recognize anyone in that video or that bar.
I’ve only been in Haverhill twice. A friend had a band which had regular gigs at a downtown bar. I went to two of the gigs. It seemed like kind-of a quiet downtown.
A drunk Irish guy acting like an asshole in MA, this is unprecedented!
badgemask is a symbol of authority. When people see that, they know which side of the law you’re on. They respect you.”Amid the coronavirus crisis, Americans have largely abandoned cash in favor of credit cards or contactless payments. As a result, there aren’t enough pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to go around.
Just ignore businesses being shut down wrecking the usual circulation of coins through the country.
An inspection of that vessel was undertaken by the RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) under the Customs Act revealed it was carrying a significant amount of US currency and suspected cannabis products.
Shouldn’t be a crime.
Marijuana is now decriminalized in Plymouth, Ohio. That means there will be no monetary incentive to enforce marijuana related infractions. Taking away the fine discourages enforcement of the draconian state law.
Not bad.
The Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) officially rejected the amendment to legalize marijuana and showed no support for it in the 2020’s policy plank on Monday.
I still stand by my position that legalization of marijuana at the Federal level will come from Republicans.
What happened to all those victims at Smithfield in Sioux Falls? Are they all dead?
Yes, all dead. As is everyone who ate any Smithfield products since then. The bodies are stacking up like cordwood. Millions dead.
they were all Chinese on work visas’s anyway, billions more where they come from.
I love pointing out to the keep the schools shut down that the crazy anti science religious liberty university had in person leaning in april and may and daycares have been running the whole time.
That’s part of what makes this so crazy – a lot of places that are pushing for online learning for the upcoming year are also pushing for subsidized day care for parents – that’s called a school, they already exist
Liberty is suing NYT for libel. Because they apparently straight up lied, in print, claiming there were COVID cases.
GAAH!!! I sleep in and miss a Riven post? Great to you here, Riven. The supermarket at which I toil has brought in half a dozen change counting/packaging machines and stuffed them into the back office. There are signs all over the store touting our new convert-your-coins-to-paper scheme by highlighting Coinstar’s fees and doing the same thing for free. I tried to get onto the team doing the work but no dice. A couple of the crew have promised to be on the lookout for any coins that pre-date 1964.
Interesting that you mention this.
I had to go back to Walmart the other day to return a mis-picked replacement item on one of our pickups, and I overheard exactly this same kind of interaction happening.
Someone else came in to customer service and was malingering around the Coinstar machine; the gal helping me paused to tell them that she could do that for free if they could give her a minute or two. The market works, who knew?
Comedian John Crist on cancel culture as he strolls through the grocery store.
Really happy to see Riven back on deck. :-)
As for the rest o’ youse, mornin’. I’m off to get scheduled for a colonoscopy. :-/
Pics, or it’s of no value to my GP. Steve’d better be ready to have a pin-hole camera shoved up his Johnson.
(Why’s it called a “Johnson,” anyways?)
you know what they call the cryptid who graduates at the bottom of his med school class
Doctor Feelgood?
A “Top Health Care Expert?”
Captain SMITH?
Come for a nice video on the doctors’ video that got mass censored, stay for the delicious irony of a frothing at the mouth white guy telling that black lady doctor why she’s betraying BLM which has fuckall to do with the medical discussion:
Strange times we live in…
She’s not wearing her mask properly.
California decriminalized hard drug use a few years back and you can now see people openly shooting up and smoking crack and meth throughout SF. I’ve watched them do it in front of cops. Drug selling is conducted openly, no social distancing required.
Yeah decrim makes it harder to end the Drug War, IMO. Decrim means all the negative social affects of hard drug use are just shoved in people’s faces 24/7, and people scream for more enforcement.
US to remove 11,000 troops from Germany, with half coming home to US
Germany is embracing socialism. That could be the dumbest thing anyone has ever done.
If it were up to me they would all come home, and I dont just mean Germany.