No sports. Sorry, don’t blame me for everybody losing their fucking minds.

“Jap Anus Relations for $200”
Tsar Ivan The Terrible was born on this day. He shares it with detective agency founder Allen Pinkerton, actor Van Johnson, racist Democrat politician George Wallace, game show host Monty Hall, acting great and Jeopardy winner Sean Connery, tennis legend Althea Gibson, relief pitcher Rollie Fingers, rocker Gene Simmons, another rocker Rob Halford, pseudo-tough guy (who was not as great a musician as he thinks) Elvis Costello, film director Tim Burton, country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, and supermodel Claudia Schiffer.
Right, now on to…the links!

You’re destroying black businesses, assholes.
So now they’re arsonists at least? Just call them rioters. Because that’s what they are.
The real story here isn’t this attention-seeking clown. The story is that the country that attention-seeking clown lives in doesn’t have their head so far up their ass that they continue to destroy the collective mental health of children.

Laura, you bitch!
Yikes! This thing needs to stop tracking farther west every time I check the weather. Also, stay safe, everyone.
Meanwhile, across the Pacific. This will most certainly get the normal warmongers up in arms. Unfortunately, it’ll probably fire Trump up as well

How dare this man have his own opinions.
The GOP convention opens up with aggressive pleas to black voters to leave the Dem plantation. Not sure what success it will have. But it sure did get a bunch of people to come out of the woodwork long enough to call Herschel Walker a race-traitor. You know, because black people are some monolithic hive mind and any black person who thinks for himself is a bad person.
Kenosha is burning because of a police shooting. Meanwhile, down the road a ways, none of this causes introspection. Oh well, Mayor Beetlejuice is safe after barring protests from public areas near her house.
Maybe you dumbasses in government need to learn some fire prevention methods. You know controlled burns and cutting fire breaks work, don’t you? Or is it just easier to point a finger and blame global warming or something like that instead of actually doing your fucking jobs?
As predicted, the hearings in Congress yesterday were a partisan shitshow. Good on DeJoy for sticking to his guns (sort of). The postal service is an inefficient shitshow and their systems are outdated. Sorry the Dems are using them as a pawn but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re fundamentally inefficient and need to be scaled down to meet their normal needs rather than have their budget boosted in order to score political points.
Get the blood pumping this morning. Enjoy!
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
“No sports. Sorry, don’t blame me for everybody losing their fucking minds.”
I want to blame someone though.
Go ahead and blame me then. I can take it.
Do you think the NFL will happen? If you said back in March that this thing would still be going on, I would have said you were nuts.
I do think it’ll happen. They’ve got too much to lose to not make it happen.
Yep, even with no fans they have nothing to compete against on TV. $$$
The question is how badly will their ratings tank when they open up going all in on the commie BLM bullshit.
They won’t need to. They’ll just not have a live national anthem (that our government pays them for to sell the military, which is bullshit). Yes, there may be a few woke comments during broadcasts, but that’s been going on for years and it’s easy enough to tune out.
Cleveland banned tailgating for the Browns games this year already. The Browns and the Bengals have both applied for a variance to be allowed to host more than 1,500 fans in their stadiums (no, that’s not a typo).
Church Socials, as if anyone were allowed to attend church. These assholes have grasped a tiger by the tail. I thought the Reps were the Stupid Party.
Do the Bungles have 1,500 fans? Oh, away team travelers.
I have a day job to attend 🙁
Dude, I have to spend a few hours climbing in and out of construction equipment then drive 600 miles. I’m sure you can manage your pubsec job while at home.
That sounds more satisfying than sitting in meetings repeating the same thing I told people who don’t listen.
I can manage, but it won’t be a great day.
They’re all great days, man. Make it happen.
Get the world in a love embrace.
They’re all great days, man. Make it happen.
*Reads the links*
I’m so confused.
*sobs softly*
We can only control what we’re part of. Don’t let the losers ruin shit for you. Go buy some jet skis or a Porsche. Or both. Take one out for a few hours and forget all the retarded shit that you can’t control anyway.
Life is but a dream
This needs the standing ovation GIF.
I did.
Was someone else involved, or was it a solo sport event?
Winston’s mom?
Not originally mine but DAMN!
I saw that movie genre where mommy talks to Ricky about his boners…..
Someone gonna link one of those?
Who else has a day of c-suite politics following a failed compliance audit? Anyone? Just me?
We passed our compliance audits.
Does the loser in the c-suite politics game have to wear the hat of shame and sit on the stool of repentance being beaten and harangued by the red guards, or don’t you take compliance seriously?
Kenosha is burning because of a police shooting.
Only SOME black lives matter.
The ones on a pizza.
*picks olives out of cheese*
Who puts these things on pizza?
Green olives are actually a lot better on pizza than black olives.
Also (unrelated), deep dish isn’t pizza. It’s a casserole.
How about the “deadpool” black olives and pineapple?
An abomination.
Finally! Now I know what a casserole is.
It is the pan you cook hot dish in, duh!
Gah! Blasphemy! The compatible flavors of black olives and cheese dwarfs. that of green olives.
Kenosha is not burning because of a police shooting. Probably because someone put green olives on a pizza.
Green Olives live in martinis and beside grilled cheese sammitches. Black olives live on pizzas and Greek Salads.
Olives, cheese and pretzels are the best drinking snacks.
“Kenosha burns: BLM protesters set light to department of corrections building and local businesses while looters run riot for second night in defiance of the National Guard deployed to restore order following Jacob Blake police shooting”
“New footage shows Jacob Blake brawling with cops before being shot as two white Wisconsin officers are placed on leave while police chief calls Gov. Tony Evers ‘wholly irresponsible’ for condemning law enforcement”
If Cops are either unwilling or incapable of physically restraining a suspect without resorting to deadly force they have no business wearing the badge. Full stop. Put on the Meter-Maid outfit for your little power trip, Mary.
Like I said yesterday: literally the only place they had to ensure he didn’t get access to was the inside of the car. And three of them managed to fuck that up.
That one imbecile even tried to grab him by his flimsy shirt. Cops are running scared right now and that is not really a “good thing”.
This seems to be one of those cases of a police shooting that is good in a strictly legal sense, but unnecessary when considering the totality of the circumstances.
All of the officers involved should be fired and have their certs revoked.
They should have shot his vehicle.
I finally saw that video yesterday. The cops looked like a bunch of untrained clowns who have no idea what they’re doing. Keystone cops for real.
“So now they’re arsonists at least? Just call them rioters. Because that’s what they are.”
Protesters set mostly peaceful fires.
Sometimes that peace intensifies.
“It was just a firecracker, Mom!” *Watches acres burn*
Looks like the GOP finally learned messaging and presentation. Kim G. needed to take it down a notch though.
So far it looks like their pushing on criminal justice reform, which could be very entertaining with Harris as the VP pick.
Under her criminal justice reform will amount to show trials and summary executions, the same shit commies always do.
Just some clips of the MSM “fact checking” the RNC. They don’t even bother pretending anymore that they’re not just the propaganda arm of the DNC.
At this point it is pure desperation to protect the legacy they manufactured for Black Jesus and Crooked Hillary. Trump’s drive to expose the coup plot against him is about to wreck that lie that the Obama‘S admin was scandal free and will forever replace him as the most corrupt president ever denying these dnc operatives with bylines their usual Nixon was a republican tropes.
Stop checking the weather, and it won’t keep going farther West.
Kanye really be sure about that?
Suthen and Sloop are White. They’ll be fine.
“Thunberg was named Time’ magazine’s youngest Person of the Year, and was also nominated for teh Nobel Peace Prize which she did get.”
So you are saying your copy editor died?
I was gonna go with “whose grade-schoolers are writing this stuff”?
I thought you were criticizing sloopy at first, but that’s actually from the AP article. Wow.
The AP have probably earned the scorn for sloppy writing just as much as I have.
Well, maybe not quite as much, but they’re getting close.
A hero right up there with Rigoberta Menchu
Yeah I did a little spit-take on that one. TMITE
his thing needs to stop tracking farther west every time I check the weather
Here is some info from a guy that is pretty good.
I have not watched the video of the shooting, as it really doesn’t matter if it’s justified or not, burning down a business district is not acceptable as a response.
Controlled burns and cutting firebreaks are bad for the environment and contribute to global warming.
F’in quirrels
You should have rolled with it. It kinda works.
It isn’t a response. It is an aggressive offense.
Watch it and tell me if it doesn’t look like a bunch of guys who have never handled firearms before, after looking like they have no idea how to handle a confrontation.
I mean it’s not like they’re saying stop and then trying to take him down. It’s like they’re just following him ‘hey come back here, are you listening to me? Excuse me, stop what you’re doing or’ and then one of them starts shooting and then the others just look at each other and it’s like they think ‘oh, we’re supposed to shoot now too’. They look like 3 year olds playing cowboys and indians. That entire thing was just pathetic.
“Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones, a Democrat, delivered scathing remarks at his own party, which he accused of exploiting black voters.
‘The Democratic Party does not want Black people to leave the mental Plantation they’ve had us on for decades,’ he said.
‘But I have news for them: We are free people with free minds,’ said Jones, at a time when Biden is holding large leads among black voters, but hopes to build a critical advantage over Hillary Clinton’s performance, where black turnout dropped off from 2012.”
Your grandfather did honest work.
“You know controlled burns and cutting fire breaks work, don’t you? Or is it just easier to point a finger and blame global warming or something like that instead of actually doing your fucking jobs?”
They don’t do those things on purpose so they can blame global warming.
This. The whole mess is by design. Newsome and friends have “green” pals to reward.
I’m on the edge of the SCU fires. That area is extremely sparsely populated and very rugged with few roads. I think they are content with letting it burn until it gets out of the mountainous areas and into the grasslands where it’s easier to fight while saving what structures they can. It’s part of the natural process. It’s not like the Indians had much of a fire department to put out fires like this.
That said, my brother in law had a brush clearing business that was always busy during fire season. The ever changing and ever stricter regulations on his equipment caused him to close up shop and move out of the state. I’m sure CA would love to have his services now, but they won’t see the connection.
You know, because black people are some monolithic hive mind and any black person who thinks for himself is a bad person.
Democrats still think they own black people.
Their ancestors paid good money for the ancestors of that voting block.
Holy shit, they’re shamless.
Also, would.
They pulled the same shit four years ago.
They oughtta call them out for it, from the stage, today.
Covid came and really screwed up Gretas gig.
By exposing how unreliably bad our expert class and their predictive models are?
Farmer’s Almanac doesn’t really care about Greta and GW. Predicting a dire, cold, snowy winter. IAW normal weather.
I DVR’ed my NYC FC vs Columbus Crew yesterday for late-nite viewing and I was about to skip over all the kneeling and other theater when the talking-people started going on and on about BLM. I shut it off and loaded up an episode of Columbo. I’m done with MLS.
Marxists Love Soccer
I was watching the MLS is back tournament and while I still do not think it is close to being good soccer, the fast pace and defensive mistakes made it more enjoyable than I thought it would be.
The Crew didn’t show up so you didn’t miss anything. Offsides on 3 goals. Fucking around with garbage passes cost them the game.
Kenosha is burning because of a police shooting.
It is burning because people are morons and looking for an excuse.
And they know the police response will be gentle.
It needed saying.
It really did need to be said. Radio Radio is an amazing song and he was fantastic as Hives the butler in Straight To Hell, but it’s really hard to make up for dreck like Veronica.
He was cool forty years ago and I still thought that even then he was a lame poseur. Plus he he stole my girlfriend.
Yeh, the measures and protocols are through the roof irrational.
Who comes up with these idiotic ideas? Imagine to believe they work.
Yet, ironically the news about the virus is such that everyone should chill.
The CDC, I heard, said asymptomatic people don’t need to get tested (people have been testing themselves multiple times if you can believe it) even if they were in contact with infected people. The truth is, EVEN human to human transmission isn’t that easy. People beed to get it through their thick skulls you’re not likely – if at all – to get it in a mall, grocery store, or in your car or riding a bike. This is how ignorant people are. And guess what? The rest of us have pay the price for this ignorance because of incompetent leadership.
Know what this indirectly means (I think?)? No need for healthy people to wear masks either.
As if all this wasn’t enough, we added a feature to the irrationalism: Virtue. As in morons claiming to put masks on for others. Bad toxic mix.
And we’re the crazy ones according to the nut cases.
I read a comment the other day from a guy who said he’s 60 years old and wears a mask alone on his bike because he cares so much God bleeds angels and that he’s not belligerent like anti-maskers. A regular St. Thomas of Aquino this guy. A real lover of fucking science.
I think he needs tinfoil. But to each his own.
Why am I guessing he does little 2-5 mile rides. Or does he have a mask that allows him to drink from a water bottle through it?
Now they don’t want asymptomatic people to get tested so that the % Positive test results will be higher since that is the metric being used for lockdowns by lotsa states.
The tests are running negative over 90% across the country – of supposedly SYMPTOMATIC people.
The Diamond Princess and USS T. Roosevelt were fucking petri dishes – and it never spread to more than 20% of those shipboard populations.
Yes. The DP told us everything we need to know after all.
A limited time period, with varying effective isolation, use of masking, known testing failures, limited follow on surveillance, and a government desiring that the mess go away.
The Diamond Princess is an all you can eat buffet for everyone to pick and choose what they want out of it.
I am belligerent. Fuck that virtue signaling moron.
Herschel Walker?
So much for Minnesoda being in play.
After 99 was traded, that was some trade.
They sent team blue Les Steckle. Feel any better?
His wife’s name is Teresa, but she goes by Tess. Tess Steckle. I remember some radio announcer (I think it was Tinglehoff) interviewed her at the beginning of the year and started giggling when she corrected him about wanting to be called Tess.
My wife at work can’t use the fridge or micro-wave. Because beware the scary virus. We all have to do our part to stop the spread!
She also told about her experience at Apple. Apparently, at super-sciencey Apple, people are to take off their own masks and wear one given by Apple.
No logic. None.
Just different stores doing stupid shit.
None of it will work.
Everybody knows Apples are impervious to viruses.
It will be impossible to really know if Apple’s masks work better than other responses. For example if you wanted to see if their masks work better than Trump’s plans it would be impossible because it would be comparing Apples to Oranges.
Long set up. Pulled through at the end
It did eventually bear fruit.
Navel gazing
Let’s see if Swiss finds that joke appealing.
Paging Swiss, can we get a narrowed gaze over here?
Get a load of Norm there.
“Nine fingered man. Four barreled derringer. The fastest gun in The West.“
Sorry the fridge/MV at school.
Meaningless rituals have always been part of human culture. They bring people together and signal in group affiliation.
*finally removes I VOTED sticker from shirt*
You know who else?
Couldn’t we just groom each other like civilized apes?
“They bring people together and signal in group affiliation.”
I hate people. Why would I affiliate with a group of them?
I am sure the feeling is mutual 🙂
“My wife at work can’t use the fridge or micro-wave. Because beware the scary virus.”
If you have to ask then you don’t know how many lights are in the fridge and microwave
Presumably because everyone uses them. HIGH SPREAD FROM SURFACES was one of the first thing to be debunked.
Yet it persists.
That’s the problem when you play with people’s fears and emotions. You can’t reason them back into rationalism.
White and Black men with bats bashed in the headlights and windshields of a row of cars.
I don’t even see the code anymore. I just see “blonde” “brunette” “white man” “black man”.
Moar of this.
“Since the song’s release, fans of WAP have been injuring themselves trying to twerk to the song in videos posted on TikTok.
Admirers of the music have taken to creating their own choreographed sets – sometimes with unexpected and dangerous results.
One dancer, Brian Esperon, from Guam, devised an energetic, high-kicking routine which was viewed 15 million times and ‘liked’ 2.9 million times.
TikTok user lib_bbbbbbb posted footage of herself attempting Esperon’s routine on a lawn before she collapsed on the ground.
In the footage, she showed that her knee was badly twisted, and she had to be stretchered away by ambulance workers.”
Cultural progress
Oh, OK then.
no sacrifice is to small for a bit of WAP
I thought WAP was over and done with. And why would people dance over an outdated wireless protocol. I don’t get kids at all anymore.
That is DAP vibe right there Jimbo
You know who else was Born on this Date?
/57 years
Happy Birthday, Y-man.
Redneck Birthday! Yay!
Happy Birthday, Young Feller. May your life be full of mischief, puppy dogs and ladies younger than yourslf
Happy Bday. Drink responsibly.
Then continue for another two hours.
Many happy returns of the day, good sir. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday, Yusef!
Well happy birthday, Yusuf!
Thankee! 7 AM golf today, Everybody have a great Day!
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy B’day Yusef! Drink responsibly – which is to say don’t drink past the point where you are no longer responsive.
Welp, now I can’t unsee that.
Sadly she has no funny lines.
Neither did he.
“This is why I stopped doing 2 shows a night.”
C’mon, man!
Nope. Pert posterior.
Pelosi has lost the plot.
@SpeakerPelosi says that President Trump and Republicans in Congress have become “domestic enemies to our voting system” and “enemies of the state.”
This is the final act of projection right there.
The Democrat party of the United States are anti-American enemies of the state.
Will she be called out by the media for her statements that chill democracy. I mean she’s saying that the other political party are enemies of the state.
she’s saying that the other political party are enemies of the state.
And if the Dems gain control they will act on it.
They really really want a shooting war
*listlessly refreshes BulkAmmo for the thousandth time*
L’etat est moi!
Lapsum Latinum?
If only projection caused great physical pain
I agree with Trump. The press are the enemy of the people. The mendacity of them is just astounding. The deception is so egregious and malicious I might be persuaded that what they are doing is criminal.
Greta is a child. She hasn’t convinced anyone. She gets applause from the choir, that’s all.
Don’t worry Sloopy, it will barely be a 2 by landfall. I expect to be in the eye no later than 3 days from now so you will dodge the bullet.
China can be punished severely in more ways than with bullets and likely will be. Now, I want a list of everyone who objected (not Glibs, Pols and press) to his sanctions on China and their financial records.
That blacks vote almost exclusively for the party of slavery is just mind-boggling to me.
After all of these blue cities burn and the people there are living in 3rd world squalor they will be scratching their heads trying to figure out how it happened.
California is having the worst fire ever, again?
Fuck the post office and fuck mail in ballots. As someone pointed out the other day – People were bayoneted, shot and blown apart so that we can have the right to vote.
Get your asses to the polls or stay home and keep your fucking mouth shut.
The press are the enemy of the people. – sounds like what Hitler would say
That blacks vote almost exclusively for the party of slavery is just mind-boggling to me.
LBJ had something to say about that.
“LBJ had something to say about that.”
And the cherry on top is the fact that what he said has been common knowledge for generations.
“And he was right!”
Keep the name “Lyndon Johnson” in mind next Monday at 10AM Mountain.
No sports. – if there are no sports how come I lost 5 bucks last nigh sports betting
Cover charge at the parlor?
The NBA is not sports, it is sports theater.
All I am saying it would not have killed the Rockets to score at least 25 points in each quarter
So I won’t need to worry about saving money for a trip to the US as it will all burn down soon.
I’m saving trees for you, Pie. I’ll leave a light on for you.
I’m saving trees for you, Pie. I’ll leave a light on for you.
What percentage of these riots are fueled by the lockdowns?
And which are fueled by gasoline?
That’s a fraction!!!!!!!
Look, fat, I don’t do math.
Good morning, Sloopy!
And a good morning to all of you groovy cats and kittens.
Could we just fast-forward to the end of 2020? This is all so fucking stupid and tedious.
Also, I recognize that Elvis is a fucking asshole, but his concerts are some of the best I’ve ever seen. The dude is good at his job. So happy birthday, ya bastard.
Enjoy Tuesday, y’all. Try not to start any big fires.
*and with that Tundra resumed filing his nails*
We talking about young Elvis, old fat Elvis, or Vegas Elvises?
No, we’re talking Buddy Holly-cosplaying Elvis.
Anyone visiting Memphis HAS to tour Graceland. You will start out mocking Elvis, but by the end of the tour you are a believer. Sure the house is horrible because he died in the mid ’70s, but he still did a ton of cool shit.
When I brought my parents there, our tour was delayed because James Muthafucking Brown was on a private tour just ahead of us. That is how cool Elvis was.
It seemed like everyone living in Memphis had their very own Elvis story. And everyone said he was awesome in person.
Still never made it down to Graceland the times I was in (the suburban outskirts) of Memphis. I did make it to Sun Records though.
Sun Records is pretty disappointing when you realize it is so tiny and shitty (and in a crappy part of town).
Amazing that that place recorded so many greats.
The fact Sun Records has platinum records hanging up in the bathrooms entertains me.
The movie that was officially condemned by the Memphis Chamber of Commerce.
I love that it’s basically a regular house. Not a giant mansion.
Visiting Graceland made me understand religion.
I’m afraid 2021 isn’t going to be any better.
Completely depends on how the election goes.
Votes for the Depends
/Old Guy
Votes for the Depends
/Old Guy
“Your postal workers have voted to explicitly support Mr. Biden. Are we done here?”
How the fuck she ever escaped scrutiny for the Awan brothers fiasco is beyond me. It’s almost as if the media didn’t care about reporting that she’d hired spies without vetting them to run her IT and then gave them all sorts of access to classified material.
Nothing to see here, move along.
She was in deep with the Russian collusion scam, too.
Well, I’ve never heard so much noise about the black vote and how many may migrate to the GOP. I hope they will but I reckon it will take a little more time. The first step was to offer them an option which they never really thought about. I watch that girl Kimberly Klasik in Baltimore and realize people won’t just switch even in those conditions. They need some time to get accustomed to the idea of the GOP being a viable alternative. Still, it would be surprising some inroads won’t be made this election.
Rebel Media interviewed her and walked the streets of Baltimore with her in 2019. Gotta hand it to Rebel, they’re on the ball.
“realize people won’t just switch even in those conditions”
That’s a tiny tiny section of the district shes running for. Most of it is white collar, the average income is 60,000 dollars. You have to remember, a lot of black people work for the State. Black schoolteachers and bureaucrats are Democrats for the same reason white schoolteachers and bureaucrats are Democrats.
Like hey it’s a great ad and all that, but you could do the same thing walking through the shittiest part of a GOP district and saying “when will you wake up and throw this bum out!!!?!?!!”
“Like hey it’s a great ad and all that, but you could do the same thing walking through the shittiest part of a GOP district and saying “when will you wake up and throw this bum out!!!?!?!!””
The issue is the legacy of these cities have seen one-party control for decades. Columbus, Ohio has some shitty parts you could walk through and put on video, but they’ve had both Rs and Ds in charge over the past 20-30 years. People from the left want to toss Ginther out and he’s a Democrat.
What I am saying is that a big chunk actual black voters in that district are middle class and UMC government workers. That’s the thing that maybe some people don’t understand. The school system and the other government bureaus in Baltimore are chock full of black people who make a very good living off the machine.
A black woman with a college degree who works for the city of Baltimore as a social worker is not going to care that the Republican Party found a black woman to tell her “The Democrat machine that controls Baltimore is awful.” Her rice bowl is filled by that machine, you’re not going to change her vote no matter what. She’s not going to say “Oh man I’ve worked for the city for 16 years and I can retire with a fat pension, but now that a cute black woman in a red dress walked down a street that I never ever go down the scales have been lifted from my eyes.”
Not surprising. Interesting but not surprising.
In Europe, the ratio of government worker to private worker is going to outpace the latter soon.
Then what?
Hardcore. No googling. Any guess who said it? (Mises said something similar in a letter to Ayn Rand).
That didn’t take long. Was it hard getting a helicopter license?
What’s it from?
By the way, Malice and Smith did a show about Hoppe recently. Fun discussion.
I’m not sure. I’ve only listened to his lectures.
Ahhh, that makes sense. He’s sufficiently acerbic for that quote.
It smells so good.
Almost as good as Birchwood Casey synthetic oil.
Someone verbose.
It looks like an excerpt from The Anti-Capitalist Mentality, but you ruled out Mises so….
Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders At All
I mean this is not really meaningful. It is quite possible that some things are wrongly classified as X. Then again I do believe some of so called mental disorders are not
I’ve long felt what are called personality disorders are just personalities that most people don’t like. Some people are assholes. Doesn’t mean something’s wrong with them in the brain.
Spend some time with a borderline personality disorder and you will become a believer.
Although I agree, the problem is the treatment (usually anti-depressants) helps you more than it helps the patient. Eventually the patient begins to understand that they are doing better and would like to get off the meds – which is very hard to do and often leads to worse relapses and the doctor typically rejects weaning them off the meds. Often the patient then realizes the therapist actually made them dependent on meds which can trigger them into a depressive episode. And public health officials are A-OK with putting children on anti-depressants.
If you think I’m calling all government health officials “quacks”, you’d be correct.
The mental health racket has pathologized damn near every quirky behavior and many not so quirky
ones. They need to shave the DSM down to about a third of its current size.
You sound like you need some therapy.
Have some therapy.
Back at ya.
If you think that you don’t need therapy, it’s a sign that you need therapy.
It’s the second-best trick bag of the modern age, right behind ‘If you say you’re not a racist, it’s a sign of racism.’
I saw a therapist for three visits. At the end of the third one she said she didn’t think I needed therapy. There are a few honest ones out there.
She wouldn’t even Therape you?
In local news, another brewery appears to be closing for good. They’ve been open since 1998, and were the first brewery in Lake County (Ohio) since prohibition. It was also the largest restaurant/bar in the downtown Willoughby area. They were in a converted train station that was rumored to be the inspiration behind the Twilight Zone episode A Stop at Willoughby.
In local news, another brewery appears to be closing for good. – they should have exported their beer to Romania
Q4 will be a bloodbath. The Branch Covidians have no idea what’s coming.
I don’t get landlords who played hard ball through all this. In one of our properties managed by by father’s partner/lawyer, the restaurant pays a high five digit rent. They put $2 million in renovations a couple of years back. When the pandemic hit and the retards shut down the economy, they struggled. So our partner cut their rent in half. He reasoning was simple: They sank $2 million in this property and we don’t want to lose them because it will be next to impossible to find a replacement in this environment’. He’s being pragmatic and realistic. What are the landlords going to do with a building laced up for a brewery now? I can’t imagine it being easy to replace. I could be wrong.
Back in the 1990s, my father had a pharmacy as a tenant. They got bought out and left the locale. The commercial spot remained empty for FOUR years. At the time they were paying $8000 per month. Those weren’t good years to be around my father.
People have no idea how bad the government fucked up. None. The trailing and lagging effect will be felt for years. So fuck you to all the pro-lockdonwers. You’re a bunch of morons who were fooled by other fools. Ship of fools.
If I was forced to guess, I would say that the brewery was already on shaky financial ground (they were temporarily closed by the state before the lockdowns for an issue with sales tax payments). Then I would guess that the landlord wants to renovate the building to allow for multiple tenants. Willoughby Brewing did also acquire a production facility a couple years back, if that’s still up and running, they can at least keep the brand alive and in stores while they look for a new physical location for a taproom.
Makes sense.
I isn’t a fuck-up. It is a deliberate, malicious strategy.
TZ was my first thought,
“Obama and Biden let North Korea threaten America. President Trump rejected that weakness, and we passed the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history.”
“Obama and Biden let Iran get away with murder and literally sent them a plane full of cash,” she continued. “President Trump did the right thing and ripped up the Iran nuclear deal.”
Haley predicted that a Biden-Harris administration would be “much, much worse.”
“Last time, Joe’s boss was Obama…this time, it would be Pelosi, Sanders, and the Squad. Their vision for America is socialism. And we know that socialism has failed everywhere.”
So, tap water is 0.0037/Gal according to my bill. So once again, the flat fee is more than the metered cost of water for the past three months.
Why do I need low-flow anything?
Why do I need low-flow anything?- solidarity with South Asia and Sub Shara Africa
I live on a river.
In a swamp.
All we need to do is filter out the ground and deliver the water.
yes but not every human on earth is thus privileged. We are all in this together thus we need to suffer together
Also no one really needs more than two showers a week
…and the used water get cleaned up and recycled…Quantity used should be a concern when its used for lawns or gardens. Should charge the water company for all the used water.
And our store sells almost 800 bottled gallons per day of store brand water at $1.99 each.
Well only peasants drink from the tap
Is that panic-buying? I haven’t bought store water since… SUPERDUPERSTORM Sandy, I think?
Nope. We move several tons of water and Gatorade every single day, when the weather is warm. Some of our higher margin items actually but shipping liquids is pricey.
Why do I need low-flow anything?
Because only the left would worry about running out of something that literally falls from the sky, and they are in charge.
Because of droughts in California! Don’t you know the water we waste here in the Great Lakes basin would be flowing to them if we didn’t use it.
I thought it just poured into the Atlantic ocean, you know, where the Hudson and St Larry rivers empty
Continental divide is a myth.
Shouldn’t that be “The Continental Divide is a social construct”?
We’re all one country and in this together. Now you need to follow the rules that are needed in a desert even though you live in a swamp. It makes perfect sense after the lobotomy.
It’s also racist.
Who needs an Ocean when you live in an Endoheric Basin.
“Why do I need low-flow anything?”
So poor people can take 30-minute showers.
Just think, some 17 year-old Swede is so horny and desperate that he will be willing to make a run at Greta sometime this year. Damn, I normally don’t feel bad for Swedes, but that kid I do.
And if someone were smart, they’d use the fact that St. Greta is going back to school to shame our chickenshit teachers into actually opening our schools back up.
Somehow, I can envision Greta grabbing him by the throat and yelling “I’M NOT DONE YET. HOW DARE YOU!”
Based on a few personal experiences I wouldn’t bet that way. Domineering personalities in public are often very much the reverse in the bedroom.
“Pierre Leroy
4 months ago
When quarantine will be over, I’m going to ride my motorcycle with this song.”
I think you miss the point Pierre. You’re supposed to defy government in act of civil disobedience and go out and be wild and ride in freedom DURING the quarantine. This is the point I wish we all collectively had. A more ‘are you fucken crazy with this fear-porn madness?’ and go on. But nope. Let’s follow the orders of an entity that brought us the four food groups. I’m almost certain there will be more bad outcomes in the following weeks. ‘Whaaa? You mean locking people down actually hurt them?!?! WHAAAAA HAPPENED?’
Crazy ending to that movie.
Only a couple of S’Wolf remain alive.
I was hoping for The Pusher but whatev. Good enough.
Well, it’s 80° on the beach with a light Southern breeze, coffee is ready to press, and I’m gonna sit on the porch and finish my leftover plantains and chicharrón.
Unfortunate for the original narrative.
48 hr rule is a rule for a reason. Adhere to it. I think Styx’s hot-take the other day is likely accurate.
Wait until the Minneapolis trial. A lot more to that story as well.
Murder charge on that one is a bad joke. They might not even get manslaughter, but definitely not for the two cops that were on the sidelines.
What has happened to batons and/or the big maglite flashlights?
Why won’t cops wear some of these guys out with a baton before pulling their guns? What a bunch of pussies.
I’m not sure they are allowed to use baton strikes to subdue someone anymore. At the very least the cell phone video would look really bad and lead to repercussions, no matter how justified. And that could be a factor in why those Kenosha cops didn’t apply sufficient force to subdue that guy before he tried to get into the car.
(Pulled over from thread that was dead by the time first post moderation happened. So 2nd 1st post. After requisite OT delay I think).
I was le(a)d to believe that we have a collection of some of the finest gun nuts on the web. The best. Classiest. So classy, in fact, enough to lure one out of hiding, submit information to yet another web form, and post.
So to the point; new Sig P365 XL I want to use for EDC (concealed) and I’m looking for advice on a holster, probably appendix carry. There’s a huge variety of holsters around and it’s tough to trust review sites. I’m partial to the *concept* of the Urban Carry G3, but it gets enough bad reviews, that I hesitate even though some of the reviews seem largely based on ridiculing it as a ‘gimmick’ rather than technical reasons it’s not viable. Anyway, I live in a pretty hot climate, so don’t dress heavily, so keeping something even IWB reliably concealed is a concern. So any insight into a comfortable, ‘easily’ concealed holster for a Sig 365?
Bravo Concealment.
I have this for my ppq
The mag is detachable, so I
If that’s too much to cover on the hot days there’s some relief there. The other one they have for appendix looks good too but I don’t have any experience with it.
I usually do a 365 in a pocket holster, partially for the same hot climate reason. I think it’s a deSantis.
I’d rock a fanny pack.
No, but that’s just like my opinion. You do you.
Also, fuck off Tulpa.
Leather is classier, order a leather IWB. Be prepared to wait for it from a reputable supplier.
Use Kydex until your real holster arrives.
TT gunleather, Milt sparks, Mitch Rosen are all good. I also like HBE for leather. to tie you over.
Dark Star Gear or PHLster. I carry a Glock 48 every day in a DSG Hitchhiker, and it conceals perfectly even under a light t-shirt. More importantly, I can hit a 1.2 second draw out of that same rig.
There are a lot of Kydex benders who just take a zero-cant IWB holster and slap an AIWB label on the bag, with predictably crappy results. On the other hand, there are some guys who really understand what goes into making a functional AIWB rig – the two mentioned above, Keepers Concealment, JM Custom Kydex, and Henry Holsters are all excellent. But DSG and PHLster are my favorites.
Don’t get anything with a leather backer, don’t get anything with an integrated magazine pouch.
Thanks everyone for all the info, and the surprising minimal use of “fuck off Tulpa”s.
Looks like I have some reading to do today.
You have destroyed your state’s economy and probably permanently ruined your tax revenue – what to do next?
Borrow $Billions you can never repay while taxing Constitutional Rights!
Just when I thought he couldn’t get me out of here faster.
I suggest a tax on voting.
Not really a Constitutional Right, I’m okay with it.
I’m sure there are many other unpleasant details in the fine print, but none of this really affects me. I will never need another FID in NJ because when I move, it will be to another state. I don’t smoke and I don’t make a $million a year.
It all just reinforces the need to leave this shithole. And it will obviously backfire as “millionaires” continue to exit the state.
Small Businesses Are Overrated
Matt Bruenig
We shouldn’t fetishize mom and pops. They offer lower wages, skimpier benefits, and inferior labor protections.
As the anti-monopoly movement has picked up steam in important policy circles, some have begun thinking that small business promotion is a good idea. This seems to be partially driven by the technical view that small businesses are a way to counteract corporate concentration and partially driven by the more ideological and aesthetic view that there’s something inherently just and beautiful about small-time entrepreneurs and mom and pop shops.
In reality, small business promotion is mostly a bad idea. Small businesses pay lower wages, provide worse benefits, are often exempt from important worker protections, and are incompatible with the way unionization works in the US.
I know my Governor (NJ) shares that opinion. He’s doing everything in his power and beyond to destroy small businesses.
I really despise that lily-livered piece of shit Bruenig.
He would be cheering the Holodomor because the kulaks were in the way of progress.
I wonder how it imagines big businesses started out
I’d like to thank Pie for putting his name up top so I could scroll past.
There’s few ideas more destructive that permeate our society than the idea that businesses exist for the purpose of providing jobs for its employees. You can commonly see the mindset outside of people who are avowed socialists, but to the avowed socialist it’s a core belief.
It’s a belief that when implemented society wide leads to privation and misery, but for some reason it remains popular.
*Obama winks and gives a double thumbs up*
Time to bust out the old jokes:
If they burn down all of Kenosha, they’re gonna do hundreds of dollars worth of damage.
In any event, you don’t get to shoot people as punishment for shitty things they did. You only get to shoot people when someone’s life is at imminent risk. It’s hard to argue that this was the case here. Cops need to stop using their guns as a first resort. People need to stop endorsing rioting as a form of protest.
Tard Tuesday: Economic Scarcity Is A Myth
You don’t work you die.
Thomas Sowell:
The first law of economics is scarcity, there is never enough to satisfy all demand.
The first law of politics is to ignore the first law of economics.
He continued, “We were told that the organizers knew that they had to take on the coronavirus pandemic. And what they’ve done is they had a doctor talk about how President Trump sped up and cut through the red tape to get the approval for the therapeutic Remdesivir. We heard from a woman who talked about how President Trump helped improve telehealth. Those are two excellent points from two individuals, but then also there was this video that is just complete revisionism when it came to President Trump’s empirically mishandling of the pandemic early on when he dismissed the threat of the virus, and we still in this nation do not have control of the virus like other western wealthy countries do. We have 4% of the world’s population and more than 20% of the world’s COVID deaths.”
somebody remind me what TMITE means
wait, is it “The Media Is The Enemy”? I thought of that as I hit “reply”….
Thank you for asking – and answering that question. I’ve realized I have to start writing this stuff down.
Like CWAA…
Christ, what an asshole.
Danke schön!
We need a sidebar with all the acronyms.
Since I’m no longer watching sports, the wife managed to ensnare me to watch 90 Day Fiance with her.
Is it me or is this chick’s Libby’s family a bunch of trouble makers? That brother Charlie has ‘I’m an asshole bully’ written all over him and the sister ‘I’m a mean girl’.
That Moldovan mother lays out that nice spread for them and they piss all over it.
Ladydoom probably knows what you’re talking about.
90 Day Fiance – I don’t know what that mean so I am going to say laaaaame
Less lame than watching a bunch of whiny bitch-ass ignorant millionaire athletes and coaches bitch and moan lecturing and harassing fans and customers.
Equally lame.
Turn off the idiot box and read a book.
It has indeed been mostly shut off these past few months for me.
Justin (34, from San Jose, California) and Evelin (29, from Cali, Colombia) met while they were both attending a rugby match at the 2013 World Games in Colombia. After their first night together, Justin told Evelin to vacuum and clean the dishes, while he watched a football game.
Setting the standard early.
I started watching HBO’s ‘Lovecraft Country’ out of boredom and you know, Lovecraft. Set in the 50’s, it’s way over the top with the segregation stuff – with a racist black-lynching county sheriff in the middle of Massachusetts. That took me out of the story in a bunch of ways.
Why over the top? Massachusetts was far more racist than most of the south. Still is.
The manner in which it manifested has always had its own character
Yes – the scenes were preposterous. Racist sheriff and deputies chasing blacks down dirt roads in Marlborough, MA.
MA Sheriffs have little authority outside the jails. Pretty sure Marlborough had paved roads in the 50s.
Considering how shitty those roads are, I assumed they’d been around since the 20s
Saw at least one episode a couple of years ago (not my viewing choice); probably nobody then is still on it but the affianced were from Holland, Brazil, Nigeria. And now I know from promos (again, not in charge of the remote) that the crazy plastic surgery lady with the hectoring Dutch ex is getting a show with her sister.
I have a buddy who bought a 24′ boat and keeps it docked in Kenosha. He loved that boat for a couple years and then – like all boat owners – began to resent the cost (in money and time) that that boat consumed.
I’ll have to send him an email and see if he managed to talk some rioters into burning his boat down to the waterline for the insurance money.
was it insured against arson?
That’s the truth about boats unless you’re wealthy enough to pay others to take care of it without noticing the financial dent. The only boat I didn’t get pissed off at myself for owning is my current one, a 12 foot jon boat with a 5 horse motor.
I’ve got a 16′ old Alumacraft that I inherited and put a new 10hp motor on. And even that ends up eating up too much time in maintenance.
So you would recommend I not pursue my poorly thought out buy this dirt cheap sportfisher on Craigslist and live aboard so as to avoid outrageous NYC rents plan?
What’s it cost to rent a slip in NYC?
The marina about half a mile away quoted me $950 for a slip with water/sewage, pay for my own electric. Rents here in The Rockaways/Long Beach start around $1500 for a studio or 1 bedroom.
A boat is a hole in the water that you throw your money into.
Tard Tuesday: Paging Robc, Robc To The Courtesy Georgist Phone
My work is never done. Good thing I don’t have a twitter account to respond.
And this isn’t really a Georgist problem to solve anyway, as its about houses, not the land.
George would say the houses belong to the person who built them (or paid to have them built, or bought them from the builder, or etc).
I just love islands that have natural free standing houses growing on them.
I believe those are called caves.
There was the planet in Hitchhikers series that had the sentient mattresses.
Hold one goddamn minute. Linking existentialcomics is my shtick. You muscling in on my turf?
I think there is currently an opening for someone who posts T&A pics.
What did happen to Q?
Sounds like he’s been spoken for… ie: He’s become matrimonially inclined
He was already married, but now there’s a child on the way.
That’s right. I knew it had something to do with boobs.
I miss everything around here…why did he leave?
I believe it’s a temporary disconnect kind of thing.
Ah cool. I guess I was here the morning JB told us we all suck.
Whatever happened to Pat?
if you go back to 2018 articles, there’s a whole list of commenters who don’t swing by anymore.
le sad
Personally I blame those damn foreigners hanging about
He basically said he needed a break to clear his head. I assume from politics in general not glibs in particular.
Stepping back on occasion is probably a good move.
I left TOS for 2 months after JsubD died. It was always temporary, but I needed a break.
DU is boring these days. It’s BAD ORANGEMAN 24/7. I wish they would bring back some of the unmitigated hero worship of their Democratic saviours. That stuff is like crack.
But fine, I’ll leave the Portland commie twit to you.
*mumbles incoherently, shuffles off to scour the tard web*
Distribute them? What kind of assholery is this?
distribute them
There is your problem.
The right answer is whoever built them gets to live in the houses. Free loaders who sat around doing nothing, don’t get to distribute shit.
The houses miraculously sprang from the ground, like mushrooms.
It is pretty obvious that whoever that is has some mental issues. Serious mental issues.
I guess in his world, there are no families.
Or at least no one who wants to live with him.
Family puts blood above the collective and must be destroyed.
/I hate that this isn’t satire.
Nigeria’s First Film Showing Lesbian Love Story Faces Censorship
who could have seen that coming?
The muff diver?
“On thinner bodies, the strawberry TikTok dress skews a tiny bit fascist ”
I saw this only because Sargon did a video pleading to ShoeOnHead to stop being a commie.
ShoeOnHead is a moron. I never got the appeal. Also not really that hot.
Yes, but the Libertarian Movement seems to be full of simps, so you see here around every once in a while.
Her saving grace is her anti-SJWism and that’s about it. She is cute in that kind of quirky girl I hung around with as a freshman in college kind of way but she’s also an unabashed Bernie supporter so you’re correct about her being a moron.
I have to agree with her “????” here.
I appreciate her videos ripping SJWs but yeah, on the whole she’s dumb as a brick.
She is someone I would have attempted to have sex with when I was young if I had not had the morals I have. I assume that is the appeal.
They used “a tiny bit” unironically.
C’mon, is anyone surprised that Jezebel is anti-thin people?
Trump needs this guy as a center point in his campaign.
“I’m speaking to you today because I’ve seen people like this before. I’ve seen movements like this before. I’ve seen ideas like this before and I’m here to tell you, we cannot let them take over our country,” Álvarez asserted, referring both to Democrat Party presidential nominee Joe Biden and to the socialist faction of the party that largely supported rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). …
“Those false promises — spread the wealth, defund the police, trust a socialist state more than your family and your community — they don’t sound radical to my ears. They sound familiar,” he continued. “When Fidel Castro was asked if he was a communist, he said he was a Roman Catholic. He knew he had to hide the truth. But the country I was born in is gone, totally destroyed.”
“When I watch the news in Seattle and Chicago and Portland, when I see history being rewritten, when I hear the promises—I hear echoes of a former life I never wanted to hear again. I see shadows I thought I had outrun,” Álvarez continued. “I heard the promises of Fidel Castro. And I can never forget all those who grew up around me, who looked like me, who suffered and starved and died because they believed those empty promises. They swallowed the communist poison pill.”
My next door neighbor came from Laos as a refugee. She said pretty much the same thing the other day. Commie ideas are worse than viruses.
Yeah, but where is the message of Hope? / Jake Taper
As far as I can tell that view is unanimous with people who have first hand experience with commie rat-fucks yet so many here have a collectivist mentality and cant help but stick their dick in the hornet’s nest.
Propaganda is effective as hell. Like, take medical care for example. The vision stupid people have of socialized healthcare is that its just as good and just as fast as their healthcare here, but it’s all free. A former coworker was taking time off to get his knee replaced. He said “Yeah I’ve had to get it done for a while but I waited till we left Vancouver and moved back here.” Office Prog says “Why not get it done in Canada? They have much better healthcare than we do.” Guy just looks at her and goes “Uh, not really. I was on the list for 10 months when we moved back here.”
Or housing. They think they get to keep the same house they have now, but it’s free. They never think they’ll be herded into poorly constructed Brutalist concrete apartment blocks with communal bathrooms.
So… Joe’s decided he knows the winning play:
Biden retirement proposal would upend traditional 401(k) plans
Saving is so passe’
Less choice in structuring your 401K is a good thing.
Get fucked Joe.
Not exactly re-assuring to the panic mongers who worry that, someday, the Dems will come for their 401k.
There is a reason I don’t have a Roth. Primarily that I prefer the tax break up front, but also because it is an easy target. With my regular 401k/IRA, I know I am going to be paying taxes when I take the money out – it is only a tax deferment. But that tax free growth in the Roth is a sweet target.
“If I’m in the zero percent tax bracket, and I’m paying payroll taxes, not income taxes, I don’t get any real benefit from putting a dollar in the 401(k),”
If you are in the zero bracket, you put the money into a Roth-401(k) instead (or a Roth IRA). Since that is post-tax, it has no cost to you, but it grows tax free and you can take it out tax free.
Assuming standard deduction, to be in the 0% bracket you are making less than $12400 single or $24800 married, so probably have better uses for your money, at this time, than putting it in retirement. The biggest reason to put into a 401k at that point is the free matching money from your employer. And you are getting that tax free regardless of income level.
If you are in 0% bracket, I’m thinking you are either committing tax fraud or don’t have enough money to worry about saving anything.
And you do get a benefit from a 401(k) regardless of the tax deduction: tax deferred earnings on the account.
If you’re making 75k-100k in a two-worker household, you can max out both 401Ks and have all or most of your income in the 0% tax bracket. Then you get bonuses like EIC credits, savers credits, and 100% subsidized healthcare. There’s a guy on BogleHeads doing this with something like a 100k HHI.
But that is using the 401(k) deduction to shelter your income. Mr. 0% up there is saying he’s in the 0% bracket with no 401(k) deductions.
Agreed. Just pointing out not everyone in the 0% tax bracket is in that position. There’s apparently a lot of money for appearing to be though through your 401k.
The whole article is a big explainer on why the Rich people deserve getting fucked because they are rich so anything that benefits them must be evil.
They have been trying to get their hands on 401Ks for over a decade.
I’ve told my wife that 401k confiscation is my line in the sand. I toil away for decades and Uncle Sugar takes the fruits to send to people who spent every penny they had and more on frivolities?
No, I’ll drain that fucker dry and spend every penny of it before that happens. And then I’ll get angry.
What a retarded article.
“People that pay less in taxes get smaller tax breaks.”
No shit, Sherlock.
Am I missing something? From what I read, it would replace the tax deduction with a 26% refundable tax credit. That would be a huge advantage for the vast majority of people, especially those not living in high-tax blue states.
The refundable part makes it not good for the budget as a whole, but I’d take that deal in a second over the current tax deduction. Unless there’s other shit in there I missed or wasn’t in the article.
As there’s no bill written yet, this is all spitballing. But… off the top of my head I see the following issues:
The removal of the tax break for the company matching side. This could cause companies to move away from offering matching (not the worst thing in the world).
When the next tax increase comes, if we’re under the current rules, the 401(k) laws don’t need to be updated. The deposits are already tax deductible. When this gets changed to a refundable tax credit, it’ll require that law to be updated every time there’s a change in the tax laws.
There you go. Refundable tax credit. Which means, welfare via the IRS. Not only that, a tax credit which exceeds, in lower brackets, the marginal tax rate. Which makes it a “wealth” transfer (since this is all going to be funded by more borrowing, I’m thinking its yet another intergenerational wealth transfer).
Nothing perks up an economy like yet another drag on capital formation.
” Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi just called Republicans “domestic enemies.”
I was shot because of this kind of unhinged rhetoric.
Where’s the media outrage?”
The thing is, most of the media agrees with her, Steve.
They hate you and want you dead. Its not that hard.
Another woman summarily dismissed by a literary agency for daring to tweet her opinions on sex and gender.
No damn pandemic is going to stop the TERF wars.
Arizona Department of Health Nationalizes the Bar and Fitness industries
“Do you have permission to run that business?”
I get the feeling Mountainside is about to go Atilis Gym.
while everyone seems to think off course gyms spread covid, I have not seen a single serious study showing gyms are a major transition vector and several suggesting they are not. Let alone many other health benefits of gym going. And the fact that peoples livelihood is at steak.
I though the arizona governor was supposed to be pro business or some shit
“I have not seen a single serious study”
You could have stopped there.
Ducey is weak. As always, a crisis has tested the system and found the weak links. He’s a typical go-along Chamber of Commerce GOPer. His sole concern throughout this has been staying firmly in the stampeding herd of governors.
This killed his political career, and he knows it, and is doing a particularly repellent passive-aggressive thing in response.
Ducey was clearly planning on running against Sinema in 2024 for Senate but is now toast.
In reality, small business promotion is mostly a bad idea. Small businesses pay lower wages, provide worse benefits, are often exempt from important worker protections, and are incompatible with the way unionization works in the US.
This Mom and pop problem will only be solved when the means of production (and distribution) is all owned by Big Brother. Everyone will be a unionized employee of the government, and we will have our Paradise on Earth.
The left has always been AOK with being a small cog in a big wheel, or at least they’ve always been AOK with others being that cog. They, of course, always see themselves as being a shot caller.
Don’t mind the stack of bodies over there. Them is the Kulaks and wreckers…..
Remember when the left was bitching about bank bailouts and “too big to fail”?
They are like toddlers, with the inability to remember anything more than about a fifteen minutes ago.
You know what their real cause is when they slip it in at the end like that.
4th dog is a genius.
genius is a bit much…
TIL cat-herding pursuivant is a real job
Had a “Streety” come up last week and demand a ride across town when I pulled up in front of one my sites. When I declined and laughed in her face she looked at me like I had just kicked her dog. “Are you kidding? I don’t know you! I need to work. Right here, right now!” They have become emboldened. Gee, I wonder why?
What’s a streety? A hooker?
The walking dead. We have a few hundred infesting our downtown area.
Street person … a homeless person.
There’s few ideas more destructive that permeate our society than the idea that businesses exist for the purpose of providing jobs for its employees.
Look. They’re called “employers” for a reason. They exist for the sole purpose of handing out checks on Friday.
It’s been a year but i’m finally getting back to my Pre-Covid/Pre-Back Snap lifting levels at the gym. Feels good.
got that squat past 100 pounds again?
You know it.
Had a “Streety” come up last week and demand a ride across town
No blowjob? What is the world coming to?
It wasn’t very funny when it happened.
How have gender gaps in schooling changed since 1890?
My blog on a new paper by Baten, @MichieldeHaas
, Kempter & @FelixMzS1
I discuss their four ‘surprising’ findings & why gender gaps in schooling persist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Can’t read, Baten.
I need to get some shut-eye. I’m extremely pissed-off at what is happening right now and in a terrible personal rut. All of the things that I used to take some semblance of joy in are beige or merely ignored. It’s not just the Politics, either. Have a better one, Friends!
in a terrible personal rut – try an orgy. might help.
^ Dandy response!
Ah Glibs! So constructive! So caring! (I had that coming, for I am a glib asshole)
This will be like a game of spot the ball, but there are actually 2 low flying military helicopters in this shot, not too far away.Pinch and zoom to see if you can spot them
@Trashy, re your discussion of a savings vehicle yesterday. It’s not much, but my SmartyPig account yields 1.25%. It’s not 3%, but it’s better than anything else I’ve looked around at.
Just checked rates at my employer. Gotta open a 60-month Jumbo ($100K) CD to get that rates. But Cap & Gown College Savings for a kid age 0 to 8 is paying 1.55% APY.
🙁 I can’t afford to tie up that much money for five years.
Besides, over five years there are other vehicles with better returns and similar risk.
Apparently the S&P 500.
Not bad, but shouldn’t a savings account like that be 0 to 18? Or does it sit there for 10 years collecting 0.25%?
I don’t remember what my kids’ passbook savings account got, but XX’s “high-yield” money market account appears to get 0.1%. High yield.
We opened a second savings account that had something ridiculous like 2.5%. I got all het up then realized that was on the first $1,500 and after that it was 0.92%. Um, no.
The “Cap & Gown” rate listed for a kid age 9-14 is 1.05% APY.
That’s not bad! Thanks for the heads up!
Oops. I lied. Today it’s 1.1%.
See if you can spot the differences between these 2 people trying to defend their property.
I love when they freak out about “The value of property has nothing on the value of life”. Stay mad Bitch.
Flowery rhetoric
Amid so much injury, how do we begin to heal? Given this country’s inescapable legacy, I wondered if it was even possible to convince people that—even if we cannot escape it—we can overcome our past. But if we are ever to hold this nation accountable, we must force it to construct a future that offers us the same opportunities for wealth, prosperity and success as the ground-floor profiteers who built an empire with our free labor. We deserve the interest earned from those Confederate dollars and the refund of our tax dollars handed out to our white brothers and sisters in the New Deal while our neighborhoods were redlined. We want the return on our investment from when our local tax dollars funded schools our children couldn’t attend. We want actual liberty and justice not just for some Americans, but for all.
For more than 400 years, the only path to the American Dream was an access-restricted, privately owned road. Black Americans have never been free to harvest the fruit of America’s bounty, even though we were forced to do the field work. Ensuring that every citizen has the same opportunity to succeed and flourish—regardless of class, gender or skin color—is as patriotic a principle as declaring “no taxation without representation.” It is the only way to guarantee life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The activists who tossed chests of tea into the ocean to protest economic injustice were patriots. But they were also oppressors, unwilling to extend the freedoms for which they fought to everyone. America’s wealth was built on the slave labor of Black people: this is our past. To live up to America’s ideals, we must trust in a Black vision of the future.
It’s like a puff pastry. When you bite into it, it’s nothing but air.
But oh, so buttery.'s,10%20bedrooms%20and%2011%20bathrooms.
Here is the slave cabin Massuh forces Pharrell to live in.
I am totally in love with that house.
If it were tan with brown roofing, and lightly less glass, it could pass for every public school and beachside facility built by the State of Florida in the 1970s – 1980s. Surmounting those sloping roofs was a regular feature of youthful monkeyshines on the South Gulf coast.
You’ll never get to throw stones…
Black Americans have never been free to harvest the fruit of America’s bounty
Striking words coming from a guy worth $150 million.
I think that is a deep insight into why “racial/Identity” politics has aligned so well with the elites and that they are forming the broad coalition of Democrat supporters. Because by making oppression about “systemic racisim” it allows some of the most privileged people to claim oppression. This is how you get Michell Obama tut-tuting about racism against her when she was first lady. Bitch you were the most powerful woman in the world. I think you can stand to get past a few racist in Appalachia calling you names.
“This week, popular news site The Hill intentionally misled Americans about the danger of COVID in schools. Here’s its headline:
What The Hill didn’t tell you in the headline was that the 600 staffers contracted coronavirus over five months…while schools were closed.”
Maybe try lamb’s blood?
The Wife and i like talking walks around the million dollar mansions. We went a few weeks ago and almost every one had a “Black Lives Matter”/”Were good Leftists” sign on them.
Was at a stoplight yesterday. BMW with the 1st Biden-Harris sticker I have seen, next to a busted up old Astro van with a ladder on the roof and a Trump Pence bumper sticker.
It really does seem like a realignment of the parties. All the Kennebunkport Republicans jumping ship to the Democrats.
I wonder which car was paid for.
Keep fear alive
New Covid-19 cases in the US may be on the decline but some officials across the country’s heartland reported worrisome news this week.
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said Monday the state had reached an “unfortunate milestone” by reporting at least one case of the virus in every county.
The state’s infection rate, she said, “continues an alarming trend in the wrong direction.”
To make matters worse, Kelly said, as college students return to campus, several clusters have been reported at universities across the state. Last week, the University of Kansas reported more than 80 cases of the virus. The college is among dozens of others across the country that have reported Covid-19 cases after students moved into dorms.
In Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear warned cases could spike again as the state reported more deaths last week than “in any other week battling the virus.”
Beshear said the state is seeing “troubling signs” and is at “the same moment that Kentucky was at in the beginning of the summer.”
“More people are trying to get out of the quarantine than the health department has recommended,” the governor said.
The governors’ messages come as the country’s seven-day average of daily deaths dipped below 1,000 over the weekend for the first time since July, offering hope that the summer surge may be waning. But with experts’ grim forecasts for what the fall and winter could look like in the US, health experts say now isn’t the time to ease prevention measures.
We cannot relax our stranglehold on the economy or the daily lives of the plebs. We’ve got them just about where we want them.
panic panic panic!!!
^^^ Grasping at straws
Better be paper straws! Otherwise you’ll kill the turtles! (odd how both these panics came from school projects by kids, maybe we should let kids vote, they seem to science awesome)
I cannot stand that commie cunte. So glad I don’t live on the Kansas side. Poor LJW.
To be fair, Kansas is building to its third peak. Which is a very odd pattern.
She went on full lockdown immediately and it has largely stayed that way.
She has a very kind, concerned grandmotherly way about her that takes the sting out of it unless you’re paying attention.
What do these people think the economy is going to look like? we may be in store for double digit unemployment in q4 they keep this shit up.
Iowa’s health department confirmed the first death of a child from Covid-19 complications in a news release this week. The child was under the age of five and died in June, according to the release. The child also had “significant underlying health conditions,” health officials said.
Earlier this month, a 6-year-old girl became the youngest person in Florida to die of Covid-19 complications. In July, health officials reported the death of a 9-year-old girl who also died of Covid-19 complications. Kimora “Kimmie” Lynum had no known underlying health conditions, her family said.
The children’s deaths come as many schools across the country have welcomed students back to class, while others have opted to begin the year remotely.
Three children (THREE!) out of millions of school age kids have died. We can’t reopen the schools. It’ll be a bloodbath!
“Kimora “Kimmie” Lynum had no known underlying health conditions, her family said.”
That’s what they always say when some random kid dies of a heart attack on the football field, too.
“The amphetamines, steroids, and antidepressants couldn’t possibly have had any impact.”
I wonder how many children have drowned this year. I’m pretty sure more will die from drowning than from the ‘Vid. Yet we aren’t filling in swimming pools and dynamiting boat ramps.
Rounding up the strays
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn issued a mea culpa late Monday, conceding that he had overstated the benefits of convalescent plasma as a treatment of coronavirus at a press conference last weekend with President Donald Trump.
Hahn had been the subject of intense criticism following his appearance Sunday alongside the president.
“I have been criticized for remarks I made Sunday night about the benefits of convalescent plasma. The criticism is entirely justified,” the commissioner said in a string of tweets. “What I should have said better is that the data show a relative risk reduction not an absolute risk reduction.”
While the therapy is considered safe, plasma has not yet been proven effective against the coronavirus.
Several leading scientists — including a Johns Hopkins University researcher leading randomized, controlled trials of plasma — have said they can’t figure out how the administation arrived at its 35-to-1 statistic, based on the data the Mayo team published this month.
In a statement released Sunday, the FDA said plasma “does not yet represent a new standard of care based on the current available evidence.”
“We unfortunately do not have randomized trials for convalescent plasma but must make decisions based on what we do have from the Mayo Clinic expanded access program,” Hahn wrote on Twitter on Monday. “The decision was based on significant data from the Mayo Clinic and other reliable sources plus a century of experience with convalescent plasma.”
If President Cartoon Villain wants it, we must resist by any means.
We can’t know if this works, it’s too early! But we do know a vaccine is coming and you must stay home until we have it!
It wouldn’t be so bad but it’s more like know we know this works but we don’t know how well.
Hydroxychloroquine 2: Electric Boogaloo
Clinical experience shows it works and what’s the harm if it doesn’t? The one guy just got his wording wrong and was clarifying which is fine. The other people trying to tear down this treatment can get fucking fucked. I’ve never seen so many terrible people who are allergic to good news in my life.
Clean Water Action Alliance?
Had to drive 150 miles for my great-aunt’s funeral yesterday. I saw very few signs and no bumper stickers for anybody. Biden had 2 signs. Trump et al had 1. This was all farm/rural country. The nice places had the Biden signs. The run-down place had the Trump sign.
Cuomo: We are the propaganda arm of the DNC and I can prove it.
“[A]gain, well, who are people going to believe? We’ll see who makes the better case. And yeah, you can fact-check it to death. We could fact-check this convention all night. People were saying you didn’t fact-check the Democrats. They are not lying, the way Trump does. Do politicians lie? Of course, both parties engage in it. Yes, I’ll give you the full ‘Guilfoyle.’ But not like Donald Trump. Nobody lies the way this man does, has, and will that I’ve ever seen in politics. So — he’s lying to you.”
Hidin’ Biden’s campaign is based on veritably false narrative about the Charlottesville incident. Did you fact check that?
Got on FB today, saw one of my lefty friends posted something about “Can you believe all these lies!”, got off FB.
The wilful desire to be led into a narrative where your “team” is good and the other is bad is sad.
Never forget that this oatmeal-brained nepot conducted giggly interviews with his smarter but more repulsive brother while said brother’s policies caused the needless death of thousands of elderly people.
in all honesty it’s going to be hilarious seeing, the charlottesville incident get more space in the textbooks than the BLM riots of 2020.
One night where one person was killed in a questionable incident, vs 3 months of burning and looting, but at least the DNC doesn’t think there are good people on both sides!
This is fucking repulsive, and I say that as someone who generally hates raccoons as I spent much of my childhood picking up trash from the backyard where they had scattered it after dumping the cans.
Seriously, how shitty a person do you have to be to do this?
Welp, I tapped out after the baseball bat made an appearance.
Holy fucking shit.
Clearly you have a problem with peaceful protesting!
It is an awful thing to do. I still don’t think calling it murder is warranted.
No, murder is used when a human is killed. Anyone who gratuitously, brutally kills an animal like that for absolutely no reason is still a scumbag who deserves to be beaten in kind.
It’s just a pet pevee of mine, along with the expression ‘Murdered him to death’. Yeah i know what murder means.
BLM wants segregation and is out killing koons…
“You know what would be a great way to open Day 1 of #RNC2020? @realdonaldtrump
invoking Insurrection Act to quell coordinated anarchy in Portland, Seattle, Denver, Chicago, and Kenosha BEFORE it all goes totally nuclear.
Don’t want to hear about 4-D chess. Crack heads now.”
FWIW, this seems to be an increasingly popular sentiment.
It is unfortunately. People are sick of this shit and are desperate to see something done but that’s not the answer.
It is an emotional response and very understandable but the way to handle it is to win the election and then hunt everyone of them, their handlers, enablers and financiers then throw them in prison. No more kid gloves, real time in a real, no-shit prison.
INDEED! The overwhelming force/shock & awe response from FedGov is exactly what these folk are trying to provoke. Offer assistance to the Governors but do not deploy troops. The hopeful child in me wants the whole alphabet soup of FedGov intelligence apparatus working diligently in the background to root out financiers and enablers but they’re likely too busy working on Impeachment II: Orange Boogaloo.
Riots (at least on the magnitude we are seeing) are something States are completely capable of handling. The fact that they won’t should be telling.
Clinical experience shows it works and what’s the harm if it doesn’t? The one guy just got his wording wrong and was clarifying which is fine. The other people trying to tear down this treatment can get fucking fucked. I’ve never seen so many terrible people who are allergic to good news in my life.
The Dog-in-the-Manger Party.
Scott Johnson over at PL wrote about it today.
That’s a good study design and I didn’t realize they did it that way. Not double blind, sure, but close enough in the middle of a pandemic.
This is what “Rule by the Scientists” means. Joe Biden wants to make sure your life is ruled by people who just want to poke and probe you for their own research dick schlonging contests.
It’s quite clear that Fauci knows absolutely nothing about medicine and patient care.
He’s straight-up evil.
“Hundreds of protesters march through Times Square in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin ”
But no indoor dining until after the heat death of the universe.
Good. Stay the fuck out of my neighborhood.
I spotted my first BLM march the other day, looking out my living room onto my corner. One dude with a megaphone and maybe three hangers-on.
“Peaceful marches in Kenosha, Wis., against the police shooting of a Black man gave way to fires and destruction.”
“gave way”, as if it were an inevitable force of nature.
It is, in Trump’s America. When Biden wins all the Blacks will kneel before him and be quelled of their innate hostilities, because he won’t put them back in chains and he chose a Sassy Black lady to be his house ni…vice president.
gave way to fires and destruction
Uh huh. . .
Gave way… in a matter of seconds.
we aren’t filling in swimming pools and dynamiting boat ramps.
Not yet, anyway.
Once we get the benevolent, caring leadership we deserve, however…